Quesnel Cariboo Observer, March 23, 2016

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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

VOL. 102 NO. 56



PM 40005365


$ 30

includes GST

RCMP arrest Cedar Avenue suspect

March 18, at 3:31 a.m. the Quesnel RCMP received a report of a man who attended a residence in the 2200 block of Cedar Avenue believed to be armed with a handgun. Police set up a safety perimeter around the residence and evacuated surrounding homes. Around 8:30 a.m. with the Prince George Police Service Dog, members of the North District Emergency Response team, and the Quesnel RCMP present, they were able to have the suspect exit the residence where he was taken into custody without incident or injuries to anyone. The Quesnel RCMP wish to thank the individuals who were evacuated in the surrounding area for their patience and speedy evacuation during this volatile situation. No further information will be released as this time as the investigation is still in its early stages. Karen Powell photo

Council approves West Quesnel application RYAN GRAHAM Observer Reporter City Council has approved the decision to submit an application to the New Build Canada Small Communities fund for a new production well in the area of Sugarloaf Ball Park in the amount of $1 million with completion by 2017. The estimated cost of the new production well is $750,000 with the cost of piping the water into the distribution system, not included in the price. There will also be a contingency of up to 20 per cent that will be included for installation costs which can escalate quickly. Director of Infrastructure and Capital Works,

Ken Coombs says there is no ceiling on the amount that they could have approved. “My understanding is if this project is estimated at $1.1 million and that’s what we put the application in for, we in fact could receive the full $1.1 million,” Coombs said. “I’m a little skeptical to use the million dollar figure that was identified in the 2015 five-year Capital Works Plan.” In 2012 BC Groundwater investigated the existing ground water supply and had three recommendations for future need that included: rehabilitation of production well (PW7); undertake an environmental assessment on well fields that would lead to an environmental certificate being issued

OFFICE CLOSED Friday, March 25th Re-open Monday, March 28th

that allows increased production when needed; and construction of a new production well by 2017. Coombs said that when the report was written, the author did not realize PW7 had been recently redeveloped and the city is currently in the process of an environmental assessment on our well fields with the goal of obtaining an environmental certificate to pump existing wells (when required) at rates of greater than 75 litres/ second. With the new production well, the City will meet the maximum day demands and provide redundancy in the event of a well breakdown. Also the City would be in a position to decommission two of the oldest wells in the west region.

Mayor Bob Simpson asked the question if they would accrue any operational savings with the decommissioning of the two wells. “Very little,” Coombs said. “We’ve kept those two wells on line for a little bit of redundancy in the system in West Quesnel. PW3 was installed in 1958 and it fowled right off, so it produces little or no water and PW6 isn’t much better. “In the event of losing the pipe connecting to West Quesnel over the Moffat bridge we’ve been reluctant to deactivate these wells. “Once we have a production well in West Quesnel we would take those off line and the new production well would

Good day, Quesnel. Thanks for reading — and that includes loyal subscriber Sebastian Loescher! To join the Observer family, please call 250-992-2121 and ask for circulation.

be an energy efficient system.” In 2015 the City of Quesnel Capital Works Program included $244,000 for exploratory drilling for a new production well, identified as the Sugar Loaf Ball Park. The west region was identified as an area of concern because there is only one single water mainline across the Moffat Bridge to provide water to West Quesnel. Simpson wanted to ensure council they were not voting on the project, merely submitting an application. “We’re putting in a submission for something that is potentially 100 per cent funding,” Simpson said. “We also may have to share a portion of

this which is an option as well. Directing his attention to Corporate and Financial Services director Kari Bolton, Simpson went on to say, “that share would come out of our water reserve, so it’s already in the bank which is a reserve we have for this purpose. What we’re attempting to do here is get someone else to pay for this project and hence you want that buffer. “That’s why there is such a large contingency because once you get into this project as Director Coombs has pointed out there is going to be unknowns, which will give us the buffer that we need and will cover up to the actual cost of the project.”

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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Quesnel Cariboo Observer


Quesnel Community Forest – conceptual options

James Snetsinger, RPF, Senior Advisor from Industrial Forestry Service Ltd., provided a summary of three land base options that were explored for a potential Community Forest for the City of Quesnel. The three options proposed ranged from a 5 km to a 20 km radius surrounding the City. Council has a number of objectives for seeking a Community Forest, including managing and developing trail networks, improving the protection of the community from wildfire and potentially realizing an incremental timber supply to feed our local mills. These objectives would be achievable with a higher level of communitybased management of forestry activities in the community’s interface. Next steps involve the Mayor presenting the report findings to the Minister of Forests and Council conducting meetings with other elected officials, First Nations and forestry licensees/ stakeholders to discuss potential governance models for a Community Forest. Ultimately, the City must await final decisions on the new annual allowable cut for the Quesnel timber supply area and the distribution of that cut to existing licensees, both are scheduled to occur by the end of 2016, before the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations can assign any potential timber volume to a new community forest for our community. The Mayor noted,

Council briefs


however, that this is the first time since the mid-1990s that the City has developed a proposal which has gained support from local licensees provided the province can find incremental timber to include in a community forest tenure surrounding the City.

2015 General Surplus Allocation Council voted in favour of allocating the City’s $209,511 2015 Annual Surplus as follows: $125,000 – Tax Stabilization Reserve $71,975 – Future Tax Sale Purchases $12,536 – Capital Reinvestment Reserve For full details regarding the City’s 2015 Annual Surplus, see the City’s Website at: quesnel. civicweb.net/fileprodo cuments/66410?previ ew=73357

2016 Annual Drinking Water Report The City’s water infrastructure system is comprised of six operating groundwater wells, eight reservoirs, five booster pump stations, two main Pressure Reducing Valve stations, approximately 100 km of water main and one independent groundwater well. Approximately 10,500 residents are serviced by this system. Approximately

2,618,910 cubic meters of water was used in 2015; that is a reduction of 332,129 cubic meters from 2014. The water is tested at its source and monitored in consultation with the Provincial Health Inspector and the Public Health Engineer with the Northern Health Authority and adheres to the British Columbia Drinking Water Regulations. Water samples are tested for bacteriological, chemical and physical contaminants. The City exceeds the minimum requirement of 13 samples per month, by sampling 16 individual sites bi-weekly and all reservoirs and wells are tested on a monthly basis. In 2015, 362 samples were tested for Ecoli and 362 tested for total coliforms. There were zero exceedences of Ecoli and four exceedences for total coliform. The results of subsequent re-testing at the site had no detect of coliform. To see the full 40-page report and attached schedules, visit the City’s website at: quesnel.ca/reports2016.html

New Water Production Well – Grant Application Council approved staff to submit a grant application to the

March is Epilepsy month

New Build Canada –Small Communities Fund to assist with funding a new water production well, estimated at $1,000,000, proposed to be located in the area of Sugarloaf Ball Park in West Quesnel. If the grant funding is successful, federal and provincial grant funds would cover up to 2/3 of the project with the City contributing 1/3.

Heritage Commission should be replaced with a Select Committee. A Heritage Forum was held on February 17, 2016 whereby heritage stakeholders generally agreed with this direction. A new Terms of Reference will be reviewed by all parties involved as this matter moves forward.

Museum and Heritage Commission


As part of Council’s strategic direction to review all City committees, Council has determined that the Museum and

Two new doctors to practice in Quesnel As part our government’s work to make sure British Columbians have access to highquality primary care, 11 internationallytrained physicians will begin practicing in rural and remote communities in B.C., including six family doctors in the North. Two doctors will practice in Quesnel.

1793 – Secondary Suite/Coach Road Doctors in smaller communities provide a South– Third Reading broad range of health care in their practices 1796 – Repeal and hospitals that not only support the Quesnel Museum and Heritage Commission health and wellness of individuals, but the community as a whole. Bylaw – First, Second and The Practice Ready Assessment BC program Third Readings

is one of several ways our government is strengthening health care in local communities.

Connecting Our Community

The program assesses internationally trained physicians for practice in B.C. It is funded for a total of $7.6 million by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues – a collaborative committee of the Ministry of Health and Doctors of BC. It is part of our government’s strategy to strengthen access to primary care throughout British Columbia. Funding for the program has been extended to March 2018. Having two new physicians practice in our community is a huge boost for families in the area.

15th annuaL aWarDs gaLa April 9th Quesnel Seniors Centre Dinner, awards, auctions $50 tickets available from Circle S Western Wear, by calling 250.983.9295, or email qcf@shaw.ca sustaining partners

Willis Harper

National Purple Day - March 26

MLA Coralee Oakes - Cariboo North Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction Minister Responsible for the Liquor Distribution Branch #401-410 Kinchant St. • Tel: 250.991.0296 Coraleeoakesmla.ca Find me on Twitter & Facebook

Fraserview Pharmacy

Our government is working with health care providers, health authorities and community agencies on a comprehensive strategy to improve access to integrated primary health care services across the province. The Practice Ready Assessment BC program is one part of our government’s strategy to improve health care for British Columbians. Our strategy to improve health care also includes the work of more than 30 Divisions of Family Practice to implement innovative changes that meet the needs of their specific communities, such as recruiting new doctors and preparing for retirements, introducing team-based practices, helping general practitioners increase their capacity to accept new patients, using telehealth, and creating stronger links between family doctors and community support services. On a similar note, we all know how important the GR Baker Hospital Auxiliary is and they need our help! Help is needed in Quesnel! The Auxiliary is looking for volunteers in order to keep the organization running. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m. in the hospital boardroom. If you want to help out, please call Barb at 250-992-5298 or 250-992-5844.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer Wednesday, March 23, 2016


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Moe Berg


Baseball dud – International superspy Cloudy w/showers High: 9° Low: 2°


Snow-rain showers High: 8° Low: 0°


Mainly Sunny High: 11° Low: 0°


Mainly Sunny High: 12° Low: 3°

Flyers This issue may contain these flyers: • Save On Foods • Canadian Tire • Extra Foods • City Furniture • Sobey’s West • Visions Electronic • Shoppers Drug Mart • London Drugs Ltd • The Brick • Source • Sport Chek • JYSK Linen & Furniture • Home Hardware • Wal-Mart Canada


This article caught the interest of one of our local contributors and although it has no connection to Quesnel or its residents, we thought it might be of interest to our readers.


hen baseball greats Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig went on tour in baseball-crazy Japan in 1934, some fans wondered why a third-string catcher named Moe Berg was included. Although he played with five major-league teams from 1923 to 1939, he was a very mediocre ball player. But Moe was regarded as the brainiest ball player of all time. In fact Casey Stengel once said: “That is the strangest man ever to play baseball.” When all the baseball stars went to Japan, Moe Berg went with them and many people wondered why he went with “the team” Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth. The answer was simple: Moe Berg was a United States spy, working undercover with the CIA. Moe spoke 15 languages – including Japanese. And he had two loves: baseball and spying. In Tokyo, garbed in a kimono, Berg took flowers to the daughter of an American diplomat being treated in St. Luke’s Hospital – the tallest building in the Japanese capital. He never delivered the flowers. The ball-player ascended

to the hospital roof and filmed key features – the harbour, military installations, railway yards, etc. Eight years later, General Jimmy Doolittle studied Berg’s films in planning his spectacular raid on Tokyo. His father disapproved and never once watched his son play. In Barringer High School, Moe learned Latin, Greek and French. Moe read at least 10 newspapers everyday. He graduated magna cum laude from Princeton – having added Spanish, Ital-

Willis Harper 288 Reid St.

Downtown Quesnel


ian, German and Sanskrit to his linguistic quiver. During further studies at the Sorbonne in Paris and Columbia Law School, he picked up Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian, Arabic,Portuguese and Hungarian – 15 languages in all, plus some regional dialects. While playing baseball for Princeton University, Moe Berg would describe plays in Latin or Sanskrit. Tito’s partisans During World War II, Moe was parachuted into

Yugoslavia to assess the value to the war effort of the two groups of partisans there. He reported back that Marshall Tito’s forces were widely supported by the people and Winston Churchill ordered all-out support for the Yugoslav underground fighters, rather than Mihajlovic’s Serbians. The parachute jump at age 41 undoubtedly was a challenge. But there was more to come in that same year. Berg penetrated German-held Norway, met with members of the underground and located a secret heavy-water plant – part of the Nazis’ effort to build an atomic bomb. His information guided the Royal Air Force in a bombing raid to destroy that plant. The R.A.F. destroyed the Norwegian heavy water plant targeted by Moe Berg. There still remained the question of how far had the Nazis progressed in the race to build the first atomic bomb. If the Nazis were successful, they would win the war. Berg (under the code name “Remus”) was sent to Switzerland to hear leading German physicist Werner Heisenberg, a Nobel Laureate, lecture and determine if the Nazis were close to building an A-bomb. Moe managed to slip past the SS guards at the auditorium, posing as a Swiss graduate student.

The spy carried in his pocket a pistol and a cyanide pill. If the German indicated the Nazis were close to building a weapon, Berg was to shoot him – and then swallow the cyanide pill. Moe, sitting in the front row, determined that the Germans were nowhere near their goal, so he complimented Heisenberg on his speech and walked him back to his hotel. Werner Heisenberg – he blocked the Nazis from acquiring an atomic bomb. Moe Berg’s report was distributed to Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and key figures in the team developing the atomic Bomb. Roosevelt responded: “Give my regards to the catcher.” Most of Germany’s leading physicists had been Jewish and had fled the Nazis mainly to Britain and the United States. After the war, Moe Berg was awarded the Medal of Freedom – America ‘s highest honor for a civilian in wartime. But Berg refused to accept it because he couldn’t tell people about his exploits. After his death, his sister accepted the Medal. It now hangs in the Baseball Hall of Fame, in Cooperstown. Moe Berg’s baseball card is the only card on display at the CIA Headquarters in Washington, DC. – submitted by Honey Affleck

Great Selection of Bear Paw Footwear “Live Life Comfortably”

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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Quesnel Cariboo Observer


Quesnel to see two new doctors move to the community

As part of the Province’s work to make sure British Columbians have access to high-quality primary care, 11 internationally-trained physicians will begin practicing in rural and remote communities in B.C., including six family doctors in the North. Two doctors will practice in Quesnel and one doctor each in Chetwynd, Houston, Fort Nelson and Prince Rupert. “The Practice Ready Assessment BC program is one of several ways we are strengthening health care in local communities, especially in rural and remote areas of the province,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. “Doctors in smaller communities provide a broad range of health care in their practices and hospitals that not only support the health and wellness of individuals, but the community as a whole.” One of the physicians, Dr. Joseph Obanye, who is practicing in Quesnel and completed his 12week assessment in Valemount, calls the Practice Ready Assessment (PRA) “One of the best programs for internationally trained physicians wanting to work in Canada, as it benefits

the patients, the doctor and the community in general,” he said. Together with his wife, they moved from the U.K., in a move he described as “now or never.” The PRA program assesses internationally trained physicians for practice in B.C. It is funded for a total of $7.6 million by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues - a collaborative committee of the Ministry of Health and Doctors of BC. It is part of the Province’s strategy to strengthen access to primary care throughout British Columbia. Funding for the program has been extended to March 2018. “Our collective efforts with Northern Health, the Ministry of Health, northern communities, Doctors of B.C. and other stakeholders to improve health care in the north are starting to show results,” said Mike Bernier, MLA for Peace River South. “Through this work, we are seeing more doctors discovering the supportive communities of the North where they can establish their practice and homes.” “I appreciate Dr. Obanye’s decision to move his family to Quesnel to start a

practice here as our community has much to offer,” said Coralee Oakes, MLA for Cariboo North. “On behalf of Quesnel, I welcome Dr. Obanye, who joins us as one of the two new physicians within our community. This is a huge boost for families in the area.” “We know that having a regular family doctor is an opportunity for health concerns to be addressed more proactively and can mean better health and wellness for patients,” said Pat Pimm, MLA for Peace River North. “These new doctors not only bring their education and experience to support their patient’s health, but will also support those doctors already practicing in the area. I know they are warmly welcomed.” “Congratulations and welcome to each of the doctors starting their new practices in Chetwynd, Quesnel, Houston, Fort Nelson, and Prince Rupert,” said John Rustad, MLA for Nechako Lakes. “As a life-long Northerner, I encourage you to discover the beauty, diversity and many unique experiences of rural living in your new home communities.”


Go Purple

Scotiabank: Purple Cockie & Epilepsy Info - March 23 & 24 Rocky’s: Purple Cookie Week - March 21-27 Bliss Burgers: for Purple Day - March 21-23 Wright Choice Auto: Purple Cookies - March 12-24 Shopper’s Drug Mart Purple Cookie Day - March 26 Quesnel Bakery: Home of the Purple Cookie - till March 31 Fraserview Pharmacy: Purple Bracelets - till March 31 Paradise Spa: Purple Manis & Pedis - till March 31 Quesnel Drive-In Restaurant: Purple Ribbons by donation

“This program not only ensures that qualified international doctors are working in rural areas where they are most needed, but the three-year return of service also provides stable access to care for patients,” said Doctors of BC president, Dr. Charles Webb. “The partnership of Doctors of BC and the provincial government allows us to tackle rural recruitment and retention concerns in a strategic way that benefits patients, physicians and our health care system.” As part of the program, doctors undergo a rigorous assessment process, spending three months with a B.C. physician who evaluates their skills as they care for patients. Physicians successfully completing the program commit to practice for at least three years in a designated rural community in need. The new physicians will start practicing within the next month.

“I was immediately welcomed with open arms in the community of Valemount. The community was so warm, so receptive - I’ve worked all over the U.K., from Wales, to Brighton, everywhere and never had the same connection with a community. The people of Valemount have a heart of gold,” said Dr. Obanye of his first placement. “I’ve already made so many friends in the northern communities.” Dr. Obanye anticipates creating the same sense of community as he works with patients in Quesnel. The province is working with health care providers, health authorities and community agencies on a comprehensive strategy to improve access to integrated primary health care services across the province. The Practice Ready Assessment program is one component of this strategy. It also includes the work of more than 30 Divisions of Family

Practice to implement innovative changes that meet the needs of their specific communities, such as recruiting new doctors and preparing for retirements, introducing team-based practices, helping general practitioners increase their capacity to accept new patients, using telehealth, and creating stronger links between family doctors and community support services. The ministry has also introduced incentives for family doctors to care for more

patients with complex care needs or frailty and is exploring different types of practices in more rural areas, such as Fort St. John. In addition, the province has introduced community paramedicine - expanding paramedics’ roles to support rural communities with some primary care and is working with the First Nations Health Authority on a number of primary care projects specific to First Nations communities.


As a member of Council in my second term, I feel that we are making good progress towards keeping Quesnel vibrant and sustainable.


We know that the future is always uncertain and we are definitely in a period of transition, in which we will have to depend less on heavy industry and more on our own ingenuity and creativity. We are currently finding ways to hold our population steady, with the potential to grow, by making our community more attractive to people who are contemplating living in Quesnel.

with Lee-Anne Williams B.Sc. (Pharm)

What I am actually going on about, is making a collective decision to be as friendly a place to come to, as possible.

CAPSULE COMMENTS Younger Onset Dementia (YOD) is defined as dementia occurring in people under the age of 65. This isn’t necessarily Alzheimer’s since there are over a hundred different types of dementia. Causes of YOD can be excessive alcohol consumption, head injuries and stroke. But you can help prevent YOD by educating the brain by learning new skills to keep the brain cells active. If you aren’t doing well with those New Years resolutions you made, try choosing one of them and work on that one. If that resolution involves changing a habit (like cutting out sugar from your diet), keep at it. It takes about 30 days to change a habit. Stick to it and you’ll be a winner. We often hear that we should walk 10,000 steps a day for good health. As with many goals, starting with a lower number is often better. In fact, 7,500 steps is a pretty good goal and equates to what health professionals called “moderate activity”. So get one of those pedometers, and start walking. You’ll be surprised that 7,500 steps is not too hard to achieve. March is Nutrition Month in Canada. The emphasis this year is to make small changes in your eating habits one meal at a time. It could be adding another veggie to your meal or adding fish a couple of times a week. It could be having a good ][breakfast every day. Whatever it is, choose a goal and stick to it. Knowledgeable, approachable, dependable….our pharmacists are all this and more. We’d be happy to fill your next prescription.

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I think the way to do this is simple. When you meet a person on the street, or any place really, smile and say hello, or good morning. If as a community we start and make this a habit we will all realize very real benefits to our daily lives and our sense of wellbeing. Imagine the effect this will have on potential new residents, if in their travels around Quesnel, people keep saying “HELLO” to them. Do you think the sense of welcoming and friendly place to live might be enhanced? Let’s start today. Oh, and if you are in business and a person shops in your store, when you see them on the street the next day, don’t look through them like they don’t exist. It really takes no effort to acknowledge each other in a friendly way. Have a fun and safe Easter Holiday. Stay connected to the City through the: City Website: quesnel.ca City Facebook: facebook/cityofquesnel City Twitter: @cityofquesnel City News Releases: email cityhall@quesnel.ca to join the mailing list

Councillor John Brisco jbrisco@quesnel.ca

445 Reid St.


This column is paid for by the City of Quesnel.

410 Kinchant Street, Quesnel, BC V2J 7J5 | www.quesnel.ca

Quesnel Cariboo Observer Wednesday, March 23, 2016

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Our office will be


on Friday, March 25 for Good Friday. We will re-open on Monday, March 28

Have a great long weekend from all of us at

Drawing of LNG Lelu Island as propsed by Petronas. Cotnributed image

B.C. presses for LNG approval after delay

TOM FLETCHER Black Press The B.C. government has sent officials to Ottawa to help work through the latest delay in the Pacific Northwest LNG project at Prince Rupert, a 90-day extension requested by the federal regulator to study fisheries impact. Rich Coleman, B.C.’s minister for natural gas development, said Monday he hopes to “overcome the delay” in approval of the Petronas-backed liquefied natural gas project that applied for federal environmental assessment more than two years ago. “I’m confident that any remaining questions can be answered completely and quickly,” Coleman said in a statement. “They have to be. Jobs for British Columbians should not be held by unnecessary delays.” Coleman said the the $36 billion plant and pipeline would be the largest private investment in Canadian history, equivalent to four Site C dams, five Olympic games or 11 Port Mann bridge projects.

The much smaller Woodfibre LNG project at a former pulp mill site near Squamish received federal environmental approval last week. Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna announced Friday that the Woodfibre project has been found unlikely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. The project received provincial approval in October 2015 after a joint review coordinated by B.C. The Pacific North project got a boost last week when the Lax Kwa’laams Band council reversed its opposition to a terminal at Lelu Island, notifying McKenna that it would support the plan with two conditions. McKenna granted the extension at the request of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, which asked Pacific Northwest for more information on effects of in-water construction activities at Flora Bank, an important salmon-rearing area for the Skeena River. Rallies and truck parades were held in

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Fort St. John and Fort Nelson last week to urge the federal government to approve LNG projects to provide an export market for B.C. gas. A glut of natural gas across North America has brought drilling activity in northeastern B.C. gas fields to a near-halt, with a recent sale of drilling rights by the B.C. government attracting no sales for the first time in the industry’s 50year history. Energy Minister Bill Bennett said northeast coal mines idle in addition to a slump in gas activity. “The two communities up there that are probably the worst off are Tumbler Ridge and Fort Nelson,” Bennett said. “Folks in the Lower Mainland are typically shielded from the ups and downs of the natural

resource industries, but if you live in Fort Nelson or Tumbler Ridge or Cranbrook or Williams Lake, you’re not shielded. You feel it.” Premier Christy Clark said the federal government is looking closely at the economic impact of LNG development, with Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland’s oil industries also hurting. “Over 30 years, 100,000 jobs and a trillion dollars potentially in GDP growth, that’s a big number,” Clark said. “If they’re thinking about First Nations, they will spend some time thinking about all of the First Nations members who have signed agreements to support LNG, who will be part of building LNG, the environmental stewards.”

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PHONE: DRAW DATE: April 1@4 pm

Drop off entry at Quesnel Cariboo Observer, 188 Carson Ave. Quesnel, B.C. The winner will be drawn from the entries received. Employees of the Quesnel Cariboo Observer are not eligible. Participants must

be at least 19 years of age. Judges decision final. No Photocopies.

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• Publisher Tracey Roberts • Editor Autumn MacDonald


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Published by Black Press Ltd. 188 Carson Avenue Quesnel, BC, V2J 2A8

Endless possibilities Three separate car crashes claimed five young lives – including that of a Langley teen – and put several more in jeopardy during one of the deadliest weekends on B.C. roads in recent memory. In Vernon, two women, both 21, were killed March 6, when a pickup carrying five people missed a curve and rolled. Speed and alcohol are both considered factors in that tragedy. Two days earlier in Cranbrook, two young men aged 17 and 19 were killed when their pickup struck a tree. And March 5 in Mission, 15-yearold Lidia Ramos of Langley was killed when the car she was in failed to negotiate a turn on a slippery road and slid down an embankment. Speed is cited as the likely reason the car left the road. But whatever the cause of each crash, the result is the same. Five more lives have been needlessly lost, and their families are now facing the future without a beloved child. “Think about the passengers you have with you,” pleaded Lidia’s mother, Angela. “There’s no need to speed. No one needs to lose their child or sibling.” It’s a simple message, but one that doesn’t always get through. Car crashes remain the leading cause of death among teenagers, and onethird of crashes involving 16- and 17-year-old drivers occur between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., when fewer drivers are out on the roads. According to BCAA, drivers aged 16 to 19 in Canada have a fatality rate nine times as high as that of drivers aged 45 to 54. Whether it’s a sense of invincibility or an inability to connect action and consequence without first-hand experience, it’s hard to say. What we do know is that the deaths leave many other big questions unanswered. Who and what could these young people have become? What might they have accomplished, given the chance? The possibilities were once endless. Now, they’re non-existent. –BP

Alternatives to urban drug ghetto M

y recent columns on B.C.’s struggle with the growing westward migration of transients have produced responses that fall mainly into two groups. The largest is people relieved that somebody is questioning the urban media narrative. That’s the one where drifters, drug addicts, welfare shoppers and thieves are the victims, and working people whose hard-earned communities are being degraded are the problem because of their selfish, uncaring attitudes. Then there are readers so marinated in our nannystate education, media and political system they object to anything other than a big-government response. They tend to ask, what’s your solution, Tom? As someone who has lost one relative to heroin addiction and almost lost another, I reflect on the history of successful addiction treatment. That is one of detox and abstinence. That’s why I oppose the failed model of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, where resources are poured into concentrated housing and “harm reduction” that perpetuate addiction, handouts

Tom Fletcher

B.C. Views and helplessness. Housing Minister Rich Coleman is rolling this out in other communities, in what I fear is an effort to paper over the problem for an election year. The Globe and Mail recently profiled a methamphetamine addict enrolled at Onsite, the belated treatment addition to Vancouver’s Insite supervised injection site. It was his fifth try, which may have something to do with the fact that when he walks outside he is in the middle of Canada’s biggest street drug bazaar. Contrast that with a facility called Baldy Hughes, a therapeutic community 30 km outside Prince George. It’s a working farm, designed to provide a year-long program of abstinence-based therapy and meaningful work. It uses the traditional 12step program developed by

agency that runs the growing network of shelters in the area? He described himself as a former Edmonton resident who was hitch-hiking around, going from shelter to shelter and ending up camped in the squat. He was impressed by the tidy room with three meals a day he was being given, in a “low barrier” facility where booze and drugs are brought in, no questions asked. What he was really looking forward to, in addition to accommodations, was an opportunity to kick back and play his favourite video game. That would be Grand Theft Auto, where your character runs around stealing cars, escaping police and meeting with criminal gangs. It’s popular with adolescents, which these days means anyone under 30. This is where your tax dollars are going. Waves of people come in, with key trouble spots being communities on the major highways coming into the Lower Mainland. Tom Fletcher is B.C. legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Email: tfletcher@blackpress. ca Twitter: @tomfletcherbc


Your award winning community newspaper published Wednesday & Friday The Quesnel Cariboo Observer was founded in August 1908. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction of contents, either in whole or part are not permitted without prior consent. Publications Mail Registration No. 1001572. Member of BCYCNA - British Columbia and Yukon Community Newspaper Association, CCNA - Canadian Community Newspaper Association & the BC Press Council. Published by Black Press Ltd. at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2A8. Phone 250-992-2121. Fax: 250-992-5229 email: advertising@quesnelobserver.com newsroom@quesnelobserver.com Website:www.quesnelobserver.com Quesnel Cariboo Observer is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith,B.C. V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, with peer support and group therapy. There’s a greenhouse for winter farming, livestock to tend and the residents have designed and built a new horse stable. There’s also a beekeeping project. Residents can complete their high school education, take first aid training and learn basic computer skills. What they can’t do is leave unescorted during their treatment program. They can’t bring drugs, alcohol, weapons or phones with them. It’s a costly program, with a small number of spaces available on referral from B.C.’s social development ministry. Others can finance it with the help of medical employment insurance. I mention this not to suggest it is a solution for every community, but to compare it with what the B.C. government is spending millions on. A news event was arranged to greet the first resident moving from Victoria’s squalid downtown tent camp to a refurbished nursing home. And who was the poster child for this project, hand-picked by the


Tracey Roberts Publisher/Adv. Mgr.

Autumn MacDonald Editor

Lorrie Milsom Production Mgr.

Advertising Consultants: Karen Powell Ad Designer: Lorrie Milsom Editorial Staff: Annie Gallant - Assistant Editor, Ryan Graham - Sports Reporter Front Office:

Trina Wiebe

Quesnel Cariboo Observer Wednesday, March 23, 2016


• Publisher Tracey Roberts • Editor Autumn MacDonald

www.quesnelobserver.com A7

Published by Black Press Ltd. 188 Carson Avenue Quesnel, BC, V2J 2A8

Never so proud to be a Quesnelite Editor: I had the privilege of experiencing the most amazing event which was reported in the March 16 issue. I didn’t expect such a large crowd, the beautiful table settings and décor and the food – 33 varieties. I tried the African peanut soup and one other – both very delicious. I enjoyed the quiet guitar music while we ate and visited. The ensemble gave us familiar songs with meaningful words. The young couple who sang later blended their voices so well. Leija Muratsphahic told us her very moving story of her experience during the war in Bosnia – her home countryand we couldn’t help connecting it to what the Syrian people have been experiencing. Christine Kimmie twice presented her poetry which seemed to come from deep in her compassionate soul and many made use of the Kleenex packets on each table. All I could think of was what a great heartache these Syrian families are experiencing. Dorine Lamarche, a life-coach, seemed to grasp how Canadians have such mixed feelings about the people coming to our communities but she told us that kindness will be the key and that we “can’t pour from an empty cup.” Compassion can overcome any fear we may have of each other and Dorine stressed that “It’s not us and them” We are all part of the human experience. I cannot remember ever being as proud of my city as I was that night and I look forward to the next opportunity we will have to contribute to our own Syrian family. Well done indeed Amy, Amanda and Jannette and all the cooks and participants. Marian Gillard Quesnel

Letters to the Editor

Outdoors at last Barrel racers came from Vanderhoof, Prince George and Quesnel for the first outdoor event of the season March 20. The event was well attended at Alex Fraser Park. Karen Powell photo

Letters and emails must include full name and contact phone number. The editor reserves the right to edit submissions for clairity, brevity and legality. Letters to the Editor, Quesnel Cariboo Observer, 188 Carson Ave. Quesnel, BC V2J 2A8 email: newsroom@quesnelobserver.com Ph: 250-992-2121 Fax: 250-992-5229 Quesnel Cariboo Observer is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

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Spring styles in full bloom!


Geneskool Quesnel junior school students were treated to an unusual workshop last week. Practicing scientists presented laboratory experiments and discussions about genomics. The workshop was courtesy of Genome British Columbia which provides a series of workshops and science education programs for secondary school students. Autumn MacDonald photos

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RCMP respond to community calls for crime reduction and safer streets Q

ANNIE GALLANT Observer Reporter

uesnel RCMP is dedicated to prolific offenders and social chronic offenders management at the street level along with partnerships with community resources. “About five per cent of the populations commits about 80 per cent of the crime in a community,” Quesnel’s Crime Reduction Unit’s Constable Lorne Smith said. Prolific offenders are defined as adult offenders with an established pattern of persistent Criminal Code and/or Controlled Drugs and Substances Act offences; who are identified by current intelligence to be criminally active: and assessed by police or partner agencies as medium to high risk to re-offend. Social chronic offenders are those individuals who are heavy consumers of police time (e.g. vagrancy, public drunkenness, cause disturbance) but not typically due to criminal behaviour. They may be dealing with addiction or mental health issues and are best dealt with in a multi-agency case management approach. The detachment crime reduction coordinator maintains communication between police and partner agencies to assure the offender’s needs are effectively being addressed. The crimes committed by prolific offenders and social chronic offenders is just the tip of the iceberg with many underlying factors contributing to their behaviour. The community at large was looking for more effective tools to manage prolific offenders and social chronic offenders. Through partnerships in the community the RCMP play a vital role in helping rehabilitate those willing to change their behaviour. The Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) in Quesnel has two officers dedicated to identifying and managing prolific offenders and social chronic offenders. Hot spots in the community indicate

Cst. Lorne Smith, right and Cst. Greg Dolan, left, patrol Quesnel’s downtown sidewalks and streets. Karen Powell photo or a social chronic offender. where the concentration of crimes are “This is important to let them know committed. Smith and his partner Cst. how big an issue their behaviour is,” Greg Dolan have identified downtown Smith said. Quesnel as a hot spot and focus their They then present them with a foot patrols in that area. “Our patrols of the downtown area are document which outlines the programs effective in ensuring the safety of anyone and services available to them should they voluntarily chose to change their in that area by stopping the abuse of space by social chronic offenders,” Smith behaviour. Once they agree, the RCMP connect the offender with appropriate said. services and the community team takes The CRU has currently six prolific over. The team then comes up with offenders identified in Quesnel and an initial plan. Any information they several more social chronic offenders. voluntarily provide the officers or the Currently they are identifying and team is for information purposes only concentrating on one prolific offender and is used for community resource and two social chronic offenders a management – not for the criminal month. justice system. Once a crime has been committed “This can be a huge step for the Smith and Dolan tell the offender they have been identified as a prolific offender prolific offender and the social chronic

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offender.” Team meetings are held monthly with adult services including drug and alcohol counselling, probation, housing, mental health counselling and other relevant services. “Serving the offender with the document serves two purposes,” Smith said. “First it identifies to the offender what programs and services are available and that the community and the police have identified them and secondly it holds the community and RCMP accountable for the programs offered.” “We’ve seen some real success,” Smith said. “It’s our intention to assist the offender in choosing a better way of life. “Once we no longer see the offender committing crimes, we have reasonable confidence the plan is working.” For those who refuse to seek the help offered, officers continue with traditional police action including arrest and detention, targeted surveillance and providing relevant, up-to-date data (offender’s history) which supports appropriate stiffer sentencing through the Criminal Justice System. “This helps the court system do their job and substantiates the public’s wants and needs,” Smith said. “RCMP officers see the revolving door on prolific offenders and social chronic offenders and we want to see success with these people. We want to be off the list of top crime communities in Canada.” The work the CRU is doing also assists other officers in their duties as they are very familiar with prolific offenders and social chronic offenders. They also share information with other jurisdictions as offenders will travel outside Quesnel. “We want them to understand its not okay to commit crimes anywhere.” RCMP detachments throughout the province have crime reduction units and are following guidelines in implementing the prolific and social chronic offender management program.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Quesnel Cariboo Observer


An Evening of Nostalgia


n Evening of Nostalgia on February 27th was a night to remember! Quesnel’s very own fantastic singing group “After Eight” outdid themselves as they sang songs from yesteryear to a delighted audience. Special guests that night included veterans from World War II and their toes were tapping to tunes to which they once danced. Those veterans were the guests of the Branch as the Air Cadets, the Pipe Band, the Branch Executive, the Ladies Auxiliary and Branch #94 bought tickets for them to show their appreciation of all that they have done for them – more than 70 years ago! As emcee Peter Walsh introduced the honoured guests, there was a round of applause as each one was acknowledged which included wives and widows. The evening started with cocktails amid smiles and greetings, followed by those introductions. A sumptuous meal, prime rib and all the trimmings, cooked by long-time Legion members Dave

A packed house enjoyed an Evening of Nostalgia. and Edna Mackie was enjoyed by all. The home-made cherry cheesecake just topped it all off! This delightful plated dinner was served by 768 Jet Ranger Air Cadet Squadron, under the direction of Civilian Volunteer Robert Douillard. Nothing like a man in uniform, white gloves and all, to add to the enjoyment of a sumptuous meal. Mementos for the evening were handmade by Doug Carey with all proceeds to General Revenue for Branch#94. There are still a few items left for sale if you are looking for something a little different. Stop in at the Branch to pick up a very unique memento of days gone by. Aspiring photographer Jolene McRae was busy taking pictures of guests, Cadets, and any one and everyone who wanted

November 29, 1958 - March 16, 2016

It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Heather Takahashi on Wednesday, March 16, 2016. Heather will be deeply missed by her husband Ted, daughter Kimiko (Will Harrower), son Derek (Nicole Russell), mother Jean Kodiak, father Leon Kodiak, sisters Sally Buller, Susan Vachon (Brian), Cindy Amos (John), brothers Melvin Coldwell (Janet) and Ben Coldwell (Sharon), in-laws, aunts, an uncle, nieces, nephews, cousins and many dear friends. Heather was pre-deceased by her brother Mike Kodiak (Lori Sutherland).

Heather was a caring, loving wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She loved playing softball, fishing, gardening, vacations and motherhood - arts and crafts with her children and attending their sports and cultural events. Heather had the best sense of humour and could make us all laugh with her ability to see the funny side and joy in everyday life.

Recaptured Journey’s Photography photo

their picture taken. If you were there and would like a copy of a picture, you can contact her at 778414-1540 or email, recapturedjourneysphotography@gmail. com. After enjoying a delicious meal, guests were entertained by After Eight who sang such songs as Sentimental Journey, 26 Miles/Big Man Yesterday and the perennial favourites I’ll Be Seeing You, What’ll I Do, the White Cliffs of Dover and In Flanders’ Fields. In all, After Eight sang more than 17 songs and every one of them was well-received! The obvious enjoyment of the ensemble comes through with every song and the banter and introductions. The audience picked up on this and laughed along with them. The concert ended with the audience

TAKAHASHI, Heather Louise A memorial service will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 26th at Clayton’s Funeral Chapel, 582 Front St, Quesnel, BC, followed by a reception. A service was also held earlier in Langley which would have reflected Heather’s concern for friends and family not having to drive so far. Those wishing to make a donation in Heather’s memory may do so to Canadian Animal Rescue and Extended Shelter (C.A.R.E.S.) at www. carescatshelter.com/ as this will honour her love of pets, especially her rescue cat.

as Tom Moffat and Doug Carey entertained everyone with a rendition of a song sung by Tom and his RAF buddies overseas in the mess hall – 70 years ago! You won’t want to miss out on the next big event at Branch#94 as Doug and ‘his cast and crew’ present Robert Service Night. And rest assured that the Cremation of Sam McGee is definitely in the program! – submitted by Honey Affleck

joining in the singing of Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree and of course, everyone knew the words! As guests were preparing to leave, there was one more bit of amusement

In Loving Memory Calvin Kenneth


November 29, 1943 - March 7, 2016 We wish to thank the many friends and family who offered their love and support to our family in our time of grief.

Obituary Tribute

Donny (Donald Robert) Williams August 29, 1946 ~ March 9, 2016

It is with great sadness that the family of Donny Williams (Donald Robert) announce his passing March 9, 2016. Don was born at and lived in Quesnel most of his life. Don loved turkey dinners, vanilla milkshakes, gold and rocks and vintage cars. He had a great eye for landscape design, loved to be outside trudging through the bush, playing golf and visiting the Casino. Don’s daughter Dawn looked after him for the last two years at Victoria, BC. Don fought passionately and courageously against a rare disease called Progressive Supranuclear Palsy that stole his independence; but he never let it take his

Gloria Marie Burns Sept. 27, 1946 - March 13, 2016

The family of Gloria Burns is deeply saddened to announce her passing on March 13. A Celebration of Life will be held Saturday, March 26, at 2 pm at the Legion, with a tea to follow. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Obituary Tribute

Russell Calvin Steinbach Sept. 12,1961 ~ Feb. 22, 2016

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Russell Calvin Steinbach, age 54, of Quesnel, BC. He passed away peacefully at home on February 22, 2016 at 5:30 p.m., surrounded by the family he loved. A private family gathering will be held at Tranquility Gardens, where Russell will be laid to rest. The family would like to invite all friends of Russell to join them in a Celebration of Life at the Steinbach home on March 26th, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Quesnel Accessible Playground, c/o the City of Quesnel.

In Loving Memory

WANDA LAUREL MANUEL (JOHNSTONE) November 20, 1956 February 28, 2016 It is with great sadness that the family of Wanda Laurel Manuel announce her passing after a long and heroic battle with a lengthy illness.

dignity. “Little Dawn” as she is affectionately known was the light of her Dad’s life and was by his side when he passed away. Don is survived by his daughters; Dawn Williams and Joanie Newman and two sisters; Terry Reimer (Janis, Judy and several great nieces and nephews) and Alice Stoddard (Todd, Kris and great nephew Martin). A celebration of life for Don will be held in early summer.

Wanda is survived by her loving husband Dennis Manuel, her children: David Dyck, Danny Dyck, Richie Dyck (Tara), Laura Dyck and Dustin Dyck (Rosanne). She is also survived by her mother Albena Johnstone, her siblings: Robin Cornell (Larry), Frances Crowder (Terry), Heather Johnstone, Barbara Hansler (Delbert), and Lorelei Johnstone (Pat). Wanda was predeceased by her twin brother Wayne Johnstone, sister Lynn Johnstone, son Johnny Dyck, brother Douglas Johnstone and father Howard Johnstone. Wanda was truly an inspiration to all who knew her. We will forever miss our beautiful Wife, Mother, Daughter, and Friend. Dennis and Wanda would like to thank all family and friends, the communities of Barkerville, Wells, Williams Lake, Quesnel and the Staff at G.R. Baker Memorial Hospital for their overwhelming support. Memorial donations may be made to G.R. Baker Hospital.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Do you have a story? Contact Annie at Ph: 992-2121 Fax: 992-5229 annie@ quesnelobserver.com

Happy to be cancer free

www.quesnelobserver.com A11


Annie Gallant Lifestyles Editor

Dora Laurent is in tune with her body and keeps track of everything it tells her. Annie Gallant photo

Dora Laurent is a woman who knows her body and listens to what it tells her ANNIE GALLANT Observer Reporter


ora Laurent listens to her body. It tells her mostly everything she needs to know and she most definitely listens. When she was smoking she experienced severe headaches, Dora knew her body was telling her to quit and she did. She also quit drinking in 1994. So when her body started to feel poorly in August 2010 (started on Friday, by Saturday she couldn’t lay down, couldn’t breath) she went to the doctor. “He prescribed antibiotics for my lungs and sent me for X-rays,” she said. “But it didn’t show anything. For the next three months I was at the doctors every two weeks.” With nothing surfacing, in November she was sent for a biopsy of her cervix and on Jan. 4, 2011 Dora got the news it was a rare type of cervical cancer. “I cried for two hours

then had a talk with myself,” she said. “If I hadn’t listened to my body and persisted for a proper diagnosis, this might not have been detected.” Her very next call was to a Prince George oncology nurse. Dora demanded an immediate appointment and also insisted on the best doctors. “The nurse was great, she set me up for surgery Jan. 27 but before they could perform the surgery they found the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. Two days later I began four days of radiation and one day of chemotherapy. That lasted for six weeks.” However, the last week was internal radiation which left Dora unable to sense when she needed to urinate. “It was awful, the first three months I couldn’t leave the house. It lasted for an entire year.” Ready to get on with her life, Dora signed up for a Women in Trades program and then secured

a job up north. Four weeks into the job, she found blood in her urine and called her specialist in Vancouver. The entire time, from when she first felt off in 2010 to finding the most recent problem, until she was heading to PG in 2012, Dora kept track of her health, noting anything out of the ordinary. “I hustled back from my job to Quesnel to catch the Northern Health bus to Prince George where tests confirmed the cervical cancer was back. “I’m not afraid of dying but when I thought about my grandkids I agreed to the surgery.” On May 2, 2013 Dora

had a hysterectomy where they removed everything including lymph nodes. “I was left with a colostomy bag.” When they asked her to get up after surgery Dora refused until they took her off all the medications she was on. “I wanted to know where the pain was, I know my body,” she said. She still wasn’t satisfied until they admitted she had a pain medication implant in her back and out it came. Still concerned her body wasn’t healing as she knew it could, Dora demanded of the doctors to tell her what else they had done to her. Baffled

by her question, it wasn’t until they told her they’d given her two pints of blood during the 12-hour surgery, that she settled down, at least she knew what her body was trying to tell her. Now, almost three years later, Dora says she’s cancer free – for now. All her life she has relied on her native heritage to guide and protect her. Every day she gives an offering to the spirits to keep those she cares about and herself safe. She was a tree-planter for 15 years and started every day with an offering. “Things went wrong when I forgot the offerings. These offerings help me even today, I say a prayer and offer whatever I have and lay it by a tree.” She’s looking forward to her next six-month checkup in April and hopes she’s still cancerfree. Relay for Life, May 27, is a celebration of people like Dora who are currently living cancer-

free and a memorial for those who lost their battle with cancer. This year, Relay is on Friday, 5 – 11 p.m. in Baker Creek Park. Watch for details of how you can get involved, form a team (register online www.relay.ca/ quesnel) volunteer, drop by and encourage those participating or join in the fun. The public is invited to join the many teams already busy fundraising for a community dinner during Relay (by donation) and enjoy many fun and healthy activities. People are also encouraged to gather friends, co-workers, family, sports groups and anyone else to join a team and raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society research and services. Don’t have a team? Just call Deb Burton 250-2558225 and she’ll help put you in touch with a team you can join. Don’t want to be on a team? Stop by the Baker Creek Park and join in the fun activities. Everyone is welcome.

A12 www.quesnelobserver.com

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Quesnel Cariboo Observer


Top ten reasons to Bowl for Kids • More fun than ironing! • Give back to community • Show you care • Get to dress up – Canada theme • Enjoy an outing with friends • Practice your bowling skills • Great Prizes • Have fun • Help kids Your $100 in pledges stays in Quesnel to help support BBBSQ to provide happy and safe friendships and positive role models to children in Quesnel. The money raised helps with the recruitment, screening, training and monitoring Big Brother/Big Sister and In-School/Teen Mentoring matches. Come on down to Rev Bowling Lanes on Sunday, April 24. For more information and for pledge sheets call Joanie at 992-7257 (PALS) or register on-line at bigbrothersbigsistersofquesnel.ca. Donate your Air Miles Cash Miles to make a BIG difference.

Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of Quesnel

SHARING A LITTLE MAGIC Use your Air Miles Cash Miles to support BBBSQ and you will get a tax receipt for your donation. Go to the Air Miles website and click “Get Donation Code” and follow these three easy steps: 1. Use your Cash Miles to get a donation code; 2. Click the link in your confirmation email; 3. Make your donation. To find our organization use Browse Charities, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Quesnel BC. Thank you for donating. Michelle Riley is executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Quesnel.

Welcome Wagon honours Chamber of Commerce Acting manager of the Quesnel Chamber of Commerce Simon Turner, left and Visitors Centre manager Patty Morgan, right accept an appreciation plaque commemorating their 20 years of sponsorship with Welcome Wagon from Quesnel representative Sheila Bierwagen. If you’re new to Quesnel or have a new baby, call Sheila at 250-747-2577 or plan a Welcome Wagon visit. Annie Gallant photo

Community Calendar SPECIAL EVENTS & MEETINGS ETC... MONDAY QUESNEL NURSING STUDENTS ASSOCIATION FLIP FLOP PROJECT collecting new flip flops for youth and children as well as colouring books and crayons for orphaned children in Bangalore, India. Drop off box in CNC atrium. BOUCHIE LAKE SENIORS LUNCH March 21 at Bouchie Lake Hall. Doors

The Quesnel Church

But the hour comes and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth. God is a spirit and they must worship him in spirit and in truth. Please join us.

Call 747-3178. Ask for Kim.

open at 10:30 a.m., lunch at noon. Donations for food bank gratefully accepted. Seniors 65 years and older welcome. QUESNEL WORDSPINNERS (writing group) meets once a month in members’ homes. No matter what your level of experience, if you have an interest in writing we would love to hear from you. For information call 250992-1567.

TUESDAY QUESNEL NURSING STUDENTS ASSOCIATION BAKE SALE March 29 – 30, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the CNC atrium. Funds raised to top up resources to hold further events such as Autism Awareness Day and other health

and community initiatives.

THURSDAY OSTEOPOROSIS, THE SILENT THIEF Seniors’ Advocacy’s Susan MacNeill will present a 90-minute free session on the causes, symptoms and methods of prevention for this debilitating and frightening aspect of old age March 24, 3 p.m. at the Quesnel Library. ROMANTIC ITALIAN SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALL DINNER, DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT Seniors’ Centre, March 31, $15/person, doors open at 5 p.m. dinner at 6 p.m. For tickets call 250-992-3991.


GOOD FRIDAY CITY-WIDE SERVICE March 25, 11 a.m. at Northstar Church. ST. ANN’S CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE’S TRADES AND TREASURES April 1, 6 – 9 p.m. and April 2, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. in St. Ann’s Hall. Many local home-based businesses, crafts and treasures, door prizes. CWL will provide a scrumptious concession. Mini Donuts on site. To book a table or for other details call Shannon, 250747-2026,

SATURDAY FAMILY FUN BOTTLE DROP OFF March 26, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Safeway parking lot, will pick up cans and bottles any-

time, call MaryAnn, 250-249-5720. WOMEN OF INSPIRATION EGGSTRAVAGANZA April 2, 7 p.m. at Northstar Church. Ukrainian Easter egg demo and display by Teresa McCart, special music by Obet Campeau, inspiring speaker Beverly Fox, Dessert and door prizes. Tickets are $5, please purchase in advance at Northstar Church or Colours on Reid St. or call 250-992-8830 or 778-466-0876. Invite a friend, she’ll be glad you did. GARAGE SALE April 30, Seniors’ Centre, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., tables $10 each. Lunch will be available. Call Marion, 250-747-1746 or

Seniors’ Centre, 250992-3991.

SUNDAY THE VOICES OF EASTER March 27, 10:30 a.m., A dramatic presentation, Northstar Church, coffee and fellowship at 10 a.m. BBBSQ BOWL FOR KIDS SAKE, April 24, theme this years is anything Canadian. Gather 4 or 5 friends on a team (family, coworkers, friends) and help raise the goal of $15,000 for 2016. For information call 250-992-7257. Register online, bigbrothersbigsistersofquesnel.ca All proceeds help support Quesnel kids. FRIENDS OF THE MUSEUM ANNUAL USED BOOK SALE

May 7, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the museum. Donations may be dropped off at the Visitor Centre, April 1 – 30, Tuesday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. For large quantities of books, call the museum 250-9929580 to arrange for a drop off time. No National Geographics, encyclopedias or Readers’ Digests. Thank you.

Meetings and Special Events, Workshops, Signups and Non-profit Groups will run in the Sunday or Wednesday edition. The deadline for the Wednesday Observer is Monday at noon, and the deadline for the weekend edition is Wednesday at 5 pm. All meeting notices and regular submissions to Community Calendar must be renewed every three months. Due to the volume of material, we clear the column every three months and only print newly submitted material.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer Wednesday, March 23, 2016

www.quesnelobserver.com A13


Welcome signs of spring


ow exciting it is to see tiny shoots of perennials poking up through the ground now that snow has gone. And the rhubarb! From the original three plants that supplied my needs in the past there are now 12 so there should be lots to share this summer.

the program since it’s inception and is now in her 90’s. The volunteers are discreet and enjoy providing the service to the community

Meals on Wheels

The Meals on Wheels program is a service that provides home delivered meals Monday, Wednesday and Friday right to your door. It is available to anyone who is unable to make a nutritious dinner for themselves. The meals are only $5.50 each but space is limited so Ruth Scoullar if you are interested This and That for Seniors or wish to inquire about the service call Longer days make big Maeford Place, 250difference but adjust992-8342, and ask ment to time change for Meals on Wheels. takes a while to get Meals come with a used to. No wonder protein (such as beef, we are confused chicken or fish), rice having to cope with or potatoes, vegDaylight Saving, etables, salad, fresh Pacific Standard and bun from bakery, a Cariboo time. separate container of home made soup and Shopping for dessert. You can pay cash or cheque and Seniors A team of volunteers the volunteer driver will collect your payare now in their 16th ment to make it as year of Shopping for easy as possible for Seniors at Canada you. Hot items come Safeway. Currently in microwavable 8-10 people meet with Marilyn Gibson, dishes to reheat food as required. All items the coordinator in are home made fresh a secret location in daily in the Maeford Safeway. This proPlace kitchen. gram is supported by The program has Wes Allen, Assistant been in operation for Manager, who helped more than 10 years the program begin. in Quesnel. Volunteer With the change of drivers are always store ownership a needed so please call delivery fee had to be negotiated, which is a if you are interested in helping out in the thrifty $5.00.
Seniors community. requiring shopping assistance phone in Back 40 Ranch on Thursday mornNow in their ninth ings, from 9:30-11:30 year the Back 40 am. They are asked Ranch near Ten Mile their name, address Lake on the Old and phone number, Hixon Road will soon then the items required, to a minimum start growing vegetables to deliver to order of $20. The homes in the Quesnel volunteers shop for the items with dietary area. They are not orneeds and brand pref- ganically certified but fertilized with sheep erences noted. The and rabbit manure. client will be phoned No gmo chemicals are by the shopper if used on the property. there are difficulties such as lack of variety They are also supplying starters for or items and to see if a substitute is needed. the two Community Gardens here. PreviThe groceries are ously this was done cheerfully delivered at the Community by a bonded delivery College greenhouse. service regardless of They already have the weather! One cli110 names on the ent has shopped with

list between here and Wells but could take a few more people who would like a regular delivery of fresh produce. Phone them at 250-992-7834 to receive this service. They will have U-Pick service later on in the season also. Ruth Scoullar is a seniors advocate, a student of human nature and regular Observer contributor.

Open water It’s spring in the North Cariboo for all species including these rocks and the duck. Autumn MacDonald photo

march is


awareness month

march 26th is global

purple day

Epilepsy affects 70 million people worldwide and 1 in 100 in Canada... There are MORE THAN TWICE AS MANY with epilepsy in Canada as the number of people with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and cystic fibrosis COMBINED. World Health Organization states epilepsy as a worldwide serious health concern, accounting for 1% of the global burden of disease - equivalent to lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women. In 2014 epilepsyQuesnel (eQ) put our city on the map in a vital provincial endeavour for those with epilepsy and the VGH SEIZURE INVESTIGATION UNIT (SIU). The SIU provides testing for answers which cannot be found through any other avenue, and though BC has over 32,000 adults with epilepsy, there are only 2 SIU beds. eQ’s fundraising is to help VGH Epilepsy Clinic’s current goal of beds 3 and 4. Purple Day March 26th started in 2008 when recently-diagnosed Cassidy Megan of Nova Scotia asked her principal if she could organize a day where students wore shades of purple. Within four years it became celebrated internationally, and on June 28, 2012, the PURPLE DAY ACT in Canada (Bill C-278) received Royal Assent. March 26th became an annual law in our country, all due to the efforts of a nine-year-old child who refused to stay in the dark. Cassidy is now 17 and Purple Day is recognized ACROSS 70 COUNTRIES.

Thank you Quesnel for helping bring PEACE OF MIND to this common neurological disease. -Purple Cookie Day at SHOPPERS DRUG MART, March 26 -BLISS Burgers For Purple Day, March 21 to 23 -Purple Cookie Week at WRIGHT CHOICE AUTOMOTIVE, March 21 to 24 -Purple Cookie Week at ROCKY’S, March 21 to 27 -Purple Cookie and Epilepsy Info at SCOTIABANK, March 23 & 24 -Purple Flower Week at SAFEWAY, March 23 to 27 -Purple Cookies (for students and staff) at CNC March 24 and QJS March 30 -Quesnel’s historical walking bridge lit up purple by CITY OF QUESNEL, March 25 to 27 -Purple Cookies at QUESNEL BAKERY, all of March -Purple Bracelets at FRASERVIEW PHARMACY, all of March -Purple Nails (Manis, Pedis and Gel Polish) at PARADISE SPA, all of March -Purple ribbons by donation at QUESNEL DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT, all of March

let’s get rid of the sti gma !

A14 www.quesnelobserver.com


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Do you have a story? Contact Ryan Graham at Ph: 992-2121 Fax: 992-5229 sports@quesnelobserver.com

Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Ryan Graham Sports Reporter

Quesnel athletes shine bright on the big stage RYAN GRAHAM Observer Reporter Quesnel Special Olympics made the city proud when they competed at nationals March 1 – 5 in Corner Brook, Newfoundland with all eight athletes coming back with at least one medal. The results at nationals matched their performance at the Provincial Games in February 2015 in Kamloops, where the team of 12 athletes also won at least one medal each. This year’s team included Cory Melnychuk in cross-country skiing, Cherie Swaan and Danny Dodgson in snowshoeing and the curling team of Glenda Melnychuk, Travis Burt, Martin Scriver, Dean Cake and Alfred Schotel. In snowshoeing Swaan finished fourth in the 100-metre, won silver in the 200-metre and also recorded a personal best time of 1:03. Dodgson won bronze in the 100-metre with a time of 15.5 and won silver in the 200-metre finishing with a time of 33.20.

Cory finished fifth in the 500-metre and won bronze in the 100-metre in cross county. Quesnel’s Team BC Lightning(curling) won gold in the D division, winning all four of their games against Newfoundland, BC Islanders, Quebec and again the Islanders in the final. The first game against the Islanders Quesnel was down 5-3 in the final end before Glenda delivered a crucial shot, as she took out the Islanders stone with her last rock, scoring three as Quesnel took the victory. Against Quebec they scored three in the second last end to tie the game and then Glenda would make another decisive shot to win the game. The finals saw both B.C. teams battle it out to see who would win bragging rights as the top team in B.C. and also to see who would end up going home with the gold. Going into the final end Quesnel was up one and kept the pressure on the Islanders, as their skip would miss a critical shot which allowed Quesnel to win gold.

Cory Melnychuk standing with his medal at nationals, which took place from March 1 – 5 in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. Contributed and Ryan Graham photos

Quesnel Cariboo Observer Wednesday, March 23, 2016

www.quesnelobserver.com A15


B.C. Lions come to Quesnel to speak to youth RYAN GRAHAM Observer Reporter

Correlieu and Quesnel Junior students were visited by three members of the Canadian Football League’s B.C. Lions March 10, when they talked about the Be More Than A Bystander program. The campaign is an initiative aimed at increasing the understanding of the impact of violence against women and respectful relationships. It was introduced in 2011 as a partnership between the BC Lions and the Ending Violence Association of BC (EVA BC), which focuses on four issues: Developing a broad public awareness of the issues featuring BC Lions players, develop a curriculum and teaching materials for school programs and to train BC Lions to deliver presentations in schools throughout Left to Right : Fullback Rolly Lumbala, offensive linemen T-Dre Player and Community Relations Coordinator Sean B.C. The program also Bindra of the B.C. Lions during their presentation at Correlieu Secondary School March 10. Ryan Graham photo concentrates on trainfilm that would appeal to The two players from the and that you do not have ing football coaches in the the youth with a positive Lions were Rolly Lumbala a to be physical or violent to province on how to talk to message about respecting nine-year full back and ofintervene. kids about violence against women and the importance fensive guard T-Dre Player. Along with Quesnel they women and respectful relaof bystanders speaking up They stressed the imporalso visited schools in Wiltionships. to prevent violence against tance of getting involved if liams Lake and 100 Mile Along with creating a women. you see a situation escalate House.

Prince George heading back to the playoffs sale last week and are available through ticketmaster while full playoff packages and group ticket offers (for groups of 10 or more) are available through the Cougars’ business office.

presented by

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fight back

Open 7 am to 9 pm daily

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March 20 - 26, 2016 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 A positive attitude may help you overcome any challenges that come your way this week, Aries. Maintain this positivity and things will ultimately work out for the best. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, offer others positive feedback when they deserve it. Your willingness to give credit where it’s due is why others find you so easy to work with. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, others will be very receptive to your fresh ideas this week. Be prepared to explain these ideas in as much detail as possible and enjoy the fruits of your labors. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, some good news is just over the horizon. Resist the temptation to celebrate prematurely, but don’t be surprised when Lady Luck breaks your way. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 A number of opportunities are coming your way in the near future, Leo. Just get ready to take advantage of these chances when opportunity knocks. It rarely knocks twice. VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Relationships are on your mind, Virgo. You are anxious to show loved ones how much you care for them, and they will respond in kind. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you have plenty on your plate lately, but you also have to find a way to fit in some time for rest. Running at a frantic pace is a recipe for burn-out. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, let go of some of the responsibilities you have recently taken on. Trust that others around you can handle these tasks just as capably. Enjoy the extra free time. You earned it. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, even though the world has lately presented plenty of twists and turns, you can still enjoy the ride. Keep an open mind to all new opportunities.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Focusing on one thing is a tricky proposition this week, Aquarius. You have a lot of things on your mind, but do your best to maintain focus. Take breaks, if necessary.

New TextLocation Baker Creek Park Text begins here. . . here. . . begins here. . . Text begins New time 500 - 1100pm Relay for Life May 27 th Register on line • Everyone welcome 250-255-8225 relayforlife.ca/quesnel. Like our Facebook page celebrate

Restaurant, Motel, RV Sites, Laundromat

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, a big project is yours to make work. This is a big responsibility, but you are up to the task. Keep forging ahead and you will be pleased with the results.

Text begins here. . .

Text begins here. . .


The Prince George Cougars of the Western Hockey League are heading back to the playoffs for a second straight season. The Cougars will open their first round series against the Seattle Thunderbirds, who finished first in the U.S. division with 94 points. The series will begin in Seattle with games on March 25 and 26. They will then head to Prince George for games three and four at the CN Centre on March 29 and 30. If necessary game five and seven will be held in Seattle and game six in Prince George.

The Cougars clinched a playoff berth when the Tri-City Americans were defeated by the Kamloops Blazers March 8. Single game tickets officially went on


RYAN GRAHAM Observer Reporter

We now serve latte’s, French vanilla cappuccinos, mocha’s. Come have dinner and then enjoy coffee and dessert in front of the fireplace in our newly renovated coffee lounge



fight back

PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Someone’s criticism may shock you, Pisces, but that could be for the best. It may just ground you and bring you back to reality.

May 6th, 2016 • 7:30 p.m. Quesnel & District Seniors Centre TICKETS ON SALE NOW at Circle S Western Wear $45 (cash only) BIG COUNTRY PRINTERS 53588


FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS MARCH 20 - Ruby Rose, Actress (30) MARCH 21 - Scott Eastwood, Actor (30) MARCH 22 - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Composer (68) MARCH 23 - Brett Eldredge, Singer (30) MARCH 24 - Peyton Manning, Athlete (40) MARCH 25 - Elton John, Singer (69) MARCH 26 - Keira Knightley, Actress (31)

A16 www.quesnelobserver.com

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Please join us at the

15 Annual Awards Gala th

Saturday, April 9 Quesnel Seniors’ Centre Cocktails 5:15 pm Dinner 6:00 pm Awards & Auctions to follow Local organizations will receive grants for valuable community projects.

Tickets $50 each You can pick up tickets at Circle S Western Wear, or by calling 250-983-9295 or emailing qcf@shaw.ca. We encourage you to get your tickets early to avoid any disappointment! Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Supported by our sustaining partners Fraserview Willis Harper Pharmacy

March 23, 2016


Sara has moved over from our Service Department to Sales and is very excited to show you the new

And welcome to our Sales Team



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Mike Redmile Cindy Redmile General Manager

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Save On Foods, Canadian Tire, Extra Foods, City Furniture, Sobey’s West, Visions Electronic, Shoppers Drug Mary, London Drugs, The Brick, Source, Sport Chek, JYSK Linen & Furniture, Home Hardware, Wal-Mart Canada

B2 www.quesnelobserver.com

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Please join us at the

15 Annual Awards Gala th

Saturday, April 9 Quesnel Seniors’ Centre Cocktails 5:15 pm Dinner 6:00 pm Awards & Auctions to follow Local organizations will receive grants for valuable community projects.

Tickets $50 each You can pick up tickets at Circle S Western Wear, or by calling 250-983-9295 or emailing qcf@shaw.ca. We encourage you to get your tickets early to avoid any disappointment! Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Supported by our sustaining partners Fraserview Willis Harper Pharmacy

Quesnel Cariboo Observer Wednesday, March 23, 2016

www.quesnelobserver.com B3

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Career Opportunities


SAVE 30% on our Heart of the Arctic adventure. Visit Inuit communities in Greenland and Nunavut aboard the comfortable 198-passenger Ocean Endeavour. Call for details! 1800-363-7566 or visit online www.adventurecanada.com (TICO#04001400)



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Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.

CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or www.canadabenefit.ca/free-assessment



Business Opportunities

70’s gentleman, owns home, seeking petite lady for long term relationship. Reply to Box B, Cariboo Observer,188 Carson Ave, Quesnel, BC, V2J2A8 with contact information.

HIP OR knee replacement? Arthritic Conditions/COPD? Restrictions in Walking/Dressing? Disability Tax Credit $2,000 Tax Credit $20,000 Refund. Apply Today For Assistance: 1-844-453-5372.

Early 80’s lady seeking companion; likes fishing, camping or relationship, non-smoker. Apply Box ‘D’ Quesnel Cariboo Observer.

NEW EXCITING mini VLT’s. Produce buckets of cash monthly. Attracts customers like money magnets. Locations provided. Ground floor opportunity. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website www.tcvend.com

Lost & Found FOUND - HEIFER

Contact Brand Inspector to claim @ (250)992-9317 or (250)992-0093

Career Opportunities

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CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Req. Full-Time for Haworth plumbing. Must have previous residential exp. 3 years in trade minimum, journeyman preferred. Flexible Hours. Top wages provided. Call: 250-975-0514 haworthplumbing@ hotmail.ca

Coming Events

Coming Events


The Kersley Players present

The Willy Factor a play by Roy Teed


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HEALTHCARE DOCUMENTATION Specialists are in huge demand. Employers want CanScribe graduates. A great work-from-home career! Train with Canada’s best-rated program. Enroll today. www.canscribe.com. Call 1800-466-1535 or by email to: info@canscribe.com.

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The Tsilhqot’in National Government (TNG) was established in 1989 to meet the needs and represent the Tsilhqot'in communities of Tl'etinqox, ?Esdilagh, Yunesit'in, Tsi Deldel, Tl'esqox and Xeni Gwet'in in their strive to re-establish a strong political government structure.

Esthetician Esthetician

Fully licensed esthetician for part time work in a well established spa. Call Teri, 250.992.5615 for more information.

Find a New Career in the Classifieds



is searching for DRONEVIEW.ca special events - See everything or ideas of locations to depict Quesnel’s beauty from a bird’s eye view. Please forward your info to karen@quesnelobserver.com Your images may be featured in one of our Observer Special Feature booklets. Career Opportunities


Career Opportunities


Commercial Transport Mechanic 150 Mile House

Required for Ryler Bulk Ltd., located in beautiful 150 Mile House. Primary focus is trailer maintenance. Must have previous experience. To join our team please submit resume by email: dispatch.ryler@telus.net Fax : 250-296-3324, or apply in person to 3082 Cariboo Hwy 97 S, 150 Mile House, B.C.

The Tsilhqot’in National Government is currently seeking an Executive Director. The Executive Director leads the organization and its personnel in achieving the organizations mandate, through the Tsilhqot’in National Government’s goals and vision. The Executive Director is responsible for the over-all development, implementation, administration and management of day-to-day operations within the current policies, by-laws and procedures under the direction of the Board of Directors. The successful candidate will: • Possess a Post-Secondary Bachelor’s degree in business administration, management, commerce and/or Masters of Business Administration. Equivalent combination of related education, training and managerial experience with the public or private sector may be considered • Extensive knowledge and understanding of First Nation’s needs, issues, concerns, and aspirations; as well as experience with various levels of government and stakeholders. • Knowledge of the Indian Act and other relevant legislation/ policies as the pertain to First Nations • Knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and financial management with a minimum of five years’ experience in governmental accounting and experience with Tribal government and funding agencies • Requires advanced knowledge of governmental, business accounting and auditing standards and practices • Proven experience in a non-profit funding accounting procedures • Minimum of five years proven senior management experience • Excellent verbal and communication skills, strong leadership qualities • Valid BC Driver’s License, and be willing to travel as required Deadline: April, 8, 2016 Please submit a cover letter, resume and three employment references marked Confidential and emailed to: Betty Derksen, Office Manager Executive Director Employment Position Email: finance@tsilhqotin.ca Preference will be given to an Aboriginal candidate as per the Canadian Human Rights Act Section 16 (1), and the Human Rights Code Section 41 & 42

Insurance Brokers Quesnel, BC

Dinner Theatre April 1, 2 & 8, 9

Dinner 6:30 pm Showtime 8:00 pm

Advance Tickets Only $25


Performance only:

Thursday, April 7 Showtime 7:30 pm Tickets $10 at the door OR Advance tickets available at: ,t.BY $BSJCPP 1SPQBOF ,FSTMFZ 4UPSF

Excellent Career Opportunity - Be part of a Winning Team – Hub International Barton Insurance Brokers is opening soon! Hub International Barton Insurance Brokers is looking for motivated, enthusiastic individuals to fill the following roles in our new branch in Quesnel:

• Branch Manager • 2 Auto/Personal Lines Advisors • Commercial Insurance Advisor By joining HUB you will become part of a rapidly growing company that offers significant opportunity for advancement and growth. For more details and to apply for the opportunity to have a rewarding career with Hub we invite you to visit our website at http://www.hubinternational.com


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Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Quesnel Cariboo Observer




Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities


PART TIME FACULTY POSITION(S) The College of New Caledonia, Quesnel Campus has opportunities for part time instructors to teach in the following area:



Financial Services

Financial Services

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com NEED A loan? Own property? Have bad credit? We can help! Call toll free 1-866-405-1228. firstandsecondmortgages.ca

CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES If you are a qualified instructor or accomplished in your field and dedicated to sharing your skills, knowledge and expertise, consider joining our team of instructors! As a result of our continued growth and emerging demand in the marketplace, we are seeking experienced instructors to facilitate courses within our Work Skills Training & Continuing Studies Department in the following areas: • Life Skills – Interpersonal & Communication • Essential Skills • Business Courses • Industry Training • Computer Software Training Interested applicants please submit resume to Sonya Spiers at spierss1@cnc.bc.ca or fax 250.991.7502

College of New Caledonia B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A • C A N A D A • W W W . C N C . B C . C A

We will be CLOSED March 25, 2016 and will re-open March 28, 2016 Have a great long weekend!

TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca

Business/OfďŹ ce Service HAVE YOU been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help you appeal. Call 1-877-793-3222 www.dcac.ca info@dcac.ca

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Professional Detailer Required full-time for Quesnel Toyota. Must have a positive attitude and eagerness to learn. Opportunity for advancement. Must provide clean drivers abstract. Attention to detail a must, we provide the “White Glove Treatment� the Toyota way. Competitive Wages Offered. Benefits Offered After 3 Months Please apply in person: 201 Anderson Drive, Quesnel BC V2J 1E9


Traffic Control Persons Quesnel, BC

AEL Traffic Control is seeking applications for Traffic Control Persons in the Quesnel Area. Applicants must meet the following qualifications and conditions:

Services Garden & Lawn

Misc. for Sale

BEAUTIFUL Bark Mulch, most is over 15 years. 2.22 yd bucket will fill your truck. $50 Call Lynn at 250-992-5646 Email: interlath@shaw.ca

POLE BARNS, shops, steel buildings metal clad or fabric clad. Complete supply and installation. Call John at 403998-7907; jcameron@advancebuildings.com.

Household Services Cleaning lady for hire, call (250) 983-3336.

Misc Services T&L Piloting & Hotshot Services Piloting & hotshot services available. Call 250.992.5080 for quote.

RooďŹ ng & Skylights LIFETIME ROOFS - For your peace of mind; 3 metal profiles - slate shingles, shakes & custom made standing seam designed for low sloped roofs & trailers. Many colours. Wind proof - moss proof - fire proof. Heat reflective. Snow slides off. 100% financing available OAC. Payments as low as $50/mo. Save up to 35% Now on Spring Special. Call toll free 1(877)504-4269

Tree Services Tree Removal Expert. Fully insured. Call Charlie @ 250-267-8640

Merchandise for Sale


Applicants must provide details of qualifications and experience, as well as a photocopy of a flagging certificate, driver’s license and current drivers abstract. Candidates are subject to pre-employment drug testing.

Misc. for Sale

Ofďƒžce Support

8’ Cedar eagle pole -$1200 8’ Standing canoe shelf w/eagle on top, all one pc. $2000 5-6’ Swan mural - $1200 4’ Cedar eagle-moon-tree-mural -- $675 & fish. call 778-466-5128


LocalWorkBC is on Facebook...

Misc. Wanted WE BUY GOLD & SILVER Get the best price for your SILVER COINS Call for app’t Mon - Fri 250-644-4422


Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted.


Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

S.C. Business Ctr. 100 Mile House

Medial Office Assistant

Fax full resume to 250-992-2967 or e-mail to heiho@shawbiz.ca

Fight Back.


Ofďƒžce Support

Permanent half day M.O.A. position available immediately at busy clinic in Quesnel. Need to be a computer literate, with demonstrated excellent phone and people skills. Experience in medical office environment with billing and / or M.O.A. qualification preferred.

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

Garage Sales GARAGE SALE Saturday, March 26, 2015 Come to our Easter Garage Sale at Maple Park Mall. Sponsored by Quesnel Lions Club.

AEL will also be having a 2 day Traffic Control Course April 6th7th, 2016 $300.00 GST included. For more information email Julie Mills or call (250) 992-8809 ext 112.

REFORESTATION Nursery seedlings of hardy trees, shrubs, & berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Spruce & Pine from $0.99/tree. Free shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or www.treetime.ca

BUD HAYNES & Ward’s Firearms Auction. Sat., April 2, 10am, 11802 - 145 St. Edmonton, Alberta. Modern & collectible firearms and accessories. Over 400 lots - Online budding. To consign phone Linda 403-597-1095; Brad 780-940-8378; www.budhaynesauctions.com; www.wardsauctions.com.

• Current Flagging Certificate • Valid BC Driver’s License and positive driving record • Reliable and flexible, as the nature of the work is on call (24/7) • Physically fit and able to work outdoors in all weather conditions • Safety footwear is required

Please send your application to: Julie Mills Traffic Control Supervisor 3401 Quesnel-Hixon Rd Quesnel, BC V2J 5Z5 Fax: (250) 992-3656 Email: JMills@emconservices.ca

Merchandise for Sale




Buying Coin Collections of any size.We collect CAN & US Coins, bills, Silver, Gold. Local couple also deal with Estates, Jewellery, Sterling, Antiques+ Chad & Crissy 778-281-0030. We can make House Calls!

Real Estate Duplex/4 Plex Available Mid-April to responsible tenant. 3Bdrm/1Bath Unit in 4-Plex, f/s, w/d incl. New reno’s, fresh neutral colours. N/S or no pets, $750/mo. Call (250)992-6629/(250)255-4744

Quesnel Cariboo Observer

www.quesnelobserver.com B5

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Ray Blackmore 250-991-2787


LIST & SELL YOUR HOUSE WITH CENTURY 21 & EARN AIR MILES! #1009 - UP + DOWN DUPLEX, EACH WITH 2 BEDROOMS Lane access for parking. New flooring & paint, vinyl windows, gas cook stoves. Fenced yard. Listed for $129,000.00 Call Ray today at 250 991 2787

#1031 - RENOVATED UPPER FLOOR WITH NEWER BATHROOM, windows & flooring. Just under an acre, fenced & x-fenced. Large storage shed, barn & double garage. Close to elementary school, firehall, pub, community center & general store. Subject to court approval. Listed for $66,200.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

Scott Klassen C: 250-983-6153

456 Reid Street Ph : 250.992.8818 Fx : 250.992.8833 email: c21quesnel@gmail.com

Archie Hlady 250-747-1144 C: 250-992-0031

1178 - WOW, THIS HOME HAS IT ALL! On nearly one acre, this gorgeous home overlooks Bouchie Lake. Beautiful sunsets, wildlife, and recreation. Renos include luxurious Canadian hardwood floors, travertine tile, French doors, marble countertops. New roof, fresh paint, and pressure tank. Hot tub, hi-tech water filtration system, outdoor fire pit, gas and electric fireplaces, huge master bdrm with stunning views and ensuite. Extremely well cared for inside and out! $309,000 Call Ray or Scott today. 250 991 2787

1171 - YOU’LL LOVE the spacious rooms and solid construction of this quality 4300 sq ft country home on nearly 10ac. south of town. Good barn w/ loft and lean-tos on either side. Fenced & crossfenced. Vendor says good water. Oversized dbl/garage (32x26) plus a detached shop w/a 2-bdrm suite. House has a country kitchen with walk-in pantry and large island. Oak cabinets, tile flooring and countertops. 4 big bdrms up + an 800 sq ft bonus room over the attached garage. $460,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1176 - WELL CARED FOR HOME IN A GREAT PARK! Situated steps from the river and Riverwalk trail, this home has what you’re looking for at a great price. A large addition, storage compartments, and a garden shed offer lots of extra room. Available for quick possession - ready to just move in! Adult oriented park and lots of recent renos. $39,500 Call Ray or Scott today. 250 991 2787

1170 - NICE QUIET location down near the Fraser River. Newer roof on 2nd home. Price could include all appliances. Immaculate, machined log home on 160 ac. in the Kersley area. Bonus: well built & is a 100 sq ft full-bsmnt w/an attached garage. Fenced and x-fenced. Vendor says excellent water from drilled well that supplies both homes. 36’x36’ barn has 3 stalls, workshop, coldroom and hayloft. 4-bay machine shed & 3-bay machine shed plus a greenhouse & good storage shed. $550,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1165 - WELL-EQUIPPED 3-BEDROOM MODULAR HOME tucked away on a quiet cul-de-sac, peacefully overlooking a large pond. Walking distance to shopping plus transit is less than a block away. Sunny kitchen with nook, single carport and a sundeck. Nice starter or retirement home. $159,900.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1149 - REALLY NICE NEIGHBORHOOD for this quality-built #1021 - HOME IN WELLS! 2 bedroom full basement home on rancher with full walk-out basement. Only a couple of blocks from a corner lot in Wells. Close to everything. Listed for $90,000.00 Dragon Lake. Full bright spacious kitchen/dining and living rooms Call Archie today @ 250 992 8818 with a large, partly covered deck overlooking the fenced fire-friendly yard. Double garage. Quick possession available. $324,900.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1175 - NICELY RENOVATED HOME many updates, great income! Windows, roof, flooring (including laminate/vinyl) replaced in 2010. Current tenants on both floors are a dream and would love to stay. Income is $1525/month. Fenced yard with alley and gated access, wired storage shed, enclosed carport/storage area. Close to schools, shopping, transit. Laundry in both units. Unauthorized suite is totally separate from main house. $167,500 Call Ray today. 250 991 2787

1169 - QUALITY BUILT COUNTRY HOME with lots to offer! 4 big bedrooms and 3 baths, geothermal heat with a blaze king woodstove for back up. Private location 20 minutes west of town near Puntchesakut Lake. Machine shop, carpentry shop, excellent barn, garage, deck and much more. Big country kitchen, new flooring on main. Vendor says lots of good water. $369,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1164 SOLID RENTAL HOME IN A GOOD NEIGHBOURHOOD adjoining Sr. Sec. School. 2 bedrooms on main with a 3rd in partly finished basement. New H/E gas furnace. Single carport and fenced yard. Currently tenanted at $850/mo. Central location, close to schools and shopping. $159,900.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1148 - NEAR NEW 3 BEDROOM MOBILE on a double-size pad in a family park just outside of city limits. 1 1/2 baths, bright open layout. Huge deck just being finished. Nice quiet park. $85,900.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

Earn Air miles!




1166 - GOOD LITTLE STARTER OR RENTAL HOME! 3 bedrooms up with a full, partly finished basement. Newer windows, furnace and bathroom. Good tenant pays $900/month. $127,500.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787


Let us work for you!!

1174 - BUILDING LOT ON 5 ACRES – located on a very private no thru road, but still only 15 minutes from town. Hydro, natural gas, phone and cable all available. Great spot for your hobby farm, house or mobile! Call Scott@ 250 983 6153


#1122 - ALL 12 LOTS HAVE BEEN PERK TESTED AND APPROVED. Each lot has a driveway and a gate. There are 2 wells 410 ft deep that will serve all the lots. There is a registered easement at the front of the lots for the water line. To be installed by the developer upon agreement. $29,000.00 EACH Call Archie @250992-8818.

#1018 - THIS 176 ACRES WOULD MAKE AN EXCELLENT hobby farm. The old highway used to run through the property. Part of property is zoned ALR. The majority is zoned RA. A creek runs through the eastern portion of the lot. One corner touches Dunkley Rd. Property used to have a house. $119,900.00 Call Archie today @ 250 992 8818

Earn Air miles!

1173 - JUST A HOP, SKIP AND A JUMP TO THE LAKE from this newer home in a great neighborhood. Professionally painted interior with a nice open floor plan. Huge kitchen with eating bar. Hardwood & tile flooring. 30x24 garage, private backyard with sundeck. $245,000 Call Ray or Scott! @ 250 992 8818

1168 - NICE LEVEL 1/4 ACRE BUILDING LOT on city services in high density residential area close to schools and shopping. Zoned RS2 for duplex or single family dwellings. Really good value at this price. $27,500.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1161 - EXTRA LARGE EXECUTIVE STYLE HOME! 5 bedrooms and 3 baths plus a full basement that can be finished further. Huge kitchen with big island provides excellent counter space. Southfacing windows on the main make it oh so bright. Open floor plan, recent furnace and hot water tank. Price reduced. Subject to court approval. $260,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1144 - EXQUISITELY DETAILED HOME in Johnston subs finest neighborhood. Full basement has in-law suite. Private Yard with lovely patio area, gardens and storage sheds. Immaculately maintained inside and out, top to bottom. Loft area has office/library space. 3 bedrooms on main. A pleasure to show. Great location! $369,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1136 - UNDER THE BIG RED ROOF you’ll find this efficiently laid out 2 bedroom home with great storage, big master bedroom, bright open kitchen and an amazing yard with high-producing vegetable and fruit gardens. Many, many good outbuildings for every use imaginable! Live off the land! $195,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1172 - WHAT’S BEHIND THE NEW DOOR? A well cared for family home with a great yard in Southills. Large vinyl covered sundeck over single carport. Newer flooring throughout. 2 fireplaces (1 wood & 1 natural gas). 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and lots of storage. Fenced yard and excellent location. Very kid friendly! $259,000 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1167 - LIKE NEW, IMMACULATELY kept Lakeview home. 2 story custom built elegance w/many extras. Heated tile in kitchen & ensuite. Oversized dbl garage w/8’ doors & an exterior RV plug. Fully landscaped, chain link fenced yard & wrap around driveway. Granite counters, 2 n/g fireplaces, hardwood floors, Jacuzzi tub & 2 decks. Wired for a generator also! Huge bonus room above the garage has potential for an in-law suite or more bdrms. Tons of value here. $369,750.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1156 - GORGEOUS HOME FOR THE GROWING FAMILY on beautiful 10 Mile Lake. Gently sloping, east facing 1.25 acre lot with recently updated 5 bedroom, 3 bath home with over 4000 sq ft of living space on 3 floors. Huge kitchen, full basement, wrap around veranda, 2 double garages, 2 NG fireplaces, grand entry, OSBE, fire pit an so much more. One of the nicest lots on Ten Mile! Live the dream! $525,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1142 - GORGEOUS WATERFRONT HOME renovated from top to bottom over the last 5 years. Bright and spacious rooms overlooking Dragon Lake. New state-of-the-art septic system. Master bdrm on main with 2 bdrms up and a new bdrm with ensuite also on main. Fully finished bsmt, great dock, new garage, chain-link fenced yard, wraparound deck, storage shed and a new roof being installed Sept 2015. This is it! $625,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

#1105 - ONE OWNER HOME in adult only park in south Quesnel. City services and a real nice lawn area with a covered patio and carport. Well cared for with 2 bedrooms and generous sized bathroom. Quick possession available. $79,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1160 - 6,000 SQ FT RETAIL BUILDING ON 2-MILE FLAT with high visibility and good access. 2200 sq ft mezzanine is excellent storage. Bright show room and 14’ loading door to separate bay area. Building has been sub-framed with a welding area, electrician room, office & lunch room, workshop, mezzanine and show room. Tenanted until June 30, 2016. $10.00/sq ft plus Triple Net. $400,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1155 - 6700 SQ FT TRUCK SHOP with Drive-Thru access and 4-14’ doors. Living quarters has possible 3 bdrms, mezzanine, tool room, laundry, and office on main. Fully alarmed security system plus front yard is fenced and gated. Plumbed for in-floor heat, but currently using radiant N/G. 2.63 level acres with paved yard and good water. Building is in excellent condition! Roof and Septic recently updated. $375,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1157 - LONG TERM PROFITABLE FAMILY RESTAURANT opportunity in downtown Quesnel. Many recent renovations throughout. New 5 year lease in place until 2020. Savalas Steak House has been operating at this location for approximately 35 years! Turnkey business opportunity. $250,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787

1146 - ACE MINI STORAGE consists of 3 large buildings with a 2 bdrm home for living quarters and office. Home - 25x42, main storage building - 30’5x163’, 2nd storage building - 22x82, 3rd storage building - 30.5x82. All buildings and the 2 bdrm home are in good shape. On 3 acres with a private driveway in town limits. N/G pipeline R S W runs diagonally through property. 85 units vary in size from 5’x8’ to 10’x30’. Plus outside storage. $650,000.00 Call Archie @250-992-8818.

1143 - MCLEESE LAKE RESORT! Finest waterfront property on McLeese Lake. Excellent highway 97 exposure and access. Well maintained property features: 10 unit motel, 4 cabins, 20 + RV + Camping sites plus a residence, shop and other outbuildings. Owner says good water from artesian well plus a water license for summer irrigation from lake. All offers subject to court approval. $696,000.00 Call Ray today @ 250 991 2787


B6 www.quesnelobserver.com

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Leslie Johnson

Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Quesnel Realty

Cell. 250-991-9405

355 St. Laurent Ave.

Wayne Seale

5217 - GREAT STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME. This newer 2 bedroom mobile (2010) is located close to schools and shopping in Red Bluff. Add on later! Live in this 2 bedroom home now and add on at your leisure, there’s plenty of room! $116,500.00 Give Bobbi a call today. MLS# R2046614



Bobbi Momer

Cell. 250-991-9063

www.quesnelobserver.com B7

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

5216 - WONDERFUL FAMILY HOME IN DESIRABLE SOUTHILLS. Upstairs-downstairs, inside-outside, everything you wee will please you. This 4+/3 bath home is completely updated and loaded with charm and warmth. From the warm décor tones to the fabulous kitchen and cozy family room, this is HOME! Nothing to do here but move in and enjoy. $284,500.00 Call Bobbi or Leslie today. MLS# R2046658

5215 - THIS IS A HOME THAT RARELY COMES AVAILABLE; 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom rancher close to town, in a nice, private cul-de-sac. Newly renovated rancher with many updates. Newer flooring, paint, new roof, new guest bedroom above the detached, double garage with 12 foot door. Amazing solarium, landscaped half acre yard, paved driveway. Nothing to do but move in and enjoy the convenience of living close to town, on a half acre in a private location. $349,900.00 Call William today. MLS# R2045913

5212 - TUCKED AWAY IN THE TREES in the quaint community of Kersley is where you will find this 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom mobile home on just over an acre. Plenty of trails and activities right at your doorstep with convenience store and school close by. Updates include 14x35 addition, new hot water tank, flooring, paint and more. Get in before the spring rush! $97,200.00 Give Jasper a call today. MLS# R2044431

5210 - SICK OF LIFE ON THE HAMSTER WHEEL? 503 acre property consisting of 6 titles, 5 of which are waterfront. Main lodge built in the 1940s has great history. Now equipped with hydro, septic and well. With a lake out your front window and snaking river meandering through the meadow in your backyard, this spot would be ideal for the fly fisherman or hunter’s paradise! Property vacant for years, so will need ample TLC to get back into shape. $425,000.00 Give Jasper a call today . MLS# R2044047

5208 - BACK TO THE SIMPLE LIFE! Enjoy this beautiful 119 acre property just 25 minutes from town, with approx. 1/2 mile water frontage on the majestic Cottonwood River. Cozy 2 bedroom bungalow with open floor plan is well insulated with room for addition(s) if necessary. Several barns, outbuilding and fence(s) in place. With a little TLC this hidden gem will shine bright once again. Some merchantable timber and good grazing land for livestock. $225,000.00 Call Jasper today. MLS# R2043995

5206 - AFFORDABLE ACREAGE! 5.33 acres, fenced and x-fenced for animals, with a lovely 2 or 3 bedroom mobile home. Vaulted ceilings, den/office. Lots of good outbuildings, including a small barn, workshop and greenhouse. There’s also a riding arena. Nice private yard. $169,000.00 Call Randy today. MLS# R2042666

5202 - WELCOME TO LIFE AT THE TOP! Enjoy the beautiful views of the City of Quesnel from this west-facing, 3 bed, 2 bath family home in Uplands. Just minutes away from everything you need including shopping, parks, schools and church. Open floor plan in unfinished basement could easily be made into a suite with separate entrance, or keep your privacy and add two huge recreation rooms downstairs. Explore the miles of trail networks. $210,000.00 Call Jasper today. MLS# R2041671

5201 - SPOTLESS! LOVELY EXECUTIVE HOME in a quiet cul-desac. Built in 2003 with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, beautiful maple kitchen, spacious master bedroom with ensuite and a private deck. Great family room with pellet stove in the fully finished basement. Fenced yard, paved driveway and 3 decks. A must see. $284,900.00 Call Randy today. MLS# R2040730

5199 - THIS IS AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY right here in the heart of fabulous downtown Quesnel! Building offers 4 separate rental spaces, incredible overall exposure and surrounding by parking. Each unit is selfcontained, offers great store front exposure. Has been very well maintained, shows very well. Complete packages will be made available, with regards to current leases, individual sq. ft., zoning, maps, etc. $1,360,000.00 Call Leslie. MLS# C8004553

5195 - PICTURE PERFECT! Immaculate bungalow on 1/2 acre lot is more than you can ask for. Just like new condition in and out, shines with pride of ownership. Tastefully appointed 3 bdrm, 2 bath rancher has everything on main. Spacious master boasts walk-in closet & 3-piece bath. Cork floors throughout most of the living area. Free standing deep soaker tub, NG fireplace, hot water on demand, just a few of the many extras. $304,900.00 Give Terri a call today. MLS# R2038843

5194 - FAMILY FRIENDLY HOME IN GREAT NEIGHBOURHOOD. Quietly located (south) on flat useable fenced 1/2 acre lot close to school and shopping. 3 bedrooms on main with ample space for 2 more in the partially finished basement plus good sized rec room. 2 fireplaces, one gas, one wood. Newer HE furnace & hot water tank. Single carport, RV storage, greenhouse & storage sheds sum up this awesome package. $174,900.00 Give Terri a call today. MLS# R2038500

5188 - EXCEPTIONAL TIBBLES LAKESHORE property boasts 2.8 ac. of gently sloped manicured lawn right to the water. 2600 sq ft on 2 levels - walk right into the main floor to an absolutely gorgeous custom built, huge kitchen & spacious master bdrm w/stunning lake views. 2 bdrms up & 2 down. Huge living rm/family rm on bsmt level w/patio doors to beach level. All appliances stay. Property also has a 32x56 high end truck shop w/16’ ceilings & 15’ doors. $349,900.00 Call Bob Marsh or Leslie today. MLS# R2037047

5186 - ENJOY AFFORDABLE LIVING with this immaculate 3 bdrm/1 bath mobile. Open floor plan & vaulted ceilings make this home spacious. Fabulous deck is great for summer time entertaining. Updates include new flooring and roof. Nothing to do but enjoy your home! $65,500.00 Give Bobbi a call today. MLS # R2036653

5183 - EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY HERE! This is two lots, .19 acre with fabulous visibility right on Highway 97 North with access from Bowron Ave. Absolutely superb location, walking distance to downtown Quesnel, with valuable C3 zoning. There is a building on site with Heritage designation, but the property is being sold as land value only. $89,900.00 Call Leslie or William for more information. MLS # C8004273

5182 -BEAUTIFUL FAMILY HOME with spacious rooms & wide open layout. Ample kitchen with 2 tier island, tiled floors & plenty of cabinets. Many windows surround the main living space & great access to wrap around deck. All ready for your horses with 32x32 barn, tack storage, power & water. Property is all fenced & crossfenced with riding arena, ready for use this all around great hobby farm, family home is sure to please. $349,900.00 Give Terri a call today. MLS # R2034404

5180 -END THE SPACE RACE! This family home has so much room for the entire family to grow and play! Spectacular view from your large, bright kitchen and a dining room big enough for the whole family to enjoy! The bdrms are all generous sizes, and there is a fabulous rec/games room to entertain in. A mudroom area & ample storage throughout the home. Backyard is fenced, fabulous garden area, paved drive, and a deck to enjoy your views and those hot summer days. $349,900.00 Call Leslie today. MLS # R2034322

5179 -COUNTRY ROAD, TAKE ME HOME! We are introducing comfort and charm with this 3 bdrm rancher, all dressed up and waiting. Home is immaculate, all re-done with beautiful neutral colors throughout, 9’ ceilings, & large comfortable living room. Nice patio & an outdoor hot tub. There is a small detached workshop, ample storage and a three-bay pole storage building in the back. The appliances, including gas dryer and gas stove, are newer and will all stay. $259,900.00 Call Leslie today. MLS # R2033729

5178 - CUTE AND COZY BUNGALOW, perfect for first-time buyers. Spacious, fenced corner lot in Red Bluff, with public sewer... great place to start! Double-size attached garage. Some newer flooring, updated bath...sure to please. No steps-no problem, easy living rancher will fit the bill. Spacious sundeck will keep you loving the weather all summer long. $144,900.00 Call Terri today. MLS # R 2034229

5172 - IF PRIVACY AND FRESH AIR are high on your checklist... look no further than this executive 4 bed 3 bath home on over 8ac, just 20 min. west of town. Nicely tucked in between historic farmlands of the Blackwater/Bouchie Lake area, quality built home boasts hardwood & heated tile floors, bright open floorplan, new kitchen countertops, new roof, fenced & cross fenced property with seasonal creek, detached workshop for dad & plenty of garden space for mom. $349,000.00 Call Jasper today. MLS # R2031595

5166 - PRIVATE exceptionally landscaped 1.32 ac lot in Red Bluff. 1372 sq ft quality built rancher w/double attached garage, oak hardwood floors, ensuite & N/G fireplace. 531 sq ft treated deck overlooks private lawns & gardens. Property also boasts a 20x26 detached shop w/radiant heat & a 20x26 closed in RV shed w/metal roof & 14’ entry - set well back from the road. To help you with your mortgage is a 14x70 mobile home & addition totaling 1060 sq ft. $319,900.00 Call Bob Marsh today. MLS # R2030268

5165 - LOOKING FOR A UNIQUE HOME SOUTH OF TOWN on over an acre of manicured land? Look no further. After quick drive South of Quesnel to the community of Kersley, you will find this clean 3 bed, 2 bath home with fenced yard, fruit trees, Koi pond and nice flat usable park-like setting. Newer septic, furnace, cosmetic updates and large partially finished bonus room above the garage help to make this a very attractive property. $235,000.00 Call Jasper today. MLS# R2029658

5164 - TAKE TO THE WOODS! This is a comfortable, log home set on well treed 5.18 acres, 15 minutes from town. Home is set back on the acreage, so there is ample treed privacy right out your back door, and there is a detached shop for hobbies or storage. The home offers a unique floor plan, and with all these windows, you will enjoy letting the sunshine in! With a little more updating, this home could be everything you have been looking for. Country, pure and simple. $284,500.00 Give Leslie a call today. MLS # R2028129

5161 - NICELY RENOVATED 1420 SF HOUSE ON 3.56 ACRES close to school 5 minutes from town. Separate dining area, fenced front yard and detached 20 x 20 garage. Lots of room for kids and toys. Unlimited outdoor opportunities on your doorstep. $183,900.00 Give Bill a call today. MLS # R2024469

5160 - HERE IS AN EXCITING OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A WELL ESTABLISHED, popular franchise restaurant located in the centre of Quesnel. Owner is retiring and here is the chance for a qualified buyer to take over a turnkey operation for a fraction of the cost of setting a new one up. Lots of opportunities to enhance the business even more with deliveries and catering. $169,000.00 Give Bill a call today. MLS # C8003436

5154 - AFFORDABLE LIVING SOUTH OF TOWN. This 2 bedroom mobile has many updates, including a newer furnace, hot water tank, some windows, laminate flooring and some bathroom upgrades as well . Make it your home or use as a rental property. $25,900.00 Give Bobbi a call today. MLS # R2021264

5148 - LOOKING FOR THAT STARTER HOME that is cheaper than renting, well here it is! Freshly updated mobile home in quiet, private park that is south of the city and only minutes from everything. 2 bdrm, 1 bath mobile home w/newer roof, flooring updated furnace and paint. Enjoy the low maintenance lifestyle that only a trailer can afford. Nice fenced yard for the kids, lovely big deck to enjoy those summer evenings and entertaining. This one is a must see. $48,500.00 Give William a call today. MLS#R2017244

5134 - 80 ACRES OF FREEDOM! Custom built family home is only 15 min. from town. Countrified kitchen will provide the focus for family activities and walk-in pantry. Master bdrm has a fabulous walk-in closet and elegant 4-pce ensuite. Spectacular main floor office, and laundry room complete with two sewing/ craft centres. Upper floor boasts 4 lg bdrms, a playroom, and 2- 4pc bathrooms! Full, unfinished bsmt. Triple garage, detached 24x24 shop. $635,000.00 Call Leslie or William today. MLS # R2010393

5130 - COMFORTABLE 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME with addition located in Red Bluff area that is close to shopping and schools. Has large lot with gardens, small greenhouse and combination garage/ workshop. This is an ideal starter home or retirement property. $112,000.00 Give Bob Granholm or Leslie Johnson a call today. MLS # R2008342

5218 - A PICTURE-PERFECT SWISS-STYLE FAMILY HOME overlooking Ten Mile Lake on just over one acre. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, real hardwood floors, massive (32’x36’) wired and heated shop. Surrounded by beautiful executive homes, this neighbourhood shines with pride of ownership. Only ten minutes out, where the air is fresh, wildlife is plentiful, and recreation is abundant. First come, first served... this one won’t last long! $329,900.00 Give Jasper or Leslie a call today. MLS# R2047151

5127 - LOOKING FOR A GREAT INVESTMENT IN QUESNEL? Tucked away on the uiet Hachey Lane, you will find this clean, solid 4 plex. Walking distance to schools, churches, shopping and recreation and a beautiful view of the Fraser River. Two separate titles to equal a massive 264’ x 115’ fully serviced parcel. Some updates include flooring, paint, bathrooms and trim. $259,900.00 Call Jasper today. MLS # R2007081

5121 - IMMACULATE MOBILE HOME waiting for a new family. Arguably the best park in Quesnel! Adult oriented park, private and quiet, yet so close to everything. 1996 mobile with new paint, newer flooring and new roof, so there is nothing to do except move in and start enjoying the maintenance free lifestyle that a mobile home in a park affords! This one will go fast! $64,900.00 Give William a call today. MLS # R2004100

5120 - BEAUTIFULLY UPDATED HOME in the always popular Red Bluff area. Over half an acre on a quiet street, 4 bdrm, 2 bath home waiting for a new family to add some finishing touches & enjoy. Storage shed, greenhouse, lovely garden area with mature trees are a few extras that make this home special. Single garage has been turned into storage or extra space, but could be converted back, but there is plenty of room out back for a shop. Don’t just drive by this one. $230,000.00 Call William today. MLS # R2004023

5118 - BEAUTIFULLY CARED FOR 2012 MODULAR on its own land. Great for retirees with everything on one level. Set up in nice south located development close to schools and shopping, and fully serviced. Open layout with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, and 4 (included) appliances. Modern decor is sure to suite your taste, with dark cabinets and up to the minute colours. Easy living and low maintenance free you to live your life. $159,900.00 Call Terri today. MLS # R2003094

5112 - 7.26 ACRES NORTH OF QUESNEL with unique, partiallyconstructed dwelling. Proper permits and Home Protection Office approval are required to complete the dwelling. Bring your imagination and tools! Schedule A must accompany all offers. $95,000.00 Call Bobbi today. MLS # R2002486

5079 - LONGING FOR SPACE & PRIVACY? Grand floor plan on 5 acres just 15 min. out the Barkerville Highway. Located directly across from the famous Cottonwood House Historic Provincial Park with C2 commercial zoning allows for easy transition into Bed & Breakfast business, or put in some TLC and create your own private retreat. Beautiful newer open concept oak kitchen and luxurious ensuite in Master bdrm. Potential to make office into additional bdrm on main. Norton Creek runs along side the property. $219,000.00 Call Jasper today. MLS #N247863

5066 - STUNNING 271 ACRE property is located alongside the Fraser River only min. drive from Quesnel. Property has modern 3500 sq ft 4 bdrm home overlooking hayfields and Fraser river. An additional older 3 bdrm home and separate studio located on 2nd property title, w/large barn, corrals, 2 greenhouses and cattlehandling facilities. Workshop, former garden marketing store with cooler and small chicken processing facility with walk-in cooler and freezer. Pivot and reel irrigation and can be self-sufficient for 65 cow/calf pairs. $1,390,000. Call Bob G today. MLS#N247581

5049 - HERE’S THAT HOBBY FARM YOU ALWAYS WANTED! Private 40 acre property offers a comfortable 3 bdrm home with geothermal heating system, barn, storage, as well as fenced hayfields and pasture... ideal for horses or other 4-legged critters. Property is located south of Hixon and is ideal for someone working at Dunkley Lumber. Quick possession is available, so start your journey to your new home. $254,000.00 Call Bob Granholm today. MLS # N247220

5047 - PEACE & QUIET ABOUND with this nearly 2 acre parcel with picturesque grounds. Ample family home boasts oak kitchen with tons of room, open concept layout & hardwood floors. Generous room sizes are sure to be appreciated with your growing family. Newer roof, gutters, attic insulation, water softener & much more. Sizeable wrap around deck is great for summer barbeques. Private back yard with fish pond and storage sheds. Paved drive is such a luxury. $272,500.00 Book your personal tour today with Terri. MLS#N247140

5027 - EASY, BREEZY LIVING HERE! Fully fenced backyard and a sundeck to watch the kids play. This home is walking distance from shopping and schools. Two bedrooms on the main, one down, oak kitchen with eating area and laundry on the main floor. Generous-size living room, lovely hardwood floors, and a full basement make this one a winner! $219,000.00 Call Leslie today. MLS#N246734

5001 - TIBBLES LAKE! Charming log home on 2 waterfront lots totalling 3.3 acres. There’s over 3000 sq.ft., 3 large bedrooms, spacious living room with rock fireplace, and covered veranda. Also a 33x40 truck shop with 2 14ft doors. Very private. Perfect for getaways or year round living. $279,000.00 Call Randy today. MLS#N246375

4991 - COZY 2 BDRM HOME on 3 city lots. Large kitchen has plenty of cupboards, spacious living room and 2 good-sized bedrooms, making this an ideal rental property. Zoned commercial, development potential is built right in! House currently rents for $800 and has new furnace and hot water tank. $109,900.00 Give Bobbi a call today. MLS#N246089

4971 - CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN LOCATION with great highway exposure. 994 square foot block building currently set up as restaurant. Forced air gas heating, 100 amp service. Equipment available for sale separately. $94,900.00 Give Terri a call today. MLS#N4507520

4958 -GOOD REVENUE! There’s lots of options available for this building with 4 residential rental units and a small office or retail area. Zoned commercial with good highway exposure south of the city. It’s not perfect but has revenue potential. $179,000.00 Call Randy today! MLS#N245554

4813 - INVESTORS OR ANYONE WHO WANTS A MORTGAGE HELPER! Currently rented home with legal suite close to park, shopping, transit and schools. Spacious 4 bedroom main floor recently updated with flooring, paint and more. Basement features a family room and laundry for the main house. 2 bedroom suite is spacious, has separate laundry facilities and has separated utilities from the main house. Open parking in front and double carport with large deck out back. Many updates and many newer appliances. $189,000.00 Call William today. MLS#N242289

4811 - THIS IS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY to own a very profitable family business with major fireworks sales at an unbelievable price. An asset sale of Cinema Second-Hand Store Ltd. Approx. 5950 ft2 of retail space on 4 levels, which incl/ 500 ft2 room for fireworks. Owner’s residence is a 4bdrm, 1230 ft2 full bath home above retail area-all appliances included. Retail store, 24x40’ shop & wood shed, 0.58 acre lot zoned c1. Fireworks retail sales, new owner will retain suppliers & profit-splits.Approx. $140,00 stock is extra. $299,000.00 Call Bob Marsh today! MLS#C8003252

4802 - SPACIOUS SOUTHILLS RANCHER! Lovely 5 bdrm, 4 bath executive home that offers a great kitchen with B/I oven and range, plus adjoining family room. Spacious living and dining rooms, 2 fireplaces, jacuzzi tub, pellet stove, den and much more. New roof in ‘14 and deck in ‘13. Great yard. Call Randy today. $265,000.00 MLS#N241995

4772 - WITH A BIT OF AMBITION AND TLC, this cozy mobile home just over 5 acres near the Cottonwood River could be all you’ve ever dreamed about. Nice and private, approximately 10 minutes North of Quesnel. Bring your horses, chickens and other barn yard critters and enjoy the simple life in the Cariboo. No such thing as a cold winter night with the wood furnace crackling away! Give Jasper a call today!! $99,000.00 MLS#N241132

4762 - ADORABLE, AFFORDABLE, AND AWAITING NEW OWNERS. This charming 2 bedroom, 1 bath rancher is only a minute’s walk to downtown, schools, churches and shopping. If you prefer not to rent or live in a mobile/manufactured home, then this is a must see! Quick possession available! $89,900.00 Call Jasper today!! MLS#N240984

4715 - BUSTLING BUSY CORNER IS WHERE THE ACTION IS AT, this 3 storey commercial building in the heart of the city. Many long term tenants occupy this 15,150 sq ft . Mixture of retail & professional businesses offer a variety of services. Newer air conditioning unit and plumbing done in past years. Additional adjoining 122 x 176 property also for sale see MLS# N4507063 Give Terri a call today. $540,000.00

4681 - MAKE YOUR DREAM A REALITY WITH THIS PROPERTY! Incredible exposure for commercial applications, yet zoned for residential, 3.7 acres of property, and two houses. The larger one was built by Jim Forbes, and the other is currently vacant. This property could be utilized in so many ways. $159,900.00 Give Leslie a call today, MLS # R2023909

4609 - 3232 SQ FT - 1 LEVEL BUILDING on 1.78 acres with visible exposure on the Nazko Hwy. Approx. 6 miles from Quesnel close to Bouchie Lake. Once known as the Bonny Hills Store. Was once operated as a grocery store with a small restaurant. Now operating as a feed store for local farmers. $129,900.00 Call Bill today! MLS#N4506911

4595 - DOWNTOWN LOCATED 2 STOREY BUILDING currently ready for your business opportunity. Over 5100 sq. ft. of rental space with 2 ground floor suites. Upper floor has loads of potential with great view of Fraser River. Zoned C3 and possible residential rental for upper floor could be added. Some restrictions may apply. Newer furnace and air conditioning unit. $249,900.00 Call Terri today! MLS#4507521

4499 - NEWER (2006) 3 BDRM, 1400 SQ.FT MOBILE HOME located on 1069 acres in North Quesnel area. Property previously used as a cattle ranch and there are several older buildings incl/ hay barns, shop and storage sheds. A small range license of 40 AUMs is included. Partly cleared and used for hay fields and tame pasture areas with remaining areas being treed. Great starter ranch for someone wishing to start a cow/calf operation or possible wanting to run yearlings. Call Bob Granholm today! $625,000.00. MLS#N4506762

#4341 - MOBILE HOME WITH SPACIOUS ADDITION and new garage/ shop! Ideally located on a quiet end of Elm, this mobile is located an a half acre lot that is fully fenced with additional outbuildings for storage. Close to shopping, schools and just about everything else. This mobile is a great retirement/starter home! $159,500.00 Call William today to schedule a viewing. MLS#N231245

5193 - BUILD YOUR NEW HOME in a growing neighbourhood, surrounded by newer quality homes. Spacious lots with gas line right of way nearby for a host of recreational activities, yet close to shopping. Kids can play on the cul-de-sac or out back, easy access to rec centre with underpass to avoid the highway crossing. Great spot for a growing family. Vendor says sell! $21,500.00 Call Leslie today. MLS#R2038134

5192 - PARADISE FOUND! A frameable, commanding view of the city is what you will get with this fabulous 0.62 acre lot located south of town. Build your dream home and enjoy the city lights at night. This lot is designed for leisure, for the privileged view! $29,900.00 Call Jasper or Leslie today. MLS#R2038262

5191 - BEAUTIFUL, FLAT LOT in popular neighbourhood. Come and build your dream home in Quesnel just minutes away from everything! Close to downtown, the University, elementary and high schools, shopping... an ideal locale! $49,900.00 Give William a call today. MLS#R2037884

5181 - BEAUTIFUL SOUTHILLS LOT. Perched on a corner location is this spacious 0.506 acre lot with full city services. Many trees will provide great privacy for this no thru road location. Not many lots still available in Southills so this is a rare find. Buy your lot today & start choosing house plans tomorrow. $54,900.00 Give Terri a call today. MLS # R2034324

5175 - GREAT 0.70 ACRE LOT WITH MAJOR EXPOSURE TO HIGHWAY 97. Across the highway from Wal-Mart, Canadian tire, Andre’s Electronics and all the modern big box stores. Currently being re-zoned to C4 commercial to suit your dreams of starting up or relocating a business to this ideal South Quesnel location! Red Bluff sewer system applies, set up with 6” oversized pipe. $89,000.00 Give Jasper or Bob Marsh a call today. MLS # R2033098

Cell. 250-991-8170

William Lacy

Cell. 250-983-5792

Bob Marsh

Cell. 250-983-5003

Terri Matula

Cell. 250-991-2001

Bob Granholm

Cell. 250-983-3372

Randy Derrick

Cell. 250-991-9147

Jasper Croy

Cell. 250-983-3251

Bill Ingram

Pam McGauley 250-991-2814 Cell. 250-983-9522

You have questions, She has answers!


Pam McGauley 250-991-2814 You have questions, She has answers!


B6 www.quesnelobserver.com

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Leslie Johnson

Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Quesnel Realty

Cell. 250-991-9405

355 St. Laurent Ave.

Wayne Seale

5217 - GREAT STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME. This newer 2 bedroom mobile (2010) is located close to schools and shopping in Red Bluff. Add on later! Live in this 2 bedroom home now and add on at your leisure, there’s plenty of room! $116,500.00 Give Bobbi a call today. MLS# R2046614



Bobbi Momer

Cell. 250-991-9063

www.quesnelobserver.com B7

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

5216 - WONDERFUL FAMILY HOME IN DESIRABLE SOUTHILLS. Upstairs-downstairs, inside-outside, everything you wee will please you. This 4+/3 bath home is completely updated and loaded with charm and warmth. From the warm décor tones to the fabulous kitchen and cozy family room, this is HOME! Nothing to do here but move in and enjoy. $284,500.00 Call Bobbi or Leslie today. MLS# R2046658

5215 - THIS IS A HOME THAT RARELY COMES AVAILABLE; 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom rancher close to town, in a nice, private cul-de-sac. Newly renovated rancher with many updates. Newer flooring, paint, new roof, new guest bedroom above the detached, double garage with 12 foot door. Amazing solarium, landscaped half acre yard, paved driveway. Nothing to do but move in and enjoy the convenience of living close to town, on a half acre in a private location. $349,900.00 Call William today. MLS# R2045913

5212 - TUCKED AWAY IN THE TREES in the quaint community of Kersley is where you will find this 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom mobile home on just over an acre. Plenty of trails and activities right at your doorstep with convenience store and school close by. Updates include 14x35 addition, new hot water tank, flooring, paint and more. Get in before the spring rush! $97,200.00 Give Jasper a call today. MLS# R2044431

5210 - SICK OF LIFE ON THE HAMSTER WHEEL? 503 acre property consisting of 6 titles, 5 of which are waterfront. Main lodge built in the 1940s has great history. Now equipped with hydro, septic and well. With a lake out your front window and snaking river meandering through the meadow in your backyard, this spot would be ideal for the fly fisherman or hunter’s paradise! Property vacant for years, so will need ample TLC to get back into shape. $425,000.00 Give Jasper a call today . MLS# R2044047

5208 - BACK TO THE SIMPLE LIFE! Enjoy this beautiful 119 acre property just 25 minutes from town, with approx. 1/2 mile water frontage on the majestic Cottonwood River. Cozy 2 bedroom bungalow with open floor plan is well insulated with room for addition(s) if necessary. Several barns, outbuilding and fence(s) in place. With a little TLC this hidden gem will shine bright once again. Some merchantable timber and good grazing land for livestock. $225,000.00 Call Jasper today. MLS# R2043995

5206 - AFFORDABLE ACREAGE! 5.33 acres, fenced and x-fenced for animals, with a lovely 2 or 3 bedroom mobile home. Vaulted ceilings, den/office. Lots of good outbuildings, including a small barn, workshop and greenhouse. There’s also a riding arena. Nice private yard. $169,000.00 Call Randy today. MLS# R2042666

5202 - WELCOME TO LIFE AT THE TOP! Enjoy the beautiful views of the City of Quesnel from this west-facing, 3 bed, 2 bath family home in Uplands. Just minutes away from everything you need including shopping, parks, schools and church. Open floor plan in unfinished basement could easily be made into a suite with separate entrance, or keep your privacy and add two huge recreation rooms downstairs. Explore the miles of trail networks. $210,000.00 Call Jasper today. MLS# R2041671

5201 - SPOTLESS! LOVELY EXECUTIVE HOME in a quiet cul-desac. Built in 2003 with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, beautiful maple kitchen, spacious master bedroom with ensuite and a private deck. Great family room with pellet stove in the fully finished basement. Fenced yard, paved driveway and 3 decks. A must see. $284,900.00 Call Randy today. MLS# R2040730

5199 - THIS IS AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY right here in the heart of fabulous downtown Quesnel! Building offers 4 separate rental spaces, incredible overall exposure and surrounding by parking. Each unit is selfcontained, offers great store front exposure. Has been very well maintained, shows very well. Complete packages will be made available, with regards to current leases, individual sq. ft., zoning, maps, etc. $1,360,000.00 Call Leslie. MLS# C8004553

5195 - PICTURE PERFECT! Immaculate bungalow on 1/2 acre lot is more than you can ask for. Just like new condition in and out, shines with pride of ownership. Tastefully appointed 3 bdrm, 2 bath rancher has everything on main. Spacious master boasts walk-in closet & 3-piece bath. Cork floors throughout most of the living area. Free standing deep soaker tub, NG fireplace, hot water on demand, just a few of the many extras. $304,900.00 Give Terri a call today. MLS# R2038843

5194 - FAMILY FRIENDLY HOME IN GREAT NEIGHBOURHOOD. Quietly located (south) on flat useable fenced 1/2 acre lot close to school and shopping. 3 bedrooms on main with ample space for 2 more in the partially finished basement plus good sized rec room. 2 fireplaces, one gas, one wood. Newer HE furnace & hot water tank. Single carport, RV storage, greenhouse & storage sheds sum up this awesome package. $174,900.00 Give Terri a call today. MLS# R2038500

5188 - EXCEPTIONAL TIBBLES LAKESHORE property boasts 2.8 ac. of gently sloped manicured lawn right to the water. 2600 sq ft on 2 levels - walk right into the main floor to an absolutely gorgeous custom built, huge kitchen & spacious master bdrm w/stunning lake views. 2 bdrms up & 2 down. Huge living rm/family rm on bsmt level w/patio doors to beach level. All appliances stay. Property also has a 32x56 high end truck shop w/16’ ceilings & 15’ doors. $349,900.00 Call Bob Marsh or Leslie today. MLS# R2037047

5186 - ENJOY AFFORDABLE LIVING with this immaculate 3 bdrm/1 bath mobile. Open floor plan & vaulted ceilings make this home spacious. Fabulous deck is great for summer time entertaining. Updates include new flooring and roof. Nothing to do but enjoy your home! $65,500.00 Give Bobbi a call today. MLS # R2036653

5183 - EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY HERE! This is two lots, .19 acre with fabulous visibility right on Highway 97 North with access from Bowron Ave. Absolutely superb location, walking distance to downtown Quesnel, with valuable C3 zoning. There is a building on site with Heritage designation, but the property is being sold as land value only. $89,900.00 Call Leslie or William for more information. MLS # C8004273

5182 -BEAUTIFUL FAMILY HOME with spacious rooms & wide open layout. Ample kitchen with 2 tier island, tiled floors & plenty of cabinets. Many windows surround the main living space & great access to wrap around deck. All ready for your horses with 32x32 barn, tack storage, power & water. Property is all fenced & crossfenced with riding arena, ready for use this all around great hobby farm, family home is sure to please. $349,900.00 Give Terri a call today. MLS # R2034404

5180 -END THE SPACE RACE! This family home has so much room for the entire family to grow and play! Spectacular view from your large, bright kitchen and a dining room big enough for the whole family to enjoy! The bdrms are all generous sizes, and there is a fabulous rec/games room to entertain in. A mudroom area & ample storage throughout the home. Backyard is fenced, fabulous garden area, paved drive, and a deck to enjoy your views and those hot summer days. $349,900.00 Call Leslie today. MLS # R2034322

5179 -COUNTRY ROAD, TAKE ME HOME! We are introducing comfort and charm with this 3 bdrm rancher, all dressed up and waiting. Home is immaculate, all re-done with beautiful neutral colors throughout, 9’ ceilings, & large comfortable living room. Nice patio & an outdoor hot tub. There is a small detached workshop, ample storage and a three-bay pole storage building in the back. The appliances, including gas dryer and gas stove, are newer and will all stay. $259,900.00 Call Leslie today. MLS # R2033729

5178 - CUTE AND COZY BUNGALOW, perfect for first-time buyers. Spacious, fenced corner lot in Red Bluff, with public sewer... great place to start! Double-size attached garage. Some newer flooring, updated bath...sure to please. No steps-no problem, easy living rancher will fit the bill. Spacious sundeck will keep you loving the weather all summer long. $144,900.00 Call Terri today. MLS # R 2034229

5172 - IF PRIVACY AND FRESH AIR are high on your checklist... look no further than this executive 4 bed 3 bath home on over 8ac, just 20 min. west of town. Nicely tucked in between historic farmlands of the Blackwater/Bouchie Lake area, quality built home boasts hardwood & heated tile floors, bright open floorplan, new kitchen countertops, new roof, fenced & cross fenced property with seasonal creek, detached workshop for dad & plenty of garden space for mom. $349,000.00 Call Jasper today. MLS # R2031595

5166 - PRIVATE exceptionally landscaped 1.32 ac lot in Red Bluff. 1372 sq ft quality built rancher w/double attached garage, oak hardwood floors, ensuite & N/G fireplace. 531 sq ft treated deck overlooks private lawns & gardens. Property also boasts a 20x26 detached shop w/radiant heat & a 20x26 closed in RV shed w/metal roof & 14’ entry - set well back from the road. To help you with your mortgage is a 14x70 mobile home & addition totaling 1060 sq ft. $319,900.00 Call Bob Marsh today. MLS # R2030268

5165 - LOOKING FOR A UNIQUE HOME SOUTH OF TOWN on over an acre of manicured land? Look no further. After quick drive South of Quesnel to the community of Kersley, you will find this clean 3 bed, 2 bath home with fenced yard, fruit trees, Koi pond and nice flat usable park-like setting. Newer septic, furnace, cosmetic updates and large partially finished bonus room above the garage help to make this a very attractive property. $235,000.00 Call Jasper today. MLS# R2029658

5164 - TAKE TO THE WOODS! This is a comfortable, log home set on well treed 5.18 acres, 15 minutes from town. Home is set back on the acreage, so there is ample treed privacy right out your back door, and there is a detached shop for hobbies or storage. The home offers a unique floor plan, and with all these windows, you will enjoy letting the sunshine in! With a little more updating, this home could be everything you have been looking for. Country, pure and simple. $284,500.00 Give Leslie a call today. MLS # R2028129

5161 - NICELY RENOVATED 1420 SF HOUSE ON 3.56 ACRES close to school 5 minutes from town. Separate dining area, fenced front yard and detached 20 x 20 garage. Lots of room for kids and toys. Unlimited outdoor opportunities on your doorstep. $183,900.00 Give Bill a call today. MLS # R2024469

5160 - HERE IS AN EXCITING OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A WELL ESTABLISHED, popular franchise restaurant located in the centre of Quesnel. Owner is retiring and here is the chance for a qualified buyer to take over a turnkey operation for a fraction of the cost of setting a new one up. Lots of opportunities to enhance the business even more with deliveries and catering. $169,000.00 Give Bill a call today. MLS # C8003436

5154 - AFFORDABLE LIVING SOUTH OF TOWN. This 2 bedroom mobile has many updates, including a newer furnace, hot water tank, some windows, laminate flooring and some bathroom upgrades as well . Make it your home or use as a rental property. $25,900.00 Give Bobbi a call today. MLS # R2021264

5148 - LOOKING FOR THAT STARTER HOME that is cheaper than renting, well here it is! Freshly updated mobile home in quiet, private park that is south of the city and only minutes from everything. 2 bdrm, 1 bath mobile home w/newer roof, flooring updated furnace and paint. Enjoy the low maintenance lifestyle that only a trailer can afford. Nice fenced yard for the kids, lovely big deck to enjoy those summer evenings and entertaining. This one is a must see. $48,500.00 Give William a call today. MLS#R2017244

5134 - 80 ACRES OF FREEDOM! Custom built family home is only 15 min. from town. Countrified kitchen will provide the focus for family activities and walk-in pantry. Master bdrm has a fabulous walk-in closet and elegant 4-pce ensuite. Spectacular main floor office, and laundry room complete with two sewing/ craft centres. Upper floor boasts 4 lg bdrms, a playroom, and 2- 4pc bathrooms! Full, unfinished bsmt. Triple garage, detached 24x24 shop. $635,000.00 Call Leslie or William today. MLS # R2010393

5130 - COMFORTABLE 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME with addition located in Red Bluff area that is close to shopping and schools. Has large lot with gardens, small greenhouse and combination garage/ workshop. This is an ideal starter home or retirement property. $112,000.00 Give Bob Granholm or Leslie Johnson a call today. MLS # R2008342

5218 - A PICTURE-PERFECT SWISS-STYLE FAMILY HOME overlooking Ten Mile Lake on just over one acre. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, real hardwood floors, massive (32’x36’) wired and heated shop. Surrounded by beautiful executive homes, this neighbourhood shines with pride of ownership. Only ten minutes out, where the air is fresh, wildlife is plentiful, and recreation is abundant. First come, first served... this one won’t last long! $329,900.00 Give Jasper or Leslie a call today. MLS# R2047151

5127 - LOOKING FOR A GREAT INVESTMENT IN QUESNEL? Tucked away on the uiet Hachey Lane, you will find this clean, solid 4 plex. Walking distance to schools, churches, shopping and recreation and a beautiful view of the Fraser River. Two separate titles to equal a massive 264’ x 115’ fully serviced parcel. Some updates include flooring, paint, bathrooms and trim. $259,900.00 Call Jasper today. MLS # R2007081

5121 - IMMACULATE MOBILE HOME waiting for a new family. Arguably the best park in Quesnel! Adult oriented park, private and quiet, yet so close to everything. 1996 mobile with new paint, newer flooring and new roof, so there is nothing to do except move in and start enjoying the maintenance free lifestyle that a mobile home in a park affords! This one will go fast! $64,900.00 Give William a call today. MLS # R2004100

5120 - BEAUTIFULLY UPDATED HOME in the always popular Red Bluff area. Over half an acre on a quiet street, 4 bdrm, 2 bath home waiting for a new family to add some finishing touches & enjoy. Storage shed, greenhouse, lovely garden area with mature trees are a few extras that make this home special. Single garage has been turned into storage or extra space, but could be converted back, but there is plenty of room out back for a shop. Don’t just drive by this one. $230,000.00 Call William today. MLS # R2004023

5118 - BEAUTIFULLY CARED FOR 2012 MODULAR on its own land. Great for retirees with everything on one level. Set up in nice south located development close to schools and shopping, and fully serviced. Open layout with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, and 4 (included) appliances. Modern decor is sure to suite your taste, with dark cabinets and up to the minute colours. Easy living and low maintenance free you to live your life. $159,900.00 Call Terri today. MLS # R2003094

5112 - 7.26 ACRES NORTH OF QUESNEL with unique, partiallyconstructed dwelling. Proper permits and Home Protection Office approval are required to complete the dwelling. Bring your imagination and tools! Schedule A must accompany all offers. $95,000.00 Call Bobbi today. MLS # R2002486

5079 - LONGING FOR SPACE & PRIVACY? Grand floor plan on 5 acres just 15 min. out the Barkerville Highway. Located directly across from the famous Cottonwood House Historic Provincial Park with C2 commercial zoning allows for easy transition into Bed & Breakfast business, or put in some TLC and create your own private retreat. Beautiful newer open concept oak kitchen and luxurious ensuite in Master bdrm. Potential to make office into additional bdrm on main. Norton Creek runs along side the property. $219,000.00 Call Jasper today. MLS #N247863

5066 - STUNNING 271 ACRE property is located alongside the Fraser River only min. drive from Quesnel. Property has modern 3500 sq ft 4 bdrm home overlooking hayfields and Fraser river. An additional older 3 bdrm home and separate studio located on 2nd property title, w/large barn, corrals, 2 greenhouses and cattlehandling facilities. Workshop, former garden marketing store with cooler and small chicken processing facility with walk-in cooler and freezer. Pivot and reel irrigation and can be self-sufficient for 65 cow/calf pairs. $1,390,000. Call Bob G today. MLS#N247581

5049 - HERE’S THAT HOBBY FARM YOU ALWAYS WANTED! Private 40 acre property offers a comfortable 3 bdrm home with geothermal heating system, barn, storage, as well as fenced hayfields and pasture... ideal for horses or other 4-legged critters. Property is located south of Hixon and is ideal for someone working at Dunkley Lumber. Quick possession is available, so start your journey to your new home. $254,000.00 Call Bob Granholm today. MLS # N247220

5047 - PEACE & QUIET ABOUND with this nearly 2 acre parcel with picturesque grounds. Ample family home boasts oak kitchen with tons of room, open concept layout & hardwood floors. Generous room sizes are sure to be appreciated with your growing family. Newer roof, gutters, attic insulation, water softener & much more. Sizeable wrap around deck is great for summer barbeques. Private back yard with fish pond and storage sheds. Paved drive is such a luxury. $272,500.00 Book your personal tour today with Terri. MLS#N247140

5027 - EASY, BREEZY LIVING HERE! Fully fenced backyard and a sundeck to watch the kids play. This home is walking distance from shopping and schools. Two bedrooms on the main, one down, oak kitchen with eating area and laundry on the main floor. Generous-size living room, lovely hardwood floors, and a full basement make this one a winner! $219,000.00 Call Leslie today. MLS#N246734

5001 - TIBBLES LAKE! Charming log home on 2 waterfront lots totalling 3.3 acres. There’s over 3000 sq.ft., 3 large bedrooms, spacious living room with rock fireplace, and covered veranda. Also a 33x40 truck shop with 2 14ft doors. Very private. Perfect for getaways or year round living. $279,000.00 Call Randy today. MLS#N246375

4991 - COZY 2 BDRM HOME on 3 city lots. Large kitchen has plenty of cupboards, spacious living room and 2 good-sized bedrooms, making this an ideal rental property. Zoned commercial, development potential is built right in! House currently rents for $800 and has new furnace and hot water tank. $109,900.00 Give Bobbi a call today. MLS#N246089

4971 - CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN LOCATION with great highway exposure. 994 square foot block building currently set up as restaurant. Forced air gas heating, 100 amp service. Equipment available for sale separately. $94,900.00 Give Terri a call today. MLS#N4507520

4958 -GOOD REVENUE! There’s lots of options available for this building with 4 residential rental units and a small office or retail area. Zoned commercial with good highway exposure south of the city. It’s not perfect but has revenue potential. $179,000.00 Call Randy today! MLS#N245554

4813 - INVESTORS OR ANYONE WHO WANTS A MORTGAGE HELPER! Currently rented home with legal suite close to park, shopping, transit and schools. Spacious 4 bedroom main floor recently updated with flooring, paint and more. Basement features a family room and laundry for the main house. 2 bedroom suite is spacious, has separate laundry facilities and has separated utilities from the main house. Open parking in front and double carport with large deck out back. Many updates and many newer appliances. $189,000.00 Call William today. MLS#N242289

4811 - THIS IS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY to own a very profitable family business with major fireworks sales at an unbelievable price. An asset sale of Cinema Second-Hand Store Ltd. Approx. 5950 ft2 of retail space on 4 levels, which incl/ 500 ft2 room for fireworks. Owner’s residence is a 4bdrm, 1230 ft2 full bath home above retail area-all appliances included. Retail store, 24x40’ shop & wood shed, 0.58 acre lot zoned c1. Fireworks retail sales, new owner will retain suppliers & profit-splits.Approx. $140,00 stock is extra. $299,000.00 Call Bob Marsh today! MLS#C8003252

4802 - SPACIOUS SOUTHILLS RANCHER! Lovely 5 bdrm, 4 bath executive home that offers a great kitchen with B/I oven and range, plus adjoining family room. Spacious living and dining rooms, 2 fireplaces, jacuzzi tub, pellet stove, den and much more. New roof in ‘14 and deck in ‘13. Great yard. Call Randy today. $265,000.00 MLS#N241995

4772 - WITH A BIT OF AMBITION AND TLC, this cozy mobile home just over 5 acres near the Cottonwood River could be all you’ve ever dreamed about. Nice and private, approximately 10 minutes North of Quesnel. Bring your horses, chickens and other barn yard critters and enjoy the simple life in the Cariboo. No such thing as a cold winter night with the wood furnace crackling away! Give Jasper a call today!! $99,000.00 MLS#N241132

4762 - ADORABLE, AFFORDABLE, AND AWAITING NEW OWNERS. This charming 2 bedroom, 1 bath rancher is only a minute’s walk to downtown, schools, churches and shopping. If you prefer not to rent or live in a mobile/manufactured home, then this is a must see! Quick possession available! $89,900.00 Call Jasper today!! MLS#N240984

4715 - BUSTLING BUSY CORNER IS WHERE THE ACTION IS AT, this 3 storey commercial building in the heart of the city. Many long term tenants occupy this 15,150 sq ft . Mixture of retail & professional businesses offer a variety of services. Newer air conditioning unit and plumbing done in past years. Additional adjoining 122 x 176 property also for sale see MLS# N4507063 Give Terri a call today. $540,000.00

4681 - MAKE YOUR DREAM A REALITY WITH THIS PROPERTY! Incredible exposure for commercial applications, yet zoned for residential, 3.7 acres of property, and two houses. The larger one was built by Jim Forbes, and the other is currently vacant. This property could be utilized in so many ways. $159,900.00 Give Leslie a call today, MLS # R2023909

4609 - 3232 SQ FT - 1 LEVEL BUILDING on 1.78 acres with visible exposure on the Nazko Hwy. Approx. 6 miles from Quesnel close to Bouchie Lake. Once known as the Bonny Hills Store. Was once operated as a grocery store with a small restaurant. Now operating as a feed store for local farmers. $129,900.00 Call Bill today! MLS#N4506911

4595 - DOWNTOWN LOCATED 2 STOREY BUILDING currently ready for your business opportunity. Over 5100 sq. ft. of rental space with 2 ground floor suites. Upper floor has loads of potential with great view of Fraser River. Zoned C3 and possible residential rental for upper floor could be added. Some restrictions may apply. Newer furnace and air conditioning unit. $249,900.00 Call Terri today! MLS#4507521

4499 - NEWER (2006) 3 BDRM, 1400 SQ.FT MOBILE HOME located on 1069 acres in North Quesnel area. Property previously used as a cattle ranch and there are several older buildings incl/ hay barns, shop and storage sheds. A small range license of 40 AUMs is included. Partly cleared and used for hay fields and tame pasture areas with remaining areas being treed. Great starter ranch for someone wishing to start a cow/calf operation or possible wanting to run yearlings. Call Bob Granholm today! $625,000.00. MLS#N4506762

#4341 - MOBILE HOME WITH SPACIOUS ADDITION and new garage/ shop! Ideally located on a quiet end of Elm, this mobile is located an a half acre lot that is fully fenced with additional outbuildings for storage. Close to shopping, schools and just about everything else. This mobile is a great retirement/starter home! $159,500.00 Call William today to schedule a viewing. MLS#N231245

5193 - BUILD YOUR NEW HOME in a growing neighbourhood, surrounded by newer quality homes. Spacious lots with gas line right of way nearby for a host of recreational activities, yet close to shopping. Kids can play on the cul-de-sac or out back, easy access to rec centre with underpass to avoid the highway crossing. Great spot for a growing family. Vendor says sell! $21,500.00 Call Leslie today. MLS#R2038134

5192 - PARADISE FOUND! A frameable, commanding view of the city is what you will get with this fabulous 0.62 acre lot located south of town. Build your dream home and enjoy the city lights at night. This lot is designed for leisure, for the privileged view! $29,900.00 Call Jasper or Leslie today. MLS#R2038262

5191 - BEAUTIFUL, FLAT LOT in popular neighbourhood. Come and build your dream home in Quesnel just minutes away from everything! Close to downtown, the University, elementary and high schools, shopping... an ideal locale! $49,900.00 Give William a call today. MLS#R2037884

5181 - BEAUTIFUL SOUTHILLS LOT. Perched on a corner location is this spacious 0.506 acre lot with full city services. Many trees will provide great privacy for this no thru road location. Not many lots still available in Southills so this is a rare find. Buy your lot today & start choosing house plans tomorrow. $54,900.00 Give Terri a call today. MLS # R2034324

5175 - GREAT 0.70 ACRE LOT WITH MAJOR EXPOSURE TO HIGHWAY 97. Across the highway from Wal-Mart, Canadian tire, Andre’s Electronics and all the modern big box stores. Currently being re-zoned to C4 commercial to suit your dreams of starting up or relocating a business to this ideal South Quesnel location! Red Bluff sewer system applies, set up with 6” oversized pipe. $89,000.00 Give Jasper or Bob Marsh a call today. MLS # R2033098

Cell. 250-991-8170

William Lacy

Cell. 250-983-5792

Bob Marsh

Cell. 250-983-5003

Terri Matula

Cell. 250-991-2001

Bob Granholm

Cell. 250-983-3372

Randy Derrick

Cell. 250-991-9147

Jasper Croy

Cell. 250-983-3251

Bill Ingram

Pam McGauley 250-991-2814 Cell. 250-983-9522

You have questions, She has answers!


Pam McGauley 250-991-2814 You have questions, She has answers!


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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

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North Cariboo





3874 Goldman Road - Hobby Farm! True Log Rancher! Vaulted ceilings, freestanding wood unit one-level living, classic front porch, 4 bdrms. This 10+ acre parcel is all set up for horses, fenced, cross-fenced approx. 4 acres in pasture, remainder is naturally treed. Dbl garage is insulated, heated, wired, Barn/workshop is 20’ x 40’. Only 10 min. from town, just past Barlow Creek School. Perfect parcel for everything you love. Home for you, your pets, animals and family. Call Rick. MLS#R2036378 NCR#2631



501-503 Willow Street – INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Side by side duplex on 0.75 acre. Bus, school & shopping nearby. New flooring & paint throughout. Both sides are rented for $750.00/month. South of town in a great neighborhood. Require 24 hour notice. Call Linda or Andrea to view. MLS#R2027081 NCR#2623






1772 Birch Ave. – 1.32 acres + awesome location + privacy = a great buy! This 3 bdrm diamond in the rough location in Red Bluff is just waiting for someone to access its potential. A new roof, glass in many of the windows, and water softener in 2014. The amazing yard boasts lilacs, plums, apples, raspberries, saskatoons, black currant bush, & hedges. The outbuildings include a wired, insulated, and heated workshop, storage shed, and pump house. A mustNCR#2638 see! MLS#


3556 Hilborn Road – Well maintained mobile w/addition & a huge boot room sits on 0.44 of an acre. It is on a quiet, dead end street with a huge established garden and fruit trees. 2 bdrms and an office are in the addition (built in 2003) with a storage area below. Forced air natural gas heat as well as a pellet stove. There is plenty of room for parking, a carport and a workshop out back. Why pay lot rent when you can own a beautiful piece of property with a mobile, this is a must see. MLS#R2029063 NCR#2624

677 Broughton St. – Well maintained 4-plex • 1680 sq ft units • 3 bedrooms, 1½ bath, Insuite laundry • Investment opportunity • $3,150 rent revenue/month Call Linda or Andrea to view MLS#N244414 NCR#2564






3932 Shaver Rd. – Affordable – Quality – Just sky of 5 acres. Mins to town, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, quality addition fts bright sunken fam rm. Cov’d sundeck to enjoy lovely landscaped 4.91 acres. Partially fenced, garden, firepit, w/ plenty of rm for kids to run & play. This mobile home is an open design w/ bdrm & bath at each end, large kitchen, built-in china cabinet, w/ sunken fam rm off LR. Really a well-designed home & property. Call Rick to view. MLS#N246968 NCR#2585

687 Elm St. - Unique split-level w/many upgrades! • 0.65 acre corner lot in Red Bluff • New carpet, bath, paint and HWT • Fully fenced • Close to shopping • Quick Possession Call Andrea to view MLS#R2010083 NCR#2615


Rick Hughes 250-992-9846 Associate Broker

Andrea Blake 778-414-2551 Representative




614 Callanan St. – A Little Paint-A Little Luv-A Wow Location! North Quesnel 2+1 B/R Character home. Nice kitchen, nicely treed, full basement, mostly unfinished w/ outside entry. Walk to everything Quesnel has to offer. Large lot, lane access, across from QJS. Perfect time for a little “Home Work”. Great investment opportunity for the residential investor. Quick possession. Call Rick to view. MLS#N244110 NCR#2563

1933 Higdon Road - A real treasure to have your own mobile on an owned lot. Updated mobile, vinyl siding, energy efficient windows, certified wood stove and a private location. Large fenced area, RV hook up, single vehicle shop with storage. The owner states there is good water. Call Andrea or Linda MLS#2041605 NCR#2629


212 Beath St. - Starter home or investment property. • 3 bedroom home • In-law suite in basement • New siding, roof overhang and chain link fence • Newer appliances Call Andrea to view MLS#N243332 NCR#2549


#28-3656 Hillborn Rd. - Very nice, affordable home in a quiet park. Three bedrooms, remodeled bathroom, newer carpets, pellet stove and a new roof mean years of worry-free living. Water softener and a nice 8x16’ addition/mudroom. Minutes to downtown and all the amenities. Priced to sell. Call Linda or Andrea to view




$45,000 $49,900


10 562 Elm St. –Wonderful starter mobile home, in great location, within walking distance of shopping and amenities. Newer flooring throughout, recently reskirted, newer hot water tank & water lines. Water softener & RO system was also just installed 4.5 foot peaked, tin roof with new gable ends. There is a WETT-certified wood stove as well as a forced air, N/G furnace. The 10x30 addition gives plenty of space, a huge entrance, foyer and den that has potential for a third bedroom. MLS#R2033309 NCR#2626



2840 Arnoldus Rd - This spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bath • 1 acre parcel • Huge rec room in the basement • Newer truss roof • Close to shopping & the school • Call Andrea to view MLS#R2001824


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334 Wilson Street – Historic 1.5 story house on a beautiful corner lot, overlooking Lebourdais Park. This home has been very well maintained, it has many modern upgrades with old time charm. You can still feel the originality of this home throughout. Huge laundry/bathroom and master bedroom on the main, 2 bedrooms upstairs with an office space. A bight open living room design and an ample kitchen make this house a home. Great little piece of Quesnel history. MLS#R2028421 NCR#2622


441 Kinchant Street (across from City Hall) Phone: 250-992-2207 • Fax: 250-992-2240 Toll Free: 1-888-992-2207 northcariboorealty@telus.net

Linda Gabara 250-991-2964 Broker


N214273/ $ $ N214274 248,000 59,900 N223598 4020 McLean Road - 1.28 acres, private, 3 wells, septic, 3035 Barkerville Hwy. What a find! 25.5 acres surrounded gas, power 1200square foot cabin, 3 bedroom 1 bath, by crown land, 16 Mile Lake frontage w/dock and the R2043748 natural handyman’s special, owner motivated. Call Andrea or Linda only access. 1046 sq.ft. 2 bdrm rancher & 498 sq.ft. log cabin

NCR#2636 w/full loft. Owner states cabin was originally Dr. Baker’s, 1920s. Rancher & cabin have elec., wood heat & updated baths. Tel & Sat Internet avail. Rancher has garage, new deck, roof & flooring. Cabin updated w/modern conveniences (owner summer res.) Fishing, skating, trails outside front door. Call Andrea. MLS#R2039094 NCR#2633








476 WINDER ST. - Large Family Please! So much space & close to Soccer fields, Elementary & Sr High Schools. Shopping Mall & Restaurants just a few blocks. 5 bdrms, bath on each level. Main level den. Master bdrm’s lrg enough for a king size bed. Open design, lots of potential. Detached grg w/alley access. Fenced backyard, large city lot & covered sundeck. Call NCR#2606 Rick. MLS#N248255



2927 Belcarra Rd - Immaculate family home located in South Quesnel. Huge foyer with vaulted ceiling, gives access to the sitting room, upstairs, kitchen and formal D/R. F/R has a rock-faced, wood-burning fireplace & laminate flooring. Massive kitchen with an island, breakfast nook. Formal dining, laundry room & a 2pc bath are still included on this main floor. Upstairs 2 bdrms & a 4 pc bath. French doors into the master suite, w/a walk-in closet & jetted tub. Att/2 car garage & 32x24 workshop. Call Andrea MLS#2034144 NCR#2628


Wells is the place to be! Don’t miss out on owning an awesome piece of BC history. Tons to do in and around this artsy little community close to Barkerville & Bowron Lake... Arts, Wells, Bowron Lake Chain, fishing, hiking, snowmobiling, digging for gold. Call Andrea or Linda. LOT 23 MILDRED AVE $14,000. N247249 LOT 24 MILDRED AVE $14,000. N247282 LOT 29 MILDRED AVE $12,000. N247250 PARCEL D SOLIBAKKE DR 3898 LOWHEE ROAD

$16,000. $20,000.

N247246 N245580



738 McLean St. – North Quesnel Charmer! Lovely inside and out. Updated, refreshed, just move in and enjoy. 2+1 bedroom, 2 baths, open bright design. Plenty of yard to enjoy, deck, fenced backyard and workshop/storage shed. Huge kitchen features built in desk unit. Basement bedroom is used as master with ensuite, and walk in closet. Walk to town centre, activities and all the lovely conveniences North Quesnel has to offer. Quick possession possible. MLS#R2030670 NCR#2625


Inquire Commercial Business - Turnkey restaurant is located in the heart of downtown. Well known for great service and the scrumptious food. Restaurant is, and has been, going strong for approx. 30 years. A very exciting adventure and business opportunity for the right person. Equipment list on file. Call Linda or Andrea for more information or to view. MLS#C8004546 NCR#2634



1630 Pachett Road - Peaceful country setting surrounded by trees. Bright family home has a total of 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, modern spacious kitchen. Gas stove for the serious cook. Large sundeck for BBQ nights. Basement features free-standing wood stove in oversized rec room, bedroom, bath with laundry and large storage that could be 5th bedroom with a little finishing. 1.52 acres, mostly treed. Minutes from downtown, and near Quesnel Golf Course. Call Rick. MLS#R2041274 NCR#2635



#62 – 313 Westland Rd. – Move-in Ready! • 50+ Adult park • NEW H/W tank • Quick possession • NEW toilet & taps • Very well kept mobile and park • Covered patio and carport • Fridge, stove, washer & dryer MLS#N246590 NCR#2582

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Real Estate





For Sale By Owner

Apt/Condo for Rent

Homes for Rent

Trucks & Vans

Trucks & Vans

Modern Home In Johnston Sub

FOR RENT 1 BDRM, full bath, includes utilities-no pets. 2BDRM, 1 full bath, no pets + utilities. Good location, (250)-983-9813.

N. Quesnel - 5 bdrm/2 bath House, garage, fenced yard, paved drive, w/d, f/s, $1200 mnth + Utilities . Avail immediately. Call 250-991-3667

2005 Chev Uplander

Want to Rent Wanted to Rent Small house for a responsible senior lady with a very well behaved dog.Call 250-747-0247.


3600 sq. ft., fenced 5 bedrooms, back yard, double car 4 bathrooms, carport. 5 bedrooms, office,office, 3.5 baths, in-law/Nanny suite. in-law/Nanny suite.

2004 Monte Carlo 3.4 L, 107 km’s, new rear brakes & rotors.$4,200.Call(250)992-1174


For more details contact@allkindsofstorage.ca or 250-992-9543

Commercial/ Industrial 1200 sq/ft newly renovated office space for lease. Includes kitchen/conference room, bathroom, private manager office with open concept foyer. $800/mo. Call (250)255-5990 Commercial Space for Lease. 1700 sq ft unit or more, up to 5000 sq ft avail. Good Location, lots of parking. Contact for more information 250-9839813


Real Estate TIRED OF city living? Two choice homes on Texada Island, West Coast, BC- one ocean front; one on lake, private sale, for details 604-4148109, 604-486-7838.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent FIR Crest Apartments - 1 & 2 bdrm suites, NQ, N/S, N/P, no parties. Adults only. (250)992-6593

164,400 KM’S 4 studded winter tires, 4 summer tires - ALL ON RIMS, Remote Start, Electric sliding back doors.

ASKING $3,000

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Cars - Domestic

$349,900 $349,000



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Motorcycles 2009 Harley Davidson

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Legal Notices

Legal Notices

NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENCE W1053 Please be advised that GWB Enterprises Ltd./ Warden Woodlot 1053 Ltd. is proposing to remove 42.25 hectares of private land from Woodlot Licence W1053 located at Kersley and more specifically, at the end of Arnoldus Road.

4 bdrm, big lot. Close to Maple Park Mall and Red Bluff school. Call (250)747-3878 or (250)747-3069. FOR RENT 2Bdrm. & 3Bdrm, w/d hookup, separate entry, separate parking, & 5Bdrm. House w/d hook-up. Inside renovated. Call 250-992-7929.


(Nothing too big or too small)

250 -612-1808 24 hour call service

Medical Services

Provided here in Quesnel • Allergy Testing • Circumcisions • Vasectomies

Inquiries/comments to this proposal must be submitted to GWB Enterprises Ltd., 183 Phillips Rd. N., Quesnel, B.C., V2J 4Y4, Attn: Wayne Boudreau, RPF, by April 6, 2016. Only written inquiries received by the above date will be responded to. Information about this proposal can be obtained by contacting Wayne Boudreau, RPF, at 250-747-2724 (h) or 250-255-1072 (c).

Clean, desirable 2bdrm apartment in North Quesnel. Suitable for mature working person/couple or seniors, n/s, n/p, washer & dryer included. ref.’s required. (250) 992-5992

Homes for Rent



Quesnel Cariboo Observer Wednesday, March 23, 2016

(No referral needed for vasectomies)

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Dr. Pieter Slabbert Inc. Fraserview Medical Associates Suite 32. 665 Front St. (250) 992 3636

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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

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Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

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ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. Chevrolet.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the lease of a 2016 Cruze Limited LT Air/Auto (1SA), Trax LS FWD Air/Auto (1SA) or purchase of a 2016 Equinox LS FWD (1SA), Malibu L (1VL). License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * Offer valid to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial and accept delivery between March 1 and March 31, of a new or demonstrator 2016 model-year Chevrolet model, excluding Chevrolet Colorado 2SA, Silverado and Silverado HD. General Motors of Canada will pay one month’s lease payment or two bi-weekly lease payments as defined on the lease agreement (inclusive of taxes). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Consumer may be required to pay dealer fees. Insurance, licence and applicable taxes not included. Additional conditions and limitations apply. GM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. See dealer for details. ¥ Lease based on a purchase price of $18,359/$23,734, including $446/$446 Owner Cash (tax exclusive), $3,000/$0 lease cash and a $1,500/$0 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for a new eligible 2016 Cruze Limited LT Air/Auto (1SA)/Trax LS FWD Air/Auto (1SA). Bi-weekly payment is $109/$138 for 24/48 months at 0%/0.5% APR, on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. $0 down payment and a $0 security deposit is required. Payment may vary depending on down payment or trade. Total obligation is $5,664/$14,352 plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $12,698/$9,718. Price and total obligation exclude license, insurance, registration, taxes and optional equipment. Other lease options are available. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited-time offer, which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. †† Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2016 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between March 1 and March 31, 2016. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $500 credit available on 2016 Chevrolet Sonic, Cruze LTD, All-New Malibu (except L), All-New Volt, All-New Camaro, Trax and 2017 Volt; $750 credit available on other 2016 Chevrolets (except Corvette, Colorado 2SA, Silverado Light Duty and Heavy Duty); $1,000 credit available on all 2016 Chevrolet Silverado’s. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. † Purchase price of $24,995/$23,495 includes $750/$0 Owner Cash (tax inclusive) and a cash credit of $3,000/$0 and applies to new 2016 Equinox LS FWD (1SA)/Malibu L (1VL) models at participating dealers in Canada. Purchase price includes freight, air tax but excludes license, insurance, registration, dealer fees and taxes. Dealers may sell for less. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details. ‡ The Chevrolet Equinox received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among compact SUVs in a tie in the proprietary J.D. Power 2015 U.S. Initial Quality Study. Study based on responses from 84,367 U.S. new-vehicle owners, measuring 244 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of U.S. owners surveyed in February-May 2015. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com. ¥¥ Based on GM testing in accordance with Government of Canada approved test methods. Refer to vehicles.nrcan.gc.ca for details. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Excludes other GM vehicles. ~ Visit onstar.ca for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity may vary by model and conditions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms and Privacy Statement (including software terms). OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required. < Always use safety belts and child restraints. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate child restraint. See the Owner’s Manual for more information. ‡‡ Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program (www.SaferCar.gov). ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2016 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 48,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^ Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.

B12 www.quesnelobserver.com Wednesday, March 23, 2016


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Call Fraser River Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-992-5515, or visit us at 340 Carson Avenue, Quesnel. [License #10901]

Quesnel Cariboo Observer







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Fuel Efficiency

4G LTE Wi-Fi ~ L/100km hwy ¥¥












Fuel Efficiency

L/100km hwy ¥¥


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