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March 23, 2016
Distracted drivers Police step up the campaign to nab drivers fiddling with phones. ...............................
Lake Country sees a surge in development permit applications. ...............................
4 Fletcher.....................4 DeDominicis..............5 Thomson...................6 Taylor .......................
FRIENDS EMA (right) and Macy feed an emu at the Kangaroo Creek Farm, open for Spring Break.This year the farm features an expanded Outback section, tripling the farm’s size. For more, see the story on page A3.
■ Jysk
Lake Country to review gravel pit permits
■ Rona
■ Safeway
Staff at the District of Lake Country have begun a comprehensive review of its soil removal portfolio after it was found that more than one of the many gravel
■ Save On Foods ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Smart Source
mining operations in the district were not operating with the proper municipal permits. The issue came to light at last week’s Lake Country council meeting, when council unanimously approved a tem-
porary use permit for Interior Gravel Products to allow for rock crushing and screening on the site of its gravel pit, west of Highway 97. Council heard that the company had been granted a mining permit
Leah McKenzie-Brown Lawyer & Notary
Lake Country
in 2010 from the provincial government and had started working the pit in 2013, including screening and crushing of rock. However, despite the provincial government approval, the operators never received the proper
permit from Lake Country to process the gravel on site, as required under Lake Country bylaws. “We’re currently working very hard on our soil removal portfolio,” Lake Country planner Paul Dupuis
“Legal services conveniently located in the heart of Lake Country”
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told council. “In the process of reviewing the file, we found there wasn’t a temporary use permit so we’re looking to rectify that.” When it comes
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
Provincial gov’t approval and local permit needed to crush rock GRAVEL FROM A1 to gravel pits, operators receive mine li-
censes to extract gravel from the Ministry of Energy and Mines. Processing the gravel on site
means the operator must get the proper permits from the municipality in which it operates. How-
ever Dupuis said Interior Gravel Products as well as some other pits in the area do not have the
proper permits in place. “I cannot speak to the past or what may have occurred that has led to
the situees living in ation,” Oyama—has I can only focus Dupuis a mine oper- K told the ation permit S on ways forthat has been Lake ward…CounCounextended cil was informed to 2022. It try Cald that staff is work- is one of endar in a C follow up at least 10 e ing on a prointerview. active solution to gravel pits n “I can only that operthe portfolio and ate in Lake focus on u developing inways forCountry and h ward… house systems to Dupuis said t that it’s likely s Counaddress expiracil was inmore opertion of permits so ators will formed t that we can folthat staff have to ap- a is workpear at coun- R low up with aping on a cil, to bring i plicants prior to proactive their permits d permit expirasolution to up to stantions.” the portdard. R Paul Dupuis, Lake folio and However c developing Country planner it doesn’t ap- t in-house pear that t systems to Lake Coun- n address expiration of try council can stop the u permits so that we can operations, even if it b follow up with applicants wanted to. Despite the prior to permit expiraobjections of every coun- b tions.” cillor at the table, coun- A One by one Lake cil rubber-stamped the L Country councilcontinuation of the oper-t lors spoke about gravation status quo. Dupuis “ el pits in Lake Counsaid council could have s try (see Gravel Pits A3) voted against the recom- s voicing concern about mendation which would noise, lack of reclamahave stopped the opertion, scarring of the land ation from crushing and and other issues. Howscreening, however he ever in the end, not one said that likely would of them voted against al- have resulted in conflict lowing Interior Gravel to with the operator and continue its crushing and the Ministry of Mines. screening operation. G The company—with SEE GRAVEL A3 three of its 10 employ-
Kangaroo Creek Farm
i b h
d a t Open for Spring bp Break o March 12 thru April 3 s Every day including o weekends and holidays t p
10 am – 2 pm
Admission: $5 PER PERSON
Visit our website for more info and the rest of the season’s schedule On-site handicapped parking only. General parking on Main Street or the Hill Road area
r t c m F t d w $ t c u w w l
w s w t o s n
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 23, 2016 A3
RCMP blitz: Leave your phones alone while driving KEVIN PARNELL AND SAWYER KLASSEN It’s not hard to find distracted drivers in Lake Country or anywhere else in the Central Okanagan. Stopping people from using phones while behind the wheel is a tougher equation to solve. With March as distracted driving month across the province, RCMP have been cracking down on distracted drivers. But Lake Country RCMP Sgt. Jayson Lucash says it seems as if the public isn’t getting the message with the number of people clearly using their phones while behind the wheel. “Do I see a lot of it, both off and on duty? Absolutely, it’s out there,” Lucash told Lake Country council last week. “Pretty much any intersection you go to you can see everyone’s head go
down and start typing away. I do see a lot of it. Rarely does a week go by where I don’t write one or two tickets for it.” Lucash said Lake Country is part of the region-wide campaign to target distracted drivers and pointed to several strategies Mounties have used to catch people. “We use unmarked vehicles, we use plain clothes officers, last year at this time we were dressing up members as panhandlers on traffic islands,” he said. Lake Country Coun. Matt Vader said it’s only a matter of time before distracted driving results in a major accident on the highway between Lake Country and Kelowna. “Every single day I see people driving 120 km/h on the highway and you can see the drop of their head and then their vehicle swerves,” said Vader. “It’s scary. It might not be as scary as
RCMP volunteer Gary Toneff watches for distracted drivers in a joint blitz by the RCMP and ICBC during Distracted Driving month in the province.
drugs or alcohol but it happens all the time. I’m concerned about a multiple traffic incident on the highway.” Across the Central Okanagan and the rest of the province, RCMP along with ICBC are promoting the message
of leaving phones alone while driving and enforcing the rules on those breaking them. “Our volunteers are counting the drivers they observe violating those laws, and they have signage out here reminding drivers to leave
their phones alone,” said RCMP Const. Jesse O’Donaghey. “Then just down the road there are half a dozen enforcement officers enforcing those laws. “So if they are ignoring the message and continuing to operate their
vehicle while talking on their phone or texting or other things, they’ll get the fine.” The distracted driving fine is $167. O’Donaghey outlined just what constitutes distracted driving. “Just various uses of a cell phone,” he said. “Texting, accepting calls, checking your emails, changing a song or even dialling a number. Distracted driving could also be considered putting on makeup, or eating food, or reading a newspaper or a book, or shaving. We’ve seen a lot of those things, and I’m sure other people have too.” O’Donaghey also pointed out that using a map on your phone is not OK if it causes you to physically handle the phone. However, mounted GPS or phones on dashboards are OK as they are in the driver’s line of sight while not obstructing their view of the road.
With that said, he added it’s only OK as long as you aren’t handling them while driving. “If you need to answer your call or you have an important message you’re expecting, pull over, don’t put others at risk,” O’Donaghey said. “Pull over and check that message, and when you’re certain you’re done with that message continue on. Or delegate someone in your car, a passenger as the designated texter, like a designated driver. Just keep your eyes on the road, because that half a second can be deadly.” Last year, 31 people were killed by distracted drivers in the Southern Interior. O’Donaghey said that number needs to come down, which is why RCMP enforcement officers are cracking down on distracted driving. Last week in Kelowna, 37 drivers were ticketed in a three-hour period.
Reviewing Gravel pits…in their own words Kangaroo permits
“Councils have done it, but then it has to be a battle with the Ministry,” he said. Dupuis added that the district will be contacting a few other operations that have been found to be operating without the proper permits and said one positive out of the situation is that all of the operators in Lake Country are paying their tipping fees. Lake Country’s soil regulation bylaw calls for the district to receive 50 cents per cubic metre of material that is removed. From 2010 to 2015, Interior Gravel paid the district over $42,000, with an estimated $53,000 still to come by the time the operation is complete. Those fees are used to maintain roads, which can take a beating with heavy duty vehicles like gravel trucks. In the end the district will set up an internal system to alert staff to when permits are about to expire so it can reach out to companies and start the process of renewing permits.
At the March 15 Lake Country council meeting, councillors spoke out about gravel pits in Lake Country, of which there are at least 10 in operation and more proposed in coming developments. The district doesn’t approve gravel pits, which are mines and approved by the provincial Ministry of Energy and Mines. But Lake Country has bylaws that allow it to control whether rock can be processed on-site. As well, it receives a portion (50 cents) of each cubic metre of soil that is removed and designate that into the work required on its own roads. Here is what each councillor, as well as the mayor, had to say about gravel pits at last week’s meeting, before they approved a temporary use permit to allow a company to crush and screen rock on-site. Coun. Penny Gambell was not at the meeting. Rob Geier “Since coming on council I really struggle with gravel pits. I understand the need for the product and that it has to be moved and that we are getting some value. I also struggle with the stripping of trees. Are we asking for enough money to reclaim because I have yet to see a gravel pit in the area that has ben reclaimed?” Bill Scarrow “This is an existing gravel operation. It has scarred the land, absolutely it has. Our choice is to close them down or not. Business is business and we have to continue and we have an opportunity to get it into agriculture production,” once it is done.
Owen Dickie “It’s crushing gravel without a permit and it hasn’t been in compliance for six years. It is loud. I live there and it’s not quiet.”
Blair Ireland “There are a lot of the gravel pits in the area and it would be really nice to see one reclaimed. It would be nice to use up a few and move forward but we’ll have to keep working on that.” Matt Vader “We haven’t done a very good job with soil extraction permits….I can appreciate the economic and job benefits and the lack of complaints says something about the operation. What are we becoming and what are we doing? We are going to start to have more conflict. We did buy the rail trail and we do have Pelmewash going forward.” James Baker “Urban mining was an issue we have had to deal with since we incorporated. We couldn’t do much before we incorporated. The mining act supercedes the municipal act. It wasn’t until we got a soil removal deposit bylaw that we could put conditions on (the operations). It has improved considerably and we do recoup some costs.”
Creek gears up for new tourist season Call it the new and improved Kangaroo Creek Farm. Expanded from three acres to more than nine acres this year, the farm has been open for Spring Break and now features an Outback section, located across Middle Vernon Creek, giving animals and visitors more space to move around. Plans also include a new parking lot across Main Street from the farm as well as more animals to intrigue the expected deluge of tourists this summer. The farm will close its main area for a few months this year to allow for some of the grass to grow back. It will be open until April 3 including weekends and holidays before going to a weekend
opening through April. April: Open weekends and holidays in April from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed during the week. Open for Earth Day on Friday April 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May and June: Open every day, including the weekends and the holidays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. July and August: Open every day including the weekends and the holidays, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and every evening, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. September: Open every day, including the weekends and the holidays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. October: Open only on the holidays in October. Closed during the week.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.
There’s a purpose to kids’ play
OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2
Today is halfway between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. It’s also Spring Break for my grandchildren—five ex-
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding
Life and Faith
Jim Taylor
Tessa Ringness Production Manager
tra days off school, plus the Easter weekend. Most of the year, parents have their children’s after-school free time fully organized. Soccer practice, perhaps. Or swimming. Music lessons. Boys and girls club. Gym classes. Bal-
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Alternatives to urban drug ghettos My recent columns on B.C.’s struggle with the growing westward migration of transients have produced responses that fall mainly into two groups. The largest is people relieved that somebody is questioning the urban media narrative. That’s the one where drifters, drug addicts, welfare shoppers and thieves are the victims, and working people whose hardearned communities are being degraded are the problem because of their selfish, uncaring attitudes. Then there are readers so marinated in our nanny-state education, media and political system they object to anything other than a big-government response. They tend to ask, what’s your solution, Tom? As someone who has lost one relative to heroin addiction and almost lost another, I reflect on the history of successful addiction treatment. That
BC Views
Tom Fletcher is one of detox and abstinence. That’s why I oppose the failed model of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, where resources are poured into concentrated housing and “harm reduction” that perpetuate addiction, handouts and helplessness. Housing Minister Rich Coleman is rolling this out in other communities, in what I fear is an effort to paper over the problem for an election year. The Globe and Mail recently profiled a methamphetamine addict enrolled at Onsite,
the belated treatment addition to Vancouver’s Insite supervised injection site. It was his fifth try, which may have something to do with the fact that when he walks outside he is in the middle of Canada’s biggest street drug bazaar. Contrast that with a facility called Baldy Hughes, a therapeutic community 30 km outside Prince George. It’s a working farm, designed to provide a yearlong program of abstinence-based therapy and meaningful work. It uses the traditional 12-step program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, with peer support and group therapy. There’s a greenhouse for winter farming, livestock to tend and the residents have designed and built a new horse stable. There’s also a beekeeping project. Residents can complete their high school education, take first aid
training and learn basic computer skills. What they can’t do is leave unescorted during their treatment program. They can’t bring drugs, alcohol, weapons or phones with them. It’s a costly program, with a small number of spaces available on referral from B.C.’s social development ministry. Others can finance it with the help of medical employment insurance. I mention this not to suggest it is a solution for every community, but to compare it with what the B.C. government is spending millions on. A news event was arranged to greet the first resident moving from Victoria’s squalid downtown tent camp to a refurbished nursing home. And who was the poster child for this project, hand-picked by the agency that runs the growing network of shelters in the area? He described himself as a former Edmon-
ton resident who was hitch-hiking around, going from shelter to shelter and ending up camped in the squat. He was impressed by the tidy room with three meals a day he was being given, in a “low barrier” facility where booze and drugs are brought in, no questions asked. What he was really looking forward to, in addition to accommodations, was an opportunity to kick back and play his favourite video game. That would be Grand Theft Auto, where your character runs around stealing cars, escaping police and meeting with criminal gangs. It’s popular with adolescents, which these days means anyone under 30. This is where your tax dollars are going. Waves of people come in, with key trouble spots being communities on the major highways coming into the Lower Mainland. @tomfletcherbc
let. Whatever it is, it keeps the kids occupied, with some kind of adult supervision, until the parents get home from work. Spring Break upsets the schedule. So what do you do? You can’t just let them play unsupervised, can you? From a safety perspective, of course not. But Peter Gray, a psychologist and research professor at Boston College in Massachusetts, suggests that unsupervised play might be children’s most valuable learning time. Children at play, he argues, are not just playing. They’re learning how to regulate themselves. “The reason play is such a powerful way to impart social skills,” Gray wrote in an article for Aeon Magazine, SEE TAYLOR A5
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 23, 2016 A5
opinion ▼ YOUR WILL
Questions to get you thinking about estate planning If you don’t already have a will in place, or if you haven’t looked at your will for a while, take five minutes to answer these simple questions. You may be surprised how many of them apply to you. Do you have a will? If you die without a will, your assets may be administered by the Public Trustee and distributed in a manner contrary to your wishes. Do you have children? Your will is the legal instrument that allows you to appoint an executor/trustee and the guardian of your chil-
Vanessa DeDominicis
Have a Plan dren. If you do not have a will, the government may act as guardian of your children until a court appointed guardian is selected, and any
money for the benefit of your children will be held by the government until your children turn 19. Wouldn’t you prefer to appoint close family members or friends to take care of your children and to control at what age they receive their Trust fund? Has there been a change in your marital status? Divorce or marriage may have a significant impact on your estate distribution. Children of a prior marriage may not receive what is intended without the completion of a new will.
Are you a blended family? A blended family situation adds complexity to your estate plan. Tangled assets, ex spouses, “your children, my children and our children” can have major ramifications on your estate plan. Has there been a change in your net worth? Probate fees increase and tax matters become more complex as your net worth increases. There are ways to minimize both for your estate. Do you have a Power of Attorney and Representation Agreement?
If you become incapacitated without an Enduring Power of Attorney and Representation Agreement, your financial and health care decisions may become the responsibility of a government official who is not familiar with your wishes. Do you know much about trusts? You’ve probably heard the term but how do you know if it’s right for you? Trusts are an excellent tool which can protect your estate from Wills Variation claims and save you thousands in taxes. Do you have a busi-
Negotiation, compromise all in a day’s play TAYLOR FROM A4 “is that it is voluntary. Players are always free to quit, and if they are unhappy they will quit. So the goal, for every player who wants to keep the game going, is to satisfy his or her own needs and desires while also satisfying those of the other players. “Social play involves lots of negotiation and compromise. “Preschoolers playing a game of ‘house’ spend more time figuring out how to play than actually playing. Everything has to be negotiated—who gets to be the mommy, who gets to use which props… “Or watch an agemixed group of children playing a pickup game of baseball. A pickup game is directed by the players themselves, not by outside authorities (coaches and umpires) as a Little League game would be. The players have to choose sides, negotiate rules to fit the conditions, decide what’s fair
Jesus’ later life persuades me that most of his games were unstructured, whatever they were. Whenever external authorities— the Pharisees, the High Priests, the Romans— tried to make him play by their rules, he did things differently. He adapted. He compromised. He tried to keep all the players in the game.t. Jim Taylor
and foul. They have to co-operate not just with the players on their team, but also with those on the other team…” Yes, kids get angry sometimes. But, says Gray, “Children who want to continue play-
Calendar Lake Country
ing know they have to control that anger, use it constructively and not lash out. Tantrums might work with parents, but they never work with playmates.” The lessons learned in childhood play, Gray suggests, will later influence how we handle our marriages, our work, even our worship preferences. The proximity of Easter makes me wonder what kind of games Jesus played as a child. I’m fairly sure he didn’t play Little League baseball. Not just because baseball hadn’t been invented yet. But because Peter Gray used Little League as an example of structured play, where a distant authority defines the rules; coaches and umpires enforce them. Jesus’ later life persuades me that most of his games were unstructured, whatever they were. Whenever external authorities—the Pharisees, the High Priests, the Romans—tried to
make him play by their rules, he did things differently. He adapted. He compromised. He tried to keep all the players in the game. And the umpires and coaches didn’t like it. You
can’t have a player who doesn’t play by the rules, can you? So they crucified him. Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
ness? Giving assets or shares in a company is a tricky business. Any shareholder agreements or partnership agreements need to be carefully reviewed by your lawyer to ensure they reflect your wishes. Do you have assets outside of B.C.? If you own assets in another province (i.e. Alberta) or country (i.e. USA) it is very important to discuss these with your lawyer to make sure your estate plan pro-
vides for the most tax effective disposition of these assets. This is provided as information only and should not be construed as legal advice. Vanessa DeDominicis is a long time Lake Country resident who practices in the area of wills and estates at Pushor Mitchell LLP in Kelowna. 250-869-1140
St. Edward’s Roman Catholic Church
Easter Vigil Saturday, March 26th 8:00 pm
Easter Sunday Mass March 27th 9:00 am
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Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
Training grant helps set B.C. students up for success
elivering B.C.’s fourth consecutive balanced budget was no easy feat—it came after years of tough decision-making and fiscal discipline in the midst of global economic uncertainty. But that prudence has paid off, because our government is now in a
position to make some important investments that will make a real difference in the lives of British Columbians. One of the best investments we can make is in our future— our children and grandchildren. That’s why we’ve expanded a significant program that’s helping
“Open hearts... open minds... open doors”
ReThink Church
MLA’s Report
Steve Thomson parents and grandparents save for their loved one’s future post-secondary education needs. We’re investing $39 million to extend the
B.C. Training and Education Savings Grant to eligible children born in 2006. Previously, it was offered to kids born in 2007 or later. This commitment means the families of 40,000 additional children will be able to apply for the grant later this year. To be eligible, children must be residents of B.C. along with a parent or guardian. It’s a simple process– all families need to do is open an RESP account before the child turns seven years old to get the grant. Families have three years to submit an application
for the grant when their child becomes eligible. No matching or additional contributions are required—however, if a contribution of $50 per month was made after your child’s 6th birthday, you could have up to $9,000 saved by the time he or she turns 18. What a great head start for your future student. Since the launch of the B.C. Training and Education Savings Grant in August, more than 9,000 applications have been approved for a total of $8.1 million in grants. B.C.’s credit unions, with more than
got hurt?get help.
includes children’s church
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Winfield Community Church
Sunday Morning Service for All Ages
10:15 a.m. pastor sean harder 9460 GlenMore roAd 250-766-2753
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Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
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ary education, so they can take advantage of B.C.’s strong and growing economy. For more information on the B.C. Training and Education Savings Grant, call 1-888276-3624 or visit: www. For more information on how to open an RESP, visit: Steve Thomson is the Liberal MLA for Kelowna-Mission and B.C.’s Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688
350 branches, were the first major financial institutions to offer the grant. BMO Bank of Montreal was the first bank to sign on so people could apply for it in their 100 branches. We know that nearly 80 per cent of job openings in the next decade will require some form of post-secondary education and training, which is why our government continue to invest in education. The B.C. Training and Education Savings Grant will help and encourage parents to plan and save for their children’s post-second-
• Worm Bins too, ($80) - great for apartments or condos. • New this year Rain Barrels ($75), collect naturally soft rain water for use in your garden.
• Pre-order sale only, March 1-31 (pickup composters in early May).
If you want your bike to be where you left it, lock it up tightly Police in the Okanagan remind cyclists to properly secure your bicycles when leaving them unattended for any length of time. With the warmer weather upon us, the RCMP have seen an increase in bike riders and with more bikes in circulation goes more bike thefts. While a theft of your investment can take just moments, the inconvenience and financial loss will last much longer. Year to date in 2016 the Kelowna RCMP have taken 46 reports of stolen bicycles, compared to 29 reported thefts in 2015. RCMP often receive reports of bicycles being stolen after they are left unattended and unsecured even for short periods of time. Investigators often aren’t provided with the necessary details such as the bicycle’s serial number, its make, model, type, speed and frame size to properly identify and return any recovered bicycles to their rightful
To place your order visit or call the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250-469-6250.
d v o
p h t p f T
owners. RCMP are offering l the following tips to cyc- p lists: v • Always keep your bicycle locked even if only w left unattended for a P short period of time in h public places or at home • Locking your bicycle a even if it is inside your d garage, your shed, or on $ your porch n • Always use a high G quality lock designed n specifically for bicycles, s ensure that you secure it C to an immovable object i and if possible take all removable parts with you D • Record your bis cycles serial number and take photographs of your g bike, regardless of its m value, so that it can be g added to police computer records, which helps h police identify the bikes w should they be located; a • It’s also a good idea to have your bicycle and/ a or it’s accessories identi- f fied with your driver’s licence number, and W • Report promptly any c theft of a bicycle to lo- v cal police b w c
Calendar Lake Country
($1 00 value)
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
t e B t
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 23, 2016 A7
news SISTERS Maureen (left) and Jacquie Wills review plans for the Rail Trail Corridor during an open house at the Coldstream municipal office last week.
Dr. Trinity Smith and Dr. Carey Keith would like to welcome
Dr. Autumn Pulfer to their practice.
Dr. Carey Keith • Dr. Autumn Pulfer • Dr. Trinity Smith
Trail ‘huge asset to region’ RICHARD ROLKE
will pursue senior government grants for construction but much of the necessary money will come through fundraising by the Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative. Brad Clement, with the ORTI, says more than $5 million will be needed for construction and he is confident there is public support. “We have this amazing community and it will take everyone throwing money towards it,” he said, adding that fundraising could begin at the end of April. “We have strong commitments already and other groups want to
raise money.” Besides Coldstream, public open houses have been held in Oyama, Winfield and Kelowna. “Most people coming out say this is a great opportunity. People living closer to it have issues such as parking and litter control,” said Andrew Gibbs, City of Kelowna project manager. Gibbs admits that while there have been common concerns, specific issues have arisen in some communities. “In Coldstream, we have heard about horses but we have not heard about horses in Kelowna,” he said.
Take your best shot!
We’re looking for photographs for our annual Lake Country Calendar ‘2017 Calendar’! We’d like to fill the pages with local photography, taken by Lake Country residents, or visitors, that have memorable shots they wish to share. Pictures should showcase the community, lifestyle, or the wonderful scenery of Lake Country.
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
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✔ New door faces ✔ New trim color ✔ New drawer faces ✔ New end panels ✔ New door hinges ✔ New door handles ✔ Crown moulding
Lake Countr y
Photo Contributed by: Darlene Thiessen
1901 Kalamalka Lake Road • 250-549-0402
Compliments of the
We need at least 14 photographs to fill the pages of the calendar. Photos need to be at least 8” wide, full colour and have a resolution of at least 300dpi.
A recreational corridor spanning half of the valley is generating a lot of interest. A steady flow of people attended an open house last Thursday at the Coldstream municipal office to look at plans for the Okanagan Rail Trail. “I can hardly believe it’s going to happen,” said resident Harvey Gee. “It’s right up there with Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park. It’s a huge asset to the region.” The 47.5-kilometre abandoned rail corridor was purchased for $22 million by Kelowna, Lake Country, the Greater Vernon partners of Vernon, Coldstream and Areas B and C, along with the provincial government. - Resident Walt Duncan has cycled five such areas in Europe. “This will be as good as any. It will be a money-maker for the region,” he said of tourism. Avid cyclist Kit Johaneson is looking forward to the journey along Kalamalka Lake. “It’s fabulous. This is a flat route and it will be friendly to use,” he said. However, Jacquie Wills, who lives near the corridor, has some reservations. “It’s a wonderful idea but they will have to work out parking for cars,” she said. “I hope B.C. Parks establishes a spot for horses and trailers at Kekuli Bay Provincial Park for the trail.”
Planning for the trail is currently underway between the local governments and the Okanagan Indian Band, which shares a portion of the former track. “We want to make sure we’re cognizant of any concerns and public expectations,” said David Sewell, Regional District of North Okanagan chief administrative officer. It’s hoped construction will start in 2017 and the plan is for a fourmetre-wide crushed gravel surface, although the trail may be narrower along hillsides. Local jurisdictions
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
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Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
Development surge means long lineups for permits KEVIN PARNELL A development queue for builders and developers to get proper permits from the District of Lake Country stretches all the way to the middle of May, as Lake Country staff continue to be swamped with building permits. And the district says it has already added more staff this year and more will be added next year as increased development is
expected to continue. “It is important to note that business has ebbs and flows where, at some times during the year, we are less busy and at other times more busy,” said Lake Country planner Paul Dupuis. “It is normal that during the spring and summer we tend to receive more applications as it is prime building time for developers and owners.” The district has developed a five-year cap-
Paul Dupuis acity plan that looks at growth projections and needs in all areas of the
municipal operation. The plan is not a public document and was developed and presented to Lake Country council at an in-camera (private) meeting where it was approved by council. But projections of growth point to the need for more employees. “This year we have added an engineering technician to manage the Transportation for Tomorrow Plan, a financial analyst to assist with
District working on access design standards Main Street Esthetics
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committee at last week’s council meeting. One of them asked the district to consider implementing design standards to take into account accessibility and mobility issues in developments and make it easier for people who might be in wheelchairs or have other disabilities to have access to
Transportation for Tomorrow and additional growth, a seasonal by-
cian to its staff, as called for in the capacity plan. Lake Country is coming off its busiest year ever for building permits. According to figures released by the municipality, construction investment in the district totalled $68.9 million in 2015, an increase of 36 per cent over 2014. There were 339 permits issued by staff last year, compared to 268 in ‘14. newsroom@
It’s wood tick season
The District of Lake Country will investigate how it can create design standards for new commercial and multi-family developments to make buildings more accessible for people with disabilities. Lake Country council passed three recommendations from its Access and Age-friendly
Alberto De Feo
law enforcement officer in addition to the one we already have, and an exhibit clerk for the RCMP department which will free up a member’s time to attend regular duties,” said Alberto De Feo, Lake Country’s chief administrative officer. “The plan will be reviewed annually with each department head.” De Feo added that next year the district will add a planning techni-
the buildings and parking spots. Another motion asked council to review and establish a yearly budget to provide ASL/voice services at community public and emergency events while a third recommendation asked that a letter be sent to Kelowna-Lake Country MLA Norm Letnick asking for reinstatement of the $45 per year transit pass for people with disabilities. All the motions were passed by Lake Country council and are now in the hands of district staff to carry out. ••• The Oyama Legion is offering free pool on Fridays. From now on, people wanting to play some pool can drop by the Oyama branch 189 Royal Canadian Legion on Fridays from 3 p.m. until closing for free pool.
We aren’t the only ones enjoying the warm weather—wood ticks are out again. These small bugs feed on the blood of mammals, like us, and can sometimes transmit disease. Ticks are often found in tall grass and wooded areas, so cover up before you head outside and check for ticks on yourself, your children, and your pets when you come in. These simple things go a long way to prevent tick bites. “The most common tick species in the Interior Health region is the wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni), which is not known to carry the Lyme disease bacteria,” said Dr. Silvina Mema, medical health officer with Interior Health. “The wood tick can carry other diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, although it is very rare. Some ticks also have toxins that can cause temporary muscle weakness and paralysis but the symptoms
Calendar Lake Country
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
fade once the tick is removed.” The tick species that carries Lyme disease (Ixodes pacificus) is more common in the coastal areas of B.C., but may also be present in low numbers in areas within Interior Health. Less than one per cent of Ixodes ticks in B.C. carry Lyme disease. In addition to fever, headache and muscle pain, people infected with Lyme disease will often develop a rash that looks like a “bulls-eye” target and expands from the site of the tick bite. “Most tick bites do not result in illness; however, all tick bites should be cleaned, as infection can occur whenever there is a break in the skin,” added Mema. “Signs of many tickborne infections can be quite similar and include fever, headache, muscle pain, and rash. Anyone who experiences a bullseye rash or other symptoms should see a doctor as soon as possible.” Other precautions in-
clude walking on cleared t rails when in tall grass or wooded areas; wearing a hat, long sleeves, pants, and light-coloured clothing; tucking pant legs into socks or boots; applying insect repellent containing DEET on uncovered skin; and carefully checking clothing and scalp (covered or not) when leaving an area where ticks may live. If you find a tick on yourself, a family member, or pet, wear gloves and gently remove it. Use needle-nose tweezers to gently grasp the tick close to the skin and pull the tick straight out without squeezing its body. After removal, clean the area with soap and water. If you have concerns or need assistance, contact your family doctor or visit a walk-in medical clinic. More information is available at this websites: interiorhealth. ca/YourEnvironment/ Com-municableDiseaseControl/Pages/ Ticks.aspx.
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 23, 2016 A9
Bennetts help raise funds to end Alzheimer’s ALISTAIR WATERS The late Bill Bennett, former premier of B.C., is this year’s honouree at the annual Investor’s Group Walk for Alzheimer’s being held in the Kelowna. The walk, the biggest awareness and fundraiser organized by the Alzheimer Society of B.C. each year, is scheduled for May 1. Bennett, who was from Kelowna and represented this area as an MLA in the B.C Legislature during his years in politics, died in December after a long battle with Alzheimer’s. His son Steve, speaking last week at a kickoff for the upcoming awareness and fundraising walk, said by supporting the event he felt he and his family were doing what his father would have done—continuing to fight to help find a cure for the debilitating form of dementia that robs its victims of their memories. “We all know how competitive my father was,” said Steve Bennett, who personally donated
family, we did,” said Steve Bennett, adding he remains confident one day a cure for Alzheimer’s will be found. He is encouraging everyone to register and turnout for the walk, noting it is now a national event.
He didn’t want to talk about it but as a family, we did. Steve Bennett on his father Bill Bennett’s Alzheimer’s disease.
STEVE BENNETT, the son of the late former B.C. premier Bill Bennett was joined by Alzheimer Society of B.C CEO Maria Howard at the kick-off to this year’s Walk For Alzheimer’s, set for May.
$5,000 to the Alzheimer Society of B.C. to help fund research that one day could lead to a cure. He said for his father, the early onset of the dis-
ease was slow but sped up quickly once his dad turned 80. In the last years of Bill Bennett’s life, he had to be transferred to a care
home and was at the point where he did not recognize his children or his wife of 60 years. “He didn’t want to talk about it but as a
Paramount closing The Paramount Theatre in Kelowna is closing, and marks the occasion with special presentations from March 25 to 28. A portion of proceeds from tickets sales for that weekend will go to Kids Help Phone. The Paramount Theatre opened its doors in June 1949, and was acquired by Landmark Cinemas of Canada in 1987. In a nod to its storied movie-past, the
films to be screened will include two movies from 1949—Orson Welles’ The Third Man and Abbott & Costello’s Africa Screams; from 1987— Harry and Hendersons and the original Beverly Hills Cop. Ticket prices are $3, with $1 from each ticket sold being donated Batman vs. Superman will be also be presented at regular admission pricing.
The Kelowna walk will start in Mission Creek Regional Park at 11.a.m on May 1. The confidence in finding a cure expressed by the younger Bennett is a reflection of the research into the Alzheimer’s disease currently ongoing at a number of universities around the world, including right here in Kelowna at UBC Okanagan. Dr. Ardis Klegeris is
leading the team conducting the local research. Klegeris said while a drug to cure the disease is still likely some time off, other research has found that there are steps that can be taken in mid-life to help fend it off later in life or, at least, slow it down. Given that Alzheimer’s is considered a “late-life” disease, Klegeris said it has been shown that lifestyle changes such as exercise, maintaining an ideal weight, mental activity, a good and balanced diet and not smoking or drinking heavily in midlife could delay development of Alzheimer’s later on. He said world-wide, the biggest risk factor for the disease is actually low education, while in North America it is obesity. Locally, he said, re-
search is focusing on the use of an arthritis drug, Auranofin, as a method of slowing the onset of Alzheimer’s. But Klegeris said because the disease cannot be identified for certain until after death, there is a lack of test subjects to try out potential helpful drugs. He said Alzheimer’s is primarily a human disease, with only a few types of animals getting what could be a related form of it. But still, he remains confident a cure will be found. “It’s not a question of if, it’s when,” said Klegeris. To register for this year’s Walk For Alzheimer’s, go to walkforalzheimer’ Walks will also be held across B.C., including in Penticton, Nelson and Vernon.
Look to the pages of the Lake Country Calendar for information about great events happening in our community! If you’d like to talk about how advertising in the Lake Country Calendar can help your business or community event, please call or email me and I’d be delighted to meet with you.
Calendar Lake Countr y
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Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
Tourism gets help finding workers to fill posts The tourism industry in the Southern Interior is getting some help
to find the thousands of new workers it says will be needed over the next
four years. B.C.’s tourism and hospitality human re-
source association, go2HR, has appointed a regional human re-
sources specialist to address what the Thompson Okanagan Tourism
Association predicts will be a major labour market challenge here.
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Ginger Brunner has been hired as the regional human resources specialist and will be based out of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association’s office in Kelowna. According to TOTA, the new position—created in partnership between it and go2HR—is needed because finding tourism staff is becoming increasingly difficult, particularly in regions outside of the Lower Mainland. TOTA says that by 2020, there will be more than 12,000 new, fulltime equivalent job openings in the tourism sector in this region alone, and a shortage of more than 1,600 fulltime equivalent staff. By having Brunner join the TOTA office, the association says go2HR will extend its professional reach into his area. Brunner is a certified human resource professional and trainer with more than 15 years of applied human resources and management experience in the tourism and hospitality industry. She brings experience in developing, facilitating and supporting HR programs, as well as facilitating a range of college and university recruitment initiatives. The plan is for her to work with tourism operators and stakeholders in the Central Okanagan to set up recruitment, retention and training initiatives outlined in both the provincial Tourism Labour Market Strategy and the Thompson Okanagan Regional Tourism Strategy. “By working with go2HR, TOTA is able to help ensure that tourism employers will have the right number of qualified employees to meet the demand of the industry and help increase the Thompson Okanagan’s impeccable reputation for visitor experience,” said Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA’s president and CEO. “Our expanded role in destination development activities supported by our provincial Crown corporation Destination British Columbia further enabled this important program to be established in the region.”
10.Public 11.Brash 19.Speaker 21.Jack’s tote 22.Teen affliction 23.Monthly expense 25.Golf shot 28.Dark-haired 29.Away from home
42.Broadway bust 43.Abide 44.Pulpit word 46.Spool of film 47.Soldier’s standing 51.Yes vote 52.Neckline style 53.Total up
Upgrade costing $4 million to address ‘broader range’ of trials
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Copyright © 2015, Penny Press
21.Fire crime 25.Sugar unit 27.Jack’s companion 28.Delighted 31.Citric ____ 32.Letter after cee 33.Oxen team 34.Exercise program 36.Bird of ill ____ 37.Hat’s place 38.Visitor 39.Light tap 41.Corroded 44.Purposes
46.Lab workers 51.Netting 52.2,000 pounds 53.Western resort 54.Meat spread 55.Clump of turf 56.Lawyer’s abbr.
DOWN 1. Descend Mt. Snow 2. Cackler 3. Small insect 4. Stag’s mate
29.____ out (barely makes) 30.Fender flaw 32.Subtracts 35.Between Feb. and Apr. 38.Sports facility 39.Lady’s shoe 40.Adrift 42.Go away! 43.Care for 45.“____ Done Him Wrong” 47.Pension-plan abbr. 48.Assortment 49.Explosive letters 50.____ sauce
Lake Country
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Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm • 10080 Main Street • 778 – 215 - 5247
COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date
•HUGE COMMUNITY YARD SALE/SWAP-MEET - Winfield Memorial Hall April 9, 9am-3pm. Sponsored jointly by Winfield Memorial Hall & Lake Country/Winfield Lions Club (both have items for sale). For info and/or book a table: John 250 717 7615. •1ST LC SCOUTS GARAGE SALE - April 16 & 17, 9am-2pm. 14550 Middle Bench Rd., Oyama. If you can donate gently used items call Colet 250-548-0065 to arrange for pick up. •NEW FOOD BANK NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: Various Jobs to fill, from filling containers, to filling hampers, to filling shelves, to answering the phone. If you can give a couple of hours or more a week we want you. 250-766-0125 •LAKE COUNTRY FOOD ASSISTANCE SOCIETY - Hours of Operation, Tues, Wed, Thurs 9-12 • 1-3. Hampers only on assigned day: Tues 9-12 • 1-2:30. Wed 9-12 • 1-2:30. Thurs 1-2:30. New clients please make appointment 1st 250-766-0125 •OSTEOFIT CLASSES - Strengthening & Fall Prevention Program. Tuesdays 3:30 to 4:30. Lake Country Seniors’ Center, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Contact Bobbi to try out a class/questions: (250) 317-3508. •EASTER TURKEY COMMUNITY BINGO - Thurs., March 24, Winfield Senior Citizens’ Activity Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Doors open 6pm, games start 7pm. Concession open. 50/50 Draw. Lord/lady game. All welcome. (Sponsored by the Old Age Pensioners’ Organization) •EASTER DINNER - March 24, noon, complete turkey dinner $12. Tickets can be bought from March 14 & on. •LAKE COUNTRY OUTDOORS CLUB - Welcomes hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, and sturdy boots for hiking. For information about our club, please contact: •LOOKING TO VOLUNTEER IN YOUR COMMUNITY? Wanting to make a difference in someone’s life? Then call Lake Country Health Planning Society at 778-215-5247! We have many different opportunities available. Office hours Mon-Thurs, 10am-2pm. •LAKE COUNTRY HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - Proudly offers the Better At Home program for seniors aged 65+. If you are a senior who could benefit from non-medical supports to help maintain your independence at home, call our office 778-215-5247. All calls confidential. Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 10am-2pm. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTER - Osteofit-Seniors fall prevention program. Tuesday’s 3:30-4:30. Osteofit is a safe and appropriate fitness program for ALL seniors whose goal is to build bone and muscle mass, increase balance and prevent falls. Try a free class and see if it is a fit for you! 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. •LAKE COUNTRY SCI-FI BOOK CLUB - 3rd Wednesday of each month. April 20. Bring a list of five books you’d like to read. Lake Country Branch-Okanagan Regional Library, #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Be prepared to talk about your favourite book of all time. •BABYTIME - (newborn to 18 months) Fri. mornings at 10:30am to 11am, until May 13. Join us for songs, rhymes & giggly fun! Free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. •STORYTIME - (recommended for ages 5 & under) Sat. mornings at 10:30am to 11am, until May 14. Caregivers & little ones join us for stories, songs, puppets & more. Free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-766-3141. •LEGO BUILDERS CLUB - (ages 6-12) Wed. afternoons 3:30-4:30 pm, March 23, April 27. See what creations you can build with our Lego! Free. Registration required & begins 2 weeks before the program date. 250-766-3141 •LAKE COUNTRY LIBRARY ADULT PROGRAMS - Book Chat Sat. Apr 9 at 2:30pm. Knitting Circle Thurs. afternoons until March 31. Programs are free & drop-in. #2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road in the Municipal Hall. 250-7663141. •ANGEL AWARD TALENT SHOW - June 25. Looking for talent between ages 10 & 25. In support for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Competition now open. Late registration fees are applicable-don’t delay! One live audition day March 2016 – register now at Creekside Theatre., website: •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road Ballroom Dancing class on Wednesdays 6-8pm. Call 250-766-4220 for more info •OYAMA BOOK CLUB - Join Michelle in the Oyama Library on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm for a lively discussion of the month’s title. Copies available in the Oyama Library. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIOR CENTRE - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road is open Mon.-Fri. 10am-2pm to answer questions about seniors’ issues. We are in need of volunteers to do odd jobs. Our next event: Prime Time is held on the first & third Monday of the month - call Joanne at 250-766-0667. Have a plaque installed on the Memorial Wall for $20. This is a great place to share with loved ones. Call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568. •BRING BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE - Taoist Tai Chi® at the Oyama Community Hall at 6:30pm. For further info call Shirley at 250-548-3254. •LAKE COUNTRY SENIORS BUFFET - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. Meals $9 every Tues. @ noon.. Take home meals $7 & freezer meals will be $5. When available don’t forget about the 2 free meals. •ST. FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHURCH’S SPRING SOUP SMORG - Sat., April 9, 11am-1pm, Winfield Senior Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Baking, crafts, canning & collectibles table. Lunch, too. •WINFIELD AUXILIARY CRIBBAGE - 3rd Sun., every month. Registration @ 9AM, Game starts @ 10AM sharp. $26 per team, includes a light lunch. Contact 250-878-2834 for more information. •BADMINTON - Fridays 9:30-11:30 Oyama Hall. Drop-in $2.50. Great exercise & fun for all. Contact Rob. 766-3034 •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 - Meat draw every Sat., at 2pm. •BETTER AT HOME - is a program to help seniors live in their own homes longer by providing non-medical support services including transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, light housekeeping & friendly visits. LC Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+. Please call 778-215-5247 for more info, or if you are able to help seniors in your community by volunteering. •LC FOOD BANK THRIFT STORE - 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank., & run by our friendly volunteers. For more info on donating and/or volunteering, please call 778-480-3250. Winter hours: Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 11am-4pm. •CRIBBAGE - Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP - (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. •LC LINE DANCERS - Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDGE - Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS - (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for info. •LC HEALTH PLANNING SOCIETY - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Meaningful opportunities are available, in the Better at Home program & on Committees: Communications, Nominations, Health & Wellness Fair & LC CARES (Community Action & Response to Elder Abuses).Call for info 778-215-5247 or “get connected” at •DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? - VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help a neighbour maintain their independence by giving them a ride. LC Health Planning Society is matching volunteer drivers with seniors through the Better at Home Program. Training, support & compensation are provided. Call for info 778-215-5247. ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS will be placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations. LAKE COUNTRY CALENDAR OFFICE: 2495 ENTERPRISE WAY, KELOWNA BC.
Calendar Lake Countr y
nc e 19
ACROSS 1. Herringlike fish 5. Garden vegetable 8. Cobblers’ tools 12.Game of chance 13.Rowboat paddle 14.Dice or mince 15.Bank payment 17.Cato’s clothing 18.Space under a roof 20.Fortune
5. Bard 6. Sunrise direction 7. Newspaper piece 8. Take steps 9. Healthy 10.Trademark 11.Argument 16.Managed 19.Billiard stick 21.Not quite closed 22.Paddy crop 23.Least 24.Dated ditty 26.Louisiana swamp 28.Ballpoint, e.g. A11
Yea rs
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing for 65 years! since 1951
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Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
Loud bang theory applied to scare off local geese THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2016
TSN CIVT KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E YTV NEWS DISC KAYU WTBS KCTS KING Kelowna is going toCHBC try scare tactics on itsCBC noyance to park and beach users and can affect kinson Recreation Park (including the Apple TheseTLC management techniques are used # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 6 7 9 ; < N permanent Canada goose population. the beach water quality. Geese can also cause Bowl), Elks Stadium, City Park and Waterin conjunction withA the egg addling pro-P The View Bookaboo The Price Is Sugar NHL’s Best Boj The View Criminal Wayside CBC News Yukon Men Steve Dateline: Judge Sesame St. Today :00 SportsCentre Sugar That:30 city has” received a ‘scare permit’ from to sports field turf, increasing the time ” front Park. Kid vs. Kat Network coordinated by Okanagan Valley Goose Debt/Part ” Daniel Tigerdamage Right Debt/Part Premier PAW Patrol Minds ” Harveygram Real Life Judge Peg Plus Cat ” 10 SC Top 10 Service Rachael to Rayuse Thetechniques Marilyn Best Recipes Young Rachael Ray League Monkey See KOMO 4 Criminalgoose Rated A With Carole How/Made Feud Dateline: Divorce :00 Wildlife Canadian and cost& for maintenance. While management will be con- Family Management. Th e public isDinosaur remindedNew to Day keep SC Top 10 ” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” Darts Bucket-Dino News Minds Rated A MacNeil How/Made Family Feud Real Life Divorce Dinosaur Northwest 11as:30 such lasers, falcons,Noon dogs and CTV loud noise While anyNoon park in the area mayPAW require ducted Monday to FridayCBC from 6 a.m. gooseMillionaire nests andSuper to avoid Hockey News News CBC News KIRO News News World Poker Patrol The Chew 60 Days In Chucks News Jadeuntil Fever 4 Crime away Watch from Dateline: Why! touching KING 5 THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2016 Lunch Hour Vancouver Network ” Hour Tour: Alpha8 Kate and ” Squirrel Network Jade Fever Daily Real Life Millionaire Thomas News 12 :00 :30 makers to discourage geese from settling in goose management, residents are advised that ” p.m. year-round, peak activity will occur in the the eggs. The Talk Days of our World Poker Ruf-Tweet General 60 Days In Almost With Andrew Moonshiners: DOCTORS Dateline on Crime Watch Sesame St. Days of our :00 World Wom- Days of our The Social Heartland TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS Kelowna’s parks and beaches. the scare techniques will more often occur in spring and fall when there is generally an inInformation about the program is aKING vailable ” ” ” Lives Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Hospital ” Sidekick Nichols Outlaw Cuts Family Feud TLC Daily Cat in the Lives 1 :30 en’s Cham- Lives pionships The $ Talkdroppings Dr. Phil FABLife The ( Talk Tim ) and Sid Park, Maya The ` Doctors 60 Days In Wayside Power & Moonshiners Best; Saw! Dateline Curious Dr. Phil # of goose %is anMurdoch & these _ * 1 6 7 9 <on KingA N P The:00 prevalence anparks: Mission Recreation Parcrease in geese population. at ” ” ” Mysteries ” ” ” Curious ” ” Kid vs. Kat Politics ” The Office TLC King Curious ”
2 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2016 12 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 6 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 :00 3:30 :30 8 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 :30 9 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 12:00 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 1:00 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 2:30 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 7 :30 :30 :00 8 :30 MARCH 25, 2016 FRIDAY, 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 10 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 11:30 :30 10 :00 :00 12:30 :30 11 :00 FRIDAY, 12 :30 MARCH 25, 2016 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2016 :00 :00 1:30 :30 6 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7 :30 2:00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 8 3:30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 9 :30 4:00 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 10 5:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 11 6:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 1:30 :30 12 7 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 8 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 7 :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2016 8 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 10:00 :30 10 :00 11:30 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2016 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11:00 :30 :00 5 :30 12:00 :30 :00 SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2016 6 :30 1:00 :30 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2:00 :30 :00 # $ % & 8 :30 3:00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 4:00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 5:00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 6:00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 :30 7 SportsCentre ” ” ” SC Top 10 Hockey SC Top 10 SC Hockey SC Lunch SC Top 10 WorldWorld Wom2016 en’s ChamWomen’s
Sugar The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Ray Young & ” Restless Noon News News Hour ” Days ofNat. our Global Lives CHBC News
pionships Curling ” Champion-
The Tonight Talk Dr. Phil Ent. Grey’s ” ” ET Canada Anatomy TheBrother Meredith Big Ellen DeGeBig Sugar TheBang View Vieira Show neres Canada DC’s ”Show Debt/Part Young” & The Dr. Oz Rachael Ray Legends The Marilyn Restless Show Side Show Goldbergs ” Denis Show News of CTVCatch News Shades The Noon News CTV News ” Vancouver Blue ” Hour Vancouver GlobalFinal Nat. CTV News News Days of our News-Lisa The Social CHBC News Vancouver Late LivesShow- News--11:30 ” Ent. Tonight Daily Grey’s Colbert Show TheCanada Talk Dr. Phil ET Anatomy ET Canada Corden ” ” Big Brother Big Bang The Meredith DC’s Ellen DeGeCanada Vieira Show neres Show ” Legends Young & The Dr. Oz Side Show Goldbergs Restless Show Shades of The Catch News CTV News Blue ” ” Vancouver News Final News-Lisa Global Nat. News--11:30 CTV News Late ShowCHBC News Vancouver Colbert Daily Show Ent.Canada Tonight Corden Grey’s ET ET Canada Anatomy
” ship: SportsCentre ” vs. Scotland ” Hockey Canada SC Top 10 SC ” SC Top 10 SC SportsCentre Hockey SC Top 10 Lunch” 2016 World SportsCentre World WomWomen’s ” en’s ChamCurling SportsCentre pionships Champion”” ship: ” vs. Scotland ” Canada Hockey ” SC SportsCentre SC ” SC Top 10 SportsCentre 2016 World ” Women’s SportsCentre Curling ” Champion-
ship: Big Brother Scotland vs. Canada Canada ”
” Side Show
The View Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver The Social CTV News ” Vancouver
Big Bang DC’s
Bookaboo Grand Daniel Tiger Designs Best Recipes Canada Stefano Reads 2016 CBC News Dragons’ Network Den Heartland CBC Vancouver” News
The Price Is KIRO 7 Right News Young & 2016 NCAA Restless Basketball KIRO News Tournament ” ” The Talk ” ” 2016 NCAA
Sugar The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Rachael Ray Young & ” Restless Noon News Early News Hour Global Nat. Days of our News Hour Lives ”
NHL’s Best ” Premier ” League NHL’s Best Darts Canucks World Poker NHL Tour: Alpha8 Hockey: World Poker Canucks at Tour: Alpha8 Predators
Boj The Doozers PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Monkey See Mister Maker Bucket-Dino Creative PAW Patrol Dino Dan Kate and Wild Kratts Ruf-Tweet Monster Tumble Leaf Moves
Murdoch 22 Minutes Mysteries Coronation
FABLife The Tonight Talk Basketball Ent. ” ” Tournament ET Canada KIRO ”7 TheBrother Meredith The Price Is Big Sugar News ” Vieira Show Canada Right Debt/Part 2016 NCAA KIRO Post Young ” & Ray Young7 & Rachael Basketball Restless News Side Show Restless ” Tournament Early News Judge Judy Shades of KIRO News Noon News ” Global Nat. 7 Profiles Blue ” Hour ” News Hour KIRO News Global The Talk Days ofNews our 2016ShowNCAA Late Show” Late ” Lives Basketball Ent. Tonight Colbert Colbert FABLife TheCanada Talk Tournament ET Corden ET Canada ” ” ” Big Brother KIRO ”7 The Meredith Canada News Vieira Show KIRO 7 Post ” 2016 NCAA Side Young & News Show Basketball Restless Judge Judy Shades of Tournament Early News 7 Profiles Blue ” Global Nat. KIRO News Global News ” NewsShowHour Late ShowLate 2016 NCAA ” Colbert Colbert Basketball Ent. Tonight Corden ET Canada Tournament ET Canada
Tim and ” Sid ” Sportsnet ” Gotta NHL’sSee BestIt ” NHL’s Best Premier NHL’s Best Shark Cage League Canucks Poker Darts NHL Sportsnet World Poker Hockey: Central Tour: Alpha8 Canucks at Sportsnet World Poker Predators Central Tour: Alpha8 ” Sportsnet Tim and Sid Sportsnet Central ” Gotta See It NHL’s”Best ” Shark Cage NHL’s Best Poker Canucks Sportsnet NHL Central Hockey: Sportsnet Canucks at Central Predators Sportsnet ” Central Sportsnet
Maya Waterfront Curious Cities
The Doozers Ancient Boj PAW Patrol Egypt PAW Patrol Mister Maker New York Monkey See Creative ” Bucket-Dino Dino Dan ” PAW Patrol Wild Kratts ” Kate and Monster ” Ruf-Tweet Moves” Tumble Leaf Waterfront New MayaYork Cities ” Curious Ancient The Doozers Egypt PAW Patrol New York Mister” Maker Creative ” Dino Dan ” Wild Kratts ” Monster ” Moves New York Waterfront ” Cities
Gotta See It NHL’s Best Shark Cage Poker
Grand The Nature Bookaboo Designs of Things Daniel Tiger Canada Firsthand Best Recipes Reads” 2016 Stefano Dragons’ The CBCNational News Den ” Network CBC News VanCBC Heartland couver News Coronation ” 22 Minutes Rick Mercer Murdoch Coronation 22 Minutes Mysteries The Nature Grand of Things Designs Firsthand Canada ” Reads 2016 The National Dragons’ ” Den CBC News CBC VanCoronation couver News Rick Mercer 22 Minutes Minutes 22 Coronation
The Nature of Things
” ”
Legends Goldbergs
Firsthand ”
SportsCentre Shades of ” Blue
The Catch ”
The National Judge Judy ” 7 Profiles
SportsCentre News Final SportsCentre Sugar ” Late Show” Debt/Part SportsCentre Colbert STIHL Rachael Ray ” ET Canada Golf Talk ”
News-Lisa The View News--11:30 ” Daily Show The Marilyn Corden Denis Show
CBC News Bookaboo Coronation Daniel Tiger Rick Mercer Best Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano
Hockey Lunch
Noon News Hour
CTV News Vancouver
CBC News KIRO News marketplace ”
2016 World Women’s
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Heartland ”
Curling Champion-
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Murdoch Mysteries
Big Brother Canada
KIRO 7 Post ” News Side Show
Shades of Blue
Sportsnet Central
Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” 60 Days In The First 48: ” Detective 60 Days The First In 48 ””
Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds Rated A SpongeBob Rated A SpongeBob Chucks SpongeBob Squirrel SpongeBob Almost Assembly Sidekick Nicky, Ricky
CBC News ” Network ” With Carole The MacNeil Exchange CBC News CBC News Network ” WithNational Andrew The Nichols ”
Yukon Men How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ” Jade Fever Diesel Jade Fever Brothers Moonshiners: Misfit Outlaw Cuts Garage
60 Days Days In In 60 ””
Wayside 100 Things Kid vs. Kat Max
Steve Grey’s The View Harvey Anatomy ” KOMO 4 Scandal KOMO 4 News ” News News The The Catch Chew World”News ” KOMO 4 News General News Jimmy Hospital Wheel Live Kimmel The Doctors Jeopardy! Nightline ” Grey’s Steve Anatomy Harvey Scandal KOMO ” 4 News The Catch News ” World News News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Live Wheel Nightline Jeopardy!
The First First 48 48 The Criminal ” Minds” The First 48 The First 48: Criminal ” Detective Minds The First First 48 48: The 60 Days In Detective ”” TheDays First 48 60 60 Days In In ””” 60 Days In The First In 48 60 Days ””” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48: The First Detective 48 ” The First 48 The First 48: ” Detective 60 Days In The First 48 ” ” The First 48 60 Days In ” ”
Sidekick Ice Age Wayside Nerds Easter Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Gags Rated A SpongeBob Gags Rated A SpongeBob Haunting Chucks SpongeBob Haunting Squirrel Assembly Gags Almost Nicky, Ricky Gags Sidekick 100 Things Ice Age Wayside Max Easter Kid vs. Kat Ice Age Sidekick Easter Nerds Gags SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Haunting SpongeBob Haunting SpongeBob Gags Assembly Gags Nicky, Ricky Ice Age 100 Things Easter Max
Power & CBC News Politics ” ” The CBCNational News ”” Network The The WithNational Carole Exchange ” MacNeil CBC News News CBC CBC News ”” Network The National National The With Andrew ”” Nichols CBC News The Power” & Exchange Politics The National ”” ” The National The ” Exchange CBC News CBC News ” ” The National The National ” ” The CBC News Exchange ”
Moonshiners BestBang Saw! Gold Rush Big TheBang Office ”” Big How/Made Fish Oil How/Made Yukon Men American Steve How/Made Pets.TV How/Made Idol ” Harvey Daily Planet Cize It” Up! Diesel How/Made Family Feud ” Raising Brothers ” Feud How/Made Family Diesel Mike Misfit News Jade Fever Crime Watch Brothers Anger Garage Jade Fever Mod DailyFam MisfitRush Two Men Gold Moonshiners: Mike DOCTORS Garage Mod Fam ” Cuts Two Men Outlaw Family Feud Gold Rush Big Bang How/Made How ISaw! Met Moonshiners Best ” Big Bang How/Made Cougar ” The Office How/Made American How/Made Fish Oil How/Made Idol How/Made Pets.TV Diesel ” Daily Planet Cize It” Up! Brothers ” Raising Misfit News Diesel MikeFam Garage Mod Brothers Anger Gold Rush Mike Misfit ” Two Men Men Two Garage Mod Fam How/Made How I Met Gold Rush Big Bang How/Made Cougar ” Big Bang
Ancient Egypt
Grey’s Anatomy
The First 48 ”
Ice Age Easter
The National How/Made ” How/Made
New York ”
Scandal ”
KNOW The KOMO Doctors Wheel ” * ` Jeopardy!
KNOW KOMO ” The Catch ” ” * `
A&E 1
The First 48: Gags Detective Gags
The National Diesel ” Brothers
The First 48 ”
Haunting Haunting
CBC News ”
A&E 1
Misfit Garage
Steve Fish Oil Harvey Pets.TV Family Feud Cize It Up! Family Feud Raising Crime Watch Mike Daily Anger DOCTORS Two Men Family Feud Mod Fam
American Idol ” ”
Dateline: Beauty Real Life Masters Dateline: My 600-Lb. Real Life Life Dateline: My 600-Lb. Real Life Life Dateline on Extreme TLC Weight Loss
Judge Mod Fam Judge Mod Fam Divorce Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Millionaire Desperado Millionaire ” Crime”Watch Daily ”
Dateline ” on TLC ”
King Seinfeld King Seinfeld
Sesame St. Masterpiece Peg Plus Cat Classic Dinosaur Masterpiece Dinosaur Classic Super Why! World News Thomas Business Sesame St. PBS Cat in the NewsHour
Curious Suze OrCurious man’s FinanBeauty Mod Fam Masterpiece Fat Chance Family Solu-St. Dateline: Judge Guy cial Sesame Masters Mod Fam Classic ” Amer. tions for You Real Life Judge Dad Peg Plus Cat My 600-Lb. 600-Lb. Family Big Bang Masterpiece My Dateline: DivorceGuy The Dinosaur Life Big Bang Classic Life Amer. Dad Carpenters: Real Life Divorce Dinosaur My 600-Lb. The Desperado World to News Extreme Middle Close You Dateline: Millionaire Super Why! Life ” Business Weight Loss Payne This Land Is Real Life Millionaire Thomas Extreme ” PBS Land ” on Browns Dateline Crime Watch Your Sesame St. Weight Loss Payne” NewsHour (My TLC ” Daily Cat Music) in the ” Seinfeld Suze OrPaid Prog. Browns YogaDateline King Curious ” on There Seinfeld man’s FinanPaid Prog. Yet? Diabetes TLC King Curious Fat Chance Family Guy cial SoluBeauty Mod Fam Masterpiece ” Amer. Dad tions for You Masters Mod Fam Classic My 600-Lb. Family Guy The My 600-Lb. Amer. Big Bang Masterpiece Life Dad Carpenters: Life Big Bang Classic Extreme The Middle Close to You My 600-Lb. Desperado This World News Weight Loss Payne Land Is Life ” Business ” Browns Your Land Extreme PBSMusic) ” Payne” (My Weight Loss ” NewsHour Paid Prog. Browns Yoga” Seinfeld Suze OrPaid Prog. There Yet? Diabetes ” Seinfeld man’s Finan-
Fat Chance ”
Family Guy Amer. Dad
My 600-Lb. Life
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Today Ellen DeGe” neres Show New Day KING 5 Northwest News at 4 KING 5 KING 5 News News at 5 Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News
Dr. Phil News ” Evening
Ellen Me DeGeYou, and Today neres ”Show ” KING 5 The NewBlacklist Day News ”at 4 Northwest KING 5 of Shades KING 5 News at 5 Blue News Nightly News News Days of our News Tonight Lives News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” You, Me and Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Blacklist KING ”5 News at 4 Shades of KING 5 Blue News at 5 News Nightly News Tonight News Show NewsMeyers Seth Evening
cial SoluYou, Me and tions for You ” The Carpenters:
The Blacklist ”
News Mod Fam
Extreme The Middle Weight Loss Payne
Close to You Shades of This Land Is Blue
Mike Steve Two Men Harvey
” Dateline: ” Real Life
Browns Judge Payne Judge
News Today Tonight ” Show New Day Seth Meyers Northwest KING 5 News
Sportsnet MLB Central Preseason
Sportsnet Baseball: Central Yankees at
” Boj ” PAW Patrol New York Monkey See ” Bucket-Dino
News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live News Nightline Seattle
60 Days In Criminal ” Minds
Gags SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob
The First 48 Ice Age Criminal SpongeBob ” Easter Minds SpongeBob
The National Gold Rush CBC News Mighty ” ” Network Planes The How/Made With Carole How/Made Exchange How/Made MacNeil How/Made
How I Met Paid Prog. Family Feud Dateline: Cougar Paid Prog. Family Feud Real Life
Browns Divorce There Yet? Divorce
Your Land Sesame St. (My Music) Peg Plus Cat YogaDinosaur Diabetes Dinosaur
Noon News Hour
Orioles ”
PAW Patrol Kate and
The Chew ”
The First 48 ”
SpongeBob SpongeBob
CBC News Network
Crime Watch Dateline: Daily Real Life
Millionaire Millionaire
Super Why! Thomas
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
MLB’s Best ”
Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Leaf Hospital
The First 48 ”
SpongeBob SpongeBob
With Andrew Misfit Nichols Garage
Fish Oil Dateline: Family Feud Real Life
Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the
Days of our Lives
FABLife ”
The Talk ”
Tim and Sid ”
Maya Curious
The First 48 ”
SpongeBob SpongeBob
Power & Politics
Gold Rush ”
Prostate The Office
Dateline on TLC
King King
Curious George
Dr. Phil ”
SportsCentre The Sugar The View Bookaboo The Price Is The Sugar ship: Meredith Ellen DeGe- Grand KIRO 7 Meredith MLB ” ” Debt/Part ” Daniel Tiger News Right Debt/Part Tiebreaker Vieira Show neres Show Designs Vieira Show Preseason ”
Boj Doozers Steve The View The PAW Patrol Patrol Harvey ” PAW
Criminal The First 48 Minds”
SpongeBob SpongeBob
CBC News ” Network ”
Mighty Jade Fever Planes Jade Fever
SteveTV! Free Harvey Zoo Clues
Dateline: Say Yes RealYes Life Say
Judge Mod Fam Judge Mod Fam
Sesame St. Ellen TodayDeGeMasterpiece Peg Plus Cat neres ”Show Classic
STIHL Hockey Golf Talk Interruption
Rachael The Dr. Marilyn Best Recipes 2016 Young & Young & Ray The Oz O’Grady NCAA ” Denis Show O’Grady Stefano Restless Restless Show Basketball
Monkey See KOMO News 4 Mister Maker Bucket-Dino News Seattle Creative
Criminal 60 Days In Minds”
SpongeBob SpongeBob
With Carole The MacNeil Exchange
How/Made Jade Fever How/Made Jade Fever
Family Feud Say Dateline: Paid Prog. Yes Family Feud Say RealYes Life Raising
Divorce Big Bang Divorce Big Bang
Dinosaur ” Dinosaur Vicious
Hockey SC Lunch SC
Noon News News Hour ”
CBC News Network ”
DieselFever Jade Brothers Jade Fever
Crime Watch Say Dateline: Mike Yes Daily RealYes Life Anger Say
Millionaire Movie: Millionaire “Road to
Super News Why! KING 5 World Thomas Business News at 5
Fish Men Oil Dateline: Two Say Yes to Family Feud the Real Life Mod Fam Dress
Crime Watch PBS Sesame St. Perdition” Daily ” Cat in the NewsHour
Rachael Baseball: Young & Ray Misplays ” Yankees at Restless Canucks
KNOW KOMO The Doctors * ` ”
CBC News Tournament KIRO News Early Noon News News Dragons’ marketplace Hour Nat. Den ”” Global
Orioles NHL ” Hockey:
PAWDan Patrol Dino Kate Kratts and Wild
2016 World Days ofNat. our CTV The Social World Wom- Global News Women’s Lives News Vancouver ” en’s Cham- CHBC
Heartland CBC News ” Exchange
The Talk ” ” 2016 NCAA
Days of our News Hour Lives ”
MLB’s Best Canucks at Blues ”
Ruf-Tweet General4 Waterfront KOMO Tumble Leaf News Hospital Cities
pionships Curling ” Champion-
Rick Mercer Murdoch Coronation Mysteries
Basketball Ent. ” Sid Island FABLife The Tonight Talk Tim and Maya Tournament ET Canada Sportsnet Escape ” ” ” Curious
Ent. etalk The Tonight Talk Dr. Phil ET Canada Big Bang ” ”
The ship: ” The Blacklist Meredith ” Tiebreaker Vieira SportsCentre Sugar”Show ” Debt/Part SportsCentre NCIS: Hockey YoungNew & ” Orleans Interruption Restless STIHL Rachael Ray SportsCentre Golf Talk SC ” SC Hockey SportsCentre World Lunch Wom” en’s Cham2016 World SportsCentre pionships Women’s ”” Curling ” Champion” ship: SportsCentre Tiebreaker ” Hockey SportsCentre Interruption ” SC SportsCentre SC ” World WomSportsCentre en’s Cham” pionships ”
” ”
CTV News News CTV Vancouver Vancouver
KIRO News Global News The Price Is Sugar Late Show- Late ShowRight Debt/Part Colbert Colbert Young & Rachael Ray Corden ET Canada Restless ”
The View Steve ” Harvey KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News The Chew News ” World News General4 KOMO Hospital News
Rookie News ” Blue ” Noon ”News News Global Nat. Hour Final Late ShowCHBC News Days of our Colbert Ent. LivesTonight ET ET Canada Canada The Talk The Blacklist ” ” The Meredith NCIS: New Vieira Show Orleans Young & Rookie Blue Restless ” News News ”Final Late ShowGlobal Nat. Colbert CHBC News ET Canada Ent. Tonight ET Canada
Shark Tank marketplace Ellen DeGeGrand ”Show Hitched neres Designs The View Bookaboo ” Daniel Grimm the fifthTiger The Dr. Oz O’Grady ” estate Show O’Grady The Marilyn Best Recipes Criminal DenisNews Show CTV Minds Vancouver CTV News News-Lisa CTV News Vancouver News--11:30 Vancouver The Social Big Bang etalk ” Corden Big Bang Dr. Phil Shark ”Tank ” Ellen DeGeGrimm neres Show ” The Dr. Oz Criminal Show Minds CTV News News-Lisa Vancouver News--11:30 CTV News Big Bang Vancouver Corden etalk Big Bang
The Blacklist Shark Tank ” ”
SportsCentre NCIS: New ” Orleans
Grimm ”
SportsCentre Rookie Blue World ”Wom- Fish’n ” en’s Cham- Real SportsCentre NewsFishing Final ” Late Showpionships Powerboat
Criminal Minds The Marilyn
The National Stefano Dragons’ ” Den CBC News CBC News CBC News marketplace Coronation Exchange Heartland Backstage Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes Coronation Murdoch marketplace Mysteries Hitched Grand the fifth Designs estate O’Grady The National O’Grady ” Dragons’ CBC Den News Coronation CBC News Backstage Exchange 22 Minutes Rick Mercer Coronation
marketplace Hitched
the fifth estate
KIRO ”7 ” News The Price Is Right NCAA KIRO 7 Post 2016 News Basketball Young &
The The Blacklist Meredith NBA ” Vieira Sugar”Show Basketball: MLB ” Debt/Part Preseasonat NCIS: Mavericks YoungNew & Misplays Orleans Warriors Restless Rachael Ray Canucks Baseball:
” ”
The Blacklist NBA ” Basketball:
Last Tango in Halifax
” Driving SportsCentre ColbertTV ” ET Canada SC News Motoring TV PGA Tour
The National Judge Judy Rookie Blue Sportsnet ” 7 Profiles Central Absolutely Fishing Fish’n ” MLB Denis Show Canadian Fishing News-Lisa CBC News KIRO ”News Real Global News Preseason Sportsnet News--11:30 Coronation Late ShowLate ShowCentral It Is Written Doc Zone Best/ Powerboat Baseball: etalk ” Basketball Driving Yankees Big Bang Backstage Colbert ColbertTV Sportsnetat Corden 22 Minutes Corden ET Canada Blue Central SportsCentre The Nature College News Jays ” of Things Basketball PGA Tour ”
Creative Last Tango in Halifax Animals Animals
World Wom- Golf: WGCen’s Cham- Dell Match
Corner Gas Corner Gas
Figure Skating
The First 48 ”
A&E 1
60 Days In ”
“Ice Age: Continental
Drift” Movie:
60 Days In “Evan Grand Tours Born-Explore ” ” Almighty” Wild Kratts Wahlburgers Harvey Wild Kratts Sea Rescue Wahlburgers Dreamers News The First 48 Pig Goat ” Westbound Jimmy ” Gags Doki Wildlife Docs Donnie Turtles
Rock-Park Kimmel Live Donnie The First 48 SpongeBob Ice Age: Nightline ” In Cont. Drift Paid Prog. 60 Days Movie: Paid Prog. ” “Jimmy
Our Part World of X Cosmic Vista Games
60 Days In ”
Neutron: Boy Genius”
Canada ”
60 Days In ”
Movie: “One Crazy
The National Absolutely Hockey Canadian NHL Doc Zone Hockey: ”
2016 NCAA Fishing Basketball ” Tournament Best/ ” Basketball
Ice Pilots Fish’n NWT Real Fishing Decoding Powerboat the Ancients Driving TV
Sportsnet MLB Hockey Preseason NHL Baseball: Hockey: Yankees at
Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities Wild Kratts Secrets of Doki ” Creative
” Born-Explore ” Sea Rescue Paid Prog. Wildlife Docs Cougar Rock-Park
TBA News Global Nat. PGA Tour
New Blue York Jays Rangers ” at
Ancient Animals Egypt Animals
News The First In 48 Paid Prog. 60 Days World News ”” Paid Prog.
Ice Pilots Fish’n NWT Real Fishing Decoding Powerboat the Ancients Driving TV
SC SC SC Motoring TV 2016 WorldWorld WomWomen’s en’s ChamCurling pionships Champion”
TBA The Social Boston ” News SportsCentre The Nature College CHBC News etalk ” Bruins at 2016 NCAA PGA Tour of Things Basketball Global Nat. CTV News Basketball Golf: WGCCorner Gas Toronto Figure ” CHBC News Vancouver Leafs Tournament Dell Match Corner Gas Maple Skating ” 16x9 W5 NHL ” Play, Canada’s ” Road to the ” ” Quarterfinals Worst”Driver Hockey: ” Final Four
ship: ” Semifinal ” SportsCentre World WomSportsCentre ” en’s Cham” SportsCentre pionships SC ”” SC ” SC World 2016 ” Motoring TV Women’s SportsCentre World WomCurling ” en’s ChamChampion-
Side Show Ice Pilots First Dates NWT Movie: Fish’n Decoding “Ghost RealAncients Fishing the Storm” Powerboat TBA ” TV Driving CHBC News News News Final Global Nat. Saturday PGA Tour CHBC News Night Live Golf: WGC16x9 ” Dell Match ”
Big Bang Disruptors Anger Moneytalk Mike The Marilyn Marilyn The Cleveland Denis Show Motive It Is Written The Social ” etalk News SportsCentre CTV News News--11:30 ” Vancouver Castle Corner Gas W5 ” Corner ” Gas
Last Man Dr. Ken Shark Tank ”
Play, Hockey Quarterfinals Central
” KIRO _
World” Wom” en’s ChamSportsCentre pionships ””
Disruptors The Marilyn Moneytalk Denis Show The It Is Marilyn Written Denis etalk Show
Road to the Final Four
Play, Canada’s Quarterfinals Worst Driver
Scandal Fishing Tournament ”” Ent. Best/Tonight ” ” Basketball 2016 NCAA KIRO News College Basketball The Insider Basketball Tournament Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. ”
News Hour Golf: WGC” Dell Match
Montreal Blue Jays Canadiens Misplays 16x9 NHL Play, Hockey ” Hockey: Quarterfinals Central Side Show Chicago Ice Pilots Sportsnet First Dates Blackhawks NWT Hockey Movie: at Calgary Fish’n MLB Decoding NHL “Ghost Flames Real Fishing Preseason the Ancients Hockey: Storm” Sportsnet Powerboat Baseball: TBA New York ” TV Central Driving Yankees at at Global Nat. Rangers News Final Sportsnet Blue Jays News Hour Montreal Saturday Central PGA Tour ” ” Canadiens Night Live Sportsnet Golf: WGC- NHL Blue Jays 16x9 ” Central Dell Match Misplays ” Hockey:
KIRO CHAN Chicago KIRO 7 Post The National 2016 NCAA ( Blackhawks Paid_ Prog. Hockey Basketball
at Calgary Absolutely NHL Flames Canadian Hockey: Post Show Doc Zone Boston CBC News Bruins” at The The Tudors Nature Toronto ” of Things Maple Leafs Dragons’ Figure NHL Den Skating Hockey:
Blue Jays Misplays
A&E 1
KNOW KOMO 30 for 30 ” * `
A&E 1
The First 48 Cruise” Wahlburgers Harvey ” Movie: Wahlburgers Pig Goat The First 48 “Rufus” Donnie Turtles ” Assembly Donnie SpongeBob Assembly Movie: Assembly “Jimmy
Hope for KOMO 4X Our Part World of Wildlife Cosmic Vista News Games Amazing The Ten Canada 30 for 30 Planet” Command”
The First In 48: Assembly 60 Days Neutron: Killer ” Stanley Dyn. Boy Genius” The First 48: Game 60 Days In Movie: Killer ” Easter “One Crazy
Midsomer Wild Kratts Secrets of Murders Wild Kratts ” ” Doki Ancient Park Creative Egypt Waterfront Animals Hope for Cities Animals Wildlife Midsomer Our Part Amazing Murders Cosmic Vista Planet
The First 48 Wahlburgers The First 48 ” Wahlburgers ” The First 48: Donnie The First 48 Killer Donnie ” The First In 48: 60 Days The First 48: Killer ” Killer The First 48: 60 Days The First In 48: Houses Killer ”
KNOW KOMO Heartbeat ments Waterfront ” * ` ” ” Cities ”
” Born-Explore Paid Prog. ” Sea Rescue Cougar ” Docs Wildlife News ” Rock-Park World News ” Paid Prog. KOMO 4 KOMO 4 Paid Prog. News News World of X The Ten Crimes Games Command-
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CBC News Power & ” Politics
Mayday Gold Rush ”
The First 48 “Ice Age: The National Mayday SpongeBob ” Jade Fever ” Continental ” ” SpongeBob Jade Fever Criminal SpongeBob CBC News Mighty Minds SpongeBob Network Planes 60 Days In Drift” The National Highway SpongeBob Jade Fever ” Movie: ” Thru Hell SpongeBob Fever Criminal SpongeBob Exchange With Carole Jade How/Made 60 Days In “Evan News Dual Survival Minds SpongeBob CBC MacNeil How/Made SpongeBob Jade Fever ” Almighty” ” ” Fever The First 48 SpongeBob SpongeBob CBC News Jade Diesel The First 48 SpongeBob ” The National Mayday 60 Days Jade Fever ” In SpongeBob Network Brothers ” Gags ” ” SpongeBob Jade Fever The First 48 SpongeBob With Andrew Misfit The First Age: The Mayday Age CBC News ” 48 Ice SpongeBob Nichols Garage ” Cont. Exchange ” Movie:Drift ” The First 48 SpongeBob Power & Gold Rush The First Age: The National Mayday ” 48 “Ice SpongeBob Politics ” ” Continental ” ” The First 48 SpongeBob ” Jade Fever 60 Days Drift” Highway ” In SpongeBob The National ” Jade Fever ” Movie: ” Thru Hell 60 Days In SpongeBob The Jade Fever 60 Days “Evan News Dual ” In SpongeBob CBC Exchange JadeSurvival Fever ” Almighty” ” ” 60 Days In SpongeBob CBC News Jade Fever The First ” The National Mayday ” 48 SpongeBob ” Jade Fever ” Gags ” ” 60 Days In SpongeBob The National Jade Fever The First Age: The ” Mayday ” 48 Ice SpongeBob Jade Fever ” Cont. Drift Exchange ” The First 48 Ice Age CBC News Mayday ” Movie: ” ”
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pionships ”
Golf: WGCDell Match
TheDays FirstIn 48 SpongeBob 60 ” SpongeBob
Wheel Age The Doctors The First 48 Ice SpongeBob Jeopardy! ” Movie: ” SpongeBob
KNOW KOMO * ` ” 20/20
Mavericks at Vera Warriors ”
The Chew TheDays FirstIn 48 SpongeBob News 60 World ”News ” SpongeBob
Last Tango Last Man The Doozers Steve in Halifax PAW Patrol Dr. Harvey Boj TheKen View PAW Patrol Vera Shark Mister Maker KOMO”Tank 4 ” ” Creative Monkey See News News Judge Judy Rookie ” 20/20 Restless ” Blue Sportsnet Yankees at Dino Bucket-Dino Seattle Tournament Early News NHL Dan News 7 Profiles ” Nat. Central Grand Tours ”News Hockey: Wild KIRO ”News Global Noon News Orioles PAWKratts Patrol World The Chew KIRO News Global News Sportsnet News ” News Canucks Waterfront KOMO” 4 Hour Hour ” at Dreamers Kate and Late Central Westbound Jimmy 2016ShowNCAA Late Show” Blues Cities News The Talk Days of our MLB’s Best Ruf-Tweet General Colbert Colbert Last Tango Basketball Ent. ” Island Wheel ” LivesTonight Sportsnet Tumble Leaf Kimmel HospitalLive Corden in Halifax Nightline Tournament ET ET Canada Canada Central Sportsnet Escape Jeopardy! FABLife The Talk Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ” The Blacklist NBA ” Last Tango Last Man ” Curious ” ” ” Basketball: in Halifax Dr. Ken KIRO 7 The Meredith ” The Doozers Steve KIRO New Mavericks at Vera News 7 Post NCIS: Vieira Show ” PAW Patrol Shark HarveyTank News Orleans Warriors ” ” 2016 NCAA Young & Misplays Mister Maker KOMO 4 Judge Judy Rookie Blue Sportsnet ” 20/20 Basketball Restless Canucks Creative News 7 Profiles ” Central Grand Tours ” Tournament Early News NHL Dino Dan News KIRO ”News Global Dreamers News Global News Nat. Sportsnet Hockey: Wild Kratts World News Late Show- Late Show- Central Westbound Jimmy ” News Hour Canucks at Waterfront KOMO 4 Colbert Sportsnet Last 2016 NCAA Colbert ” Blues CitiesTango Kimmel News Live Corden ET Canada Central in Halifax Nightline Basketball Ent. Tonight ” Island Wheel Tournament ET Canada Sportsnet Escape Jeopardy!
KIRO 7 Post NCIS: New News Orleans
A&E 1
Diesel Brothers
A&E The First 48: The First 48 1 Houses ”
Say Yes Say Yes Dateline:
Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Mod Fam Judge
Harvey Second Paid Prog. Chance Raising Family Feud
RealYes Life Love, Lust Say or Run Say Yes Dateline:
Father on Masterpiece Caught Ellen DeGeBrown Classic neres Sesame St. Camera TodayShow Peg Plus Cat ” Time for Grimm ” KING 5 Three ”at 4 Vicious News Dinosaur New Day
Judge Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Divorce The Middle The Divorce Dinosaur Northwest Movie: World News Dateline KING 5 Payne Carpenters: NBC at 5 “Road to Business Millionaire Super Why! News KING 5 Movie: Close to You News Perdition” PBS Nightly Millionaire Thomas News News “What”Lies Eric Clapton: Tonight NewsHour News Crime Watch Sesame St. Days of our Beneath” Slowhand Washington News Daily ” Cat in the at Show Lives ” 70 -- Live Meyers Seinfeld Charlie Rose Seth Evening King Curious Dr. Phil Family Caught King Guy Father George ” on Amer. Dad Brown Camera Mod Fam Masterpiece Ellen DeGeFamily Guy Time for Grimm Mod Fam Classic neres Show Amer. Dad Three ” Big Bang ” KING 5 The Middle The Dateline Big Bang Vicious News at 4 Payne Carpenters: NBC Movie: World News KING 5 Movie: Close to You News “Road to Business News at 5 “What Lies Eric Clapton: Tonight Perdition” PBS Nightly News Beneath” Slowhand at Show ” NewsHour News ” 70 -- Live Seth Meyers ” Washington News Seinfeld Charlie Rose Evening
Dual Survival News ” Mod Prog. Fam Mayday Paid CBC News ” ID Protection The National Mayday Mike ” ” Two Men Network Mayday Old House With ” Kids The Asha Mayday How News I Met Exchange ” Cougar Tomlinson Railroad Fish Oil ” Alaska Paid Prog. ” ” NEWS 7
Dual Survival Movie: ” “Mr. 3000”
The National Highway Issue Thru Hell
KAYU ” ” ;
The CBCNational News Mansbridge CBC News The Nature Network of Things With Asha
How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Cold Water Mayday Cowboys ”
Anger Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ID Protection Bones Old House ” Kids News
the fifth Tomlinson estate”
Gold Rush Railroad Alaska”
Mike Fish Oil Mike Paid Prog.
The National Moonshiners Men ” Dual Survival Two Movie: marketplace ”” Big ” “Mr.Bang 3000” Movie: Misfit Two Men The National Highway ” “He Named Garage Big Bang Issue Thru Hell ”
Say Yes Say Yes
NEWS Me Malala” The National 7 ” Mansbridge
DISC Diesel How/Made 9 Brothers How/Made
KAYU Rosewood Anger ; ” Paid Prog.
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Father Brown
Love, Lust or Run
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Say Yes Say Yes Extreme
Time for Three
The Middle Payne Gimme
The Dateline Carpenters: NBC Odd Squad Skiing Arthur Close to You News” Eric Clapton: Tonight Skinny Gut PGA Tour
Caught on Camera
Grimm ”
Weight Loss Seinfeld Say Yes Movie: Say Yes “What Lies ” Movie: ” “Dogtown Vibrant You Paid Prog. Beneath” Slowhand at Golf: ShowWGCPaid Prog. ” 70 -- Brenda Live SethMatch Meyers Extreme and Z-Boys” With Dell Weight Loss ” YogaPlay, ” ” TLC <
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Extreme “Cloverfield” Standards: Weight Loss ” As Time ” Extreme ” Loss Weight Untold” Stories of”ER
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KING ” ” P
The Middle Gimme The Middle Seinfeld
Goes By Ruf-Tweet Odd Squad Skiing This Land Is Astroblast Arthur ” Seinfeld Your Land Biz Kid$ Movie: Skinny Gut PGA Tour Atlanta Eats (My Music) Kids News “Dogtown Vibrant You Golf: WGCUntold Sto- King 5 Extreme and Z-Boys” Aging With Brenda KING Dell Match ries of ER Backwards News Weight Loss King ” YogaPlay, Untold” Sto- Movie:” Weekend Nightly News Diabetes Quarterfinals ries of”ER “The News KING ”News Movie: Songbook
Sex Sent Me Switch” Extreme “Cloverfield” to the E.R. ”” Weight Loss Sex Sent Me Family Guy ” The Middle to the E.R. Family Guy ” The Middle Space The Lucifer Untold Sto- Burgers Harvey CBCNational News Moonshiners Mayday Paid Prog. Extreme Gimme “Rufus” The Nature Cold Water Bones Untold Sto- Seinfeld Adventure” Mansbridge ”” ” ries of ER Burgers Pig Goat CBC News ID Protection Weight Loss SeinfeldEats Assembly of Things Cowboys ” ries of ER Atlanta Game On Movie: Misfit News Untold StoCommunity Turtles Network Mayday Old House Movie: Assembly the fifth Gold Rush Mike Untold” Sto- King Assembly Garage Wanted ries of ”ER Community SpongeBob “He WithNamed Asha Kids News “Dogtown Assembly estate ”” Mike ries of ER King Gags Me Malala” Gold Rush Party Over Untold Sto- Tyler Perry’s Movie: Tomlinson Railroad Fish Men Oil Extreme and Z-Boys” Assembly The National Moonshiners Two Untold Sto- Movie: Gags ” ” Barrett ries of ER I Can Do “Jimmy Dyn. marketplace ” Alaska PaidBang Prog. Weight Loss “The ” Stanley ” Big ries of ER Zathura: A The National Buying Al. Person of Peter Popoff Bad All By Neutron: Dual Survival Two Movie: ” Me Switch” ” Game Movie:” Misfit Men Sex Sent Space Mansbridge Buying Al. Interest Paid Prog. Myself Boy Genius” “He Named ” ” “Mr.Bang 3000” ” Movie:” Easter Garage Big to the E.R.
YTV Movie: Cruise” 6A “Zathura: Movie:
Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News
Sleepy Free TV! Hollow Zoo Clues Steve
New Day KING 5 Northwest News at 4
Washington News Curious Dr. Phil Charlie George Rose Evening ”
Sleepy Hollow
King ” Seinfeld King
News Family Feud Say RealYes Life Mike Mod Fam Say Yes Anger Crime Watch Dateline: Mike Say Two DailyMen RealYes Lifeto Two Say Yes Mod Men Fam the Dress Fish Oil Dateline: How I Met Big Bang Love, Lust Family Feud Paid Real Prog. Life Cougar Paid Prog. Big Bang or Run Prostate Dateline on Sleepy Say The Office TLCYes Hollow Say Yes Free TV! Say Yes Second Love, Lust Zoo Clues Say Yes Chance or Run Paid Prog. Say Yes News Say Raising Say Yes Yes Mod Fam Say Yes Mike Say Yes Mike Say Anger Say Yes Yes Two Men Say Yes Two Men Say Yes to How I Met Paid Prog. Mod Fam the Dress Cougar Paid Prog. Big Bang Love, Lust Big Bang or Run
Love, Lust Dateline on or Run TLC
Second Chance
CBC News ” CBC News
Big Bang Prostate Big TheBang Office
The National Mayday ” ” The National Highway ” Thru Hell
Eric Clapton: Traveler Standards: ” Slowhand As Time at Raw Travel ” 70 -- Live Movie: Goes By Ruf-Tweet Great Per“Lions for This Land Is Astroblast formances Lambs” Odd Squad Skiing Your Land Biz Kid$ ” ”” Arthur (My Music) Kids News ” Saturday Skinny Gut KING PGA Tour Aging 5 Classical Live Vibrant You Night Golf: WGCBackwards News Rewind 2 KING News With Brenda Dell Match Weekend Nightly News (My Music) Saturday YogaPlay, News News KING Aging Night Live Diabetes Quarterfinals Eric Clapton: Traveler Backwards ” Songbook at Raw Travel ” Slowhand
10 :30 4 :30 11 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016 12 :30 6 :30 :00 1:00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 8 :30 :00 3:00 :30 10 9 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 5 :30 12:30 :30 11 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 1:30 :30 12 :00 :00 7 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 10:00 :30 10 :30 :00 11:00 :30 11 :30 :00 12:00 :30 12 :30 en’s ChamLorna Girls Dueck The Celebrity Medal Game Bomb Social
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Preseason Pregame Baseball: NHL Twins at Hockey: Yankees Blackhawks ” at Canucks
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O’Grady But Anything O’Grady Average Leading Hello marketplace Mr. D q Coronation Winnipeg ” Design Comedy The ImprobOur National The able Dream Vancouver ” Movie: LandNews & Sea CBC “Walking Mansbridge the fifth With O’Grady estate Dinosaurs” O’Grady Canadian Anything But Leading Average marketplace Hello q D Mr. ” Winnipeg The ImprobComedy able Dream The National Movie:” “Walking CBC News Withfifth the Dinosaurs” estate Anything But Canadian Average
Paid Prog. 60 Minutes Lucky”Dog Changers Madam Sports Stars Secretary Changers Inspectors The Good Sports Stars Inspectors Wife Lucky Dog Women’s Elementary Pets.TV College ” KIRO News Hockey KIRO KIRO News ”News KIRO News CBS News PaidInsider Prog. The KIRO News Lucky Dog Scandal 60 Minutes Changers ” Sports Stars Madam Changers Secretary Sports Stars The Good Lucky Dog Wife Pets.TV Elementary KIRO ”News KIRO News KIRO News CBS News KIRO News KIRO News The Insider 60 Minutes Scandal ”
GolfBrother Big ” Canada ” Madam ” Secretary ” Block The Good ” Lorna Wife Dueck Engels Joel Osteen Elementary Bomb Girls Paid Prog. ” News ”Final News Global Nat. PGA Tour Block News Hour Golf Prog. Paid ” ” Paid Prog. Big Brother ” Canada ” Madam ” Secretary ” The Good Engels Wife Bomb Girls Elementary ”” Global Nat. News Final News Hour Block ” Paid Prog. Big Brother Paid Prog. Canada
MLB’s” Best ””
That’s Hcky SC Top 10
pionships Joel Osteen Canada’s Our Women’s Calendar March 23,KIRO 2016 rLake Country :00 SportsCentre ” Wednesday, MasterChef Movie: News :00 Worst Driver Canada SportsCentre CTV News ” Vancouver
W5 MasterChef ” Canada Confessions Once Upon of a a Time Shopaholic The Family Social The ” Celebrity ” ” Canada’s Quantico The Social Worst ” Driver MasterChef SportsCentre News Canada ” News--11:30 CTV News W5 Castle Vancouver ”” ” Big Brother MasterChef 2016 World ” Confessions ” Canada Canada Women’s ” of a That’s Hcky Madam Once Upon Curling ” Shopaholic SC Top 10 Secretary a Time Champion” ” SportsCentre The Good The Family ship: Gold Engels ” Wife ”” Medal Game Bomb Girls The Social SportsCentre Elementary Quantico SportsCentre MasterChef ” ”” ” Hockey CHBC News Canada SportsCentre News Final News Global Nat. News--11:30 CTV News ” Block ” CHBC News Vancouver SportsCentre Paid Prog. Castle Big Brother MasterChef ” Paid Prog. ” ” Canada Canada
Bates ”Motel ” Hoarders Damien ” ” Intervention The First 48 ”
SeattleHome Intervention The First 48 Funny ”” The First 48 60 Days In ” ” Paid Prog. Intervention Full Family Measure District 9 The Hoarders UW 360 ” Rescue Bates ” ”Motel Paid Prog. Intervention Easter - The Intervention ” Quantico T. McCarver Damien ” Rising ” ” News Hoarders Paid Prog. ” News World News Intervention ” PaidMeasure Prog. The First 48 Full ” KOMO 4 Intervention Seattle The FirstIn 48 Castle 60 Days News ” Paid Prog. ” ”” Grand Funny Home Intervention Architects of Cougar The First 48 Canyon Videos ” Change Paid Prog. ” Movie: Once Upon 60 Days In Porgy and Paid Prog. Intervention “Fat a Time ” Bess UW 360 ” Chance” The Family Hoarders Paid Prog. Intervention ”” ” ” ” T. McCarver ” Wallander Quantico Intervention News ” Hoarders ”” ” ” World News ” ” News Intervention Warships KOMO 4 Intervention Museum Full Measure ” ” News ” Fat Chance Castle 60 Days In Grand” Funny” Home Intervention ” Canyon Videos ” Paid Prog. KNOW Videos KOMO Cougar Once Upon * ` Paid Prog. a Time
Architects of Movie: Change “Fat Porgy and Wild Kratts Chance” Bess Little Prince ” ” Little Prince Wallander ” Annedroids ” ” Dogs/Jobs ”” Dogs/Jobs Museum Warships Hope for Fat Chance ” Wildlife ”
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NHL’s Best Misplays
Chance” ”
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Elementary ” Anna Olson Debt/Part News Final Block Rachael Ray ” Paid Prog.
Quantico ” The View News” News--11:30 The Marilyn Denis CastleShow
The National ” Bookaboo Daniel Tiger CBC News the fifth Our Vancouver estate
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Elementary ” Anna Olson Debt/Part News Final Block Rachael Ray ” Paid Prog.
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Wallander ” Boj PAW Patrol ” MuseumSee Monkey Bucket-Dino Fat Chance
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Canadian Scandal CBC News KIRO News marketplace ”
Intervention ” ” The View Criminal ” Minds News Intervention Full Measure ” KOMO 4 Criminal News Minds Castle 60 Days In ” ” 48 The Chew The First ” ”
Central ” World Poker PAW Patrol Tour: Alpha8 Kate and
Days of our Lives
World Poker Ruf-Tweet General Tour: Alpha8 Tumble Leaf Hospital
Murdoch Mysteries
FABLife ”
The Talk ”
Tim and Sid ”
Grand Designs Bookaboo Daniel Tiger O’Grady
Bold The Meredith ThisMinute Show The Price Is Vieira Anna Olson Right Debt/Part Judge Judy Young & YoungJudy & Rachael Ray Judge Restless Restless ” KIRO News Early News KIRO News News Global Noon News KIRO Nat. ” Hour KIRO News News Hour The Talk Days of CBS News ” our ” Lives The Insider Ent. Tonight FABLife TheCanada Talk Ent. Tonight ET ” ” Supergirl Supergirl Bold ” The Meredith ” ThisMinute Vieira Show Scorpion Limitless The Price Is Young Anna ”Olson Judge & ” Judy Right Judy Restless Debt/Part Judge NCIS: Los NCIS: Los Young & Rachael KIRO News Early News Angeles Angeles Ray Restless KIRO News Global” Nat. KIRO News Global News KIROShowNews Late News Hour NoonShowNews Late CBS News ” Hour ” Colbert Colbert The Insider Ent. Tonight Talk Days of our Corden ET Canada Ent. Tonight ET Canada ” Lives
SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” Hockey
SC EURO 2016 SC Open Gym Hockey Open Gym Lunch Cabbie SC Top 10 SportsCentre Reporters ” SportsCentre Women’s Interruption Hockey SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre Hockey ” ” 2016 EURO SportsCentre SC ”Gym Open SC Open Gym SportsCentre Cabbie Hockey ” SportsCentre Lunch SportsCentre SC Top ”” 10 Women’s Reporters Hockey SportsCentre ” Interruption
Dr. Phil ”
The Meredith Ellen DeGeVieira Show neres Show Anna Olson The View Debt/Part ” Oz Young & The Dr. Rachael Ray Show The Marilyn Restless ” Denis Show News CTV News Noon ”News Vancouver CTV News Hour Vancouver Global Nat. CTV News Days of our The Social CHBC News Vancouver Lives ” Ent. Tonight etalk TheCanada Talk Dr. Bang Phil ET Big ” ” Supergirl Gotham The Meredith Ellen DeGe” ” Vieira Show neres Show Limitless Lucifer Anna ”Olson The Dr. View Young & The ” Oz Debt/Part Restless Show ” NCIS: Los Blindspot Rachael Ray The Marilyn News CTV News Angeles ” Denis Show ” Vancouver News Final News-Lisa Global Nat. News--11:30 CTV News NoonShowNews Late CHBC Hour News Vancouver Colbert Daily Show Ent. Tonight etalk Days of our Corden The Social ET Canada ET Canada Big Bang Lives ” Supergirl Gotham The Talk Dr. Phil ”” ”” Limitless The Meredith Lucifer Ellen DeGeVieira ”Show neres ”Show
” SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre NCIS: Hockey Young Los & ” Angeles 2016 EURO Restless SportsCentre News Final Open Gym News ” Late ShowOpen Gym ” SportsCentre Colbert Cabbie Global Nat. ” ET Canada SportsCentre CHBC News
Blindspot The Dr. Oz Show ”
News-Lisa CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Daily Show CTV News Corden Vancouver
Our O’Grady Vancouver Dragons’ CBC News Den marketplace CBC VanHeartland couver News ” marketplace Murdoch Coronation Mysteries And Then GrandWere There Designs None Bookaboo O’Grady ” Daniel Tiger O’Grady The National Our ” Dragons’ Vancouver Den CBC News CBC VanNews Coronation couver News marketplace Rick Mercer marketplace Heartland 22 Minutes Coronation ” And Then Supergirl Murdoch FABLife There Were ”” Mysteries None Scorpion Grand Bold ” ” Designs ThisMinute
The National NCIS: O’Grady Judge Los Judy ” Angeles O’Grady Judge Judy CBC News KIRO News Dragons’ KIRO News Coronation Late ShowDen KIRO News Rick Mercer Colbert CBC VanKIRO News 22 Minutes Corden couver News CBS News
SNP ) ”
Darts ” ” Misplays Billiards NHL ” Hockey: World Poker Sabres at Tour: Alpha8 Red Wings World”Poker Tour: Alpha8 NHL Tim and Sid Hockey: ” Los Angeles Kings ”at San ” Jose Sharks Darts Misplays Sportsnet NHL ” Sportsnet Billiards Hockey: Central ” at Sabres Sportsnet Red Wings World Poker Central Tour: ”Alpha8 Sportsnet NHL World CentralPoker Hockey: Tour: Alpha8 Los Tim Angeles and Sid Kings ”at San
Ent. Tonight etalk ET Canada Big Bang
marketplace The Insider Ent. Tonight NHL Coronation Ent. Tonight ET Canada Hockey:
Hockey ”
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Limitless ”
Lucifer ”
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The National The NCIS: LosIs Bookaboo Price Daniel”Tiger Right Angeles
SportsCentre Anna NCIS:Olson Los SportsCentre ”” Debt/Part Angeles
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Doctors KNOW The KOMO ” * `
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Ever! Raising Paid IProg. How Met PaidBang Prog. Big Mike Monopoly Two Men Simpsons
Stanley Dawn ofDyn. the Ice Age Dinosaurs” Movie: Ice Age “Ice Age” Game On Hop ” Max ” Max ” Movie: Easter Haunting “Ice Age: Assembly Haunting The Henry Gags Meltdown” Max Gags Movie: Stanley Dyn. Ice “IceAge: Age: Ice Age Dawn Dawn of the Movie: Dinosaurs” “Ice Age” Ice Age Game ”On ” Max Movie: Max “Ice Age: Haunting The Haunting Meltdown” Gags Movie: Gags “Ice Age: Ice Age: Dawn of the Dawn Dinosaurs”
Movie:” “3 1/2 ” CBC News Minutes, Ten marketplace Bullets” Firsthand CBCNational News The ” CBC News ” the fifth Network Movie: estate With “3 1/2Asha In Defense Tomlinson Minutes, Ten of Food ” Bullets” The National ” The National ” ”” Movie: CBC News “3 1/2 marketplace Minutes, Ten Firsthand Bullets” ” The National the fifth ” estate Movie: In 1/2 Defense “3 of Food Minutes, Ten The National Bullets” ” The National Movie:” “3 1/2
MisfitSurvival Dual Garage ” Alaska: The MythBusters Last Frontier ” How/Made Highway Naked and How/Made Thru Hell Afraid How/Made Gold Rush Naked and How/Made Afraid ” Naked and Moonshiners Dual AfraidSurvival ”” Naked and Misfit Naked Afraid and Garage Afraid Dual Survival Alaska: The ” Last Frontier MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made Naked and How/Made Afraid How/Made Naked and Naked and Afraid Afraid Dual Survival Naked” and Afraid Naked and Dual Survival Afraid ”
Movie: Live Grease: “Lockout” ” ”” ” ” Paid Best Prog. Pan ” Mike Ever! ” Big PaidBang Prog. News Raising Paid Prog. Livin’ Dream How I Met Mike Cougar Big Bang Two Prog. Men Paid Monopoly Movie: How I Met Simpsons “Lockout” Raising Grease: Live ” ” ” ” Paid Prog. ” Mike ” Big Bang ” Raising News How IDream Met Livin’ Big Bang Cougar Monopoly Paid Prog. Simpsons How I Met Grease: Live Raising ”
Ice Age Game On
Movie: “3 1/2News CBC Network Minutes, Ten Bullets” With Carole MacNeil The National
Dawn Thunder Thunder
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Nicky, Ricky With Diana Nicky, Ricky Swain
Hope for Wildlife
The Catch KOMO 4 News ”
Naked” and Afraid How/Made Naked and How/Made Afraid Yukon Men Dual Survival ” ” DefinitiveHow/Made Guide How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Yukon Men Mayday Daily Planet ” ”” DefinitiveNaked How/Made Guide and Afraid How/Made How/Made Yukon Naked Men and How/Made Afraid” How/Made DefinitiveDual Survival How/Made Guide ” Gags National How/Made Nicky, Ricky The Power & How/Made Gags ” How/Made Nicky, Ricky Politics How/Made Gags Yukon Men Nicky, Ricky The National ” How/Made Gags ” ” Nicky, Ricky ” How/Made Bates Motel CBC DefinitiveThe First 48 Haunting Ice Age The News Daily Planet ”” Haunting ” Guide ” SpongeBob Exchange
A&E 1
48 Hours on Seinfeld ID Seinfeld
Old House Antiques
News Evening
Gotham ”
To Be Announced
Antiques Roadshow
The Voice ”
News Steve Harvey Mod Fam
48 Hours on Judge The Middle Dateline: Real Judge ID Life Payne
The National How/Made ” How/Made
NCIS:Olson Los Anna Debt/Part Angeles
Sportsnet MLB Preseason Central
The View Catch The ””
SNP KNOW KOMO Jose Sharks Dangerous Stars ) * ` Sportsnet Edge: A Life ”
A&E The First 48 1 ”
YTV Gags 6 Gags
Family Mike Feud Dateline: 48 Hours on Divorce Browns Family Feud Real Divorce Two Men ID Life Payne
Dinosaur ” Dinosaur Forever
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PAW Patrol The Chew First 48 Dangerous Kimmel Live The Damien Kate and ” ”” Edge: A Life Nightline
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Crime Dateline: How I Watch Met Peter Popoff Millionaire Browns Daily Real Millionaire Cougar Paid Life Prog. There Yet?
Super Why! WisdomThomas Dyer
KING Show 5 News Seth Meyers
Ruf-Tweet General Tumble Leaf Hospital
Almost Sidekick
With Diana Swain
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The Price Is The Anna Olson Bold Meredith Right Debt/Part ThisMinute Vieira Show YoungJudy & Rachael Judge Young & Ray Restless ” Judge Judy Restless
MLB ” Preseason ” Baseball: NHL Pirates at Hockey:
Boj Doozers Steve The View The PAW Patrol Patrol Harvey ” PAW Monkey See KOMO KOMO 4 4 Mister Maker Bucket-Dino News News Creative
Criminal The First 48 Minds” Criminal Storage Minds Storage
Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Nerds
CBC News ” Network ” With Carole The MacNeil Exchange
Highway How/Made Thru Hell How/Made
SteveProg. Paid Harvey Eco Co. Family Feud Paid Prog. Family Feud Raising
Dateline: To Be Real Life Announced
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Yankees Bruins at Devils ” MLB ” Misplays Canucks
PAWDan Patrol Dino Kate Kratts and Wild Ruf-Tweet Hope for Tumble Leaf Wildlife
7 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30
The Chew News World ”News General4 KOMO Hospital News
A&E 1
KIRO Bold Carpool ThisMinute Kara. _
CHAN SNP The Meredith ” Chicago Fire Sportsnet Vieira ”Show Central ” ( ) Global Young News & Anna Olson Late ShowRestless Debt/Part Colbert Early News Rachael Ray ET Canada Global ” Nat.
Sportsnet NHL Darts Central Hockey: ” Sportsnet Bruins at Darts Central Devils”
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News Hour Noon News Hour ”
for World ”Poker Hope PAW Patrol Canucks Tour: Alpha8 Wildlife Kate and
Canada Mister Maker Boj ” Creative PAW Patrol Gonzo: Dino Dan Monkey See Hunter Wild Kratts Bucket-Dino
News KOMO 4 The View Jimmy News ” Kimmel News Live KOMO 4 Nightline World News News
KOMO 4 The Chew News ”
The Insider Chicago Talk Days of our Ent. Tonight Med ” Lives
NHL Shark Cage Hockey: Poker
Canada Wheel Ruf-Tweet General ” Leaf Jeopardy! Tumble Hospital
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Tim andatSid Sharks ” Canucks
Maya Life Curious ”
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The Meredith ”” NCIS: New Vieira Show Sportsnet ” Orleans Young & Hockey Chicago Fire Sportsnet Restless NHL
Hawks at
Global Nat.
CTV News
” That’s Hcky
Survivor ”
Arrow ”
CBC Van-
KIRO News KIRO News Late ShowKIRO News
Rick Mercer couver News Colbert CBS News 22 Minutes Corden Gags Coronation
The Insider Ent. Tonight
Early News
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Storage After the Storage First 48
Gags SpongeBob Wayside Gags SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Just Kidding SpongeBob Rated A Just Kidding SpongeBob Rated A Assembly Nerds Nicky, Ricky Squirrel
Storage The First 48 Storage ”
Game Almost Assembly Sidekick
The Doctors Storage The First 48 Fresh-Boat ” ” Real O’Neals Storage
The Doozers Steve Gonzo: Agents of PAW Patrol Harvey Hunter S. S.H.I.E.L.D.
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
Prophets News
How/Made ” How/Made ” ” How/Made The National Cold Water How/Made ”” Cowboys The National Deadliest Daily Planet The Exchange ” ” Catch CBC News Highway CBC News Cold Water CBC News ” Network Thru Hell ” Cowboys ” ” WithNational Carole Deadliest How/Made The The National How/Made MacNeil How/Made ” Catch ” How/Made CBC News News Yukon” Men CBC The Cold Water Network ” ”” Exchange Cowboys With Diana DefinitiveThe National Cold Water Swain” Guide Cowboys
NEWS ” CBC News ”” 7
The The National CBC News ” Exchange Network The CBC News With Carole Exchange ” MacNeil
CBC News With Diana Swain”
KING 5 Chicago News at 4 Med Today KING 5 Chicago ” Fire News at 5 ” New Day Nightly News News Northwest News Tonight KING 5 News Show News Evening Seth Meyers Days of our The Voice Lives ” Dr. Phil Chicago Med ”
Paid Prog. Brooklyn The Grinder Office The
KAYU Paid Prog. News Eco Co. Mod Fam ;
Mike Paid Prog. Steve Two Men Raising Harvey How Mike I Met Family Feud Cougar Anger Family Feud
Jill &Willis Jessa: The Counting On Family Dateline: Jill & Jessa: Jill & Jessa: Real Life Countdown Countdown Dateline: Jill & Jessa: To BeLife Real Counting On Announced Dateline: The Willis Paid Prog. Real Life Family Paid Prog. Dateline: Jill & Jessa: Real Life On Counting Dateline: The Willis Real Life Family
ToTLC BeJessa: Jill & Announced Countdown <
To Jill Be & Jessa: My 600-Lb. Announced Counting On Life: Where Paid Jill & Prog. Jessa: My 600-Lb. Paid Prog. Countdown Life: Where Two Men Jessa: Crime Watch Jill My & 600-Lb. Mod Counting On DailyFam Life: Where Big The Willis PaidBang Prog. My 600-Lb. Big Bang Family Feud Family Life: Where
Paid Prog. My Brooklyn The600-Lb. Willis Animal Atlas Life The Grinder Family Paid Prog. News Raising
CBC News
Kimmel Kidding News Live Storage Wahlburgers Just Nicky, Ricky The ” Nightline Storage Just Kidding Exchange
Wahlburgers Assembly
Wheel Jeopardy!
Donnie Donnie
The National How/Made ” Catch ” How/Made The National
Henry CBC News Stanley Dyn. ”
Cold Water ” Cowboys
Dr. Phil ”
Couch- of Secrets Daniel Amen the Dead Sesame St. World News Frontline Peg Plus Cat Business ” Dinosaur PBS Chinese Dinosaur NewsHour Couplets Super Why! Pépin Mother in Thomas Rick Steves Law Sesame St. Al Capone: Cat in the Icon
Daily Planet ” ”
Days of our Lives
Paid Prog. Brooklyn Raising The Grinder Steve Mike News Harvey Anger Mod Fam Family Feud Two Men Mike Family Feud Mod Fam Two Men Crime Watch Big Bang How I Met Daily Big Bang Cougar Paid Girl Prog. New Family Feud Grand
The News CBC Exchange
Wahlburgers SpongeBob
KCTS Curious N Curious
Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeThe Voice neres ”Show
” How/Made The National Deadliest ”” How/Made Catch
Gonzo: ” Hunter
” ”
WTBS King KingA
Curious Pépin Curious Rick Steves On the Al Capone: Psychiatrist’s Icon
Sidekick Gags Chucks Gags
Sportsnet ” Central
Monster Moves
How/Made Daily Planet Edge of How/Made ” Alaska Cold Cold Water Water Cold Water Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys
Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the
Sesame TodayDeGeOn the St. Ellen Peg Plus Cat neres ”Show Psychiatrist’s Dinosaur New Day CouchKING 5 Dinosaur Northwest Daniel Amen News at 4 Super News Why! KING KING 5 5 World Thomas News Business News at 5 Sesame St. Nightly Days ofNews our PBS Cat in the Lives News NewsHour
The Moms New Girl The Office Grand
Colbert ” ET Canada
DISC How/Made ” How/Made ” 9
The Deadliest CBCNational News Deadliest ” Catch Network Catch
News Storage Gags World News Wahlburgers SpongeBob Jimmy Storage Gags
NHL Hockey:
Power & How/Made The National Deadliest Politics How/Made ” Catch
Canada Wild Kratts ”
News Hour
How/Made Daily Planet How/Made ” Yukon Men Cold Water ” Cowboys DefinitiveDeadliest Guide Catch
Independent Blindspot Sesame St. Today Peg ”” LensPlus Cat
Judge Mod Fam Judge Mod Fam Dateline: Divorce Jill & Jessa: Big Bang Real Life On Big Divorce Counting Bang Crime Watch Jill Dateline: Millionaire Mike & Jessa: Movie: Daily Real Life Millionaire Anger Countdown “Now You Paid Prog. Dateline: Crime Watch Two Men Jill & Jessa: See Me” Family Feud Counting Real Life On Daily ” Mod Fam PaidBang Prog. Dateline: King Big The Willis Seinfeld TheBang Office Real Life King Big Family Seinfeld Paid Prog. To Be Mod Fam New Girl Jill & Jessa: Family Guy Eco Co. Announced Mod Fam Grand Counting On Amer. Dad
Wayside Power & How/Made Just Kidding The National Cold Water Kid vs. Kat Politics How/Made Just Kidding ” Cowboys
Mister Maker Of KOMO 4 and Storage Wahlburgers Haunting SpongeBob Thompson Kings Creative News ” SpongeBob Dino Dan
CBC News News CBC Network ” With Diana The National Swain” Power & CBC News Politics ”
Global News Sportsnet Global Nat. Senators at Late Show- Central Ent. Tonight ET Canada
KING ” P ”
CBC News News CBC Network ”
KAYU Paid Prog. The ; Office
KCTS Antiques N Roadshow
With Carole How/Made The National How/Made MacNeil How/Made ” How/Made
DISC How/Made 9 How/Made
WTBS Family Guy A Amer. Dad
Rated Gags A Rated Gags A
Figure Rick Mercer Skating 22 Minutes
etalk Big Bang
TLC ” < ”
Bates Motel Wayside Haunting Criminal Minds ” Kid vs. Kat Haunting
The First 48 ”
DefinitiveHighway Thru Hell Guide
KAYU Lucifer ; ”
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Criminal Damien Minds ”
Gags Heartland Coronation ”
Raptors Ent. Tonight SportsCentre ET Canada
NEWS DISC The National Yukon Men 7 9 ” ”
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
O’Grady Judge Judy The National Carpool O’Grady Judge Judy
Big Bang Big Bang
CBC News ”
Gags Gags
YTV Wayside 6 Kid vs. Kat
Hockey Young & Fire Motive The Dr. Oz SportsCentre Chicago NBA Restless Show
Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Mod Fam
Assembly Max
Damien ”
News Paid Prog. Mod Fam Raising
Independent Blindspot Dr. Mark KING 5 Lens Hyman News”at 4 ” News World News KING 5 Forever Tonight Business News at 5 WisdomShow PBS Nightly News Dyer Seth Meyers NewsHour News
Dr. ThePhil Flash ”
SportsCentre Colbert Show Toronto CHBC News Daily Vancouver ” ET Canada Corden
Lucifer Paid Prog. ” Big World
48 on The Middle To Hours Be Big Bang ID Announced Payne Big Bang 48 Hours on Browns ” Tyler Perry’s ID Payne ” the Family Peter Popoff Browns 48 Hours on That Preys Paid Prog. There Yet? ID ”
Damien ”
Written in Boj PAW StonePatrol
A&E The First 48 1 ”
KIRO JudgeNews Judy The Price Is Late ShowJudge Judy Right Colbert KIRO News Young & Corden KIRO News Restless
Mike Mike Two Men Anger How I Met Two Men Cougar Mod Fam
Dancing With the
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Yukon Men How/Made ”
etalk The Social Big Bang ”
SNP KNOW KOMO Tim and Sid Maya The Doctors ) * ` ” Curious ”
Dr. Phil ”
The National CBC News ” ” The The National Exchange ”
SportsCentre The Hockey NCISTalk Interruption ” ”
Wheel Jeopardy!
Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global Days of our News Hour Lives ” FABLife The Talk The Insider Chicago ” Ent. Tonight Med ” Bold The NCIS NCISMeredith ThisMinute Vieira ”Show ”
Beauty KING 5 News Days of our Lives
Gags SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Gags Assembly Gags Nicky, Ricky
SportsCentre Motoring TV Chicago Days of our Women’s Lumberjacks Med Lives
CTV News
HavocWhy! Super Thomas
News Damien News The First 48 Jimmy ” World News ” Kimmel Live Damien KOMO 4 Bates Motel Nightline ” News ”
Rated A SpongeBob Rated A SpongeBob The First 48 SpongeBob Chucks Storage ” Squirrel Storage SpongeBob The First 48 Almost Storage Assembly ” Sidekick Storage Nicky, Ricky Tim and Sid Canada Maya The Doctors Storage The First 48 Game Wayside NHL Wheel ” Curious ” ” Kid vs. Kat Hockey: ” Jeopardy! Storage Assembly Grand The Doozers Fresh-Boat Steve The First 48 Just Sidekick Rick Mercer Sharks” at Life Storage Kidding Designs ” PAW Patrol Harvey ” Nerds 22 Minutes Canucks ” Real O’Neals Storage Just Kidding Hockey YoungNew & The Dr.of Oz O’Grady Judge New Judy NCIS: YoungNew & NHL ” Mister Maker Agents KOMO of 4 Storage SpongeBob ” NCIS: Agents Creek NCIS: Gonzo: Storage Gags ” Restless Show O’Grady Judge Judy Restless Hockey: Creative News Storage SpongeBob ” Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D Orleans Orleans Sportsnet Hunter S. S.H.I.E.L.D. Storage Gags SportsCentre Anna Olson The View Bookaboo The Price Is Anna Olson MLB Boj The View Criminal Wayside ” News CTV News Dragons’ KIRO News Early News Bruins at Dino Dan News Storage SpongeBob SportsCentre Chicago Fire Motive” The National Chicago Fire Sportsnet Thompson Haunting ” Debt/Part Daniel Tiger Carpool Right Debt/Part Preseason PAW Patrol Of Kings ” and Storage Minds Kid vs. Kat ” ” Vancouver Den KIRO News Global Nat. Devils Wild Kratts World News Storage SpongeBob ” ” ” ” Kara. ” Central ” Prophets Storage Haunting 2016 EURO Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & Rachael Ray Baseball: Monkey See KOMO 4 Criminal Rated A SC Global Nat. CTV News CBC VanKIRO News News Hour ” Hope for KOMO 4 Storage Assembly SportsCentre News Final News-Lisa News KIRO News Global”News Sportsnet Canada Storage Gags STIHL Denis Show CBC Stefano Restless Pirates at Bucket-Dino News News Minds Rated Ricky A Recap CHBC” News Vancouver couver News CBS News ” Canucks Wildlife News Storage Nicky, ” Late Show- News--11:30 Coronation Late Show- Late Show- Central ” Jimmy Storage Gags Soccer: Noon News etalk CTV News CBC News KIRO News Chicago Noon News NHL Yankees PAW Patrol Wheel The Chew The First 48 Game Chucks SportsCentre Chicago Gags The Insider Canada Storage SportsCentre Colbert Daily Show Rick Mercer Colbert Colbert Sportsnet Gonzo: Kimmel Live Storage Just Kidding Friendly -Hour Vancouver Network ” Hour ” Kate and ” ” Squirrel Women’s Med Big Bang Coronation Ent. Tonight Med Hockey: ” Jeopardy! Storage Assembly ” ET Canada Corden 22 Minutes Corden ET Canada Central Hunter Nightline Storage Just Kidding France vs Days of our The The Flash Social Heartland The Talk Days of our Sharks MLB Ruf-Tweet General The First 48 Just Almost Hockey NCIS Rick Mercer NCIS NCIS at Life Fresh-Boat Storage Kidding Russia Lives ” ” Lives ” Misplays Tumble Hospital ” Sidekick ” ”” 22 Minutes ”” Canucks ” Leaf Real O’Neals Storage Just Kidding SportsCentre The Talk Dr. Phil of Murdoch FABLife The Talk Tim and Maya The Doctors The First 48 Gags Wayside ” NCIS: New Agents Creek NCIS: New NCIS: New ” Sid Gonzo: Agents of Storage Interruption ” ” Mysteries ” ” ” Curious ” ” Kid vs. ” Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. D Orleans Orleans Sportsnet Hunter S. S.H.I.E.L.D. Storage Gags Kat
News-Lisa CBC News Vancouver Den News--11:30 Coronation
Ever! Millionaire Millionaire
Crime Watch Sesame St. Daily Cat in the
Divorce Big Bang Divorce Tyler Perry’s Millionaire the Family Millionaire That Preys Crime”Watch Daily Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Mod Fam Family Guy Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Big Bang The Middle Divorce Tyler Perry’s Payne Divorce the Family Browns That Preys Millionaire Payne ” Millionaire Browns Seinfeld Crime Watch There Yet? Seinfeld Daily Family King Guy Amer. King Dad
The View Bookaboo Ellen DeGe- Grand ” Daniel Tiger neres Show Designs The Dr. Marilyn Best Recipes The Oz O’Grady Denis Show O’Grady Stefano Show
Paid Prog. Divorce Divorce Best Pan
There Yet? Judge Judge Paid Prog.
Hollywood Game Night Today KING ”News Up Late New DayNW Northwest Bensinger
Dateline: Announced Real Life ” Dateline: ” Real Life 48 Hours on Dateline: ID Real Life 48 Hours on Dateline: ID Real Life To Be Dateline on Announced TLC ” Dateline: To Be” Real Life Announced 48 Hours on Dateline: ” ID Real Life ” 48 Hours on 48 Hours on Dateline: ID ID Real Life Peter Popoff 48 Hours Dateline: Paid Prog.on ID Real Life To Be Dateline: Announced Real Life ” on Dateline TLC ”
SportsCentre The Anna Olson SportsCentre Meredith ” Debt/Part Women’s Vieira Show 2016 EURO Young Rachael Hockey & Ray STIHL” ” Restless
Raising Paid Prog. Crime Watch Dateline: Daily Real Life
Masterpiece Classic St. Sesame Peg and ” Cat ”” Dinosaur Hot Flash
Family Feud Raising Family Feud Mike Crime Watch Anger Daily Two Men Paid Prog. Mod Fam Family Feud Big Bang PaidBang Prog. Big The Office Gotham Paid Prog. ” Big World Lucifer SteveProg. Paid ” Harvey Raising News Family Feud Mike Mod Fam Family Feud Anger Mike Two Men Crime Watch Two Men Mod DailyFam How I Met Big Bang Paid Prog. Cougar Big Bang Family Feud Gotham Paid Prog. ” The Office
Murdoch Mysteries
SportsCentre News ”Final Atlanta ” Late Show-
Afraid and Naked Afraid
Dual Survival Paid Prog. Dateline: ” Family Feud Real Life
Curious Curious
Dr. Phil ”
SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe” NCIS: New Agents of Creek” Vieira Show neres Show Mr. D ” ”” Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D.
Long Island Medium Dateline: Real LongLife Island Medium Dateline: Real Paid Life Prog.
Little Big Shots
Eat Fat, Get Ellen DeGeThin WithSt. neres Sesame TodayShow PegMark and Cat KING ”5 Dr. ” New Day Hyman News at 4 Dinosaur Northwest World News KING 5 Super Why! News KING 5 Business at 5 Thomas News PBS Nightly News Sesame St. Days of our NewsHour News Cat in the Lives Old House News Curious Dr. Phil Antiques Evening Curious ” Antiques The Voice Eat Fat, Get Ellen DeGeRoadshow ” Thin With neres Show Antiques ” Sesame Today”5 Dr. Mark St. KING Roadshow Peg and Cat News at ” 4 Hyman Independent Blindspot New Day World ”News KING Lens ”5 Dinosaur Northwest Business News at 5 ” News PBS Nightly Super Why! Tonight KING 5News Forever News NewsHour Thomas News WisdomShow Old House News Sesame St. Seth DaysMeyers of our Dyer Antiques Evening Cat in the Lives Antiques The Voice Curious Dr. Phil Roadshow ”” Curious Antiques ” Eat Fat, Get Ellen DeGeRoadshow Thin With neres ”Show
SportsCentre The Talk Interruption ”
Global Nat. CTV Noon News CTV News News CHBC Hour News Vancouver Vancouver
” ”
Masterpiece Carmichael Mystery! Crowded
King King
MLB Misplays
SC Hockey Recap Lunch
” The Closer
Mod Fam Mod Fam Judge Judge Big Bang
Yankees Sportsnet ” Central
CBC News O’Grady Bookaboo Coronation O’Grady Daniel Tiger Rick Mercer Dragons’ Best Recipes 22 Minutes Den Stefano CBC CBC VanNews couver News Network
” The Closer
Dateline: Real Life
Days of our Lives
News-Lisa The Dr. Oz The View News--11:30 Show ” Daily Show CTV News The Marilyn Corden Vancouver Denis Show
Long Island Medium Long Lost Family
Dateline on TLC Dateline: Real To BeLife
Noon News Colbert Hour ET Canada
News YoungFinal & Anna Olson Late ShowRestless Debt/Part Colbert News Rachael Ray ET Canada ””
” ” ” ”
Paid Prog. The Office
Heartland ”
SportsCentre Hockey SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ” SC ” Cabbie
(My Music) ” Members’ Little Big 30 Days to a Shots ” Choice Younger ” ” Little Big Heart-Masley ” ” Shots Yoga” Odd Squad Carmichael Gardening Masterpiece Diabetes ” Cyberchase Paid Prog. Mystery! Crowded Aging Clangers Nature Golf Masterpiece Hollywood Backwards LazyTown ” PalmerNight Classic Game Rick Steves KING 5 Classical PGA Tour ” KING News Special News Rewind Golf ” 2 Up Late NW Weekend KING 5 (MyFlash Music) Bensinger ” Hot A Chef’s Life News 30 Days to a Beauty” Havoc Members’ Little Big Younger ” Choice Shots Heart-Masley ” ” Little Big Yoga-” Shots ” Diabetes ” Masterpiece Carmichael Aging Clangers Mystery! Crowded Backwards LazyTown Masterpiece Hollywood Rick Steves Game KING 5 Classic Night Special News ” KING News Weekend KING 5 NW ” Up Late A Chef’s Life News Hot Flash Bensinger Members’ Little Big Havoc Beauty Choice Shots
News Livin’ Dream Steve Harvey Cougar Paid Prog. Family Feud Family Feud How I Met
Los Angeles A Very BritKings at San ish Murder
CHAN The Talk ( ”
Movie: a Man” “When” in Rome” ” ” The Closer Big Bang Evil Resident ” Big Bang ” The Closer Big Bang Paid Prog. ” Big FirstBang Family There Yet? Mod Paid Fam Prog. Paid Prog. Mod Fam Box Office Paid Prog. Movie: Movie: Best Pan “Think Like “When in Ever! a Man” Rome” ” ” ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Mod Fam There Yet? Mod Fam Paid Prog. Movie: Paid Prog. “Think Like Best Pan a Man” Ever! ”
Naked and Afraid Mayday ” Dual Survival Naked” and Afraid Naked and
Supergirl ”
CHAN Limitless ( ”
Long Lost Island Long Medium Family Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Say Yes Long Lost Medium Say Yes Family Long Island Long Island Lost Long Medium Family Medium Jill & Jessa: Medium Long Island Recount Medium Medium Long Island LongProg. Island Paid Medium Medium Paid Prog. Long Lost Long Island Family Medium Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Long Lost Long Island Family Medium Long Island Jill & Jessa: Medium Recount Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Paid Prog. LongProg. Lost Paid Family
Paid Prog. Big World Steve Harvey Paid Prog.
CBC News KIRO News Rick Mercer Colbert Network ” 22 Minutes Corden
The Meredith Ellen DeGe- The Grand SportsCentre Chicago Fire Motive National Women’s Vieira ”Show neres ”Show Designs ” ”
Palmer News PGA Tour KING 5 Golf News
How/Made How/Made
The Social ”
CBC News Dragons’ Network Den Heartland CBC Vancouver” News Murdoch Gags Mysteries Coronation
Haunting Haunting How to Train Your GagsDragon Gags Thunder Thunder Ice Age:
Paid Prog. LazyTown
” Special Classical Weekend Rewind A Chef’s2Life
How/Made How/Made Mayday ” Daily Planet
CTV DailyNews Show Vancouver Corden
CTV News News CTV Vancouver Vancouver Days of our The Social Global Nat. CTV News Lives News Vancouver ” CHBC SportsCentre Chicago The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre etalk Interruption ” ” Women’s Med Big Bang SportsCentre NCIS The Meredith The EllenFlash DeGeHockey Women’s Vieira ”Show neres ”Show ”
The National Naked and ” Afraid
Minutes, Ten MythBusters Bullets” ”
Max Max
Cyberchase Backwards
First Fam Family Mod Paid Prog. Movie: Box Office “Think Like
Nicky, Ricky Power & Nicky, Ricky Politics
France vs Russia
Noon News News Hour ”
” Big Bang
Family Recount Medium Long Island Medium Medium
Nicky, Ricky ” Nicky, ” How toRicky Train CBC News Your Dragon Network Ice Age The Thunder With Carole SpongeBob Exchange Thunder MacNeil SpongeBob CBC News Thunder CBC News SpongeBob ” Thunder Network Assembly The National Nicky, Ricky With Diana ” Nicky, Ricky Swain Assembly CBC News Nicky, Ricky Power” & Max Nicky, Ricky Politics Gags The National Nicky, Ricky Gags ”” Nicky, Ricky ” Gags The National How to Train The CBC News Ice Age Gags ” Your Dragon Exchange Network SpongeBob Haunting CBC News Thunder With Carole SpongeBob CBC News Haunting ” Thunder MacNeil SpongeBob ” Gags The National Assembly The Thunder CBCNational News Gags ” Nicky, Ricky Network ” Thunder Gags The Assembly CBC News Nicky, Ricky Exchange With Diana Gags Max Nicky, Ricky Swain”
Soccer: News SportsCentre Noon Colbert Friendly Hour ” -ET Canada
Soccer: ” Friendly ” -France vs SC Russia Recap
Say Yes Medium
Long Lost Paid Fam Prog. Nature Golf 5A13 Jill & Jessa: Mod Rick Steves KING
The First 48 ”
Monkey Hope forSee KOMO News 4 Bucket-Dino News Wildlife Jimmy
KIRO FABLife _ ”
The First 48 ”
Thru Hell How/Made Gold Rush Naked and Afraid ” Moonshiners Naked and Afraid ”
The First 48 ” Criminal Minds The First 48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 The First 48 ” ” Bates Motel The First 48 ” ” Damien The First 48 ” ” Damien The First 48 ” ” The First 48 Criminal The First 48 ” Minds” Bates Motel Criminal The First 48 ” Minds” Damien Bates The First 48 ”Motel ”” Damien Damien The First 48 ” ”” Damien The First 48 ”” The The First First 48 48 ””
Rachael Ray Baseball: Global News Sportsnet ” Pirates Late ShowCentralat
The Talk ”
A&E 1
CBC News estate Network In Defense With Asha of Food Tomlinson The National ””
Maya Curious
2016 EURO Rachael Ray The Marilyn Best & SportsCentre News Final News-Lisa CBCRecipes News Young KIRO News STIHL” ” Denis Show Stefano Late ShowNews--11:30 Coronation Restless Late Show-
Days of our Lives
60 Days In ” Hoarders ”
” “Ice Age: Easter The Assembly Meltdown” Henry Movie: MaxAge: “Ice
The Doozers Steve PAW Boj Patrol Harvey The View PAW Patrol Mister Maker KOMO” 4 Monkey See News KOMO 4 Creative Bucket-Dino News Dino Dan News PAWKratts Patrol World The Chew Wild News Kate and ” Warships KOMO 4 Ruf-Tweet General ” News Tumble Leaf Hospital Hope for Wheel Maya The Doctors Wildlife Jeopardy! Curious ” A Very Brit- Dancing The Doozers Steve ish Murder With the PAW Patrol Harvey Dangerous Stars Boj The View Mister Maker Edge: A Life KOMO ” 4 PAW Patrol News ” Creative Written in The Catch Monkey See KOMO Dino Dan News Stone ” 4 Bucket-Dino News News Wild Kratts World Hope for News Warships KOMO 4 PAW Patrol Jimmy The Chew Wildlife ” News ” Kate and Dangerous Kimmel Live Hope for Wheel Ruf-Tweet General Edge: A Life Nightline Wildlife Tumble Leaf Jeopardy! Hospital A Very Brit- Dancing Maya The Doctors ish Murder With the Curious ” Dangerous The Doozers Stars Steve Edge: A Life ” PAW Patrol Harvey
Supergirl The Talk ”” Limitless The Meredith Jose Sharks ” Vieira ”Show Sportsnet ” NCIS: Sportsnet Written in YoungLos & Misplays Mister Maker Angeles Central Stone Restless NHL Creative Global News Sportsnet Hope for Early News Hockey: Dino Dan Late Show- Central Wildlife Global Nat. Sabres at Wild Kratts Colbert Sportsnet Dangerous News Hour Red Wings Warships ET Canada Central Edge: A Life ” ” ”
” Women’s
” ”
KNOW KOMO * ` Quantico
Paid Prog. Noon News Hour
1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10:00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12:00 :30 :00 6 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016 1:00 :30 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2:00 :30 :00 8 :30 # $ % & 3:00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :30 4:00 :00 10 :30 11 5:00 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :30 12:00 :00 12 :30 7 1 :30 :00 8 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 11 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 6 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2016 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :30 :00 TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2016 12 :00 :30 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 1:00 :30 6 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2016 :00 2:00 :30 7 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 3:00 :30 8 :30 # $ % & :00 4:00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5:00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6:00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 7:30 :30 12 :00 :00 1 8 :30 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 :00 2 :30 9 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 3 :30 10 # $ % & :00 :00 11 :30 4 10 :00 :30 :00 12 5 :30 11 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 7 1 :30 2 :00 8 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 9 :00 :00 4 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 12 :00 SportsCentre The Talk Interruption ”
Once Upon a Time
The Talk ”
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016 :00 SC Top 10 Days of our The Social Heartland Reporters
Movie: “Fat
A&E 1
Madam Secretary
Sportsnet Central
Dogs/Jobs Warships Dogs/Jobs ” Hope for Grand Wildlife Canyon
Rescue T. McCarver Easter - The News Rising World News Paid Prog. KOMO 4 Paid Prog. News
SportsCentre The Good ” Wife
Madam Secretary
Misplays Sportsnet Plays/Month Central Sportsnet MLB Best NHL’s Central Preseason Misplays NHL’s Best Baseball: Sportsnet Pregame Twins at Central NHL Yankees Sportsnet Hockey: ” Central Blackhawks MLB’s Best Sportsnet at Canucks ” Central ” Misplays ” Plays/Month Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central NHL’s Best NHL’s Best Misplays Pregame Sportsnet NHL Central Hockey: Sportsnet Blackhawks Central at Canucks Sportsnet ” Central ”
Little Prince ” Little Prince ” Annedroids ”
Mod Fam Mike
Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Movie: The Middle Judge “Now You Payne Divorce See Me” Browns Divorce ” Payne Millionaire Seinfeld Browns Millionaire Seinfeld There Yet? Crime Watch Family Guy Daily Dad Amer. King Guy Family King Dad Amer.
WTBS Mod Fam The Middle Mod Fam Payne A Browns Big Bang Judge Payne Big Bang Judge Browns Movie: Divorce There Yet? “Now You Divorce See Me” Millionaire ” Millionaire
Countdown My 600-Lb.
Curious of Secrets Curious the Dead
News KING 5 Today Tonight News at 4 ” Show KING 5 New Day Seth Meyers News at 5 Northwest
PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas
Nightly KING 5News News News
Dr. Phil The Voice ”
Mod Fam Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad
Skinny SecretsGut of Vibrant You the Dead
Ellen DeGeChicago neres Med Show
Big Bang The Middle Big Bang
With Brenda Chicago KING 5 Fire Frontline Watson News at 4
World News
Browns “Lions for Payne
Chinese Business Couplets
How I Met Mod Fam Cougar
Paid Prog. Announced Paid Prog.
Browns ” There Yet?
Mother in NewsHour Law
To Be
” ”
News Days of our Evening Lives
Curious Al Capone: Curious Icon
To Be” Announced
Two Men
Chinese CouchSesame St. Couplets Daniel Amen Peg Plus Cat Mother in World News Dinosaur Law Business Dinosaur
Mike Anger Two Men
Moonshiners Big Bang ” Big Bang
On the Ellen DeGeFrontline Chicago Fire Psychiatrist’s neres ”Show ”
Seinfeld Crime Watch Pépin Sesame St. Seinfeld Rick Steves Daily Cat in the
My & 600-Lb. King Jill Jessa: Family Guy Life King Dad Counting On Amer.
My & 600-Lb. Jill Jessa: Life
Seinfeld Seinfeld
SciTech Field Guide
News News at 5 Tonight
Nightly News Show News
Seth Meyers News Evening
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
Flames at Ducks
Kate Humble The Middle Living withGoldbergs
Wahlburgers Just Kidding The National How/Made Wahlburgers Just Kidding ” How/Made
Rosewood ”
” ”
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Nature ”
Heartbeat ”
Figure Skating
Criminal Minds
Big Brother Canada
” Sportsnet
The Monarchy
Wahlburgers Gags Wahlburgers Gags
The National Deadliest ” Catch
Empire ”
” ”
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Law & Order: SVU
Criminal Minds
Chicago P.D.
Sportsnet Central
The Quest Nashville for Bannock. ”
Wahlburgers Haunting Wahlburgers Haunting
CBC News ”
Moonshiners: News Outlaw Cuts Mod Fam
My 600-Lb. ”
The Middle Payne
TED Talks ”
Chicago P.D.
Global News Sportsnet Late Show- Central
Monster Moves
Donnie Donnie
The National Moonshiners Mike ” ” Two Men
My 600-Lb. Life
Browns Payne
Global Health
News Tonight
Colbert ET Canada
Kate Humble Kimmel Live Wahlburgers Gags Living withNightline Wahlburgers Gags
The Exchange
Peter Popoff Browns Paid Prog. There Yet?
Second Opinion
Show Seth Meyers
SportsCentre Big Brother ” Canada
Criminal Minds
SportsCentre Chicago ” P.D.
Criminal Minds
SportsCentre News Final ” Late Show-
News-Lisa The National KIRO News News--11:30 ” Late Show-
SportsCentre Colbert ” ET Canada
Daily Show Corden
” ”
Coronation 22 Minutes
Colbert Corden
Sportsnet Central
Mod Fam blackish
News Jimmy
Gags Gags
How/Made How/Made
How I Met Cougar
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL
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Lost & Found LOST: Jan.21 Driving Westbank to Peachland. Backpack with Business papers & ID. Clothes & Personal Items. 250-212-7004 Cash Reward!
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
(1) 250-899-3163
US capable Class 1 Drivers required immediately: We are an Okanagan based transport company looking for qualified drivers for US loads we run primarily in the Pacific Northwest, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. We offer a new pay rate empty or loaded. All picks and drops paid. Assigned units company cell phones and fuel cards. Regular home time Direct deposit paid every second Friday with no hold backs. We offer a rider and pet policy. Company paid US travel Insurance. All applicants must have reliable transportation and a positive attitude. Please fax resume & abstract to 250-546-0600 or by email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
LocalWorkBC is on Facebook...
Painting & Decorating
GREAT for the kids to draw on, plus puppy training, gardens and packing for moving. Cleaner Than News Print! $1.50 + up. Talk to the girls in classified to purchase yours.
3 Rooms For $299 2 Coats Any Colour (Ceiling & Trim extra)
Price incls. Cloverdale High Performance Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405
Misc. Wanted Buying Bullion, silver & gold coins, bars, ingots, collectors coins, coin collections, antique money plus ANYTHING GOLD or SILVER. Todd’s Coins 1250-864-3521 Buying Coin Collections of any size.We collect CAN & US Coins, bills, Silver, Gold. Local couple also deal with Estates, Jewellery, Sterling, Antiques+ Chad & Crissy 250-863-3082. We can make House Calls! Buying Collector Coins, Accumulations, coin collections & Old money. US Canada & world coins. Plus anything made of gold or silver. Todd’s Coins. 250-864-3521 I can make House calls!
If you see a wildfire, report it to
1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 23, 2016 A15
EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue! SMALL BUSINESS BANKING
Account Manager, Small Business FOR ALL YOUR ROOFING NEEDS
7JTJU PVS PGmDF TIPXSPPN BU 'JU[QBUSJDL ,FMPXOB e Serving thn Okanaga 0 Since 199
250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 NBEHFSPPÃ OH DPN $BMM UPEBZ GPS ZPVS '3&& &45*."5& CONCRETE
Vicky Conway 250-712-3350, ext. 300 CONTRACTING
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;¦ Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914
Commercial/Residential 30 yrs exp. We can do stamped, exposed, or broomed finish. We do polished slabs up to 10,000 sq. ft., driveways, patios, sidewalks, retaining walls, house & garage floors, stairs, wheelchair ramps, and more.
Roosters Barber Shop
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9:30-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days)
Saturday & Sunday 9:30-4 Closed Mondays
Dan at 250-863-5419 for your free estimate.
Frank & Kate â&#x20AC;¢ 778-480-5622 Suite 124-3121 Hill Road, Lake Country Winfield Professional Building next to A&W
BUILDING CONTRACTOR Specializing in: â&#x20AC;¢ Additions â&#x20AC;¢ Custom Homes â&#x20AC;¢ Home Renovations
Chris Duggan Commited to Quality â&#x20AC;¢ Insured
/FlCE &AX (250)766-2594 #ELL (250)258-6707
Beautiful Quality Kitchens Kitchens â&#x20AC;¢ No Particle Board Board â&#x20AC;¢ Soft Return & Dove Dove Tail Tail Joinery Joinery â&#x20AC;¢ 9 Cabinet Choices Choices â&#x20AC;¢ Granite/Quartz Countertops Countertops â&#x20AC;¢ Custom Designs Designs
Certified Sustainable Building Advisor
2584 2584Gale GaleRoad, Road,Kelowna, Kelowna,BC BC 250-469-1928 250-469-1928 â&#x20AC;¢â&#x20AC;¢ 250-319-0820 250-319-0820
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Lake Country CalendarL