Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal, March 24, 2016

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I N S I D E : New fines coming for distracted driving. Page 8



Volume 121 No 12

PM # 400121123

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895

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Guilty plea for man who shot Mountie BARBARA RODEN The Journal

Members of the Ashcroft and District Health Care Auxiliary presented a donation of $20,000 to the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation’s Radiothon on March 4. (from l) Heidi Coleman (CEO of the RIH Foundation); Auxiliary executives Fran Helland, Elsie Howard, Irene Trueman, Kitty Murray, and Shirley Holowchuk; and Alan Gazda, RIH Foundation Board Chair. For more about the Health Care Auxiliary, see the story on p. 3. Photo courtesy of Lisa Novak Photography

New full-service gym coming to the Ashcroft HUB BARBARA RODEN The Journal

Thanks to a donation of $5,000 from Interior Savings Credit Union, the Ashcroft HUB Society will be opening a full-service gym at the site (the former Ashcroft Elementary School on Hill Street) on April 1. “They wanted the funds to go towards something that would give us sustainability,” says site manager Vicky Trill. “They said ‘Do something you can bring money in with,’ so we sat on it for a while and tried to decide what to do.” People had been asking about the possibility of a gym for some time, so the society negotiated the purchase of gym equipment from a local businessman. Merv McKague was the man responsible for bringing it to the site and reassembling it; something that was

easier said than done in some cases, given the complexity of the equipment and the state some of it was in. “It took four hours to assemble the universal gym,” he says. “We had no pictures to go by, so ended up taking it apart two or three times. And we moved things around a lot.” The set-up took almost a week in total, says Trill, but the work is almost done; something that seemed almost impossible when they began work on the project in February. “I said ‘Let’s try to be open by April 1’,” laughs Trill. “And the response I got was ‘Are you kidding?’ ” Now, however, all they have to do is paint the walls and install a security system. There will also be a key fob or key card entry system, which will allow gym users to access the facility—located in the former District Training Centre rooms on the Government Street

side of the building—to gain access to the gym at any time between 5:00am and 11:00pm. Trill says that staff will be on site during office hours (9:00am to 5:00pm), and that between those times gym users will have access to showers near the gymnasium. Outside those hours they’ll have access to nearby washrooms. “There’s pretty much all you would expect in a gym here,” says McKague. “You can do pretty well all you can in most gyms.” Weightlifters will find chin-up bars, squat racks, bench presses, and free weights, and there’s a wide range of cardio equipment. “There are a lot of options,” says Trill. Membership is $40 per month for seniors, youth, and the disabled, while adults will pay $55 per month. All gym See GYM on p. 6

The man charged with shooting RCMP Cpl. J.R. Michaud, a former Ashcroft resident, in Kamloops in December 2014 has been sentenced to 16 and a half years in prison for attempted murder with a firearm. Kamloops resident Kenneth Knutson, aged 38, pleaded guilty to attempted murder in court in Kamloops on March 17. In the early hours of Dec. 3, 2014 he failed to stop for Michaud, who had identified the vehicle Knutson was driving as one that was being used to deal drugs around the city. Michaud flashed his lights but Knutson kept driving, finally stopping in the Batchelor Heights area. When Michaud approached the car, Knutson fired six shotgun blasts through the vehicle’s rear window, two of which struck Michaud. The prompt actions of Const. Steve Marcil, who was fresh out of depot, helped save Michaud’s life. Marcil returned fire, then administered first aid to Michaud until emergency services arrived on the scene, for which he will receive official recognition. Michaud sustained injuries in the abdomen and elbow, which caused one of his lungs to collapse. He underwent 12 surgeries over more than 100 days in hospital, and was not able to return to full-time duty for 13 months. Knutson fled the scene, but was apprehended after a 13-hour manhunt. His sentence will be reduced by 2 years for time served, and he will be eligible for parole when he has served one-third of his sentence. Michaud was head of the Central Interior Traffic Services at Ashcroft detachment from 2009 to 2012, and served as the detachment’s Commander between the departure of Sgt. Dave Prentice and the arrival of Sgt. Michel Grondin. He was transferred from Ashcroft to Kamloops in the sumCpl. J.R. Michaud in 2010. mer of 2012. Photo by Wendy Coomber



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A2 ash-cache


Thursday, March 24, 2016 The Journal

Creek. He was located at the Husky station and decided to be cooperative when police arrived. The shcroft etAchMent 40 year old male from Clinton, who is known to police as a collector of bottles and cans along the Hwy. 97/Hwy. 1 corridor, was determined not to Barbara Roden be sufficiently intoxicated to be taken into custody, and agreed to move along. Next morning he was found sleeping in the ATM lobby of the Royal Bank branch in Cache Creek. Police attended and told him to move along. Fast food fender bender On March 16 at 1:00pm police were called to an accident in the parking lot of the A&W in Cache Creek. The driver Rototiller stolen On March 18 police received a report concerning the theft of a rototiller from a of a 2012 Nissan Titan with Alaska plates backed into a trailer owned storage shed at a property in Frontage Road in 16 Mile. It is unknown when the rotoby a driver from Quesnel. There tiller—a red Troy-Bilt worth approximately $1,000—was stolen. There are no leads in was minor damage to the trailer. the case. No charges were laid. to all the Businesses

404 Not Found

On March 15 police received a report of a break in at a residence on Stage Road in Cache Creek. Someone entered an unlocked basement suite at the residence and took a laptop computer, which was the only item reported missing. There is no evidence to indicate who was responsible.


rcMP D


A Big Thank You

and Individuals that donated to our Loon Lake Community, Agricultural, Recreational Society Winter Festival.

Animal crossing

It was a great success!

Coming Events

Zion United Church Services: Mar 27: Easter Sunday - Rev. Ivy Thomas Mar. 27 - Easter Sunrise Service at Zion United, 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft at 7 AM. All welcome. Come and worship the risen Lord. April 3: Louise Burton, LLWL April 10: Rev. Dr. Donald Schmidt April 15: Soup’s On is at Zion United. 11 am-1 pm (while Art Show is at St. Alban’s). Everyone welcome. April 17: Rev. Dr. Donald Schmidt (Holy Communion) April 24: Zion UCW Mar 25: 10 am. Good Friday Services at St. Alban’s Anglican Church, 501 Brink Street. Rev. Dr. Donald Schmidt preaching. All welcome. May 27, 28 & 29: “WRAPS and the Ashcroft Art Club are hosting the 5th Annual Ashcroft Plein Air Paint-out May 27, 28 and 29th. For more information please contact:”. April 15 - 19: The 49th Annual Ashcroft Fine Art Show and Sale, at St. Alban’s Church Hall at 501 Brink Street, Ashcroft. Hours: 6:00 - 9:00pm Friday April 15 (adults only), noon to 5:00pm April 16 - 19. Ongoing: Soup Day in Spences Bridge, every Wednesday at noon at Clemes Hall. No charge.

Add your community events to our online calendar at

FRI, MAR. 25th • 6:30-7:15 pm Turkey Dinner $12/plate

Served with Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Veggies, Dinner Rolls & Dessert



Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm * Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily *Euchre first, second & third Sundays of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome ASHCROFT LEGION GENERAL MEETING 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August) Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm ~ Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm MEMBERS & BONA FIDE GUESTS WELCOME

Plates and fuel stolen

On march 20 at 1:00pm police received a report of a theft from a vehicle parked in the Roadhouse Towing lot on Hwy. 1 at Boston Flats. The licence plates of a 1991 Nissan Maxima had been stolen, and approximately $45-worth of fuel had been siphoned from the tank. The theft could have occurred anytime between March 18 and 20. The stolen plates are from B.C., licence number CK1 09F.

On March 16 at 2:30pm police responded to a report of an accident near Juniper Beach, east of Cache Creek on Hwy. 1. The driver of a 2005 Ford pick-up truck swerved to avoid an animal in the road, causing him to go into the ditch. The vehicle suffered extensive damage and had to be towed from the site.

On march 20 at 9:45pm police were called to the Cache Creek pool after receiving a report about someone trying to break into the pool building. A 55-year-old male of no fixed address was located at the scene and appeared to have been looking for a place to sleep for the night.

No bunking at bank

Return to sender

On March 17 between 9:45 and 10:45 PM, police received three calls regarding a potentially intoxicated causing a problem in cache

No snoozing at pool

On March 21 a wallet was dropped off at the Ashcroft detachment after it was found in the mailbox at the Ashcroft post office. Identification in the wallet allowed police to communicate with the owner, a resident of Langley. He indicated that he would be back in town in a few days and would collect the wallet.

Minister of Environment visit to landfill “good sign” BARBARA RODEN The Journal

B.C. Environment Minister Mary Polak made her first tour of the Cache Creek landfill on March 21, in company with MLA Jackie Tegart (Fraser-Nicola), Council and Staff of the Village of Cache Creek, and representatives from Belkorp. The visit was an opportunity for the Village to explain to Polak the importance of receiving an operational certificate for the proposed landfill extension. The current landfill is scheduled to close at the end of 2016. The liner for the extension cannot be built until the certificate is received, and unless that happens soon there will not be time to construct it this year. “June would be the latest to start to get the liner built before the landfill closes,” says Cache Creek Mayor Jon Ranta, adding that option would be dependent on a long summer or late winter this year. “If we could get [the certificate] in April that would be fantastic in allowing lots of time.” Polak said that the Cache Creek landfill certainly stands in contrast to the types of landfills she’s seen in the Lower Mainland. “The most significant difference is the small face off it, the fact that they’ve been able to keep it so small. The [land-

fills] I’m used to are much more diffuse.” She also admired the design of it and the way the land has been reclaimed, so that people driving past on the highway would not even know a landfill was there. Polak understands the importance of obtaining the necessary certificate, but points out that it is a staff decision, not hers. “The modern way with the Ministry of the Environment is not just a yes/no; it’s a more collaborative process.” However, she says that she is confident that staff are working to the appropriate timeline, and does not anticipate any difficulties. “If staff get to the point where they feel they need more information, they’ll ask.” She also notes that Belkorp is a company that wants a longterm relationship with the local communities. Ranta says it’s a good sign that Minister Polak, with the assistance of MLA Tegart, came to Cache Creek to view the landfill. “We’re not just building a garbage dump; we’re building the best landfill for municipal waste in North America,” he says, noting that the Cache Creek landfill produces as much leachate in a year as the landfill at Burns Bog in Delta produces in half-a-day. “I’ll be proud to have Ministry of the Environment approval of such an important project.”

Spring Break Day Camp offers lots for kids to do BARBARA RODEN The Journal

A Spring Break Day Camp will be operating from March 29 through April 1 at the Ashcroft HUB, giving area children aged five to 13 an opportunity to take part in crafts, cooking, physical activity, and more during Spring Break. “We heard feedback from people saying that they wanted activities for their children when there was no school,” says Vicky Trill, site manager of the HUB. The Spring Break camp is a first step in that direction, with the HUB society hoping to provide events on future non-instructional days, as well as a summer sports institute that would allow children to explore different sports. The Spring Break camp is a partnership with Desert Sands Community School—which received United Way

funding for active after-school programs—and BC Hydro. “The combined grants made it all work,” says Trill. Heather Minnabarriet will be doing the food portion of the camp, with a focus on healthy eating. Deanna Horsting will be doing various crafts with the children, while Trill will be overseeing the physical activity component. Each day every child will do an hour or so of each activity in different groups, and once each day all the children will come together for a green practices/PowerSmart session. The registration of $40 per child includes all the activities as well as snacks, which the children will make themselves (lunch is not included). The camp runs from 9:00am to 3:00pm each day, and registration forms can be obtained by e-mailing or visiting the HUB’s Facebook page (Ashcroft HUB Society). Completed forms V can be dropped off at the HUB (711 Hill Street) in Ashcroft.

The Journal Thursday, March 24, 2016

ash-cache A3


Fraud costs small businesses BARBARA RODEN The Journal

Fraud cost small Canadian businesses an average of $6,200 each in 2015, according to a recent Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) report. It found that one-third of small businesses have experienced one or more fraud attempts in the last 12 months, and one in five have fallen victim. Only 8 per cent of defrauded businesses recover their full financial costs. Aaron Aerts, an economist in the B.C. office of the CFIB, says that one of the most important things small businesses can do is identify frauds. “Staff need to be trained, but most small businesses don’t spend enough time training. It’s much easier to prevent fraud than to follow it up.” He said that the number one fraud employed against small businesses is payment fraud, where someone tampers with the credit card processing terminal. Another one is attempted e-mail scams. “Always be sure to check out your e-mails, and ask questions,” he says. “Frauds are getting pretty sophisticated.” Another fraud that small businesses fall victim to is directory fraud, where businesses receive what looks like an invoice for a service, such as a Yellow Pages listing. Aerts advises businesses to be wary of any invoices that look sus-

picious. “Definitely be aware of directory fraud. The invoices can look legitimate, but they aren’t.” People phoning small businesses to say that they are not compliant with health and safety or workplace bullying policies are another big fraud, says Aerts. “The caller will say that the business needs to get something in order to comply, and will say they can provide it for a certain amount of money per employee.” Aerts says that businesses end up paying for information that they could get for free from places such as WorkSafe BC. “If you need a written policy regarding, say, workplace bullying you can get a free template from the provincial government website.” Aerts notes that the “non-compliance” fraud is a very prominent one when it comes to small businesses. “It works because the businesses want to be in compliance but don’t always have the time or manpower to investigate options.” Many small businesses don’t report fraud because it’s time-consuming and stressful, says Aerts, preferring just to swallow the loss. However, he notes that it’s important to report fraud, and to make sure staff are aware of the various types of fraud out there. “Don’t just take things for granted. If it smells fishy, check it out.” For more information about preventing fraud go to www.cfib. ca/BeFraudFree.

The core group who rescued Lytton’s Royal Canadian Legion branch are (from l) Ruth Dunham, Denise Haugen, Karen Haugen, Betty Charlie, and Rowena Lannon.

Lytton Legion digs itself out of a hole BERNIE FANDRICH About three years ago, Denise Haugen was prodded—over and over again—by the local president to join and become involved in Lytton’s Royal Canadian Legion Branch 162. Haugen is the owner of Lytton’s Suncatcher Crafts, and the popular store on Main Street is “grand central station” for locals who regularly drop in and discuss the latest local events and goings-on in town. The president felt Haugen would be the perfect person to spread the word about the dire state of the Legion’s finances. A lifelong resident of Lytton, Haugen finally attended her first meeting. It proved to be pivotal for the cash-strapped organization. “I’ve always had fond memories of the Legion,” Haugen confessed, “especially since my first visit, about 25 years ago, was an exciting

one. Everyone was dancing and having a great time, and I saw important people from town in a totally different light after that. “When I joined the Legion I was shocked to learn that they were $7,000 in arrears in their taxes and had other debt. The BC Liquor store that had rented half the building for decades cancelled their lease and pulled out of town. Not only that, there was about $23,000 that somehow had vanished from the coffers. No one knew where it had gone.” Also at that first meeting were several friends who were determined to keep the Legion alive, and instrumental in doing so: Betty Charlie, Karen Haugen, and Denise MacIntyre. For many years, Charlie was dedicated to keeping the licensed bar operational. As bartender she donated hundreds of hours of her time, and See FINANCIAL TIDE on p. 8

Health Care Auxiliary still going strong after more than a century BARBARA RODEN

raised $150; more than $3,500 in today’s dollars), raffles (a Ford motorcar was donated as a prize by a local dealership in the 1920s), movie nights, and educational presentations to raise money to help the Lady Minto Hospital in Ashcroft and other healthcare initiatives in the region. In June 1963 Dollie Norrie founded a

Thrift Store on Railway Avenue. It now operates out of the Ashcroft Village Office building on Bancroft, which stands For more than a century, the Ashon the site of the original Lady Minto croft and District Health Care Auxiliary Hospital. (ADHCA) has been raising funds for loIt’s run by some two dozen voluncal healthcare. In the past the organizteers, who operate the store on Wednesation held dances (a fund-raiser in 1913 days and Fridays from 12:00 to 4:00pm. However, a lot of behindthe-scenes work goes on outside those hours, with volunteers arriving early to sort through the donations, price them, and get them on display. “People can drop items off at any time in the box outside,” says Thrift Shop Coordinator Sandra Moon. “The box” is the size of a small shed, and Moon says that when she arrived at the store that morning it was full, even though it gets emptied regularly. “Our donors go way beyond just being donors,” she says. “They care about what they send us. For a small community, people are so generous with their donations.” Moon says that they Volunteers with the Ashcroft and District Health Care Auxiliary at the Thrift Store in Ashcroft. sometimes get requests from Photo by Barbara Roden people or organizations. The Journal

“They’ll say ‘Will you watch for something for me?’, and we will.” The Thrift Store has donated many items to the Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society for their productions, and also donates clothing to women’s shelters and the Elizabeth Fry Society. “They’ll call up and ask for things, and if we have them they get them.” A report in The Journal on Aug. 22, 1913 noted the foundation of the ADHCA, and stated that “We trust that the good work thus so pleasantly and unanimously begun will continue throughout the existence of the Lady Minto Hospital.” Today the ADHCA has a mandate to provide funding for healthcare in the area, and in the 103 years since its inception has raised more than $1 million (in today’s dollars) for that cause. Today the Thrift Store is their main fund-raiser, with the group also maintaining a showcase of handmade goods for sale at the hospital. The ADHCA recently donated $20,000 to the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation. Moon says that after the donation made the news, “everyone who came in the next day said ‘Way to go!’ to us.” The Thrift Store has its monthly Bag Sale going on through March 25. “You get all the clothes you can stuff into a Safety Mart bag for $3.00,” says Moon. “And you’d be surprised how much you can get in there!”

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Published by Black Press Ltd. 125 - 4th St., Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0. Founded in 1895 Editor: Barbara Roden


The Editor’s Desk

Thursday, March 24, 2016 The Journal


What’s in a name? Have you ever encountered the phenomenon whereby you read or hear about something that you’ve never encountered before, and then suddenly it’s everywhere, to the point where you can’t read a newspaper or magazine, or turn on the television, without coming across it? Something like quinoa, which went from obscure South American grain to darling of the North American food world faster than you can say “hot new superfood”. One day I’d never heard of quinoa; the next day I couldn’t move without stumbling across articles about it and recipes for it. So it is with “name-stealing”, a phenomenon which is apparently plaguing our neighbours to the south. It has nothing to do with identity theft, which is a very real and serious problem; instead, it refers to a situation wherein one expectant mother settles on a name for her child, only to find that a friend or relation who is also expecting settles on that same name for her offspring. A variant is where one person already has a child with a certain name, and a friend or relative chooses it for her own child. Now, this seems the very definition of a “First World problem” (and one would think Americans would have rather more serious things to worry about these days). It also seems rather frivolous, something to be laughed off with a shrug. I had never heard of name-stealing until a few days ago, and now it seems to be everywhere; and to those involved, it is anything but frivolous. A well-documented case concerns women I’ll call Mary and Anna, partly because I really enjoyed Downton Abbey and partly because I suspect the women involved are more than embarrassed enough at this stage. Mary and Anna, in Mary’s account, had been firm friends for 30 years, each an integral part of the other’s life. Mary had a daughter, whom she named Elsie; and was appalled when Anna gave birth to a daughter some time later, and named her Elsie as well. Mary details her reaction: “My daughter’s name was very special to me. . . . Why would [Anna] do this? There are so many names to choose from, so why would she choose my special name? And if she wanted my name, why wouldn’t she at least ask me if it was okay—out of respect?” One senses that the feeling of entitlement is strong with Mary, who seems to labour under the misapprehension that names can be copyrighted. She waited a month, then wrote to Anna and told her of her disappointment. Anna responded “hatefully”, in Mary’s words. That was three years ago, and the two have not spoken since. If you think this is an isolated incident, think again. The Today show recently ran a poll about baby-naming, and more than half of the 12,000 respondents said that “baby-name stealing is a real phenomenon, and that if parents-to-be know another couple has plans for a name, they shouldn’t use it.” I do hope that the “name-stealing” non-story flames out quickly, so I don’t have to keep seeing articles about it. And I’m extremely glad that my baby-naming days are behind me.


Ignore the people at your peril


Dear Editor, You have to ask yourselves: who makes the rules and regulations that make life a little harder for people? Rules that would deprive volunteers at facilities like our Extended Care of a cup of tea or coffee? We could easily get around this niggardly, parsimonious order from a bureaucracy in another city three hours’ drive away. How? By simply ignoring the order. By supplying our own tea, coffee, etc., and enjoying it with the people we love serving, asking nothing in return but the pleasure we get from doing so. As long as we are willing to comply with orders like this, we support them, and get what we deserve. We don’t have to be victims; we work around it. Which leads to another issue. Ashcroft doesn’t even have a gas pump. We have to go to the Ashcroft Band facility to get gas, or go to Cache Creek. Dozens of houses are for sale throughout the village. Small businesses are suffering or closing their doors. Our once beautiful hospital has been dismantled. We have vacant lots like a mouthful of missing teeth in our downtown core. Yet we are contemplating and eagerly awaiting (it seems) permission to get ourselves into a debt that would take us more than a generation to pay for, because of “orders on high”. Ashcroft is blessed with clean water. There have been no outbreaks of intestinal or gastric problems in our community. Our water is soft, clear, and drinkable from the tap. We have been drinking it for years without consequence. Some have inexpensive filter systems attached. Some had them, and stopped using them, feeling them to be unnecessary.

Concern over District policies

Dear Editor, I would like to discuss two School District No. 74 policies which concern me. The first is already in place and is found in the district policy book under Policy 1.60: “Policy development, adoption, review, revision and deletion”. This Policy states that “The Board’s governance policies provide effective direction and guidelines for the action of the Board, Superintendent, Secretary Treasurer, staff, students, electors and other agencies. Policies also serve as sources of information and guidelines to all who may be interested in or connected with the operation of the District. Adoption of new Board governance policies or revision of existing policies is solely the responsibility of the Board. See NAMING POLICY on p. 9

EMAIL: Advertising: Editorial:

A division of Black Press Est. 1895

125-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625

Esther Darlington Ashcroft

Journal office hours: Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 3pm; closed for lunch 1–2pm.



Advice and orders that have not made people a priority are becoming all too frequent. Like the New Yorkers did with Robert Moses’s freeways that destroyed dozens of neighbourhoods, that tore the heart out of the city, one man’s madness came to an end. Urban activist Jane Jacobs was instrumental in ending this senseless destruction. The moral of this letter? Ignore any order that ignores people.


Terry Daniels


Barbara Roden


Kiana Haner-Wilk


Christopher Roden

Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.


n t

The Journal Thursday, March 24, 2016

Upcoming programs at Ashcroft Library

Any parents or caregivers of children aged 1 to 3 years are invited to the new “Babes and Tots” program at the Ashcroft Library on March 29 from 10:30 to 11:00am. Branch Head Deanna Porter says the drop-in program, which will take place on the last Tuesday of the month, will consist of “stories, songs, and fun”. On April 16 the library will be offering another computer session, covering the new Windows 10 operating system. Participants will learn all about the new system, including how to use the Start menu, organize titles, and search for files, apps, and settings. This program, like the Babes and Tots one, is free. For more information contact the Ashcroft Library at (250) 453-9042.

Free Disposal Day in Clinton

Clinton residents can get a jump on spring cleaning and save money by taking advantage of the TNRD’s Free Disposal Day at the Clinton Eco-Depot on April 16,

LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS Barbara Roden from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Each household can bring in one load of material for free, with fees being waived for such items as household garbage, cooling appliances, tires on rims, mattresses and furniture, wood waste, and more. Throughout April the Clinton Eco-Depot will also be accepting household hazardous waste for safe and free disposal. Examples include items marked corrosive, poisonous, ignitable, or toxic.

Change to Old Age Security eligibility


In a move that rolls back a change made by the Con-


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B.C. school districts have until April 15 to apply for money from an annual “fix-it fund” from the Ministry of Education. The fund is targeted at projects costing $100,000 or more, such as heating and ventilation upgrades, roof repairs or replacement, and plumbing and boiler replacements. Lynda Minnabarriet, Secretary-Treasurer of School District No. 74 says that SD74 “will definitely be applying”. A maximum of five projects per District will be considered, and Minnabarriet says that they’re trying to figure out what projects to apply for.

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A6 ash-cache

Thursday, March 24, 2016 The Journal


Gym will help sustain other programs at the Ashcroft HUB New gym from p. 1

members can have unlimited access to the fitness classes in the HUB for an additional $15 per month. Each member has to have an orientation session, and youths under 15 years of age must be accompanied by an adult gym member. Trill is proud of the new facility, and excited that it’s soon to be up and running. “Everything we have here is because of donations, from organizations and individuals, and there are so many more

things we want to do. The gym will help the sustainability of other programs at the HUB.” She admits that the society has had some growing pains, but they’ve learned as they go along. “It’s great to see the building used; it would have been a shame to have had it boarded up.” Memberships can be purchased at the HUB from Tuesday, March 29; there will be someone at the site from 8:30am to 3:00pm. For more information call (250) 4577038, or e-mail ashcrofthub@

I love coming up with creative ways for my residents to have more fun! BRENDA, LIFESTYLE & PROGRAM MANAGER WORKING AT CHARTWELL SINCE 2003. CHARTWELL.COM

The new gym at the Ashcroft HUB is set to open on April 1, and offers something for everyone.

Photo by Barbara Roden

Farewell Tea for departing Clinton nurse Moving On

Meghan Urquhart, the nurse who has been the face of health care in the Clinton Health and Wellness Centre, is moving on to a more challenging job. In order to thank her for the time she has been in Clinton, the Clinton Health Care Aux-

iliary is hosting a Farewell Tea in Meghan’s honour on Thursday, March 24 beginning at 1:00pm. The tea will be held in the Health Centre, and everyone is welcome to come and enjoy some refreshments and wish Meghan well in the next leg of her professional career.

Spring Art Show and Sale


Seasonal Labourer The successful candidate will report to the Public Works Foreman and perform duties as assigned including, but not limited to, municipal infrastructure, grounds & park maintenance including semi-skilled construction and maintenance tasks.

The Clinton Art and Cultural Association invites everyone to come to their Spring Art Show and Sale at the Clinton Memorial Hall. Hours are Friday, March 25 from 5:00 to 8:00pm and Saturday, March 26 from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Come and check out the work of local artists and see just how much talent there is in the area.


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Preferred Qualifications: • Able to carry out oral & written instructions and work independently or with others • Able to safely operate & maintain a variety of hand & power tools and equipment • Experience with automatic irrigation systems • Good physical condition, adequate to perform the various labour duties • Able to work outdoors in all conditions, including inclement weather • Able to work with minimal supervision • Grade 12 or equivalent combination of education and experience Seasonal position is required on a regular basis of less than eight (8) months; represented by the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 115. Current rate of compensation: $23.92 per hour (2016 rates) with $1.00 per hour in lieu of benefits. Applications, with drivers abstract, must be received no later than 4:30 pm Wed April 6, 2016, as follows: by mail or in person to: Village of Cache Creek Box 7, 1389 Quartz Road Cache Creek, BC, V0K 1H0 Or FAX: 250 457-9192 Or Email:

Susan Swan 459-2224 or 2325


Easter Egg Hunt

Bring the kids for some fun at the Annual Clinton Easter Egg Hunt at Reg Conn Centennial Park at 1:00pm on Sunday, March 27. If you would like to help with set up, or during the event, call Sandi Burrage at (250) 459-7013.

Happy Easter

I’d like to take the opportunity to wish everyone who celebrates Easter a happy one in the company of family and friends. For those who don’t celebrate Easter, I hope you have a good holiday. Just be careful out there on the roads, everyone. There will be a lot of extra traffic. Arrive safe!

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ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the lease of a 2016 Cruze Limited LT Air/Auto (1SA), Trax LS FWD Air/Auto (1SA) or purchase of a 2016 Equinox LS FWD (1SA), Malibu L (1VL). License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * Offer valid to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial and accept delivery between March 1 and March 31, of a new or demonstrator 2016 model-year Chevrolet model, excluding Chevrolet Colorado 2SA, Silverado and Silverado HD. General Motors of Canada will pay one month’s lease payment or two bi-weekly lease payments as defined on the lease agreement (inclusive of taxes). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Consumer may be required to pay dealer fees. Insurance, licence and applicable taxes not included. Additional conditions and limitations apply. GM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. See dealer for details. ¥ Lease based on a purchase price of $18,359/$23,734, including $446/$446 Owner Cash (tax exclusive), $3,000/$0 lease cash and a $1,500/$0 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for a new eligible 2016 Cruze Limited LT Air/Auto (1SA)/Trax LS FWD Air/Auto (1SA). Bi-weekly payment is $109/$138 for 24/48 months at 0%/0.5% APR, on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. $0 down payment and a $0 security deposit is required. Payment may vary depending on down payment or trade. Total obligation is $5,664/$14,352 plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $12,698/$9,718. Price and total obligation exclude license, insurance, registration, taxes and optional equipment. Other lease options are available. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited-time offer, which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. †† Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2016 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between March 1 and March 31, 2016. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $500 credit available on 2016 Chevrolet Sonic, Cruze LTD, All-New Malibu (except L), All-New Volt, All-New Camaro, Trax and 2017 Volt; $750 credit available on other 2016 Chevrolets (except Corvette, Colorado 2SA, Silverado Light Duty and Heavy Duty); $1,000 credit available on all 2016 Chevrolet Silverado’s. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. † Purchase price of $24,995/$23,495 includes $750/$0 Owner Cash (tax inclusive) and a cash credit of $3,000/$0 and applies to new 2016 Equinox LS FWD (1SA)/Malibu L (1VL) models at participating dealers in Canada. Purchase price includes freight, air tax but excludes license, insurance, registration, dealer fees and taxes. Dealers may sell for less. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details. ‡ The Chevrolet Equinox received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among compact SUVs in a tie in the proprietary J.D. Power 2015 U.S. Initial Quality Study. Study based on responses from 84,367 U.S. new-vehicle owners, measuring 244 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of U.S. owners surveyed in February-May 2015. Your experiences may vary. Visit ¥¥ Based on GM testing in accordance with Government of Canada approved test methods. Refer to for details. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Excludes other GM vehicles. ~ Visit for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity may vary by model and conditions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms and Privacy Statement (including software terms). OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required. < Always use safety belts and child restraints. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate child restraint. See the Owner’s Manual for more information. ‡‡ Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2016 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 48,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^ Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.

The Journal Thursday, March 24, 2016

10 Airbags

ash-cache A7




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A8 ash-cache

Thursday, March 24, 2016 The Journal


Seniors’ centre ready to swing into spring JOYCE WEST

Distracted driving contributes to an estimated 81 deaths in crashes in B.C. every year. The provincial government is introducing stiff new fines to try to deter drivers from using their electronic devices while driving.

Photo courtesy of the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment

Distracted driving claims lives BARBARA RODEN The Journal

Distracted driving has now overtaken impaired driving as the second leading cause of car crashes on British Columbia roadways, with ICBC estimating that distracted driving contributes to an estimated 81 deaths in crashes every year in the province. While distracted driving can include anything from adjusting a GPS unit or tuning a radio to having an unsecured animal in the car, the most common offence is using an electronic device, such as a cellphone, for calling or texting. BC law states that drivers cannot send or read text messages or e-mails while driving; make or receive calls unless using a hands-free device; or hold or operate any electronic device while driving. Despite the laws, and fines starting at $167 and three points for a violation, the message is not sinking in with many drivers. During a two-hour traffic enforcement blitz on March 17 at the intersection of Vedder Road and Luckakuck Way, for example, Chilliwack RCMP issued 37 violation tickets, or one

just over every three minutes. “It’s instilled in people to be on the phone all the time,” says Cpl. Mike Rail, Media Relations Officer for the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment. “We need to get the message out about enforcement. We’re trying to stop distracted driving, which is a danger on our highways.” The RCMP have some simple tips to avoid being distracted by your cellphone while you’re driving. These include asking a passenger to make calls or answer texts if you can’t wait; pulling off to the side of the road to make or receive a call or text; and letting your calls go to voicemail, to be checked when you stop. If your phone is still too much of a temptation, turn it off or put it in the trunk. The provincial government has recently announced that after a review period, fines for distracted driving, and the attached points, will soon be rising sharply. The government plans to have the new fines in place by the end of the current session. “No call or text is so important it’s worth risking your life,” says Rail.

We had a very amicable meeting on St. Patrick’s Day, with 14 members and our Mayor present. After a potluck lunch we were all fuelled up and got down to business, with reports from various members. Everything seems to be going nicely, especially the Bridge group, which is growing by leaps and bounds. Carpet bowling is also thriving, with the competition between the men and the women creating much good-natured banter and lots of fun. Sometimes we think you might hear the laughter out on the street! There is a bowling tournament coming up on April 5 at Cache Creek hall, and several of our friendly neighbouring seniors’ groups will be attending and competing. It will be another day of friendly banter and camaraderie and enjoyment of friendships. The centre will be closed that day. On Saturday, April 26 we will be holding our Strawberry Tea. Instead of having a bake table we will have a Silent Auction. We already have several items, and hope you will all come and participate. Donations to the Telethon and a bursary to our local school were reported on and discussed. These are annual events that we are very proud to be able to support. After the business was over, we had a presentation from Mayor Jack Jeyes regarding the somewhat controversial upgrading of Ashcroft’s water supply. He made some interesting points and left us with handouts and some things to think hard about. Thank you for taking

Financial tide slowly turns for Legion Lytton Legion from p. 3

along with the president loaned money to the Legion to keep the bar supplied and the heat and electrical utilities paid. MacIntyre’s capable mom, Ruth Dunham, had recently sold her restaurant and had moved to Lytton. She was keen to become involved in the community, and several fundraising ideas were bandied about by the group. First, however, the interior of the building needed painting, cleaning, and some minor renovations. MacIntyre, Charlie, and Karen Haugen volunteered many hours to do the work. Then monthly community dinners under Ruth Dunham’s expertise were initiated. Because of regulations, these had to be potluck-like dinners for which everyone made a

Personal Income Tax


502 Bancroft St., (Use 5th Street Gate)

the time to clue us in, Mayor Jeyes! I recently watched a Celtic Thunder concert on TV, and one of their songs really struck a chord for me (please excuse any errors—I believe there are several different versions). The words go something like this: All God’s children have a place in the choir Some sing low and some sing higher Some sing out loud from the telephone wire Some just clap their hands, oh! There is room for everyone in every organization, and the seniors’ group is no exception. We have many members—and non-members, too—who work away quietly on our behalf. Today I would like to call to your attention the staff of the Cache Creek Post Office, who willingly accommodate our ticket sellers and provide a place to let the public meet us and be aware of our group. Both of our local Post Offices allow us to post messages on their notice boards where everyone can see them. We have some steadfast members who labour away quietly behind the scenes at every seniors’ event. Every week we are helped with the set up and changing of tables, chairs, and games equipment. We also have one gentleman—who shall be nameless, but we all know who he is!—who works quietly doing odd jobs every day, from mopping up to taking photos for our records, always with a smile! We all have much to be thankful for, and we all have a place in the choir that makes it so, and helps our hearts to sing and be happy. Come and join us in our song!

Ashcroft BC

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NEW CLIENTS WELCOME Mailing address: #55-1555 Howe Rd. Kamloops BC V1S 1V1

Ashcroft Apartment & Motel

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donation to the meal. Money began trickling into the Legion coffers, one dinner at a time. Each one attracted about 40 people who came to enjoy a beverage and a delicious meal, and to socialize with friends. This fund-raiser, complemented by several others, proved to be a successful community-wide effort. Many other volunteers became involved, such as Rowena Lannon, who regularly drove from Armstrong to help out and visit family on dinner nights. With everyone’s help, the financial tide of the Legion slowly turned. Then came two huge bonuses: the estate of local resident Daryl Webster donated $1,000, and Dave Richardson donated $500 in memory of a relative. By the end of the first year the core group had enough funds to pay off the Legion’s debts—all of them. Today the Legion has no debt, and more than $5,000 in the bank. Additionally, $65,000-worth of major building renovations were recently completed, and an additional $85,000-worth are planned in the next six months. Part 2 will be in next week’s paper. VILLAGE OF CACHE CREEK The Village of Cache Creek is accepting applications for the following seasonal aquatic positions required from May to September 2016: • HEAD LIFEGUARD/INSTRUCTOR - NLS, WSI, Lifesaving Instructor, CPR Level Two. • SENIOR LIFEGUARD/INSTRUCTOR - NLS, WSI, CPR. Min 2 yrs Experience as Lifeguard. • JUNIOR LIFEGUARD/INSTRUCTOR - NLS, WSI, CPR. • LIFEGUARD - NLS or Bronze Cross, CPR. Copies of all current qualifications MUST be included with your application. For full details please visit: Apply by mail or in person to: Village of Cache Creek, 1389 Quartz Road, PO Box 7, Cache Creek BC V0K 1H0 Or Email: Or Fax: 250-457-9192

The Journal Thursday, March 24, 2016

ash-cache A9


Easter Egg hunt in Spences Bridge this weekend

Spring is sprung! Trees are budding, -the forsythia is blooming, the days are kgetting longer; next thing we’ll be complaining about the heat! e Hopefully the weather will be just right next weekend as Sunday, March 27 will see the annual Easter Egg Hunt eand community picnic. The Spences Bridge Fire Department, with the assistance of -the community club, will host -this popular event. It all starts at 11:00am at the school, with the children looking for chocolate eggs; then there will be dlots of games (three-legged eraces, egg toss, sack races, etc. ), face -painting, a bake sale, and fun for everyone along with a wiener roast. Special thanks for the financial assistance of oCook’s Ferry, the SBID, the Log Cabin yPub, Bait’s Motel, and all the individuals who made donations! d Don’t forget Talent Night on March 31 at 7:00pm at the hall. Bring your wsinging, skits, poetry, or musical talents for a night of low-key, no-pressure fun and entertainment!

Bingo continues on the first Monday of each month. Doors open at 5:30pm, and there are lots of games and chances to win all evening. The con-

COMINGS & GOINGS ON in Spences Bridge

Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan

cession is always open! Come try your hand at winning a few dollars and have some fun with friends and neighbours. It’s very exciting to see the support and enthusiasm for developing a park at the old school. With park status, grants are available to develop the site with all sorts of ideas: a play• Servers • First Nation Guides ground, a band shell, walking paths, and many other amen- • Maintenance • Housekeeping ities for the whole community! • Gift Shop Attendant



Naming policy excludes public


Letters from p. 4

“The Board shall be guided in its approach to policy by ensuring adherence to the requirements ne.cessary to provide public education and compliance with the School Act and provincial legislation. Further, while reserving unto itself the -authority and responsibility to determine and adopt governance epolicies, the Board may encourage -interested groups and individuals to provide feedback. . . . , “3. Adoption of Policy: ‘All governance will be considered fat an open meeting. The Board ,may distribute a draft governance policy for public feedback prior to eadoption. Should this occur, the spolicy will be placed on the District website for a minimum of twentyneight (28) days. To be adopted, a hpolicy must be approved by a mayjority of the trustees present. . . .’” e Please note the “shalls” and “mays” in the above policy. The second is Policy 9.80, “The naming of District Facilities”. It reads “The naming of schools and facilities is the responsibility of the Board and final choice for a name rests with the Board. “Limitations and Constraints: “A committee shall be appointed to act as a liaison between the school community and the Board in a naming process. “The committee will be comprised of appropriate individuals as determined by the Superintendent and/or Secretary Treasure and may include the following: - Appropriate local trustee(s) representatives - FPEC representative(S) from

Thanks to everyone who is committing time and energy to make this park idea a reality for Spences Bridge. Soup Day is continuing every Wednesday at noon at the hall. There’s no charge; just come have a bowl of soup and mix and mingle with friends and neighbours. If anyone would like to make the soup one week, sign up at the Post Office. Thanks to everyone who works to keep this weekly event going! Zumba will be continuing Fridays at 10:00am at the hall, with a $7.00 drop-in charge. It’s a wonderful way to improve your level of fitness and balance, suitable for young, middle, and old ages; you can work it at your own level; and it’s FUN! “Like” us on Facebook and watch for news and updates.

- Parent Advisory Council representative(s) - Principal(s) - Teacher representatives - CUPE representative - Student representative “The committee shall present a minimum of three potential names and a rationale to the Board.” Policy 9.80 is presently up for consideration at the April 5 Board of Trustees meeting. It has not appeared on the Board’s website, as I was informed, because of the words “may distribute a draft governance policy” in Policy 1.60, which means that policies up for adoption appear only when the District staff and/or Board feel that it is in their interest. Please also note the words “may include” in the committee selection. This appears to be another attempt by the Board to pass a policy without including the public. I would not have known anything about this policy, had it not appeared in The Journal. It is definitely not on the District website “Policies under Review” section. Apparently this is the way the Board has chosen to represent us: by eliminating any input that the public might wish to impart in future name changes for schools and facilities within the district. It saddens me to see the District staff and Board of Trustees excluding the public until they are ready to decide on issues; and then only if someone happens to notice policies on the agenda of the monthly meeting will they come to the attention of the public.

Mike Baldwin Ashcroft

Looking for back issues of The Journal? Whether you’re doing research, want to take a trip down memory lane, or just want to see what was making news in this area over the last four decades, we can help! Bound copies of the paper going back to 1979 are available in The Journal office; so come on in and take a look!


Sunday Worship 10:50 am

401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 •

United Church of Canada WORSHIP AT 10:50 AM SUNDAY MORNINGS


St. Alban’s

501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909

Anglican Church of Canada CANON LOIS PETTY

Crossroads Pentecostal Assembly

Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. • 250-457-6463

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Chris Magnus

Local contact Reg Andersen 250-453-0090 Worship Service 11:00 am

Pastor David Murphy Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Everyone welcome

Seventh Day Adventist Church 409 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC

Pastor Karel Samek 250-523-9086 passed away peacefully at her home in Cache Creek, BC on March 13, 2016 at the age of 82 years. A Celebration of Life will be held at 1487 Stage Rd., Cache Creek on Friday, March 18, 2016 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Chris was born on June 28, 1933 in Wainright, AB and spent her younger years in Joussard, AB. She married her husband of 65 years, Ross Magnus in Vancouver, BC on Feb. 17, 1951 and had 4 children, 6 grandchildren, and 17 great-grandchildren. Candice (Gene) Chester of Spruce Grove; grandchildren: Tina (Clay) Genge and their children Jennifer & Tyler; Tammy Dmyterko (Toby Perrill) and their children Reiley & Cassie. Terry Ann (Mark) Temrick of Cache Creek and son-in-law Terry Rysz of Sicamous; grandchildren: Barry Rysz (passed May 17, 2005) and his children Jordan and Danny Matthieu; Karri (Chris) Brinnen and their children Courtney, Emily, Jamie, & Riley. Len (Carol) Magnus of Fort St. James; grandchildren: Kyle (Erica) Magnus and their children Dakota, Abby, & Carter; Keith (Victoria) Magnus and their children Shawntae, Lakota, Drayton, & Greyson. Glen (Sheila) Magnus of Spruce Grove. Chris and Ross moved throughout BC and Alberta in their early years until finally settling in Golden, BC to raise their young family. They were co-owners of Magnus Trucking with the late Sumner & Irene Magnus. In the early 1980’s, they spent a couple of years in Spruce Grove, AB before finally moving back to BC and setting up home in Cache Creek. Chris will be forever remembered for her unbelievable generosity and hospitality. Her door was always open with a fresh brewed pot of coffee and a meal on the table. Ross has always credited Chris for making his lunch every day for 65 years. She will be sadly missed by Ross and all of their family, extended family, and dear friends. Arrangements are in the care of Thompson Valley Funeral Home in Ashcroft, BC. Online condolences may be made at

Thompson Valley Funeral Home Ltd. Ordinary people. Extraordinary care. 250-453-9802 ~ 1-800-295-5138

SPECIAL GARBAGE PICK UP To aid Ashcroft residents with their SPRING CLEANUP, additional garbage pick ups will be provided on WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL 6 & 7, 2016. ⊗ The following restrictions apply: ⊗ No hazardous substances will be picked up. This includes batteries, motor oil, paint, etc. ⊗ Maximum weight of any single item or bundle is 100lbs. ⊗ Heavier items up to 300 lbs will be picked up if noted when calling for service. ⊗ The total weight per address is 1,000 lbs. ⊗ The total volume of material per address is 4 cubic yards (6’ x 6’ x 3’). ⊗ Garbage must be out where it can be picked up by equipment. ⊗ Garbage cannot be on Highway Right-ofWay. ⊗ Garbage must be a defined pile on a level surface. ⊗ GARBAGE IS NOT TO BE PLACED ON BOULEVARDS UNTIL THE WEEK BEFORE PICK UP. ⊗ DUE TO SAFETY CONCERNS THE ABOVE RESTRICTIONS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Please call the Village Office at 250-453-9161 before noon on Tuesday, April 5th, to arrange for this free service.

A10 ash-cache


Thursday, March 24, 2016 The Journal

Golden Country presents

... Past, Present & Beyond Ashcroft Before Ashcroft: Tracking the town’s shifting name Before 1862, there was no Ashcroft to travel to; Fraser and Thompson Rivers and meeting up with feet high. Many a miner lost his life at Jackass Mounand between 1862 and the late 1890s, when people the original road in Clinton. It was an engineering tain and places of this kind.” spoke of Ashcroft as a destination they meant the marvel, considered by some to be the eighth wonder Enterprising businessmen soon realized there was roadhouse (and adjacent houses and businesses) that of the world. more secure money to be made by catering to those we now know as Ashcroft Manor. In October 1863 two English- seeking their fortunes than to go panning for gold. The place on the Thompson River men—Dr. Walter B. Cheadle and Thus it was that in 1862 two British emigrants— where the town is now located was William Fitzwilliam, Viscount Mil- brothers Henry and Clement Cornwall—purchased referred to as Tuk-tuk-chin by First ton—became what were prob- land adjacent to where the new Cariboo Wagon Road Nations people, and after the Canably the first “tourists” in the Cari- would go. It was a level spot some two miles or so adian Pacific Railway went through boo, as they completed a journey from the Thompson River, with plenty of room for in 1884 it was known variously as across Canada that was documented ranching and for the businesses they planned to start. St. Cloud, Barnes Station, and Ashin their book Northwest Passage They began by building living quarters, and then a croft Station. By Land. Their experience on the roadhouse, naming it and the property Ashcroft, after In order to explain the confustill-under-construction Cariboo their home in Gloucestershire, England. sion, we need to go back to 1856. Wagon Road south between AshWhen the CPR came through in 1884, it made The place is the confluence of the croft and Yale gives some idea of sense to establish a town where their depot was, Nicoamen and Thompson Rivwhat travellers encountered: near the Thompson. The name St. Cloud was sugers, south of what is now Spences “From Cook’s Ferry [what’s gested by the CPR’s William Cornelius van Horne, GOLDEN COUNTRY Bridge, where a First Nations man now Spences Bridge] the road con- while others felt that Barnes Station—after pioneer noticed a large yellow pebble in tinues to follow the eastern bank of J.C. Barnes, who had owned much of the land on BARBARA RODEN the gravel. It was soon realized that the Thompson to its junction with which the town was built—was appropriate. Ashthere was money to be made by digthe Fraser at Lytton; it is then con- croft Station was also suggested, to differentiate the ging up the gold, which was sent to the nearest mint, tinued along the same side of the Fraser within 13 town from the Cornwalls’ Ashcroft. A penny-pinchlocated in San Francisco. When the mint Super- miles of Yale, where it crosses the river by a beautiful ing Federal Government, however, had the final say. intendent there saw the size of the first shipment of suspension bridge [the first Alexandra Bridge, com- The Cornwall brothers had a post office at their site, gold from B.C. he informed friends in California that pleted in 1861 and washed away in 1894]. The road called Ashcroft. Ottawa decreed that the post office the next “excitement” would be to the north. from Cook’s Ferry to Yale, especially the part below be moved to the new town, taking its name with it, News of the strike on the Thompson provoked a Lytton, is probably the most wonderful in the world. which undoubtedly saved the government some good deal of interest. A small group of miners left Cut out of the mountain-side of the gorge, it follows money. The Cornwalls protested, but soon learned San Francisco and headed north, where they found the hills as they recede in “gulches,” or advance in the hopelessness of going up against Ottawa. They gold near Fort Yale. News soon spread, and within bold, upright bluffs, in constant windings, like an thus added “Manor” to the name of their property, to months some 30,000 would-be miners flooded into eternal letter S. distinguish the two places; and the modern Ashcroft the area, changing the history of the B.C. Interior for“At [some] points the road is partly blasted out was left in possession of the name the brothers had ever. of the solid granite rock, and the width increased brought with them from Gloucestershire. The influx of people prompted the British Gov- by beams of rough pine, which proernment to create the colony of British Columbia in ject over the precipice; but it is yet 1858, in order to maintain formal control over the too narrow for vehicles to pass each area. It was a wise move, for in 1861 gold was dis- other, except at certain points. There covered near Barkerville, prompting another wave of is, of course, no protecting wall; the gold-seekers. road overhangs the precipice, and They soon found that while getting to the vicinity nothing is to be seen supporting the of Yale was difficult enough, getting to Barkerville platform on which you stand—a terwas far worse. Between 1861 and 1862 the govern- rible place to drive along, as we afterment built a road north from Port Douglas on Har- wards found. rison Lake to Lillooet, which then followed the old “The Bishop of Columbia gives a Hudson’s Bay Harrison Trail trading route north to very graphic description of his jourthe goldfields. However, the route was arduous, and ney along the old trail, in which he a new route that was more friendly to stagecoach- compares his position to a fly upon es was sought. Beginning in 1863 the government the face of a perpendicular wall, in pushed another road north from Yale, following the this case between 2,000 and 3,000 The Roadhouse at Ashcroft (now Ashcroft Manor) in the 1880s, when the building was only one storey high.


The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned, abandoned and abused animals each year. Volunteers are urgently needed to care for animals and assist with SPCA events. If you can help, please contact your local shelter today.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, March 24, 2016 A11

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AL-ANON ASHCROFT: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meets Tuesdays, 7:00pm and Thursday 1:00-2:00pm at St. Alban’s Church, 501 Brink. Val 250.453.9206



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Farm Workers BAKER

Horsting’s Farm Market in Cache Creek, BC requires a Baker for part-time to fulltime work. Position is available now. Wage is dependent on experience. Submit application by mail to: 2540 Cariboo Hwy #97, PO Box 716, Cache Creek, BC, V0K 1H0 or email: or by fax 1.604.792.7766 FARM worker required. Basic farm duties including Irrigation, weeding, hoeing, moving hand pipes etc. Work in all types of weather. Hours may vary from day to day. $10.50 /hour. Don 604 904 7833

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Misc. for Sale

Business/Office Service

Help Wanted

REFORESTATION Nursery seedlings of hardy trees, shrubs, & berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Spruce & Pine from $0.99/tree. Free shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

ASHCROFT- Spacious and Private. 2bdrm. Mature trees & Landscaped, Excellent family unit and location. W/D, Fridge, Stove, A/C, NS, NP. 250 453-2037or 780-292-4131

Buying Coin Collections of any size.We collect CAN & US Coins, bills, Silver, Gold. Local couple also deal with Estates, Jewellery, Sterling, Antiques+ Chad & Crissy 778-281-0030. We can make House Calls!

HAVE YOU been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help you appeal. Call 1-877-793-3222

NOW HIRING • Servers • First Nation Guides • Maintenance • Housekeeping • Gift Shop Attendant Now accepting resumes for May - September 2016 Season, Full-Time and Part-Time positions, flexible hours. Send resumes to: PO Box 878, Cache Creek BC V0K 1H0 Or email:

Rentals Duplex / 4 Plex

Homes for Rent Cache Creek: 16 Mile 2 bdrm, Mobile N/P N/S $700/mo + Utilities Avl May 1 Ref Req. call 250.457.0000 for more info

Help Wanted

Ashcroft Apartment & Motel

Convenient Downtown Location across from Beautiful Heritage Park 715 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts. Mature Persons Includes heat & hot water MOTEL UNITS All units have full Kitchenettes, air conditioning, Cable TV and Internet access Nightly - Weekly - Monthly

On-site Manager 250-453-9129 Find Your Dream Home in the classifieds!

Help Wanted


Seasonal Labourer

Merchandise for Sale

The successful candidate will report to the Public Works Foreman and perform duties as assigned including, but not limited to, municipal infrastructure, grounds & park maintenance including semi-skilled construction and maintenance tasks.


Help Wanted


POLE BARNS, shops, steel buildings metal clad or fabric clad. Complete supply and installation. Call John at 403998-7907;

Misc. Wanted 1.800.321.1433

TIRED OF city living? Two choice homes on Texada Island, West Coast, BC- one ocean front; one on lake, private sale, for details 604-4148109, 604-486-7838.

Cache Creek: Fabric Sale On going at 1103 MacLean Cres. Open Daily 10am-3pm

BUD HAYNES & Ward’s Firearms Auction. Sat., April 2, 10am, 11802 - 145 St. Edmonton, Alberta. Modern & collectible firearms and accessories. Over 400 lots - Online budding. To consign phone Linda 403-597-1095; Brad 780-940-8378;;

NEW EXCITING mini VLT’s. Produce buckets of cash monthly. Attracts customers like money magnets. Locations provided. Ground floor opportunity. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website

Help Wanted

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

Required Qualifications: • Valid Class 5 Drivers License

Help Wanted

VILLAGE OF CACHE CREEK The Village of Cache Creek is accepting applications for the following seasonal aquatic positions required from May to September 2016: • HEAD LIFEGUARD/INSTRUCTOR - NLS, WSI, Lifesaving Instructor, CPR Level Two. • SENIOR LIFEGUARD/INSTRUCTOR - NLS, WSI, CPR. Min 2 yrs Experience as Lifeguard. • JUNIOR LIFEGUARD/INSTRUCTOR - NLS, WSI, CPR. • LIFEGUARD - NLS or Bronze Cross, CPR. Copies of all current qualifications MUST be included with your application. For full details please visit: Apply by mail or in person to: Village of Cache Creek, 1389 Quartz Road, PO Box 7, Cache Creek BC V0K 1H0 Or Email: Or Fax: 250-457-9192

Preferred Qualifications: • Able to carry out oral & written instructions and work independently or with others • Able to safely operate & maintain a variety of hand & power tools and equipment • Experience with automatic irrigation systems • Good physical condition, adequate to perform the various labour duties • Able to work outdoors in all conditions, including inclement weather • Able to work with minimal supervision • Grade 12 or equivalent combination of education and experience Seasonal position is required on a regular basis of less than eight (8) months; represented by the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 115. Current rate of compensation: $23.92 per hour (2016 rates) with $1.00 per hour in lieu of benefits. Applications, with drivers abstract, must be received no later than 4:30 pm Wed April 6, 2016, as follows: by mail or in person to: Village of Cache Creek Box 7, 1389 Quartz Road Cache Creek, BC, V0K 1H0 Or FAX: 250 457-9192 Or Email:

A12 ash-cache

Thursday, March 24, 2016 The Journal




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THE STORE YOU KNOW. THE PRICES YOU DESERVE. THE SERVICE YOU EXPECT. Vehicles may not be exactly as shown. Some conditions apply. Payments based on financing on approved credit with the stated amount down or equivalent trade. *60 months @ 3.49%, $463+F+T, Res $14,078.00+tax, 18k per year, Total Paid $41,858+tax †48 months @ 1.49%, $318+F+T, Res $12,469.00+tax, 18k per year, Total Paid $12,469.00 ‡60 months @ 3.49%, $283+F+T, Res $8495+tax, Total Paid $25,475+tax


Contact dealership for any further information and some restrictions apply. Vehicles may not be exactly as shown.


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