Agassiz Observer, March 24, 2016

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Real Estate Transfers 604.796.2925

ENVIRONMENT Trapped sturgeons

gain a lucky release.



Bike lane link between Harrison and Agassiz a step closer.



Penner ICBC chair . . . . 3 Anniversary . . . . . . . . . 4 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Letters. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Budget news . . . . . . . . 8 Classieds . . . . . . . . . 14

Greg Laychak/ The Observer

Bob Vernon holds the cheap and easy-to-use click beetle trap he designed using pheromones to attract males for research purposes..

Research builds a better bug trap Lessons learned in the potato fields of PEI are being applied here

By Greg Laychak THE OBSERVER

A recent trap design for click beetles in Atlantic Canada has local agricultural researchers excited about its possibilities for use in B.C. to understand more about the pest whose larvae have the potential to destroy potato crops among others. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) entomologist Christine Noronha unveiled her newly designed, simple and environmentally friendly trap last Monday at a wireworm information session hosted by the PEI Potato Board in Charlottetown.

“For us it's a very useful tool to be able to collect females and to study aspects of female click beetle behaviour and various control options,” said Agassiz research scientist Bob Vernon, who has been studying wireworms (which are not actual worms, but click beetle larvae) for 20 years with AAFC. In fact, Vernon designed a trap of his own recently and is working with Noronha to combine the differences of their cheap and easily-built devices to enhance pest control for farmers across Canada. “[They’re] tools in the wireworm control toolbox that we're trying to

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build,” he said. “None of the traps... are a silver bullet. They are either useful tools for researchers or useful to growers or indicating that you've got certain species.” The Noronha Elaterid Light Trap, or “NELT”, is made with three pieces—a small solar-powered spotlight, a plastic white cup and a piece of screening. It uses light to attract female click beetles that emerge from the ground in May and June. Each of these beetles can lay between 100 and 200 eggs that produce wireworms. In a six-week test with 10

traps, more than 3,000 females were captured in the plastic cups, preventing the birth of up to 600,000 wireworms. And screening on Noronha’s trap prevents beneficial predator insects from being caught in the trap. Vernon’s trap on the other hand catches about 7,000 beetles over the course of four days and is 80 to 85 per cent effective within a 10 metre radius. But it’s not a numbers competition. “My traps have certain qualities that the P.E.I. trap doesn't and vice versa,” Vernon said. Continued on Page 2

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2 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016


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Greg Laychak/ The Observer

Wireworms can devastate crops like potatoes, sometimes burrowing dozens of holes through the tubers.




strict will cade School Di The Fraser-Cas GARTEN ALL DAY KINDER be offering an Kent ptember 2016 at PROGRAM in Se Hot ol and Harrison Elementary Scho School. tary Springs Elemen > First Nation Language & Culture programs will be integrated into the curriculum. > Children who are five years of age on or before DECEMBER 31, 2016 may enter their first year of school this September. > Please bring the child's BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IMMUNIZATION RECORDS & CARE CARD for registration at the school in your neighborhood For more information on the All Day Kindergarten Program, please contact: Mr. Stan Watchorn, Principal of Kent Elementary School: 604-869-9904 Mr. Mark Classen, Principal of Harrison Elementary School: 604-867-9222


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Environmental pest control

From Front

“But together they fill in a lot of the gaps in our knowledge.” The NELT collects all varieties of click beetles and both genders by using light as its attractant, a property that has many uses. Vernon’s singles out species by using pheromones to lure male beetles only—making it very useful for surveys. Because they only collect one sex and one species, users know exactly what they are catching in each trap. They’re so simple farmers can use them without scientific knowledge. And they only cost about a buck per trap, Vernon said. This pair of tools recently added to the AAFC’s repertoire might eventually be used for mass trapping—though that can be costly even at their lower per unit prices. In that case farmers will want to collect the majority of females in the field before they can lay eggs. Using traps in the grass surrounding the fields would make trapping less expensive as it takes place in reservoir areas where wireworms build up to the millions, then move into fields. “Here in B.C., the two [European] wireworm species we have here, in the past have caused major problems to certain industries such as the potato industry,” Vernon said. LOCAL GROWN OKANAGAN




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“That's where it caused the most problems, but the wireworm stage of either of these species will eat virtually anything planted.” So once they're in an area, they can be a problem for a long time if there’s nothing—or no one—to control them. In their mission to try to get ahead of the pest that’s making a comeback as persistent and heavy (now banned) pesticides leave Canada’s soils, Noronha and Vernon cross paths often. The Agassiz scientist is expanding his tests in P.E.I. to about 20 fields to study movement aspects of the Agriotes sputator species that B.C. doesn’t have. And Vernon will also calibrate his male-only traps with

• The exotic wireworms that came on boats from Europe about 150 years ago live in the soil and drill their way through tuber and root crops like potatoes and carrots. The PEI Potato Board estimated wireworm damage to the province’s potato crop alone at $6 million in 2014.

Greg Laychak/ The Observer

Hannibal is an unidentified species of wireworm sent to Vernon from an associate in the U.S. He is much larger than the species present in B.C.



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Noronha’s catch-all devices so they can get closer to estimating the number of females in a field. “My traps with the sputator pheromone in three fields caught just under a million click beetles,” he said. “They're extremely effective. We've been toying with the idea of mass trapping them with my traps.” That’s a notion that should click with farmers in P.E.I. and everywhere else in Canada.




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Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016 3


Penner named ICBC board chair

Former B.C. environment minister and Chilliwack-Kent MLA Barry Penner takes over as chair of the Insurance Corporation of B.C. at the end of March. Penner’s appointment comes as ICBC prepares its final argument for a 5.5 per cent rate increase that it started charging in November. The increase raises the cost of basic insurance by about $3.70 per month for the average driver,

and still needs approval by the B.C. Utilities Commission. Citing rising costs from personal injury claims and fraud, ICBC proposed a maximum 6.7 per cent increase. The province gave the Crown corporation permission for a one-time transfer of $450 million from its optional insurance business to subsidize the basic rate. “The B.C. government will continue to work with ICBC to identify and implement measures that will mitigate

Barry Penner

the causes of rate increases, to help ensure that ICBC insurance rates remain as low and affordable as possible,” said

Transportation Minister Todd Stone, announcing Penner’s appointment Tuesday. The B.C. government continues to take a share of revenue from ICBC optional insurance sales, where it competes with private insurers for collision and other coverage beyond the mandatory basic insurance. The current budget calls for ICBC to transfer $95 million this year, $148 million next year and $130 million in 201819.

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Sturgeons freed from illegal nets

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DFO officers find six at risk sturgeon in Fraser nets

Jennifer Feinberg Black Press

Fisheries officers on patrol near Chilliwack recently freed several live white sturgeon from poaching nets. They were in the boat on March 8 when they located and released six sturgeon from the set nets, said Doug Clift, DFO’s C&P field supervisor. “Two unmarked and unattended gillnets were found near the confluence of the Sumas and the Fraser River,” Clift said. The nets were both seized by officers, but it is not known who they belonged to, since there was not much evidence to go on, he said. “As we pulled the first net up, we released four live sturgeon. And then the other net, it was the same thing. Two more

were released.” An official tweet went out March 11 from DFO Pacific with photos showing one of the six “lucky” sturgeon that had been “freed alive from poaching nets” by fishery officers patrolling near Chilliwack. “I went to a sport fishing meeting and people as far away as Kamloops were talking about that tweet,” Clift remembered. The enforcement officers monitor waterways to ensure compliance with the Fisheries Act, and the various fisheries, including First Nations, recreational and commercial. Officers from Conser vation and Protection, (C&P) which is the enforcement arm of

Fisheries and Oceans Canada, had been on a regular patrol of the Fraser at the time. The released sturgeon, which were four to six feet long, just swam away once they were freed, and didn’t have any net lashing marks on them. “They didn’t look like they had been in the net that long,” he said. The C&P officers usually seize a couple of nets every year, and sometimes there are fish trapped in them. “But to get six sturgeon that way is not that common. They might be on the move at this time of year, especially since this is the time when the ooligan and salmon start to appear.” The concern is that illegally set nets can threaten the survival of

• Election of 2016/2017 Executive • Rep Forms can be turned in at this time. • Executive Positions need to be filled for the upcoming 2016/17 season.


A department of fisheries officer releases one of six white sturgeon found trapped in illegally placed fishing nets on the Fraser River.

Fraser fish populations like white sturgeon, which are protected under the Species At Risk Act. The sturgeon fishery is strictly catch and release, with no retention. Any nets or sightings can be called in to the Observe Record Report (ORR) line at 1-800465-4336.

One-day conference shines a light on dementia A conference coming to the area next month will give AgassizHarrison residents the chance to learn about one of the province’s most pressing health issues. Discover Dementia: Help and Hope for the Dementia Journey, a one-day conference offered by the non-profit Alzheimer Society of B.C., comes to the area on Thursday, April 21. It will cover topics such as

becoming a ‘Dementia Friend’, “Heads Up for Brain Health”, communication and behaviour along the dementia journey along with activities and social engagement with a person with dementia. Dr. Liu-Ambrose will provide an update on dementia research. The conference runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Coast Chilliwack Hotel’s Rosedale Room at 45920

First Avenue. The $20 registration fee, which includes lunch, will help cover costs. Pre-registration is required by April 12, by calling toll-free to 1-855-742-4803. For more information on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, which affect one in 11 Canadians over the age of 65, visit

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Environnement et Changement climatique Canada

PUBLIC NOTICE AVIS PUBLIC An Opportunity to Protect your Land

Une occasion de protéger vos terres

Do you own a cottage, farm, woodlot, ranch or other property with ecologically sensitive features— such as forests, prairie, wetlands or shorelines—that remain in their natural state? Would you like to see your land protected from development for future generations?

Êtes-vous propriétaire d’un chalet, d’une ferme, d’une terre à bois, d’un ranch ou d’une autre propriété dotée d’éléments sensibles sur le plan écologique — comme des boisés, de la prairie, des terres humides ou des rivages — qui demeurent à l’état naturel? Aimeriez-vous que vos terres soient protégées du développement pendant les générations à venir?

The Government of Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program enables landowners to donate land or a partial interest or right in land (such as a conservation easement, covenant or servitude) to qualified recipients such as land trusts and other nature conservation organizations that will care for it forever. In addition to peace of mind, donors receive significant income tax benefits. For more information, visit the Ecological Gifts Program website at or call 1-800-668-6767.

Le Programme des dons écologiques du gouvernement du Canada permet aux propriétaires fonciers de faire don de leurs propriétés ou d’un intérêt partiel ou d’un droit foncier (comme une convention ou servitude de conservation) à des bénéficiaires qualifiés comme des fiducies foncières et d’autres organisations de conservation de la nature qui en prendront soin à perpétuité. Outre la sérénité que leur vaudra cette action, les donneurs bénéficieront d’avantages fiscaux importants. Pour plus d’information, visitez le site du Programme des dons écologiques à ou appelez au 1-800-668-6767.

© Don Hammond/Thinkstock

By Tom Fletcher

Agassiz Dairy Farmers’

4 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016


Pensioner’s organization hits middle age By Greg Laychak The Observer

PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE 2016 - 2020 FINANCIAL PLAN Pursuant to Section 166 of the Community Charter, a Public Open House will take place at the Council Chambers, Village Office, 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, BC on Monday, April 4, 2016 between 2:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. for presentation of the 2016-2020 Financial Plan.

Council will be considering the Financial Plan Bylaw for the first time at its Regular Council Meeting on Monday, April 4, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.


We encourage the public to attend and welcome any comments.

At 45 years old, the local B.C. Old Age Pensioners’ Organization (BCOAPO) branch itself isn’t quite old enough to qualify as a senior, but it was honoured for reaching another landmark age at the Friendship House last week. Dick Hopkins, president of the BCOAPO Branch 113 Agassiz, accepted the award from regional director of BCOAPO’s North Fraser district


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Bob Burrell at the local group’s board meeting on Thursday. “As an organization we're proud that we've been able to serve our community for this many years, providing socialization help to our seniors,” Hopkins, who has been involved with the BCOAPO for 21 years later said. Over that time, he has seen membership to the 55-plus branch grow to the 225 members it has today. “Most of our members are in their 70s and 80s, some in their 90s,” Hopkins said. “We've still got about four or five members who are in their 90s and they're still active.” As more people age or move into the community and membership grows, so has the branch’s activities in the Friendship House. That building was planned and an OAPO committee formed in 1987 to raise the necessary funds ($237,000) for its erection. The Friendship House was opened in 1990 to a branch 113 membership of 50. And today the increased number of participants who visit the facility have a broad selection of programs they can join. Hopkins lists many

Greg Laychak/ The Observer

BCOAPO branch 113 president Dick Hopkins (middle) presented lifetime membership awards to his wife Shirley Hopkins (left) and Viola Hollingworth (right) for their hours of volunteer work with the organization.

of them: bingo, line dancing, sit and be fit (aerobics), cribbage, bridge, floor curling and the Jammers musical entertainment. “It's an opportunity to be involved with people in their own age group,” he said. There are 24 teams in the floor curling league, up to 30 people go to Monday’s sit and be fit class, and line dancing sees over 20 people joining in the group activity. The organization also has annual fundraising events throughout the year including casino bus trips, St. Patrick’s Day and Halloween teas, an April spaghetti dinner and a November fall dinner.

In addition to that, the group rents out the hall for anniversaries, memorial services and many other types of holiday parties to help cover their costs. At 45 years old

BCOAPO Branch 113 Agassiz is impressive, but not nearly as much as its elders, the members and organizers that make the Friendship House buzz.

Greg Laychak/ The Observer

Bob Burrell regional director of BCOAPO’s North Fraser district (left) gives branch 113 president Dick Hopkins (right) the 45th anniversary award.

Kilby's opens Easter weekend

Kilby Historic Site will officially open for its 2016 season from March 26 to 28 for the Easter weekend. Kilby kicks off its season with the Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Participating children can collect their eggs to claim a prize, decorate an egg to hang on an Easter tree and then continue the search for the elusive Golden and Silver eggs to win a special prize. There will also be a traditional turkey feast prepared for the holiday. Full portion orders are $19.95 or a half portion is $15.95.

Drinks and dessert are included. Sittings are at 12 and 2 p.m. and bookings are recommended. Our complete 2016 calendar of events can be seen on the Kilby Historic Site website. Some fan favourites include the Mother and Father’s day celebrations; Teddy Bear Picnic and the ‘Plein Air Painting Festival’ which is held from Aug. 26 to 28 this year. And just before the painting festivities is a visitor appreciation summer carnival being held this year on Aug. 14. This festive bash, thrown to celebrate all our partners and

supporters will be admission by donation. There will be live music, carnival games, market stalls, face-painting, crafts, a barbeque and many prizes for the kids. On Aug. 14, 1906 the Kilby family officially opened the general store and post office. And this year something special is planned as the site celebrates its 110th anniversary. Kilby Historic Site will be open weekends until May 15. To receive updates, sign up for the monthly e-newsletter at

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Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016 5



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‘Shelf-ready plan’ will smooth federal, provincial funding appeals

By Greg Laychak THE OBSERVER

A plan two decades old to join Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs via a bike lane is one step closer to being a reality after District of Kent (DOK) council unanimously approved funding for the detailed design last Monday. The $230,000 plan would create a shelf-ready drawing for the DOK and Village of Harrison Hot Springs to pitch to the province and Ottawa for funding. The project has been in the works since the mid-90s, when healthy communities forums at that time in both towns said that “this was their top priority as a recreation and commuting route between Agassiz and Harrison for school student and anyone else,” said Deputy Mayor Sylvia Pranger after a presentation by staff at Municipal Hall Monday. And in certain sections it is probably the most unsafe cycling area in this area, Pranger added. The province has covered the costs to date for the Agassiz to Harrison Bike Lane/MultiPurpose Path Project’s conceptual design, but to be eligible for the grants that would be required to fund the building of such a project the municipalities need a design package that’s completely ready. “I’m optimistic,” said Mick Thiessen, Director of Engineering Services, later in the week. “We’re trying our best to move it forward and having this funding for detailed design is one step closer.”

The amount approved will be allocated from the $1.1 million available in the District’s community works gas tax fund and has been included in this year’s financial plan. Further, the Official Community Plan (OCP) contains language that supports the path, according to staff. “I’d like to see this council actually complete [the path],” said Coun. Darcy Striker at last Monday’s meeting. “In most local surveys that we do it’s always one of the top priorities for the community.” The only thing he doesn’t want to see is a $230,000 plan sitting on a shelf collecting dust, he added. DOK Chief Administrative Officer Wallace Mah said it’s a great opportunity, especially with the support of the region’s MLA Laurie Throness. “My discussions with him look promising for future grants with the province and perhaps with the federal government,” Mah said. “We don’t know what the total cost of the project is going to be when it’s completed but it’s one of these things that if you don’t make a commitment we’ll never get the project off the ground.” The work required to put a plan like this one together is very involved, according to Thiessen. And though it won’t be finalized until after a meeting with the Ministry of Transportation, it’s likely that Ch2M Hill is the engineering consultant company that will do the job. Detailed survey work,

confirmation of legal right of way, geotechnical considerations, the design of the bike multipurpose pathways on both sides of the highway, and infrastructure change plans with the proper design drawings are all components of the plan. “And basically you have a drawing that you give to a contractor and they can build the project,” Thiessen said. Along with the detailed design, detailed cost estimates would come, he added. “When you consider the length of the infrastructure—I believe it’s approximately 5.5 kilometre length that we’re dealing with from Agassiz to Harrison on both sides—that would equate to almost 11 kilometres,” Thiessen said. “There’s some challenges there with some cut and fill slopes and some rock faces, some sight line issues, some utility poles to work around and possibly there may be some drainage design works.” He said that after staff meets with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure next steps will be clearer, but the detailed design work is budgeted to be completed this year. “At this point we’ve got approval for the funding of the detailed design and we’re working on the next steps,” Thiessen said. “And of course council will be advised from staff as we move forward in the process at the appropriate times.”

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Agassiz-Harrison bike lane plan finds a new gear

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A bike lane between Harrison Hot Springs and Agassiz has been in the works since the mid-90s.

6 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016


Auxiliaries play critical role


Do you like the federal government’s budget?

The decision in January by the RCMP to limit the duties performed by auxiliary constables will have a ripple effect, one likely to be felt on the West Shore and beyond. Under the new guidelines, auxiliaries will no longer be able to accompany regular officers on ridealongs, or do traffic duty or crowd control, among other restrictions. The decision, spurred in part by tragic events in Ottawa and Alberta last year, reinforces the RCMP’s commitment to maintaining the safety of volunteers in community policing programs, which is admirable. The changes are undoubtedly the most significant since the RCMP decided in 1998 that auxiliaries would no longer carry firearms. While it may not reduce the RCMP’s visibility, especially with regard to traffic and crowd control, it will definitely increase the cost of policing for public events. Only about one in three applicants actually get appointed as auxiliary constables under the Provincial Police Act. The commitment is steep, involving about 180 hours of training, and successful candidates are responsible for a minimum of 160 hours of service a year. Candidates are a blend of men and women who see the experience as an asset to pursuing a career in policing, and those who want to serve the communities they live in. The West Shore has about 20 auxiliaries volunteering at any given time, and roughly the same number undergoing training. They are well versed in the risks the work entails, and volunteer mainly for the rewards involved in serving the community. The fear is that the changes will discourage people from signing on, especially in B.C., which has the largest number of auxiliaries in the country. The changes, although arguably right-minded, may mark the beginning of the end of the program’s long-term future.

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Is B.C. doing enough to help the homeless? Here’s how you responded: Yes 100% No 0%

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Published by Black Press Limited. 7167 Pioneer Ave., Agassiz BC V0M 1A0

Alternatives to drug ghettos

Tom Fletcher My recent columns on B.C.’s struggle with the growing westward migration of transients have produced responses that fall mainly into two groups. The largest is people relieved that somebody is questioning the urban media narrative. That’s the one where drifters, drug addicts, welfare shoppers and thieves are the victims, and working people whose hard-earned communities are being degraded are the problem because of their selfish, uncaring attitudes. Then there are readers so marinated in our nanny-state education, media and political system they object to anything other than a big-government response. They tend to ask, what’s your solution, Tom? As someone who has lost one relative to heroin addiction and

almost lost another, I reflect on the history of successful addiction treatment. That is one of detox and abstinence. That’s why I oppose the failed model of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, where resources are poured into concentrated housing and “harm reduction” that perpetuate addiction, handouts and helplessness. Housing Minister Rich Coleman is rolling this out in other communities, in what I fear is an effort to paper over the problem for an election year. The Globe and Mail recently profiled a methamphetamine addict enrolled at Onsite, the belated treatment addition to Vancouver’s Insite supervised injection site. It was his fifth try, which may have something to do with the fact that when he walks outside he is in the middle of Canada’s biggest street drug bazaar. Contrast that with a facility called Baldy Hughes, a therapeutic community 30 km outside Prince George. It’s a working farm, designed

The Agassiz Y Harrison

to provide a year-long program of abstinence-based therapy and meaningful work. It uses the traditional 12-step program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics

As someone who has lost one relative to heroin addiction and almost lost another, I reflect on the history of successful addiction treatment. That is one of detox and abstinence. Anonymous, with peer support and group therapy. There’s a greenhouse for winter farming, livestock to tend and the residents have designed and built a new horse stable. There’s also a

P.O. Box 129 7167 Pioneer Ave. Agassiz, B.C. V0M 1A0 Phone: 604-796-4300 | Fax: 604-796-2081

DEADLINES Classifieds: Tues. 3 p.m. Display ads: Fri. 2 p.m.

beekeeping project. Residents can complete their high school education, take first aid training and learn basic computer skills. What they can’t do is leave unescorted during their treatment program. They can’t bring drugs, alcohol, weapons or phones with them. It’s a costly program, with a small number of spaces available on referral from B.C.’s social development ministry. Others can finance it with the help of medical employment insurance. I mention this not to suggest it is a solution for every community, but to compare it with what the B.C. government is spending millions on. A news event was arranged to greet the first resident moving from Victoria’s squalid downtown tent camp to a refurbished nursing home. And who was the poster child for this project, hand-picked by the agency that runs the growing network of shelters in the area? He described himself as a former OFFICE HOURS Tues.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sat., Sun., & Mon.

Edmonton resident who was hitchhiking around, going from shelter to shelter and ending up camped in the squat. He was impressed by the tidy room with three meals a day he was being given, in a “low barrier” facility where booze and drugs are brought in, no questions asked. What he was really looking forward to, in addition to accommodations, was an opportunity to kick back and play his favourite video game. That would be Grand Theft Auto, where your character runs around stealing cars, escaping police and meeting with criminal gangs. It’s popular with adolescents, which these days means anyone under 30. This is where your tax dollars are going. Waves of people come in, with key trouble spots being communities on the major highways coming into the Lower Mainland. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email: tfletcher@


Published at Agassiz, Harrison Hot Springs, Harrison Mills, Seabird Island and surrounding areas by the Black Press Group Ltd. Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #116572





Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement. BC Press Council: The Observer is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to


Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016 7

Surgery wait times intolerable

Friendship House

The Agassiz Harrison Lions donated a cheque to Friendship House for a dedicated laptop to allow them to update and consolidate their records. First users of the computer will be the Agassiz Floor Curlers. Accepting are Viola Hollingsworth of the floor curlers, and Dick Hopkins of Friendship House. Gerry Ruble handed over the cheque on behalf of the Lions.

The Observer welcomes letters to the editor, but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality. All letters must be signed and include the writer’s phone number (for verification purposes only) Letters reflect the opinion of the writer and not necessarily that of The Observer or its staff. Email:

SoiréeNoir Secret

These surgical wait times have been going on for years. The Federal Government’s target was, years ago, set out as six months surgical wait (info from government website). It is now almost by now triple that unless you are lucky enough to get accepted by a new surgeon in town or one who is not as busy. This surgical wait time (and I have to use myself as an example as I cannot speak for others because, although I know they are out there, I don’t know how much pain over how many years they’ve had to suffer) is almost triple that. I have been in pain for over 10 years and on narcotics for eight of those years and I am no wimp. I haven’t complained officially until now when my year’s “sentence” had four more months added onto it. I had my first hip surgery last February. I only had to wait six months for that surgery and expected to have my second hip done in Nov. 2015 not Nov. 2016 and now March 2017. By the way the wait for surgery starts once you have been to the hip and knee clinic. Last hip it was three months to get into it but second hip was six months. I’ve come to the end of my endurance and am “fighting” back. The thing is I can fight

for myself but some are just not capable or don’t know where to start. I was so incensed I emailed my local MP and was emailed back that it provincial jurisdiction. I emailed Premier Christy Clarke who passed my email onto the Minister of Health. I don’t want to hear about budgets or what they have spent on medical. It’s obviously not enough or not going to the right place. I have also been to our local MLA’s office (in parliament at present) and a very nice young man said he would pass what I have told him onto the MLA. He also cited budget spending on medical. I have always promptly paid our medical premiums. As far as I’m concerned that is the same as insurance. We are not getting the prompt medical care we assume that we should be getting by paying these premiums. I am not emailing this for myself as I am trying to resolve my situation myself. I have never expected someone else to fight my battles for me. The thing is I cannot help those others on all these different wait lists. Sadly the MLA’s office and Ministry of Health will only do it on a case by



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HER AND EVERYDAY WITH ANNA LIVES IN JAMAICA, SHE MUST CARRY WATER ALL THE BROTHERS AND SISTERS THEY NEED AT HOME. FROM THE WELL, THAT DO IS TO BE ABLE TO CARRY LITTLE GIRL WANTS TO R HEAD LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. A HER WATER JUG ON HEORY THAT WE, WHO LIVE IN THE SIMPLE, BUT SWEET ST FRASER VALLEY WON’T KNOW BEAUTIFUL BUT RAINY KS TO SENIOR'S WONDERFUL ANNA. MUCH ABOUT, BUT THAN A HAPPY ENDING, WITH STORY, WE CELEBRATE The Observer, Pizza Plus, Agassiz Public Library and Agassiz A&W invite kids 12 & under to join Adventure Club. When your name appears in this section, visit the Observer office within 2 weeks with this clipping & you will receive: • a FREE PIZZA from Pizza Plus • a FREE BOOK from the Agassiz Public Library • a FREE COUPON from Agassiz A&W Upon presentation of your birthday letter.

case basis. In other words you have to make a complaint. The Ombudsman won’t get involved until you have tried to remedy the situation yourself. They will only help on a case by case basis unless they hear from enough people to investigate. If you could please make the public aware of this in your newspaper so that they know they have this option. Like the HST if enough people write into the Premier, the Ministry of Health, the local MLA and your newspaper, etc. they will, hopefully, do something about this situation. The surgeons, doctors, nurses, hospital staff, office staff and my two wonderful acupuncturist (who have kept me on my feet) have, every last one of them, been wonderful. They’re stuck with this system that isn’t working too. It isn’t as though everyone, including the government, didn’t know that the population was aging and living longer which means there would be more orthopedic, heart, diabetes, etc. problems. They’ve had years to get prepared. There are no excuses. This is the 21st Century. We live in Canada not a Third World Country. Sharon Edwards

8 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016


Opposition blasts Ottawa's borrowing, spending Tom Fletcher BLACK PRESS

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Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau has handed down his first budget with a massive deficit of $29.4 billion – three times what had been promised during the election campaign – as the new Liberal government embarks on a stimulus program. The budget forecasts more than $100 billion in deficits for the next five years, contrary to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's election promise to balance the budget in four years. Morneau billed the budget as a plan to "revitalize the Canadian economy" and deliver a tax break to nine million taxpayers, and a more generous, tax-free child benefit. Conservative leader Rona Ambrose said the finance ministry reported on budget day that the Liberal inherited a $4 billion surplus. "There was still a surplus in January, and they've blown through that in the first 100 days," Ambrose said. "What





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Fraser Valley

Federal Finance MInister Bill Morneau presents his first budget speech Tuesday.

we're seeing now is reckless spending without a job creation plan, and no actual plan in the budget to return to a balance." NDP leader Thomas Mulcair took aim at Morneau's move to target additional Employment Insurance coverage to areas of the country hit hard by the slump in oil and commodity prices. "Right now there are 850,000 people who have lost their jobs who are not even eligible for

EI," Mulcair said. "The budget only takes care of 50,000 of them." Communities Minister Peter Fassbender said he is "delighted" at the infrastructure spending. With his own government touting its four straight balanced budgets, Fassbender declined to criticize the Trudeau government's borrow-and-spend strategy. Metro Vancouver mayors hoping for big infrastructure

Jeff Nagel Black Press

The B.C. government is vowing to thwart predatory 'shadow flipping' where some realtors profit tax-free

C O M E O N D OW N !

April 1, 2 & 3, 2016 Chilliwack Ch hil illi ill liwack liwa ck H Heritage erit erit itag age e Park P Park, ark rk, k Hwy Hw 11,, E Exit xi 116

from rapidly rising real estate prices by inserting themselves or others as intermediaries between an initial seller and final buyer. The problem of contract assignment flipping surfaced earlier this year, fueling public outrage and prompting the province to order the Real Estate Council of B.C. to strike an advisory group to investigate licensee conduct and potential conflicts of interest. Premier Christy Clark said new rules will prevent the abuse of assignment clauses

by returning any profits of middlemen to the original home seller, whose informed consent would be required for any use of contract assignments. "The shady practice that we've seen around shadow flipping in Vancouver we all know has been driven by greed – pure, naked greed," Clark told reporters Friday. "The way to end that shady practice for greedy people is take the profit out of it." In some cases, sellers have been unaware that their home had not

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– with files from Jeff Nagel

B.C. to take profit out of shadow flipping

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grants for rapid transit expansion may be disappointed that much of the future stimulus money will be backend loaded in a second phase of grants after the next federal election. A $370-million initial investment for Metro Vancouver transit is included and will assist TransLink in improving bus service and SkyTrain across the region. The budget also indicates Ottawa can contribute up to 50 per cent of future capital funding, instead of the one-third from each senior government that was the practice in the past. Big ticket items in the budget include the reduction of middle class tax rates – from 22 to 20.5 per cent for the $45,000 to $90,000 income bracket. Only part of that is offset by an increase in the tax rate for income over $200,000 from 29 to 33 per cent. The budget also includes $8.4 billion for aboriginal communities.

been sold to the initial buyer, but had instead been flipped a number of times before a final offshore buyer paid a much higher price. It's unclear how widespread shadow flipping has been. But the province has also lost revenue from it because it only charges property transfer tax when title actually changes hands to the final buyer, not on the profits extracted by intermediaries using assigned contracts. Realtors also make extra commissions when a home is shadow flipped. The resulting price inflation has been blamed for further overheating the real estate market in Vancouver and some suburbs. More recommendations are expected from the Real Estate Council group, which includes the province's Superintendent of Real Estate. Clark noted there are legitimate reasons for assignments – such as transferring a condo presale contract to a different buyer when the original one can no longer close – but said they should happen only for the right reasons under the promised rules. She also said not all anti-speculation and housing supply measures

coming will necessarily be enforced B.C.-wide – some of them will let individual municipalities opt in or out. Clark said most realtors want reform because a few bad apples can otherwise sully the entire profession. Clark's announcement came a day after the NDP introduced a bill in the legislature to deter real estate speculation and accused the government of failing to close loopholes. The Opposition proposal, patterned after one from a group of business professors, would create a new two per cent speculation tax on the value of homes when the owners don't pay income tax, with the proceeds going to a housing affordability fund. NDP leader John Horgan said that because investor owners who rent out their units would be exempt, that would encourage more rentals and increase the affordable housing supply. The new provincial budget created a third luxury tier of the property transfer tax that charges more when homes worth more than $2 million change hands, while exempting more new homes up to a value of $750,000.


Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016 9

Groups partner to help Honour House

The Veterans MC Canada motorcycle club and the Agassiz Harrison Rod and Gun Club co-hosted a veterans shoot on March 5. The event raised $342 through

donations. Those funds will be jointly donated to Honour House, a facility that provides lodging for veterans and first responders while staying in the Lower Mainland for medical treatments.

Twilight Support

RIMEX will be recognized for an ergonomics/safety project that reduced noise and manual lifting.

Safety accolades for RIMEX

Agassiz’s RIMEX has won another award for its manufacturing team’s work on an ergonomics/safety project to reduce manual lifting and noise levels. The company will be presented with the Topaz and Sapphire awards at the OSSE Awards Gala next month at the Aria Banquet and Convention Centre in Surrey.

Earlier in 2016, a year after its Agassiz manufacturing facility won the WorkSafeBC innovations contest, the wheel and rim assemblies maker was awarded the Occupational Safety Standard of Excellence (OSSE) certification. A clear, measurable indication of RIMEX’s safety successes is the fact that its Workers’

Compensation Board (WCB) insurance premiums have fallen almost 30 times over three to four years according to the manufacturing operations manager. The firm has made strides towards changing the staff culture to make it one that is willing to work safely in an inherently dangerous workplace.

The District of Kent “Pioneer Park Twilight Concert Series” got a funding boost in the form of a cheque from the Agassiz-Harrison Lions Club. Lion directors Albert and Cherry Hooper, met with District of Kent recreation supervisor Kimberly Goulet in her office last Wednesday to present the cheque on the club’s behalf.

Neighborhood Guide 2016 March 24

How small business owners can market their businesses According to Forbes magazine, more than 50 percent of the working population works for a small business. The Small Business Association reports there are almost 28 million small businesses in the United States. Many small businesses are home-based and hundreds get started each month. Despite their prevalence, only a handful of small businesses survive more than 10 years. Small business owners must learn how to properly market their businesses and garner a larger audience to stay afloat. While there’s no set amount a business should devote to advertising and marketing, such expenses should be included in an organization’s operational budget. Small business owners just getting started may want to consider the following tips as they attempt to market their businesses and expand their customer base. • Create an online presence. A survey from online marketing firm Yodle found that only about half of small businesses have websites. Customers routinely go online to learn more about businesses and make purchases. Customers will visit websites to find directions to brick-and-mortar stores, find store hours

and/or learn about the products or print helps establish a reputation as fort to maintain. Social media can help services offered by a particular firm. being an authority in your field. establish and maintain a brand and Small business owners should establish • Don’t ignore social media. Accordhelp you share messages and other an online presence and ensure the site ing to Adroit Digital, 75 percent of content. is routinely updated and modernized. Americans who use the Internet admit Small business owners can enhance • Sponsor local events. For a relatively that product information found on their marketing efforts by taking some small investment, small businesses can social media influences their shopping relatively easy steps to widen their get their names out to the public by behavior and enhances brand loyalty. reach and get their names out to the sponsoring community events. When Social media accounts are generally public. approached by schools and other free to set up and require minimal eforganizations, lend your help. Donate a basket of goods or a certificate for services for Kilby Historic Site’s Annual gift auctions. Work with organizations to donate a portion of sales to a charity or school through a specialized fundraiser. Contact a sports league to see if your company name can ✿ Friendly ✿ Prizes for be printed on uniforms or used farm animals everyone! on banners around the field. Small business owners can explore the various marketing options they have to spread the Not only will this get your name word about their businesses. inting ✿ Face pa g out, but it also will establish ✿ Find the Egted decora u yo ✿ Old-Fashioned a positive image of your our last year on Agassiz Christian Reformed Church Easter-themed Tree company. er st Ea Games & Crafts 7452 Morrow Rd., Agassiz • Establish yourself as an ‘expert.’ Be accessible to Bring the whole family for a journalists and media outlets Traditional Roast Turkey Luncheon Good Friday who may need quotes or in our Restaurant insight when writing articles. 10 am service Seatings at Noon or 2 pm. Call for details. Local papers and circulars Easter Sunday can get your name out to the Regular Admission Applies Kilby Museum & Campground community and bring in new Open Weekends until May 14 10 am service 215 Kilby Road, Harrison Mills customers. Being quoted in 11am to 4pm ~ 604-796-9576

10 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016

Commnuenrity Cor

Community Events

Agassiz Monday Painters 55th Anniversary Art Show - Mon., Sat. April 16 from 10-4 at Agassiz United Church Hall, 6860 Lougheed Hwy. Enjoy the talents of 25+ artists who work in a variety of media. Free admission. Refreshments by donation. Door prizes.



Community Photographer’s Eye

Western Command Military Vehicle Historical Society - Camp out and shooting at the Agassiz-Harrison Rod & Gun Club on April 9 from 10-4. Open to the public. Bike Safety Workshop - April 13 from 12:302pm at the Harrison Hot Springs Elementary School. Bring bikes and helmets for inspection. Bike decorating and parade. Rain or shine.

Groups & Activities For Everyone

Hooked on Books: Agassiz Library Book Hope Christian Women’s Club Brunch - Free Club takes place on the last Tuesday of every nursery by reservation as well. For info & month, starting at 6:30pm at the Agassiz reservations call Raye 604-869-5420 Library. Love to read and want to talk about what you’re reading? You don’t have to be Kent-Harrison Arts Council - KHAC a member, just drop in when you can. Pick meets the third Sunday of each month. up the book at the library any time before FMI call (604) 796-8604 or email us at the meeting and get ready to share your opinions! Harrison International All-weather Tennis Club - Drop-in tennis at 8 am daily at the Stitch “n” Rip - Every Tuesday from 9 am 1 pm. Come to the Harrison Mills Hall with Spring Park tennis complex. All are welcome. any unfinished sewing, stitching, knitting Good fun and exercise is guaranteed at no cost. FMI contact John Allen 796-9117 projects, etc. FMI call Kim 604-796-2336. Olive Branch Dinners - Come join us for a Jam Session - Every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the free home cooked meal. Tuesdays 5 - 6 pm. month from 7pm - 10:30pm by donation. 7571 Morrow Rd, ACS gym. No expectations, Everyone welcome, bring an instrument and enjoy community companionship. Families a friend! OAP Hall, Friendship Hall. FMI call Derry at 604-796-1084 & all ages welcome. Lions TV Bingo - Thursday nights at 6 pm on T.O.P.S. - Meets Thursdays at 9:30 am, or 5:45 pm., at the Agassiz Christian Church. FMI call Shaw Cable. Pick up your bingo cards at The Source - Chehalis Store & Ledoux Hardware 604-796-0686. Agassiz-Harrison Community Services The Chilliwack MS Multiple Sclerosis SelfThrift Store - We’re looking for volunteers! Help Group - Meets every third Wednesday Open Monday - Saturday from 10 am - 4 pm. of each month from noon to 2pm at the Feel free to come by 6919 Cheam Avenue or IHOP, 45466 Yale Rd., Chilliwack, New members welcome. FYI call Owen at 604call 604-796-9932 FMI. 795-5216 Royal Canadian Legion - Hosts drop-in “Fun Darts” every Mon. at 4 pm & Fri. at 8 Harrison Community Social Club Droppm, Players needed, arrive early to register. in - Every Thurs. at Harrison Hot Springs Cribbage daily. Non-members welcome. Call Memorial Hall, 9:30 am: cards, darts, games & coffee. Contact Jacquie 604-796-3105 or 604-796-2332 Audrey 604-491-4944 The Wednesday Walkers - Easy hiking every Wednesday. FMI call Eleanor 604-795-0076 Agassiz Monday Painters est.1961 - Meets every Mon. from 11 am - 3 pm at Agassiz Knitting/Crochet Sisters Group - Projects United Church. FMI call Linda 604-794-5554. for worthy causes. Contact Alice 604-796Harrison Natural Health Club - Meets Fridays 3060 or email from 6:30pm. Open talk about prevention, Agassiz Al-Anon. - Is someone’s drinking lifestyle, chronic conditions, nutrition, affecting you? FMI call Shirley 604-796-9865 addictions and more. Bring your questions, or Anne 604-796-3103 concerns & ideas. We take health seriously, Agassiz Elks Lounge - 1824 #9 Hwy, open let’s discuss real solutions. An “uncontrolled” ongoing event. FMI call/text (604) 316-4922 daily 3pm till closing. Everyone welcome FREE Fit Camp - Let’s shape up together Doris and the Sunshine Ladies - If you have a joy of singing, volunteer for sing-a-longs at Agassiz & Rosedale! All fitness levels Senior Homes and Stay-ins. FMI call Doris at welcome. Every Mon & Wed, 7:30pm8:30pm in the Rosedale Traditional School (604) 796-0442 gym. Classes start Jan 4. Contact Coach Agassiz-Harrison Lions - Meet at 7 pm on Paula for more info (604) 701-8999. the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Lion’s Den in the Ag-Rec Hall, 6800 Pioneer Breath Yoga and meditation - Thursdays 10:30am at Harrison Mills Community Hall. Ave. FMI call Joey at 604-796-9951 Bring mat & blanket. Open to all ages. Free. Agassiz Harrison Community Drivers FMI email Pauline: Program - A community based volunteer driver program providing rides to all local, TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly – a non Fraser Valley & Lower Mainland medical profit weight loss support group. FMI phone appointments & other personal services. Linda at (604) 462-9326 Always looking for more drivers. Call 604- Agassiz Agricultural Association Weekly 798-6228, email agharcommdrivers@ Paper Bingo - Tuesdays at the Pavilion, or visit 7046 Pioneer Ave., 6790 Pioneer Ave. Doors open at 5pm. InfoAgassiz. Annetta 604-796-2338 Friendship House Nickel Bingo on Mon. at 1 pm, Line dancing Mon. at 4pm. Tues. Bridge EUCHRE - If you are interested in playing and Cribbage at 1 pm, Sit and Be Fit 10:30 EUCHRE, the card game, please call Nancy am Mon. & Fri., Drop-in Floor Curling 7 pm (604)219-7392. Potencial location: Agassiz Legion. Dates & time TBD Thurs. Call Dick FMI (604) 796-9470

Agassiz Campus Sunday, 10:30 am Kids’ Ministry Meeting at the Ag Hall 6800 Pioneer Ave.

Best Rates ☎ Sarah 604.796.4301 To advertise in this space


Heather Vopni captured these cherry blossoms on a Saturday afternoon drive along McPherson Rd. near the entrance to Harrison Hot Springs Resort. Vopni writes: “Blossoming signs of winter’s end become evermore prevalent at every delightful turn amid the month of March. The succulent sights of bright, bursting flower beds, the natural soothing sounds of cheerful bird songs and the alluring sweet smells of crisp spring air all overflow with the season’s promise of fresh starts and new beginnings. Yet, nothing marks the ringing in of springtime quite like the timely appearance of our world renowned and truly beloved cherry blossoms.” See more of Vopni’s work at Heather Vopni Photo & Design on Facebook.

Preparing for anything Except for brief periods it is still too cool to be outside for a long time, especially for Ruthy and I, considering our "biblical" age. Instead, we decided the other day to sit down, review and reminisce the year that was, before letting it go. To do this has become a habit. Last year at this time I remember us sitting here, too, anticipating summer and fun. It did not turn out exactly like this, as we all know. In June, when my daughter Julia came for a visit, it was already too warm for us to do anything more strenuous than sitting on the balcony, letting the world go by. And so, for a few precious days we, Julia, Ruthy and I, went through our lives together via photo albums. It was great fun—the things we did! Then, unfortunately, temperatures went higher than it was to everybody's liking. Scary wildfires were reported from all over Canada and when we could smell smoke here in Harrison Hot Springs, we knew the situation had become quite dangerous, enough to remember the days when we volunteered for the Harrison Hot Springs

Emergency Commission. Smoke, as all know, does not give us much time to flee to safer fields and so Ruthy and I decided to check-out our emergency bag, just in case. We also expected visitors from France who wanted to hike in our area and wondered how this would work out. But, by the time they RUTH ALTENDORF arrived the worst was This Side over and—at of 90 least in our area—no great harm was done. Enough, however, to remind us not to take things for granted. But then, other things developed and occupied our minds: the tragic exodus of millions of Syrians to Europe. They arrived by whatever means: on foot, via rickety rubber boats or whatever else they could obtain. It was an uncomfortable feeling for us to live so far away, unable to be of help. At the same time we lived

through perhaps the most exciting election in our Canadian history. Who would ever forget the colour of red taking hold of Canada coast to coast on election day? And whoever said Canadian politics are boring? The year ended, however, as it always does, with the many different year end celebrations. Not to forget Ruthy's and my own 90th birthdays—a true milestone in our lives. And now, here we are again wondering what this new year will bring—the perpetual cycle of life. A final note: did you check your own emergency bag lately? Besides the obvious, make sure to have the following items ready: identification such as your passport or citizenship card, your medical insurance card, a list of medical prescriptions as well as your actual supply of medications, money and everything you would take along going on any overnight trip. Hopefully, we will never have to leave for safer fields, but it is always good to be prepared. Til next time! Ruth Altendorf and Ruthy

Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016 11


AESS celebrates achievement

Grade 10 Chelsey Baboth Seleen Banez Kaliska Beauchamp Emily Bestwick Paul Dumas Quinten Fast Kevin Graham Jaydin Lees Jessica Lucki Shanttal Ortiz Dakota Pope Drew Ramey Quentin Robertson Justin Stoeckly Megan Vander Wyk Sage Williamson

Agassiz Elementary Se condary School ‘A’ Honour Roll Term 1, Nov. 2015 Grade 7 Domonick Carscadden Katelyn Gafka Nicholas Harrison Erica Leon Jordan Lucki Owen Quintana Caitlin Vander Wyk Abby Wilson Grade 8 Kylee Bahia Daniel Chrenko Kierra Chettleborough Kian Johnson Austyn Moore Grade 9 Clara Burt Hailey Drury Simon Grieshaber-Otto Zoel Jackson Anna Jang Hailey Keating Katrina Lawley Ashlyn Lowe Anna Madsen Megan McCallum Katie Schram Dezrae Timmers Rionna Vander Wyk Joree Walde Grade 10 Seleen Banez Kaliska Beauchamp Paul Dumas Jaydin Lees Jessica Lucki Dakota Pope Drew Ramey Justine Stoeckly Megan Vander Wyk Grade 11 Jordan Baker Hannah Exley Kirsten Fleming Ben Inkman Trevan Kozel Alyssa Lawley Lauren Lowe Jacob MacPherson Serena Madsen Coby Sayo Cody Sayo Gage Sippel Camryn Striker Emily White Grade 12 Ignacio Aguirre Tamara Andrew Taylor Lees Jacob Lucki Braydon Peters Euan Sayo Sydney Vander Wyk Ian Wilson ‘B’ HONOUR ROLL Grade 7 Matthew Allen Caitlyn Andrews Hailey Avison Elizabeth Baker Hayden Carter Taylor Charlie Hayley Downs Sebastian Foerstner Adam Graham

Tamara Harris Florin Holzapfel Hailey Jeronimus Kaylo Julian Shania Knox Emily Kutrowski Mackenzie Leverrier Samuel McCurdy Shayleen Peters Nicole Pope Avery Rempel Arianna Spurrell Dana Stoeckly Mason Striker Loralia Thompson Kassandra Williamson Grade 8 Katrina Backman Jo Beauchamp Marshall Bowles Zachary Carscadden Kayla Elliott Ashley Ferguson Jessica Fleming Terryn Gavin-Hagan Max Holzapfel Connor James Monica James-Louie Lucas Leins Paige Leon Emma Martin Rusty McInroy Hallie Michell-Wenman Sheradin Nijkamp Kevin Ortiz Kaitlan Peters Meka Quintana Amy Reyburn Philip Schwichtenberg Eva Solomon Logan Sparkes Anton Stoeckly William Thorne Terra Toovey Kaeden Van Oort Blake Visser Grade 9 Miya Andrew Mikayla Bahia Trevor Carscadden Isaiah Clarke-Wade Tori Downs Dallas Dyck Cole Faessler Brandon Finlay Chloe Harris Cassandra Howe Lucas Irwin Caleb Kafi Maggie McCurdy Nadia McNeil-Joseph Briann Peters Morgan Rumpeltes Samantha Seymour Tieran Short Justin Smith Kayla Stanway Sierra Visser

Lucia Wall Annalise Wilkinson

Caitlin Vander Wyk Kassandra Williamson

Grade 10 Chelsey Baboth Emily Bestwick Kevin Graham Amanda Heffell Jessica Heffell Anna McNeil-Bobb Marina Modeste-Point Shanttal Ortiz Quentin Robertson Logan Sarka Klaudia Trajanovski Aidan Van Paridon Sage Williamson

Grade 8 Kylee Bahia Zachary Carscadden Kierra Chettlebrough Daniel Chrenko Ashley Ferguson Maximillan Holzapfel Kian Johnson Austyn Moore Kevin Ortiz Logan Sparkes Terra Toovey

Grade 11 Amber Barton Nicole Callander Daniel Charlton Tanner Douglas Sam Dyck Mindee Felix-Louie Riley Finlay Whitney Harris Alex Howe Matt Irwin Noah Kozier Tyress Leon Ben MacPherson Quin McNeil-Bobb Henrietta McInroy Alex Schwichtenberg Jenna Smith Alex Stewart Grade 12 Cody Beauvais Derek Bobb Millar Frederickson Richard Harris Makenzie Peters Joelle Sicard Emily Stewart Katelynn VanderEijk Autumn White ‘Effort’ ROLL Grade 7 Matthew Allen Caitlynn Andrews Hailey Avison Eliszabeth Baker Domonick Carscadden Katelyn Gafka Tamarra Harris Shania Knox Emily Kutrowski Erica Leon Jordan Lucki Shayleen Peters Nicole Pope Owen Quintana Arianna Spurrell Dana Stoeckly Mason Striker

Grade 9 Mikayla Bahia Clara Burt Tori Downs Hailey Drury Cole Faessler Simon Grieshaber-Otto Cassandra Howe Zoel Jackson Anna Jang Caleb Kafi Hailey Keating Katrina Lawley Ashlyn Lowe Anna Madsen Megan McCallum Nadia McNeil-Joseph Helaman Ochoa Tyra Peters Katie Schram Justin Smith Dezrae Timmers Rionna Vander Wyk Sierra Visser Joree Walde

Grade 11 Jordan Baker Amber Barton Tanner Douglas Sam Dyck Hannah Exley Riley Finlay Kirsten Fleming Whitney Harris Matthew Irwin Trevan Kozel Alyssa Lawley Lauren Lowe Ben MacPherson Jacob MacPherson Serena Madsen Henrietta McInroy Quinton McNeil-Bobb Sebastian Molina Coby Sayo Cody Sayo Alex Schwichtenberg Gage Sippel Camryn Striker Emily White Grade 12 Ignacio Aguirre Cody Beauvis Lindsey deBruin Taylor Lees Jacob Lucki Keith Machelle Braydon Peters Euan Sayo Joelle Sicard Sarah Sisson Sydney Vander Wyk Karen Walton Autumn White Ian Wilson

Best Buy– Correction Notice In the March 18 flyer, page 11, the Samsung 50”, and 55” 4K Tizen Smart LED TVs were advertised with incorrect prices. The 50” 4K Tizen Smart LED TV's (WebCode: 10363472) correct price is $1499.99, the 55” 4K Tizen Smart LED TV’s (WebCode: 10363473) correct price is $1599.99. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.

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12 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016


Local groups benefit from United Way funding

United Way announced last Friday that two Fraser Cascadebased projects addressing poverty, homelessness or helping children to be successful in school will be funded this year. Both Agassiz and Hope will see the benefits of the cash for good cause coming from the organization to local projects. The grant injection to Agassiz’s Family Parenting Place allows the program to offer services on the weekends, so that families who work have access to early childhood programs. “It enables us to open on Saturday

morning,” said Agassiz Harrison Community Services executive director Bobbi Jacob of the $6,500 received. “Prior to this we were only open Monday to Thursday. So now we’re open five and a half days a week.” New funding from the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) funding helped them extend into Fridays recently. Jacob said there were already 11 people using the drop-in service last Saturday, learning about different ways to interact with their children, meeting other parents and giving their children a chance to socialize.

“It extends the opportunities to use Family Place,” she said. “Perhaps some people are only able to come on Saturday morning. During the week it might not be an option for them.” The largest grant is for the Hope Project, operated by Hope and Area Transition Society (HATS), hosting a hub of services, which will support individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The aim of that project is to lead those in need to secure employment and housing. And a third regional project is here in Agassiz, assisting with onetime loans and financial counselling for individuals at risk of losing their

housing. This project partners Agassiz/ Harrison Community Services and HATS with Mennonite Central Committee. “We are very pleased to be investing in skills based programs that will reduce community costs now and in the future,” said Wayne Green, executive director of United Way. “These grants are only available because of the incredibly generous donors we have here in the Fraser Valley.” The United Way invested more than $150,000 in 16 local projects in B.C.

Bobbi Jacobs of Agassiz Harrison Community Services holds the funding cheque from United Way.

For more information about United Way, go to


TOTAL $10,000 INVALUE **







159 0%









0 0 0 0 $







184 0.9























209 0.49













ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. BCGMCDEALERS.CA 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase of a 2016 Sierra 1500 Kodiak Edition, and lease of a 2016 Sierra 1500 Double Cab 4WD (1SA), Terrain SLE-1 AWD (3SA), Acadia SLE-1 AWD(3SA). License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * Offer valid to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial and accept delivery between March 1 and March 31, 2016 of a new or demonstrator 2016 model-year GMC model, excluding GMC Canyon 2SA, Sierra and Sierra HD. General Motors of Canada will pay one month’s lease payment or two bi-weekly lease payments as defined on the lease agreement (inclusive of taxes). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Consumer may be required to pay dealer fees. Insurance, licence and applicable taxes not included. Additional conditions and limitations apply. GM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. See dealer for details. ** $10,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $3,000 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive), $5,445 Cash Credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 Loyalty Cash (tax inclusive) and a $555 manufacturer-to-dealer Kodiak Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive) for 2016 Sierra SLE 1500 Kodiak Edition, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are forgoing this $5,445 credit, which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ¥ Lease based on a purchase price of $34,344/$31,346/$40,578, including $893/$670/$670 Loyalty Cash (tax exclusive), $0/$500/$1,000 lease cash, $3,000/$0/$0 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit and a $1,000/$0/$0 bonus credit for a new eligible 2016 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 4WD (1SA)/Terrain SLE-1 AWD (3SA)/Acadia SLE-1 AWD (3SA). Bi-weekly payment is $159/$184/$209 for 24/48/48 months at 0%/0.9%/0.49% APR, on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. $1,050/$0/$0 down payment is required. Payment may vary depending on down payment or trade. Total obligation is $9,306/$19,104/$21,696, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $25,039/$13,036/$19,467. Price and total obligation exclude license, insurance, registration, taxes and optional equipment. Other lease options are available. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited-time offer, which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. †† Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2016 model year GMC SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between March 1 and March 31, 2016. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on eligible GMC vehicles (except Canyon 2SA, Sierra 1500 and HD); $1,000 credit available on all 2016 GMC Sierra models. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. ‡ Vehicle user interfaces are products of Apple® and Google® and their terms and privacy statements apply. Requires compatible smartphone. Data plan rates apply. ^^ The 2-Year Scheduled LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2016 GMC vehicle with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the Oil Life Monitoring System and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 48,000km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four lube-oil-filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.

Call Gardner Chevrolet Buick GMC at 604-869-9511, or visit us at 945 Water Avenue, Hope. [License #7287]

Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016 13


It’s time to get growing

Questions and Answers We have downsized to a much smaller house and lot. How can we grow vegetables in pots on our patio? Downsizing is becoming a popular occurrence due to many circumstances, therefore commercial seed growers are meeting that demand by developing plants for smaller spaces. They will be compact, have less foliage, but still produce a generous amount of flowers and/or vegetables. Most vegetables will grow in pots, but those that have been developed for small spaces, such as ‘bush’ or ‘patio-pick’ in the description are meant for space saving. Supplies that are required: a large clean three to four gallon plastic pot with drainage holes, a drainage dish, fabric such as dryer sheets, remay cloth or landscape fabric to line the bottom, a balanced potting soil, fertilizer and a staking device like a tomato cage. If using commercial potting soil it may need to be amended with compost to provide micro-nutrients and microorganisms which increases root absorption of available food. The

three numbers listed on commercial fertilizer (N-P-K) stand for the ratio of Nitrogen-Potassium-Potash in the container. All of these nutrients are needed for healthy plant growth, but for good fruit production, larger amounts of potassium and potash are required. Fertilizing every one to two weeks is a recommended schedule, especially for tomatoes which are heavy feeders. If watering is more frequent due to hot dry weather then fertilizing should be increased. We fill the drainage trays with water during the hot weather so extra water is available if we’re away for the day. Automatic watering can also be installed to save on time and keep plants from drying out. Do I need to deep till the garden every year? The annual rite of tilling has been done in the past to aerate, chop and kill weeds, mix in organic matter and fertilizers. Plus, there is that psychological feeling of preparing a clean slate for the start of another growing year. Tilling weeds under does destroy them, but at the same time buried weed seeds that have laid dormant for years are brought to the surface. Now they have light and more air to awaken them just as though they had been sown. Of course, early hoeing and pulling the weeds prevents any seeds from forming. Compost can be mixed in the top six inches of soil without deep tilling which is where most of the feeder roots will be. Fertilizer can be spread on the surface. If garden soil is high in clay content it will naturally compact. In that case, a deeper tilling in of amendments is necessary. Raised beds filled with a lighter soil could be another way to garden with no tilling. If a green ‘cover crop’ has been grown in the winter to add nutrients to the soil, it will also need to be tilled in. With any garden job, we have to ask ourselves, “Why are we doing it?” Is it because we always have?

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Every spring I purchase primula at the grocery store and would like to know how to grow them on to another year. These harbingers of spring are hard (604) 378-8115 to resist when the days are rainy and we thirst for colour. The colourful plastic sleeves used for display purposes should be removed so the Same day service water tank installation roots aren’t sitting in water. They have Agassiz owned & operated been grown in a cool greenhouse, so • Complete collision & glass services • Courtesy Vehicles Full service & instalation to prolong their life place them in a • Express repair facility FREE estimates cool area of the home or even better Direct repair facility for all Major Insurance Companies Ask about our senior’s discount in an outside display. Keep them 966 6th Ave. Hope BC • 604 - 869 - 5244 • evenly moist, remove spent flowers, and feed with an ultra-bloom type fertilizer every two weeks. When Weijdeman’s Bookkeeping they finish flowering plant them in W EIJDEMAN ’S B & PAYROLL SERVICE LTD. a garden bed that has good drainage & pOOKKEEPING ayroll service ltd. and enjoy them again next spring. LOCATED IN AGASSIZ AND CHILLIWACK l ocated in a gassiz and c hilliWack Slugs and snails seem to think they are a spring appetizer before the ADMINISTRATION SERVICES BUSINESS USINESS SSET-UP ET-UP entrée of hostas, so I do throw slug ADMINISTRATION SERVICES••B bait, ferrous phosphate, around them GOVERNMENT REMITTANCES • COLLECTIONS GOVERNMENT REMITTANCES • COLLECTIONS early in the season.

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We have started the growing season with frequent rains, but the temperatures have remained fairly mild. No amount of rain will deter a determined gardener! Pruning can be done, planting new trees and shrubs if the soil isn’t too saturated, splitting overgrown perennials and preparing pots for annuals. JANE KIVETT Vegetables, Green perennials and annuals that need Thumb an early start should be started indoors in March. Vegetables to plant in the garden in late March or early April are garlic, potatoes, broad beans, peas, onions, swiss chard, radishes, lettuce, cabbage family and spinach. We usually wait until the night time temperatures are at least above 10 C when the soil is warmer. We have started tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, brassica (red and green cabbage and kohlrabi) all under grow lights in the house. When buying seeds or commercially grown starter veggies, especially tomatoes, be sure to look at the ‘date of maturity,’ which means the approximate date the first fruit is ripe and ready to pick. For example, we grow ‘celebrity’ tomatoes which mature in approximately 70 days, but longer season tomatoes can take up to 80-85 days. If wondering when to plant all the garden seeds, ‘West Coast Seed Catalogue’ has a detailed guide for planting dates particular to our area of the Lower Mainland. The catalogue is free and can be found at greenhouses or ordered by calling 1-888-804-8820.


14 Agassiz Harrison Observer, Thursday, March 24, 2016

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On the 27th of March, it’s 16 years since Lou Gehrig and the Lord took you away from us, your family and friends. We miss you every day you were a good son. God saw you getting tired when a cure was not to be. So he wrapped his arms around you and whispered “come to me” you did not deserve what you went through. So her gave you rest. Gods garden must be beautiful. He only takes the best and when I saw you sleeping so peacefully and free from your pain I could not wish you back to suffer that again. Love til we meet again. Mom Anne, Step dad Henry, Dad Erling, Sister Annette Elanie, Brothers Stephen, Douglas Gustav (Lisa), Davis(Tracy) Nieces and Nephews.


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33166 South Fraser Way DL# 40083 778-908-5888 2003 FORD FOCUS 4 dr, auto, Aircared, STK#545, $2,900. 2004 DODGE CARAVAN 7psgr, loaded STK#525 $2,900. 2002 HONDA ACCORD 2dr, auto, loaded, STK#648 $3,900. 2003 HONDA ODYSSEY 7psg full load, runs good, Aircared STK#530 $3,900. 2007 CHEV UPLANDER 7 psg fully loaded. STK#473 $4,500. 2004 MAZDA 3 Auto, 4 dr, Only this wk! STK#673 $4,900. 2005 FORD EXPLORER Full load, 7psg, 4X4, auto. Only this week. STK#773. $5,900.


MARCH 24, 2016

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1995 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr auto sedan, a/c. Only this week. STK#772. $1,595. 2002 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr, auto, loaded, STK#749. $2,900. 2004 FORD EXPLORER 4dr 4X4, auto, 7psg, full load. Only this week. STK#470. $4,900. 2004 ACURA EL 1.7 4dr sedan leather, sunroof, loaded STK#724. $5,900. 2007 TOYOTA YARIS, 4 dr, auto, sedan, STK#734 $5,900. 2005 HONDA CIVIC, 4 dr, auto, loaded. STK#672. $6,900. 2009 FORD FOCUS 4dr,sedan loaded, auto STK#687 $6,900. 2006 HONDA CRV AWD auto, leather seats, fully loaded. STK#757 $6,900. 2004 HONDA CRV. 4dr, fully loaded auto. STK#747 $6,900. 2008 DODGE Cavalier STX 4dr, loaded, auto, low ks. Only this week . STK#774. $7,500. 2008 HONDA CIVIC 4 dr auto, loaded. STK#691. $7,900. 2009 NISSAN ALTIMA 4 dr, sedan, auto, loaded, STK#696 $7,900. 2009 FORD FOX. 4 dr, auto, full load, runs good, STK#687 $7,900. 2010 FORD FUSION. Full load, auto, 4 dr, sedan. Only this week. STK#776. $9,900. 2004 ACURA MDX 4dr auto, 7 psgr, loaded, DVD, Navigation STK#254 $10,900. 2013 HYUNDAI ACCENT. 4dr auto loaded, STK#750. $11,900. 2011 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA 4 dr, auto, fully loaded. STK#721 $12,900. 2012 NISSAN ALTIMA. 4dr, auto, fully loaded, low kms. STK#746. $13,900. 2012 HONDA CIVIC 4 dr, auto, loaded, STK#695. $14,900.


RETIRED couple from Sidney BC looking for home on waterside of Miami Drive or Naismithe Ave 1250-655-4509 or Linda or Lyle


Moving Sale


Wanted: Husband & wife, son and his daughter with sm. pet looking for 3 to 4 bdrm hse. In the Agassiz, Harrison & Rosedale area. Need May 1st. 604-796-9137


Harrison Hot Springs


Harrison Hot Springs Beach Front Condo - 660 sq. ft., cozy 1 bdrm in quiet area. Long term only, all appl. incl. N/P N/S Avail. 2nd wk of April, Ref. req’d $875/mo + util. & 1/2 mo DD. Ph. Kelly (604) 819-1936


CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866

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16 Agassiz Harrison Observer Thursday, March 24, 2016

COMMUNITY NEWS MARCH 2016 PUBLIC INFORMATION NOTICE Overview The District of Kent has received a number of enquiries from the community regarding two separate Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) applications to exclude land from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) for the following properties (see location map): • 6680 Fooks Road • 7076 McDonald Road (Teacup Property) Both of these applications are in Stage 1 of the ALC exclusion application process detailed below. ALC Exclusion Application Process Stage 1: ALC Application Review The proponents submitted their applications to the ALC. The ALC has notified the District to review the documents to ensure the particulars of the applications are correct. Stage 2: Provision of a Neighbourhood Plan The applicant prepares and submits a detailed neighbourhood plan. Stage 3: Referrals Referral requests are sent to internal/external agencies for comment. Stage 4: Kent Agricultural Advisory Committee (Kent AAC) Review and Recommendation to Council The Kent AAC reviews the application and makes a recommendation to Council. Stage 5: Public Information Meeting A public information meeting will be held for the community to review the development proposal details, ask questions, and provide input on the proposal. Stage 6: Council Review and Decision Council reviews the ALC application with the complete development proposal and decides whether or not to provide support to remove the land from the ALR If Not Supported: ALC application proceeds no further. If Supported: ALC application is submitted to ALC for approval. For More Information: Please visit the District of Kent website for status updates of the application and important meeting dates which will also be advertised in the local newspaper. Please feel free to contact Darcey Kohuch, Director of Development Services by phone (604) 796‐2235 or email Date of Notice: March 15, 2016 Common Questions Q: What is the zoning of these properties? A: Both 6680 Fooks Road and 7076 McDonald Road are zoned Agricultural Zone (A) in the District’s Zoning Bylaw. Q: What is the Official Community Plan (OCP) land use designation for these properties? A: The District’s OCP designates both of these properties as Residential – Reserve. The McDonald Road property was given this designation in 2001. The Fooks Road property was designated as Residential‐Reserve in 2014. Q: Why is the District of Kent allowing these applications to proceed? A: Property owners in British Columbia have the legal right to submit land use applications including ALR exclusions. The District must accept and process all applications in accordance with provincial and municipal regulations and policies. Q: Will I have a chance to voice my view on each application? A: During Stage 5 of the ALC exclusion application process, the community will have the opportunity to review all information related to the applications, ask questions, and provide input on the proposals. Prior to the public meetings, you are welcome to provide written comments to: Darcey Kohuch, Director of Development Services, District of Kent, PO Box 70, 7170 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0. Q: When will Council make its decision on these applications? A: Since the applications are only in Stage 1 of the process, no dates have been set for the public information meeting or Council’s final review and decision. As detailed in the ALC exclusion application process, Council will make a decision to support or not support the application in Stage 6 of the process. The ALR application will only be forwarded to the ALC for final approval if the application is supported by Council. This means that prior to Council’s consideration the exclusion application and detailed neighbourhood plan will be referred to internal/external agencies, will then be reviewed by the Kent AAC and will then be presented at a public information meeting for comment.



Mayor Van Laerhoven and Council invite you to attend the 70th Anniversary Dutch-Canadian Friendship Tulip Garden Bloom Celebration in Pioneer Park

Morrow Road paving between Heath Road and Garden Place will be undertaken between March 28 – April 8, 2016. Works will be weather dependent. The road will be open to single lane alternating traffic, please expect delays.

Wednesday, April 6 at 1:30 p.m. Refreshments to follow The District of Kent would like to thank the following for making the program possible: The Canadian Garden Council, Vesey's Bulbs, Canada Post, Canadian Tulip Festival, National Capital Commission, Canadian Nursery Landscape Association, Garden Making Magazine, Chimpanze Baxter Travel Media, Enterprise Canada, Gardenss BC Québec Gardens' Association and the Ontario Garden Tourism Coalition For more information call the Community Recreation & Cultural Centre at 604-796-8891

YARD WASTE EVENTS March 26 & April 23, 2016 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM Municipal Gravel Pit, Cemetery Road Hosted by the Agassiz Community Gardens Society THE FOLLOWING YARD WASTE MATERIALS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT NO CHARGE Tree branches or limbs up to 5” (125mm) diameter • prunings • leaves • soil • discarded shrubs • sand or fine gravel • grass sods & clippings NOTE: Residents will be required to separate wood waste, branches and prunings from soil or similar materials to process through a chipper.

The District thanks residents for their patience during this time of reconstruction. Questions or concerns can be directed to the Engineering Services Department at 604-796-2235, or Timbro Contracting at 604-796-3851.

RECREATION AT A GLANCE EASTER HOURS OF OPERATION Friday, March 25 Closed Saturday, March 26 7:00 am-5:00 pm Sunday, March 27 7:00 am-5:00 pm Monday, March 28 8:00 am-1:00 pm Spring & Summer 2016 Leisure Guide is available in your mailbox April 14, including the Ferny Coombe Pool that opens May 2. Also available online at Discount Days are April 18 – 20! Register for programs during this time and save 10% off the posted fees. M.E.N.D. New Spring session starts April 25 For more information or to register, please call 604-796-8891

ALL OTHER MATERIALS ARE PROHIBITED Including tree stumps and branches greater than 5” (125mm)diameter, domestic refuse, animal waste and household hazardous wastes. For further information contact the Municipal Hall at 604-796-2235

General Store Museum Restaurant and Gift Shop Open Weekends from March 26 to May 15

AGASSIZ HARRISON MUSEUM PUB NIGHT FUNDRAISER Date: Friday, April 1 Location: Sasquatch Inn, Harrison Mills, BC Tickets: $15 For tickets phone the museum at 604-796-3545

11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Annual Easter Egg Hunt & Luncheon March 26, 27 & 28 Join us every Sunday for our Traditional Roast Beef Dinner! For more info visit 215 Kilby Road, Harrison Mills, BC 604-796-9576

Box 70, 7170 Cheam Ave, Agassiz | Tel 604.796.2235 |

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