Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 11, 2016

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Bootleg Gap

Championship 18 Matinee Rate - $54

See LOCAL NEWS . . . . . page 4



includes green fees and cart, plus tax. Available Monday-Thursday 1:00-3:00pm



$ 10


Kootenay Dance Academy students have been bringing in some impressive competition results all the while preparing for their showcase at McKim this Friday, May 13 and the year end production May 27 and 28 at Key City Theatre. See more page 3.


Fire management under discussion Where are the biggest risk areas in Kimberley? C AROLYN GR ANT Bulletin Editor

With the happenings in Fort McMurray much on people’s minds, it was not a surprise that discussion at Kimberley City Council turned to how vulnerable Kimberley is to the same type of disaster. Coun. Darryl Oakley brought up concerns he has about the Kimberley Nature Park. “My concern is about Nature Park fuels management,” he said. “We have a total of about 80

hectares that’s been treated for interface fire. But the Nature Park is over 800 hectares. That’s less than ten per cent over four years. My opinion is that’s not enough. I’d like to see more movement from the Nature Park Society on what the implications are of only treating ten per cent. “The Nature Park fire management plan is still in draft form since 2012. We need to know, what is the highest risk? Every year biomass is accumulating? How much?” Oakley added that he fully respects what a massive, wonderful asset to Kimberley the Nature Park is. Coun. Kent Good-

win, who is also on the Nature Park Society, said that 90 per cent of fire interface funding comes from the province, and additionally in the last couple of years, half of the remaining ten per cent funding came from the Columbia Basin Trust. “The Nature Park is being singled out and it should be,” he said. “It’s a big part of fire management in the City. But it’s led by the City setting priorities. The Nature Park Society supports the work being done, but I think it needs more funding.” In addition, several councillors added areas of concern within Kimberley. Nigel Kitto said

the Lois Creek trails were overgrown, Sandra Roberts noted that even Townsite hill was full of deadfall. Bev Middlebrook said that several Marysville residents had informed her of concerns about the bank above town. “Everyone’s senses are heightened by what is going on in Alberta,” said Mayor Don McCormick. “If you look back at the last ten years, Kimberley has done a lot of work,” said Coun. Albert Hoglund. “We are leading the province but we’ve done it with the limited funds we have. Coun. Oakley is right. See FIRE, page 4

Apply the bandaid until new pollution control plant can be built City will have to keep making repairs to aging facility until a grant for replacement is successful C AROLYN GR ANT Bulletin Editor

It is no secret that Kimberley’s Waste Water Treatment plant is aging and will need to be replaced. Council is hoping, though, that they can get another five to eight years with the current plant before the multi-million dollar new plant becomes a necessity. However, squeezing more life out of the aging plant has a price tag too. Council received a report this week from Urban Systems on the state of the pollution control plant and what immediate repairs are

needed. The price adds up to over $1 million just to stay ahead of permit requirements. “It’s an excellent report,” said Coun. Darryl Oakley. “But it brings to mind how expensive bandaids are. You start adding everything up and to me it’s a huge red flag to make this a priority item in our strategic planning. To pay a million plus to get five to eight years more. I have a hard time pumping money into aging facilities. Marysville Arena, Civic Centre, it just goes on. We need to get ready for this huge item.” “We did make this a priority,” said Coun. Albert Hoglund. “We applied for grant money and weren’t successful. We just have to keep pressing government and try to keep the plant running. Or build it ourselves and we don’t have $36 million” See PLANT, page 4

Cranbrook daily townsman townsman/ /daily Kimberley bulletin bulletin


Page 2 Wednesday, May 11, 2016






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Kimberley bulletin

Local NEWS

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Page 3

Kootenay Dance Academy prepares for year end shows And celebrates great competition results For the Bulletin

The Kootenay Dance Academy has been very busy the past few weeks competing both locally and provincially. The newly formed competitive team (CDT) in particular was extremely successful. Students’ hard work and dedication was evident in their recent acknowledgments and successes. After two very successful weekends of Competition the dancers brought home with them a total of 65 medals. They also brought home 15 overall awards including the most prized one of all....Studio award dedicated to a studio whose students, staff and families exhibit friendliness, respect and support towards fellow competitors, teachers and festival staff as well as modeling a high standard of etiquette and sportsmanship throughout the festival. Medal Standings: • 2-High Gold-Platinum (marks between 91-100) • 35- Gold (marks between 85-90) • 27- Silver (marks between 80-84) • 1- bronze (marks between 75-79) Overall awards:


• Overall-Jr Recognition Award-Reese Adolphe • Top ProductionJoin the Circus

Shine -Vernon:

• Overall High scorePre Competitive Group-Coney Island • 1st Runner UpHigh score Pre-Competitive Solo-Mikaela Garson • 1st Runner up-Overall High scorePre Competitive GroupBring me to Life • 4th Runner upHigh score Pre Competitive solo-Emma Toth • 6th Runner UpHigh score Competitive Solo-Maggie Gilbert • Special Achievement Award-Maggie

Gilbert-Tap • Special Achievement Award-Friend Like Me-Jazz Duet-Taylor Toth & Madalynn Garson • Special Achievement Award-Phoenix Cockell-Contemporary • Special Achievement Award-Austin McAra-Ballet • Star Performance Award-Bring me to Life • Over all High score duo trio Award-Rising Star-Friend Like Me • Top Production-Join the Circus • Studio Spirit Award + $500.00 towards entry fees A big thank-you once again to all the parents and volunteers for their continued support of these festivals and competitions. They could not happen without you. As well, a tremendous shout out to all the dancers who represented their studio proudly. As they academy heads into the final stretch they are currently preparing for their 1st Annual Competitive Showcase and Awards Gala to be held at McKim Auditorium Friday May 13th at 7pm. This showcase will feature several competitive routines that will not be seen at the year end production as well as salute studio excellence via year end recognition awards. Tickets can be purchased at the door. General admission is $10. The dance academy is also busy preparing for their 25th Annual Production Revue‘Heaven by the Sea’ This years performance is a tribute to all the sights, sounds & amusements of Coney Island during its historical peak the first half of the 20th century. Join us as we play in the surf, stroll along the boardwalk and take in some amusement rides. Perhaps a snack or two and then off to enjoy some of the best sideshows along the seashore. The show promises an evening of great entertainment and fun for all ages. Showtime 7 p.m. Friday, May 27 and Saturday May 28. Tickets available from Key City Theater box office.

Zoe Ferguson photos

Kimberley bulletin

Page 4 Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Local NEWS Northern fires hit home for local CDART chapter

Animal emergency rescue organization holding workshops weekend in Wasa, May 14-15 Barry Coulter

The devastating events in Northern Alberta have got the attention of the country, and paying particular notice are members of the newly formed East Kootenay chapter of the Canadian Disaster Emergency Response Team (CDART). CDART provides emergency services for pets, livestock and other animals during wildfires, floods, severe storms, environmental disasters, or anything that requires the evacuation of residents from their homes. Though only two months old, sign-up response has been great, with volunteers joining up in droves. CDART has planned an education workshop weekend in Wasa, this Saturday and Sunday, May 14-15, and organizer Ron McConnell says the fires of Northern Alberta and Northern B.C. will very much on people’s minds, both those attending and those giving workshops. CDART East Kootenay has offered

their services to the responders in Fort McMurray if they feel they are needed, McConnell said. “We haven’t been called yet; however, a lot of stuff still has to be done before they can even let people into the area,” McConnell told the Townsman. “It’s still a pretty iffy situation. But the offer is out there and our mobile support teams from all over B.C. are on standby.” The ferocious fire that forced complete evacuation from Fort McMurray and surrounding communities is an object lesson for people living in these parts, McConnell said. “A lot of people were caught off guard. A lot of the evacuation orders came in the middle of the day, when people were at work and couldn’t get back to their homes to pick up their animals. Luckily the community did rally around and helped very quickly and a lot of animals were brought out. “Just the same, they

are finding some. There are stories of firemen finding a cat in the oven of a burned out house — it took refuge somewhere in the kitchen. They are finding

animals that are alive in the damaged areas, but it’s bringing it home to people that we have to be prepared for this kind of event, we’re not immune to it, and services like ours are there to help them.” It’s also good for the public to be aware of the importance of services CDART provides. “When you look at the interviews, you can see a lot of the people were freaked out and stressed

out by the fact that they had to leave their animals behind.,” McConnell said. “Hopefully we can take that stress level down a bit for the other first responders so they don’t have to deal with the confrontation of people saying ‘no, we’re not going.’” These thoughts are going to be on everybody’s minds for the upcoming Wasa workshop weekend. “We were up in Windermere last Saturday,”

Power outage notice: planned maintenance Wardner area

We need to switch off power in your area for about four hours while we conduct system maintenance. To keep our crews and the public safe, power must be switched off while we complete this important work. Where:

In the community of Wardner, Wardner Kikomun Road, Ha Ha Creek Road, Bull River Road and Wardner Ft. Steele Road, south of and including Mead Road.


Monday, May 30, 2016


10 a.m. to 2 p.m., MDT

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McConnell said. “They had their emergency preparedness fair at the fire hall, and we set up a booth. Everybody up there was saying that Fort McMurray and Fort St. John brought it home to everybody this year. It’s in our faces, it’s on the news every hour of the day, and people are starting to realize that this is something we could be caught in very easily here, in this tunnel we call the Rocky Mountain Trench. If a fire starts at one end, it

wouldn’t take long for it to move through the whole trench.” A series of interesting workshops are planned for the weekend at the Wasa Community Hall, on Wasa School Road. Saturday features an all-day event — an Emergency Animal Sheltering Workshop, run by CDART co-ordinator Heather Ferguson. Ferguson has extensive experience in saving animals from fires and floods. The workshop takes place from 9 a.m. to

4:30 p.m. On Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., there will be a workshop on Humane Transportation and Loading, run by Dr. Andrew Mack, District Veterinarian out of Cranbrook. Following that, Aldred Joseph, a Ktunaxa Elder, rancher and horse trainer will run the workshop “Dealing with 1,000 Pounds of Frightened Animal,” from 11:30 to 1 p.m., which covers everything you need to know about getting a horse ready to travel in emergency situations. “Introduction to Pet First Aid” will take place from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, run by Martina Frensemeier, a Companion Animal Behaviour Consultant. While the weekend is meant for CDART members and volunteers, McConnell said the public is welcome to stop by and check out the organization. To register for the Wasa Workshops Weekend, email

Fire management concerns From Page 1 “If a fire comes, it will come up the St. Mary Valley and through the Nature Park.” Oakley then brought up a controversial point. If funding is limited, and it is, maybe some thought should be given to commercial logging in the Nature Park. But Council decided not to go that

far yet. “We live in the trees,” McCormick said. “There is an element of risk. Let’s get Bob Grey (the city’s fire consultant) in for an update on the situation.” Council will invite Grey in to a Committee of the Whole meeting to give them a better understanding of work done, work needed to be done and areas of greatest concern.

New plant required From Page 1 “This project has to have one third, one third, one third funding,” Oakley said. “But we are spending huge dollars to keep permit amendments happening. What if we let it fail?” “Unfortunately failure comes with fines,” said City CAO Scott Sommerville. “They are not going to come to our rescue, they’ll just write tickets.” “I can’t image what Victoria pays in fines,” Oakley said, shaking his head when he heard

‘nothing’. Coun. Kent Goodwin pointed out that some of the expensive bandaids can be fit into the new plant. “But how do we save for a new facility when we are paying for bandaids?” Oakley asked. Coun. Bev Middlebrook said that the city was just completing the flume project and the timing probably wasn’t right for another huge project. “The reality is, one third, one third, one third is the best deal we are going to see,” Mayor

Don McCormick said. “We have to make sure we have our one third. All points are correct. It is urgent. We need to work towards a solution we can afford We have allocated money in the budget to begin putting it away.” Oakley pointed out that now may be the time to just do it as borrowing was cheap. “We don’t know what the cost of borrowing will be in the years to come and we don’t want to leave this problem for future councils.”

Kimberley bulletin

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Page 5

Local NEWS

Long-time RDEK CAO, Lee-Ann Crane, retires Tre vor Cr awley

It’s the end of an era at the RDEK as a longtime employee is transitioning to retirement after leading the organization for the last dozen years. Lee-Ann Crane, who started up in the front office back in 1979, rose through the RDEK ranks to take the top administrator role in 1998, managing staff and providing counsel to elected board directors ever since. Friday’s regular board of directors meeting was the final time she had to take a seat at the table and oversee the directors debate the regional issues. Following the meeting, everyone around the table took time to acknowledge Crane’s influence on the board and say some thanks for her service. Crane herself also had the chance to address the board, noting that she was has always been grateful to work in the background of the organization for 37 years. Fun, challenging exciting, unexpected, ful-

Trevor Crawley photo

Dean McKerracher, chair of the Kootenay East Regional Hospital District Board and mayor of Elkford, presents outgoing RDEK CAO Lee-Ann Crane with some flowers as the KERHD and RDEK boards took time to thank Crane for her many years of service as she transitions into retirement. filling, building partnerships and volunteerism were just a few words she used to describe her time with the RDEK. “I’m overwhelmed

right now,” Crane said, following the presentations of flowers, the gift of a feather painted by a Ktunaxa artist from the Tobacco Plains band and

College of the Rockies graduates new class of Forestry Skills students For the Bulletin

College of the Rockies’ second intake of Advanced Forestry Skills program celebrated their graduation on Friday, May 6. Funded by the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation, the Advanced Forestry Skills program provides group-based, full-time work experience consisting of 15 weeks of classroom training, two weeks of practicum experience in forestry and a minimum of two-weeks of follow-up job search support. Participants learn about a broad range of subjects, including tree identification, silviculture, brush saw and chainsaw operation, plant identification, leadership and Level 3 first aid. The work experience students participate in help them to prepare for careers in the forestry sector in such jobs as junior field technicians, chainsaw operators, research assistants or silviculture surveyors. Kirsten Murrell is part of the graduating class. She had been working in the Alberta oilfields and was looking to return home to Cranbrook and to find a more stable career. Having complet-

ed both her Welding levels C and B at the College, she was anxious to return to take the Advanced Forestry Skills program. “I would highly recommend the Advanced Forestry program as well as any of the trades,” she says. “I did all my welding training at the College and I refused to go elsewhere. I have always had a great experience at the College and, because it is small, you can get personalized help when you need it.” Kirsten is hopeful that the experience she received in her work placement, along with the opportunity to network in the industry, will result in her finding a full-time position in her new career quickly. She is currently fielding job offers to find the right position for her. Having received additional funding from the Ministry of Social Development and Social innovation, 12 additional participants – including five women - began the program’s third intake on April 18. Learn more about other College of the Rockies Contract Training opportunities at

the unveiling of a plaque in her honour. “I’m honoured by what I experienced at the meetings today, by the presentations, by the

words that were said. Also humbled, but more than anything, I’m excited.” Crane sported a hockey jersey all meeting,

Recruitment for Committee 2016 City of Cranbrook There is an opportunity for public participation and involvement in the City of Cranbrook advisory committee listed below. Membership is open to residents of the City of Cranbrook. Urban Deer Management Advisory Committee The committee examines the issues related to urban deer within the boundaries of the City of Cranbrook and continues to maintain and monitor an ongoing management plan and report to Council. One position is available. Terms of reference for all the committees are available on the City’s website – www. Interested individuals are invited to submit a Volunteer Application form available at City Hall or the City’s website – Applications will be accepted at City Hall (attention Kelly Thorsteinson) or by email

however, it was a specialized uniform with the RDEK logo on the front. From technology to staffing, things have changed since she started as a receptionist at 16 years of age, however, a core pillar of success is the way everyone works together to accomplish a goal, she said. “The way the region has come together as a group, as a unit, both at the political level and even within the public, there’s more coming together to accomplish things and the staff that we have here—I can’t say enough good things about them, they are fantastic and you can’t be anything without them,” Crane said. The RDEK has already identified an inhouse replacement for Crane; Shawn Tomlin, the current Chief Financial Officer, will take over the CAO role.

OPEN HOUSE SEASONAL OUTDOOR PATIO BYLAW FOR THE CITY OF CRANBROOK The City of Cranbrook is considering adopting a new bylaw to facilitate establishing seasonal outdoor patios on City owned lands in downtown Cranbrook. Specifically, the proposed draft bylaw provides regulations for establishing seasonal patios accessory to eating and drinking establishments on City sidewalks and/or onstreet parking stalls in the downtown core. The purpose of the open house is to provide an opportunity to review the bylaw, ask questions and collect feedback. The Open House will be held at: Manual Training School Cranbrook Public Library 1212 2nd Street North, Cranbrook Wednesday, May 11, 2016 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm If you have any questions, please contact Rob Veg, Senior Planner at (250) 489-0241 or Copies of the draft bylaw will be made available at the Open House.

Page 6

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin

822 Cranbrook Street , North Cranbrook, B.C. • V1C 3R9 Ph: 250-426-5201 • Fax: 250-426-5003

335 Spokane Street Kimberley, B.C. • VIA 1Y9 Ph: 250-427-5333 • Fax: 250-427-5336

Published by Black Press Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Zena Williams PUBLISHER

Barry Coulter


Jenny Leiman


Carolyn Grant


Nicole Koran


CRANBROOK TOWNSMAN Dial 250-426-5201

PUBLISHER: Zena Williams, ext. 204 CIRCULATION: Karrie Hall, ext. 208 ACCOUNTING: Jenny Leiman, ext. 218 CLASSIFIEDS: Marion Quennell, ext. 202 EDITOR: Barry Coulter, ext. 210 SPORTS: Taylor Rocca, ext. 219 NEWS: Trevor Crawley ext. 212 ADVERTISING REPS: Erica Morell, ext. 214

KIMBERLEY BULLETIN Dial 250-427-5333

ADVERTISING MANAGER: Nicole Koran, ext. 206 EDITOR: Carolyn Grant IF UNSURE OF THE EXTENSION, DIAL 0. All rights reserved. Contents copyright by The Cranbrook Townsman and The Kimberley Bulletin. Any reproduction of material contained in this publication in whole or in part is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the Publisher. It is agreed that The Cranbrook Townsman and The Kimberley Bulletin will not be responsible for errors or omissions and is not liable for any amount exceeding the cost of the space used and then only such portion where the errors actually appeared. We reserve the right to edit or reject any submission or advertisement that is contrary to our Publishing guidelines.

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Bona fide tough guy in the Philippines


odrigo Duterte, who has just been elected president of the Philippines, comes across as Donald Trump on stilts. He talks dirtier (last week he called the outgoing president a “son of a whore”), and he can barely open his mouth without threatening to kill somebody (he recently promised to fill Manila Bay with the bodies of 100,000 criminals if he won). But the resemblance is only superficial. For one thing, Duterte is not a fake tough guy. In Davao City, where he has been mayor for the past 22 years, a local priest estimates that death squads linked to him have killed over 1,400 people, mostly petty criminals and street kids. Sometimes “Duterte Harry” denies the death squads exist, sometimes he condones them, occasionally he hints that he does some of the killing himself. Maybe so, maybe not, but what matters to the people who voted for him is that Davao City, once the most violent city in the Philippines and possibly in all of Asia, is now so safe that naked virgins carrying bags of gold regularly pass through its streets at midnight unmolested. The man is a miracle-worker, or so it seems, and now he is going to work miracles for the whole country. The miracle he is now expected to produce, however, is not just law and order. It is a more equal sharing of the prosperity that some in the Philippines are now beginning to enjoy, and that is a considerably taller order. For many years the Philippines lagged behind the other countries of South-East Asia – Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia – as they turned into “tiger” econo-

mies and local incomes soared. The wealth was not very evenly shared in any of them, but at least as their economies grew even their poorest citizens enjoyed some “trickle-down” effect. Whereas this process had scarcely begun in the Philippines. For the past decade the economy of the Philippines has finally been growing fast: an average of 6 percent annually. Foreign investment has quadrupled, the budget deficit is down, more money is being spent on infrastructure – but in ten years there has been no trickle-down beyond the Gwynne middle class. The poor are just as numerous and just Dyer as poor as always. So they voted for Duterte. The establishment tried it best to stop this sinister populist. Outgoing president Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino (who is constitutionally forbidden to seek a second term), tried to get the other presidential candidates to unite behind one candidate against Duterte. He warned that Duterte would turn into a dictator. At a closing rally on Saturday, he told voters: “I need your help to stop the return of terror in our land. I cannot do it alone.” They didn’t listen. Duterte not only won; he got almost twice as many votes as the candidate who came second, and he is going to be the president of the Philippines for the next six years. So what will he actually do with his mandate? Nobody knows, because he hasn’t been very forthcoming about his intentions. When the presidential hopefuls were asked what they would do about their country’s bitter dispute with China over islands in the South China Sea that are claimed by both of them, for example, the

other candidates offered detailed strategies for asserting the Filipino claim. Duterte said he would go out on a jet-ski and plant the Filipino flag on one of them. So, then: impulsive, headline-grabbing, not best known for his joined-up thinking ... Starting to sound like Trump again, isn’t he? But there are things about Duterte that suggest a more complex person behind the facade. He has been a prominent supporter of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) groups in Davao, which is definitely not a vote-winning position in the deeply Catholic Philippines. He has been trying to restart the stalled peace process with the Muslim minority in his home island of Mindanao, and insists that it must address the injustices that have been committed against Muslims. Not really your run-of-the-mill populist after all, then, but it still feels like the Filipinos have made a serious mistake in voting for Duterte. There’s just too much macho bluster, like this gem from his final campaign rally in Manila on Saturday: “Forget the laws on human rights. If I make it to the presidential palace, I will do just what I did as mayor. You drug pushers, hold-up men and do-nothings, you better go out. Because I’ll kill you.” He’s also prone to say that if the country’s democratic institutions get in the way of his anti-crime crusade than he’ll abolish the Congress and rule as a “revolutionary government.” His entertainment value is undeniable, but Filipinos may come to regret giving him the keys to the presidential palace. Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist published in 45 countries

Cranbrook townsman / Kimberley bulletin

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Page 7

Know It All

Ride rails, hike trails, tread boards “Threshold” Works by Kwantlen Artist at Centre 64 to May 21

Kwantlen Nation Artist Brandon Gabriel’s work is situated somewhere amongst many styles of art and despite the variations of mediums and styles- one thing that is strikingly similar to all these works are the spectral colours and similar narratives of cultural, political, and spiritual reclamations. His work is situated neither here nor there- A threshold.”

Wed. May 11 Nature Park hike “Coral Root Hunt”

6 pm Leader - Struan Robertson (250-4275048). Meet at Matthew Creek Rd turnoff (6.8 km) on St Mary’s Rd. 1.5 hour evening walk along Coral Route

May 11 to 14 and 18 to 21 The Odd Couple

Cranbrook Community Theatre presents “The Odd Couple,” at the Studio Stage Door in Cranbrook. Neil Simon’s most famous work comes to the stage next month with both new and veteran local acting talent. Bob Wakulich is gruff, easygoing and sarcastic as Oscar Madison, a sportswriter whose financial and marital failures are exemplified in his sloppy appearance and garbage-filled apartment. A recent divorcee, Oscar is lovable but impossible to live with – a situation his best friend Felix Ungar suddenly finds very familiar. Fisher Peak Winter Ale Concert Series Key City Theatre Small Stage May 12 Featured Last show: Brian Brons & His Band of Brothers (May 12). Series Tickets on Sale Now! Buy online at www.keycitytheatre. com or call 250-4267006

Thurs. May 12 At the Green Door

GD newcomers “Brackish Betty and friends.” Moms, sisters and longtime musical collaborators Tai and Mandy Barron bring their friends and music out for us to hear. The

Bettys will be playing for the hat$. Come out and support fine local performers. All ages, full food and bar menu. Help us support local and live music and events!

Fri. May 13 Roy Orbison tribute THE LONELY

May 13 at 7:30 pm. Tickets $42.

Fri. May 13 At the Green Door Paint and Pinot

With Local Artist Christine Simpson. 6-9pm. Come paint with us! Wonderful Artist Christine Simpson will guide you through an “Impressionistic Flowers” painting, while Ty and Jaime offer Tapas and Wine! $65.00 per person includes canvas, paints, art supplies, tapas and a glass of wine. Register at, full payment required at time of registration to reserve seats. Green Door is thrilled to be hosting such a fun and inspired event!

Saturday, May 14 Plant sale

The Kimberley Garden Club will be holding its annual plant sale in the parking lot of the Kimberley Credit Union at 200 Wallinger Avenue from 9 am – 11 am. There will be Kimberley grown perennials, annuals, tomato plants, herbs, house plants and rose bushes all potted up and ready to plant. Also some Four O’Clock Tubers and Dahlia tubers, also ready to plant.

Sat. May 14 Spring concert

A Bright New Day brought to you by the Kimberley Community Choir. 7 p.m. Kimberley United Church, 10 Boundary St. Admission by donation.

Wed. May 18 Victoria Day Tea

Kimberley United Church, 10 Boundary Street. 1 to 3 p.m. All are welcome to join us, with hats on, for fun, food, drinks, entertainment and fellowship.

Wed. May 18 Diamond Forever for Fort Mac

Jason Scott’s ‘Diamond Forever’ celebration of Neil Diamond’ will hold a fundraising concert Wednesday, May 18, at the Key City

Theatre for the victims and evacuees of fire-devastated Fort McMurray. Cranbrook’s Dawson Rutledge is also appearing on the bill. Showtime at 7:30 p.m.

Sat. May 21 Railway Opens

The opening weekend for the Sullivan Underground Mining Railway is May 21, 22 & 23. Express trains at 10 a.m. all three days, mining tours at 11, 1 and 3. Trains will be running weekends from May 21 until June 26: daily operations from July 1st until September 5th.

Sun. May 22 nature Park hike “Myrtle The Magnificent”

10 am Leader - Suzanne McAllister (250427-7043). Meet at the Kimberley Nordic Centre parking lot at 10 am for a 2.5- to 3-hour moderate hike up Myrtle Mountain. Bring snacks, lunch & water.

May 23 to June 5 In the Gallery at Centre 64 Fabricated

The works of the North Star Quilters on display.

Sat. May 28 The Red Cannons

Part of the Live from Studio 64 Spring Concert series, the Red Cannons perform at 8 p.m. Tickets $22 for Art Council members, $24 for non-members.

Sat. May 28 Back Alley Arts Festival

2 pm to 10 pm. Celebrate Youth Arts! Visual Arts, Performance Art, Sculpture, Music, Trashion, Children’s Activities, Food & More! Youth are invited to participate. Call 250-426-4223 or email Jessica at All activities take place at Cranbrook Arts and the new Back Alley Art Space. 1013 Baker Street, Cranbrook. Generously Supported by Columbia Basin Trust.

May 28, 29 Arne Sahlen

Expect the unexpected in the now-named “Music For Life” series with Arne Sahlen, all events at 7 pm: Saturday May 28 at Kimberley United Church, Sunday May 29 at Cranbrook United (also Invermere on 27th.) Joined by musicians young and old

Barry Coulter photo

Bob Wakulich as Oscar Madison, and Peter Schalk as Felix Unger in Cranbrook Community Theatre’s ‘The Odd Couple.’ (yes!), Arne will present splendid showpieces and moving moments in a wide variety of music - with his trademark tidbits from humour and history. Adm. by donation for regional music development. arnesahlen@hotmail. com, 250-427-2159, cell/text 250-540-4242

Mon. May 30 Go Go Grannies

GoGo Grannie Cheryl Fraser attended the Uganda Grandmothers Gathering along with twenty two Canadians as observers from the Stephen Lewis Foundation and the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign. They joined five hundred Uganda Grandmothers to discuss issues, deliberate and march. She visited projects supported by the Foundation, witnessing how the funds WE are raising here, benefit communities and grandmothers needing our help. Please join us at the College of the Rockies Lecture Theatre on Monday, May 30 at 7:00 to share Cheryl’s experience. Entrance by donation.

Sat. June 4 “Beginners Biking” Sat, June 4, 10 am Leader - Peter McConnachie (250-427-2419). Meet at the Platzl Visitor Centre at 10 am for this ride on some of the roads and trails in the Nature Park.

Thurs. June 16

Jason Scott’s ‘Diamond Forever’ celebration of Neil Diamond’ will hold a fundraising concert Wednesday, May 18, at the Key City Theatre for the victims and evacuees of fire-devastated Fort McMurray. 2016 Ktunaxa Nation 16th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

The Ktunaxa Nation Council is pleased to announce their 16th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at the St. Eugene Golf Resort & Casino. Please join them at our award-winning resort for a fun filled day

of golf and prizes! $180/ player. Limited to 144 players. Deadline to enter is Friday June 3rd. For more information: csoukoroff@steugene. ca. 1-877-417-3133

June 2016 Traditional Dream Catcher Workshop, Cranbrook

Lifeways Retreat is offering an opportunity to work beside Elder Terry Daniels, an award winning bead worker. Terry is a traditional culture worker from the Stoney Nakoda First Nation. Please call 250581-1017 for more information. $80 per session.

Page 8 Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Cranbrook townsman / Kimberley bulletin

Sports News? Call Taylor 250-426-5201, ext. 219

Kingdom Cranbrook awaits as Payton Lee comes home After trade from Oil Kings, veteran goaltender looks forward to helping Kootenay Ice return to WHL playoff picture

Taylor Rocca Photo

Cranbrook native Payton Lee (#30), pictured during WHL action at Western Financial Place as a member of the Edmonton Oil Kings, is excited to help the Kootenay Ice make a push to return to the playoffs. Taylor Rocc a Sports Editor

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Payton Lee has taken to the ice at surface at Western Financial Place plenty of times over the course of his hockey career. So while the friendly confines of his hometown Western Hockey League barn aren’t unfamiliar territory, the 19-year-old locally-grown goaltender is excited to spend a little more time here than he has in recent winters while playing across the province with the Vancouver Giants. “It was always a day I

had circled on the calendar to come back home and play in front of friends and family,” Lee said Tuesday morning. “To be doing that for 36 games or whatever it will be this year, it’s definitely going to be special. I’m looking forward to the new challenge. “It’s very exciting. Obviously growing up watching this team play, it’s always been kind of a dream to play for them. It’s going to be exciting this year to make that happen.” Lee’s opportunity to come home to Cranbrook was made official Monday afternoon, as Jeff Chynoweth, president and general manager of the Kootenay Ice, shipped off a conditional sixth-round pick (2017) to the Edmonton Oil Kings in exchange for the experienced goaltender. “That was our No. 1 priority heading into the off-season — we felt we had to get some experience at that position with Declan Hobbs,” Chynoweth said Monday afternoon. “There’s an overabundance of 1996born goaltenders available in the Western Hockey League… I know what his character and what his make up is. We thought he would be a great fit for our organization, not only for him to come home and have a chance to finish his WHL career, but also be a leader and mentor for not only Declan Hobbs, but the rest of our group as well.” Monday’s deal marks

the second time in less than a year that Lee has traded in familiar duds for new team colours, but this time around the feelings were not quite the same.

“I look forward to trying to get this team back to the playoffs... If everyone commits and listens to the coaches...we should make a good push.” Payton Lee Kootenay Ice After a 140-game career (52-71-5-4) with the Giants, Lee found himself dealt from the West Coast to northern Alberta when he was traded from Vancouver to Edmonton in exchange for a sixth-round pick back in November 2015. “This one was a little different than the last time,” Lee said. “Last time was a little more sudden and not expected. This time, I knew the goaltending situation there [in Edmonton] was complicated. It was likely that I was probably going to be moved somewhere. It couldn’t

have happened in a better place. To come home and play here, I’m pretty lucky and I’m very thankful for that.” The feeling of coming home is nothing short of exciting for Lee. Making the situation easier yet was the fact Oil Kings’ brass were up front and honest with the overage puck-stopper at the conclusion of the 2015-16 campaign. “In our exit meetings [with the Oil Kings], it was talked about at one point that it was obviously going to be a complicated goaltending situation [moving forward],” Lee said, in reference to Edmonton retaining veteran goaltenders Patrick Dea (1997) and Alec Dillon (1996), plus youngster Carter Phair (1998). “I definitely respect them making the move early and giving me time to think about playing with the Ice, rather than worrying about where I was going to be playing next year.” Come 2016-17, the challenge with the Kootenay Ice for the 6-foot1, 191-pound Lee might be a bit different from the challenge he faced this past season. After landing in Edmonton, Lee played a vital role in helping propel the Oil Kings into the post-season before putting a scare into the eventual Eastern Conference-champion Brandon Wheat Kings during first-round action.

See PAYTON LEE, Page 9

Kelowna Rockets mutually part with coach L arry Fisher Kelowna Daily Courier

The Kelowna Rockets are in the market for another new head coach — their fourth in as many years now. Brad Ralph won’t be returning for a second season, the WHL club announced Monday morning in a carefully-worded release that painted the picture of a mutual parting. Ralph gave thanks for the opportunity and wished the franchise success in the future, and general manager Bruce Hamil-

ton was equally cordial in avoiding any reference to a firing. Ralph declined an interview request, while Hamilton did his best to soften the blow in explaining his rationale for taking the team in a different direction. “It was a mutual agreement between the two of us,” Hamilton insisted. “It’s in his best interests and it’s in our best interests, and we both agreed on that. “I really think his interest is to get back into

pro coaching, and that’s probably a better fit for him. He’s a young guy that has got his feet fully into the coaching world, and I fully expect that he’ll land on his feet coaching somewhere real quick.” The Rockets don’t plan to rush in hiring Ralph’s replacement and will conduct a thorough search outside the organization, with the intention of also retaining — or potentially even promoting — second-year assistants Kris

Mallette and Travis Crickard, who stayed on last summer when former head coach Dan Lambert left to join the NHL’s Buffalo Sabres as an assistant. Lambert had been handed the Rockets’ reins from longtime bench boss Ryan Huska and was successful in leading Kelowna to a league title and all the way to the Memorial Cup final in his only year at the helm last season.

See ROCKETS, Page 9

Cranbrook townsman / Kimberley bulletin

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Page 9

Western Hockey League

Payton Lee coming home to Kootenay Ice

Rockets search for fourth coach in as many years

Continued from page 8

Continued from page 8

After going 12-53-6-1 in 2015-16, the Ice are simply looking to re-enter the playoff conversation — a task that won’t be easily achieved with what is expected to once again be a young group. Still, Lee has been previously educated on the subject of bouncing back from a tough campaign to make the playoffs the following season. In 2012-13, Lee — 16 years old at the time — and the Giants stumbled to a 21-49-0-2 record, missing out on the WHL post-season for the first time since the team’s expansion campaign (2001-02). Fast forward to 201314, Lee and the Giants scraped out a mark of 32-29-7-4, returning to the WHL playoff picture once again, serving as an object lesson for what can be achieved in short order when a team buys into what it is being sold. “I look forward to trying to get this team back to the playoffs and making a push to do that,” Lee said. “It’s going to be fun. Anytime you’ve got a team that’s working hard to make a push for the playoffs, it’s

a good time. Hopefully everybody gets on board with that and we can build all year and try to make that our goal. “It’s going to take a lot of commitment from everyone. I played on a team [Giants] when I was 16 where we were last in the league, I believe, and the next year we made the playoffs. It can definitely be done. Obviously it’s going to be a good challenge, but if everyone commits and listens to the coaches, listens to the game play, we should make a good push and be a contender to make the playoffs.” Outside of providing a stabilizing presence between the pipes, Lee is also expected to play the role of mentor for 17-year-old Declan Hobbs. With only 26 career games under his belt, Hobbs isn’t quite ready for the starters gig yet. As one of the team’s three overagers, including forwards Matt Alfaro and Zak Zborosky, Lee will also serve as a leader, much the way workhorse Wyatt Hoflin did this past season. “I’m going to come in and work hard every

day, lead by example and just do the right things,” Lee said. “I don’t say too much in the room, but I lead by my actions. “I’m going to try to be as open with [Hobbs] as I can. If he has questions or is wondering about certain things in the league — obviously he has played a year in the league now, so he’s

probably starting to figure it out — but if there’s anything he needs help with, I’ll obviously be a good teammate and help him out as much as I can and try to be a good mentor for him.” With the addition of Lee, the overage situation seems set for the Ice, as the hometown kid joins returners Alfaro and Zborosky. Blue paint possession also has clarity, with Lee and Hobbs the outstanding candidates to share in crease time. Also in

the system is goaltender Jakob Walter (1999), who unexpectedly skipped out on 2015 Ice training camp, opting to join the Nanaimo Clippers of the BCHL. Walter went 6-5-0 with a 3.66 goals-against average and .880 save percentage (SP) in 13 games this past season. With plenty of time remaining before hockey season starts up once again in the East Kootenay, Lee is at home working for Brandt Tractor in Cranbrook while getting back to his off-season workout routine. Lee was originally selected 28th overall by the Giants in the second round of the 2011 WHL Bantam Draft. In 168 career games, he has registered a record of 61-867-4 with a 3.36 GAA, .884 SP and six shutouts. He previously represented Canada as a member of Team Pacific at the 2013 IIHF World Under-17 Hockey Challenge in Quebec, earning a silver medal in the process. Ice Chips: Goaltender news galore for Kootenay Ice fans this week as recently-drafted

prospect Jesse Makaj (2001) was named to B.C. Hockey’s U-16 Provincial Camp (July 13 to 17). From that camp, 20 players will be selected to represent Team B.C. at the Western Canada U-16 Challenge Cup… In addition to Makaj, new Ice prospect defenceman Jordan Chudley (2001) has been named to Hockey Manitoba’s POE Top-40 Camp (May 12 to 15). From there, Hockey Manitoba will select players to represent Team Manitoba at the Western Canada U-16 Challenge Cup... Lee hasn’t been the only goaltender dealt in recent days by the Oil Kings. Tuesday afternoon, the Oil Kings announced they had traded list goaltender Austin McGrath (1998) to the Everett Silvertips in exchange for a conditional seventh-round pick at the 2017 WHL Bantam Draft. A native of Lloydminster, Alta., McGrath spent the bulk of 201516 with the Lloydminster Midget AAA Bobcats of the Alberta Midget Hockey League...

Within the first couple hours, Hamilton had already received 23 applications and that number will likely reach triple-digits with Kelowna still a desirable landing spot and the Rockets expected to contend again next season — returning as many as 19 players. “I’m hoping to have somebody in place by June 30th,” Hamilton said. “We’ll find the right person — we’ll take our time and we’ll probably interview a number of people. “The pool of guys out of work is way bigger right now than it was (last summer) . . . yet there’s a number of teams looking for guys (including Portland and Vancouver/Langley),” he added. As for why it didn’t work out with Ralph, Hamilton wasn’t getting into too much detail, though he acknowledged it was a difficult decision to let him go in a one-and-done situation — especially given

WHL Bantam Draft — First Round Results Results from first round of 2016 WHL Bantam Draft, held Thursday in Calgary

1) Kootenay Ice — F Peyton Krebs — Okotoks, 5-11, 164lbs (Rocky Mountain Raiders) 2) Saskatoon Blades — F Kirby Dach — Fort Saskatchewan, 6-1, 170lbs (Fort Sask. Rangers) 3) Vancouver Giants — D Bowen Byram — Cranbrook, 6-0, 168lbs (Lethbridge Golden Hawks) 4) Swift Current Broncos — F Logan Barlage — Humboldt, 6-3, 190lbs (Humboldt Broncos) 5) Medicine Hat Tigers — F Josh Williams — Langley, 6-1, 174lbs (Yale Academy) 6) Tri-City Americans — F Sasha Mutala — Burnaby, 6-0, 176lbs (Burnaby Winter Club) 7) Edmonton Oil Kings — D Matthew Robertson — Sherwood Pk, 6-1, 171lbs (Sherwood Park Flyers) 8) Spokane Chiefs — F Luke Toporowski — Chicago, 5-9, 145lbs (Chicago Mission) 9) Portland Winterhawks — FORFEIT 10) Prince George Cougars — G Taylor Gauthier — Calgary, 6-0, 172lbs (Calgary Bison) 11) Kelowna Rockets — D Kaedan Korczak — Yorkton, 6-1, 170lbs (Yorkton Maulers) 12) Brandon Wheat Kings — D Braden Schneider — Prince Albert, 6-1, 185lbs (Prince Albert) 13) Prince Albert Raiders — D Rhett Rhinehart — Lloydminster, 6-1, 182lbs (Yale Academy) 14) Everett Silvertips — F Ethan Browne — Sherwood Park, 5-11, 170lbs (Sherwood Park Flyers) 15) Kamloops Blazers — F Massimo Rizzo — Burnaby, 5-9, 165lbs (Burnaby Winter Club) 16) Calgary Hitmen — D Jackson Van de Leest — Kelowna, 6-5, 187lbs (Yale Academy) 17) Swift Current Broncos — D Jacson Alexander — Victoria, 5-9, 160lbs (Shawnigan Lake) 18) Seattle Thunderbirds — D Jake Lee — Sherwood Park, 6-1, 187lbs (Sherwood Park Flyers)

Taylor Rocca Photo

Garnet Kazuik, director of scouting for the Kootenay Ice, announces Peyton Krebs as the first-overall pick at the WHL Bantam Draft Thursday at Hotel Arts in Calgary


19) Lethbridge Hurricanes — F Dylan Cozens — Whitehorse, 6-2, 159lbs (Delta Academy) 20) Vancouver Giants — G Trent Miner — Souris, Manitoba, 6-0, 171lbs (Brandon) 21) Moose Jaw Warriors — F Brayden Tracey — Calgary, 5-11, 157lbs (Calgary Northstars) 22) Edmonton Oil Kings — F Liam Keeler — Edmonton, 6-0, 166lbs (Edmonton SSAC)


Compiled by Taylor Rocca



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the team’s continued success in recording a fourth consecutive 100point regular season and outlasting Kamloops and Victoria in the opening two rounds of playoffs before getting swept by Seattle. That may seem vague, but it’s telling as well. Shocking as this coaching change might be to outsiders, it didn’t come as total surprise to those in the know. There were rumours, from reputable sources, of tension within the coaching staff and dysfunction behind the scenes — perhaps some philosophical differences at play too. Regardless, what’s done is done now, and all parties appear ready to turn the page without any parting shots.

Page 10 Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cranbrook townsman / Kimberley bulletin

Wide World Incredible India: Part II

Golden Triangle with a Detour

Carla Nelson of Maritime Travel continues her subcontinental tour


he Golden Triangle of Northern India includes Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. Delhi to Jaipur is 300 kilometres, Jaipur to Agra is 200 kilometres. Most people take at least a week to travel the triangle. In this article, I am going to start with Jaipur, and next time will travel to Agra and end in Delhi. Jaipur is known as the ‘Pink City’ for a couple reasons. First, the most important buildings including the Palaces are constructed of sandstone, which is terra cotta in colour, but looks ‘pink’. Secondly, in 1863, Jaipur dressed itself in pink to welcome Prince Albert to the city. From then on, it has been known as the Pink City. It is a city of 5 million, located in Rajasthan. Rajasthani jewelry is quite famous, both gold and silver, and Jaipur is also famous for its’ colourfully dyed textiles. And don’t overlook the handmade rugs – from camel hair to silk. I

didn’t! Shopping in Jaipur is a lot of fun! I did find the old city quite dirty, with open sewers, garbage and crumbling buildings. However the new city is cleaner and all the buildings have terra cotta (pink) false fronts. There is a lovely boulevard along Man Sagar Lake, great for walking and shopping – there are hawkers with their wares laid out on the sidewalk all the way. The Jal Mahal or ‘Water Palace’ is sitting in the middle of the lake, connected by a causeway. It appears to be abandoned today. Jaipur is the past home of Maharajas (Kings) and there are several beautiful Palaces. Most famous is the Amber Palace and Amber Fort. We visited by travelling up to the fort by elephant, as they would have done in the past. The City Palace complex was equally huge, and also has an open air astronomical observatory. Astronomy was a lifelong obsession

Carla Nelson of Maritime Travel in Jaipur for King Sawai Jai Singh II who ruled in the 1700’s. The accuracy of these instruments today is phenomenal! In the City Palace, you will also find the largest silver urns in the world. King Sawai Madho Singh, a devout Hindu, carried pure Ganga water will him during a trip to En-

gland in 1902 to attend the coronation of King Edward VII. He wanted to ensure he had enough water to purify himself while travelling in the foreign land. There are 2 urns, each with a capacity of 8,182 litres, weighing 345 kg, 5 feet high with a circumference of 14 feet.

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Our detour was to Ranthambhore, 130 km from Jaipur. Originally, this area was the ‘hunting’ grounds for royalty. Today, it is the largest National Park in Northern India, 392 square km, and home to the Bengal tiger. There are only 226 tigers left in India, and 54 of them are found here. At sunrise, we headed out on safari hoping to spot the tiger. There are monkeys, antelope, cheetah and birds, as well as 11,000

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Next time: Agra, the Taj Mahal, and Delhi. For more information, contact Carla Nelson, Branch Manager, Maritime Travel 250.489.4788.

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deer in this park. That morning, the tiger escaped us, but I am certain we saw all 11,000 deer! We were rewarded later that afternoon on our second safari, spotting the lazy 2 year old male resting in the tall grass. We waited and watched as he yawned and swatted flies. Finally, he got up and casually strolled away. A beautiful animal, the young male weighs about 140 kg and controls a personal territory from


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Cranbrook townsman / Kimberley bulletin

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Page 11

Driven By Strings

The littlejazz ORCHESTRA Performing on the intimate Small Stage !

ft. New Compositions by Dave Ward

Saturday June 11 at 7:30 pm LA CAFAMORE: Carolyn Cameron (piano), Angela Snyder (violin) and Alexis

More (viola) .

La Cafamore trio is back, with a cinematic exposé Townsman Staff

A classical music trio which has been performing in the Kootenays since 2008 is presenting a special tour of upcoming concerts, in Cranbrook, Trail, Invermere, Crawford Bay and Nelson. La Cafamore is in its eighth season of performing chamber works in the region. The trio consisting of Angela Snyder (violin), Alexis More (viola) and Carolyn Cameron (piano) will perform classical music which has made it to the silver screen — in a concert entitled “Music from the Movies (and other internet lies),” including works of Felix Mendelssohn, Dimitri Shostakovich and Joe Hisaishi. “We try to find a theme for each concert” says Cameron. “Something that ties the works together. In this case it is the fact that each of these pieces has been featured in a movie soundtrack.” Every piece? “Not exactly”, says Cameron “which is why we had to

add the caveat that the internet lies.” Cameron said this particular concert was put together thematically through an internet search of classical music for piano trio which has been featured in movie soundtracks. The group figured that as part of the research, they should actually watch the movies to make sure that they weren’t offensive to the classical music audience. “That’s when we discovered that not only was one of the movies in question extremely bad, but it also did not contain the music in question,” Cameron said. That’s why I had to put the part about the internet lying — just to shatter people’s trust.” While the music, Shostakovich’s piano trio #2, did not make up the movie’s soundtrack, it does make an uncredited appearance in the movie “Fiddler on the Roof.” “You will have to come to the concert if you want to know which movie it was supposed

to be in,” Cameron said. The group will be giving the movie away as a door prize at one of their five concerts. Will audiences get to hear some of movies’ more iconic theme songs? The theme from “Star Wars” perhaps? “You have to remember that even though we like to think of ourselves as cool, essentially, we’re classical musician dorks with a taste for the obscure,” Cameron said. “So, no ‘Star Wars.’ “I will say that our encore is extremely recognizable. In fact, if you don’t recognize it, I would like to talk to you. See me after the show.” La Cafamore will perform “Classical Music from the Movies and other Internet lies” Saturday June 4, 7:30 p.m., at Knox Presbyterian Church in Cranbrook (2100-3rd St. South). Tickets are: adults $15, students/seniors $12, children under 12 free Advance Tickets: Key City Theatre and at the door.


THE COMIC STRIPPERS A Male Stripper Parody and Improv Comedy Show For Everyone Ages 19+

Friday June 24 at 7:30 pm 250-426-7006

The Cranbrook Food Bank needs your help. Drop boxes at Safeway and Save On Foods Food Bank office 104-8th Ave. S. • 250-426-7664 (from 10am-3pm)

Page 12 Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cranbrook townsman / Kimberley bulletin


Hospice/Palliative Care: It’s All About Living For the Townsman


he first week in May is National Hospice Palliative Care Week in Canada, during which organizations like the Cranbrook Kimberley Hospice Society reach out those in the area we serve to explain who we are and what we do. Many do not like to talk about death and have difficulty understanding how we can spend time supporting those at the end of life. What most people don’t understand or have a hard time accepting is that our focus is on living. We accept the plain and simple fact that despite all the tremendous advances medicine has made, despite the new drugs, MRI machines, skilled and caring doctors, nurses, and other professionals we are all going to die. Having accepted that fact we can focus on working to ensure the best possible quality of life for our clients until

we reach the end. Our trained volunteers companion their clients from the time of assignment until death. They follow their client no matter where they go on their final journey. They listen without judgement to their clients concerns and offer support and information as they wend their way through the complexities of the medical system. If requested we offer assistance in preparing an Advanced Care Plan in which the client can think about and decide what kind of medical intervention they want and don’t want, relieving their families of the burden of making such decisions. They offer their clients care givers an opportunity for respite from the difficult task they are performing. After the death of a client, our volunteers follow up with the survivors with direct support by phone or in person for a year, as they adjust to their new reality with-

THE PEOPLE OF FORT McMURRAY NEED OUR HELP. Crowdfunding for family & friends in Fort McMurray? Set-up a personal crowdfunding campaign on for someone that has been affected by the fire in Fort McMurray and we’ll WAIVE THE ADMINISTRATION FEES* *CREDIT CARD FEES STILL APPLY

out their loved one. We also offer structured bereavement support groups for men and women. These programs are available to the community at large not only to the families of our clients. We also offer an infant loss program for families who have lost a child from conception to

one year of age. For school age children we offer the Rainbows Program, a structured facilitated peer support group which helps children develop skills to adjust to losses through death or other life events. We are constantly looking for opportunities to improve our ability to serve our communities. We are currently work-

Pauline Huth, ABC President and her husband, Robert Huth.

ing with our colleagues in the IHA to develop a Day Hospice program to allow us to offer our clients a program of activities and support in a group of their peers, facilitated again by trained volunteers. All of our services are available free of charge to anyone who requests them. We are able to do this because of the gen-

erous support of the United Way, the Government of B.C. through the Gaming Branch, and individual donations from members of the communities we serve. Most of all, we can offer our services because we have a group of volunteers who tirelessly offer their precious time and energy to deliver our programs. Our motto is “Hands That Serve — Hearts That Care,” our volunteers are the embodiment of that motto. As demand for our services grows we are always looking for new volunteers. If you or anyone you know could use our ser-

vices simply call (250) 417-2019 toll free 1-855417-2019 and we will be glad to help, or for more information go onto our website www.ckhospice. com. Please visit the Cranbrook Social Planning Society Facebook page CranbrookSocialPlanning/ where meeting details and activities will be posted. The May meeting of the Society is scheduled for Monday, May 16 starting at 10 am at the United Church downtown. Join us to learn of community services, activities and ways you may wish to be involved.

Douglas Stapleton, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Creston, and David Morton, Mount Zion Lutheran Church, Cranbrook.

Kootenay LWML rallies in Creston Irene K aun

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, Kootenay Zone met at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Saturday, April 30, for the fall Rally with Service of Holy Communion, Pastors: Douglas Stapleton, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Creston, and David Morton, Mount Zion Lutheran Church, Cranbrook. Organist was Dieter Steinruck. The theme was “Apart From Me, You Can Do Nothing.” Klara Gross, (Society president) welcomed 22 people in attendance. Bible study “Step by Step Through Today’s Scriptures” was led by the pastors. “Make this time an offering to God, commending to Him all your worries, obligations and hassles of the day. (They will still be there when you finish, or they will have been resolved

through your prayer)” “Remember that the Bible was written for us but not to us. ‘ God chose to reveal his Word to ancient people. Sacred Scriptures was written for you.” We discussed about Reading, Praying, Meditation and Contemplation. “I need nothing but God, and to lose myself in the heart of God.” (Margaret Mary Alacoque) Pauline Huth, ABC President and her husband, Robert graced us with their presence and presentation of their mission with Martin and Joan Weber (Bible Translators) in Cameroon, Africa. Pauline spoke with the power point about their experience in December of 2011-2012. They were there for a month. It was an enlightening, interesting talk. There is the New

Testament, a church and a school. There are over 800 languages. The people greet with very friendly ways, are musical but are superstitious, live in primitive ways without outside modern communication. Robert drew a picture of a baby’s head with a sore crawling with warms to convince the people that the boil needed to be lanced. They are under the direction of the King and Prince. Robert, (photographer) did get permission to have the picture taken of the Prince with him and Pauline. Photography of people is not given permission & people have been punished for it. Roads are very poor. They have gardens, coffee beans and natural honey. They cook their meat twice outdoors. Pauline started with a short devotion, “What Are You Afraid Of,”

‘Afraid of failure, I can’t do this?”God has enabled! John 15; 4, 5. Gifts were solar powered flashlights for the Pastors. The goal is to reach the unreached! Elizabeth Domke was re elected Zone President. Pauline addressed restructure in preliminary stage of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Canada. She also talked about upcoming District Convention, in Abbotsford, BC in July. The snacks and meals, provided by the Ladies in Creston were also enjoyed. The afternoon was concluded with the “Springtime Devotion” and singing “Till We Meet Again.” Our next Rally will be October 1, 2016 at Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, Cranbrook.

Cranbrook townsman / Kimberley bulletin

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Page 13


Arson investigated in northern B.C. fires B l ac k P r e s s

As many as 10 wildfires in northeast B.C. this spring may have been deliberately set. Environment Minister Mary Polak said Tuesday evidence an apparent string of arsons has been turned over to conservation officers to track the source of the fires. The B.C. government has tripled the fine for not complying with burning restrictions to $1,150, but deliberately set fires are more serious. “Arson would result potentially in criminal charges, and if some-

body was convicted, they would see jail time,” Polak said. Rapid snow-melt and an early warm spell created high fire hazard in areas of dry grass, sparking forest fires north of Fort St. John that forced hundreds of people to evacuate. Evacuees were allowed to go home on Sunday after rain and snow slowed the fires. Crews and aircraft in Alberta and B.C. continue to work on the Siphon Creek fire, which grew to more than 50,000 hectares as it crossed the provincial border.

B.C. schools open to Alberta kids Bl ack Press

B.C. schools are preparing to take in some of the 12,000 children of school age who have been forced to evacuate Fort McMurray due to wildfire. Education Minister Mike Bernier said he has been in touch with the Alberta minister to keep track of students who come to B.C., so they can return to some of their normal routines. “We sent a letter to all of our school districts

that when we have students coming from Alberta into B.C., that we’re going to open our arms, make sure that they’re welcomed into the school system and try to help them complete the end of the school year,” Bernier said. The Fort McMurray fire destroyed homes and businesses as it swept through the town, but schools were spared, as were the hospital and airport.

B.C. Mounties heading to help Fort McMurray C an a d ia n Press

Mounties from across British Columbia are heading to northern Alberta to help in fire-ravaged Fort McMurray. B.C. RCMP spokesman Staff Sgt. Rob Vermeulen says about 150 tactical troop members and traffic service officers are being sent. He says the Alberta RCMP requested help from their B.C. counterparts. The officers will

come from communities across the province to make sure local detachments aren’t left short-handed. Vermeulen says the officers are used to being redeployed on short notice for serious events. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley says Fort McMurray is not yet safe for residents to return after a wildfire ripped through the city, torching 2,400 buildings.

Protect our earth. The Cranbrook Daily Townsman and the Kimberley Daily Bulletin promote recycling. We use vegetable-based inks, and our newsprint, tin and aluminum waste is recycled.

B.C. Wildfire Service

The Siphon Creek fire spread from northern B.C. into Alberta on the weekend, and by Tuesday was estimated at 58,000 hectares, 20 per cent under control.

Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Crown Mountain Coking Coal Project

Open House and Invitation to Comment NWP Coal Canada Ltd. (Proponent) is proposing to develop an open pit metallurgical coal mine in the Elk Valley, referred to as the Crown Mountain Coking Coal Project (proposed Project). The proposed Project would be located approximately 12 km northeast of Sparwood, British Columbia, and it is estimated that it would produce 3.7 million run-of-mine tonnes per year. The proposed Project is subject to review under British Columbia’s Environmental Assessment Act. The Proponent must obtain an Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) before work can be undertaken on the proposed Project. Prior to the submission of an Application by the Proponent for an EAC, the Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) must approve the Application Information Requirements for the proposed Project. As part of the Application Information Requirements, Valued Components must be identified, which are environmental, economic, social, heritage, and health components that may experience potential effects as a result of the proposed Project. The Valued Components are outlined in the Valued Components for Environmental Assessment document, which details components to be studied and the areas in which the studies would occur. Open House EAO invites the public to attend an Open House about the environmental assessment process, the proposed Project, and the draft Valued Components. An open house will be held: At:

Causeway Bay Hotel Emerald Room 102A Red Cedar Drive, Sparwood, BC


Wednesday, May 25, 2016


4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

EAO and the Proponent will be present to provide information and respond to questions about the proposed Project at the Open House. The comment period for the submission of comments by the public in relation to the draft Valued Components document is 30 days. The comment period will begin May 13, 2016 and end June 13, 2016. All comments received during NOTE:

this comment period in relation to the draft Valued Components document will be considered. The intention of seeking public comments is to ensure that all potential effects – environmental, economic, social, heritage and health – that might result from the proposed Project are identified for consideration as part of the assessment process. At this stage of the process, the primary intent is to receive feedback on studies or information required for a comprehensive assessment. After taking public comments into account, the Valued Components document will be finalized. EAO accepts public comments through the following ways:  By Online Form at  By Mail: Terry Pratt Project Assessment Manager 2nd Floor – 441 Columbia St. Kamloops, BC, V2C 2T3  By Fax:

Fax: 250-387-2208

An electronic copy of the draft Valued Components document and information regarding the environmental assessment process are available at Copies of the draft Valued Components document are also available for viewing at the following locations: Sparwood Public Library 110 Pine Avenue, Sparwood, BC Fernie Heritage Library 492 Third Avenue, Fernie, BC Cranbrook Public Library 1212 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC If you are unable to participate at this time, there will be an additional comment period during the Application Review stage when you will also be able to provide comments to EAO on the proposed Project.

All submissions received by the EAO during the comment period in relation to the proposed Project are considered public and will be posted to the EAO website.

Page 14

Cranbrook DAILY TOWNSMAN Townsman/ /DAILY Kimberley BULLETIN Bulletin

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What’s Up?



Kimberley Society for Community Living, assisting people with developmental disabilities, next meeting May 10, 7 p.m. New members welcome. 250-427-4019. May 11. Kimberley Garden Club May Program: TBA, Upcoming May 14th Plant Sale. Selkirk High School Library 7-9 pm. New members welcome. For member info: Nola 250-427-1947 May 11 at 9:30 am is the Ft. Steele Cemetery Society’s annual grounds cleanup. Volunteers appreciated. Please bring your own rake. British Columbia Government Retired Employees Association, Rocky Mountain Branch, will be holding their luncheon meeting at the Heritage Inn on May 11th, 2016 at 12 noon. Our guest speaker will be Nancy from the Salvation Army. For further information call Ron Kerr at 250-432-0002. May 14: Kimberley Garden Club’s Annual Plant Sale Saturday from 9 am – 11 am at the Kimberley Credit Union Parking lot at 200 Wallinger Avenue. Perennials, Annuals, Veggie Seedlings, Herbs, House Plants, Rose Bushes. Sotiabank MS Walk. Cranbrook May 15, 2016. Registraton 8 a.m. Walk starts 10 a.m. 1-800-268-7582. The Kootenay Railway Pensioners Association will be having a Social Luncheon at 12:30 pm On Tuesday May 17th 2016 at Heritage Inn 803 Cranbrook St.N,Cranbrook BC. All Railway Retiree’s and Spouses are welcome RSVP by May 13th 2016 for further information, please contact Frances Allen at 250-4262720 or Myrtle 250-426-2378,Jean 250-426-8338. FREE Community Family Swim, Saturday, May 21st from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm at the Cranbrook Aquatic Centre. Sponsored by KD Electric. Children must be accompanied by a parent. GoGo Grannie Cheryl Fraser attended the Uganda Grandmothers Gathering along with twenty two Canadians as observers from the Stephen Lewis Foundation and the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign. Please join us at the College of the Rockies Lecture Theatre on Monday, May 30 at 7:00 to share Cheryl’s experience. Entrance by donation.

Features HOROSCOPES by Jacqueline Bigar

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Take care of basics while you can. Whether you are concerned with your personal or family life, you will enjoy working from home. Many people observe your quickness, and your unique perspective could create some shockwaves. Tonight: Put on your dancing shoes. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Incoming calls could overwhelm you to the extent that you don’t know what to do. You might need to turn off your phone for a bit. You’ll be stunned by someone’s actions, which you are likely to see in a different light than most people. Tonight: Go for something cozy. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Don’t hesitate to head in a new direction. Your sense of humor emerges when you see a friend act in a unique way. You might wonder what to do, but just go along for the ride. Communication gets better as the day goes on. Tonight: Swap war stories

and news. CANCER (June 21-July 22) Your energy soars, especially when others surround you. A meeting could prove to be very beneficial. You seem to be getting much more of what you want through feedback and some creative ideas. Your enthusiasm accelerates others’ energy. Tonight: Curb overindulgence. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Assuming a low profile will help you feel better. Your sense of humor emerges, as long as you can detach and refuse to become reactive. Take your time assessing what is happening around you. By the late afternoon, your confidence returns. Tonight: Stay on top of your game. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Use the daylight hours to the max, when your focus combined with others’ support can turn wishes into reality. A discussion could be animated and inspiring. What might have been acceptable prior to this talk no longer seems to be an option. Tonight: Where the action is. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)


You easily could feel conflicted by a discussion. You know what you should do, but you also recognize what you want to do. Try to see how you can intertwine them. You will be very happy to handle an inner conflict that has been bothering you. Tonight: Find your pals. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You have many aspirations, but you might not be sure which way would be best to go. Consider your basic needs and what must happen in order to make you smile. Try to follow through on what you feel is necessary. Others could surprise you. Tonight: Take the lead. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You might want to handle a personal matter differently from your typical style. You certainly seem to be motivated. As a result, you are likely to give someone a run for his or her money. You seem to be up for anything right now. Tonight: Visualize more of what you want. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You could be more in control of a situation than you realize. Your

way of handling problems might be changing, perhaps because you have suppressed your anger for so long. You need to tackle these issues more often. Tonight: Relate to a key person in your life directly. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Pace yourself, and you’ll get a lot done. You could be your biggest obstacle, whether you realize it or not. Your lively ways tend to come out when you decide to change your mental position. What is OK today might not be tomorrow. Tonight: The only answer is “yes!” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) You seem to be allowing your imagination to affect different scenarios that take place throughout the day. You might choose not to verbalize all your thoughts, which could be for the best. Your sense of humor will give you a unique perspective. Tonight: Tell it like it is. BORN TODAY Painter Salvador Dali (1904), composer Irving Berlin (1888), actress Natasha Richardson (1963)

By Chad Carpenter

ONGOING BINGO at the Kimberley Elks – Mondays, 6:30 start. All welcome. The Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation invites anyone expecting bone and joint surgery to make contact with local volunteers for peer support. 1-800-461-3639 ext 4, and ask for Lauralee. Thursdays from 5:00 to 6:00 pm; Focus Meat Draw at the Elks Club, Kimberley. Proceeds to Emergency Funds and non-profit organizations. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) non profit weight loss support group meets EVERY Thursday at 5:00 pm, at Sr Citizen’s Centre, (downstairs) 125 17th Ave S, Cranbrook. Drop in, have fun while losing weight gradually. This Chapter has won an annual B.C. Provincial Award for “Best Avg Weight Loss Per Member”. Info: Marie 250 417 2642 Bibles For Missions Thrift Store, 824 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook serving our community to benefit others - at home and abroad. We turn your donations into helping dollars! Open Tues-Sat 10am-5pm. Phone 778-520-1981. The Friends of the Kimberley Public Library used book store in Marysville is open Wed to Sat; 10:30 to 3:30 & Sunday 1:00 to 4:00. Noon every Wednesday, downtown United Church & Centre for Peace, the bells will call you to a time of calm. This is NOT church, rather it is a time to gather in a circle in a welcoming and harmonious space to practice the way of Taize. Wouldn’t you cherish a time to stop? to gather when the bells ring? to join with others in silence, in prayer, in meditative song? Masonic Lodges of B.C. and Yukon will supply transportation to cancer patients who have arrived at Kelowna or Vancouver. This free service will be at the destination point. Example: from airport to clinic and clinic to airport on return, also around the destination city. Info may be received from your doctor, Canadian Cancer Society, or by phoning Ron at 250-426-8159. Quilters meet in Kimberley on the 2nd Monday at Centennial Hall at 7:00 PM and the 4th Monday for sewing sessions in the United Church Hall at 10 Boundary Street. MILITARY AMES is a social/camaraderie/support group that meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month in the Kimberley Public Library reading room. All veterans are welcome. For more information call Cindy @ 250 919 3137. Cranbrook Community Tennis Association welcomes all citizens to play or learn to play. Call Neil 250-489-8107, Cathy 250-464-1903. Cranbrook Phoenix Toastmasters meet every Thursday, noon -1:00 Heritage Inn. Toastmasters teaches communication & leadership skills. Roberta 250-489-0174. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 24; Friday Meat Draw: 4:30-6:30, Saturday Meat Draw: 3:30-5:30. Canadian Cancer Society- if you have spare time and would like to volunteer, interested applicants can call 250-426-8916, drop by our office at #19-9th Avenue S, Cranbrook or go to www. and register as a volunteer. Place your notice in your “What’s Up?” Community Calendar FREE of charge. This column is intended for the use of clubs and non-profit organizations to publicize their coming events — provided the following requirements are met: • Notices will be accepted two weeks prior to the event. • All notices must be emailed, faxed or dropped off in person. No telephone calls please. • NOTICES SHOULD NOT EXCEED 30 WORDS. • Only one notice per week from any one club or non-profit organization. • All notices must be received by the Thursday prior to publication. • There is no guarantee of publication. Notices will run subject to space limitations.


Drop off: 822 Cranbrook St. N. • Drop off: 335 Spokane Street E-mail: • Fax: 250-427-5336


Hagar the Horrible

Baby Blues

Rhymes with Orange

By Jim Davis

By Dick Browne

By Kirkman and Scott

By Hillary B. Price

ANNIE’S MAILBOX by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: After my mother died 10 years ago, Dad asked his four daughters what to do with the small cabin he owned upstate. Three of us told him to sell it. My oldest sister, “Charlene,” however, asked if she could use it as a vacation home. She said she would help pay the property taxes and make sure it was taken care of, in exchange for exclusive use and enjoyment of the property. Dad agreed. Well, Charlene rarely paid the taxes and did not take care of the property at all. Dad retired three years ago, and told Charlene he needed to sell the place. In response, she placed two mechanics liens against it, stating that she’d put thousands of dollars of “work” into the cabin and that Dad had promised her the deed. Neither of these things is true and she has no documentation to support her claims. When we finally gained access to the house, there were holes in the floor and the roof was falling off. We took pictures of the damage. There was a hearing and a dismissal, then an appeal and more liens and more hearings and more appeals. We thought it was over last year, but we just received another summons to appear before a different judge. Meanwhile, we cannot sell the cabin until this is resolved. My father is a fair man who had planned to split his estate equally between his daughters. Since this lawsuit started, he has disowned Charlene and now lives in near poverty due to all of the legal fees. This is so hurtful. Dad supported Charlene, paid for her college education and two weddings. Now she is killing him one lawsuit at a time, all because she is so greedy. How can we protect him? -- Sisters Dear Sisters: As long as Charlene keeps filing new lawsuits, your father is stuck. She, too, is incurring legal fees, but may believe Dad will give up first. If the cabin is worth substantially more than the liens, it might be possible for Dad to get a clean title and sell it, as long as money is left in escrow to pay for litigation. (Talk to Dad’s attorney.) But we hope you will report Charlene for elder abuse, because forcing Dad into poverty fits the bill. Contact Adult Protective Services in Dad’s area, or call the Eldercare Locator at 1-800-677-1116. Dear Annie: I am responding to “Fed Up Sister,” whose younger brother only contacts her to brag about how much money he has, how great his kids are, etc. She’s ready to cut off ties. I grew up with a friend like that. He alienated everyone with his bragging, and as the years progressed, I became one of the very few he could still call a friend. It takes great effort to listen to a person who is so insecure, but it is extremely generous to continue. I know my friend isn’t likely to change. He may mellow for brief periods, but his lack of confidence will take over eventually. Please tell “Fed Up” not to try to force her brother to be someone else. She should take him in the smallest doses she can, and chuckle to herself later about his insecurities. -- S. Dear S.: We agree that she should try to take him in “small doses,” and maintain the relationship in a way that doesn’t make her resentful. Thanks. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. You can also find Annie on Facebook at To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at COPYRIGHT 2016 CREATORS.COM

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Page 15

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7 5 4 9 2 8 6 1 3

8 3 9 6 1 7 2 5 4

2016 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

previous puzzle answer


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Employment Career Opportunities DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS

District of Kitimat, exempt staff position with generous compensation. Reporting to the Operations Manager, is responsible for repair and maint. of the municipality’s infrastructure including roads, signage, sidewalks, general clean-up, common services, buildings & fleet equipment, and assists with municipal water and sewer operations. Candidates will have a Civil Technologist Diploma and 5 years’ senior management experience in a municipal or similar work environment; an Applied Science Tech. Cert. is an asset. Submit resumes by May 29, 2016, 4:30 p.m., to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2H7, Fax: 250-632-4995 E-mail


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Apply in person with resume to the Cottage Restaurant


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Sympathy & Understanding

COON, JOAN KATHLEEN April 5, 1926 - April 25, 2016

With great sadness we share the passing of Joan, loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Born in Yorkshire, England where she met and married a Canadian airman in 1945 and traveled to Canada as a war bride in 1946, then settled in Kimberley, BC. They remained there until 1968 when they returned to England for several years before returning to Canada once more, this time to Kelowna where two of their daughters now resided. Several years were spent there, then they once again returned to England to care for her elderly parents, upon their death Joan and Earl returned to the Okanagan. Joan is predeceased by her husband, Earl; daughter, Ann; and granddaughter, Jacqualeen; son-in-laws, Edward Middleton and Brian Oldfield. She is survived by her daughters, Sheila Middleton, Coreen Oldfield; son, Mark (Suzanne); grandchildren, Kathleen, Jim (Lora), June(Chris), Catherine(Gary), Christopher(Lei Ann), Earl, Fraser and Molly; great grandchildren, Kyle, Geori, Shelby, Johnathan, Bryan, David and Kevin; sister, Sheila Campling; and brother, Randy Dowkes; as well as many more nieces, nephews and cousins both here and abroad. The Celebration of Life will be on July 9th, 2016 @ 2 p.m. at St. Saviours Anglican Church, 150 Orchard Avenue, Penticton. Memorial tributes can be made to The Canadian Cancer Society and/or The Heart and Stroke Foundation. The family wish to thank all hospital staff and especially the nurses on CP2 for their many kindnesses to make Joan’s final days comfortable. An interment of Joan’s ashes in the Cranbrook Cemetery will take place at a later date. We shall miss your sunny smile and quick wit, Mom. We love you. Condolences may be shared with the family by visiting Everden Rust Funeral Services & Crematorium 1130 Carmi Avenue Penticton, BC V2A 3H2 Phone: 250-493-4112

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Hands that Serve – Hearts that Care End of Life? Bereavement? May we help? We offer free and confidential services; Companionship, Resource Information, Respite & Bereavement Support. Donations gratefully accepted – Volunteers always welcome. Call (250) 417-2019 or Toll Free 1-855-2019 email -


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Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Field Inspector (Temporary Contract) Cranbrook, BC




Urban Systems has an immediate opening for a Field Inspector to provide construction inspection services for a variety of projects in Cranbrook and the surrounding area. If you possess a basic understanding of construction survey and direct on-site experience relating to municipal engineering projects along with strong written and oral communication skills, please visit our website to learn more Please note that the successful applicant must have a valid BC Driver’s License and provide their own vehicle. Deadline for applications is Friday, May 20th, 2016.

We will invest your gift wisely. We will carry out your wishes. We will ensure your gift has lasting impact. We will honour your generosity. The loss of a loved one is a time of profound sadness. We offer our condolences. When the time is right, we would be honoured to help you to ensure the legacy of your loved one is felt in our community forever. 250.426.1119

In times of grief, these caring professionals are here to serve and comfort your family.

DAILY TOWNSMAN/DAILY Cranbrook townsman / KimberleyBULLETIN bulletin

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Cranbrook townsman / Kimberley bulletin

Page 18 Wednesday, May 11, 2016 PAID ADVERTISEMENT

FACTS It happened this week in Cranbrook You Need to Know About…

Minimum Wage in BC




Bill Bennett The government will be raising BC’s minimum wage for the sixth time since 2011, bringing it to $11.25 in 2017.


This increase marks an overall boost of 39% in the minimum wage over the past ve years, and will mean an additional $1,400 per year in the pockets of full-time workers recieving this wage.


With the increase, BC is also projected to have the third highest minimum wage in Canada.

Bill Bennett, M.L.A. (Kootenay East)

Province of British Columbia Phone: 250-417-6022 Constituency Office: Fax: 250-417-6026 100c Cranbrook Street N. Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 3P9

An HIstorical Moment

Week OF May 8 - 14 Dav e H u m p h r e y Items compiled from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre Archives

1905 Baths … Hot and cold private baths for ladies at Frank Godderies’ Barber Shop. Good health … The general health of the community at the present time is better than it has been for the past four or five years. The doctors are finding less to do these days than ever before in the history of Cranbrook. Reading room … The people should not forget the free reading room. This institution is very much appreciated by the people without homes, and those who have reading matter to contribute should not fail to remember the good they can accomplish in this way. And those who have a dollar or so to spare for a good cause should not forget that the reading room is worthy of any attention they can bestow. Moyie drug store … Dr. S. K. Harvie, of Moyie, has purchased the drug store of W. J. Atchison in that town. Dr. Harvie is well known in this district and at Moyie he stands very high with the people. He has secured the assistance of a first class druggist and will give the business his personal attention, which is a guarantee that the people of Moyie will be well taken care of in that line. The Herald appreciates the fact that the people of Moyie regret the departure of Mr. Atchison but knows that they are to be congratulated on Dr. Harvie taking charge of the business. Jumped for safety ... Engineer Chas. Yeandle was quite badly shaken up and considerably bruised Monday last. He was coming west “caboose bounce” and was running pretty fast in order to make Frank, where he had a meet on No. 32. When near Frank he rounded a curve and discovered a gang of section hands but a few yards ahead of him with the track torn up for the purpose of putting in new ties. Mr. Yeandle saw at a glance that they were too close to stop, shut off the engine, applied the air, shouted a warning to his fireman and then “hit the grit.” In jumping he lit in a pile of rock and gravel but escaped without serious injury although his face and one side of his head was badly cut and bruised. The fireman did not hear Mr. Yeandle’s warning and stayed on the engine, escaping, without injury as the engine, after bumping along a short distance came to a standstill right side up. Mr. Yeandle was taken to the Frank hospital and after his face and head had been dressed was brought to Cranbrook, where he is now recuperating and shaking hands with himself to think that his injuries are no worse. It is

The latest in Ladies’ baths, on Shop in 1905. claimed that the section men did not have either flagman or torpedoes out to warn approaching trains of the danger. Football at Marysville ... Association football is booming in Marysville. On Wednesday of last week the Cranbrook boys were the guests of the smelter town and enjoyed a right royal time. The party was taken in hand on arrival by a committee who showed the sights of the place, afterwards repairing to the Falls View Hotel where a repast was served by the proprietors, Messrs. Chenette & Neal, followed by a ball later in the evening. After luncheon a game of football was played, the standard of which may be judged from the fact that the picked eleven from Cranbrook had to be satisfied with a tie, the score being one each. If anything the play throughout was on the side of Marysville, the goal scored by Cranbrook being of the “shady” description. Marysville has reason to be proud of its football team and should encourage the boys in every way. An invitation has been extended to Marysville to visit Cranbrook on Victoria Day, when an effort will be made to reciprocate for the good time afforded the Cranbrook contingent. Russell Reed coming …The people of Cranbrook are to have the treat of the season. Through special arrangement with the management Mr. Russell Reed, the eminent young actor, and Miss Juliette Chandler, the clever little actress of the C. A. Place Enterprises, will appear in John Drew and Maude Adams favorite comedy, “That Imprudent Young Couple,” supported by a carefully picked cast of prominent players. “That Imprudent Young Couple” scored a tre-

Somewhat wet … Messrs. W. Hoffman and J. I. McDonald had an exciting experience last Sunday, some miles down the Elk. They were on a fishing expedition and attempted to cross the river in an old scow. The current proved too strong and the boat was carried rapidly down the stream. It struck a log jam and Mr. McDonald jumped. By swimming he managed to reach the shore. Mr. Hoffman, who stayed with the boat, jumped as the boat approached another jam and he escaped without a ducking. Lacrosse … Captain Miller, of the lacrosse team, is anxious to get the players in line for steady work and would like to have the boys turn out in uniform every night for practice. This is necessary to get the team in shape for the first game on the 24th of the month. Station garden … Will Smith, who has charge of the C.P.R. station garden has the lot in fine shape these days. The trees are leafing out nicely and the tulips are all in bloom. Every day there pinterest are many people seen enjoying sale at Frank Godderies’ Barber the beauties of the place, and the day is coming when it will be one mendous success in Montreal, of the sights of Cranbrook. Spitting must stop … PreToronto, Ottawa and Winnipeg, vention of Spitting and Other and the press is unanimous in its praises of the capable and Obnoxious Practices By-Law. No proficient manner in which Mr. person shall spit on the sideReed and Miss Chandler han- walks within the city or within dled their star parts. The com- any public building excepting in pany is making this initial west- spittoons. The penalty of an inern tour under the approval of fraction of this by-law is a fine John Drew, Miss Adams and the not exceeding $100.00 and costs management of the Empire the- or two months imprisonment. Complaints against the poater of New York. lice … This morning at 10:00 o’clock members of the Police 1906 Newcomers … A short time committee met with the mayor since Mr. Thomas E. Freeland at the council chambers to hear visited Cranbrook, with a view the grievances of the rate-payers to finding suitable homes for a regarding cruelty to animals in number of families now resid- enforcing the pound law, and the ing on the farming lands of leaving of gates open in private North Dakota. A short trip of corals. Quite a crowd gathered, inspection covering but a small and the evidence was heard, but part of the available lands in the the committee and the mayor vicinity of this city convinced did not consider it enough to him he had seen enough to jus- show that cruelty had been practify him in reporting favorably ticed, and as to the gate an apolof the locality to those whom be ogy was tendered by the police, represented. Joseph Ryan ex- and the meeting adjourned after pects that quite a dozen families short talks had been made by will take up their residence in George Powell and S. McDonald the immediate neighbourhood on the pound law. Baker as alderman … The within the next two months, as the result of Mr. Freeland’s in- election last Monday resulted in the election of V. Hyde Baker as spection. Back from the earthquake alderman to succeed James … Mrs. Kershaw, accompanied Greer, resigned, by a majority of by her mother, arrived yester- 61 over A. McGowan. The total day morning from San Francis- vote on aldermen was 223. Tom Wallace drowned ... co. Mrs. Kershaw says the reLast Sunday Tom Wallace, while ports of the San Francisco disaster have not been exaggerat- attempting to ford the dead ed in the news reports. The two water at the mouth of the St. nights following the earthquake Marys river, was drowned by his they were obliged to sleep on horse getting over his depth and the ground in one of the parks starting to struggle, thus throwwith only the blankets they car- ing Wallace off and placing him ried from their home. Mrs. Ker- in a position that he was unable shaw has some interesting relics to extricate himself. The victim which were taken from the was well known in the district ruins of their place after the and there are many people who fire, among others a silver tea- will be shocked at the receipt of pot which she brought from the news. England.

daily townsman Cranbrook townsman / daily / Kimberley bulletin bulletin

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Page 19



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Cranbrook daily townsman townsman/ /daily Kimberley bulletin bulletin

Page 20 Wednesday, May 11, 2016



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