Kootenay News Advertiser, May 12, 2016

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Published by Black Press Ltd at 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC www.kootenayadvertiser.com ie Call Call6614 6 250-42

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Cranbrook Next to Walmart Hours: 9am-11pm, 7 days a week

What’s Inside

A helping hand Some local businesses donated $8,500 worth of supplies to Ft. McMurray. page 5

Honoured by the SPCA A local radio station has won a prestigious award from the B.C. SPCA. page 13

Flyer List • Top Crop • Blue Sky Realty • Kootenay Truck & Saw • Coeur D’Alene Chamber of Commerce • M&M Meat Shop • Pharmasave • Ashley Furniture • Safeway • Real Canadian Superstore • Home Depot • Walmart • Save On Foods • Marks Work Wearhouse • Canadian Tire • Home Hardware • Alpine Lumber • Jewels on Ninth • D.Vine Decor • Fernie Summer Guide • Panago *flyers not distributed to every area.




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EAGLE HOMES *NO PURCHASE OR QUOTE NECESSARY. The contest is being conducted by Western Financial Group Inc. The contest runs from April 18, 2016 to June 30, 2016 at participating Western Financial Group branches in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. This contest is open to all legal residents of British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba who have reached the age of majority in their province at the time of entry. Twenty (20) prizes of $500 CDN, payable by cheque, will be awarded during the contest period (two (2) prizes awarded each week) to qualified winners and one (1) grand prize of $10,000 CDN, payable by cheque, will be awarded to a qualified winner at the end of the contest period. Winners will be required to correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question before claiming a prize. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received before each draw deadline. To enter: (i) obtain a free, no-obligation new insurance quote (renewal quotes do not qualify) during the contest period; or (ii) print your name, address and phone number on a plain piece of paper, draft a 100 word minimum written or typed essay describing your plans for the Summer and mail your contact information and essay to Western Financial Group Inc. during the contest period. Limit of one (1) mail-in entry per person per calendar week during the contest period. For complete contest rules, please visit your local participating branch. Some restrictions may apply.

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Thursday,May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser


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1 5A Slater Rd.,, Cranbrook, 125A ok, BC, V1C 4M4

Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016

Boats intercepted with zebra mussels by Jeff Nagel Authorities remain on high alert for invasive species after intercepting four boats in recent weeks that arrived in B.C. infested with live zebra mussels. One contaminated boat was towed by a vehicle that failed to stop for inspectors on April 28 near Elko, where many vacationers arrive in B.C. from southwestern Alberta and northwestern Montana. A conservation officer tracked down the vehi-

cle and diverted it back to the inspection station, said Chris Doyle, deputy chief of provincial operations for the B.C. Conservation Officer Service. “The boat it was towing was found to have zebra mussels on it,” Doyle said. “That watercraft was detained and impounded and as well the driver was charged for failing to stop at the inspection station.” Inspection teams have checked 1,200 boats so far this year. Of those,

64 were flagged as coming from high-risk locations, resulting in 12 decontamination orders and seven 30-day quarantines. Bears emerging from their dens and searching for food continue to be a problem, particularly when people fail to secure their food and garbage, Doyle said. He said conservation officers are continuing to respond to reports of “bear jams” where vehicles are stopped on a highway where people are deliberately feeding bears or taking photos. Even when the bears aren’t being fed there’s concern that people in close proximity may make the bears habitu-

ated. There have also been multiple complaints in Kitimat of grizzly bears feeding on garbage, he added. He urges people not to remove fawns or other wildlife babies but instead contact conservation officers if there’s reason to suspect they’re abandoned. Animal rescues are a regular part of the job for conservation officers. One of the latest operations saw Kamloops officers join forces with local volunteers to retrieve 1,000 rainbow trout that had become stranded in a field after Jacko Lake flooded on April 24.

“Those live rainbow trout were all returned to Jacko Lake.” Hefty fines have been handed out in recent months against poachers who shot wildlife illegally. About $2,500 in fines were issued to a group found hunting without licences April 29 in the Kispiox River area. Another $5,800 in fines were handed out to two Lower Mainland men convicted of hunting deer in a closed season near Rose Prairie in 2013. Conservation officers used DNA evidence to link the poachers to the scene.

Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Crown Mountain Coking Coal Project

Open House and Invitation to Comment NWP Coal Canada Ltd. (Proponent) is proposing to develop an open pit metallurgical coal mine in the Elk Valley, referred to as the Crown Mountain Coking Coal Project (proposed Project). The proposed Project would be located approximately 12 km northeast of Sparwood, British Columbia, and it is estimated that it would produce 3.7 million run-of-mine tonnes per year. The proposed Project is subject to review under British Columbia’s Environmental Assessment Act. The Proponent must obtain an Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) before work can be undertaken on the proposed Project. Prior to the submission of an Application by the Proponent for an EAC, the Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) must approve the Application Information Requirements for the proposed Project. As part of the Application Information Requirements, Valued Components must be identified, which are environmental, economic, social, heritage, and health components that may experience potential effects as a result of the proposed Project. The Valued Components are outlined in the Valued Components for Environmental Assessment document, which details components to be studied and the areas in which the studies would occur. Open House EAO invites the public to attend an Open House about the environmental assessment process, the proposed Project, and the draft Valued Components. An open house will be held: At:

Causeway Bay Hotel Emerald Room 102A Red Cedar Drive, Sparwood, BC


Wednesday, May 25, 2016


4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

EAO and the Proponent will be present to provide information and respond to questions about the proposed Project at the Open House. The comment period for the submission of comments by the public in relation to the draft Valued Components document is 30 days. The comment period will begin May 13, 2016 and end June 13, 2016. All comments received during NOTE:


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FACTS You Need to Know About…

Hunting Licenses With



Bill Bennett

The government has launched a new online portal that will make it easier for hunters to access a number of services, such as limited-entry applications and, eventually, hunting and guide licenses.

this comment period in relation to the draft Valued Components document will be considered. The intention of seeking public comments is to ensure that all potential effects – environmental, economic, social, heritage and health – that might result from the proposed Project are identified for consideration as part of the assessment process. At this stage of the process, the primary intent is to receive feedback on studies or information required for a comprehensive assessment. After taking public comments into account, the Valued Components document will be finalized. EAO accepts public comments through the following ways:  By Online Form at http://www.eao.gov.bc.ca


The portal gives hunters access to apply for their resident hunting credentials and the new Fish and Wildlife Hunter ID. Hunters who want to apply in person can also continue to do so at Service BC, FrontCounter BC, or an authorized vendor.

 By Mail: Terry Pratt Project Assessment Manager 2nd Floor – 441 Columbia St. Kamloops, BC, V2C 2T3  By Fax:

Fax: 250-387-2208

An electronic copy of the draft Valued Components document and information regarding the environmental assessment process are available at www.eao.gov.bc.ca. Copies of the draft Valued Components document are also available for viewing at the following locations: Sparwood Public Library 110 Pine Avenue, Sparwood, BC


You can nd the new portal at www.gov.bc.ca/hunting

Fernie Heritage Library 492 Third Avenue, Fernie, BC Cranbrook Public Library 1212 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC If you are unable to participate at this time, there will be an additional comment period during the Application Review stage when you will also be able to provide comments to EAO on the proposed Project.

All submissions received by the EAO during the comment period in relation to the proposed Project are considered public and will be posted to the EAO website.

Bill Bennett, M.L.A. (Kootenay East)

Province of British Columbia Phone: 250-417-6022 Constituency Office: Fax: 250-417-6026 100c Cranbrook Street N. bill.bennett.mla@leg.bc.ca Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 3P9

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Thursday,May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

Province boosting minimum wage increase to $10.85 By Tom Fletcher Black Press The B.C. government is boosting its next scheduled increase in the minimum wage to 40 cents, bringing it to $10.85 per hour on Sept. 15. Premier Christy Clark said Wednesday the increase is above the consumer price index formula increase of 10 cents, to share economic growth and “create a fairer, more just society.” Another 30 cent boost

to the formula is scheduled for September 2017. Assuming the cost of living formula adds 10 cents, the minimum wage would be $11.25, which Clark said will make B.C.’s rate the third highest in the country. NDP labour critic Shane Simpson said this year’s increase brings B.C.’s minimum wage to seventh place among Canadian provinces, tied with Yukon. “What the premier did today was a response to

being embarrassed by the fact that we were last,” Simpson said. Clark acknowledged that the formula has seen B.C.’s rate fall behind. The first formula increase was 20 cents in September 2015. The B.C. formula discounts the minimum wage by $1.25 for restaurant and pub servers, to reflect the income they receive from tips. The B.C. Federation of Labour has been campaigning for a $15 minimum wage. It has esti-

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mated that based on the B.C. formula, it would take until 2034 to reach that level. Simpson said the minimum wage will be an issue in the 2017 election, and the NDP will propose a wage higher than what Clark and Jobs Minister Shirley Bond announced Wednesday. “I don’t necessarily want $15,” Simpson said. “What I want is an understanding of what it takes for somebody on minimum wage to be able to have a modest standard of living.” Clark also announced an additional $2.88 million in training programs to respond to labour

Photo Black Press

Premier Christy Clark and Jobs Minister Shirley Bond announce two-stage boost to minimum wage at the B.C. legislature. shortages. Most of the federal-provincial pro-

gram will go towards job training up to $15,000

owned properties. The BC Weed Control Act “imposes a duty on all land owners and occupiers to control designated noxious plants” – which includes knapweed species. The City of Cranbrook also conducts its own extensive Noxious Weed Control program annually on City properties to try to combat their spread. The East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council (EKIPC) and the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) can provide assistance to the public through their Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Pro-

gram. This region-wide stewardship program provides residential property owners with guidance, resources, free sprayer equipment loan-out and financial rebates necessary to manage these harmful plants. Industrial and commercial property owners are eligible for guidance, resources and a free sprayer equipment loan out. Informational brochures are available for pick up at Cranbrook City Hall. A knapweed information newsletter is also available at City Hall or for download from the City website

for employers who hire an unemployed person.

You can help with invasive plants Invasive plants are all around the City of Cranbrook and can pose a serious threat to wildlife, the economy, recreation and the environment. You may have also heard them referred to as noxious weeds. Spotted knapweed is one of dozens of invasive plants found in the Province and has become more and more prevalent around the City. Responsibility to help control invasive plants lies with individual property owners, businesses and the City of Cranbrook in public spaces and City

Photo city of cranBrook

Knapweed. at www.cranbrook.ca. Property owners that are interested in the Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program are encouraged to contact the RDEK.

You’re invited BC Hydro public meeting

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We’ll be hosting a public meeting with representatives from BC Hydro, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide information regarding Columbia Basin reservoir levels, fish operations and our programs and local activities. When: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Time:

6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. Presentations will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Where: Jaffray Community Hall, 7375 Jaffray Village Loop Road, Jaffray, B.C. For more information, please contact Diane Tammen at 250 489 6862.


Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 5 Photo submitted

KD Electric, Southeast Disposal and Bren Kar Logging joined with Save On Foods to donate and load $8,500 worth of supplies which were sent to the Edmonto Expo Centre at Northlands to help out the Fort McMurray evacuees. (Pictured) Save On manager Shane Warman loading some of the supplies onto the KD Electric Truck, with Chase Thielen waiting to drive them to Alberta. The supplies were delivered on May 7.

Recreation Infrastructure Grants Grants available for projects that focus on the construction of new and/or upgrades to existing recreational infrastructure in the Basin. Eligible projects may include backcountry trail networks, swimming pools, ice rinks, curling arenas, sports fields, indoor & outdoor sports courts and parks. Contact Rick Allen to discuss your project at 1.250.417.3665 or 1.800.505.8998.

Deadline for this intake is Monday, July 11.

Learn more about this program at cbt.org/recreationapply. Connect with us


BOARD MEETING The Board of Governors of College of the Rockies will hold its next scheduled meeting at the Cranbrook Main Campus boardroom on

Thursday, May 12 at 3 pm THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND cotr.ca

Bug Deflector Blowout!

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Power outage notice: planned maintenance Wardner area

We need to switch off power in your area for about four hours while we conduct system maintenance. To keep our crews and the public safe, power must be switched off while we complete this important work. Where:

In the community of Wardner, Wardner Kikomun Road, Ha Ha Creek Road, Bull River Road and Wardner Ft. Steele Road, south of and including Mead Road.


Monday, May 30, 2016


10 a.m. to 2 p.m., MDT

To protect your equipment from damage during the outage, please turn off all lights, electrical heaters, major appliances and unplug all electronics. We’ll restore power as soon as we can.


Invitation to Tender



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School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain)


School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) – Data Wiring Upgrade PROJECT NO. 13131.003.E SCOPE OF PROJECT: The project consists of new data wiring for 20 facilities located throughout the School District. The scope of work includes the provision of services, labour and materials for the installation of new data wiring. CLOSING: Electronic Bids must be received no later than: Date: May 26th, 2016 Time: 2:00 p.m. local time CONSULTANT: Smith & Andersen Dan Le Blanc, C.Tech Associate 210 – 1715 Dickson Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 9G6 dan.leblanc@smithandandersen.com Additional sets of Tender Documents including Plans and Specifications are available electronically from Bid Central until the Tender Closing Date. BONDING REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bid Bond: 10% of Tender Price. 2. Performance Bond: 50% of Contract Price. 3. Labour and Materials Payment Bond: 50% of Contract Price. OWNER: Steve Jackson, AScT, RPA, FMA, GSC Director of Operations School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0 Phone: 1-250-342-4676 steve.jackson@sd6.bc.ca SITE TOURS: Bidding contractors can arrange site tours with the Operations Supervisor for each zone: Evan Stavrev Operations Supervisor – Kimberley Phone: 1-250-427-2245 (ext 4480) Cell: 1-250-427-8727 evan.stavrev@sd6.bc.ca Brian Nickurak Operations Supervisor – Invermere Phone: 1-250-342-6814 (ext 3901) Cell: 1-250-342-1728 brian.nickurak@sd6.bc.ca Alan Ure Operations Supervisor – Golden Phone: 1-250-344-8643 (ext 4545) Cell: 1-250-344-0217 The Owner reserves the right to reject all Tenders: DELIVER TENDERS TO: Tenders shall be submitted via BID Central http://www.bidcentral.ca/

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The Advertiser lead me to my Darling

Photo Courtesy Cranbrook history Centre

The Darling family, all named thanks to readers and others with an interest in history. by Dave Humphrey, volunteer with the Cranbrook History Centre Archives The Cranbrook History Centre has had a significant number of responses to our request for assistance in recognizing people in the photographs the Kootenay Advertiser has so kindly printed for us. There was one particular photograph that took me on an electronic adventure across Canada in the search for answers. A few weeks ago we reprinted a copy of a photograph simply titled “Darling Family” which we hoped would be recognized by readers so we could put names to the individual people. We, for once, did not get any feedback from anyone in the Kootenays which actually was not surprising once the research began to unfold. The first bit of feedback was from a fellow in Toronto who had seen the photo in the Kootenay Advertiser on-line version. He let me know that Treherne, Manitoba, was a place where a Darling family had homesteaded. Doing a search on “Treherne”

in Cranbrook archive papers gave me a great step forward along the trail of research. In the 1937-07-18 Cranbrook Courier I found an article, but no photograph, of how eight members of the Darling family had held a reunion in the Cranbrook Tourist Park. The family members had come from as far away as Manitoba and Vancouver and none of them were local residents. The article listed names of the family members which gave me the next step of my research. I followed the Darling member who came from Vancouver and was able to locate his death certificate which was signed by his son. I found this son’s death certificate but as it was signed by his widow this trail got a little murky. I then decided to contact the Museum in Treherne to see if they would be able to assist. I learned that the Treherne Museum was closed until mid-May but a very helpful town clerk pointed me in the direction of a family history book which she felt might give me some information on the Darling Family. This book proved to be a gold

Published by Black Press Ltd. www.kootenayadvertiser.com 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified: classifieds@kootenayadvertiser.com localworkbc.ca Open Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Thursday,May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser


mine of information and it soon became obvious that the Darling family had homesteaded in the Treherne area and had been very influential in the history of the town. On the off-chance I did a “411” telephone search for Darlings in Treherne. I was rewarded with the phone numbers for three Darling families presently living in that area. I called one number and realized I had hit paydirt at first try! I talked to a very friendly gentleman and learned he was a grandson of one of the people in the photograph. This was the beginning of the end of my quest of putting the correct name to the correct person in the Darling Family photograph. He and his wife could identify five of the eight people in the photograph. They were then kind enough to pass along my research request to the genealogist in the Darling family. This family historian got back to me right away stating that she had a copy of the exact same photo in her collection that had been printed in 1937 from the negative now held in the Cranbrook History Centre Archives. Between these two Darling descendants they were able to identify all eight family members in the photograph and put the correct name to the correct person. Thus another research quest has been successfully solved with the help of the Kootenay Advertiser and a bit of electronic travelling around Canada. I have now located the Darling I’ve been looking for!

Do you know the people in this photo?

Photo Courtesy Cranbrook history Centre

Can you name the people (in their correct order) in this photo? Knowing what this photo contains is a “no brainer”. We think we know why the photo was taken and the all names of the boys. What we are not sure of is which boy is which. A news article in an archived 1940 Cranbrook Courier tells us the following. “JUNIOR BAND BRINGS HOME SILVERWARE … It was a tired but happy bunch of boys who returned to Cranbrook by train last Sunday morning after

their Junior Band competition at the Kootenay Musical Festival at Nelson on the afternoon of the day previous. In their well-staged exhibition they won the Argyle trophy for junior bands of 18 years of age or under, receiving 85 marks. The same article also listed personnel of the band as “Bandmaster J. Ashcroft York, Arthur Moran, “Chuck” Manners, Murray Mason, Dickey Keiver, Archie Leonard, Herbert Beck-

the historic value of this photo in our Archive collection. If you are able to provide us with any information we’d love to hear from you via an email to mail@ trainsdeluxe.com or by phoning the Office of the Cranbrook History Centre at 250-489-3918. Copies of this print, and other photographs, are available for purchase through the Office at Cranbrook History Centre

Photo submitted

FortisBC adopted TM Roberts Elementary through our Adopt a Library program where local businesses support schools via adoptions that allow for BC Book Prizes books to be purchased for the school library. As well, author Jordan Stratford is in the photo.

Zena Williams

Brian Coombs

Kimberly Clayton

publisher@ kootenayadvertiser.com

editor@ kootenayadvertiser.com

circulation@ kootenayadvertiser.com


ley, Earl Walde, Jerry Mason, Jack John, Bill Rowle, Ernest Moore, Elmer Moore, Ken Luther, Billy McGrath, Gene McGrath, John Kay, Joe Turner, Lloyd Mason, Bud Caldwell, Alex Steele, Dickie McMaster, Ernie Wiznowich and Joe Walker.” Do we have some observant Advertiser readers who are able to place the names with the correct boy in the photo? Knowing the names would greatly add to



The Kootenay News Advertiser is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016

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For Hospice Society, it’s all about living The first week in May is National Hospice Palliative Care Week in Canada, during which organizations like the Cranbrook Kimberley Hospice Society reach out those in the area we serve to explain who we are and what we do. Many do not like to talk about death and have difficulty understanding how we can spend time supporting those at the end of life. What most people don’t understand or have a hard time accepting is that our focus is on living. We accept

the plain and simple fact that despite all the tremendous advances medicine has made, despite the new drugs, MRI machines, skilled and caring Doctors, Nurses, and other Professionals we are all going to die. Having accepted that fact we can focus on working to ensure the best possible quality of life for our clients until we reach the end. Our trained volunteers companion their clients from the time of assignment until death. They follow their client no

matter where they go on their final journey. They listen without judgement to their clients concerns and offer support and information as they wend their way through the complexities of the medical system. If requested we offer assistance in preparing an Advanced Care Plan in which the client can think about and decide what kind of medical intervention they want and don’t want, relieving their families of the burden of making such decisions. They offer their clients care givers an opportunity for respite from the difficult task they are performing. After the death of a

client, our volunteers follow up with the survivors with direct support by phone or in person for a year, as they adjust to their new reality without their loved one. We also offer structured bereave-

ment support groups for men and women. These programs are available to the community at large not only to the families of our clients. We also offer an infant loss program for fami-

lies who have lost a child from conception to one year of age. For school age children we offer the Rainbows Program, a structured facilitated peer support group which helps children de-

velop skills to adjust to losses through death or other life events. We are constantly looking for opportunities to improve our ability to see Hospice page 9


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Thursday,May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

Dragon’s Den victories


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Photo sioban staPlin

Local Nathan Hilton, of Black Dust Apparel, presenting to the judges at the Trail Jr. Dragon’s Den. Bruno Hambalek, of Mount Baker Secondary, won a second place prize. Students from all over the Kootenay’s took the stage to compete in the Junior Dragons Den championship held at the Charles Bailey theatre last night, as part of Trail’s Silver City Days celebration! The event saw the winners from the East and West Kootenay regional competitions face off for $9000 in cash prizes, in a fast paced, fully interactive and entertaining live show format. Competing in three

different divisions, Junior (Grades 8-10), Senior (Grades 11-12) and College/ University, competitors had 2 minutes to pitch to the judges, following the airing of a short promotional video which had been produced for the competition, highlighting their business or business concept. “The Championship show was fantastic”, stated Don Freschi, GM at CFDC Greater Trail. “The students were very

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composed and practiced, and really managed the pressure of being on stage, in front of a live audience, exceptionally well”, stated Freschi. The Junior Dragons Den Championship is the crowning achievement for the winners of the three regional qualifying competitions throughout the East and West Kootenay, which make up the Junior Dragons Den student business competition series. And the winners were: Junior division (Grade 8-10) 1st place - Will Watt, Firestove, Stanley Humphries Secondary 2nd place - Speedy Spouts, Bruno Hambalek, Mount Baker Secondary, Cranbrook, BC 3rd place - Avadrone, Aaron Finke and Peter Grant, J.L. Crowe, Trail, BC Senior Division (Grade 11-12) 1st place - EZ Light Tinder Blocks, Sam Zerrath, Cailan McQuair, Brianna McCoy, Bill Gao, Nakusp Secondary, Nakusp, BC 2nd place - Simply Fresh Bath & Body products, Vanessa Ford, Stanley Humphries Secondary, Castlegar, BC 3rd place - Rolly blade Tri-Flasher, Rennee Goodman, Abby Boswell, Cameron Olsen, Bryce Friedenberger, Nakusp Secondary, Nakusp, BC College/ University Division Black Dust Apparel, Nathan Hilton, College of the Rockies, Cranbrook, BC Maxwell Nicholson, Craft Crate, University of Victoria, from Grandforks, BC Jesse Chan- Stay Wrapped Guitar Products, Selkirk College, Nelson, BC The prize money awarded to the winners must be used to expand an existing business, launch a new business, or go toward tuition for post secondary education.

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ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. Chevrolet.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase of a 2016 Malibu L (1VL), Trax LS FWD Air/Auto (1SA), Equinox LS FWD (1SA). License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * Offer valid to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial and accept delivery between May 3 and May 31, 2016 of a new or demonstrator 2016 model year Chevrolet car or crossover (except 2016MY Chevrolet Colorado 2SA and Malibu 1VL). General Motors of Canada will pay one month’s lease payment or two biweekly lease payments as defined on the lease agreement (inclusive of taxes and any applicable pro-rata amount normally due at lease delivery as defined on the lease agreement). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. Consumer may be required to pay Dealer Fees. Insurance, licence, and applicable taxes not included. Additional conditions and limitations apply. GM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. See dealer for details. †† Offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Card (GM Card) or current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2016 model year Chevrolet delivered in Canada between May 3 and May 31, 2016. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $500 credit available on: Chevrolet Camaro, Sonic, Cruze, Malibu (excluding L model), Volt (including 2017 MY Volt) and Trax; $750 credit available on: Chevrolet Impala, Equinox, Express, Traverse, Colorado (except 2SA), Suburban and Tahoe; $1,000 credit available on: Chevrolet Silverado, Silverado HD. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. † Purchase price of $23,495/$19,995/$24,995 includes $0/$500/$750 GM Card Application Bonus, offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card (GM Card) or current GM Card cardholders (tax inclusive), and a cash credit of $0/$3,700/$3,000 and applies to new 2016 Malibu L (1VL), Trax LS FWD Air/Auto (1SA), Equinox LS FWD (1SA) models at participating dealers in Canada. Purchase price includes freight, air tax but excludes license, insurance, registration, dealer fees and taxes. Dealers may sell for less. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details. ~ Visit onstar.ca for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity may vary by model and conditions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms and Privacy Statement (including software terms). OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required. ‡‡ Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program (www.SaferCar.gov). ¥¥ Based on GM testing in accordance with Government of Canada approved test methods. Refer to vehicles.nrcan.gc.ca for details. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Excludes other GM vehicles. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2016 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 48,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^ Whichever comes first. See dealer for details

Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016 www.kootenayadvertiser.com 29 Photos Mike Peabody

The Choice recently put on a Skate Park cleanup. The event, organized by Theo Moore from The Choice saw users chipping in to clean up the area and have a whole lot of fun while doing it thanks to sponsors A&W, The Heid Out, Favorit Cycles and High Country Sportswear. (Pictured) The cleaned up skate park. (Inset) Users working to clean up the park.

Do you have what it takes?

Cranbrook Dodge is seeking highly motivated people who want to work in the sales industry. Experience is not necessary, but a can-do attitude is! Energetic, positive attitude and a driver’s license a must!

Bring yourself and resume to Cranbrook Dodge and get started in this exciting industry!

See Steve Mercandelli at Cranbrook Dodge

[License #6340]

30 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Thursday, May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

To advertise in print:

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Call: 1-800-665-2382 Email: classifieds@kootenayadvertiser.com Self-serve: blackpressused.ca Career ads: localworkbc.ca

A division of









In Memoriam

In Memoriam

In Memoriam




One year has passed


In loving memory of


Robert Bruce McKeeman



It is agreed by any display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. Used.ca cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. Used.ca reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Used.ca Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental.


Lucy Sanderon’s


Birthday Celebration Open House Sat., May 21 2:00-4:30pm Cranbrook Senior Hall 125-17th Ave. S., Cranbrook, BC

Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Used.ca. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.


who passed away on May 2, 2007 No words I speak can ever say, how much I miss you every day. Deep in your heart, your memory is kept, to love, to cherish and never forget. Love forever by common-law wife Fay and son Christopher Michael


Norman Edward Reed who passed away May 9, 1994

On angel’s wings you were taken, but in my heart you will stay. Only precious memories to cherish, now God’s light lead the way. Take comfort in an angel’s love, there’s no sorrow in Heaven above. I know in my heart you’re never alone, since that day God called you home.

Baby Announcement

Owen Nielsen is thrilled to announce the arrival of his baby brother

Brixton Blue

April 10, 2016 Proud parents Kim & Chris Nielsen Proud grandparents are Bev & Dennis Daniels and Pamela & Bruce Nielsen

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Memories Build a Special Bridge


Kim Karlene Fettinger Weitzel Nov. 14, 1961May 17, 2006

Our memories build a special bridge when loved ones have to part. To help us feel we’re with them still and soothe a grieving heart Our memories span the years we shared, preserving ties that bind. They build a special bridge of love and bring us peace of mind. Forever in our hearts Our Beloved Kim So sadly missed, Mom, David, families & friends

Reach A Larger Audience


Let us be your first choice to create a lasting memory of your loved one with our custom design, in-house production and installation services.




In loving memory of


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


our beloved son who passed away May 15, 2015. As we loved you, so we miss you; In our memory you are near. Loved, remembered, longed for always, Bringing many a silent tear. Love Mom & Dad

In loving memory of

Wayne Albert Sanford

In my soul your spirit sings, I know you’re safe on angel’s wings. And in God’s light you shine above, until we meet again, my precious love. Love forever by wife Fay and step-son Christopher Michael



All obituaries published in the Kootenay Advertiser appear online at www.kootenayadvertiser.com OBITUARY

Ellen Wodyga May 16, 1926-May 2, 2016 On May 2, 2016 our beloved mother, Ellen Wodyga, passed away in the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. She was born in Kimberley, BC to Philip and Nellie Hoskovich, on May 16, 1925. In 1944, she married Angus Wodyga; they had fifty seven years together. Ellen was a loyal longtime member of Women of the Moose. She had many lifelong friends, who she very much missed after moving to Cranbrook in 1997. As a mother, she was the best. Her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were the world to her. She was predeceased by her husband Angus, son Ken, brother Phil (Carolyn) and other beloved family members. She is survived by her sons Rick and Joe, daughter Dale (Wayne Hopp), grandchildren Michael Wodyga (Michele), Christian Allen, Meaghan Allen, Tamara (Derek) Brissette and children, and great grandchildren Kasey and Lucas Wodyga. We will love and miss her forever. A private graveside service will be held at the Kimberley cemetery at 1:00 pm, Thursday, May 12, followed by a luncheon for friends and family at 2:30 pm at the Western Lodge In Kimberley. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Children's Wish Foundation, 250-1101 Kingston Rd., Pickering, ON L1V 1B5.

CARTER, Clarence Albert 1951 – 2016 In the early morning hours of Tuesday, April 19, 2016, Clarence Albert Carter passed away at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook at the age of 64 years. Clarence was born on October 24, 1951 in Loon Lake, Saskatchewan. Clarence was a train engineer for CP Rail for many years. He also was a logger and a rancher and did both of these occupations for many years as well. He married Suzanne Jurik on July 3, 1980 and they were blessed with two children, Lisa-May Carter and Terry Milan Carter. Clarence was a wonderful husband and a great father to his children. He will be sadly missed by all of us. Left to mourn his passing is his beloved wife, Suzanne; his daughter Lisa-May (Katherine Clarke) and his son Terry Milan Carter. He also leaves behind two grandchildren; Jade-Lynn Carter and Alexis Rae Clarke. Clarence is survived by his brothers; George Carter, John Carter and Warren Bell and sisters; Diane Bell, Christine Beckett, Jean Bell, Barbara Bell and Joan Bell. He was predeceased by his parents, Phoebe Carter and Roy Bell and one brother, Dwayne Bell. A Celebration of Clarence’s life was held for close family and friends on Sunday, May 1, 2016 at his ranch near Wardner. Mark Memorial Funeral Services in care of arrangements (250) 426-4864)


Thomasine “Tommy” Wheeler (nee Davidson) January 29, 1931 - April 10, 2016 Tommy passed away peacefully at the F.W. Green Memorial Home on Sunday April 10, 2016 at 85 years of age. Tommy moved to Cranbrook with her family at the age of 4. She enjoyed being a part of the girls bugle band. Tommy graduated from central school and shortly after headed to nursing school in Calgary at Holy Cross Hospital. She returned home to work as a nurse at the St. Eugene Hospital. Tommy raised four children. She returned to the work force starting the first book store, the ‘Book Shope’ in Cranbrook. Tommy had a passion for people, and was a dedicated community member, volunteering for the Cancer society and assisting with special needs to name a few. She had a passion for books, travel and time at the lake creating wonderful memories with family and friends. Tommy is survived by her loving family; son Doug Wheeler, daughter Karen (Joe) Bombard, three grand-children Garth (Lisa) Currier, Tamara (James) Currier and Jenni Currier and two great grandchildren Massimo and Enzo Currier. Tommy was predeceased by her loving husband Bob, son Kenneth, daughter Maureen, parents Betty and Jimmy and sister Gerry. Cremation has taken place. A service will take place at a later date. If friends and family desire, memorial donations can be made in Tommy’s name to the Alzheimer Society of B.C., #300, 828 - West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., V5Z 1E2 or to the F.W. Green Memorial Home, 1700 – 4th Street South, Cranbrook, British Columbia, V1C 6E1. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at: www.mcphersonfh.com


Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 31










Business Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Painters wanted

Almo Court Motel requires experienced part-time housekeeper, possibly work into full time, good wage. Apply with resume or call (250)426-3213


CANADA BENEFIT GROUP - Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888-511-2250 or www.canadabeneďƒžt.ca/free-assessment

Mary Adele McLean Mercure (nee Piche)

Sept. 21, 1937-May 6, 2016 Join the family for a celebration of life at the Victoria Native Friendship Centre 231 Regina Ave., Victoria, BC Sunday, May 15, 2016 12:30 – 3:00 pm

Tigz TEA HUT Experience Creston BC May Tea of the Month: NEW Fruit & Herbal Tea “CHERRY BANA� 10% off all sizes FREE shipping on all loose tea orders over $75 in BC & AB www.tigzdesigns.com


BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Creston Valley Blossom Festival needs vendors for the Street Fair Saturday May 21, 2016

Space is limited

To book your space or to book a table call

Bridget Currie 250-428-5585 crestontaps@shaw.ca

Lost & Found Found: Belly Boat on May 3. Please call to identify. (250)427-4982

For sale A Mobile OfďŹ ce Furniture Maintenance & Repair Company. Est 1993. Located in the N. Okanagan Valley. Large loyal customer base annually. Basic training included in repairs of chairs, desks & file cabinets. Ideal for self motivated mechanically minded person-542-3423 Email officedo@telus.net HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT? Arthritic Conditions/COPD? Restrictions in Walking/Dressing? Disability Tax Credit $2,000 Tax Credit $20,000 Refund. Apply today For Assistance: 1-844-453-5372. HIGH PROFIT HIGH CASH PRODUCING LOONIE VENDING MACHINES. All on Locations Turnkey Operation, Perfect Home Based Business. Full Details CALL NOW! 1-866-668-6629, WEBSITE WWW.TCVEND.COM.


District of Kitimat, exempt staff position with generous compensation. Reporting to the Operations Manager, is responsible for repair and maint. of the municipality’s infrastructure including roads, signage, sidewalks, general clean-up, common services, buildings & fleet equipment, and assists with municipal water and sewer operations. Candidates will have a Civil Technologist Diploma and 5 years’ senior management experience in a municipal or similar work environment; an Applied Science Tech. Cert. is an asset. Submit resumes by May 29, 2016, 4:30 p.m., to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2H7, Fax: 250-632-4995 E-mail dok@kitimat.ca

Career Opportunities

START A NEW CAREER in Graphic Arts, Healthcare, Business, Education or Information Tech. If you have a GED, Call: 855-670-9765

Help Wanted THE LITTLE ACORN PRESCHOOL requires an assistant with ECE or working towards ECE certificate. Wage as per qualifications. Join Shirley’s elite team. Send resumes to: 108C 7th Ave S, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 2J4 or call (250)426-4318

Career Opportunities


Field Inspector

We’re at the heart of things™

Cranbrook, BC

Find A New Career

Career Opportunities


INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT SCHOOL. Hands-On Tasks. Start Weekly. GPS Training! Funding & Housing Avail! Job Aid! Already a HEO? Get certiďŹ cation proof. Call 1-866-399-3853 or go to: iheschool.com

Career Opportunities

(Temporary Contract)

Urban Systems has an immediate opening for a Field Inspector to provide construction inspection services for a variety of projects in Cranbrook and the surrounding area. If you possess a basic understanding of construction survey and direct on-site experience relating to municipal engineering projects along with strong written and oral communication skills, please visit our website to learn more www.urbansystems.ca Please note that the successful applicant must have a valid BC Driver’s License and provide their own vehicle.

Coming Events HORSE SHOW May 28th & May 29th Trail Riding Grounds Info call 250.359.7097



Interoute Construction Ltd. is seeking a Grading Superintendent for the Kootenay Region. ICL Ltd. is a division of Terus Construction Ltd., a leader in the construction industry in British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. Reporting to the Division Manager/Area Managers, the Grading Superintendent oversees the execution and coordination of grading projects with respect to technical requirements, budget and timelines. The Grading Superintendent is required to plan, organize, and supervise employees on grading projects. This position is primarily a Ĺľeld role. The ideal candidate will possess:



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Employment Agencies/Resumes

• A minimum of 5 years of experience on Grading Projects • Ability to read and understand projects specs, Plans, Drawings and contract documents. • The ability to work well with others, “people skillsâ€?. • Good communication skills both verbal and written. • Valid class 5 driver’s license and clean current drivers abstract. • Computer skills: Outlook, Excel, Word. :H RIIHU D FRPSHWLWLYH FRPSHQVDWLRQ DQG EHQHĹľWV SDFNDJH ,Q DGGLWLRQ WKH FRPSDQ\ RIIHUV PDQ\ GHYHORSPHQW RSSRUWXQLWLHV WKURXJK WDLORUHG WUDLQLQJ SURJUDPV )RU D IXOO MRE GHVFULSWLRQ DQG submit your resume SOeDse Yisit our Zebsite Dt ZZZ terusFoQstruFtioQ FD ICL Ltd. would like to thank all applicants for submitting their resume. However, only applicants selected to be interviewed will be contacted. The job posting closes on May 16th.

Wage depends on experience. Email resume to: rob@rpgencon.ca

The Cottage Restaurant requires a full time cook & line cook. Also looking for part time line cook. Day shift only. Apply with resume to #13 9th Ave S, Cranbrook

Reach A Larger Audience

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

ELEMENTARY/SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER Mormon Hills School is seeking two teachers for the school year 2016-2017. These are full time positions. ‡ Must have 2 years experience and hold a BC Teacher Certi¿cate ‡ Must be able to administer BC curriculum from K-12 ‡ Must have a BA in a Core subject ‡ Must submit a Criminal Record Check ‡ Must have a Pastor/Bishop Letter of Recommendation ‡ Must be culturally sensitive to the Bountiful community lifestyle

e-mail: mormonhills@gmail.com

MORMON HILLS SCHOOL Elementary – Secondary 876 Lyons Rd. Creston, B.C. V0B 1G2 Ph:250.428.4800 Fax:250.428.4810

We are people working together to build strong and empowered families and healthy communities. Bring your dedication, enthusiasm and willingness to make a difference to be part of our dynamic and history making organization.

Deadline for applications is Friday, May 20th, 2016.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Axis Family Resources Ltd. has been in operation since 1992, with offices throughout the Interior and Northern Regions of BC. Currently, we are recruiting staff to work in the following positions: • 1 PT FASD worker (21.75 hrs/week) –provides educational, emotional and practical support to families of children and youth with FASD. Travel throughout East Kootenays is required. • 2 FT and 1 Temporary FT Residence Worker (minimum 3 – 24 hr shifts per week) to work in our 15 bed program with adults with mental health issues • 1 FT Residence Worker (minimum 3 – 24 shifts per week) to work in a 2 bed program with male youth developmental disabilities • 4 Casual Residence Support Workers (as needed) to work in a variety of our residential programs

Administrative Support Temporary, Full Time (15 month term) The Administrative Support position is responsible for providing direct administrative and operational support to the Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services Society. 3osition 4uali¿cations ‡ Certi¿cate in 2f¿ce Administration preferred ‡ 5ecord management and ¿ling skills both electronic and manual ‡ Excellent organization skills and initiative ‡ year of¿ce experience is an asset ‡ *eneral of¿ce administration skills. Closing date: May 22, 2016 Please fax or e-mail your cover letter and resume to Darlene Trach, HR Manager, at: 250-489-2438 or dtrach@ktunaxa.org Please review the detailed description on our website: www.ktunaxa.org/careers/current-postings

For further information on qualifications for the above positions, refer to our website www.axis.bc.ca under jobs. Cover letters with resumes can be emailed to hr@axis.bc.ca or faxed 250-851-2977.

Education/Trade Schools /RRNLQJ IRU :RUN" 1HHG D 5HVXPH" 6HOI (PSOR\PHQW" All employment services are free! Eligibility criteria may apply.

6WDUW :LWK 8V :H &DQ +HOS www.ekemployment.org or 1-855-651-3027 Store Fronts Located in Cranbrook, Fernie, Golden, and Invermere The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Advanced GIS CertiďŹ cate Be job ready in ďŹ ve months! This full-time program offers an in-depth education in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies. A blend of theory and practical application ensures you are prepared to work in forestry, natural gas, mining, government, First Nation organizations or continue your education with the Okanagan College Environmental Studies Diploma.

>˜°ĂŠÂ™ĂŠÂ‡ĂŠ >ÞÊÓÇ]ĂŠĂ“ä£Ă‡ ÂœÂ˜ĂŠÂ‡ĂŠ Ă€Âˆ]ʙÊ>°Â“°ĂŠÂ‡ĂŠĂ“\ĂŽäĂŠ°Â“° /Ă•ÂˆĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜\ĂŠ$7,799 For more information call 1-866-352-0103 or visit www.okanagan.bc.ca/advancedgis

Student loan eligible

- 1-7 *ĂŠ, 6 -/" ĂŠUĂŠ ",/ ĂŠ" ĂŠUĂŠ /, ĂŠ" ĂŠUĂŠ-"1/ ĂŠ" ĂŠ-

OCRTP 29814

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Thursday, May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser








Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Financial Services

Household Services

Moving & Storage

KOOTENAY DUCT CLEANERS Duct Cleaning EVERYONE can afford $250 whole home $150 mobile home No hidden costs! Professional & Insured Locally owned & operated Toll free 1.844.428.0522



LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca

Business/OfďŹ ce Service

Mental Wellness Clinician The Mental Wellness Clinician works with individuals and groups to provide holistic support through the context of cultural values and beliefs for health, intellectual, emotional, traditional and spiritual well-being for clients and/or their families. 4uali¿cations: ‡ Masters degree from an accredited educational institution in an Allied Health, Behavioural, or Social Science ¿eld relevant to the position; ‡ Must be registered or eligible for registration with a professional regulatory body; ‡ Two yearsœ recent related experience; ‡ Counseling experience within a First Nations context; ‡ *roup facilitation experience. Please fax or e-mail your cover letter and resume to Darlene Trach, HR Manager, at: (250) 489-2438 or dtrach@ktunaxa.org Closing Date: May 15, 2016 Please review the detailed description on our website: www.ktunaxa.org/careers/current-postings/

Located in Maple Ridge, BC, needs experienced Shingle Sawyers. F/T positions with excellent wage and benefit packages. Qualified applicants can email their resume to:

rholmes@waldun.com or call Ross or Angie at 604-462-8266

“We care about your hair loss�

Capilia Hair & Scalp Centre


Financial Services

$750 Loans & More NO CREDIT CHECKS

Open 7 days/wk. 8am - 8pm Apply at:www.credit700.ca

Permanent, 28 hours per week

This position provides accounting and administrative support, expertise and customer service for the Ktunaxa Nation Council owned business entity, FlexiNet Broadband Inc. 4uali¿cations: ‡ Business Administration Certi¿cate or Diploma; ‡ years of Bookkeeping and Accounting experience; ‡ Excellent computer skills including 0icrosoft 2f¿ce, Excel, and Sage ; ‡ Ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously with accuracy and consistency; ‡ Strong attention to detail. Please fax or e-mail your cover letter and resume to Darlene Trach, HR Manager, at: (250) 489-2438 or dtrach@ktunaxa.org Closing Date: May 19, 2016 Please review the detailed description on our website: www.ktunaxa.org/careers/current-postings/


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Misc Services

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Garden & Lawn


Small Ads Get

Rototilling. Done Dirt Cheap. Cranbrook/Kimberley/Jaffray. (250)426-0224 (250)420-1799

Small loads topsoil, gravel, rock, sand. Delivered local. $80/load. (250)417-7575


Results Accounting/Tax/ Bookkeeping

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Clearance Items APPLIANCES

• Electric Cooktop - Frigidaire Professional Series – Reg $1,149 Sale $879 = Save $270 (FPEC3085KS) • Electric Cooktop - Frigidaire – Reg $749 Sale $599 = Save $150 (FFEC3024LW) • French Door Bottom Drawer Refrigerator – Gallery Series - 26 Cubic Ft - Reg $2,549 Sale $1,899 = Save $650 (FGUN2642LF) • 18 cuft. Top Mount Refrigerator BlackFrigidaire – Reg -$999 Sale $699 = Save $300 (FFHT1831QE) • OTR Microwave 1.6 cuft. Black – Frigidaire – Reg $499 Sale $299 = Save $200 (CFMV162LB) • Electric Range 5.7 cuft. – Frigidaire Gallery – Reg $999 Sale $649 = Save $350 (CGEF3035RB)



Reliable cleaning services, Donna Savarie, responsible, trustworthy. (250)421-0592

• Buffet Server & Hutch – Reg $2,199 Sale $899 = Save $1,300



CHIMPS HANDYMAN SERVICE Roofing, Decks, Fencing, Painting, Flooring, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basements & More

WE DO THAT! Call Doug

250-426-7222 Leave a message ChimpsHandyman.ca

ROTOTILLING & Yard Cleanup. 250-489-5981

Home Improvements Randy’s Home Rejuvenations. All types of renovations & repairs. Portfolio & References. Cell (250)420-7471

Household Services A-1 FURNACE & Air Duct Cleaning. Complete Furnace/Air Duct Systems cleaned & sterilized. Locally owned & operated. 1-800-5650355 (Free estimates)

Paving/Seal/ Coating

BLACKTOP NOW! Driveways & Parking Lots No job too small! Free Estimates! Serving all the Kootenays

Livestock 8 week old wiener pigs, $100 each. In Cranbrook. Call (250)421-1100 (250)426-3819 Black Angus Ranch Packages. Cow/calf pairs & or fancy replacement heifers, with or without yearling breeding bull(s). Perfect genetics for easy calving. 75lb birth weights. Not registered. Delivered at cost. Wayne Savinkoff, (250)226-7054

Merchandise for Sale

Camera Equipment 2, 35mm cameras, 5 lenses Bayonet mount, 1 Vivitar flash. $325 obo (250) 344-5143

$100 & Under

Assorted tires, 13� to 18�, sets of 4, pairs & spares, $25 & up. (250)417-6603 Attention Grads! 2 formal evening gowns with spaghetti straps, only worn once, 1black, size 10, 1-mauve, size 6, asking $100/each (firm). (250)426-2593 M/C rain gear, $40. M/C travel bag, $50. Handlebar bag, leather, $10. Blue Boy, 11 gallons, $40. Large framed mirror, $30. Small framed mirror, $10. (250)489-4532 One Kumho 35�x12.5x18�LT, $100. (250)417-6603 Three serviced self propelled lawnmowers, starting at $90. (250)417-2040

$200 & Under 4 Dodge 1/2T 16� slotted chrome rims, 5-hole, 5� centre to centre, $150. (250)4176603 GE dryer, 3 years old, very little use, paid $750, first $200 takes it. (250)417-6603 Light beige recliner, swivel, rocker, $150 obo. Call (250)427-7700



Good quality compost mushroom manure, $50/pick up load, loaded. (250)427-5525

Call 250-421-1482

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

"We make your house a home."


Cranbrook Pest Control

• Demarlos Collection – 5 Drawer Tall Chest Reg $1,699 Sale $849 = Save $850 • Burkesville Nightstands x 2 Reg - $599 each Sale $299 each = Save $300

Thermal Thermal Imaging Imaging

1708 Cranbrook St. N. (on the Strip) 250-426-2311


4 serviced lawnmowers starting at $70. Will take trades. (250)417-2040

• Leather Sofa – Reg $3,179 Sale$1,999 = Save $1,180 • Dinelli-Charcoal Sofa/Love combo – Reg $2,659 Sale $1,899 = Save $760 • Toscana Sofa Table – Reg $529 Sale $265 = Save $264 • Kreeli - Slate Chair – Reg $479 Sale $279 = Save $200 • Circa - Taupe Chair – Reg $669 Sale $299 = Save $370





Thinning hair or hair Loss Dandruff, dry or oily scalp Psoriasis & Eczema Chemotherapy/radiation therapy Wigs & hair systems for men & women 3019 Hwy 3

Need a bookkeeper for your small business? Free Consultations.I can do all phases of bookkeeping including payroll, tax reporting, A/P, A/R and any thing else including year-end preparation. Years of experience at a reasonable rate, in my home or your office. Call Pat (250) 489-1228 or (250) 464-0815

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com

Cleaning Services No Bull Contracting. 10% off for 1st customers. Get your commercial, residential, movein/move-out, post construction clean up. 25 years experience. (778)517-5187

No Bull Contracting. We specialize in making your old stairs, sidewalks, walkways, driveways, patios go from old to new. We also place fresh ones. 25 years in business. Licensed, bonded, insured. Free Estimates. (778)517-5187



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Personal Care

Have you been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help you appeal. Call 1-877-793-3222 Website: www.dcac.ca Email: info@dcac.ca

813 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC t


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Remington 270 mod. 760, $475. Husky 270, scoped, $850. Savage 308 mod. 99C, scoped, $700. Husky 30-06, scoped, $675. Browning ABolt 7mm Remington Magnum, scoped, $700. (250)4893067


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Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 33

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale


Food Products

Fruit & Vegetables FRESH ASPARAGUS NOW AVAILABLE Sutcliffe Farms Creston, BC Place your order to ensure availability Pickup location right at the farm! 1252 Indian Road (off Lower Wynndel Rd)

WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750

Food Products BC INSPECTED

GRADED AA OR BETTER LOCALLY GROWN NATURAL BEEF Hormone Free Grass Fed/Grain Finished Freezer Packages Available Quarters/Halves $4.95/lb Hanging Weight Extra Lean Ground Beef Available TARZWELL FARMS 250-428-4316 Creston

Pontiac Seed potatoes. Call for Prices. Dave, (250)426-2684 or (250)421-2824

If you see a wildfire, report it to

1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.

Merchandise for Sale

www.sutcliffefarms.com sutcliffefarms@gmail.com

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale


Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Sporting Goods

White bedroom furniture in ex. cond., single mates bed w/3-drawers & bookshelf headboard, 4-drawer dresser, desk, mattress, mattress cover, down & feather duvet, 2 brightly colored duvet covers w/matching pillow cases, plus several sets of sheets in nearly new cond., asking $600. (250)489-4412

2 person hot tub, 110 volt, $1800. (250)428-9136 or (250)431-8444

Antlers, Horns,

Heavy Duty Machinery



A-Steel Shipping Storage Containers. Used 20’40’45’53’ insulated containers. All sizes in stock. Prices starting under $2,000. Modifications possible doors, windows, walls etc., as office or living workshop etc., Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866528-7108 or 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

Order early, limited supply, Pine firewood, standing dry, BIG 7 axle loads, delivered 60 km radius of Galloway, $1400 per load. Out of area, call for pricing. (250)429-3248 or (250)429-3748

Wanted:Will pay cash for construction equipment, backhoes, excavators, dozers, (farm tractors w/loaders)1985 or newer. Skid steers, wheel loaders, screeners, low beds, any condition running or not. 250-260-0217.

Furniture Table, 6 chairs, hutch, solid Oak, 1/2 price, $1000 obo. (250)427-3801


Mobile Homes & Parks

Mobile Homes & Parks


2-Family Downsizing Sale, Fri, May 13, 12noon-7pm, Sat, May 14, 8:30am-2pm, 408 26A Ave S., Cranbrook. Fishing (& power auger), vintage, clean household, kid’s toys, boat toys, quad box & much more! Check Kijiji for photos. Garage Sale, Sat, May 14, 8am-1pm, 1017 12th Ave S., baby clothes, tools, trampoline, pool, etc. Garage Sale, Sat, May 14, 8am-2pm, 200 8th Ave S, furniture, ladder, ice fishing equip, kid’s stuff, etc. Garage Sale, Sat, May 14, 9am-?, 301 9th Ave S. Bannock & bread. Garage Sale, Saturday only, May 14, 8am-3pm, 611 Westwood Drive, Cranbrook Marysville Garage Sale, 853 300th St, 8:30am-1pm, Saturday only, May 14. Household items including books. Everything must go. No Early Birds. Moving Sale, Fri, May 13 & Sat, May 14, 9:30am-4:30pm, 1109 13th St S. Tools, furniture, household. Multi Family Garage Sale, Sat, May 14, 9am-1pm(?), Georgian Heights, 2321 Industrial Rd. #2. Something for everyone.

Multi Family Sale, Sat, May 14, 9am-1pm, 5186 Hwy 3/95, 7km West, next to Westview Estates. Multi Family Yard Sale. Friday, May 13 to Sunday, May 15. 9am-5pm. 4880 Burns Ave Canal Flats. Children’s toys, fitness & recreation equipment, kitchen items & small appliances, furniture & appliances, gardening tools & garage tools Multi Weekend Garage Sale in Meadowbrook, May 14 & 15, 9am-4pm and May 20, 21, 22, 9am-4pm, 8011 Thompson Road. Garden, household, tack, construction, recreation, collectibles. Plants only: bedding plants, $1. Pansie pots, $3. All Perennials, $5. Sat, May 14, 801 30th Ave S, 9am-1pm TERRA LEE TERRACE GARAGE SALE 2025 Kokanee Dr. N, Sat. May 21. Several residences holding individual sales. Like going to the mall. Variety of items.



New Homes in Sparwood 14, 16, 20, 22 wides & Modular Doublewides Home and land packages, & rental pads available in Sparwood & Elkford 250-425-6226 or 250-433-1085 e We taeks 602 Pine250-425-4771 Ave on Highway #3 d tra crowsnestproperties@hotmail.com www.crowsnesthomes.net

Real Estate


Coleman 3500 watts generator(Subaru engine), brand new, never used, paid $650 selling for $350, Pro-form (crosswalk 325) treadmill, $175. (250)424-5118

Genuine Coin Collector Looking to Buy Collections, Gold & Silver Coins, Bills etc. Chad 1-250-499-0251 Local

Musical Instruments

Apt/Condos for Sale Condo for sale in

Stand up. Be heard. Get help.

DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.

Open Houses

Open Houses

Composted manure, top soil, bark mulch, lava, pond boulders, flagstone & stackers, delivery available (250)421-7399 Good quality beehives, complete. For more info, (250)6029123 or (250)919-5869 REFORESTATION NURSERY SEEDLINGS of hardy trees, shrubs, & berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Spruce & Pine from $0.99/tree. Free Shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or www.treetime.ca

RV lot for seasonal lease at Kristina Creek Resort. Fully serviced. Trails, Games. Swimming pool. See www.kristinacreek.ca or call (250)424-5403 Start your own linen rental business. Be your own boss & explore your creativity. For sale: beautiful tablecloths, chair covers, napkins, sashes & runners. More info, contact Terry at (250)426-4644 or terrydelwisch@gmail.com •

24/7 anonymous confidential • in your language •




Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™

Misc. Wanted 999 COINS & BARS. 250-864-3521, I want to buy the coin collection also buying everything gold or silver. Todd’s Coins 250-864-3521

Antlers Wanted,

Sheds & Sets, Elk,Moose & Deer. Call Rick 250-422-3444

OPEN HOUSES Friday, May 13 5:00pm - 7:00pm 148 305 Avenue, Kimberley $449,900

Cell 250-427-6496

Super sized home on 0.31 acre. Parking for 6 vehicles plus RV, 3+2 bdrms, 3 bath, this is a must see! 2411922 Jeannie Argatoff

East Kootenay Realty

OPEN HOUSES Saturday, May 14

385 Wallinger Ave., Kimberley, BC Bus: (250)427-0070 • Toll Free: 1-866-427-0700 Web: www.tarasykes.com • Email: tsykes@ekrealty.com

10:00am - 11:00am 6230 Tamarack Road, Wasa $334,900 3 Blocks from Wasa’s main beach. 3+2 bdrms, 3 bath, 32x32’ shop, 24x52’ greenhouse. 2409098 Jeannie Argatoff

Buy and Sell a New Home

11:00am - 12:00pm 6229 Poplar Road, Wasa $339,900 Beautiful property with lake & mountain views. 0.43acre, 3+2 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, 2 covered decks & more. 241319 Jeannie Argatoff


11:30am - 12:30pm 1108 2 Avenue South $239,500 3+2 bdrms, 2 baths, full in-law suite in bsmt, bright plan, fenced rear yard and a great view! 2411596 Brian Burch


Garage Sale Classified Special 20-word classified in our special “Garage Sale” section



DEBRA PARKER 1510-2nd Street, Cranbrook, BC 250-489-3455 | Toll Free 1-800-665-2382

Now Offering!

Perfect Binding & Canvas Prints

33 Cranbrook Street North, Cranbrook, BC Phone:(250) 489-4213

250-426-8700 1111 Cranbrook St. N. www.blueskyrealty.ca www.realtor.ca

Each office independently owned and operated.


Acreage for Sale Looking for that PRIVATE PLACE?

$12000 rebate from seller. Beautiful townhouse, granite counters, maple cabinets & so much more. 2408979 Brian Burch

Includes 2 Garage Sale Signs, courtesy of Kootenay Kwik Print, 4 Balloons and 10 Tips For A Successful Sale

Real Estate

Only ten minutes from Creston!

12:45pm - 3:00pm #2, 1840 Kelowna Crescent $253,500

Only $15.99+ tax

917 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook

• 19.73 Acres • Mountain views • Year round creek with small waterfalls • Water licenses and lines in place • Next to crown land • At the end of a good road • Abundant wildlife • Some clearings for grazing • Some fencing • Some building sites in place • Lumber for building • Firewood for life Open to subdivide vacant land, park private water supply in place & septic approved High speed internet, telephone, fire protection and school bus. Taxes $784.22, with grant approx $500. Over 65 approx $200. $219,900 Open to trade can help with financing 250.428.7722, 250.428.1870 250.428.0164

231 Kimbrook Cr., 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom half duplex, carport, fenced yard, large deck, newer flooring and appliances. MLS# 2413599 Asking $166,900


Consignment Sporting Goods www.funhogz.com 417-2828

Cedar gazebo, 12x12, octagon, Western Red Cedar, with roof, railings, in package, to be assembled, $1200. Call (250)829-0510 Moyie

Real Estate


All Kinds, Taxidermy, Antiques Kelly, (250)426-6993 kubiwest@telus.net

Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014


Tara Sykes, REALTOR



Shannon Heights. Recently renovated, 2-bdrm, 5-appl, close to hospital, college and all amenities. Asking $121,700. (250)489-5602

For Sale By Owner Beautiful Dovetail Log Cabin package. bluepinecabins.com or call (250)254-2761 Creston: 5/BDRM 3/BATH house. Close to all amenities. In-law suite; 2 decks. $250,000 250-428-8954 Kitchener: PROPERTY WITH shop & mobile home for sale. $52,000 250-428-8954

Lots RV Lots for sale on Kootenay Lake located on the west arm two kilometres from the Balfour Ferry, prices starting at $65,000. Call 1-877-352-9172, email zane@balfourresort.com or visit balfourresort.com

Mobile Homes & Parks

Why rent?

Brand new 16’x76’ 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on quiet cul-de-sac for sale.

1944 Kokanee Place

$239,000 MLS 2409413

EAGLE HOMES 1-866-539-1230

12’ wide home for sale, $5000 as is. Must be moved. Two to choose from. (250)417-5257


making mortgages simple 1601 1st Street South, Cranbrook BC, V1C 1B7 CELL: 250.421.7600 FAX: 866.686.1644 www.DebraParker.ca


34 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Real Estate


Mobile Homes & Parks

Apt/Condo for Rent


1-bdrm plus den 1-bath home for sale, $59,000. MLS #2408103. Special financing available. #55 - 4086 Standard Hill Road. (250)417-5257 3-bdrm, 2-bath home for sale. Updated laminate flooring. $109,000. #87 - 4086 Standard Hill Road. MLS# 2407161. (250)417-5257 Single wide MHP trailer. 80’ long, 2-bath, 3-bdrm, new h/tank, glass top self clean oven, excellent n/gas furnace, newly added sundeck with covered walls & roof. Can be viewed at #10 - Scotties MHP, Creston. $55,000. (250)4289145



• Security Buildings • On-site Manager • Fridge, stove & hot water included • Centrally located near malls, schools, college & hospital


106 1850 2nd St. N., Cranbrook Phone (250) 489-5160 (250) 417-1260


The link to your community

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Hampshire Apartments, quiet convenient location, inc heat & hot water, n/s, n/p, 1bdrm, $650/mth; 2-bdrm, $775/mth, Call (250)417-7379 Sparwood 1 bdrm condo, @ Mtn. Air Chalets - furn or not inc util, W&D, w/deck, no pets, $600 + DD Call 403-616-6467 or 403-474-3926. WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 2-bdrm units, $725-$800. 1-bdrm, $650. Call 250-417-7379

Open Houses

FOR RENT • 1& 2 Bedroom units

Thursday, May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser




Rooms for Rent

Cars - Domestic


Sport Utility Vehicle

Furnished room for rent, $550/mo plus DD, n/s, n/p, n/parties. Call (250)489-5016 (250)919-4172

2013 Ford Fusion SE, FWD, 1.6 L, 4 cyl engine, excellent gas mileage, 34,415 km’s, heated seats, heated mirrors, top condition with Nokian V95 Xl all season, winter rated tires. $15,300. Call (250)417-0338 to view.


Seasonal Accommodation RV lot for seasonal lease at Kristina Creek Resort. Fully serviced. Trails, Games. Swimming pool. See www.kristinacreek.ca or call (250)424-5403

Suites, Lower

2008 Mazda 5, auto, 6 passenger, loaded, 180,000 km, absolutely immaculate, $6750. (250)426-7354


Nissan Versa - 2009, Manual, No accidents, $6,000. Please call: 250-427-8794

3-bdrm townhouse, close to all amenities, small pets welcome, n/s, $875 + DD. Call (250)489-4302


Antiques / Classics 1958 Ford Flane 2-dr hard top, red & white, new upholstery, continental kit & much more, $12,500 obo. (250)4288440

Cars - Domestic

SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448 primeprop@mymts.net

2000 Mustang, 3.8 V6, std., 5-spd, 195,000 km, black, $4500. (250)529-7470 2002 Silver Pontiac Sunfire, 2-dr, brand new tires, alternator & battery, very good cond., $2500. (250)417-5053

in the classifieds!

Open Houses


2003 Pontiac Sunfire, 2-dr, 4-cyl, standard, red, 85,000 easy km, $3700. (250)344-2491


Cranbrook, Sat., May 14 1:00 - 2:00pm 2368 3rd St S

Enjoy the Luxury! 2 bdrm, 2 bath townhouse in Bakerview Estates!


Lori White 2411573

1:00 - 2:00pm 18 - 724 Innes Ave

NO MORE PAD FEES! 2 bdrm manufactured home on its own lot!


Nancy Heidmiller 2408279

2:30 - 3:30pm 309 Birch Dr

2005 Chrysler Pacifica, all season and winter tires, recent maintenance done ( have receipts) leather interior. $3800 obo. (250)417-7544 2005 Nissan Altima, 4 door Sedan, 78,000 kms, well maintained, body in good shape, 2 sets of tires. $8000. (250)4893686 2005 Volkswagen Passat TDI, one owner, very well maintained & reliable, all service records avail., winter & summer tires (both on rims), heated leather seats, sunroof, etc., asking $5250 obo. (250)919-5206 2006 Volkswagen Passat, gas, 207,000 kms, well maintained. Comes with sub and deck. Asking $6000 obo (250)919-6550

Come enjoy the stunning mountain views from this 4 bdrm, 3 bath family home!

2007 Ford Taurus SEL, excellent condition, $6000, for more information call (250)426-8333

Lori White 2413030

2007 Honda Civic Sedan, in excellent condition with only 87,000km! Silver, manual, sunroof, summer and winter tires on rims. $8800. (250)4201659


2:30 - 3:30pm 52 - 700 Patterson St W

2007 Manufactured Home - Great Price, woní't last long!


Nancy Heidmiller 2413243

www.ekrealty.com Real Estate, Property & Strata Management & Mortgages

25 - 10th Ave. S. Cranbrook 250-426-8211 1-866-426-8211


V Star 1100 Silverado

Too many upgrades to list.

2007 Harley Davidson Model Street Glide (FLHX), 20,000 km, new tires, fully equipped, serviced, $14,000, for pictures & details contact, billmckim43@gmail.com or (250)402-6250

2014 Yamaha YZ125, like new, used 5 hours, c/w all manuals, new top end parts, extra set of UFO custom plastics, oil change 3 times already, $5400 obo. Call (250)489-3499

Nancy Heidmiller 2413030

Lori White 2413243

2003 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Classic, great cond., new tires, 16” apes, braided steel cables, custom grips, Cobra slashcut exhaust, forward controls, saddlebags, $3999. Call (250)489-8731

2010 Honda Sport Touring 600CBF, ex. cond., 20,700km, $8300. (250)489-9314

Move in Ready! 4 bdrms, 3 baths, double garage, central air & stunning views!


2003 HONDA ST1300A. Excellent Condition. $4,000 in accessories / upgrades, including MCC electronic cruise control. 115,000 KM. $6,000 obo. 250 426-8658

2009 Yamaha Vino, 50 cc, 1780 km, gas, $1500. 2008 Yamaha C3, 50 cc, 3500 km, gas, $1200. Both good shape. (250)428-9136 (250)431-8444

4:00 - 5:00pm 309 Birch Dr

Nice well maintained 2007 2 bdrm manufactured home.



Cranbrook, Fri., May 13

4:00 - 5:00pm 52 - 700 Patterson St W

Cars - Sports & Imports

Big newly renovated 1-bdrm suite in Cranbrook, W/D, n/p, n/s, n/parties, $700/mth + 1/2 utilities. (250)581-0952

Homes for Rent

Find Your Dream Home

Reduced: 1985 Chev Corvette, 40,000KM, speaker system, red leather seats, summer driven only. $10,500 OBO (250)421-4374

2008 Hyundai Santa Fe Limited, 172,000 km, leather interior, sunroof, asking $10,000. (250)417-9927

HD Sportster factory custom, 5400 km, (250)426-7710

1200 mint.

1986 Dodge Camper, clean, no rust spots, fridge, stove, water, new tires, must be seen, $4500. (250)348-2431 1996 29’ Corsair 5th Wheel, very good cond., polar package, 3-way fridge 4-burner stove w/oven, dinette, asking $8000 obo. (250)344-7636 or (250)344-0111 2003 27’ Outback by Liteway, dining & living room slide, ex. cond., $10,500.(250)421-7836 (250)427-7828 2003 Triple E Topaz 5th Wheel, 25’, rear kitchen, double table/couch, slide, 3-burner stove/oven, fridge, microwave, awning, air, furnace, two 30lb propane tanks, outdoor shower, BBQ, vent covers, no smoking, no pets, towed from Calgary new & never moved since, ex. cond., will sell fully equipped, asking $15,000. (250)426-4015 2008 S&S Ponderosa 9.15ft camper. Fully loaded except air. Asking $16,000 250-4284159 2011 FORD Motor home E 350 V8 24ft class C. Dash & roof air, cruise, tilt, power doors & windows, awning, generator, microwave, three burner stove, inverter, lg. fridge, queen bed, 3/pce bath. Low mileage, one owner “not a rental”. Has 250cc scooter mounted on rear w/ramp. $45,000 250-428-7722/4281870 j.b.raddis@gmail.com

ONLINE RV DEALS www.VoyagerRV.ca Over 200 new & used motorhomes, 5th wheels, trailers & campers. 0 down financing. Trades accepted. BC’s LARGEST Dealer. Voyager RV Centre, Hwy 97 Winfield. Toll free 1-800-668-1447


1999 26-1/2’ Frontier 5th Wheel, awning, slide, completely self contained, great cond., $10,000 obo. Call (250)426-4704

2008 Buick Enclave CXL, 141,000 km, fully loaded, twin skylight/sunroof, new winters, tan with leather seats, Navigation/On Star, immaculate, $19,900. (250)919-8564 Reduced: 2002 Chevy Trail Blazer 4x4, 192,000 kms, remote start, like new winter tires, 5 passenger, $3700 OBO. (778)517-2218

Utility Trailers

Closed in pop top weather resistant trailer, built on snow bear running gear, cupboards on outside for equipment storage, locks up for safety, stored under roof when not in use. inside measures, 4’1” wide, 8’11/2” long, 3’11” high. 2 new tires on ground plus spare. Must see to appreciate. Was built to transport furniture to farmers market. $2000. (250)426-4934 Wheelchair trailer with ramp, 2” ball, ready to go, $750. (250)417-6603

Boat & trailer, 24’ Fiberform Cabin Cruizer, inline 6 GMC, ready to go! At Moyie, reduced to $3900 obo. (250)829-0708

Two mini Baha bikes, fat tires, like new, for kids or adults, Honda engines, $400/each. 80 cc Kawasaki dirt bike, everything in good cond., runs excellent, $800. (250)426-6427


2004 Chevrolet Tahoe, 229,599km, new winter tires, shocks, wheel bearing, blue, vinyl floor, 6-passenger, V8, 4.8L engine, asking $6900 obo. (250)428-6278

For Sale: 1994 20’ Campion Cuddy boat & trailer, $11,000. 17’ flatdeck trailer, 8’ wide, 3500 axles, electric brakes, $2000. Older 8’ camper, really nice shape, bathroom, everything works, $3000. Call (250)428-9759

Tour Edition Presidential Series, 35’ Golden Falcon, used 2 summers, like new, solar panels, holding tanks enclosed, insulated and heated, $30,000. (250)417-1783

1992 26’ Wilderness, front kitchen, twin beds, newer fridge, hot water tank, awning, sofa folds down to bed, ex. cond., $6000 obo. Call (250)489-1948

2003 Suzuki Vitara , p/s, p/b, 5 spd standard, 4 door, 4x4, good tow behind, new brakes all around, new clutch, new front axle, Sirius radio, $6500 obo. Nice car. (250)402-6663

Reduced: 2014 Silver F150 4x4 XLT Crew cab, full load, off road package, V8, 3” lift kit, 33” Toyo mudders, custom rims, custom exhaust, fender flares, smoked lights, push bar & light bar, purchased one year ago, 22,000 km, mint, asking $33,500. (250)4210195

16’ Open Bow inboard/outboard, EZ-Load trailer, ready to go, some accessories, $5200. (250)427-4987

Reduced: 1999 Vulcan Nomad, 1500cc liquid cooled, shaft drive, hard bags, windshield, hiway pegs, new battery, 36,000kms. $4000. (250)421-3556

1999 Club Car golf cart, gas engine, in good cond., $1800. (250)427-4987

1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Very Good Condition! Many Upgrades Call for info (250)426-7988

Reduced: 2012 Black F350 XLT 4x4 Crew cab, 3” lift, fender flares, headache rack, box rails, toolbox, custom seat covers, custom rims, 35” Toyo mudders, 6.2L gas, V8, 97,000 km, asking $15,000. (250)4210195

2012 28’ Outback Keystone, living/dining room pull out & master bedroom pull out, air, furnace, large fridge, 2 TVs, stabilizer jacks, outside camp kitchen, 2 entry doors, oven, power awning, lots of options, used only 2 summers, like new, asking $26,500. Call (250)426-7270 (250)919-7921

Reduced: 33’, 1998 Four Winds Class A sport motor home. Gas motor, generator, air cond, back up monitor, new awning, all new blinds. Excellent condition. 27,000 miles. $17,000. Kar dolly extra. In Creston. (250)428-6284 or (250)428- 3015

Off Road Vehicles

Trucks & Vans Reduced: 1998 Ford F150 4x4, 4.2L, 5-spd, 170,000km, shortbox, canopy, $4000 obo. Call (250)428-9884

Men’s Joe Rocket jacket, size 2XL, with liner, $150. Men’s chaps, leather, size XL, $75. Men’s full face helmet, $50. Youths pink size L helmet, $35. Ladies small black helmet, $35. (250)428-9136 (250)431-8444




EAGLE HOMES Snowmobiles

2003 Arctic Cat M8, new motor, $3500. Trailer, $650. (250)427-2398 Shopping For A New Car?


1982 Granada Bow-Rider boat, 15.5’, 140hp Merc, full canopy, Fishfinder, ex. cond., $3000. (250)829-0510 Moyie

Trucks & Vans 1986 F150 lariat ext cab , 2 wd, auto, 5.8L , air, Michelin tires, sumer tires on rims, tow package, $500. Call (250)489-8009 1993 Dodge Caravan, comes with winter and summer tires, needs some work. $1000 obo.1 (250)919-1390 1998 Chev 3/4 ton 4x4, single cab, 454 Vortec engine, manual, bumper with 8000 lb winch, boat rack & drybox,Reduced $3500 obo. (250)349-5478 1998 Chev S10 pickup, 2WD, Joki box, brand new tires, low mileage, $4000 obo. Call (250)417-5053

2006 Chev Silveraldo 2500 HD, extended cab, 8’ box, spray in liner, Smittybilt step side bars, frame mounted camper bars, good Toyo winter tires, hidden hitch , security alarm and remote starter, recent front end work done, Asking $14,000 (250)426-8044 2006 Pontiac Montana, 7 seater, 164,557 kms. $6000 or near offer. (250)426-3526 2008 DODGE Ram, 3500, 4x4 crew cab, loaded w/8’ box, $30,000. Good used work trucks. 1(250)427-6199

Coleman canoe, used 4 times, $350 obo. Call (250)489-4762 Kicker motor. (250)426-7710 Sangester 15’ boat with 40 hp Johnson & 6 hp Merc kicker, paddle & acces., great fishing boat, $2500 obo. Call (250)489-5753

World’s Finest FISHING BOATS

Weldcraft, Hewescraft, Lund, Godfrey Pontoons Mark’s Marine, Hayden, ID 1-888-821-2200 www.marksmarineinc.com www.jonesboysboats.com

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Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016

OUTER SPACE Creating an outdoor oasis

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How many meals does a plant need? How long can you live without food? I participated several times with the fundraising event of 30 hour famine. It wasn’t easy, but everyone lived through it. Sometimes we put our plants through famines, and wonder why they do not perform for us. Optimally, we like to eat 3 times a day to keep our energy up and our productivity at its best. Kids even enjoy snacks in between those meals. We stop performing at our best if we do not eat frequently enough. It is often a misconception that there is enough food in a hanging basket

for it to grow all year or adding a few bags of manure early in the season is enough to feed an entire garden. As plants grow their need for food only increases. Our tendency is stop fertilizing as the season progresses only to end the season with lack lustre plants and small harvests. The following is some basic information of how fertilizers work so you can feed your plants what they need. The first number on the fertilizer label indicates the amount of nitrogen in the fertilizer. Nitrogen is needed for leaf growth and is responsible for making plants greener. It

is used by the plant to produce leafy growth and formation of stems and branches. Plants most in need of nitrogen include grasses and leafy vegetables such as cabbage and spinach. Nitrogen is often lost with intense watering and signs that your plant is lacking nitrogen include slow growth and yellowing of lower leaves. An example for a fertilizer high in nitrogen is Nurseryland Evergreen 30-10-10; it is excellent for keeping conifers green. Nurseryland Premium Lawn Food 31-0-6 is a product that will help give you a deep green lawn.

The amount of phosphorous is indicated by the second number. This is what your plants need for good root growth as well as flower and fruit production later on. Especially young plants forming their new roots as well as root vegetables, seed and fruit crops need lots of phosphorous to develop well. Nurseryland Seed and Sod Starter 7-217 helps get the roots of your new lawn off to a good start. Nurseryland Power Bloom 10-40-25 will give your flowering bedding plants a boost to keep performing at their max.

Potassium is the third number and this nutrient helps promote flowering and is vital for growth as well as the overall health and disease resistance of plants. Carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and apples are examples of plants that need plenty of potassium. Symptoms that your plant might be deficient include poor root systems, few blossoms and small yields as well as drying leaf tips. Nurseryland Fruit & Berry Food 7-21-18 gives your fruiting plants plenty of potassium to keep them healthy and producing lots of delicious fruit. Plants need their nu-

trition to grow strong. Fertilize regularly and more often and you will increase plant vigour and produc-

tion. Get what is right for your plants and you will have great 2016. Happy Spring!

New for 2016. Evening Breeze Hanging Basket from Proven Winners.

It’s Time To

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Thursday,May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser


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Hospice from page 7

serve our communities. We are currently working with our colleagues in the IHA to develop a Day Hospice program to allow us to offer our clients a program of activities and support in a group of their peers, facilitated again by trained volunteers.


All of our services are available free of charge to anyone who requests them. We are able to do this because of the generous support of the United Way, the Government of BC through the Gaming Branch, and individual donations from members of the communities we serve. Most of all we can offer our ser-

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vices because we have a group of volunteers who tirelessly offer their precious time and energy to deliver our programs. Our motto is Hands That Serve – Hearts That Care, our volunteers are the embodiment of that motto. As demand for our services grows we are always looking for new volunteers.






If you or anyone you know could use our services simply call (250) 417-2019 toll free 1-855-417-2019 and we will be glad to help, or for more information go onto our website www. ckhospice.com. Please visit the Cranbrook Social Planning Society Facebook page www.facebook.com/





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CranbrookSocialPlanning/ where meeting details and activities will be posted. The May meeting of the Society is scheduled for Monday, May 16th starting at 10:00am at the United Church downtown. Join us to learn of community services, activities and ways you may wish to be involved.







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Oh hey, you’re looking for the legal, right? Take a look, here it is: Take a look, here it is: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible raincheckable Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP).*Until May 31, 2016, lease a new 2016 F-150 XLT SuperCrew 4x4 5.0L V8 300A with 53A Trailer Tow package and get as low as 0.99% lease annual percentage rate (APR) financing for up to 36 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Lease this vehicle with a value of $38,406 (after $2,895 down payment, Manufacturer Rebates of $3,750 and including freight and air tax charges of $1,800) at 0.99% APR for up to 36 months with an optional buyout of $23,801, monthly payment is $431 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $198.92), and total lease obligation is $18,411. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Lease offer excludes variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Some conditions and mileage restriction of 60,000km for 36 months applies. Excess kilometrage charges are 16¢ per km, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject to change (except in Quebec), see your local dealer for details. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ¥Offer valid between May 3, 2016 and June 30, 2016 (the “Offer Period”) to Canadian residents. Receive $750 towards the purchase or lease of a new 2015 Mustang (excluding Shelby GT350),Taurus, Edge, Transit Connect, Transit, F-150 (excluding Regular Cab XL 4x2 Value Leader); 2016 Fusion, Mustang (excluding Shelby GT350), Taurus, Edge, Flex, Explorer, Escape, Expedition, Transit Connect, E-Series Cutaway, Transit, F-150 (excluding Regular Cab XL 4x2 Value Leader), F-250 to F-550; 2017 Fusion, Mustang (excluding Shelby GT350), Explorer, Escape, Expedition (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Only one (1) bonus offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle. Taxes payable before offer amount is deducted. Offer is not raincheckable.^Based on results from the 2015 Vincentric model level analysis of the Canadian consumer market for the Full-Size 1/2-Ton Pickup segment.‡F-Series is the best-selling line of pickup trucks in Canada for 50 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report up to 2015 year end.†When properly equipped. Max. payloads of 3,240 lbs/3,270 lbs with available 3.5L V6 EcoBoost 4x2 / 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engine configurations. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR based on Ford segmentation.††Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs. GVWR. vs. 2015 competitors. Some driver input required. Driver-assist features are supplemental and do not replace the driver’s attention, judgment and need to control the vehicle.‡‡Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’S) New Car Assessment Program (www.SaferCar. gov). ©2016 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence.©2016 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.

Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016 www.kootenayadvertiser.com 9

in the article that ran on May 5, 2016 for The House Rules was listed incorrectly. The correct phone number is (250) 919-4307 We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Correction Notice The phone number that was listed


Hi, I’m Randy Blake. I have over 25 years experience as an Auto Technician. I’ve lived in the East Kootenay for 20 years. I am a Licensed Government Inspector and an Auxiliary Auto Instructor at College of the Rockies as well.

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All prices and payments are plus DOC fee of $795, admin fee and taxes. Payments are based on a 84 month term with $0 down payment at 4.99% OAC. *Amounts vary on select models. Vehicles may not be exactly as illustrated, please contact dealer for further information. See dealer for more information.

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Thursday,May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

Local student setting the bar high for Relay fundraising

As we all know, the East Kootenay is filled with generous, courageous and thoughtful people. Jonah, a student at Highlands Elementary is no exception and a reminder to us all the

power of the human spirit. He is all set to take part in the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay For Life - especially the head shave portion - on June 4th at Rotary Park in Cranbrook. He

may be only ten years old but he has always enjoyed donating to worthy causes and helping others. Understanding how difficult it must be for anybody to be fight-

ing cancer; regardless of their situation, Jonah explains that it just “simply makes him feel good that he can do his part to help”. His ambition didn’t stop at registering for Relay For

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Life, he did a presentation at his elementary school in early April explaining what he is doing and putting forth a challenge to see if anyone else will join him in donating their hair. It was a great way to kick off the Cancer Society’s Daffodil Month and show kids how they can help people facing cancer with something as simple as cutting your hair. Any hair donated to the Canadian Cancer Society is turned into real hair wigs for cancer patients that they can use free of charge during their treatment. Hair donations are accepted all year round but are always a highlight of Relay. His mother noted “As of May 3rd his fundraising has reached $1045 which is outstanding! We are extremely proud of him and are happy to support him in every way.” We at the Canadian Cancer Society couldn’t agree more.

Photo submitted

Jonah, a student at Highlands Elementary, has already raised more than $1,000 with his pledge to have his head shaved at the Relay for Life. If you would like to join Jonah and others in supporting people facing cancer, please register a team and join us at this year’s Relay For Life. For more information on how to participate please visit www. relayforlife.ca.

FOR 36 MONTHS ON ALL 2016 MODELS *Lease offer based on a new 2016 Sentra 1.8 S M6 (C4LG56 AA00) 0.99% lease APR for a 60-month term equals monthly payments of $169 with $0 down payment, and $0 security deposit. First monthly payment, down payment and $0 security deposit are due at delivery. Lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km/year with excess charged at $0.10/km. Total lease obligation is $10,113. $750 My Choice Bonus cash included in advertised offer. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes are extra. Offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time. See dealer for complete details.


Our 3 Great Offers are ending soon. The choice is yours, but don’t delay.

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Relay For Life is a great opportunity for friends, families, neighbors and co-works to get together and support communities members. Relay is a celebration of survivors and a tribute to the lives of loved ones touched by cancer. We are inviting all survivors to join us in opening Relay with the Survivors Lap to kick things off and celebrate your strength and journey. Everyone is welcome to come and participate. Anyone who comes down to enjoy the event can also participate in the Luminary Celebration. Luminaries are candles placed in paper bags that line the Relay track. Each bag bears the name of a loved one who has either survived cancer or one who has lost their life to the disease. At dusk, the candles are lit in a moving ceremony where we remember and honour those touched by cancer, providing light and inspiration as participants walk the track at night. It is a special moment and a reminder that there is hope and light in fight against cancer. Luminaries can be purchased and decorated at the event or at the Cranbrook Office of the Canadian Cancer Society any time before Relay. Luminaries are $5 or included if you register to participate. The winner of the Disneyland Trip Raffle will be announced at Relay – get your tickets as they are going fast! Entertainment and food venders have been booked, and we are excited to be back in Rotary Park for Relay For Life on Saturday, June 4th 4:30pm to 10:30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

New manager for COTR’s Creston campus home from the moment we arrived.” Garety, whose background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Education and 10 years of management experience, looks forward to

Kim Garety is taking over as manager of the Creston College of the Rockies campus.

College of the Rockies is pleased to announce the appointment of Kim Garety as manager of the Creston campus. Garety, who will begin her duties in Creston on May 16, brings over 10 years of faculty experience and two years as Department Chair at North Island College to the position. In addition to her postsecondary experience, Garety has an extensive background as an entrepreneur, having owned and managed several successful small businesses. Director of Continuing Education, Contract Training and Campus Operations Leah Bradish says, “We are excited to have Kim joining us. As someone who is passionate about adult education and the community of Creston, Kim’s enthusiasm and knowledge will help her build upon the great work that has been taking place at the Creston campus and bring new and exciting opportunities onboard.” Long-time BC residents, Garety and her husband moved to Creston in April 2015 after purchasing land in 2014. They have been developing their property and are in the process of building a house. “After considerable research and many travels I feel so fortunate to have chosen to live in the Creston Valley with its strong agricultural base, vibrant communities, and spectacular natural environment,” says Garety. “It truly felt like




$ S del sh






the opportunities for growth that lay ahead for the Creston campus. “I am thrilled to be working with College of the Rockies in providing educational op-

Photo submitted






APR for 36 months on select models







5.99 %


portunities for the local communities and businesses of the Creston Valley. It is such an integral resource in the community for organizations and students of all ages looking to fur-



$ 1




When Equ with Forwa d Emergenc











ther their education and interests.” Learn more about College of the Rockies’ Creston campus at cotr. ca/creston.

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Offers available from May 3 - 31, 2016. 5 Payments cannot be made on a weekly basis, for advertising purposes only. 1No-charge extended warranty is valid for up to 60 months or 100,000 km (whichever occurs first) from the warranty start date and zero (0) kilometers. Some conditions/limitations apply. The No-charge extended warranty is the Nissan Added Security Plan (“ASP”) and is administered by Nissan Canada Extended Services INC. (“NCESI”). In all provinces NCESI is the obligor. This offer includes the gold level of coverage. The offer is available on purchase lease or finance of a new 2015 Micra, 2016 Micra, 2015 Versa Note, 2016 Versa Note, 2015 Sentra, 2016 Sentra, 2015 Altima, 2016 Altima, 2016 Juke, 2016 Rogue, 2016 Murano, 2015 Pathfinder, 2016 Pathfinder. 22 Monthly payments on us is available to customers who lease or finance a new 2016 Micra, 2016 Sentra, 2016 Juke // 2015 Micra, 2015 Versa Note, 2016 Versa Note, 2015 Sentra, 2016 Altima, 2016 Murano, 2016 Rogue // 2015 Altima, 2015 Pathfinder, 2016 Pathfinder through NCF and refers to the first two (2) monthly lease payments or first two (2) monthly finance payments. A customer’s first two monthly payments (inclusive of all taxes) will be waived, up to a maximum of $375 // $500 // $750 per month and does not include down payment or security deposits. After two months, the customer will be required to make all remaining regularly scheduled payments over the remaining term of the contract. Customers must be approved to lease or finance through NCF. Cash purchase buyers or buyers who finance outside of Nissan Finance are also not eligible for this choice. 3My Choice bonus cash $750 // $750 // $1,000 // $1,000 // $1,000 // $1,500 is applicable to a new 2016 Micra // 2016 Sentra, 2016 Juke // 2016 Altima, 2016 Rogue, 2016 Murano // 2015 Micra, 2015 Versa Note, 2016 Versa Note // 2015 Sentra // 2015 Altima, 2015 Pathfinder, 2016 Pathfinder which will be deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes. $750 // $750 //$1,000 // $1,000 // $1,000 // $1,500 consists of $600 // $500 // $700 // $850 //$1,000 // $1,200 NCI contribution and $150 // $250 //$300 // $150 // $0 // $300 dealer participation. † Representative finance offer based on a new 2016 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG16 AA00). Selling price is $25,743/$25,743 financed at 0%/0% APR equals 60/36 monthly payments of $429/$715 monthly for a 60/36 month term. $0/$0 down payment required. Cost of borrowing is $0/$0 for a total obligation of $25,743/$25,743. $1,000/$1,000 My Choice bonus cash included in advertised offer. & Representative monthly lease offer based on a new 2016 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG16 AA00)/2016 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG16 AA00)/2016 Sentra 1.8 S M6 (C4LG56 AA00)/ 2016 Titan SV + Convenience (3CCD96 AA00)/2016 Murano S FWD (LXRG16 AA00). 0.99%/0%/0.99%/1.99%/5.99/2.99% lease APR for a 60/36/60/60/60 month term equals monthly payments of $255/$324/$168/$783/$343 with $0/$0/$0/$0/$0 down payment, and $0 security deposit. First monthly payment, down payment and $0 security deposit are due at lease inception. Payments include freight and fees. Lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km/year with excess charged at $0.10/km. Total lease obligation is $15,325/$11,672/ $11,326/$10,086/$46,990/$20,607. $1,000/$1,000/750/$0/$1,000 My Choice bonus cash included in advertised offer. $700/$100/$1,650 lease cash applicate on 2016 Sentra 1.8 S M6 (C4LG56 AA00)/2016 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG16 AA00)/ 2016 Titan SV + Convenience (3CCD96 AA00) included in advertised offer. $4,000 non-stack cash included on 2016 Titan SV + Convenience (3CCD96 AP00). VModels shown $37,343/$24,198/$65845/$45,793 Selling price for a new 2016 Rogue SL AWD Premium (Y6DG16 BK00)/ 2016 Sentra 1.8 SR CVT (C4SG16 AA00)/2016 Titan SV + Convenience (3CCD96 AP00)/2016 Murano Platinum AWD (LXEG16 AA10). *X±&VFreight and PDE charges ($1,795/$1,600/$1,795/$1,795) air-conditioning levy ($100) where applicable, applicable fees (all which may vary by region), manufacturer’s rebate and dealer participation where applicable are included. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes are extra. Offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. See your dealer or visit Nissan.ca/Loyalty. 2016 Sentra/2016 Murano is recognized as IIHS top safety pick+ when equipped with Forward Emergency Braking. For more information see www.IIHS.org. 2016 Rogue recognized as IIHS top safety pick when equipped with Forward Emergency Braking. For more information see www.IIHS.org. °Available feature. FCW cannot prevent accidents due to carelessness or dangerous driving techniques. It may not provide warning or braking in certain conditions. Speed limitations apply. ‡Around View Monitor cannot completely eliminate blind spots and may not detect every object. Always check surroundings before moving vehicle. Virtual composite 360 view. ^FEB cannot prevent accisents due to carelessness or dangerous driving techniques. It may not provide warning or braking in certain conditions. See your participating Nissan retailer for complete details. ©2016 Nissan Canada Inc. and Nissan Canada Financial Services Inc. a division of Nissan Canada Inc.

Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016 www.kootenayadvertiser.com 11

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of The E.K. Performing Arts Festival Society Wednesday, May 25, 7 pm

Cranbrook Library Manual Training Hall All supporters of the arts are welcome. Memberships available at the door

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Thursday,May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

THE PEOPLE OF FORT McMURRAY NEED OUR HELP. Crowdfunding for family & friends in Fort McMurray? Set-up a personal crowdfunding campaign on BlackPress4Good.com for someone that has been affected by the fire in Fort McMurray and we’ll WAIVE THE ADMINISTRATION FEES* *CREDIT CARD FEES STILL APPLY

Author on tour to stop in Cranbrook

Sunshine Coast author Mark Cameron is loading up the family camper van for 30 Days

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of Sunshine, his inaugural BC Book Tour. This promotional tour for Cameron’s debut novel, Goodnight Sunshine, will have his family of four exploring the southern half of British Columbia in their 19foot camper van, stopping along the way to engage with readers at a variety of libraries, farmers’ markets and bookstores. The tour will include over 25 stops on a path spanning more than 4200 km. Cameron aims to build relationships with readers, librarians and booksellers around the province—in person. “As an author, I spend much of my time writing in isolation,” he says. “I don’t want to spend the rest of my time in isolation, promoting myself online.” Cameron’s partner is a freelance editor, and their two children also enjoy writing and reading. “We want to reach out to as much of the literary community in BC as we can by dropping in to introduce ourselves in person.” The tour has expanded and will take closer to 40 days to complete, but the family hopes that at least 30 of those days will hold sunshine— both inside and outside of their vehicle. “I am thrilled about showing our kids more of the beautiful province we


Author Mark Cameron is coming to town to promote his debut book, Goodnight Sunshine. live in, but I know this trip will be both rewarding and challenging,” says Cameron. “On one hand, we’re travelling in luxury—with a bathroom and kitchen. But when the weather forces us inside, it’s harder for everyone to maintain a sunny attitude.” Since 2010, the Cameron family has spent the equivalent of two full years in their tiny home on wheels. All events are free and open to the public. The tour kicks off in Cameron’s home town, Gibsons, on June 1st. Other cities and towns currently booked on the tour include: North Vancouver, Grand Forks, Salmo, Trail, Nelson, Creston, Cranbrook, Golden, Revelstoke, Salmon Arm, Kelowna, Merritt, Kamloops, 100 Mile House, Prince George, Burns Lake, Terrace, Prince Rupert, Courtenay, Tofino, Nanaimo and Victoria. Goodnight Sunshine is the fictional story of Oliver Bruce—a disenchanted family man drawn to Ecuador seeking an invention that could transform the global energy landscape. Published by Catch Our Drift Productions, the novel was released in November, 2015. The e-book release will coincide with the launch of the summer tour. Mark Cameron is an avid traveler, entrepreneur, husband, and father of two unschooled children. Follow the touring family’s adventures on Twitter and Facebook @markofwords or go to www. markofwords.com to connect with Mark.

Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 13

Area radio station honoured at BC SPCA award ceremony “In addition, the B104 team are foster volunteers, adopters and donors,” Baker notes. “The animals at the East

Kootenay SPCA could not have truer, more generous or more caring friends than the team at B104.”

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Photo submitted

(From left) BC SPCA East Kootenay Branch manager Brenna Baker, B104 general manager and program director Leo Baggio, Abbotsford South MLA Darryl Plecas, BC SPCA CEO Craig Daniell and BC SPCA board president Marylee Davies. Cranbrook’s B104 Total Country radio station is known for more than smooth country crooners – it is also known for its enthusiastic support of the BC SPCA. The station was honoured with the Media Excellence Award at the BC SPCA Awards dinner in Abbotsford on May 6. “B104 goes above and beyond to promote the BC SPCA East Kootenay Branch and to give B.C.’s most vulnerable animals a voice,” says BC SPCA East Kootenay Branch manager Brenna Baker. “It’s such a great team at Pattison Broadcasting! There are no greater advocates of the East Kootenay BC SPCA Branch than the B104 team – they highlight stories about the work of the SPCA, regularly promote animals for adoption and raise awareness about important animal welfare issues in the community.” Staff from the station come to the shelter to get to know the animals so they can help them find their forever homes, attend BC SPCA community events and regularly invite Cranbrook SPCA staff on the air to talk about issues that impact the branch. They are also generous media sponsors who provide SPCA advertising for little to no cost, and they offer their time and expertise to assist with outreach and fundraising initiatives, such as a kennel lock-in being planned for next month, Baker says.

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This prostate cancer support group is run by guys who have been through the cancer diagnosis and the resulting treatment. Our group has guys who have been through surgery, radiation beam, brachytherapy, watchful waiting/active surveillance, and hormone therapy. If you have been recently diagnosed or if you are dealing with treatment symptoms, this group is for you. This will be our final meeting of the 2015-16 year and . . .

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The Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 24 of the Royal Canadian Legion, Cranbrook, is pleased to announce the following winners of their 1st Mother’s Day Raffle. 1st price of $500 - Bob Duthie, Cranbrook 2nd price of $300 - Sam Notari, Cranbrook 3rd prize of $200 - Sherry Laurie, Cranbrook The auxiliary would like to thank all those in Cranbrook and the surrounding areas who purchased tickets and helped us hold another very successful raffle. Very special thanks to the administration of the Tamarack Centre, the management of Canadian Tire, and Save-on Foods for allowing our members to sell tickets on their premise during the two months leading up to Mother’s Day. These businesses and the community enable us to provide support to many youth groups and others who provide invaluable services to our community. The 1813 Lord Strathcona Army Cadets and the 552 Key City Air Cadets are the beneficiaries of the proceeds of our 2016 raffle. Congratulations to all!

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Columbia Basin Trust announces local recreation grants


An artist’s rendering of the Kimberley Splash Park, which is being supported by the Trust’s Recreation Infrastructure Grants. Whether you enjoy lawn bowling or golf, take to the backcountry on foot, skis or bike, or prefer to hit a tennis ball or pickle ball, dozens of expansions, improvements and new developments to the spaces that keep you moving are on their way. Thanks to Columbia Basin Trust’s Recreation Infrastructure Grants, 42 projects around the region are getting over $3.5 mil-

lion in support. The Trust announced the $9-million, threeyear program in January 2016. It provides financial support to help communities and groups build new recreation infrastructure or upgrade existing recreation infrastructure. “We’re pleased to provide grants to such a wide range of projects that will help people stay fit and enjoy

where we live,” said Neil Muth, Columbia Basin Trust President and Chief Executive Officer. “Supporting residents to lead active, healthy lifestyles is one of our strategic priorities, and developing the amenities that help them do so is an important step.” One of the recipients is the Rotary Club of Kimberley. It will be developing the Kimberley Splash Park

to provide an aquatic playground for children of all ages and abilities. “The splash park will offer a safe, inclusive, low-maintenance and free option for residents and tourists to cool off at on hot summer days,” said Sandra Roberts, President. “Children will be able to strengthen their gross motor skills, develop their hand/eye coordination, enjoy

water play and learn social skills. Plus we will use low-flow nozzles and have selected each feature with water conservation in mind.” Other successful Kimberley and Cranbrook projects include: KIMBERLEY and AREA • Arena Wall and Walking Track - Rebuild the north wall at the Kimberley Civic Centre and complete a 215-metre indoor walking track around the second-level observation deck. • Bootleg Mountain Recreation Site - Construct a new cycling trail and upgrade two existing trails on the southern slopes of Bootleg Mountain to expand the number of trails available to cyclists and offer more challenging and technical terrain. • Kimberley Lawn Bowling Upgrades - Install a new underground irrigation system to improve water efficiency and ensure even coverage of the greens.

• Wasa Lions Way and Basketball Court Upgrades - Resurface the Wasa Lions Way pathway and basketball court within the Wasa and District Lions Club grounds. CRANBROOK and AREA • aq’amnik Education Centre Gymnasium Expansion - Build a new gymnasium to serve as the hub for various recreational, educational and cultural activities. • Gyro Park Upgrades - Expand and improve Gyro Park by upgrading playground equipment and tennis courts and constructing a new dedicated pickle ball facility. • Cranbrook Community Forest Gateway Project - Upgrade the Cranbrook Community Forest trail network by revamping the College of the Rockies trailhead and constructing new trail connections. • Wycliffe Exhibition Grounds Restoration - Restore the Wycliffe Exhibition Grounds so it can be used effectively by a number of

different of groups in Wycliffe and surrounding areas. • Elizabeth Lake Trail Upgrades - Continue trail improvements in the Elizabeth Lake area to create a safe, highquality trail network. • Cranbrook to Wardner Trail Phase 3 - Complete a 42-km, non-motorized, all-season recreational trail as part of the Trans Canada Trail between Cranbrook and Wardner. The granting program’s next intake is now open. The deadline to apply is Monday, July 11, 2016. Learn more and download the guidelines at cbt.org/ recreationapply. Columbia Basin Trust supports the ideas and efforts of the people in the Columbia Basin. To learn more about the Trust’s programs and initiatives, and how it helps deliver social, economic and environmental benefits to the Basin, visit cbt.org or call 1.800.505.8998.

Strong Action For Safer Communities A three-year, $23-million commitment by the Government of B.C. builds on the Guns and Gangs Strategy with the B.C. Anti-Gang Unit, RCMP and Crime Stoppers to support B.C. communities to prevent gang and gun violence. Key elements include: $450,000 to support Crime Stoppers’ proven Cash for Tips on Illegal Firearms and to promote awareness of the Gang Tip Line Enhancement of the End Gang Life Program More outreach to youth More police, with the addition of two 10-person teams New Office of Crime Reduction and Gang Outreach Illegal Firearms Task Force

You could receive a cash reward of up to $2000.

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May 8-14, 2016

Mining focusing on reducing costs, increasing productivity


Karina Briño, President and CEO of MABC. by Karina Briño, President and CEO of the Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC).

B.C’s geology is rich in diverse mineral deposits in every corner of the province. B.C. is Canada’s largest producer of copper, largest exporter of steelmaking coal and only producer of molybdenum. These products play a critical role in contributing to society’s transition to a low carbon economy – from the copper used in electric cars to the steelmaking coal required to build public transit infrastructure as well as wind turbines and solar panels. The mining industry in B.C. is currently facing a difficult time. Commodity prices have been in decline for several years, notably B.C.’s principal commodities; steelmaking coal and copper. Operators have been adapting accordingly

by reducing costs and focusing on productivity. Despite best efforts over the past 18 months, several operating mines have had to make the incredibly difficult decision to temporarily cease operations, which has affected more than 20 per cent of the industry’s total direct workforce, as well as supplier jobs, families and economic activity in communities across the province. While some operating mines have been suspended activity until prices recover, many projects continue to advance. Examples include Pretium’s Brucejack Project and JDS Silver’s Silvertip Project, which are both in construction and moving to production. Mining is a major employer in the Kootenay region, known

for its rich mining heritage. A number of operations remain in steady production, providing jobs and economic activity today and well into the future. The continued progress of these projects across the province proves the resilience of B.C.’s mining industry, in good times and challenging ones. Miners are working closely with each other and other stakeholders to not only weather the current storm, but also plan for the future. An example is the fiveyear temporary electricity deferral program for B.C. mines, which was announced by the B.C. Government earlier this year, after consultation with industry. The deferral, plus the applicable commercial interest rate, allows quali-

fying mines to defer up to 75 per cent of their electricity costs for two years, recognizing that the mining industry is facing difficult times. This is just one example of a collaborative effort that is helping the industry remain in operation, while protecting jobs in the communities where we operate. There are many other collaborations in areas such as skills and training, corporate social responsibility, environmental protection, and economic development. It is essential that B.C. remains a globally competitive place to invest, drawing from progress in the abovementioned areas. That requires both consistent and proactive policies that will help B.C. stand out among investors seeking a re-

source-rich jurisdiction that is both safe and politically stable. B.C. has all of these qualities, not to mention world-class infrastructure, a productive port system, a highly skilled workforce and globally ranked high quality of life. As Canada continues to move towards a low-carbon economy, B.C.’s mining industry will continue to play a key role in the transition to a more sustainable world. The onus is on the industry, and all of its various stakeholders — including governments and communities — to ensure B.C. continues to be an attractive jurisdiction for mining. This is critical to ensuring a vibrant and promising future for all British Columbians.

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Celebrating Mining Week May 8–14, 2016 Teck is proud to recognize the skills and dedication of our employees, contractors and suppliers during B.C. Mining Week 2016. Thank you for your valuable contribution to the mining industry in B.C. For a full list of Mining Week activities: www.miningweek.ca

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When is a spade not a spade?


David D. Hull. by David D. Hull, Executive Director, Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce I used to sell shovels of all types in a previous life. Often the age old question arose. When is a spade not a

spade? The answer to those in the know was really quite simple. When it is a long handled round mouth shovel or LHRMS to industry insiders. To the uninitiated or those practicing willful ignorance it is a “spade”.

At the Paris Climate Change Conference held last November a global moratorium on new coal mines rapidly gained international support. The idea has even passed the lips of world leaders. Kiribati’s president Anote Tong told the assembled heads of state: I have issued a call for a global moratorium on new investments on coal mines as endorsed by my fellow Pacific Leaders and I invite you all to join this call. The climate talks have traditionally focused on tackling fossil fuel demand by attempting to limit countries’ overall greenhouse gas emissions. Beyond the negotiations, restricting the supply of fossil fuels is becoming the centre of attention. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce representing the Chambers of Commerce in the East Kootenays, and of course all other Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade in Canada, fought an uphill battle in Paris educating the gathering of world leaders that coal is not coal. see Spade page 4


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Spade from page 3

Spade versus LHRMS. The coal produced in the Elk Valley is metallurgical coal. An essential ingredient in the production of steel. It is necessary for building infrastructure such as rail, bridges and schools and improving the quality of life for people around the world. Steel and steelmaking coal is required to make everything from clean energy projects like wind or solar power to transportation alternatives like rapid transit, buses and hybrid vehicles. Approximately 100 tonnes of metallurgical coal is required to produce the steel in an average wind turbine. If you want to go green you best support investment in coal production. Steel is essential for building the critical infrastructure and the products that make our quality of life possible.

To cut, curtail or eliminate “coal” would be akin to cutting off your climate change nose to spite your global warming face. Certainly in any foreseeable future the technology to replace metallurgical coal with a less carbon intense alternative is not in the cards. The world needs our Kootenay coal and we need our coal. Mining is BIG in Cranbrook. Teck Resources is the largest private sector employer in Cranbrook and they do not have an operation, or even an office, in town with 484 Cranbrook and Kimberly residents make a very good living in the Elk Valley coal industry. Teck Resources is the largest producer of metallurgical coal in North America. Teck has 6 steel making coal mines. Five in the Elk Valley one in Alberta. They produced 25.3 million tonnes of steelmaking coal in 2015. The average

total compensation for Teck employees is $125,000 per year. Teck’s local procurement in the Crowsnest Pass through to Cranbrook region is $600M. So clearly coal is important to our local economy. The direct and indirect inputs to our economy from the coal industry are essential. Cranbrook benefits from being the economic hub of the Kootenays and the coal industry is key to our continued success. Metallurgical coal remains an indispensable part of the world’s need. Coal will continue to be an important Kootenay export. So when a friend invites you over for a glass of ethically sourced organic chardonnay to toast the purchase of their new Tesla please set them straight. A toast to coal! The world, and the Kootenays, thanks you for your contribution.

B.C. mining by the numbers Here is a look at the industry through the latest available statistics. • Gross mining revenues for the BC mining industry were $ 8.2 billion in 2014. • In 2014, the BC mining industry made total payments to the government and gov-

ernment agencies of $467 million, a decrease from $511 million in 2013. • British Columbia’s mining industry pre-tax net earnings for 2014 were $288 million, a significant decrease from 2013’s $1.387 billion. • Hiring requirements for all

mining sectors in BC, over the next 10 years, are projected to be 16,770 workers under a baseline scenario • The number of people working in BC’s mining industry in 2014 decreased to see Numbers page 5

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Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016 Numbers from page 4

9,954 down from 10,720 in 2013. • Capital expenditures fell to $1.5 billion in 2014 from $1.8 billion in 2013. • Vancouver is the world’s leading centre of expertise for mineral exploration. Some 1,200 exploration companies are located in British Columbia, most in the greater Vancouver area • Exploration and development expenditures was $338 million down from $476 million in 2013. • Lead revenue totalled $162 million in 2014 compared to $189 million in 2013.

• Shipments of metallurgical coal dropped to 26.3 million tonnes in 2014, compared to 28.1 million tonnes in 2013. • Coal accounted for 41% of the total volume handled at the Port of Vancouver in 2013, which moves shipments to China, Japan and other Asian markets. • Metallurgical coal and copper shared the lead for net revenues in BC’s mining sector in 2014 at 32% each, followed by zinc at 10%, silver and gold at 7% each, molybdenum at 4%, thermal coal & misc at 3% each, and lead at 2%. • Copper revenue increased to $2.2 billion in 2014 and

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 19 copper shipments rose to 997,000 tonnes. • Gold: net mining revenues increased in 2014 to $461 million, up from $304 million in 2013. • Molybdenum: net mining revenues in 2014 increased to $256 million from $150 million in 2013. • Zinc and zinc concentrates revenue in 2014 rose to $711 million from $628 million in 2013. • Silver: net mining revenue for 2014 was down to $487 million compared to $626 million in 2013. • Cash flow from BC operations decreased in 2014 to $1.7 billion, from $2.6 billion in 2013.

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Don Lindsay, President and CEO Teck Resources Ltd.

since the development of its strategy and the completion target date for its first set of short-term goals. 2015 sustainability performance highlights included: • Improved safety performance with a 25% reduction in High Potential Incidents (HPIs) and zero fatalities • Reduced annual greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 200,000 tonnes and energy consumption by 1,200 terajoules since 2011 • Reused and recycled water an average of 4.5 times at our mining operations • Tailings review boards established at 100% of our operations with major tailings facilities, as part of our comprehensive tailings management and safety program • Continued commitment

to diversity, with a 56% increase in the number of women in operational and technical roles since 2010 • Reached seven new agreements with Indigenous Peoples in the areas where we operate • Implemented biodiversity management plans at all operations focused on our long-term vision of having a net positive impact in the regions where we operate In 2015, Teck was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI) for the sixth consecutive year, the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations list by Corporate Knights for the fourth consecutive year, and the FTSE4Good Global Index for the first time. Teck’s full Sustainability Report is available at www. teck.com/sustainability.

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Teck Resources Limited has released its 15th annual Sustainability Report, covering the company’s performance in 2015 and progress towards its shortand long-term sustainability goals. “At Teck, we are committed to developing resources in a manner that is socially and environmentally responsible and makes a positive contribution to the communities where we operate,” said Don Lindsay, President and CEO. “Thanks to the hard work of employees across our operations, we have achieved all of our 2015 sustainability goals, which led to improvements in performance and efficiency at our sites, including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, strengthened water and biodiversity management and improved safety performance.” Teck’s approach to responsible resource development is guided by a sustainability strategy which sets out a vision and shortand long-term goals in six areas of focus: Community, Our People, Water, Energy and Climate Change, Air, and Biodiversity. In 2015, Teck marked five years


Teck’s sustainability report

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Bull River Shooters match results

Photo submitted

Cap It Cranbrook recently donated a 20” lightbar to the Cranbrook Search and Rescue truck to give them better sight while driving around in dark areas or in inclement weather.

Photo submitted

(Above) The Bull River Shooters after another successful match. (Inset) Jason March congratulates new shooter 10-year-old Chance Gillard.

by Bradley Woods Saturday April 16 saw another 32 shooters show up for the second match of the season! It was a beautiful day at our range near Fort Steele and everyone was excited for another day of shooting with friends from near and far. We had shooters visiting from Calgary and Lethbridge and even as far away as Grand Forks! A lot of years see us shooting in the snow during our April Match so t-shirts were a real treat this year! Results are as follows: Small Bore Standard Rifle: Match Winner – Kalvin Marsh 64/80 (won by shootout) Master – Jim Zimmerman 64/80 AAA – Rick Fraser 59/80 AA – Jolene Rempel

(Calgary) 61/80 A – David Roth 42/80 B – Amber Williams (JR shooter) 20/80 Small Bore Hunter Rifle: Match Winner – Jason Marsh 68/80 Master – Henry Rempel (Calgary) 67/80 AAA – Kaitlynn Johnson 62/80 AA – Jolene Rempel 51/80 A – David Roth 42/80 B – Kelly Mead (Langdon, AB) (Won by shoot-off) We would especially like to congratulate and welcome another new very young shooter: 10 year old Chance Gillard joined us for the day and sure did have fun shooting off the bench! On Sunday, 14 shooters gathered for a High Power match: 1st Kalvin Marsh 29/40 2nd Jeramey Marsh 23/40

3rd Jason Marsh 20/40 (won in a shootout with his son Jordan!) Remember, the high power match is shot freehand at targets set at 200, 300, 385 and 500 metres. Needless to say, hitting a target is an exciting and pleasing result! A couple other recent very significant results for our members: Kalvin Marsh (18) recently received his Grand Slam pin, meaning he has hit 10 in a row of each of the 4 animals in one class of gun, a very special accomplishment. We are waiting keenly for Kalvin to achieve the perfect score (40/40) in a match, an accomplishment only achieved one other time in Canada and a handful of times in America. Good luck Kalvin! 15 year old Justin Marsh was successful on the 16th with a “Long Run” of 15 consecutive pigs, shot at 60m! Way to go Justin! Silhouette shooting is spectator friendly… when the target is hit it often results in a clang of metal and the target goes spinning and flying! Bring some binoculars and a set of hearing protection (really only needed for high power matches). If you enjoy shooting you’ll likely be attracted to the game. If you think you’d like to try shooting there are many of us who enjoy sharing our love for the sport. Just ask and we’ll let you try! Membership fees

for the BRSA are $90.00 for the year (April 1 ~ March 31). Additional dependent family members may join for $15.00 each, which covers insurance costs. In addition to insurance (which includes liability protection for members if ever involved in a shooting accident) and ongoing club expenses, dues cover your participation in 4 club matches, scheduled throughout the season. Juniors compete for free. Membership for those 65 years and up is $35.00 but does not include any match fees. Memberships can be purchased from Club President Jeramey Marsh 250-420-7302. Memberships can also be purchased at any club match. A wealth of information about Metallic Silhouette shooting can be found on the Internet. For information about the BRSA please contact Jeramey Marsh at 250-420-7302. New members are always welcome! We look forward to seeing you at the range. Our next match is our annual Invitational Shoot Victoria Day weekend, attracting over 70 competitors! Small bore matches are shot Saturday and Sunday and High Power goes Monday & Tuesday. We hope you pop by to check us out and get inspired to give our game a try!

THE KOOTENAY ADvERTISER’S FIRST AND BEST READER’S FORUM Email to: shannon@kootenayadvertiser.com

Hug or Slug from the news No question here. How about some hugs for people who donated to Ft. McMurray evacuees? Hugs: Big hugs for Brad @ Andre’s Electronic Experts for excellent customer service. Thank you for taking care of my concerns when I came into your store. Hugs: Big hugs for Bill Burgess a Home Audio and Automation Installation Specialist who works with Andre’s. Bill has so much knowledge, would highly recommend his work for any Audio equipment concerns you may have. Hugs: Hugs, hugs and more hugs to my family and friends for making this the best birthday anyone could be blessed to have. Hugs also for the 18 beautiful birthday cards I re-


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ceived, along with the many gifts. This birthday I will never forget. God Bless You All! Hugs: WOW!!!!!!!! Huge Hugs to Bernie L. of Equicare Mechanical. The Kimberley Lions Club hold a Meat Draw every Saturday Night at the Marysville Pub in Marysville. On May 7, 2016 our club held our regular Meat Draw and were moved by the money we raised for Fort McMurray. Not only did Equicare double the amount we raised that evening, but a single mom from Invermere won $75.00 on Keno and donated every last penny to Fort McMurray. Our club was so moved by all the donations that evening by all who attended our Meat Draw. Over $800.00 was donated that evening from our small community and we want to say THANK YOU TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS WHO SUPPORT OUR CLUB every Saturday night. Lotsa Love, Thanks and Hugs to you all. Hugs: For the second time in recent weeks, I’m


proud to write a hug to Alberta Première Ministre Rachel Notley for her handling of this week’s crisis (not Pierre Karl Péladeau’s resignation as leader of the Parti Québécois but the wildfire in Fort McMurray). Our hearts go to those displaced, and I hope our donations prove it. Slugs: To the waiters/ waitresses who clear the table before everyone is finished. Proper etiquette is to clear the table when everyone is finished. Those who are still eating are made to feel as though they are holding others up; those who are not are made to feel as though they have rushed the meal.

Just Arrived!

Organic Vegetable Bedding Plants (starts) 2 for $6 (reg. $3.99) organic grocery store

#16 13th Ave. S., Cranbrook, BC

Our weekly feature, Hugs and Slugs is intended to be a lighthearted forum for you, our readers, to express brief views on issues and events in your lives. It’s not intended to hurt people or make unsubstantiated and libellous comments. Submissions will be edited for length and not all will be published, particularly if they are no longer timely, in poor taste, potentially libellous or contain accusations. Names won’t be published with Hugs and Slugs; however, we do need your full name, mailing address and telephone number for verification purposes.

24 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Thursday,May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

Christ Church Anglican Sunday Worship

9:15 & 11 am 46 - 13th Ave. S., Cranbrook 250-426-2644

Rev. Yme Woensdregt

Cranbrook Alliance

Sunday Service & Children’s Ministry 10:30am

East Kootenay Houses of Worship Jaffray United

All Services Sunday 11 am May 22 June 12, 26

“Seeking the heartbeat of God” 250-489-4704 Senior Pastor 1200 Kootenay St. N. Grant McDowell cranbrookalliancechurch.com

EK Lutheran Parish

Mt. Zion Cranbrook 920-11th St. S. Sunday Worship 10:00am, Monday Worship 2:15pm 250.426.7564 Holy Cross Pastor Kimberley David 105 Howard St. Morton Sunday Worship 10:00am Trinity Fernie 691 4th Ave., Sunday Worship 1:30pm Immanual Elkford 2700 Balmer Dr. Sunday Worship 4:00pm St. Peter’s Invermere 110-7th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm Lutheran Church-Canada eklutheran.ca

Knox Presbyterian Sunday Worship/ Children’s Classes 10:00am

Friendly congregation biblical teaching - traditional & contemporary music 250-426-7165 Corner Victoria & 3rd St. S.

The Salvation Army Sunday Worship Service 10:30am

Wednesday Praise Service 5:00pm

Senior Pastor Majors Linda & Kirk Green

Pastor Jack Lindquist

Calvary Chapel Cranbrook Sunday Service 10:30am Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm

250-426-7897 Senior Pastor 518 Cranbrook St. N. Steve Moon calvarychapelcranbrook.com

Cranbrook United

Sunday Service 10:00am

Sunday School 10:00am Fellowship snack to follow.

Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

250-426-2022 #2-12 Ave S (corner of Baker & 12th) cranbrookunited.com

Reverand Frank Lewis

Cranbrook Fellowship Baptist Family Worship 10:30am

Sunday School 9:30am

Interim Pastor Helmut Strauss

Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada 250-489-5169 2000-5th St. N.

First Baptist

Sunday Service 10:30am

Children’s Ministries 10:30am Senior Pastor Kevin Ewaskow 250-426-4319 334-14th Ave. S. fbccranbrook.org

250-426-3612 533 Slater Rd NW

New Life Foursquare

250-429-3603 Jaffray Baynes Lake Rd

St. Aidan Orthodox

Divine Liturgy Service (English)10:30am Fellowship lunch & Sunday School to follow

Saturday evening Vespers 6:30pm

250-489-1057 Senior Pastor 308 10th Ave. S. Gordon Henry cranbrookfoursquare.com

Catholic Churches

Father Andrew Applegate

Kimberley Pentecostal

Christ the Servant 1100-14th Ave. S. Saturday 5 pm & Sunday 9:30am St. Mary 39-10th Ave. S. Sunday 8am & 11am 250.426.4266

250-420-1582 201-7th Ave. S. saintaidan.ca

Pastor Ray Green Sr.

Pre-Service Prayer 9:30am Sunday Service & Children’s Church 10:00am King’s Cottage Clothing: Tues-Sat 10am-4pm 250-427-4677 8687 Hwy 95A

Community Calendar To place a listing in our community news section:

1. OPEN TO all clubs and non-profit organizations. 2. POST YOUR event online at www.kootenayadvertiser.com (calendar). Events appear on our website ONLY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit to our front desk or email: lily@kootenayadvertiser.com 3. NOTICES ARE published as space permits and for the current week only. A maximum of 30 words. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information. 4. SUBMISSIONS FOR consideration must be received by 9 am Tuesday for that Thursday’s edition.

Sat., May 14 EK Outdoor Club hike to Moyie Bluffs. Call Lorne 250-426-8864. Kimberley Garden Club’s Annual Plant Sale, 9am-11am, Kimberley Credit Union Parking Lot, 200 Wallinger Ave., Kimberley. Perennials, Annuals, veggie seedlings, herbs, house plants, rose bushes.

Sun., May 15 MS Walk, 10am. Meet at the corner of 1st St. & 17th Ave. Cranbrook. Lots of fun, bring your family and friends and help support the MS fund. Fraternal Order of Eagles Pancake breakfast, 8:30am-11am. 711 Kootenay St. N Cranbrook. All proceeds going to Better Babies Cranbrook. Scotiabank MS Walk, registration 8am, walk starts at 10am, Baker Park, Cranbrook, Everyone welcome! www.mswalks.ca.

Tues., May 17 East Kootenay Railway Pensioners Association Social luncheon, 12:30pm, Heritage Inn, 803 Cranbrook St.N Cranbrook. RSVP by May 13th. Frances Allen 250-426-2720 or Myrtle 250-426-2378 or Jean 250-426-8338,

Thurs., May 19 Ginger’s Legacy Animal Welfare Society, General membership meeting, 6:30pm Forest Park Estates, 2501 12th St.N.

Fri., May 20 May 20-21 Kimberley Artist Gathering. Friday 7:30pm Tickets $15 at EventBrite( KADFRIDAYNIGHT. EVENTBRITE.CA) & at the door. Saturday Tickets $20 at Eventbrite & at the door. Sponsored by Fisher Peak performing artists, Chateau Kimberley Hotel & Art Gallery. Cash bar.

Sun., May 22 “Myrtle the Magnificent”, 10am, Leader-Suzanne McAllister 250427-7043. Meet at the Kimberley Nordic Centre parking lot at 10am for a 2.5-3hour moderate hike up Mrytle Mountain. Bring snacks/

lunch and water.

Fri., May 27 May 27-29 “A Weekend of Pride”, May 27, 6:30pm-Icebreaker Movie Night @Landmark Theatres. May 28, 1-4pm- Pride in the Park family BBQ at Rotary Park. 9pm-Adult dance and entertainment-Dewey’s Pub. May 29, 10am-1pm, Brunch windup at Heritage Inn. www. cranbrookpride.ca or 250-5810055.

Mon., May 30 Join the South Country Rural Crime Watch! This group represents all the communities in the South Country from Mayook to Grasmere. Meetings are five times a year and run about an hour. Next meeting is May 30th at the Seniors Hall, 7:30pm. For more information contact Judy Kiillins 429-3228 or Dorothy 429-3603. GoGo Grannie Cheryl Fraser attended the Uganda Grandmothers Gathering with five hundred Grandmothers. She visited projects supported by the Foundation. Join us at 7pm, COTR Lecture theatre to share her experience. Entrance by donation.

Sat., June 4 “Beginners Biking”, 10am. LeaderPeter McConnachie 250-427-2419. Meet at the Platzl Visitor Centre for this ride on some the roads and trails in the Nature Park.

Sun., June 19 “Fathers Day Hike”, 10am. LeadersEllen & Dan Chase 250-427-5517. Meet at Riverside Campground entrance at 10am for this 2.5 hour moderate hike up SW Passage and over to Duck Pond.

Ongoing Events East Kootenay Baha’is welcome you to interfaith devotional gatherings For times & place in your area please contact: 417-0223, 426-4081, 344-6991, www.bahai. org, LSAcranbrook@shaw.ca Cranbrook Quilter’s Guild is a group of enthusiastic women who meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month, September-June, 7:15pm at the Cranbrook Senior

Citizens Hall, 125-17th Ave.S. Call Jennifer at 250-426-6045. Visit us on Facebook and check out our website www.cranbrookquiltersguild.ca.

CMHA-Volunteer Kootenays is in need of volunteers for various programs. Can you spare an hour or two a week? 250-426-8019. www. kootenays.cmha.bc.ca. Bingo is coming to the Jaffray Hall, April 4, May 2, June 6, Oct.3, Nov.7, Jan. 9, Feb.6, March 6. Doors open at 5;45pm. Bingo starts at 6:45. Concession open. Must be over 18 to play. I.D.E.A.L family offers an Art and Wellness program each month. With the support of the EK Midwives. More information at www. idealsociety.org. KINDERGARTEN 2016- Protect your child from serious diseases-Kindergarten Immunizations. For an appointment or information call: Cranbrook Health Unit, 20-23rd Ave.S 250-420-2207. Crohn’s & Colitis Canada Gutsy Walk in Cranbrook to support those suffering with IBD and we are looking for volunteers to help! The Gutsy Walk is on June 5th at Rotary Park and we need help planning the event as well as the day of. Call/text Leanna at (250) 464-4187, email: sadrian@live.ca or check out gutsywalk.ca Are you caring for a senior family member or friend? Would you be interested in attending a support group and meeting with others in your community with similar situations? Call (toll free) 1-877-489-0803. To receive a free copy of E.K. Caregivers Network newsletter 420-2210. Seniors Helping Seniors. The Friendly Visitor Program in supporting the quality of life is offering visits for seniors wanting companionship, transportation as well as support for those caring for seniors. 427-2449. The Cellar Thrift Store Open Monday to Saturday, noon to 4:30 p.m. Baker Lane Entry at 2 - 12th Ave. S. Cranbrook, BC. We are an outreach program of Cranbrook United Church. Donations of new or gently used items are always welcome. First Sunday of each month, Jaffray Senior Citizens Pancake Breakfast at the Seniors Hall (turn at Rosen Lake Road). Everyone welcome! Harley Owners Group: Meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7 pm, all enthusiasts welcome, Bob Webb 421-2064. Heritage Inn (no summer meetings) The Cranbrook Food Bank needs your help! More volunteers are required during food hamper days Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you can spare 3 hours a week on a consistent basis, please call the Food Bank between 12 and 2 pm Mon, Wed or Friday. 250-4267664. We appreciate your support! Masonic Lodges of B.C and Yukon will supply transportation to cancer patients who have arrived at

Kelowna or Vancouver. This free service will be at the destination point. Example: from airport to clinic and clinic to airport on return, also around the destination city. Information may be received from your doctor, Canadian Cancer Society, or by phoning Ron at 250 426 8159. Calling all Fishermen and Women. Have a passion for fishing and like to learn more about all types of angling? The Cranbrook Rocky Mountain Fly Fishing Club meets every second Tuesday of the month. 250919 5292 for information. MILITARY AMES is a social/camaraderie/support group that meets the first and third Tuesday of the month in the Kimberley Public Library reading room. All veterans are welcome. Call Cindy 250-9193137. King’s Cottage Thrift Store, Kimberley at former Meadowbrook School. Tues-Sat10-4. Good quality clothing and footwear for the whole family at reasonable prices. Donations gratefully accepted. Cranbrook & District Kennel Club is looking for new members. Check out www.cdkc.ca Cranbrook BC Chess Club, meets every Wednesday 7pm, Alliance Church. www.cranbrook chess. com or facebook/cranbrook chess. Everyone welcome of all ages! Scleroderma Support Group, Betty (250)428-8875, Bev, 427-5033 in Kootenay Region. Al-Anon Meeting EKRH Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Basement EDC Room B. 250-489-1388 Only 25 copies left of the Cranbrook & District Key City Chronicles. Get your copy now as once they are sold there will be no more printed. Please purchase your copy at Lotus Books. Canadian Red Cross is seeking Client Service and Technician Volunteer for the Health Equipment Loan Program in Cranbrook. http:// www.redcross.ca/volunteer/whois-needed or call 1-855-995-3529.

Ongoing Membership, Abreast in the Rockies Dragonboat Team, a non competitive paddling team, bringing awareness to breast cancer survivorship. Barb, 489-6260, Diane, 489-3372. The Legion is looking for anyone that has served or is still serving in the Armed Forces for the BC/Yukon Command Military Service Recognition Book. Forms can be picked up at the Legion.Every Saturday Meat Draws starting at 3:30 ending at 5:30 Interested in performing at Fisher Peak Events? Log onto Fisher Peak Performing Artists Face Book Page, click on files at the top right hand corner, click Expressions of Interest Performers.doc and email the completed form to fisherpeakperforming@gmail.com. Contact Marisa at 250-426-4223.

Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 25


2016 Ford F-Series Super Duty

Overall: Those expecting an aluminum body for Ford’s bigger-and-badder Super Duty will have to wait a little longer. Drivetrain: Powerplants consist of a 6.2-litre gas V8 and 6.7-litre turbo-diesel that produces 440 horsepower and 860 (!) pound-feet of torque; six-speed automatic transmissions connect to both. While the benefits of Ford’s aluminum-intensive F-150 seem to paying dividends, in the big, brutish class where the Super Duty rules, there’s no such luck yet. Ford has worked magic to keep the stat-creep war with its rivals going strong. For 2015, the commercial-grade F-350


and F-450 got things like larger wheels and tires, revised suspension and even bigger brakes for the latter that are more effective at shedding heat (there’s a larger parking brake, too). Regular F-250 models kept their payload capacity at 3,290 kilograms and conventional towing capacity tops out at 8,390 kilos, which appears to be edged out slightly by the new GMC Sierra HD and the Silverado. In this league, though, it’s really splitting hairs. Ford also now aims its Super Duty trucks toward the higher end of the market. A fully loaded GMC Sierra HD 3500 with the ubiquitous Denali package starts just south of $60,000 and climbs

higher very quickly. Ford’s reply was to add a Platinum trim to the SD line with unique styling, different 20-inch wheels, chrome slathered everywhere, while inside features wood trim and highgrain leather cover nearly every surface. Niceties include standard power-adjustable pedals, a rear-view camera, remote start and power telescoping mirrors. The Platinum also gets Ford’s SD-specific version of MyFord Touch infotainment, which has larger buttons and knobs for secondary controls that can actually be used with work gloves on. For those wanting more traditional luxury, the cowboy-themed King Ranch is back with similar im-

provements and features. As well, the standard 6.2-litre gasoline V8 that rules the roost with 385 horsepower and 405 pound-feet of torque remains unchanged. Optional is Ford-developed 6.7-litre V8 turbo-diesel that generates 440 horsepower and 860 pound-feet of torque. The engine can run B20 fuel, which contains 80 percent petroleum diesel mixed with 20 percent bio-diesel. Both powerplants are connected to six-speed automatic transmissions. For turbo-diesel applications, there’s an available “Live Drive” power take off (PTO) unit, consisting of an extra transmission output gear that can control accessories such as a

snow plow, tow-truck lift or even a dump-truck-style box. Base price (incl. destination): $37,500 Type: Two- /four-door heavyduty pickup Base engine (hp): 6.2-litre SOHC V8 (385) Optional engine (hp): 6.7-litre OHV V8, turbo-diesel (440) Layout: Front-engine, rear- / four-wheel-drive Transmissions: Six-speed automatic l/100 km (city/highway): n/a Weight (kg): 2,670

Cranbrook Dodge can help! Special rates offered by Chrysler for tougher credit situations we can now offer you rates as low as 0%*. With access to over a dozen financial institutions, we can find the perfect bank to suit your needs. Let Jason and Callie work for you to save you thousands, and rebuild your credit. *oac 1725 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC • DL#30708

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ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. GMCCanada.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase of a 2016 Sierra 1500 Kodiak Edition, lease of a 2016 Sierra 1500 Double Cab 4WD (1SA SXL), and finance of a 2016 Terrain, Acadia. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * $10,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $3,000 manufacturerto-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2016 Sierra Light Duty Double Cab, $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus, offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card (GM Card) or current GM Card cardholders (tax inclusive), a $2,155 manufacturer to dealer Kodiak package Credit (tax exclusive) for 2016 GMC Sierra Light Duty Double Cab SLE equipped with a Kodiak Edition and a $3,845 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) on GMC Sierra Light Duty Double Cab SLE 2WD which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,845 credit which, will result in higher effective interest rates. ¥ Lease based on a purchase price of $38,032, including $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus, offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card (GM Card) or current GM Card cardholders (tax inclusive), $3,000 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit and a $1,000 bonus credit for a new eligible 2016 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 4WD (1SA SXL). Biweekly payment is $169 for 24 months at 0% APR, on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. $3,200 down payment is required. Payment may vary depending on down payment or trade. Total obligation is $11,984, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $26,051. Price and total obligation exclude license, insurance, registration, taxes and optional equipment. Other lease options are available. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited-time offer, which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. †† Offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank® GM Visa® Card (GM Card) or current Scotiabank GM Visa Cardholders. Credit valid toward the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2016 model-year GMC delivered in Canada between May 3 and May 31, 2016. Credit is a manufacturer-to-consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on: GMC Terrain, Acadia Canyon (except 2SA), Yukon and Yukon XL. $1,000 credit available on: GMC Sierra LD, Sierra HD. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. † 0% purchase financing offered by GM Canada for 84 months on all 2016 GMC Terrain and all 2016 Acadia models. O.A.C by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Finance Services/Scotiabank. Rates from other lenders will vary. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, monthly payment is $119.05 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly/Bi-weekly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Discounts vary by model. ‡ Vehicle user interfaces are products of Apple® and Google® and their terms and privacy statements apply. Requires compatible smartphone. Data plan rates apply. ~ Visit onstar.ca for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services vary by model, conditions and geographical and technical restrictions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Available Wi-Fi® hotspot requires a data plan. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms, Privacy Statement and Software Terms. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Not all vehicles may transmit all crash data. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required. ^^ The 2-Year Scheduled LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2016 GMC vehicle with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the Oil Life Monitoring System and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 48,000km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four lube-oil-filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.

26 www.kootenayadvertiser.com Thursday,May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser

CDART set to host series of emergency animal workshops Proud to serve the mining industry MINING WEEK May 8 to 14

Ph: 250.421.7802 • Web: www.lotic.co




The Canadian Disaster Animal Response Team’s (CDART) Emergency Animal Workshops Weekend happens this May 14 and 15 at Wasa Community Hall. Saturday, May 14 • From 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. is an emergency animal sheltering workshop, with Heather Ferguson, CDART coordinator. Ferguson has extensive experience with CDART saving animals from fires and floods. Sunday, May 15 • From 10 a.m. to





CRANBROOK North Star Motors 250-489-4711 11:30 a.m. there is a presentation on humane transportation and loading delivered by Dr. Andrew M. Mack, district veterinarian with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. It answers questions related to dealing with an injured animal in an emergency setting and if the animal should be transported, what is acceptable and what is right for the animal and the law. The presentation will be centred on The Humane Transportation section of the


O I L C H A N G E S^^

[License #5717]


Health of Animals regulations. • From 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. a workshop titled ‘Dealing with 1,000 Pounds of Frightened Animal’, with Alfred Joseph, Ktunaxa Elder, rancher and horse trainer. Joseph will show participants what they need to know to get a horse ready to travel including tips dealing with horses in emergency situations. • From 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. there is an introduction for pet first aid, with Martina Frensemeier, CD, AHT, companion













Pet first aid is on the agenda at CDART’s Emergency Animal Workshops Weekend.

Photo submitted

animal behaviour consultant. Frensemeier will teach participants how to recognize health issues with a companion animal and what symptoms to watch for.







The Wasa Community Hall is located on Wasa School Road. For more information, contact cdarteastkootenay@gmail.com or call 250-420-7221.







KIMBERLEY Chalet GM 250-427-4895










[License #6340]

Kootenay News Advertiser Thursday, May 12, 2016

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 27

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HAVE A CHARITY? WE’LL ADVERTISE IT HERE FOR FREE! SHARE YOUR EVENT WITH US ON FACEBOOK! WE CAN ALSO HOST YOUR CHARITY AT OUR NEXT BBQ. WE’RE HERE TO HELP. All prices and payments are plus DOC fee of $795, admin fee and taxes. Payments are based on a 84 month term with $0 down payment at 4.99% OAC. *Amounts vary on select models. Vehicles may not be exactly as illustrated, please contact dealer for further information. **See dealer for more information. Valid on Lease Purchases Offers cannot be combined. See www.jdpower.com for more details. 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 named Best New Pick Up. See www.ajac.ca for details. Offer valid to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial and accept delivery between April 1 and May 2nd, 2016 of a new or demonstrator 2016 model year Chevrolet, Buick, GMC car or crossover (except 2016MY Chevrolet Colorado 2SA and GMC Canyon) General Motors of Canada will pay one month’s lease payment or two biweekly lease payments as defined on the lease agreement (inclusive of taxes and any applicable pro-rata amount normally due at lease delivery as defined on the lease agreement). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. Consumer may be required to pay Dealer Fees. Insurance, licence, and applicable taxes not included. Additional conditions and limitations apply. GM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. See dealer for details.

28 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Thursday,May 12, 2016 Kootenay News Advertiser




2016 Ram 3500 Crew Cab 4x4


Automatic, power windows & locks, air, cruise, keyless, tow package with built in brake control. StkT16058 MSRP $56,740


2016 Ram 1500 Crew Cab SXT

5.7L Hemi, automatic, power windows & locks, air, cruise, keyless, tow package and more. StkT16299. MSRP $47,785





V6, automatic, power windows & locks, air, cruise, keyless, 7 passenger. MSRP $31,710. StkT16195


$ W

+ and $138


2016 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4

2.4L 4-cyl, 9-spd automatic, air, cruise, heated seats & steering wheel, power windows & locks, plus much more! StkT16177 Was $30,660



2016 Dodge Grand Caravan NO


$ W







and $163 bi-weekly†

2016 Dodge Journey Jo SEE 4-cyl, automatic, air, power windows & locks, cruise, keyless plus much more! StkT16012. Was $23,435


$ W




and $120 bi-weekly▲



*Plus $545 documentation fee + tax. †$163 bi-weekly plus applicable taxes, total paid $29,663 plus applicable taxes. Interest rate 0% on approved credit. ▲ $120 bi-weekly plus applicable taxes, total paid $24,880.96 plus applicable taxes. Interest rate of 3.49%, term 96 months. Interest paid $3218. ❚ $138 bi-weekly plus applicable taxes, total paid $25,263 plus applicable taxes. Interest rate 0% on approved credit.

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