Rimbey Review, May 31, 2016

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Serving the communities of Rimbey, Bentley, Bluffton, and Hoadley

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Volume 18 Number 22

Taking flight: Rimbey elementary students Marissa Boudreau, Dutch Felt, Justin Brace, Ryeland Schnider, Alexis McGills-Neumeier, Joelle Doll, Alannah Porte, Dani Schultz, Kadalynn Nawart, Phoenix Hubl and Ian Smith watch for butterflies.

Butterflies are free: A butterfly perches on the hand of Rimbey school librarian Jamie Costin before it finally flies away. The butterflies were set free last Thursday. Treena Mielke Photos

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TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016

The Community Calendar Proudly Presented by Rimbey Dental Care and the Rimbey Review BINGOS: of each month, @ 7 p.m. • Rimbey Legion, 2nd FridayBINGO Bingo at Ponoka 1 & 3 Thursday, 6:00 p.m. Rimbey Lions GS: Bingo Plaza. MEETIN 4 Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. Rimbey Curling Club Bingo at Ponoka Bingo Plaza ous Mondays - 7 p.m. at the New Anonym Recovery Food Addicts •Thursdays, 7:30 p.m.in West Pine Lodge Bingo in Winfield. more info. forsmoking) 4570 403-843Call 1 Life and Fellowsh 3 Mondaysip 7:30 at Hoadley Hall Bingo doors open at 6:30 (non building. Church 2 Saturday, 6:00p.m. Rimbey Historical Society Bingo, Ponoka Bingo Plaza #264 - Regular meetings the 2nd Monday of Bentley Purple • Royal 3 Saturday, Rimbeyof Drop-In Bingo at Ponoka Bingo Plaza Legion Hall (old Oxford School). the Bentley 3 each Sunday, Rimbey at in Ponoka Bingo Plaza 7 p.m. atLegion month . Call Brenda 403-748-2020 for info. New members welcomeMEETINGS TOPS ( Take Hospital off Pounds Sensibly) Wed evenings, Rimbey Churchevery month, Tuesday 2ndUnited y meeting Auxiliar Ladiesmeets • Rimbey basement. You are invited to an open house. Oct 17 @ 7pm Nancy 843-0067 ce Rm. Conferen Hospital 1p.m.Minor Bentley Hockey Annual General Meeting- Oct 17 at 7pm at Drop-In Centre. Call 748-4838Fish or 748-2078 for info.1st Wednesday of each month - 7 p.m. at and Game • Rimbey Bentley Curling Club Annual Fall General Meeting- Oct 17 at 7:30pm at The Hotel meeting room. Canalta Curling Club Lounge. New and Returning curlers invited. theat Rimbey at 17 Blindman Valley Beef Club Parent Oragnizational Meeting7:30 pm Anglican pmOct ays - 8:30 Wednesd ous Anonym • Alcoholics 4_H at Bentley Ag Centre. Call 748-2374 or 748-4739. New members welcome. Church. 403-843-3662 info. Rimbey Elementary School Parent Council Meeting- RES room Oct 16 at 7:00pm 7 p.m. Hoadley Hall. ays @ Hospital , Wednesd 2• Blufft Tuesday month 1weekly pm Rimbey Health Centre Rimbey Auxilary meetings T.O.P.S. oneach 1 Thursday each month, 7:30 p.m. Regular Members Meeting, Rimbey Legion 403 - 843 - 6731 for more info. #36. - 7:00 pm at the month ay each 3rd Wednesd 2• Rimbey Thursday each month- Rimbey Ag Society 7:00pm at the agriplex Ag Society st







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3 Tuesday each month- Caregiver Support Group 10am at Rimbey Health Agriplex. Centre.

tural Group meet 3rd Wednesday each • Rimbey and District Horticul ACTIVITIES at 10am at Drop In. month Bentley Library Society Dinner Theatre- Event to take place Oct 20, tickets now on sale. Call Arlene District Chamber of Commerce, 3rd Wednesday. Bluffton • Bluffton &748-4429 Bentley Carpet Bowling- Wednesday mornings. Bentley Hall. 9:30 am. New Players Hall 7 p.m. invited. Call Harry or Georgina 748-3404 for more info. of each 1st Th “ •Food For Fines Week” at theLegion Bentley Municipal Library Octursday 22-27. Donate dry month, meeting Cdn. Royal Rimbey foods in lieu of library fines. Will be given to Bentley Blessing Pantry. 7:30 p.m. Rimbey Legion, 5019 50th St. West Pine Lodge In Winfield- Chicken Supper Oct 19 @ 5:00pm. For more info call Wendy @ 780-682-3960 Counseling, call 1-403-347-8844 & say you would like to be seen • Family Winfield Playground in Rimbey. Fundraiser- Supper & Silent Auction, Oct 19 @ 4:30,Winfield Rec Centre. Skating,Crafts, Clown and more. Call 682-3788 for more info ACTIVITIES: Family Halloween Dance and Silent Auction on Oct 27 from 5-9 pm at the Bentley Centre, Community Hosted by’ Bentley Nursery school. Call TinaIn 748-4407 for every info. Drop at Rimbey Dances Jammers • RegularHall. Rimbey Community Chorus- Starts practice for Christmas, Wednesday Oct 10 Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m. 8:45pm at United Church. New singers welcome. Annette 843-3115 June 6 @ 11 a.m. site, new Rimoka - at the Event Turning • Sod United Rimbey Church is planning a Memorial Hymn singLodge Nov 4 at 2:00pm. Hotel). For(just info call Alice 843-6732 or the church 8432458. Western of the Best south


Four Robins eggs. Submitted by Marg Harper

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Wednesday June 1

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Friday June 3

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Monday June 6








Mainly Sunny

Mainly Sunny

Mainly Sunny

Mainly Sunny


Mainly Sunny

Rain Showers










N 10 km/h

S 10 km/h

E 10 km/h

SE 15 km/h

S 10 km/h

SE 10 km/h

N 20 km/h









High Condition

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TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016


Bentley schools do well in Fraser Institute report BY TREENA MIELKE The principal of Bentley Schools, Lane Moore, was pleased to learn his schools have done well in the Fraser Institute’s current report. “All I have to say is Bentley school rocks,” said Moore, in an email to his teachers. “Great job, everyone.” Bentley elementary school’s rating of 8.0 for the 2014/15-year ranked the school 92nd out of 812 schools in the province. It also gave them the top ranking of elementary schools in Wolf Creek, according to the Fraser Institute report. Crestomere school received a 7.8, Alix (Mirror and Alix Central) came in at 6.7, Rimbey elementary followed at 5.7, Terrace Ridge in Lacombe came in at 5.5, Ponoka elementary had a ranking of 4.1 and Eckville elementary had a ranking of 3.4. Moore said the percentage of Grade 6 students not meeting provincial standards in Bentley elementary school has decreased, which he believes has contributed to the overall ranking. “We also have more interventions in place and our staff has put in a lot of hard work.” In September of last year, Bentley’s school population had dropped slightly to 332, but 55 students registered in the pre kindergarten program, far

exceeding the estimated number of 41. The school has a hockey academy, which is popular with the students, and also offers fine arts, foods, woodworking, golf, guitar, dance and musical theatre. A few years ago the school adopted a self directed learning approach to teaching students. Information from the Fraser Institute showed the rating for Bentley high school for 2011/12 in a favorable light, ranking them 71 out of 279 school with a 7.1 mark, followed by Rimbey with a 6.3, Lacombe, with a 6.0, Ponoka with a 5.7 and Eckville with a 5.5. However, the rating for the last five years shows Rimbey high school leading the division with a 6.8, followed by Lacombe with a 6.3 rating. Eckville high school has a 6.1 grade, Bentley has been given a 6, and Ponoka trails with a 5.7. Rimbey high school principal Tim Lekas and Rimbey elementary prin-

cipal Jodi Bramfield said the Fraser Institute report is not used as a measure of success at their schools. “We have other measures that we use to evaluate the effectiveness of our school and its programs,” said Lekas. The report card on Alberta’s elementary schools 2016 ranks 812 public, separate, francophone, private and charter schools based on seven academic indicators derived from province wide test results. “Our report card is the only objective, reliable tool that parents have to compare the academic performance of their child’s school over time and to that of other schools in their community,” said Peter Cowley, Fraser Institute director of school performance studies. According to the report six of the ten fastest improving schools are in Edmonton. For detailed results of all 812 schools, go to www. compareschoolrankings.org

Grelan Feeds Warehouse Reduction Sale June 1st to 15th come in for our inventory reduction sale on all store items (excludes feed, medication, dewormer and pet foods) at the till draw your discount tags to SAVE 5% to 50% 403-843-3915

Seniors Week Committee


All Rimbey & Area Seniors & All Interested Persons to the SOD TURNING at the New Lodge location (south of the Best Western, Rimbey)

At 11 am, Monday June 6, 2016 Luncheon to Follow at Noon in the Rimbey & District Drop In Centre SPONSORED BY: Rimoka Foundation, Rimbey Drop In Centre, Rimbey FCSS & Ponoka County

School visit: Illustrator and author Georgia Graham presented a workshop to Rimbey elementary students last Thursday. Some of the Lacombe area author’s published works include A Team Like No Other, The Saturday Appaloosa, Bibi and the Bull, The Strongest Man This Side of Cremona and Tiger’s New Cowboy Boots. Treena Mielke Photo

Rimbey Regional Synergy Group

ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, JUNE 8th, 2016 Peter Lougheed Community Centre PRESENTATIONS ON

Noise on our Landscape Implications & Mitigation Doors Open 5:00pm – BBQ begins 5:30pm Presentations begin 6:30pm Question & Answer Period to Follow ~ Door Prize Draws~ Displays with representatives from Oil & Gas companies, Regulatory bodies, RRSG members, Farmer’s Advocate of¿ce and MORE.

Contact Rick Anderson 403-847-8086 Email rimbeysynergy@gmail.com

NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING Gull Lake Deer Creek Gas Co-op Ltd. will be holding a Special General Meeting at the Leedale Hall on June 15th, 2016 7:30pm. June 15th, 2016 – Leedale Hall, NW 35 41-04-W5M Registration for voting begins at 5:00 pm, with an opportunity for you to meet and talk to your Directors from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm, dinner from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm and the Special General Meeting from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. At the close of the Benjamin Gas Co-op Ltd. 2016 Annual General Meeting, a Special General Meeting will be held to vote on the following. Notice of Extraordinary Resolution That Gull Lake Deer Creek (G.L.D.C.) Gas Co-op Ltd., pursuant to section 24(1) of the Rural Utilities Act, Alberta, amalgamates with Benjamin Gas Co-op Ltd. on the terms and conditions set out in the Amalgamation Agreement.

BBQ Dinner and meetings are open to Gull Lake Deer Creek G.L.D.C. Gas Co-op Ltd. members, Benjamin Gas Co-op Ltd. members and invited guests only. G.L.D.C. members are requested to R.S.V.P. for the BBQ by June 9th, 2016, by calling 403-843-1050.


Connie Johnson Inside Sales


TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016

Planting a garden begins with seeds of hope

Treena Mielke Editor


Michele Rosenthal Publisher


Treena Mielke Letters to the Editor Policy The Rimbey Review welcomes letters to the Editor, especially those dealing with topical or local issues. Letters should be a maximum of 500 words in length and must have the writer’s signature over printed name, along with the writer’s address and telephone number. The address and telephone number will not be printed. This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for length and legal considerations. Deadline is noon the Thursday prior to publication. Send your letter to: The Editor, Rimbey Review, Box 244, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 or email: reporter@rimbeyreview.com

Copyright Notice All printed material, including photographs and articles, is the sole property of The Rimbey Review. No reproduction of this material is permitted without permission of the publisher.

On The Other Side The sun sparkled through my living room window as I passed my husband another helping of Shepherd’s pie, which was actually quite a delicious leftover surprise, if I do say so myself. I also offered him more freshly steamed broccoli. He refused. “No dessert, if you don’t eat your vegetables,” I chided gently.

He smiled and I smiled and, suddenly it seemed our words took on a life of their own, drifting out of the kitchen window to another time and another place. We were kids again, lilac trees were heavy with purple blossoms and backyard gardens were just peeking their little green heads up. “My mom had a huge garden,” he recalled, leaning back in his chair, comfortable, relaxed, sated, no doubt, by my delicious Shepherd’s pie. “She grew all kinds of vegetables. It covered half our back yard.” I closed my eyes and tried to visualize half a back yard filled with vegetables. “Wow,” I said. “It never had a weed in it, her garden,” he said rather proudly. “Did you help weed?” I asked.

“No,” he said. “That’s not very nice,” I thought, visualizing this poor woman weeding, weeding, weeding, while her son stood by idly. “Paper route,” I thought, trying to be more charitable. “He was probably on his paper route or hauling water for the neighbour.” I think he used to do that. I spent a few more minutes visualizing such an amazing garden, my husband’s mom rising to great heights of saintliness in my mind. The oven timer rang, interrupting my visualization and I came quickly back to the present and my own fragrant kitchen. I pulled a rhubarb cake out of the rack; carefully slicing it up, and spooning vanilla ice cream over the hot pieces, watching the ice cream melt into a gooey pile of sweet delight. “We never had much of

a garden,” I said. “I think we used the garden spot in our back yard for a running broad jump pit.” I felt kind of embarrassed mentioning such an unconventional use for a garden spot, but then I remembered our rhubarb patch. “It was the best in town,” I said proudly. And I remember how my brother and I used to steal peas from the neighbour’s garden, except I think the neighbour actually knew, so it wasn’t really stealing. Regardless, stolen peas taste the best as far as I’m concerned, even though Mark Twain insisted it was stolen watermelon. It’s all relative, I guess. And I remember the sweet taste of new potatoes, although I have no idea from whose garden they came from before they ended up on my plate. I savour the memories.

A six-year-old kid, new potatoes, stolen peas and waking up every morning to the amazing wonder of spring. I put the dishes in the dishwasher and go out to plant my very own miniature garden. It is so small. When I told a friend about it, he said I should be able to keep it pristine and completely weed free as it was no bigger than a postage stamp. I laughed. But then I remembered my husband’s mom and how she apparently planted half her back yard into garden and kept it completely weed free. And I’m filled with new respect not only for my husband’s mom, but for gardeners everywhere. And I’m buoyed by the words ‘you reap what you sow.’ Ahhh! We shall see, we shall see!

Subscriptions: IN CANADA $65 + 5% GST - $68.25 TO USA $3 per week + 5% GST - $163.80

Contact Us: P.O. Box 244 5001 - 50 Avenue (Main Street) Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0

Phone: 843-4909 Fax: 843-4907 Display deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Classified deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Proofing Deadline Friday at 10 a.m.

Pizza delivery man and columnist’s great-great grandfather share a common thread

Jonah Kondro

Production: Red Deer, Alberta Published every Tuesday by PNG Prairie Newspaper Group in community with: President: Mary Kemmis

My great-great grandfather fought in the First World War for the British. He was captured on the Western Front when the German’s began their “Last Gamble” in March 1918. Things started getting pretty crazy; and when the Allies started their “Hundred Days Offensive”

my grandfather escaped captivity. The bullets, bombs, and grenades were becoming less of a threat to life in the final months of the war. Hunger was a serious problem and not just for escaped POWs like my distant relative. Many soldiers, prisoners, and civilians on every side and from every belligerent country were slowing starving to death. An individual was lucky if a slice of bread came his or her way. My grandfather found a little respite in Belgium and lived off beets (when he could find them). Moreover, boiled dandelions were his primary source of nutrition as the First World War came to its end. These days my yard is filled with dandelions.

When I became a homeowner a few years ago I gave a lot of thought to how I would kill off all the weeds and little thought of the war torn fields in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century. I stopped buying bottled poison and stop to think to myself before I kick the yellow head off one of the weeds. My grandfather’s survival was dependant on a daily dose of boiled dandelions almost a hundred years ago. One could argue that if my relative died of fatigue and hunger I wouldn’t be around today. My grandfather immigrated to Canada shortly after the war. I think a lot of Canadians can share similar stories of their family’s past. Some days I think

being a Canadian simply means that your family survived—something horrible. I wanted to shut off my brain from the spring history class I’m taking. Over the long-weekend I headed down to Calgary to visit some friends. We were hanging out in the garage and got hungry. My buddy ordered a pizza. When it arrived my buddy was kind enough to pay. And I got talking with the deliveryman. I could tell he wasn’t from Canada: his English wasn’t that great. He looked middle-aged and dressed nicer delivering pizzas than I do when I attend weddings. I asked him how long he had been in Canada. He and his family had been living

in the country for a year now. I asked him where he was from. He answered simply: Syria. The brief conversation instantly made me think of my own relatives’ past. The pizza delivery guy and my family share a common theme: leaving a war torn part of the world to come to Canada. It doesn’t matter if you Google image search “Trenches 1916” or “Syria 2016.” War is war and hunger is hunger. I thoroughly thanked the Syrian gentleman for delivery a pizza, welcomed him to our country, and gave him a hug. I hope his family makes a good life for themselves, like my great-great grandfather did when he left the uncertainly to start a new life in Canada.

TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016


Rimbey RCMP busy BY CONST. CARMAN DUTZ Rimbey RCMP were busy over the May long weekend. Mother nature’s assistance was felt by members who noticed a marked decrease in the number of people enjoying the lakes, trails and campgrounds. They also felt the marked decrease in the temperature as they conducted a checkstop on Friday night west of Rimbey. The number of vehicles checked by the RCMP and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement at the checkstop was less than previous years. However, they issued an alcohol related roadside suspension, seized drugs, executed a warrant, charged an individual for driving while disqualified, and issued tickets for offences under the Traffic Safety Act and the Gaming and Liquor Act. The Rimbey RCMP investigated 28 calls for service over the weekend including reports of stolen vehicles, abandoned vehicles, motor vehicle collisions, a bar fight, impaired driving, and failure to comply with release conditions. Vehicles are easy targets for criminals looking for an easy get-away, cash or personal information. Always lock your vehicle doors. Never leave valuables or keys in your vehicle. If you see someone acting suspiciously around vehicles or other property, call the RCMP at 403-843-2224 or 403-843-2223, Call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, or #8477 on Telus Mobility, or *8477 on Rogers AT&T. Following the long weekend, on May 25 between 5 and 6 p.m. on Range Road 31 south of Hwy 53 a 35 year old female driver travelling north lost control of her vehicle, going off the road. The driver was ejected from the vehicle and pinned underneath. She was taken to hospital via ground ambulance with undetermined injuries. RCMP collision reconstructionist was called out from Red Deer and examined the scene. The investigation is ongoing.

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TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016

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Danny Jones

403.843.2777 4915 – 50 Ave, East of Rimbey Value Drug Mart

UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE FOR WARD & SHAWNA CHESNEY JUNE 5, 2016 • 12:00 NOON CRESTOMERE, ALBERTA Directions: From the Crestomere School, Located 1/2 Way Between Rimbey & Ponoka on Hwy #53, 1 Mile East to the Bismark Road (Rge Rd 275), 3/4 Mile North on the West Side TRACTOR

2 - Double Seated Wooden Lawn Benches 2 - Wooden Lawn Chairs Planter Pots, Baskets & Rods Assorted Lawn Ornaments c/w 2 - Bears, 2 - Cows & Much More TRUCK & QUAD JD 3155 FWA Tractor c/w JD 265 FEL, 1993 GMC 1500 4x4 Truck c/w 6.2 Ltr Diesel, 5th Wheel Hitch & 450 Gal Slip Bucket, Grapple & 3 pth Tank MACHINERY 2004 Honda Foreman 500 Rubicon 4x4 Quad Snow Blade for Quad Quad Backrest & Ramps HORSE & LIVESTOCK SUPPLIES NH 510 S/A Manure Spreader Hyd. Wood Splitter 15’ of Harrows 7 - Diamond Harrows 8’ Disc 4” Grain Auger Bale Spear 3 pth Bale Fork Rototiller 2 Wheel Surrey Potatoe Hiller Trailer Wagon Trailer Frame LAWN & GARDEN

JD LA165 Riding Lawn Mower JD 265 Riding Lawn Mower - No Deck Snow Blade for Lawn Tractor Rototiller for Lawn Tractor Small Green House 5 Hp Snowblower Push Mower

2 - Garage Doors w/ Motors & All Parts Branding Irons Large Steel BBQ Stock Tank Misc. Tires & Wheels Landscaping Fabric Blocks of Mulch 2 - Dog Kennels Misc. Fence Posts 300 Gal Fuel Tank w/ Stand Headache Rack Truck Topper Assorted Misc. Items Bucket of New Fencing Staples HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Antique Cream Separator Cream Cans 2 - Reclining Sofas Leather Recliner Fabrice Recliner Lift Chair 2 - Single Harnesses for a Miniature Large Ottoman Horses Coffee Table 2 - End Tables Double Harness for a Miniature Horse Hitachi 41”x71” Television Saddle Steel Riding Gear w/ Helmet, Vest, Ropes, Large China Cabinet Chaps, Spurs, Bell, Glove & Rodeo Case Small Shelving Unit Red Toddler Bed Misc. Tack 2 - Dressers Horse Feeder Cabinet 25 - 10’ Panels Bench Seat 2 - Panels w/ Walk Through Gates Kitchen Table w/ 4 Chairs Grain Troughs Outside Daybed 2 - Rd Bale Feeders Assorted Household Items Cattle Scratcher Chicken Coop Owner’s Phone Number: (403) 704-8002 MISCELLANEOUS Terms & Conditions: Cash, Cheque or 13” Drill Press Debit Card, G.S.T. Will Apply On Some Transmission Jack Items, All Items Must Be Paid For On Table Saw Sale Day. 5.5 Hp Water Pump Listings are Subject to Additions & Pressure Washer Deletions 2 - Lrg Wooden Bins Lunch Will Be Available 5th Wheel Hitch



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4-H show and sale success BY TERI ORMBERG The Rimbey, Bluffton, and Winfield Clubs held their club and interclub show which culminated in the sale at 7 p.m. the evening of Monday, May 16. Jones Vold Jones Auction Company conducted the sale with volunteer auctioneer Dean Edge. On the Sunday afternoon of May 15 the clubs had their individual club achievement day at the Agrim Centre. The judges for the day were Blake Morton and Darcy Olesky with help from Alisha Minchau. Former Rimbey club member Cassidy Valstar was announcer for the day. Ring master was former Rimbey member Nicole Waldron and former Bluffton member Sylvia VonGunten. Rimbey Rodeo Queen, Kayla Bueck presented the ribbons on both Sunday and Monday. Rodeo Princess, Lindsey , helped on Monday afternoon. Each individual club participated in confirmation and grooming and showmanship classes with their steers, heifers, and cow/calf pairs. Jordyn Valstar, Carter Eadie and Nicole Groeneveld lead the singing of O’Canada and Melissa Waldron, Leah Trenson and Lane Magnuson lead the 4-H pledge. For interclub judging of finished steers Jessica Sperber gave a presentation as well as judging them, with the members giving their written placings and reasons to be marked. The pen of three steers and pen of three heifers as well interclub Breeder’s Group was also held on the Sunday. The rest of the interclub portion of the show was held on Monday. Riley and Toby Noble from Lloydminister were our showmanship and grooming judge for the Monday morning classes. Jim Pulyk was the confirmation judge. Jacob Parker, former member of the Winfield club and Megan Valstar former member of the Rimbey Club, handled the ring master duties with former Winfield member, Kayla Leeder, announcing the classes and winners. Rose Grutterink and Teri Ormberg helped with the clerking duties for both days. Jenna Simpson, Steven Jaffray and Hanna Falt lead the singing of O’Canada and Miranda Wirch, Cassandra Teneycke and Zach Kendrew lead the 4H pledge. In the morning was the team grooming competition where 10 teams of two junior and intermediate members and seven teams of senior members had 15 minutes to prepare a member’s calf for the ring. . During the team grooming marketing classes were held. Approx. 12 juniors prepared a poster that could have been used for advertising this year’s show and sale. The marketing question for the intermediates was “What does 4-H mean to me” judged by Michelle VonGunten. For seniors it was: “Antibiotics and growth hormones – why or why not” which was judged by Miles Crandall. Approx. 10 intermediates and 12 seniors participated. The rest of the morning was the showmanship and grooming classes for juniors, intermediates and seniors. At the end of the morning show were the four eager “Cleaver Kids” from the Winfield and Bluffton clubs who showed their adorable 2016 baby calves. These are 6-8 year-olds beginning their 4-H membership by participating at club events to learn the basics of 4-H. In the evening they were presented with hoodies supplied by Genetic Ventures. The carcass group of steers with 20 members with two of them from Ponoka participating were judged on May 3 at the Anchor D Ranch and then graded and marked at Family Meats in Ponoka meats which the members viewed on May 11. Results were announced. Cow/calf pairs were first in the ring in the afternoon with all three clubs showing together. Heifer classes followed. The class was determined on the basis of their date of birth. The steers were divided into 6 classes of 9 by weight with the top 2 steers from each class going into the championship class. Market steers weighed from 1135 to 1596 pounds. It was a great winter for the calves and members. Our show and sale would not be possible without the help of the following major sponsors: Country Junction continued on page 7

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Bentley students help out with fundraisers BY TREENA MIELKE Bentley school students have been busy helping out their community and others who have suffered misfortune. During the first week of May, Grade 4 students held a coin challenge raising $4,500. The Grade 8 class raised $700, which was the highest amount raised. Money went to the Red Cross to help the victims of the Fort McMurray fires and to the Curtis Smith fund to help a Bentley area family who had lost their home in a fire. Students also raised funds through a fashion show held May 13. The fashion show was sold out and funds will go to the Red Cross for assistance to Fort McMurray.

Students help out: Rimbey Junior Senior High School students gave back to the community with a week-long food bank drive ending the week with a barbecue. A total of $600 was raised for the food bank by the students who also donated 544 pounds of food. Photo submitted

Cleaver kids show calves continued from page 6 Wetaskiwin, MNP LLP, Rimbey Coop, Anchor D Ranch, Diamond C Ranch Limousin, Servus Credit Union, Legacy Ford and Murphy’s Feedlot. Before the sale all interclub awards were given out to the club members and the “Cleaver Kids” showed their calves.



DROP-IN and see us!


DATE: Wednesday, June 1 TIMES: 1:00pm - 7:00pm (Drop In) LOCATION: Peter Lougheed Centre, Rimbey Find out more valuable information and drop-in to chat!

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TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016

Rimbey aquatic centre open and ready for business for season BY TREENA MIELKE The long weekend in May was a chilly one and several activities, including the long anticipated opening of

the Rimbey Aquatic Centre were delayed. “With the snow, it didn’t seem the best option,” said community services director Cindy Bowie.

However, the centre is up and running now, with lifeguards all in place and a schedule for pool hours now effective. Kaylin Ackerman will take

Summer Village of Parkland Beach Land Use Bylaw Review

PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Saturday, June 4, 2016 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Summer Village Office.

over as pool manager this year. It is Ackerman’s third summer at the pool. Shift supervisors are Anita Balosh and Brant Siebel and seven lifeguards have been hired to be on duty. Junior lifeguards are Kate Parker, Nick Green, Austin Nagy, Javier Seidel and Mitchell Giebelhaus. Senior lifeguards are Kaiden Eadie and Breanna Nagy. The schedule in July and August includes Red Cross swimming lessons from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday to Friday. Parent and tot lane

swims run from noon to 1:30 p.m. daily. Lane swims are also held from 6 to 7 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays and from 8 to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday. Public swims runs every day beginning at 1:30. The swim ends at 6 p.m. on the weekends and 8 p.m. during the week. The aquatic centre includes a water slide, a Junior Olympic five-lane outdoor pool, two hot tubs, a spray park and a 4,600 square-foot office and change rooms.

The future of the splash park, which is not open, remains undecided and Bowie said she plans to bring the matter to council at its next meeting. Junior lifeguard training club is held Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Adult swimming lessons may be held depending on the interest. For more information contact the centre at aquatics@ rimbey.com or call them at 403-843-2437. Information call also be found at www. rimbey.com

The Summer Village of Parkland Beach is starting a project to update Land Use Bylaw 2007-01 and we want to hear from you. Please join us for this important session and share your thoughts and suggestions with us. If you are unable to attend you may submit a written response. Share Your Vision and Choose Your Plan

Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw Review



We are now entering an exciting stage of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) review process with the second round of public meetings scheduled for June 2016. The MDP will guide how the County will grow and develop over the next 10 years, and will influence the policies that further regulate development under the County’s LUB. The County gathered your vision for the future during the last set of interactive public meetings in February and March 2016, and now we want you to decide on policy options. The upcoming June meetings will incorporate the use of Audience Instant Response Technology where you can receive immediate feedback in response to the policy options proposed. Come share your vision for the community and hear what other community members have to say as well!


Rimbey Co-op Your Vision, Your Plan Your 2nd Opportunity to Provide Input RSVP’s Required All meetings 7-9 pm Light Refreshments Provided

Bentley Community Hall RSVP by Monday, June 13th

Want to RSVP? Unable to attend a session but want to provide comment? Have a question? Contact the Planning and Development Department! www.MDP.lacombecounty.com (403) 782-8389 planning@lacombecounty.com twitter.com/LacombeCounty facebook.com/LacombeCountyMDP

Josh Dube and Autumn Leonhardt, both Grade 1 students at Rimbey elementary have fun at the pool. Treena Mielke Photos

Lacombe Memorial Centre RSVP by Monday, June 13th

Tees Hall RSVP by Monday, June 13th

Home Centre



TUSDAYE, MAY 31, 2016

RIMBEY REVIEW 9 Water fun: Grade 1 students Maddox Clelland and Dylan Misner enjoy some time at the Rimbey Aquatic Centre last Thursday. The weather was sunny in the afternoon and the students were able to take advantage of the pool, which opened earlier in the week. Regular swim times are now effective, depending on the weather. Treena Mielke Photo

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING Benjamin Gas Co-op Ltd. will be holding the 2016 Annual General Meeting and the Special General Meeting at the Leedale Hall, with voting occurring at 7:30pm. JUNE 15, 2016 - LEEDALE HALL, NW 35-41-4 W5M Registration for voting begins at 5:00 pm, with an opportunity for you to meet and talk to your Directors from 5:00pm to 6:30 pm, BBQ dinner from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm and the Benjamin Gas Co-op Ltd. Annual General Meeting from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm. At the close of the of the Benjamin Gas Co-op Ltd. 2016 Annual General Meeting, a Special General Meeting will be held to vote on the following: Notice of Extraordinary Resolution That Benjamin Gas Co-op Ltd., pursuant to section 24(1) of the Rural Utilities Act, Alberta, amalgamates with GLDC Gas Co-op Ltd. on the terms and conditions set out in the Amalgamation Agreement.

BBQ Dinner and meetings are open to Benjamin Gas Co-op Ltd. and G.L.D.C. members and invited guests only. Members are requested to R.S.V.P. by June 9, 2016 by calling--403-843-3291 or email--bngc@telusplanet.net


Sale Conducted Just East of Rimbey at our Sale Site Land located in Bluffton, AB

Directions: From Rimbey, North on Hwy #20 Approx. 10 Miles to the Iola Road, West on the Pavement 5 Miles to Rge Rd 40, 1/2 Mile South on the Paved Road on the West Side.

Selling In Conjunction with the 36th Annual Summer Machinery Consignment Sale

REC A FRE EIVE E SCRE FLAT E N TV! with a 1 yr sig


ned le as


PARCEL #1 - SE 12-44-4 W5M - HOME QUARTER - BEING 160 ACRES M/L Selling a House Built in 2000 that is Approx. 1454 Sq Ft on the Main Level with a Completely Finished Basement. 3 Bedrooms Upstairs with 2 Full Bathrooms, 3 Bedrooms Down Stairs with 1 Full Bathroom. Wood Burning Stoves on Both Levels, Fridge, Stove, Washer & Dryer. Natural Gas Heating & 1 Water Well. Also Includes a 30’x64’ Shop on 2’ Grade Beam w/ 14’x16’ Door. Steel Working Corrals & Water, A Year Round Spring plus it is Fenced & Cross Fenced Several Times. Oil Lease Revenue of Approx. $7,425.00

Long Stay Deluxe 2 bdrm Suites 4205 - 64 St., Ponoka, AB

Includes: Fridge, Stove, Fireplace, Air Conditioning, Window Coverings, Oak Cabinetry with Corian Countertops, Balcony, High Security Card Locks. (Fully Furnished Extra).

Taxes: $1479.00

PARCEL #2 - SW 12-44-4 W5M BEING 160 ACRES M/L Being a Quarter of Land with Some Lower Ground & Very Good Grass. This Pasture Quarter is Accessed by an Oil Well Road Threw the Home Quarter & Contains a Large Dugout. The Land is Fenced & Cross Fenced with Permanent & Hot Wire Fencing Oil Surface Lease of Approx. $6,740.00


Taxes: $45.08

PARCEL #3 - NE 12-44-4 W5M BEING 148 ACRES M/L This Quarter joins the Home Quarter on the North Side & is Very Good Pasture Quarter with a Dug Out & Cross Fences. Taxes: $108.67 Open Houses: May 28th & June 5th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. or by Appointment - Contact Allen B. Olson at (403) 783-0556. All measurements are approximate and need to be verified by the purchaser. Real Estate Transaction are being Handled by Morrison Realty (403) 783-0556 Real Estate Terms & Conditions: 10 % Down on Sale Day. Balance & Possession on or before July 18, 2016. If Balance is NOT RECEIVED by July 18, 2016 the Deposit will be Forfeited as Liquidation Damages.



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TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016


Directory Diirec Directory D irect i ec ctory ct y

A House Concert with Roots Duo ‘Twin Peaks’ coming to Beatty House SUBMITTED

Grace Lutheran Church Bentley - ELCIC Worship 11:15 a.m. 4th Sunday of the month 5 p.m. More Info, Mark Ree 403-748-2147 5 miles west, 1.5 miles south, 1 mile west of Bentley

“Sharing New Life in Christ”

Rimbey New Life Fellowship Sunday 10:30 a.m. Children’s Church 11:30 a.m. Midweek Service - Wednesday 7 p.m. Ladies Meeting Friday 2 p.m. Pastor Reg Darnell 403-843-3336 (Office) 403-782-2694 (Home) 5038 - 49 Ave. • www.rimbeynewlife.com

For the last three years Naomi Shore and Lindsay Pratt – aka Twin Peaks - have sung their way across Canada as they build a dedicated following of roots music fans. The duo combines unique talents in piano, guitar, ukulele with terrific pipes and lovely harmonies. As a youngster Naomi completed Grade 9 Royal Conservatory classical. Fourteen years later she has established herself as a well-rounded pianist, vocalist and piano teacher. Lindsay was a student at Selkirk College in Nelson, B.C. where she attended the Contemporary Music and Technology program. Lindsay tends to be the wordsmith, writing songs ranging from wistful to rowdy, of longing, lustiness, and love of life, especially how it plays out in small towns. Naomi pins down the musical side and adds humour and vivaciousness to the live performances. The performers, both from BC’s Peace region, were well known locally around Fort St. John. Lately though

they’ve received a great deal more exposure for their performances in various competitions both regionally and nationally. In 2012 they made the top ten for CBC Radio 3’s contest Tracks on Tracks, and in 2014 the group rose to the national finals in the CBC Searchlight contest. They’ve taken home a Vancouver Island Music Award for BC Artist of the Year. In 2013 the self-titled EP was nominated for a Western Canadian Music Awards for Roots Duo/Group Recording of the Year and last year the duo’s full length album, Trouble, won the WCMA for Roots Duo/Group Recording of the Year! Building on their successes, they’ve been touring extensively, playing everywhere from charming, intimate venues to large outdoor festivals. ‘Eclectic’, ‘clever’, ‘creative’, ‘totally infectious’, ‘endearing’ and ‘dynamic’ – all words used to describe Twin Peak’s live show. Check them out for yourself at the Beatty House on Monday, June 6 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are available from Stationery Stories and Sounds. For more information call Teri at 403-843-6497 or check out www.beattyheritagehouse.ca.

Church of the Nazarene, Rimbey Sunday Worship & Sunday School 10:30 a.m. (on Radio 93.3 FM) 5214-51 Street, Phone: 403-843-2029 Pastor Grant Rainey

ANGLICAN CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY 5211 52 St., Rimbey Service & Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. 4th Sunday Family Service: 11:00 a.m. Stuart Adams: 403-843-6164 or Arlene Edwards: 403-843-6077 www.churchofepiphany.ca

Th e Rimbey Seventh-Day Adventist Church Saturdays

Evangelical Missionary Church 1/2 mile East of Hoadley on Highway #611

Sabbath School at 9:45 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.

Worship Service 10:30 a.m.

Pastor David Beaudoin 403-783-2499

Pastor: Rev. Barry Klassen 403-843-6461

Zion Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Canada Divine Service at 10:30 4521 - 54th Ave. Rimbey Pastor Mark Schultz Office - 403-843-2767 Home - 403-843-4420

Rimbey Christian Reformed Church 5506-51 Ave Service at 10:00 a.m.

Nursery Provided

403-843-2585 Pastor: Bill Nieuwenhuis

Rimbey Alliance Church 4620 - 54th Avenue, Rimbey 403-843-3727 10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Children’s Church

RomanMass Catholic Church Times:

Saturday Evening: Sunday Morning: Sylvan Lake - 5:00 p.m. Rimbey - 9:00 a.m. Sylvan Lake -11:00 a.m. Last Sunday of every month:

Sylvan Lake 9:00 a.m.

Rimbey 11:00 a.m.

Parish Priest: Father Les Drewicki Administration Offi ce: 403-843-2126;


TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016


Bentley library fundraiser huge success BY JUNE NORVILA Organizers of the 2016 Bentley municipal library major fundraiser were concerned about the slow sales of tickets, but in the last week before the scheduled event on April 23 over 140 of the 150 tickets printed were gone. Sponsors, donors, volunteers, and those purchasing tickets came through. Doors to the Blindman Valley Ag centre opened early. People had time to look over the variety of approximately fifty numerous donations to the silent auction that were set up in the back of the hall. A stay at Banff, and tickets to the Carol Burnett show in Edmonton in June were the highest paid for articles. Other items included a 30-second grocery shopping spree, plants, gift baskets, jewelry, pillows, small quilts, artwork, a homemade small table, quilted place mats, golfing attire and rounds of golf, decorative signs, adult coloring books, yard decorations, Cutco knives, sandals, quilting sets, certificates at different businesses, a small charcoal barbecue, treats for your dog and even a toy tractor and duffle bags. There were sponsors from Edmonton, Vermillion, Red Deer, Lacombe, Sylvan Lake, Gull Lake, Blackfalds, Bentley, and businesses in Lacombe County. There were too many cash sponsors as well to mention them all here. Aspen Greenhouses supplied the table centrepieces that were sold off. The Bentley Ag Society donated the use of the space. There was no shortage of volunteers right from greeting at the door and selling 50/50 and liquor tickets, to the staffing of the bar by Servus Credit Union volunteers, or people looking after the bidding on the auction items. Funhouse Dance Band took to the stage for the evening and had people dancing. There were door prize draws throughout the evening. A midnight lunch, catered by Bob Ronnie Catering, with more food than one could imagine was once again a highlight. An informative power point, including pictures of local people at library events, was playing by the auction items. Winner of the 50/50 draw was Ken Gillard who donated the money back to the library. “We achieved our fundraising goals,” library manager Suzanne Moore stated, “and will use the funds for various programs (and costs to run the library) throughout the year.” “We are immensely grateful to the community for their ongoing support. No words can express our appreciation.” The event was organized and run by the committed volunteers of the Bentley Library Board and the Bentley Library Society, with help from many others. On the library board are chair Dr. Sandy Jameson, vice chair Kim Schmidt, treasurer Maureen Rue, town council representative Cora Knutson, and board members Iola Bartja, Pat Morrow and Joan Dickau. Such an event couldn’t be hosted without the ongoing support of Library Society members, the library staff Vera Boettger, Tammy Izqueirdo, Jolene Naismith, and Suzanne Moore, and Library Board members, including Sandra Smyth and Jean Oram who just resigned. The Bentley Farmer’s Market continues to offer additional annual financial support to the library. Bentley library regular hours are 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, noon - 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays, from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and closed on holidays. Drop in or call 403-748-4626.

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RESIDENTIAL & ACREAGE LOTS AVAILABLE! - Corner 74’x130’lot on north edge of town $86,500



1346 sq’ 3 bdrm ,3 bath bungalow, main fl laundry, main fl laundry/mud rm, 69’x176’ landscaped lot. detached 24x24 garage, partially finished basement 5 bdrm 3.5 baths, heated garage with access to



4.55 ACRES

263.78 acres pature land borderd on West by Blindman River. Oil Revenue, tree cover, building sites, potential for subdivision. $1.1 million

located directly off of Hwy 53 west end of Rimbey. Zoned C2. Substantial bungalow & shop on the property.


3 bdrm 2 bath home on NW side of Gull Lake. Loft overlooking living, bonus games room with pool table & shuffleboard.


- Bluffton 5.91 acres room for horses walk to school $112,500 - Westlake Estates 1.66 acres awesome lake view $115,000

46.43 acres high hay land with gentle YEAR ROUND LAKE RESIDENCE 1384 sq’ bungalow, 4 bdrm, 2 ba, slop. Lots of potential for dream home. finished bsmt, 28x28 garage $225,000





Rare 19.87 acres fenced for horses. Ranch style 3 bdrm 3 bath bungalow 24x28 garage, 24x32 shop.

891 sq’ 2 bedroom bungalow, lot has trees and landscaped. Close to shopping & all amenities.



11 acres tree covered with rough clearing for lane way and building site in place $164,900 45 acres rolling topography, small lake, 5 mins to town $294,900

QUIET, YEAR ROUND RETREAT! NW side of Gull Lake ½ acre lot. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, fireplace, detached garage, fenced, garden & more!

$325,000 COMMERCIAL LOTS AVAILABLE! - Central location, 1 block south of main street $97,000 - High profile location on main artery with service road access in high traffic area $165,000 - 4.55 acres near west end of town, hwy access, ranch style bungalow & shop









3 bdrm, 1½ bath, main flr laundry, large deck, quiet area.

many upgrades, detached double garage, fenced, extra parking.

HALF DUPLEX BUILT IN 2013! With 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, finished up & down, close to school & shopping.

Just outside Rimbey. Directly off pavement, riparian area forms south boundary. 4 lots available.




$104,900 - $114,900

1340 sq’ ½ duplex with open floor plan, 2 bdrms, 2 units available. Spacious, modern décor, large master 2 baths, 4 appliances, attached garage, wheelchair accessible with shower in ensuite, den & full bath, 24x12 garage.

Website: www.mrandmrsrealestate.ca

2 bdrm, 2 bath, 7 appliances, heated single garage, murphy bed


Office: 403-843-0100


TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016

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What’s Happening


Services Directory

Items Buy/Sell


Rental & Real Estate


Public Notice









P.O. Box 244 5001-50th Ave. Rimbey AB, T0C 2J0

FAX: 403-843-4907




ANDERSON George Charles

April 23, 1955 - May 22, 2016

With deep sadness our family announces the passing of George (Geo, Dad, Grumpa) Anderson. George passed peacefully the morning of May 22, 2016 in the Rimbey Hospital with family in hand. George was born in Drumheller Alberta to Florence and Andy Anderson. In 1956 Flo and Andy returned to Rimbey to take over the family farm. There they raised George and his three little sisters; Kathy, Cheryl, and Carol. In 1975 George married his high school sweetheart Carrie Freeman and together had two children; Jesse and Jacy. In 1988 George found true love with Ronda Salomons and they married in 1989. George and Ronda had four daughters; Rashel, Raelyn, Krista and Niki. In 1995 George and Ronda purchased the Anderson farm east of Rimbey. For numerous years they raised kids, cattle, and cats on their own little slice of heaven. George’s natural talent for mechanics led him to purchase his own small engine shop which he called Anderson’s Service. For 32 years Dad put in countless hours providing unparalleled service to his community. After hours he, Ronda and his girls enjoyed spending time on endless projects around the farm. George wasn’t only mechanical, but fiercely competitive. He loved racing snow mobiles, playing slo pitch, and always instigated (and won) a game or bet of some sort. We will lovingly remember George for his kind heart, his love of working and playing hard, killer dance moves and the joy he found in the simple things in life. George will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 27 years, Ronda Anderson, his beloved children Jacy (Tom), Raelyn, Krista, and Niki, three adoring grandchildren, Magnuss, Eli, and Victoria. He will be fondly remembered by his sisters Carol, Morgan (Brendan), brother Chris (Joy), his father-in-law John (Irene) as well as many nieces, nephews and long time friends. George was predeceased by his parents Florence and Andy Anderson, his sisters Kathy Maser (Barry), Cheryl Langmuir (Bob), his beloved son Jesse and adored daughter Rashel. Funeral Services will be held on Monday, May 30 2016 2:00 p.m. at the Peter Lougheed Community Centre with Reverend Deborah Laing officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Kids In Sports c/o Janet Stout, Box 655, Rimbey AB, T0C 2J0. Expressions of sympathy can be made by visiting www.wilsonsfuneralchapel.ca. WILSON’S FUNERAL CHAPEL & CREMATORIUM serving Central Alberta with locations in Rimbey and Lacombe in charge of the arrangements. Phone: (403) 843-3388 or (403) 782-3366. “A Caring Family, Caring For Families”

EMAIL: sales@rimbeyreview.com


HERCHAK, Linda Rose (nee Schrader) February 26, 1920 May 17, 2016 Linda passed away peacefully on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at Mayfair Care Centre in Calgary. She was born on February 26, 1920 in Rimbey, Alberta, to Christina and Gottfried (Fred) Schrader. Linda was the youngest child, and was predeceased by her three sisters and three brothers with whom she enjoyed close relationships. When she was eight years old, her family moved to Medicine Hat, then to Calgary when she was 15. Being raised as a child of pioneering parents, and experiencing the realities of the 1930’s shaped Linda’s resilient approach to life. She remained petite and lean, yet tough. She could be at her best in adverse conditions; for example, when she was left alone in mid-life and through three surgeries in her 80’s. Linda volunteered at the CR Unit Smoke and Gift shop of the General Hospital for 20 years, and used this as her resume builder for her first paying job at the Palliser Hotel Smoke Shop. In 1983 she married the love of her life, Matthew Herchak and together they had 10 wonderful years before Matthew passed away. She made friends easily in many situations, such as riding on the same daily Calgary bus and as a member of Central United Church. She kept these friends close throughout her life with much visiting and lively correspondence; this included in later years an amicable exchange of notes and cards with her first husband, Walter Siewert. Her memory was sharp into her final days when she could recall and comment on friends who had written in her autograph books of 1931 and 1933. Linda is survived by one daughter Lynn Marie (Michael Clark); one grandson William James Clark; and a number of nephews and nieces. The family would like to extend heartfelt a thanks to Dr. Graham Hunter, nurses Roxanne and Tee, and other exceptional staff at Mayfair Care Centre. Also loving thanks to Wilma Clark, church visitor and friend. A Graveside Service was held at Rocky View Garden of Peace Cemetery on Friday, June 3, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Mayfair Care Centre, (8240 Collicutt Street SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2X1). Messages of remembrance may be left for the family at www.southcalgaryfuneralcentre.ca SOUTH CALGARY FUNERAL CENTRE and CREMATORIUM (at Lake Fraser Gate) Telephone: 403-297-0711 Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial

VOSS Steve Voss of Bluffton, Alberta passed away at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre on Saturday, May 21, 2016 at the age of 83 years. Steve will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his beloved wife, Phyllis; his eight children: Clark of Lacombe, Miles (Mike) of Ponoka, Mike of Forestburg, Debbie of Wetaskiwin, Wayde of Wetaskiwin, Audra Sparchu of Barrhead, Vernon (Tanya) of Ponoka, and Steven of Banff; and his four stepchildren: Brian (Karen) Smillie of Lacombe, Robert Smillie of Blackfalds, Ken Smillie of Bluffton, and Janet Smillie of Sicamous, B.C.; as well as numerous grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Steve will also be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his brother, Alex (Priscilla) Voss of Provost; his brother-in-law, Victor Stefura of Alsike, his sister-in-law, Judy Adams of Calgary; and a special mention to Dale (Corrie) Voss of Drayton Valley; in addition to many nieces, nephews, and other family members. Steve worked all over Alberta and made numerous long-lasting friendships. He was a friend to every person he met. He was predeceased by his parents, Margaruite and Steve; one brother, Joe Voss; and one sister, Margaret Stefura. Relatives and Friends are invited to an Open House in Celebration of Steve’s Life, which will be held at the Liberty Hall on Saturday, June 11, 2016 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cremation took place at the Central Alberta Crematorium, Red Deer. If friends desire, memorial tributes in Steve’s Memory may be made directly to the charity of one’s choice. Condolences to the Voss Family may also be expressed by e-mail to: special_reflections@telusplanet.net Cremation Arrangements for the Late Steve Voss entrusted to the care of OBERHAMMER FUNERAL CHAPELS LTD. 1-403-843-4445

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TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016

announcements Obituaries

Employment #700 - #920

FRASER Olive Jean Fraser (nee Cornelius) of Rimbey, Alberta passed away peacefully, with her family by her side, at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre on Monday, May 23, 2016 at the age of 77 years. Olive will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her close friend, Margaret DeVries of Rimbey; her son, Dale (Colleen) Fraser of Eckville; and her three daughters, Kim (Dan) Dalberg of Dryden, Ontario; Glenna (Keith) Spelrem of Rimbey; and Teikai Fraser (Julio Guevara) of Calgary; as well as ten cherished grandchildren and five great grandchildren. She will also be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her sister, Shirley Fraser of Lacombe; in addition to numerous nieces and nephews, other relatives and many friends. Olive was predeceased by her beloved husband, Colin in 1998; and her sister, Marilyn. A Public Memorial Service in Celebration of Olive’s Life was held at the Rimbey United Church, Rimbey on Monday, May 30, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. with the Reverend James Strachan officiating. Cremation took place at the Central Alberta Crematorium, Red Deer. If friends desire, memorial tributes in Olive’s Memory may be made directly to the Medicine River Wildlife Centre, Box 115, Spruce View, Alberta T0M 1V0 (www.medicineriverwildlifecentre.ca). Condolences to the Fraser Family may also be expressed by e-mail to: special_reflections@telusplanet.net Service and Cremation Arrangements for the Late Olive Jean Fraser (nee Cornelius) entrusted to the care of OBERHAMMER FUNERAL CHAPELS LTD.


Coming Events


Coming Events

#50 - # 70

Coming Events


9TH CALGARY ANTIQUE Show & Sale. June 4 & 5. Sat., 10 - 5 and Sun. 10 - 4. Garrison Curling Rink, 2288 - 47 Ave., SW, Calgary. Free parking! Carswell’s 403-343-1614.



What’s Happening Arts & Crafts Shows ..................50 Class Registrations....................51 Coming Events ..........................52 Lost ............................................54 Found ........................................56 Companions ..............................58 Personals...................................60 Bingos........................................64 Fitness & Sports ........................66 Happy Ads .................................70

Business Opportunities


Bentley Farmers’ Market

~ The Best, Small Town, Big Market! ~ Every Saturday, beginning May 21- Sept. 3

1:30pm – 3:30pm In the Bentley Curling Rink

For more info call:

403 748 4809 Classifieds Your place to SELL Your place to BUY

Coming Events



COUNTRY WIDE YARD SALE Saturday June 4, 2016 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Maps available sale day at hwy 20 & Twp Rd 442 (Iola Rd) Poker Rally – last card at Blindman River Hall CONCESSION & MORE TABLES Info – 403-783-0706 Sale Day – 403-843-3105

CLASSIFIED N.W. BUY • • • • • •

Ponoka Rimbey Eckville Sylvan Lake Lacombe Pipestone Flyer

Caregivers/Aides................710 Clerical ..............................720 Computer Personnel ..........730 Dental ................................740 Estheticians........................750 Hair Stylists ........................760 Janitorial ............................770 Legal ..................................780 Medical ..............................790 Oilfield ................................800 Professionals......................810 Restaurant/Hotel ................820 Sales & Distributors ..........830 Teachers/Tutors..................840 Trades ................................850 Truckers/Drivers ................860 Business Opportunities......870 Miscellaneous ....................880 Volunteers Wanted ............890 Positions Wanted ..............895 Employment Training ........900 Career Planning ................920



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Misc. Help

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Misc. Help

In Town of Rimbey Looking for full or part-time help in home care for a young man with Autism. Must enjoy walking and swimming. Government funded. Some Eves & Wknds Req.

PROFESSIONAL FLOORING INSTALLER required in Wainwright. Experience in all types of flooring and must have own tools and transportation. Submit resume with references to: mcraefl@gmail.com.

Classifieds Your place to SELL Your place to BUY


Rimbey Co-op is HIRING Have you thought about a career with us? Our Office is in need of an Office Clerk to work 24 - 32 hours weekly. Our ideal Office Clerk will be detail – oriented, have a good working knowledge of debits and credits and cash handling, and will deliver remarkable customer service to our valued members. The main responsibilities will include processing cash – ups, receiving account payments, assisting members and filing. This position is an interim position to cover a parental leave. This position is open to Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada only. No relocation or work visas will be provided.

For More Information, Please Contact:

Karen Skeels, Office Manager Email: karenskeels@rimbeycoop.com Please stop in with your resume and application form

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Legal Services


CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-228-1300/ 1-800-347-2540. EASY ALBERTA DIVORCE. Free Consultation 1-800-320-2477; www.canadianlegal.org. CCA Award #1 Paralegal. A+ BBB Reputation. 26 Years Experience. Open Mon. - Sat

Misc. Services


CANADA BENEFIT GROUP - Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll free 1-888-511-2250 or www.canada benefit.ca/free-assessment.

Misc. Services


RALPH’S PAINTING “When Ralph’s done brushing you don’t feel rolled” Journeyman painter, serving the area: since 1984



Licensed Mobile Mobile Butchering Licensed Butchering Custom Cutting Cutting &&Wrapping Custom Wrapping Beef,Pork Pork and Beef, andWild WildGame Game


Position in the Okanagan Valley of B.C.

Starting at 25 words for $45.90

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855-768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today!


JOURNALISTS, Graphic Artists, Marketing and more. Alberta’s weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. Free. CLASSIFIEDS Sell it Best! To Visit: place your ad phone 1-877awna.com/for-job-seekers. 223-3311

Misc. Help




Misc. Help

Employment Training


Personal Services


HIP OR KNEE Replacement? Restrictions in walking/dressing? $2,500 yearly tax credit. $20,000 lump sum cheque. Disability Tax Credit. Expert Help: 1-844-453-5372.

Pet Services


MacDonald Old Kennels Animal services for Ponoka County

Dog Shelter Boarding Dogs for adoption Dogs to surrender www.pawsandclawsanimalrescue.ca click courtesy adoptions

Phone (403) 783-7447 Roofing


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The easy way to find a buyer for items you want to sell is with a Classified want ad. Phone 1-877-2233311

Misc. Services



Doug Casey

Can do trees up to 15” wide

1.403.318.0498 1.403.358.0452

FOR fast results: Classified Want Ads. Phone 1-877223-3311.


TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016

RIMBEY BUSINESS DIRECTORY Action Autobody Rimbey Windshields - Heavy Equipment Glass Residential & Commercial Mobile • Pickup & Delivery • In Shop Owner: Jamin Sargeant


“We’re in the Business of Making You Look Good� 3 kms North & 3 kms East of Rimbey on Hwy #53

Owner Carey Anderson


Rimbey Implements Ltd.


Janice Cameron DD

TERRY GRIEMAN Home Centre Manager

Al York General Manager Cell: (403) 783-0593 5410 - 43 Street Bus: (403) 843-3700 Fax: (403) 843-3430 Rimbey, AB

PORTABLE STORAGE UNITS Parkland Beach Road & Highway 771, Gull Lake, AB

BRIAN POLOWICK 403-843-7705 Long Lasting Low Maintenance Durable Element Secure Vented Easily Relocated Stackable

P. O. Box 260

Business Ext. Fax Cell terrygrieman@rimbeycoop.com

Rimbey Co-op 4625 51st Street Association Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 Canada Ltd.

(403) 843-2258 #111 (403) 843-4242 (403) 704-0271

We have moved to a new location in Ponoka. Now located in downtown Ponoka north of the Dollar Tree store. Call for your appointment today:




Rimbey & Area Sales Representative 780-360-9552 • rogerm@hilinecnh.com

$R 0AT "URRAGE " 3C $6$R *ASMINE $UFF " 3C $6$R !NDREA &ALT " 3C $6$R 3TACEY 7HITE $6 !SSOCIATES 0 / "OX TH 3TREET 0 / "OX TH 3TREET "LUFFTON !" 4 # -

VISIT US AT www.hilinecnh.com


Business: 780-352-9244 Toll-Free: 1-888-644-5463 4723-39 Avenue, Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 2J4

SIZES: 8’x10’ • 8’x16’ • 8’x20’

• Photo Comparative Blood Analysis • Body Balancing • Young Living Essential Oils • Raindrop Technique & Vitaex • Nutritional Supplements, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Homeopathy

For More Information Visit:

e: body_connections@hotmail.com


Location: North west of Rimbey on Highway 20 to Tsp Rd. 432 Medicine Lake Road 5.5 km west to #31055

ASPENWORKS MECHANICAL Plumbing Gasfitting Hot Water & Forced Air Heating Water Analysis & Treatment Systems

Outdoor Wood or Coal Boilers High Efficiency Wood Gasification Boilers Doug Madu 5034 45 Avenue Box 2040, (403) 843-2635 Rimbey, AB., TOC 2J0 Cell (403) 350-5901 email: rgcourse@gmail.com



Open for the Season May 1st 7 Days a Week 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Annual Bedding Plants • Planters • Hanging Baskets • Pond Plants • Perennials • Trees & Shrubs •Custom Orders Located 5 miles West of Rimbey on Hwy #53 South 1 mile on #766, West 1 mile on Township 423, Ÿ mile North on No Exit Rd, 2nd driveway to the West

Open May 1 to Aug 1 Gift Certificates Available



BRIAN GODLONTON Petroleum Manager

Rimbey Co-op Association Ltd.

P. O. Box 260 4625 51st Street Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 Canada

Business Ext. Fax Cell

(403) 843-2258 #104 (403) 843-4242 6982 (403) 704-0271

www.bentleyselfstorage.ca Find us on facebook info@bentleyselfstorage.ca New Ownership • Vacant Units Available


TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016 Auctions

Buy & Sell #1500 - #1990 Aircraft ..............................1510 Antiques & Art ..................1520 Auctions ............................1530 Bicycles ............................1540 Building Supplies ..............1550 Business Machines ..........1560 Cameras & Accessories ..1570 Children’s Items ................1580 Clothing ............................1590 Computers ........................1600 Concert & Event Tickets ..1610 Equipment - Misc. ............1620 Equipment - Heavy ..........1630 Tools ................................1640 Farmers’ Market & Food Basket......................1650 Firewood ..........................1660 Lumber ............................1670 Garden Supplies ..............1680 Lawn Tractors ..................1690 Health, Dietary, Beauty ....1700 Household Appliances......1710 Household Furnishings ....1720 TV’s, Stereos, VCR’s ........1730 Hot Tubs & Accessories ..1740 Jewellery ..........................1750 Kid’s Deals........................1755 Misc. For Sale ..................1760 Musical Instruments..........1770 Music Lessons..................1780 Piano & Organs ................1790 Office Supplies ................1800 Pets & Supplies ................1810 Pet Services ....................1820 Cats ..................................1830 Dogs ................................1840 Sports Cards ....................1850 Sporting Goods ................1860 Collectors’ Items ..............1870 Swap, Barter & Trade ......1880 Travel Packages ..............1900 Wedding Supplies ............1910 Recycled Products............1920 Wanted to Buy ..................1930 Items to Give Away ..........1940



(2) DAY UNRESERVED AUCTION. Industrial Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 8 a.m. Agricultural Wednesday, June 22, 2016, 8 a.m. Aldersyde, Alberta. To consign to these auctions call Canadian Public Auction 403-269-6699 or see www.canadian publichauction.com. 31 FULLY SERVICED LAKE LOTS - Murray Lake, Saskatchewan. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 27 in Saskatoon. Lots range from 0.28 +/- to 0.35 +/- acres. Brennan LeBlanc: 306-280-4878; rbauction.com/realestate.


at The Moose Hall, 2 miles south of Ponoka on Hwy. 2A. Weekly sales Wednesdays @ 6 pm Antique sale 1st Sunday of month June 5 @ 1 p.m. TO BOOK YOUR SALE CALL 403-782-5693 or 403-304-4791 Check website for full listings www.bigstrapperauctions.net Like us on Facebook



CANADIAN PUBLIC AUCTION. We now do Farm Sales. Complete dispersals, appraisals & net minimum guarantees! For a free, no obligation quote call today! 403-852-8721 or www.canadian publicauction.com. MEIER GUN AUCTION. Saturday, June 4, 6016 72A Ave., Edmonton. Handguns, rifles, shotguns, hunting and sporting equipment. To consign call 780-440-1860. COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION! 9th Annual Calgary Premier Collector Car Auction. Grey Eagle Resort & Casino, Calgary, Alberta, June 17-19. Time to consign, all makes & models welcome. 1-888-296-0528 ext. 102; Consign@egauctions.com; EGauctions.com. ESTATE AUCTION For George (Bill) Wright Sunday June 5, 2016 10 a.m. Location: 21 miles east of Red Deer On the Delburne Road (Westerner Road-19th Street-#595) to R.R. 243, then south. Watch for signs. Antique & Collectibles, Acreage & farm equipment, Livestock equipment, Trucks, Lots of misc. items, Check the web for full listing and pictures. Sale is subject to additions and deletions. Pilgrim Auction Service 403-556-5531 www.pilgrimauction.com FARMLAND W/GRAVEL RESERVES - Cardston, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, July 21 in Lethbridge. 130.65 +/- title acres, gravel reserves in excess of 2.4 million m3. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; rbauction.com/realestate. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY & SHOP - Strathmore, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 15 in Edmonton. 2+/- title acres industrial property & 8000 sq. ft. shop. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652. Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; rbauction.com/realestate. LAKE FRONT RESIDENCE - Pigeon Lake, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 15 in Edmonton. 1313 +/- sq. ft., 1 1/2 storey home - 0.2 +/title acres. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; rbauction.com/realestate.



LORCAM FARMING Ltd Dispersal, Joffre, Alberta. Friday, June 10, 10 a.m. Selling Case IH Steiger 435 Quad Trac tractor, JD 7810 MFWA tractor, Case IH 8120 combine, Premier M150 SP Windrower, grain trucks, tillage, grain bins & handling, livestock equipment, 5W stock trailer & more; www.montgomeryauctions.com. 1-800-371-6963. UNRESERVED SALE REDWATER. June 11, 8 a.m. For Chedkor (780-689-7170) Komatsu 270 hoe; Komatsu 380 loader c/w 4 attach; JD 872G grader (all one owner). 40 collector tractors. 1932 Dodge 4 door. Case Eagle. Upright gas pumps. 2002 Dodge diesel; 54,000 km. Farm & construction equipment, vehicles, RV’s. Misc is full! www.prodaniukauctions. com.



A-STEEL SHIPPING CONTAINERS. 20’, 40’ & 53’. 40’ insulated reefers/freezers. Modifications possible windows, doors, walls, as office, living work-shop, etc., 40’ flatrack/bridge. 1-866-528-7108; www.rtccontainer.com.

Misc. for Sale


SAWMILLS from only $4,397. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & dvd: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 400OT

Agricultural #2000 - #2290

Farm Equipment ..............2010 Haying Equipment ............2020 Tractors ............................2030 Combines & Headers ......2040 Fertilizer Equipment..........2050 Misc. Farm Machinery ......2060 Equipment Wanted ..........2070 Farm Custom Work ..........2080 Farm Auctions ..................2090 Livestock ..........................2100 Livestock - Exotic..............2110 Sheep ..............................2120 Poultry ..............................2130 Horses ..............................2140 Horse Boarding ................2150 Riding Supplies ................2160 Horse/Stock Trailers ........2170 Pasture Wanted ................2180 Grain, Feed, Hay ..............2190 Seed Grain ......................2200 Seeding & Tillage ............2210




Garden Supplies


BEAUTIFUL SPRUCE TREES 4-6 feet, $35 each. Machine planting: $10/tree (includes bark mulch and fertilizer). 20 tree minimum order. Delivery fee $75-$125/order. Quality guaranteed. 403-820-0961 WHITE SPRUCE or Lodgepole pine trees for sale. 3’ to 5’ $35 & 5’ to 7’ for $45 each (planted) AB/SK wide delivery. Cojo Contracting 780-524-2656; cojo.contractors@ gmail.com.

Misc. for Sale


POLE BARNS, Shops, steel buildings metal clad or fabric clad. Complete supply and installation. Call John at 403-998-7907; jcameron@ advancebuildings.com.

FOR SALE. Simmeron Simmentals, fullblood full Fleckvieh bulls, yearlings and 1-2 year old polled and horned, A.I. bloodlines, very quiet, muscled. 780-913-7963; www.simmeronranch.ca. PUREBRED red and black Angus bulls. 1 and 2 year olds. Semen tested and delivered. Vicwin Farms 403-784-3517, 403-318-7363.

Grain, Feed Hay




HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252.

Seed Grain

BAR-DALE LIMOUSIN, ERSKINE, AB. 40, two year old virgin bulls for sale at the farm. LOGS Fully guaranteed. Semi loads of pine, spruce, Call Carole Barclay at tamarack, poplar, birch. 403-742-4825, Price depends on location Terry 403-740-5037 of delivery. Lil Mule Ricky 403-740-5711. email Logging 403-318-4346 bardale@xplornet.com


Grain, Feed Hay


SEED Barley & Seed Oats for Sale. 2 Row & 6 row high yielding varieties available. Suitable for grain or silage. High germination & vigour. Seed treating available. On Farm scale. Larry Trautman, 403-783-1564 Mark Trautman 403-704-3157

For Rent #3000 - #3200

Acreages/Farms ..............3010 Houses/Duplexes ............3020 Condos/Townhouses........3030 Manufactured Homes ......3040 Four Plexes/Six Plexes ....3050 Suites ..............................3060 Cottages/Seasonal ..........3070 Roommates Wanted ........3080 Rooms for Rent................3090 Motels/Hotels ..................3100 Offices ..............................3110 Stores/Commercial ..........3120 Industrial ..........................3130 Warehouse Space............3140 Garage Space..................3150 Storage Space ................3160 Land ................................3170 Pasture ............................3180 Mobile Lot ........................3190 Misc. for Rent ..................3200

Farm Custom Work

Acreages/Farms ..............3255 Houses/Duplexes ............3260 Suites ..............................3270 Rooms..............................3280 Manufactured Homes ......3290 Housesitting Wanted ........3300 Garage Space..................3310 Storage Space ................3320 Stores/Commercial ..........3330 Office Space ....................3340 Industrial ..........................3350 Warehouse Space............3360 Resorts & Cottages..........3370 Pasture/Land....................3380 Mobile Lot ........................3390

plus GST/HST

Value Ad Network

Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association toll free 1-800-282-6903 x228 email andrea@awna.com or visit this community newspaper



FURNISHED BACHELOR SUITE FOR RENT IN PONOKA. TV & utils. incld. $550/mo. 403-963-0204 PONOKA 1 bdrm. well maintained quiet adult building, no pets, $735/mo. + power, heat/water incld. avail. June 1. Brian 403-348-6594

3 BDRM. DUPLEX IN PONOKA, large kitchen, dining and living room, 4 appls., rent + utils. Avail. June 1. 403-783-3860


Newly renovated 1 & 2 bedroom units in Ponoka: 3724-45 Street. 403-357-0287 WOODRIDGE VILLAGE : 2 bedroom apartments available immed. $800 per month, include water, heat, garbage and parking. SD $800. Kids welcome, no pets no smoking. Please call Sandra Lyon at First Choice Realty (Ponoka) Ltd. 403-783-8881


pasture at Winfield for rent. 1-403-286-1157

Pasture/ Land


LOOKING TO RENT, OR ON SHARES, a Hay Quarter, in the Rimbey area for the 2016 season.



ESTATE OF David Campbell offers the following parcels of land for sale. SW 8-4-22-33 assessed at $500,000. SE 32-4-22-32 assessed at $615,000 (some surface revenue). Both parcels are 160 acres more or less and are rented for the 2016 season. The executor can accept the first offer that is at assessed value. The property can be sold together or separately. Forward offers or expressions of interest to: Ronc4@telus.net with subject “estate land”. PASTURE & hay land. 400 - 8000 acres year round water. Management available. Central Sask. Natural springs excellent water. Grazing available. Other small & large grain & pasture quarters. $150k - $2.6m. Doug Rue 306-716-2671; saskfarms@shaw.ca.


Transportation #5000-5300

Automotive Services ........5010 Antique & Classic Autos ....5020 Cars ..................................5030 SUV’s................................5040 Trucks ..............................5050 Heavy Trucks....................5060 Vans/Buses ......................5070 Motorcycles ......................5080 Campers ..........................5090 Motorhomes......................5100 5th Wheels........................5110 Holiday Trailers ................5120 Tent Trailers ......................5130 Utility Trailers ....................5140 ATV’s ................................5150 Boats & Marine ................5160 Snowmobiles ....................5170 Tires, Parts & Accessories ......................5180 Auto Wreckers ..................5190 Vehicles Wanted ..............5200 Car/Truck Rental ..............5210 Recreational Vehicle Rental ..............................5220 Trailer Rental ....................5230 Misc. Automotive ..............5240 RV’s ..................................5300

Realtors & Services..........4010 Houses for Sale................4020 Houses Wanted ................4030 Condos/Townhouses ........4040 Acreages ..........................4050 Acreages Wanted ............4060 Farms/Land ......................4070 Farms/Land Wanted ........4080 Manufactured/ Mobile Homes ..................4090 Income Property ..............4100 Commercial Property ......4110 Industrial Property ............4120 Cottages/Resort Property ..4130 Businesses for Sale..........4140 Buildings for Sale ............4150 Lots for Sale ....................4160 Out of Town Property ......4170 Investment Opportunities ..4180 Mortgages Bought/Sold....4190


5 PARCELS OF FARMLAND near Hondo, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction on June 9. Over 475 acres of Farmland & Grazing Lease. Contact Cody Rude: 780-722-9777; rbauction.com/realestate.


during our 45 Year Anniversary Celebration. Visit: www. Unitedhomescanada.com, www. Grandviewmodular.com.

Businesses For Sale


HOTEL/APARTMENT/ LIQuor Store/VLTs/ Restaurant and Lounge for sale in High Prairie, Alberta. 780-507-7999. RESTAURANT FOR SALE by tender, closing on June 17, 2016. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Seating capacity for 100. Fully equipped with grill, deep fryer, coolers, freezers, walk in cooler, chairs, tables, pots, pans, dishes, glasses, flatware, etc. Located on three lots on the corner of Highway 3 and 24, Saskatchewan. Contact Ron Radke at 306-883-4321, by email at ron.radke@spiritwood.cu.sk.ca or Lola Lapesky at 306-883-4322 or by email at lola.lapesky@ spiritwood.cu.sk.ca for further information.

2008 SUZUKI C109, 1800 CC No shortage of power ALL the Bells & Whistles!! 44,600 kms.

MINT CONDITION Never laid down.

$7600. o.b.o. (403)318-4653 Red Deer

Public Notice #6000

Public Notices ..................6010 Special Features ..............6050

Real Estate #4000 - #4190

Farms/ Land • Floater • Pasture • Crop • Sprayer • Hayland Land • Tillage - Kello Disk - Lemkin

Farms/ Land

Manufactured PONOKA large 2 bdrm. bsmt. Homes suite $950 incld’s WE ARE “Your Total Rural Motorcycles util’s, 403-704-1645 Housing Solution” - Save up to $9000 on your * RIVERSIDE APTS. * Manufactured Home


Place your ad in this newspaper and12345 province wide $


3 bedroom town home with 5 appliances. Close to schools/recreation/shopping. $1,100.00/month, $1,100.00 DD. Smoking on deck only, no pets. Water, sewer, garbage included. Call Mary 403-783-6609

CALL: 403 505 6119 Houses/ Duplexes

Squeezthee MOST out of your advertising dollars with a combined circulation of over 800,000 for only...


Wanted to Rent Pasture #3250 - #3390 160 ACRES of bush

MACHINE SHOP Closeout Auction for Core Manufacturing Ltd. Tuesday, June 7, 11 a.m., 8124 McIntyre Rd., Edmonton. Milling machines, CNCs, tooling, shop equipment. Details CLASSIFIEDS Sell it Best! To FOR fast results: Classified contact Meier Auctions place your ad phone 1-877- Want Ads. Phone 1-877780-440-1860. 223-3311 223-3311.


Condos/ Townhouses

Financial #4400 - #4430

es • urs






Whatever you SELL... Advertise it HERE!

Investments ......................4410 Money Wanted ................4420 Money to Loan ................4430

Money To Loan

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Whatever You’re Selling... We Have The Paper You Need! CLASSIFIEDS 1-877-223-3311 CALL NOW TO FIND OUT MORE






M en •

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TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016


115 B/W 96MTHS






2016 FIESTA SE MSRP $21,830 Difference $930

133 B/W 96MTHS






2016 FOCUS SE SEDAN MSRP $25,733 Difference $1,742

149 B/W 96MTHS




MSRP $35,899 Difference $5,559

189 B/W 96MTHS





2016 F150 XTR SUPERCAB MSRP $53,359 Difference $11,359

262 B/W 96MTHS






MSRP $27,949 Difference $4,599

147 B/W 96MTHS











2016 FUSION SE AWD MSRP $36,799 Difference $5,649

195 B/W 96MTHS




2016 MUSTANG 14

MSRP $44,799 Difference $1,899

268 B/W 96MTHS






MSRP $85,949 Difference $20,010

410 B/W 96MTHS











“Let your Legacy start here.”


Pat Boardman General Sales Manager

Dan Mundorf Sales Manager

Mark Schreiner Sales/Finance

Tom Rubietz Sales Consultant

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