Rimbey Review, July 12, 2016

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Serving the communities of Rimbey, Bentley, Bluffton, and Hoadley

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Volume 18 Number 28

www.rimbeyreview.com Tricks of the trade: Alison MacNearney, and her dog Maddie, a Nova Scotian Duck Tolling Retriever put on a demonstration during the Canada Day festivities held at Pas Ka Poo Park on Canada Day. A good crowd showed up for the festivities and the weather co-operated so everyone in attendance could celebrate Canada Day under blue skies. Morriah Rudnik Photo


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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

The Community Calendar Proudly Presented by Rimbey Dental Care and the Rimbey Review BINGOS: each of • Rimbey Legion, 2nd Friday BINGO month, @ 7 p.m. GS: Bingo Plaza. MEETIN Bingo at Ponoka 1 & 3 Thursday, 6:00 p.m. Rimbey Lions 4 Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. Rimbey Curling Club Bingo Ponoka Bingo 7 p.m. at the New - Plaza in Recovery Anonymousat Mondays  Food Addicts •Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. West Pine Lodge Bingo in Winfield. 4570 for more info. 403-843Call building. Church ip Fellowsh Life 1 and 3 Mondays 7:30 at Hoadley Hall Bingo doors open at 6:30 (non smoking) 2 Saturday, 6:00p.m. Historical Society Bingo,meetings Ponoka Bingo 2nd Monday of thePlaza Regular #264 Bentley ofRimbey Purple • Royal 3 Saturday, Rimbey Drop-In Bingo Ponoka Bingo PlazaHall (old Oxford School). Legion at 7 p.m. in theat Bentley month each 3 Sunday, Rimbey Legion at Ponoka Bingo Plaza New members welcome. Call Brenda 403-748-2020 for info. st


Submit photos to be considered to: admin@rimbeyreview.com





nd rd




2nd Tuesday every month

y meeting Auxiliar Ladiesmeets • Rimbey TOPS ( Take Hospital off Pounds Sensibly) Wed evenings, Rimbey United Church Rm. ce Conferen 1p.m. Hospital basement. You are invited to an open house. Oct 17 @ 7pm Nancy 843-0067 Bentley Minor Hockey Annual General Meeting- Oct 17 at 7pm at Drop-In Centre. 1st Wednesday of each month - 7 p.m. at and Game • Rimbey Call 748-4838Fish or 748-2078 for info. Hotel Canalta Bentley Curling Clubmeeting Annual Fallroom. General Meeting- Oct 17 at 7:30pm at The Curling Club Lounge. New and Returning curlers invited. - 8:30 pm at the Rimbey Anglican ays Wednesd ous cs Anonym • Alcoholi Blindman Valley 4_H Beef3662 info. Oragnizational Meeting- Oct 17 at 7:30 pm Church. 403-843- Club Parent at Bentley Ag Centre. Call 748-2374 or 748-4739. New members welcome. Hoadley Hall. Rimbey School Parent Council MeetingRES roomays Oct@ 167atp.m. 7:00pm , Wednesd meetings weekly on T.O.P.S. • BlufftElementary 2nd403 Tuesday each month 1 pm Rimbey Health Centre Rimbey Auxilary Hospital info. more for 6731 - 843 1st Thursday each month, 7:30 p.m. Regular Members Meeting, Rimbey Legion Ag Society 3rd Wednesday each month - 7 p.m. at the Agriplex. Rimbey • #36. 2nd Thursday each month- Rimbey Ag Society 7:00pm at themeet agriplex 3rd Wednesday each Group • Rimbey and District Horticultural 3rd Tuesday each month- Caregiver Support Group 10am at Rimbey Health In. Drop at 10am at month Centre.

r of Commerce, 3rd Wednesday. ACTIVITIES • Bluffton & District Chambe 7 p.m. on Hall BlufftLibrary Bentley Society Dinner Theatre- Event to take place Oct 20, tickets now on sale. Call Arlene 748-4429 Legion meeting 1st Thursday of each month, Cdn. • Rimbey Bentley CarpetRoyal BowlingWednesday mornings. Bentley Hall. 9:30 am. New Players St. 5019 Legion, Rimbey p.m. 7:30Call invited. Harry or Georgina 748-3404 for 50th more info. “ Food For Fines Weekâ€? at the Bentley Municipal Library Oct 22-27. Donate dry Counseling, call 1-403-347-8844 & say you would like to be seen • Family foods in lieu of library fines. Will be given to Bentley Blessing Pantry. Rimbey. in Pine West Lodge In Winfield- Chicken Supper Oct 19 @ 5:00pm. For more info call Wendy 780-682-3960 Cemetar y AGM, July 21 @ 7 p.m. Iola Hall. • Iola@Fairview Winfield Playground FundraiserSupper & Silent Auction, Oct 19 @ 4:30,Winfield 403 – 843 - 6552 Rec Centre. Skating,Crafts, Clown and more. Call 682-3788 ACTIVITIES:for more info Family Halloween Dance and Silent Auction on Oct 27 from 5-9 pm at the Bentley Tuesday Centre, Drop Rimbey Dances @ Community Hosted by’ Bentley Nursery school. Call TinaIn 748-4407 for every info. Jammers • RegularHall. Rimbey Community @ 7pm.Chorus- Starts practice for Christmas, Wednesday Oct 10 nights 8:45pm at United Church. New singers welcome. Annette 843-3115 ity Information & Referral Services, Rimbey • Commun Rimbey United Church is planning a Memorial Hymn sing Nov 4 at 2:00pm. Drop In Centre, computer room. July 12 from 10a.m. – noon.


Hearty Canadians celebrating Canada Day in the rain on July 1. Submitted by Donna Render

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Tuesday July 12

17ËšC High Condition Chance of Rain 40% P.O.P.

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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

RIMBEY REVIEW 3 Donation: Rimbey Junior Senior High School’s metals shop teacher Gary Hiebert, Leon Heck from Conoco Phillips and RJSHS principal Tim Lekas stand with a $3,000 cheque which has been donated by Conoco Phillips to the school to go towards equipment and material for the metals shop. Treena Mielke Photo

Thank You! A sincere thanks to friends, neighbours, & family, who joined us Saturday to celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary. Special thank you to Ann Houghton, Gordon Zeh, Les Stearns for playing music. To the Drop In ladies, for providing the lunch, also to Maxine and Sue, and families for supper. We feel so blessed!

Viola & Frank Schneider

DID YOU KNOW? You can have your photo featured in page 2’s Photo of the Week in the Rimbey Review! Simply, email your photo and name for consideration to: admin@rimbeyreview.com

Renovations to metals shop in Rimbey high school top priority for Wolf Creek BY TREENA MIELKE Renovations to the metals shop at the Rimbey high school is a top priority for Wolf Creek public Schools, but the financial decision to put dollars into needed changes rests in the hands of the provincial government. Wolf Creek School board chairman, Trudy Bratland said she is not holding her breath regarding financial help from the government. “It is a top priority for us and we had to confirm our capital plan with the government. It is definitely on our radar.” Bratland said upgrades to the school’s shop has been a priority for Wolf Creek as long as she has been on the board. “It is definitely an item on our wish list, and it has been there forever.” She said the shop is small and outdated.

“It has not been attended to. There has not been a lot of upgrading done to it.” Bratland believes trades are a “very important” component of the educational system. However, capital funding has been slated for Iron Ridge Intermediate Campus, a new school, scheduled to open in Blackfalds this September. She said the school in that community was “bursting at the seams,” and the need for a new school was evident. Rimbey metals shop teacher, Gary Hiebert said the shop students at Rimbey high school continue to search for ways to bring in dollars to buy needed equipment for the shop. Hiebert was pleased that Conoco Phillips stepped up to the plate with a $3,000 donation, which will go towards

equipment and coveralls for the metals shop. “It makes our year doable,” he said. Students also sell black sandbags at Shell, Fas Gas, Co-op and Home Hardware. “They sell them at cost and make a small profit,” he said. Hiebert said the metal shop is too small to accommodate all the students that use it and upgrades and an expansion are desperately needed. “There is a growing demand in the metal shop,” he said, noting students come from Bentley and Bluffton as well as Rimbey. He is optimistic the metals shop students will be able to use up-to-date equipment in a well designed spacious shop in the future. “I believe in this school and I believe in this shop,” he said.

RIMBEY MINOR HOCKEY REGISTRATION is now open for the 2016/2017 season Registration deadline for the 2016/2017 hockey season is midnight on July 31st, 2016. Late registrations subject to $150 late fee. Register at www.rimbeyminorhockey.com - Initiation ...$100 - Tiny Mites ... $200 - Novice.......$425 - Atom .......... $475 - Pee Wee ....$545 - Bantam ....... $605 - Midget.......$625 If you have any questions, please contact the registrar at Rmharegistrar231@gmail.com

CALLING ALL COACHES! Coaching applications are currently being accepted. Please visit our website for application forms. Applicants must submit a voluntary criminal record check. Please contact Chad Beagle with questions at beagles@albertahighspeed.net

REFEREES-WE NEED YOU! We are looking for referees for the upcoming season and we will be offering recertification training in September. RMH is also pleased to announce that we are introducing referee mentoring and scheduling technology. For more information, see the website or contact Kirstan Jewell at kirstanjewell@gmail.com.


Connie Johnson Inside Sales


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Canadians given many freedoms and choices

Treena Mielke Editor


Michele Rosenthal Publisher


Treena Mielke Letters to the Editor Policy The Rimbey Review welcomes letters to the Editor, especially those dealing with topical or local issues. Letters should be a maximum of 500 words in length and must have the writer’s signature over printed name, along with the writer’s address and telephone number. The address and telephone number will not be printed. This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for length and legal considerations. Deadline is noon the Thursday prior to publication. Send your letter to: The Editor, Rimbey Review, Box 244, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 or email: reporter@rimbeyreview.com

Copyright Notice All printed material, including photographs and articles, is the sole property of The Rimbey Review. No reproduction of this material is permitted without permission of the publisher.

Subscriptions: IN CANADA $65 + 5% GST - $68.25 TO USA $3 per week + 5% GST - $163.80

Contact Us: P.O. Box 244 5001 - 50 Avenue (Main Street) Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0

On The Other Side I love my job. Mostly! However, I am of the old school. And seriously, we’re talking ‘OLD SCHOOL’ here. I started out as a reporter using a typewriter to pound out my stories and I spent hours in the darkroom developing film. Each time I was in there, I hoped and prayed my pictures would turn out well enough to pass

Display deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Classified deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Proofing Deadline Friday at 10 a.m.

Stu Salkeld Pipestone Flyer

Red Deer, Alberta Published every Tuesday by PNG Prairie Newspaper Group in community with: President: Mary Kemmis

through other meaningless messages which really have nothing to do with my job and should have the caption, ‘one more way to waste one’s time.’ The other day in a mindless time wasting marathon, I came across a post that I found rather humorous. However, I had a notion in the back of my head where such notions reside, that some others might not see the humour in this particular post. I decided to share it with my husband only in a private message. Unfortunately, because my brain waves did not wave at the appropriate time, I shared the thing with all my friends who live in the same Facebook world as me. Once again I had a sneaking notion this was not a good thing. I was right. It didn’t take long before replies came filtering back.

One such reply was from a teenage niece whom I love dearly, but whom saw fit to take me to task over the post. She said she was sorry for expressing herself on my wall, but freedom of speech was really one of the few freedoms Canadians had left. Her response made me ponder such things as rights and freedoms. As I said before I come from the old school of learning and I’m probably missing something. But I do feel we as Canadians are extremely fortunate and, at the risk of sounding a bit like a Pollyanna, I think we enjoy many rights we probably, in our ignorance, take for granted. Mind you, I’m not talking about traffic circles here. Traffic circles have their own code of ethics as far as rights go. Speaking of

Facebook, I recently read a post from the City of Red Deer on how to enter a traffic circle. I’m still confused. Where there is a huge line of traffic on Hwy. 20 and I’m on Lakeshore Drive, waiting to get in, I’m still not sure when I have the right to do so. And who am I to argue with a honkin’ big truck! Anyway, today is one of those beautiful days that you wish you could get your genie (if you had one) to bring out of his lamp in February when the world is encased in snow and ice and more is in the forecast. And I’m grateful for this beautiful day etched in God’s own colouring book, all warm and mellow and filled with promise. And I’m also grateful I have the freedom to write this column. And I’m grateful my readers have the freedom to read it. Or not!

Facebook memes get it wrong (again)

Phone: 843-4909 Fax: 843-4907


the garbage can test. After I passed that test, I was given the okay by my very mean editor (I had many) (They were all mean, actually, especially on deadline day) to paste said picture onto a broadsheet page using a light table. How things have changed. Now we have computers and programs and we talk to each other through messenger. Now my trusty Pentax 1,000 sits dusty and unused on a shelf in my bedroom. Part of my job as an editor of a small rural paper is to post something daily on Facebook. What that something is could be a picture, a news flash or a bit of trivia that may or may not inspire someone to ‘like’ the post. The more ‘likes’ you get, the better. The trouble with using Facebook as part of my daily ‘work’ routine is that I find myself mindlessly scrolling

I try to pay as little attention to social media as I can, other than what my employers require (they’ve given me a company smart phone and I have to take care of the Pipestone Flyer Facebook page…I try to keep it at that). It just so happens this week Facebook presented something of concern to me. If you know what a “meme” is, you may have seen a little Facebook cartoon that posts “There are good Christians and Bad Christians,” with a drawing

of Martin Luther King Jr. as a “Good Christian,” and Adolf Hitler as a “Bad Christian.” Once again, Facebook gets it wrong. Adolf Hitler wasn’t a Christian. In fact, the Nazi dictator in his memoir “Mien Kampf” clearly stated he despised Christianity for its “feminine pity ethics” and that Germany would succeed by embracing an “only-the-strong-survive” brand of pagan ancestor worship mixed with 19th century occultism topped off with 1920’s eugenics. This is the same philosophy and religion the Nazi leadership followed. At the end of the 19th century Europe was fascinated by spiritualism and occultism; that is, ghosts and demons. Amidst this milieu came Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a spiritualist who wrote several new age books including one that described the history of many “root races” that populated earth before mankind with not a shred of proof to back it up. One of these root races, the Aryans, were, according to

Blavatsky, psychic god-men who fell from grace after interbreeding with subhumans (this comic book story becomes important later). Concurrently, Austrian mystic Guido von List espoused an intense pro-German, anti-Semitic nationalism that included worship of the pagan god Odin and making war on all other nations of the world. His justification? Germans were actually the Aryans, masters of the occult and the rightful rulers of the world. Following along a few years later was author Houston Stewart Chamberlain, a ferocious anti-Semite who wrote a book called “The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century.” This book claimed perfect civilizations, like Atlantis, were destroyed by jealous subhumans called Jews. In fact, Chamberlain’s book blames virtually every problem Europe faced at the time on Jews. Also admired at this time was a renegade Cistercian monk named Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels who published

a magazine called “Ostara, newsletter of the blonde and masculists,” dedicated to “blue-blond Aryanism” and attacking “lower races.” Finally, the 1920’s saw a horribly cold-blooded theory sweep the world, the “science” of eugenics. Encouraged by psychopaths like Englishman Francis Galton, eugenics proposed to create a better “class” of human being by selective breeding; of course, the lower classes (the poor, the insane, the infirm, the sickly, the addict) must be exterminated, or at the very least sterilized. If you think we in North America can look down at our European friends for embracing eugenics, consider this: In 1928 the Alberta legislature passed the Sexual Sterilization Act, “to protect the gene pool,” which gave the government the ability to neuter human beings. Almost 4,800 people were sterilized under this law and it was still on the books in Alberta until 1972. These factors created the bizarre religion Hitler and all

other Nazis followed while Germany’s defeat in World War I cemented the deal: according to Hitler, democrats, communists and Jews stabbed Germany in the back to ensure the Aryans never reclaimed their birthright. Following in the years to come would be World War II and the Holocaust all instigated by the imagination of mystics, ravings of bigots and the doctrines of the occult. I know what you’re thinking. That’s crazy…how could they buy into this? It could never happen again, could it? It did. A Japanese cult called Aum Shinrikyo surfaced in the 1990s with a Nazi-like philosophy. Sadly, this is the power and influence that cults, celebrities, fraud organizations, bigots, fad-obsessed politicians, occultists and fiction writers can have on our society. And, of course, cartoon artists who drop memes on Facebook. Stu Salkeld is the editor of The Pipestone Flyer and writes a regular column for the paper.

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016


Giebelhaus questions interim funding Dear Editor, This letter is in regards to the article in the June 28th edition of the Rimbey Review under the heading of ‘Rimoka picks up cost of shallow services in the interim.’ If by chance you read on, you will see that Rimoka housing has agreed to pick up the cost at the present time with the developer Stan Cummings to come up with the required funds at a later date. A very interesting question. If he doesn’t have the funds at the present time, where will they come from later on? Furthermore what sort of guarantee does Rimoka and our town council have the the money will ever be forthcoming? I would like to have someone show me where in the municipal government act it states that a local council, whether town or country, have the authority to enter the public purse and take hard earned taxpayers’ money to help a developer pay for services that he is fully responsible for. I would like to quote from my letter which appeared on page 17 of the Feb. 2, 2016 edition of the Rimbey Review. In that letter I mentioned being involved in development for approximately 22 years in the Town of Rimbey gave me a fair idea of rules and regulations required. Have these rules changed? If so, when and by whom? As I see it at the present time this project should never have been started until all the rules pertaining to development had been followed with all the ‘i’s’ dotted and all the ‘t’s’ crossed. had this all been done and the same rules applied as all the other developers had to adhere to, none of the present problems would have ever occurred. When are the taxpayers of town and country gong to wake up and take notice as to how their hard earned tax money is being squandered? Reuben E. Giebelhaus Rimbey

Rimbey Aquatic Centre running smoothly BY TREENA MIELKE Things are going along swimmingly well at the Rimbey Aquatic Centre with no mechanical glitches to throw a monkey wrench into the smooth operation of the pool. Cindy Bowie, director of community services said she is pleased. “The pool has been open whenever the weather permits and everything has been running really well.” Bowie said the hot tubs, water slide and pools are all operating well and attendance has been good with all lessons fairly full. Unfortunately the splash park will be closed for the season due to continual breakdowns. “There are so many issues with it. It is poorly designed for this area and the ground area was not contracted properly,” Bowie said. “It was designed for some place like Florida, not here where we have cold temperatures which causes the ground to freeze.” Bowie said she plans to approach council in the near future to determine which direction they wish to take regarding the spray park. This year, council opted to budget dollars for the arena roof and Bowie believes that to be a good financial choice. She said the roof was leaking badly, but is now completely restored. “The roof is done. We have had lots of rain and it is not leaking.” Cooper Roofing was hired to replace the roof at a cost of $264,595 plus GST. The cost included replacing all the roof drains and gum boxes as required, sealing all roof obstacles and the perimeter properly and using TP 250 gravel cap sheeting. Cooper Roofing offers a 12-year manufacturer’s warranty and a 15-year workmanship warranty.



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Red Deer Lacombe MP Blaine Calkins pins a Canada flag pin on Gage Bowen’s hat at the Canada festivities at Pas Ka Poo Park. Dee Bowen Photo

Autumn Fitzgerald, and Draevyn O’Reilly attended the Canada Day celebrations at Pas Ka Poo Park on July 1. Morriah Rudnik Photo


Answers to Canada Day quiz


BY STU SALKELD ANSWERS 1) According to Wikipedia, the first paper money issued in Canada denominated in dollars were British Army notes, issued between 1813 and 1815 in denominations between $1 and $400 issued for the War of 1812. The first banknotes were issued in 1817 by the

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Montreal Bank. 2) George Coles became the first premier of P.E.I. in 1851, and was also a father of confederation. 3) The Halifax explosion, which occurred Dec. 6, 1917. After two ships collided in the harbor and exploded, about 2,000 people were killed. 4) The country’s largest gold mine is Osisko Mining Corp.’s Canadian Malartic in Quebec. 5) Treaty 6 was signed on August 23, 1876 at Fort Carlton in Saskatchewan. According to Wikipedia, Treaty 6 is an agreement

between the Canadian monarch and the Plain and Wood Cree, Assiniboine, and other band governments of First Nations at Fort Carlton, Fort Pitt and Battle River. 6) Nunavut, which was separated from the Northwest Territories on Apr. 1, 1999, resulted from land claim negotiations between the Government of Canada and the Inuit people. 7) Twain, born in Windsor, Ont., has won 187 awards in her music career.

continued on page 13





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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016


Pro Am golf tourney coming soon BY TREENA MIELKE

Gold medal winners: Rimbey PeeWee baseball team beat Lacombe for the gold medal game. Rimbey had a great season with nine wins and only three losses on their route to the gold medal. From the left are Amy Groves, manager, Mike Black assistant coach, Hayden Black, Eli McKeen, Avery Black, Hawkin Narkaus, Brayden Marshall, Lane Weiss, McCoy Groves, Isaac Stout, Garrett Groves and Mark Groves, coach. In the front are Logan Hofstra and Tristen Narkaus. Missing are assistant coach Landon Hatch and players Callum Scullion and Kord Olson. Photo submitted

Interest is high for this year’s annual Junior Golf Foundation of Gull Lake Pro-Am tournament to be held at the Gull Lake Golf Course July 15 and 16. This year, which marks the 11th anniversary of the popular event, registration for the adult/child event and the pro-am tourney is full. “The response has been unbelievably good,” said Eamon McCann, who owns the golf course with his wife, Carla. He said 80 golfers are registered for the adult/child tourney and 50 for the pro am event. The couple are as excited about the upcoming event as they were the first year they held it at their course and are pleased to note interest has been great. “All proceeds go the Junior Golf Foundation,” said Eamon McCann. “It is great. It is wonderful to have this tournament and have the pros come back year after year.” The silent auction for the event opens on Tues., July 12 and a live auction with announcers from Sunny 94 begins at 6 p.m. Friday, July 15. A jersey signed by Connor McDavid, who plays centre for the Edmonton Oilers, will be one of the items to be auctioned in the live auction. As well as a set of taylor made irons, tickets and accomodations for the LPGA event held at Priddis Greens in Calgary Aug 22-28, 2016, tickets and accomodations to the Shaw Champions Tour Event in Calgary Sept 2-4, 2016, Heritage Bowling Party and Steak Dinner for 10 people. Many more items are coming in and donations are still being accepted for the auctions. “Everyone is welcome to come out for the auction,” said McCann.

continued on page 8

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Starting July 5th, 2016 the Rimbey Review will be changing delivery from Postal delivery, to pick up locations, going forward. The Rimbey Review will be available at these drop box or pick up locations:



Monkey Top Saloon (Box), IDA, AG Foods, Shell, Bentley Agencies (Box)

K & L Dream Café Ltd., Bluffton General Store, Bluffton Rock (Box), HWY 20 & Medicine Lake Road (Box), Main Steet Hoadley (Box)

RIMBEY: Buist Motors, Shell, Fas Gas, Esso, Pharmasave, Value Drug Mart, Parkland Manor, Gord’s, GTI, Rimbey Hospital, Best Western, Legacy Ford, Rimbey Coop, Canalta Hotel, A&W, UFA, Rimbey Review (Box), Napa (Box), Rimbey Liquor Mart (Box)

WINFIELD: Westpine Lodge, Smith Hardware, Winfield Foods

PONOKA: Crestomere Store

GULL LAKE: Birch Bay (Box), Sunnyside (Box)

Serving the communities of Rimbey, Bentley, Bluffton and Hoadley.


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016


Golf pros heading for Gull Lake

Directory Diirec Directory D irect i ec ctory ct y

continued from page 7

Grace Lutheran Church Bentley - ELCIC Worship 11:15 a.m. 4th Sunday of the month 5 p.m. More Info, Mark Ree 403-748-2147 5 miles west, 1.5 miles south, 1 mile west of Bentley

“Sharing New Life in Christ”

Rimbey New Life Fellowship Sunday 10:30 a.m. Children’s Church 11:30 a.m. Midweek Service - Wednesday 7 p.m. Ladies Meeting Friday 2 p.m. Pastor Reg Darnell 403-843-3336 (Office) 403-782-2694 (Home) 5038 - 49 Ave. • www.rimbeynewlife.com

Mud bogs: A large crowd gathered to watch the mud bogs at Central Alberta Raceway on Canada Day. Photo by Dee Bowen

Church of the Nazarene, Rimbey Sunday Worship & Sunday School 10:30 a.m. (on Radio 93.3 FM) 5214-51 Street, Phone: 403-843-2029 Pastor Grant Rainey

Be environmentally friendly



5211 52 St., Rimbey Service & Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. 4th Sunday Family Service: 11:00 a.m. Stuart Adams: 403-843-6164 or Arlene Edwards: 403-843-6077 www.churchofepiphany.ca

Th e Rimbey Seventh-Day Adventist Church Saturdays

Evangelical Missionary Church 1/2 mile East of Hoadley on Highway #611

Sabbath School at 9:45 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.

Worship Service 10:30 a.m.

Pastor David Beaudoin 403-783-2499

Pastor: Rev. Barry Klassen 403-843-6461

Zion Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Canada Divine Service at 10:30 4521 - 54th Ave. Rimbey Pastor Mark Schultz Office - 403-843-2767 Home - 403-843-4420

Rimbey Christian Reformed Church 5506-51 Ave Service at 10:00 a.m.

Nursery Provided

403-843-2585 Pastor: Bill Nieuwenhuis

Rimbey Alliance Church 4620 - 54th Avenue, Rimbey 403-843-3727 10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Children’s Church

RomanMass Catholic Church Times:

Saturday Evening: Sunday Morning: Sylvan Lake - 5:00 p.m. Rimbey - 9:00 a.m. Sylvan Lake -11:00 a.m. Last Sunday of every month:

Sylvan Lake 9:00 a.m.

Rimbey 11:00 a.m.

Parish Priest: Father Les Drewicki Administration Offi ce: 403-843-2126;

The adult/child nine-hole scramble with a pro golfer begins at 11 a.m. on July 15. A pro skins game will be held at 2 p.m. Supper will be served at 5 p.m. followed by the live auction with Sunny 94 personality, Darcy Stengel. A horse race will be held at 7:15. Pros will be auctioned off prior to this event and no team will be eliminated until after the fourth hole. On Saturday, July 16, breakfast with the pros will be held at 8:30 a.m. At 10 a.m. an 18-hole Texas scramble will be held with two different pros at each hole. The wind-up dinner will be held at 4 p.m. followed by the completion of the horse race. As in the past, the tourney will feature an impressive line-up of professional golfers. Sandra Palmer, Sam Randolf, Adrienne White, Laura Witvoet, Brandon Regnier, Dirk Ayers, Paul Devenport and Shelby Chrest. Brandon Regnier, former junior program participant at the Gull Lake Golf Course has attended the Pro-Am tourney several times. The Gull Lake Foundation was formed to provide educational endowments to past participants of the Gull Lake Junior League. The Junior Golf Foundation of Gull Lake is planning to raise around $15,000 this year from fundraising events. It will cost the organization approximately $5,000 for solicitation. Money raised will go to the Gull Lake Junior Golf Foundation Endowment Fund. Through overwhelming sponsorship from communities throughout Alberta and past program events, scholarships have been provided to many junior members. The focus of junior league has always been to learn the etiquette of golf and good sportsmanship and to encourage the juniors to enjoy the game of golf for the rest of their life. The foundation was spearheaded by Harold Lissel. For more information about the junior golf foundation visit www.juniorgolffoundationofgulllake.ca-

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016


Former Rimbey graduate receives Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree BY TREENA MIELKE A 2003 Rimbey high school graduate has continued to pursue her academic dreams and has recently graduated Magna cum laude as a doctor of veterinary medicine. Sylke Lohmann graduated with honours from St. George’s University located in the Caribbean Island of Grenada. She has now been accepted to the prestigious West Los Angeles Animal Hospital as an intern. Lohmann’s mother, Ina is very proud of her daughter. “She is the only doctor in the family,” she said. She was especially pleased to have Sylke home on the family farm near Hoadley for

Sylke Lohmann has recently graduated Magna cum laude as a doctor of veterinary medicine, graduating with honours from St. George’s University located in the Caribbean Island of Grenada. Photo submitted


a few months until she began her internship. During her time at home, Sylke worked at the Clearwater Animal Hospital in Rocky Mountain House, a job she enjoyed very much. “She always wanted to do something with animals,” said Lohmann. After graduating from high school, Sylke went to college in Fairview where she graduated with honours as an animal technician. However, she decided she wished to pursue her education further and took three years at the University of Calgary where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in natural sciences.

As a student at St. George’s University she had an article published in an edition of the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science related to research on canine heartworm awareness. Launching the research project and with funding from St. George’s University, Lohmann collaborated with the Grenadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to develop an educational brochure that outlined the lifecycle of heartworms, symptoms, prevention, treatment and its pervasiveness in Grenada. Sylke is the daughter of Ina and Lutz Lohmann. Before attending Rimbey high school, she went to school in Bluffton.


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Rimbey Foods new owners enjoying running business in small town BY TREENA MIELKE

Michael and Serena Kim and their sons Eddie (left) and Ken (right) are busy at Rimbey Foods which Michael and Serena recently purchased. As well as two sons, the couple has a daughter, nine-year-old Sophia. Treena Mielke Photo

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Call Jeff.

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Recently renovated home with double garage close to schools and pool back alley access large deck full basement 3 beds main floor Quick Possession and more.

$224,500. Call Jeff.


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Rimbey Foods has new owners and will soon have a new look. Michael and Serena Kim purchased the store in May, coming from Calgary with their three children Ken, 19, Eddie, 16 and nine-year-old Serena. The family is happy to be in Rimbey and is looking forward to becoming part of the community. “Rimbey is not too small, not too big. It is the perfect size,” says Michael Kim. “I love the mountains being so close,” he added. Kim is a dental technician by trade, but wanted to own his own business. He is looking forward to upgrading and renovating the store and has plans to put in new flooring and re-organize the grocery items. The meat department at Rimbey Foods will remain in the competent hands of Jim Koenig. His wife, Serena plans to make fresh Sushi every day using a variety of ingredients including seaweed, rice, cucumber and crabmeat. The Kims have already installed new machines at the checkouts so items can be scanned. Originally from South Korea, the family moved to Calgary eight years ago. Michael Kim also spent some time managing a gas station. The couple’s oldest son Ken is in his second year in the University of Calgary where he is studying engineering. Eddie will go into Grade 11 at Rimbey High School in the fall and Sophia will enter Grade 5 at Rimbey Elementary School.

Plans for present lodge remain uncertain BY TREENA MIELKE With construction underway for the new seniors’ lodge in Rimbey, plans for the Parkland Manor still remain uncertain. Residents at Parkland Manor will move to the new lodge when it is completed and the provincial government want to have some plan in place for the existing lodge when it is vacated. Chairman of the Rimoka Housing Board Paul McLauchlin said a proposal has been sent to the library suggesting housing the library, West Country Outreach School and 14 to 18 self contained suites. “We sent a letter to the province and they said they would get back to us in the fall,” said McLauchlin. The crisis caused by the fires in Fort McMurray took precedence with the government, slowing the process down, somewhat, he said. The proposal has met the approval of Rimbey librarian Jean Keetch. “I think the ideal spot for libraries is downtown, but other municipalities have libraries that are not in the downtown core and they function well,” she said in an earlier interview. Reuben Giebelhaus said he is not opposed to the library being moved to Parkland Manor. “It doesn’t matter to me,” he said. “I never go in there. I wouldn’t have any objection to it.” He said a member of his family had checked out Parkland Manor as a possible home for his mother and was quite impressed with his findings. “He thought it was just beautiful,” he said. “Looking at the building, it seems to be in pretty good shape.” Mayor Rick Pankiw who sits on the Rimoka Housing board said a rumour that there is mold in the building is unfounded. “That has not been brought to our attention at all,” he said.

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016


Makofka and Simpson enjoy graduating success BY TREENA MIELKE Peggy Makofka and Christine Simpson were among deserving graduates at Red Deer College recently. Makofka, the executive director of Rimbey FCSS and Christine Simpson, office manager and accreditation quality improvement co-ordinator completed a lodge managers program at the college. “It was a good opportu-

nity for us and really beneficial to understand how the lodge operates,” said Makofka. The program began in September and consisted of eight modules, each of which was of a six week duration. Makofka said the program, which was completed on-line, was challenging and informative. Through the use of a Blackboard participants were able to view their

instruction and work interactively with a group. Classes were approximately one hour one night a week and included one to three hours of homework. Working in FCSS gave Makofka and Simpson the advantage of having resources and information readily available. Red Deer College and the Alberta Senior Citizens Housing Association designed the program.

Peggy Makofka, the executive director of Rimbey FCSS and Christine Simpson, office manager and accreditation quality improvement co-ordinator completed a lodge managers program at Morriah Rudnik Photo Red Deer College.

SATURDAY, JULY 16, 2016 The German-Canadian Club of Red Deer is turning

50 Donation: Ken Whitelock from the Rimbey Ag Society accepts a donation of a AED from John Weisgerber and Bonnie Grundy of Ponoka County West Fire Dept formerly known as Rimbey FIre & Rescue. The Ag center graciously hosted the fire department’s fun night in their new building and they saw a need for them to be equipped with an AED. The Fire department’s Family Fun Movie night was a huge success with great participation from families and many sponsors. Photo submitted

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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

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Dealer order or trade may be required. * Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered from July 1 to August 2, 2016. 0% APR offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank: 84 months on new or demonstrator 2016 Terrain SLE-1 AWD, Acadia SLE-1 AWD, Sierra 1500 1SA; 60 months on new or demonstrator 2016 Yukon (all trims), Savana (all trims), Canyon (all trims excluding 2SA), Sierra HD Gas 1SA; 36 months for new and demonstrator 2016 Sierra HD Diesel 1SA. Other trims may have effective rates higher than 0%. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/ trade. Example: $30,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $357.14 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $30,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. † $2,750/$1,250/$2,000 is a combined credit consisting of $750/750/$1,000 GM Card Application Bonus (tax inclusive) and a $2,000/$500/$1,000 manufacturer-to-consumer credit (tax inclusive) valid toward the retail finance of an eligible new 2016 GMC Terrain SLE-1 AWD/Canyon (excludes 2SA)/Sierra 1500 delivered in Canada from July 1 to August 2, 2016. ** GM Card Application Bonus is a manufacturer-to-consumer incentive towards the retail purchase, finance or lease of an eligible 2016 vehicle and applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa card or current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders and credit value depends on model purchased: $1,000 towards Sierra LD/HD; $750 towards Acadia, Terrain, Canyon (excludes 2SA), Savana, Yukon, Yukon XL. Offers may not be redeemed for cash and may not combined with certain other consumer incentives. ~ Visit onstar.ca for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services vary by model, conditions and geographical and technical restrictions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Available Wi-Fi® hotspot requires a data plan. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms, Privacy Statement and Software Terms. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Not all vehicles may transmit all crash data. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required. ‡ Vehicle user interfaces are products of Apple® and Google® and their terms and privacy statements apply. Requires compatible smartphone. Data plan rates apply. ¥ The 6.2L V8 is the most powerful engine in its class at 420 hp and 460 lb.-ft. of torque. Comparison based on wardsauto.com 2015 Large Light-Duty Pickup segment and latest competitive information available at time of posting. Excludes other GM vehicles. †† When properly equipped. Before you buy a vehicle or use it for trailering, carefully review the Trailering section of the Owner’s Manual. The weight of passengers, cargo and options or accessories may reduce the amount you can tow. ¥¥ Comparison based on WardsAuto.com 2015 Small/Large Pickup segments and latest competitive information available at time of posting. Fuel consumption estimates based on GM preliminary testing in accordance with Government of Canada approved test methods. Refer to vehicles. nrcan.gc.ca for details. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Excludes other GM vehicles.+ With optional front crash prevention. ^^ The 2-Year Scheduled LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2016 GMC vehicle with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the Oil Life Monitoring System and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 48,000km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four lube-oil-filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016


Answers to quiz on Canada continued from page 6 8) Dr. James Naismith of Almonte, Ont., is the Canadian credited with inventing the game of basketball in 1891. The Pipestone Flyer reporter Amelia Naismith is related to the doctor. 9) “Mass Effect” was created by the Edmonton software firm BioWare. 10) The North West Mounted Police, which became the RCMP. 11) The coin’s materials are: outer ring 99 per cent nickel, inner core 92 per cent copper, 6 per cent aluminum, 2 per cent nickel. 12) New Brunswick is the only province, which officially recognizes both English and French as equal. 13) The battle itself last only about 15 minutes. It led to French abandonment of Quebec. 14) Lacrosse, which has its origins in First Nations athletics. 15) John Foster McCreight , described by a peer as “bad tempered and queer,” became premier in 1871. 16) As of June, 2016, oil accounts for US $77.8 billion (19 per cent of total exports). 17) William Lyon Mackenzie King 18) According to 2013 numbers, the Maritimes/ Quebec fisheries industry is worth about $2 billion, while the west coast fishery is worth about $256 million. 19) The beer-drinking hosts of SCTV’s “Great White North” TV show. 20) Lake Superior has a surface area of 82,103 square kilometers. 21) According to

Wikipedia, “Bannock is a variety of flat quick bread or any large, round article baked or cooked from grain.” 22) The Pacific Scandal, a bribery scandal related to the railway industry. 23) Alexander Cameron Rutherford became Alberta’s first premier in 1905. 24) The name Saskatchewan is derived from Cree “kisiskâciwanisîpiy,” meaning “swift-flowing river.” 25) Newfoundland and Labrador became the tenth Canadian province on March 31, 1949. 26) According to Wikipedia, “Ten Years in Manitoba,” released in 1898 and directed by James Freer, was the first film made in Canada. 27) Queen Victoria ruled the British Empire at the time Canada became a nation. 28) Nova Scotia 29) Windsor, Ont. and Detroit, Mich. is the busiest border crossing in North America and sees about $500 million US in trade every day. 30) Canada declared war on Sept. 10, 1939, a week after Great Britain and France did. 31) In response to the FLQ crisis. 32) The Dominion Police, which was in essence a federal security force. 33) Alexander Mackenzie became Prime Minister on November 7, 1873. 34) William Shatner was born March 22, 1931 at Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Montreal. 35) He wrote stories about a basketball league that didn’t exist. 36) Ernest Rutherford

earned the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1908. 37) The North West Company. 38) The Village of Caroline. 39) The Battle of Vimy Ridge. 40) British Columbia lawyer Kim Campbell was Prime Minister of Canada from June 25, 1993, to November 4, 1993. 41) A region stretching across southern Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba that surveyor John Palliser explored between 1857–1859 and stated was not suitable for either agriculture or human habitation. 42) Vancouver Canucks, Edmonton Oilers, Calgary Flames, Winnipeg Jets, Ottawa Senators, Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens. 43) The Canadarm. 44) The Avro Arrow. 45) Albertosaurus was named after Alberta. 46) The tracks of a man, woman and child are radiocarbon dated to 13,200 years ago. 47) Viking explorers, the first Europeans to discover the New World. 48) Most of the $1 coins have an image of a loon on them. 49) Including the border with Alaska, the U.S.Canada border, called the International Boundary, is 8,891 km (5,525 miles) long. 50) Generally, the flag was called the British Red Ensign featuring Canada’s coat of arms.

Rocky RCMP catch culprits involved in central Alberta crime spree SUBMITTED Rocky Mountain House, Alberta - Mounties in Rocky Mountain House have completed an intensive investigation into the ATM theft in Caroline, Alberta which led to an arrest and multiple charges being laid in countless matters across Central Alberta. Police have arrested and charged 24 year old Jonathon Alfred ANDREWS, a resident of the Bentley area, for the ATM theft. ANDREWS is jointly charged with his partner in crime, 37 year old Shane Robert HICKS, a resident of Rimbey, Alberta following the lengthy investigation. Hicks and Andrews were arrested red handed while breaking into the Post Office in Mirror, Alberta. The Mirror Post Office had been broken into earlier that same week. Following their arrests, RCMP conducted a search warrant at the Hicks residence in Rimbey and seized stolen property and a stolen firearm. Many of the items seized were from the first break and enter at the Mirror Post Office. During the investigation, a second search warrant was conducted on a rural prop-

AURORA COMMUNITY CENTRE RENOVATION REVEAL & CAMPOUT JULY 15th, 16th & 17th The Aurora Community would like to invite everyone to help us celebrate the progress and changes that have been made to our community centre. We hope to see familiar faces as well as new! FRIDAY - Bring out your camper or tent, everyone is welcome, spend the evening visiting around the fire. SATURDAY - Old-time family fun activities starting at 1pm. Supper at 5pm, cheeseburgers and hotdogs will be supplied, please bring a potluck item. Horseshoe tournament at 7pm, $5 entry fee, fire and visiting to follow. Bring a guitar if you’d like. SUNDAY - Packing up and visiting. For more information, please call Tracey 403-729-2638 Danielle 403-391-3193

erty near Rimbey, Alberta, on Township Road 422 near Range Road 40. During the search, police recovered a stolen vehicle and a stolen enclosed trailer that had been used by HICKS and ANDREWS during their crime spree in Central Alberta. Andrews remains in custody and has been charged in relation to many different commercial break and enters, including: the Alberta Treasury Branch in Caroline, the Rimbey Credit Union, the Public Works building in Bashaw, Alberta, and two different break and enters at the Mirror Post Office. Hicks has also been charged with numerous break and enters, possession of stolen property, stolen vehicles and possession of a stolen firearm. The Royal Canadian

Mounted Police in Rocky Mountain House and other surrounding detachments have been diligently working hard to solve rural break and enters. If you have information about this or any other case, please contact the Rocky Mountain House RCMP at (403) 845-2882. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact Crime Stoppers by phone at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or by internet at www.tipsubmit. com. You do not have to reveal your identity to Crime Stoppers, and if you provide information to Crime Stoppers that leads to an arrest(s), you may be eligible for a cash reward. Police will continue to enhance patrols throughout the rural area around Rocky Mountain House as part of a crime reduction strategy.

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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Poker lessons learned early

An Ugly Picture

BY DON AHLQUIST As is the case with most young people, I was convinced I had good instincts, superb intellectual prowess and an enviable humility quotient. This introspective opinion was bolstered by the fact that I had, by the age of 15, avoided bankruptcy, incarceration and serious bodily injury. Insights gained from these facilities and this short list of my achievements contributed to the deep conviction that any devotion to academic pursuit would be a waste of time and effort. Back then, professional people were making less than $20,000 a year and I calculated that if I avoided the character wrecking vanity of any scholarly undertaking I could probably recover the lost revenue in less than 25 or so years. Our beloved Canadian author Stephen Leacock recalled the advice his father had given him: “Never work in a small town for low wages for a man you hate”. This advice however, was not available to me as I had sagaciously strategized myself out of exposure to it by applying the above described educational philosophy. Had Mr. Leacock’s father known about logging camps, he would have advised his son to not work in a small town and to avoid at all costs working in logging camps. Anvil Logging paid entry-level employees $2.10 per hour before room and board deductions. If you put in a long day, you could net about $20 in wages. The final component in this triad of misery was the tyrannical owner of the outfit, a man named Hans Schmidt. You probably have it figured out and I won’t prevaricate, I hired on. I did not hate Mr. Schmidt immediately, it took about eight hours to really satisfy the definition of the word “hate”. Po Recreation and entertainment were not high on the list of employee benefits. Smoking, drinking and playing cards (especially poker) were the recreational trifecta in a logging camp. I soundly reasoned that if one was destined to vice (which it seemed I was) there should be some prospect of gain. Poker was the logical choice as I was too young to drink and smoke. Gambling, I learned, has traditions and protocols. The younger you were in this fraternity, the greater the expectation was that you take at face value the instructions and opinions of senior players. Generally, the Truckers, Cat Skinners and Fallers were respected by virtue of age and experience. Although my losses were minimal, it became apparent that I needed some instruction on points of finesse and tactics. Charlie was a below average logger but an above-average poker player. His tuition fee was $157 per lesson. I took one lesson and have not lost any hard earned wages on a poker table ever since. Mea Culpa is a Latin phrase meaning “through my fault” or in current puerile parlance “my bad”. It was my fault that I lost my wages in the above narrative. I have also lost a great deal of time as most of us have, trusting and investing in persons of low character… Mea Culpa. Nevertheless…-et deinceps, sursum- onward and upward.

Jonah Kondro After my stepfather died, I was present, along other family members, when the arrangements at the funeral home were determined. This occurred in December, 2004. I remember my mother’s credit card finalized my step-father’s funeral proceedings. The credit card is the symbolic epitome of capitalism. And I can guarantee that the taxman had his finger in that transaction. The goods and services tax wasn’t there to help pick out an urn, deliver consoling phrases, or give my mum a bouquet of flowers. My step-father committed suicide; and I haven’t given much thought to the “small pieces of silver and gold” the taxman was entitled to as a result. If Western Rationalization has taught me anything, it’s that I could believe the GST incurred from my stepfather’s funeral have somehow found its way back into one of those more positive government supported institutions: post-secondary education, animal conservation, or public health care. Or I could believe that those same “small pieces of silver and gold” helped keep jet fuel in the CF-18s; replace coffee machines at Parliament Hill; or pay the salary of a law maker who helped legalize physician assisted-suicide. Regardless, the taxman

has been a silent taker, during all end-of-life rituals, for a long time. I don’t think that the GST added on to funeral expenses is ever going away. It doesn’t matter if it’s the sale of coffins, cigarettes, piano lessons, or self-serve photo printing services at Walmart: the taxman gets paid. And this we know all too well. The taxman likes to get paid, but he also doesn’t like to have to pay. Anyone who ever has dealt with Revenue Canada (so everyone in Canada) can claim some sort of frustration or annoyance when an expected tax refund doesn’t arrive or not at all—or worse is when you discover you have to pay. I personally use a chartered accountant. After all the services have been rendered for another tax year, I have to pay my accountant and I pay GST on those services. The taxman gets money even when I’m trying to figure out if I should be getting money from the taxman. I think there is an age old saying circulating out there that says something like this: “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, expect death and taxes.” Thanks for America, the lighting rod, and the aforementioned quote Benjamin Franklin. Death and taxes might be close to one of those universal truths philosophers are always looking for. And the Canadian government is ensuring its citizens have access to that truth. I’m about to start painting an ugly picture. You certainly don’t have to agree with the landscape I’m about to reveal. In 2004, the year my stepfather died, physician assisted-suicide (or assisted-death) was barely a blip on the political radar. Nearly twelve years later,

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it has become a reality. In my step-father’s case, he had severe and incurable (at the time) lower-back pain. He couldn’t work (as an accounting instructor at RDC), nor could he travel well. When the planets were all aligned and on the rare occasion my step-father was having a “good” day, he managed to walk to the corner of the block to retrieve the mail. On a “normal” day, my step-father barely made it to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee. He lived like that for a few years. His medicine cabinet would make any dope fiend lick their chops. As a result of my stepfather’s devastated physical condition and subsequently his psychological condition, he decided to commit suicide. In hindsight, I realize that my step-father probably would have been better off in a medical facility providing palliative care. His death certainly wasn’t foreseeable; but let’s say, for argument sake, that my step-father had some irremediable super-cancer (instead of debilitating back pain) and entered into palliative care here in 2016. He would have had all the appropriate medical support, psychological support, and access to health care professionals—all likely funded or partially funded by government tax dollars. So maybe my stepfather doesn’t decide to commit suicide at the age of 42 and the government is stuck with his medical expenses for the next 25 or 35 years. That would add up to a lot of costs, which the GST charged on his funeral proceedings could never repay. With the arrival of physician assisted-suicide, morality on the topic will began to change. From what I understand, there

was a time when the Catholic Church wouldn’t perform funeral services for those who have committed suicide. In 2004 the Catholic Church performed my step-father’s without a thought. I have no doubt that public opinion and the stigma of suicide will change with the physician assisted-suicide legislation. What I don’t like about physician assisted-suicide is that it many influence people suffering from irremediable ailments to feel obligated to end his or her life. I’ve read literature and have attended small public conferences on the topic, and it is never found that the government claim this is their intent—to make the sick and dying commit suicide. But on the other hand citizens sure hear a lot of the economic status of Canada, unemployment, and the budget deficits our governments are incurring. All the rhetoric is suggesting the government is giving a quiet little passive reminder that the sick and dying are a financial burden and absorbing tax dollars. Physician assisted-suicide is here for those who want it, for those who need it, and not for those who feel a burden on the system. When my final year, month, week, day, hour, or minute arrives, I’m going to make sure I’m hooked up to all the medical machines available and intravenously use up my fair share of the taxman’s small pieces of silver and gold. I’ll have the cheapest funeral and have the GST on the services rendered tucked into my coat pocket before they lower me into the dirt. And the taxman can dig my coffin, pry open the lid, and take what’s owed—if he so desires

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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

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announcements Obituaries



SHERWOOD, Dorothy Janice

HAYDUK, Joyce Ann

Aug. 24th, 1938 - June 28th, 2016

April 8, 1935 - June 21, 2016 On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Dorothy Janice Sherwood (nee Skinner) of Rimbey passed away at the age of 81 years. Dorothy was born in Laird, Saskatchewan, the second daughter of Edna and George Skinner. She graduated from St. Paul’s School of Nursing in Saskatoon as a Registered Nurse in 1956, and worked as a Public Health Nurse at the Wetoka Health Unit in central Alberta, plus hospitals in Saskatoon, Breton and Rimbey for many years before her retirement in 2000. Dorothy enjoyed music and gardening and was active in a number of community organizations, including the Rimbey United Church choir, Rimbey Community choir, Rimbey United Church Presbytery, Forshee Ladies Club, Bentley Horticultural Show, and Alberta Limousin Association Limoselles. Dorothy leaves to cherish her memory her husband of 56 years, Gordon Sherwood, daughters Ellen Sherwood (Murray James Pyle) and Donna Klutz, grandchildren Jaclyn (Jesse) Vikse, Jonathon McPherson, Kaitlyn Klutz, Micaela Klutz, and Natalya Klutz, greatgrandson Kohen Vikse, in addition to many relatives and wonderful friends. Dorothy was predeceased by her parents, Edna and George Skinner, sister Jean Squires, and children Betty McPherson and Robert (Bob) Sherwood. A memorial service to celebrate Dorothy’s life was held at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, July 11, 2016 at the Rimbey United Church, Rimbey, Alberta with Reverend James Strachan officiating. Interment of Dorothy’s cremated remains followed in the West Haven Cemetery. If friends desire, memorial contributions may be made to the Rimbey United Church, P.O. Box 7 Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0. Expressions of sympathy may be forwarded to the family by visiting www.wilsonsfuneralchapel.ca WILSON’S FUNERAL CHAPEL & CREMATORIUM

serving Central Alberta with locations in both Rimbey and Lacombe in charge of the arrangements. Phone(403) 843-3388 or (403) 782-3366 “A Caring Family, Caring For Families”

REYNOLDS C.W. “Bud” Reynolds of Rimbey, Alberta passed away peacefully at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at the age of 88 years. Bud will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his two sons, Cliff (Joanne) Reynolds of Winfield; and David (Kayla) Reynolds of Innisfail; his two daughters, Rose (Bill) Gilchrist of Drayton Valley; and Deb Makofka of Rimbey; in addition to thirteen grandchildren, seventeen great grandchildren, and one great, great grandchild. He will also be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his sister, Margaret Van Breda of Bashaw; his sister-in-law, Mildred Reynolds of Lacombe; and special friends: Harry and Laura Baker, Shirley Williams, and Sandy Clish all of Rimbey; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Bud was predeceased by his wife, Nettie McKenzie; his son, Steven; and six brothers. A Gathering of Family and Friends in Celebration of Bud’s Life was held at the Royal Canadian Legion, Rimbey on Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. Cremation took place at the Central Alberta Crematorium, Red Deer. Interment will be held at a later date in the Mount Auburn Cemetery, Rimbey. If friends desire, memorial tributes in Buds Memory may be made directly to the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre, Administration, Box 440, Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0. Condolences to the Reynolds Family may also be expressed by e-mail to: special_reflections@telusplanet.net Cremation Arrangements for the Late C.W. “Bud” Reynolds entrusted to the care of OBERHAMMER FUNERAL CHAPELS LTD. 1-403-843-4445

Joyce Hayduk, age 77 of Drayton Valley passed away peacefully at home with her loving family by her side. Joyce was born on August 24, 1938 in Camrose, Alberta. She married Kenneth Hayduk and together they resided in the Alder Flats area. In later years Joyce lived in the Drayton Valley area, a member of the Oil Wives Club for 50 years. She leaves to mourn her loss and cherish her memory, three sons; Greg (Gail) Hayduk of Drayton Valley, Terry (Hope) Hayduk of Sylvan Lake, Donald (Elsie) Hayduk of Drayton Valley, one daughter Lori Hayduk of Calgary, twelve grandchildren, seventeen great grandchildren, two brothers; Gordon (Ruth) Blades of Red Deer, Rod (Karen) Blades of Alder Flats, two sisters; Elaine (Dale) Rhyason of Hinton, Lana Washington of Ontario as well as numerous relatives and many good friends. Joyce was predeceased by her husband Kenneth, her brother Lester Blades and her companion Don George. A Service Celebrating Joyce’s life will be held on Saturday, July 23rd, 2016 at 2:00 pm at the Alder Flats Community Centre. If friends so desire memorial donations may be made to the Drayton Valley Health Services Foundation, CT-4-DV, 4550 Madsen Ave., Drayton Valley, AB. T7A 1N8 DRAYTON VALLEY FUNERAL SERVICES

in care of arrangements 780-542-5511 Condolences: www.draytonvalleyfuneralservices.com

Card Of Thanks

In Memoriam

In loving memory of HAZEL VARTY who passed away July 9, 2007 We miss more than anyone knows As time goes by the emptiness grows We laugh; we talk; we play our part But beyond our smile our broken heart. Forever loved and deeply missed by loving husband Jimmie and family



THANK you to everyone locally and far away who attended the 61st Rimbey and District reunion on Saturday June 18 sponsored by The Rimbey and District Old Timer’s Association. Big thank you to Blooms for the corsages for our greeters, Rimbey Review, the Community Centre staff for their assistance, Historical Society for hosting the pancake breakfast, the Town of Rimbey for their grant, and the Rimbey Lions Club for their donation. Thank you to all committee members and community friends for their help in making the day and evening events a success. A special thank you to the “Calkins” family for the presentation on their family history and the Class of 66 attendees, teachers and organizers. Hope to see you and your friends at the 61st. reunion on June 17/2017.


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

announcements Obituaries

STRAIN In Loving Memory of Lloyd Leslie Strain of Bluffton, Alberta who passed away at the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre on Saturday, July 2, 2016 at the age of 84 years. Lloyd was born on November 8, 1931 near Hoadley, Alberta. He attended school at the Iola Community School, and as a young man worked down in Southern Alberta on a few different farms. Lloyd tried his hand in the oilfield, but eventually returned home where he worked as a welder and drove heavy equipment. He met and married Loretta Belanger, and in 1972 they moved near Hoadley where they raised their three children: Darrell, Shauna, and Shane. Lloyd remained on the family farm until 2015, a year after the passing of his wife, Loretta, and at that time he then moved to the Parkland Manor in Rimbey. He loved horses, gardening, fishing, and was an avid sports fan. The Calgary Flames and Stampeders were his teams of choice, along with the Toronto Blue Jays. Lloyd rarely missed a game on TV. He also got a lot of enjoyment from his grandchildren, especially when his grandson played hockey. You could always find him in the stands proudly watching Tyler, never missing a home game. Lloyd was affectionately known as ‘Lloydie’ and ‘Papa’ to his grandchildren. He was also popular in the fall when he went around the countryside handing out free potatoes to his neighbours. Very few knew that Lloyd really loved to read, and he especially enjoyed the poet, Robert Service. Papa we will miss your dry sense of humour and the facial expressions that usually followed. You could always make us laugh. “It isn’t the mountain ahead that wears you out - it’s the grain of sand in your shoe.” By Robert Service Lloyd is survived by his loving children: Darrell (Karen) Strain of Gull Lake; Shauna (Rob) McNichol of Medicine Hat; and Shane (Trudy) Strain of Sylvan Lake; as well as five treasured grandchildren: Tracy (Pete), Tyler (Noelle), Shaye, Abigail and Chloe; and one great granddaughter, Brynley. Lloyd was predeceased by his beloved wife, Loretta on June 5, 2014; his parents, Floyd and Martha; two brothers, Harry and Joe; and four sisters: Lois Fawcett, Dorothy Norstrom, Marjorie Olsen, and Laureen Fawcett. With respect for Lloyd’s wishes, no formal funeral service will be held. A Private Family Gathering will take place at a later date. If friends desire, memorial tributes in Lloyd’s Memory may be made directly to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, #202, 5913 - 50 Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 4C4 (www.heartandstroke.ab.ca). Condolences to the Strain Family may also be expressed by email to: special_reflections@telusplanet.net


Sales & Distributors

AGRONOMY SALES MANAGER career opportunity in Wynyard, Saskatchewan. Agricultural degree or diploma required and/or equivalent sales experience combined with good knowledge of crop inputs. Email resume to: gm@wynyardcoop.com. Phone 306-554-3443. Fax 306-554-4127. ATTN: Grade12/College Students!! FT/PT Summer Work, $17.25 base/appt. Customer Sales and Service, NO Experience Necessary. Conditions Apply, Training Provided. Call today! 403-755-1500 OR apply online @ work4students.ca



MOVE TO THE SUNNY OKANAGAN! ICBC Accredited Body Shop and Glass Express facility has an opportunity for a third or fourth year apprentice, or journeyman, as well as paint prepper. Full-time, competitive salary and benefits package, able to work as a team player in a fast-paced and busy shop. Reply in confidence by e-mail to dkosmino @hilltopsubaru.com Classifieds Your place to SELL Your place to BUY



Sales & Distributors




What’s Happening


#50 - # 70

Arts & Crafts Shows ..................50 Class Registrations....................51 Coming Events ..........................52 Lost ............................................54 Found ........................................56 Companions ..............................58 Personals...................................60 Bingos........................................64 Fitness & Sports ........................66 Happy Ads .................................70

Coming Events


Bentley Farmers’ Market

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AL-ANON WEEKLY MEETING FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF ALCOHOLICS. Tuesdays 8 p.m. Neighborhood Place 5201 - 49 Ave., Ponoka For more info 403-783-4557

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Weekly meetings Tuesdays @ 8 p.m. Neighborhood Place 5110 - 49 Ave. Ponoka For more info. 403-783-4557 or 403-783-8371

Employment #700 - #920 Meetings



Misc. Help

Preference will be given to those with a proven history in sales. We encourage those to apply if you have an interest in sales and adverƟsing. We would be willing to train the right individual.

JOURNALISTS, Graphic Artists, Marketing and more. Alberta’s weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. Free. Visit: awna.com/for-job-seekers.

As a successful candidate, you will be an integral part of a dynamic sales team. You will be resourceful, eīecƟve and capable of partnering with new clients in the development and growth of their business. The successful candidate will be responsible for servicing exisƟng accounts with emphasis on developing and growing new accounts. We invite those meeƟng the above qualiĮcaƟons to submit their resume and references prior to July 29, 2016 to: Michele Rosenthal at the Rimbey Review oĸce 5001 50 Ave Rimbey Email: publisher@pipestoneŇyer.ca Fax: 780-387-4397 We would like to thank all those who apply. However, only those being considered for an interview will be contacted.

Employment Training


SIMPLE! It’s simple to run a Garage Sale Ad in the Classified section and make quick cash. Phone Classifieds 1-877-223-3311.



Notice of Annual General Meeting


INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT SCHOOL. Hands-On Tasks. Start Weekly. GPS Training! Funding & Housing Available! Job Aid! Already a HEO? Get certification proof. Call 1-866-399-3853 or go to: iheschool.com. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-athome positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855-768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today! Classifieds...costs so little Saves you so much!

Chartered Professional Accountant Drew Lee-Hai, Chartered Professional Accountants/Business Advisors of Salmon Arm, BC, is seeking a Chartered Professional Accountant with 3-5 years of posteducation experience in public practice. The candidate must have a strong background in preparation of year-end financial statements and related working papers and preparation of corporate and personal income tax returns. Knowledge of accounting principles and their application and experience with Caseware and Taxprep applications would be a definite asset. Opportunity exists for growth into senior management and possible partnership. Please forward your resume to: dave@drewleehai.ca

Business Services #1000 - #1430


MEDICAL TRAINEES needed now! Hospitals & doctor’s offices need certified medical office & administrative staff! No experience needed! We can get you trained! Local job placement assistance available when training is completed. Call for program details! 1-888-627-0297.

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We change daily to serve you better.

The Rimbey Review has an immediate full Ɵme opening for a Sales RepresentaƟve.




Operate a MiniOffice Outlet from home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income. visit naturalfreedom.net

Cremation Arrangements for the Late Lloyd Leslie Strain entrusted to the care of

Coming Events

Business Opportunities

Ponoka/Rimbey Adult Learning & Family Literacy Is seeking applications for the position of Part-time Rimbey Coordinator The position requires someone who: • Is self-motivated, creative and resourceful • Works well with little supervision • Organized and excels at both written and verbal communication • Capable of collaborating to complete administrative duties such as grant applications and basic bookkeeping (experience with QuickBooks would be an asset) • Is willing to take training that is specific to the job • Has own transportation The job involves: • Providing basic skills education, job search and related services to adults preparing for employment, training or further education • Building, developing and improving the literacy skills of families • Liaising with provincial and local agencies in the development and delivery of programs in the areas of community capacity (family development and communication as well as community needs) learner supports (post-secondary information, computer access, referrals re: immigration etc.) • Organizing and implementing general interest courses that are cost recovery in nature (yoga, crafts) • Maintaining hours ranging from 84 – 96 hrs per month including office hours/training and programming (Closed for the month of July) Please forward your resume and references to: Shannon Boyce-Campbell Co-Chair Ponoka/Rimbey Adult Learning Council C/O Ponoka FCSS Box 4004 Ponoka Alberta T4J-1R5 shannon@ponokafcss.net Closing Date: July 15, 2016


SEEKING A PART TIME BOOKKEEPER near Bentley 8-10 hours/week. Experience with Sage 50 and Excel is an asset. Please forward you resume to kingdomfarmsinc@ gmail.com Central Alberta’s Largest Car Lot in Classifieds




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GET BACK on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; www.pioneerwest.com.


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

RIMBEY BUSINESS DIRECTORY Action Autobody Rimbey Windshields - Heavy Equipment Glass Residential & Commercial Mobile • Pickup & Delivery • In Shop Owner: Jamin Sargeant


“We’re in the Business of Making You Look Good� 3 kms North & 3 kms East of Rimbey on Hwy #53

Owner Carey Anderson


Rimbey Implements Ltd.


Janice Cameron DD

TERRY GRIEMAN Home Centre Manager

Al York General Manager Cell: (403) 783-0593 5410 - 43 Street Bus: (403) 843-3700 Fax: (403) 843-3430 Rimbey, AB

Python Contracting

P. O. Box 260

Business Ext. Fax Cell terrygrieman@rimbeycoop.com

Rimbey Co-op 4625 51st Street Association Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 Canada Ltd.


Renovations & Construction O: 403-843-4697 C: 403-506-3370 C: 403-783-1329


(403) 843-2258 #111 (403) 843-4242 (403) 704-0271

Call for your appointment today:




Open for the Season May 1st 7 Days a Week 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Annual Bedding Plants • Planters • Hanging Baskets • Pond Plants • Perennials • Trees & Shrubs •Custom Orders

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We have moved to a new location in Ponoka. Now located in downtown Ponoka north of the Dollar Tree store.



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Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Call Connie or email sales@rimbeyreview.com

e: body_connections@hotmail.com


Location: North west of Rimbey on Highway 20 to Tsp Rd. 432 Medicine Lake Road 5.5 km west to #31055

$35.00+ GST PER WEEK

Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Call Connie or more details


ASPENWORKS MECHANICAL Plumbing Gasfitting Hot Water & Forced Air Heating Water Analysis & Treatment Systems

Outdoor Wood or Coal Boilers High Efficiency Wood Gasification Boilers Doug Madu 5034 45 Avenue Box 2040, (403) 843-2635 Rimbey, AB., TOC 2J0 Cell (403) 350-5901 email: rgcourse@gmail.com



$35.00+ GST PER WEEK

Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Call Connie or email sales@rimbeyreview.com



BRIAN GODLONTON Petroleum Manager

Rimbey Co-op Association Ltd.

P. O. Box 260 4625 51st Street Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 Canada

Business Ext. Fax Cell

(403) 843-2258 #104 (403) 843-4242 6982 (403) 704-0271

$35.00+ GST PER WEEK

Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Call Connie or email sales@rimbeyreview.com


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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Misc. Services

Misc. Services



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Painters/ Decorators

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Personal Services

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Pet Services


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at The Moose Hall, 2 miles south of Ponoka on Hwy. 2A. Weekly sales Wednesdays @ 6 pm No Antique Sales for summer.

Grain, Feed Hay


HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252.

TO BOOK YOUR SALE CALL 403-782-5693 or 403-304-4791 Check website for full listings www.bigstrapperauctions.net Like us on Facebook CANADIAN PUBLIC AUCTION. We now do Farm Sales. Complete dispersals, appraisals & net minimum guarantees! For a free, no obligation quote call today! 403-852-8721 or www.canadianpublicauction.com FARMLAND W/GRAVEL RESERVES - Cardston, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, July 21 in Lethbridge. 130.65+/- title acres, gravel reserves in excess of 2.4 million m3. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; rbauction.com/realestate.



A-STEEL SHIPPING CONTAINERS. 20’, 40’ & 53’. 40’ insulated reefers/freezers. Modifications possible windows, doors, walls, as office, living work-shop, etc., 40’ flatrack/bridge. 1-866-528-7108; www.rtccontainer.com.

Misc. for Sale


SAWMILLS from only $4,397. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & dvd: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 400OT.

For Rent #3000 - #3200

Acreages/Farms ..............3010 Houses/Duplexes ............3020 Condos/Townhouses........3030 Manufactured Homes ......3040 Four Plexes/Six Plexes ....3050 Suites ..............................3060 Cottages/Seasonal ..........3070 Roommates Wanted ........3080 Rooms for Rent................3090 Motels/Hotels ..................3100 Offices ..............................3110 Stores/Commercial ..........3120 Industrial ..........................3130 Warehouse Space............3140 Garage Space..................3150 Storage Space ................3160 Land ................................3170 Pasture ............................3180 Mobile Lot ........................3190 Misc. for Rent ..................3200

Wanted to Rent #3250 - #3390

Acreages/Farms ..............3255 Houses/Duplexes ............3260 Suites ..............................3270 Rooms..............................3280 Manufactured Homes ......3290 Housesitting Wanted ........3300 Garage Space..................3310 Storage Space ................3320 Stores/Commercial ..........3330 Office Space ....................3340 Industrial ..........................3350 Warehouse Space............3360 Resorts & Cottages..........3370 Pasture/Land....................3380 Mobile Lot ........................3390

Houses/ Duplexes



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With a fully developed basement. Lge yard, w/ a dble. det. garage. Close to downtown & schools. Preferably no pets. Avail. Aug. 1.





For all your


Misc. Services



AUTO/TOOL/SURPLUS AUCTION. Saturday, July 16, 10 a.m. Autos, tools, classics, generators, benches, tents, skidsteer attachments. Scribner Auction, 121 - 15 Ave. (Hiway 14) Wainwright, Alberta. 780-842-5666; www.scribnernet.com.

Condos/ Townhouses

3030 Transportation #5000-5300

YOU DESERVE THE BEST!! Picture yourself relaxing in this 3 bedroom PONOKA town home is only 9 years old and is complete with laminate flooring, main floor laundry, 6 appliances AND the landlord pays the water sewer and garbage. Plenty of storage and comfortable deck. No pets and smoking on deck only helps keep this home pristine for people like you. Call Mary at 403-783-6609.

Manufactured Homes


MATURE couple, 1 bdrm. 2 baths in Rimbey Mobile Home Park. Ref’s required, n/s, no pets. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. $500./mo. 1-780-465-7107

Automotive Services ........5010 Antique & Classic Autos ....5020 Cars ..................................5030 SUV’s................................5040 Trucks ..............................5050 Heavy Trucks....................5060 Vans/Buses ......................5070 Motorcycles ......................5080 Campers ..........................5090 Motorhomes......................5100 5th Wheels........................5110 Holiday Trailers ................5120 Tent Trailers ......................5130 Utility Trailers ....................5140 ATV’s ................................5150 Boats & Marine ................5160 Snowmobiles ....................5170 Tires, Parts & Accessories ......................5180 Auto Wreckers ..................5190 Vehicles Wanted ..............5200 Car/Truck Rental ..............5210 Recreational Vehicle Rental ..............................5220 Trailer Rental ....................5230 Misc. Automotive ..............5240 RV’s ..................................5300



PONOKA, 3 bedroom mobile, fenced yard. RIMBEY, 3 bedroom mobile, big yard. 403-783-1200, 968-8317



2008 SUZUKI C109, 1800 CC LOADED, 44,600 KMS.


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Cottage/ Seasonal


Red Deer Lake Cabin Retreat • 3 bedroom, 1 bath • Wrap around deck • 0.84 acre lot • Fully treed

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Public Notice #6000

Public Notices ..................6010 Special Features ..............6050

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403 843 2029 Agricultural #2000 - #2290

Farm Equipment ..............2010 Haying Equipment ............2020 Tractors ............................2030 Combines & Headers ......2040 Fertilizer Equipment..........2050 Misc. Farm Machinery ......2060 Equipment Wanted ..........2070 Farm Custom Work ..........2080 Farm Auctions ..................2090 Livestock ..........................2100 Livestock - Exotic..............2110 Sheep ..............................2120 Poultry ..............................2130 Horses ..............................2140 Horse Boarding ................2150 Riding Supplies ................2160 Horse/Stock Trailers ........2170 Pasture Wanted ................2180 Grain, Feed, Hay ..............2190 Seed Grain ......................2200 Seeding & Tillage ............2210



RED and black Angus bulls, will be semen tested and delivery can be arranged. E & L Ranching in Bowden, Eric @ 403 391-2259. Evenings @ 403 224-2396

HOUSE FOR RENT $750/MONTH 1 bedroom main floor, 2 in basement Nice yard & next to PasKaPoo Park. All utilities included. Non smoker and no pets CONTACT CHERYL AT 403-843-2004 RIMBEY

4 bdrm. duplex, 2 bath, den, laundry, cold room, covered deck, big yard, 5 appl., $1100/mo. + gas & power. DD/$1100. Town util. incl. 403-843-3684

Real Estate #4000 - #4190

Realtors & Services..........4010 Houses for Sale................4020 Houses Wanted ................4030 Condos/Townhouses ........4040 Acreages ..........................4050 Acreages Wanted ............4060 Farms/Land ......................4070 Farms/Land Wanted ........4080 Manufactured/ Mobile Homes ..................4090 Income Property ..............4100 Commercial Property ......4110 Industrial Property ............4120 Cottages/Resort Property ..4130 Businesses for Sale..........4140 Buildings for Sale ............4150 Lots for Sale ....................4160 Out of Town Property ......4170 Investment Opportunities ..4180 Mortgages Bought/Sold....4190


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Manufactured Homes

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p •S




M en •

erw upp •T

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016




FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2016 • TIME: 12:00 NOON

Past Bentley Honored Royal Lady Joan Dickau was presented with her 55-year pin by Honored Royal Lady Brenda Valiquette at a tea held recently in Dickau’s honor. June Norvila Photo

Special tea held for Royal Purple Presentation BY JUNE NORVILA Purple was the color of the day for this special tea - purple flowers, purple streamers, purple napkins, purple balloons, and ladies dressed in purple. Past Honored Royal Lady Joan Dickau recently received her 55-year Royal Purple pin. She is one of the few founding members left. A tea was held at the home of Muriam Jaffray on June 26. At that time, Dickau was presented with her pin by Brenda Valiquette, the current y

Bentley Royal Purple Society Honored Royal Lady. Dickau had cycled through all of the club positions over the years and is still active. She served as long time secretary for the last many years. “I’ve enjoyed all my years,” she said, admitting she really loved the secretary position. There were about 13 in attendance. Potluck lunch was provided by members. Some others from Bentley have earned their 55-year pins as well. p y

Gladys Holmen passed away on May 30, so her pin was given to her family. Helen Butcher was presented with her 55-year pin at her 90th birthday party on June 4. According to records, the pins were earned in the month of April. The society will not be formally meeting over the summer but will again start club meetings in the fall on the second Monday each month in the Bentley Legion hall. New members are always welcome.

Selling In Conjunction with the 36th Annual Pre-Harvest Machinery Consignment Sale. Directions: From Rimbey, South on the Lockhart Road, 14.2 Kms (8.8 Miles) to the Centerview Road, West on the Pavement for 3.2 Kms (2 Miles) to Rge Rd 3.1, North on the Dead End Road, to the End of the Road. From Bentley, North on Hwy #20, 6.43 Kms (4 Miles) to the Centerview Road, West 16 Kms (10 Miles) to Rge Rd 3.1, North on the Dead End Road, to the End of the Road. Selling - SW 24-41-3 W5M - Being 150 Acres M/L Selling a Stunning Home Built in 2013 that is approx. 1700 Sq Ft of Living Area on the Main Floor plus a 300 Sq Ft Sun Room with a Fully Developed & Finished Walk Out Basement and a 1100 Sq Ft Attached Garage. This is a Truly Fabulous, Executive Built Home with No Details Forgotten (A Must See), overlooking the 12’x14’ Pond Stocked with Rainbow Trout. Plus a Fully Insulated & Winterized 12’x20’ Cabin. The Home & Cabin will Sell Totally Furnished other than the Master Bedroom & Personal Items. The Shop is 40’x60’ Insulated & Finished Shop with a 14’x16’ Overhead Door with 16’ Walls, In Floor Heating, 220 Wiring, a Bathroom with Shower and a 12’x40’ Mezzanine. Plus 20’x60’ of Cold Storage in a Lean To. The Yard is Beautifully Landscaped with 2 Retaining Walls plus Approx. 100 to 120 Acres of Crop Land (Rented). All other Realtors are welcome with a referral fee paid providing they register their Prospective Buyers 24 Hrs in Advance with Allen B. Olson Auction Service Ltd or Morrison Realty 1990 Ltd. Open Houses: Saturday, July 23rd & Sunday, July 31st from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. or by Appointment - Contact Allen B. Olson at (403) 783-0556. All measurements are approximate and need to be verified by the purchaser. Real Estate Transaction are being Handled by Morrison Realty (403) 783-0556 Real Estate Terms & Conditions: 10 % Down on Sale Day. Balance & Possession on or before September 19, 2016. If Balance is NOT RECEIVED by September 19, 2016 the Deposit will be Forfeited as Liquidation Damages.



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July 4 – August 19

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UFA.com * Purchases are cumulative over contest period. No purchase necessary. See contest rules for mail-in entry. Contest not open to residents of Quebec. Two grand prizes available (ARV $77,115.00 CDN). Skill testing question required to win. Restrictions and conditions apply. See UFA.com for complete contest details. Prizes may not be exactly as shown. **See in-store for details. Product may vary by location and are available while supplies last. © 2016 UFA Co-operative Ltd. All rights reserved. 12934


TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016









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Pat Boardman General Sales Manager

Dan Mundorf Sales Manager

Mark Schreiner Sales/Finance

Tom Rubietz Sales Consultant

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