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JULY 15, 2016
PACWEST volleyball sked released | Page 9
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Townsman Multicultural Festival approaching | Page 2
Proudly serving Cranbrook and area since 1946
Vol. 70, Issue 112
You’ll have it made in the shade with these quality Awning Factory Products!
$ 10
Local golfer to hit the big PGA stage at RBC Canadian Open Kimberley native Jared du Toit granted tournament exemption TAYLOR ROCC A
Kimberley native Jared du Toit is set to make his PGA Tour debut next week after being granted a tournament exemption into the 107th RBC Canadian Open at Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oakville, Ont. “When I heard that, I was very excited to say the least,” du Toit said over the phone from San Francisco on Wednesday. “I just thought back to my junior golf days and all that. It kind of put everything in perspective. It’s pretty cool I get to play with the big boys now. It’s going to be fun. “It is going to be a very unique experience and my first PGA Tour event, so I’m just excited to see how I level
JARED DU TOIT out with the big boys.” Golf Canada announced the tournament exemptions Tuesday afternoon. Du Toit will be surrounded by a host of well-known PGA professionals, including Jason Day — the RBC Canadian Open’s defending champion and top-ranked golfer in the world. This will be du Toit’s first
PGA Tour event and second professional event after he participated in the SIGA Dakota Dunes Open. The Arizona State University Sun Devils’ golf star is off to a fantastic start this summer, having already won the Glencoe Invitational (Calgary) after landing a thirdplace finish at the Monroe Invitational (Pittsford, N.Y.). Pat Fletcher was the last Canadian to win the RBC Canadian Open back in 1954. Other notable Canadians set to participate at the 2016 RBC Canadian Open include David Hearn, Graham DeLaet, Adam Hadwin and Mike Weir. See Page 8 for the complete story.
City wants input on brick building FOR THE TOWNSMAN
Bragging rights were on the line at the Cranbrook Skate Park on Tuesday night as local riders threw down their best tricks for So You Think You Can Skate, a weekly skate competition hosted by The Choice in July. From kick flips to board slides and everything in between, riders of all ages and abilities did their best to impress and land some coveted swag donated by The Choice. Pictured above, Liam Pitts hits the rail during a best trick competition.
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In order to tailor restoration work to meet the intended final use, the City of Cranbrook is seeking input from residents and local organizations for possible uses of the brick garage situated behind City Hall. Situated at the southeast corner of Cranbrook City Hall the brick garage (the “garage”) is a municipally owned building constructed in the early 1930s and used, at the time, as part of Cranbrook’ s Electrical & Waterworks department. To date the City has invested approximately $42,000 in restoration work on the garage, including asbestos
abatement. Additionally, the Cranbrook Heritage Association contributed roughly $30,000 in materials and labour to the restoration work. The Cranbrook Heritage Association’s recent efforts focused on restoring the brick
shell and roof of the garage. Additionally, the interior of the garage was framed with dimension lumber to support the trusses and cladding of the new roof and strengthen the overall building structure.
See IDEAS , Page 3
Page 2 Friday, July 15, 2016
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Preparations underway for Cranbrook Multicultural Festival TRE VOR CR AWLEY
unique regions within countries that include: Canada, Ktunaxa, Metis, China, Philippines, Japan, South Africa, India, Great Britain, Serbia, Russia, Slovenia, Dominican Republic, Syria, Romania and Indonesia. A few other groups have been in contact with organizers as well,
The Cranbrook Multicultural Festival gearing up for another showcase of Cranbrook’s diversity and is putting out the call for any interested groups or nationalities to get in touch with the organizers. So far, there are 16 groups representing different countries or
which include Germany, French Canada, Korea and The Netherlands. Taking over Rotary Park on August 19 and 20th, the Cranbrook Multicultural Festival will include booths featuring each individual culture along with some authentic food and performances.
8 Days of Arts and Culture Entertainment!
Kimberley Kaleidoscope Festival Saturday, August 6th 7:30pm
at Centre 64 Outdoor Concert Area TOWNSMAN FILE PHOTO
Any cultural groups interested in participating in the Cranbrook Multicultural Festival should contact Coco Seitz at 250-581-0678
FREE! Donations are gratefully accepted. Food & Bar service start at 6:00pm
August 6th to 13th
This year, the festival will run for two days; on Friday evening there will be a traditional textile exhibition while there will be booths and plenty of activities for everyone from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday.
looking after you from the inside out.
Dawn’s weekly features
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“We’ve invited an artist from Vancouver, she’s Indonesian and she’s going to bring in a traditional Indonesian fabric and she’s going to do a presentation on Indonesia,” said Coco Seitz, an organizer with the festi-
val. “Also, we’re going to have a workshop making Batik…this is a material, a painting of fabric and they use the fabric for clothing. It’s made from wax and cotton fabric.” If there are any unrepresented cultures or na-
tionalities that wish to be involved, contact Seitz at 250-581-0678. Seitz also encourages any interested food vendors or artisans who wish to be a part of the festival are also encouraged to contact her.
Cranbrook Townsman
Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 3
Kimberley RCMP urge good JulyFest behaviour FOR THE TOWNSMAN
Kimberley RCMP recognize that Julyfest is a major event and there are a lot of fun activities to participate in, but also remind people to be safe and make wise choices. Over the years police have noted that persons attending the events are well behaved and out to have fun. But there is often a few who consume a bit too much alcohol and cause the police or security to intervene. Spending time in jail or attending court
probably isn’t in anybody’s plan, but it happens. Please drink responsibly and make the right decisions early on. One of the most common offences police encounter over the weekend is, consuming alcohol in public. The consumption of alcohol must be in a designated area, licensed premises or private property. The fine for consuming alcohol in public is $230. The most heard excuse; it’s Julyfest, it is but Liquor laws still apply. Police also note a
huge increase in after parties. Although residents are very tolerant of noise over the weekend, please be courteous to your neighbors. The noise bylaw is in effect, but the city has granted Julyfest organizers an exemption Friday and Saturday night for the event only. Extra officers including Traffic Services have been brought in to assist the Kimberley Detachment. Police want everybody to have a safe, enjoyable weekend.
Kimberley RCMP encouraging people to be safe and make wise choices this weekend for JulyFest.
RDEK moving forward with vote on mosquito control plan TRE VOR CR AWLEY
The RDEK is moving forward on a mosquito control plan for the Bull River and Wardner area, but need electoral approval before a program is set up. After community groups commissioned some assessment reports, the RDEK determined a service area boundary with an expected $55,000 cost to getting a mosquito control program up and running in the spring of 2017. Before that can happen, the RDEK needs electoral approval, which will come in the form of a yes or no vote by November, said Area C director Rob Gay.
“On a year that it doesn’t flood, like this year, it’s not as bad. But there are areas there — Colony Road is a good example — where you can’t even get out of your home.” Rob Gay “Years ago, they talked about a mosquito control program and it went to a vote and the people said no and that was it,” Gay said. “… We’ve had a number of public meetings and there was 60-80 people
and the overwhelming feeling, I thought, was lets go ahead and look at this again.” At a regional board meeting last week, the RDEK voted to set up a yes or no vote, where residents within the mosquito service area can lend their support or opposition to the mosquito control program. Now, the vote plan must be sent away for provincial approval before the RDEK can set up a voting day, likely a Saturday in November. Gay says setting up a mosquito control plan can be a time-consuming process that requires some up-front costs.
Ideas needed for brick building CONTINUED from page 1 At this time, the garage’s interior is unfinished and lacks water, sewer, and electrical services as well as any form of heating / air conditioning. Furthermore, there is no dedicated parking associated with the garage building. The City is seeking input from residents and local organizations for possible uses of the brick garage. A location map of the brick building and a full information backgrounder document are available on the City’s website. You may submit your ideas in writing by email to, please refer to “Repurposing the Brick Garage” in your subject line, or by mail to: 40 – 10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M8. ATTENTION: “Repurposing the Brick Garage”
All submissions must be received in City Hall no later than 4:30pm MDT, Friday August 12, 2016. Please note that submission of your ideas to the City does not constitute any form of contractual agreement or understanding between the City and respondents to this invitation. By submitting your ideas to the City, you are giving the City an unrestricted right to use your ideas at the City’s discretion with no form of compensation from the City. To help in formulating your ideas for repurposing of the garage, an open house of the garage will be held on Monday July 25, 2016 from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm (MDT). City staff will be in attendance at that time to answer your questions regarding repurposing of the garage.
“The problem with a mosquito control area is you need to spend some money up front to find out where the mosquitoes are before you can put a price tag on it,” Gay said. “So if they’re in two ponds, it’s quite reasonable, but if they’re all over the place, it’s going to cost you more.
“But you have to find out, and you need a professional to do this.” Local residents commissioned some studies with funding from the Columbia Basin Trust, with the RDEK eventually getting involved to potentially set up a control program.
The cost breakdown is $35,000 for a treatment contract, $5,000 in salaries and overhead, a $5,000 reserve fund contribution, and a one-time 2017 service startup fee of $10,000. According to a telephone survey of 147 property owners, 82 per cent of respondents reported that mosquitos
A GOOD PLACE TO BE. City of Kimberley Smoking Bylaw – City Council adopted a Smoking Bylaw on January 25th. The new bylaw regulates smoking within the City of Kimberley. There is no smoking inside Public Buildings, within 7.5 metres of an entrance, air intake or window of a Public Building, in or within 7.5 meters of a Public Municipal Open Space, and in or within 7.5 meters of an Outdoor Special Event area. Please obey the signage that has been installed at numerous locations within the City. Please visit our website at documents/73?preview=32032 to view the full bylaw. Fireworks Ban – With the dry weather, fireworks pose a fire hazard to the community. The City of Kimberley’s Fireworks Bylaw (1558) prohibits the use of fireworks within the municipality. No person shall sell, discharge, explode, set-off, detonate, dispose of, or be in possession of fireworks within City limits. The penalty for committing a firework offence is up to $250. Any fireworks display requires a permit and approval from the Fire Chief. A licenced Pyro Technician must hold a valid Fireworks Supervisor’s Certificate issued by Natural Resources Canada, Explosives Regulatory Division. For more information on the use of fireworks within the City of Kimberley, contact the Kimberley Fire department at 250.427.4114. Outdoor Burning - All outdoor burning within the City of Kimberley is regulated under Bylaw No. 2364 and must be approved by the Kimberley Fire Department. Special occasion burning permits will be issued by the Fire Chief for fires in parks or recreation areas, burns for land clearing, and for approved barbeque pits for cooking purposes. It is unlawful to burn without a permit, to burn construction materials, to burn yard debris, or to burn in an outside barrel or outside incinerator. All approved burning within the City of Kimberley must be supervised at all times and have sufficient equipment on site to extinguish or control the burn. Summertime is Construction Time - To ensure the safety of all concerned, please keep a respectful distance in construction zones (minimum 90' / 30 m) from any City crews or contractors, open ditches and heavy equipment. The City is urging motorists to please be extra cautious and obey all road speed signs within City limits. Thank you for your cooperation.
were a nuisance. “What people who live out there know is that in flood years, it’s really bad,” Gay said. “On a year that it doesn’t flood, like this year, it’s not as bad. But there are areas there — Colony Road is a good example — where you can’t even get out of your home.”
EYE ON YOUR CITY Building Permits & Inspections - Planning a renovation or addition to your home? Dreaming of a new deck or garage? Remember to first obtain a Building Permit before starting your project. The permit and inspection process helps to ensure compliance with health, safety and zoning requirements. Building Permit application forms may be obtained at City Hall or the website. The Building Inspector can help you navigate the application process and discuss the relevant building code and other municipal requirements. If you have questions about the permit and inspection process, please contact the Building Inspector at 250.427.9655 or Hot Weather Reminder - Watering must be done between the hours of 4:00am to 10:00 am AND 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Residents of properties with odd-numbered addresses should water only on odd-numbered days. Residents of properties with even-numbered addresses should water only on evennumbered days. NorthStar Rails to Trails - Morning, afternoon or evening…the time is right to get out and enjoy this great trail connecting Kimberley and Cranbrook! Trail Maps and more info available at and also on Facebook. To report an issue with the condition of the trail, please contact: 250-427-9660 (Kimberley) or 250-489-0218 (Cranbrook).
340 Spokane Street, Kimberley, BC V1A 2E8 I Tel: 250.427.5311 I Fax: 250.427.5252 I
Page 4 Friday, July 15, 2016
Cranbrook Townsman
Labour dispute continues between City of Kimberley, union C AROLYN GR ANT
The City of Kimberley has put out a press release in response to one from the United Steelworkers Local I-450 on Tuesday, which announced that two days of mediation with a Labour Relations Board mediator had failed. The City, in its press release, issued by City CAO Scott Sommerville, said it will be applying to have some services designated essential during a potential labour dispute. If the Labour Relations Board designates them as essential, that means the City is required to provide them and the Union is required to allow its members to perform those services during a lockout or strike. Sommerville says services that might be deemed essential would be Water and Wastewater Treatment, as well as RCMP Clerical. Mayor Don McCormick said that in addition snow removal services would be included in the request. The press release also for the first time offered some insight into the negotiations so far. “There are many is-
sues with the current job evaluation system, which has been in place since 2009,” it said. “Council’s mandate for the negotiating team is to provide long-term viability for the City, reversing a trend of ever-increasing labour costs and declining investment in City infrastructure. “The City remains committed to negotiating a mutually acceptable agreement that strikes a balance between our taxpayers’ ability to pay and a fair offer to our valued workforce.” Jeff Bromley from the Steelworkers stated in Tuesday’s press release that the main factors for the union were the new hours of work language; training language for the operations yard; losing earned vacation and the elimination of the job evaluation system. “The City’s management team, Mayor and Council are “demanding” that the unionized staff of Kimberley take concessions as a way to provide long-term viability. But nowhere do they mention the decisions they have made that our members have
Think you know everything about bears? Wonder what on earth painted turtles do with their time?
had no control over and that has cost thousands of dollars to the taxpayers of Kimberley. Now our members, the hard-working employees of the City of Kimberley are forced to pay the price,” the latest press release says. “We withdrew hours of work,” Sommerville says. “We are not rolling back wages. We don’t want to take existing special vacations away, we were prepared to move on that. We are still open to bargaining. A couple of little concessions and we’ve got a deal.” “The USW Bargaining Committee remains committed to stand ready to negotiate a fair collective agreement, however it’s our belief that the offers – or rather, concessions, are anything but fair,” said Bromley. “They want partners in trying to solve this problem, but do not want to treat us like one.” The issues as presented in press releases from the City and the Steelworkers
WAGES City Position “The City has offered a 4 per cent increase over 4 years to existing wages (based upon the current job evaluation system). The Union has demand-
ed 3.5 per cent per year for the next three years. In order to reflect competitive market realities and to attract and retain employees, the City has offered additional wage increases to three positions key to driving revenues from new construction and to planning infrastructure renewal. Union Position The Union has never “demanded” anything other that keeping what is already contained in the collective agreement. The Union’s opening proposal was 3.5 per cent but money has never been a stumbling block to getting a fair deal and the employer knows that. Not once has the topic of wages been mentioned as a hurdle to a new agreement. Not once during mediation was it even discussed.
SPECIAL VACATION From the Union Currently the regular employees of the City of Kimberley that have completed five years of service are eligible for this benefit. However, regular employees of the Aquatic Center do not enjoy this benefit. The last position of the City in mediation was to “grandfather” current employees that receive special vacation. The Union countered to agree to that proposal
however to adjust it to cover all current employees including Aquatic Center employees, the City did not agree. From the City “Despite the Union’s assertion that the employer did not change their position through the mediation process, the City withdrew their demand for new hours of work and was also willing to “grandfather” special vacation benefits, so that workers currently entitled to this benefit will not lose any vacation. “The special vacation benefit consists of an extra 15 days of vacation for every five years of service, on top of the annual vacation entitlements. Special vacation was first bargained into the contract in 1981, when the City was competing with Cominco for workers. Extending this benefit to new workers is not financially sustainable for the City in the long-term. “The Union is also demanding that both the special vacation and job evaluation system be extended to the Aquatic Centre staff. This will further increase the cost of operating the Aquatic Center, which is contrary to council’s recent efforts to reduce operational costs. $700,761 of the $957,358 this year’s Aquatic Centre (73%) budget is related to
wages and benefits.
Just a bit of background on the job evaluation system; Sommerville explains that it is a specialized software system developed by the Steelworkers. “Basically there is a pot of money for unionized workers,” he said. “The program scores all positions with 17 factors and rates them between 10 and 50. Management provides a score and so does the Union. Those scores are averaged. The program scores and compares positions. Some will score higher, others lower. Eventually it spits out a wage code and develops a wage for each department and wage code. There’s a multiplier for inside workers.” City Sommerville says the mandate given the city bargaining committee from Council was to get rid of the job evaluation system. “One of the issues that has arisen with this job evaluation system is that departments are competing with each other over a finite amount of wage increases, with some departments better represented than others. Some departments have received wages that are out of touch with compari-
sons with wages in similar-sized municipalities, says the City press release.. Mayor Don McCormick says that this can create a problem. “Certain jobs are way under the market rate and we don’t have the ability to pay more. The job evaluation program is responsible for the erratic comparison to market rate. The system compares jobs internally with no regard to market rate.” Union The City’s assertion that program isn’t working for them is curious, because they agreed to the implementation of the program in 2006 and enshrined it in the collective agreement in 2009. The fact remains that they are the ones that “lost” the software and wiped clean the laptop with all the materials to implement the system. Prior to the current evaluation system, there was a predecessor evaluation system. There’s always been an evaluation system. However, when it is convenient for the City, they have no problem going outside the collective agreement and awarding a position a 18 per cent raise without blinking an eye. They want to do the same to two other positions. How is that a cost-effective measure?”
With funding from Columbia Basin Trust, East Kootenay Interpreters present these fantastic natural history programs at local provincial parks. You will learn you DON’T know everything about bears…and that what turtles do with their winters is simply incredible. It’s free! It’s fun! It’s for all ages! Join us at one of these great programs at a Provincial Park near you Week of July 18-22 WASA Monday, July 18 2-3 pm: Who’s Eating Who @Day Use Area Playground 7-8 pm: Talkin’ Bout Turtles @the Amphitheatre Tuesday, July 19 2-3 pm: Aquatic Adventures @Day Use Area Playground 7-8 pm: Batty about Bats @the Amphitheatre MOYIE Wednesday, July 20 2-3 pm: Talkin’ bout Turtles @Sandy Beach 7-8 pm: The Greener Side of Grasslands @the Amphitheatre Thursday, July 21 2-3 pm: Nature Games @Sandy Beach 7-8 pm: A Bear’s Life @the Amphitheatre KIKOMUN Wednesday, July 20 3-4 pm: Nature Games @ Surveyors beach playground 7-8 pm: Talkin’ Bout Turtles @ the Amphitheatre Friday, July 22 2-3 pm: Take a walk on the Wild Side @ Surveyor’s Beach Playgr. 7-8 pm: Batty about Bats @ the Amphitheatre
Local photographers of all abilities got the chance to get some help from a professional on Wednesday evening as Joel Robison (right) hosted a photo walk through the downtown core of Cranbrook. Organized by, Robison — a local professional photographer who currently lives in England — gave advice on everything from framing shots to camera gear to editing software as the group took pictures and strolled through the downtown city blocks.
Cranbrook Townsman
Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 5
Mike’s Booknotes: The saga of Robert Black’s ‘Love or Lucre’
f you have never heard of the Victorian novel ‘Love or Lucre’ don’t worry—nobody has. For every Charles Dickens, Bronte Sisters, or George Eliot, there are thousands of authors that no one has ever heard of. Although Stanford University identifies 900 published writers in their ‘Companion to Victorian Literature,’ they also estimate around 3,500 unknown “failures, rank amateurs, third-rate hacks, and utter nonentities.’ Robert Black’s ‘Love or Lucre’ certainly falls into this category, and it is easy to see why. The 382 page novel opens with “A Sunday morning in leafy June, with the scent of rose in the air, when all is still save the cawing of the early rook, and the sky is bright, and calm, and clear, is a heavenly time for country folks.” This is a challenge to read no matter what century it is. Reading ‘Love or Lucre,’ however, would be far less challenging than dealing with its author. As the publishing house of George Bentley & Son unfortunately found out, Robert Black was the most unreasonable and combative writer they had ever encountered. It remains a miracle that ‘Love or Lucre’
was ever published. Part of the problem was Black wasn’t a “rank amateur.” Highly educated, he had already published translations of ‘Memoirs of Leopold I, King of the Belgians’ and ‘A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times.’ He also had original work published, including a biography of the then president-elect Abraham Lincoln, and a collection of short fiction titled ‘The Blackbird of Baden and Other Stories.’ While these hardly made Black a household name, he somehow felt that they had. The nightmare for George Bentley & Son began on October 5th, 1877, when they signed a contract with Black for ‘Love or Lucre.’ For ownership of the book’s copyright, Bentley & Son would advance Black £50 (roughly 85 Canadian dollars), and pay another £50 if sales exceeded more than 550 copies. By December, the publisher had it set in type, and mailed a typescript of it to Black for him to approve. This is where the fireworks began. As with any midlist author, Bentley had a reader proofread and edit Black’s work. This was apparently an affront to Black, who responded that “at nearly
fifty-years of age, with a Cambridge MA, and nearly twenty years experience as an author— and furthermore, as a clergyman’s son…[I am] ABOVE editorial interference.” Black insisted that only he could make
Mike Selby corrections to his work. Bentley chose to ignore Black, and continued to send him corrected proofs. Black began to assault his publisher with no less than 3 letters per day, some from his lawyer, complaining about the “slash job” they were doing on his work. “I positively gibber with stupefaction and bewilderment” is a typical example of how his onslaught of letters began. His letters increased with his demands, so that he, and only he, could edit his work “with my own hammer and anvil. It is an outrage…I warn you not to proceed.”
George Bentley responded to this last letter, stating that if Black was truly unhappy with his efforts , than it is perfectly acceptable to cancel publication. This was apparently yet another affront to Black, who sent another batch of letters through his lawyer, threatening legal action for Bentley’s “insolent disregard and impudent assumption of superiority” in his editing of Black’s work, “for a miserable £50.” Bentley, who was now doing more work answering Black’s attorney than he was working on publishing Black’s book, tried a brilliant compromise. He suggested that any further editorial changes that Black disagrees with, they submit to a third party to judge. Bentley suggested two of his best selling and most respected authors, Anthony Trollope and Wilkie Collins, to mediate between author and publisher. Of course this was nothing more than a further insult to Black, who responded through his lawyer to say this latest suggestion was “preposterous and quite unjustifiable.” The long-suffering and ever-patient Bentley sent his final set of typescripts to Black for his
Summer Sounds is back at Rotary Park TRE VOR CR AWLEY
Summer Sounds and Dancing in the Park is back for another season at Rotary Park as local musicians are bringing their talents to the bandstands on Saturday evenings. Well-known local names include Heather Gemmell, the Little Jazz Orchestra, Clay Parson, Red Girl, the Quimbys,
Dawson Rutledge and more as each artist and group will perform at the park bandstand. Each night will feature two performances; the first starting at 5 p.m. while the second gets going at 7:30 p.m. Summer Sounds and Dancing in the Park is presented by the Fisher Peak Performing Arts Society.
Date 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. July 9th Dark Fire Cloud Heather Gemmell July 16th The Quimbys Darin Welch July 23rd Missing Links Tick Magnets July 30th Red Girl East West Connection August 6th Valley Forged Jani Van & the Warriors August 13th Clay Parsons Little Jazz Orchestra August 20th Sheva Smokin’ Ray August 27th Lennan Delaney Bison Brothers September 3rd Sage Grass Dawson Rutledge September 10th Lost Gypsy Silverback September 17th Band of Brothers Diamond Back
approval in February 0f 1878. Black replied as expected, saying whoever proofread his copy was a “beast’ and an “ass.” He also denigrated his publisher, stating “If Mr. Bentley will meddle with matters which neither by publishers’ right nor concession fall within his province, he must not be surprised if the worm occasionally turns.” Bentley resumed his stance of ignoring Black, which, as expected, caused Black to take a last stab at Bentley, and for some reason referring to himself in the third person: “It is quite clear that Mr. Black’s very manuscript has been tampered with and party obliterated, not withstanding Mr. Black’s repeated stipulations by somebody—most likely,
to judge from the handiwork, Mr. Bentley’s kitchen maid, ambitious at trying her virgin hand at a little literary criticism.” Mercifully, ‘Love or Lucre’ was finally published in May of 1878. Reviews were few and negative, with ‘The Spectator’ calling it “worthless.” Somehow, sales did exceed 550 copies, earning Black his £50 bonus. After a few weeks it was thankfully forgotten, and never reprinted. Black turned back to writing non-fiction, and found success with three books on the history of European horse racing. His last one, ‘Horse-Racing in England: A Synoptical Review,’ was actually published by Bentley & Son, but by this time it was by the “Son’ part, as
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George had passed away. Black himself passed on in 1915, which was noted in the Bentley & Son archives, stating the book “‘Love or Lucre’… apparently Mr. Robert Black’s only acknowledged work…should not be confused with Mr. Robert Black, a classical translator and scholar who wrote ‘Horse Racing in England.’” The fact that these two Blacks were one in the same person not only shows just how “forgettable” Black was. Somewhere the ghost of George Bentley is smiling.
Lost someone? Need an understanding ear? Drop in grief chat with trained volunteers. For information call 250-417-2019, or Toll Free 1-855-417-2019. A service of Cranbrook Kimberley Hospice Society
CITY SEEKS PUBLIC IDEAS ON FUTURE OF BRICK BUILDING In order to tailor restoration work to meet the intended final use, the City of Cranbrook is seeking input from residents and local organizations for possible uses of the brick garage situated behind City Hall. You may submit your ideas in writing by email to, please refer to “Repurposing the Brick Garage” in your subject line, or by mail to: 40 – 10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M8. ATTENTION: “Repurposing the Brick Garage” All submissions must be received in City Hall no later than 4:30 MDT, Friday August 12, 2016. A location map of the brick building and an information backgrounder document are available on the City’s website – Please note that submission of your ideas to the City does not constitute any form of contractual agreement or understanding between the City and respondents to this invitation. By submitting your ideas to the City you are giving the City an unrestricted right to use your ideas at the City’s discretion with no form of compensation from the City. To help in formulating your ideas for repurposing of the garage, an open house of the garage will be held on Monday July 25, 2016 from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm (MDT). City staff will be in attendance at that time to answer your questions regarding repurposing of the garage.
Page 6 Friday, day, April July x, 15, 20162016
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
822 Cranbrook Street , North Cranbrook, B.C. • V1C 3R9 Ph: 250-426-5201 • Fax: 250-426-5003
335 Spokane Street Kimberley, B.C. • VIA 1Y9 Ph: 250-427-5333 • Fax: 250-427-5336
Published by Black Press Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Zena Williams
Jenny Leiman
Barry Coulter
Carolyn Grant
Nicole Koran
CRANBROOK TOWNSMAN Dial 250-426-5201
PUBLISHER: Zena Williams, ext. 204 CIRCULATION: Karrie Hall, ext. 208 ACCOUNTING: Jenny Leiman, ext. 218 CLASSIFIEDS: Marion Quennell, ext. 202 EDITOR: Barry Coulter, ext. 210 SPORTS: Taylor Rocca, ext. 219 NEWS: Trevor Crawley ext. 212 ADVERTISING REPS: Erica Morell, ext. 214
KIMBERLEY BULLETIN Dial 250-427-5333
ADVERTISING MANAGER: Nicole Koran, ext. 206 EDITOR: Carolyn Grant IF UNSURE OF THE EXTENSION, DIAL 0. All rights reserved. Contents copyright by The Cranbrook Townsman and The Kimberley Bulletin. Any reproduction of material contained in this publication in whole or in part is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the Publisher. It is agreed that The Cranbrook Townsman and The Kimberley Bulletin will not be responsible for errors or omissions and is not liable for any amount exceeding the cost of the space used and then only such portion where the errors actually appeared. We reserve the right to edit or reject any submission or advertisement that is contrary to our Publishing guidelines.
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Believing, Behaving and Belonging
few weeks ago, I wrote about the dif- treasured. Why? Because the church community I ference between bounded–set serve seems to understand that for many groups and centre–set movements. A bounded–set group is concerned with people today, belonging must precede besetting and keeping strict boundaries: lieving. It seems to us that this was Jesus’ way of who’s in and who’s out. What this has meant for the church is that many church- doing things. Contrary to what some peoes make sure you believe the right things, ple believe and some churches preach, behave the right way, and then you can Jesus didn’t tell people that if they didn’t believe in him, they would go to hell. Rathbelong. On the other hand, a centre–set move- er, he invited everyone to join him “on the ment focusses on the relation of people in way”. Jesus invites us to “Follow me.” That’s the group to the centre. For the church this it. Hang out with me. Walk with me. Travel begins with the deep understanding that through the world and your life with me. God graciously invites us to be part of a we belong from the get–go, and what is community, to be part of a important is how we relate group of people who are with the centre who is Jesus. growing in faith and learning I believe that the congrewhat it means to live with gation I serve, Christ Church each other with grace and Anglican, is such an open, Rev. Yme compassion. Jesus calls us to accepting and welcoming congregation. We invite peoWoensdregt be companions with one another on a journey. The gosple to come with their doubts and questions. We welcome people who pel encourages us to live together as we try are trying to figure things out for them- to figure out what’s important in life. In such a community, we recognize that selves. We talk and listen together as we seek to live more faithfully as followers of none of us will ever “believe right”. We are growing … learning … changing together. Jesus. We don’t require people to believe the We make mistakes, and that’s all right. We right things. It’s okay with us to struggle have doubts, and that’s ok. The important with questions of faith. It’s perfectly fine to thing is to grow and learn and love. We have doubts. It’s acceptable to wonder. In journey together in this world as people fact, we encourage that kind of question- who want to be faithful to God in all that ing. We want to be together in community, we do. This may seem obvious to many, but trying to work out together what a relationunfortunately it’s not so obvious to other ship with God looks like. For us, it’s a matter of trying to “moti- Christians. Most of our present church devate by acceptance”, which is Brian McLar- nominations arose as a result of conflict en’s felicitous phrase. We try to practice a and controversy. As a result, they tried to radical hospitality which welcomes every- define carefully who was in and who was one. We want to foster a church communi- out. But when the controversies died, the ty where Christians and not–yet–Chris- fences remained standing, and churches tians can come together. We strive to culti- thought they were called to tend the fences vate an atmosphere in which believers and as carefully as possible. The result was an seekers and questioners and people who environment of control, which was reinwant to be in love with God, but aren’t forced by what Brian McLaren calls “motiquite sure about all the baggage that comes vation by exclusion”. These churches control carefully who is along with “church” all feel welcome and
in and who is out. Motivation by exclusion says, “We’re right and you’re wrong. If you want to belong, you have to be right. So, if you believe right, think right, speak right and act right, we’ll let you in.” I would rather live another way. Instead of trying to exclude people and maintain fences, I would rather be more accepting of all God’s precious people. I want to be part of a community with such a passionate desire to be faithful to God, and which wants to share that with as many others as possible by being as open as possible. I would rather have people join us on this journey, to explore their own vision of faithful living. Some will decide that the way we live it out works for them. Wonderful. Others will decide it is not their way. That’s fine as well. You’ll still be our friends. As I read the gospels, this was Jesus’ way. He was criticized for being a friend of sinners, for being a glutton and a drunkard, for not doing religion the way everyone else did it. Jesus befriended the outsiders — the Samaritans, the tax collectors, people who were just “wrong”. They didn’t “believe right, think right, speak right or act right”. But faith isn’t just a head trip. Faith is not just a set of right beliefs, right doctrines, right dogmas. Faith does not mean “thinking the right way” or “saying the right prayers” or “believing the right set of beliefs”. Faith is a way of life. Faith is a journey of trust in God, and living in the world with hope. Faith has to do with how we live together with our neighbours — all our neighbours in this world. Faith means to learn to live in a community, showing authentic love for others. And I’m convinced that as we motivate by acceptance, others will recognize authentic love for what it is, and want to be part of a community that tries to live it out day by day. Yme Woensdregt is Pastor at Christ Church Anglican
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Kimberley Aquatic Centre FREE PUBLIC SWIM: Wednesday, Dec 4, 5:006:00pm is sponsored by Grubstake Pizza. Page 7 Friday,Wednesday, July 15, 2016 Kimberley Aquatic Centre FREE FAMILY SWIM: Dec 4, 6:007:00pm is sponsored by Grubstake Pizza. Persons 18 years & younger must be accompanied by an adult.
South Sudan is not Africa What’s Up?
his is not an article on South Sudan, which is just as well because the conflicts there are almost fractal in their complexity. The mini-war last weekend between the forces of President Salva Kiir and Vice-President Riek Machar, which killed more than 270 people and saw tanks, artillery and helicopter gunships used in the capital, Juba, is part of a pattern that embraces the whole country. The four days of heavy fighting began on Friday, 8 July, with a disagreement between the two men’s large forces of bodyguards outside State House where they were meeting, and rapidly escalated to an all-out clash between all of Kiir’s and Machar’s troops in the capital. Nobody was surprised, because the peace deal last August, which ended a two-year civil war that killed tens of thousands across the country, was never very secure. After a shaky ceasefire was agreed, President Kiir said: “Making South Sudan glorious will only happen if we see ourselves as South Sudanese first rather than tribal or political groupings,” which is the sort of thing that leaders are obliged to say after a pointless clash like this. It’s true, too, but in South Sudan it is very hard to do. Last weekend was the fifth anniversary of South Sudan’s independence from Sudan, but celebrations had already been cancelled before the shooting started because the government couldn’t afford them. The country has some oil but virtually no other exports, and was hard-hit by last year’s collapse in the oil price. The real reason for its poverty, however, is war: the country that is now South Sudan has been at war for 42 of the past 60 years. British colonialists included it in what we now call Sudan for administrative convenience, but the dominant population in
the much bigger northern part was Muslim and Arabic-speaking, while the south was mostly Christian and culturally, ethnically and linguistically African. The fighting began a year before Sudan’s independence in 1956, with the southerners resisting the Sudanese government’s attempts to Islamise and Arabise their part of the new country. That civil war lasted until 1971, and the second (1983-2005) was even longer. By the time South Sudan finally won its independence in 2011, it had long been a fully militarised society. It didn’t take long after independence before the two biggest ethnic groups, the Dinka (led by President Salva Kiir) and the Nuer by Vice-President Riek Gwynne (led Machar) were at each other’s throats. Those are just Dyer two of South Sudan’s sixty ethnic groups, each with its own language, culture and territory – and even within the two big ethnic groups, different sub-groups sometimes find themselves on opposite sides of the fighting. One-fifth of South Sudan’s 12 million people are currently refugees within their country – the lucky ones in United Nations camps, but many hiding in swamps and badlands from local ethnic militias. Kiir and Machar are both brutal, untrustworthy men, and neither is fully in control of his own generals. And the outside organisations that have poured foreign aid and peacekeeping troops into the country are losing patience. US National Security Adviser Susan Rice said: “This senseless and inexcusable violence - undertaken by those who yet again are putting self-interest above the well-being of their country and people puts at risk everything the South Sudanese people have aspired to over the past five
years.” Two Chinese peace-keeping soldiers were killed in the most recent fighting, causing UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon to abandon his usual diplomatic caution. “Yet again, the leaders of South Sudan have failed their people,” he said. “Rarely has a country’s conduct squandered so much promise so quickly.” The current ceasefire may not last: seven others were broken during the course of the recent civil war. South Sudan is unlikely to achieve a lasting peace settlement any time soon. But South Sudan is not representative of sub-Saharan Africa. Out of 48 countries south of the Sahara, only Somalia, Burundi, and South Sudan are currently suffering from large-scale internal violence. A dozen others have experienced similar upheavals at some point in the past fifteen years: sub-Saharan Africa is unique in the extravagant diversity of its population, with two hundred ethnic groups of more than half a million people and only three with over 15 million people. But mostly they manage to co-exist fairly peacefully, and over time broader national identities are being built over the post-colonial wreckage. The image of a continent ravaged by war is an optical illusion perpetuated by the international media’s fixation with violence. For example, during most of 201415 the headline news coming out of Europe, as far as the rest of the world was concerned, was theEND warOFinAPRIL Ukraine alRUN TIL - STOP –FOR SUMMER THEN RESTART SEPT.6TH though all of the -continent’s other fifty Cantabelles, an all-female singing group, countries were at peace. meets Mondays 7-9pm. Join us and South Sudan is desperately learn how to sing with unfortunate 2, 3 and 4part in its historyharmonies. and itsContact: leaders, but it is250no Sue Trombley, or more typical426-0808 of Africa than Ukraine is of Europe. Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries
Delicious seafood! Delicious doughnuts! Delicious politics!
et’s take a quick turn around this great country of ours before we look any further afield this week. Out on the East Coast, Parks Canada is trying to deal with an influx of the invasive green crab in the Kejimkujik National Park’s Seaside region. The crabs are likely hitching a ride to Canadian waters in the bilge water of ships arriving from other countries. Now you may ask aren’t crabs good? Even delicious? However, these particular crabs tend to rip up crucial eelgrass beds which provide habitat for lobster and halibut, also delicious. So the crabs have to go and Parks Canada is offering tourists an opportunity to harvest as many green crabs as they want. Wow. Put me in a boat and tie a bib around my neck! I’m there! Oh wait, there’s a catch. There’s always a catch, isn’t there? The catch is that because the green crab is not a fish stock recognized in Canada — though it is a delicacy in Korea and Portugal — you can’t eat it. You can only harvest it for use as bait or compost. I’m taking my bib off.
Let’s stick with the seafood theme for a moment. Here’s an interesting one. Monks from the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society on PEI spent a day buying up live lobster from various locations around the island and then took them out to sea to release them in areas where they hoped there were no traps. Sort of a variation on catch and release. The monks hope to ‘cultivate compassion’ for all living creatures. I had briefly put my bib back on hoping that they were Carolyn going to cultivate comGrant passion for a lobster starved creature such as myself, but removed it upon finding out about the release. Meanwhile at the Baseball All Star Game, the Canadian Tenors caused quite a stir when one rogue tenor (rogue tenors are the worst) decided to change the lyrics to the Canadian national anthem to address political issues. During his solo, Remigio Pereira held up a sign that said All Lives Matter, and changed the lyrics to ‘We’re all brothers and sisters. All lives matter to the great’. That’s some tortured syntax but even more tortured is Pereira,
who has been tossed from the Tenors. No more singing for you! Maybe now that he has time to spare he could head to the Maritimes and harvest some green crabs. Or how about a doughnut? U.S. based Krispy Kreme is preparing to take another run at ‘the No. 1 dominant doughnut player in Canada’, Tim Hortons. They’ve tried before but failed. It’s a tough task in Canada to take down the mighty Tim. I look forward to a delicious battle. Bib back on. South of the border, it’s also been an interesting week. Scuttlebutt had it that Donald Trump may pick Newt Gingrich as his Vice President choice. And really it makes perfect sense. Why shouldn’t the Donald have as his VP a man accused of various ethics violations during his political career, a man who diligently tried to impeach President Bill Clinton for adultery while committing adultery himself and who wants to build a Moon Colony? But now word is it will be Mike Pence, so Newt may have to retire to the moon. Say isn’t the moon made of green cheese? This column has made me hungry. Newt! I want to move to your colony! I’ll bring the crab! And the doughnuts! You bring the sleaze! Er… cheese.
Where in the world wide web will you find out what’s happening right here at home?
UPCOMING Friday, July 15 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nova Bannatyne will be at the Kimberley Library promoting her book Just Think, I Could Have Been Normal: Growing Up Extraordinary with Cerebral Palsy. Drop by to meet Nova and pick up a copy. Every Saturday from June until the end of August, Home Hardware Cranbrook will be lending out the use of our custom made Lemonade Stand to sell lemonade at our store from 11am3pm. Home Hardware will supply the Lemonade and Cups, and Culligan Cranbrook will supply the Ice and Water. Your group sells a cup of lemonade for $1.00 and you keep the proceeds as a fundraiser. Saturday spots are filling up quick so if your group is interested, please call Margaret at the store 250-426-6288 to reserve your date. The Kimberley Farmers’ Market on Howard Street from 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm every Thursday rain or shine from June 23 - September 8. Moyie Highhouse Museum, open every Sunday through July and August, 1 to 3 p.m. Watch for signage. Hwy 3/95. Military Ames will hold a flea market during JulyFest to raise funds for the new Veterans’ Memorial park. Friday, July 15 7 p.m., Saturday, July 16, 8 a.m. Sunday, July 17, 1 p.m. Kimberley
Koote Kimbe at the startin everyd
ONGOING Cranbrook Phoenix Toastmasters meet every Thursday, noon -1:00 Heritage Inn. Toastmasters teaches communication & leadership skills. Roberta 250-489-0174. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 24; Friday Meat Draw: 4:30-6:30, Saturday Meat Draw: 3:30-5:30. Canadian Cancer Society- if you have spare time and would like to volunteer, interested applicants can call 250-426-8916, drop by our office at #19-9th Avenue S, Cranbrook or go to www. and register as a volunteer. Mark Creek Lions meet 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at the Kimbrook. Supper 6:15-6:45, meeting 7:00-8:00pm. Contact Larry 250-4275612 or Bev 250-427-7722. New members welcome – men & ladies! The Cellar Thrift Store Open Mon. to Sat., noon to 4:30 p.m. Our revenues support local programs and outreach programs of Cranbrook United Church. Baker Lane Entry at 2 – 12th Ave. S. Cranbrook, B. C. Donations of new or gently used items welcome. The Chateau Kimberley Art Gallery is featuring the art of Karen Arrowsmith, Mary Ann Bidder, Joseph Cross, John de Jong, Lynne Grillmair, Ann Holtby Jones, Teresa Knight, Jeanie Miller, Jeanette Oostlander, Jean Pederson, Darlene Purnell and Marianne Rennick. The Gallery at 78 Howard St. is open 9-7 daily until October 15th, 2016. BINGO at the Kimberley Elks – Mondays, 6:30 start. All welcome. The Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation invites anyone expecting bone and joint surgery to make contact with local volunteers for peer support. 1-800-461-3639 ext 4, and ask for Lauralee. Al-Anon Family Group meets weekly. Monday at 7-8 pm at Marysville Community Church. (730 302 st.) The only requirement for membership is that there may be a problem of alcoholism in a relative or friend. For further information call Susan 250-427-0212 or email Thursdays from 5:00 to 6:00 pm; Focus Meat Draw at the Elks Club, Kimberley. Proceeds to Emergency Funds and non-profit organizations. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) non profit weight loss support group meets EVERY Thursday at 5:00 pm, at Sr Citizen’s Centre, (downstairs) 125 17th Ave S, Cranbrook. Drop in, have fun while losing weight gradually. This Chapter has won an annual B.C. Provincial Award for “Best Avg Weight Loss Per Member”. Info: Marie 250 417 2642 Bibles For Missions Thrift Store, 824 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook serving our community to benefit others - at home and abroad. We turn your donations into helping dollars! Open Tues-Sat 10am-5pm. Phone 778-520-1981. The Friends of the Kimberley Public Library used book store in Marysville is open Wed to Sat; 10:30 to 3:30 & Sunday 1:00 to 4:00. Noon every Wednesday, downtown United Church & Centre for Peace, the bells will call you to a time of calm. This is NOT church, rather it is a time to gather in a circle in a welcoming and harmonious space to practice the way of Taize. Wouldn’t you cherish a time to stop? to gather when the bells ring? to join with others in silence, in prayer, in meditative song? Masonic Lodges of B.C. and Yukon will supply transportation to cancer patients who have arrived at Kelowna or Vancouver. This free service will be at the destination point. Example: from airport to clinic and clinic to airport on return, also around the destination city. Info may be received from your doctor, Canadian Cancer Society, or by phoning Ron at 250-426-8159. Quilters meet in Kimberley on the 2nd Monday at Centennial Hall at 7:00 PM and the 4th Monday for sewing sessions in the United Church Hall at 10 Boundary Street. Place your notice in your “What’s Up?” Community Calendar FREE of charge. This column is intended for the use of clubs and non-profit organizations to publicize their coming events — provided the following requirements are met: • Notices will be accepted two weeks prior to the event. • All notices must be emailed, faxed or dropped off in person. No telephone calls please. • NOTICES SHOULD NOT EXCEED 30 WORDS. • Only one notice per week from any one club or non-profit organization. • All notices must be received by the Thursday prior to publication. • There is no guarantee of publication. Notices will run subject to space limitations.
Drop off: 822 Cranbrook St. N. • Drop off: 335 Spokane Street E-mail: • Fax: 250-427-5336
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Page 8 Friday, July 15, 2016
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Sports News? Call Taylor 250-426-5201, ext. 219
Du Toit to join nation’s best at RBC Canadian Open Kimberley native in hunt at Trans-Miss Championship, set to swing at prestigious PGA Tour event next week
Kimberley native Jared du Toit, pictured during action at the 2016 Glencoe Invitational in Calgary, is off to the RBC Canadian Open — his first PGA Tour event. TAYLOR ROCC A Sports Editor
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Life is pretty peachy for Jared du Toit right now. After receiving official confirmation on Tuesday that he was headed to the prestigious RBC Canadian Open on a tournament exemption, the 21-yearold Kimberley amateur golf sensation celebrated on Wednesday by firing a jaw-dropping seven-under-par 63 during the second round of play at the 113th TransMiss Championship at The Olympic Club in San Francisco. The big day in California took du Toit to eight under, giving him sole possession of second place through 36 holes of play at the 7,016-yard, par-70 track with 36 holes to go. While the Arizona State Sun Devils’ star is focused on hunting down a title at The Olympic Club — a course he states is one of his favourites — he can’t help but eagerly anticipate next week’s RBC Canadian Open (July 18 to 24) at Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oakville, Ont. “When I heard that, I was very excited to say the least,” du Toit said Wednesday over the phone from San Francisco following his
lights-out performance at The Olympic Club. “I just thought back to my junior golf days and all that. It kind of put everything in perspective. It’s pretty cool I get to play with the big boys now. It’s going to be fun. “I don’t want to worry… If I just play solid Jared golf, I think it should take care of itself. It is going to be a very unique experience and my first PGA Tour event, so I’m just excited to see how I level out with the big boys. “I’m sure the first time I see a guy like Jason Day warming up on the range beside me, it will kind of hit me a little more. But I’m just going to try to keep it feeling like a regular event, go out there, have fun and play some golf.” The RBC Canadian Open is a PGA Tour event and the third-oldest national golf championship in the world, behind only The Open Championship and U.S. Open. First played in 1904, it has seen a host of phenomenal names grace its greens, with Day having won the event in 2015 and others such as Jim Furyk, Vijay Singh, Tiger Woods, Greg Norman, Arnold Palmer and Byron Nelson previously collecting titles as well. It’s a big stage for a
nounced du Toit’s exemption into the annual event via press release Tuesday, making him one of 12 Canadian golfers currently lined up to participate. “We are excited to have these 12 deserving Canadians compete in the 107th playing of Canada’s National Men’s Open Championship,” said Brent McLaughlin, tournament director of the RBC Canadian Open, in a Golf Canada news release. “The passion that these talented players have shown in representing Canada is a true inspiration to the country’s young golfers and we are proud to welcome them to the field for the RBC Canadian Open.” Amongst the collection of Canucks, notable names include topranked professionals David Hearn (75th in FedEx Cup standings; 127th in World Golf Rankings), Graham DeLaet (105th in FedEx Cup; 146th in WGR) and Adam Hadwin (89th in FedEx Cup; 182nd in WGR). Mike Weir — the 2003 Masters champion and eight-time PGA Tour winner — will also be competing in his 25th RBC Canadian Open. Du Toit, who is a member of the Canadian National Amateur
kid from a small town in the East Kootenay, but du Toit isn’t letting any of that faze him as he continues his sky-high trajectory towards world golf stardom. “The thing with golf is you can over prepare yourself,” du Toit said. “I found that out this year. I don’t really want to hype it up too much. I just want to go out and focus on playing my game, having fun and if I can do that, then I think I can look after my own scores, hopefully they take care of themselves and I get four rounds out there.” Golf Canada an-
Squad, will be joined at the prestigious event by two of his teammates — Hugo Bernard of Mont St-Hilaire, Que., and Blair Hamilton of Burlington, Ont. Outside of a long list of accomplished Canadian golfers, the field will also include Day — defending champion and the world’s topranked golfer — as well as PGA pros Dustin Johnson, Matt Kuchar, Furyk and Brandt Snedeker, just to name a few. To top it off, one of du Toit’s old Sun Devils’ teammates will head north of the border. Jon Rahm — who recently
turned pro after a long run as the world’s topranked amateur golfer — will also take part. This will be du Toit’s second professional event of the summer. In June, he was granted a sponsor’s exemption into the SIGA Dakota Dunes Open — a PGA Tour Canada event — where he missed the cut by one stroke, finishing two-under par after two rounds of play. “It was a really cool experience,” du Toit said. “Getting your first pro event is obviously a pretty important time in your golf career. It was definitely exciting for me. “From a personal learning standpoint — I didn’t play my best in Saskatchewan. To not play my best and still only miss the cut by one [stroke] was kind of nice to see because I know if I do play my best I can compete out there. “From a preparation standpoint, I’ll be more comfortable… Preparing for pro events is a lot different.” For now, preparation for the RBC Canadian Open is on relative hold as du Toit has his eyes locked in with proceedings still on-going at the 113th Trans-Miss Championship, intent on holding off the field at The Olympic Club in San Francisco. Through the third round of play Thursday, du Toit held a threestroke lead over the competition. As of press time Thursday, du Toit’s had fallen three strokes back of leader Will Zalatoris (five under) through 13 holes of the final round of the Trans-Miss Championship. Du Toit is off to a fantastic start this summer, having won the 2016 Glencoe Invitational in Calgary, which followed hot on the heels of a third-place finish at the Monroe Invitational in Pittsford, N.Y. The 2016 edition of the RBC Canadian Open is the 107th in tournament history. The last time a Canadian won the national championship was in 1954 when Pat Fletcher claimed the crown.
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 9
Lady Avalanche set to defend title as PACWEST volleyball schedule released
College of the Rockies
TAYLOR ROCC A Sports Editor
In sport, they say the only thing tougher than winning a championship is to defend one. With Wednesday’s release of the 2016-17 PACWEST volleyball schedule, the College of the Rockies Avalanche women’s squad knows exactly what lies ahead if they’re to chase down a second consecutive provincial crown. The Pacific Western Athletic Association (PACWEST) unveiled the itinerary for its upcoming college volleyball season Wednesday, with both the Lady Avs and men’s Avalanche squads slated to open the campaign on the road against the Camosun College Chargers on Oct. 13. The 2015-16 PACWEST season went down in history for the women’s volleyball program at College of the Rockies, as the Lady Avalanche embarked on a cinderella run to the conference title, claiming gold after entering the tournament as the No. 6 seed with a 9-15 mark through the regular season. Not only did the sixth-seeded Lady Avs take the crown, they did so by upsetting the Vancouver Island University Mariners — the tournament’s top seed after an astounding 20-4 regular season run. Representing PACWEST as well as the East Kootenay at the
2016-17 PACWEST Schedule Pre-season & Training camp
Aug. 13-14: ID camp (Parkland Middle School) Sept. 9-10: Exhibition vs. Ambrose College (men & women; at Parkland) Sept. 30 to Oct. 2: Exhibition tournament (women at Red Deer College)
Regular season
October Oct. 13 at Camosun College Oct. 14 at Camosun College Oct. 15 at Vancouver Island University Oct. 16 at Vancouver Island University Oct. 28 vs. Douglas College — home-opener & banner raising Oct. 29 vs. Douglas College
John Swanson, head coach of the College of the Rockies men’s and women’s volleyball programs calls out a play during home action this past PACWEST season. CCAA Women’s Volleyball National Championships, the Lady Avs put forth an admirable effort en route to finishing 1-2 at the tournament. On the men’s side of the net, the Avalanche enjoyed a bounce back year in 2015-16 going 9-15 and finishing fifth in regular season competition. A return to post-season play saw the men finish fourth at the 2016 PACWEST Championship in Abbotsford after missing out on the big dance in 2014-15. While both Avalanche squads will open
the season with consecutive weekends on the road, the party comes back to Cranbrook on Friday, Oct. 28. Not only does a weekend with the Douglas College Royals serve as the home-opening dates on the schedule, Friday evening will see the Lady Avs raise a banner to the rafters at College of the Rockies, celebrating their 2016 PACWEST championship. Other notable dates on the schedule include an identification camp Aug. 13 and 14 at Parkland Middle School as the Avs’ home gymnasium at College of the
Rockies undergoes renovations in preparation for the upcoming season. From there, both Avalanche clubs will welcome the Ambrose College Lions (Calgary) for exhibition games (expected to be played at Parkland Middle School) on Sept. 9 and 10. Wrapping up pre-season play, the Lady Avs will hit the highway their final tuneups at Red Deer College during exhibition tournament action from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2. The Avalanche will conclude regular season play with a double dose
of home action in the month of February, hosting the Columbia Bible College Bearcats and University of the Fraser Valley Cascades, before the 2017 PACWEST Volleyball Championships run from Feb. 23 to 25 at Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo. PACWEST will also serve as the host conference for the 2017 CCAA National Volleyball Championships, as Camosun College welcomes the country from March 8 to 11. With files Barry Coulter
November Nov. 4 vs. Capilano University Nov. 5 vs. Capilano University Nov. 24 at Columbia Bible College Nov. 25 at Columbia Bible College Nov. 26 at University of the Fraser Valley Nov. 27 at University of the Fraser Valley January Jan. 6 vs. Vancouver Island University Jan. 7 vs. Vancouver Island University Jan. 13 vs. Camosun College Jan. 14 vs. Camosun College Jan. 26 at Douglas College Jan. 27 at Douglas College Jan. 28 at Capilano University Jan. 29 at Capilano University February Feb. 3 vs. Columbia Bible College Feb. 4 vs. Columbia Bible College Feb. 10 vs. University of the Fraser Valley Feb. 11 vs. University of the Fraser Valley Feb. 23 to 25 — PACWEST Volleyball Championships (at Vancouver Island University) March March 8 to 11 — CCAA National Volleyball Championship (at Camosun College)
Jacklin, Shiftd look to introduce new approach to hockey analysis TAYLOR ROCC A
For years, Kimberley native Scott Jacklin has played hockey under a variety of coaches, in a variety roles and in a variety of places. Now, he’s returning home with a wealth of knowledge and a new program — Shiftd — to help other aspiring hockey players make the most of their individual abilities. “We’re a video-analysis company geared towards younger kids,” Jacklin said. “We have their parents videotape the games, they send [the footage] to us, we take stats from [within] the game and the stats
we take are a little bit different from normal stats. “You have current stats and relevant stats. We take the relevant stats and bring them to life so that the kids can see their progress within the game.” The 26-year-old Jacklin is one of a team of professional hockey players involved in bringing Shiftd to life, joining Brandon Mashinter (Chicago Blackhawks) and Mark Barberio (Montreal Canadiens) amongst others. On the ladies’ side of the puck, 2014 Canadian Olympic gold medallist Jennifer Wakefield is
also a part of the Shiftd team, making for a well-rounded and balanced group of experienced experts.
SHIFTD Jacklin is set to host an information on Wednesday, July 20, at the Kimberley Civic Centre (6 p.m.) in an effort to introduce East Kootenay minor hockey players to the benefits of Shiftd. Players interest-
ed in the program are simply encouraged to show up at the Civic Centre at 6 p.m. Having graduated from the NCAA ranks, Jacklin just completed his rookie season of pro hockey in the ECHL, splitting time between the Elmira Jackals and Brampton Beast. “I learned a lot, it’s a little bit of a different world than lots of people might think,” Jacklin said. “It’s not all roses. But I learned a lot and kind of played in a couple different roles that I haven’t played in the past six years. “Obviously, my goal is to make it to the next
level. Hopefully I can get an American League call up this year and try to show my worth up there, see what happens. That’s my goal this year is to do well on the Coast [ECHL] and get called up at some point during the year.” While he continues to chase his love for the game, intent on moving up within the pro world, Jacklin also knows he has to plan for a life when playing the game is no longer an option. It happens for everyone and will happen for him at some point. He just isn’t sure when. It’s his combined love for the game, desire
to mentor tomorrow’s stars and an eye on his own future that helped bring Jacklin into the fold with Shiftd. After reviewing footage and breaking down a player’s game, the experts at Shiftd provide detailed analysis, com-
pletely backed with relevant statistics and notes. From there, an individual player report will be compiled, including recommendations from the Shiftd professionals.
See JACKLIN, Page 11
Applications are being accepted for
HEAD COACHES For all levels
Application forms can be found at Mail applications to: Kimberley Minor Hockey Box 73, Kimberley, BC V1A 2Y5 Deadline for applications is July 31, 2016
Page 10 Friday, July 15, 2016
Self-Care Tips By: Dr. Chris Ford BMSc, ND
Self-Care is often a part of life that gets overlooked and taken for granted. We find more joy in looking after others including our children, spouses, pets and friends. However, by looking after yourself you not only set a positive example for all of your loved ones, but you are also better able to help when needed. With July 24th marking International Self-Care Day I wanted to outline a few simple ideas to help you take care of yourself. #1 – Take time for yourself every day Whether it be 5 minutes or 2 hours get into a routine where you are able to set aside time each day to do things that you love to do. Including but not limited to reading, walking, yoga, meditating or simply just sit and relax. #2 – Exercise You have probably heard this one many times, but exercising daily has shown to be one of the best ways to reduce stress and has been scientifically proven to lower your chances of chronic illness. Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day can be as simple as going for a walk and outdoors has shown greater benefit. #3 – Cook your meals at home Cooking your meals from scratch using fresh, whole ingredients can give your body the micronutrients and minerals that it needs. If you are new to the kitchen consider taking cooking classes or pick up a cookbook from the library. We recommend Whole Life Nutrition, Nourishing Meals or the Oh She Glows Cookbooks for simple healthy recipes. #4 – Sleep Making sure that you are getting to bed at a reasonable time and getting good quality sleep allows the body the time it needs to reset and repair itself. Difficulty sleeping can be related to many factors and if you are unable to fall asleep or waking throughout the night consider talking to your health care provider. #5 – Positive thinking Exercises Studies have shown that exercises such as journaling, consciously showing gratitiude, physical activity, meditation and random acts of kindness are able to “rewire” the brain and reduce stress. Doing any or a mix of these activities daily can change your attitude to become more positive overall. Remember that loving and caring for yourself is as important, if not more important than caring for others. Take time to work on your own well-being and those around will do the same. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us anytime.
Self-defence is a broad set of life skills JOEL HUNC AR For The Townsman
Many people misunderstand what self-defence is. They usually picture pajama-clad people screaming and breaking lumber with their feet or hands or two people wearing boxing gloves or MMA gloves and beating each other up in the ring. These are marital arts or combat sports and they should not be confused with self-defence. Self-defence is a broader spectrum of skills yet, physically, much simpler skills than most martial arts systems and unlike martial arts and combat sports it is a life skill everyone needs to have to get by in the world. Literally, self-defence is a legal term governing the use of force we are allowed when it comes to protecting ourselves from assault. What most people consider self-defence actually comes under the label “personal protection.” Many people use “self-defence” skills and are not even aware of the fact that they did. If you’ve ever avoided a person because they give you an uneasy feeling, or got out of a public place because the “vibe” didn’t feel right, or even
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talking yourself out of a physical confrontation by using de-escalation and bargaining skills, then you used self-defence skills. Self-defence can be any type of skill that you use to avoid or overcome violence or other forms of criminal activity. Looking at it that way it is easy to see that self-defence is more than a hobby — it is very basic life skills that we use on a daily basis. Self-defence training starts young, teaching children the basics of safety such as stranger danger and how to deal with bullies is all basic self-defence. Even teaching children to be aware of danger when walking to school or to a friend’s house is preparing them to protect themselves, which is what self-defence is really all about. Self-defence is not just about fighting. Violence only happens after all other self-defence skills have been exhausted or you have made the wrong choices leading up to an incident. Awareness and avoidance are the majority of skills you will use daily when it comes to personal protection. However, since most
1200 Kootenay Street N. 250-489-4704 Pastor Grant McDowell Sunday Service & Children’s Ministry 10:00 am
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Community Church SUNDAY SERVICE 10:30 am
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Sunday School 1st & 3rd Sunday
St. Aidan Orthodox Church
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Fr. Andrew Applegate, 250-420-1582
All are welcome to come in, see, listen, pray, and stay for lunch.
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10 Boundary St. - 250-427-2428
Rev. Sunny Kim Sunday Worship at 10:00am
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people usually consider self-defence the physical act of fighting, this is obviously a very important part of personal security in the minds of most people and something that many people fear. Quite honestly, if the idea of being in a violent conflict does not cause you a little fear you probably are ignorant to how vulnerable a human being is when it comes to violence. Even though many fear this kind of conflict, few truly prepare for it. We wrestle as children, much like cubs do in the animal kingdom. Playing with our friends, siblings and parents, we learn some rudiments of movement and how to overcome our peers. This is as much animal dominance play as it is instinctive training; but regardless, this instinctive play is part of our emotional make up and because it is still part of our behaviour it must be a positive survival trait. This behaviour may give us some very primary skills in moving and fighting, but the problem is that even though we have some rudimentary self-defence skills from our upbringing we do not have the higher skill sets that
can really get us out of a horrible situation. If you were ever in a life or death struggle I am sure you would want a higher level of skill than that which life handed you by happenstance. This is where a good coach can come in. By learning from a decent coach wellversed in reality-based personal-protection training, you can develop a higher skill set, both physically and mentally. A good coach will give you not only the physical skills for when a situation gets bad but also the tactics that not only can help you avoid the worst case scenario but also to make sure you attack your attacker from the best tactical advantage you can find. If your instructor is doing his job you will have some conflict resolution skills, the ability to use deceit and ruses and the knowledge of how to initiate an attack with the best possible advantage if all your other options have been taken away. Things like use of force examples will be taught along with other important tactics such as after the incident selfcare, responsible actions before, during and
after the incident. You don’t get to be violent in isolation, even when you are defending yourself; there will most likely be authority figures who ask questions. This is why self-defence is more than just kicking butt. Self-defence is a group of very important life skills. Life experience can give you some very rudimentary skills for this type of situation, it is better to go much deeper with a qualified self-defence instructor. Because when it comes to something so broad and encompassing as personal protection and safety it is better to be overtrained rather than unprepared. The trained mind will act; the untrained mind will at best react and at worst will freeze or panic. Like learning how to drive or swim, self-defence skills are an important part of our basic life skills and are best learned under the tutelage of a qualified instructor. Joel Huncar is the chief instructor of Huncar’s Warrior Arts, which has its headquarters in the Rocky Mountain Martial Arts Family Centre.
Led by Reed, Americans rule again at Royal Troon
Cranbrook Alliance Church
Live Life Well.
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
We use vegetable-based inks, and our newsprint, tin and aluminum waste is recycled.
PAUL NE WBERRY Associated Press
TROON, Scotland On a gorgeous, sunny day along the Scottish coast, the Americans resumed their domination of Royal Troon. Patrick Reed took advantage of the benign conditions Thursday to start the British Open with a 5-under 66, leaving him one stroke ahead of Justin Thomas and Steve Stricker. Reed got his round going by holing out from 139 yards at the par-4 third hole for eagle. That sparked him to a 5-under 31 on the much easier outward nine, which generally plays downwind and was especially ripe for going low on this day. On the return leg, playing tougher holes into the wind, it was all about survival. Reed managed to shoot even par coming in and had no complaints. Asked to describe the difference be-
tween the two nines, he replied, “David vs. Goliath.” After a week dominated by who is - and, more notably, isn’t going to Rio next month for the first Olympic tournament in 112 years, it was finally time to put the focus on the sport’s oldest major championship. As usual, the Americans were having their way at Royal Troon, where the last six winners going back to Arnold Palmer in 1962 have been from the U.S. “I’ve heard that stat as well, but honestly with how competition is these days, it doesn’t really matter where you’re from or anything like that,” Reed said. “You have to be on your game, you have to stick to your game plan. I think the main thing is to stay with my game plan because the odds of me going out and eagling 3 right out of the gates again, to go and hole out, it’s rare.”
Then again, the 25-year-old Reed certainly doesn’t lack for confidence. Two years ago, he raised plenty of eyebrows by declaring himself to be one of the top five players in the world. That same year, he seemed to thrive on the heckling he received during the Ryder Cup in Scotland. But Reed has yet to live up to his boasting, leaving him clearly on the outside of a Fab Four that includes Jason Day, Dustin Johnson, Jordan Spieth and Rory McIlroy. They’ve won six of the last eight major championships and were on nearly everyone’s list of favourites coming into the week. “It doesn’t really matter to me. I’m not the one that’s writing the articles or doing anything,” Reed said. “At the end of the day all I can control is what I do and how I play the game. Honestly, for me, I don’t mind flying underneath the radar.”
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Jacklin, Shiftd look to future with hockey analysis startup
Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 11
CONTINUED from page 9 Finally, a one-onone consultation between coach and athlete will be arranged. As happened in baseball many years ago, there has been an awakening to the world of advanced or relevant statistics within the game of hockey over the past five years. One of the more commonly heard terms within hockey relevant statistics is Corsi, which measures the shot attempt differential of a player while he or she is on the ice. This means every shot on goal, blocked shot, wide shot — at both ends of the rink — combines to give a player his or her Corsi rating. Ultimately, this is intended to provide an athlete or coach with an indication of how a player can generate chances at the offensive end of the rink, while also preventing them at the defensive end. Corsi ratings are
simply one relevant statistic Jacklin and his crew of coaches will pinpoint and timestamp within a player’s game in an effort to help highlight good decisions and where improvements can be made. Jacklin and his crew bill Shiftd as the next step in the evolution of hockey alongside technology. “The coaches we have are all current or ex-professional hockey players,” Jacklin said. “Some of the guys have NHL experience that are on this coaching staff. “Most of them have been to the highest level…[We have] knowledge of the game as far as how kids can improve on an individual basis. Most coaches are just trying to improve the team game.” Jacklin played a total of 90 KIJHL games — split between the Kimberley Dynamiters and Columbia Valley Rock-
ies — accruing 27 goals and 75 points before graduating on to a successful career in the British Columbia Hockey League (BCHL). In 209 career BCHL games (Cowichan Valley Capitals, Trail Smoke Easters), the 6-foot, 185pound left-winger registered 65 goals and 194 points, vaulting himself into a four-year college career at Robert Morris University (48-59-107 in 143 games). He spent the 2015-16 in the ECHL, splitting time between the Elmira Jackals and Brampton Beast, collecting eight goals and 21 points in 46 games. More information on Shiftd is available at Interested players and/or parents unable to attend the July 20 information session can contact Jacklin directly via phone (647-574-3029) or email (scottajacklin@
Kimberley native Scott Jacklin, pictured with the ECHL’s Brampton Beast, is at the core of a new hockey analysis startup called Shiftd.
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A former constituency assistant in NDP MLA Rob Fleming’s office has been charged with theft, fraud and writing forged cheques from constituency funds. Marnie Ruth Offman was to appear in court Wednesday to face three charges, said a statement issued by special prosecutor Dirk Ryneveld, who was appointed June 8. The charges relate to a six-year period from March 2009 to Nov. 28, 2015. “I made a complaint to the Victoria Police Department after making the shocking discovery that funds were missing from my office,” Fleming, MLA for Victoria-Swan Lake since 2005, said in a statement. “This has been a very disturbing matter for me because it involves someone I worked closely with. Constituency office employees have the trust of the MLA and the community they serve so it is gravely disappointing to have that trust violated.” Victoria Police issued a state-
NBROOK North Star Motors 250-489-4711 ment confirming they were contacted by Fleming on May 18, and that they recommended the three charges after investigating. “Detectives believe that no one else was involved in this matter,” the statement says. The Vancouver Sun reported that the investigation looked at $120,000 that has gone missing since 2009. Constituency offices for B.C.’s 85 MLAs receive about $120,000 per year to cover office rent, staff salaries and expenses.
2016 SILVERADO 1500
[License #5717]
+ $2,500 TOTAL CREDIT†
+ $2,750 TOTAL CREDIT†
ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the finance of a 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, Trax LTZ FWD, Equinox LTZ FWD, Malibu (except L) equipped as described. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada on select from July 1 to August 2, 2016. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on 2016 Sonic Hatchback RS Manual & Auto; Impala, all Malibu models except L; all Impala models; all Volt models; Trax LTZ FWD; Equinox LTZ FWD; Traverse 2LT FWD; Silverado [Silverado [LD Reg Cab WT, LS; Double Cab WT, LS, Crew Cab WT, LS, Custom] and for 60 months on Spark 1LT/2LT; all Cruze Models; all Camaro models; Colorado models excluding 2SA; Silverado HD Gas (See below for exclusions); all Express models; all City Express models; all Tahoe models; all Suburban models; and for 36 months on Corvette models except Z06 and Silverado HD Diesel (See below for exclusions). Other trims may have effective rates higher than 0%. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $30,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $357.14 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $30,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. Licence, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. ‡ $10,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $3,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2016 Silverado Light Duty Double Cab, $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus, offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card (GM Card) or current GM Card cardholders (tax inclusive), a $820 manufacturer to dealer Option Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive) for 2016 Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab 1LT equipped with True North Edition package, and a $5,180 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) on Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab LT or LTZ, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $5,180 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. Selected vehicles eligible for the cash rebate are not the same as those eligible for the 0% financing advertised. † $2,500/$2,750 is a combined credit consisting of $500/$750 GM Card Application Bonus (tax inclusive), $2,000/$2,000 manufacturer-to-dealer credit (tax inclusive) finance credit valid toward the retail finance of an eligible new 2016 Trax LTZ FWD, Equinox LTZ FWD delivered in Canada from July 1 to August 2, 2016. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. Void where prohibited. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. †† Offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Card (GM Card) or current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2016 model year Chevrolet delivered in Canada between July 1 and August 2, 2016. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $500 credit available on: Chevrolet Camaro, Sonic, Cruze, Cruze Limited, Malibu (excluding L model), Volt (including 2017 MY Volt) and Trax; $750 credit available on: Chevrolet Impala, Equinox, Express, Traverse and Colorado (except 2SA), Suburban, Tahoe; $1,000 credit available on: Chevrolet Silverado, Silverado HD. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2016 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 48,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^ Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.
Page 12 Friday, July 15, 2016 Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
MLA’s former staffer charged with theft, fraud
Victoria-Swan Lake MLA Rob Fleming
KIMBERLEY Chalet GM 250-427-4895
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 13
Smart meter class action lawsuit fails against BC Hydro TOM FLETCHER Black Press
The B.C. Supreme Court has dismissed an application by anti-smart meter activists to certify a class action suit against BC Hydro’s use of the wireless meters. It’s the latest defeat for opponents of wireless meters, whose claims of health hazards have also been rejected by the B.C. Utilities Commission and the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal. In her June 12 decision, Justice Elaine Adair agreed with BC Hydro
emissions impractical. BC Hydro said in a statement it is pleased by the decision on a wireless electricity system that has “realized $100 million in benefits in the first three years of the program, including reductions in electricity theft.” The proposed representative plaintiffs in the class action application included Nomi Davis, who operates a yoga and healing centre business in her home, and Sharon Noble, a long-time protester against wireless meters.
expert Dr. Benjamin Cotts that it would be impossible to assess a “common issue” of thousands of customers’ exposure to radio frequency exposure, because of endless variations in distance and wall materials separating people from meters. Cotts also noted that in addition to radio frequency emissions from radio stations, cell phones, baby monitors, TV and weather radar, natural sources including lightning, other humans and the Earth itself make the assessment of meter
Sharon Noble, proposed as a representative plaintiff in a class action suit against BC Hydro, protests outside the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention in Vancouver in 2012.
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ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. BCGMCDEALERS.CA 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase of a 2016 GMC Terrain SLE-1 AWD, Canyon (excludes 2SA), Sierra 1500 1SA. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, dealer fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. * Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered from July 1 to August 2, 2016. 0% APR offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank: 84 months on new or demonstrator 2016 Terrain SLE-1 AWD, Acadia SLE-1 AWD, Sierra 1500 1SA; 60 months on new or demonstrator 2016 Yukon (all trims), Savana (all trims), Canyon (all trims excluding 2SA), Sierra HD Gas 1SA; 36 months for new and demonstrator 2016 Sierra HD Diesel 1SA. Other trims may have effective rates higher than 0%. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/ trade. Example: $30,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $357.14 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $30,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. † $2,750/$1,250/$2,000 is a combined credit consisting of $750/750/$1,000 GM Card Application Bonus (tax inclusive) and a $2,000/$500/$1,000 manufacturer-to-consumer credit (tax inclusive) valid toward the retail finance of an eligible new 2016 GMC Terrain SLE-1 AWD/Canyon (excludes 2SA)/Sierra 1500 delivered in Canada from July 1 to August 2, 2016. ** GM Card Application Bonus is a manufacturer-to-consumer incentive towards the retail purchase, finance or lease of an eligible 2016 vehicle and applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa card or current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders and credit value depends on model purchased: $1,000 towards Sierra LD/HD; $750 towards Acadia, Terrain, Canyon (excludes 2SA), Savana, Yukon, Yukon XL. Offers may not be redeemed for cash and may not combined with certain other consumer incentives. ~ Visit for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services vary by model, conditions and geographical and technical restrictions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Available Wi-Fi® hotspot requires a data plan. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms, Privacy Statement and Software Terms. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Not all vehicles may transmit all crash data. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required. ‡ Vehicle user interfaces are products of Apple® and Google® and their terms and privacy statements apply. Requires compatible smartphone. Data plan rates apply. ¥ The 6.2L V8 is the most powerful engine in its class at 420 hp and 460 lb.-ft. of torque. Comparison based on 2015 Large Light-Duty Pickup segment and latest competitive information available at time of posting. Excludes other GM vehicles. †† When properly equipped. Before you buy a vehicle or use it for trailering, carefully review the Trailering section of the Owner’s Manual. The weight of passengers, cargo and options or accessories may reduce the amount you can tow. ¥¥ Comparison based on 2015 Small/Large Pickup segments and latest competitive information available at time of posting. Fuel consumption estimates based on GM preliminary testing in accordance with Government of Canada approved test methods. Refer to for details. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Excludes other GM vehicles.+ With optional front cash prevention. ^^ The 2-Year Scheduled LOF Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2016 GMC vehicle with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the Oil Life Monitoring System and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 48,000km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four lube-oil-filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.
CRANBROOK North Star Motors 250-489-4711
[License #5717]
KIMBERLEY Chalet GM 250-427-4895
[License #6340
Cranbrook Townsman
Page 14 Friday, July 15, 2016
NEWS Army headed for Africa, says top Canadian general
OTTAWA - Canada’s army will soon be bound for Africa, Canada’s top soldier said Thursday, fuelling speculation that it will be deployed on a peacekeeping operation to control the spread of terrorism on the continent. “The army’s been preparing for the future ... preparing for a wide range of future tasks,” Gen. Jonathan Vance, the chief of the defence staff, told a rain-soaked change of command ceremony for the army on the lawn of Parliament Hill. “Internationally, the
army is at the forefront, managing conflicts around the world, contributing to operations in Iraq, building capacity with allies and partners in Poland, Ukraine, and very soon in Africa.” Vance did not elaborate in front of an audience of several hundred that included military officials, politicians and diplomats. But the remark comes one day after Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan said containing the spread of terrorism across Africa is a consideration for Canada as one possible contribution to a UN peacekeeping mission, a core foreign policy goal of the
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Trudeau Liberals. Sajjan said the need to control the spread of Islamic militants across the Middle East and Africa is part of the government’s calculation in determining where Canada’s eventual peacekeeping mission will be focused. Multiple sources have told The Canadian Press that Mali, where the French are leading a UN mission that has seen at least 19 peacekeepers killed this year, is one destination that’s being carefully considered. Vance and others maintain that the Canadian Forces do indeed have the capacity to si-
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multaneously help NATO deter Russia on Europe’s eastern border while launching a substantial United Nations peacekeeping mission. The government’s decision last week to contribute 450 soldiers, light armoured vehicles and other equipment to Latvia to a 1,000-strong multinational NATO
the government. “We will be able to deliver whatever the government wants us to do,” said Lt.-Gen. Marquis Hainse, who formally ceded command of the army to Lt.-Gen. Paul Wynnyk during Thursday’s ceremony. “There’s room to manoeuvre there, to contribute to somewhere
force has raised questions about whether the Canadian Forces can still make good on mounting a major UN peacekeeping mission. The former commander of the army is backing up those political assertions, as is a leading Canadian peacekeeping expert who is helping to advise
RCMP apologizes over harassment episode, promises national effort JIM BRONSKILL Canadian Press
OTTAWA - The RCMP will launch a new national effort to eliminate sexual misconduct in the workplace after an internal review criticized the police force’s response to an “egregious” case involving nudity and harassment. The review concluded the RCMP’s initial investigations into behaviour at the Canadian Police College were “fraught with missed opportunities” to effectively deal with the misconduct, protect the victims and witnesses and heal the workplace. RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson accepted a special steering committee’s 28 recommendations based on the findings, and he apologized to those who experienced distress over the episode. Paulson has been wrestling for years with problems of bullying and harassment within the national police force by introducing a “respectful workplace”
the allegations, Solesme and Calandrini were allowed to return to work in the explosives field, with minimal repercussions. Two years before the allegations were pointed out to Paulson, various internal investigations had been initiated into the events. The latest review, ordered by the commissioner, found that incidents of nudity and unwelcome touching had occurred at the explosives unit. However, the incidents were not immediately reported by the victims for a variety of reasons, including “discomfort and fear.” “This type of behaviour in the workplace is unacceptable, regardless of the intention, and must be eradicated from the workplace,” said the review report. Prompt reporting of sexual misconduct in the workplace must be encouraged so that it can be addressed immediately with an appropriate response, the
course, setting up employee advisory committees, encouraging settlement of complaints at the earliest opportunity and promoting more women to senior posts. Earlier this year, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale expressed outrage to Paulson when allegations surfaced about unwanted sexual touching, bullying and rampant nudity in the explosives training unit of the RCMP-administered police college in Ottawa. In February, a former employee of the explosives unit wrote to Paulson about the behaviour of two colleagues. The member alleged that Staff Sgt. Bruno Solesme and civilian member Marco Calandrini had repeatedly engaged in sexual misconduct and harassment from approximately June 2012 through December 2013, said the review report, made public Thursday. The member was frustrated that despite
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Ford of Canada, Manufacturing
else.” Indeed, there’s room -but it won’t be easy, said Walter Dorn, a professor at the Canadian Forces Staff College in Kingston. “The NATO commitment puts a strain on the number of forces that are available for UN deployments but I think we can do both,” Dorn said.
report added. The more than two dozen recommendations flowing from the report addressed issues including human resource management, accountability and communication practices in the RCMP. Paulson has committed to providing Goodale with a “comprehensive action plan” within 30 days on implementing the recommendations. In a 2013 report, the watchdog over the RCMP said the force must take swift and effective action on complaints of bullying and harassment to reassure both members and the public. The force said Thursday it must continue to strengthen and promote workplace wellness, ensure RCMP employees are safe from harassment and give them confidence in the internal processes to deal with misconduct.
Oh hey, you’re looking for the legal, right? Take a look, here it is: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible raincheckable Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP).*Ford Employee Pricing (“Employee Pricing”) is available from July 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016 (the “Program Period”), on the purchase or lease of most new 2016/2017 Ford vehicles (excluding all chassis cab, stripped chassis, and cutaway body models, F-150 Raptor, F-650/F-750, Mustang Shelby GT350/GT350R, Ford GT, and Focus RS). Employee Pricing refers to A-Plan pricing ordinarily available to Ford of Canada employees (excluding any Unifor-/CAW-negotiated programs). The new vehicle must be delivered or factory-ordered during the Program Period from your participating Ford Dealer. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs.¥Until September 30, 2016, receive $12,280 in Total Price Adjustments with the purchase or lease of a new 2016 F-150 Lariat 4x4 SuperCrew 502A. Total Price Adjustment is a combination of Employee Price Adjustment of $7,350 and Delivery Allowance of $4,750 – all chassis cab, stripped chassis, and cutaway body models, F-150 Raptor, F-650/F-750 excluded. Employee Price Adjustment is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. Delivery Allowance is not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. Until September 30, 2016, cash purchase a new 2016 F-150 Lariat 4x4 SuperCrew 502A for $51,019 after Total Price Adjustment of $12,280 is deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Total Price Adjustment has been deducted. Offer includes freight and air tax of $1,800 but excludes variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price.^Offer only valid from July 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with an eligible Costco membership on or before June 30, 2016. Receive $1,000 towards the purchase or lease of a new and available 2016/2017 Ford model (excluding Fiesta, Focus, C-MAX, 50th Anniversary Edition Mustang, Shelby® GT350 Mustang, Shelby® GT350R Mustang, Ford GT, F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2, F-150 Raptor and Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Limit one (1) offer per each Eligible Vehicle purchase or lease, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. Applicable taxes calculated before CAD$1,000 offer is deducted.® Registered trademark of Price Costco International, Inc. used under license.†F-Series is the best-selling line of pickup trucks in Canada for 50 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report up to 2015 year end.‡Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs. GVWR. vs. 2015 competitors. Some driver input required. Driver-assist features are supplemental and do not replace the driver’s attention, judgment and need to control the vehicle.©2016 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence.©2016 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
Cranbrook Townsman
Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 15
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Offer(s) available on select new 2016/2017 models through participating dealers to qualified retail customers who take delivery from July 1 to August 2, 2016. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All offers are subject to change without notice. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,740, $22 AMVIC, $100 A/C charge (where applicable). Excludes taxes, licensing, PPSA, registration, insurance, variable dealer administration fees, fuel-fill charges up to $100, and down payment (if applicable and unless otherwise specified). Other lease and financing options also available. Φ0% financing on select 2016 models. Available discount is deducted from the negotiated purchase price before taxes. Certain conditions apply. See your dealer for complete details. Representative Financing Example: Financing offer available on approved credit (OAC), on a new 2016 Soul LX+ MT (SO553G) with a selling price of $20,857 is based on weekly payments of $56 for 84 months at 0% with a $0 down payment and first monthly payment due at finance inception. Offer also includes $500 loan credit. Cost of borrowing is $0 and total obligation is $20,357. Other taxes, registration, insurance and licensing fees are excluded. *Cash Purchase Price for the new 2016 Optima Hybrid LX (OP74AG) is $24,000 and includes a cash discount of $7,777 (including $1,000 ECO-Credit). Includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,560, $22 AMVIC and $100 A/C charge (where applicable). Dealer may sell for less. Other taxes, registration, insurance and licensing fees are excluded. Cash discounts vary by model and trim and are deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes. ≠Representative Leasing Example: Lease offer available on approved credit (OAC), on the 2016 Optima LX AT (OP741G)/2016 Soul LX+ MT (SO553G)/2016 Sorento 2.4L LX FWD (SR75AG) with a selling price of $25,377/$20,857/$29,557 (includes $0/$0/$500 lease credit discount and $750/$0/$500 competitive bonus** or loyalty bonus¶) is based on 260 weekly payments of $57/$47/$64 for 60 months at 1.9%/0.9%/0.9% with $0 security deposit, $2,200/$250/$1,900 down payment and first payment due at lease inception. Total lease obligation $14,795/$12,310/$16,571 with the option to purchase at the end of the term for $9,128/$8,959/$10,928. Lease has 16,000 km/yr allowance (other packages available and $0.12/km for excess kilometres). **Competitive Bonus offer available on the retail purchase/lease of any new 2016 Rio, 2016 Rio5, 2016 Forte, 2016 Forte Koup, 2016 Forte5, 2016 Sorento, 2017 Sportage, and 2016 Rondo for the amount of $500, and 2016 Sedona and 2016 Optima for the amount of $750 from participating dealers between July 1 and August 2, 2016 upon proof of current ownership/lease of a select competitive vehicle in the relevant class/category. Competitive models include specific VW, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Honda, GM, Ford, Jeep, Pontiac, Suzuki, Saturn, Chrysler, Chevrolet, Subaru, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Land Rover, Infiniti, Acura, Audi, Lincoln, Volvo and Buick vehicles. ¶$500/$750 loyalty bonus offer available on the retail purchase/lease of any new 2016 Forte, 2016 Sorento, 2017 Sportage, 2016 Rio, 2016 Rio5 and 2016 Rondo/2016 Sedona and 2016 Optima from participating dealers between July 1 and August 2, 2016 upon proof of current ownership/registration of Kia vehicle. Some conditions apply. See your dealer or for complete details. ‡Model shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2016 Optima SX AT Turbo (OP746G)/ 2016 Sorento SX Turbo AWD (SR75IG)/2016 Soul SX Luxury (SO758G) is $35,195/$42,295/$27,495. The Bluetooth® wordmark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. ALG is the industry benchmark for residual values and depreciation data, Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.
Page 16 Friday, July 15, 2016
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Feds signal annual increase in health transfers to drop ANDY BL ATCHFORD Canadian Press
OTTAWA - A familiar sore spot between Ottawa and the provinces is beginning to flare up once again: how much money should the feds be handing over for health care? As efforts continue to forge a new federal-provincial health accord, Quebec’s health minister says Ottawa intends to let the annual increase in health transfers fall to as low as half its current rate at the end of the fiscal year. Gaetan Barrette said his officials have been told Ottawa has no ap-
petite to keep the escalator at its current level of six per cent. Starting in 2017-18, the transfer is scheduled to grow only as much as Canada’s nominal GDP, with a guaranteed minimum increase of three per cent. Barrette argued in an interview that such a shortfall in health transfers would create a “scary situation” for cash-strapped provinces that face emerging heath-care costs linked to factors such as aging baby boomers. The thorny debate over federal health transfers has been dor-
mant in recent years, but appears poised to re-emerge as the current funding formula expires. The discussion is expected to dominate the agenda at next week’s meeting of provincial and territorial premiers in Whitehorse. Barrette expects Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard to deliver a strong message during the Council of the Federation talks because the Quebec government considers a three-per-cent escalator a “freeze” in the level of health services. “We’re not even dis-
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[Winner of the ipad mini] Jason Wheeldon P.R.E.C.
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cussing - we are being told - that the escalator will go from six (per cent) to three,” Barrette said of the messages his staff has received from the federal government. “It hasn’t been said (quite this) way, but it was close to: ‘Don’t expect too much and don’t call us.”’ The annual increase in transfers was part of the of last health accord that expired in 2014. The previous Conservative government refused to renegotiate it and unilaterally declared it would end in 2017. Barrette said while his federal counterpart Jane Philpott has been attentive during the discussions, he believes the federal Liberal government as a whole appears headed in the same direction as the Tories were. Other provinces are also worried about the fate of the health transfers. Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins said
the premiers previously called on Ottawa to boost transfers so they cover at least a 25-percent of share of health costs. Currently, Hoskins said the federal government’s share is about 22 per cent. Allowing the escalator to drop would move Ottawa further away from the 25-per-cent target - and even that level is too low for Ontario, he added. “Ontario would like to see that federal share continue to increase beyond 25 per cent,” Hoskins said in an interview, noting that the provinces are now waiting to hear how much funding they can expect. Asked about the escalator, Philpott would only say that the transfer provides a “stable funding base” and that any additional cash would be focused on priority areas like home care and mental health. “Decisions on federal funding linked to a new health accord will
First Saturdays sends a big Thank You to all those who made the First - First Saturday Bed race a great success! Desp De Despite sp pit itee th thee br brok broken oken en w wheels heel he elss a lo lott of ggreat reat re at ffun! un!! un • To Western Financial Kimberley, The Sullivan Pub, Montana’s and Marysville Restaurant & Pub for the financial support for the new event. • To Jim Webster for the inspiration • The Kimberley Pipe Band • Announcers Mike Garnery and Darren Shaben • Kootenay Orienteering for organizing • To the bed construction: Larry Tuck, Sever Rondesvedt, and John Wiggan, and the Sullivan Mine Underground Railway for the use of the maintenance shop for construction • Susan Freudenberg for painting • Tony Austin for the trophy • Kimberley Rotary for once again providing the great pancake breakfast! • A special thanks to Bavarian Barbarian ‘Adrenalyn Crush’ for the welding repair, with a guarantee! • And last but not least thanks to all of those who participated, volunteered and enjoyed the first Annual Bed Race! Next one, July 1st 2017!
Catch the excitement as 159 athletes and 39 coaches from the Kootenays (Zone 1) compete against the best in the province.
be made once the areas for reform are identified through negotiations with the provinces and territories,” she said in an email. The federal government, which aims to sign a deal with the provinces by the end of 2016, has said it remains committed to boosting health-care funding. Its maiden budget, however, contained no money for a new health accord with the provinces. The budget also omitted cash for the Liberals’ “immediate” campaign commitment to invest $3 billion over four years to deliver more and better home care. Finance Minister Bill Morneau has said the health funding was left out of the March budget because negotiations with the provinces had yet to provide a clear direction. Hoskins said Thursday that some commitments, such as the Liberal home-care vow, may ultimately be included in the health
transfers. Nova Scotia Health Minister Leo Glavine said the provinces and territories would make use of the home-care investment. The health transfer, however, is the “stumbling block” in the talks, Glavine said. He said Ontario and Quebec are “certainly driving hard” to see the escalator stay at six per cent, while his province - with its rapidly aging demographic - is seeking a formula that provides funding based on the percentage of residents over 65. “So far, Ottawa really has not shown their cards,” said Glavine, who called the Whitehorse meeting “very, very critical” to the negotiating process. “We’re down to just a speck over five months and there’s a lot yet to be accomplished and I think it’s critical before the end of 2016 that we have a very, very clear direction for the next number of years.”
Toronto approves three supervised injection sites C ANADIAN PRESS
Toronto city council has approved three supervised injection sites in the city. Council voted 36-3 Thursday to support supervised injection services at existing healthcare facilities in downtown Toronto. The services are aimed at providing a safe and hygenic environment where people can inject pre-obtained drugs under a nurse’s supervision. Earlier this month, Toronto’s board of health
unanimously accepted a recommendation for three small-scale supervised injection sites. Between 2004 and 2014 there was a 77 per cent increase in the reported number of people dying from overdoses in Toronto, according to a report presented to the board of health. The three sites will be set up at Toronto Public Health, the Queen West-Central Toronto Community Health Centre and the South Riverdale Community Health Centre.
Cranbrook Townsman
Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 17
Police forces across Canada warn of Pokemon Go risks DIANA MEHTA PE TER C AMERON Canadian Press
TORONTO - Police forces across Canada are warning of the risks involved in playing augmented reality games such as Pokemon Go as reports mount of people getting injured or landing in trouble as they play the wildly popular game. The cellphone-based game sends players into the real world to search for digital monsters known as Pokemon, who appear on screen when users hold up their iPhones or Android devices in various locations at various times. While not officially released in Canada yet, many residents have found workarounds to access the game that’s become a blockbuster hit since launching in the United States, Australia and New Zealand last week. Police forces, however, are worried about the game luring people into potentially dangerous situations and are cautioning players to use their common sense. In Quebec City, police said two officers suffered minor injuries when a car they observed driving strangely reversed into their cruiser in a parking lot.
“The driver said ‘I’m sorry, I was playing Pokemon Go,”’ said Const. Nancy Roussel, who said police are calling on players to be aware of their surroundings. “Be careful, watch out, even if you are in a car, on your feet or on a bicycle, be careful and watch where you’re going, please.” Every time the Pokemon Go app is opened, a warning from game maker Niantic pops up, telling players to be aware of their surroundings. Players must also agree to fine print saying they cannot enter private property without permission. There’s also a disclaimer that says Niantic is not liable for any property damage, injuries or deaths that result while playing. But despite the warnings, some people playing the game have wandered into private yards, driveways, cemeteries and, in one U.S. case, even an off-limits police parking lot in search of the app’s cartoon monsters. In Vancouver, police have observed the game’s colourful digital characters inside their own headquarters and have cautioned city residents over what they termed the “Pokemon
Go invasion.” “Are you about to step into traffic? Are you going to crash into someone or something? You could end more than just your game,” they said. “It is very easy for any stranger to know your gathering spots. Make sure you go with a group, and that younger kids tell parents or another adult where they’re going.” Some police forces have also been employing the hashtag #DontCatchAndDrive as players roam community streets. “Please do not look for #Pokemon while driving. If you’ve gotta catch ‘em all, do so safely. #DontCatchAndDrive,” tweeted Edmonton police. Winnipeg police and Manitoba RCMP sent out similar missives, urging players to be responsible. In Ontario, provincial police have put out a short video on Twitter in response to the “potential risk and harm” they are seeing related to the game. “People are getting injured, people in the U.S. are having their cellphones stolen when they show up at given locations where Pokemon are supposed to be in hiding,” said Sgt. Dave Rektor.
When asked if police have received any reports of incidents in Ontario, Rektor replied: “I haven’t heard of any but I’m sitting here pulling what little hair I have left out of my head wondering when common sense will catch up to this crazy world.” The cops aren’t the only ones issuing warnings - Montreal’s metro-
politan transportation agency has asked riders to respect safety rules when going in search of Pokemon near its facilities, posting a photograph of one of the game’s monsters by a railway track as a train approaches. South of the border, police in the U.S. have cautioned players that trespassers could get ar-
rested or worse, especially if they cross paths with an armed property owner. In Utah, a teen was slapped with a trespassing ticket that he worries could cost him up to $200 after he and a couple of friends went on an early morning Pokemon chase at an abandoned grain silo. Meanwhile, in west-
ern Pennsylvania, one woman told a local TV station that her 15-yearold daughter was hit by a car while playing the game and crossing a busy highway. The girl was hospitalized with an injured collarbone and foot, as well as cuts and bruises, her mother said.
Classic Nintendo system returns C ANADIAN PRESS
REDMOND, Wash. - If you have fond memories of battling King Koopa or tossing barrels as Donkey Kong, you can relive them this fall. Nintendo is leaping into the nostalgia market by bringing back the classic Nintendo Entertainment System.
The NES Classic edition comes complete with 30 built-in games, including all three “Super Mario Bros.,” ”Donkey Kong,“ ”The Legend of Zelda,“ and ”Punch-Out.“ Nintendo says it’s bringing back the wildly popular system that launched in the 1980s so those who grew up with it can
pass gaming memories onto the next generation. The device looks almost exactly like the original NES, but smaller. It will be able to be hooked up directly to high-definition TVs. The system goes on sale on Nov. 11. Redmond, Washington-based Nintendo of America says it will retail for $59.99.
Game of Thrones nabs 23 Emmy nods LYNN ELBER Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - Power-andblood fantasy saga “Game of Thrones” ruled the Emmy Award nominations Thursday with a leading 23 bids, including best drama, while a real-life epic of murder and celebrity, “The People v. O.J. Simpson,” was close behind with 22 nods. “Game of Thrones” gets the chance to win its second top Emmy, while “Veep,” last year’s
top comedy winner, also will get another shot at holding office and with 17 nominations was the comedy leader. Breakthrough nominations include a best comedy series nod for sophomore “black-ish,” which brought the African-American family sitcom back to network TV, with bids as well for its stars, Anthony Anderson and Tracee Ellis Ross. They were among a number of black actors recognized by TV
academy voters, who have started to keep pace with TV’s growing diversity - in sharp contrast to moviedom’s Academy Awards, which were slammed as “Oscars So White” this year. Viola Davis, the “How to Get Away with Murder” star who last year became the first woman of colour to win a best drama actress trophy, was nominated again. So was “Empire” star Taraji P. Henson.
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Page 18 Friday, July 15, 2016
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Suspect in Calgary girl’s disappearance not co-operating with police BILL GR AVEL AND L AUREN KRUGEL Canadian Press
CALGARY - A suspect arrested in the disappearance of a fiveyear-old Calgary girl is giving “zero co-operation” to investigators, police said Thursday as officers scoured a rural area east of the city. Insp. Don Coleman said Thursday the man is believed to be the same one witnesses saw Monday with a girl matching Taliyah Marsman’s description.
The man and girl were in the same Calgary neighbourhood where Sara Baillie’s body was discovered Monday night in the basement suite she shared with her daughter. Police believe the man and the girl left a car belonging to Baillie, got into a grey sedan and drove off. Coleman said the sedan was seized in a strip mall parking lot on Wednesday night and the driver was arrested. The car
was being examined by the forensics unit. Coleman said Baillie, 34, knew the suspect, as did Taliyah’s father, Colin Marsman. He also said the suspect is known to police and has a extensive criminal background with some violence. Police have not closed their eyes to the possibility of other suspects, he said. Meanwhile, between 50 and 75 city police and RCMP officers were searching for clues in a
rural area east of Calgary on Thursday. The officers, wearing bright yellow vests, were trudging through canola fields of the same vibrant hue and combing through tall grass with poles. The groups made their way deliberately along gravel side roads, stopping to talk to property owners and lingering when they came across a culvert or bridge. Coleman acknowledged that the rural
search “does have a more ominous tone to it” but added it shouldn’t be viewed negatively. “Information that comes to light through several investigative strategies led us to believe that this individual was briefly in that area,” he said. “We’ve searched other premises in the last few days. This rural area is no different.” A stuffed animal was found by searchers, but police have no idea if it’s significant.
Margaret Orr, who lives on a rural property on the edge of a golf course, said police came by and asked how long she and her husband have been living there and if they’d seen or heard anything suspicious. Orr said she had looked through her barn, greenhouse and other buildings on her property and would continue to keep an eye out. An Amber Alert was still in effect Thursday and Coleman said police expect to find Taliyah alive. “There has been nothing to indicate the status of that has changed.” On Wednesday, Coleman said the girl seen by witnesses around midday Monday had a reddish suitcase, suggesting whoever had
her intends to look after her. Investigators have also said footage from a closed-circuit camera shows Baillie and her daughter at a Dairy Queen around suppertime Sunday. Baillie appears to be speaking with a man and a boy. Police have yet to identify the people in the footage and have posted still photos of the exchange on the City of Calgary’s website. Taliyah’s family was “doing exactly as expected,” Coleman said. “They are very ... upset. They want Taliyah safely returned. They’ve lost their daughter, their niece, and they’re just hoping that at least Taliyah can be returned safely.” Her father has also put out a plea for whoever has Taliyah to “do the right thing.”
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Good for Regular or Twilight Green Fee anytime in July. Expires July 31, 2016
HALIFAX - Whether they’re at a desk or on the couch, anyone with an interest in visiting the wind-swept dunes of Nova Scotia’s remote Sable Island can now do so without getting sand in their shoes. Parts of the crescent-shaped island, situated roughly 290 kilometres southeast of Halifax, can now be seen on Google Street View. From Google Maps, one click triggers a dizzying switch from the generic blue and green shapes of the map to crisp, 360-degree photographic images. Dozens of seals can be seen lounging in the white sand and blue surf on the expansive shoreline, and horses nibble on sparse grass among the shifting sand dunes. An on-screen ‘x’ guides the user through a short “stroll” around a portion of the island’s midsection, with breathtaking views in all directions - but especially out over the Atlantic. Danielle Hickey of Parks Canada said the
42-kilometre long, 1.5-kilometre wide island isn’t the first national park to appear on Google Street View, but she said its addition is especially unique and exciting because it is largely inaccessible to the general public. “This seemed like a wonderful opportunity to allow people to connect to this very remote and also very special place,” said Hickey in a phone interview on Thursday. “They’ll see the beach, the Sable Island horses, seals, the Bald Dune - which is a 90foot high sand dune. It gives these incredible vistas and a full view out to the sea.” Hickey said Parks Canada has been working with Google since 2013 to capture Canadian sites with Google Street View technology. Other such places that can be explored on street view include Kluane National Park and Reserve in Yukon, Forillon National Park in Quebec and the Pingo Canadian Landmark in Northwest Territories.
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 19
Truck slams into revelers in Nice, dozens believed dead CIAR AN FAHEY R APHAEL SAT TER Associated Press
NICE, France - A truck loaded with weapons and hand grenades drove onto a sidewalk for more than a mile, plowing through Bastille Day revelers who’d gathered to watch fireworks in the French resort city of Nice late Thursday in what some officials and eyewitnesses called a deliberate attack. Authorities said at least 75 people were killed. Nice prosecutor Jean-Michel Pretre described a horrific scene, with bodies strewn about along the roadway. However, he stopped short of using the word attack, while acknowledging that “it has many ingredients of an attack that allow us to think that.” The ranking politi-
cian of the Alpes-Maritime department that includes Nice said the truck plowed into the crowd over a distance of 2 kilometres (1.2 miles), killing 75 people and wounding 50. Many of those on the ground were in shorts and other summer clothing. Eric Ciotti said on BFM TV that police killed the driver “apparently after an exchange of gunfire.” Sylvie Toffin, a press officer with the local prefecture, said the truck ran over people on a “long trip” down the sidewalk near Nice’s Palais de la Mediterranee, a building that fronts the beach. She called the incident “an attack.” Wassim Bouhlel, a Nice native who spoke to the AP nearby, said that he saw a truck drive into the crowd. “There
was carnage on the road,” he said. “Bodies everywhere.” The president of the Provence Alpes Cote d’Azur regional council, which includes Nice, said the truck was loaded with arms and grenades. Christian Estrosi told BFM TV that “the driver fired on the crowd, according to the police who killed him.” Bouhlel said he witnessed the man emerge with a gun and start shooting Images being broadcast across French media showed revelers running for their lives down Nice’s palm treelined Promenade des Anglais, the famous seaside boulevard named for the English aristocrats who proposed its construction in the 19th century. Video footage showed men and
women - one or two pushing strollers - racing to get away from the scenes. And, in what appeared to be evidence of a gun battle, photos showed a truck with at least half a dozen bullet holes punched through its windshield. It was not immediately clear who would have been behind an attack, but France has recently seen a spate of dramatic assaults from by jihadist groups, including the Islamic State group which straddles Iraq and Syria. President Barack Obama condemned what he said “appears to be a horrific terrorist attack.” “Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and other loved ones of those killed,” he said. France’s ambassador to the United States, Ge-
Most of Alberta’s new oilsands panel have been meeting for years BOB WEBER Canadian Press
EDMONTON - Alberta’s new panel on the future of the oilsands hasn’t held its first meeting, but most of its members have already been getting together for years. “When I first started meeting with CEOs from the oil industry to have discussions on common ground, it was two years ago,” said Tzeporah Berman, one of three cochairs of the new Oilsands Advisory Group. “The history of this is already a couple of years old.” Of the 15 people in the new group, Berman said about 10 of them - or the institution they represent - have been part of informal talks that began when Jim Prentice was Alberta’s premier. Alberta’s NDP government raised eyebrows on all sides of the oilsands debate Wednesday when it appointed Berman, a prominent oilsands critic and leading figure in Canada’s environmental movement, to help map how the industry could conform to the province’s climate change strategy. The Opposition Wildrose Party called the decision “very disappointing.” Berman acknowl-
edged she’s heard the same, for different reasons, from her peers. She has marched against new oilsands pipelines. One group she used to lead, ForestEthics, tried to convince Americans to stop buying oilsands-derived oil. Now she’s talking about the importance of jobs and the need to not upset capital markets. “I expected a pretty big backlash,” she said. But she points out that the quiet dialogue, away from politicians and reporters, has already borne fruit. The same informal roundtable that became the nucleus of the new panel also deeply influenced the creation of the climate policy it now seeks to implement. “When the new NDP government came in and announced they wanted to do a climate change plan, we already had a number of shared policy positions that we could bring to them. We already had principles for a strong carbon pricing system.” Berman’s search for common ground between business and environmentalists has also brought results in other industries. She was involved in both the Clayoquot Sound agreement,
which ended the socalled “war in the woods” over some old-growth forests in British Columbia, and the Canadian
Boreal Forest Agreement, hailed as one of Canada’s largest conservation agreements.
Thank you to all the local business’s and individuals for supporting
rard Araud, characterized the events as a “terrorist attack.” Writing online, Nice Matin journalist Damien Allemand who was at the waterside said the fireworks display had finished and the crowd had got up to leave when they heard a noise and cries. “A fraction of a second later, an enormous white truck came along at a crazy speed, turning the wheel to mow down the maximum number of people,” he said. “I saw bodies flying
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cle is briefly seen overturned by the side of the road. The origin and authenticity of the footage could not immediately be verified. Kayla Repan, of Boca Raton, Florida, was among the hundreds gathered on the promenade to watch fireworks. “The whole city was running. I got extremely frightened and ran away from the promenade,” she said. “It was chaos. We hid in a restaurant but now we moved to a separate hotel.”
Leaked proposal: US offering Russia military pact in Syria BR ADLEY KL APPER Associated Press
PARIS - A leaked proposal shows the U.S. offering Russia a new military pact against the Islamic State and al-Qaida in Syria. The document published by The Washington Post calls for joint bombing operations, a command-and-control headquarters and other synchronized efforts.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will discuss the proposal in Moscow later Thursday. Such a partnership would undercut months of U.S. criticism of Russia’s military intervention in Syria. And it would put the U.S. alongside Syrian President Bashar Assad’s chief international backer, despite years of American demands for Assad to leave power.
The 2016 First Saturday Silent Auction -
like bowling pins along its route. Heard noises, cries that I will never forget.” Graphic footage showed a scene of horror up and down the Promenade, with broken bodies splayed out on the asphalt, some of them piled near one another, others bleeding out onto the roadway or twisted into unnatural shapes. “Help my mother, please!” one person yells out amid a cacophony of screaming and crying. A pink girl’s bicy-
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Clement seeks to take Tories beyond niche politics Stephanie Levitz Canadian Press OTTAWA - Using micro-targeted policies and politics to attract specific, narrow groups of voters is a strategy the Conservatives must abandon if they are to find their way back to government, says the newest entrant in the party’s leadership race. While longtime Ontario politician Tony Clement is proud of the federal party’s record in power, the political landscape around the world is changing and the Conservatives need to change with it, he said in an interview Thursday. One need only look at the recent political upheaval in the United Kingdom, and the potential for it in the U.S., to know what Clement is talking about. “People have been the victims of a number of economic forces that have converged and no one in Washington or London was listening to them,” Clement said. “That’s what creates the dissonance, this feeling of abandonment. That’s what we have to avoid in this country.” There will come a time in Canada when people feel about the current Liberal govern-
ment the way they did about the former Conservative government that it’s time for a change. Some in conservative circles don’t believe that day will come as soon as 2019, and want to focus on provincial candidates like Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown or Tory MP Jason Kenney as he seeks to unite the right in Alberta. But Clement, who served in the Ontario government before jumping to federal politics, said politics moves too fast to count anything out. The Tories need to start rebuilding broken relationships now. “We’ve got to do that through our leadership and through the way we comport ourselves, the way we communicate, the way we train, policies,” he said. “All of that gets us to the table.” The Conservatives were elected in 2006 on a tightly focused platform and maintained a targeted policy approach through their time in power, rolling out waves of niche tax breaks like those for kid’s activities or volunteer firefighters in a bid to lure small but tactically key segments of voters.
HOROSCOPES by Jacqueline Bigar
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Just be yourself and be spontaneous. More will fall into place that way than if you were to plan out everything logically. Your instincts prove to be excellent, and your creativity keeps bubbling up. Meeting new people is almost too easy for you. Tonight: Look past the obvious. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Recognize when you have had enough. You will want to follow through on what you want to see happen. Laughter surrounds you and allows greater giveand-take between you and a key person who often seems uptight. Tonight: Be responsive but not overly doting. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Your sense of direction will prove to be far more important than you realize. You’ll communicate what you want with the expectation that your thoughts will be well-received. Others are likely to be considerate, but still expect some questions. Tonight: Chat the night away.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) Your effectiveness will be tested. You might not be sure which way to proceed in the current situation. A conversation could be difficult to follow at this time, as you seem to be a bit distracted about a money matter. Tonight: Treat a friend or two to kick off the weekend. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Act on what you feel. A younger person needs advice, and will seek you out. Even if he or she doesn’t ask you directly for your feedback, you’ll wind up offering it anyway. Help this person maintain a sense of humor in order to help him or her detach. Tonight: Out on the town. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Honor a change of pace. You might need to rethink a personal matter and your priorities. Share more openly with a roommate or family member. You will receive strong feedback from someone who knows you. Be gracious and keep it light. Tonight: Head home early. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You might have the inclination to head out the door early. There
Hagar the Horrible
Baby Blues
is no reason why you cannot do this. Decide what is best for you, then proceed. You are likely to have a lot to share with several friends with whom you have not had enough time lately. Tonight: Take off ASAP. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Be more aware of yourself, especially as you could have a tendency to go overboard and be excessive right now. A friend has a lot to share, but you might feel conflicted as you listen. You could want to be logical, but that really doesn’t work for you at the moment. Tonight: Out late. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You have accomplished a lot, and you could be evaluating yet another decision. Use the coming weekend to review a situation that might not feel right. Note what you think is off, then discuss this matter with a trusted confidant. Tonight: Make the most of each moment. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Slow down and take your time. Be aware of what needs to happen in order to get a project moving. An issue that you have
with an associate needs to be discussed with a friend or family member first. You need to gain a fresh perspective. Tonight: Don’t act on any decisions yet. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) A friend shares something that you believe to be gossip but that he or she thinks is the truth. Be grateful for his or her openness. Understand that you won’t know the whole story for a while. Someone is drawn to you. Tonight: Out with the gang. Put on your dancing shoes. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Someone you care about pushes you hard. This person wants to know more about where you are coming from. Open up and share your thoughts. Be careful with someone who is young or immature; he or she might not be as loyal as you believe. Tonight: A force to be dealt with. BORN TODAY Author Clive Cussler (1931), singer Linda Ronstadt (1946), painter Rembrandt (1606)
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By Hillary B. Price
ANNIE’S MAILBOX by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: Every summer, my husband and I go away to our beach house for several weeks. My husband leaves the key to our suburban home with a neighbor in case of an emergency. The problem is, when we arrive back home after our vacation, I find things not the way I left them. I would never go out of town and leave spills on the kitchen floor and a mess in my oven. My husband denies it, but I’m pretty sure the neighbor is letting my mother-in-law use the key. I suspect Mom and her friends come in and make themselves right at home. (My mother-in-law always refers to our home as “my son’s house.”) I feel my privacy has been violated, and worse, that my husband is betraying me by being loyal to his mother at my expense. I’m not sure what to do aside from changing the lock and giving the key to one of my friends with instructions not to give it out to anyone. We have had many arguments over this, and he is losing all credibility with me. Please help. -- Frustrated in the Northeast Dear Frustrated: What are you waiting for? Get that key away from your unreliable neighbor and give it to someone you trust. Leave your mother-in-law out of the problem. Obviously someone has been in your house, and that’s reason enough to let the neighbor know you want your key back. If you think there is a copy floating around, change the locks. Dear Annie: I don’t want to open up the great spanking debate. I don’t think spanking is always child abuse, but I firmly believe parents can spare the rod and not spoil the child. Never hitting your child should be a goal for all parents. That said, I have two nieces, ages 6 and 7, who often are left in the care of their grandmother -- who hits them with a fly swatter. This strikes me as wrong, especially considering the frequency with which it occurs. The children’s mother thinks Granny’s behavior is fine, and although their father doesn’t like it, he says nothing. I would offer to baby-sit my nieces, but I live 400 miles away. Is this child abuse? What can I do? -- Too Far from Stockton, Calif. Dear Stockton: If a parent chooses to spank a child (and we are not in favor of this), a weapon should never be used. A fly swatter may seem harmless, but applied with sufficient force, it can scratch the skin and cause bruising and welts. Is there physical damage from this form of discipline? If so, it may constitute child abuse. We assume you are the father’s sister. Please talk to your brother and see how serious this is. Also, if he is not in favor of Granny’s behavior, he should have the gumption to speak up and say so. Dear Annie: My mother will be 90 next month, and I want to have a small get-together for family and friends. We will serve coffee and Italian cookies. I don’t know how to address the invitations to let people know that we’d like them to stop in and say hello, have a snack, and then leave. Too much company wears Mom out. We’d like people to stay long enough to share a few memories, but that’s it. How do we word that? Thanks for the advice. I read your column every day in the upstate New York Leader-Herald. -- D. Dear D.: The way to keep people from staying too long is to make the duration of the party short. “Please join us for coffee and memories to celebrate our mother’s 90th birthday. Time: 2-3:30 p.m.” At 3:30, promptly stand up, tell your guests how lovely it was to see them, but Mom needs her rest, and you are looking forward to having them visit again another time. Then usher them to the door. To find out more about Classic Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit Creators Syndicate at COPYRIGHT 2016 CREATORS.COM
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Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 21
Fill in the grid so that every row (nine cells wide), every column (nine cells tall) and every box (three cells by three cells) contain the digits 1 through 9 in any order. There is only one solution for each puzzle. Yesterday’s Cryptoquote:
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Cheryl Jessie Schlossberger December 31, 1945 December 27, 2015 A Celebration of Life for Cheryl Jessie Schlossberger will be held at 2pm on July 18, 2016 at McPhersonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Funeral Home. Born on December 31, 1945 in Iron Springs Alberta, Cheryl passed away in Victoria BC after a long valiant battle with Alzheimers on December 27, 2015. Cheryl is survived by her children Curtis (Cristin) and Wanda as well as her grandchildren Daiya and Cael. Friends are welcome to attend and remember the laughter and joy Cheryl brought into the world.
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BAVARIAN HARDWARE for the Bike Rack Donation! It is used and appreciated.
Coming Events
MOYIE HIGHHOUSE MUSEUM July 3, 2016 Every Sunday through July and August, 1-3pm Watch for signage on Hwy 3/95
Tigz TEA HUT Experience Creston BC July Tea of the Month: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Orange Grove Vanillaâ&#x20AC;? 10% off all sizes FREE shipping on all loose tea orders over $75 in BC & AB WOULD THE gentleman whose vehicle was rear-ended at the corner of Victoria & Hwy. 3, please call Joyce @
Helene Jeannette Lanthier
Sympathy & Understanding Kootenay Monument Installations
(nee Perron)
April 10 1922 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; July 11, 2016 Helene Jeannette Lanthier was b born iin Cranbrook, BC to the late Thurief Louis and the late Marie Eloria Aurore Elmire Perron (nee Letellier) on April 22, 1922, the second oldest of eight children. Jeannette passed away peacefully in the East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook BC on Monday July 11, 2016 at the age of 94. Jeannette was also predeceased by her husband Felix Joseph Gedeon Lanthier who passed away on May 19, 1984. Also predeceased by two brothers and four sisters. Jeannette is survived by son David Ronald (Lillian Faith) Lanthier of Westbank BC and son Donald Joseph Lanthier of Spruce Grove, Alberta and her brother Paul (Chloe) Perron of Victoria, BC. Jeannette is also survived by Grandchildren Stephen (Carol Landsiedel) Lanthier of Red Deer Alberta, Brian (Jennifer) Lanthier of Didsbury, Alberta and Matthew (Heidi) Lanthier of Westbank BC. She is survived by Great Grandchildren Ryan (Courtney Brown) Lanthier and Chelsey Lanthier; Breana, Nolan and Caitlin Lanthier; Kiryn and Alicya Lanthier. Also survived by numerous Nephews and Nieces. Jeannette and Felix married October 6, 1941 in Cranbrook, BC and lived in Kimberley where Felix operated a Variety Store. In 1942 they sold the Variety Store and moved to Cranbrook. They purchased two properties on King Street in about 1948. In about 1952, they moved to and operated a Laundry business. When the building where the Laundry was housed burned down, they moved back to King Street. In 1968, they bought and operated the Green Store on 5th Street South until Felix passed away in May 1984. Jeannette loved to travel, going to Quebec 6 times on a quest to find long lost relatives as part of her and her sister Anne Baldingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s genealogy research. Jeannette enjoyed her friends and was often the instigator of get togethers. In her senior years Jeannette volunteered and supported various Charities: Cranbrook Food Bank, the Cranbrook SPCA, worked with other seniors in care facilities in Cranbrook and was a volunteer for the Fort Steele Historical Association where she spent a number of years archiving various historical artifacts. The family wishes to thank the Nursing Staff and Doctors on the third floor of the East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook for attending to Jeannette with tireless goodwill, care and kindness throughout her hospital stay and particularly her last days. A private grave side service will be held on Friday July 15, 2016 In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation. Or the Charity of your choice.
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Friday, JulyFriday, 15,July 2016 PAGE Page23 23 15, 2016
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BLUE JAYS TICKETS Sept 19-20-21 games in Seattle. Set of 4 tickets for each game. Total for all 3 games, $800 Canadian.
Earney Robert Goetz August 25, 1931 - July 9, 2016
Please contact
250-421-3354 if interested.
Must sell as we can no longer go :(
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Earney Robert Goetz passed away on Saturday, July 9, 2016, at the Kimberley Special Care Home. Born in Franklin Manitoba, Earney travelled west to BC in early 1949 to visit family and decided to stay. He worked for many years for Cominco in Kimberley and retired as a shift supervisor. He was a member of the Elks and enjoyed playing on the Elks bowling teams. Dad also loved to curl, ski, play pool and travel with his wife Lorna. He enjoyed amazing his grandchildren with his card and magic tricks. Dad also spent many hours playing cards, checkers, and crib with family and friends. Dad is survived by his three children: daughter Jennifer (Steve) of Calgary, AB; son Brian of Kimberley, BC; and son Stephen (Chalsi) of North Vancouver, BC. Dad also leaves behind five grandchildren Christopher, Lauren, Bradley, Ryan and Stephanie, one great grand-daughter, Brooklyn, and many nieces and nephews and one brother, Albert. Dad was predeceased by his wife Lorna, his father, mother, three brothers and five sisters. The family would like to thank all the staff at the Kimberley Special Care Home for their exceptional care and support of our father. Dad has requested that no funeral service be held but there will be a celebration of dad’s life at the Elks Club in Kimberley on August 25, 2016 from 2 – 4pm. Dad had a friendly smile and a contagious “chuckle” that we will miss very much. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Kimberley Society for Community Living, 440 -106 Ave, Kimberley, BC V1A 1B9. Memories and condolences can also be shared with the family at
Sales Consultant
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Are you confident enough to develop business conversations? Black Press publishes the Kootenay Advertiser along with 150 other publications. We will develop individuals with an ambition to succeed whether they have deep post-secondary credentials or not. This is an exceptional opportunity if you are adept at making successful calls and highly rewarding to those that maintain the required pace. We have an immediate opening for a Sales Consultant on our team. Primary Focus: • Contact prospective business clients via phone and email and in person • Develop trustworthy and informative relationships Qualifications: • Strong telephone skills • Marketing and/or creative mindset • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment • Basic computer skills • Strong command of English, both verbal and written It is also an asset if you have a good knowledge of the East Kootenay communities. This is a full time position based in Cranbrook, BC. Black Press offers competitive compensation, a team environment, benefits and opportunity for career advancement. Please forward your resume with a brief note on why you are a great candidate to: Zena Williams, Publisher Competition closes July 22, 2016
Our family wishes to extend a very warm hearted thank you to many people. You have shown kindness and compassion to our Mom, Thelma Godolphin, and to us both before and following Mom’s passing. To Dr. Du Preez and the Kimberley Medical Clinic, BC Ambulance Service and the Shoppers pharmacy team we are so grateful for the caring and respect you gave our Mom throughout many years of your service. To the staff and residents at Garden View who truly made Mom enjoy her home for so many years we thank you. To all our wonderful friends and neighbours who showed your love and support through phone calls, flowers and other ways we are so appreciative. Our Mom was a beautiful lady and we love and miss her so much. May you all be richly blessed. Bob, Donna, Maureen, David and our families.
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digital NOW thing? is the time to get with it! On-Line Advertising – call your advertising representative today. Townsman: 250-426-5201 Bulletin: 250-427-5333
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Mark Memorial Funeral Services in care of arrangements (250) 426-4864
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Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Zellstoff Celgar operates a World Class 1,500 tonne/day modern bleach kraft pulp mill located in Castlegar, BC. This market kraft operation is committed to being its customers’ preferred supplier of customized pulp while maintaining its responsible position within the community. Zellstoff Celgar LP is an innovative and progressive mill. As a learning organization, we are working together to be the best for our communities, our environment and our future. We offer unparalleled career development and challenging work opportunities, a collegial and stable work environment and an incomparable family and recreational oriented life style along with a competitive pay and benefits package. We are looking for a Business Analyst to join our team for a 1 year maternity leave coverage. In this role you will be responsible for identifying and evaluating options for improving business systems with a focus on increasing the overall efficiency of the Mill. The successful candidate will be a team player who is comfortable leading initiatives and driving change in the organization. In this role you will: x x x x x x
Contribute to the successful daily operation of the accounting department Provide cash management; accurate and timely cash forecasting; debt management Provide, analyze, and interpret information for Mill Managers Contribute to the preparation of our financial statements Generate all benchmarking/KPI related reporting currently required monthly and quarterly. Reconcile various GL accounts, record accruals, and prepare journal entries for financial statements
The successful candidate will be a CPA with a demonstrated history of implementing business improvement strategies. If you are an experienced Business Analyst looking to make a difference in a dynamic and challenging environment please forward your resume and cover letter. Think you can make a difference? Then send your resume to: Please submit your resume and cover letter prior to July 29th 2016 and quote job id: 201611 tĞ ƚŚĂŶŬ Ăůů ĂƉƉůŝĐĂŶƚƐ͘ KŶůLJ ƚŚŽƐĞ ǁŚŽƐĞ ĐĂŶĚŝĚĂĐLJ ďĞƐƚ ƐƵŝƚƐ ŽƵƌ ŶĞĞĚƐ ǁŝůů ďĞ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚĞĚ͘ To apply please email your resume to: Lori Sellars, Executive Director Fax: 250-398-9824 Email: For detailed information please visit Closing Date: Posted until filled
DAILY TOWNSMAN/DAILY BULLETIN Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Page 24 Friday, PAGE 24 Friday, July July 15, 201615, 2016
Merchandise for Sale
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Financial Services
Household Services
Misc. for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
Suites, Lower
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WANTED: Donations of any unneeded, unwanted surplus items. Please hold them. Items can be taken to Kimberley Curling Club daily after Aug 1, between 4 & 6pm.
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Dreamcatcher Chalets, $850/mo. Includes utilities, cable and internet. N/S Call 403-660-0073 LARGE 1BDRM furnished basement suite. Utilities, laundry and covered parking included. $570./mo. + damage deposit. 250-426-5751
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Transportation Auto Accessories/Parts NEW GRILL for 2011 Chev 1500 pick up, new price $460, sell for $195, no tax. LaBra front end cover for 2011 Chev pick up $95. Canopy, sliding side windows, fits 90’s Chev pick up 6’6” box, $195 OBO. (250)427-4834.
No Metro Vancouver housing crash this year, report predicts MARTIN VAN DEN HEMEL B.C. Local News
Is Greater Vancouver’s real estate market on the verge of a crash? A new report by Royal LePage predicts there won’t even by a mild correction this year thanks in large part to events overseas. Phil Soper, president of Royal LePage, said its forecasting models earlier this year called for the housing market to cool in the latter stages of 2016 because the cost of borrowing was expected to modestly increase. But the real estate firm is now predicting the Bank of Canada will leave those interest rates alone because of Britain’s decision last month to leave the European Union (Brexit), which has led to economic and social fallout across the globe. “Few industries are as rate sensitive as real estate,” Soper said in a news release. “We don’t see even a mild correction for either the Toronto or pistol-hot Vancouver markets in 2016.” The report, compiled from proprietary property data from 53 of Canada’s largest real estate markets, is bullish on real estate nationally, forecasting a 12.4-per-cent appreciation in the price of an average home this year compared to the end of 2015. TAX POLICY PERILOUS He praised government efforts to gather and analyze data and better understand housing market — such as last week’s release by the province of a threeweek snapshot of foreign buyer data — but added the further step of legislation could be dangerous. “We remain convinced that heavy-handed use of tax policy in an effort to artificially influence asset values in an open-market economy like ours is fraught with peril, particularly in a cyclical industry like housing.” People who buy and flip homes, for example, he said, eventually get burned. But Vancouver isn’t waiting for that to happen. This week, the city got provincial backing to introduce a tax on vacant homes in response to growing concerns about housing affordability and a tight rental market. Much different from how Soper describes Toronto, which he said has a healthy appreciating housing market, families priced out of the single-family-home market in Vancouver seem to be turning to larger condos, with prices reflecting this shift. “We have (also) seen an uptick in the rate of price appreciation for condominiums of over 1,000 square feet, when compared to smaller units in the market,” Soper said. FOREIGN BUYERS INFLUENCE As for foreign buyers, who are often blamed for Vancouver house prices becoming unaffordable for locals, Royal LePage’s realtor survey provided a bit more insight into the situation. Seventy-four per cent of respondents said there’s been a year-over-year increase in international buyers, while 37 per cent believe foreign owners account for less than 10 per cent of the Greater Vancouver housing market. While some have suggested there could be a rush of investor interest from Britons who see Vancouver’s housing market as a safe haven, Royal LePage doesn’t see that happening.
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 25
Venomous vipers seized in Richmond shipment MARTIN VAN DEN HEMEL B.C. Local News
Three venomous Chinese Mountain Pit Vipers were seized in a package at the Canada Post distribution centre in Richmond last week. The package originated in China and was earmarked for Manitoba. “These snakes can be very dangerous and no anti-venom exists in Canada for this species of snake,” said B.C. Conservation Officer Service deputy chief Chris Doyle Friday. Two of the snakes were found dead, while a third escaped its containment crate and was loose in the outer box, Doyle said. Conservation officers were able to safely capture the snake. “We don’t often see
this type of violation where these types of snakes are caught in transit,” Doyle said, adding it is an offence in B.C. to possess controlled alien species that are dangerous to the public. “This is probably a first where one has been intercepted in the mail.” He did not immediately reveal whether anyone is facing charges or what would happened to the snake. No one was hurt. In his news conference on human wildlife conflicts in the province, Doyle also said conservation officers are investigating after a grizzly bear caught in one of their traps was recently released by an unknown person at Good Hope Lake, northeast of Dease Lake in northern B.C. Officers had planned
to relocate the bear to prevent further conflicts with people. “Although the people may have been trying to give the bear a break, this may mean the bear is going to be more difficult to catch,” he said. And if it encounters people again, he added, conservation officers may have to destroy it. Conservation officer Matthew Corbett said residents of the Good Hope Lake, a community of about 50 people, described the grizzly as sickly and skinny— which might make it more dangerous—and reported it on Tuesday roaming the residential area, leaving paw prints on windows. Unhealthy bears will look for an easy food source, like garbage, and disregard their fear of humans.
B.C. Appeal Court upholds prison sentence for Mountie convicted of perjury C ANADIAN PRESS
VANCOUVER—British Columbia’s highest court has upheld the conviction of an RCMP constable found guilty of perjury following the death of Robert Dziekanski. The British Columbia Court of Appeal says the trial judge made no error in assessing the evidence against Kwesi Millington.
Millington was sentenced to 30-months in prison for testimony he gave to the Braidwood inquiry examining the October 2007 death of Dziekanski, who was jolted multiple times with a Taser at Vancouver’s airport. Millington and former corporal Benjamin (Monty) Robinson were found guilty of colluding to make up testimony
about the police actions. Dziekanski was felled by the Taser moments after Millington, Robinson and two other officers arrived at the airport in response to reports of a distraught man. Robinson was sentenced last July to two years less a day, one year of probation and 240 hours of community for perjury.
The bear trap was set at 2 p.m., and the bear was trapped inside less than three hours later, according to residents who snapped pictures of the bear. But by the time Corbett got there, the bear was gone, and no bear has ever escaped this type of trap on its own, he said. Officers are continuing to investigate who was behind the release. Meanwhile Corbett hopes the stress of being trapped sent the bear running, and it won’t return. The picture on the provincial level was more rosy. Overall, human encounters with bears and cougars were down compared to a year ago, with June having some of the lowest numbers since the recording of these statistics began.
Three Chinese Mountain Pit Vipers, like the one above, were seized in a package in Richmond. It’s too early to say why the numbers decreased, Doyle said. But he suggested the wetter weather and cooler temperatures
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If the rest of summer features a mix of sun and rain, he said, that should result in fewer conflicts in many areas.
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months with $0 down payment equals 208 bi-weekly payments of $165 with a cost of borrowing of $4,402 and a total obligation of $34,400. ≤Based on 3500/F-350 full-size pickups and competitive information available at time of publication. Based on max towing comparison between 2016 Ram 3500 – up to 31,210 lb, 2015 Chevrolet 3500 – up to 23,200 lb and 2016 Ford F-350 – up to 26,500 lb. TMThe SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc.
based on driving habits and other factors. 11.3 L/100 km (25 mpg) city and 8.0 L/100 km (35 mpg) highway on Ram 1500 Quad Cab 4x2 HFE model with 3.0L EcoDiesel V6 and 8-speed automatic. «3.49% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on select new 2016 models to qualified customers on approved credit through RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Examples: 2016 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT 4X4 with a Purchase Price of $29,998 financed at 3.49% over 96
July 1, 2016. Proof of Registration and/or Lease agreement will be required. Trade-in not required. See your dealer for complete details. §Starting from prices for vehicles shown include Consumer Cash Discounts and do not include upgrades (e.g. paint). Upgrades available for additional cost. ≠Based on Automotive News full-size pickup segmentation. 2015 EnerGuide highway fuel consumption ratings. Government of Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary
the negotiated price before taxes. ^Lease Loyalty/Conquest Pull-Ahead Bonus Cash is available to eligible customers on the retail purchase or lease of select 2016 Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram or FIAT models at participating dealer and is deducted from the negotiated price after taxes. LIMITED TIME OFFER. Eligible customers are individuals who are currently leasing a Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, FIAT, or competitive vehicle with an eligible lease contract in their name on or before
includes Licensed Tradesmen, Certified Journeymen or customers who have completed an Apprenticeship Certification. A copy of the Trade Licence/Certification required. 3. Customers who are Baeumler Approved service providers. Proof of membership is required. Limit one $1,500 bonus cash offer per eligible truck transaction. Some conditions apply. See your dealer for complete details. *Consumer Cash Discounts are offered on select new 2016 vehicles and are deducted from
Ram Cargo Van and is deducted from the negotiated price after taxes. Eligible customers include: 1. Current owners/lessees of a Dodge or Ram Pickup Truck or Large Van or any other manufacturer’s Pickup Truck or Large Van. The vehicle must have been owned/leased by the eligible customer and registered in their name on or before July 1, 2016. Proof of ownership/lease agreement will be required. 2. Customers who are skilled tradesmen or are acquiring a skilled trade. This
Dealer trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. Ω$14,000 in total discounts includes $12,500 Consumer Cash and $1,500 Loyalty/Conquest Bonus Cash. Consumer Cash Discounts are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. $1,500 Ram Truck Loyalty/Conquest/Skilled Trades Bonus Cash is available on the retail purchase/lease of 2015/2016 Ram 1500 (excludes Reg. Cab), 2014/2015/2016 Ram 2500/3500, 2014/2015/2016 Ram Cab & Chassis or 2015
Wise customers read the fine print: Ω, *, ^, §, ≠, «, ≤ The Summer Clearout Sales Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating dealers on or after July 1, 2016. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. All pricing includes freight ($1,795) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees, other dealer charges and other applicable fees and taxes.
Page 26 Friday, July 15, 2016
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Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Friday, July 15, 2016 Page 27
Vancouver teacher suspended for showing suggestive music videos MARTIN VAN DEN HEMEL B.C. Local News
A Vancouver high school teacher who showed a Grade 10 class profanity-laced and sexually suggestive music videos has been suspended for five days and must now complete a ‘respectful boundaries” remedial course. Details about the conduct of teacher Cory Ray Steeves are contained in a report by the B.C. Commissioner for Teacher Regulation. Last September, Steeves was teaching an English class about the use of satire in music videos when he showed two, “Big Bad Wolf” by Duck Sauce, and “I’m on a Boat” by Lonely Island, the report said.
Any user wanting to view the “Big Bad Wolf” on YouTube must sign in on the website to confirm they are at least 18 years old, and are warned it may be inappropriate. The video depicts people with human heads in the place of their genitalia, and includes numerous sexually suggestive scenes, as well as urination. “I’m on a Boat” consists primarily of profanity, and was also shown by Steeves to his Grade 12 English class while teaching a unit on satire. Before showing the videos, Steeves told his class the videos could be offensive to some, and if they wanted to leave, they could. One student left the room. The Vancouver
School District suspended Steeves without pay for five days last December. Steeves acknowledged his actions, admitted they constituted professional misconduct, and agreed to a reprimand. He’s also agreed to complete a Justice Institute of B.C. course, Reinforcing Respectful Professional Boundaries, by Sept. 30. If he doesn’t complete the course, his teaching certificate may be suspended until he does. Steeves also agreed not to make any statement verbally or in writing, contradicting, disputing or questioning the terms of the consent resolution agreement he signed last month.
Former B.C. staffer fined on ‘triple delete’ offences TOM FLETCHER B.C. Local News
A former ministerial assistant to Transportation Minister Todd Stone has been fined $2,500 after pleading guilty to two charges for his role in a complaint about deleted government emails. George Gretes was charged under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for “willfully making false statements to mislead, or attempt to mislead” the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Commissioner Elizabeth Denham referred the case to police after Gretes testified in her investigation that he
didn’t delete a series of emails from a subordinate’s computer during a search in response to a freedom of information request. Gretes resigned in October 2015 when Denham released her report on the 2014 incident, which found that Gretes had used another employee’s computer to “triple delete” a series of emails. Stone has maintained that the deleted emails were not the official records dealing with community meetings about improving travel options along Highway 16 in northern B.C., which was the subject of the FOI request. The ministry has since released hundreds of pages of re-
cords about the project. The incident prompted Premier Christy Clark to order all political staff in the government to keep all emails as the procedure for handling electronic communications is updated. Former privacy commissioner David Loukidelis reviewed the case and recommended that non-partisan public servants should decide what records should be kept and what can be destroyed as duplicate or transitory messages. Loukidelis warned that with hundreds of millions of emails sent and received each year, trying to evaluate every message would cause the B.C. government to “grind to a halt.”
Where in the world wide web will you find out what’s happening right here at home?
Cranbrook Townsman / Kimberley Bulletin
Page 28 Friday, July 15, 2016
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Call Sharron or Crystal
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Crystal Billey
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