Kelowna Capital News, August 05, 2016

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Steady hand guides baseball program

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this week's The inaugural Rock The Lake music festival will bring a host of Canadian bands and singers who ruled the radio airwaves in the 1970s and ‘80s back together for a threenight series of concerts at the Prospera Place parking lot. See stories on A3.

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War of accusations keeps raging on Alistair Waters

An attempt by the embattled president of the Rutland Park Society to get one of his sharpest critics to join the society’s board in a bid to help move the society

forward appears to have failed. Todd Sanderson, who along with treasurer Wendi Swarbrick are the only two RPS board members left after a mass resignation of directors two weeks ago, said Tuesday he was reaching out to David Buckna

Buckna confirmed Sanderson phoned him three times and sent “several” emails since last Saturday. He did not say if he had responded to any of them.


Prices in effect Friday August 5 to Thurs Aug 11, 2016. Overwaitea Food Group LP, a Jim Pattison business. Proudly BC Owned and Operated.



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to join the board as an interim director until the next scheduled annual general meeting of the society in October. Sanderson said despite repeated attempts to contact Buckna, he had not received a response as of Tuesday.

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Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

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Photos are for illustrative purposes only. Pricing in effect Thursday, August 4 to Wednesday August 10, 2016. Overwaitea Food Group LP, a Jim Pattison business. Proudly BC Owned and Operated.

sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A3

You have a choice for natural gas With Customer Choice, you can choose to purchase natural gas from FortisBC at a variable rate or an independent gas marketer at fixed rates and terms. Compare your options at The Customer Choice name and logo is used under license from FortisBC Energy Inc. This advertisement is produced on behalf of the British Columbia Utilities Commission.

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Creating music still a motivating force Barry Gerding

The craft of writing a lyric and putting it to music is one that Lee Aaron still finds fulfilling today in a singing career that dates back to the early 1980s. “If you had asked me in 1995 if I would still be writing songs and recording an album in 2015, I probably would not have envisioned that,” said Aaron. “But I feel blessed in my life right now and inspired to write music. My health is good, I’m able to still record music in my home studio and I still getting out there and performing live.” Aaron, 54, is one of the throwback music performers in the Rock The Lake outdoor music festival taking place Aug. 12 to 14 in the Prospera Place parking lot. Aaron will be opening the set for the Aug. 13 lineup with Jerry Doucette, Harlequin and Streetheart. “I think I am on the stage at 5 p.m. so hopefully it won’t be to hot,” Aaron said this week, interviewed by the


The parking lot of Prospera Place in downtown Kelowna is the venue for the inaugural Rock the Lake outdoor music festival to be held over three consecutive nights, from Aug. 12 to 14.

Lee Aaron will perform as part of the Saturday, Aug. 13, performing lineup for Rock The Lake. Kelowna Capital News while on a break for holidaying with her family in Osoyoos. While Aaron enjoys these revival concerts that feature bands popular in Canada during the late 1970s through the early ‘90s, she is one of the few that is still recording new material as opposed to just touring off the old familiar hits. Her new album, Fire And Gasoline, is now out and selling well in different pockets of the

world, including Canada, Britain, Germany, Japan, Argentina and Brazil. She has done three videos for songs the album which are racking up thousands of hits on Utube. “For me, it’s not so much about the money now but being able to create and write new music and have people positively respond to it. It’s nice to still be able to do that.”


Prospera Place parking lot will be transformed into music festival site For those who don’t have tickets for the Rock The Lake Festival next weekend, there is one last opportunity. A limited number of single-day passes went on sale this week, available online at selectyourtickets. com. Organizers say these will be the last available tickets released for sale. Ticket holders are reminded to to pick up their entry wristbands prior to the event. Wristband exchange will begin during these dates and continue throughout the weekend: • Wednesday August 10, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Thursday August 11, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Harlequin • Friday, August 12, 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Saturday August 13, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

People are encouraged to exchange their Rock The Lake tickets for a wristband prior to event day to help reduce the lineup congestion each night of the festival. As well, all patrons must be present at the time of ticket redemption to receive a wrist band, as no wrist bands will be given out that are not affixed. The concert will kick off Friday with Kick Ax, Prism and Loverboy, followed by Jerry Doucette, Lee Aaron, Harlequin and Streeheart on Saturday and closing out Sunday with Nick Gilder & Sweeney Todd, Saga, Headpins and Trooper. U

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Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

news _____________________________________________________________________ AARON FROM A3

musicians in the Toronto music scene. Aaron said many of She gained widespread the Rock The Lake acts radio play with her Metal first gained popularity Queen album in 1984, before she became beginning eight years of known on the Canadian almost non stop touring music scene, but there and recording, peaking is a camaraderie among with her 1989 album those who survived their Bodyrock that spawned halcyon days and are still some of her biggest hits, performing. including Whatcha Do To “Back then, that My Body. feeling of brotherhood Aaron said she looks back on that era of her life with few regrets other TAKE A FRIEND FOR LUNCH than her headstrong The Guisachan House Restaurant is open 7 days a week, manager at the time year round, for lunch from 11-3 pm convincing her to exploit her looks through modelling to propel her career forward. She went to New York and posed topless for a men’s magazine in 1983, a decision she feels in hindsight damaged her Georg Rieder - Master Chef musical credibility. “I might have taken that approach my R E S T A U R A N T manager pressured me 1060 Cameron Avenue differently looking ACCOUNTINGinto back, but when I do look Booking days & evenings SERVICES INC.back on that period of Wedding Ceremonies, accounting Receptions bookkeeping & Events tax returns my life in the ‘80s and tax planning business consulting Still great days available for the 2016 Summer Wedding season ‘90s, I do so with great Restaurant 250.862.9368 affection,” she said. Aaron got off the Wedding & Catering 250.470.2002 rock’n roll merry-goCall today for your complimentary consultation round in the late ‘90s email: and began exploring her interest in jazz singing, an didn’t exist because we are all so competitive when we were younger. But today it’s like getting together with old friends. We are just more supportive and loving of each other.” Aaron made her debut on the Canadian music scene back in 1982 singing on The Lee Aaron Project record, backed by a who’s who then of

Guisachan House




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experience she feels has made her a better singer and took her away from the pop music formula trap. “I always viewed my voice as an instrument and I always had a love for how jazz singers used their voice as an instrument rather than just to sing a song. Rock music audiences come to see you perform the songs they like just as they hear them on a record, but jazz gives you the opportunity as a singer and musician to take a song in a different direction. It forces you to follow your intuitive feelings in the moment. Jazz is the purist type of expression in music.” Aaron said that experience assisted her in writing new songs for the Fire And Gasoline album, as she would record herself responding to a music track with whatever entered her mind in that moment. “What happened was I would listen to the playback and come away with the idea for a lyric and build it from there. It changed the way I write songs for this new album and I think there is an

authenticity in the songs because of that, and I’m getting feedback from people saying they get the same feeling from listening to them.” After moving into the jazz genre, Aaron stepped to the music sidelines for nearly a decade to get married to her band’s drummer and start a family. She’s now a mom to two kids, ages 10 and 11. Aaron says kids have a way of grounding you, and hers are no different after being taken aback at first seeing their mom up on stage playing the rock’n roll singer role. “When they saw me perform at the PNE, they were impressed by their mom up their on stage swinging the microphone around and catching it. They were also fascinated by people coming up to the merchandising table and asking for my autograph and buying stuff, seeing that their mom was something other than their mom to other people,” she laughed. “But in the end, I’m just mom and not some big rock star to them. One time in Guildford Mall (in Surrey), my son and I went into the Lego

store to get something, and guy in the store recognized who I was and gave my son some free Lego. He was more impressed that he got free Lego than the fact I was recognized.” Aaron says today she is driven by her creative energy rather than trying to make it big again, particularly how the rock music business has gone in decline with the advent of social media. Social marketing is almost as important as the music itself, something Aaron is troubled by but realizes to market her new album, she needs to wade into that fray even just a little bit. “Social media has changed things to where it’s not just good enough anymore to write good music. You have to keep up with the social media jones so to speak, you have to create a newsworthy social media following so I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with that aspect of the business today,” she said. The Internet in general, she says, has also changed the world of recording artists to where they now rely on concerts to earn a living as the big

dollar album contracts of her era have long since disappeared. “I still get royalties for radio play of my songs and I get a decent cheque along with quarterly statement that reads like a thin magazine. I recently received my first streaming music royalty cheque and the statement is literally like a small novel, but it amounted to $59.You just look at the all that and think how does that work?” She cites the case of Pharrell Williams, who for writing and performing the hit song Happy earned all of $20,000, which is why artists are touring to earn a living as free access to their music has cut off what used to be a lucrative source of income. But while that is a financial sign of the times in the music world, Aaron says that is not depressing for her because she is still about making the music. “Your motivation can’t just be money, it has to also be a love of music. “There is no better feeling that to write music and get the kind of warm feedback I have received for my new album Fire And Gasoline. That is why I do this.”

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sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A5

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Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

news _____________________________________ BACON MURDER TRIAL

Delay extended now to 2017


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The trial for the three men accused of the 2011 gangland style slaying of Jonathan Bacon has again been delayed. Jujhar Khun-Khun, Jason Thomas McBride and Michael Hunter Jones will now go to trial May 1, 2017 for one charge of first-degree murder apiece, as well as multiple attempted murder charges and firearms offences. That date marks nearly six years since the shooting that threw Kelowna into chaos. “Clearly, this kind of incident is very rare in Kelowna. However, when it does happen, it is shocking and traumatic to those affected by

He was the eldest of the three notorious Bacon brothers from Abbotsford, who at the time were in the middle of a gang war. The shooting also wounded a full-patch member of the Hells Angels, Larry Amero, a member of the Independent Soldiers gang, James Riach, and two women— including Leah Hadden Watts who was left a paraplegic. Although there were no bystanders injured in the attack, a stray bullet did puncture the window of the art gallery at a time when children are often gathered for art classes. Staff at the Delta Grand reportedly suffered emotional scars from the incident that left a bloody trail around the hotel.

Signs To Indicate You Should Have Your Dentures Checked: Sore and irritated tissues Thinning lips and sagging mouth Looking older than you actually are Toothless looking smile Your face looks shorter “chin too close to your nose” when your teeth are together Dentures fall out when speaking or laughing Deepening wrinkles around the nose and mouth Headaches, neck pain or ringing in your ears You are saying “no” to social o avoid embarrassment events to

UBC Okanagan researchers are one step closer to identifying the biological personalities of the world’s greatest wines. In a recent study, UBCO researchers Dan Durall and Mansak (Ben) Tantikachornkiat developed a technique that combines a process to identify the full spectrum of DNA in yeast and bacteria samples with a technique that distinguishes between live and dead microorganisms. “Since only live microorganisms are relevant

in the various stages of fermentation as they relate to the senses, this study provides some of the important tools that will be necessary to determine why different types of wine taste and smell as they do,” said Durall, an associate professor of biology at UBCO. “While more research needs to be conducted, these findings could also lead to the identification and elimination of microorganisms that are responsible for spoilage.” In undertaking the study, the pair used a



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it and is of concern to those living in this community,” Const. Steve Holmes said at a press conference shortly after the incident. “The public needs to know that swift and extraordinary measures are being taken in order to ensure that those responsible will be found and brought to account before the courts.” McBride, Khun-Khun and Jones’s arrest came two years after the killing, and their original trial was scheduled for April 4, 2016. It was then delayed to Nov. 7, 2016. Bacon, a 30-year-old Red Scorpion gang leader, was shot to death out side the Delta Grand Hotel as he got into his Porsche Cayenne Aug. 14, 2011.

UBC’s Dan Durall (left) and Ben Tantikachornkiat are looking at how micro-organisms may affect the taste of wine. number of different kinds of yeast and bacteria specimens, including those typically found in wine fermentations. Key in the development of the new scientific technique was the use of a light-sensitive dye, propidium monoazide, which binds to dead DNA and prevents it from

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being detected. This allows scientists to identify and focus on the more relevant aspects of a test sample. “This technique allows us to quickly and accurately monitor in one experiment what previously could have taken multiple experiments and months of trial and error,” said Tantikachornkiat. “This will inevitably make research in this area faster, cheaper and more efficient. “The next stages of research will focus this technique on different types of wine making methods to see how they change micro-organisms that affect the final wine product.”

Doyle faces traffic closure Beginning at 7 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 8, until Friday, Aug. 12, Doyle Avenue will be closed in front of the Okanagan Centre for Innovation, between Ellis Street and the Library driveway, to allow for the removal of the tower crane from the Okanagan Centre for Innovation. The Library Parkade will remain open with a rightturn only exit onto Doyle Avenue.

sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A7

news _____________________________________________________________________

Rival planned meetings add to society confusion Alistair Waters

If disgruntled Rutland Park Society members hold a meeting to elect people they say will be new society board members, where will they hold the meeting? The members have planned their Aug. 9 meeting for the Rutland Centennial Hall, but embattled RPS president Todd Sanderson said Thursday the hall will not be available to them. While denying a rumour being circulated by his opponents that he intends to change the locks on the building to keep them out, Sanderson said the society will not pay to have the hall staffed for the meeting, making it unavailable for use. The brouhaha over a location for the meeting—which is not

sanctioned by what remains of the RPS board—is the latest skirmish in an escalating fight over the running of the society and the future of the aging Rutland Centennial Hall. Following a heated RPS meeting two weeks ago that resulted in all but Sanderson and treasurer Wendi Swarbrick resigning from the board, accusations have been publicly flying about how the society is run, who can and can’t sit on the board, and what will happen next. The latest rumour circulated by Sanderson’s opponents is that he intends to rescind the resignations of the board members who quit two weeks ago. Sanderson denied that on Thursday and some former board members said they had no intention of rejoining the board.

Meanwhile, the fight between Sanderson and Swarbrick continues to simmer. The planned Aug. 9 meeting, called by RPS members unhappy with Sanderson’s leadership, is to elect a new board, say organizers.But former board members question the legality of such a move. The meeting two weeks ago was originally scheduled to determine the future of Swarbrick on the board. But it deteriorated after verbal altercations between audience members and board members and resulted in the mass resignation of directors. Since then, Sanderson has said he suspended Swarbrick because of what he described as a conflict of interest. She denies any conflict and told the Capital News she

plans to sue Sanderson for defamation. Sanderson said he has scheduled a meeting Aug. 12 with Swarbrick to hear why she should not be dismissed from the board. Swarbrick has said she will not go that meeting. If Swarbrick is a noshow, Sanderson said he will dismiss her from the board, something he said he can do, according to a legal opinion from the society’s lawyer. The RPS constitution says 3/5 of the board are required to vote in favour of dismissing a board member. Currently there are just two board members, Sanderson and Swarbrick. Sanderson, on behalf of the society, was to issue a news release late Thursday—after the Capital News deadline— explaining how it plans to move forward. For more on the news

Hall’s fate caught in the crossfire SOCIETY FROM A1 On Wednesday, after three emails to Buckna —a prolific writer of letters and emails to local news organizations— by the Kelowna Capital News, he admitted he was not eligible to be a director because he had only been a member of the society for four months after letting his membership lapse in 2014. The RPS constitution says to be eligible for election as a board director, a person must have been a member for at least five months. Buckna, who is supporting Swarbrick in a battle with Sanderson over the running of the society, has been a vocal critic of Sanderson and other, now former, board members. Earlier this week, Sanderson said he had suspended Swarbrick after discovering what he said was a conflict of interest and planned to hold a meeting with her Aug. 12, to give her an opportunity to explain her side of the story before taking further action. Swarbrick has denied any conflict and said she planned to sue Sanderson for defamation. She told the Capital News she will not attend the meeting with Sanderson, adding society members are planning their own meeting Aug. 9

to elect a new board. According to the RPS constitution, the support of 3/5 of the board is required to dismiss a director—something that would, on the face of it, appear difficult with only two members of the board left and one of them being the director facing dismissal. But Sanderson said he was acting on legal advice because if there was a conflict and he did not deal with it, he could be sued personally by the incoming board. Meanwhile, Sanderson said he has repeatedly tried to get a copy of the society’s books from Swarbrick, who as treasurer according to the society constitution, is responsible to “keep the financial records, including books of accounts, necessary to comply with the Society Act of British Columbia.” But Swarbrick said Tuesday she does not have any financial records. They are held, she said, by a bookkeeper that, she claims, the board hired. Former board members have questioned why Swarbrick could not get the RPS society books from the bookkeeper given that he not only reports to her, but works in the same office building as Swarbrick. Sanderson, who like Swarbrick is an accountant, said he needs

the books in order to have them reviewed by an independent auditor before handing them over to the next board. Sanderson has said he does not plan to seek another term as president of the Rutland Park Society. The society operates the Rutland Centennial Hall and has commissioned a

consultant’s report on the hall’s future, which has yet to be presented to the RPS board for consideration. The society also has $800,000 it received from the City of Kelowna when it sold the city the adjacent Rutland Centennial Park last year. That money could be used to either refurbish or build a new hall.

release as it becomes available, see the

Kelowna Capital News website kelownacapnews.


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BlaCk MOuNTaIN IrrIgaTION DIsTrICT sysTEM FlushINg Crews will be performing annual water main flushing throughout the District starting July 1, 2016 to August 7, 2016, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. System flushing is required to ensure optimum water quality and removes any sediment deposits that may accumulate over time Customers of Black Mountain Irrigation District are advised that during this period, you may experience lower than normal water pressure and some temporary discoloration when crews are working in your area. To avoid any inconveniences, please check your water clarity prior to use. If you experience discoloration, run your cold water taps until the water runs clear. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time.

For any further information please call the BMID office at

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City in action Timely details about what’s going on

Public notices

Hard copies are available for pickup at the H2O Adventure + Fitness Centre, Main Library Downtown, Rutland Arena, Parkinson Recreation Centre and Glenmore IGA.

Notice of disposition

Pursuant to Section 26(2)(b) of the Community Charter and Council Policy No. 76, Disposal of City Property, notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Kelowna intends to sell Lots A and B, Plan 17140, and Lot 3 Plan 762, being 1558 - 1580 Ellis Street. The properties are listed by Colliers International Realty on MLS under No. 10121423 or you can contact Murray Wills at Colliers International Realty (250-763-2300). Pursuant to Section 26(2)(b) of the Community Charter and Council Policy No. 76, Disposal of City Property, notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Kelowna intends to sell Lot 1, Plan EPP30767, being a portion of 170 Drysdale Boulevard. The properties are listed by Colliers International Realty on MLS under No. 1011973 or you can contact Chad Biafore at Colliers International Realty (250-763-2300). INFO: 250-469-8610

Fall Activity & Program Guide

The Fall Activity & Program Guide is now online and registration begins Aug. 9. Fall into fun with a new fitness routine or activity like cooking, knitting or photography. Set up your online registration in advance by calling 250-469-8800.

Registration dates: Aug. 9 General programs (7:30am) Aug. 11 Aquatics & First Aid programs (7:30am) Aug. 12 Adult Sports Leagues (7:30am) Programs for persons with a disability (9:30am) INFO: 250-469-8800

Watermain flushing

Utility crews continue their watermain flushing program to ensure the distribution system is refreshed and healthy. Barnaby Road to Uplands Drive between Lakeshore Road and Kuipers Crescent including Kettle Valley and Upper Mission Drive July 29 – Aug. 12 During this period, lower than normal water pressure may be experienced. If water is discoloured, run the cold water until clear. INFO: 250-469-8600

City Hall | 1435 Water Street | Kelowna, BC V1Y 1J4 | 250-469-8500 |


Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

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A man was sent to hospital suffering from serious injuries after allegedly being shot several times by a suspect who remains in police custody. On Tuesday at 10:14 p.m., the West Kelowna RCMP responded to a report of a shooting that had just occurred on Hudson Road near Highway 97. Initial information gathered at the scene indicated the victim met with a man on a bike who produced a firearm and fired multiple rounds into the victim’s vehicle. During the confrontation the

suspect was struck by the vehicle. A perimeter was established and RCMP Police Dog Services were called to the scene to assist with a search for the suspect. “The suspect was located by officers, along with PSD “Ice,” hiding in the immediate area and suffering from injuries believed to be non-life threatening in nature,” said Const. Jesse O’Donaghey. “The RCMP believe that this was a targeted incident, not a random attack.” The suspect, a 29-year-old West Kelowna man, remains in police custody and faces potential


Kokanee numbers overcome fish kill Kevin Parnell

A kokanee fish kill in Okanagan Lake in July wasn’t severe enough to have a significant impact on the lake’s overall kokanee population, which has enjoyed a strong recovery over the past several years. The B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural

Resource Operations has completed testing more than 80 kokanee that were seized after washing ashore in July. More than 1,000 fish turned up on the shores and biologists have now made determinations as to what happened, although they can’t say for sure. According to the ministry, “biologists can’t

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charges. The shooting victim, a 48-yearold Kelowna man, was rushed from the scene to hospital by ambulance suffering from what police believe to be serious however non-life threatening injuries. The West Kelowna RCMP General Investigation Section, with the assistance of the Kelowna RCMP Forensic Identification Service and Integrated Collision Analyst and Reconstructionist Services are continuing their investigation into both the shooting and the collision scene.

Core Responsibilities: • Understand key client values and develop customized advertising solutions. • Advance a selected territory of our advertisers through prospecting new clients. • Develop and deliver presentations to clients, help guide the design, implementation and management of advertising campaigns. • Work collaboratively with the Advertising Sales team, contributing to its success and growth. • Meet and exceed performance management objectives. Key Qualifications: • Experience in sales or marketing an asset. • Ability to build strong relationships with clients and provide exceptional customer service. • Solid interpersonal and communication skills (both written and oral) with the ability to maintain a professional approach at all times. • Strong teamwork skills with the ability to work independently to achieve revenue goals. • Must possess valid driver’s license and daily access to a reliable vehicle. • Compensation will depend on experience The Kelowna Capital News is a member of Black Press, Canada’s largest private independent newspaper company with more than 150 titles in British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Hawaii, California and Ohio. Interested candidates may apply in confidence by emailing (No phone calls please) their qualifications and experience in a resume and covering letter to: Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 Email – Closing date for submissions: August 19, 2016

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be 100 per cent certain about the cause of the recent die off, however it is strongly suspected this is a recurring natural phenomenon caused by summer time temperature inversions in the lake.” The fish were tested for IHNv, a virus that has affected kokanee salmon in Kootenay Lake in recent years. More than 80 fish were

tested all were negative for the virus. The die-off is a relatively common occurrence with at least three other die-offs of this kind in the past eight years, with this year’s event relatively small by comparison. Likely, high winds sent warm surface water lower into the lake and caused the fish to die.

NDP leader blasts premier over parks NDP leader John Horgan says the provincial government hike in campground fees threatens one of the last options for affordable family vacations. “Christy Clark raised B.C. Parks camping fees yet again this year, and families have never had so much trouble booking a spot for a vacation,” said Horgan, speaking from Okanagan Lake Provincial Park near Summerland, where camping fees went up more than 16 per cent last year. “People lucky enough to find a campsite here at Okanagan Lake are being forced to pay even more money to experience one of the jewels in our provincial campground system this year. “The Christy Clark government is making it harder and harder to enjoy the beautiful campgrounds British Columbians have already paid for with their taxes, and I say it’s time to let B.C. camp,” Horgan said. “After a decade and a half of rising costs and stagnant wages under the B.C. Liberal government, families need access to affordable vacations more than ever. Yet it’s never been more difficult to secure a campsite at B.C. Parks.”

Armed robbery in Rutland Kelowna RCMP were on the hunt Thursday afternoon for an armed robbery suspect who held up the Hollywood Deli. Police responded to the scene at 1:34 p.m. at 544 Hollywood Rd. South, to learn that a suspect had entered the deli store, produced a handgun and demanded money from the lone employee in the business at the time. The suspect fled the scene in a late model Ford pickup truck with an undisclosed amount of cash. He is described as a Caucasian male with a goatee, wearing a t-shirt, blue jeans, blue baseball cap and black running shoes, and a full sleeve tattoo on his left arm. The truck is described as a late 1980’s model, possibly a Ford F150, silver in colour.

sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A9

news _____________________________________________________________________

Stay alert for Pokemon hunters A zombie, following a Pokemon, steps out onto the street ahead of your vehicle. You see it coming “a mile away.” You’ve heard of the Pokemon craze that has zombified the population; folks wandering around with their eyes glued to the screens of their cell phones. It’s broad daylight and this particular zombie has all the characteristics. He’s watching the screen of his cell phone, not where he’s going. He’s mid-block, not at a crosswalk. He’s blindly walking into the street. You feel confident that you have the “right of way,” and you would be correct. Section 180 of the Motor Vehicle Act says: “When a pedestrian is crossing a highway at a point not in a crosswalk, the pedestrian must yield the right of way to a vehicle.” So, of course, you confidently maintain your speed and continue forward. Oopsie! Not only

Achieving Justice PAUL HERGOTT would that be about as morally bankrupt as could be imagined, that would offend section 181(a) which requires you to “… exercise due care to avoid colliding with a pedestrian who is on the highway”. Morality and the rules of the road aside, I expect that there is a Criminal Code provision that would put you behind bars for a long time if you made the conscious choice of mowing down a pedestrian because you had the right of way. By the way, the word “highway” in the Motor Vehicle Act is very broadly defined to include all manner of roads, streets and lane-ways (see section 1 of the Act). Another “by the way” is that the Motor Vehicle Act is readily available online, along with the Criminal Code and all other provincial and


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made a claim against you, would you be found liable to compensate him for his injuries and losses? Should you be? Last week, I wrote about the opposite scenario. Both the motorist and pedestrian were zombies, but the pedestrian clearly had the right of way. In that case, the pedestrian shared the blame even though she was established within a crosswalk. She was found 25 per cent responsible for the collision because she wasn’t looking out for her own safety. What about this scenario, where the motorist is the one who has the clear right of way? Wouldn’t you know, a court would likely divide fault in this scenario as well. A useful, and authoritative, description of the law can be found in the case of Ashe v. Werstiuk, 2004 BCCA

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The August Family Foundation’s inaugural Okanagan Dream Rally will roll through downtown Kelowna this Sunday. The rally begins with a public display of the car lineup from 9 to 10:30 a.m. with about 80 vehicles in procession starting at Kerry Park up along Bernard Avenue. To accommodate the event, Bernard Avenue will be closed from 6 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. between Abbott and Water. The Okanagan Dream Car Rally offers children with special needs and their families an opportunity to experience a ride from Kelowna to Penticton and back in one of 80 sports or luxury cars, an initiative organized by August Luxury Motorcars for the foundation, supported by the vehicle contributions of private individuals and the Kelowna Auto Dealers Association. Upon their return, a wrap-up reception will be held at August Luxury Motorcars dealership, 884 McCurdy Place in Kelowna starting at about 3 p.m. The funds raised at the rally will be in support of building a Central Okanagan Hospice Association bereavement centre, generated from business sponsorship of each vehicle and a silent auction at the rally. “Life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, so let’s show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. We are only on the earth a short time, so help give a thousand smiles to a child that needs it,” said Matt August, owner of the August Luxury Motorcars.

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75, a decision of a three judge panel of the B.C. Court of Appeal. In that case, a jaywalking woman walked in front of a backhoe operator who should have, but did not, notice the pedestrian. After a very thorough review of the law, the court of appeal assessed the backhoe operator and the pedestrian each 50 per cent at fault. What lessons can be taken from the law I have shared with you in my last three columns about pedestrian and motorist responsibilities? Each of us, motorists and pedestrians, must pay attention to what is going on around us, and to please stop for pedestrians. Paul Hergott is a personal injury lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.



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federal pieces of legislation. Please e-mail me if you have any difficulty accessing those resources and I will be happy to help you out. What if you are what I might refer to as a regretfully typical motorist, not paying your full, direct attention to the road ahead of you? Your direct attention might be on a cell phone conversation, what happened at the office that day, some drama with a friend, or driving has become so second nature to you that you drive in autopilot. You could have recognized the hazard of a jaywalking Pokemon zombie pedestrian about to walk in front of you “a mile away” but you don’t. Instead, your brain kicks into gear when it’s too late, and the pedestrian flies over the hood of your vehicle. If the injured zombie

Okanagan Dream Rally fundraiser ready to roll


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Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC


Nitrates flow into Okanagan watershed Open letter to Okanagan Valley mayors and councils: I am writing today to update you on the recent events associated with the nitrate contamination of the Hullcar Aquifers in the Township of Spallumcheen, which are rapidly becoming an issue that should be of concern to all

LETTER OF THE WEEK residents of the Okanagan Valley and south. The 53 farms (approximately 150 people) on the Steele Springs Waterworks District have been under a water advisory since March 6, 2014 when the nitrate level in the springs coming from Aquifer 103 exceeded 10 ppm, the maximum allowable content (MAC) under the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines. On July 14 of that year, another 150 people on private wells in the Hullcar Valley were advised by Dr.

Jolt A little jolt of electricity could ‘hack’ into nerve cells and help control some maladies, like type 2 diabetes, says new bioelectronics company.

Wide-stance China has tested its ‘straddling bus.’ The 300-passenger rail-bus straddles two lanes letting vehicles pass underneath.


It’s not just that Donald Trump has a short ‘squirrel’ attention span. Our brains are wired to do something about crying babies.

Survival skills Survival rates from cancer have doubled since the 1970s, but people carry effects like depression for decades.

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Trevor Corneil of Interior Health to have their private well water tested at least once per year because of the nitrate contamination. A Compliance Order was issued by Mike Reiner, senior environmental protection officer, on the HS Jansen and Sons dairy farm on Knob Hill Rd. as the “likely” source of the contamination as they spread thousands of gallons per acre of liquid effluent from their flush barn, which uses water to flush the excrement and urine from the barn, rather than the more common scraper system. The liquid effluent is held in a lagoon, the solids removed and the remainder sprayed on the farm fields behind a tractor with an umbilical cord attached to nearby underground piping. Reiner pinpointed the “field of concern” as the location of the problem, a 220-acre field adjacent to and over top of Steele Springs, the only significant natural outlet for the aquifer. Since then, trustees of Steele Springs, led by chairman Dr. Brian

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Climate change must be addressed “This has to be one of the Kathartic worst summers I’ve ever seen,” my husband KATHY lamented the MICHAELS other day as rain splattered the city, ruining his plans for a beach day. I nodded gravely, in agreement, while secretly feeling a bit gleeful — I love a good rainstorm. So do my tomatoes. Plus, it was last summer that made me feel weather-related ennui. It was late in August 2015 when I watched as smoke from wildfires raging in Washington state rolled over the valley, bringing with it apocalyptic scenarios that plagued my dreams for days on end. Worse, however, was the sheer thickness of the air. It seemed impossible to breathe, and, with a toddler in my care, I felt like I had no choice but to flee. So we went on an impromptu road trip out of the smog and hoped for the best. We ended up with my parents in the Lower Mainland, which was pelted by a storm so intense they were without



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power for days. Bascially Mother Nature forced hours of awkward conversations on me, amounting to the worst vacation on record. So, I’m digging the rain. I just hope it doesn’t wash away the collective realization that we live in a changing world and the value of thoughtful interaction with all that is around us. In case it does, here’s this little reminder of what we’re facing courtesy of the annual global checkup from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA reported this week that in 2015, temperatures fuelled by a combination of the effects of global warming and one of the strongest El Niño events on record broke previously smashed records from 2014 making it the hottest year in 136 years. Closer to home, we know those hot temperatures led to drought and fire, but that’s tip of the iceberg. Glaciers have been melting for decades, but 2015 warmed the sea and air sending the melt into hyperdrive. Most dramatically, according the NOAA report, were changes in the Greenland ice sheet which reached the halfway melting point in 2015. Newsroom: Warren Henderson, Kathy Michaels, Kevin Parnell, Jean Russell, Alistair Waters Advertising: Tracy Cole, Jim Coulter, Teresa Huscroft-Brown, Sheri Jackson, Rick Methot, Christine Mould, Megan Munro, Wayne Woollett Classified: Gurleen Madurai, Michelle Trudeau Production: Janelle Baldwin, Janice Collier, Shayla Graf, Lana Gregson, Meghan Grimwood, Kiana HanerWilk, Fatima Hartmann, Nadine Krahn,

Penguins in the area are at perilously low populations due to the changes in their environment. And they’re not alone. Let’s not get me started on the polar bear and its plight. Moving on, NOAA addresses changes in the beautiful waters that sustain this planet. The globally averaged sea surface temperature was the highest on record in 2015, breaking the previous mark set in 2014. The highest temperature departures from average occurred in part of the northeast Pacific. The North Atlantic southeast of Greenland remained colder than average and was colder than 2014. Globally, upper ocean heat content exceeded the record set in 2014. Coral is dying at a rapid rate due to these changes. More than a third of the world’s coral reefs are under an official death watch. The reefs just can’t survive when the water is so warm. And, in case you thought the bad news ended there, NOAA reported that the average global sea level rose to a new record high in 2015 and was about 70 mm higher than the 1993 average. Over the past two decades, sea level has increased


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sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A11

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Weddings will take a bite out of B.C. farm land predicts reader To the editor: Though saddened, I’m not surprised the Christy Clark government is further chipping away at agricultural land in B.C. First it was the weakening of the Agricultural Land Reserve in the top half of the province, and now there’s the change to allow weddings on farm land. On the surface, when you hear about it the idea seems fine. It’s very similar to allowing RV parking on a portion of the land. However what people fail to understand is that

only five per cent of land in B.C. is in the ALR. If we accept climate change to be real, and as politics around the world shift to a more national focus, can we always count on the US, China and Chile to supply us with food? If only five per cent of our land is used for agriculture, but we set aside portions of this for weddings, how much land will be left for future generations? And make no mistake, while it’s now capped at 10 weddings per

year, and no more than 150 guests, in a short while a savvy lobbyist will have the ear of the government and it’ll be amended. I pity the farmer trying to run his farm beside one with a wedding in progress. We need to look no further than the Sonoma Valley in California to see what a mess has been made out of the agricultural areas down there due to lack of foresight. Moni Schiller Kelowna

We’re now in a ‘race against time’ MICHAELS FROM A10

at an average rate of 3.3 mm per year, with the highest rates of increase in the western Pacific and Indian Oceans. Before I ruin your beach day, just keep in mind that all is not lost. As UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said during a ceremony at the United Nations in New York City last April, where the Paris climate action pact was signed, “We are in a race against time.” And that race doesn’t have to leave anyone behind.

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“Let us never forget KelownA Crossing (by CostCo) — climate action is not a 140-2463 Hwy 97 778-484-2688 burden,” Ban was quoted saying. “Indeed, it offers many benefits. It can of the Central and South Okanagan / Similkameen help us eradicate poverty, create green jobs, defeat hunger, prevent instability and improve the lives of girls and women. Climate action is essential to achieve the sustainable development goals.” of the Central and South So, go on and enjoy Okanagan / Similkameen your beach day. And let’s start thinking about ways we can contribute to these sustainable goals.

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Kathy Michaels is a Capital News reporter.

Protection of aquifer water is critical WATER CONTAMINATION FROM A10 Upper, have attempted to have the Ministry of Environment enforce the Agricultural Waste Control Regulations, with little success. So in February of this year, the Save Hullcar Aquifer Team (SHAT) through the Environmental Law Centre at the University of Victoria, filed a request with Interior Health for a Hazard Abatement and Prevention Order under the Drinking Water Protection Act. The goal of SHAT is to stop the contamination of the aquifer permanently and start the process of remediation, so the aquifer can once again be used as safe drinking water. Interior Health is working with Steele Springs to find another water source, with no luck so far. But there is no other source available to the private well owners in the Hullcar Valley. Shortly after the SHAT request for drinking water protection was filed on Feb. 1, 2016, Interior Health created a four-person team to assess the merits of the request. At about the same time, the provincial government created the Hullcar Aquifer Inter-Ministry Working Group to address the issue of the contamination of the aquifers. The Working Group is also proposing creation of an Area-Based Management Plan, and doing fall and spring soil testing on many farms to determine the source or sources of the nitrates. As a result of this effort, our request for drinking water protection is in limbo. The decision is up to Medical Health Officer Dr. Kamran Golmohammadi, who has stated several times he doesn’t have enough evidence to issue a Hazard Abatement and Protection Order, and will await the results of the testing done by the Working Group before making his decision. And therein lies the heart of the problem. Some 12 of the 53 farms on Steele Springs have water treatment. The rest have to buy their water on a daily or weekly basis, and there are a number who can’t afford treatment or bottled water, so have no choice but to drink the contaminated water from their taps, risking their health every day. The private well owners of Hullcar Valley have to live with the uncertainty of their wells becoming contaminated, and in the past year, though the numbers are still low, the nitrate levels in some of their wells have doubled. Some are attempting to sell their farms and move, but the water situation has reduced property values.

Members of the Splatsin Nation, under federal jurisdiction, were never notified by provincial authorities of the danger to their health, and came to SHAT to find out what they were facing. They do not have the option of selling their land and moving to where drinking water is safe. As Splatsin Councilor George William said at a recent meeting with IHA, “We used to be able to drink from any stream in the valley, and now we are afraid to drink what is coming out of our taps.” One of their wells tested at 21 ppm. But sadly, it is not just our problem in the Hullcar Valley and Spallumcheen. Earlier this year Dr. Upper of Steele Springs determined that the overflow from the springs, which travels down to Deep Creek, Otter Lake and into Okanagan Lake, out of Hullcar Aquifer #103 “ …presently contributes a minimum of 43.8 kilograms (96 lb.) of nitrate every day of the year, to Deep Creek, an important tributary of Okanagan Lake.” As of July 31 this year, that will have been 878 days since the Ministry of Environment issued the Compliance Order for a total of 84,288 lb., or 38.23 metric tons of nitrates going into the Okanagan Lake drainage system. The Hullcar Aquifers are the headwaters of that system. The water coming into the Hullcar Valley is pristine, but it doesn’t stay that way for long. Each month that nothing is done to stop the contamination, an additional 2,880 lb. of nitrates is added to the Okanagan watershed, from which thousands of people draw their drinking water. Each year the lake receives another 35,040 lb. of nitrates, or another 15.89 metric tons. Nitrates are a fertilizer, and in water they cause eutrophication, which is excessive plant growth that in turn removes oxygen from the water, killing fish and other aquatic life, and in sufficient quantities causing algae blooms. The question becomes: where is the tipping point? How much is too much? A couple of weeks ago the data was finally released on the orders of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Commissioner. It turns out that in addition to nitrates, there are elevated levels of phosphorus, potassium, boron and copper in that field, which are soluble in water. Comprehensive water tests have not been done as they are expensive (approx. $1,275 per test). Last week our MLA Greg Kyllo agreed to ask the government to pay for a

comprehensive testing program, which would also test for antibiotics, steroids, pesticides and herbicides such as Roundup, because the farm grows huge fields of GMO corn for sileage. As a public advocacy group lobbying for clean drinking water for the 350 people using the Hullcar aquifers, the Save Hullcar Aquifer Team, Steele Springs and the Splatsin Nation have never even suggested that the farm be shut down. We have suggested many possible solutions, from switching their flush barn to a scraper barn to a community digester that could be accessed by all farmers with an excess of manure. We are sorry that our problem has become a problem for everyone in the Okanagan and beyond. We tried our best to stop the contamination before it got out of control, but so far have been stymied at every turn. We will keep trying. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact me, and thanks for taking the time to ready my letter. Al Price, chairman, Save Hullcar Aquifer Team For the full text and links see under the Opinion banner.

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EXPRESS YOURSELF We welcome letters that comment in a timely manner about stories and editorials published in the Capital News. Opinions expressed are those of the letter writer. Letters under 200 words will be given priority consideration for publication. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. Letters sent directly to reporters may be treated as letters to the editor. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer. Names will be withheld at the editor’s discretion, only under exceptional circumstances. E-mail letters to, fax to 763-8469 or mail to The Editor, Capital News, 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C., V1X 7K2.

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Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

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Global Roadway Maintenance to host annual trade show

On July 22, the Elks Stadium baseball stands were filled with fans and families who enjoyed a hard fought game in support of the YMCA’s Strong Kids Campaign. The Kelowna Falcons organization donated more than $7,000 through gate sales, a 50/50 draw and game sponsorship opportunities to the Strong Kids Campaign. In the photo above (from left) are Emily Oxley, Big White Ski Resort; Warren Carr, Telus; and Andrew Devlin, YMCA Strong Kids cabinet chair. The YMCA in 2015 was able to provide over $479,000 in financial sponsorship because of donations to the Y’s Strong Kids Campaign.



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Global Roadway Maintenance will be supporting the United Way Central and South Okanagan/Similkameen at the company’s 4th annual trade show event set for Aug. 12, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Several of the 50+ exhibitor booths will have fundraising activities with great prizes to win both for registered guests and the general public. All proceeds will go to the United Way, who will also be setting up a booth and a prize wheel for people to donate for a chance to win a prize. The trade show will take place at 1979 Old Okanagan Highway in Westbank (former Sears building) and will include more than 50 booths, dynamic

The West Kelowna firm Global Roadway and Maintenance will host their 4th annual trade show event Aug. 12, with proceeds to benefit the United Way fundraising campaign. displays, demonstrations, equipment simulators and food trucks. The event is free to the public. “We are excited to welcome the public to our event this year so that we

can show that we’re so much more than a snow removal company,”said GRM owner and president Garth Dietrick. “We are proud to give back to the communities in which we serve our

clients with the United Way being our preferred charity.” For over 25 years, GRM has been a market leader in year round solutions for road and exterior property maintenance, serving municipalities and commercial, retail, strata and institutional properties throughout Western Canada. Services include snow and ice control, landscape maintenance and construction, irrigation installation and repair, line painting, crack sealing and asphalt seal coatings, graffiti removal, building envelope restoration and repair, dust control, commercial property maintenance, lot sweeping and flushing, bin services- trucking and hauling, facilities and contract management.

Slam dunk for Strong Kids Get ready for some fullcourt four-on-four hoops action, great prizes and a slam dunk contest on Saturday at City Park’s newly renovated outdoor basketball courts. Hosted by the YMCA of Okanagan, teams participating in this inaugural tournament will be both battling for the “Champion of the Courts” title and also supporting the Y’s Strong Kids Campaign. The tournament will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost to enter a team is $125 for four to six players. Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the event for a chance to win a fully paid round trip flight for two anywhere WestJet travels.

Telling your story most accurately: Kelowna Capital News

sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A13

news _____________________________________________________________________

Hair shaving experience offers deeper lesson in life There are different types of moments in life. Some are very ordinary; sitting in traffic, taking out the garbage, flossing and the like. And then there are those that shake us awake. They grab us, jar us and somehow change our entire state. In a way, they define us in that moment. They are rarely solicited, but one thing is constant in those piercing moments. Truth. My mother once said: “There are moments of truth that are inescapable. Just make sure you pay attention to them when they are calling.” For instance, the birth of a child, or the loss of a loved one. With these, there is a vulnerability that is the catalyst for acceptance of the moment we are in, a moment of truth. If I ask you what your car insurance costs, you probably won’t remember. But if I ask you what was your very first car, and the first time you drove it, you could probably describe the day, what the car smelled like and probably what you were wearing. I had one of these moments just last week. My son, Cash, who just turned eight, said to me, “Dad, we are going to Edmonton tomorrow. My hair is too long. Can you please cut it?” I, in my usual fashion was doing three different things at the time. I said “I don’t cut hair, Cash. Let’s get in the truck and we will go to a barber, ok?” He looked at me and replied, “Dad, you have your hair cutting stuff under the sink in the bathroom. Will you please cut my hair. I’ve seen

MARKUS THIEL pictures where you have cut your own hair. “It looks great and that what I want, ok?” He was referring to the days 20 years ago when I shaved my head. After much debate, I, well, lost and the haircutting process began. “Shorter,” he kept saying. I went to the number 4, then the 2 level. “Shorter,” he said again. He then stood up and grabbed the intrepid number one. He handed to me, said “Here,” and sat down. We ended up with the number 1 blade, largely a shaven brush cut and a bathtub full of hair. He stood up looked

proud of it. Those moments are around us every day. Just listen for them.

Dr Markus Thiel is a Doctor of Chiropractic and sports therapist in Kelowna.


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saying—“If you want to know truth, look into the eyes of a child.” Well, that truth shaved my head and I’m very

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forget that moment that I initially resisted, and I surrendered to it. Because of its truth. The Buddhists have a

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in the mirror, beamed and said: “I love it!” He thought it was perfect. Then he turned to me and said…here it comes…”Thank you so much Dad. It’s your turn.” Umm, what? He said that was our understanding—I shave his head, he shaves mine. To say that I protested was an understatement. In my reality, I never agreed to this, in any way. No. Nope. Never. Then it happened. He turned to me, looked me square in the eyes, rubbed his head and said: “Dad, I want to be just like you. Just like you. Please? You and me, ok?”. My moment. I sat down and relinquished the shaver to my eight-year-old as a soldier would surrender his sword. My intent is this. Yes my head is shaved. But that moment I will never

Ask Dr. Thiel







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Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

news _____________________________________________________________________ SUMMERLAND ORNAMENTAL GARDENS

On the weekend of July 16 and 17, I participated in the enjoyable and varied celebrations marking the centennial of the Summerland Ornamental Gardens. It was also the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Friends of the Summerland Ornamental Gardens. The event was modelled on the historic farm picnics which happened annually from the 1920s to the ‘50s. Hundreds of people of all ages participated in the centennial event. It was a delight to hear the music floating through the gardens from musicians on the stage set up on the great lawn. There were tours of various parts of the gardens led by experts familiar with the gardens. I especially enjoyed the

Gardening With Nature GWEN STEELE tour of some of the 135 species of mature trees with Douglas Justice, associate director of the UBC Botanical Gardens. Many old-time Summerland residents enjoyed catching up and sharing stories of olden days at the farm. The events were punctuated by the whistle of the historic KVR steam train as it passed by across the canyon. The Canyon Walk at the edge of the property provides an excellent view of the canyon, train and old trestle bridge. In the early years, the Dominion Experimental

Farm researched all aspects of valley agriculture. Most employees lived on the Farm so it was a real community. The gardens were started in 1916 as part of an ornamental research program at the Farm (now the Summerland Research and Development Centre) which was established in 1914. It was the place in the Okanagan to find out what trees, shrubs and flowers would thrive in gardens and parks. Over time the area developed into an English style garden covering about 15 acres. When the research station closed the ornamental horticulture program in the 1980s, the

gardens languished under minimal maintenance. The Friends of the Gardens was formed to save these beautiful, historic gardens. Over the years, the members have worked hard to restore the gardens. In 1991, then garden manager Brian Stretch introduced the first public xeriscape demonstration/ test garden to the Okanagan. It was the first in Canada and is still the largest today. Now the focus is to bring the gardens into the 21st century so they can be the place to go to find out what plants and techniques are appropriate for our dry climate. Program manager Eva Antonijevic has done a remarkable job of organizing new garden

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Centennial worth celebrating

Gwen Steele stands on the edge of the cactus garden at the Summerland Ornamental Gardens xeriscape demonstration garden to speak with the 50 people who attended her guided tour during the ornamental gardens Centennial celebrations. projects, obtaining grants to finance them, and involving many volunteers, including school classes, to implement them. The group raise funds through annual plant sales, memberships, and donations from garden visitors to pay two seasonal gardeners and other garden expenses.

Today, the gardens are a lovely place for a quiet picnic. To ensure this treasured resource continues, be sure to make a donation in the collection box beside the new vegetable gardens when you visit or buy an annual membership. For more information, check out the website

Gwen Steele is executive director of the non-profit Okanagan Xeriscape Association. Learn more about Gardening with Nature and plants for the Okanagan on the website

Kelowna sesquicentennial grant recipients ready to launch projects From 150 years of local Canadian art, to 150 stories celebrating local diversity, to a sesquicentennial paddle trail, the recipients of the Kelowna’s sesquicentennial grants have hit the ground running with plans to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary. Earlier this year, the city launched its Canada 150 sesquicentennial grant program. The grant, available

to eligible non-profit organizations, provides matching funds of up to $15,000 to support community driven projects. “The Kelowna Art Gallery, Kelowna Museums and the Kelowna Dragon Boat Club Paddling Society all came forward with unique and exciting projects that illustrate the Canada 150 program themes,” said Mariko Siggers, event

development supervisor. “These projects reflect the richness and diversity of our community’s history and unique attributes and are poised to leave a remarkable legacy.” The Kelowna Art Gallery will showcase a unique exhibition of Canadian created art, drawn from private collections and public institutions in Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley. This will provide the opportunity to see works of art that would not otherwise be accessible to the public. Through these significant pieces of Canadian works of art, visitors will discover some of the stories, milestones, places, events and people that have shaped our history. Kelowna Museums will take storytelling to heart with its project, “Stories from 150 years,” filling the gallery of the Okanagan Heritage Museum with diverse, relevant and surprising stories, presented in innovative and creative ways. By engaging community partners such as the Chinese Canadian Association, French Cultural Centre, Metro Community and Westbank First Nation, the museum will highlight


sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A15

news _____________________________________________________________________ GETTING ROAD READY

BCAA offers advice on how vehicles can beat the heat Driving around town on hot Okanagan days or heading out on family summer vacation road adventures, the last thing you want is your vehicle to come up lame. The chance of hotweathered mechanical breakdowns can be reduced by following some basic preventative measures, says BCAA. BCAA says many of their summer roadside emergency service calls in Kelowna are due to vehicle overheating, flat tires and dead batteries. Water and fuel pump failures and air conditioning not performing up to standard are also common culprits. So consider some of these tips from BCAA to reduce the stress on your vehicle of summer driving: • Inspect your tires— summer means dry roads but that doesn’t mean

you can get away with driving on worn-out tires. Check the tread depth and condition to accommodate heavier loads. Refer to your owner’s manual for the correct tire pressures, especially for towing boats and trailers. •Top-up fluids—check oil, brake, power steering, automatic transmission, coolant and windshield washer fluid and top up if necessary. And, keep an eye on your antifreeze levels—it helps avoid engine corrosion. •Check the vehicle battery—summer heat can be harmful if your battery is over fiveyears old or connected to poorly-maintained terminals. Batteries should be tested and serviced to ensure clean connections. If battery caps are removable, check fluid levels. •Don’t overload—use common sense when

Sesquicentennial grants GRANT FROM A14 unexpected stories and connections from the past 150 years, honouring the history of the region, as well as the prominent and not so prominent people that connect us. The Kelowna Dragon Boat Paddling Society will launch the Sesquicentennial Paddle Trail Project, celebrating the history of people powered paddling activities and paddle sport activities that take place today on Okanagan Lake. The society will create a paddle trail using GPS registered information buoys that paddlers along the lakeshore can use to navigate the waters along the paddle trail. Funds are still available for a second intake of the sesquicentennial grant and the city welcomes applications from eligible non-profit organizations. The deadline to apply is Oct. 31. For more details, check out the website


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loading up your car. Try not to overload your vehicle with excessive weight, which could cause overheating when driving on mountainous roads. •Be prepared—for longer road trips, carry items such as windshield washer fluid, water and non-perishable food, maps, a charged cell phone and an emergency roadside safety kit. •Mechanical checks— inspect the condition

of key features like the radiator, water and fuel

pumps, belts or hoses. For more information

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WATCH Presented by:

By Mike Straus Sandra Kochan says that arts and culture is a fundamental expression of community identity, and it’s that guiding belief that has led her to her position as cultural services manager for the City of Kelowna. “I don’t really work in arts and culture – I’m a public servant. That means I’m more involved in managing the public sector budget and finding ways to support and enable arts industry

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Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

non-profits. I work on some of the broader issues involving the city’s role as a funder,” Kochan said. Kochan’s work typically involves liaising with local arts organizations, community members and city officials to determine how the city can best nurture a growing arts industry. Over the course of the

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last seven years, Kochan’s largest project has involved significant contributions to the city’s official strategic plan for arts and culture, which city council adopted in 2011. Kochan says that working on municipal projects for the arts industry presents a variety of opportunities, the biggest challenge being the city’s cultural services division faces is in pursuing multiple opportunities at the same time. “All of us at the City of Kelowna are very aware of community needs, and we’re always juggling competing demands for time, attention, and resources. It’s partly a pacing issue – you can’t get to everything right away, and some projects will take longer than others. Some projects have resource challenges – assembling resources for a large project (like the Rotary Centre

for the Arts) will take years, maybe even decades. So it’s important to be patient and plan carefully,” Kochan said. Part of that careful planning involved the creative spaces consultation process, which took place earlier this year. While the city is still compiling the results for an official report, Kochan says the eight focus groups presented a series of unique insights as to what an ideal creative space would look like. “Every single focus group gave us at least one ‘aha’ moment,” Kochan noted. “The next step will be a gathering next year to bring everyone back together to share information. We’ll also be looking at examples of shared facilities to learn more about co-located models, and then we’ll talk about what a made-in-Kelowna solu-

Crowe MacKay’s Women to Watch program is a weekly feature that profiles remarkable women in our community, concluding October 16th. After terrific response, the nomination period for 2015 is now closed. Watch this space each week to see our remaining Women to Watch.

A partnership between: CAPITAL news

Profiling women of influence in the Central Okanagan business community.

Sandra Kochan is the cultural services manager for the City of Kelowna.

tion would look like.” The focus group results will also be used to provide insights for an update to the cultural plan that is slated for 2018. Not content to simply manage the public policy side of art, Kochan is also an avid creator herself. When she’s not managing the city’s arts agenda, she can be found busking on the streets of Kelowna as part of the local ukulele ensemble Ukenagan. “I also have lots of projects on the go around the house – I like to cook and preserve a lot. Plus, this time of year I’m an enthusiastic gardener. We’re harvesting tomatoes and beans right now.” Lately, Kochan has been contemplating the value of mentors and role models. “This has been on my mind, partly because this is the Women to Watch series and partly because I was involved in a presentation through the Chamber of Commerce’s Inspire series. As a public servant, there are sever-

al women who stand out to me. They speak truth to power, and they’re admirable because of their determination. One of them is Cindy Blackstock, a First Nations advocate for childcare. She’s had to face a lot of backlash speaking out on government policies,” Kochan said. “I also admire Sheila Fraser for her ability to be impactful, to speak uncomfortable truths, but to do it in a fair manner.” Kochan says that her three careers have taught her a variety of lessons that are now helping her to promote arts and culture in Kelowna. As a lawyer, she quickly learned the importance of having accurate information. Her career in sales and marketing for wineries impressed upon her the importance of storytelling, as it’s through stories that work takes on meaning. And as a public servant, Kochan discovered that providing the best possible advice to civic leaders involves cre-


The Okanagan’s Weather Team

ating innovative solutions based on the facts at hand. Kochan is now putting those skills to use to encourage Kelowna’s residents to explore the city’s arts amenities. “Don’t take it for granted,” she said. “Our citizen surveys tell us that people are very satisfied with what’s available, but we also know that event organizers don’t always get the levels of participation they hope for. That’s why community support and involvement is important – artists need to have audiences for what they do.” Kochan says that much of the struggle arises from Kelowna’s great variety of arts events— often, there are so many options available that would-be arts supporters don’t know which events to attend. “Get out there and support what’s happening. If artists can’t make a living here, they’re not going to stay – and without artists, we don’t have a cultural scene,” she said.

sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A17

Vol. 13 No 7




This 3 bedroom 3 bath beach front cottage comes fully furnished from the bedrooms to the fantastic outdoor living spaces ($35k Value). Cottage comes with own designated boat slip ($50k Value). With 350’ of beach, dock and lift, wide open green space, pool and hot tub, this is a premier development in West Kelowna. Location is everything! Pet friendly, gated, no age restrictions and vacation rentals allowed, great investment in the Okanagan. Minutes away from wineries, golfing and shopping. #13-3750 West Bay Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10120015, $850,000. Proudly Marketed by Kraig Snaychuk, please call 250-215-1542 for your private viewing

This 2391 sq ft family home has 5 bedrooms and 3 baths. Mostly laminate throughout. Large master w/ensuite and walk-in closet. Private tiered backyard up against Wilden. Large laundry could be suited. Needs painting. Vendor will rent back short time. Sale will be subject to Vendor finding suitable townhome. 228 Crossridge Crescent, Kelowna, MLS®10120400, $548,000. Call Walt Reglin at 250-470-0919 for an appointment.




This 5 bedroom 4 bathroom home built by reputable Dilworth Homes. The master bedroom is on the main level, with lake views from the kitchen and dining area. 2 bedrooms upstairs. Lower level has 2 bedrooms and full kitchen, currently used for a fully licensed daycare. Refinished hardwood and New laminate throughout the home. New hot water tank in 2015. Other features incl. 2 gas f/p, central vac system, alarm system, & floor heating in ensuite. 510 South Crest Drive, Kelowna, MLS®10121596, $716,000. Contact David Delorme 778-821-3885 or Bill Raine 250-870-6210 for further information.

This 2 bedroom 2 bath plus a den, has no expense spared. Granite counter tops, hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, central vacuum, heated bathroom floors, custom blinds, Geo Thermal heating/ air conditioning, over sized double garage - 12 feet ceiling, corner unit, great outside deck with natural gas bib, superb landscaping, low strata fees, and many upgrades. #201-4000 Redstone Crescent, Peachland, MLS®10120519, $439,900. Call or text Larry Guilbault at 250-826-2047 for your private tour.

This home has 8 bedrooms/5 bathrooms with den. Storage abounds with rooms for a large family and guests. Wonderful views of valley and city. Parking for many vehicles including a RV. Potential for a B&B or a 2 bedroom nanny suite that has its own entrance and parking. The home boasts a gourmet kitchen, hardwood throughout and huge den office. Many new features include roof, hot water tanks, paint and custom mill work. 943 Stikine Court, Kelowna, MLS®10120912, $1,200,000. Call John Mandoli 250-718-1864 or Brian Wright 250-681-0198

This house is close to schools, shopping, entertainment, beaches and is located on a quiet cul-de-sac. It has 4 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, a den and includes a 1 bedroom legal suite. The kitchen opens onto a large family room. This well maintained fully fenced level yard has a private backyard patio. The yard has an oversized shed with room for a garden. Newer roof, new hot water tank and a large driveway. A must see! 799 Southwind Drive, Kelowna, MLS®10120195, $659,000. Contact John Mandoli 250-718-1864 or Brian Wright 250-681-0198



Kelowna 14-1470 Harvey Ave. (250) 860-7500

Residential: 250-860-7500

Westside 102-3480 Carrington Rd. (250) 768-8001



Retirement living at its’ finest! Walking distance to the Capri Shopping Centre and many other amenities. Bright & spacious 2 bed/2 bath unit offers decent size kitchen, open living room & dining offers views of the courtyard. Unit located on main level just past reception area & a short walk from the front entrance. The large master bedroom has walk-in closet & three piece ensuite. The complex offers central air, secured u/g parking, an exercise room, hair salon, & 2 guest suites. #111-1045 Sutherland Avenue, Kelowna, MLS®10121226, $222,000. For more details call Karen Guy at 250-878-3605.

Million dollar Okanagan lake view; 5 bed/3 bath; plus 1 bed/den/1bath in-law suite. Cozy up to the fire in this open concept living/kitchen area, which flows to a deck with endless lake & nature views. Many upgrades; hardwood, appliances, hot tub, car/boat port, decking, landscaping. This home is on a private access road/cul de sac which backs on to nature, very low traffic/safe for kids/bikes & on school bus route. Zoning allows suite. Minutes to 3 boat launches, lakeside parks, tennis. 13263 Carrs Landing Road, Lake Country, MLS®10111595, $659,000. Please call or text Marnie to view this home. 250-212-8552 or




This 3 bedroom home with lake & orchard view is sure to please. The bottom level could be easily made into a two bedroom suite or home based business and would be an excellent investment opportunity. The home is located on a quiet street & features plenty of room. Each level has its own single garage, and extra parking such as RV parking is available on this property. The home has gas fireplace & stove, & many other unique features. 5079 Elliott Avenue, Peachland, MLS®10120805, $559,000. For a tour of this property call Larry Guilbault at 250-826-2047.

Wow! Incredible renovation on this 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo, 1250 sq ft complex, adult 45+, large view deck for lake views and covered private deck as well. Corner upper floor, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen w/ eating bar, spa like en-suite bathroom, gas BBQ hook up, 8 X 6 storage shed, A/C unit installed, RV parking, 1 covered parking, sorry no pets or rentals. #207-4340B Beach Avenue, Peachland, MLS®10120752, $449,900. To view or further information please contact Cecile Guilbault PREC* direct at 250-212-2654 or visit





The award-winning Tower Ranch Golf Club is the ideal setting for this great 5 Bedroom Home! A lifestyle where you can golf during the day, swim in your pool in the afternoon & relax by night to the City lights & lake views from your patio. 1768 Split Rail Place, Kelowna, MLS®10121489, $819,000 + GST. For more information on Kelowna Real Estate please call Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015 or go to

Architecturally designed by Everitt Design Associates this beautiful home offers over 6400 sq ft situated in SE Kelowna on 4.74 acres of privacy with stunning lake and city views. Gated entry, 4 bdrms, den artist studio, gym, media room, 7 baths, 20’ high soaring ceilings in the great room & studio. Whole house automation, walnut mill work & flooring, kitchen with walk-in pantry Subzero Fridge and Wolf convection wall oven, Wolf 6 burner gas range & microwave oven. 5 fireplaces, wood stove, concrete tiled heated pool UV filtration. Borders Priest Creek & next to Myra Bellevue Provincial Park. 4 562 Hayes Road, Kelowna, MLS®10120508, $2,975,000. To view or further information please contact Cecile Guilbault PREC* direct at 250-212-2654 or visit





Another brand new contemporary home quality built by H&H Homes with 5 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths plus scenic valley and mountain views! 2426 Ironridge Court, West Kelowna, MLS®10121461, $749,000. For more information on Kelowna Real Estate please call Jaime Briggs 250-215-0015 or go to

2 Bedr 2 Bath Townhouse. End Unit in FourPlex. Largest yard in complex with extra Storage Blding. Close to Schools, Shopping, Parks and Rec Centre. Ideal for investor, first time buyer or downsize. Large deck & fenced yard. NO STRATA FEES. Self managed. No restrictions on pets. Alterations that have been done since approx 2009, new kitchen, bathrooms, flooring, roof re-done in 2006. Patio door and entry window. Floor AC unit stays with home. Call today to view this lovely home. 450 Laurel Road, Kelowna, MLS®10121663, $249,900. Contact Rudy Schoenfeld 250-862-1900 to view this home.





Great starter home or Rezone to build a duplex, possibly two single family homes, or build a carriage house. Large 81x115 Lot - City supports higher density. Quiet street in Rutland South, located close to shops, bus, schools and Greenway. Affordable, cozy, 2 bedroom, 1 bath rancher. Kitchen, bathroom, and flooring have been renovated. Newer fridge & dishwasher. Hot water tank is 3yrs old. Great detached shop with power and covered deck in backyard. Room for extra/RV parking. 220 Taylor Road, Kelowna, MLS®10121000, $363,900. Contact Jennifer Rose at 250-870-2124 or Walter Grapentin at 250-859-2361 for more information or your private showing.

Beautifully maintained 2 storey home in a quiet neighbourhood. This home has 3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms upstairs; perfect for families. Multiple living & dining rooms & open concept kitchen on the main level; perfect for entertaining. Need more space? There is also a basement with bathroom, bedroom, living room & rec room! If you want to enjoy the Okanagan summers, this home has a beautiful private yard & garden. The home includes hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances and extra storage in the garage. 5164 Morrison Crescent, Peachland, MLS®10121704, $599,000. Call Bill Raine at 250-870-6210 or David Delorme at 778-821-3885 to view.








Water Street 1332 Water St. (250) 860-7500

Commercial: 250-763-4343

Peachland 5878E Beach Ave. (250) 767-2744 Toll Free 1-877-856-0626


Property & Strata Management (250) 860-1411 res. (250) 860-1420 comm

Okanagan Lake

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Pa s


Hwy 97

Carnousite Black Mtn






R d.


Over 29 acres of south facing irrigated land perfect for a future vineyard. If wine isn’t your thing, the property currently has 4 revenue streams; hay, horse boarding, gravel, & house rental income. The property comes fully equipped with everything a horse lover needs; multiple sheds and corrals, grazing fields and enclosures. Land also has 1500 Square foot 4 bedroom 1 bathroom house. 3031 Elliott Road, 34 Kelowna,MLS®10115276,$2,100,000. Contact David Delorme at 778-821-3885 or Bill Raine at 250-870-6210 for more information.



David Delorme 250-821-3885

Kirschner Mountai n


Swam p



S.E. Kelowna

TOP FLOOR CONDO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

This 2 bedroom condo has vaulted ceilings and an 11x20 loft above. The unit has a large 4’6x11’ storage locker and 1 parking stall but additional stalls are available for rent. Other great features for this condo include central vac, new stove, air conditioning, tinted windows and mountain views. The building has a games room, gym, guest 37 suite and BBQ area. Lease can be bought out to make the condo Freehold property. #409-2388 Baron Road, Kelowna, MLS®10119979, $349,000. Call David Delorme at 778-821-3885 or Bill Raine at 250-250-870-6210 for more information





Frost Rd.


East Kelowna

1700 sq feet of open, vaulted ceiling design featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, porch, deck, living and family rooms. Numerous updates in a family and pet friendly park. New roof & home inspection completed. Close to shopping & Shannon Lake Elementary. Pad fee incls water & sewer. Park is on Westbank First Nation with a Park Lease Agreement in place - expires Dec. 2, 2094. Check out Mobile Home Directory: ttp:// docs/wrn_wobile_home_park_directory.pdf #48-3225 Shannon Lake Road, Westbank, MLS®10118525, $197,500. Call Bill Raine at 250-870-6210 or David Delorme at 778-821-3885 to view.






9 Hwy


Hwy 33

Bill Raine 250-870-6210



267 S.




Black Mountain



Flat building sites currently zoned high density, but can be rezoned to medium density. Second adjoining property also available. Very private and quiet, Geotech, environmental and archaeological studies have been done - ready for you to begin your project. 8” water main and sewer approximately 300m. from property and 6” water main at property line. 3105 Cougar Road, Westbank, MLS®10121262, $1,195,000. Call Bill Raine at 250-870-6210 or David Delorme at 778-821-3885 to view.


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Tiffany Pare 250-878-9621 Coquih




Tiffany Pare 250-878-9621


31 33 24

Shannon Lake & Westbank Elliot Ave

PET FRIENDLY PARK • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

This is a great Home for someone looking for a quiet 19+ area. The views are calm and beautiful. Central Air in the hot summer days is an asset this home provides. Got Pets? 2 dogs aloud with park approval. Larger yard? YEP. I know this place is gem and other buyers will see that too. I know the ins and outs of this place and short notice viewings available. #90-1999 Highway 97, Kelowna, MLS®10119464, $69,000. Give Tiffany Pare a call or text 250-878-9621.


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You really can’t beat this location. It’s 6 years old, has only had 1 owner, it’s vacant so quick possession is available and you will be centrally located. 4 min to the grocery store 5 min to the university, 5 min to the airport, 6 min to the beach. This is a great starter home or good alternative to downsizing. No pet restrictions except for vicious breeds. No rentals. #18-8945 Highway 97N, Kelowna, MLS®10121175, $125,000. Call Tiffany Pare at 250-878-9621 to set up a viewing.

John Hindle Dr.

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Sally Hollingsworth 864-7548


Thacker Rd.


North Glenmore

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Okanagan Ctr. Rd.

Dave Collins 250-870-1444


To Vernon and Armstrong via 97 N.

Webber Rd.

SUMMER MEMORIES • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Vacation in the Okanagan! Fun in the sun in your own lakeside condo or a gorgeous revenue property can be your special investment. A beautifully updated 1 bedroom hideaway that includes all Lake Okanagan Resort amenities to enjoy the lake, pitch & put golf, tennis courts, hiking trails, swimming pool and a full service marina. #102-2751 Westside Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10114878, $149,900. Call Allyn Bentz at 250-470-2413 for more information.

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Carr's Landing Rd.


Building lot is pre-dug for a walkout rancher style home designed to fit the set-backs of the lot. Ask me for custom building plans. Terrific panoramic lake views from this location looking east and south. All utilities ready to go at lot line. Builder consult on site can be arranged to help plan your dream home. 6109 Seymoure Lane, Peachland, MLS®10111673, $188,000. Call Dave at 250-870-1444 to enquire or visit me at

Where Home Begins

Capital News Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital News

Old Vernon Road





Do you require a Property or Strata Manager for your property? Call our office for a presentation.


Renate Boucher 250-470-1388

Solid up & down duplex in downtown Kelowna zoned RU6 on .27 acres. Each unit consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 baths 2620 sq. ft total. Detached double garage & lots of parking. Fully leased. Close to all amenities including KGH, shops, parks, beaches & cultural district. Walk to Capri Mall. MLS®10118239, $699,000. Call Renee for more information at 250-470-1388. I speak your language - English, German & French.

Liz Bennett



Dave Collins

Christie Fisher

Property & Strata Manager

Property Manager

Judith Gregson Strata Manager

Carey Johnson Strata Manager

Mike Makin

Personal Real Estate Corporation Property Strata Manager

Roma Niessen 250-212-6880

Top floor unit with very nice view of the lake and city. This 1014 sq ft condo has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, open kitchen to living room, balcony, laundry room plus storage. Also additional storage in car carpark. Small pet Ok. No Rentals. #410-265 Froelich Road, Kelowna, MLS®10116891, $239,900. Call Gary Loverin at 250-317-5252 to view this property.

Gary Loverin 250-317-5252

Janet McDonald Managing Broker





Property Manager

BEST CONDO AT THE BENCH • • • • • • • •


This 2000 sq ft fully finished home has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms on upper level, with 2 bedrooms/office & bath on lower level. A great room w/vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, access to front deck, rock gas fireplace and dining area. Main floor office or 2 more bedrooms & bathroom plus the laundry on this level too. Decorative allan block retaining walls, u/g sprinklers, central air and mature landscaping, brand new hot water tank. 2265 Shannon Hills Drive, West Kelowna, MLS®10119364, $539,900. Call Roma at 250-212-6880 for your personal viewing appointment.

Renate Boucher 250-470-1388


Fantastic 5 bedroom 3 bath family home in immaculate condition. Upgrades include new energy efficient furnace, hot water on demand system, new deck & new basement. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on the main floor with king size master suite, walk-in closet & ensuite bathroom. Full walk-out basement includes family room, 2 bedrooms & 1 bath. Double Garage C/A, U/G irrigation. 2333 Devon Court, West Kelowna, MLS®10120697, Affordable $524,900. Call Renee Boucher to view at 250-470-1388.


New listing! Wonderful no-step 3 bedroom rancher on a gorgeous corner fenced lot. This over 1500 sq. ft. beauty has family room w/gas fireplace, large living dining area and double garage to boot. Walk to Ben Lee Park, Costco, bus stop and enjoy the quiet area. Quick possession. 1257 Houghton Road, Kelowna, MLS®10121253, $429,900. Call Allyn Bentz at 250-470-2413 for more information.


Allyn Bentz 250-470-2413

Lot with views and perfect to enjoy as is with lots of privacy from neighbours. Already rezoned in 2013 to R-2 Duplex with plans to expand. Enjoy the house and property as is or expand structure (plans available), no sewer required, District will allow septic permit for second septic system for new structure. Current house has a one bedroom suite with tenant. 5832 Brown Place, Peachland, MLS®10118475, $429,900. Call Dave Collins at 250-870-1444 for more information.

Peter McKenzie

Dave Collins 250-870-1444

Personal Real Estate Corporation Property Strata Manager

Glen Mehus

Commercial Property Manager

Residential: Residential:250-860-1411 250-860-1411

Shirley Mehus

Commercial Property & Strata Manager

Property Manager

Commercial: Commercial:250-860-1420 250-860-1420

29 21

Christina Gaspari



Joy Ross

Property & Strata Manager

Anthony Serani Property Manager


THE COVE LAKESIDE RESORT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM BUILT HOME • • • • • • • • • • •

Exceptional high end finishes from the Pella windows capturing stunning lake, city & valley views, designer kitchen & luxurious master, to the lower level entertaining areas including billiards room, theatre room, wet bar, wine cellar & spacious family room, no detail has been overlooked. 3 bdrm, 4 bath elegant residence with stone features, high coffered ceilings, fir doors, granite counters, slate & tumbled travertine tile & 3 gas fireplaces add warmth & ambiance. Professional appliances, large island, eating nook, walk-in pantry & butler’s kitchen. The oversized triple garage has room for storage/workspace. 660 Devonian Avenue, Kelowna, MLS®10115222, $1,450,000. Call Jane Hoffman Group for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to

Stunning lakefront unit in a premier waterfront resort, the Cove Lakeside Resort! Luxury 2 bedroom/2 bath condo, 1072 sq ft, fully furnished & ready to enjoy the Okanagan lifestyle. Brand new laminate hardwood floors & bedroom carpets. Lots of natural light, granite counters, spacious sundeck overlooking the lake, beach & the lush foliage. Lakeside getaway offering tennis court, pools, hot tub, spa, fitness centre, restaurant, lounge, on site marina, sandy beach. Full hotel amenities & optional professionally managed rental pool. #227-4205 Gellatly Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10114478, $424,000. Call Jane Hoffman Group for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to

24 43


PRIVACY & RELAXATION • • • • • • • • • • • •

4500 sq ft. 4 bedroom + 2 den, 5 bath villa has a terrace surrounding a large saltwater pool. Escape your master sitting area into the warmth of your spacious hot tub overlooking breathtaking views! Triple tandem garage, room for boat or RV parking. Pantry, laundry & cloak room, kitchen aid appls, granite & travertine along w/onyx light fixtures! Walk-in closets w/custom shelving, bath tile in home is heated, and $11k sound system. 1529 Vineyard Drive, West Kelowna, MLS®10107855, $2,199,000. Proudly presented by Ellen Churchill. Please call 250-863-9045.

LOVE LAKE COUNTRY • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ellen Churchill 250-863-9045

Wow! That’s what you will say when you step into this spacious and immaculate updated walkout rancher. The unique open living area has a style of its own and the design was ahead of its time. It’s a large family beauty at almost 400o sq ft with up to 6 bedrooms, an in-law suite and gorgeous landscaping. 9611 Seaton Road, Lake Country, MLS®10121653, $629,900. Call Allyn Bentz at 250-470-2413 for more information.

Allyn Bentz 250-470-2413




This 950 sq ft alpine a-frame boasts spectacular lake views. The home has been lovingly maintained/renovated over the years w/open concept living on the main, master w/ensuite on 2nd level and further loft space for additional sleeping. A deck off master overlooks views of the .53 acre property & Lake Okanagan. 10 min walk to Killarney Beach with free boat launch, wharf & picnic area. Ideal for full time rural living or a summer retreat, only 35 minute drive to Kelowna/Vernon either way. 361 Killarney Way, Vernon, MLS®10119336, $474,900. Call Ellen Churchill at 250-863-9045 to view this property.



Ellen Churchill 250-863-9045

This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, + den/office home boasts stunning lake & valley views. Open concept living, family and media room, wet bar & fully finished lower level. Quality finishes including granite, hardwood & stainless steel appliances. The kitchen boasts built-in oven, 5 burner gas stove & microwave. Fully landscaped lot and partially fenced yard. At the end of day relax in the jetted tub in your deluxe master ensuite. 694 Almandine Court, Kelowna, MLS®10120547, $849,900. Call Ellen Churchill at 250-863-9045 to view this property.

GREAT UPDATED HOME • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

STEPS TO BEACH AND BOAT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ellen Churchill 250-863-9045

This 2 bed / 2 bath home has a family room off the large kitchen plus covered enclosed deck to a super big fenced back yard. Spacious living room w/vaulted ceilings, large bedrooms w/walk in closet and large 4PC ensuite. Open unfinished basement. Home has many upgrades new furnace, HWT, roof and gutters. 2678 CameronRoad,WestKelowna,MLS®10117133, $379,900. CallHarryKullmanat 250-979-8565 for more information.

Enjoy breakfast on the sunny east facing deck overlooking the resort and lake and then just steps down to the beach and boat. Bring the kids, bring the friends, bring the dog and bring the boat, this cottage over looks the golf course and is barely used. Bring the kids and start living the dream. 6853 Madrid Way, Kelowna, MLS®10114307,$319,900. CallHarryKullmanat250-979-8565formore information.

Logan Contracting established in the Okanagan since the early 1970’s. Bill Logan( semi-retired) and his son in law Norbert provide quality built homes & exceptional service. With their professional support & internal design expertise anyone will be ensured that having their new custom home built by Logan Contracting a pleasurable experience. 3571 Ranch Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10112447, $579,900. Please call Harry Kullman at 250-979-8565 for further information about this home or the future of many others.

Harry Kullman 250-979-8565

SHANNON LAKE TOWNHOUSE • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

INCREDIBLE LAKE VIEW ESTATE • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Stunning renovation on this exceptional 2 bdrm Shannon Lake townhouse. 1553 sqft of beautiful modern living overlooking Shannon Lake Golf Course with spectacular southern mountain & valley views. Attractive level entry sprawling end unit town home with open concept design, soaring vaulted ceilings, generous balcony with glass sliding doors and fireplace featuring Daltile textured porcelain wall finish. Modern updates include granite counters, hardwood floors, new cabinetry, solid wood doors & brushed nickel hardware. RV parking in complex. #213-2377 Shannon Woods Drive, West Kelowna, MLS®10114486, $439,000. Call Jane Hoffman Group for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to

Situated on 2.47 acres of exquisite beauty in the heart of McKinley Landing. This luxurious home has 3 large bedrooms, all w/private baths, spacious living areas, expansive decks & lounging spots, lake view pool, high ceilings & an extensive use of glass throughout. A triple garage provides plenty of room for work or storage. The exceptional kitchen features granite, professional appliances, walk-in pantry & 2-way gas fireplace. Full outdoor kitchen & dining space with panoramic lake views and wrap around balcony with outdoor fire. The master suite is set privately on its own wing with 4-piece ensuite and a view that implores you to linger. 2425 Arthur Court, Kelowna, MLS®10114915, $1,788,000. Call Jane Hoffman Group for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to

41 44



Construction began at the end of July with a 5 month ETA . Lots of time to choose your colours. Home is being built on a flat lot with awesome lake views. Level entrance into this rancher with full walkout basement, an open concept with high ceilings, expanded living space on the covered deck, island kitchen w/stone counter 32 tops, 3 bedrooms or 2 with a den at the entrance, spacious master bedroom with a 5 pc ensuite and walk-in closet, flat driveway to a attached double garage, all by this master builders workmanship. 3573 Ranch Road, West Kelowna, MLS®10118391, $579,900. Call Harry Kullman at 250-979-8565 to view building plans.

WEST HARBOUR VIEW LOT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Best lakefront, corner lot in West Harbour with panoramic views of the bridge, city and mountains. Private location within a high-end master planned, Mediterranean-style development which includes community pool, hot tub and boat slip. Beautiful sandy beach right off your patio. 124 properties now sold, 117 now built out. Bring your own builder. Leased land includes a unique legacy fund - which insures your investment. No GST. House plans available! 1520 Harbour Pointe Lane, West Kelowna, MLS®10115186, $865,000. Call Jane Hoffman Group for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to

OUTSTANDING LAKE VISTAS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Exciting architecture & finishing that sits in harmony with its lake view location. This magnificent residence is perfectly positioned to capture the outstanding lake vistas. Exterior landscape features 2 rock water fountains & a cascading waterfall positioned poolside. The entry to the home is defined by the limestone barrelled ceilings that draws your eye to the 2-way gas fireplace and view beyond. The overall styling of the home mimics Old World Italy! Many artisan finishes from custom cast fireplace surrounds, pillars, crown mouldings and trayed ceilings. Over 4875 square feet of living, 4 bedrooms & 5 baths. Triple garage plus room for RV. 3221 Vineyard View Drive, West Kelowna, MLS®10113384, $2,790,000. Call Jane Hoffman Group for more details at 250-860-7500 or go to



Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

A New Real Estate Experience Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty is proud to introduce a new way to do business that is in keeping with the Okanagan Lifestyle. A gallery, where you can browse art, photography and an array of special properties. Enjoy comfortable seating and really get to know your real estate professional. Here, they can set up an online search and customize a portfolio of properties just for you. If you are selling a property, you can see it showcased in an interesting way. Not only will it be on display in the Luxury Lounge and Horizon Showcase inside the Gallery, it will also be digitally displayed in the Grand Hotel Lobby for visiting guest to enjoy. Our agents are on hand daily, and can help you will all types of Kelowna Properties: Luxury, Residential, Investment and Strata. Drop by the Gallery today!

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sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A21

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1, 2 and 3 bedroom view condominiums in the heart of downtown Kelowna. Register today to be the first to learn about 1151 Sunset Drive as soon as more information comes available.

Sales & Marketing by


This is not an offering for sale which can only be made with a disclosure statement. Sales and Marketing provided by Fifth Avenue Real Estate Marketing Ltd. E. & O.E.


Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC




Warren Henderson

With one of the country’s top running backs at their disposal and a supporting cast of ex-CIS players, the Westshore Rebels have suddenly become a power in the B.C. Football Conference. On Saturday, the defending champion Okanagan Sun (2-0) will look to defuse Jamel Lyles and the Rebels (2-0) as the BCFC’s two remaining unbeaten teams square off at the Apple Bowl. Kick off is 7 p.m. Lyles, a B.C. native who played last season with the University of Manitoba Bisons, has 338 yards rushing, a 7.9 yard average and three major scores in Westshore’s first two games. While shutting Lyles down entirely is probably unrealistic, Sun head coach Ben Macauley said his club can limit the damage with some solid, straightforward football. “The onus is going to be on us to be

Shane Beatty

fundamentally sound,” said Macauley. “They’re more experienced and physical than they’ve been, but there’s not much to their scheme, so we really just need to be good at blocking and tackling. “(Lyles) is a very smooth and dynamic runner and he can beat guys one on one,” Macauley said of the 5-foot-11, 215-pound running back from Surrey. “As long as we limit the big plays, and keep our offence on the field for some good long stretches, then we’ll be going in the right direction.” In addition to the highstakes battle for top spot, Saturday’s game should feature some added flair

with the return of Shane Beatty. Now an assistant coach with the Rebels, Beatty parted ways with the Sun at the end of last season after three years as the team’s head coach in Kelowna. Whatever emotions ensue from the return of the impassioned, sometimes irascible Beatty, Macauley said it will be important for his players to stay on the task at hand. “The main thing for the kids is that they focus on playing the game,” said Macauley. “As soon as coaches start thinking they’re part of the game, then that’s a problem. “There will likely be some mixed emotions about Shane coming back to town. I’m not sure what to expect, but I don’t see our guys being focused on that. Players win games, not coaches, so it’s our job to convince the players that all that’s going to matter is what happens on the field.” More than half the Sun’s current roster

played for Beatty last season, including veteran defensive back Beck Fullerton. The fourth-year product from Winnipeg plans to welcome the former coach back to Kelowna, then concentrate on the business at hand. “I respect him as a coach, whatever happened before with Shane and the organization is in the past,” said Fullerton. “I’ll shake his hand, wish him luck and go out and play the game.” After a pair of wins over weaker opponents to start the season— Chilliwack and Kamloops—Macauley knows the Rebels—with first place on the line— will present the Sun with their stiffest challenge yet. Still, with the season just three weeks old, Macauley said the Sun will focus more on improving than the consequences of winning or losing. “This isn’t the national championship,” Macauley


Sun rumble with Rebels for top spot

In a battle of undefeated teams, quarterback Keith Zyla and the Okanagan Sun will host the Westshore Rebels Saturday night in BCFC action at the Apple Bowl. said of Saturday’s game. “It’s a chance for us to get better and if we’re improving, then we’re getting somewhere. “We see them two

more times this year, so this is only one battle. We just need to look at getting better every week.” Elsewhere in the BCFC

this weekend, the Langley Rams (1-1) will host to the Kamloops Broncos (0-2), while the Valley Huskers visit the Vancouver Island Raiders (1-1).


Athletics program being guided by a steady hand Warren Henderson

When Evan Bailey took over the Okanagan Athletics in 2010, Kelowna’s top midget baseball program was coming off six seasons filled mostly with futility and frustration. Formerly the Kelowna Cubs, the B.C. Premier Baseball League club won only 16 per cent of its games and never made the playoffs, while graduating only a handful of players to college

programs in the U.S. or Canada. In Bailey’s seven years as head coach of the team—and more recently the program director— the A’s turnaround has been nothing short of dramatic. Okanagan’s team has compiled a regular season winning percentage of .618, while making the playoffs in five of the seven years. The Athletics won the PBL championship in 2012 and have been to the final four in each of

last two the seasons. In 2016, after a program-best 30-14 regular season record, Bailey’s A’s finished third at provincials. But perhaps the most telling statistic of Bailey’s tenure is the number of players who have gone on to play college and/or university ball either south of the border or here at home. Bailey has helped 48 former Athletics make the baseball and academic jump, including five this year—Sam Avila, Matt Brodt, David

Tongue, Brendan Coulter and McCoy Pearce. Gary Yates, who was Athletics’ GM for three seasons and still serves on the board, said once the program established a stable and consistent presence at the top, the pieces began to fall into place. “The biggest thing with Evan is that he was able to develop a baseball culture, he gave us strong leadership at the top, providing a platform for kids to have success… to have the same systems

in place, year after year is important,” said Yates. “We had so much change in the past that there was just no continuity, we were losing kids to the coast, we didn’t have the program for them. “Evan provides stability, he has his way of running the program and it’s been very effective.” As much as wins and losses are important, Yates and Bailey agree that the purpose of the program is about much more than getting results on the field.

In addition to helping his players land scholarships and prepare them for the college game, Bailey said baseball can help teach some basic life lessons. “I think really what you’re trying to do is develop young men that are going to be successful in life,” said Bailey, a Kamloops native who was a pitcher at the University of Utah. “We’re not all going to be baseball players, people can find success in life through those things they learn

through baseball…good work habits and working amongst a team to achieve a common goal. It’s that sweat in a bucket that sets you up for life.” And if players do happen to get an opportunity to play at the next level, Yates said Bailey will have them well prepared. “The primary function of the program is to obviously make sure kids play baseball, but also to help promote them


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sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A23

sports ____________________________________________________________________ OKANAGAN BASEBALL

‘Demanding’ coach gets results to the college level and move them on,” said Yates. “The next level is exponentially harder and Evan teaches them how to play the game the right way. It’s also about how you present yourself, how you’re handling winning and losing, all the things are crucial when you head to the next level.” Known for his nononsense coaching style, Bailey admits to being demanding of his players—but not at the cost of compromising a player’s character or personality. “I’m very demanding, but in the same sense I’ve also learned it’s important to develop a culture where you let individuals be who they are,” Bailey said. “There are core values and beliefs you instill, hard work and accountability so that guys are mentally ready to play. I’m demanding, yes, but that’s because I want them to be the best players they can possibly

be.” Jared Young counts himself among the many former A’s who consider themselves in a better place thanks to Bailey’s tutelage and guidance. A second baseman, Young is headed to Virginia this fall for his first year of NCAA Div. 1 baseball at Old Dominion University. In addition to being a strong technical and fundamental coach, Young said Bailey’s firm but fair approach made him the player he is today. “I can’t say how much he helped me and changed me as a player,” said Young, who played for the A’s in 2013 and 2014. “When you’re on the field, it’s strictly business. Off the field, he’s a player’s coach. Ask him for anything and he’ll help you out, anything to help you be a better player. “You listen to what he says, if you don’t there’s a consequence,” Young continued. “That’s the way it should be, I love it.

He teaches you how to play the game the right way.” In the early years of his tenure, there were the predictable growing pains for Bailey who came to the A’s some coaching experience, but none as a head man. Bailey credits both A’s founder and former GM Greg Stearns and Gary Yates for setting the course and keeping the program on the right track . “There have been some really good people involved and Greg and Gary have both instrumental in the reason we’ve had success,” said Bailey. “They’ve made this a really easy ride for me.” And much like the program itself, Yates said Bailey, the coach and mentor, has also continued to evolve. “He’s matured a lot over the years, he’s a different coach than he was eight years ago,” Yates said. “He didn’t have experience and,

Evan Bailey just completed his seventh season as head coach of the B.C. Premier Baseball League’s Okanagan Athletics.



like any new, young coach there were some adjustments. But he’s grown and become, I think the best coach in the PBL.” As for both his immediate and distant future with the Athletics, Bailey said as long as he has a passion for the work, there are no plans to go anywhere. “It’s season by season

right now, but I’m still enjoying what I do,” Bailey said. “It takes a lot of time and energy, and as soon as it’s too much time and energy, that will be the time to stop. The worst thing you can do is stay in it when you’re not 100 per cent there. “I still like what I do and being around the players.”


DEAN The 28-year-old Kelowna product will compete in rowing in his second Olympic Games this weekend in Rio. A KSS grad, Dean will row in the heats on Saturday with Canada’s men’s quad sculls crew. Dean won two gold medals with Canada last summer at the Pan American Games in Toronto.

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Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

sports ____________________________________________________________________ WEST COAST LEAGUE BASEBALL

Kelowna Falcons close out regular season at home against the Walla Walla Sweets from post season contention this week after being swept in a threegame series by the Bellingham Bells. The Bells (159) are a win away from clinching the North Division’s second half title. The Sweets, who were 12-11 heading into last night’s action, were still technically in the race to

catch the Bells. The Victoria Harbourcats clinched the first half North title and have a bye into the opening round of the playoffs. In their first season under rookie field manager Bryan Donohue, Kelowna is 11-13 in the second half of the season, and 24-27 overall. The season finale on Sunday night goes at 6:05 p.m. as the Falcons will hold a special Fan and Host Family Appreciation Night.


With the playoffs officially out of reach, the Kelowna Falcons will put closure to their 2016 West Coast League baseball season this weekend at Elks Stadium. The Falcons will host the Walla Walla Sweets in a three-game set beginning tonight in Kelowna. First pitch is 6:35 p.m. The Falcons were eliminated

Chloe Ladd and Madison Shanks display their bronze medals from the Big West Volleyfest at Spanish Banks.

Kelowna Family Night Market Celebrate Summer with your Family & Choices Markets Come by from 4-8pm on selected Friday Nights for food, fun and more. Selected artisan vendors including local food and drink, upcycled jewelry, boutique clothing, live music and a charity BBQ.

Dates: August 12th August 26th, September 9th and September 23rd. For more information visit our website: 1937 Harvey Ave. at Spall Kelowna | 250.862.4864 /Choices_Markets.

High Efficiency Gas Furnace Rebates are back with 95% to 98% efficiency! A.R. Dyck HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING PLUMBING • GAS FITTING INDOOR AIR QUALITY 3190 Sexsmith Rd. Kelowna, BC V1X 7S6

Bronze medal for Kelowna duo Kelowna’s Chloe Ladd and Madison Shanks returned home from Vancouver on the August long weekend with some hardware in their possession. The beach volleyball partners won the bronze medal in the girls U13 division at the Big West Volleyfest Provincial Tournament at Spanish Banks. Playing a solid brand of volleyball throughout the weekend, Ladd and Shanks lost a heartbreaker in the semifinal to Vancouver duo of Gamache/ Hamilton, only to rebound and defeat

their club mates to win the bronze medal. Since May, Ladd and Shanks have worked hard training with their coach, T2 Volleyball’s Tammy Thomas, in preparation for the beach season. It paid off with a bronze medal last weekend. Chloe, 13, will be entering Grade 8 this year at George Elliot Secondary, while Madison, also 13, is entering Grade 8 at KLO Middle School.

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Telling your story most accurately — Kelowna Capital News

sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A25

sports ___________________________________________________________________

Karate now an Olympic event Warren Henderson On Wednesday afternoon, about 20 members the Rodney Hobson Karate Academy gathered in front of a projection screen TV hoping to witness history in the making. Those who congregated at the Kelowna-based club weren’t disappointed as the International Olympic Committee officially announced, via live stream broadcast, that karate will be one of five new sports to be added to the Olympic Games roster in 2020 in Tokyo. “For the sport of karate, this is huge,” said Rodney Hobson, the chief instructor at RHKA. “There are over 100 million people who train in karate around the world, so to finally be accepted means a lot. “It’s the 50th anniversary of the first world championships in Tokyo, and it’s going back to Tokyo in 2020,” Hobson added. “It’s a significant, landmark


Members of Rodney Hobson Karate Academy cheered the IOC’s announcement Wednesday that karate would be added to the 2020 Olympic Games lineup. moment for karate practitioners around the world.” Karate had been shortlisted into the Olympic program three times before, only to be denied each time. In gaining approval for 2020, karate is one of only 13 new sports to be accepted since World War II. As for the significance of the announcement on a local level, Hobson said dojos throughout

Kelowna should feel the impact. “Our members were ecstatic, it’s huge for ours and other clubs, and motivating for our youth to be able to aspire to something like the Olympic Games,” said Hobson, who runs one of six dojos in Kelowna. “Once you start telling kids they have a chance to be an Olympian, that’s motivating and opens their eyes to more opportunities. It’s another

world-recognized event they can aspire to.” The Rodney Hobson Karate Academy, located on Rutland Road, has close to 450 members. Joining karate in 2020 as new additions will be baseball and softball, skateboarding, rock climbing and surfing.

The Kelowna Raiders will play host to the Armstrong Shamrocks tonight in Game 2 of the Thompson Okanagan Senior Lacrosse League’s Rowcliffe Cup final. Face off at Memorial Arena is 7 p.m. The Shamrocks, who finished first during the TOSLL regular season, got the jump in the bestof-three series with a 9-6 win on Wednesday night in the series opener in Armstrong. The Raiders led 3-1 after the first period, but the Shamrocks took the momentum away with a six-goal second period.


Raiders host ‘Rocks in Game 2 of lacrosse TOSLL final

Drew Hassard of the Armstrong Shamrocks is sandwiched between Vic Wiens (back) and Evan Helgeson of the Kelowna Raiders Wednesday night in TOSLL playoff action at Nor-Val Sports Centre. Armstrong’s forwards who took advantage of numerous power play opportunities, despite the solid goaltending of Graham Cousins and great two-way play of Nick Evans.

Evans paced the Raiders offensive attack with three goals, while Joe Brown, Jared MacLennan and Matt Gorges added singles. Nolan Frame led the ‘Rocks with a hat-trick.



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Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

news _____________________________________________________________________

Bump and run driver leaves trail of damage I’m going to chalk it all up to heat inspired stupidity. I shudder to think such incidents could happen without a justification or reason. Certainly if I was a police officer or tow truck driver I would be shaking my head in disbelief. I make reference to a couple of collisions in the Kelowna area of recent —the most amusing (or at least mind-boggling) being a demolition run by a local driver earlier this week.

Hodge Podge CHARLIE HODGE According to RCMP a 61-year-old Kelowna man is responsible for an afternoon car collision cavalcade on Tuesday. The unidentified driver began his bump and run party in the Dilworth area of Glenmore and left a swath of battered reminders of his bad

Capital news 2 DAYS A WEEK NO WEEKENDS Kelowna North & Glenmore #KC04000901 - 59 Papers Caldow St. 790 Only, High Rd. 1606 to 1860 EVEN, Smithson Dr, Smithson Pl. #KC04001300 - 119 Papers Whitman Rd. 313 to 386 #KC04001606 - 22 Papers Big Rock Crt, Long Ridge Dr. 307 to 867

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driving along the route. Said driver, operating a Ford F150, began with a rear-end collision on Dilworth Drive nailing another vehicle from behind which had stopped in a traffic lineup in a construction area. Apparently after exchanging contact information with the owner of the vehicle he struck, the Ford driver then rear-ended the same vehicle a second time

before leaving the scene. While fleeing at high speed the driver allegedly crashed into three other parked cars and then continued his chaotic course through a residential yard before reaching Bernard Avenue. Sadly, not even a threelane paved highway was room enough for this road barbarian. RCMP report the offender then collided with several poles, a sign post, and a gate. The driver then apparently made his way into a

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cemetery. It is unclear what, if any, damage occurred there. Mixed reports have been filed on the incident with a total of at least nine cars damaged before the chaos ended. The scenario finally concluded when police arrested the driver but not before he rear-ended yet another vehicle. Surprise, surprise, police say they “detected signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication” from the driver and he was apprehended. He will have a chat with a judge on Nov. 7. RCMP are encouraging witnesses to contact the Kelowna RCMP Municipal Traffic Section at 250980-5353. *** Speaking of an out-ofcontrol collision course, is it just me or is anyone else beginning to be a little concerned about the presidential race going on south of the border? While I admit to a lifetime lack of caring regarding U.S. politics, the absurdity and trepidation of a man like Donald Trump actually seeking the office of president has caught my attention. All joking aside there is much more at stake in this political race than the economic stability of America. There is no question our world already sits in a precarious position regarding world peace. Not only do we continue to have an unsettled Middle East, likewise there is great

cause for concern by the actions of such countries as North Korea. Redneck, aggressive, and threatening comments and actions as predicated by the likes of ‘The Donald’ place our world in a dangerous times. Those contentious issues are already disconcerting enough without inflaming them through bullish and childish comments and actions. Clearly, it is those concerns among others that inspired or motivated current President Barack Obama to speak out disapprovingly regarding Trump’s recent diatribes. It is rare for a sitting president to critique one running for office, but there is no question such admonishment was deserved and needed. Unfortunately, Trump is such a moron that he will simply step up his stupidity in reaction to Obama, instead of recognizing it is time to grow up and shut up. Trump is yet to comprehend the reality that for every action there is a reaction, that when you represent the voice of a nation, that nation will pay the price of your comments. Immature bully that he is, Trump seems incapable of recognizing that the world is a bigger place than he. The big question now is will American voters comprehend that enough is enough and Trump needs to be trumped?

*** Last but not least, I gather that Trump is not the only one having a hard time getting his act together as it seems Rio de Janeiro is having a rough time getting ready for the Summer Olympics. I struggle to comprehend how the organizing body of such an event could pick a host city and country not financially or politically able to handle the needs, security and finances to run such a gigantic event. It is clear from recent reports that Brazil residents are already paying a tremendous price for the whole scheme of this giant sports event. While I am the first to admire and acknowledge the goodwill, fellowship, and understanding that Olympic Games can foster, that should never supersede the infrastructure health of a city and country to host an event of this magnitude. In addition, there are some serious concerns in Rio with security issues regarding combating terrorism. Allegedly the lack of funds and preparedness from a safety perspective are further cause for caution. It is a sad state of affairs when supposed peaceful sporting events are placed in significant jeopardy by those with evil intent. It is difficult to foster trust and friendship beneath the watchful eye of machine gun nests.


City reaches lease agreement to operate Shadow Ridge Golf Club The City of Kelowna has entered into a five-year lease agreement with Monaghan Golf Group for the lease and operation of Shadow Ridge Golf Course. Course operations will be passed on to the new operator on Nov.1 at the end of the golf season. The city acquired the golf course property, located at 3770 Bulman Rd., in January 2016 with the long-term idea to one day accommodate further expansion of Kelowna International Airport (YLW). “Members can continue to expect the same great experience at Shadow Ridge,” said Tom Monaghan, president of the Monaghan Golf Group. “We’re completing on-site training with the current team to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.” In May, city staff undertook a thorough process to attract as many highly qualified bidders as possible.

All bids were required to be submitted by June 17. Of five complete bids, Monaghan Golf Group was chosen as the successful proponent as a highly experienced and qualified golf course management company that manages several premiere courses in the Lower Mainland. “Our intention is to see the golf course operate as long as it’s feasible,” said Sam Samaddar, Kelowna airport director. “Shadow Ridge is a great recreational opportunity for our citizens and we want to ensure its success continues.” Membership, rates and amenities will remain unchanged as operations transition to Monaghan Golf Group for the 2017 season. For more information online, check out the website

sCapital News Friday, Friday,August August5,5,2016 2016 A27 A27

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Randell Henry Proudlock July 24, 1958 – August 1, 2016

Memorial Gifts

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SCHULTE Joseph “Mikey” It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Joseph Schulte aka “Mikey”. Mike is survived by his three sisters and two sons. He will be missed as he touched many a heart..

COME HAVE LUNCH at the Ki-Low-Na Friendship Centre 442 Leon Ave, Kelowna, BC • August 5, 2016 between 9-12 noon

Send him home with love and memories.

Goffic, Craig Craig Goffic passed away at Kelowna General Hospital on July 31, 2016. Predeceased by father Robert (Bob) Goffic. Survived by his mom Lee McClelland, wife Lois of almost 49 years. Son Rob and grandchildren- Hallie, Robbie, Katie, and Jason. Daughter Tammy (Garth) and grandchildren- Eric, Kayne, Kiara, Darien and Shayla. Sisters Shannon (Bob) and Arlene. Brothers Ron (Ursel), Kim, Darren, and Corey. Also survived by many aunts, uncles, cousins, and his loveable dog Doc. Craig was born in Kelowna BC on April 7, 1948. He was a hardworking man who spent his younger years logging and later opened his own business in Williams Lake BC. He was an avid hunter and he loved to fish and enjoyed the outdoors. He was a very generous and caring husband, father, grandfather and friend who will be greatly missed. A celebration of Craig’s life will be held on Saturday August 13, 2016 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Kelowna at 130 McCurdy Road at 1-4 pm.

KONECHNY, George Passed away on July 28, 2016 at the age of 96. Survived by his loving wife of 70 years, Edna; son Gary and daughterin-law Ginny; grandchildren: Craig (Satomi), Jeff (Shaunna), Sara (Vinay); great grandchildren: Justin and Brandon. Predeceased by his brother Martin. George was born in Melville, Saskatchewan June 24, 1920. After serving in World War II in the Netherlands and Italy, he married Mom in 1946 and moved to BC where he had a 38 year career with the Dueck car dealership in Vancouver. Upon retirement, they moved to Kelowna where golf, travelling, volunteering, gardening and enjoying the company of friends enriched their retirement years. His life was guided by his favourite expression: “It doesn’t cost anything to be nice to people.”George will be deeply missed by family and friends and a celebration of his life will be held on Saturday, August 6th at 1:00 pm at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Heart and Stroke Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-7077.

The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

Randy is survived by his Wife Elizabeth Cavanaugh, Sons Christopher and Mackenzie and their families, Parents Tom & Olive, Siblings Tom & Judy and their families. There is no service by request. Donations may be made in Randy’s memory to the Canadian Cancer Society Condolences may be left for the family by visiting

Remembering Our Loved Ones

RUNZER, Jacob Jacob “Jake” Runzer passed away at the age of 93 on July 30, 2016. He was born in Killaly, Saskatchewan on May 24, 1923 and moved to Kelowna 81 years ago. Jake was a mail carrier in Kelowna for many years, and also subsequently ran a successful flyer delivery service. Jake was an avid golfer and bowler, as well as playing and coaching for the Rutland Rover softball team in his earlier years. He also loved to dance! Jake was well known for his wonderful sense of humor, warmth and optimistic outlook in life. Jake is survived by his sisters Agnes Sherritt (Murray), Elizabeth Klamut (John), Eva Gerein (Jack), and Frieda Perrot (Gerry), as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Predeceasing Jake is his sister Anne Siegmann (Bill), brothers Joe Runzer, Andy Runzer (Vera), Willie Runzer, Rudy Runzer (Mary), and the love of his life, Gladys Chapman. He will be fondly remembered and missed by his family and friends. There is no service by request.


Friday,August August5,5,2016 2016 Capital Capital News NewsC Friday,









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Timber Supply Manager Atco Wood Products Ltd. is seeking a Timber Supply Manager with log procurement or related experience. The successful applicant will be responsible for all aspects of the Company’s timber procurement program from external sources. Working closely with the Atco Wood Products Woodlands group and the Veneer Plant management team, this individual will create and implement a strategic plan ensuring an on-going timber supply for the Veneer Plant operation. Duties will include: t "MM BTQFDUT PG TPVSDJOH UJNCFS UISPVHI UIF #$ 5JNCFS Sales program t .BOBHJOH B MPH QVSDIBTF QSPHSBN GSPN XPPEMPUT BOE private land sources (including the USA) t .BOBHJOH RVBMJUZ DPOUSPM GPS BMM PVUTJEF QVSDIBTFE timber Critical to the role will be your ability to function as an integral member of a team of results oriented Forestry professionals. You will possess excellent negotiation, communication and leadership skills, and have strong analytic and problem solving capabilities. A minimum of 5 years experience in a related ďŹ eld would be a deďŹ nite asset. If this opportunity is what you are looking for, and you have the skills necessary to succeed in this role, please forward your resume to danielle. Atco Wood Products Ltd. is a progressive SFI certiďŹ ed family PXOFE DPNQBOZ MPDBUFE JO UIF 8FTU ,PPUFOBZ SFHJPO PG #$ The Company has over 50 years of history in the Forestry and Wood Products Manufacturing Industries. For more information on the Company, please visit the website at Atco offers a competitive compensation package commensurate with experience and RVBMJmDBUJPOT

sCapital News Friday, Friday,August August5,5,2016 2016 A29 A29



Merchandise for Sale

Financial Services

Moving & Storage

Free Items

LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

A+ Service: JOE’S MOVING Reasonable Rates, Fully Equip’d Trucks, Local-long Distance, Storage Available. No Job Too Small! Free Estimates. Call Joe: 250-470-8194


Home Care ADVANCED FOOT CARE NURSE Do you have: Vision or mobility problems?Thickened or discolored toenails? Bunion or hammer toe pain? Corns, Calluses, or heel fissures? Foot fungus? Arthritis? Diabetes? Circulatory problems? The Registered Nurse with BODY AND SOLE FOOT CARE is accepting new clients in Kelowna and West Kelowna. Professional Health orientated foot care in the comfort of your own home. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT 250.801.7315

Garage Door Services ABC Overhead Door. Install. Service.We Repair All Makes Doors /Openers 250-878-2911

Home Improvements 3 rooms for $299! Price incls. Cloverdale High Performance paint. NO PAYMENT until the job is completed! Free Est. (1) 250-899-3163

Home Repairs KITCHEN & bathroom renovations. Best Price in town. Electrical, Plumbing, Flooring, Tiles, & Painting. Call Joe at 250-859-5032.

DanMel Moving 2013 4 Ton Cube-Power Lift -Local Movers Dan 250-215-0147, 766-1282

FAMILY Movers. Moving? Anything, anywhere. Local and long distance trips. Packing service available, weekly trips to Vancouver, Alberta, full and partial loads. Cheapest rates in the valley. Free Estimates, 250-493-2687

Heavy Duty Machinery

Painting & Decorating

Bed w/dresser $125. Table 6 chairs $300. Sofa 7 pc. leather $500. (250)769-6482

PROF. dependable painters. Special: $199/room, $499/3 rooms, incl baseboards! Experienced and insured. 250-801-5523

CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405

2 Coats Any Colour (Ceiling & Trim extra)

Price incls. Cloverdale High Performance Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Misc. Wanted Buying Coins Collections, Olympics, Gold & Silver Coins etc. Call Chad 250-863-3082

Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations. GEMINI BATHS 250-862-6991.Free Estimates

RYDER Roofing Ltd. ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’ Call: 250-765-3191

Ruger American CF’s $50 off, Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6


Merchandise for Sale




Antiques / Vintage

Free Items Free Canary and Cage Healthy, male singer. To a good home. 250-862-9223

Digging can be a shocking experience if you don’t



3344 Elliott Rd. Westbank Peaches, Apricots, Gold Plums, Red Heart Plums, Nectarines, Tomatoes, & Apple Juice. U-pick, or We-pick 250-768-3343 Closed Sundays

K&J PaciďŹ c Peaches Freestone Peaches $.90/lb. Plums, Tomatoes Peppers Blueberries

1145 Morrison Rd ( Must take McCurdy Rd to Morrison)


10 Pound Minimum

3625 Benvoulin Rd, 250-859-3544

Nagy Lagos Gardens. Pickling cukes, beets, carrots, potatoes, zucchini, garlic, onions, and MORE COMING. 2105 Morrison Rd. (250) 317 - 5635

TILTON APRICOTS $16 / 20lbs Large orders welcome.

Red & Gold plums .80¢/lb

Bring your own containers.


($1.50 charge per handipak)

Phone Bruce Duggan

2180 Benvoulin Road, at Mail Rd.

Apricots, Blueberries, Peaches & Beans

FRESH & LOCAL BLUEBERRIES Sohal Orchards WinďŹ eld


& More . Open daily 9-5 Closed Tues

Beautiful Tree Ripened Glo- Haven Peaches You-pick, $1/lb

BIG, Juicy Okanagan Cherries Open Every Day Mike’s Fruit Stand 8:00am-7:00pm We take Orders

Become a Super hero!


Tony Place

Open 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m Every Day

All Fruit & Veggies! Fresh cherries, apricots, freestone peaches, corn, beans, etc.

10391 Chase Rd

$2.50lb Picked 250-766-0473 250-470-9661

NOW available: Sunrise Apples


1980 BYRNS ROAD 250-862-4997

Hours: Monday - Saturday 9 -5:30; Sundays 10-5.

2 Family Garage Sale

733 Bechard Rd. Saturday, August 6 Sunday, August 7

8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Tools, scroll saw, compressor, crochet, sewing & notions and so much more!


2225 Campbell Rd. Call 250-769-4740

the wires are.

AAA Best Rates Moving $59+. FLAT Rates long dist. Weekly trips BC/AB. 250-861-3400


Picked or You-pick, 1/2 mile South of West End of Okanagan Lake Bridge.

Kids Welcome.


3455 Rose Rd. E. Kelowna Beautiful Lapin & Sweetheart Cherries, also Glowhaven Peaches, Apricots, Nectarines,Plums Small or large orders (250)-860-2644



Moving & Storage


3735 Gordon Dr. 236-420-2963

know where

I will cut your grass. Call Doug or Kevin for an estimate today. (250)-765-7927


Fruit stand is now Open. Mon-Sat 10:30 am - 5:30 pm Garlic, Peaches,Blueberries Beets w/ tops, peppers & more. U-pick owers $6/bunch

Open Mon-Sat, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Kitchen Cabinets

direct from Okanagan grower, acclimatized for this area. SPECIAL • 5ft. tall - 10 for $200 • 7ft. tall - 10 for $300 • 8ft. $65.00/each Delivery & Planting Available BUDGET NURSERIES (George) 250-498-2189


Player Piano - rebuilt, works well & comes with 135 rolls. $1000 obo. 250-769-3180

Sporting Goods

CUSTOM YARD CARE Roto-tilling & ALL Your Lawn Care Needs!!! 250-826-5774 or 250-862-0821

417 Valley Road Big & Sweet Cherries & Freestone Peaches We take pre-orders 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Call 250-869-6564

4678 Lakeshore Rd.

OK Roofing All repairs, maint., & re-roofs. Warranty on all work. Free Est., 250-878-1172

COUNTRY HOME ANTIQUES 5 min from Armstrong. Open Sat & Sun, 11am-5, or by appt. New Shipment from Sweden also beautiful Swedish and Icelandic Sheepskin. 4262 MacDonald Rd (off Otter Lake Rd) 250-546-2529

Graziano Orchards

Musical Instruments

RooďŹ ng & Skylights

#1 DECORATIVE ROCK Call 250-862-0862


Mower For Sale 22� Toro mower w/bag, like new. Call 250-762-5514.

4 used portable window air conditioners $60 OBO Call 250-763-0574

3 Rooms For $299

To place an the Kelowna Capital News

Garden Equipment

Misc. for Sale

(1) 250-899-3163

“Local Produce at Your Doorstep�

Capital News~ Front bay door facing Enterprise Way. Wednesday & Fridays are the best days to check for them.

A-Steel Shipping Storage Containers. Used 20’40’45’53’ insulated containers. All sizes in stock. Prices starting under $2,000. Modifications possible doors, windows, walls etc., as office or living workshop etc.,Custom Modifications Office / Home� Call for price. Ph Toll free 24 hours 1-866528-7108 or 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm. Delivery BC and AB


Fresh From the Fields

GLENMORE 818 Glenmore Dr. Sat & Sun Aug 6 & 7 , 8am -2pm Dishes, Wicker, Books ETC


RUTLAND 1586 Carshyl Crt. Sat & Sun Aug 6 & 7 8am-4pm Tools & Misc West Kelowna

945 Westbrook Drive. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Aug 5,6,7 Fri/ Sat/ Sun.

Party Lite ~ Party Lite

Attention: Party Lite Distributors & Consultants! Last Chance for 50%-70% off giftware, candles and accessories. Some items open to offers! This is from the Estate of Shirley Palser

SINCE 1960





Melons, Strawberries, Sunrise Apples, Berries, Cherries, Peaches, Rhubarb, Apricots, Apples, Nectarines

• Peaches & Cream Corn, Cauliower, • Spaghetti Squash, Tomatoes, Kale, • Beets, Potatoes, Lettuce, Pickling • Cukes, Beans, Basil, Garlic, • Walla Walla Onions, Carrots Also Vintage Drinks, Fresh Homemade Juices, Pies, Poppyseed Strudel, Jams & Jellies. Fresh Samosas made daily, Butter Chicken Sauce, Hot Sauces & Turmeric Bread!

Say yes and change a child’s life today.

3443 Benvoulin Rd. 250-860-2557 250-575-7806

A healthy local economy depends on you



Friday,August August5,5,2016 2016 Capital Capital News NewsC Friday,

Real Estate







Duplex/4 Plex

Apt/Condo for Rent

Senior Assisted Living


Legal Notices



Full Service Guarantee or Refund

Buy and Sell a New Home

WAREHOUSEMAN’S Lien Act. Under the terms of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, Goods and Personal Property of these persons listed below, deposited at Sexsmith Self Storage Ltd., have been seized and will be sold, to recover the cost for unpaid storage rent. Name: Unit # McHugh, Dustin 531 Johnson, Anthony 502

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

55+ Quiet adult building. Includes free power with rent. 1 & 2 bdrms available. Clean & Affordable. NS. NP. 1779 Pandosy St. Please call 250801-6404 Rent $800 - $900

Legal duplex 4 Bdrm, 3 Bath. RU-6 zoning, renovated. Near hospital, room rental income potential. OPEN HOUSE Daily 12-5pm. Only $419,000 2122 Richter St. 250-979-0250

Houses For Sale


Discover the CURRENT VALUE of your home?

Premier Canadian Properties, Personal Real Estate Corp.

Grant 250-862-6436

Recreational Spectacular Shuswap Lakefront Property

Find Your Dream Home in the classifieds!

Commercial/ Industrial 7200 Sq.Ft. Coverall shelter with 450 sq.ft. enclosed office trailer. Fenced on 1/2 acre with power, water and sewer. Zoned Heavy Industrial including auto wrecking. Up to two acres available. Central Westside location. 250-769-7424


Crystal Sands is a gated, fully serviced, 110 lot lake front community with 24/7 on-site managers, security, paved roads and spectacular lake front properties.

Includes: 3 meals, snacks, laundry, housekeeping, all utilities cable & internet. Furnished or Not Furnished Studio Suite $1350 1 Bedroom Suite $1550 250-317-3341

Suites, Lower 1 BDRM BSMT. Sexsmith/Shetland (2009). Close to UBC. Aug 15. $1000. No pets, no smoking, drinking, or partying. Call (250) 317-5773

At The request of the members a General

2006 Kia Megentis. 4 cylinder auto with all of the toys plus sun roof. Top of the line in that year. looks and runs like new, ideal for student or lady drive. $4500 obo. 250-491-4239

Apt/Condo for Rent

BEST DEALS IN KELOWNA! Affordable 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms. AC, near schools, shopping & bus route. Insuite laundry H.Up's. Across from Park. Clean Quiet & Spacious. Sorry NO Pets. Well Managed Building (250)-861-5605 or (250)-861-5657

CENTRE of Kelowna.



Meeting of the Rutland Park Society will be held on August 9/16 at 6:00 pm at Rutland Centennial Hall, 180 Rutland Rd. Kelowna, BC

Find Your Dream Home



Cars - Domestic

New affordable luxury 1 & 2 bdrms, 5 appliances, Under Ground parking, NS/NP.

Cars - Domestic

MARINE TECHNICIAN. Outboards Only. Shop Service. 30 Years. Call:(250)765-6104


The development includes a playground, baseball diamond, tennis court, beach volleyball courts & clubhouse There is year round boat storage and a 50 slip marina with a large concrete boat ramp for the exclusive use of owners. Located 30 minutes from Salmon Arm, 40 min. from Vernon and Silver Star Ski Resort, and just over an hour from Kelowna (airport), the lot is build-ready and fully serviced. For more info please contact 604-226-6476 or 604-852-9898 or visit http://www.lakefront

in the classifieds!

Marine Services


RETIRED Prince George couple available to look after your home this winter while you travel away. Non smokers. References available. Small dog ok. No cats. Email:

Apt/Condo for Rent Spectacular lake front property with natural sand beach on the south end of Mara Lake in Shuswap, BC offering year round recreational opportunities.

Supportive Senior Housing Keep your Independence!

NEW 9 ft inflatable Hobie Kayak. $1200. Call Bob @ 250-300-0980


WAREHOUSEMAN’S LIEN SALE Individuals or Companies listed below, take notice that Mario’s Towing Ltd., 3015 Sexsmith Rd., Kelowna BC, claims a lien pursuant to the WAREHOUSEMAN’S LIEN ACT R.S.B.C. 1979 CA427 and amendment thereto, on your vehicles listed below. If the amount owed is not sooner paid, the below described vehicles will be sold on/after Saturday, August 6, 2016 at 10:00 am to recover the amount owed, plus the cost of sale.

Affordable Seniors Massage $40+/hr. Downtown Kelowna Daytime 778-484-7438

MALE 4 Male Erotic Massage $95., Winfield, 9-9 Daily 250-766-2048

Sandy’s Entertaiment The Original K-Town Girl. 38D, 29, 34. Call 250-878-1514 Sweet & Discreet Service Couples always welcome. Kelly 765-1098.

More than 1.5 million Canadian families are in need of affordable housing. Your contributions provides Habitat with the resources it needs to help families.

Evan Barker/Monnex Insurance Brokers Limited

2010 Ford Escape VIN 1FMCU0D74AKA39863 Amount Owing $3316.72


PRIME LAKEVIEW LOTS from $140,000. Also: Spectacular 3 acre parcel owner financing. 250-558-7888

Donate Today!







Cars - Trucks - SUVs - Vans - 4x4 - RVs - Trailers - Bikes Bailiff Repo, Police Recoveries, Lease Backs, Fleet Returns, Bankruptcies


Most units sold unreserved 3953 Hwy 97 North, Kelowna • 250-765-5282





2x2 ad space

2x4 ad space

+ $2.25 eEdition

+ $2.25 eEdition

Spread the word to family and friends!

CALL 250-763-7114

*Marriage Announcements appear in the “Moments to Remember” section on the last page of classifieds.

Reach A Larger Audience

sCapital News Friday, Friday,August August5,5,2016 2016 A31 A31










Got Bored

• Decks • Stairs • Railings • Gates • Fencing & Repairs • Doors • Windows • Siding • Expert Painting & Drywall • Multi Trade Skills • References on Request

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Stamped, Exposed & Broom Free Estimates • Call Dan




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Free Estimates For all your moving needs in & out of town.

250-862-0821, 250-765-2778

Seniors Discount


If you need something painting or fixing. Call Dave 250-859-2000 FREE ESTIMATES



Joe’s Moving Service “The Professionals” Joe’s • Local/long distance Moving • Storage Available Service • No job too small • Free Estimates Call Joe Anytime 250-470-8194

3 rooms for $299 (2 coats any colour) Ceiling and trim extra

Price includes Cloverdale HIGH PERFORMANCE paint. NO PAYMENT Until Job Is Completed! 1.250.899.3163

AFFORDABLE PAINTING Senior’s Specials Experience & Quality Int./Ext. Painting & Ceilings Bondable. Insurance Work 250-862-6735 Ask for April text Terry 250-863-9830 or email

RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free estimates, senior discounts,


Free Estimates

Vinyl decking, all types of aluminum railings, topless glass railings, short & regular posts, fences & gates.

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Deck & Rail FREE ESTIMATES Vinyl decking up to 80 mil., all types of aluminum railings, topless glass railings, short & regular posts, fences & gates.



Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC D |


Visit the Fusion gallery at

Top selling sedan offers safer and calming experience top-line Platinum trim level gives it a Good looks, great value and a solid unique grille with matching 19-inch reputation has made the Ford Fusion the polished aluminum wheels. number one selling mid-sized sedan on Ford continues its quest to bring the market. us ground breaking new active Ford has concentrated on making the safety technologies in affordable 2017 edition an even safer, more calming automobiles. Ford’s new Pre-Collision drive experience and given it a more Assist system can give the driver both refined interior that’s tuned to the wants Ford continues an audible and visual head-up alert of modern owners. The power train to a potential vehicle or pedestrian choices have been expanded to include its quest to bring us ground breaking impact. It will also engage the brakes, three EcoBoost engines, in addition to if necessary. Taking us another step its ultra-green, fuel efficient Hybrid and new active safety closer to autonomous driving, a plug-in hybrid “Energi” editions. The technologies Car Stop and Go technology now latter, by the way, qualifies buyers for a piggybacks the adaptive cruise control clean energy government rebate ($2,500 in affordable option. in BC) and now has an EV range of 31km automobiles. A nifty rush-hour stress reliever, Car and an amazing total driving range of Bob McHugh Stop and Go automatically adjusts 980 km (or more) on a tank of fuel. speed for comfortable travel in heavy On the inside, a redesigned centre traffic and it can bring Fusion to a full stop and console has oodles of handy space for your electronic resume movement. If Fusion is stopped for more than gear and “smart” outlets for you to plug them in. three seconds, as a (wake-up!) precaution, the driver All possible due to two key changes, a (Jaguar-like) has to tap the resume button or the gas pedal. When rotary dial replaces the conventional shift lever activated, this technology uses a radar-and-camera and a small electron toggle switch replaces the based system that reads the road ahead every 50 manual park-brake pull-up lever. Not-so-obvious milliseconds. enhancements include redesigned deeper (bottleOur drive route from Vancouver Airport to Harrison friendly) cup-holders that have been moved forward Hot Springs primarily followed the scenic old in the console and a significantly larger armrest/ Loughheed Highway (Hwy 7) and was an express storage bin combo. return via Hwy 1. Cabin quietness, especially in On the outside, the new Fusion design changes are the Titanium Hybrid edition (combined average subtle and it remains unchanged dimensionally. It fuel economy 5.6 L/100km), was particularly has a larger grille, LED headlights are now available impressive. Acoustic glass has been added to its and there are numerous new styling details intended sound deadening package as well as suspension to give it a wider more grounded appearance. A new



2016 LANCER ES $99 0% 48 LEASE FOR




moNthS oN uS

improvements and an active noise cancelation system. Our return trip was in a more basic SE edition with the new 1.5 EcoBoost engine (combined average fuel economy 8.7 L/100km). A nice balance of power, economy and a more affordable price tag is sure to make this edition a popular choice. Do miss the substantive presence of a shift lever, but completely understand the logic behind its disappearance. All 2017 Ford Fusions come with power windows, locks and mirrors, cruise control, air conditioning, auto headlights, push-button start and more. Prices start at $23,688, Hybrid editions start at $28,888, all-wheel-drive editions start at $29,998 and the Energi editions start at $35,088. There’s also a new performance minded V6 Sport edition ($42,288) on the way that comes with a new 325 horsepower engine, all-wheel-drive and a new pothole mitigation suspension feature.

As a car driver, what do you think would make motorcycle riders more visible to you?

Safety Tip: An average of six motorcycle riders are injured every day in August in B.C. Even when it’s hot, motorcycle riders and passengers can protect themselves from serious injuries by wearing all the gear, all the time: an approved WEAR helmet and safety YOUR gear made for motorcycle riding. GEAR!

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sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A33


Bentley’s Bentayga Fly Fishing by Mulliner.


Ultimate angling accessory

Kelowna Toyota’s Full Detail Centre is NOW OPEN!

By Keith Morgan Luxury car manufacturer Bentley hopes to bait wealthy fishers with a new angle in car accessories. Hand-crafted by Bentley’s bespoke coachbuilding division, the Bentayga Fly Fishing by Mulliner feature houses all the equipment required for a successful day on the river. Four rods are stored in special tubes trimmed in Saddle leather with Linen cross-stitching and located on the underside of the parcel shelf. A pair of landing nets in matching leather bags are stored in a carpet-trimmed hard pocket built into the side of the boot. At the heart of the accessory are three individual, Saddle-leather-trimmed units: A master tackle station; a refreshment case; and a waterproof wader-stowage trunk. The master tackle station and refreshment case sit on a sliding tray that allows for easy access. Inside the master tackle unit is a special Burr Walnut veneered drawer containing a fly-tying vice and tools, as well as a selection of cotton, hooks and feathers. Beneath this are four machined-from-sol-


Hand-crafted by Bentley’s bespoke coachbuilding division, the Bentayga Fly Fishing by Mulliner feature houses all the equipment required for a successful day on the river. Keith Morgan


id leather trimmed aluminum reel cases. The interior of the refreshment case is trimmed in Linen leather, and contains up to three metal flasks and a set of Mulliner fine-china tableware, as well as a separate food storage compartment. With a quilted leather finish on top, it can also be removed entirely and used as additional seating. Waders and boots are stowed in a hand-crafted and Saddle-leather-wrapped wood trunk,

Make a splash - Revitalize your ride! $79.95*


For Most Cars


lined with hard-wearing neoprene material to keep the items in a waterproof environment after use. Of course, all three units can be removed from the Bentayga’s boot whenever maximum luggage space is required. Waterproof trunk-floor and rear-sill-protection covers are discreetly integrated, as is an electronic dehumidifier unit to ensure the area remains fresh and dry. ‘Welcome Lights’ are built into the underside of the doors and project the Bentley and Mulliner logos on to the ground when the doors are opened. In addition as an

option, any personal logo or graphic can be individually specified on a customer’s Bentayga order. Geoff Dowding, director of Mulliner, said: “The Bentayga Fly Fishing car showcases the breadth and level of detail a customer can expect from Mulliner. This is an individual bespoke solution and our skilled craftspeople can design elegant and exquisitely executed bespoke solutions to complement any customer lifestyle or hobby.” Price? Not much change out of $300,000. keith.morgan


For Most Cars


• Complete meticulous hand Includes all DELUXE items PLUS: washing and drying of the vehicle exterior including door • Power wash of wheels, inner and trunk opening fender and under carriage. • Vacuuming of trunks. • Detailed interior cleaning which includes vacuuming of • Shampooing of floor mats, and seats, carpets and floor mats, sport shampooing of stains plus cleaning of glass and (subject to inspection) instrument panel. • Two-step paint restoration pro• Deodorizing of the passenger cess to eliminate minor paint compartment imperfections and restore factory paint finish lustre. • Detailed inspection report of vehicle interior and exterior. • Includes machine polishing and Toyota paint finish sealant. *Pricing subject to an inspection


For Most Cars

• Treatment of interior/exterior rubber and vinyl trim.

Includes all PREMIUM items PLUS: • Engine compartment and lower body shampoo and degreasing. • Three-step paint restoration process to eliminate minor paint imperfection and restore factory paint finish lustre. Includes environmental residue removal. • Complete Interior shampoo of fabric seats, carpets, mats, door panels. • Application of fabric protectant on passenger compartment fabrics.

• Lubricate locks and hinges.


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Cineplex Orchard Plaza 5 STAR TREK BEYOND 3D (PG) Fri/Sat/Mon/Tues 12:45, 3:50, 6:45 & 9:45; Sun 12:45, 6:45 & 9:40 STAR TREK BEYOND (Not in 3D) (G) Fri/Sat/Mon/Tues 3:45 THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS (Not in 3D) (G) Fri/Sat/Mon/Tues 12:15, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10 & 9:40; Sun 12:20, 2:35, 4:50, 7:10 & 9:35 FINDING DORY(Not in 3D) (G) Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues 4:45 & 9:55 FINDING DORY 3D (G) Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues 1:10 & 7:25 SUICIDE SQUAD 3D (PG) Fri/Sat/Tues 12:30, 1:00, 3:30, 6:30, 7:00, 9:30 & 10:00; Sun/Mon 12:30, 1:00, 3:30, 6:30, 7:00, 9:25, 9:50 SUICIDE SQUAD (Not in 3D) (PG) Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues 4:00 THE LITTLE PRINCE (G) Sat. August 6 @ 11:00am

Landmark Grand 10 948 McCurdy Rd. KELOWNA

ADVANCE SCREENINGS SAUSAGE PARTY Thursday, Aug. 11th at 7:00 & 9:20 (18A) *No Passes Accepted (until Aug.26) – GC’s Always Accepted* GHOSTBUSTERS (2D) Daily at 12:55, 3:40, 6:55 & 9:40 (PG) JASON BOURNE Daily at 12:45, 1:15, 3:25, 3:55, 6:45, 7:15, 9:25 & 9:55 (PG) *No Passes Accepted (until Aug.12) – GC’s Always Accepted* NERVE Daily at 1:10, 3:45, 7:10 & 9:45 (PG) THE LEGEND OF TARZAN (2D) Fri – Wed Daily at 1:00, 3:50, 7:00 & 9:50, Thurs at 1:00 & 3:50 (PG) THE BFG (2D) Fri at 12:50 & 3:35, Sat – Thurs Daily at 12:50, 3:35 & 6:50 (PG) MIKE & DAVE NEED WEDDING DATES Daily 9:35 (14A) LIGHTS OUT Daily at 1:20, 3:20, 7:20 & 9:20 (14A) CAFÉ SOCIETY Daily at 12:35, 3:10, 6:35 & 9:10 (PG) BAD MOM’S Daily at 12:40, 3:15, 6:40 & 9:15 (14A) NINE LIVES Daily at 1:05, 3:30, 7:05 & 9:30 (G)


Peace with a paddle in Les Cheneaux Ellen Creager HESSEL, Mich.—Jessie Hadley knows the Les Cheneaux inside out— its islands, its secrets, its secret marshes. “The Les Cheneaux is an opaque place,” says Hadley, owner of Woods and Water Ecotours. “It is word of mouth or a connection. You have to have the veil lifted, the secret passed.” So let’s just say that I’m about to rip off the veil. Many in Michigan have never heard of the Les Cheneaux, much less visited it. Pronounced LayShen-O, it is a group of 36 small islands plus two small towns, Hessel and Cedarville, that hug the Lake Huron shore in the eastern Upper Peninsula. Drive across the Mackinac Bridge, turn right at M-134, and about 20 minutes later, you’re there.


Showtime Info for Aug 5 - Aug 11, 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

The view from a bridge linking Hill Island and Island No. 8 in the Les Cheneaux Islands in the eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan. In French, Les Cheneaux means “the channels.” Says Hadley, “it’s not a cookie cutter place.” But what’s here? It is an incredible paddling and classic boat destination along 12 miles of Lake Huron shoreline. Visitors also will see some glamorous, rustic family homes passed down through the generations. The area has two golf

for Showtimes, Tickets, Contests & more!

Landmark Xtreme

Okanagan Shopping Centre WEST KELOWNA

Luxury Coach Tours

THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS (Not in 3D) G Fri-Wed: 12:50, 3:15, 6:50, & 9:15; Thurs: 12:50 & 3:15 FINDING DORY (Not in 3D) G Daily: 12:30 & 3:30 GHOSTBUSTERS (Not in 3D) PG Daily: 12:35, 3:35, 6:35, & 9:35 No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted) ICE AGE: COLLISION COURSE (Not in 3D) G Daily: 1:05, 3:25, 7:05, & 9:25 No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted) STAR TREK BEYOND (Not in 3D) Daily: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, & 9:45 (PG) No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted) STAR TREK BEYOND 3D Daily: 1:05, 4:05, 7:05 & 10:05; (PG) No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted) JASON BOURNE (Xtreme) PG Fri-Wed: 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, & 10:00; Thurs: 1:00 & 4:00 No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted) JASON BOURNE PG Fri-Wed: 6:30 & 9:30; Thurs: 6:30, 6:50, 9:30, & 9:50 No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted) BAD MOMS 14A Daily: 1:25, 3:55, 7:25, & 9:55 Under 14 Must be Accompanied by an Adult SUICIDE SQUAD PG *Special Advanced Screenings* Thurs, Aug 4th @ 7:00 & 10:00 No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted)

#107 - 1511 Sutherland Ave. Kelowna 778-478-3896 | 1-800-667-3877 (formerly Sunwest Tours)

ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS (PG) Fri/Sat/Sun/ Mon/Tues 12:50, 3:20 THE FREE STATE OF JONES (14A) Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues 7:30 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE (PG) Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues 12:50, 3:25, 6:50, 9:30 NOW YOU SEE ME 2 (PG) Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues 12:30, 3:30, 6:45 & 9:40 ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS: THE MOVIE (PG) Fri/Sat/Sun/ Mon/Tues 12:40, 3:10, 7:15, 9:35 CAPTAIN AMERICA:CIVIL WAR (PG) Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues 12:00, 3:15, 6:30 & 9:45

Yellowstone National Park - 9 Days Aug 31*.............................from $1395 8 nights’ accomodation, 9 meals Admission to all attractions

Mexican Riviera Cruise & Coach - 16 days Nov 12.............................from $2495 Book by Aug 15 Airfare to Los Angeles, 7 night cruise Return transportation on luxury coach Most meals All hotel accommodation

12 Tribes Resort/Casino, Omak - EVERY TUESDAY ........... from $35+ gst 12 Tribes Resort/Casino, Omak - 3 Days - Sept 14, Oct 26 ......from $269 Angel of the Winds Casino, WA - 3 Days - Oct 12......................from $265 Canadian Black Friday, Calgary - 4 Days - Nov 24 ............from $355+ gst Cascades Casino Kamloops - 1 Day - Aug 8, Aug 29, Sept 19..from $35+ gst Celtic Thunder-Penticton - 2 Days - Nov 24* ............... from $330+ gst Coeur d’Alene Resort Casino, ID - 4 Days - Sept 5, Oct 2, Nov 7........from $295

Cowboy Trail Alberta – 6 Days - Sept 21 .................. from $1150+gst Historic Barkerville - 3 Days - Sept 13............................... from $295+ gst Leavenworth Lights, WA - 3 days, Dec 9...................................from $349 Leavenworth Oktoberfest, WA - 3 days, Oct 7 .........................from $470 Reno, NV - 8 Days - Sept 17, Nov 12 ...........................................from $589 Silver Reef Hotel & Casino, Wa. - 3 Days - Sept 7, Oct 25 .......from $295 Silver Reef Hotel & Casino, Wa. - 4 Days - Sept 26, Oct 10 .............from $395 Swinomish,WA - 4 Days - Oct 18 ................................................from $349 Tulalip Resort Casino, WA - 4 Days - Sept 5*, Oct 24 ...............from $439 Wendover, NV - 7 Days - Oct 22.................................................from $695 *Guaranteed Tours ** Some prices may be based on dbl. occ. Prices subject to change without notice

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yourself to an island home for a vacation, I’d recommend three ways that a stranger can get a feel for this place: go kayaking, take a boatbuilding class, or visit the Antique Wooden Boat Show and Festival of the Arts in August. KAYAK WITH A GUIDE Jessie Hadley began her company in 2000 after working for the Michigan Department of National Resources in the area for many years. She takes families, individuals and groups on kayaking excursions ranging from

GreyStoke Photography



Landmark Encore

Westbank Shopping Centre WEST KELOWNA

courses, a small native casino, some tiny grocery stores and shops, extremely decent ice cream, and lodging that is mostly old-fashioned, pine-paneled Upper Peninsula-style motels and cottages. Other than that, much of the Les Cheneaux is greenery—protected land owned by state, national forest service or nature conservancies devoted to keeping the “wild” in the wilderness. A new North Huron Birding Trail also was just established in the eastern U.P. Since you can’t invite

two hours to a week. Some trips include overnight camping on nearby Government Island or sunset paddles. Kayaking entered the Great Lakes about 30 years ago, and the Les Cheneaux is perfect for the sport, Hadley says, because the islands protect small craft from the open waters of Lake Huron. Many marshes are tucked into small spots where kayaks can silently slide, unlike other boats. “It’s a sheltered channel, and the bays and islands are protected. If you feel like you want to go around an island, you can,” she says. Hadley does kayak training for groups, but she also is getting more families with children about age 10-16 who want a day paddle, plus more groups of women, who want a weekend of paddling plus good food and pampering while they’re at it. One afternoon I go out with her for three hours. The party includes her two assistants and another customer. After giving a safety and paddling technique briefing and making sure we have the right life jackets and gear, we set off at Hessel Beach and paddle eastward, passing cottages and turning into a quiet marsh, where blue herons perch in the reeds. Then it begins to rain lightly. I suck in fresh air. I listen to the hypnotic sound of our paddles slicing through the water. I feel the rain pattering on my head. And you know, I feel good. Woods and Water Ecotours, 20 Pickford Road, Hessel, www. WoodsWaterEcotours. com, 906-484-4157.

sCapital News Friday, August 5, 2016 A35

Organic 1lb Strawberries 1lb box

$4.99 ea

regular $5.99 ea

Organic Bananas

97¢ /lb

regular $1.09 /lb

Organic Green Grapes

$3.99 /lb

regular $5.99 /lb

Organic 2lb Lemons 2lb bag

$5.99 ea

regular $6.99 ea

Organic Tomatoes on the Vine

$3.99 /lb

regular $4.99 /lb

Organic Long English Cucumbers

$2.99 ea

regular $3.99 ea

Photos are for illustrative purposes only. Pricing in effect Thursday, August 4 to Wednesday August 10, 2016. Overwaitea Food Group LP, a Jim Pattison business. Proudly BC Owned and Operated.


Friday, August 5, 2016 Capital NewsC

5229 Leather Sectional Reg $3298 Now


1281 Leather Sofa And Loveseat Now


* Down filled Cushions

KELOWNA 1850 Springfield Rd 250.860.7603

COQUITLAM 1400 United Blvd 604.524.3444

RICHMOND 12551 Bridgeport Rd 604.273.2971

NANAIMO 1711 Bowen Rd 250.753.6361


LANGLEY 20429 Langley By-Pass 604.530.8248

VICTORIA 661 McCallum Rd Millstream Village 250.475.2233

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