Yukon News, December 22, 2017

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Dawson ‘Ice Band-Aid’ cometh HPW wants to build ice bridge across Yukon River


Ho ho ho Celebrate Christmas with our annual holiday supplement inside

Trapped under ice Yukon’s pika population doesn’t do well when the snow gets wet and heavy

Page 22

Crystal Schick/Yukon News

The northern lights dance above Millennium Trail on a clear night in Whitehorse.

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Friday, December 22, 2017

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Jackie Hong News Reporter


lthough many Yukoners believe reducing carbon emissions is important, they’re divided on whether they want a carbon tax and how carbon rebates should be handled. Those are some of the takeaways from a survey done by the Yukon government earlier this year on Yukoners’ opinions on how to implement carbon rebates once a federal plan to introduce a carbon tax in 2018 takes effect. According to a report released Dec. 20, a total of 665 people responded to the survey between Aug. 16 and Sept. 13, with 475 reporting to be in Whitehorse and the rest, from outside the city. Nearly a quarter of the respondents were in the 35-to-44 age category, although, according to a demographics report, that age group makes up less than 15 per cent of the population. Only 2.6 per cent of survey respondents were under 25 years, despite that age group making up nearly 27 per cent of the Yukon’s population. Several themes emerged from the survey results and public information sessions, the reYukon Ice Patches nominated for UNESCO World Heritage Site recognition

Parks Canada has nominated the Yukon Ice Patches, a site with archeological and cultural significance in southern Yukon, as one of eight new Canadian locations to be considered for recognition as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The announcement, made Dec. 20, marks the first time since 2004 that


port says, including that many Yukoners “place a value on reducing the Yukon’s carbon footprint,” “consider it important to mitigate the impacts of a carbon price on the most vulnerable Yukoners” and recognize that climate changes have a disproportionate effect on the North. Some Yukoners also strongly disagreed with the idea of a carbon price at all, the report noted, and “fewer respondents and participants than may have been expected were primarily concerned about the impact of a carbon price on the cost of living.” On receiving carbon price rebates, 54.7 per cent of respondents said they’d favour direct payments to individuals and businesses, with the rest almost evenly split between getting tax credits or having income tax rates reduced. Almost 60 per cent of survey respondents thought that low-income Yukoners should receive a higher rebate, with 51 per cent also saying seniors and rural Yukoners should also get higher rebates and about 47 per cent saying the same for Yukoners with children. When it came to businesses, 41.5 per cent of respondents found it

important that businesses without electrical grid access receive higher rebates, while just over 32 per cent thought the same for “energy-intensive” businesses. Respondents also said businesses taking “green” actions, small businesses, non-governmental organizations and charities, community-based businesses, businesses that are beneficial to the Yukon, essential services and aviation and transportation businesses should be targeted for rebates. Respondents were divided on whether mining, food and carbon-intensive businesses should receive rebates or be excluded from them. The survey also resulted in several contradictory opinions being voiced, the report says. For example, while a number of respondents said low-income Yukoners or people on social assistance should receive higher rebates, other comments specifically mentioned that those groups should be excluded. As well, the number of survey respondents who were against a carbon tax overall was almost the same as the number who said they believe reducing carbon emissions is

important. In other parts of the survey, some respondents “noted a specific concern that the rebate program should not become a mechanism for wealth redistribution (i.e. not targeting higher rebates for lower income individuals), or other forms of ‘social engineering’ (as it was termed by a couple of respondents).” The survey results will be among the things the Yukon government will factor in when implementing carbon pricing, the report concludes. The territorial government is also waiting on the results of a joint federal-territorial study and clarification on several points in the federal carbon pricing mechanism. “Once details are clear from Canada … the Yukon government will be able to proceed with the design of a rebate mechanism, taking into consideration the feedback received through the survey and the information sessions,” the report says. “A clear message was heard from Yukon stakeholders and First Nations that further conversation would be welcome on this topic.”

Canada has added locations to its tentative list for World Heritage Sites. The Ice Patches were the only location from the Yukon to be added this time around. Discovered in 1997, the Ice Patches, found in the mountains near Kusawa Lake, are natural formations created when snow that survives the summer melt gradually gets compressed into ice, according to a 2011 booklet by the Yukon government. The ice has melted

during extremely warm summers in the past, revealing ancient human artifacts and the remains of extinct animals. The discoveries have made the site an important one for both local First Nations and archaeologists. The other candidates added to the list include the Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound Glass Sponge Reefs and Stein Valley in British Columbia, Wanuskewin Heritage Park in Saskatchewan,

Anticosti Island in Quebec, Heart’s Content Cable Station Provincial Historic Site in Newfoundland and Labrador, and Qajartalik and Sirmilik National Park in Nunavut. Two other Yukon candidates remain on the tentative list from 2004 — Ivvavik National Park, Vuntut National Park and Herschel Island (Qikiqtaruk) Territorial Park, which were entered together, and Tr’ondëk Klondike. (Jackie Hong)


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Friday, December 22, 2017



Yukon government eyes engineered river crossing for West Dawson Lori Fox News Reporter


he Yukon Government will attempt to build an artificial ice crossing on the Yukon River in Dawson City because the water at the crossing hasn’t frozen over for the second year in a row. “Things are changing up here,” said Highways and Public Works Minister Richard Mostyn at a news conference Dec. 21. “The climate isn’t what it used to be … and we need to be innovative in our solutions. “Mother Nature is a fickle mistress.” In a normal year, the ice crossing is usually ready by mid-December. It was apparent in November that things “were not going well” on the river, Mostyn said. “We were all hoping Mother Nature would do the work,” he said. Mostyn said the government has consulted and retained three engineers who are specialists in ice engineering. The process they will use involves pumping wa-

ter and snow into the open water in the river to help it freeze, essentially creating an “ice Band-Aid” using special equipment. In a typical year, the ice crossing costs $80,000 per year to build and maintain. This new proposal will cost $100,000, plus an additional one-time engineering cost of $100,000, Mostyn said, for a total of $200,000. The crossing will still be at its usual place near the ferry terminal, said Mostyn. Last year, an unofficial, impromptu bridge was built downriver, which was neither sanctioned nor maintained by the government. “There (have been concerns) about that location…. It’s an ad hoc thing that comes with risk,” he said. There are currently some foot and snow machine routes across the river, said Dawson City mayor Wayne Potoroka, but it’s not possible to drive a vehicle across, meaning it’s hard to get supplies and services in. “You couldn’t drive an emergency services vehicle in there, which is the main

Chris Windeyer/Yukon News

Highways and Public Works Minister Richard Mostyn speaks to reporters at a news conference in Whitehorse Dec. 21. concern for the municipality,” he said. West Dawson is not technically part of incorporated Dawson, but shares emergency services with them, he added. Still, even with all the planning and additional costs, Mostyn notes the success of the ice crossing is not guaranteed. It has been done in other jurisdictions successfully, but never in the Yukon. “If it works this year,

we’ll have learned something about the river,” Mostyn said. What to do if it doesn’t work, however, is not immediately clear. “If it doesn’t work, we’ll be in the same situation we had last year in Dawson,” said Mostyn. That would mean his department would have to take a step back and “regroup.” Even with the changing climate and the increasing unreliability of the

ice crossing, a physical, permanent bridge between Dawson and West Dawson isn’t on the table, Mostyn said. The subject has been broached before, but estimates have put building a bridge there at an “extraordinary” cost, he said. “People talk about a permanent crossing, but that was proposed (before),” said Potoroka. “The community was promised one and then the engineering occurred and the prices came in and it was clearly far more expensive than the government could afford.” “I’m hopeful this (new method) will work,” the mayor said. Approximately 100 residents live in West Dawson, which is cut off from the town proper by the river. In the summer the subdivision is served by the ferry, which brings people and vehicles back and forth. In the winter, the ice crossing — which traditionally has formed naturally and been improved and maintained HPW crews — has served as a

winter crossing, with brief periods of service interruption at freeze-up and break-up. Rising annual temperatures, however, seem to be disrupting the pattern. “Not having a link to the other side of the river is really disruptive for the town and for the folks living over there. This is two years running,” said Potoroka. “Quite frankly I’m pleased (the Yukon government) is trying to come up with an innovative solution to what seems to be our new normal.” “Those folks (in West Dawson) live and work (in Dawson), participate in community events here. When they can’t get across we feel it too.” It will take about three weeks to build the bridge, Mostyn said. With the holiday season approaching, however, it doesn’t look like it will get underway until January 2018. “It’s a learning process for us all,” Mostyn said. “Hopefully, we get better at this stuff.” Contact Lori Fox at lori.fox@ yukon-news.com

U.S. tax bill passes, opening ANWR to oil exploration Lori Fox News Reporter


resident Donald Trump signed the American Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law Dec. 22, officially opening up the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil exploration and drilling. Pro-drilling lobbyists have been trying to open the 1002 Area of ANWR since the refuge’s unofficial creation in 1960. ANWR comprises 78,000 square kilometres of wilderness in far northeastern Alaska and is home to the extremely environmentally sensitive 1002 Area, a stretch of tundra and coastline which serves as the calving grounds for the Porcupine caribou herd. The measure, embedded in a sweeping and controversial tax cut bill, has been a hot-button issue between pro-oil Republicans and conservationists, who argue that drilling in ANWR will compromise the future of the caribou and violate an otherwise pristine wilderness. 1002 Area is thought to contain 10.2 billion barrels of oil, although that number is only an estimate.

Gwich’in on both sides of the border are culturally and economically tied to the caribou, which have traditionally been their main food source. They consider the calving grounds sacred and refer to it as “the sacred place where life begins.” “It’s a very sombre environment here right now,” said Chief Bruce Charlie of the Vuntut Gwitchin in Old Crow. “It will take a few days to adjust to what has happened.” Charlie was audibly subdued over the phone during his interview with the News, conducted the afternoon after the bill was passed by U.S. Congress. “We have to accept the fact that the bill is passed,” he said. “We have to move forward and up our political game.” Charlie said that the next step for the Vuntut Gwitchin is to look at international treaties between Canada and the U.S. which govern the area, including the Yukon River Salmon Agreement and the Porcupine Caribou Agreement. “Now it’s time to move ahead and turn to paperwork,” he said. Both the territorial and federal governments needs

Maura Forrest/Yukon News file

Chief Bruce Charlie says the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation will continue to try to prevent drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. to work with the Gwich’in to “protect our way of life, our land and our water,” Charlie said. Charlie said he was speaking, specifically, for his people, the Vuntut Gwitchin, not the Gwich’in nation as a whole. Chris Rider, executive director of the Yukon Chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, said that the organization fully supports

the Vuntut Gwitchin in protecting the caribou. “We are doing whatever we can to support the Vuntut Gwitchin,” he said. “This is such an important fight.” “The story and the relationship … the Vuntut Gwitchin have with the caribou is so important.” Like Charlie, Rider said he would like to see the government at all levels looking at what “legal op-

tions” exist around enforcing transboundary treaties that cover the area. “There has been success with lawsuits in the past around transboundary issues,” he said. Rider also panned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, “who has said nothing” about the subject so far. Rider said he would like to see Trudeau advocating for the caribou in Washington.

Much of the push to open ANWR to drilling has come from Sen. Lisa Murkowski, an Alaska Republican who voted for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act because of the perceived economic benefits it would provide the state. “Opening the 1002 Area is the single-most important step we can take to strengthen our long-term security and create new wealth,” Murkowski said in Dec. 20 opinion piece published on her website. “Given Alaska’s economic struggles, with the highest unemployment of any state and massive budget deficits projected well into the future, the substantial benefits that responsible development will bring cannot arrive soon enough. “New production from the 1002 Area will help restore throughput to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, our state’s economic backbone.” Murkowski said she believed the pipeline would bring in $60 billion in royalties for Alaska. Murkowski’s office did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Contact Lori Fox at lori.fox@ yukon-news.com




Holiday Hours For City Services Please note the following seasonal changes:

Transit We are closed from December 24 to 26, closed on December 31 and closed on January 1 See whitehorse.ca/transit

Canada Games Centre December 24 we are open reduced hours from 7 am to 4 pm We are closed December 25 and 26 December 31 we are open reduced hours from 7 am to 6 pm We are closed January 1 Visit whitehorse.ca/cgc

New Year's Eve Countdown Join us on December 31 at the Canada Games Centre from 4 - 6 pm for free family skating, swimming and facilitated games. Come to Shipyards Park from 6 - 8 pm for ERQÂżUHV PXVLF VNDWLQJ VOHGGLQJ DQG KRW FKRFRODWH ZLWK ÂżUHZRUNV DW SP $OO IUHH whitehorse.ca/specialevents

Shipyards Park Frank Slim Building We are open December 24; closed December 25 We are open December 26 - 31; closed January 1 whitehorse.ca/shipyardspark

Seasonal Waste Management $WWHQWLRQ Copper Ridge, Logan and Whistle Bend residents - this is a change to your waste collection schedules: ‡

Organics scheduled to be collected on Monday, December 25 will be collected on Friday, December 22


Garbage scheduled to be collected on Monday, January 1 will be collected on Friday, December 29


Please have your organics / garbage out by 7 am to ensure pickup

Other neighbourhoods are unaffected by waste collection changes. The Waste Management Facility is closed December 25 and January 1. On Boxing Day there will be no tipping fees for self-hauled pickup loads of residential waste, including Construction and Demolition Waste and bulky items. This excludes appliances, metals and e-waste, for which fees apply year-round. Christmas Tree Pickup - please have your tree lying out at the curb by 7 am on Monday, January 8. Trees will be collected during the next 2 weeks. Residential Curbside Collection Schedules for 2018 will be included with January utility notices. Please save for reference. Holiday waste reduction tips are available on our website. Why not be creative with green gift ideas, alternative gift wrapping options and party supplies? Did you know you can also recycle old or broken Christmas lights? whitehorse.ca/holidaywaste

2IĂ€FH /RFDWLRQV 0RVW RIÂżFHV DUH FORVHG IURP 'HFHPEHU WR and from December 30 to January 1 inclusive.

$IWHU +RXUV /LQH You may call in complaints or trouble outside of our RIÂżFH KRXUV 3OHDVH GLDO 667-2111.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Dawson city council rejects miner Darrell Carey’s development application Jackie Hong News Reporter

Cross-country skiers in Dawson are breathing a sigh of relief after city council voted unanimously Dec. 15 against granting a development permit to controversial placer miner Darrell Carey for his claims east of Dome Road. The vote came after a report prepared by City of Dawson community development officer Clarissa Huffman that recommended city council decline Carey’s application for a development permit “because the proposed development is to take place during the winter months and that such activity would create significant adverse effects on public health and safety and community trails in the development area.� Skiers voiced concerns earlier this year when, in newspaper ads and notices posted on-site, Carey announced he intended to do exploration work on some of his claims starting Oct. 30 and up until April 30, 2018. That timeframe also happens to overlap with peak skiing season in Dawson and several of what were originally exploration Fri, Dec 22 thru Thurs, Dec 28 Whitehorse Yukon Cinema 304 Wood Street Ph: 668-6644





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Maura Forrest/Yukon News

Dawson Mayor Wayne Potoroka said a placer miner’s application to work on claims overlapping ski trails is ‘a really complicated and complex issue with a lot of moving parts.’ trails have become popular with local cross-country skiers. “Skiers are ecstatic, of course, after the initial concern that there might be some damage done to the trails, such as removing snow from some of the trails in the area ‌ it really is a little bit of a brighter future for Dawsonites who rely on having healthy outdoor activity in the wintertime,â€? Klondike Active Transport and Trails Society president Cathie Findlay-Brook said in a phone interview Dec. 20. “I think it’s a sign of the times.‌ People’s priorities are shifting and changing and what city council demonstrated was a reflection of that, that communities are about a lot more than industry,â€? Findlay-Brook said. “They’re about living a healthy lifestyle and having a safe and healthy environment and about having opportunities that not only bring economic

benefits but that bring environmental and health benefits to the community, and it really demonstrates to me that the city is trying to balance those things so that we have a well-rounded community in the 21st century.� Neither Carey nor his longtime agent Randy Clarkson responded to multiple requests for comment before press time. Carey has long had a strained relationship with some Dawson residents. Over the years he’s worked on, or applied to work on, his multiple claims within or near city limits. In the case of Carey’s Slinky mine, the territorial government and city agreed to pay to have Dome Road rerouted in 2014 after Carey asserted his right to mine his claims under a portion of it. In a phone interview Dec. 20, Dawson mayor Wayne Potoroka described the situation as “a really complicated and complex

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issue with a lot of moving parts.� “(City council is) trying to stay within our authority that’s vested in us by the Municipal Act and sometimes that’s best place for us to be because a lot of these issues are generated by legislation and policy that aren’t ours,� he said. “This is really the first that we saw any sort of movement regarding the east side (of Carey’s Dome Road claims) and again, I think the resolution really speaks to how council felt it would potentially impact the public use of that land.� Potoroka said council’s vote doesn’t mean it’s against mining activity in Dawson. “The placer mining industry is something that’s really important to our community. It’s part of who we are, it’s part of our culture, it feeds our economy. So in a very, very practical sense, I don’t think we want to see the end of placer mining in our area,� he said. “This particular issue, however, is certainly complicated and it’s certainly complex.� Contact Jackie Hong at jackie.hong@yukon-news.com

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Friday, December 22, 2017



Blame Hawaii for that recent warm snap Jackie Hong News Reporter


hose unusually high temperatures in Whitehorse during the first half of December? Blame Hawaii. The warm air that lifted Whitehorse’s daytime highs well above freezing, melting snow and creating a slippery mess on the city’s sidewalks, originated in the area around the Pacific archipelago, an Environment Canada meteorologist said. “The biggest story so far is just that it’s been so incredibly warm in Yukon for the first half of the month…. Looking back at the statistics, it was well above zero in Whitehorse for many days this month already, which is very unusual. It’s incredible,” said Doug Lundquist, the warning preparedness meteorologist for the B.C. interior and Yukon. “We got a subtropical flow, so the air in Yukon was originating more down around Hawaii and the subtropics and although it wasn’t as warm as there, a lot of that warmth (was) surfacing in the Yukon.” The warm air also got a helping hand from a ridge of high pressure that parked itself over western Canada, trapping the warmth and preventing cold air from moving back in. “It was those two things, that warm origination of the air and this ridge of high pressure that blocked the pattern,” Lundquist said. As a result, he said, temperatures were, on average, about 3.4 C higher than usual for this time of year in Whitehorse. In fact,

Crystal Schick/Yukon News

A pedestrian on Fourth Avenue is reflected in a puddle during a recent warm snap. the city even broke a daily historical record high — on Dec. 6, Whitehorse hit 5.9 C, the warmest temperature recorded for that day since at least 1900. It’s also a far cry from this time last year, when the high was -19.6 C, and 2015, when the high was -8.2 C - the second-warmest Dec. 6 in the past five years. Eight other days this month, while not re-

cord-breaking, were the warmest recorded since at least 2009. By contrast, for the same period last year, the recorded highs were well into the negative teens and low 20s. “It’s incredibly above normal and there’s only been a few millimeters of precipitation, which is fairly low for this time of year, so this is extraordinarily warm weather,”


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Lundquist said. The relative dryness makes it distinct from what’s colloquially known as a “Pineapple Express,” he added, which, although also originating from Hawaii, brings with it

heavy precipitation. As Whitehorse residents have probably noticed by now, though, the warmth appears to have moved on, plunging the city back into more seasonal temperatures.

“The upcoming weather for the next couple of weeks will probably be closer to the usual,” Lundquist said. Contact Jackie Hong at jackie.hong@yukon-news.com

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Quote of the Day “Mother Nature is a fickle mistress.” Highways and Public Works Minister Richard Mostyn on the warm weather that has the government eyeing the creation of an artificial ice crossing over the Yukon River at Dawson City. Page 3

Published by Black Press Group Ltd.

Wednesday & Friday


Fight to save ANWR is not over



Mike Thomas mthomas@yukon-news.com

The Seattle Times



uring her nearly four years as President Barack Obama’s Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell said, oil companies did not pressure her about opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling. Politicians, however, were a different story. Jewell says she heard about the issue repeatedly from Alaska’s governor and members of Congress, who were worried about a state budget crisis amid plummeting oil prices and declining local production. The state of Alaska, which lacks a sales tax and an income tax, relies on oil revenues to pay for the vast majority of its state budget, as well as fund popular yearly dividend checks to residents. Now, under the tax-reform bill just approved by Congress, Alaska is set to get half of the revenue from opening up a coastal portion of the 7.7-million-hectare wilderness area to drilling. Because the plan to allow drilling on the refuge’s coastal plain was buried in the GOP tax bill, Republicans in Congress were able to pass the controversial environmental policy with a simple-majority vote and minimal discussion. Efforts by Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Washington, to strip ANWR from the tax plan failed. “This is just sliding through on a tax bill, and it’s not getting the attention it deserves,” Jewell said Monday. “It’s frustrating.” Drilling in ANWR is an issue that deserved scrutiny independent of the contentious tax plan. Effectively, GOP leaders just used one of the nation’s last undisturbed wildlife habitats as a bargaining chip to push through a fiscally dubious tax package. U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, was

Chris Windeyer chris.windeyer@yukon-news.com


Crystal Schick crystal.schick@yukon-news.com

Sports Reporter

John Hopkins-Hill john.hopkinshill@yukon-news.com


Ashley Joannou ashleyj@yukon-news.com

Lori Fox lori.fox@yukon-news.com

Jackie Hong jackie.hong@yukon-news.com

one of the members of Congress who Jewell said repeatedly approached her about opening up ANWR for oil and gas exploration. Tying one of Murkowski’s longtime policy goals — opening ANWR to oil drilling — to the tax bill was one way to secure her support. It’s regrettable that Congress would barter away pristine natural resources in this manner. The coastal plain of the Arctic refuge remains a crucial calving ground for the Porcupine caribou herd, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It also is important habitat for vulnerable polar bears, as well as to millions of migratory birds. With U.S. crude oil production up 80 percent from 2007, there is no pressing need to probe for more oil in a protected wildlife refuge. Next year, U.S. domestic oil production is forecast to reach an all-time high, driven by

the rise of less costly shale drilling in Texas. While cutting the corporate tax rate from 35 per cent to 21 per cent is expected to cost about US$1.5 trillion over 10 years, selling oil and gas leases in ANWR’s coastal plain will do little to offset that sticker shock. The move is projected to generate about $1 billion for the federal government over a decade, a comparatively paltry sum. A 2008 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration also cast doubt on the size and quality of the oil resources beneath the refuge’s surface. Following Wednesday’s vote, environmentalists vowed to shift the fight from the halls of Congress to the courts. Preserving these pristine lands is in the best interest of the nation as a whole. Americans should be upset that Congress allowed them to be sold off in exchange for a single tax vote.

An open letter to alien life forms on Earth Chicago Tribune Dear aliens, You may have been amused by a recent news story about the latest chapter in America’s long, futile, semi-secret, widely mocked efforts to unmask you, to prove that your spaceships have been hovering, darting and befuddling fighter pilots with impossible aerobatics for decades. The latest episode, revealed in The New York Times: The Pentagon spent millions over several years on a top-secret program to investigate UFOs. The Pentagon says the program was shut down in 2012. Ha ha! Who believes that? You know humans won’t quit pursuing you. We are too curious and persistent. Seriously, we know you are here. How else to explain all those alleged sightings, including the video from a 2004 encounter between a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet and a UFO. “There’s a whole fleet of them … they’re all going against the wind,” an awestruck pilot radios to a comrade. “The wind’s 120 knots to the west. Look at


that thing, dude.” Gives us chills just listening to that exchange and watching that video of a darting spacecrafty blip on the radar screen. One Navy pilot who encountered that craft recently told The Washington Post: “It was a real object; it exists and I saw it.” What was it? “Something not from the Earth,” he said. Off-world friends, please show yourselves. If you are as technologically advanced as we suspect, what’s the harm? And, truthfully, aren’t you getting tired of flitting around the planet, playing hide-and-seek? Bonus incentive: How about we throw in a free iPhone X for your crew members? We guarantee the planet’s inhabitants will celebrate your arrival. You’ll be instant celebrities. Bigger than Trump. Even He of the Globesized Ego will have to admit that. If you come down to Earth now, you will save humans decades of constructing conspiracy theories about Area 51, yearning to know if we are truly alone — and spending a lot more government money to ferret out the truth.

In October, a group called Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or METI International, beamed a message at a star a dozen light-years away with a possibly inhabitable planet. METI’s ice-breaking message, sent via radio telescope, included the universal languages of music and math. Yes, we know that famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has warned against sending such messages, lest space invaders find us to be easily vanquishable. Hawking also predicts that humans have about 1,000 years to master space travel and populate a new planet if the species is to survive. He believes that climate change, asteroid strikes, epidemics and population growth make a long-term future on Earth problematic at best. Is that your strategy, aliens? Wait us out for the next 10 centuries, then claim this splendid blue orb? We hope not. That would be a terrible anticlimax for those of us eager for first contact sooner than, say, 3018. Come on, extraterrestrials, let’s cut out the chase. We’re here. You’re here. Let’s meet.

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Friday, December 22, 2017



Yukon 100K H

ere’s a brainteaser for you: how many New Year’s Eve parties will there be in the Yukon to welcome 2018? I checked the Yukon Bureau of Statistics’ website. They have our population (38,455 in June 2017) and the number of households (15,215 in 2016) but don’t seem to track anything like the “parties per household” ratio. The RCMP can probably help with the latter. Brainteasers aside, the end of the year is a good time to ponder the future. In particular, new census data on the Yukon’s population raises some interesting questions. The Yukon’s first census was in 1901, showing a population of 27,219. After the gold rush petered out, our population fell to just 4,157 in 1921. The Great Depression saw little

growth, but the population doubled in the decade after Pearl Harbor and the construction of the Alaska Highway. By 1966, the population reached 14,382, triple 1921 levels but still only half the 1901 figure. At the same time, the Carr Report on the Yukon’s economic future gave an optimistic late-1960s forecast of 57,000 Yukoners by 1985. The actual figure turned out to be less than half of that. We didn’t even catch up to the 1901 census until 1991. By 2016, the census reported 35,874 Yukoners. This is lower than Yukon Bureau of Statistics estimates, since the latter includes a correction for the three to four per cent of Yukoners who typically miss the census. But even the higher estimate is only two thirds of the Carr Report’s 1960s vision. The census also charts Whitehorse’s growth, from roughly 2,500 in 1956 to 25,000 in 2016. Meanwhile, over that 60-year period, the population of the rest of the Yukon hovered at 10,000. Nearly all of the Yukon’s long-term population growth has been in

Whitehorse. The census also has figures for Yukon communities, although they have to be taken with a grain of salt due to the small sample sizes. Over the last five year period, the populations of Burwash Landing, Ross River, Mayo and Old Crow all fell by 10 per cent or more. Dawson was up four per cent and Pelly Crossing five per cent, which was slower than Whitehorse’s eight per cent growth. The only census subdivisions that grew faster than Whitehorse were “greater Whitehorse” areas such as Ibex Valley, Macpherson and Marsh Lake as well as Destruction Bay. Whitehorse’s population went up by 1,809, or 2,192 if you include Ibex, Macpherson, Marsh Lake and Mount Lorne. Meanwhile, the rest of the Yukon lost 215 inhabitants in aggregate. The first big question about the Yukon’s future is if Whitehorse will continue to grow while the communities don’t. It’s the same question for Canada overall, where big cities like Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver are increasingly

attractive hubs for education, investment, jobs and people. The Yukon now has 70 per cent of its population in its capital city, a greater figure even than famously centralized France. Greater Paris has only about 15 per cent of France’s people. The second big question is whether we should have a more ambitious population growth strategy. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Canada made concerted efforts to attract waves of immigrants who transformed the nation. The current government has increased the nation’s immigration target for the next three years, from 300,000 in 2017 to 340,000 in 2020. Some visionary Canadians have talked about increasing Canada’s population to 100 million over the next century, roughly triple today’s level. They cite the benefits this scale would bring to our economy, tax base and institutions as well as the greater positive role a bigger Canada could play in the world. If the Yukon maintained its current 0.1 per cent share of the Canadian population, that would mean

100,000 Yukoners. Let’s call this the Yukon 100K plan. It would mean sharing our roads, campgrounds and schools with more people. But it would also mean more people to pay for them. It would also bring more people to build our institutions. The Yukon has an amazing variety of programs, services and community organizations. Many of these didn’t exist 25 years ago, and have been spearheaded by people who were not born in the Yukon. Consider the Whitehorse Cross-Country Ski Club. The fact that they have well over 1,000 paying members now means they have the resources to run a world-class facility. It would be much harder to pay for all the track-setting equipment and recruit enough volunteers if Whitehorse’s population was still only 15,000. Many readers will be familiar with the challenges running community organizations where there aren’t quite enough users to support the creative ambitions of the group. The scale argument also applies to activities

as varied as small business opportunities, health facilities and education programs. Think of our hospital’s MRI machine or the extent of high-speed internet or mobile phone coverage. All of these things are easier to justify with a bigger population of users. We also probably need a population bigger than Prince Edward Island’s if we are ever to sit at the Canadian table as a province. To reach 100,000 over the coming decades, we would only need to attract a relatively small fraction of the roughly 300,000 Canadians who migrate between provinces each year or the similar number of annual foreign immigrants. How could we do that, assuming we wanted to? It’s a tough question, and one I’ll try to answer after the New Year break. Keith Halliday is a Yukon economist and author of the MacBride Museum’s Aurore of the Yukon series of historical children’s adventure novels. He is a Ma Murray award-winner for best columnist.

Crystal Schick/Yukon News

Two youngsters go sledding in Whitehorse on Dec. 16, 2017.




Northern Institute of Social Justice

Friday, December 22, 2017

Northern Institute of Social Justice


Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) 12 hours | FREE ASIS 002 This FREE Session is made possible under the Mental Wellness Strategy. The two-day Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training is designed to prepare caregivers of all backgrounds to provide first aid to persons at risk of suicide. The training is intended to improve caregiver skills and abilities to intervene until either immediate danger of suicide is reduced or additional resources can be accessed. The workshop is designed to give participants the emergency “first aid” skills for helping people at risk of suicidal behaviours. Intervention attitudes, knowledge, skills and resources are presented in two days of practical training. Participants will receive a certificate from Living Works in Alberta, which is a public service company that develops, delivers and distributes programs for the prevention of suicide. ASIST is coordinated in Alberta by Suicide Prevention Training Programs. ASIST is the most widely used suicide intervention-training program in the world. Learn how to: • Recognize opportunities for help • Reach out and offer support • Estimate the risk of suicide • Apply the suicide intervention model • Link people to community resources

FREE! Jan 31- Feb 1 | 8:30am–4:30pm Location: Yukon College FREE! March 20-21 | 8:30am–4:30pm Location: Yukon College Participants must be 16 years or older. + REGISTRATION: Please use the following link to register for this FREE session: eply.com/ ForwardTogetherTraining2017

Understanding Legislation 6 hours | $175 +GST JUST 019

At the end of the course, participants will be familiar with all aspects of arbitration and how it fits into dispute resolution.

Who could benefit from attending: Managers, supervisors, educators, HR professionals, school principals, and anyone in a leadership role.

The Ethics of Helping Boundaries & Relationships

“Planning for grief and loss is a missing piece in our leadership toolbox. We regularly practice fire drills and implement emergency plans that are rarely needed, yet somehow we fail to plan for tremendously impactful events like grief and loss that will inevitably occur in the workplace.” ~ Kelvin Leary, Former D.M. of ECO, Yukon Government.

6 hours | JUST CE73 + EARLY BIRD RATE | $209 +GST + Register before Jan. 29 for Early Bird Rate STANDARD RATE | $235 +GST Ethics are at the heart of competent and effective practice for anyone in the helping field. It is very common for anyone working in the social services field to encounter ethical dilemmas. This workshop is designed to give individuals and organizations an opportunity to review common principles and standards for ethical practice that are relevant for their settings. Participants will practice using an ethical decision-making process to work through common areas of ethical concerns and leave with a stronger awareness of their own ethical base. At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to: • Define the concept of ethics and how it applies within the helping profession. • Describe the common values and principles that guide codes of ethics in helping professions. • Identify steps in a process for ethical decision-making. • Describe common ethical considerations for boundaries and cultural competence in the workplace. This is an introductory-intermediate level workshop intended for social workers, social service and health care professionals, and anyone working in the social service profession. This is one of the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute’s (CTRI) courses. CTRI is located in Winnipeg and delivers training in Yukon and across Canada.

Feb 19 | 9:00am–4:00pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530 + To register online please visit ca.ctrinstitute.com or call 877.353.3205 to register by telephone. For enquiries please contact CTRI by email at info@ctrinstitute.com, call CTRI at 877.353.3205, or call the Northern Institute of Social Justice at 867.456.8590.

CRN 20372 | Feb 6 | 9:00am–5:00pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530 CRN 20376 | Feb 16 | 9:00am–5:00pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530

Anxiety represents our body’s natural alarm system, signalling to us the possibility of danger. When this response arises too frequently or intensely and doesn’t match actual situations of danger, it can interfere with life and cause great distress. While every person experiences anxiety, it is estimated that over a quarter of the population will experience anxiety at levels that cause distress in their lives. There is also an increasing concern for rising anxiety among children, youth and elders. This workshop will explore when anxiety is adaptive and in order, compared to when it becomes disordered. Participants will learn practical and accessible strategies which can be applied across the lifespan and address the physical, emotional, cognitive and social aspects of anxiety. This is an introductory level workshop intended for social workers, social service and health care professionals, teachers, parents, and anyone working with people who struggle with anxiety. This is one of the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute’s (CTRI) courses. CTRI is located in Winnipeg and delivers training in Yukon and across Canada.

15 hours | $600 +GST JUST 006 This introductory course is for members of boards, tribunals and committees with a quasi-judicial function. The course was developed by the B.C. Council of Administrative Tribunals, and is designed to provide participants with a better understanding of their role and responsibilities as tribunal members. This course consists of four components: • Administrative Law and the Principles of Natural Justice • Conducting Fair Hearings and Evaluating Evidence Decision-Making and Decision-Writing • Ethical and Professional Responsibilities for Decision-Makers ** This course is a pre-requisite to take Advanced Decision-Writing

CRN 20373 | Feb 7-8 9:00am–5:00pm Feb 9 9:00am to 12:00pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530

Advanced Decision Writing 12 hours | $450 +GST JUST 004 ** Prerequisite: Practice and Procedures for Decision-Makers This 2-day course builds on the decision-writing module in Practice and Procedures. The purpose is to assist board and tribunal members to acquire and retain writing skills directly relevant to them. Specifically, the course will help participants: • bring a reader-oriented perspective to making and writing decisions • organize and revise decisions to enhance logic and flow • write clear, concise and coherent decisions • gain confidence in decision-writing within their board or tribunal context Participants will practice particular skills and techniques through focused writing exercises, and by revising one of their own decisions. They will receive individual feedback on their decision from the instructor. The course will include large and small group discussion and exercises.

CRN 20374 | Feb 12-13 | 9:00am–4:30pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530

Arbitration Training - Introduction 6 hours | $175 + GST JUST 029 This 1-day course is an expansion of the 3 hour course piloted in 2016. This course introduces participants to the basics of what is an arbitration; and focuses on how and why arbitration is different than other forms of dispute resolution. The topics covered throughout the day will include: • what areas are suitable for arbitration • what goes into an arbitration agreement • the role of an arbitrator • evidence • how to handle an arbitration, including process • the Arbitration Act

Hear first-hand from guest speakers who have provided excellent leadership during times of loss in their workplaces.

CRN 20375 | Feb 15 | 9:00am–4:30pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530

This 1-day course introduces non-lawyers to the theory and practice of interpreting legislation and regulations. No previous course work in law is required to take this course. If you are new to working with legislation and regulations, or if you want to expand your understanding of the purpose, development and application of these tools, this training may meet your needs. This course will introduce you to: • the sources of law; • researching the law in relation to reading and understanding statutes; • and how to interpret actual statutes and prepare draft rules or policies.

Practice and Procedures for Decision Makers

Anxiety - Practical Intervention Strategies 6 hours | JUST CE74 + EARLY BIRD RATE | $209 +GST + Register before Jan. 30 for Early Bird Rate STANDARD RATE | $235 +GST

Feb 20 | 9:00am–4:00pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530 + To register online please visit ca.ctrinstitute.com or call 877.353.3205 to register by telephone. For enquiries please contact CTRI by email at info@ctrinstitute.com, call CTRI at 877.353.3205, or call the Northern Institute of Social Justice at 867.456.8590.

FASD - Informed Support 9 hours | $90 +GST FASD 010 This 9-hour course aims to answer the questions of caregivers, multidisciplinary front-line service providers, professionals, community members and others who care about and work with individuals with FASD: • What are the signs of an invisible, neuro-behavioural disorder? • How do brain differences affect the individual’s behavior, learning, and social outcomes? • How is this condition experienced first-hand? • How must our typical interventions, environments and services be modified to better support those individuals with this challenging disability and their caregivers? • How can we work together to help prevent further adverse life events and offer successful support?

CRN 20378 | Feb 27 9:00am–5:00pm Feb 28 9:00am-12:00pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530

Supporting Your Staff through Loss and Grief 3 hours | $95 +gst JUST 048 Supporting Your Staff through Loss and Grief is a half-day course developed and delivered by Hospice Yukon staff for the NISJ. Grief affects all workplaces. The effects of grief are felt be those who experienced the loss, and by their co-workers. This course is intended to help those with leadership responsibilities to: • Take an in-depth look at the nature of grief. • Develop practical tools to provide effective leadership in crises and high stress periods. • Learn to anticipate the challenges of supporting employees through loss in the workplace. • Establish appropriate support and maintain productivity in your unique work environment.

For more information call Hospice Yukon at 667-7429

CRN 20387 | Feb 28 | 8:30am-12:00pm Location: Association Franco-Yukonnaise Centre, 302 Strickland St.

Expressive Art Skills 4 hours | $80 +GST JUST CE71

Looking for new ways to feel inspired and enhance your personal wellness? Expressive Arts works with participants creativity and imagination and involves such activities as movement, sound, writing and visual arts. In a half-day session, instructor Juliette Anglehart Zedda will work with you and other participants in creating characters, making masks that reflect the characters, and exploring movement to develop the characters. The session will conclude with writing a story that includes those characters. Juliette holds a BA in Cultural Studies and Eastern Philosophy; MA in Counselling Psychology; and certification in Yoga, Communication, Psychosomatic and Expressive Arts Therapies. In her words, “I find true pleasure and achievement in sharing this way of being with others whenever possible.” Who would benefit from this workshop? Anyone curious about incorporating the arts into daily life. No experience required. All materials provided. Just show up at Grace Space!

CRN 20379 | March 3 | 1:00pm–5:00pm Location: Grace Space (upstairs, Horwood’s Mall; downtown Whitehorse)

De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations

6 hours | JUST CE75 + EARLY BIRD RATE | $209 +GST + Register before Feb. 14 for Early Bird Rate STANDARD RATE | $235 +GST For those who work in an environment where there is potential for violence, it is important to develop the skills needed to defuse dangerous situations. This workshop is designed to teach people to de-escalate potentially violent situations through assertiveness and interpersonal communication. The training will explore how anger and violence interplay, including opportunities for self-assessment of personal styles. Participants will develop a clear understanding of how to assess the potential for violence and respond with a diverse set of interpersonal tools and strategies designed to defuse potentially violent situations. This is an introductory-intermediate level violence prevention workshop intended for anyone wanting to learn more about violence and interpersonal strategies useful in de-escalating the imminent threats of violence. This is one of the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute’s (CTRI) courses. CTRI is located in Winnipeg and delivers training in Yukon and across Canada.

March 7 | 9:00am–4:00pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530 + To register online please visit ca.ctrinstitute.com or call 877.353.3205 to register by telephone. For enquiries please contact CTRI by email at info@ctrinstitute.com, call CTRI at 877.353.3205, or call the Northern Institute of Social Justice at 867.456.8590.

Working with Trauma 12 hours | $250 +GST JUST CE70

short amount of time, but did it so well! Appreciated the openness and humour. Amazing instructors/facilitators that enhanced learning for everyone.” - Past Participant

CRN 20381 | March 15 | 8:30am–4:30pm Location: Yukon College, Yukon Native Language Centre

Self-Regulating Behaviour through Emotional Freedom Techniques 6 hours | $200 +GST JUST 035 Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a needle-free version of acupuncture where certain body points are tapped with your fingertips. This technique frequently reduces physical pain, cravings and emotional stress. It is easy to learn, safe and nonintrusive. It is particularly useful with past traumas and is becoming the treatment of choice for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This course is intended for any adult interested in learning basic EFT. The training is designed as a workshop. It is not a treatment program.

CRN 20382 | March 16 | 9:00am–4:30pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530

Managing Difficult Client Relationships 6 hours | JUST CE76 + EARLY BIRD RATE | $209 +GST + Register before Apr. 3 for Early Bird Rate STANDARD RATE | $235 +GST

For those who work in social services, it can be very challenging when clients are vulnerable, stressed-out, or quick to engage in conflict. Difficult dynamics in the service relationship are often amplified by environmental factors. Participants will analyze what contributes to these challenges, including the intra-personal factors, inter-personal factors and organizational factors. Utilizing case studies, participants will learn how to alter their interactions with clients they find difficult in order to transform unhealthy patterns, resulting in more positive outcomes. This workshop gives participants a straightforward approach that creates dramatic differences in the outcomes of conversations with clients they find difficult. This is an introductory level workshop intended for social service and health care professionals, teachers, and anyone working with people who exhibit challenging behaviours. This is one of the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute’s (CTRI) courses. CTRI is located in Winnipeg and delivers training in Yukon and across Canada.

April 24 | 9:00am–4:00pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530

Lateral Violence - Working Towards Solutions 6 hours | JUST CE77 + EARLY BIRD RATE | $209 +GST + Register before Apr. 4 for Early Bird Rate STANDARD RATE | $235 +GST

Lateral violence occurs when harmful behaviours we experience show up in our interactions with our families, communities and organizations. It is expressed in many forms including lack of trust, favoritism and poor communication – these issues typically lead to conflict between individuals or within an entire group. Moving beyond the cycle of lateral violence begins with people becoming aware of its causes and impacts. This workshop will teach participants to understand the dynamics of lateral violence and how to work towards solutions for prevention by developing a better personal awareness and enhancing communication and conflict resolution skills. This is an introductory level workshop intended for anyone wanting to explore the role of lateral violence in their organization. This is one of the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute’s (CTRI) courses. CTRI is located in Winnipeg and delivers training in Yukon and across Canada.

This course is designed to provide participants with an introduction to: • trauma and the impact of trauma on the whole person • vicarious trauma, burnout and compassion fatigue and the implication of client traumas on those who work directly or indirectly with clients • tools for preventing and managing vicarious trauma, burnout, and compassion fatigue Note: The term trauma is used in various contexts. This course focuses on the trauma that results specifically from interactions between people, not the trauma resulting from environmental disasters. This course is not intneded to be a personal therapy modality.

April 25 | 9:00am–4:00pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530 + To register online please visit ca.ctrinstitute.com or call 877.353.3205 to register by telephone.

CRN 20380 | March 8-9 | 9:00am–4:30pm Location: Yukon College Room C1530

Yukon First Nations 101 has been developed to educate students and employees about the culture and history of the First Nations Peoples of the Yukon, the cultural values shared among Yukon First Nations today, and how to communicate respectfully with First Nations individuals and communities. This self-paced course was developed in partnership with Yukon College and the Council of Yukon First Nations, and has been vetted by the 14 Yukon First Nations. Topics covered are: • Regional Cultural Competency • Linguistic Groups, Traditional Territories • Impacts of Contact and Colonization • Historical Events and Yukon Agreements • Yukon First Nations Today: Culture and Values + Registration starting Jan 1/18 and ending April 30/17. You will have on-going access to this course so that you may refer to the course information from time to time. However, In order to receive a passing grade from Yukon College, please complete this course prior to the end of the next college term (August 31, 2018).

YFN 101: History of Yukon First Nations & Self-Government 6 hours| $200 +GST YFN 001

This one-day course is intended for anyone interested in learning more about Yukon First Nations and Self-Government. Develop a broader understanding and appreciation for the key moments in Yukon First Nations distant and recent past, in a day that includes interactive activities, discussions and presentations by staff in the Yukon First Nations Initiative department at Yukon College. The instructors incorporate historical timelines, facts, personal stories, and activities for an engaging look at history and recent developments. “This was an excellent workshop that covered a huge amount of material in a

For enquiries please contact CTRI by email at info@ctrinstitute.com, call CTRI at 877.353.3205, or call the Northern Institute of Social Justice at 867.456.8590.


CRN 20386 | SELF-PACED | $89.99 +GST YFN 001

Registration: Please call Admissions to register at 867.668.8710 and quote the Course Registration Number (CRN) listed above. Refund Policy: Please notify the Admissions Office, in person or by telephone, five business days prior to the course start date to allow for a refund. If you withdraw fewer than five business days before the start of a course, you will forfeit the course fee. + Please note that no refunds will be provided for the YFN 101 online course once registered.

For more information on the Northern Institute of Social Justice and courses offered: Visit our website: yukoncollege.yk.ca/programs/northern-institute-social-justice Call: 867.456.8589 Email: nisj@yukoncollege.yk.ca


Friday, December 22, 2017




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Friday, December 22, 2017

Trudeau becomes first prime minister found in violation of ethics law Jordan Press Canadian Press

OTTAWA ustin Trudeau, who came into office vowing to set the gold standard for transparency and ethical behaviour, became Wednesday the first prime minister found to have violated federal conflict of interest rules. Federal ethics commissioner Mary Dawson concluded Trudeau violated the rules when he vacationed last Christmas at the private Bahamian island owned by the Aga Khan and when his wife and children vacationed on the same island months earlier in March 2016. Dawson found the Trudeaus’ visit to the island — and the prime minister hopping aboard the Aga Khan’s private helicopter to get there — broke sections of the Conflict of Interest Act that prohibits a minister or any member of their family from accepting gifts or “advantages” that could reasonably be seen as influencing government decisions. Moreover, she found Trudeau didn’t properly recuse himself on two occasions in May 2016 from private meetings about the Aga Khan and a $15-million grant to the billionaire philanthropist’s endowment fund of the Global Centre for Pluralism. The outgoing ethics commissioner’s long-awaited report suggested Trudeau could have avoided this outcome had he come to her before going on the trip that began on Dec. 26, 2016. She concluded he failed to follow his own ethics rules for cabinet ministers and that he should have recognized that going on the trip would be seen as a real or apparent conflict of interest. Trudeau publicly apologized Wednesday for not asking Dawson for her clearance — something Dawson hinted in her report that she may have given. He said he didn’t believe the vacation would be an ethical concern because he’d been told — he didn’t specify by whom — there was no issue since the Aga Khan,


the spiritual leader of the world’s Ismaili Muslims, is a friend. During a hastily-called news conference, Trudeau took responsibility for the ethical lapse and said, in future, he’ll ask the ethics commissioner in advance to clear all his personal vacations. “We need to make sure that the office of the prime minister is without reproach and in the future including on (vacations with) family friends and personal family trips, we will be proactively working with the office of the commissioner to ensure that there is no conflict of interest, no appearance of conflict of interest,” Trudeau said. The public shaming will be the biggest penalty Trudeau faces for violating the rules. The Conflict of Interest Act empowers the commissioner to impose only fines on those who fail to meet reporting requirements and Dawson’s office confirmed Wednesday that those penalties don’t apply in this case. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said he wants the ethics commissioner to be empowered to apply sanctions or reprimands in cases like this one. “Right now, the ethics commissioner does not have the power to do anything. There’s actually no consequences to this finding. That to me is extremely unacceptable,” Singh said in Toronto Trudeau may have avoided Dawson’s finding had she agreed that Trudeau and the Aga Khan were friends, since ethics rules make an exception for gifts given by a friend. But Dawson said that exception didn’t apply because Trudeau and the Aga Khan’s friendship blossomed only after the prime minister became Liberal leader in 2013. Before that, the two hadn’t spoken for 30 years. A year after becoming Liberal leader, the Aga Khan sent a standing invitation for Trudeau and his family to visit Bells Cay, suggesting it would provide Trudeau with some private family vacation time. It was Trudeau’s wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, who contacted the Aga Khan’s daughter

about vacationing on the island in March 2016 and then over Christmas last year. In both cases, the Trudeaus were told the Aga Khan and his family may not be present, which led Dawson to remark: “These circumstances do not suggest that Mr. Trudeau and the Aga Khan were seeking to fulfil opportunities to spend private time together as friends.” While he said he fully accepts Dawson’s report, Trudeau continued to insist that the Aga Khan, an honorary pall bearer at his father’s funeral, is “someone who has been a long-time friend of my family’s, a friend of mine, a friend to Canada as well.” But Dawson said she found it unlikely Trudeau would have been offered use of the island had he not been a “significant player on the Canadian political scene” and had Aga Khan not had official dealings with the government. Still, she found no evidence that Trudeau took part in any decisions on federal funding to the Aga Khan’s organizations, nor gave them any preferential treatment. Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said it wasn’t enough for the prime minister to comply with the law — he must go above and beyond the law, neither of which Trudeau did. “It is a serious lapse in judgement for the prime minister not to realize that there was a conflict in the first place,” Scheer said. “I accept him at his word today, but it does seem like this prime minister made the decision (that) it was easier to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission.” The Trudeau family was accompanied on last December’s vacation by Liberal MP Seamus O’Regan and his husband, and Liberal party president Anna Gainey and her husband, Tom Pitfield. They all flew on the Aga Khan’s private helicopter, which is the main link between the Bells Cay and Nassau.


Friday, December 22, 2017






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Friday, December 22, 2017

U.S. passes landmark tax bill: What it means and what it does to Canada Alexander Panetta Canadian Press

WASHINGTON n the dying hours of debate, as the United States prepared to pass its most far-reaching tax reform in decades — touching health care, the economy, and the national debt — one senator mentioned how it would also touch the northern neighbour, Canada. He predicted it would pull companies south. “We’re not gonna have any more pharmaceutical companies buying donut-makers in Canada and move their headquarters to get a lower tax rate,” said


Sen. Johnny Isakson, in a slightly bungled reference to Burger King buying Tim Hortons and relocating north. “We’re gonna have a lot more companies thinking about becoming donut-makers and doing it right here in the United States … It’s an incentive to stay in America if you’re located there, and come to America if you’re not.” That’s one of the many goals of the bill that passed the Senate after Isakson spoke, then on Wednesday passed the House of Representatives, followed by a celebration at the White House where Donald Trump toasted his first major legislative accom-

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plishment. The bill achieves at least four major changes: temporary personal tax cuts for most Americans for a few years, permanent corporate tax cuts, oil drilling in Alaska’s natural wildlife reserve, and the sabotage of Barack Obama’s signature health reform. It’s deeply unpopular. One reason for that is it’s projected to increase the U.S. national debt by five per cent this decade. To offset this new $1.5-trillion hole, Republicans are hinting they might need to cut social spending. The bill’s greatest benefits flow to the wealthy, with provisions like relaxed taxes on multimillion-dollar estates. And it starts hurting the middle class as temporary personal cuts expire in a few years. Passage of the bill comes as Republicans are bracing for a potential wipeout in next year’s midterms. One survey Wednesday showed them 18 percentage points behind Democrats in the worst performance for any party in decades of CNN polling. On the Senate

floor, after Isakson spoke, Bernie Sanders offered an early taste of the campaign ahead. “What we are seeing today, in an unprecedented way, is the looting — the looting — of the federal treasury,” Sanders said. ”Today marks a great victory for the very wealthy campaign contributors who have contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to the Republican party over the years.” That’s a debate for Americans to sort out. For Canadians, there will be others. In the wake of this bill, policy-makers in Ottawa and the provincial capitals face two dilemmas: whether to react to these ground-shifting tax changes, and how. In the blink of an eye, the mighty southern neighbour goes from having one of the highest corporate tax rates in the industrialized world to one that is equal to Canada’s combined federal-provincial rates, which average around 27 per cent. For about three decades, tax expert Jack Mintz says Canada’s com-

petitive edge in attracting business investment has rested on a pair of pillars — a far lower corporate tax rate, and free trade. One pillar is gone, with the U.S. tax change. The other is wobbling. Trump isn’t just threatening to leave NAFTA — he’s already bragging about aggressive trade penalties, illustrated Wednesday with the latest announcement of duties against Bombardier. Mintz isn’t proposing that Canada slash corporate taxes in response. He thinks Canada needs to consider a panoply of creative ways to pull investment north — from simpler regulations, to reviewing what gets taxed and what doesn’t, and, if carbon taxes go ahead, to steer the proceeds back to companies. “Foreign companies that operate in North America are now going to look at, ‘Do I invest in Canada, with a small population, small market, to serve the North American market, or do I go to the United States?’” said Mintz, of the University of

Calgary. “When they look at Canada they now see … similar tax rates and similar burdens (to the U.S.),” he added. ”Then they look at regulations in Canada, which are increasing as the U.S. is reducing theirs.” The U.S. trade czar leading the NAFTA negotiations, Robert Lighthizer, toasted the bill’s adoption, calling it a monumental win that will make American business more competitive, and reduce the U.S. trade deficit. Trump held a victory party. On the White House lawn Republicans celebrated what’s now indisputably a consequential first year in office — with a new right-wing Supreme Court judge, fewer regulations, more oil drilling, Obamacare now on life support, and tax cuts. “Companies are going to be coming back,” Trump said. “They’re going to stay in our country.”

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Friday, December 22, 2017



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This 6-day event starts Tuesday Dec 26th, 2017. Prices in this ad are in effect from Tues Dec 26 to Sunday Dec 31, 2017. All discounts are off our original ticket price. Pricing on some items may extend beyond this event. If any advertising error or omission is discovered, Coast Mountain Sports will make the appropriate corrections and notify customers as soon as possible. Quantities may be limited. Selection (styles, colours, sizes and models) may be limited. We reserve the right to limit quantities purchased. Canada Goose, BafÀn Boots, shop services, gift cards, gift certiÀcates, previous purchases, third party offers, layaways, special orders and event tickets are excluded. Arcteryx & Fjallraven excluded from 30% off on Dec 26th.




Online outrage after Canadian TV host kills cougar in northern Alberta

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Canadian Press

EDMONTON Canadian TV personality is taking heat online after he killed a cougar in northern Alberta. Steve Ecklund, who’s the host of the outdoor show The Edge, bragged about hunting the huge cat earlier this month. “What an unreal ending to a fun filled season,” he wrote on his Facebook page on Dec. 3. “Northern Alberta lion with BIG CAT ADVENTURES Brian and Claudette Chorney … can’t thank you guys enough for the eye opener into your world of houndsmen.” Ecklund posted several photos of him holding the dead cougar and another of him making a stir-fry from the meat. His posts triggered outrage online: dozens of people have criticized the post, including Laureen Harper, the wife of former prime minister Stephen Harper. “What a creep. Chasing a cougar with dogs until they are exhausted then shooting a scared, cornered and tired animal,” Harper said in a post on Twitter. “Must be compensating for something, small penis probably.” When asked if her Twitter account had been hacked, she said no. Harper defended her comments, saying she comes from a family that hunts and fishes. “Killing for fun makes


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Facebook-Steve Ecklund via CP

Canadian TV host Steve Ecklund holds a cougar in a photo from his Facebook page. Ecklund is taking heat online after he killed a cougar in northern Alberta. me sick,” she said. “Wasn’t hacked. I was really angry that some guy flies all the way to Alberta to kill a magnificent cougar, so he can make a stir fry.” Others took to Facebook

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to condemn Ecklund. “A senseless killing … and something to be ashamed of for the rest of your pointless life. Loser,” wrote one Facebook user, Rich Voysey. Neither Ecklund nor the Chorneys have responded to requests for comment, but he didn’t back down in subsequent posts about the hunt. “If you can guess what post has 900 likes, 450 comments, 13 confirmed death threats, 754 swear words and one very happy hunter in it … I will enter your name into the draw for the new cougar cook book, filled with mouth

water recipes for your next mountain lion hunt,” Ecklund wrote in a Dec. 4 post. Others on social media defended Ecklund’s right to hunt the cougar. “Awesome harvest Steve!” said Facebook user, Mitchell Jones. “Keep up the good work and ignore these simpletons, clearly they haven’t a clue how the world works and are out of touch with reality.” Cougar hunting is legal in Alberta from Sept. 1 to the end of February for residents, and from Dec. 1 to the end of February for non-residents.

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*This 6-day event starts Tuesday Dec 26th, 2017. Prices in this ad are in effect from Tues Dec 26 to Sat Dec 31, 2017. All discounts off our original ticket price. Pricing on some items may extend beyond this event. If any advertising error or omission is discovered Sports Experts will make the appropriate corrections and notify customers as soon as possible. Quantities may be limited. Selection (styles, colours, sizes and models) may be limited. We reserve the right to limit quantities purchased. Select brands & styles, electronics including Garmin Fitbit & GoPro, Select Nike, Yukon Built, shop services, gift cards, gift certificates, previous purchases, third party offers, layaways, special orders, ski hill lift tickets and event tickets are excluded




Friday, December 22, 2017

Fuelled by gasoline prices, annual inflation accelerates to 2.1 per cent Andy Blatchford Canadian Press

OTTAWA he country’s annual inflation rate accelerated to 2.1 per cent last month to reach its highest mark in nearly a year and signal that the stronger economy has started pushing up consumer prices. Statistics Canada said Thursday that its inflation reading for November came in hotter than the 1.4 per cent number for October, boosted by higher costs for gasoline and air transportation, compared with a year earlier. The result means the annual pace of inflation, which had slowed to a twoyear low of one per cent in June, has now climbed above the Bank of Canada’s ideal target of two per cent. The central bank scrutinizes inflation data ahead of


its interest-rate decisions — the next one is scheduled for Jan. 17. Economists said the inflation reading reinforced their expectations that Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz will resume raising rates over the coming months. Some also noted the robust economy showed further progress in a separate Statistics Canada report Thursday on retail trade. It said retail sales in October expanded by a healthy 1.5 per cent, thanks in large part to a boost in new car sales. “With economic momentum appearing to hold up into the fourth quarter … the case for the Bank of Canada to follow the Federal Reserve in hiking interest rates is building — don’t be surprised if it comes sooner rather than later,” TD senior economist James Marple wrote in a


research note to clients. “Inflation suddenly doesn’t feel so soft in Canada.” Inflation had remained below two per cent for almost all of 2017 and the rate hadn’t been as high as 2.1 per cent since last January.

The report showed that pump prices delivered a major lift to last month’s overall inflation number after rising 19.6 per cent compared with the year before. But the data also contained signs the price pressure was a little more

broad-based. Excluding gasoline, November’s inflation rate was 1.5 per cent, an increase from 1.3 per cent in October. Two of the Bank of Canada’s three preferred measures of core inflation, designed to look through the noise of more-vola-

tile items like gasoline, strengthened last month. CPI-trim rose to 1.8 per cent from 1.5 per cent and CPI-median reached 1.9 per cent compared to 1.7 per cent in October, while CPI-common cooled to 1.5 per cent from 1.6 per cent. By region, annual inflation was higher in every province last month with Manitoba, at 3.2 per cent, and Saskatchewan, at 3.7 per cent, seeing the biggest changes. The retail sales numbers for October showed greater growth in every province, with higher numbers in Ontario, Quebec and B.C. accounting for the bulk of the increase, the agency said. The report showed that retail e-commerce sales increased 19.4 per cent in October, compared to a year earlier. However, it accounted for just 2.6 per cent of overall retail sales.

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Friday, December 22, 2017



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This 5-day event starts Tuesday, Dec 26th, 2016. Prices in this ad are in effect from Tues Dec 26 to Sat, Dec 30,2017. All discounts are off the original ticket price. Pricing on some items may extend beyond this event. If any advertising error or omission is discovered, Hougen’s Sportslodge will make the appropriate corrections and notify customers as soon as possible. Quantities may be limited. Selection (styles, colours, sizes and models) may be limited. We reserve the right to limit quantities purchased. Shop services, gift cards, gift certificates, previous purchases, third party offers, layaways, special orders, event tickets are excluded

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Montreal’s transit commission allows homeless to take refuge from winter cold Morgan Lowrie Canadian Press

MONTREAL s the frigid winter days set in, homeless people in Montreal are once again being invited to take refuge in the city’s subway stations. Philippe Schnobb, the head of the city’s transit commission, says that while many cities remove homeless people from train and subway stations, the Societe de transport de Montreal takes a different approach. “In Montreal, its a very different situation,” he said in a phone interview Thursday. “Homeless people are allowed in the (subway), and with our partnerships… we have a group of people who can intervene, we have specialists who can take care of them, talk with them, give them some services if they need.” For the last five years, the transit agency has teamed up with social organizations to offer services to the homeless at several subway stations. These include sending social workers to several different stations and offering a shuttle service to local shelters once the transit system shuts down for the night.



Montreal’s homeless can take shelter in the city’s subway stations during cold weather. Community workers, including some who were formerly homeless, can send people to mobile health clinics or work with them on finding a place to stay, Schnobb said. Schnobb says there have been about 3,500 “interventions” with homeless people this year, up from just more than 400 when the program started. He says the approach, which essentially trans-

forms the subway into “the biggest day centre in the city,” goes beyond what many other cities are doing and could serve as a model for others in the future. Representatives from Calgary and Toronto said neither city has specific policies on allowing homeless people to stay in their train or subway stations. Calgary does send peace officers to check on their welfare and “attempt to

get them to a care facility within Calgary if needed, especially if the weather is cold,” city spokeswoman Sherri Zickefoose wrote in an email. In Edmonton, there’s a policy of keeping light rail stations open all night long when the temperature dips below a certain temperature in order to give people a warm place to sleep, a cityspokesman said. Schnobb says it’s

impossible in Montreal to leave the subway open all night because of construction and maintenance. He says that’s why the shuttle, run by the Old Brewery Mission, ensures homeless people aren’t simply kicked onto the street. “(The shuttle) is sent to pick up the homeless people in the station to make sure they are brought to a shelter, but if they don’t want to go to a shelter, they have everything they need to stay outside in the night,” he said. Last week, the City of Montreal announced it was

investing $778,000 to help its homeless population this winter season. Their measures include hiring outreach workers, providing funding to the shuttle service and opening beds at emergency shelters. Despite the outreach efforts, too many homeless people in the subway are still being ticketed for minor infractions, according to the director of a legal clinic that helps them. Bernard St-Jacques says homeless people still regularly get tickets for offences such as loitering, drinking in public or not paying subway fares. While he commends the transit commission for its actions, he says the approach needs to go beyond the homeless to sensitize employees and transit users to the realities facing homeless people. He believes that if more people knew about the outreach efforts, they’d be less likely to call authorities to lodge complaints against the homeless. “They’re saying, ‘We’re accompanying these people rather than legalizing them,’ well, I don’t agree, we’re still legalizing them,” he said in an interview. “But, if we showed people how we are accompanying people, that we’re trying to find other solutions, maybe we’d lower the number of complaints and irritations in a general way.”

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Friday, December 22, 2017




High-speed internet to bring big change in remote Alaska Rachel D’Oro Associated Press

ANCHORAGE eff Kowunna used his drone to record this year’s celebration of another successful bowhead whaling harvest for one of the oldest Alaska Native settlements. The video from the three-day event in remote Point Hope, at the edge of the Arctic Ocean, showed whaling captains sharing the flippers with residents, traditional drumming and dancing, and the ever-popular blanket toss, where villagers use seal skins to heave each other into the air. But Kowunna’s plan to share this unique slice of Inupiat culture online was thwarted by the area’s notoriously slow satellite connection. This month, the 34-year-old whale hunter is ready to try again. His community of 700 and several other isolated Alaska towns are getting a commodity much of the U.S. has long taken for granted: high-speed


internet. “I’ve been counting the days,” Kowunna said of the broadband he hopes will help him connect more immediately with the world with posts from gatherings like the June whaling feast, or Qagruk, while updating folks who have moved away. “I think it’s going to be a lot smoother sailing as far as streaming to the web.” The new service is part of a planned international fiber-optic system from Anchorage-based wholesaler Quintillion that eventually will connect London and Tokyo via the Arctic. It’s the result of several factors, representative say, including technical advances, private investors willing to bet on the system, and a warming Arctic environment that opened up a limited construction season, allowing crews to bury hundreds of miles of subsea cable off Alaska’s upper coast. “Clearly, 20 years ago, even 10 years ago, the situation with the ice in that part of the world would have made the progress much more difficult to

accomplish,” Quintillion spokesman Tim Woolston said. The effect on far-northern Alaska — where many rely on a subsistence lifestyle for food — could be dramatic: No more classroom computers crashing during lessons, software taking an entire day to download, movies buffering for hours, and sophisticated medical equipment sitting partially unused. “A project like this is critical,” said Mike Romano with NTCA-the Rural Broadband Association, which represents 850 small telecom and broadband service providers in the U.S. and Canada. Connecting rural communities remains a significant broadband challenge because of the higher cost of delivering service far from metropolitan hubs. Alaska’s 1,400-mile (2,250-kilometre) portion of the international project includes a land trunk line between Fairbanks and the Prudhoe Bay oil fields that went live in the spring. Quintillion has not released plans or a time-

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Others have big plans for tapping into the faster and more reliable service. The Arctic Slope Regional Corp., an Alaska Native corporation and minority investor in the Quintillion project, is developing an online store featuring artwork by its shareholders, a tourism platform for its eight villages and a repository of stories and videos featuring Inupiat elders. “It’s just limitless what we can do now,” said Cheryl Stine, its chief administrative officer. The North Slope Borough, where Point Hope and Utqiagvik are located, is developing a cultural website through its history, language and culture office. The site will be called Puiguitkaat, Inupiaq for “things that should never be forgotten,” according to Kathy Ahgeak, who heads the office. “We have a wealth of traditional knowledge, ancient knowledge,” Ahgeak said. “We want our children to know just how far back our heritage goes.”

Hope it’s merry. Hope it’s bright. Hope it’s Ālled with goodness and light. May this holiday season deliver much cheer to you and your loved ones straight through the New Year.

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market,” Laipenieks said. “But the technology will never be the limiting factor again.” Not everyone is sold on the new link. In Utqiagvik, America’s northernmost town, Inupiat whaling captain Gordon Brower balks at exposing his culture to unnecessary criticism — from anti-whaling activists, for example. “It’s unnecessary because we’re only just trying to provide food,” Brower said. “We don’t have Walmart in the backyard over here.” In Point Hope, Inupiat artist and traditional skin-boat maker Henry Koonook worries people will be more distracted by the online world than they already are. Koonook himself has nothing to do with computers, even to connect with prospective buyers. “That little box — what they call a laptop and iPhones — is ruining our people,” he said. “It’s helping them with their education and stuff like that, but they’re drifting away from the culture and traditions, and it’s going fast.”

Happy Holiday Wishes

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table for the larger project and will not say how much has been spent so far in the private venture. New York private equity firm Cooper Investment Partners is anchoring the financing. Ship crews finished installing the last Alaska segment of subsea cable in October, and the network became available to telecom providers Dec. 1. The improved service won’t be cheap, said Jens Laipenieks, CEO of Artic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative, which serves three of the affected communities. Laipenieks expects the cost to drop when the final two phases are built and more wholesale tenants join the system. Still, commodities always cost more in the Arctic, where a gallon of milk can carry a $10 price tag because everything has to be flown or shipped up. Fiber-optic is no exception, but the expense has not dampened enthusiasm, according to utility officials. “That’s just the reality of being in an ultra-rural

We will re-open Dec. 27th & will publish on Dec. 29th We will also be CLOSED Jan. 1st





Friday, December 22, 2017

One Canadian dead in Mexico bus crash that killed 12 people Canadian Press

MONTREAL bus crash in eastern Mexico that claimed the lives of 12 people, including a Canadian woman, has left families in two provinces in a state of shock. The woman was identified by her family as Stephanie Horwood of Gatineau, Que. Carole Pommet Rein-


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with pain like that.” Pommet Reinthaler said her son will return to Ottawa with his two girls Thursday evening, but that Horwood’s body will be transported to her family in Newfoundland and Labrador. “Her father wants to see his daughter for a last time,” Pommet Reinthaler added. She said there would be two funeral ceremonies: one in Horwood’s

thaler told The Canadian Press on Wednesday that her daughter-in-law was in Mexico with her husband and their two daughters aged nine and 11. All three were injured. Pommet Reinthaler said she was devastated when her son called to inform her of the tragedy. “I still don’t believe she is dead,” she said. “It’s difficult to accept, but we have no choice but to live

Peter Rakobowchuk

native St. John’s, N.L., and the other in Gatineau. Horwood would have turned 43 next week. “For us to have something like that happen, it’s almost incredible … that she died so young and in another country where she was going to have so much fun with her family,” Pommet Reinthaler said. She said the tragedy has been very hard on her son.

“He’s all in pieces, he’s left alone with his two daughters, no mother any more … he just wants to come home,” Pommet Reinthaler said. Global Affairs Canada confirmed that one Canadian was killed and three others were among the 20 injured in the incident. The accident occurred when the bus carrying cruise ship passengers flipped over on a narrow highway in the state of





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Quintana Roo on Tuesday, Global Affairs said. The bus was headed toward Mayan ruins when the crash occurred. “Consular officials in Ottawa and in Playa del Carmen, Mexico are in contact with affected Canadian citizens as well as family members and are providing consular assistance as required,” spokesman Philip Hannan said. “Due to privacy considerations, further details cannot be disclosed at this time.” Mexican officials said eight Americans, two Swedes, and one Mexican were the others killed in the crash. The injured bus driver was taken into custody, the state government said. Miami-based Royal Caribbean Cruises confirmed that 27 passengers from two of its cruise ships were on the bus at the time of the crash. “Our hearts go out to all those involved in the bus accident,” company spokeswoman Cynthia Martinez said in a statement. “We are doing all we can to care for our guests, including assisting with medical care and transportation.” Some of the passengers injured in the crash were taken to local hospitals, while others were transported to the United States for treatment, Martinez said. Video images from the scene show the bus on its side in vegetation off the two-lane highway. Some survivors could be seen lying on the pavement while others were able to walk. Quintana Roo state authorities said 13 people remained in hospital. Chris Brawley, of Haslet, Texas, was on one of the two cruise ships that had passengers on the crashed bus and was taking a different bus to the ruins. He said his bus passed by just minutes after the accident and he observed skid marks on the dry pavement. Brawley said the ship he was sailing on, the Serenade of the Seas, sailed out of Mahahual Tuesday around 5:30 p.m., a couple hours after its scheduled departure. It was docked Wednesday up the coast in Cozumel. “Captain informed us this morning one of our passengers passed overnight,” Brawley said. The cause of the crash was under investigation.

Friday, December 22, 2017




Canada abstains from UN vote on Trump’s move to relocate embassy to Jerusalem Mike Blanchfield Canadian Press

OTTAWA anada abstained from a contentious United Nations vote Thursday that delivered a resounding rebuke to Donald Trump over his decision to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The UN General Assembly voted 128-9 in favour of a resolution declaring the U.S. president’s recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital to be null and void. Thirty-five countries, including Canada, abstained — drawing criticism from the country’s leading Jewish affairs organization. The vote placed Canada in a difficult situation because Trump had threatened to retaliate against countries that supported the resolution. It came as Canada is in the midst of a tough renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement with a protectionist Trump administra-


tion that has threatened to tear up the deal. Shortly before the vote, a spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland confirmed that Canada would abstain and said the Canadian government was of the view the resolution never should have landed on the floor of the General Assembly. “We are disappointed that this resolution is one sided and does not advance prospects for peace to which we aspire, which is why we have abstained on today’s vote,” Marc-Andre Blanchard, Canada’s UN ambassador told the General Assembly. Blanchard said Canada wants to emphasize that Jerusalem has special significance to Jews, Muslims and Christians. “Denying the connection between Jerusalem and the Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths undermines the integrity of the site for all. We also reiterate the need to maintain the status quo at Jerusalem’s Holy sites.” David Cape, the

Manuel Elias/United Nations/AP

The results of a vote are posted in the General Assembly on Dec. 21, at United Nations headquarters. president of the Toronto-based Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said he appreciated that Canada acknowledged the connection of the Jewish people to Jerusalem, “and correctly described the resolution as one-sided and unhelpful.” “That said,” he added, ”we would have preferred for Canada to have voted no in order to send a clear message that it rejects continued efforts to use

the UN as a platform to attack, de-legitimize, vilify, and isolate Israel.” Earlier Thursday, Adam Austen, Freeland’s spokesman, reiterated Canada’s long-standing position on the divisive issue. “The status of Jerusalem can be resolved only as part of a general settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. This has been the policy of consecutive governments, both Liberal and Conservative.”

Freeland discussed the issue with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during a meeting Tuesday on Parliament Hill, after which she suggested they had agreed to disagree. “Canada and the United States have different views on issues and I think that we have a strong enough relationship — both our two countries and Rex and I personally — that we’re able to be candid about those differences and explain them to one another,” said Freeland, standing next to Tillerson. Nikki Haley, the American ambassador to the UN, said Thursday that the world body’s castigation of Israel is wrong and harms its credibility. She also said the U.S. decision to move its Israeli embassy is final. She raised the prospect of the U.S. not continuing its financial support of the UN, noting that her country is by far the largest contributor to the UN and its agencies, helping to feed, clothe and educate people, sustain fragile

peace, and hold outlaw regimes accountable. “We also have a legitimate expectation that our goodwill is recognized and respected,” Haley said. “We have an obligation to demand more for our investment; and if our investment fails we have an obligation to spend our resources in more productive ways.” Bessma Momani, a senior fellow and Middle East expert with the Centre for International Governance and Innovation said the threat of retaliation shouldn’t influence how Canada votes on the Jerusalem resolution. “Canada may find itself in a tough position as we try to renegotiate a NAFTA deal, but we should stand with the international community and wider expert opinion that the U.S. move is unnecessary, counterproductive, and toxic,” she said. “Moreover, there’s power in a collective response against Trump and we should take comfort in that.”

THANK YOU! BUSINESSES & ORGANIZATIONS FUNDERS Alkan Air - YuKonstruct - Skills Canada Yukon - Youth Achievement Centre Yukon Government - Advanced Education Fireweed RV - Duncan's Limited - Elements Esthetics - Whitehorse Motors Women's Directorate Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board - Pelly Construction Old Fire Hall - Quantum Machine Works LTD - Raven Recycling - Computers for Schools Engineers Yukon - Yukon College - HPJ Photography PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS F.H. Collins Secondary School SPONSORS Porter Creek Secondary Staples - Save On Foods - Wyke's Independent Grocer - Pizza Hut - Subway Vanier Catholic Secondary Canadian Tire - Molotov & Bricks Tattoo - Home Hardware - BCD Electric Teen Parent Centre Triple J's Music, Tattoos & Piercing PSAC North- Yukon Employees Union Watson Lake Secondary Midnight Sun Coffee Roasters - BYTE - Goldcorp Inc. Del Van Gorder School VOLUNTEERS & INSTRUCTORS Eliza Van Bibber School Kate White - Jessie White - Cassandra Gailbraith - Michelle Gregory - Reanne Tarr J.V. Clark School Amy Andison - Lorie Larose - Billie Mae Leiske - Michelle Zieske - Crystal Beaudry Ross River School Eric Delong - Gisela Niedermeyer - Senimili Tui - Lindsey Doehle - Rachel Grantham You Learn Hana Val - Lisa Kozakewich - Martina Amos - Daniela Sibaja - Andrew Kalek




Friday, December 22, 2017


Yukon’s pika populations feel the pressue when winter temperatures rise Lori Fox News Reporter


ika — those greybrown, extremely vocal denizens of the Yukon’s boulder fields — are more than just the cute alpine cousins of rabbits. They’re “canaries in the coal mine” when it comes to climate change, says one expert. “These little guys require a certain kind of

example of how small animals can and do adapt to extreme conditions,” Hik says, as they thrive in places where “no other sensible animal would set up shop.” However, the specializations that enable them to live in such harsh environments also make them especially vulnerable to changes in those environments. Collared pika truly are northerners, strongly pre-

ly acts like a feather down jacket for the pika to move around in. When it’s -30 C above the snow, it can be -3 C inside the snow, a temperature much more comfortable for a little mammal. However, when temperatures rise and the snow melts — or, instead of snowing, it rains — this puffy, air-filled layer becomes compressed and loses its insulating

ferring cold climates. Pika actually cannot survive at temperatures above 27 C, Hik says. As yearly temperatures continue to rise worldwide as a result of climate change, the alpine meadows pika live in undergo encroachment by shrubs and rising treelines, changing the borders of available habitats and limiting food sources, Hik says. More troubling, however, is the impact these temperature changes have on snow pack. Pika do not hibernate in the winter, but remain active beneath the snow, Hik says. The Yukon typically has a very cold, dry climate, which means the snow stays light and powdery. This fluffy snow — beloved, also, by backcountry skiers — essential-

qualities. This makes it much harder on pika and other animals — such as caribou, who cannot paw through frozen snow to get to their food beneath it — to make it through the long winter. Examples of these climate change impacts have already been observed in the Yukon. In the winter of 1999-2000, Hik says, the Yukon experienced an unusually warm winter, so warm in fact that Haines Junction was the balmiest place in Canada on New Year’s Day. This led to warming and icing events in the alpine. The following spring there was a “population collapse” for pika in the Ruby Range area of Kluane National Park, Hik says. The same pattern was observed several years

Government of Yukon photo

Collared pika are small, mouse-like mammals that make their home among rock piles in northern alpine environments.

habitat,” says University of Alberta biologist and pika researcher David Hik. “This makes them early indicators for how those mountain alpine environments will react.” “They’re sentinels of change.” Collared pika live in and among piles of stones in the high alpine meadows, dining on grasses which they cache for winter, a behaviour called “hay piling,” Hik says. They rarely stray far from their rock piles, and live in condensed, geographically limited areas which form “metapopulations,” meaning most individuals are closely genetically related and largely cut off from outside populations, which makes them good subjects for area-specific studies. Pika are “a really good

later. Similar and more widespread collapses have been observed in the collared pika’s southern cousin, the American pika in the Great Basin range in the U.S., Hik says. “There has been a huge effort to understand what is causing that (in the south),” he says. “You have to do long term studies to see how they adapt (to these changes).” Environment Yukon’s website notes that “climate change has a greater and faster impact on the North than other parts of the world. Over the past 50 years, Yukon’s average temperature has increased by 2 C and winter temperatures have increased by 4 C. This increase is two times the rate of southern Canada.” “What we want to know is when we are approaching a tipping point,” Hik says. “We don’t want to know when we have already hit that tipping point…. We don’t want to react after the fact, we want to react before the fact.” “We want to know what the warning signs are and react to that.” But it’s “not all doomsday,” says Hik. Pika are actually surprisingly tough, and populations have a much greater ability to bounce back from declines than previously thought. Pika display a widerange of adaptive behaviours, he says, and individual populations are capable of developing behaviours specific to their region. The pika of the Saint Elias stone fields, for example, have developed a rather macabre speciality. In the spring, small birds — typically passerines, the same family to which birds like sparrows and songbirds belong — migrate in large numbers over the stone fields, which leaves them unusually vulnerable to weather events, such as high winds and storms, Hik says. In most other places, birds can avoid these alpine weather events by dropping down to a lower elevation and taking shelter in the tree line, but the geography of these stones

fields is such that there is no way to reach a lower elevation “sometimes for a hundred kilometers,” Hik says. This results in large numbers of the birds dying and the pika in this specific population have adapted to go around collecting the bodies, bringing them back to their rock piles and “stacking them like cordwood, sometimes as much as ten in a pile.” Then, when they’re hungry, the pika break into their skulls and eat the brains of the dead birds out through the hole. These brains are “very nutritious” for the pika, he says. “I mean, they’re cute but there’s a zombie side to them,” Hik jokes. Moreover, while it used to be thought that pika almost never leave the territories they grew up in — they are notorious homebodies — there is much more mobility amongst the population than was previously thought, Hik said. This is partly because young pika must make their way in the world on their own almost as soon as they are weaned, and if all the other available rock piles in good territory are taken, some enterprising individuals instinctively head out to find something better for themselves. Pika are very good at determining a good territory for their needs, Hik says, and are probably drawn to clues like the smell of meadow flowers and the sound of their own kind. This means that, in the event of a critical population drop, even though pika aren’t very prolific breeders, the metapopulation can recover more easily than has been thought in the past. Hik says he observed this after the Ruby Range population crashed. Within a few years, it had mostly recovered, once temperatures returned to their normal range. “Even if the population declines, they’ll find each other,” he says. Contact Lori Fox at lori.fox@yukon-news.com


Friday, December 22, 2017


The Yukon Hospital Foundation extends its sincere appreciation to all the sponsors, donors, volunteers, attendees and participants who came together to make the 2017 Northwestel Festival of Trees such a success!

Thank you for your time, your talents and your incredible support. Tree Sponsors Air North, Yukon’s Airline Ajax Steel Limited Alkan Air and Whitehorse Motors Ltd. CIBC EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc. Goldcorp Inc. Lumel Studios and the Yukon Hospital Foundation Board of Directors Northern Vision Development LP Northwestel Pelly Construction Ltd. RBC Royal Bank and Ashley HomeStore unFURled YTA/ YRTA Yukon Teachers’ Association/ Retired Teachers’ Association Yukon Brewing Yukon Doctors Yukon Yamaha

Goldcorp BAH Humbug Cocktail Stan Thompson - Master of Ceremonies Roxx Hunter Trio

Save on Foods Seniors Soiree Honourable Doug Philips - Master of Ceremonies Suzuki Strings Association of the Yukon Hank Karr and Company

Alkan Air Grand Ball Rock Shannon Fraser - Master of Ceremonies Hayley and Co. Major Funk and the Employment

Wreath Sponsors Angellina’s Toy Boutique Corked and Opimian Society Yukon Due North Maternity Hello Gorgeous Hospice Yukon Society Murdochs Partenariat Communaute en sante and - partners Sandor’s Clothing Save on Foods SHE Consulting Stantec The Deli CafÈ & Eatery Wellgreen Platinum Ltd. Whitehorse Subaru - YHF make Yukon College

Giving Tree A&W Air North Alpine Bakery Asahi Ya Japanese Restaurant BBQ King Blackbird Bakery Cafè Balzam Earl’s Epic Pizza Extreme Pita Farmer Robert’s Store Gold Pan Saloon Java Connection KFC


Klondike Rib & Salmon M&M McDonald’s Midnight Sun Coffee Roasters North Dragon Restaurant Panda Panda Noodle House Quiznos Save-on-Foods Subway The Deck Tony’s Pizza Wolf’s Den Restaurant

Corporate Table Sponsors Air North Alkan Air Arcrite Northern Ltd ATCO Ben’s Electric CIBC Crowe MacKay Driving Force/Klondike Motors Finning Goldcorp Midnight Sun Drilling Inc. Northwestel Nuway Crushing NVD Pelly Construction RBC Remax RyanWood Explorations Inc. Skookum Asphalt TD Canada Trust Urban Realty Victoria Gold Whitehorse Motors Yukon College Yukon First Nations Chamber of Commerce Yukon Government Yukon Yamaha/Totaltrac

Raffle, Door Prize and Silent Auction Providers Absolute Physiotherapy Asahi Ya Restaurant ATCO Bear’s Paw Quilts Bombay Peggy’s Boston Pizza Cadence Cycle CafÈ Balzam Charlotte’s Gold Originals Earl’s EECOL Electric Fountain Tire with freight by Griffiths Heating & Sheet Metal Fountain Tire/Behind the Barn Grace Space Head to Toe Hurlburt Enterprises Inspired Interiors Jacobs Industries Klondike Business Solutions Klondike Rib & Salmon Lackowicz & Hoffman Lamarche and Lang Leona Watson M&M Meats Midnight Sun Emporiurm

Muktuk Adventures North of Ordinary Paradise Alley Physio Borealis Seasons Galleria Shelley MacDonald Jewellery Sky High Wilderness Ranch Sportees Stephanie Ryan Sundog Retreat Takhini Hot Springs The Feed Store The Frame Shop The Indian Craft Shop Tyler Olson Unity Clothing Westmark Dawson City White Pass and Yukon Route Whitehorse Physiotherapy Winterlong Brewing Wolf’s Den Restaurant

Tree Decorators/Designers Ajax Staff Charlene Morgan Jasmine Sangria Karen Geiger Lalena marshall, Amanda Barnett, Rosie Stuckless Lea Pigage Luanne Baker-Johnson and Lumel Crew Marsh Lake Tents & Events Retired Teachers Group Tara Kolla Hale The Staff of Northern Vision Development

Event Supporters Adams Family - Alkan Air Grand Ball Martini Bar Alkan Air - Grand Ball Sponsor Casa Loma - Band Supporter Cathie Archbould - Festival Photographer Dean Swaykoski - Culture Cruiser Eclectic Video - Steve Philip Inkspirationz Graphix Jill Pollack & Co. Mortgage Specialist Photo Booth Sponsor Karen Forward Kobayashi & Zedda Architects - Wine Sponsor at Grand Ball Luanne Baker-Johnson and Lumel Crew Manitoulin Transport - Tree Delivery Marsh Lake Tents & Events - Helen, Ray and Crew - Décor for all Festival Events Nuway Crushing - Alkan Air Grand Ball Champagne Reception Omni Productions - Bill Charon, Roly Mitten and Crew Rick Massie - Festival Photographer Riverstone Dental - Photo Booth Sponsor Rotary Club of Whitehorse - Santa Breakfast Save on Foods - Seniors Soiree Sponsor Tom Patrick, of Star Flower Photography - Alkan Air Grand Ball Photo Booth Photographer Total Trac Yukon Inc. - Alkan Air Grand Ball Champagne Reception

Tyler Olson - Grand Ball Auctioneer Urban Realty - Band Supporter WGH Finance - Kelly Steele, Kate Davidson, Gayle Alford, Anne Hotte and Corinne Delaire What’s Up Yukon Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce BAH Humbug Supporter Whitehorse Star Yukon Dentistry - Photo Booth Sponsor Yukon Government - Venue Host Yukon News Yukon Yamaha - Alkan Air Grand Ball Champagne Reception

Volunteers Arjay Hill Ashley Broughton Breda McIntyre Brooke Graham Charlene Morgan Christopher O’Brien CIBC Staff - Tree Wrapping Deb Ryan Fraser Pearce Justin Peterson Kelty MacGillivray Kim Brown Lalena Marshall Lea Pigage Leah Ott Marla Matthew McIver Maureen Turner Max Zaparinuk Minister Dendys Minister Frost Minister Mostyn Minister Streicker Nadia Skofenko Nikhil Kothari Northern Lights School of Dance Northwestel Christmas Tree Mascots Paolo Gallina Patti Balsillie Penny Rawlings Premier Silver Sheena Greenlaw Tiffany Frasher Walter Brennan WGH Finance Staff – Gayle Alford, Kelly Steele, Kate Davidson Yukon Doctors, Nurses and EMS Simulation Demo

Foundation Board Andrew Anderson Chris Milner Dr. Quong Jason Bilsky Lori Duncan Philip Fitzgerald Steven Bartsch Wendy Tayler

We apologize if anyone has been missed. Please let us know if you should have been on this list.





Friday, December 22, 2017

Snowy owl migration gives scientists chance to study them Tammy Webber Associated Press

CHICAGO cott Judd trained his camera lens on the white dot in the distance. As he moved up the Lake Michigan shoreline, the speck on a breakwater came into view and took his breath away: it was a snowy owl, thousands of miles from its Arctic home. “It was an amazing sight,” said Judd, a Chicago IT consultant. “It’s almost like they’re from another world. They captivate people in a way that other birds don’t.” The large white raptors have descended on the Great Lakes region and northeastern U.S. in huge numbers in recent weeks, hanging out at airports, in farm fields, on light poles and along beaches, to the delight of bird lovers. But for researchers, this winter’s mass migration of the owls from their breeding grounds above the Arctic Circle is serious business. It’s a chance to trap and fit some of the visitors with tiny transmitters to help track them around the globe and study a long-misunderstood species whose numbers likely are far fewer than previously thought, researchers say. “There is still a lot that we don’t know about them … but we aim to answer the questions in the next few years,” said Canadian biologist Jean-Francois Therrien, a senior researcher at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Pennsylvania. The solar-powered transmitters can last for years, collecting infor-


Charles Krupa/AP

A snowy owl stares prior being released along the shore of Duxbury Beach in Duxbury, Mass. The owl is one of 14 trapped so far this winter at Boston’s Logan Airport and moved to the beach on Cape Cod Bay. The large white raptors from the Arctic have descended on the northern U.S. in huge numbers in recent weeks, giving researchers opportunities to study them. mation such as latitude, longitude, flight speed and air temperature that is downloaded to a server when the birds fly into range of a cell tower. The use of transmitters, which intensified during the last North American mass migration in winter 2013-14, already has yielded big surprises. Instead of 300,000 snowy owls worldwide, as long believed, researchers say the population likely is closer to 30,000 or fewer. The previous estimate was based on how many might be able to breed in a given area. That calculation was made assuming snowy owls acted like other birds, favouring fixed nesting and wintering sites. But

researchers discovered the owls are nomads, often nesting or wintering thousands of miles from previous locations. The miscalculation doesn’t necessarily mean snowy owls, which can grow to about 2 feet long with 5-foot wingspans, are in decline. Scientists simply don’t know because they never had an accurate starting point. This month, snowy owls were listed as vulnerable — one step away from endangered — by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. They’re protected in the U.S. under the Migratory Bird Act. This year’s mass migration is a bit of good news. Researchers once thought

these so-called “irruptions” signalled a lack of prey in the Arctic, but now believe the opposite: Breeding owls feed on lemmings, a rodent that lives under Arctic snowpack and whose population surges about every three or four years. More lemmings means the owl population explodes— and that more birds than usual will winter in places people can see them. But researchers worry that climate change will affect the owl population because lemmings are exceptionally sensitive to even small temperature changes. Lemmings “depend on deep, fluffy, thick layers of insulating snow” to breed successfully, said Scott

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Rose Inglangasuk Program and Communications Manager Yukon Aboriginal Sport Circle C: 867-335-4051 | W: 867-668-2840

January 7



JUVENILE female JUNIOR male/female OPEN male/female (born in 2002 or later) @ Jack Hulland Elementary School

Rose Inglangasuk Program and Communications Manager Yukon Aboriginal Sport Circle C: 867-335-4051 | W: 867-668-2840

Weidensaul, director at Project SNOWstorm, an owl-tracking group whose volunteers have put transmitters on more than 50 snowy owls in the past four years . The snowy owl population collapsed in Norway and Sweden in the mid1990s, all but vanishing there for almost two decades before reappearing at lower numbers, experts said. In Greenland, where the population collapsed in the late 1990s, researchers found a few nests in 2011 and 2012 after six years with no recorded nests, but owls didn’t come back in 2016 or 2017, when lemmings should have been peaking. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-

istration reported this month that the far northern Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe. But it’s tough to assess lemming population trends in remote areas. Although researchers hope to enlist native villagers to help, it’s mostly up to owls with transmitters for now. Snowy owls somehow seem to find lemmings even if they are thousands of miles from where their population last peaked, Therrien said. “They look around the Arctic,” he said. “The movement is amazing to watch on a map: There are no straight lines. They’re zigzagging.” Norman Smith, a biologist with the Audubon Society in Massachusetts, said he’s heartened that many independent researchers worldwide joined forces to share information on snowy owls. “It’s amazing what we’ve learned, but we need a bigger database of birds,” said Smith, who has been trapping owls at Boston’s Logan International Airport for more than 35 years and fits them with a leg band or transmitter before letting them go. He put a satellite tracker on an owl for the first time in 2000, proving that they could make it back to the Arctic. Last week, Smith released a young female on a barrier beach along the Atlantic Ocean. It flew south, then circled back and flew overhead. As he drove over a bridge to the mainland, the owl was sitting on a post, surveying its new winter home.



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Friday, December 22, 2017




Ottawa studies risk of pathogen transfers to wild sockeye from ďŹ sh farms Canadian Press

VICTORIA ew research released by the federal government says there are minimal risks of farmed Atlantic salmon from British Columbia’s Discovery Islands transferring a deadly viral disease to wild sockeye making their way to the Fraser River. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans said Wednesday the findings


examining population level effects of fish pathogen transfer from farmed fish to wild fish,� said Jay Parsons, the department’s director of aquaculture. The research was released as part of a science advisory report on Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus, a disease that affects fish and trout raised in fresh and salt water. Parsons said the department will conduct risk assessments on nine other diseases known to impact farmed salmon.

are the first in a series of investigations to assess the risk of pathogen transfer associated with aquaculture activities to wild fish in the islands, which are near Campbell River on Vancouver Island. The department said management practices on fish health at the B.C. farms, including a vaccine that is 95 per cent effective, minimizes the risk. “This full detailed risk assessment is the first robust analysis that has ever been completed for

The risk assessments are part of the work it is doing to address recommendations in an October 2012 commission of inquiry report into the decline of sockeye salmon in the Fraser River. Justice Bruce Cohen made recommendations for improving the future sustainability of the fishery including placing a freeze on net-pen salmon farms in the Discovery Islands until September 2020. Cohen also said the Fisheries Department

should prohibit farms in the area completely if it concludes the operations pose more than a minimal risk to Fraser River sockeye. The B.C. government announced Wednesday it will review fish processing plants to ensure waste materials from the operations do not affect wild salmon stocks. Jeremy Dunn of the B.C. Salmon Farmers Association said the industry welcomes both government reviews and will co-oper-

ate fully. The area around the Broughton Archipelago off northern Vancouver Island has been the site of ongoing protests at Atlantic salmon farms this year by Indigenous people who say they fear the loss of wild salmon populations.


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Dirk Meissner




Friday, December 22, 2017

Climate change a major issue for forestry planning heading into 2018 Mia Rabson Canadian Press

OTTAWA anada loses 20 times more forested land to fires and invasive bugs each year than it does to harvesting wood for industry — and Canada’s lumber association says climate change is making it worse. Derek Nighbor, president of the Forest Products Association of Canada, says he believes developing plans to address the impacts a warming planet is having on Canada’s forests needs to be a priority. “We spend a lot of time looking back at history and trends but we (have) got to be looking forward and doing some modelling in terms of the warming climate and how do we stay ahead of this so we can ensure healthy forests for the future,” he told The Canadian Press. Natural Resources Canada reported in 2016 that Canada lost about 1.4 million hectares of forested land to fire, and an eyebrow-raising 17.6 million



hectares to insects. By comparison, 779,000 hectares were harvested by the lumber industry. It means 5.4 per cent of Canada’s forested land was lost to bugs and fire while 0.2 per cent was harvested. “We are seeing pests ravaging our forests more than they ever have be-

fore,” said Nighbor. “If you talk to our biologists and our foresters we believe a lot of that is because of the changing climate.” Spruce bud worm is ravaging forests in Atlantic Canada and Quebec, while in the west the mountain pine beetle is having its way with wood and march-

ing eastward. Nighbor said the beetle is now ready to invade into Saskatchewan if it hasn’t already. Meanwhile, the emerald ash borer, which has already destroyed millions of trees in eastern Canada and the United States, is making its way west. The City of Winnipeg re-

ported the discovery of the destructive bug on December 7, and is braced to lose 350,000 ash trees to it. When pests settle in, they kill trees which become dead wood. When climate change raises temperatures and causes droughts, those same dead trees become kindling and the forest fire risk explodes. This past year was the worst forest fire season ever on record in British Columbia, with 1.1 million hectares burning just in that province alone. “This is proof that climate change, that the forest is changing and we need to stay on top of this,” said Nighbor. Nighbor said the industry’s scientists and experts are constantly assessing the situation on the ground and some options could include planting more pest-resistant trees in the future. However, Dan Kraus, national conservation biologist at the Nature Conservancy of Canada, said introducing new species of trees is a dangerous prospect.

Forest fires themselves are natural and necessary to helping the forest rejuvenate itself, Kraus said. Still, he said climate change is making them more frequent and the infestations of beetles and other pests is adding insult to injury. While we can’t point to any particular fire and say climate change caused it, Kraus said it’s clear overall that climate change is playing a role. He said introducing controlled fires in areas with large swaths of dead wood is one option. Harvesting in those areas is another, although he said the heat from fires actually makes a difference in encouraging rejuvenation so harvesting followed by controlled fires may be better. Nighbor said Canadians have to take time to figure out what the forest looks like in the future. “How can we ensure a healthy forest, one that balances ecological imperatives, social imperatives, economic opportunities for the country,” he said.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND ur at could benefit yo Got a great idea th g? prove its wellbein community and im

The Yukon Outfitters Association would like to extend a HEARTY THANKEE, to all the fine folks who supported our annual Fall Round Up, through their mighty generous contributions and by their energetic attenDance.

A ‘Much Obliged’ g to the following: g The Community Development Fund supports community organizations such as groups, associations, and governments with funding for projects that improve Yukon’s communities. Contact our Community Development Advisors! They can help develop your idea and ensure your project fits the funding guidelines. Contact us early, well before submitting your application.

• Community beautification

• Improvements to facilities

• Workshops/ Conferences

• Communications/ Websites

• Tourism initiatives

Call 1-800-661-0408, extension 8125 or email cdf@gov.yk.ca.

The next Community Development Fund application deadline is:

Acceptable projects have included:

• and more...

on 4:30 p.m. 18, for 0 2 , 5 January 1 jects. Tier 3 pro Tier 1 and


Air North Aasman Brand Communications Alkan Air Alpine Aviation Amber Airways Archie and Karen Lang Asahiya Japanese Restaurant Ashley Home Store Bee Whyld Honey Black Sheep Aviation Big Horn Hotel Blackstone Outfitters Blue Moon Trapline Products Bonnet Plume Outfitters Bob and Julia Nichols Carmen Komish Castle Mountain Farms Ceaser Lake Outfitters Dan Keyi Renewable Resources Council Dean Turner Elements Hair Studio and Day Spa The Eldorado Hotel The Feed Store Griffiths Plumbing and Heating Grand Slam Hidden Valley Bed and Breakfast Home Building Center- Watson Lake Hurlburt Enterprises Independent Grocery Kal Tire Klondike Rib and Salmon Listers MacMillian River Adventures Midnight Sun Outfitting Moon Lake outfitters Murdoch’s Gem Shop North Curl Outfitters North Fork Taxidermy Northern Visions Development 98 Hotel Ravens Nook Robert Postma Ruby Range Outfitters Rustic Woodworks Safari Club International Satch

The Sports Lodge Stacey’s Butcher Block Starbucks (Chilkoot Center) Starbucks (Main Street) Steve Mackenzie-Grieve Tammi Johnson Northern Photo Works Tintina Air Tony Grabowski Up North Adventures The Wheel House Restaurant Widrig Outfitters Wild Sheep Foundation Wilderness Solutions Yamaha Yukon Apparel Yukon Big Game Outfitters Yukon Fish and Game Association Yukon Stone Outfitters Yukon Wild Sheepp Foundation

Additional Thanks to to: Our Caterer - Lisa & Graham Gifford Wild Sheep Foundation - Kevin Hurley Coat Check & Clean up - Whitehorse Minor Hockey, Female Mustangs & parents Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre & Staff Kwanlin Dun First Nation for use of its traditional territory The Roxx Hunter Band Our Organizers, Bartenders, Decorators... rators...

Little Footprints, Big Steps was founded to provide ongoing care and protection for the children of Haiti. We welcome and greatly appreciate your support. Please check our website to donate, fundraise or to get involved. An account at Raven Recycling has been set up for Little Footprints Big Steps. People may donate their refundable recycling to help continue Morgan’s work in Haiti.

ll next year!

’a We hope to see y

A Big Bi Round R of Applause to all our community folks and businesses who giddied up and travelled here and for their year round support.


Hats off to everyone and anyone we missed for supporting a long standing Yukon industry.

This ad sponsored by the


Friday, December 22, 2017


YUKON STRONG There’s an impending risk to Yukoners on the horizon and it stems from surcharges on tires that the Yukon Government would like to introduce. That is why the companies you see listed below have joined together to be sure all Yukoners are aware of the proposed changes. The current levy for tires is $5. The proposed levy will see tires categorized by size. For tires greater than 22” the surcharge will increase to $50 per tire. This will affect tires on buses, dump trucks, fuel haulers, freight trucks, home fuel delivery trucks, propane trucks, graders, water trucks, farm equipment, and aircraft. This proposed tire levy would add costs to businesses and individuals that are already struggling to remain competitive in today’s market. The ramifications of this tire levy are potentially far reaching and may not be limited to the transportation industry. The impact could affect the pocket book of every Yukoner. An increase in the tire surcharge could see an increase to every day goods that Yukoners purchase. Food, fuel, building materials, consumer goods, electricity, cable, phone and internet service. If you make a purchase in Yukon, it had to be transported to Yukon. Even more concerning is the potential lay off to the Yukon work force because companies and individuals could decide to purchase their tires outside Yukon. Integra Tire estimates it may have to lay off 20% of its work force with this tax increase. This real possibility is concerning not only for Integra Tire but for other companies that may face a similar decision should this increase be allowed to occur. As a consortium of companies we strive to be environmentally responsible and we understand the need to take care Yukon. We support the Yukon Government’s efforts to keep Yukon the beautiful place we know and love. However, the proposed fee structure, if allowed to be implemented, would be punitive to the Yukon economy and potentially destructive to the Yukon environment. That is why we need your voice. The Yukon Government is looking for public input and here’s how you can have a voice. Go to https://survey.gov.yk.ca/Recycling-Engagement-Survey.aspx to learn more about this tire surcharge or write an email to envprot@gov.yk.ca. Lastly, attend one of the public meeting with the Minister of Community Service and Environment; January 9th 2018 in the Ballroom at Westmark Hotel, Whitehorse. Open house from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. and facilitated discussion from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Let’s work together to help keep Yukon Beautiful. To keep Yukon Working. To keep Yukon Strong!








Friday, December 22, 2017

B.C. ends grizzly bear hunt, calls it ‘no longer socially acceptable’ Geordon Omand Canadian Press

VANCOUVER unting grizzly bears has been banned in British Columbia, a move guides complain will put them out of business while environmentalists say is long overdue. B.C. Forests Minister Doug Donaldson said public consultations have made it clear that killing grizzlies cannot be allowed, with the exception of First Nations who hunt for treaty rights or for food, social and ceremonial reasons. “It is no longer socially acceptable to the vast majority of British Columbians to hunt grizzly bears,” Donaldson said Monday. ”That’s the message.” The spring hunt was scheduled to open in April, but the ban for both resident and non-resident hunters took effect immediately. There are an estimated 15,000 grizzly bears in the province, which Donaldson said is a sustainable population.


In August, the provincial government announced a ban on trophy hunting across all of B.C., which came into effect following the close of the fall hunting season on Nov. 30. The government issued about 1,700 grizzly bear permits in 2017, mostly to B.C. hunters. Around 300 bears are killed in the hunt ever year, about 250 of which are taken by nonFirst Nations hunters. Rachel Forbes, head of the Grizzly Bear Foundation, applauded the ban, which she described as a welcome surprise. “It’s been well over a decade of bad news for bears in B.C., so we’re not usually prepared for good news,” Forbes said. “The easy decision is done,” she added. “Now the hard work on addressing all the other cumulative threats to grizzly bears, such as habitat loss and food supply, has to begin.” Joe Foy of the Wilderness Committee called the ban tremendous news. “We are grateful that the government has finally stepped up to do what

Whitehorse United Church

601 Main Street 667-2989 (Union of Methodist, Presbyterian & Congregational Churches) 10:30 am - Sunday School& Worship Service Rev. Beverly C.S. Brazier

Grace Community Church

8th & Wheeler Street | 668-2003 | Pastor Jim Joe 10:30 am FAMILY WORSHIP WEEKLY CARE GROUP STUDIES Because He Cares, We Care.

Our Lady of Victory

(Roman Catholic) 1607 Birch Street | 633-2647 Saturday Evening Mass: 7:00 pm Confessions before Mass or by appointment. Daily Weekday Mass: Mon-Fri 7:00 pm Monday 7:30 pm Novena Prayers & Adoration | ALL WELCOME


the people have asked for which is an end to this barbaric, bloody sport hunt,” Foy said in a release. Monday’s announcement came two months after B.C.’s auditor general released a report calling on the province to develop a more robust wildlife management strategy for grizzlies. The report noted a lack of population monitoring and described habitat loss as the number 1 threat facing the bears. The Opposition Liberals condemned the New

Riverdale Baptist Church

15 Duke Road, Whse | 667-6620 | www.rbchurch.ca Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am

and Peter Milobar said in a statement. The repercussions for those who work in the hunting and guiding industry will be significant, said Scott Ellis, executive director of the Guide Outfitters Association of B.C. The government unfortunately looked to polls and engagement websites to make this decision, he said, adding that some operators in rural B.C. will likely go out of business as a result of the ban. “Wildlife management

Religious Organizations & Services

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Whitehorse Baptist Church 4th Avenue & Strickland Street 668-4079 tlc@northwestel.net pastor.tlc@northwestel.net EVERYONE WELCOME! 10:00 am

Democrat government’s decision, which it said was prompted by pushback from environmentalists who are angry at a separate decision to move forward with the Site C dam, a controversial hydroelectric megaproject in the province’s northeast. “It’s sad to see the NDP have abandoned scientific-based decision making in favour of political calculus designed to appease U.S.-based environmental groups,” Opposition politicians John Rustad

2060 2ND AVENUE • 667-4889

www.whbc.ca Family Worship & Children’s Ministry Sundays 9:00 am & 11:00 am

St. Nikolai

Bethany Church

A not-for-prophet society.

332-4171 for information | www.orthodoxwhitehorse.org

canadian afÀliation information: northstarpylon@gmail.com

Yukon Bible Fellowship

Quaker Worship Group

Rigdrol Dechen Ling, Vajra North

Church of The Nazarene

An Anglican/Episcopal Church Sunday Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School during Service, Sept to May BISHOP LARRY ROBERTSON 45 Boxwood Crescent • Porter Creek • 633-4032 • All Are Welcome


Religion of the Light and Sound of God For more information on monthly activities, call (867) 633-6594 or visit www.eckankar-yt.ca | www.eckankar.org ALL ARE WELCOME.

Bahá’í Faith

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Saturday Vespers 5:00 pm Sunday Liturgy 10:00 am FR. JOHN GRYBA

website: quaker.ca

Church of the Northern Apostles

The Temple of Set

The World’s Premier Left Hand Path Religion

Meets regularly for Silent Worship. For information, call 667-4615 email: whitehorse-contact@quaker.ca

Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 pm

Box 31419, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 6K8 For information on regular community activities in

Orthodox Christian Mission


Calvary Baptist 1301 FIR STREET | 633-2886 | Pastor L.E. Harrison 633-4089

Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada First Service 10:00 - 11:00 am Sunday School (ages 0-12) 10:00 - 11:00 am Second Service 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 91806 Alaska Highway | Ph: 668-4877 | www.bethanychurch.ca

Pastors: REV. GREG ANDERSON & MICHELLE DREWITZ AfÀliated with Canadian Baptist Ministries and Canadian Baptists of Western Canada

FOURSQUARE GOSPEL CHURCH 160 Hillcrest Drive | Family Worship: Sunday 10:00 am PASTOR SIMON AYRTON PASTOR RICK TURNER www.yukonbiblefellowship.com

is complex,” Ellis said. “And when emotions get involved lots of times we don’t make the best decisions.” Donaldson reassured outfitters that the move to ban the hunt did not suggest the government was eyeing prohibitions on other species. Environment Minister George Heyman cited research suggesting the economic impact of bear viewing is far greater than hunting, both for revenue and job creation. More information will be available in the spring budget outlining how much money the province’s conservation service would receive to enforce the new prohibition, he added. B.C. Green party spokesman Adam Olsen commended the government’s decision, describing it as a breakthrough. “After years of work on this file, my colleagues and I are absolutely overjoyed this decision has finally been made,” Olsen said in a statement.


Whitehorse contact: 867.393.4335


Meeting Times are 10:00 am at 108 Wickstrom Road

The Salvation Army

Buddhist Meditation Society

311-B Black Street • 668-2327

Meditation Drop-in • Everyone Welcome! Mondays 5:15 to 6:15 pm (Except Stat Holidays) 403 Lowe Street | www.vajranorth.org | 667-6951

Sunday Church Services: 11:00 am

Seventh Day Adventist Church Christ Church Cathedral Anglican


Yukon Muslim Association

2111 Centennial St. (Porter Creek) Sunday School & Morning Worship - 10:45 am Call for Bible Study & Youth Group details PASTOR NORAYR (Norman) HAJIAN www.whitehorsenazarene.org | 633-4903

1609 Birch St. (Porter Creek) | 633-5385 | All are welcome. “We’re Open Saturdays!” Worship Service 11:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm - Prayer Meeting

Dean Sean Murphy, Rector | 668-5530 4TH AVENUE & ELLIOTT STREET Sunday Communion Services 8:30 & 10:00 am Thursday Service 12:10 pm (Bag Lunch) OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9:00 am to 12 Noon

1154c 1st Ave • Entrance from Strickland www.yukonmuslims.ca For further information about, and to discover Islam, please contact: Javed Muhammad (867) 332-8116 or Adil Khalik (867) 633-4078 or send an e-mail to info@yukonmuslims.ca

First Pentecostal Church

Sacred Heart Cathedral

TAGISH Community Church

Hope Community Church

www.tagishcc.com | 867-633-4903

Meets each Saturday at 1:00 pm for Worship Service. Please join us at the log church across from the RCMP station. Call Pastor Wade Holmes at 332-9768 for more info.

149 Wilson Drive 668-5727 Sunday 10:00am Prayer / Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Wednesday Praise & Celebration 7:30 pm Pastor Roger Yadon

(Roman Catholic)

4th Avenue & Steele Street • 667-2437 Masses: Weekdays: 12:10 pm Saturday 5:00 pm | Sunday: 9:00 am - English; 10:10 am - French; 11:30 am English

Meets 1st & 3rd Sunday each Month Service starts at 4:00 pm Details, map and information at:



Friday, December 22, 2017



Through the wire: How and when to plug in your car during winter


ow that winter has returned it’s time to look at plugging your vehicle in at night so that you can depend on it starting for you in the morning. Get a really good quality extension cord that will reach from your vehicle to the nearest outdoor plug allowing a generous amount of extra cord. I always like to get a cord that has a built in little LED light that glows when you plug it in, so you know there is power there. It just offers some peace of mind. If you don’t have this type of cord, make sure you test to make sure there is power at the plug you are using. You can do this by plugging in a hair dryer or something. If there isn’t power there then the breaker is likely

turned off to that plug. On the other end of that cord is a heater of some kind. There is likely more than one kind. Over the years many different types of heaters have come and gone. Circulation heaters were quite common at one time. These heaters were basically spliced into a section of heater hose where they heated and circulated the coolant in your engine. There would not be a place to do this with modern engines. Cabin air space heaters were also very common at one time. These heaters were placed on the floor usually in the center of your car under the dash, and kept the inside of your vehicle warm. They are still available today but are not used very much. Technology has replaced the need for these types of heaters. Remote start systems that activate heated seats and heated steering wheels combined with better, quicker heaters now allow you to warm up your vehicle before you get in it. There are three main


A car is plugged into an electrical outlet. heaters used today that you may have installed on your vehicle. Block heaters, oil Pan heaters and battery blankets. Block heaters are the most common type and many vehicles come right from the factory with one already installed. They consist of a simple electric heating element that is installed in your engine block in place of one of your engine’s core plugs. This immerses in your engine’s coolant and keeps your engine block warm. This type of heater will help allow your car to heat up quicker but does

not assist in cold weather starting as much as the next two types. Oil pan heaters consist of a heating element attached to the bottom of your oil pan that keeps your engine oil warm. Warm oil will immediately circulate throughout your engine during start up. Warmer, less viscous engine oil and less condensation of fuel on the cold metal surfaces inside the engine will assist in cold weather starting. Battery blankets are just as they sound: a warming blanket wrapped around your battery that

keeps it insulated and warm when plugged in. This helps prevent the battery from freezing and will help start your car quickly on cold mornings. At cold temperatures, your battery’s ability to provide sufficient power to start and run a vehicle is greatly diminished. Keeping your battery fully charged will also help. Batteries can freeze. A weak battery can start to freeze at 0 C, while a fully charged battery won’t freeze until about -60 C. Batteries are often rated in cold-cranking amperage. This is the amount of current a battery can deliver at -18 C without dropping to a specified voltage. The higher the cold-cranking amperage, the better the battery will perform in the cold. Having all three types of heaters in your vehicle will offer the best help with freezing cold weather starting. According to a study by the University of Saskatchewan, you should plug in your car in the temperature will drop

below -15 C during the night. Check your weather app or the local news to see what the temperature will do. If it’s cold when you get home, plug your vehicle in right away, especially if you have it on a timer. Once you get settled in the house it’s too easy to forget about it. The same study showed that after four hours you are no longer adding any benefit. Timers are very affordable and are available at Walmart, Canadian Tire and Home Hardware. You can plug your extension cord into the timer and then set it to come on four hours before you will need to start your vehicle. Even at -25 C or colder you can probably still start your car without plugging it in, but you shouldn’t. Catch Driving With Jens on CHON FM Thursdays at 8:15. If you have any questions or comments you can reach out to Jens Nielsen at drivingwithjens@gmail. com, Facebook or Twitter: @drivingwithjens.


PROPERTY ASSESSMENT ROLL YUKON GOVERNMENT TAKE NOTICE THAT the revised property assessment roll for property outside of incorporated municipalities has been deposited in the Property Assessment office in Whitehorse. Copies of portions of the assessment roll are also available for inspection in the municipal offices of Watson Lake, Haines Junction, Mayo, Teslin, Carmacks, Faro and Dawson City. The assessment roll is open for inspection by any person. IF YOU OWN property in the Yukon and have not received an assessment notice by December 30, 2017, please advise the assessor’s office. ANY PERSON WHO wants a review of their assessment must file a complaint in writing. Complaints must be mailed to, or left in the office of the assessor within 30 days of this notice.


TAKE NOTICE THAT the revised property assessment rolls for the Villages of Carmacks, Haines Junction, Teslin, Mayo, the Towns of Dawson City, Faro, Watson Lake and the City of Whitehorse have been deposited in the municipal office of each community and the Property Assessment office in Whitehorse. The assessment roll is open for inspection by any person. IF YOU OWN property in the noted communities and have not received an assessment notice by December 30, 2017, please advise the assessor’s office. ANY PERSON WHO wants a review of their assessment must file a complaint in writing. Complaints must be mailed to, or left in the office of the assessor within 30 days of this notice.

DATED DECEMBER 15, 2017. Kelly Eby Chief Territorial Assessor P.O. Box 2703, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6 308 Steele St., 1st floor, Whitehorse, YT Phone: (867) 667-5268, Fax: (867) 667-8276 Toll Free: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5268

DATED DECEMBER 15, 2017. Kelly Eby Chief Territorial Assessor P.O. Box 2703, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6 308 Steele St., 1st floor, Whitehorse, YT Phone: (867) 667-5268, Fax: (867) 667-8276 Toll Free: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5268

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Driven by open ocean, Arctic continues to warm

NEW ORLEANS t this gathering of thousands scientists at a horseshoe bend of the lower Mississippi River, a few talked about a place far away they have been watching for years. “The Arctic shows no sign of returning to the reliably frozen state it was a decade ago,” said Jeremy Mathis, an oceanographer with the Pacific Marine Environmental Lab in Seattle. He was one of four scientists presenting the Arctic Report Card for 2017 at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. More than 20,000 scientists will walk through the doors of the Morial Convention Center during


Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2017-33 6140 Sixth Avenue (Tiny House Development) Amend the RD Residential Downtown zoning of the lot to permit a maximum of ¿YH GZHOOLQJ XQLWV DQG ZDLYH WKH UHTXLUHPHQW for Class 1 bicycle parking. For more information visit whitehorse.ca/ amendments or contact Ben Campbell, Planner II at 668-8338 or ben.campbell@ whitehorse.ca Attend the Public Hearing at City Hall Council Chambers on January 15, 2018 at 5:30pm Email comments by January 15, 2018 at noon to publicinput@ whitehorse.ca

this second week of December. Mathis and others including permafrost expert Vladimir Romanovsky of UAF’s Geophysical Institute shared many scientists’ 2017 observations of the far north during a press conference. They reported much of the same news they have since NOAA scientists presented the first Arctic Report Card in 2007: The northern cap of the globe is warming faster than anywhere else on the planet. In what Mathis called “the darkening of the Arctic,” less sea ice floating on the northern oceans and fewer days of snow on the ground have allowed blue ocean and brown-and-green tundra to receive more heat from the sun. That seems to be playing out in many ways on the northern stage and beyond. On March 7, 2017, satellites recorded the lowest amount of winter sea ice floating on the northern oceans since scientists have been able to see the view from 500 miles above starting in 1979. Chunky, resilient ice that has survived several summers made up only 21



WHY PAY MORE? 203 Main Street

Ned Rozell photo

Northern sea ice off the coast of Alaska. per cent of the northern sea ice cover. Most ice is younger and thinner. Though satellites have allowed overall views of sea ice for only a few decades, a researcher on the panel presented evidence that present low-ice conditions have not existed since at least the Middle Ages. Emily Osborne of the NOAA Arctic Research Program in Maryland looked at lake sediments, ice cores and plugs of sea floor from the Arctic ocean to find evidence of ancient debris that floated out on sea ice and then sunk, and the remains of tiny creatures called diatoms that live in and around sea ice. She found that there is no period in the last 1,500 years that shows a similar disappearance of northern sea ice. “It is normal for sea ice

Season’s Greetings and many thanks for your business in the past year

to vary from year to year, but when you move forward into the last couple decades, the magnitude (of sea ice loss) is unprecedented,” she said. Northern sea ice covered a record low amount of Arctic Ocean a decade ago, in September 2007. When scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center measured the sea ice in November 2017, they found the third-lowest coverage on record. Though 2007 was perhaps not the tipping point that some scientists thought might lead to ice-free Arctic Ocean summers by now, 10 of the lowest sea ice extent years have occurred in the past 11 years. Why does less ice matter? Because loss of its mirror-like surface allows the ocean to absorb the sun’s heat. Some scientists think

there is a connection between Vladimir Romanovsky holding up his phone to show them a well-above average -4 C temperature at his home in Fairbanks and a New Orleans cold snap a few days ago. Snow fell here in this city at 30 degrees north latitude. “Loss of ice in the Chukchi Sea is reinforcing a very wavy jet stream, which might account for the winds and fires in California and cold in the central and eastern U.S. right now,” said oceanographer Jim Overland of the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. He explained that the current record low sea ice coverage in the Chukchi Sea off the northwest coast of Alaska has provided a lot more heat to the atmosphere. Conditions in the Arctic

have always affected weather at lower latitudes, Overland said after the press conference, but the extra northern heat is helping maintain largescale patterns that endure longer. “The jet stream is the door between the Arctic and weather at mid-latitudes,” he said. That door seems to be open more often now than it has been in the past, he said, allowing warmer Arctic air to flow southward and more often affect weather down here. Since the late 1970s, the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Geophysical Institute has provided this column free in cooperation with the UAF research community. Ned Rozell is a science writer for the Geophysical Institute.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! The Village of Teslin would like to thank the following businesses for donating to our 14th Annual House Lighting Contest and Hayride! • • • •

Flaghill Woodworks Nisutlin Trading Post Teslin Landscaping Thomas Electric Ltd.

• • • •

Quality Bearing Stantec Architecture Ltd. Kilrich Industries Ltd. Teslin Tlingit Council

Prize Winners Citizens Favourite: Judges Favourite: Most Original: Best Use of Colour: Commercial:

Cindy Murray Mike Miskel Juanita Kremer Cindy Murray Village of Teslin Office

THANanKothYeOrU for great season!

We’d like to thank... our customers, our vendors, our staff, staff at Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre, & our AMAZING community for your continued support!

Friday, December 22, 2017





Runners brave ice and cold for winter solstice run

John Hopkins-Hill News Reporter


f you could get to the starting line, the winter solstice run on Dec. 16 at Grey Mountain was a prime opportunity to get some exercise outside. Thanks to temperatures that dipped below freezing following some unseasonably warm temperatures, the parking lot and road leading to the trailhead were best described as a skating rink — and things didn’t improve much from there. Don White, a director on the board of Athletics Yukon, said ice was a major factor in the run. “As far as people who actually ran to the stop, a common complaint was the amount of ice on the trail,” said White. “There were areas it was just glare ice and other areas where there was snow on the trail that collected from drifting.” Runners came prepared, with White and others utilizing shoes designed for the ice and some strapping on Yaktrax, a device attached to the bottom Runners take off at the start of the winter solstice run at of shoes or boots to add traction in snow and ice. Grey Mountain. White said the key to a The Jingle Bell Run was good run hinged on the an annual run held in Rivright equipment and being erdale and precursor to the cautious enough about winter solstice run, created where to run. raise Ice aside, “There were areas to money and this year’s run was bigger it was just glare food for the food bank, than most. ice and other with par“It’s probaareas where there ticipants bly the biggest up turnout we’ve was snow on the dressing in cosever had,” said trail that collected tumes and White. “We’ve the focus done it when from drifting.” squarely it was -35 C, on having a we’ve done good time. it when it was -5 C; we’ve Since the summer been there under all sorts solstice run is held at Grey of weather conditions and regardless we’ve always had Mountain, organizers people come out, but never made the decision to hold a winter solstice run at Grey quite this many.” Mountain too. More than 30 runners “If we do it in the summade it in time for a group mer months, we’ll do it in photo before the start, but the winter as well,” said including latecomers, the White, explaining the phitotal number of runners losophy behind the change. was somewhere between Despite the subpar trail 40 and 50. conditions, White said this The winter solstice run Although not usually at year’s run was good. didn’t have an entry fee. the event in large numbers, “The run as a whole Instead, runners made White added that this year’s from our end of it was donations to the food bank overwhelming,” said White. run probably had fewer — a tradition dating back children that years past. “We didn’t expect so many to the earliest days of the “There weren’t too many people.” run before it was held at

John Hopkins-Hill/Yukon News

Grey Mountain on Dec. 16. Below, a pair of stragglers set off from the starting line.

kids involved this year. Most times there aren’t, but we’ve had people and families in the past and they’ll take the kids in toboggans and sleds,” said White. “I

only saw two young ones this time.” Even though the roads were icy, the parking lot was icy and the trails were icy, White said it didn’t

seem to dampen anyone’s spirits. “People had a good time.” ContactJohnHopkins-Hillat john.hopkinshill@yukon-news.com





Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Insomnia Tournament back for 2017

The Yukon News is available at these wonderful stores in Whitehorse:



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Tom Patrick/Yukon News file

Fellowship of the Big Squish’s Boris Hoefs gets by the Liverpool goalkeeper in the final of the 2016 Christmas Insomnia Tournament. John Hopkins-Hill News Reporter

AND … Kopper King McCrae Petro Takhini Gas Yukon College Bookstore



he holiday season is here, and that means the 2017 Insomnia Christmas Tournament is right around the corner. Started in 2004 as a Boxing Day tournament, the Insomnia moniker came from the rather extreme kick-off times for matches, said organizer Alejandro Pulido. “I remember a tournament with games starting at 1 a.m. It used to be a tournament that was run almost throughout the night, so that’s where ‘insomnia’ came about,” said Pulido, adding that even the new schedule could disrupt a few sleep cycles. “It’s a long day — starting at 7 in the morning and going until 10 at night,” said Pulido. “Even starting at 7 a.m. can cause some people insomnia, especially over the holidays.” Five women’s teams and eight men’s teams are set to take part in the four-day indoor soccer tournament starting Dec. 28. Organizer Haley Stallabrass said the decision to include games on the Thursday was made to ensure the semi-final and final matches didn’t fall on the evening on Dec. 31.

“It’s ending on New Year’s Eve day, so we wanted it to end a little bit earlier. We don’t normally do the Thursday evening, but this year we’re doing it,” said Stallabrass. The timing of the tournament is unique, designed to be late enough in the year for returning university students to take part and far enough from Christmas to not interfere with family activities. Organizers have conducted Facebook polls in the past to pick the perfect weekend. All the games are played using traditional indoor soccer rules. Picture hockey boards, rather than the increasingly popular futsal variant of the sport. Pulido said there has been debate about switching the format to futsal, but that the desire to maintain the faster pace of indoor soccer has prevailed thus far. Stallabrass agreed. “They’re totally trying to move towards futsal for technique and players building skills, but we’re just trying to keep it nostalgic,” said Stallabrass. With time, both Pulido and Stallabrass conceded the format could change. “The age group that plays in this tournament

is still the age group that would have grown up playing indoor soccer. I can see the tournament in the future moving to futsal because eventually the people that grew up playing futsal are going to be the ones running the tournament,” said Pulido. The real appeal of the tournament is for players who may not have time to dedicate to a league, but can clear a weekend for soccer. “Some people will not play all year round, but they will play in this tournament,” said Stallabrass. The MVP trophy for the tournament was renamed to the Donny Richardson Award this year, following his death in January. Organizers also have t-shirts for all participants with Richardson’s name and number 20 on them. “He was huge in the soccer community,” said Stallabrass. “He played in this tournament every year. So this year, to honour him we got t-shirts for everybody.” Additional t-shirts will be available to the public at the tournament by donation, with proceeds from shirt sales going to a charity yet to be determined. Contact John Hopkins-Hill at john.hopkinshill@

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Friday, December 22, 2017






Jan 21/Feb 18

Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk.


Aquarius, words shared at work may have you worried you’ve burned some bridges. It’s not the case. Others still look to you for help and guidance and value your input.

Feb 19/Mar 20 It’s common to make life assessments throughout the year, Pisces. Jot down some easy changes you can make for the future.

PISCES Mar 21/Apr 20


You may be operating on some false information, Aries. It’s better to get the facts before going forward in the coming days. You may end up changing directions midweek.

Apr 21/May 21



Taurus, if you are feeling upset because someone is getting more attention than you, you may need to focus your thoughts elsewhere. Think of what makes you special.

May 22/Jun 21


Your emotions may be all over the map in the coming days, Gemini. The secret is to surround yourself with people who will guide you in the right direction.

Jun 22/Jul 22


Cancer, there is a time for joking around and a time for being serious. This week you may have to lean toward the latter. Others may not share your joviality right now.

Jul 23/Aug 23


Running yourself ragged, especially early in the week, will cause all of your energy stores to fizzle out, Leo. You need to learn to pace yourself better for the long haul.

Aug 24/Sept 22


You are always one to lend a helping hand, Virgo. But now you may need to call in some favors of your own. Don’t be afraid to ask for help this week.

CLUES ACROSS 1. Emaciation 6. Exchequer 10. Sacs where fungi develop 14. First letter of the Hebrew alphabet 15. Unexplored waters 17. Berkeley athletes 19. Norse giantess 20. Crater on the moon 21. Resembles velvet 22. Pearl Jam’s debut album 23. Hair-like structure 24. Turfs

26. Put in advance 29. First son of Lot 31. Native American language 32. Furry family member 34. Vedic God of fire 35. Genie 37. German city 38. Acquire 39. Cambodia currency 40. A person from a Balkan republic 41. More simple 43. Bleats

45. “The other white meat” 46. __ student: learns healing 47. 04492, town in Maine 49. Paddle 50. Airline once owned by Howard Hughes 53. Big 10 athlete 57. Inflammation of the intestine 58. Key’s comedic partner 59. Chamomile and black are two 60. Distress signal 61. Assn. for translators

22. Touchdown 23. From end to end 24. __ Claus 25. Jedi Master Kenobi 27. Fencing swords 28. Famed child psychiatrist 29. Gossip 30. S-shaped lining 31. ‘__ death do us part 33. Bar bill 35. Placed over a vowel to indicate sound 36. Steve Martin was one 37. Low paid educator (abbr.) 39. One who rampages 42. Backbones

43. “Friday Night Lights” director 44. Anno Domini 46. One-time Yankees sensation Kevin 47. Fermented grape juice 48. Peruvian province 49. Former Braves outfielder Nixon 50. Entertainment award 51. Feeling good 52. Greek god of war 53. Famed NYC museum 54. Of the ears 55. Select 56. Friend to the carrot

Sept 23/Oct 23


Libra, think financial decisions through before acting. Patience is a friend when making important financial decisions, and it’s time to take such matters more seriously.

Oct 24/Nov 22


Scorpio, try something outside of your wheelhouse in the coming days. You have a knack for teaching yourself new skills, and you are a fast learner.

CLUES DOWN 1. Measures engine speed (abbr.) 2. Wings 3. Founded a phone company 4. Upon 5. Superhigh frequency 6. Colorless liquid 7. Hostelries 8. __ fi (slang) 9. One who accompanies 10. Where rockers play 11. “__ the Man” Musial 12. Waxy cover on some birds’ beaks 13. Software that monitors for malicious activity (abbr.) 16. Becomes less intense 18. Lyric poems

Nov 23/Dec 21


Sagittarius, you might be seeking answers in the wrong places. Refine your parameters and look in a new direction, especially if a resolution is taking awhile.

Dec 22/Jan 20


Capricorn, if family life is taking over and tiring you out, shift your gears in another direction. You need to recharge and let your other interests take over for awhile.





Friday, December 22, 2017

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Small, self-contained bachelor apartment, downtown, heat, lights & basic cable include, N/P, no parties, available immediately, $825/mon. 668-5558

Wanted to rent: Mature professional couple, no children, no pets, excellent tenants looking for rental, no condo or apt, on long-term basis within 25 kms. of Whitehorse, $1,300-$1,500 range. 668-2714

Mayo District Placer Claims on a tributary of proven productive creek for sale or lease to own. Includes new ten-year class-4 water license. Map number 105M-11. Richard (867) 668-7963

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Minute Taker

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) is calling for expressions of interest for the position of minute taker for Chief and Council Meetings. Chief and Council Meetings take place 2-4 days per month. Expectations: • Travel will be required for meetings which take place in Haines Junction, Whitehorse or CAFN communities. • Possess a valid Yukon driver’s license and own vehicle. • Responsible for providing their own laptop for transcribing minutes. • A quick turnaround time is required for minutes. Application process: The expression of interest should include your skills for the position, an updated resume and any references. Please include an amount you would expect for the contract. Deadline for submission: Friday, January 5, 2018 at 4:30 p.m.

667-7681 or cell 334-4994 23 Lorne Rd. in McCrae


For more information please contact: Attn: Doreen Williams, Executive Council Office Box 5310, Haines Junction, YT Y0B 1L0 Fax: (867) 634-2760 | Email: drwilliams@cafn.ca

Friday, December 22, 2017









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Chief Executive Of½cer and President


Various Positions Available

The Chief Executive Of½cer and President for the Kluane Dana ShäĀw Limited Partnership will ful½ll the mandate of creating wealth through investments. The Chief Executive Of½cer and President will maximize ½nancial growth and returns in a manner that respects the culture and tradition of KFN.

Night shifts, Part-Time

Bring your resume to Darla @ the Jarvis Street Saloon

Reporting to the Kluane Dana ShäĀw Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Of½cer and President has the overall responsibility for:


• Leading, directing and managing the day to day operations and administration of KDSLP; • Financial management, strategic planning, and implementation; • Supervising KDSLP’s businesses and projects; • Seeking and managing the funding and implementation for new business opportunities; • Ensuring positive and productive public relations with the community, KFN, partners and stakeholders;

TTC Invites resumes for

Records Information Manager

Kluane Dana ShäĀw Corporation is the independent, for-pro½t, business investment vehicle for the shareholders of the Kluane First Nation.

This is a regular full time position

Reporting to the Executive Manager, the Records Manager ensures effective development and administration of processes and procedures for storage and maintaining of TTC’s information and records in all formats and mediums most commonly appearing in paper and electronic. This position also develops processes for auditing compliance to the standards put in place.

Quali½ed applicants will need to submit a resume on or before the Closing Date: January 12, 2018 For a complete job description, please contact: Willow Lacosse, ¼nancemanager@kluanecorp.ca 867.668.2333 ext.0

Main Duties & Responsibilities • The key responsibility of this position is to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulations regarding the creation, storage and retention of both paper and electronic records • Manages and directs the preservation of the corporate history and valuable information throughout • Manages the resources of the records management team

Finance Supervisor This is a regular full time position

Reporting to the Director Finance, this position is responsible for maintaining the integrity and accuracy of Ànancial information for the Teslin Tlingit Council and for the quality and timeliness of Ànancial reports and assistance provided in the development of accounting standards, policies and procedures. This position involves the supervision and development of accounting staff responsible for accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, banking and investments and Ànance support. This position ensures the timely collection of housing rent and other accounts receivable.

• Ability to maintain strict conÀdentiality is a mandatory requirement • Valid Class 5 Driver’s License • Sign & agree to abide by TTC Oath of ConÀdentiality & Code of Conduct

Duties, Education & Experience • Supervises Finance staff • Manages collection services for TTC and provides credit counselling, instructs and mentors staff in the collection process • Knowledge of and experience in reconciling accounts/statements • Knowledge of payroll practices and principles. • Reviews all inputs for posting into the general ledger of the Teslin Tlingit Housing Society (TTHS) • Oversees and ensures the accuracy and timelines of the TTHS agreement. • The Finance Supervisor assists TTC Home Ownership applicants to Ànd solutions for outstanding debt. • Oversees, reviews and monitors TTC contracts and makes sure that TTC policies have been applied to the contracts • ensuring invoices do not exceed approved contracts amounts and keeps a listing of all contractors for WCB reporting at the calendar year end

For more information please call 867.390.2532 ext 316 Please quote the job title in the subject line of your email, fax and/or cover letter: Workforce Development, Teslin Tlingit Council Box 133,Teslin, Yukon Y0A 1B0 | F. 867.390.2176 humanresources@ttc-teslin.com

Closing Date: Thursday, January 11, 2018 **No later than 4pm**

as soon as possible. *12 hours a week *2 or 3 times per week as preferred *Year round Please text 867-336-4112

Children Children’s Misc Boys clothes, sizes 3T to 7X, excellent condition, including winter gear (snow pants, jackets etc), brand names and assorted. 393-2630 Toy organizer, good condition, $40. 393-2630

Computer Equipment Vector Research FM/AM stereo receiver, 5-disc DVD changer, 2 Sony speakers, $150; Logitech wireless keyboard, compact, like new, $80; Logitech wireless rechargeable touchpad, like new, $45. 668-4186

Firearms Blackhawk Serpa holster, left for model 1911, 5”, full size, 668-6066 Hand guns for sale, all very quality. Dave @ 336-3865 for info LICENSED TO BUY, SELL & CONSIGN rifles & ammo at G&R NEW & USED 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY * SELL

Habitat for Humanity Yukon (HFHY) is seeking an Executive Director to manage day to day operations. Reporting to the volunteer Board of Directors, the Executive Director (ED) serves as the leader of the organization and its primary public representative. Habitat for Humanity Yukon (habitatyukon.org) is a notfor-profit organization working toward a world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live. HFHY is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity Canada (habitat.ca) and is part of Habitat for Humanity International (habitat.org). The Executive Director is a half time position, responsible for planning; human resource development; finance and risk management; stakeholder relationships and communications; operational effectiveness; and Board support and leadership. The successful candidate must have knowledge and skills developed through a minimum of 5 years work experience in an executive or management position dealing with annual budgets of $500,000.00 or more. Ideal areas of previous employment and volunteer experience include social service/ housing delivery, the non-profit sector, staff/contractor supervision and working with volunteers. Potential candidates can submit resumes and cover letters to:

TTC Invites resumes for

Conditions of Employment



For more information contact HFHY either in writing or electronically at the above addresses.

• Graduation from an accredited college or university in records and document management program, information management program, archival or library science or minimum of 5 years related experience in the industry as a certiÀed records manager (ICRM). • Demonstrated experience in using records management or document management software and general information systems • Experience in establishing and scheduling records disposal protocols and procedures • Good understanding of information management principles, information systems and archives • Knowledge of electronic imaging, storing, arranging, indexing, classifying records and documents

Help Wanted


Habitat for Humanity Yukon, P.O. Box 31118, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5P7 or electronically to info@habitatyukon.org


Education & Experience



hand $25. good more

Grade 12 supplemented with two years course work towards an Accounting Designation, or the equivalent in training and experience. Course work or relevant experience using various applicable software programs such as ACCPAC, Microsoft OfÀce and Ceridian Dayforce Payroll/HR module The incumbent should demonstrate great communication and supervisory skills. The successful candidate will also have a strong knowledge of TTC’s history, traditions, TTC Final Agreement, Constitution, Self – Government and Implementation Plan. For a job description please call 867.390.2532 ext 316 To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume Workforce Development, Teslin Tlingit Council Box 133,Teslin, Yukon Y0A 1B0 | F. 867.390.2176 humanresources@ttc-teslin.com

Closing Date: Thursday, January 11, 2018 **no later than 4pm**

Northern Native Broadcasing Yukon EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY

General Manager

Ǧ ǡ ǡ Ǩ Job Summary: ȋ Ȍǡ ǡ ȋ ȌǤ ǡ ǡ ϐ Ǥ ǡ ϐ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Essential Qualiϐications: Ǧ ǡ ǡ ǡ ϐ ϐ ǯ Ǥ ǡ Ǣ Ǣ ǡ Ǥ Salary: Hours: Ǧ Relocation: Additional Information: The closing date for this competition is January 15, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. Ǥ Ȁ ̷ Ǥ ȋͺ͸͹Ȍ ͵͵ͶǦͶͷͷ͵Ǥ





Friday, December 22, 2017







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First in Creating Opportunities


Shawkwunlee Daycare Manager Competition #17-18-55 | Regular Full-Time Salary: $73,691.35 - $86,208.46 Level - 8 Location: Haines Junction, YT CAFN is an equal opportunity employer, however, qualified Aboriginal applicants will be given priority in accordance with the Aboriginal Employment Preference Policy of the Canadian Human Right Commission. We thank all those who apply but only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. An eligibility list will be created from this posting. For a complete job description please check the CAFN website at www.cafn.ca or contact below. Deadline: 4:30 pm on January 5, 2018 Send current resumes and supporting documents to: Capacity and Policy Development Department Fax: (867) 634-2108 Phone: (867) 634-4200 ext. 241 or ejackson@cafn.ca

Does being a part of one of Canada’s most dynamic environmental and socio-economic assessment processes interest you? YESAB is an independent, arms-length body responsible for carrying out the assessment responsibilities under the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA). Our commitment is to be an impartial, effective and efficient organization that provides assistance to all involved in the assessment process.

Financial Service Representative The Company: First Nations Bank of Canada (www.fnbc.ca) is a federally chartered bank primarily focused on providing financial services to the Aboriginal marketplace in Canada. We are focused on delivering superior customer service and offering a full range of personal and business banking products to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, corporations and governments. Location: We are looking for a motivated and experienced individual to fill the position of Financial Service Representative on a Monday through Friday work week. This position is based in our Whitehorse, Yukon office. The Challenge: As Financial Service Representative you take on an important share in the overall functioning and success of the branch. You are accountable for providing professional and friendly service to customers by understanding their needs and providing the right banking solutions including; credit and credit counseling, investment products and investment counseling, opening new accounts and promoting the sale of all personal banking products and services. You will contribute to the achievement of business objectives and volume growth through developing strong customer relationships and by your continuous display of expertise and knowledge. Your effectual communication, professional image, pleasant personality, as well as strong attendance, punctuality and reliability will be important to your success. Qualifications: • Previous personal lending experience preferably in the banking industry • Ability to provide and maintain high standards of customer service • Must be sales focused with the ability to assist in achieving retail business objectives by working closely with the Branch Manager in developing new and existing business opportunities • Understanding and ability to provide strong assistance in minimizing credit and non-credit losses • Ability to maintain a high level of compliance and adhere to internal controls and procedures • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills • Highly motivated and enthusiastic with exceptional organizational skills • Flexible and willing to take on tasks as assigned with ability to adapt to changing work priorities • Must be a self-starter and supportive to a team of professionals

Make First Nations Bank of Canada Your First Choice Please submit your cover letter and resume to: alison.mclellan@fnbc.ca

Case Manager

Competition #17-18-52 | Regular Full Time Salary: $64,479.97 - $75,432.44 Level 7 Location: Haines Junction, YT Brief description: Reporting to the Wellness Manager, this position is responsible for providing comprehensive social support to CAFN community members in the areas of mental wellness, addictions and trauma, including outreach prevention, pretreatment, support counselling. The position also oversees the Income Assistance Program in collaboration with other Case Manager colleagues. This includes seamless intake and administration of screening and assessment tools, along with aftercare and recovery programming. For a complete job description please check the CAFN website at www.cafn.ca or contact below. Deadline: Until Filled Send current resumes and supporting documents to: Capacity and Policy Development Department Fax: (867) 634-2108 Phone: (867) 634-4200 ext. 241 or ejackson@cafn.ca

Merchandise for Sale Firearms

Remington Model 4 .270 w/4X Leupold scope, $650; Ruger Blackhawk .177 cal pellet rifle, $100. 334-5024


Teslin Designated Office Full-time, 11 month term Located in Teslin, this position reports to the Regional Operations Manager and is responsible for managing the daily operations of the designated office. This position conducts and leads environmental and socio-economic assessment of projects within the designated area to identify environmental and socioeconomic impacts while incorporating traditional knowledge of First Nations and local knowledge into assessments. This includes identifying project effects and mitigation measures for adverse effects, determining the significance of any residual effects and developing recommendations. The annual salary range for this position is $86,238.79 - $99,699.33 Should either of these exciting opportunities be of interest we’d like to hear from you. Submissions must clearly identify the relevant position title and office location, include both a cover letter and résumé and clearly outline how your background and experience make you the ideal candidate for the desired position.

Please submit applications to: Finance and Administration Manager, YESAB Suite 200 – 309 Strickland Street, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2J9 Ph: 867.668.6420 Fax: 867.668.6425 or email to yesab@yesab.ca Toll free: 1.866.322.4040 Applications must be received by end of day January 7, 2018.

Store (867) 633-3276 Dev (867) 335-5192 Carl (867) 334-3782

Beetle-killed spruce from Haines Junction, quality guaranteed Everything over 8" split Prices as low as $250/cord Single and emergency half cord deliveries Scheduled delivery





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Furniture Rubberwood table & 6 chairs, $650; single size day bed, black frame, $75; purple wooden rocking chair, $50; 4 wooden TV tables & stand, $25; popcorn maker, $35. 334-1043

Misc. for Sale 2014 Yamaha YS1028J 28” snow thrower, less than 10 hrs use, paid $4,700, asking $3,000. 332-2064 2-sided dart board, baseball on other side, hardly used, comes with 5 darts, $25. 456-7880

Job descriptions are available at: YESAB Head Office, Suite 200 – 309 Strickland Street in Whitehorse Teslin Designated Office, 8 McLeary Street in Teslin or on our website at www.yesab.ca/employment


DRY FIREWOOD Solid, good quality wood. Full cords, $250 per cord. Call 334-8036

The annual salary range for this position is $70,215.23 - $80,953.03



Marlin XS7VH bolt action .308, heavy barrel, c/w bipod & 4-12x40 Bushnell scope, $450 obo. Call/text 35-3731

Wanted: Large, heavy gun safe; also No. 4 Lee Enfields only matching and un-sporterized. Email thirtypound@hotmailcom or call 867-9933911


Head Office, Whitehorse Full-time, one year term Located in Whitehorse, this position reports to the Project Assessment Manager and is responsible for being part of a team reviewing, analyzing and evaluating project submissions from proponents. This position supports Senior Assessment Officers, the Executive Committee and YESAB Panels in environmental and socio-economic assessments. This support includes identifying project effects and mitigation measures for adverse effects, determining the significance of any residual effects and developing recommendations.


WHITEHORSE MONEY MART 2190 Second Avenue 867-668-6930 Open 7 Days A Week

31” Craftsman snow blower, used 2 winters, like new, paid $1,400, asking $700. August or Dave, 393-4796 7.5’ Rocky Mountain Pine Christmas tree, well cared for, $60; selection of LED lights & decorations available, reasonably priced. 633-4311 Chinese sky lanterns, different colours, good for New Year, $3 each. 333-9020 Commercial steel fireproof door, unused, c/w frame & all hardware, A$500. 867-536-2345

Friday, December 22, 2017

Help Wanted


Help Wanted

Expression of interest to serve on the Ta’an Kwach’an Judicial Council:

- Are A you a Wolf W or a Crow Elder of a Yukon First Nation descendant? - Are justice, fairness and traditional laws important to you? We are seeking two non-TKC citizens, one Wolf Elder and one Crow Elder, interested in serving on the TKJC for a term period of five years. The Judicial Council is established pursuant to section 11 of the Constitution of the Ta’an Kwach’an Council.

If you’re interested please forward your expression of interest to: clerkofcouncil@taan.ca 867) 668-3613 ext 210

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Canvas Tents & Wood Stoves Lowest Prices in Canada Tents will ship by Greyhound from Castlegar, BC Canvas Tent Shop www.canvastentshop.ca 1-800-234-1150 Call for Prices Counter unit with 2X2 drawers & cubby, 21”Wx12’Lx40” tall, heavy melamine top, exc cond, for hobby room/shop, can be cut, $400. 8672345 Elliptical trainer, cardio style, barely used, $500 obo. 633-4311

Help Wanted

Eddie Bauer ladies black Superior down parka, fur on hood, never worn, sz large, fits 12-24, $300; Ladies Calgary Flames jersey, sz XL, fits sz 12, $75. 668-7383 lv msg Elastic Tattoo Arm Sleeves, $20 ea, ix/match with T-shirts or mood, unisex, comfortable, stretchable, one size fits most. 333-9020 Front tire only for fat tire bike, rim/tire/brake disc assembly complete, 26” x 4”, $100. 633-4311 Kilm, middle-eastern, 5X8, navy, cotton, small folk animals, tan border, $65. 334-1875 Satellite radio & boom box, antenna & mounting bracket, $100. 393-3924

Help Wanted

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Sporting Goods

KLONDIKE UPHOLSTERY We recover: * Snowmobiles * Boats * RVs * ATV seats * Restaurant seats * Heavy equipment seats We also sell DYI supplies, foam cushions and mattresses. Call or text 867-335-2301

Liquid brand snowboard, 59”L, 149cm, alien & NYC artwork, Preston bindings, good cond, $225; Harlick men’s figure skates, professional, sz 10, exc cond. 668-4186

Large stuffed white tiger, $50; cranberries; near new soft tub & pump, $300; new cabinet with glass front & shelves, drawer in bottom, from Cdn. Tire, $225. 393-1992 NSP 250 rowing machine, $125; Fitness Flyer stepper exerciser, $175, both in good working order. 6334656 Pine bench, pine chairs, antique sideboard, bird’s eye maple shelf unit, filing cabinet, queen size Amish 4-poster bed. 668-7639 RON’S SMALL ENGINE SERVICES Repairs to Snowmobiles, Chainsaws, Lawnmowers, ATV’s, Small industrial equipment. Light automotive & welding repairs available 867-332-2333 lv msg Sink & counter-top combo, new, white, call for dimensions, $75. 3341875 Sorel 1964-style high top winter boots, waterproof leather upper, rated at -40, 12” high, size 10, $90 obo. 633-4311 Wind-up radio, BayGen Freeplay, SW, AM & FM, new, $35. 334-1875

Misc. Wanted Wanted: Black personal shopper cart with wheels & bag, in good condition; wool felt material, approx. 60”x48”. 333-9169 Wanted: Blankets. Call 333-9169 Wanted: Condensed Reader’s Digest books. 667-4540 Wanted: Light therapy SAD lamp. 689-9971 Wanted: Mercury Quicksilver 6 gallon metal outboard fuel tank. 6335575


Are you a recent Yukon post-secondary graduate student and ready to put your education to work? Apply to the GradCorp (the Yukon government’s internship program) and kick-start your career while putting your passion, ideas and energy to work.

Looking for NEW Business / Clients? Advertise in The Yukon News Classifieds!

Stereo / DVD / TV Transportation

Take Advantage of our 6 month Deal... Advertise for 5 Months and

Auto Accessories/Parts


25” Samsung flat screen TV, $100. 668-7383

17” 6-hole aluminum rims off 2006 F-150, fits many years, excellent shape, use for summer/winter tires, $400. 867-536-2345 4 Jeep rims, 3 good tires, off 1994 Cherokee, $100. 334-5186 4 studded winter tires, 6 ply, 265/70R17, exc cond, used one winter, $350. 333-0237 5th wheel hitch, $1000. 334-5186 Cable chains, 14”, $25; Acura wheel lock kit, complete, $30. 633-4311

Cars - Domestic

2015 Ram 2500 00 Laramie

2010 2-passenger automatic scooter, 250cc, new cover, windshield, 400kms, new condition, $2,500. 333-9020

To apply, visit the Yukon government job board and click on the position that you are interested in.


with the Classifieds.

With our extensive, organized listings, readers will find your ad easily, so you won’t be climbing the walls looking for buyers.

Photo Ads 2 weeks! 4 issues!

Luxury Model

AWD, Red, winter studded tires


Photo + 30 words


2014 Ram 3500 SLT



6.7L Cummins diesel, grey, Crew cab, 4x4


+ gst

What do you want to sell?

39,995 6300km

6.7L Cummins diesel, black, ack, Crew cab, 4x4, Bed coverr




2007 Toyota Seqoia 4-DOOR LIMITED BLACK 26,500 $ 2014 Ram 1500 Crew 4X4 SLT, WHITE 28,900 $ 2014 GMC Acadia SLE2 BLACK 27,900 $ 2017 Chev Cruze PREMIER TURBO, GREY 27,900 $ 2016 Ski-Doo Summit LONG TRACK, REVERSE 7,595 2016 Chrysler 200 LX 4-DOOR, BLACK 2500KM $26,900 $ 2011 Kia Sorento LX AWD WHITE 14,900 $ 2010 Ford Mustang GT CONVERTIBLE, 5.0L 19,995 $ 2004 Chrysler Intrepid BLACK 2,995 2017 Double Ski-Doo Trailer S/A, 14’ RAMPS, NEW $2,900 $ 2001 Chev 3500 15 PASS WGN, WHITE, LOW KMS 6,900 ..........................


........................................................ ...............................................

.............................. ...................

........................................................ .............................

.................................................................... ....


zda 3 Sport GT

2006 Ma r, 6 disk CD change Excellent shape, nual, ma d sp 5 , ats se ther A/C, Heated lea /L, ntrols, sunroof, PW Steering wheel co king $7,500 As . try en ss yle Ke 0-0000 Call or text 000-00

Other Older Models going for between

$199.00 to $399.00!!!!!

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK In-House Financing Available

For Quick Approval call: 668-5559

#4 Fraser Road, McCrae, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S8

EMAIL: woloshyn@northwestel.net




867.667.6285 211 Wood Street, Whitehorse


Off Road Vehicles 2011 Arctic Cat ATV 4-wheeler, green, Hi-Lo tranny, 60” snowblade. lots of extras, $6,500. 334-9919

Snowmobiles Harley Davidson snowmobiles, one running, other good for parts, 400ccm, 2-cylinder, 2-stroke, 1973/1974, $950 for both. 867-3993920 eves

13 DENVER ROAD in McCRAE • 668-6639

Custom-cut Stone Products



Trucks & Vans

Yukon GradCorp


SALES • BODY SHOP • PARTS • SERVICE 2016 Hyundai ai Santa FE Sport ort

1999 Toyota Camry, good cond, $1,200 obo. 633-4115 or cell 3340254 2001 Jeep TJ 4.0 Sport, new motor, lots of good things, $6,500 obo. 6333982 for more info 2012 Chevrolet Cruze LT, automatic, only 56,000 kms, beautiful condition, ready to go, recently serviced, extra set of all season tires, $9,550. 333-9020 2014 Ford Focus ST, well maintained, all factory options & more, winter pkg, balance of warranty/service pkg, $20,000 obo. 335-8412 4 new studded winter tires with rims, Hercules Avalanche Extreme, 185/60 R15, fits Yaris and small cars, only 200kms on them, $700. 667-4681


Book Your Ad Today! T: 667-6285 • F: 668-3755 E: wordads@yukon-news.com

TRUCK CANOPIES in stock *New Dodge long/short box *New GM long/short box *New Ford long/short box Hi-Rise & Cab Hi several in stock View at centennialmotors.com 393-8100

Motorcycles Help Wanted



1993 Jeep Wrangler, over $12,000 invested, Rubicon 3” lift on 32” BFG, great for hunting, bush, exploration, plowing, $4,000, or will trade for Skidoo Skandic or Argo in running order. 867-536-2345 1994 GMC Sierra 1500, 4x4, ext cab, short box, winter tires @ 40%, automatic. Many new parts. $2700 firm. 334-8086 2002 Ford F-350 Super Duty flatdeck Dually, 2WD, runs great, good tires, good glass, 240,000kms, $4500 OBO. 335-5465 2006 Dodge Caravan, good condition, $1,200 obo. 633-4115, cell 334-0254 2007 Chev 2500HD crew cab 4x4, great unit, 175,000kms, many options, trailer tow, fully serviced, new brakes & battery, $13,500 obo. 6334311 2008 Ford F-150 King Ranch Supercrew, 4X4, 5.4L, 6.5’ box, sunroof, power everything, heated leather, backup camera, canopy, 2nd owner, non-smoker, 130,000kms, $18,000 obo. 336-4005 2012 Chevrolet Silverado LT 1500 crew cab, studded tires, tonneau cover, 30 mpg, Z71 suspension, bucket seats command start, $16,500. 867-994-2262 call to be seen in Whitehorse.


TOYOTA Used Vehicle Specials!

2007 Acura RDX 4DR SUV #8223A ............................................................................................ $12,695 2014 Toyota Corolla LE #8137A....................................................................................................... $16,395 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser 4WD 4DR AUTO #8099A................................................$20,395 2012 Nissan Frontier PRO-4X #8123A ................................................................................ $21,395 2016 Jeep Renegade Trailhawk #8161A ......................................................................... $27,995 2013 Ford F-150 Limited#8130A .................................................................................................$44,395 2012 Ram 1500 SLT #7987A..................................................................................................................$27,395 2014 Toyota Corolla LE STOCK #8059A

$15,895 2015 Ford Escape SE STOCK #8086B

$20,995 2012 Toyota Tundra SR5 STOCK #8204A


2012 Toyota Corolla CE STOCK #8135B

$11,995 2013 Toyota 4Runner SR5 TRAIL TEAMS STOCK #8175A

$38,995 2013 Toyota Tundra SR5 STOCK #8144A


WE BUY USED CARS • 6111-6TH AVENUE AT MAIN STREET • 667-7202 SALES HOURS: MON-FRI 8:30-5:30 • OPEN SAT 10-4 • PARTS & SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 8:00-5:30 • SAT 9-1 www.micmactoyota.com TOLL FREE 1-877-667-7202 EXT 2

email: sales@micmac.toyota.ca




Friday, December 22, 2017







Utility Trailers


Coming Events

Coming Events

Coming Events

Coming Events

New Triton 12’ alum snowmobile trailer, 15� tires, tongue jack, spare tire and carrier, V nose, drive on, drive off. Never used, $3450. 6676752 or 332-8706

QUALITY YUKON MEAT No hormones, steroids or additives Grass raised grain ďŹ nished. Hereford beef - $5.50/lb Domestic pork - $5/lb Domestic wild boar - $6/lb Order now for guaranteed spring or fall delivery. Whole, half or custom order. Samples available 668-7218 * 335-5192

Chilkoot Trail/Log Cabin: Non-motorized weekends, December 8-10 & 29-31. Other weekends & weekdays: multi-use. For info 867-6673910

Grief Discussion Group hosted at Hospice January 18, 25 and February 1, 2018. For more info call 6677429

Horaire piste Chilkoot/Log Cabin: Multi-usage sauf du 8 au 10 et du 29 au 31 Decembre: activities non motorisees. 867-667-3910

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

TAIT’S TRAILERS www.taittrailers.com taits@northwestel.net Quality new and used Horse * Cargo * Equipment trailers for sale or rent Call Anytime 334-2194 Southern prices delivered to the Yukon

Boats InďŹ niti whitewater kayak, 11.5’, paddle, otation bags, helmet, $325 obo. 633-4311 PROFESSIONAL BOAT REPAIR Fiberglass Supplies Marine Accessories FAR NORTH FIBERGLASS 49 MacDonald Rd Whitehorse, Yukon 393-2467

Services Carpentry/ Woodwork MC RENOVATION Construction & Renovations Laminated oor, siding, decks, tiles. Kitchen, bathroom, doors, cabinets, windows, framing, board, painting. Drop ceiling, fences No job too small Free estimates Michael 336-0468 yt.mcr@hotmail.com

Home Repairs HANDYMAN SERVICES 24-7 *Renovations * Repairs *Restorations * Maintenance

*Furniture Repair *Small Appliance Repair *Interior/Exterior Painting *Gutter Cleaning *Pressure Washing *Window Washing

393-2275 SMITH’S CONTRACTING RENOVATIONS *New building renovation. *Windows, doors, siding, decks & fences. *All home repairs from footings to roof. *Over 30 years experience. Phone 867-689-2881

Misc Services BUSY BEAVERS Hauling, Pruning, Painting Snow Shoveling General Labour Call Francois and Katherine 456-4755 LOG CABINS: Professional Scribe Fit log buildings at affordable rates. Contact: PF Watson, Box 40187 Whitehorse, YT Y1A 6M9 668-3632 PIANO TUNING & REPAIR by certiďŹ ed piano technician Call Barry Kitchen @ 633-5191 Email: bfkitchen@hotmail.com

Painting & Decorating PASCAL REGINE PAINTING PASCAL AND REGINE Residential - Commercial Interior - Exterior Ceilings, Walls Textures, Floors Spray work Small drywall repair Excellent quality workmanship Free estimates pascalreginepainting@northwestel.net



Livestock HORSE HAVEN HAY RANCH Irrigated Timothy/Brome mix No weeds or sticks Small squares 60 lbs plus 4 ft x 5 ft rounds 800 lbs Ask about free delivery for larger orders Straw and alfalfa bales available 335-5192 * 668-7218

Pet Services CANINES & COMPANY Offering classes: Puppy Essentials/Agility November 28 Puppy Fundamentals/Basic Obedience January 9 Private lessons Training daycare available Call 333-0505

Pets Is your cat diabetic? I have Lantus 100 unit/mil - 2.5 ml leftover and 59 insulin needles, $50 ďŹ rm. 633-5009 Wanted: Dog to if anyone willing to give away, if you are moving, etc, I live in cabin out of town, lots of space. 633-4826

Announcements Craft Fairs Yukon Artists at Work does Christmas at Yukon Artists @ Work Gallery, 4129-4th Ave, runs from December 1 to 31. Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 11am-6pm; Sunday, 11am-4pm.

Coming Events Chamber Choir auditioned a capella group needs experienced tenors and basses. Rehearsals start 7:45 pm January 10 at Vanier Catholic School. See www.whitehorsechoir.org or call 688-7049.

Frostbite 2018 at Centre, evening, follow!

Returns March 2, 3 & 4, The Kwanlin Dun Cultural Friday evening, Saturday Sunday family day. More to



Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Notice of Rezoning Application YUKON GAZETTE Printed by the Authority of the Queen’s Printer, Yukon

The Yukon government gives notice of an application for rezoning in the Whitehorse Periphery Development Area as follows: Rezone lot 1168 on the Fish Lake Road, Quad 105D/11, 99-0190 LTO from Rural Residential to Multiple Rural Residential for the purpose of allowing:

NOTICE The following Orders-in-Council were issued during the period December 1 to 15, 2017:

Order #

Name of Regulation




Appoints the Ombudsman

Ombudsman Act


Appoints a member of the Judicial Council

Territorial Court Act

For more information, please contact Darcie Matthiessen, land use planner, at 667-3734 or toll-free at 1-800-661-0408 ext. 3734.


Appoints the chair of the Yukon Advisory Council on Women’s Issues

Yukon Advisory Council on Women’s Issues Act

Additional application details are also available at www.emr.gov.yk.ca/landplanning


Amends the Order Respecting the Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Lands in Yukon (Horseshoe Slough Habitat Protection Area)

Lands Act and Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act


Amends the Order Prohibiting Entry on Certain Lands in Yukon (Horseshoe Slough Habitat Protection Area)

Placer Mining Act and Quartz Mining Act


Amends the Prohibition of Entry on Certain Lands in Yukon (Peel Watershed Planning Region)

Placer Mining Act and Quartz Mining Act


Establishes the Central Yukon Assessment Review Board

Assessment and Taxation Act


Establishes the Central East Assessment and Yukon Assessment Review Board Taxation Act


Establishes the North Yukon Assessment Review Board

Assessment and Taxation Act


Establishes the Southeast Yukon Assessment Review Board

Assessment and Taxation Act


Establishes the Southwest Yukon Assessment Review Board

Assessment and Taxation Act


Revokes the appointment of the acting secretary of the Yukon Lottery Commission

Public Service Act


Revokes the appointment of the acting president of the Yukon Liquor Corporation

Public Service Act and Liquor Act


Appoints the secretary of the Yukon Lottery Commission

Public Service Act


Appoints the president of the Yukon Liquor Corporation

Public Service Act and Liquor Act


Appoints a deputy head of the Women’s Directorate

Public Service Act


Proclaims the Act to Amend the Health Act (2017) in force

Act to Amend the Health Act (2017)

Written comments will be accepted until January 26, 2018. Submit comments to the Land Planning Branch (K-320 LP) at the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources at Box 2703, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 2C6; by fax at 867-393-6340; or by email at darcie. matthiessen@gov.yk.ca.

Legal Notices

Notice to the Public Agricultural and Grazing Application The following agricultural and grazing land applications are under review. Anyone wishing to examine the applications and provide written comments may view them at the Agriculture )YHUJO VŃ?JL PU >OP[LOVYZL H[ Âś 4HPU :[YLL[ ,SPQHO :TP[O )\PSKPUN! Agriculture Application #967 *HPU =HUNLS Âś 8\HK + 4Âť*SPU[VJR =HSSL` 9VHK ;V JVUZVSPKH[L OLJ[HYLZ ^P[O 3V[ 2T 4Âť*SPU[VJR =HSSL` 9VHK Grazing Application #1043-2 9VZZ HUK +\Z[PU ,SSPV[[ Âś 8\HK + :OHSSV^ )H` HYLH ;V YLUL^ NYHaPUN HNYLLTLU[ ULHY 2T 2SVUKPRL /PNO^H` Written comments may be sent within 45 days of this advertisement to: Agricultural Land Coordinator, Department of Energy Mines and Resources, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 2C6, or email landcoordinator@gov.yk.ca Please be advised that any written responses to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. -VY TVYL PUMVYTH[PVU WOVUL! (867) 667-5838 or ;VSS MYLL! 1-800-661-0408 ext. 5838

The following Ministerial Orders were issued during the period December 1 to 15, 2017:

Order #

Name of Regulation



Establishes a road closure on the Haines Road

Highways Act

The following Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board Orders were issued during the period December 1 to 15, 2017:

Order #

Name of Regulation



Assessment classiÀcation of industries for 2018

Workers’ Compensation Act


Assessment rate schedule for 2018

Workers’ Compensation Act

Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon December 15, 2017.

Friday, December 22, 2017







Coming Events

Coming Events



Active Trails Whitehorse Association presents: Walking Portugal’s Coastal Rota Vicentina Trail Tuesday, January 23 Whitehorse Pubic Library Downstairs Meeting Room 7:15 pm. All welcome, free! Info: www.activetwa.org

The Yukon Schutzhund Association AGM is Sunday, January 21, 2018, 11am-1:30pm, Whitehorse Public Library meeting room. Dog enthusiasts welcome!

SEEKING TO LOCATE Gerald Manuel, originally from the Kamloops, B.C. area, Born March 20, 1941, regarding a family matter. Please contact 403-315-4710, or Email lunger1@telus.net

Coffee House Saturday January 6, 2018, featuring Katie Tait, Alana Martinson & Open Stage. Set up 6pm + open stage sign-up, 7:30pm show, $5, United Church bsmt, 6th + Main. 633-4255 Hospice Yukon: Free, confidential services offering compassionate support to all those facing advanced illness, death and bereavement. Visit our lending library @ 409 Jarvis, M-F, 11:30-3. 667-7429, www.hospiceyukon.net Messe de Noël en français avec crèche vivante et chorale 24 décembre 19h, cathédrale catholique Sacré-Cœur, coin 4e Avenue et rue Steele. renseignements: 668-7903 Neptunes non-auditioned fun choir needs tenors and basses. First rehearsal 6 pm January 8 at Whitehorse United Church. All welcome. See www.whitehorsechoir.org or call 668-7049.


The Heart of Riverdale Annual General Meeting is on Thursday, December 28 at 7:30pm, 38A Lewes Blvd. Please do your best to attend; we will be discussing topics which will impact our future. Whitehorse Community Choir spring registration and practice January 8 & 15, 7:15 pm, Whitehorse United Church. Try a session for free and bring a friend. Come early to avoid lineups. Yukon Hog Producers Association first annual general meeting is on Monday, January 15, 2018, 6pm8pm, Whitehorse Library meeting room

Legal Tenders

Yukon Territorial Green Party Annual General Meeting is Thursday, December 28 at 7pm, in the Library meeting room. yukongreenparty.ca

Legal Tenders

REQUEST FOR TENDER Wilson & Thompson Sanitary Upgrades


RFT 2018-0003


Whitehorse Duplicate Bridge Club December 19, 2017 1st - Kathy & Fred Musial 2nd - Lynn Daffe & Bruce Beaton 3rd - Mark Davey & Chris Bookless We play every Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the Golden Age Society. New players are welcome. For more information call 633-5352 or email nmcgowan@klondiker.com

Pioneer Cemetery Stone Columns and Archway

Consulting Services for the Design and Construction Supervision of The City of Whitehorse Fire Hall #1 Project

RFT 2017-PKT0005

RFP 2018-0002

Closing January 12, 2018 at 3:00:00 pm PT.

Closing January 25, 2018 at 3:00:00 pm PT.

Visit whitehorse.ca/ procurement

Visit whitehorse.ca/ procurement

Closing January 12, 2018 at 3:00:00 pm PT. Visit whitehorse.ca/ procurement




deceased, late of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, who died March 31, 2017, in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.

All persons having claims against the above-mentioned estate are requested to Àle the same, supported by Statutory Declaration, with the undersigned on or before January 31, 2018, after which date the said Estate will be distributed having reference only to claims which have been so Àled. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the Estate in care of the undersigned. Meagan Hannam Lamarche & Lang Barristers and Solicitors 505 Lambert Street, Whitehorse Yukon Y1A 1Z8


Northern Institute of Social Justice – Program Review Yukon College Closes: January 19, 2018 at NOON PDST Yukon College is soliciting consultants to perform a Program Review on the Northern Institute of Social Justice (NISJ) program at Yukon College. A Program Evaluation Plan was completed in 2015 and will guide the evaluation process. The evaluation must be completed by April 13, 2018. RFP packages can be requested at purchasing@yukoncollege.yk.ca

Project Description: The EFAP will comprise assessment, solution-focused short term counselling, referral services, and critical incident stress management services (CISM). Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is January 31, 2018. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Petra Geske at petra.geske@gov.yk.ca. All tenders and proposals are subject to a Compliance Review performed by the Procurement Support Centre. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.hpw.gov.yk.ca/tenders/



Puzzle Page Answer Guide


The Yukon News is available at these wonderful stores in Whitehorse:


Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is February 8, 2018. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Rocky Philpott at Rocky.Philpott@gov.yk.ca.

to your customers by

HILLCREST Airport Chalet Crossword: Airport Snacks & Gifts

advertising online at Coles (Chilkoot Mall) PORTER CREEK The Deli www.yukon-news.com Coyote Video Edgewater Hotel Call the Yukon News Goody’s Gas Your Independent advertising team at Green Garden Restaurant Grocer667-6285. Super A Porter Creek Fourth Avenue Petro Trails North Mac’s Fireweed Books 12.22.2017 GRANGER Ricky’s Restaurant Bernie’s Race-Trac Gas Riverside Grocery Bigway Foods Riverview Hotel Shoppers on Main RIVERDALE: Shoppers 38 Famous Video Qwanlin Mall Super A Riverdale Superstore Tempo Gas Bar The YukonGas News Superstore Baris available at these Tags wonderful stores in Whitehorse: Walmart DOWNTOWN: HILLCREST Kopper King AND … Well-Read Canadian Tire Books Airport Chalet Kopper King Cashplan Airport SnacksMcCrae & Gifts Petro Westmark McCrae Petro Coles (Chilkoot Mall) PORTER CREEK Takhini GasTakhini Gas The Deli Whitehorse Coyote Video Yukon College Bookstore Edgewater Hotel Goody’s Gas Yukon College Bookstore Yukon Inn Your Independent Green Garden Restaurant Grocer Yukon News Super A Porter Creek Fourth Avenue Petro Trails North Yukon Tire THE YUKON NEWS IS Mac’s Fireweed Books

MANDATORY site visits:


January 17, 2018, 11:00 AM • Ogilvie Grader Station • km 195 on Dempster Hwy January 17, 2018, 2:00 PM • Klondike Grader Station • km 65 on Dempster Hwy All tenders and proposals are subject to a Compliance Review performed by the Procurement Support Centre. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. This tender is subject to Chapter Five of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement. This tender is subject to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. The Yukon Business Incentive Policy may apply to this project. Bidders and/or Proponents are advised to review documents to determine CertiÀcate of Recognition (COR) requirements for this project. View or download documents at: www.hpw.gov.yk.ca/tenders/


ALSO AVAILABLE AT NO GRANGER Ricky’s Restaurant CHARGE IN ALL YUKON Bernie’s Race-Trac Gas Riverside Grocery COMMUNITIES AND Bigway Foods Riverview Hotel ATLIN, B.C. Shoppers on Main RIVERDALE: Shoppers 38 Famous Video Qwanlin Mall Super A Riverdale Superstore Tempo Gas Bar Superstore Gas Bar Tags Walmart Well-Read Books Westmark THE YUKON NEWS IS ALSO AVAILABLE Whitehorse AT NO CHARGE IN ALL YUKON Yukon Inn COMMUNITIES AND ATLIN, B.C. Yukon News Yukon Tire

Highways and Public Works

Good Night! Wind up your day with everything you need.









Yukon Water Board – Application Notice Office des eaux du Yukon – Avis de demande Application Water Source Number Applicant/Licensee Location Numéro de la Demandeur/Titulaire Point d’eau/Lieu demande


City of Whitehorse

Type of Undertaking Type d’entreprise

McIntyre Creek, Miscellaneous Tributary of Yukon River

Any person may submit comments or recommendations, in writing, by the deadline for notice.

Public Services Commission


Applications are available for viewing on the Yukon Water Board’s online registry, WATERLINE at http://www.yukonwaterboard.ca or in person at the Yukon Water Board office. For more information, contact the Yukon Water Board Secretariat at 867-456-3980.

Deadline for Comments 4:00pm Date limite pour commentaires, avant 16 h

January 15, 2018

Toute personne peut soumettre ses commentaires ou ses recommandations à l’Office avant la date limite indiquée sur le présent avis. Pour voir les demandes, consultez le registre en ligne WATERLINE au http://www.yukonwaterboard.ca ou rendez-vous au bureau de l’Office des eaux du Yukon. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le secrétariat de l’Office au 867-456-3980.




Friday, December 22, 2017

#110 Chilkoot Way • 867-667-6171

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