Serving the communities of Rimbey, Bentley, Bluffton, Winfield and Hoadley
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Volume 20 Number 7
The Cutter Parade, sponsored by the Rimbey Sleigh, Wagon and Saddle Club was held on Feb.3 at noon. Even though it was a very cold day, there was a great turnout for the events. A total of eight sleighs took part in the parade, of which six were from Rimbey. The sleigh pictured, which led the parade, is driven by Tyke Tataryn. Rimbey rodeo queen and princess and members of the RCMP rode on the sleigh. Participants from Rimbey were Doug Rogers, Jean Friesen, Keith Kendrew, Allen Wenhandl, Dennis Debruyne and Gwyenth Capness. Allen B.Olson announced each sleigh and driver. Val Browne Photo
Kevin Woolsey – Hardware Manager Terry Grieman – Home Centre Manager Dwayne Smawley – Lumber Manager Brian Godlonton – Petroleum Manager
Phone 403-843-2258
Rimbey Review
A2 Tuesday, February 13, 2018
The Community Calendar
Proudly Presented by Rimbey Dental Care and the Rimbey Review MONDAYS: Royal Purple of Bentley #264 - Regular meetings the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Bentley Legion Hall (old Oxford School). New members welcome. Call Brenda 403-748-2020 for info. TUESDAYS: Community Information & Referral Services every Tuesday @ 10 a.m. - noon. Call Rimbey F.C.S.S. for an appointment 403-843-2030. Regular Jammers’ Dances @ Rimbey Drop In Centre, every Tuesday nights @ 7p.m. Rimbey Hospital Ladies Auxiliary meeting 2nd Tuesday every month, 1p.m. Hospital Conference Rm. Rimbey Ag Society 3rd Tuesday each month- 7:00 pm at the Agriplex. Bentley Seniors 55 + Drop-In - meet in the Drop-In Centre in the town office building on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. Potluck noon meal last Tuesday each month. WEDNESDAYS Rimbey Fish and Game 1st Wednesday of each month - 7 p.m. at Canalta Hotel meeting room. Rimbey Sleigh, Wagon Saddle Club, 1st Wednesday every month. 7:30 p.m. Truck Museum. Alcoholics Anonymous Wednesdays- NEW TIME: 7:30 p.m. at the Rimbey Anglican Church. 403-843-3662 & 403-843-3251 info. Bluffton T.O.P.S. weekly meetings, Wednesdays @ 7 p.m. Hoadley Hall. 403-843-6731 for more info. Bluffton & District Chamber of Commerce, 3rd Wednesday. Bluffton Store. 7 p.m. Rimbey Horticultural meetings, every 3rd Wed., 10 a.m. Rimbey Drop In Centre. Feb. – Oct. THURSDAYS: Rimbey Royal Cdn. Legion meeting is the 1st Thursday of each month, no meetings July & August. 7:30 pm Rimbey Legion, 5019 50th St. Adult Drop-In Coloring Evening - Thursdays from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Bentley Library. Bring your own crayons & book. FRIDAYS: Legion Bingo is the 2nd Friday of every month. No bingo July & August. Regular bingo resumes September. ONGOING: Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, call 403–588 -4621 for more info. Family Counseling, call 1-403-347-8844 & say you would like to be seen in Rimbey. The New Day New Me, NA meetings are Thursday evenings at 7:30pm at the New Life Fellowship church in Rimbey 5038 49th Ave Diabetes Clothesline Donation boxes located at the Rimbey Coop The Community Calendar is meant for free & ongoing events only, open to all ages within Rimbey and surrounding communities. email
There were lots of activities happening at The Rimbey Cutter parade, held Feb. 3 at the Agrim Centre. There were medieval games demos, mini horses, a silent auction and concession. The mini ponies, are also therapy ponies and are owned by Sandy Bell of the Windhorse Retreat. Pictured with Bell are Kirby Richardson, Kenna Vermette and Kaycee Schwartz. Val Browne Photo
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Sun & Clouds
Sun & Clouds
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Sunday February 18
A scene in winter Photo Submitted by Treena Mielke
Dr. Derek Nordstrom, General Dentist
Family Dentistry and Orthodontics Accepting New Patients
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W 15 km/h
SW 18 km/h
Glass Repair / Replacement Sealed Units / Vinyl Windows Mobile Glass Service
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Sun & Clouds Scattered Flurries
Rimbey Review
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 A3
Public works crews busy with snow removal
By Treena Mielke
As fast as the white stuff falls to the ground, snow removal crews are busy and hard at work, getting it off the ground, or at least moving it to make roads and streets passable.
Rimbey public works department is no exception. But with the amount of snow that has fallen in the last week or so, keeping up is extremely difficult. “It seems like we are about a day behind,” said public works
director Rick Schmidt. “We are certainly keeping our noses to the grindstone.” Schmidt took a few moments to chat on the phone Thursday, although crews were waiting, and not so patiently, for him to get back on the grader.
The snow that came down last Wednesday and Thursday, following on the heels of the previous dump has left Rimbey and, indeed, all of central Alberta with more than their fair share of the white stuff. “We had about 85 per cent of
Snow removal is ongoing in Rimbey with the most recent dump of snow. Treena Mielke Photo
the town done before this last big dump came,” said Schmidt. “We didn’t quite have the residential area done.” Public works crews work early in the morning or late at night to complete snow removal if necessary. “We do the business area and the school area first,” said Schmidt. “That’s our priority.” Snow is graded and then hauled away where it remains in temporary storage at the public works yard. The crews try to remove the majority of the windrows left in driveways. Keeping up with excessive amounts of snow is not an easy P
task and Schmidt asks residents to be patient. “Removing garbage cans and extension cords is helpful,” he said, adding that some town employees are fairly new and are in the process of training. Business owners are responsible for clearing their own sidewalks. Public works clears sidewalks near the school and the manor and around the RCMP station. In late February or early March and in December (before Christmas) all the snow is removed from the streets. The cost for snow removal is included in the road work budget, Schmidt said.
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Thank You
ToODerek Nordstrom and his fantastic staff F
for rescuing me “in your truck” in the Coop Card lock parking lot, T Thursday morning during the heavy snowfall. So grateful H and thankful I made my dentist appointment! E
38th Annual
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A scene in winter Photo Submitted by Treena Mielke
Dr. Derek Nordstrom, General Dentist
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Whether you have one piece or a complete line of machinery give Allen a call at (403) 783-0556 to discuss the best option for you to realize top dollars.
A4 Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Leah Bousfield Publisher/ Advertising Sales
Treena Mielke Editor
Letters to the Editor Policy
The Rimbey Review welcomes letters to the Editor, especially those dealing with topical or local issues. Letters should be a maximum of 500 words in length and must have the writer’s signature over printed name, along with the writer’s address and telephone number. The address and telephone number will not be printed. This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for length and legal considerations. Deadline is noon the Thursday prior to publication. Send your letter to: The Editor, Rimbey Review, Box 244, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 or email:
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All printed material, including photographs and articles, is the sole property of The Rimbey Review. No reproduction of this material is permitted without permission of the publisher.
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Phone: 843-4909 Fax: 843-4907 Display deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Classified deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Proofing Deadline Friday at 10 a.m.
Production: Red Deer, Alberta Published every Tuesday by PNG Prairie Newspaper Group in community with: President: Mary Kemmis
Rimbey Review
Snow, ice and more of the same
The meek and mild winter we were treated to earlier this year seems to have vanished under a snowbank and, in the last few weeks, us somewhat surprised and bewildered Albertans have been plunged into a winter wonderland of snow, ice and freezing temperatures. “What’s up with that?” we question, as our driveways get buried under a mountain of snow and we begin to dread pretty much anything that starts with the word snow. I, for one, an Alberta girl, born and raised, should know better than to moan and groan and complain about ‘the weather.’ And, I like everyone else who is part of the older generation remember lots of chilling horror tales of the cold winters I was subjected to as a child. I remember walking to school uphill both ways and it was very, very cold. I always lagged about three telephone poles behind my big brother who used to turn and look at me with an expression somewhat akin to disgust as I trudged along slowly. “Hurry up or you’ll freeze,” he would yell, his words hanging in the air like so
many snowflakes stuck winters of the past stretched out in an in a game of frozen endless profusion of tag. So I hurried up pristine white fields and, obviously I didn’t and silent, drifting freeze or I wouldn’t be here, in front of this snowflakes. computer, writing It seemed like we walked everywhere about it. And I remember then, and it was always other cold tales, all of cold, so cold you could which took place in the see your breath, though same cold place. why would you want to Alberta — the home because it was cold, too Treena Mielke of the wild rose, which cold to stop and check somehow vanishes out such foolish things. On The Other Side under all the snow that In those days we skatfalls relentlessly in this ed lots, because, after province for several months, and then all, what else was there to do? There shows up, all perfect, fragile and pink was no cell phones, or other such comaround June. munication devices that cause people to It’s amazing, actually! only exercise their lips and fingers and Anyway, in the days of my childhood zone out of wherever they happen to I think winter was definitely colder and be. And, in those long ago days, when longer than it is now with many, many winter lasted more than a heartbeat and short black and white days, broken only a snowstorm, many homes, such as my own, boasted no television set. with more of the same. So, when winter drew its huge X on Scraping away the ice and snow from the lens of memories in my head, I see several calendar pages and moved in to
stay, it seemed we went to three places, only. School. The skating rink and church. They are all gone now, existing, of course, only in my memory where such things as old wooden churches, school houses and outdoor rinks live on and on forever. Anyway, in my mind’s eye I see the snow banks piled higher than the boards around that old rink and I feel the way my toes burned fire after I took my skates off and how I tried, usually unsuccessfully, to crowd my way in around the warmth of that old stove in the skating shack. And I can hear the hiss of steam as we skaters held our frozen socks and mittens up to its fiery sides. But, even though it was long ago, though not so far away, I remember the icy feel of winter and the way it seemed to last forever. I remember it well. And, truly, I know one thing for sure. If I could go back there, to the simple black and white winters of my childhood, for just one minute. I would!
Social justice warriors don’t like Nordic runes Nordic runes existed thousands of years before Nazism By Stu Salkeld Black Press
As a descendent of Norwegian settlers to Canada, I was a bit disconcerted this week by some Olympic Winter Games news. Although, whether it’s actually news or not is a matter of debate. Ever wondered what U.S. President Donald Trump meant when he warned to be wary of “fake news?” I thought he was just a windbag full of hot air. I hate to admit it, but he may be right This week a row erupted over designs on the Norwegian Olympic Winter Games ski team uniforms, or more specifically a pagan symbol that features prominently on the sweaters: the Tyr rune. The sweaters are made and offered for sale to the public by Dale of Norway. Runes are ancient pagan symbols hailing from Scandinavia, used for inscriptions, religious ceremonies and other purposes by those historical troublemakers, the Vikings. This week, social justice warriors pounced on the sweaters, claiming they’re promoting, encouraging or protecting Nazism, fascism and anti-Semitism, which, of course, is ridiculous. According to SJW organization the
A nt i - D e f am at i on Era, almost two thouLeague, a lobby group sand years ago. If the that typically and runes were already hysterically jumps being used at that on anything that time, their developmay seem to have ment likely spanned the slightest link to hundreds of years anti-Semitism, the before then. Tyr rune was used Nazi Germany, including its leadby Nazi Germany as a symbol of the Third ers Adolf Hitler and Reich. That is a fact; Heinrich Himmler, co-opted Nordic several Nazi organiStu Salkeld runes into their bizations used Nordic runes to symbolize zarre Aryan philosPipestone Flyer their organizations. ophy, along with the For example the infamous SS used the writings of occultist Helena Blavatsky, lightning-bolt sieg rune to symbolize white supremacist Huston Stewart “the master race.” Chamberlain and lunatic Guido von The sweaters feature two runes, List. Nazi leaders gave new meanings “Tyr” (which SJWs incorrectly de- to old runes, claiming, for instance, scribe as meaning “The attacking the “Algiz” rune means “protection.” Viking.” Tyr is the name of the Viking There is no archeological evidence to war god but archeologists found it back that up. If anything, archeologists means “fame, honour,” and I would believe the rune may have meant “elk.” assume that’s the meaning Dale of In my opinion, I see nothing wrong Norway channeled), and the “Algiz” with using the runes on bumper stickrune, which archeologists have yet to ers, soccer jerseys, letterhead or anyprove any ancient meaning for. thing else you wish. The Nazis taking Archeologists know the runes were our Viking runes away is cultural apin use for thousands of years; exam- propriation; nobody in Scandinavia ples have been found in Scandinavia gave Hitler or Himmler permission dating to the first century Common to use the Vikings’ pagan symbols.
The Nazis stole them. Sadly, in our modern social media world many organizations quickly cave to SJW attacks, justified or not. So, the question remains: is the sweater company going to fold faster than Superman on laundry day? That seems to be the strategy nowadays. Nobody seems to have the guts to stand up for themselves anymore. They simply throw in the towel because they’re afraid of bad publicity. It was quite refreshing to read Hilde Midthjell, Dale of Norway’s CEO, quoted in the New York Times, saying she “vowed to face down any attempts by white supremacists to coopt symbols that belonged to a shared Norwegian heritage. Neo-Nazis have marched with Norwegian flags. That does not mean we stop using that, does it?” The runes belong to the Viking people and their descendents, the people of Scandinavia and those people do not have to forget their heritage because an evil empire placed the symbols on t-shirts. Stu Salkeld is editor of The Pipestone Flyer and writes a regular column fore the newspaper.
Reader questions who is bullying who
Dear Editor, I am very interested in an upcoming court case in B.C. The Department of Education under the New Democratic party has issued the suggestion that school children need to be taught in transgender studies. This is the idea that there are not two genders, female and male. Rather the idea is that there is a fluid continuum between female and male that people can move along. Barry Neufeld, school trustee for Chilliwack, has expressed on social media that he does not believe the data put forth is scientifically sound. The New Democrat Minister of Education has told Mr. Neufeld that he needs to resign. Mr. Neufeld told him that was up to the electorate to decide – not the Minister of Education. There has subsequently been a charge been laid against Mr. Neufeld that he is bullying the people in his workspace (the other school trustees?). This raises two questions in my mind. Who is bullying who? Have the educational “elite” under the British Columbia New Democrats abandoned the principle of “I say it because it is true” and substituted “It is true because I say it?” John Peacock, Rimbey
Ponoka RCMP arrest suspect wanted on Canada Wide Warrant Submitted
Ponoka, Alberta - At noon on February 7, members of the Ponoka RCMP detachment arrested a suspect who was wanted on a Canada Wide Warrant. Shortly after 11:00 a.m. members of the Ponoka RCMP detachment received information on the whereabouts of a male wanted on the warrant for offences that he committed in Ontario. A short time later Ponoka RCMP members, with assistance from the Ponoka General Investigations Unit and the Ponoka Integrated Traffic Unit, descended on a residence in the town of Ponoka, obtained a warrant to enter the dwelling, and arrested the individual. 36-year-old Daniel Sanche was being sought out of Dryden, Ontario for a multitude of charges consisting of: • three charges of Sexual Assault. • three charges of Sexual Interference • two charge of Assault. The accused has been remanded in custody and will be transported back to Ontario where he will appear in court to answer to the charges against him. The Ponoka RCMP would like to thank the public providing information to the police. This is another great example of how information from the public, provided to the police, can help to make our community safer.
Looking for Scrap cars / Trucks Willing to pay Cash
Depending on location and Year Cars, Mini Vans, Pickup trucks willing to pay cash. Old farm machinery and farm clean ups.
Please call or Text
Rimbey Review
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 A5
Rimbey Review
A6 Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Directory Directory
Doug Rogers, president of the Rimbey Sleigh, Wagon and Saddle Club recently presented Haley Klugkist, program director of the Boys and Girls Club and Dalyce Kondratiuk with $1,000 cheque for the Boys and Girls Club. Funding came from the silent and live auction held as part of this year’s Rimbey Cutter Parade.
Grace Lutheran Church Bentley - ELCIC Worship 11:15 a.m. 4th Sunday of the month 5 p.m. More Info, Mark Ree 403-748-2147 5 miles west, 1.5 miles south, 1 mile west of Bentley
“Sharing New Life in Christ”
Rimbey New Life Fellowship
Sunday 10:30 a.m. Children’s Church 11:30 a.m. Midweek Service - Wednesday 7 p.m. Ladies Meeting Friday 2 p.m. Pastor Reg Darnell 403-843-3336 (Office) 403-782-2694 (Home) 5038 - 49 Ave. •
Church of the Nazarene, Rimbey
Sunday Worship & Sunday School 10:30 a.m. (on Radio 93.3 FM) 5214-51 Street, Phone: 403-843-2029 Pastor Grant Rainey
ANGLICAN ChuRCh oF the ePIPhANy 5211 52 St., Rimbey
Service & Sunday School: 12:00 noon. 4th Sunday Family Service: 11:00 a.m. Rev. Donna Willer: 403-963-7881 Stuart Adams: 403-843-6164 or Arlene edwards: 403-843-6077
The Rimbey Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Evangelical Missionary Church
Sabbath School at 9:45 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.
Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
Pastor David Beaudoin 403-783-2499
Pastor: Rev. Barry Klassen 403-843-6461
1/2 mile East of Hoadley on Highway #611
Zion Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Canada Divine Service at 10:30 4521 - 54th Ave. Rimbey
Pastor Mark Schultz Office - 403-843-2767 Home - 403-843-4420
Rimbey Christian Reformed Church 5506-51 Ave
Service at 10:00 a.m.
Nursery Provided
Pastor: Bill Nieuwenhuis
Rimbey Alliance Church 4620 - 54th Avenue, Rimbey
403-843-3727 Pastor Terry Oke
10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Children’s Church
RomanMass Catholic Church Times:
Saturday Evening: Sunday Morning: Sylvan Lake - 5:00 p.m. Rimbey - 9:00 a.m. Sylvan Lake -11:00 a.m. Last Sunday of every month:
Sylvan Lake 9:00 a.m.
Rimbey 11:00 a.m.
Electricians for all your wiring • Do-it-yourself supplies • Electric Wiring • Electrical Maintenance • Bucket Truck Service
Boys and Girls Club receive sizeable donation from Rimbey Sleigh, Wagon and Saddle Club Girls Club said the generosity was kind and unexpected. “We very much appreciate the donation,” she said. The auction was a huge success and Allen B. Olsen did the honours of auctioning off a beautiful quilt, a generous donation from Bettie Demers, from Bentley. “We were very happy with the amount of donations and the number of people who participated,” said Rogers. “It was great.” Unfortunately, the sub zero temperatures limited the num-
By Treena Mielke
403-845-3155 TOLL FREE
1-844-843-3155 Emergency after hours 403-895-3155 Ron Prins Chris Nielsen
“Now Serving Rimbey and Area”
The weather did not co-operate, but the enthusiasm and generosity of those in attendance was as warm as ever. This year, Rimbey Boys and Girls Club was the recipient of this generosity and Doug Rogers, president of Rimbey Sleigh, Wagon and Saddle Club said the club was happy to donate $1,000 from the silent and live auction held at this year’s cutter parade event. Haley Klugkist, program director for the Rimbey Boys and
ber of participants in the cutter parade this year, and only eight hardy souls ventured out into the cold. Of these participants, six were from the local club. Other participants came from Westerose and Hobbema. “We changed the route a bit, shortened it up (because of the cold weather),” said Rogers. The Ag Society partnered with the Rimbey Sleigh, Wagon and Saddle Club this year to provide Snow Daze which included several interestg activities.
Make a Difference in Federal Elections
Be a Returning Officer Your opportunity to serve democracy in the riding of Edmonton–Wetaskiwin The work of a returning officer is challenging and rewarding. If you’re a leader with management experience and knowledge of your community, this may be the job for you. As a returning officer, you will plan and manage federal elections in your riding during a ten-year appointment. You will represent Elections Canada 18022CE0 and be on the front line for electors and candidates. The hours of work vary between elections, but increase significantly in the year leading up to an election. To qualify as a returning officer, you must be a Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old, and live in the federal riding where you’re applying to work. To find out more about the role of a returning officer and how to apply, go to and click on Employment or call 1-800-463-6868. The online application will be available February 16 to March 9, 2018.
Parish Priest: Father Les Drewicki Administration Office: 403-843-4690
Elections Canada is an independent body set up by Parliament to conduct federal elections, by-elections and referendums.
Rimbey Review
Blindman Valley 4-H Club holds public speech day
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 A7
Pictured in the back are intermediate second place winner, Bethany Bender, first place place winner Abi Johnson, third place winner Luke Johnson. The senior second place winner Blake Vert, third place winner Mikaela Bender and first place winner, Caleb Johnson. In the front are junior third place winner, Jake Pike, second place winner, Tucker Vert and first place winner, Kaeylnne Schwab. Photo submitted
By Mikaela Bender
Kindergarten Kindergarten Registration for the Registration Kindergarten 2018–2019 School Year for the Kindergarten Registration for the School Year 2018-2019 Registration forwillthe Children who be 5 yearsYear old by School 2018-2019 Year 2018-2019 DecemberSchool 31, 2018 are eligible Children who willtobeattend 5 years old by 31, 2018 Children whoDecember will in beSeptember. 5 years old byare eligible to kindergarten attend Children whoDecember will be 5 31, years oldkindergarten by eligible toin September. 2018 are December 31, 2018 are eligibleOpen toSeptember. attend kindergarten in Kindergarten House attend kindergarten in September. (for parents and upcoming kindergarten students) Open Kindergarten
Kindergarten Open Friday, March 2nd ~ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm House Kindergarten Open (for parents and upcoming kindergarten students) House Early intervention programs for 3 – 5 year olds are available. nd (for parents and upcoming kindergarten students) House Friday, March 2 Online registration available commencing February 15 (for parents and upcoming kindergarten students) Friday, March 2 nd am pm – 3:00 pm from our school 9:00 website Friday, March am – 3:00 9:00 Please contact the RES Office at programs for Early intervention –843-3751 3:00 pm 9:00 am Early intervention programs for (403) for more information. nd
1 OF 5
3 – 5 year olds are available. 3 – 5 year olds are available. Early intervention programs for Online available registration available 3 – 5 year olds are registration available. Online th commencing commencing February 15 February from our 15 from our school website Online registration available th
On February 3, the Blindman Valley 4-H Club had their Public Speech Day in Bentley at the Blindman Valley Ag Centre. A total of 21 brave 4-H members took the stage and entertained, educated and challenged the audience and judges with their personal prepared speeches. For many 4-H members this was their first time getting up in front of an audience to deliver a prepared speech and later on an impromptu speech. The club was fortunate to have seven judges from our community volunteer their time to judge the speeches. In the junior division Kaelynne Schwab placed first, Tucker Vert placed second and Jake Pike placed third. The intermediate division challenged the judges and finished the first round with a three-way tie between Abi Johnson, Luke Johnson and Bethany Bender. To break the tie, the three individuals did an impromptu speech with the topic “I am a mad scientist-this is my new invention.” All three did a great job and in the end Abi Johnson finished first, Bethany Bender finished second and Luke Johnson placed third. In the senior division Caleb Johnson finished first, Blake Vert finished second and Mikaela Bender placed third. The members who placed first and second will go on to speak at the District level on February 24 at Lincoln Hall. At the end of the speeches, the judges gave some great advice and tips to the club members on how they can better deliver their speeches in the future. A special thank you goes to our distinguished judges: Joan Dickau, Bryan Wiese, Jason Hazlett, Carla McCann, Carolyn McLaren, Heidi Baumbach, and Neil Maki. This club is continually grateful to the people in our community who volunteer their time and resources to help make this a great 4-H season.
A8 Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Rimbey Review
Women’s conference provided fun, entertainment and education By Treena Mielke
The extremely cold weather and near blizzard conditions did not appear to keep the ladies away from Rimbey’s 32nd annual women’s conference held Thursday at the Peter Lougheed Community Centre. True to the theme, Energize 2018, the ladies appeared to be an enthusiastic group of individuals who settled in to enjoy a
full day of fun, inspiration and education. Committee member Irene Steeves was pleased with the day, overall. “I thought it was fantastic,” she said. “We had around 207 register, more than last year when we had less than 200. And we did have some cancellations from those living south of Red Deer.” Steeves said the food was ex-
cellent and the presenters for the various sessions all did a great job. “Our keynote speaker was fantastic.” Brenda Robinson truly did get the conference off to a lively start with her presentation, ‘Laughter in your family, your life and your community’. True to her words, Robinson evoked a great deal of laughter in the audience with her down
to earth presentation which was lavishly sprinkled with humour. The guest speaker balanced her comedy routine with some common sense advice that every woman there could relate to. “We let ourselves get way too serious,” she said. Canadians, by nature, are serious people, she added. “We love to talk about our
problems.” She said women, in particular, seem to take their responsibilities very seriously. Popular sayings, “If you want it done right, do it yourself. By the time I show someone else how to do it, I could have done it myself. It’s the same people that do the work all the time,” quoted by Robinson had the ladies in the audience nodding in agreement. She said women might want to think about being the person who initiates the fun instead of the person who does all the work. “We get so tied up in what we have to do, we forget to laugh at ourselves and at others.” To emphasize her point about
laughing at ourselves, she recalled an incident when she was staying in a hotel in Medicine Hat and accidentally locked herself out of her room wearing only her nightgown, a rather flamboyant red silk creation. Complete with body motions to describe her predicament, Robinson had the ladies practically roaring with laughter at her antics. “It’s not what happens to us, it’s how we see it,” she said, adding a note of seriousness to her humorous recollections. Following Robinson’s presentation, the ladies broke into their various sessions. The conference concluded with a presentation by Lorraine Morris.
A good crowd showed up for Rimbey’s 32nd annual women’s conference held Thu., Feb. 9 at The Peter Lougheed Community Centre. Treena Mielke Photo
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Brenda Robinson, keynote speaker for the Rimbey annual women’s conference, spoke on ‘Laughter in your family, your life and your community.’ Treena Mielke Photo
4915 – 50 Ave, East of Rimbey Value Drug Mart HAVE YOUR
PHOTO PUBLISHED Submit your photos of events in Rimbey and surrounding area to for publication in the Rimbey Review.
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Photos published as space allows and timeliness of picture. More at
Rimbey Review
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 A9
Hockey Members of Lacombe Figure Skating Club carried the flags while O’ Canada was played before a game between Lacombe Generals and Innisfail Eagles held in Lacombe as part of the Hometown Hockey celebration. The figure skaters also performed during the intermission. Treena Mielke Photo
FEBUARY 22 2018- 1pm • RIMBEY AGRIM CENTRE Consignors:
Movald Ranches: Duane 780 514-6970 • Morris 780 514-0474 Stone Simmentals: Blaine 780 312-0098 • Blair 780 312-4225 R-Five Simmentals: Jim 403 783-9933 Stout Brothers Simmentals: Cameron 403 963-1034 • Mackenzie 403 913-9453 Sales Consultant Daryl Friesen 403 318-1630
Innisfail Eagles and Lacombe Generals battled it out in Lacombe Sunday in a hard fought hometown hockey game. A good crowd showed up for the game and they weren’t disappointed as the Lacombe Generals skated their way to a 2-1 victory. Treena Mielke Photo
Rimbey Review
A10 Tuesday, February 13, 2018
New group cutting its teeth in ice racing Rocky Motorcycle Club takes over operation of oval series By Jordie Dwyer PONOKA NEWS
There is a new group at the helm of ice racing in the province. The Rocky Motorcycle Club (RMC) held its third of four races in the 2018 Alberta Oval Ice Racing series on Feb. 3 on Gull Lake close to Parkland Beach. The group took on the operation this season from the Calgary-based Second Gear Club, which ran the series for the previous 17 years. RMC president, and competitive ice racer, Brian Roberts explained the club approached Second Gear as it had been wellknown the club’s organizers had been looking to leave ice racing. “We wanted to see some life beyond for ice racing and it seems to have worked out so far,” said Roberts. “It’s been hectic, but reasonably smooth. It certainly helps that we have had some key spots filled by people who were part of the previous series operation along with a few new people stepping up to take on other roles.” The weather on the weekend was a lot different than the previous
two races, with lots of fresh snow and air temperatures hovering near minus 30 forcing racers and spectators to bundle up more than usual. It also presented a few issues on the track as the snow and exhaust kicked up by the motorcycles and ATVs hung in the air and lowered visibility. Ponoka’s Travis Reed, who ended up second in the open expert class Sunday, said it might be tough to explain why he races a bike with studded tires so fast and so close to other racers on what can be a slippery, hard surface. “These bikes have far more traction on the ice than one might imagine,” said Reed, who is in his sixth year of racing. “It’s such as rush racing at 120 to 130 kilometres (per hour) just inches away from other bikes and the pegs dragging on the ice.” Even with the less than ideal conditions, Roberts stated the number of competitors was around the same as normal with some classifications seeing some growth. “It’s been pretty successful so far with some classes doing a little better than others. We have seven women hitting the track now,
23rd Annual
Herd Master Bull Sale
which is huge, and the UTV class is continuing to grow,” he said. Roberts added they are trying to keep things simple in this first year, focusing on their dedicated group of volunteers and having the entire club helping to make it all happen. The winners were: 450 intermediate — Jon Ens, Red Deer; 250 intermediate — Tom Jordan, Nordegg; open intermediate — Kurt Baumann, Thorsby; 450 expert — Riley Stormoen, Water Valley; open expert — Riley Stormoen; open novice — Jared Rose, Rocky Mountain House; 250 novice — Luke Russel, Calgary; veteran (39-plus) — Shane Lowry, Rocky Mountain House; two-stroke — Travis Reed, Ponoka; four-stroke — Randy Vangeytenbeek, Huxley; women’s motorcycle — Melanie Baumann, Thorsby; youth quad — Austin Roberts, Trochu; ATV 500cc and under novice — Scott Conley, Drayton Valley; ATV 500cc and under intermediate — Tom Tisdale, Rocky Mountain House; ATV 500cc and under expert — Jay Blake, Rocky Mountain House; ATV non-studded two-wd ladies — Hailee Roberts, Trochu; ATV non-studded two-wd — Jaxon Brooks, Wetaskiwin; UTV open studded — Steve Pohl, Millet; UTV over 900cc non-studded — Mark Meyer, Leduc; UTV under 900cc non-studded — Colin Hall, Nisku. The final race in the series goes this Sunday (Feb. 11) at Sylvan Lake. That will be followed two weeks later (Feb. 25) with the nationals hosted in Lac La Biche.
Focusing on Thicker, Deeper, Beefier Bulls MAXWELL Wed. February 28 at 1 p.m. Exhibition Grounds, Camrose AB
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It was a quick jump off the starting line for these four riders in the open expert class at the third race in the Alberta Oval Ice Racing series Feb. 4 on Gull Lake at Parkland Beach.
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General Meeting & Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Wednesday, February 21, 2018 At The Smithson International Truck Museum Doors Open at 5:30pm Special Resolution to be put forward at AGM “Existing By-Laws be repealed and replaced by New By-Laws approved by the Board of Directors”
Rimbey Review
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 A11
Rimbey Review Rimbey Review
A14 Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Merchandise for Sale
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BIG STRAPPER AUCTIONS at The Moose Hall, 2 miles south of Ponoka on Hwy. 2A Weekly sales Wed. @ 6 pm Antique sale 1st Sun. of the month, March 4 @ 1 pm To book your sale call 403-782-5693 or 403-304-4791 Check website for full listings Like us on Facebook UNRESERVED ANTIQUE COLLECTOR AUCTION! 11 am Saturday, February 17. No buyer’s fee. Hwy 14, Wainwright, Alberta. Scribner Auction. 780-842-5666. Friday night coin auction and preview.
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Pet Services G.L.D.C. Gas Co-op Ltd. is currently seeking a Assistant Office Administrator / Receptionist Full time Gull Lake Deer Creek Gas Co-op Ltd. is centrally located in Rimbey, Alberta, and serves approximately 2850 members within a Franchise area covering 2435 square km’s. We are a member owned Utility and have been providing safe, reliable Natural Gas Service since 1968. For more information on G.L.D.C. Gas Co-op Ltd. please check out our website at: The successful applicant will be a detail oriented person with exceptional interpersonal skills, as well as strong computer skills (Windows 10, MS Word, Excel, Outlook & Publisher). Duties will include telephone and front counter reception, along with general administrative duties including bill processing, digitizing files, and recording meeting minutes as needed.
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Tyson Prior to entertain at Beatty House Feb. 17
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Tyson Prior to come to Beatty House Submitted
If you were to dig up a gem in a small town like Rimbey Alberta, you might first take a look around to see if someone’s playing a prank. Next, you might think “This must be a fake!” But when you find out the rock is the real deal, you’d exclaim “This is my lucky day!” Tyson Prior is that kind of musical find. Live and local, he’ll be at the Beatty Heritage House on Sat., Feb. 17 for an acoustic concert featuring original music from his recently released EP, new tunes from his upcoming CD, and covers from the thick songbook of Americana music. Originally from Newfoundland, Tyson travelled Canada playing in various bands for the last fifteen years, eventually putting down roots with his young family in Rimbey. Inspired by his experiences growing up in close knit rural communities amongst down-to-earth workaday people, he says, “I write songs that are very genuine and authentic, that reflect everything I’ve lived. They’re portraits of me or of people I’ve known.” He mines the emotions and stories of real people and places, looking for meaningful songs which, in him, elicit a strong personal connection. Like Ron Hynes, one of his East Coast musical idols and “Man of a Thousand Songs”, over years of performing, Tyson has mastered songs from many genres, from easy listening to hard rock. His true passion, though, falls under the stylistic umbrella of Americana music: a tapestry of traditional country, bluegrass, the blues, and folk, blended for a distinctive roots-oriented sound. In 2017 Tyson signed with Volocian Studios to record his debut EP “The Homesick”. As a multi-instrumentalist he artfully uses guitar, harmonica, and mandolin to underpin his strong song-writing ability. Songs from the collection range from a blistering paced foot stompin’ song like “Coming Home”, about a far travelled Newfie joyously looking forward to seeing harbour and family again (a tune that sounds like it could be the love child of Buck Owens and Allan Doyle), to the wistful longing of “Lonely Road to You”, a full-on heartache song of unrequited love, George Jones style. He’s currently cutting tracks for a full length album to be released later this year. Musical influences include Townes van Zant, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Johnny Paycheck, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Guy Clark and Dean Brody, to name a few. “Waylon Jennings meets The Band meets Great Big Sea!” Tyson laughs. A seasoned performer who commits to his audience, Tyson’s recent career highlights include opening for Rodney Crowell (to glowing reviews), being invited to showcase at the Alberta Men and Women of Country, and being named an honoree of the Independent Country Gospel Bluegrass Music Association. It’ll be a good night at the Beatty House, to hear Tyson up close and personal. For more information, call Teri at 403-843-6497.
Rimbey Review
Midget Provincials coming to Rimbey in March By Treena Mielke
Midget Provincials is coming to Rimbey March 22 - 25 and plans are underway to showcase the exciting event. “Rimbey is lucky enough to be picked every two or three years for Provincials,” said host chairman, Stacey Johnson. It’s quite an honour, actually.”
Fundraising chairman Lora Bradshaw said a minimum of $15,000 is needed for Rimbey to host the provincials. Fundraising began in December and, thanks to the efforts of a dedicated, enthusiastic team, about half the funding has been raised. On Sat.,Feb. 3, the Nordstrom Dental Rimbey
Midget Team played all of the minor hockey league coaches. This was one of the many fundraising events the team has organized. Any individuals or businesses who wish to sponsor this amazing event, please call Lora Bradshaw (403 704-5992) or manager Stacey Johnson (403 704-5899). The committee is
grateful for the community uniting together to support youth in sports. Midget hockey players aged 15 to 17 from eight zones will gather in Rimbey for the Provincial tourney. The last round of playdowns for provincials will be held Feb. 26 and must be completed by March 11.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 A15
Rimbey Norstrom Dental Midgets played coaches as a fundraiser for Provincials coming to Rimbey March 22 - 25.
The Annual Blindman Valley Rod and Gun Club
is Wednesday, Febuary 21, 2018 @ 7 pm at the Rimbey Legion
Public Welcome No new memberships at this time
Here’s to the
FARMER Justin Lawson tries to score for his team of coaches. Val Browne photo
From all of us at FCC, thanks for making Canadian agriculture so amazing.
AGM Wednesday, February 28 at 7 pm in the Kinsmen Room Peter Lougheed Community Centre 18022FF0
Rimbey Review
A16 Tuesday, February 13, 2018
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