GREATQUALITY HOPPERBINS AND GRAINSTORAGE ...CALLNOW! 780-955-2455|NISKU,AB 1-877-955-6500 (780)986-5548orTollFree1-888-601-6611 3906-84Avenue,Leduc,AB. StarLine EquipmentSalesLtd. DIAMONDSHELTERS/GRAINVACS CHIEFGRAINBINS/TRAEGERPROGRILLS DIAMONDSHELTERS EndwallsforDiamondShelterscanbewoodormetalclad. Ourownpolyethylenecoveredendwallprovides a durable andattractivefinishtoyourDiamondShelter. 22-38 ft. Wide FreeStanding orPonyWall Style •40-120wideanylength GRAIN EQUIPMENT HAYSTORAGE HOG OfferingOver24Yearsof ExperienceBuildingShelters CHIEFWESTLANDFARMBINS • Corrugatedsteelsidewalls • TITAN“W”Stiffeners • StandardG115galvanize coating • Standardeasyaccessdoors SPECIAL BOOKINGPRICES forcompleteChiefbin andextension packages. • 13’Highdischarge boomfor B trains • 3300 - 4000bu./hr. • Dustseparation system • 20ft.steelhose and14ft.poly hosestandard CONVEYAIRGRAINVACS RAYMAKSKIDSTEERATTACHMENTS NEW! TRAEGERWOODPELLETGRILLS SHOW SPECIALS INEFFECT IN LEASING AVAILABLE CAMROSE 3301-48thAve NEWLOCATION (780)679-0051 ST.PAUL 520240thStreet (780)645-4639 WESTLOCK 10827100Street (780)349-4888 VEGREVILLE 4909BRUCEROAD (780)632-7780 Visitustoday! Xtreme Equipment XtremeEquipment GETIT DONE AND THEN SOME 0% FOR 60MO. ONALLM6TRACTORS SeeouradonPageA3 Go to for our Farm Equipment Inventory Feed | 1-888-703-0587 FarmLIFE Manitoba FarmLIFE Saskatchewan AD-VISER Farmer / Stockman AG-VISER Farmer / Stockman Press FARM Monday, September 25, 2023 Volume 23 | Number 17 Publication Agreement No. 40012905 AG-VISER Farmer / Stockman 1-888-703-0587 AG-VISER Farmer / Stockman
Decker,MB (204)412-0234
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Northern Alberta AG-Viser A2 Monday, September 25, 2023 Ph(403)380-6602 or 1-800-763-4721 2847–2Ave.N. Lethbridge,AlbertaT1H6S2 LethbridgeLtd. COMMUNICATIONS GROUP The Ultimate WirelessIntercom for yourfarmingoperation! KENWOOD MOBILERADIOS Startingat $369 1-877-463-8256 HEADOFFICE(Nisku,AB) (780)979-0325 Holden,AB (780)385-8819 StPaul,AB (780)787-0129 LocationsacrosswesternCanada NORTHERNALBERTA Westlock,AB (780)350-8916 SOUTHERNALBERTA Torrington,AB (403)559-6059 Drumhellar,AB (403)361-0490 Lethbridge,AB (403)758-3147 MedicineHat,AB (403)525-4247 PortageLaPrairie,MB (204)871-5251 Leask,SK (306)466-7921 Biggar,SK (306)948-3776 Lumsden,SK (306)731-2066 FortSt.John,BC (250)794-6618 MANITOBA BRITISHCOLUMBIA SASKATCHEWAN “Assolidastheproductswesell.” Decker,MB (204)412-0234 GrandePrairie,AB (780)512-4705 Morris,MB (204)803-5852 METALROOFING-METALSIDING RollformedtoCustomLengths-ManufacturerDirect COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIALAGRICULTURAL Locationsacrosswestern Manufacturingat 3LocationsinManitoba
Northern Alberta AG-Viser Monday, September 25, 2023 A3 SilageCovers NetWrap SilageBags GrainBags Twines BaleWrap Andmore... Freedeliveryoptionsavailable. 7802064666 7803796444 Contact adi h d l GRAIN CH&S CANADIANHAY& SILAGE LTD SunrisePanelManufacturingLtd. SUNRISELineofCustomEquipment WillingdonPlantBowIslandPlant (780)208-3970(403)393-2513 LANDROLLER HOPPERBOTTOM VisitOurWebsiteforCompleteDetails TruckDecks Bin Anchors Call Mike 780-385-4664 Proud Part ner of ProudPartnerof 1-866-345-3414 FARMREALESTATE.COM FARMS FOR SALE FARMSFORSALE FARMREALESTATE.COM• FARMAUCTION.COM• REALESTATECENTRE.COM MLS® FARMREALESTATE.COM Massive6 bedroom, 4 bathroom farmhouse Spa-like ensuite offofprimary bedroom Quonset,shopandgarageforoutbuildings 13MinutedrivetoEston Embracebeau�fulrurallivinghere MASSIVEFARMHOUSE ID#1102361•SASKATCHEWAN 403.849.1414 RYAN TUNALL 20 ACRES 20ACRES $849,900 2150 ACRES 2150ACRES $1,270,000 EXCLUSIVE FARMREALESTATE.COM Excellent 14Qtrpasture package with water Conserva�velycarries120pairs 2Deededqtrs&12Grazingleaseqtrs Pastureisperimeterandcrossfenced Several corralsplusannualsurfaceleaserevenue AFFORDABLEPASTURE ID#1102374•VILNA,AB 780.853.7858 PAUL CORBIERE 638 ACRES 638ACRES $1,675,000 EXCLUSIVE FARMREALESTATE.COM Closeknit 4 quarters of fenced hay& pasture Wellkept2bedroomBungalowhome Yardsiteislandscaped&has outbuildings Goodwaterwell&twosets of catchpens Carryingcapacity of approx.100pairs LIVESTOCKOPPORTUNITY ID#1102369•COUNTYOFTWOHILLS,AB 780.853.7858 PAUL CORBIERE 780.446.3006 RIA BRAAKSMA 403.393.4040 BEN VANDYK EXCLUSIVE FARMREALESTATE.COM Excellent quality land,145cul�vatedAcres Two homes,large barn,heatedshop & more Immaculately cared forthroughout Custombuiltmainhomewith a large gym 2ndhomehas3bedroomsand2bathrooms DESIRABLEFARMINGAREA ID#1102377•WESTLOCK,AB 160 ACRES 160ACRES $1,997,000 403.308.1737 HANK VANHIERDEN 780.446.3006 RIA BRAAKSMA EXCLUSIVE FARMREALESTATE.COM NiceblockoflandalongHighway 16 1107deeded acresand1381.16crownlandacres Elk & electric fencing fullhandling facili�es Heatedshopandgreat homeinpeacefularea BruleCreek runsthroughproperty RANCHALLINONEBLOCK ID#1102313 • NITONJUNCTION,AB 2488.16 ACRES 2488.16ACRES $2,940,000 EXCLUSIVE FARMREALESTATE.COM Halfsec�onoflandwithsurfacelease revenue 100Acresnicely level andseedto hay Remainder ispasture with plentyof water Excellent grass,all fenced andcross fenced DucksUnlimitedconserva�onagreement HALFSECTION ID#1102357•BEISEKER,AB 403.308.1737 HANK VANHIERDEN 320 ACRES 320ACRES $1,800,000 780.853.7858 PAUL CORBIERE 403.849.8211 CHRIS VEENENDAAL Private 1/4sec�on with3yardsites 1styard hastwo homes,one with triple garage 2nd yard hasservices& shopwith 2 addi�ons 3rdyard hasdriveway, power &water Perimeterfenced andcross fenced forgrazinglivestock Easy accessand versa�le, recrea�onaltrails MLS® FARMREALESTATE.COM 3 YARDSITES ID#1102332 • TWOHILLS,AB 160 ACRES 160ACRES $879,000 RANCH ALL IN ONE BLOC 780.446.3006 RIA BRAAKSMA 403.393.4040 BEN VANDYK MLS® FARMREALESTATE.COM Ideallivestock &storage opportunity Custombuilthomeplus 3 large barns Heated shop,poleshed,and 3waterwells Matureyard,quiet andpeacefulliving Grandfathered NRCBpermit forbroiler breederunits LIFESTYLE,FARMING,STORAGE ID#1102356•BARRHEAD,AB 26.48 ACRES 26.48ACRES $1,264,000 New New New
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Northern Alberta AG-Viser A4 Monday, September 25, 2023 HOPPERBOTTOMS &GRAINSTORAGE 10- 15-04 Meridian 2800 BU 10-15-04Meridian2800BU with 4x8 skid - $12,500.00 each with4x8skid-$12,500.00each 2- 18-05 Meridian 4900 BU 2-18-05Meridian4900BU with double 4x6 skid - $20,500.00 each withdouble4x6skid-$20,500.00each 1- 15’-07” Steel Floor 1-15’-07”SteelFloor for Chief Westland Bin - $2100.00 each ChiefWestlandBin-$2100.00each 2- 60,000 BTU Propane/Gas 9x14 2-60,000BTUPropane/Gas9x14 Heater - $2245.00 each Heater-$2245.00each *Price does not include installation, delivery or aeration *Pricedoesnotincludeinstallation,deliveryoraeration 780-955-2455 3075-4thSt.Nisku,AB TollFree1-877-955-6500
Northern Alberta AG-Viser Monday, September 25, 2023 A5 contactus: NORTH COUNTRY CONSTRUCTION Dave Ehst | 587-280-4004 DaveEhst|587-280-4004 • SHOPS •FARMBUILDINGS •POSTFRAMEOR STUD WALLS • ICFBLOCK FOUNDATIONS • START TO FINISH CONSTRUCTION WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED 4830 - 78 ST., UNIT 10, RED DEER, AB 403.755.2554 • 24 hour Emergency Service • Repairs • Rewinds • Replacements • Complete Electric Motor Repairs (up to 400hp) & Sales • Complete Pump Repairs & Sales ools Repairs & Warranty Service NOW IN RED DEER POWER TOOL REPAIR WARRANTY FOR MILWAUKEE | BOSCH | HITACHI | MAKITA | DEWALT 403-755-2554 1000PTO RimbeyImplementsLtd 5410-43Street,Rimbey AlYork-SalesManagercell:403-783-0593 SamCampbell-Salesphone:403-783-3700 2024Highline660-200 withFeederChopper•TripleHydraulics•FlotationTires For more Formore information CallAl & Samtoday! 403-843-3700 AG-VISER Farmer / Stockman
MAP Agriis a familyowned organizationoperating in internationa markets for over30years fora variety of manufacturers bothinCanadaand worldwide.
These manufacturers are of a scale where internal exportmarketdevelopment willbefinancially prohibitive.MAP Agrioffersthese manufacturersa wealthofcontactsand options for takingtheir topquality agriculturalfarmmachinery intomarkets they would not otherwise haveaccessto
MAP Agriwas created tomaximizetherelationships and internationa connections developed over a 30yearcareer ofproduct and marketdevelopment invarious companies and capacities MAP Agri recognized the needfor the supplygoodquality productsofthe appropriate size, capacityand fitfor internationa farmers and farmequipment dealers.
Due to a combination ofCOVID issuesofsupply, freight and travel, MAP Agriinitiateda focus shift.This search resulted inthe Electric Tractoropportunity.
Timing ofThe ElectricShift inproductswas right and willmaximizethe current trend toelectrifiedfarm equipment products
MAP Agrihas beenabletosecure the internationa rightstodevelop and distributethe KnegtTractor, the Clydesdale Tractorand ‘et-sun’Bi-Facia Solar Fencing.MAP Agriwillcontinueoperationsin established facilitiesinCambridge,Ontario Canada for world distribution
The use ofelectricpoweredmachinery isgaining tractionwithnew innovations inbattery and AI technologyaswellassocialand politica directions for future electrificationandreductionofcarbon contributions.MAP Agriisuniquelypositioned totakeadvantage withestablished contactsand relationships.Areview offuture demandisavailable at: KnegtTractorCo.Currentlyoperatinginthe45-55
Hpcategorywiththefirstonebuiltin2021.Oneof theissueswithelectricfarmequipmentisalways thelengthofserviceperbatterycharge.TheKnegt tractorispromotedas5hoursoffullworktime.Ithas asecondbatteryattachmentthatwillextendtherun timeto10hours.
TheKnegtTractorfitstherange45and55HP categoryofCompactutilitytractorandsoon65HP. Thissizeisintendedforamultitudeofworktypesin andaroundlargefarms,andhobbyfarms.Itisalso highlyfunctionalfortheactivitiesoflandscapersand contactors.
Initially,theKnegtTractorwasdevelopedforthe equestriansector,butduetothecombinationofa smallturningcirclewithalargeliftingcapacityand itsverycompleteequipment,demandquicklyarose fromothersectorssuchashorticultureandforestry, gardeners,leisureandsportsfacilities.
Weliketokeepinnovatingandwethinkalongwith youabouttheissuesofourtime.Thatiswhywehave developedthe100%electriccompacttractor.This hasbeenonthemarketsincetheendof2021and withsuccess!Withthiselectricall-rounderyoucan worksilentlyandemission-free.
Thankstothecurrentexpansionpossibilitiesanda varietyofaccessories,KnegtQualityTractorsoffers therightcompacttractorforeverysector.
•HorticultureandGreenHouse Withtheautomaticsensingoflowbatterypower,the tractorwillscaledownitspowerusageautomatically toensuresufficientpowertoreachacharging location.Frontandrear3pointhitch,fullhydraulics, qualityfrontendloader,achoiceofcabsandtires, etcplusanelectricoutletforyourtools.
Withminimalpartsandservicerequirements,enjoy thebenefitsofnofuel costs,noexhaustandabetter environment.
TheClydesdaleElectricTractor isadifferent categorywithawalkbehind2wheelelectricpower machineor4wheeladaptedversion.
Ideallysuitedforsmall-scalefarms,gardeners, nurseriesetc.
TheClydesdaletractorhasvariousconfigurations andattachmentstocreatemultipleapplicationsand usesasarealworkhorse.
Bi-FacialSolarFencing –insupportoftheelectric machinery,MAPAgrihassecuredrightstosellthe ‘et-Sun’ElectricFenceandBatteryBarn.
Thisverticalsolarfencewillgenerate30%morepower thantraditionaltiltedsolarpanelswithouttheneed forre-positioning.Itissuitedtomanyapplications suchascattleguard,fence,privacyfencing,etc.and allthewhilegeneratingelectricpower.
TheelectricitycollectedbytheBi-FacialSolarFencing canbestoredinthePatentedBatteryBarnorsold backtotheutilitytogenerateincome.
MAPAgriislookingforbothfarmersusersand potentialdealersforpromotingandsellingour products.
Thepackageofelectrictractorsandsolarenergy supplywillcreateahugeimpactonyouroperations.
Northern Alberta AG-Viser A6 Monday, September 25, 2023 Northern Alberta AG-Viser Monday, September 25, 2023 A7 A STEPAHEAD intothefutureoffarming MAPAgri isyoursourceforcompleteandefficientelectricfarmingsolutions. Thefuture offarmingiselectric. ContactMAPAgri today: BertSlomp,SeniorSalesConsultant Cell:1• 403•331•1150 Dealerenquirieswelcome Benefitfromthenewandmoreeffectiveway ofproducing andstoringsolarpower, with et-sunSolarFences© and et-sunBatteryBarns© . The CyberClydesdale istheelectrictwowheel tractorthatyouwillfallinlovewith.Specially designedforsmallscalefarmers. KnegtElectricTractors arewhisperquiet,no emissions,nofuelcost,strongandversatile compacttractorsatanaffordableprice.
MAP Agriis a familyowned organizationoperating in internationa markets for over30years fora variety of manufacturers bothinCanadaand worldwide.
These manufacturers are of a scale where internal exportmarketdevelopment willbefinancially prohibitive.MAP Agrioffersthese manufacturersa wealthofcontactsand options for takingtheir topquality agriculturalfarmmachinery intomarkets they would not otherwise haveaccessto
MAP Agriwas created tomaximizetherelationships and internationa connections developed over a 30yearcareer ofproduct and marketdevelopment invarious companies and capacities MAP Agri recognized the needfor the supplygoodquality productsofthe appropriate size, capacityand fitfor internationa farmers and farmequipment dealers.
Due to a combination ofCOVID issuesofsupply, freight and travel, MAP Agriinitiateda focus shift.This search resulted inthe Electric Tractoropportunity.
Timing ofThe ElectricShift inproductswas right and willmaximizethe current trend toelectrifiedfarm equipment products
MAP Agrihas beenabletosecure the internationa rightstodevelop and distributethe KnegtTractor, the Clydesdale Tractorand ‘et-sun’Bi-Facia Solar Fencing.MAP Agriwillcontinueoperationsin established facilitiesinCambridge,Ontario Canada for world distribution
The use ofelectricpoweredmachinery isgaining tractionwithnew innovations inbattery and AI technologyaswellassocialand politica directions for future electrificationandreductionofcarbon contributions.MAP Agriisuniquelypositioned totakeadvantage withestablished contactsand relationships.Areview offuture demandisavailable at: KnegtTractorCo.Currentlyoperatinginthe45-55
Hpcategorywiththefirstonebuiltin2021.Oneof theissueswithelectricfarmequipmentisalways thelengthofserviceperbatterycharge.TheKnegt tractorispromotedas5hoursoffullworktime.Ithas asecondbatteryattachmentthatwillextendtherun timeto10hours.
TheKnegtTractorfitstherange45and55HP categoryofCompactutilitytractorandsoon65HP. Thissizeisintendedforamultitudeofworktypesin andaroundlargefarms,andhobbyfarms.Itisalso highlyfunctionalfortheactivitiesoflandscapersand contactors.
Initially,theKnegtTractorwasdevelopedforthe equestriansector,butduetothecombinationofa smallturningcirclewithalargeliftingcapacityand itsverycompleteequipment,demandquicklyarose fromothersectorssuchashorticultureandforestry, gardeners,leisureandsportsfacilities.
Weliketokeepinnovatingandwethinkalongwith youabouttheissuesofourtime.Thatiswhywehave developedthe100%electriccompacttractor.This hasbeenonthemarketsincetheendof2021and withsuccess!Withthiselectricall-rounderyoucan worksilentlyandemission-free.
Thankstothecurrentexpansionpossibilitiesanda varietyofaccessories,KnegtQualityTractorsoffers therightcompacttractorforeverysector.
•HorticultureandGreenHouse Withtheautomaticsensingoflowbatterypower,the tractorwillscaledownitspowerusageautomatically toensuresufficientpowertoreachacharging location.Frontandrear3pointhitch,fullhydraulics, qualityfrontendloader,achoiceofcabsandtires, etcplusanelectricoutletforyourtools.
Withminimalpartsandservicerequirements,enjoy thebenefitsofnofuel costs,noexhaustandabetter environment.
TheClydesdaleElectricTractor isadifferent categorywithawalkbehind2wheelelectricpower machineor4wheeladaptedversion.
Ideallysuitedforsmall-scalefarms,gardeners, nurseriesetc.
TheClydesdaletractorhasvariousconfigurations andattachmentstocreatemultipleapplicationsand usesasarealworkhorse.
Bi-FacialSolarFencing –insupportoftheelectric machinery,MAPAgrihassecuredrightstosellthe ‘et-Sun’ElectricFenceandBatteryBarn.
Thisverticalsolarfencewillgenerate30%morepower thantraditionaltiltedsolarpanelswithouttheneed forre-positioning.Itissuitedtomanyapplications suchascattleguard,fence,privacyfencing,etc.and allthewhilegeneratingelectricpower.
TheelectricitycollectedbytheBi-FacialSolarFencing canbestoredinthePatentedBatteryBarnorsold backtotheutilitytogenerateincome.
MAPAgriislookingforbothfarmersusersand potentialdealersforpromotingandsellingour products.
Thepackageofelectrictractorsandsolarenergy supplywillcreateahugeimpactonyouroperations.
Northern Alberta AG-Viser A6 Monday, September 25, 2023 Northern Alberta AG-Viser Monday, September 25, 2023 A7 A STEPAHEAD intothefutureoffarming MAPAgri isyoursourceforcompleteandefficientelectricfarmingsolutions. Thefuture offarmingiselectric. ContactMAPAgri today: BertSlomp,SeniorSalesConsultant Cell:1• 403•331•1150 Dealerenquirieswelcome Benefitfromthenewandmoreeffectiveway ofproducing andstoringsolarpower, with et-sunSolarFences© and et-sunBatteryBarns© . The CyberClydesdale istheelectrictwowheel tractorthatyouwillfallinlovewith.Specially designedforsmallscalefarmers. KnegtElectricTractors arewhisperquiet,no emissions,nofuelcost,strongandversatile compacttractorsatanaffordableprice.
Northern Alberta AG-Viser A8 Monday, September 25, 2023 GM/AUCTIONEER BOBPERLICH (403)382-7800Cell. AUCTIONEER JOHNPERLICH (403)331-9911Cell. YARDFOREMAN JAKEDANIELS Cell.(403)635-0309 Phone:(403)329-3101•TollFree:1-855-PERLICH•Fax:(403)327-2288 AUCTIONEER/FIELDREP JOEPERLICH(403)635-0310 JUSTINPERLICH(403)635-5310 COREYFRENCH(403)331-1830 WILFREDTITANICH(403)894-5603 FIELDREPS DARCYMOORHEAD(403)635-0308 BILLPERLICH(403)540-1884 KENLIDBERG(403)382-8189 SCOTTMUNSCH(403)548-4978 LETHBRIDGEDIVISION MACHINERYDEPARTMENT WILFREDTITANICH(403)894-5603 SEVENPERSONSDIVISION MACHINERYDEPARTMENT SCOTTMUNSCH403-548-4978 HOGDEPARTMENT SHELLYVANDERKOOI (403)635-0316 Email:auction@perlich.comLic,0714651 PLANNEDMARKETINGPAY$ We’re3MilesEastofLethbridge onHighway3&1/4MileSouthonthe BroxburnRoad. Estin1967 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 2627282930 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24 31 252627282930 SEPTEMBER OCTPBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER EQUIPMENTCONSIGNMENTSALES PRESTONCALFSALES CALFSALES STOCKCOW,BREDHEIFER& COW/CALFPAIRSALES Registernow&login! ViewMarketreports aftereachsaleonourwebsite CONSIGNNOW! Phone403.329.3101 Fax403.327.2288 TollFree1.855.737.5424 MerryChristmas& HappyNewYear! SheepSale 1:00pm Labour Day SheepSale 1:00pm Thanksgiving Day StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm SheepSale 1:00pm RegularCattle& Calf/YearlingSale (Feat.videoconsignments) 10:00am RegularCattle& SpecialYearlingSale 10:00am AngusInfluence RancherCalf Sale10:00am RegularCattle& SpecialYearlingSale 10:00am PRESORT CalfSale 10:00am RancherCalfSale 10:00am RegularCattle& SpecialYearlingSale 10:00am RancherCalfSale 10:00am RegularCattle& SpecialYearlingSale 10:00am PRESORT CalfSale 10:00am PRESORT CalfSale 10:00am RegularCattle& YearlingSale 10:00am StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm HomeRaised OneIronStockCow& BredHeiferSale1:00pm DuckworthRanch TheEstateof GeorgeSchile AuctionSale Etzikom,AB-10:00am PRESORT CalfSale 10:00am PRESORT CalfSale 10:00am RemembranceDay StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm SevenPersons Machinery&Equip. ConsignmentSale 10:00am StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm RegularCattle& Calf/YearlingSale (Feat.videoconsignments) 10:00am RegularCattle& SpecialYearlingSale 10:00am PRESORT CalfSale 10:00am PRESORT CalfSale 10:00am RegularCattle& SpecialYearlingSale 10:00am RancherCalfSale 10:00am StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm RegularCattle& YearlingSale 10:00am StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm RegularCattle& Calf/YearlingSale (Feat.videoconsignments) 10:00am RegularCattle& SpecialYearlingSale 10:00am PRESORT CalfSale 10:00am PRESORT CalfSale 10:00am RegularCattle& SpecialYearlingSale 10:00am StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm RancherCalfSale 10:00am StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm LastChance CattleSale! 10:00am StockCow& BredHeiferSale 1:00pm BorderButte AngusBullSale 1:30pm RegularCattle& Calf/YearlingSale (Feat.videoconsignments) 10:00am RegularCattle& SpecialYearlingSale 10:00am ChristmasDayBoxingDay NewYear’sEve ChristmasEve LethbridgeMachinery &Equipment ConsignmentSale 10:00am RancherCalfSale 10:00am U2RanchInfluence Supreme7th Annual BreedingStockSale 1:00pm Day1PerlichBros. FallHorseSale 6:00pm Day2PerlichBros.Fall HorseSale-11:00am NationalDayfor Truth&Reconciliation HerdDispersals,Farm/RanchSales, HorseSales,Equipment&Machinery. Protectyourinvestmentforbiggerreturns! Contactusforallyourmarketingneeds. Wecanholdupto2000headundercover incleanstrawbeddedpens,andfacilities tofeed&water4000head. OURLASTSALEOF2023-December21st OURFIRSTSALEOF2024-January4th
Northern Alberta AG-Viser Monday, September 25, 2023 A9 “ON FARM PICK UP” 877-250-5252 • HEATED• LIGHT • SPRING • THRASH • BUGS • MIX • DAMP DAMAGED GRAIN BUYING Wanted Cash paid for Land and Timber or Timber, all species. Harvesting is available. Call: 778-517-5257 778-582-1050 250-741-4278 Farm Services Real Estate Farm Services “WE DELIVER TO EVERY FARM & RANCH!” The Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser is a division of Black Press Media and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Southern Alberta. Toll Free 1-888-703-0587 AD-VISER Farmer / Stockman AG-VISER Farmer / Stockman FarmLIFE Manitoba FarmLIFE Saskatchewan AD-VISER Farmer / Stockman AG-VISER Farmer / Stockman AD-VISER Farmer / Stockman FarmLIFE Manitoba FarmLIFE Saskatchewan AG-Viser Classified Ads Mary Kemmis Publisher 403-506-1768 PublishedEvery OtherThursday READTHEPAPERS ONLINEAT E-mail: Visa or Mastercard Phone Orders - Toll Free: 1-888-703-0587 SHOP LOCAL. SAVE LOCAL Support the local businesses that keep your community and its newspapers thriving. CLASSIFIED ADS Reach more locals for less money 1-866-865-4460 CONNECTING THROUGH THE CLASSIFIEDS! 1.866.865.4460 SELLERS BUYERS & OPPORTUNITY IS CALLING! Advertise HERE to grow your business grow business Give us a call at 1.866.865.4460 “ diabetes? BUT I WORK OUT. ” 1 in 3 Canadians already has diabetes or prediabetes and many don’t know it. Let your patients know they should test annually for type 2 diabetes. For every test completed, Sun Life Financial will donate $3 to breakthrough diabetes research. PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER. To Book Your Ad Space Call 1.866.865.4460 $3500 * private sales only GARAGE SALE Clear the CLUTTER, clear the MIND • 1 x 1 Boxed Ad
Northern Alberta AG-Viser A10 Monday, September 25, 2023 Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. FEBRUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SK AD SK AD MB AG AG Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. JANUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SK AD SK AD MB AG AG Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. MARCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SK AD SK AD MB AG AG Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. APRIL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SK AD SK AD MB AG AG Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. JULY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SK AG SK AG AD MB AD Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. AUGUST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SK AD SK AD MB AG AG Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. MAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AD AD MB Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. JUNE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SK AG AD MB SK AG AD SK AG SK AG AD Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. NOVEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 AD MB AD Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AD MB AD SK AG SK AG SK AG SK AG Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. SEPTEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SK AD SK AD Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AD MB AG AG AD SK AG MB AD SK AG Publication Dates: 2023 Press FARM Learn how easy can make your What are the advantages of using the farm publications under the FarmPress Media umbrella? These publications include the AD-Viser (Southern Alberta), the AG-Viser (Central/Northern Alberta), Saskatchewan FarmLife (all of Saskatchewan) and Manitoba FarmLife (all of Manitoba). All four are the leading farm buyers’ guides in their respective markets. Need a quote for your next project? Contact us at or submit your project specifications online, and one of our account representatives will be happy to assist you. 1-888-703-0587 Press FARM farmingoperation!
Northern Alberta AG-Viser Monday, September 25, 2023 A11 Call us to book your ad: TOLL FREE: 1-888-703-0587 AG-VISER Farmer / Stockman