4 minute read
R&B/Soul artist, JeRonelle is a magnificent vocalist with stage presence and sp rit to match
Although born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, h s path has taken h m across the country over the last decade “ love my city and I ll always put on for it, but I knew that if I wanted to take my dreams of making it n music to new heights, I would have to branch out ” said JeRonelle With his deep love for mus c and a desire for more out of life, his journey would first take him to Atlanta, Georgia where he attended Clark-Atlanta Univers ty
As he nav gated through college, someth ng within him let h m know that Atlanta was only a temporary destination on his road to fulf llment JeRonelle sa d, “It was during the second half of my sen or year that knew Los Angeles was going to be the next b g move ” In addition to having family members who lived in California career opportun ties also began to line up for him, wh ch served as further confirmation Two days after his college graduation, he was on a plane to Los Angeles “May 2023 will mark seven years s nce I moved to Los Angeles,” said JeRonelle
Throughout the last s x years he’s had h s share of tr als that m ght’ve broken most, but he s steadfast in his determ nation and it has paid off numerous times includ ng his national TV debut on Season 2 of FOX’s hit singing competition ‘The Four’ Many may not know that just prior to appearing on ‘The Four’, JeRonelle went through a bout of near-homelessness and was liv ng in a trans tional house JeRonelle sa d, “Someth ng wasn t add ng up for me because I’m thinking to myself, I graduated with honors and I was at the top of my class, and now I’m damn near homeless?!” n addit on to his personal life go ng through a rough patch his musical dreams were on the decl ne as he had aud tioned for every major reality TV singing show imaginable
“With every single audition, I either would get a straight up no, or I d get further nto the audition process only to be told that I either wasn t the r ght f t, it wasn’t the right time or that I wouldn t be able to keep up with the competition,” sa d JeRonelle
On the brink of giving up completely, JeRonelle was in attendance for a friend’s birthday party when a chance meeting would change h s life and later g ve way to a successful aud tion for Season 2 of The Four’ “I met with one of the casting producers and he was the one who convinced me to re-audition He walked me through the process and gave me some helpful t ps ” said JeRonelle Mak ng the most of his moment, JeRonelle would go on to perform highly memorable rendit ons of “This Woman’s Work” and “All Of Me” – but the highs didn’t come without the lows “I w sh people at home could have known how dark it had gotten for me by that point ” said JeRonelle While thankful for the exposure, he was still having to experience liv ng in a transitional home JeRonelle opens up by say ng, “I was filming the show during the day and st ll having to go back to the home at night and live w th f ve other grown men battling the r own ssues meanwhile I’m just trying to find my own way ” JeRonelle continues by say ng, “I d dn t want people to hear my story and see t as a sob story I wanted them to understand why I was there Yes, the exposure and the idea of a recording contract s nice, but I wanted to finally see my career trajectory come to fru tion and go in an upward motion like for real, for real ”
After the show JeRonelle’s luck began to change as he found himself on stable ground and his mus cal career saw a new level of notoriety He’s since gone on to sing background for various artists, perform n cities across the country, and release two new EP’s worth of original music He rema ns excited to share his journey because he knows that t can inspire others to take a leap of faith
After taking a brief h atus from releas ng music, JeRonelle released his newest single ‘Stuck at the top of January 2023 Regard ng his new song, JeRonelle opened up by saying “I wrote Stuck in September 2021 and it s the first part of a longer story The song was inspired by a dating s tuat on I found myself in with someone where we kept making up to break up ” ‘Stuck’ takes the listener through the emot onal ride JeRonelle went through after learning that the one he was previously dating had potentially found someone else The idea of his former love moving on so soon caught him by surprise as he thought that their t me apart would allow for the both of them to work on themselves individually “It reminded me of that moment in a romantic comedy you know, the part where you see the character make that last-ditch effort l ke running through the airport after that person ” said JeRonelle The response from fans and new l steners alike has been overwhelmingly positive and the accompanying music video has also s nce been released on YouTube ‘Stuck’ is part of a brand new EP which JeRonelle is slated to release later this Spr ng