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Crafting Your CV
You should include your full name, address, contact number and email address.
You should outline your education history in reverse chronological order and include the name of the course, the institution and length of study. For tertiary study, you should include your GPA and/or WAM. Feel free to include your secondary study, including your university entry mark.
If you have extensive and relevant past experience, you may decide to include this first. You should outline all your relevant work experience, in reverse chronological order, beginning with your most recent/present employment. Ensure to include your job title, start/finish employment dates, name of employer and responsibilities. Be sure to include the skills you developed and any achievements or accomplishments if you believe they are relevant.
In this section, include your involvement at school and university, alongside any community engagement. Examples include university societies, participating in competitions, sporting team or volunteering experiences. You should highlight the skills you developed in these positions, such as teamwork or leadership.
You may decide to include other headings to suit your personal circumstances or which may be particularly relevant to the position or firm you are applying for. You can include other headings such as: Interests, Achievements, Leadership or Completed Courses such as first aid or computer proficiency.
Referees may be included at the end of a CV as a point reference which prospective employers may contact. Referees are usually former or current employers, a teacher, or someone who is able to comment on your work and skills in a professional setting. Try to avoid including personal references, such as family members or close friends. You do not have to include referees and it is sufficient to say ‘referees available upon request’ under the heading. If you wish to include referees, two is appropriate. Ensure you include the person’s name, their position, the company name and contact number. If you decide to include referees, be sure to ask their permission, inform them of the position you are applying for and the skills they are looking for.