3 minute read
A lot of firms have a buddy system in place, which means you will be paired with a younger employee, usually a graduate or junior lawyer. You will be partnered with them throughout your clerkship. Your buddy is there to help you with any questions you may have and to assist you when you need it. Don’t be afraid to ask questions - your buddy was in your position not too long ago. Be sure to interact with your buddy and ask them to coffee if they don’t ask first!
Clerkships aren’t just about working! Many firms will organise social events which provide a good break from all stresses of work and socialise with the wider community of the firm. You are likely to attend at least one Friday night drinks in the duration of your clerkship. If your clerkship is in December, you will likely attend the firm Christmas party and if you’re clerking in either January or June, the firm will likely host a sit down dinner or celebration of sorts.
It is important to make the most of these events. They are great opportunities to meet people from other practice groups in the firm and help you to get to know the firm culture and determine whether you would be a good fit at the firm.
The night before
Make sure that you have set your alarm and held the train or bus timetables, you do not want to be late on the first day of your clerkship. Make sure you have an early night because you want to feel fresh and ready to go - first impressions count!
Dress code
Most firms have corporate attire dress code. For Males, this means suits including a tie. Some firms don’t require their staff to wear ties but we recommend that you wear a tie on your first day. Be sure to bring a tie to work everyday, just in case you need to go to court or a client meeting.
For Females, this means a mid-length dress or blouse with blazer and dress pants.
For both Males and Females, bring a blazer with you everyday in case you are required to attend a client meeting or court.
It is normal to feel nervous on your first day
Don’t be! Remember that the firm was confident enough in your ability to choose you, so you should be as well! Your first day will usually consist of getting to know other clerks, familiarising yourself with the technology used by the firm, office tours and being introduced to your practice group.
What happens on offers day?
If you are lucky enough to get an offer (or even a few) you will receive a phone call from the firm. This phone call will usually come from HR or your interviewing Partner from anytime between 9am to 11am.
Do I have to accept the offer straight away?
No, you have until 1pm to decide. It is very common to thank a firm for their offer and ask if you can call them back with your decision. This gives you the best chance to consider all the options you have available.
Key Dates
Vacation Clerkship Recruitment Dates 2021
Applications open Monday 28 June 2021
Applications close Review and interview
Offers made Offers held open until Sunday 1 August 2021 Monday 2 August to Friday 10 September 2021 Friday 17 September 2021 (9 am) Friday 17 September 2021 (1 pm)
Graduate Recruitment 2021 1st Round Offers
First round offers made First round offers held open until Friday 23 July 2021 (9 am) Friday 23 July 2021 (5 pm)
Applications open Applications close
Graduate Recruitment 2021 Standard Offers
Monday 26 July 2021 Sunday 8 August 2021
Review and interview
Offers made Offers held open until Monday 9 August to Friday 3 September 2021 Friday 10 September 2021 (9 am) Friday 10 September 2021 (5 pm)