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Writing a Cover Letter




The introduction should outline the name of your degree, how far into your studies you are, the position you are applying for and when you are expecting to graduate.


This paragraph should set out the skills and qualifications you have that are necessary for meeting the selection criteria. You should support this with evidence or examples of your past employment history, extra-curricular activities and volunteer positions. Ensure you are emphasising your skills. These skills could include attention to detail, leadership, teamwork and ability to manage multiple tasks at one time. Then, provide examples of how you demonstrated those skills in a practical setting.


This paragraph should outline why you are interested in the specific firm. Use evidence to support this, such as sharing similar values with the firm or identifying appealing aspects about the organisation. Additionally, conduct research into the firm, their various practice groups, any people you have met, interesting work that the firm is currently working on, recent matters the firm has completed or recent achievements or awards the firm has received.


In this section, include your involvement at school and university, alongside any community engagement. Examples include university societies, participating in competitions, sporting team or volunteering experiences. You should highlight the skills you developed in these positions, such as teamwork or leadership.


A conclusion should thank the person addressed for their time and consideration of your application, and state that you look forward to hearing from them. Sign off with “yours sincerely…” or “kind regards…”.

Sample Cover Letter



ATT: Charlotte Human Resources Director Rand, Kaldor & Zane Level 70 1 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 Rachel Zane 333 Bay Street PERTH WA, 6000 +61 712 345 678 | iloveharry@hotmail.com

RE: 2020 Clerkship Application

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to apply for thea vacation Cclerkship Programposition at Rand, Kaldor & Zane. I am currently in my penultimate year studying of the Juris Doctor at The University of Western Australia, maintainingwith a distinction average, [*]. I have previously also completed at Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Western Australia with a distinction average, degree majoring in Business Law and Finance. at a distinction average.

I am applying to Rand, Kaldor & Zane as it holds a reputation as the leading firm in commercial law. My perception of your firm is one of excellence, professionalism and, as dedication toof employee development, evident through the firm winning the Best Employer Award for 2020. Furthermore, I believe this opportunity would allow me to gain hands-on legal experience with leading industry leading professionals and apply my learning into practice.

I am also aware that your firmRand, Kaldor & Zane maintainshas a strong emphasis commitment toin community support through pro -bono work. I believe working at a firm that values social responsibility is crucial in becoming a well-balanced professional. As the firm’s beliefs strongly resonating with my own, I am excited to apply for this valuable opportunity. In particular, I am interested in the [pro bono program].

I believe my skills and experiences positions me asto be a strong candidate for this position. I have developed strong legal skills throughout my volunteering experience with community legal centres. I have also developed leadership and teamwork skills throughout numerous committee positions at university.

Always striving to learn new skills and experiences, I am excited to apply for this position. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward in discussing this further at your convenience and can be contacted on + 61 712 345 678.Thank you in advance for your time in considering my application.

Kind rRegards,

Rachel Zane.

Commented [GT1]: Albeit this may be humerous for HR, make a new gmail account with a combination of your first/family name exlusively for clerkship applications. This new email will be useful in tracking the progress of your applications without all of the junk mail you've unknowingly subsribed to; let it mark your transition into a fully fledged adult, leaving at the way side the clutter of your younger self. Commented [GT2]: Find out who the Clerkship/Graduate program coordinator is at each firm you apply for and address the letter to them (e.g. Charlotte [last name]) . Also, start with Dear, not To. Commented [GT3]: Oppurtunity here to highlight any standout academic results you have achieved, for instance if you attained a high distinction in a notoriously difficult subject or ranked within a unit. Commented [GT4]: As a general point, there is a simple three step formula you should employ for any point you make throughout your covering letter: 1) what the firm does that interests you; 2) your past experiences that allign with that interest; and 3) how those experiences have given you the skills and attributes that will enable you to contribute to the firm in a meaningful way. Commented [GT5]: Avoid describing a firm in a way that gives the impression that your research of the firm is limited to reading the 'about us' or home page from the firm's website. A paragraph like this should reflect your in-depth knowledge of the firm.For example, you could highlight a specific team within the team that is highly regarded and then outline your interest in that area of the law.

Commented [GT6]: Referring to a firm's 'commitment to corporate governance/community support' is a general statement that almost all students will use, it does not differentiate your application from another candidate. Use your paragraph re pro bono as an oppurtunity to show the firm that you have actively looked into what the firm actually does in in their pro bono space. If you are exclusively relying on the firm's website to find a pro bono program you are interested in, double check it is actually offered in the office you are applying for. Often national firms will advertise their programs as though all their offices participate despite the program only being offered in a particular office.

Commented [GT7]: Two points on this sentence: 1) This sentence would be better suited two paragraphs above - slotting in after you have outlined what specific practise group within the firm you are interested in. Its use is derived from your ability to allign what you have learnt from your past experiences with the practise group you are interested in or the valuesof the firm.

Formatted: Font: Bold, Highlight Formatted: Font: Bold, Highlight

Commented [GT8]: Same as above.

Commented [GT9]: Don't waste space in your cover letter. This paragraph adds nothing to your application and the whole paragraph could be adequately reflected in a much shorter sentence.

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