3 minute read

The College of Law

is an 8-week online program which can be undertaken instead of work experience.

Students at The College of Law can access one-on-one consultations with a Careers Professional for assistance with career planning and job searches, applications, and interviews.


Do you provide full-time and

part-time options? You can complete your Practical Legal Training in one of three study modes: full-time, part-time, or part-time evening. Choose the mode that suits your goals, timeframe, and lifestyle.

Where are students able to find more information?

Visit collaw.edu.au/PLT or contact us on (08) 9214 0200 or waadmin@collaw.edu.au

Curtin Law School

Curtin Law School 57 Murray Street and 137 St Georges Terrace Perth 6000


Curtin.PLT@curtin.edu.au | Francesca Renkema - Course Coordinator, Practical Legal Training

How does your course differ from other PLT courses?

• Our Graduate Diploma in

Legal Practice is the first and only PLT course to be delivered by a Western

Australian university • Online course material supported through regular face to face seminars and workshops with experienced members of the legal profession • Aspects of coursework integrated with real client experiences in the John

Curtin Law Clinic* • Practice management and time-recording software integrated with coursework • Develop your advocacy skills through intensive advocacy training and practice opportunities with experienced barristers • Option to guarantee legal workplace experience hours through the John Curtin

Law Clinic • Convenient CBD location and state-of-the-art facilities • No exams *Proposed for January 2022 intake, subject to approval by the Legal Practice Board of WA

How is the course structured?

Coursework units covering the following areas: • Lawyers’ Skills • Work Management and

Business Skills • Property Law Practice • Civil Litigation Practice • Commercial and Corporate

Practice Two electives (subject to availability): • Administrative Law Practice • Criminal Law Practice • Employment and Industrial

Relations Practice • Family Law Practice • Wills and Estates Practice One workplace experience unit with a choice from two options:

• Legal Workplace

Experience: 75 days work experience with recognition of up to 60 days prior legal workplace experience (subject to our Workplace

Experience Rules)


• Clinical Legal Work

Experience: guarantee all your work experience requirements through a placement in the

John Curtin Law Clinic.

Complete 40 days of work experience under the supervision of experienced legal practitioners. The

John Curtin Law Clinic is a pro bono teaching clinic within Curtin University.

You can gain a variety of legal experience including advising small businesses, individuals, start-ups and not-for-profits in relation to dispute resolution, discrimination law and commercial law.

When does the course start? Our next course is planned to start in January 2022. Exact start date to be confirmed.

How long does the course run for?

The coursework component runs for: • Full-time: 20 consecutive weeks • Part-time: 33 consecutive weeks (the August part-time option has an additional period to accommodate the

Dece / Jan holiday period)

How do graduates enrol?

To apply, please visit curtin. edu/plt.

What work experiences are students able to choose from?

The Curtin PLT offers students a choice from two options: • Legal Workplace Experience unit: standard 75 days work experience with recognition of up to 60 days prior legal workplace experience (subject to our Workplace

Experience Rules). This may be obtained in a range of legal environments and Curtin may be able to assist students with securing placements at a court, with a barrister or in a private law firm. Subject to availability, Curtin PLT students may also be able to complete work experience as a volunteer in the John Curtin Law Clinic.

OR • Clinical Legal Workplace

Experience: 40 days of work experience in the John

Curtin Law Clinic. Students can gain a variety of legal experience including advising small businesses, individuals, start-ups and not-for-profits in relation to dispute resolution, discrimination law and commercial law.

Do you provide full-time and

part-time options? Full-time and part-time coursework options are available as outlined above.

Where are students able to find more information?

Visit curtin.edu/plt Alternatively, contact us for further information: Tel: 08 9266 3540 Email: Curtin.PLT@curtin.edu. au

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