2 minute read
The Mental Health Law Centre
Midland Information Debt and Legal Advocacy Service
12 Old Great Northern Hwy, Midland WA 6056 Mandy | admin@midlas.org.au
Tenancy, Family Law, Criminal Injuries Compensation and Disability Discrimination Law
MIDLAS is a not-for-profit community legal centre based in Midland that provides financial counselling, tenancy advocacy, disability advocacy, a limited legal service including family law and related criminal compensation, and disability discrimination, and emergency relief to people throughout the North East Metro region of Perth. Supporting people in our community for over three decades, Midlas has a longstanding strong commitment to improving lives and building resilience.
Which areas of law will clerks be exposed to?
Family law, Disability discrimination & equal opportunity law, Criminal injuries compensation, Guardianship and administration.
Do you offer any opportunity for graduates looking to do their Practical Legal Training?
Yes - can be credited towards your PLT.
What kind of tasks are student volunteers expected to undertake?
Our volunteers: • Sit in on appointments and client interviews • Assist with drafting
Family Court documents and submissions to the
Australian Human Rights
Commission and or Equal
Opportunity Commission • Assist with drafting
Parenting Plans and Minute of Consent Orders • Assist with compiling and drafting Criminal Injury
Compensation claims
What are the skills/benefits of taking a position at your CLC?
MIDLAS offers a holistic community service, comprising Financial Counselling, Tenancy, Disability Advocacy (NDIS) and assisting working street people and people with mental health issues.
Volunteers are given substantial tasks and can expect to work closely with their supervising lawyer.
How can students apply?
Send an email to the Principal Solicitor, Margo Zorbas via margo.zorbas@midlas.org.au with a CV and cover letter.
What advice do you have for students looking to apply?
This is not a traditional job application; tell us your story in your cover letter. Convince us why this type of work interests you. We are looking for passionate people that are motivated to tackle the many injustices that affect our clients.
Roughly how many positions are available for students in 2021?
This depends on the number of volunteers who will be staying, and the workload of our solicitors.
What attributes do you look for in an applicant?
We appreciate students with initiative and diverse life experiences. We look for students who are resilient and can deal with challenging and sometimes confronting situations.
What does your recruitment/ interview process consist of?
Following the emailed expression of interest, candidates will be called to an interview with one to two solicitors.