2 minute read

Welfare Rights & Advocacy Service

Women’s Legal Service WA

Level 1 445 Hay Street Perth WA 6000



(08) 9272 8800 | info@wlswa.org. au

Family Law


We are a not for profit community legal centre that provides legal advice and assistance to women experiencing financial disadvantage in WA in the areas of family law, care and protection, family violence and criminal injury compensation.


What kind of tasks are student volunteers expected to undertake?

We provide legal advice, assistance with some legal tasks (e.g. drafting court documents) and in some cases representation in court (Family Court of WA, Children’s Court and sometimes Magistrate’s Court).

Additionally, we undertake policy development and law reform activities to ensure that the needs and rights of marginalised women are adequately acknowledged, represented and met.

The work volunteers do depends on specific projects that occur. The type of work our volunteers may undertake includes: • Legal research • Assisting on client files (including attending client meetings and assisting in preparation of court documents and work on files) • Attending court with a lawyer in a non-legal support capacity and assisting in follow up tasks • Assisting with research and drafting of law reform submissions • Drafting and formatting legal information materials for our website or use in community legal education sessions • Providing administrative support to our volunteer solicitors during the Family

Law (Property) Legal Clinic • Assisting with nonlegal administrative and operation tasks

What are the skills/benefits of taking a position at your CLC?

We are very active in policy and law reform activities and are connected to and contribute to national networks and activities. We have more discretion than other CLCs which means we can be more creative in finding opportunities for volunteers to help our clients.

Do you offer any opportunity for graduates looking to do their Practical Legal Training?



How can students apply?

Email info@wlswa.org.au with your resume and brief letter explaining why you would like to volunteer and what you hope to get from the experience. The Principal Lawyer will meet you to discuss potential opportunities to see what might work for everyone concerned.

Roughly how many positions are available for students in 2021?


What attributes do you look for in an applicant?

A genuine belief in and commitment to gender equality and advancing women’s rights, genuine desire to help others who have experienced disadvantage.

Prepared by The Blackstone Society

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