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Graduate positions
Graduate positions are roles are targeted at students who have recently completed their studies. The programs give you hands on experience necessary to aid your entry into the profession. In law, this typically means a year of practical legal training.
When do I start thinking about Graduate Positions?
The earlier you plan for your future, the better prepared you will be for applying for graduate positions. As a rule of thumb, students should watch the market from the penultimate year of their degree to make informed decisions about where they want to apply during their final year. Where can I browse graduate jobs?
In most instances, Firms will advertise graduate jobs through their website. Research is the key to finding the firm and position that suits you. cvMail or GradAustralia are great starting points. Most private practice firms, in-house legal teams and government organisations offer graduate programs. However, most graduates sourced by each organisation come from their previous pool of clerks or interns. An initial application will require a cover letter and CV in most instances. Depending on the firm, you may also undertake personality or competency tests or answer questions about the firm, position, and suitability. Even if you’ve clerked there, some firms may require you to interview again.
Private Practice
Most private practice firms and some in-house legal teams offer graduate programs. The programs are structured for students to integrate in the business, usually in rotations where students spend time in particular practice groups. The rotations will include a learning and development program which also includes non-technical skills development. Read the Commercial Firm Directory to get an idea from employers about their graduate programs.
Australian Public Service
A graduate role here will transition you into a career in public service. The career paths in public service include government solicitors, working for the DPP, LegalAid, advisory or consultancy roles and many more. Read the Government Directory to get an idea from employers about their graduate programs.
An associateship is a role which assists a judge with administrative, research and other legal tasks. Judges from all different courts in Australia, from local courts to the high court, will hire associates. High court judges will hire two associates, one based in Canberra and one in their home state (known as a “travelling associate”). Other judges will usually hire a single associate per year. While there is no official program, associates are expected to hit the ground running from day one. This means the majority of the time, the associate is in the courtroom, ensuring that the judge’s day in court goes smoothly. The ultimate aim of an Associateships is to entrench themselves in the day to day occurrences of court proceedings, learn about standard procedure and build a strong network. Read the Courts Directory to get an idea from students in these roles.
Offers Day
What happens on offers day?
Similar to vacation clerkship offers, firms will usually start notifying students of offers for graduate positions at 9am on the day. In contrast to vacation clerkship offers, your offer will be valid until 5pm to provide you with some extra time to make up your mind.
What is a priority offer?
Many firms now make priority offers to applicants who have previously worked or undertaken a vacation clerkship with that firm.
What is an early offer?
Several firms offer graduate positions to students after completing their vacation clerkship. If you are lucky enough to receive one, it gives you assurance for the year ahead!
What is a market offer?
Some firms also use the standard offer system which requires all interested applicants to submit an application and proceed through an interview process before making offers.
Not everyone uses their law degree for a legal career. There are plenty of rewarding opportunities in other fields. Options to consider might be: • Accounting • Advocacy • Consulting • Contract management • Human resources / recruitment • Investment banking • Journalism / content writing • Politics • Public policy • Regulatory investigation work • Start-ups • Teaching & academia Just to list a few...
finding help
Perth Law Careers Fair
Building your network is an important skill when entering the workforce. The careers fairs are a great place to start! Here, you will have the chance to meet representatives from the major law firms. Take this opportunity to find out more about their firms and to ask questions about what they look for in applicants, so you can tailor your applications effectively. To make the best impression, approach firms with some knowledge and questions. This Handbook is to gain foundational insight, and the fairs are the chance to engage with the industry. This year, it is set for Monday 16 May 2022. Your Network
Make the most of the people you know! The legal community in Perth is tiny, and people are willing to help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions during this process, as help is always just around the corner. Your peers, Blackstone and HR departments are all here to support you during the recruitment period.
Other Events
Blackstone runs events to prepare you for the applications ahead. Our presentations give you valuable insight into the recruitment process at some of the firms. Some initiatives include the Perth Law Careers Fair, Blackstone Mentoring Network, Clerkship Tips and Tricks Session (which usually involve particular firms) and the Mid Year Careers Fair. Interviews