Vol 2/ Issue 8 Black Westchester - March 2019

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Unapologetically Delivering News To Communities Of Color in Westchester & Surrounding Areas

MARCH 2019






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PAGE 8 Councilman Jumaane Williams on the Black Westchester Power Hour Show Radio Show at WVOX, Monday, July 2, 2018 [Black Westchester]












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MARCH 2019



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MARCH 2019

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MARCH 2019



FROM THE PUBLISHER’S DESK Founded in 2014 by DAMON K. JONES AJ WOODSON Published by URBANSOUL MEDIA GROUP 455 Tarrytown Rd., Suite 1318 White Plains, NY 10607 (914) 979-2093 www.BlackWestchester.com




Twitter: @BlkWestchesterM Instagram: @BlackWestchester Facebook: /BlackWestchesterMagazine

Publisher DAMON K. JONES @DamonKJones

Editor-In-Chief AJ WOODSON


Mistress Of Information Brenda L. Crump News Reporters/ Writers AJ Woodson Damon K. Jones Cynthia Turnquest-Jones Dr. Robert Baskerville Ph.D. Rashad Bilal Priscilla Echi Lorraine Lopez Samantha Hunter Charles Billips Photographers AJ Woodson Shane Samuels Cynthia Turnquest-Jones

As Publisher of Black Westchester Magazine (BW), I would like to thank everyone for their support of our efforts to bring information to the people of Westchester County. As we embark on a new chapter for BW, we hope to continue to empower the reader on issues in their communities. Independent media like BW has become more than a mere institution; instead, the independent media acts as a direct participant in the traditional three-branch system of governance. What many fail to realize is that independent media serves a fundamental role in making democracies run efficiently, even though there are frequent clashes. Independent media system thus often “reflects the political philosophy in which Democracy indeed functions”. This being said, BW will not be disregarded as a trivial player in the responsibilities of being a check and balance system in the political process of the Black Communities of Westchester. BW’s purpose is not only to address the political process that affects the everyday lives of communities of colour in Westchester County. BW’s mission has also been to shine a light on the brilliant culture, morals, values and elegant lifestyle of Black people. It’s time to change the narrative on how Black people are perceived in media. As Publisher of BW, our doors are open to the public. From the publication, the website, our radio show and now the newspaper; our doors are open to the people. We do not do this for any grander position or status; we do it for the people.

A FEW WORDS FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Welcome to the March 2019 Edition of Black Westchester. The last three months we ran a limited run of the paper due to a lack of advertising. It was important to keep the paper going but we weren’t able to do a full run so it may have been harder to find the few copies that were out, but have no fear, we are back in full E-F-F-E-C-T! To all our advertisers who stuck with us in the past three issues, we ran your ad again in the first full run of the year, so you get the most bang for your buck. We also included some of the Black Owned businesses from our small business edition in an effort to educate the public on many local African-American owned businesses we feel you should know about and encourage you all to support. With that said we are back bigger and better than ever. And to the haters and those who did everything in their power to shut us down, guess what, we are still here and we are not going anywhere. We will continue to speak truth to power and be the voice of the community. For all of you who showed your continuous support for us, we greatly appreciate you and will do everything in our power to live up to the trust you have in us. We just recently celebrated the 200th Episode of our weekly talk radio show, People Before Politics. Make sure you check us out every Sunday 6-8pm on InTheMixxRadio.com and live on Facebook. You can check out all the previous episodes on BlackWestchester.com. Thank you all for your donations to help keep the show going. Anyone who still wants to make a donation you can do so at anytime at PayPal.me/BlackWestchesterMag or make out checks to Black Westchester and mail to address on the top left hand side of the page in the masthead. Also you can subscribe to get the paper mailed to your home or business for $25. Thank you to all our supporters, advertisers, distributors, writers, photographers, editors and everyone who had a hand in us bringing you another edition on Black Westchester. Send us your feedback and let us know what you think of this issue and let us know subjects/topics you would like to see us cover in the future by sending an email to BlackWestchesterMag@gmail. com. Peace and Blessings AJ Woodson Editor-In-Chief

Graphic Designers AJ Woodson Paula S. Woodson/ PS Visually Speakin’ For Advertising Rates AdvertiseWithBW@gmail.com Letters To The Editor BWEditorInChief@gmail.com

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MARCH 2019





Dobbs Ferry - Children’s Village announce on Wednesday, March 13th that Dr. Traci Gardner MD will serve as the New Medical Director at The Children’s Village in Dobbs Ferry NY. Dr. Gardner makes history as the first woman and AfricanAmerican to hold this position She has served as the Chief Medical Officer for CV’s Division of Immigration Services since 2008 and has been a stalwart advocate for the needs of immigrant youth. Dr. Gardner serves as the Chief Medical Officer for the Valhalla Union Free School District, a Clinical Associate Professor/Director of Community Engagement at New York Medical College and a member of the Board of Directors at the Westchester Institute for Human Development. She is also a practicing Pediatrician in White Plains, NY. Dr. Gardner has devoted her career to advocating for the underserved and ensuring the best medical care for all. “We are fortunate to now have Dr. Gardner as our Medical Director,” Senior Communications Officer Peter Sobel shares with Black Westchester. “She will also continue in her role as the Chief Medical Officer for the Division of Immigration Services. Black Westchester salutes Dr. Traci Gardner for her years of service of meeting the unique needs of children through all of their developmental stages and making history as the first woman and African-American to hold the position of Medical Director

BOARD OF LEGISLATORS HONORS THE HONORABLE REGENT JUDITH JOHNSON White Plains, NY — The Westchester County Board of Legislators on Monday, February 25th celebrated outstanding leaders in education and business -- New York State Board of Regents representative for Judicial District 9 Judith Johnson and pioneering business leader Robert “Bob” Holland Jr. -- as part of the Board’s annual Black History and Heritage celebration. Board Chairman Ben Boykin (D - White Plains, Scarsdale, Harrison) said, “Tonight we celebrate two outstanding honorees. The Honorable Regent Judith Johnson has provided decades of leadership to the school districts and students of Westchester County. Her career has been marked by an unwavering commitment to equity in educational opportunity and a forward thinking commitment to technology and educational innovation.” Legislators Lyndon Williams (D - Mount Vernon) and Terry Clements (D - New Rochelle, Pelham, Pelham Manor) presented a Board proclamation to the Regent Judith Johnson, whose career




woman Nadine Hunt-Robinson announced on her Facebook page she has receive the endorsement of the Greenburgh-White Plains Chapter of the Westchester Black Women’s Political Caucus, Inc., on Friday, March 8th. She has also selected as the nominee by the White Plains Democratic City Committee. “I am honored to have been endorsed by the White Plains Democratic City Committee for my re-election and to be running with Victoria Free Presser and Jenn Puja. We look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail!,” the councilwoman shared. Nadine Hunt-Robinson made history November 2014 by becoming the first African-American woman elected to serve as White Plains Common Council. She was appointed in February 2014 to fill the unexpired year remaining on former Councilman Benjamin Boykin’s council term. In Novemeber 2014 she ran and was elected to keep the seat, now she is running for re-election.

of more than four decades includes 27 years in the school districts of Westchester. She was Superintendent of the Peekskill City School District for 10 years -- the first woman and first African-American to hold that position. She also served as Assistant Superintendent in White Plains and Interim Superintendent in Mount Vernon, among other positions. Johnson also served as Acting and Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Education under President Bill Clinton. Her career has been marked by an unwavering commitment to equity in educational opportunity and a forward thinking commitment to technology and educational innovation. Speaking to the Board and a chamber full of guests, Johnson said, “My sandbox honors all who view education as a mission, not a job. It welcomes all who understand that a belief in the promise of democracy has to be sustained by each generation, and it is the responsibility of schools to ensure our heritage will not be lost but expanded.” Johnson has built a reputation as a trusted, respected, and sought-after educational leader and mentor who is also able to bring diverse parties to agreement on shared goals that benefit all students. In each position she has left behind enduring changes that continue to inspire those who followed her. She has served on many executive committees including the American Association of School Administrators, the NYS Council for School Superintendents, the Association of Small City School Districts and the New Standards Project, a national initiative that launched the transformation to standards based instruction, a concept that remains the framework for teaching and learning across the nation.



Washington, D.C. – Congressman Eliot Engel, a top member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, joined House colleagues today to introduce H.R. 6, the Dream and Promise Act, legislation that would provide a pathway to citizenship to DREAMers, Temporary Protective Status (TPS) recipients, and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) holders. Engel is an original cosponsor of the bill. “Two years ago, President Trump took away protections for DREAMers by rescinding the DACA program. Court injunctions have kept the worst of that heartless decision from coming to pass, but without a long-term legislative solution, DACA recipients and their families will continue to be left twisting in the wind,” Engel said. “H.R. 6 will bring a definitive end to the President’s mistreatment of DREAMers, and will also treat TPS and DED holders fairly by providing a pathway to citizenship. This bill represents a recommitment to the values our country was built on and serves as a clear rebuke of the President’s xenophobic approach to governing.” H.R. 6 would provide a pathway to citizenship for eligible DREAMers who entered the U.S. under the age of 18 and who were continuously present in the U.S. for 4 years prior to the date of the bill’s enactment. DREAMers would be provided conditional permanent resident status and would need to fulfill an education, employment, or military track to adjust to permanent resident status. In addition, the Dream and Promise Act would secure permanent residency for people with TPS and DED. After 5 years, those permanent residents would be eligible to apply to become citizens. On average, TPS recipients have lived in the United States for 20 years, building a new life for themselves and their families. Similarly, DED recipients have lived in the United States and contributed to their communities since 2007.


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MARCH 2019





New York State has an important opportunity to pass reform this week that will make our criminal justice system fairer and more transparent. New York is one of only four states where prosecutors do not have to turn over evidence in a criminal case prior to offering a plea deal. If the legislature votes this week to enact the Discovery for Justice Reform Act, we can ensure that New Yorkers finally have the same rights as people in most other U.S. states to see the evidence in their case. As longtime current and retired members of law enforcement who have served across the state, we know that fairness is key to keeping our officers safe and building trust with the community. Our goal is to solve crimes and hold people accountable for their actions. But New York’s blindfold law, as the current law is called, has been standing in the way of our work for too long. In New York, unlike most of the rest of the country, prosecutors are not required to turn over crucial evidence—including police reports and witness lists—until immediately before trial. As 95 percent of convictions come from guilty pleas, most New Yorkers may never see any evidence in their case at all. The blindfold law harms all actors in the system, and it needs to be repealed. Why do law enforcement officers support discovery reform? Discovery reform ensures faster resolution of a criminal case. When both prosecutors and defendants have access to the evidence, they can decide on the right disposition of the case quickly and fairly, allowing police to focus our time and resources on new cases, not old, pending ones. More quickly resolved cases means that law enforcement officers don’t have to keep coming back to court for months or years while defense attorneys and prosecutors fight over discovery. Trials happen more quickly when evidence is still fresh in the mind of police officers. This ensures better outcomes for law enforcement officials, victims and defendants. When people see the evidence in their case, they perceive the criminal justice system as more fair. If the evidence is hidden from them, defendants and their families may fixate on a system they view as unfair rather than looking at their own role in the situation. But when people are confronted with evidence of their wrongdoing, they can begin to take responsibility for their actions, hopefully ending the cycle of behavior that got them to this place. Sharing evidence builds trust between members of law enforcement and the community. We need people to report incidents, come forth as victims or witnesses,

and help us solve crimes. But if they perceive the system as unfair, or too slow, they refuse to engage. This also helps us keep our officers who are on the front lines of the criminal justice system safe, as improved relations between law enforcement and the community are key to limiting violent confrontations on the streets and in our jails. We want our convictions to stand on their merit and want to prevent wrongful convictions. Members of law enforcement work hard to protect their communities. We are trained on the law and make our best efforts to solve crimes. If the evidence is out there and it supports a conviction, it should be shared and not hidden from the accused or the public. Sadly, New York State is a leader in wrongful convictions. Wrongful convictions are bad for members of law enforcement and the community. We do our best to collect all of the evidence possible, but it is the role of the court system to ensure that all of the evidence is vetted to ensure a just outcome. We need discovery reform to safeguard against future wrongful convictions. Other states have shown that you can disclose evidence safely and protect witnesses. As law enforcement officers, we are deeply concerned about protecting the safety of witnesses. Yet every state that has passed discovery reform allows prosecutors to seek a protective order to keep sensitive information away from a defendant if there is concern for the witness’s safety. The Discovery for Justice Reform Act also includes these protections. New York is operating in the Dark Ages. We hide evidence from defendants and hope that people will trust the justice system and the outcomes it creates. But this only harms accused people, victims, the communities we serve, and the members of law enforcement who are dedicated to protect them. The rest of the country has taken steps to ensure that evidence is turned over safely and quickly in criminal cases. New York must join them. Charles Billups is chairman of the Grand Council of Guardians. Noel Leader is president of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care. Anthony Miranda is chairman of the National Latino Officers Association.


As Deputy Police Commissioner, Joseph Spiezio has threatened to physically hurt an elected official, has been accused of changing police reports, involved himself in homicide investigations and used his position to politicaly retaliated against city workers and residents of Mount Vernon. For the last three years, Mr. Spiezio has made a mockery of the Westchester courts, the Mount Vernon Police Department and law enforcement as a whole, as well as its justice system. It shocks the conscious of how one man can create so much chaos through law enforcement, the courts, and our justice system and not be held accountable. Former Mount Vernon Deputy Police Commissioner, Joseph Spiezio submitted an afifidavit to the court 09/17/2018 for Lawrence A Porcari et al – v. – Marcus A. Griffith et al, index number 50259/2017. (EXHIBIT A) The submitted affidavit states that Joseph Spiezio III was duly sworn and he respectfully offered his testimony in support of plaintiffs Lawrence A. Pocari, Ralf Uzzi, Maria Donovan and La’Tea Goings. After reviewing Mr. Spiezio’s affidavit submitted to the court on 09/27/2018, we believe that Mr. Spiezio violated New York Penal Code Article 210. The act of swearing falsely (or “perjury”) occurs when a person makes a false statement which he or she does not believe to be true while either giving testimony or under oath in a subscribed written instrument (such as an affidavit or deposition). Mr. Spiezio stated in the affidavit submitted to the court on 09/27/2018: “Because I reside in Westchester County, I am in full compliance with all applicable residency rules.” (EXHIBIT A p.2, #7) Mr. Spiezio also stated: “As a public safety official, I am exempt from that residency requirement under the Public Officers Law, although I am required to live within county.” (EXHIBIT A p. 2,#6)

On information and belief, Mr. Spiezio knew he was not in compliance with any residency rules when he made the statement and submitted it to the court on 09/27/2018. According to the testimony of former Mount Vernon Police Commissioner Robert Kelly submitted to the United State District Court Southern District of New York, 04/16/2018, case 7:18-cv-03007, Mr. Kelly stated that: On February 1, 2016, Mr. Spiezio was completing his personnel form to formalize his position as Deputy Police Commissioner. The form(s) require Mr. Kelly’s endorsement to legitimize Spiezio’s appointment to the city charter. Mr. Spiezio submitted to Mr. Kelly his Florida driver’s license as a form of identification. Mr. Kelly then stated that as a matter of law, New York Consolidated Laws, Public Officers Law -PBO 3-b(1), appointment to a sworn law enforcement position requires New York State Residency. Mr. Kelly also states that Mr. Spiezio’s prima facie out of state residency made him ineligible to be appointed to a sworn law enforcement position. Mr. Kelly refused to endorse the appointment. (EXHIBIT B p. 8,#18,19). Kelly was later fired by Mayor Richard Thomas. When Mr. Spiezio submitted his statement to the court on 09/27/18, that he was a Westchester resident, he was well aware that he did not qualify to be appointed Deputy Police Commissioner because he has no New York State Identification, he has a Florida driver’s license. On 02/03/2019, Mr. Spiezio was pulled over by the New Rochelle Police Department. New Rochelle Police Officer J. Diaz was the acting Officer that pulled Mr. Spiezio over. In Officer Diaz’s report, Mr. Spiezio stated he didn’t have any Identification. Mr. Spiezio did not have his driver’s license, Police ID or shield. Officer Diaz reported that the license check resulted in Mr. Spiezio not having any valid New York Identification. Mr. Spiezio had two NY IDs. One was suspended, and the other was surrendered. (EXHIBIT C) According to the Florida DMV, Mr. Spiezio was issued a Florida state ID from 2-23-2008 to 3-10-2014 and issued a driver’s license on 3-10-2014. (EXHIBIT D)

New residents with an out-of-state license must obtain a Florida driver’s license within 30 days of establishing a permanent residence in FL. To obtain an FL license, Mr. Spiezio was required to surrender his out of state license to obtain their new Florida license. According to the Florida DMV, If you are a Florida resident, you must get a Florida license to drive a motor vehicle on public streets and highways. The Florida DMV also defines “Resident” as a person who has his principal place of domicile in this state for a period of more than six consecutive months; has registered to vote; has made a statement of domicile pursuant to section 222.17, Florida Statutes; or has filed for homestead exemption on property in this state. (EXHIBIT E) Again, according to the New Rochelle Police Officer’s Diaz’ report, Mr. Spiezio had two NY ID numbers. One was suspended, and the other was surrendered. (EXHIBIT C) According to the Journal News report. The police report listed his residence in Longboat Key, Florida. (EXHIBIT I) Mr. Spiezio was issued a Florida license in 2014. Mr. Spiezio presented his Florida license to former Commissioner Kelly to be appointed in 2016, Kelly refused to except it. Mr. Spiezio made no attempt to correct his residency according to New York Consolidated Laws, Public Officers Law -PBO 3-b(1). Mr. Spiezio made a false affidavit to the court about his residency in September 2018 knowing he had no proof of residency. Mr. Spiezio was pulled over by New Rochelle Police Department in February, 2019 with no valid New York State Identification to that would support his testimony to the court in September 2018 just five months earlier. Mr. Spiezio also states in his signed affidavit “I had been properly appointed to the office of Deputy Commissioner by the duly elected Mayor.” The fact of the matter is that Mr. Spiezio was never properly appointed to the position of Deputy Police Commissioner. The Mount Vernon City Clerk, George Brown confirmed that Mr. Spiezio did not submit his Oath of Office dated January 27,

2016, until June 1, 2016. Mr. Spiezio’s failure to abide by the charter made his appointment illegal. The City Charter states that all appointments must be submitted within 15 days of swearing in. (EXHIBIT F) Chapt. 24 Article IV reads “An appointive officer or employee within 15 days after receipt of notice of his appointment, the office or position shall be deemed to be vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled in the manner herein provided for the filling of a vacancy.” (EXHIBIT G) Mr. Spiezio was well aware of his failure to submit his oath of office within the 15-day deadline for Deputy Police Commissioner. Mr. Spiezio was also aware his oath of office was invalid when Mr. Spiezio had email communication with Damon K. Jones. (EXHIBIT H) On February, 14, 2019, Mount Vernon City Clerk, George Brown, via telephone, confirmed there was no updated Oath of Office for Deputy Police Commissioner, Joseph Spiezio on file. Mr. Brown also confirmed that Mr. Spiezio did not follow proper procedure according to the City Charter in submitting his Oath of Office dated January 27,2016 to the City Clerk’s office six months later on June 1, 2016. Mr. Brown confirmed that this is a violation of the City Charter. The emails between Black Westchester Publisher, Damon K. Jones and Mr. Spiezio (EXHIBIT G), letters sent by Mount Vernon City Clerk George Brown to Mayor Richard Thomas concerning the appointment of Joseph Spiezio to Deputy Police Commissioner (EXHIBIT F), show proof that Mayor Thomas and Mr. Spiezio was well aware of the fact that Mr. Spiezio’s appointment was invalid per the Mount Vernon City Charter. Mr. Spiezio knew these facts, failed to correct his Oath of Office in 2016. After knowing the facts, failure to correct, Mr. Spiezio still submitted a sworn affidavit that he was a duly sworn in Deputy Police Commissioner to the court on September 17, 2018. [Look at editorial on BlackWestchester. com to view all exhibits.] Written by Black Westchester Editorial Staff

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MARCH 2019

We welcome you to our Black Business Appreciation section of Black Westchester. While it was impossible to list every local Black Owned Business (BOB) we reached out to the staff and several supporters and readers to let us know their favorite BOB, our goal was to as many BLACK WESTCHESTER black-owned businesses, located in Westchester County and surrounding areas for the holiday season. Spotlighting Black Businesses especially Black Women-Owned Businesses for you to spend your hard own dollars. As a small Black Business ourself, we believe it is important to our community that we support Our Businesses and recycle Our Black Dollars as many times as possible before it leaves the community as others do. So while we think it is very important to Our Economy to support all BOBs, Black Westchester worked hard on this issue to provide a list of businesses we suggest you check out and support. So let get BLACK TO BUSINESS and help circulate the Black Dollar by patronizing one or more of the businesses that you find in our Black Business Appreciation section Black History Month may be over as far as the calendar is concerned, but don’t let that deter you from supporting black busi- HARMONY DESIGNS FURNITURE nesses. You should try to find black businesses to patronize, all & INTERIORS (MOUNT VERNON) year long. “I find it important to introduce products and design Did you know there are about eight million minority-owned concepts that really are good for you and suitable to meet businesses in the United States, according to the Census Bureau? your individual needs.” — Robin Harmon-Myers Of these, about 2.5 million are owned by African-Americans. African-American-owned firms account for about 10% of the Harmony Designs Furniture & Interiors is a 2500 square foot retail store with approximately 27 million in total of U.S. businesses. Here’s a a design studio and local art gallery/event space on its lower level. We are comprehensive shopping guide of some of the Black-Owned geared to helping customers and design clients experience harmony by catering Businesses (BOB), personal services and consumer goods that to their unique/beautiful/divine selves. are all black-owned and operated in Westchester County and the Harmony is a lifestyle store. They have furniture, gifts, accessories, personal surrounding area, that we feel you should know about. We cre- products, art and framing and interior design services. They make an effort to ated an issue, you can hold on to and use all year around. The source locally when we can, organic and natural when they can and they aim one thing we want you to get from our Black Business Apprecia- to inspire the idea of conscious consumerism which steers away from being tion section is “Never stop supporting black business owners.” It’s “price” driven towards becoming “value” driven. 2002, Robin Harmon-Myers - sister-in-law to Mount Vernon Hip-Hop important to support our Black Businesses so they can support the legend In Heavy D - fell in love with a 100-year-old building on the Southside of communities there are in. her town (Money Earnin’ Mount Vernon), purchased the building with her “Black-owned business has long been a staple in the Black husband Floyd and instantly set out model what she believes. “I believe we community providing jobs, economic security and somewhere for have everything we need to live well, thrive and create beautiful lives. us to go and feel seen and safe,” Black Lives Matter co-founder We must take inventory of what we have and honor it...learn how to best Patrisse Cullors said in a statement. “In these uncertain times, we care for and leverage it and show it some love.” Harmony Designs Furniture & Interiors continues to blossom creating need these places more than ever.” In 2017, Mother Jones reported on a study that found that radical transformations to residential, commercial spaces and lives as well as the 100 richest U.S. citizens control about as much wealth as all of providing a retail shopping experience like no other. “I firmly believe that everyone deserves, and can have, an environment the nation’s 42 million African-Americans. is clean, beautiful and one that reflects their artistic style and inspires their One of the African-American owned businesses I thought that Our environments tell our story and others are reading that story all of when I came up with the idea to do this Black Business Ap- dreams. the time. I feel the importance of articulating that because it creates in others preciation, was Harmony Designs. Located on South Fourth Ave an opportunity for greater awareness that our environment is but a reflection in Mount Vernon, but when you walk in the door you feel like you of our “in-vironment”. I believe we all begin with four walls, a ceiling and a floor. are in the Village or maybe even Beverly Hills. It’s hard to believe What we do with it is determined by who we believe we are and not so much this is in the city of Mount Vernon. As a Mount Vernon resident, what we have financially. What I love most about co-creating with my design this is in no way a knock against my city, but Robin transformed clients is guiding them to a sharper and even broader vision of what’s possible this shoppe on the south side into something you would expect with what they have and watching their world recalibrate into better alignment in a much more affluent community. It brings just a touch of class so there is harmony at last,” Robin Harmon-Myers shares with Black Westchester. Harmony Designs Furniture & Interiors also provide Interior Design for on a two-block urban shopping area ‘The Ave’ that was once the those want transform their space into a lovely home or office with beautiful desired place to shop for urban fashion for the rest of the county decors andtowonderful Professional services they provide include; but now contains mainly hair and nail salons, barbershops, urban Commercial - Have a interiors. vision for a retail space, restaurant or office space? eateries, and a few 99 cent stores. This small boutique type es- They are there to help from concept to implementation, Window Treatment tablishment could be anywhere else, but it was important for Mrs. - Having windows are great! How a window is treated can either diminish or Myers to do business in the heart of the city of Mount Vernon. That enhance this magnificent feature. It’s one of their favorite aspects to design, is why I selected Harmon Design to be the first spotlight. Declutter & Organization - Less is more that is for sure. Their home organi-


zation service not only benefits the space but also the clients’ spirit. They edit and then recompose to make it beautiful, Framing -At Harmony Designs there are lots of frame options to choose from for fine art, family photos or creating mirrors, Space Analysis & Planning - This process is foundational to how we approach design. Once they collect the data: & the clients’ dreams, site conditions and what the space communicates, they then incorporate their unique vision and the plan reveals itself, Reupholstery/Refinishing - Harmony Designs is big on repurposing items to avoid them ending up in landfills. It’s amazing what paint, fabric and a fresh approach can do, and much much more. Black Westchester proudly spotlights Robin & Harmony Design, a class act 115 South 4th Avenue, Mount Vernon, NY 10550 - 914-699-0809 Emal: info@harmonydesignsfurniture.com – www.harmonydesignsfurniture.com F: @HarmonyDesignsFurniture – IG: @HarmonyDesigns – T: @DesignInHarmony Open Tuesdays – Saturdays from 10am - 5:30pm

The front of Harmony Design on South 4th Av in Mt. Vernon [Black Westchester]

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MARCH 2019







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How We’re Different? That is the first question every customer has—and rightly so. When you approach an event planner and designer, you want to know, see, feel, even taste (!) that you’re in the right hands. With DNK Events, there’s no doubt. Have you seen the cheers at the anniversaries we’ve covered, the smiles at the birthdays we planned, the tears we collaboratively shed at the celebrations of life? Have you taken a look at the balloon arches we quickly put together and delivered for sweet 16’s? Do you notice how intimately and extensively we’re involved in every single aspect of an event? When you work with us, you not only get the best event planners; you get the most committed and hard-working executers. From the moment you approach us, we take a vow to make your event truly feels like that “special moment.” Our event planners have a passion for ensuring that your event is magically executed, from start to finish. At no point do we compromise at the expense of your satisfaction. When you choose DNK Events, you truly choose the best. 20 E. First 2nd Street, Mount Vernon, NY 10550 845-430-6273 – 845-430-8889 http://dnkevent.com/ Facebook: @dnkeventplanners Instagram & Twitter: @dnkevents


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A Fine Art Photographer from New Rochelle

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Joy Malone is a Fine Art Photographer from New Rochelle, New York. In 2005 Joy graduated from St. John’s University, with a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and a minor in Photography. She went on to graduate with her MFA in Fine Art Photography from Academy of Art University in 2010. Currently, she is an Assistant Adjunct Professor at St. John’s University and she runs Joy Malone Photography. For all inquiries please contact Joy Malone Photography directly at JoyMPhoto@gmail.com Tel: (914) 879-5265 Email: joymphoto@gmail.com Website: http://joymalone.com Facebook: @JoyMalonePhotography Twitter: @JoyMalone


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Events To Remember President & Founder, Chereese Jarvis-Hill was named one of the 19 Westchester County Most Impressive Female Leaders of 2018 in the Winter 2019 issue of 914 Inc. A Full Service Event Management Firm, Events To Remember, a division of Events by Chereese, Inc. Memories are the best gifts in life, visit us in person so we can help you start planning them today! To provide our personalized approach to each and every one of our clients, it’s best to schedule a consultation at our Mt. Kisco, NY (Westchester County) event studio. You may call us at (914) 2183968 or complete their online Consultation Request. 3 North Moger Avenue, Suite Two Mount Kisco, NY 10549 (914) 218-3968 Office - (914) 470-7667 Fax Email: eventscjh@eventsremember.com https://eventsremember.com

Experience included being the Associate Photographer for Greater Centennial A.M.E Zion Church in Mount Vernon, since 2013 and Lead Photographer for the Martha’s Vineyard Blues & Jazz Music Festival 2014, 2015, 2017 When YMByrd Photography captures your event--whether it is a save the date, wedding, birthday party, baby shower, etc, Yvette M. Byrd is creating an essential building block of a memorial that will enhance your life, as well as those of the generations to come. Together we will work to preserve your precious moments. 30 Lake St, Suite 11K, White Plains, NY 10603 Phone: 914-607-3889 Email: byrdymbgc@gmail.com https://www.ymbyrdphotography.com Facebook: @PhotoNYGirl Instagram: @ymbyrdphotography

IF YOU WANT A SMASHING PARTY, CALL KELLY DENISE EVENTS - BY CHARLES STERN Kelly Denise Events is an event planning & design company based in Mount Vernon. The company specializes in weddings and social events and offers a wide array of services. Weddings, baby showers, retirement parties, even dinner parties, and corporate events are all within the scope of this dynamic company. Kelly Denise Gardner, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of KDE, grew up in Chesapeake, Virginia and started coordinating hair shows with Nesta Felix while she was in college. That led to fashion shows, homecomings and later, about three years ago, Ms. Gardner opened her own company to help people bring their event visions into reality. Kelly has been in the event planning business for over 10 years. She brings to your event an extensive network of vendors, a depth of sponsors and a background in planning everything from baby showers to lavish weddings and large conferences. Event planning is her passion, and this shows in her attention to details and cares for your vision and budget. She says the key is having a plan. “I become a part of their planning process.” says Gardner, “We talk about what they are trying to accomplish, we talk about having a budget and then we figure out how to make it happen. I’m there for the client at every step, guiding and making their event idea into a success.” One of those recent clients was the daughter of Bishop W. Darin Moore, President of the AME Zion Church Board of Bishops. he called on Kelly Denise Events to plan her wedding with 250 guests. This was a fairly elaborate affair, involving location scouting, sketching designs for decor items, catering, seating arrangements, travel arrangements and extensive logistics. Gardner’s team delivered it all, even greeting out of town guests at the airport to absolutely guarantee a smooth transition to overnight accommodations. Not every event is a blockbuster. Gardner will take small events and make them fabulous too. “The glamour is fine, but you really don’t need ALL of it to have a great wedding or any other kind of event,” says Gardner. “I would rather have clients leave with some money left in their pocket.” Whether the budget is modest, or bold, Kelly Denise Events will be creative, take away your stress and make your event into a blast. 38 S. 2nd Avenue, Mount Vernon, NY 10550 Tel: 347-589-2026 Email: kellydenise.ijd@gmail.com Website: https://kdeplans.com/ Facebook: @info.kellydenisevents Instagram: @kellydenise_events

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MARCH 2018

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MARCH 2019







ewFlex Youth Program, Inc held their first annual Winter Ball celebrating Black History Month, honoring individuals from Mount Vernon for their work in the community. Each award was named after Black History Makers. Honorees included community and government affairs specialist Aleida Castillo who received the Mother Hale Award, Hair Stylist and owner of Essence of Beauty Hair Salon Claudette Gyles received the Madam CJ Walker Award, Mount Vernon Councilwoman Delia M. Farquharson received the Shirley Chisolm Award, Judy WilliamsDavis received the Alma Woodsey Thomas Award, Joan P. Horton received the Sojourner Truth Award, Mount Vernon City Court Judge Nichelle Johnson received the Betty Shabazz Award, Black Westchester Editor-In-Chief AJ Woodson received the John B. Russwurm - Freedom Journal Award, legendary new jack swinger Jeff Redd received the James Brown Award, Johnnie Bunting Jr., CEO of Bunting Enterprises and owner of Platinum Hand Car Wash received the Nelson Mandela Award and boxer and Master Barber (owner of Mackadocious Hair Styles in New Rochelle) received the Muhammad Ali Award. All of the honorees gave passionate acceptance speeches. BW’s AJ Woodson gave a little history lesson and the tradition Black Newspapers that came before Black Westchester like Freedom Journal the first African-American owned and operated Newspaper, who the award was named after. Councilwoman Farquharson gave a long but powerful speech that was inspired by Shirley Chisolm’s speech she gave in 1972 when running for President of The United States. Jeff Redd sang a soulful rendition of the Negro National Anthem, ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing,’ The Master of Ceremony was Mt. Vernon City Council President André Wallace. He entertained all in attendance and showed that he knew the real meaning of an MC is to move the crowd. The Voice of Westchester DJ Tri-State Jericko keeping the party moving on the one’s and two’s. In attendance was a who’s who of Mount Vernon elected officials, business owners and stakeholders including Shawyn Patterson-Howard and former Mayor Ernest D. Davis who along with Councilmembers Wallace and Farquharson are running for Mayor of Mount Vernon in the 2019 Mayoral race along with Mt. Vernon City Democratic Committee nominee Cylde Isley (who was not present), Carol Middleton of the Steamhouse who introduced Claudette Gyles, former MVPD decorated Detective Anthony ‘OlSkool’ Mitchell who introduce Jeff Redd, BW Publisher Damon K. Jones who introduced AJ Woodson, Student Advocate Brenda L. Crump & Dr. Robert Baskerville just to name a few. “I want to thank our guest and supporters and congratulate all our honorees,” New Flex Youth Programs Executive Director shared with Black Westchester. “Thank you to the Creator for all that we have accomplished as a people! Let us not to forget to celebrate Sankofa and look back and give thanks for what we have accomplished. And again, thank you to all our guests who came out to support. Nesta also added that the Winter Ball is an integral part of the fundraising process for New Flex. “It allows us to bring community and leaders together to explore the vision and to invest in positively changing the lives of the YOUTH! of course, it is also a celebratory occasion and a time to enjoy wonderful company. New Flex realized the need to create programs to positively engage our young ladies and later our young men were morphed into the vision to fulfill the growing need. New Flex provides after school Hoops & mentoring Programs, Summer Programs & Leadership Camping Tips, the annual Hair Show Pageant, youth and community panel discussions as well as mentoring for boys and girls 7-17 every 2nd & 4th Fridays from 5:30-7:30. For more information on New Flex check their website www.newflex.org. Donations can be made online.

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MARCH 2019


INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY PURCHASE COLLEGE, PERFORMING ARTS CENTER FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 (Purchase, NY) – In the spirit of empowerment, inspiration and encouraging women across all boundaries to recognize their own potential, Westchester County hosted #WOWConversations, a Women’s Empowerment Breakfast. The event, held on International Women’s Day at Purchase College, was created to bring together women of different backgrounds, professions and experiences, to celebrate community and the commitment to supporting one another. With a diverse panel of public servants, business owners, educational and spiritual leaders, the Women of Westchester shared their own personal stories and obstacles they overcame to achieve success. Bonnie Saran, Restauranteur and Owner of a mini-empire of eight Indian restaurants and one food market, was the Keynote Speaker. The Panel included Ruth Hassell-Thompson, Mahjabeen Hassan, Laura Newman, Kris Ruby and Jin Whang and moderated by News 12’s Lisa Reyes. Westchester County Executive George Latimer shared welcome greetings. “It is fitting that we all be gathered together on International Women’s Day, a day set aside to celebrate the social, academic, political, spiritual and economic achievements of women across the nation,” CE Latimer shares with Black Westchester. “This #WOWConversations event is all about unity, reflection and action – a tool to help women acknowledge their own capabilities, and propel them forward to accomplish what may seem unattainable. I hope you all learn something from each other today, and walk away with a new-found motivation to do more in your respective lives and careers.” Keynote Speaker Bonnie Saran, discussing her leadership style, said: “I always feel that everyone should fight for their dreams because it is always worth it. I have my Father’s final words to me tattooed on my arm – they say ‘let no one steal your dreams.’ That is what is important, all other things come in second. Fight for what you believe in, that is what is important.” Chairwoman of the American Muslim Women’s Association and practicing Plastic Surgeon at Phelps Memorial Hospital Mahjabeen Hassan, MD, when asked about what she was most proud of, said: “What I am most proud of is the creation of the platform of the ‘American Muslim Women’s Association’ because when people ask me why we included ‘women’ specifically – it is because I wanted to show them that women can do it.” Former NYS Senator and Special Advisor for Policy and Community Affairs Ruth HassellThompson, while discussing experience, said: “It was my experiences that influenced the kind of legislative things I pursued, to make sure that when we talk about family leave and those kinds of things, it is my experience that makes up those legislative initiatives.” Senior Director of Institutional Giving at Manhattanville College Laura Newman, when asked about the how to handle the work-life balance, said: “I am always interested to hear this question because it is usually is only asked of women and I would like to start seeing that this question is asked of men too.” President and Founder of Ruby Media Group Kris Ruby, when discussing the idea of ‘Women helping Women,’ said: “We need to change the conversation, it’s about people helping people, the more we open up that conversation at large, that’s what it really should be about.” Creative Director and Marketing & Advertising Specialist of Fait Accompli Group Jin Whang, while discussing opportunities, said: “I just went through a career change, and I saw it as an opportunity. There was a ‘corporate restructuring’ – and we all know what that means. But after you come out of a lay off and you realize you have a cause you want to throw yourself at, I did what I did best and started the job hustle.” We caught up to News 12 reporter/anchor Lisa Reyes after the Women’s Empowerment Breakfast, who emceed and moderated the event. “Being a part of the event celebrating diverse women, trailblazers and pioneers left me empowered,” Reyes shared with Black Westchester. “It’s so important to step out of your comfort zone and discuss sensitive topics because we can all learn and grow from each other.”

Pictures by Cynthia Turnquest/Jones [Black Westchester]


Shawyn Patterson-Howard & Councilwoman Delia Farquharson at the New Flex Winter Ball, Friday, Feb 22nd [Black Westchester]

Former Mount New Rochelle - Councilman Vernon Planning Jared Rice will not be Commissioner running for re-election, and current PresiYadira Ramos-Herbert dent and CEO of was nominated at the the YMCA of YonNew Rochelle Democratic kers and freshman Committee Meeting, ThursMount Vernon City day, February 14th as the Councilwoman party’s choice to succeed Delia FarquharCouncilman Rice in District 3. son are each at “I am running tempting to make succeed Jared Rice to history by being as District 3’s next City elected the first Councilmember,” RamosAfrican-American Herbert shares with Black female Mayor of Westchester. the City of Mount “I am a mom, homeowner, attorney, wife, runner and active volunteer eager to bring Vernon. my experience to the table to advocate for my neighborhood. Like my page, check

Shawyn Patterson Howard was appointed to serve as Commissioner of Planning and Community Development and Executive Director of the Mount Vernon Urban Renewal Agency by Mayor Thomas, Thursday, March 17, 2016, and served until December 2016 when she departed after a difference of opinion with Thomas. SPH current serves as the President and CEO of YMCA of Yonkers. Councilwoman Farquharson is a mental health professional in private practice as a Concierge Therapist. In addition to her private practice, Farquharson works in community mental health as a clinician treating children and adults. Both women will face Council President André Wallace, former Mayor Ernest Davis (1996-2008 & 2012-16), Clyde Isley (Democratic nominee) who serves as both former MVPD Commissioner (1991-94) & WCDOC Deputy Commissioner (2002-10) and jail attendant Carlo Jean-Baptiste, Sr in the upcoming Democratic Primary in June.

out the “about” section to learn a little bit more about my background, follow me on Instagram and you will able to learn about me and my journey! There are six City Council seats & the Mayoral seat up for grab this year. The nominees for Council are Martha Lopez (District 1), Yadira Ramos-Herbert (District 3), Ivar Hyden (District 4), Sarah Kaye (District 5) and Liz Fried (District 6), there is no candidate to oppose Albert Tarantino Jr., the Republican incumbent in District 2 (Republicans have not had their convention yet). Mayor Noam Bramson who is running for re-election is the democratic committee nominee. “I would like to congratulate Yadira for being nominated at the Democratic City Committee,” Councilman Rice shared with BW. “She has a lot to offer the 3rd District and the City of New Rochelle. I look forward to working with her between now and the election, and beyond, to ensure that progress keeps happening in the district.”

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MARCH 2019



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MARCH 2019






Brooklyn Councilman Jumaane Williams decisively beat out a crowded field of 16 other candidates in the special election to replace former New York City Public Advocate Letitia James Tuesday, February 26th by a margin of roughly 13 points. He defeated a field that included former City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and state Assemblyman Michael Blake, a vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Williams, a City Council member who has represented the 45th Council District in Brooklyn, since 2009, was considered by many to be the favorite in the race from the start, after he chalked up a narrow loss in the September 2018, in his spirited Cynthia Nixon-allied primary campaign to unseat incumbent Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul. One person who may be feeling a little nervous about Jumaane Williams’ public advocate win is New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. In an emotional and fiery victory speech, Williams promised to “hold the powerful accountable.” “This campaign may have been relatively short but this journey has been long,” Williams said thanking a catalog of supporters, Council colleagues, labor and the Working Families Party which has long been a supporter.

The 42-year-old is a former tenant organizer promised to advocate for affordable housing, alleviating homelessness, criminal justice, reducing gun violence and to advance the rights of those threatened “by the orange man in the White House,” he said referring to President Donald Trump. But when his prepared remarks appeared over, Williams went on to admit that he’s been in therapy for the past three years and urged other black men to listen. “There was a time when the title I held was my identity and that’s a dangerous thing,” Williams said. “There’s a young black boy … trying to find a space in the world. Nobody knows he cries himself to sleep sometimes. Nobody knows he misses his father. Nobody knows what he’s going through.” “I’ve got something to say to that young man,” Williams said through tears. “My name is Jumaane Williams and I’m the public advocate of New York City.” The job of public advocate, created a little more than two decades ago, is a nebulous one, but is often described as a watchdog role, with the responsibility of keeping the mayor and other city officials in check, and ensuring city services are flowing to residents. The advocate can also introduce legislation in the City Council. Williams – who was endorsed by the New York Times in both the Lt. Governor and Public Advocate races – is a first-generation Brooklynite of Grenadian heritage. He is a proud product of the City’s public school system. He attended Philippa Schuyler Middle School for the Gifted and Talented and Brooklyn Technical High School. He earned his bachelor’s in political science, and master’s in urban policy and administration at Brooklyn College. He began his career as assistant director for the Greater Flatbush Beacon School, and later went on to serve as the executive director of New York State Tenants & Neighbors. Council Member Williams is an advocate for affordable housing, anti-gun violence measures, fair policing, equity, and social justice. His major successes as Council Member include; the Community Safety Act, which created the Office of Inspector General for the New York Police Department, the Fair Chance Act and co-chairing the taskforce, which created New York’s Crisis Management System and Cure Violence Groups to combat gun violence. Williams was a panelist in the first annual Westchester Black Political Conference, held Saturday, February 10, 2018. He has also appeared on the debut of the Black Westchester Power Hour Radio Show, on WVOX Radio on Monday, May 7, 2018 and the People Before Politics Radio Show Episode 163 on Sunday, April 8, 2018. Williams won’t have long to celebrate because he will have to compete again in a June primary and a November general election if he wants to serve as public advocate past the end of 2019.

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MARCH 2019




Panelists Lena Anderson (NAACP), Sorraya (Urban Legaue of Westchester, NYC Councilman Jumaane Williams, Dr. A. Hafeez Muhammad & Dr. Robert Baskerville at the first annual Westchester Black Political Conference in White Plains, Febuary 2018 [Black Westchester]

NYC Councilman Jumaane Williams (center in red), takes a knee with close to 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement in support of Colin Kaepernick at the Brooklyn Bridge on August2018 [Black Westchester]

Protesting outside Trump Tower [Black Westchester]

Councilman André Wallace, AJ Woodson, NYC Councilman Jumaane Williams & Damon K. Jones after the Black Westchester Power Hour Radio Show [Black Westchester]

Black Westchester congratulates and stands with Jumaane Williams, you know all you have to do is call if you need us

Some elected officials are only seen and heard from around election time when they need your vote, but Jumaane Williams isnt ya average elected official. He is an advocate who is not affraid to get out their with the people and fight for the people. The picture above isnt Jumaane’s first act of civil disobedience, he was also arrested during an immigration protest in Foley Square, Manhattan, Jan. 11, 2018. The lawmaker was jostled by police while he and others gathered around the ambulance of immigrant rights leader Ravi Ragbir, who fainted after being detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement earlier in the day. That is just one of the many reasons he will make a great Public Advocate and will keep the mayor on his toes.


BW Publisher Damon K. Jones & NYC Councilman Jumaane Williams at the African-American Heritage Festival at the Kennisco Dam Plaza, Valhalla, NY [Glenn P Butler Photograhy]

“Congratulation to my brother Jumaane Williams on winnng the NYC Public Advocate special election,” Damon K Jones “ “Jumaane Williams has spent his life advocating for vulnerable populations and making strides to reforming government systems that for too long have disenfranchised minority communities. As our newly elected Public Advocate he’ll do great things for the our City. - Westchester County Dept of Corrections 1st Dep Commissioner Louis Molina”




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MARCH 2019


AFRICAN-AMERICAN OWNED RESTAURANTS Whether you are looking for some savory Soul Food, tasty Caribbean

Cuisine or just want to support some African-American owned establishments, here is a brief list of some Black-owned restaurants in the Lower Hudson Valley and surrounding areas to help you get your fix for Black History Month and all year around.






Another new restaurant everyone needs to check out is Gabrielle’s NY, a Fusion Jamaican - Caribbean Restaurant located in Pelham Manor, Westchester, had its official opening on Saturday, October 27th, where Country Kitchen used to be. Gabrielle’s NY Restaurant is named after founder JR Allen’s second daughter, and President Steve Murray’s, God Daughter. Gabrielle was the second of three God blessed children for JR Allen. Unfortunately, Gabrielle passed away April 27th, 2004, at the tender age of seven years old from, brain Stem Glioma. Gabrielle’s NY menu is a must try. We strongly believe Gabrielle’s NY is the excitement your dining experience has been missing. We hope you will find our Caribbean based menu, infused with Thai, Hispanic, and Italian food not only as an exciting palette opener, but a menu pleaser of your highest satisfaction. Our menu was created first and foremost with love. Gabrielle’s NY menu is built on a unique vision with a profound passion to please our guest at the highest spectrum of their dining experience. Gabrielle’s NY provides an arsenal of options to enjoy our mouthwatering and succulent menu. Your options ranges from an endless Seafood menu, Gab n Go, Delivery, Catering, Private Events, Private Dining, General Dining, Happy Hour, 3 Day Buffet, or simply enjoying our state-of-the-Art Bar with an array of refreshingly creative drinks. While giving you that Caribbean vacation feel. Having an awesome menu without excellent service would be a gross lack of vision. We strongly believe our guests will experience an environment that will cause a “wow effect” such as I can’t wait to tell others and return again.” Our guests can also look forward to our daily specials, theme days, and a Loyalty Program the first of its kind in the New York Caribbean Restaurant Market. Endless Wings Monday, Taco & Seniors Tuesday, Midweek Buffet Wednesday, Wine tasting Thursday, Relax & Live Band Friday, Yummy Brunch Saturday, Family Brunch Sunday Throughout the week, our guests can look forward to listening to a variety of musical genres of music with their meals. Friday & Saturday’s will feature a Live Reggae Band. Gospel Sunday’s and during the week Love Songs, R & B, Calypso & Reggae. GAB’N’GO - FREE DELIVERY - MINIMUM ORDER $25 A tremendous amount of thought, time, planning, and passion has been heavily expended, and invested into creating a menu that will not only provide fantabulous food choices, but also attentive, and unrivaled service.

A place where comfort and cuisine meet Passion for Fresh and Flavorful One of the newest establishments in the Lower Hudson Valley is owned by Executive Chef Rahsaan White who was born in Jersey City NJ and began his career in 1995 externing for executive dining and graduating NY restaurant School. Then, while at Dakota Restaurant on the Upper East Side, Chef Rahsaan was quickly named to executive chef, and stayed there for 4yrs. He left to work with Chef Herb Wilson opening Jacks Fifth. While Chef Wilson mentored Rahsaan, at Wilson’s suggestion, Rahsaan would continue to grow and moved on to work with John Tesar to open Vine in the Wall Street district. Chef Rahsaan has been many things but always passionate about food; a food purchaser for NYS, personal Chef for HBO Heavyweight Boxer Michael Grant, running a catering business as well working for foreign diplomats, royalty and celebrities. Now, partnering with his wife Shelly who serves as the restaurants Chief Operating Officer, the new fast-casual 19 Court is his fulfillment of over 2 decades of hard work and dedication. Shelly, Chef Rahsaan’s biggest fan says “what he does with food and flavor is nothing short of amazing!” “19 Court, in the space formerly occupied by Pizzeria Veloce, has been serving customers in a fast-casual setting since Sept. 12 and offers diners a little bit of everything. In one area, there’s a host of salads with grains, starches, and proteins along with a variety of greens and toppings; at another station there are poke bowls; at still another you’ll find creative pizzas with names like “Funky Mushroom” (sheep milk ricotta, truffle pecorino, porcini mushroom, extra virgin olive oil, caramelized onion jam, gruyere, crème fraîche and truffle dust) and Carnivore (Applewood smoked bacon, smoked brisket, wild boar sausage, garlic, house-made mozzarella, parmesan, and tomato sauce). There’s also sushi, sashimi, and Budda Bowls as well as wine and beer on tap along with 810 Pelham Parkway, Pelham Manor, 10803 - 914-740-5256 other alcohol from local New York distilleries,” Jeanne Muchnick, the food and www.GabriellesNY.com - Facebook: gabriellesfusionny dining writer for lohud.com wrote October 8th 19 Court is still in the soft opening phase, Rahsaan shared with lohud. Within the next few weeks, he will expand his hours and introduce more culi(NEW ROCHELLE) nary options including lobster roll Thursdays, a raw bar, a happy hour dinner Upscale modern Southern & Caribbean cuisine in a cozy, elegant menu with wait service and a Sunday jazz brunch with live music. He also space graced with vibrant artwork, described by The New York Times as “a hopes to bring in classes and discussions. darling of downtown New Rochelle,” Alvin & Friends– selected by Open Table users for a 2015 Diner’s Choice award and winner of a 2015 Certificate of Address: 19 Court Street, White Plains, New York 10601 - Tel: 914.644.8224 Excellence from Trip Advisor — serves contemporary cuisine with Southern Special Events: CatertingandPrivateEvents@19Court.com - Gen’l Info: Info@19Court.com and Caribbean flavors. Alvin & Friends – Zagat rated 26 for food, 26 for décor https://www.19court.com/ Facebook: @19Court Twitter & Instagram: @19CourtNY and 26 for service, and named by Westchester Magazine as one of the “Best of Westchester” four years in a row – combines urban sophistication with elegance: Wooden panels inset with glass windows carve the (MT VERNON) comfortable main room into cozy dining areas, while dramatic iron-and-hemp chandeliers SPECIALIZING IN SANDWICHES AND BBQ accent the high ceilings and provide a counterpoint to the colorful artwork Eastern Carolina styled BBQ in Mount Vernon. Smoked Pulled Turkey, BBQ pulled that covers the walls. Indeed, the dozens of stunning, Matisse-inspired oil pork, authentic Mac and Cheese, Ribs, Chicken, and the Sweet Potato Biscuits are off paintings — created by owner Alvin Clayton — are part of the restaurant’s the hook, if you didn’t know, now you know. Drop by and tell Billy that Black Westchester signature look. sent you. Pit Brother’s BBQ is a leading New York Sandwich Restaurant on GrubHub But it’s not just the atmosphere, or the paintings — or the mouthwatering menu – that keep customers coming back to Alvin & Friends: Clayton is 159 East Third Street, Mount Vernon, NY 10550 - 914.297.2220 an engaging and genuine host. “The restaurant is really an extension of my http://pitbrothersbbq.net/ - Facebook, Instagram: @pitbrothersbbq home: I want people to feel welcome from the moment they step through that door. I know that people have choices, and I’m genuinely honored that they Open 11:00 AM - 7:30 PM Wednesday – Saturday, closed Sunday & Monday choose to be with us,” he says. “You may not enter Alvin & Friends as one of the pals of the owner, (YONKERS) Alvin Clayton, but by the time you leave you’re likely to feel that you’ve 33 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701 - Tel: (914) 476-0906 become one.” — The New York Times website: sweetmamassoulfood.com Hours: Monday - Sunday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm “From the warm greeting to the upscale food, friendly service and welcoming ambiance, dining at Alvin & Friends truly gave me the feeling that I added to my circle of friends. I look forward to visiting the Claytons again (OSSINING) soon.” — The Scarsdale Inquirer Cravin Jamaican Cuisine was selected as a participant in the final elimination round to be the best Jamaican Restaurant in Westchester in Westchester Magazine’s Best Address: 14 Memorial Hwy, New Rochelle, NY 10801 - Tel: (914) 654-6549 of Westchester 2019 Food & Drink Elimination Round 1 info@alvinandfriendsrestaurant.com - www.alvinandfriendsrestaurant.com 109 Main Street, Ossining, NY 10562 - Tel: (914) 432-7776 Facebook: @alvinandfriendsrestaurant – Twitter: @AFRestaurant – IG: @alvinandfriends website: cravinjc.com




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MARCH 2019







Since 2005, King’s Southern Delight has been providing mouth-watering, home-cooked, soul food meals. A popular spot with many Mt. Vernon locals, King’s reputation for delicious, affordably-priced soul food constantly wins it new fans from near and far. If you are looking for unapologetic old school down south style Southern cooking and incredible hospitality this is the place to be. Pull up to the front and it looks like you are down south. Inside humble decor but the food is freshly prepared (new trays always coming out) nothing is ever sitting. Eat in dining available as well as Carry-out for those who prefer to enjoy this restaurant’s cooking from the comfort of their own home. Turkey Wings are meaty and cooked perfectly with the right gravy (my personal favorite). Tasty juicy fried chicken. Mac and cheese, Collard greens, Cabbage. All greens have no meat besides smoked turkey. Whiting on Fridays. And for those who still want pork on their fork, they have plenty of options for you too. Sandwiches are served with white or wheat bread, and cornbread is included with lunch and dinner meals. If you have space for dessert, you have a choice of sweetpotato pie, pineapple-coconut cake, peach cobbler, or banana pudding. Whether you eat in or take out, bring your appetite; King’s portions are generous. 283 East Third Street, Mount Vernon, NY 10553 - 914.668.7335 kingssoutherndelight.com - Facebook: @Kings-Southern-Delight Proprietor: Emma Hackson, Redina Hembree




CIA-trained chef Nigel Spence opened his restaurant, Ripe Kitchen, 15-years-ago, on the Mount Vernon/Bronx border, bringing sit-down island food and some diversity to Mount Vernon. He’s been in the spot since 2003, creating traditional Jamaican dishes such as jerk chicken and fried fish plus other offerings with a whimsical twist, like Cuban Plantain Boat stuffed with a codfish vegetable medley and dressed with sour cream. This former Food Network intern’s island-spiced jerk rib-eye steak is such a monster, he dares you to try and finish it! “There is no big sign outdoors, but when you step in, it’s a familiar slice of Jamaican hospitality,” lohud describes the intimate eatery. Westchester Magazine’s Best of Westchester - Editors’ Picks Best Jerk Chicken 2008. “Nigel Spence’s Jamaican eatery has become a destination simply for his super-tender, wood-smoked jerk chicken, served as an entree, in a quesadilla, and in a salad. ‘All three use the same exact chicken; we don’t change the recipe of the chicken for the different dishes,’ says Spence, whose cozy, eclectic bar and restaurant was once both a community theater and a candy store. What sets Ripe’s fragrant jerk chicken apart is its special mix of seasonings and aromatic spices, including the incendiary Scotch bonnet; one of the hottest chilis in existence; and cilantro, a Caribbean herb that’s similar to cilantro. ‘We do everything from scratch, including the dry rub and the wet rub we use on the chicken. We use the same ingredients used in Jamaica,’ Spence says, ensuring patrons eager for the real deal don’t get jerked around.” 151 W. Sanford Blvd, Mount Vernon, NY 10550 - Tel: (914) 665-7689 email: info@riperestaurant.com - website: https://www.riperestaurant.com/


A Caribbean restaurant that serves traditional American and Native Caribbean cuisine as well as steamed seafood, in a fine dining room setting. Steam House’s goal is to serve the freshest and the most delicious food because all food is cooked fresh for each order! Their experienced chefs are skilled at preparing mouthwatering appetizers and entrees that will surely become favorites of yours. The dining room seats approximately 80 guests are great from dining in or hosting an event, there is also extra seating in the lounge area. The bar is stocked with the best in premium wine and spirits, 5 flat screen TVs, and an 80-inch projector for viewing so you can enjoy your favorite shows or sports while you dine; or listen to great music playing through our wonderful state of the art sound system. Steam House is the perfect venue for meetings, parties, and any other type of special event. They hosted my 50th Birthday party on Superbowl Sunday 2016. 128 Gramatan Ave, Mt Vernon, NY - (914) 371-1219 Steamhouse128@gmail.com - www.steamhouse128.com Instagram: @Steamhouse128




“We guarantee you will not be disappointed from the Smothered Chicken to Pork chops, Cheesy Baked Macaroni and Cheese Sweet Homemade tea, and more. We have something to satisfy everyone’s Soul!!!” Started by Lachonne Williams, who was born and raised in New Rochelle, NY and has always had a passion for cooking. She has catered many events in the community and held many positions in food and beverage. Also a former employee of New Rochelle board of education catering. Williams provided cross coverage for head chef and prepared food for weekly events such as Kitchen manager at Keith’s catering hall. Keith Bryant, an executive chef at Melba’s restaurant in Harlem, New York, continued to help Lachonne follow her lifelong dreams and reach people’s soul through food. 534 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Tel: (914) 235-3330 - Website: https://suggarplumss.com/ Facebook: @SuggarPlums - Instagram: @Suggarplums Hours: Monday-Saturday 12noon – 8:00PM, Sundays 12noon – 7:00PM



Jungle Restaurant is an authentic Caribbean Cuisine conveniently located in the Fleetwood section of Mount Vernon, in the former Casa Cubana space. Jungle provides a variety of delectable Caribbean dishes (Jamaica, West Indies) inspired. Chef Duran and his team provide the ultimate JamRock experience! Jungle offers an extended Catering Menu, private dining reservations, monthly events & more... Traditional lunch and dinner dishes include oxtail ($17.99), curried goat ($14.99) and jerk chicken ($13.99). The snapper ($19.99) can be prepared with brown stew, steamed or escovitch, a style in which fried fish is topped with a spicy sauce and pickled vegetables. The Jungle wild salmon ($19.99) can be prepared with sweet chili, jerk, curry, barbecue or stew. Jungle serves non-Jamaican food like pasta and three kinds of burgers. The restaurant also caters to vegetarians with a veggie tofu stir-fry ($14.99) and a plantain with bok choy ($11.99) dish. The dining room accommodates up to 18 diners on tables for two or four that have white tablecloths topped with glass. There are also two tables for two on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. 9 W Grand St, Mt Vernon, NY 10552 - Tel: 914-699-9555 https://www.jungle-restaurant.com - Instagram: @jungle_restaurant/ Monday - Thursday 8:30am -9:30pm; Fridays -Saturdays 8:30am-11pm Sundays 11:30 am- 7 pm



FOOD FOR THE SOUL - OPENS MARCH 4TH Soul To Go is a quick service restaurant located in Mount Vernon, NY inspired by the late Elizabeth Dash. She was known to many as Ma, Grandma or Aunt Tot. Her love for cooking and her southern recipes were passed down through generations and now Soul To Go would like to share our authentic southern recipes with you. 11 Stevens Ave, Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 - (914) 699-4126 www.Soultogosoulfood.com Instagram, Twitter, Facebook: @souldtogonewyork Yelp: @Soul To Go Delivery: Uber Eats | Door Dash Hours: Sun-Thu: 11am-9pm Fri-Sat: 11am-11pm


FINE SOUTHERN CUISINE 393 North Ave, New Rochelle, NY 10801 - T: (914) 654-0500 F:(914) 654-0109 Email: sweetpotatoesnr@gmail.com - Website: www.sweetpotatoesnr.com Facebook: @sweetpotatoes.rest - Twitter: @NRSweetPotatoes


29 Main Street, Stamford, CT 06902 - Tel: (203) 504 2625 Email: SoulTastyCT@gmail.com - Website: http://www.soultastyct.com Facebook and Instagram: @SoulTastyCT

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MARCH 2019




JUICES FOR LIFE OFFERING A HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE TO URBAN COMMUNITIES 211 Nepperhan Ave, Yonkers, NY 10701 - (914) 751-3521 1026 Castle Hill Ave, Bronx, NY 10472 - (347) 281-9844 3463 E Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY 10465 - (347) 281-9060 277 Malcolm X Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11233 - (347) 350-8558


n Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 1:30pm Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano joined, longtime Yonkers residents, Jason Phillips better known to the world as Jadakiss and David Styles aka Styles P to cut the ribbon on their new juice bar, Juices for Life located at 211 Nepperhan Avenue in Yonkers. Juices For Life is the second for Styles, The first one is located at 1026 Castle Hill Ave opened in 2011. Styles opened a third location (second in the Bronx) and then on September 2016 a new store opened in Brooklyn by Radio Personality Angela Yee with the rappers blessing. Juices for Life is more than a brand, Jadakiss explains in his signature rasp, “our juice bars are opened in the hood on purpose to educate our people on health awareness.” “We consider ourselves family to everyone who walks through our doors and to everyone who lives a juicing lifestyle. This includes all healthy lifestyles that will help our children, parents, siblings and all family members within our community. Although we sell fruits, vegetable, wheatgrass, sea moss and Love Is Love protein powder, don’t forget that we are still a bar. We consider ourselves “Cheers” for the healthy folk. Instead of a shot of Whiskey you can get a shot of wheat grass. If you need a healthy and cool social hangout spot that has a diverse group of people, then come visit Juices for Life.”


VEGAN CULTURAL RESTAURANT - ALWAYS VEGAN ALL THE TIME, SINCE 2008! 412 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY, 10801 (914) 355-2527 Juice bar & vegan cafe offering mock meats, Caribbean dishes & more in a modest, compact space. https://joloskitchen.wordpress. com/veganrestaurant/ Facebook: @JolosKitchenRestaurant Twitter: @joloskitchen Instagram: @jolokitchen

Mon-Fri: 11:30 am - 8 pm 
 Sat & Sun: 1:00 pm-8 pm Jolo’s Kitchen where everything is vegan! They only serve plant-based foods. They aim to serve healthy meals made with fresh ingredients, and surprisingly realistic “veggiemeats” filled with delicious flavors, and textures. Our diverse daily specials are full of creativity, fresh ingredients and variety. Jolo’s appeals to the humane conscious eaters and ensure that their ingredients meet a high standard of quality that you can trust. Jolo’s offers a constantly changing array of vegetables, grain- and fruit-based dishes that are so delicious even meat lovers will be pleased. Jolo Moise, the chef and owner, believes vegan food is more healthful, so he creates dishes meant to convince carnivores that they need not eat meat. “Veggie ribz,” made of tofu in a tangy mushroom sauce, have a good texture and flavor. The “soysage” is an appealing alternative to Italian sausage. Most diners buy takeout, but there are a few tables and a juice bar with stools in the colorful, pleasant space for those who want to eat in.


55 ST NICHOLAS AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10026 (212) 222-0092

The first and only full-service vegan restaurant in Harlem serving a variety of dishes enjoyable to anyone who loves great tasting, HEALTHY cuisine. Seasoned Vegan is a family business owned and operated by mother and son, Brenda and Aaron Beener. We pride ourselves on being loyal to our vegan/vegetarian customers by maintaining an organic, 100% vegan menu while creating meals that are delicious enough to satisfy the most skeptical omnivore. Chef Brenda Beener’s restaurant specializes in preparing a very unique type of cuisine: gourmet vegan soul food. Using the term “soul food” loosely because they are not referring exclusively to the typical cuisine of the Southern region of the United States. Soul food is any meal prepared by a chef who not only includes flavorful ingredients but also infuses tender love and care. With that as a founding theme, Seasoned Vegan gives typical Italian, Asian, Middle Eastern, Caribbean and American dishes a vegan, home cooked, soulful twist www.seasonedvegan.com Twitter: @SeasonedVegan

ABUNDANT LIFE JUICE BAR & SALADS 13 E. 2nd St, Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 (914) 371-1294

For the best in natural juices, smoothies, boosters and organ salads, visit the Abundant Life Juice Bar, Monday - Saturday 9am - 6pm.

PK BLENZ 1002 Main St, Peekskill, NY 10566 (914) 930-7538

All vegan smoothies, fresh juices, vegan eats and good vibes!!!

Facebook: @PeekskillJuiceBar Robert Scott- Owner Opened May 2017

At Green Garden Health Food Store, our focus is on freshness. We serve everything from veggie GARDEN HEALTH FOOD patties to delicious cakes. The greatest attraction to our place of business is our juice bar. We make 3584 White Plains Rd. Bronx, NY 10467 juices for all to enjoy. We have fruit smoothies, pro(718) 652-9535 tein shakes, fresh vegetable juice, green juice, peanut punch, sour sop, sorrel drink, sugar cane juice Green Garden Health Food Store offers a and Irish moss. You can also never go wrong with variety of fresh, delicious options including a our popular Super Special made with grains, nuts juice bar. Come join us for a refreshing drink! and protein powder. If you have a special request or a specific dietary restriction, we can always create Monday-Saturday 10am-9pm Facebook: @GreenGardenHealthFood a custom blend just for you! Our store also offers a variety of vitamins, teas, grocery items, cosmetics, Twitter: @GreenGardenNY and books. We have a family-friendly environment, so come on over and enjoy a fresh treat!! Get Black Westchester Delivered To Your Home For $25 a year - www.BlackWestchester.com/subscribe

MARCH 2019




Got a sweet tooth that needs to be fixed…Well, maybe a cupcake will help! Whether you’re planning for the holidays or another special event, fresh baked goodies always make the moment that much more special. We all know the best foods in life are created with passion and love. Here are the staff’s top picks of the best Black-owned bakeries, cupcakeries, and souther-style dessert shops in Westchester County. Check them out, support them and follow them on social media.

CUPCAKE CUTIE BOUTIQUE (MOUNT VERNON) FASHIONABLY DELECTABLE, WE BAKE THE PERFECT TASTE FOR THE PERFECT OCCASION. Specializing in Edible Decor and Dessert Bars consisting of Homemade cupcakes made from the best ingredients with love. Not only are they cute, they’re delicious! Fashionably delectable- we bake the perfect taste for the perfect occasion. Whether it’s our subtly sweet red velvet cupcake or our famous banana pudding cupcake, your taste buds are sure to love. These days, as we sift, whisk and frost, our love for baking shows. Our end product is always sweet and satisfying. Whether they’re cupcakes for a child’s party, a Wedding cake or something just to satisfy a sweet tooth, our goal at Cupcake Cutie Boutique is always to provide the pleasure of great taste with visual appeal and style. Cars are often double parked. Lines were coming out the door and down the street on South Sixth Avenue, Saturday, Oct 10, 2015, for the grand opening of Cupcake Cutie Boutique. Offering over 30 varieties of gourmet Cupcakes and Sweet Treats, the mother-daughter bakery located at 8 South Sixth Avenue, had a steady flow of traffic from 7am to 7pm, selling over 700 cupcakes and selling out just before 5pm. DJ Tri-State Jericko, known to many as the Voice of Westchester entertained customers on the ones and twos, throughout the afternoon. “We offer an unprecedented collection of flavors and frostings,” said Miesha Stokley, Founder and Co-Owner of Cupcake Cutie Boutique. “Our trained culinary team has developed a one-stop-shop for your favorite cupcakes and treats in the state of New York.” In addition to the vast assortment of gourmet cupcakes and sweet treats, Mount Vernon based bakery will offer mouth-watering breakfast selections, diabetic and vegan options. “It’s essential that we offer something for everyone,” added Stokely. “Our vegan and diabetic-friendly product line offer a delicious option for individuals with dietary restrictions or limitations.” Cupcake Cutie Boutique caters all social events and offers monthly cupcake decorating classes and more. Their annual Gingerbread House Party is always a huge success, where young girls get a chance to decorate their Gingerbread Houses. Another annual event is their Tasting Gala, A Cupcake Winter Wonderland. Miesha also started Black Girls Bake Inc, a not-for-profit organization for girls and women, designed to support their passion and expertise on the craft of baking. “This is just the start of the Cupcake Cutie Boutique brand,” said Stokley. “We are looking forward to expanding this bakery concept across the entire metro area and

Stokley (daughter) is a life-long Mount Vernon resident and a graduate of Mount Vernon High School. Stokely then went on to attend the University of Miami where she obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and is currently employed as a Labor and Delivery Nurse at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Montika Jones (mother) is also a life-long Mount Vernon resident and graduate of Mount Vernon High School. Jones is a decorated Detective of the Mount Vernon Police Department, promoted to dectective Thursday, January 2, 2014. She donates much of her time to help her community and wife of Black Westchester Publisher Damon K. Jones. “Detective Montika Jones of the Mount Vernon Police Department understands the importance of a healthy relationship with officers and citizens. “There needs to be a bridge where we can meet in the middle,” stated Detective Jones with a smile. She believes that the community in Mt. Vernon will benefit from participating in National Coffee with a Cop day, Saturday, October 28, 2017. The twist to this bridge was including cupcakes into the equation. Cupcake Cutie Boutique hosted the event on a perfect day. Citizens of Mt. Vernon engaged in conversations and concerns with members from the Mt. Vernon Police Department. Dr. Cornell West spoke of serving the people with love. Without conversations with both citizens and officers the relationship will continue to be loveless” shared Cynthia Turnquest-Jones of Tha BUMP (Tha Brown Urban Mother Partnership. Westchester Magazine described their Alcohol-infused cupcakes: This one is for the adults! In Mount Vernon, this mother-daughter-owned business is serving up a party by specializing in cupcakes infused with liquor. Try their Patron margarita cupcake, the spiked piña colada, or the Baileys Irish Creamette. Don’t worry kids, there are still plenty of delicious flavors for you to try. Some of the most popular include the banana-pudding cupcake, a banana-cinnamon cake filled with banana pudding, frosted with banana buttercream, and topped with a vanilla wafer. Other favorites include the fudgy brownie-sundae cupcake and red velvet with cream cheese frosting. 8 South 6th Avenue, Mount Vernon NY 10550 - Tel: (914) 530-5536 info@cupcakecutieboutiqueny.com - http://cupcakecutieboutique.com/ Twitter: @CupcakeCutie914 – Facebook & Instagram: @CupcakeCutieBoutique Follow Black Girls Bake on Facebook: @blackgirlsbake


Owners Gay Wheeler-Smith and Kecia Palmer-Cousins were named among 914 Inc Magazine’s 4th Annual, Westchester’s 18 Most Successful Female Business Leaders in 2014. The dynamic duo runs G&K Sweet Foods, a Peekskill-based company that manufactures traditional Southern-style desserts such as sweet potatoes and tarts, based on Wheeler-Smith’s great grandmother’s recipe (Grandma’s Momma’s Legacy ‘Licious sweet potato pies) and chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies, manufactured in a commercial kitchen with all-natural ingredients. From warm kitchens, lots of laughter and heartfelt conversations, Momma as she was affectionately called by the family, was Gay’s Great-Grandmother. Momma, Grandma, and Mommy shared not only their stories, wisdom, and love but all of their family secret recipes. Gay always wanted to hang out with the elders and from the time she was six years old, each of them taught her how to bake many dessert dishes, but sweet potato pie was always her favorite. Gay who is a Registered Professional Nurse has always baked family dessert recipes for the holidays and special events for friends. It was while baking these legacy desserts passed down generationally, that Gay decided to share the wonderful taste of these southern traditional home-style recipes with the rest of the world. After Gay attended a Women’s Enterprise Development Center breakfast (WEDC) with her good friend Kecia Palmer-Cousins, Kecia was asked to partner with Gay in launching this business venture. Kecia graciously agreed and honed in her legacy family business expertise and academic business achievements. Thus, Gay as Founder and CEO, and Kecia as COO, G&K Sweet Foods, LLC was established in 2007. Kecia Palmer-Cousins, MBA, is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of G&K Sweet Foods. She is a partner of G&K Sweet Foods, LLC, a New York LLC and NYC & NYS Certified M/WBE (Minority Women’s Enterprise) food company, specializing in the commercial manufacturing of fully baked, frozen small and large sweet potato pies for the wholesale and retail markets. Kecia, a former Mt. Vernon resident WHO currently resides in Peekskill has over 22 years of customer service, project management and telecommunications experience working as an ITIL®v3 Senior Project Manager at a Fortune 100 company in NYC with premier and Wall Street customers. She earned a B.S.in Manufacturing Engineering (Boston University), an MBA in Marketing (Long Island University) and a Masters Certificate in Project Management from George Washington University. Their pies and cookies can be ordered to accommodate government agencies, firms, food services, diners, schools, airports, bakeries, supermarkets and commissaries. Pies are packaged for single three-inch serving, six-inch serving, and nine-inch serving. 2044 Oakwood Drive Peekskill NY 10566 - Tel: (914) 788-3697 Email: gandksweetfoods@yahoo.com - Webite: https://gksweetfoods.com/ Facebook & Instagram: @GKSweetFoods - Twitter: @GKSweetFoodsLLC

Got a sweet tooth that needs to be fixed…Well, maybe a cupcake will help!

Smallcakes Cupcakery and Creamery is conveniently located in the Heartbeat of Westchester on Central Park Ave. They provide the best cupcakes Westchester has to offer by baking fresh every day and providing our customers with a variety of cupcakes flavors. Offering specialty cupcake flavors that change every month, you’re guaranteed to keep coming back! Not only do we have great cupcakes, but we also have delicious homemade cupcake-infused ice-cream. My favorite African-American business is SmallCakes on Central Ave in the Edgemont section of town. We have many African American owned businesses in the Fairview section of town, but Anthony & Regina opened up their small cakes business in a wealthy hamlet. And the community loves them and the cakes. My daughter always asks me to stop by and buy her a bunch of cupcakes every time there is a special family occasion. My only complaint: The cakes are so good that I usually eat up the cakes meant for others – and gain excess weight! Anthony and Regina can be reached at (914) 713-3971. They are very nice people and great business leaders. I am thrilled they are part of our community. - by Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner 749 Central Park Ave, Scarsdale, NY 10583 (914) 713-3971 smallcakesny@gmail.com - www.smallcakesny.com



Baking Sweet Memories, One Cake at a Time

Evolving from a home-based business, over 22 years ago, that baked for all occasions, Make My Cake was compelled to address customer’s demand by expanding the business to several full service retail and wholesale bakeries. Their family has managed to set the baking world on fire growing into a global sensation which draws thousands of worldwide visitors seeking the ultimate “red velvet cake” and various other heavenly desserts to Harlem. They serve their sweet creations like Food Network favorite - German Chocolate Cake, New York Times pick - Red Velvet Cake, and local favorite - Sweet Potato Cheesecake to the fans which flock to their bakeries daily. The national exposure has served to affirm the success of our beloved Ma Smith. The family team of Jo-Ann, Aliyyah, Kevin, Dedan, Khalid, along with a personable staff are dedicated to making each customer smile one sweet tooth at a time. 380 Adam C. Powell Blvd., 139th St. Harlem, NY • (212) 234-2344 121 Saint Nicholas Ave (116TH ST), Harlem, NY • (212) 932-0833 Email: MMC139@MakeMyCake.com - website: http://www.makemycake.com F: @MakeMyCakeNYC - T: @MakeMyCakeNY - IG: @MakeMyCake

Get Black Westchester Delivered To Your Home For $25 a year - www.BlackWestchester.com/subscribe


MARCH 2019



A recent Center for American Progress study shows African-American and Latina women are a driving force behind entrepreneurship in the United States. From 1997 to 2013, the number of female-owned businesses in the U.S. grew by 59 percent — 1 1/2 times the national average. The study says women of color are the catalyst behind this growth: AfricanAmerican women-owned businesses grew by 258 percent in that time; Latina women-owned businesses grew by 180 percent. Today, women of color are the majority owners of nearly one-third of female-owned firms in the nation. Women say that being their own boss and controlling their own destiny are natural draws of entrepreneurship but they also seek a work-life balance and personal satisfaction from their businesses. Here's a look at some local African-American female owned in the Lower Hudson Valley.




R2M Realty means “Ready 2 Move.” “When you are ready to move, we are ready to help,” she explains. Jones-Arietta says the Nyack boutique firm is hands-on with clients. “The sellers and buyers can tap into me anytime as if they are my own personal clients.” She says she handpicks her agents, and they all have been closing deals within the first year of business. With about 12 agents and not the usual franchise fees as with bigger agencies, they’ve been able to give back to the community. “We give back 3 percent of our commission from home sales to our sellers’ or buyers’ local charities of choice,” Jones-Arietta says. She credits her family with helping: her husband with emotional support and her mother for a financial boost (the mom loan). She also dipped into her 401(k) to start the business. “I didn’t think it was necessary at the time to get more financing.” Jones-Arietta says she understands the appeal of entrepreneurship for women of color but says it’s really a life people should aspire to. “I’ve learned a lot. I am never bored at work. I get up excited about the day, and that’s the way life should be lived.” The 42-year-old admits the balance between work and family is still a challenge, and she really only turns it off when she’s at the spa or on a family vacation. But she says she’s never going back. “I can see the big picture. This is what I’ll be doing for the rest of my life.” R2M Realty, Inc. (Ready to Move) is the one of the most talked about full service real estate brokerage firms in Rockland with an international referral network for both buyers and sellers looking to relocate in or out of the New York tri-state area. Headquartered in the heart of Nyack, only about 30 minutes north of Manhattan, the firm has both residential and commercial sales/leasing agents servicing Rockland, Orange and Westchester Counties in NY and Bergen County, NJ. Founded by broker/owner, Kenyatta Jones-Arietta, who between real estate and interior design has been assisting property owners achieve their selling, buying and designing goals for nearly 20 years. R2M Realty was built on supporting the community. With its charity give back, R2M Realty gives back 3% of its commission to its residential sellers’ and buyers’ local charity of choice. Kenyatta Jones-Arietta was an interior designer in Manhattan but living in Tappan and commuting to the city was taking its toll. “I wasn’t happy with the quality of life with my children.” So though she had two mortgages on her home, Jones-Arietta quit her job and became a real estate agent. “I sold 12 properties that first year and didn’t look back.” That was in 2005; she was working for a franchise broker. Then in 2013 she went out on her own, launching R2M Realty. “It was amazing, as if I should be doing it all along,” Jones-Arietta says. 8 Piermont Ave, Nyack, NY 10960 - TEL: (845) 535-4195 www.ready2mov.com


Tamika Y. Rose opened the first African-American Female Minority owned insurance brokerage business in Westchester County. Tamika Y. Rose, President has a wealth of experience, servicing the likes of “City of Yonkers” and The Trump of New Rochelle. Her Mission is.... “Building relationships one policy at a time while protecting what matters the most” Shadowing the footsteps of Mrs. E.G. Bowman, NY’s Largest Minority



Regine’s International Beauty: a wonderful, professional hair salon. Their goal is to provide you with exceptional service while bringing out your unique and natural beauty. More than anything else, we are known for our commitment to Healthy Hair, leading to Regine’s well-earned moniker as “The Hair Doctor.” Regine has over 25 years of experience in the beauty industry, specializing in Strand by Strand Hair Extensions, the hot, new Keratin Hair Taming System, and Laser Hair Restoration treatments; all while offering the very best in haircuts, weaves, highlighting, coloring, relaxing & straightening, in addition to professional hair & scalp treatments. Our salon philosophy is based on the belief that your healthy hair needs are of the utmost importance and we are committed to meeting those needs. As a result, much of our business is from customers who have been with us for years, their children (many now grown with families) and their referrals. A specialty that makes us unique; we are a certified HLCC Hair Loss Clinic, using a combination of laser technology, specialized nutritional and hair care products to stop hair loss and, literally, regrow your hair. Read the Laser Hair Treatment section to learn more. We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and provide you with excellent customer service. Come on in and Relax with Professionals! 148A South Middletown Rd. (Main St.), Nanuet, NY 10954 TEL: 845-627-2427 - Twitter: @ReginesIntl



Belle Make-up NYC in Mamaroneck is cozy, decorated with touches of light gray and purple with a chandelier at the entrance. Guests are offered wine, champagne and something tasty to eat. “The atmosphere is relaxing talking girl to girl, with no pressure,” she laughs. Bell offers individualized and group makeup instruction, event makeup and her own invention: makeup wardrobing. As part of this service, she goes through the client’s makeup and lets them know what works and what doesn’t. “In my group classes, some women would have makeup for 10 years, and you can’t (keep it that long) — it’s makeup.” She says becoming an entrepreneur hasn’t been exactly as she expected. “There’s no time off, and working consistently to bring in money is a challenge.” Along with chasing the dollars, she is traveling about 70 percent of the time for clients, she says. But even with all this, she understands the appeal of business ownership for women and being in control of your schedule. “The challenge for me is that people always underestimate my ability because I’m young.” 124 Library Ln, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 (917) 274-7389 and Woman-Owned Insurance Brokerage, who in 2013 celebrated 60th year anniversary, Ms. Rose’s agency provides full service Insurance services and exclusive Nationwide products. Hard work and dedication has earned us a reputation of excellence by leveraging a risk management experience to deliver keen insight, solutions to clients’ needs. Tamika Y Rose Agency is deeply committed to the communities we serve. We have assisted municipalities, businesses and individuals find the best comprehensive insurance coverage for many years. 67 E Main St, Elmsford, NY 10523 Phone: (914) 432-3087 - Fax: (914) 290-4902 Email: roset6@nationwide.com https://agency.nationwide.com/tamika-rose-in-elmsford-ny





When you’re ready to “ Laissez les bons temps rouler” this damsel’s creative fingers is just what the doctor ordered to paint the town whatever color you desire! Her father hailing from New Orleans, her mother fresh out of Brooklyn, already having given birth to an older sister, gave birth to another daughter and raised them in Yonkers NY.. Take a seat...This is about to be some real good gumbo! And by the way, she cooked me some that was out of this world! (Mush *her nickname* I know your reading this I’m going to need some more lol) #WhoWithMe Octobers very own vivacious libra who not only refused to become a statistic, she took the talent she was blessed with and used it to put others in a position to make money. If your “That Girl” you stop here regularly to keep your tresses intact. Her clientele ranges from celebrities & professional athletes to common people that trust their coif maintenance to the best.. Known for having “growing hands” she still give you a cut that’s unquestionably a step above the rest. But before we jump the gun, let’s take a step further back into her younger years. Growing up in Yonkers she was a part of the “IT” crowd. Her best friend is none other than the Queen of hip-hop soul Mary J Blige and writer extraordinaire and FabHoops CEO Latonya Blige!! Look.. I can stop right there and drop the mic we already have the rue tasting like everything, and everything is rue (sorry couldn’t help myself ..lol ) !!! But... Let’s drop some seafood in!! She is also the cousin of the masterful Yonkers MC and Juices For Life business owner Styles P!! Now I can leave it right there and you’re going to insist the flavor can’t get any better... but it does! See.. The trick to a good pot of gumbo is not just having excellent ingredients, but the long and slow process that intensifies the flavor. Her journey and how she pulled it together is what’s most pleasing to the palate. Thrust into prime time in her late teens at the height of her besties Mary J Blige’s career they were everywhere doing everything! Although having the time of her life, deep in her subconscious she often wondered what her own gift was. Soon after she received an unexpected blessing to attend cosmology school. Not only did she pass, she graduated valedictorian of her class! With new found knowledge for hair care she kept her eye fixated on the prize, owning her own establishment. Before I give you any more details there is nothing better than hearing it from “That Girl” herself. 388 Tarrytown Rd, Suite 109 & 409, White Plains, NY 10607 - Tel: (914) 684-2790 www.creativefingershairsalon.com - Instagram: @Cfhairsalon - Facebook: @CreativeFingers

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MARCH 2019




BLACK OWNED BOUTIQUES The presumption is that most businesses in the Black Community are owned by other ethnic groups and unfortunately when people talk about local African-American owned establishments, all they talk about is hair & nail salons, barbershops, and soul food spots. While they too do offer vital services for the community, we are so much more than that. It’s so important that we keep our Black Dollars within our community. So this BLACK HISTORY MONTH lets ALL shop BLACK and support our black-owned businesses. On this page, we are sharing five favorite Black Owned Boutique in the Lower Hudson Valley and surrounding area to shop and Follow!!! Each and every one of these stores offers something different. Check them out. #SupportBlackBusinesses #BlackBusinessesMatter


Women’s clothing & Accessories Handbag/Clutch Designer Chic, feminine clothing and accessories from a range of designers.

This new boutique, that open July 1, 2017, features a variety of women’s’ clothing, including tops, dresses and wraps. Loola Doola also offers accessories including clutches and scarves. Loola Doola’s owner, Lauren Morris, has nearly two decades of experience in fashion and design. She also designs handbags through her company, Lauren M. Designs. Morris said, “Loola Doola” was a childhood nickname given to her by her late father. With her new boutique, Morris said she aims to make every client feel like a priority during their shopping experience. “We’re excited about the opening of a great new shop in White Plains: Loola Doola Boutique. At the luxury women’s boutique, whose moniker was a childhood nickname bestowed upon owner Lauren Morris by her late father, you’ll find a selection of chic, feminine clothing and accessories from a range of designers, including Morris herself; her own Lauren M. handcrafted clutches are gorgeous. One-on-one shopping is offered by appointment.” – Westchester Magazine 206 Martine Avenue White Plains NY 10601 914-349-3147 or 914-468-1168 Facebook: @Loola-Doola-Boutique - Instagram: @looladoolaboutique


“I sparked my dream once the current president of the United States won the election,” explained Ginji. It may sound eccentric but, makes well-grounded sense. A space with fresh organic pieces made for the lover of those who wants to stand out in a crowd. Ginji and her mom Janice are co-owners of I N S P O located in Pelham, New York. Inspo is a popular term in our hashtag internet world. It is a short term for “inspiration” which is the passion to make someone want to do something or gives someone an idea about what to do or create. Ginji expressed, “I wanted it to be a source of inspiration with a vision of a boutique for as long as I could remember. When my mom started painting a couple of years ago we originally discussed opening an art gallery.” Simultaneously dreams came together producing a lifestyle boutique. The owners of I N S P O are local residents of Westchester as well. Janice and co-owner Ginji owns a home in Fleetwood, and Ginji resides in a condo with her husband in downtown New Rochelle. What began as a pastime for us both has grown into a lifelong passion. Their experiences throughout the years created the foundation for their current venture now. This journey, past and present, is our inspo! Their goal is beautiful simplicity, in all genres of life. “I truly hope that mantra will translate into the overall feel of our boutique.” “I N S P O is a lifestyle boutique owned by the daughter-mommy duo.” Gin and Jan (respectively), offer a cornucopia style infused with art, clothing and lifestyle items. Their pieces are a classic blend of casual, work, and play. Most items are individually sewn out of a small design studio in Manhattan. Sizes include Small, Medium, and Large with plans to expand in the near future. Periodically you will find outside artwork but, currently all artwork is original and hand painted by artist and co-owner, Janice Harding (aka Jan). In addition, I N S P O offer artisanal pieces by various jewelry designers, hand painted accessories and greeting cards and all-natural body products and vegan soy candles by “ReBourné” - Cynthia Turnquest-Jones 144 Fifth Avenue, Pelham, New York 10803 914-255-3690 www.theinspoboutique.com/ - Facebook: @theinspoboutique


The place to “find a wide variety of fun, flirty designer-inspired dresses, fashionforward tops, must have handbags, and up-to-the-minute accessories at this trendy yet classic boutique for fashionable women of all ages and budgets,” - Westchester Magazine Weezie D. offers everything from women’s clothing to jewelry, handbags, scarves, and hair accessories, and is Westchester’s a premier one-stop shop for trendy women of many ages. Weezie D. opened in 2005 in Bronxville, New York and just celebrated its 13-year anniversary this past October. The quaint boutique shop has been named Best of Westchester in the Ladies Clothing Store category for three years –2014, 2015, and 2017. The shop participates in community service including its Holiday Toy Drive benefiting Providence House in New Rochelle. Throughout the year it also hosts several “Sip & Shop” events for local non-profit organizations and donates proceeds of sales to each organization. The shop’s mantra is “Get out of the Box and Into Weezie D.” BW Entertainment Feature Writer Samantha Hunter included Weezie D in her column ‘These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things” in Black Westchester’s January 2018 issue. 15 Park Place, Bronxville NY 10708 914-337-1008 info.weezied.com www.weezied.com Twitter: @WeezieDBoutique – Facebook & Instagram: @WeezieD


A luxury product retailer, full service hair salon and web-boutique SimpleeBEAUTIFUL is a Private Studio located in downtown White Plains that offers private sessions with Diane Da Costa, owner celebrity, Master Stylist/Curly Textured Expert & Author of the book, TEXTURED TRESSES. SimpleeBEAUTIFUL offers full hair analysis on natural hair and transitioning for curlies and naturalistas. Clients can schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation with all scheduled appointments. With over 30 years in the beauty industry, Diane offers customized curly and straight precision cuts, custom-blended color and her own SimpleeBEAUTIFUL Restorative Oil H2O steam treatments for all types and textures. Diane created a heatless, quick-drying method using DYAKIM Microfiber Towels and Turban, which she co-created and are sold in the salon and online at www.dyakimstyle.com Diane also offers blow-outs; smooth-outs & ceramic styling, natural textured styling, and hair extensions, (straight, wavy, curly, Afro textures and crochet curls. Visit Saturday and Sunday for their CurlyTexturedBar express services: blowouts and textured styling with available apprentice stylists and trainees. SimpleeBEAUTIFUL is a Sodium Hydroxide-free salon that offers alternatives to relaxing and texturizing with non-chemical botanical texturizing and certified keratin smoothing treatments using luxury products infused with butters, soy, botanicals and essential oils. Diane offers private sessions in New York City twice a month and SimpleeBEAUTIFUL is open Wednesday thru Sunday in Westchester. BW Entertainment Feature Writer Samantha Hunter included SimpleeBEAUTIFUL in her column “These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things” in Black Westchester’s January 2018 issue 445, s-17 Hamilton Ave, White Plains, NY 10601 914-246-1692 www.simpleebeautiful.com


Harlem Haberdashery is the retail expression of 5001 FLAVORS, a custom-made apparel company creating looks for celebrities, recording artists and sports stars for over 20 years. In their uptown boutique, Harlem Haberdashery draws inspiration from the rich cultural history and distinctive style of the Harlem Renaissance while adding a future-forward edge to their exclusive designs. The result is a classic silhouette set off by our definitive expression of today’s fashion. “We know that dressing well is an expression of success, defined as living well and enjoying life on your own terms. At the Haberdashery every guest is a celebrity who can create their own personal expression of Success in collaboration with our design staff. Our goal is to provide a Red Carpet experience for all of our guests.” We achieve this by creating head-to-toe looks from our own clothing lines complete with shoes and one-of-a-kind accessories. Our collection is exclusive to Harlem Haberdashery and not available anywhere else in the world. Each item of clothing from our signature line is designed and made in our own Harlem facility while accessories and other collections are handpicked from niche designers and offered exclusively at the Haberdashery.” They invite you to make their showroom your own private club. Relax, and explore your own personal expression of Success at Harlem Haberdashery. 245 Malcolm X Blvd (Bet. 122nd & 123rd St.), Harlem NY 10027 Phone: 646-707-0070​- Fax: 646-707-0002 Info@HarlemHaberdashery.com - www.harlemhaberdashery.com Facebook: @HarlemHaberdashery –Twitter & Instagram: @HaberdasheryNYC

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MARCH 2019



There’s one question many business owners ask themselves often: “What is the true value of my business?” It’s an important question because, whether you realize it or not, the value of your business will have a big impact on both personal and professional aspects of your life. So, knowing the answer is vitally important. A business valuation, conducted by a credentialed valuation expert, estimates the economic value of your interest in a business. It is most often used to determine the selling price of a business, the amount needed to fund a buy-sell agreement, or to assign values to individual assets held by the business. Once you know the value of your business, you can put in place more effective plans and strategies for future growth, business continuation, succession planning or employee retention. It can also help you plan for your own future.

How Business Value Impacts Your Retirement

There are many sound business reasons why you need to know your company’s value, but there are also personal ones. If you’re relying on the value of your business to fund your retirement, then having an accurate picture of its worth is critical.

Retirement planning is, for many, a life-long endeavor. You’ve likely accumulated savings and assets over time, perhaps decades, and may have plans in place to draw down money each year as retirement income. If proceeds from your business, which may be your most valuable asset, is an integral part of your retirement plan, it is critical that you know now just how much of the business value will be available to you in the future. The sooner you know the answer, the faster you can take steps to create other sources of retirement income outside of your business if you need to. And, should economic conditions change for the worse and adversely affect the business value, you’ll be in a better position as you move toward the next chapter of your life.

What’s Your Business Worth?

Your team of professional advisors can help guide you in determining the best way to undertake the business valuation process. Once completed, the value of your business should be reviewed periodically. Business valuation can impact your life in so many different ways. The question you should be asking yourself now is, “How do I get started?”

Provided by Rashad Bilal, a financial representative with The Bilal Group LLC, courtesy of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance


In celebrating and highlighting some of Westchester County’s Best Black Businesses, Black Westchester felt it was important to spotlight some of the Black Law Firms. African-Americans Attorneys-At-Law who are committed to the mission of improving fighting for criminal and civil justice, addressing the needs of the African-American community. On this page we wanted to connect attorneys to potential clients, employers, and each other. When it come to looking for lawyers who are dedicated to providing clients with high quality, aggressive and caring legal services and representation, we do not need to go outside of our community. Here is a list of great lawyers in our community!

RICElegal&services RICE ATTORNEYS AT LAW LAW OFFICES OF MAYO BARTLETT, PLLC Premier being offered to the community at affordable rates.

Mayo Bartlett is a Civil Rights and Criminal Defense Lawyer. He is the Principal Attorney at the Law Offices of Mayo Bartlett, PLLC, a trial attorney and a former partner at the law firm of Young & Bartlett, LLP, a litigation law firm which focused on Plaintiff’s Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, DWI and Civil Rights matters. He worked for the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office for more than ten years, where he served as a litigator in the Superior Court Trial Division prior to his appointment as the Chief of the Bias Crimes Unit. Mr. Bartlett was selected as a Super Lawyer, and one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by the National Trial Lawyers, and he has provided hate crime training for the law enforcement community and he works with community organizations and schools to ensure that hate crimes are properly identified, reported, and investigated. Mr. Bartlett is a co-founder of SAFE PASSAGE, a youth law forum that brings issues of law and policy to the classroom, and he speaks regularly on the topics of human rights and non-violent conflict resolution. Mr. Bartlett served on the Advisory Board of the Westchester Holocaust Education Center, assisting the Center in the development of an alternative educational sentencing program for young people who are believed to have been involved in non-violent hate crimes in Westchester, New York and adjoining counties. Mr. Bartlett has served as an Adjunct Professor of Law at Pace Law School, where he taught Moot Court and lectured on Ethics. He was an active member of the New York State Hate Crimes Coalition, an organization that played a pivotal role in the passage of the Hate Crime Act of 2000, the first comprehensive hate crime legislation in New York State. Mr. Bartlett is a past Vice President and former multi-term board member of the Westchester County Bar Association, where he served as Co-chair of both the Criminal Justice Section and the Membership Committee, as a member of the Judiciary Committee, and as a delegate to the New York State Bar Association. He served as a Director of the Westchester County Black Bar Association and is a past Chair of the Westchester County Human Rights Commission. He is a convener of We Are Westchester, a coalition of not-forprofit organizations that focuses on social justice. Mr. Bartlett is a Director of the Legal Aid Society of Westchester County, has served as a Trustee of the Music Conservatory of Westchester, is a past Director of CLUSTER (Congregations Linked in Urban Strategy to Effect Renewal), a Director Emeritus of the New York Civil Liberties Union, A Director of the Urban League of Westchester County New York. Mayo is also is a member of the African American Men of Westchester. Mr. Bartlett is the author of A Day at the Museum, and he frequently spends time working to strengthen communities. Mayo appears almost every week on a legal panel featured on Richard French Live which airs on WRNN and Verizon Fios. The show is taped live every Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 7:00 p.m. and airs throughout New York, Connecticut and New Jersey, including the five boroughs of New York City. Westchester Financial Center, 50 Main St, Suite 1000, White Plains, NY 10606 Phone: 914-224-3086 Fax: 914-468-6333 Email: mgb@mayobartlett.com - Website: - https://mayobartlett.com

Rice & Rice Attorneys at Law was founded in 1983 and has provided quality legal representation for its clients for decades. Today, its office is located in New Rochelle and is a general practice firm with three attorneys plus support staff. Rice & Rice specializes in Civil Rights, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Criminal Defense, Small Business Needs, and Real Estate transactions. In 1983, attorneys J. Roger Rice and Gail Brooks formed Rice & Rice, Esqs., one of the first husband and wife multi-specialty law firms in Westchester County. Originally headquartered in Tuckahoe, NY, the firm eventually relocated to New Rochelle, New York where it is now in its present suite of offices in the Chase Building. For over 30+ years, the law firm of Rice & Rice has served Westchester County and the New York City metropolitan area with efficient and quality legal service. With its dedicated and professional staff, the firm provides personal and individualized service to its vast clientele. From its origins as a “husband and wife” firm, the law firm of Rice & Rice has transformed into a “father and son” firm. Elder son, New Rochelle Councilman Jared R. Rice, J.D., graduated from North Carolina Central School of Law and passed the bar exam in 2004. Together, this firm continues to strive to earn its motto “Over 30 years of Excellence.” 270 North Ave #202, New Rochelle, NY 10801 - Tel: (914) 633-9200 Email: nyricelaw@gmail.com - Website: http://www.nyricelaw.com/ Facebook: @Rice-Rice-Attorneys-At-Law-62356989965/


If you are looking for Black Law Firms or African-American Attorney-AtLaw in Westchester, one great resource is The Westchester Black Bar Association. The WBBA originated as the Association of Black Lawyers of Westchester County which was founded in 1973. The founding members Bruce Bozeman, Esq, Daniel W. Boddie, Esq., Joseph Holligan Callendar, Esq., Hon. H. Hawthorne Harris, and Leroy Wilson, Esq. each sought to elevate the standards of integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession and foster the spirit of collegiality among members and throughout the bar. The website is a great resource. The organization has a membership consisting of attorneys, judges, public officials, academia, law students and legal professionals who reside or work in Westchester County and the tri-state area. Their purpose is to: improve the integrity and standards of professionalism in the legal community; improve public confidence in the judicial system and the administration of justice; promote and encourage independence, diversity and inclusion in the judiciary and in the court system; and uphold the promise of equality, fairness, and justice for all under law regardless of race, color, sex, creed, or national origin. 333 Mamaroneck Avenue PMB 219, White Plains, New York 10605 Email: info@wbbany.org - Website: http://www.wbbany.org

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MARCH 2019




Whenever I receive one of Assemblywoman Sandy Galef’s surveys, sometimes I realize that I am not as knowledgeable about some of the issues as I would like to be. So I can make an educated response, I decide to study their nuances and details. And then, I wonder if there are others in the community who might also want to know all of the pros and cons of an issue. The first issue on Galef’s most recent survey of constituents was the Drivers License and Privacy Act, proposed legislation in the New York State Legislature under the numbers S01747/A03675. This bill will make driver’s licenses available to all residents of New York, regardless of immigration status. This legislation does not propose something brand new. Rather, it reinstates what was the law in New York State for many years until 1995, when the Motor Vehicle law became more restrictive. How would this proposed legislation work? It permits all residents of New York State, including undocumented immigrants, to apply for the lowest tier of New York State’s drivers licenses, called a “standard license,” which is clearly marked “not for federal purposes.” What does a standard license permit its holder to do: The holder can, after successfully passing the written and road tests, drive, register a car, and purchase automobile insurance. What it does not permit: A standard license holder CANNOT use the license to vote, cross national borders, enter federal buildings or board an airplane. No ifs ands or buts. Anything else? It will provide identification of the license holder to police, schools and other government entities to verify New York State residency and address of record. Will it identify standard license holders as being undocumented? No. Because any NYS resident can apply for this type of license, it will NOT identify the license holder as someone who is undocumented. There seem to me to be a number of very good arguments in favor of this bill. This law is designed to improve public safety since it will help ensure that all New York State drivers are properly licensed and know the traffic laws, have passed both a written exam and a driving test, and are operating a registered, inspected and insured vehicle. Even the most experienced and safest drivers may not be aware of some important traffic safety regulations and guidelines. The experience of the 12 states plus Washington DC and Puerto Rico that have similar laws suggest that the number of hit and run accidents will be reduced. It is also expected to improve trust between law enforcement and immigrants, including those without documents, and increase cooperation with police in fighting crime in their communities. This would help all of us be safer.

• •

Based on the experience of other states that have passed similar laws, it will lead to modestly lower insurance premiums for all residents as the insurance pool expands. It will support New York State’s economic growth by enabling immigrants to participate more actively in the economy, where they play a vital role, particularly in agriculture and health services, thereby contributing to the tax base.

There may be up to 800,000 undocumented immigrants in New York State. While this number is probably unsettling, it may be helpful to understand that some of people are more properly characterized as refugees, escaping dangerous conditions in their home countries, while others are escaping desperate economic circumstances, hoping to find a better life here by dint of hard work. Most would apply to come here through legal channels, were such means available. Many of us citizens, whose parents, grandparents, or great grandparents came here as immigrants, may not be aware just how firmly the doors to legal immigration and even asylum have been shut, leaving extremely few legal avenues. Fear of crime is misplaced; In fact, the crime rate among immigrants is much lower than in the general population. We need to continue to find ways to help our immigrant neighbors to be good community members and to integrate them into the fabric of society. Many are already paying taxes (about $1.1 billion a year in state and local taxes), starting businesses, and doing the work that many of our citizens do not want to do, mowing our lawns, caring for our children and our elderly citizens, cleaning our houses, providing health care both in-home and at facilities, and laboring in agricultural industries. Others, including the Dreamers, are continuing their education so they will be able to contribute their substantial skills and expertise in the future. We want to encourage them to join our houses of worship and community organizations, volunteer, go to meetings at their children’s schools, obtain the routine medical care that will prevent the need for costly emergency room visits, and drive to their jobs. And to study English. Good classes are available at Westchester Community College, but getting there on public transportation is daunting. In my opinion, there is no reason to deny them this opportunity to obtain drivers licenses, which they had for so many years until it was definitively and unwisely, in my opinion, removed. You are encouraged to contact your state senator and assemblyperson, as well as Governor Cuomo, to let them know of your support for this important, apparently controversial, legislation. Community support is needed to encourage your legislators to do what is right, even though there may be some backlash for doing so from those who would prefer to hinder our community members rather than to support them. We can do better.

This law will help the economy of New York State in a variety of ways. •

After an initial investment to meet the pent-up demand for licenses, it will generate up to $9.6 million in drivers license fees, while the MTA would see Diane Alden, Social Justice and Immigration Committee, Cortlandt Croton-onan increase of $1.3 million in revenue from these fees. This, in turn, may Hudson Ossining Peekskill (CCoHOPE) Indivisible help hold down the cost of train tickets.

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MARCH 2019


February 21st marked the 54th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X, Black Westchester takes this time to celebrate the life of ‎el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, who was murdered at the age of 39. Every Sunday evening we start and end our radio show People Before Politics Radio with the words of Brother Malcolm from one of the speech that was one of his greatest orations, :Ballot or the Bullet,” delivered on April 12, 1964 at King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit, just one month after splitting with the NOI. “I’m one of the 22 million black victims of the Democrats. One of the 22 million black victims of the Republicans and one of the 22 million black victims of Americanism. [applause] And when I speak, I don’t speak as a Democrat or a Republican, nor an American. I speak as a victim of America’s so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy – all we’ve seen is hypocrisy. [applause] When we open our eyes today and look around America, we see America not through the eyes of someone who has enjoyed the fruits of Americanism. We see America through the eyes of someone who has been the victim of Americanism. We don’t see any American dream. We’ve experienced only the American nightmare. We haven’t benefited from America’s democracy. We’ve only suffered from America’s hypocrisy. And the generation that’s coming up now can see it. And are not afraid to say it...” The aforementioned except was selected by Damon K. Jones, to start off the show and we pride ourself as the show that’s not afraid to say it, like our slain brother. But as I write this tribute to Brother Malcolm, a Brother who was not afraid to Speak Truth To Power, I cannot help but wonder what happened to the Black Men who are not afraid to say it? The Black Men, Black Leaders, Black Preachers, and Black Politicians who are not afraid to say it, not afraid to Speak Truth To Power? Where have they all gone? Why are they afraid to speak up about the injustices in their own neighborhoods? Afraid to hold their elected officials’ feet to the fire? Those who pretended to be proud and sporting the Malcolm X and Africa leather medallions around their neck, that now grown to be the leaders in our community who have sold out and are afraid to rock the boat and lose their government jobs. Sporting the medallions and singing Fight The Power by Public Enemy because it was en vogue or to be cool, to fit in. It was the accessory of choice in the hood. You rocked it in the ’90s but now you do not honor Brother Malcolm’s memory by becoming the very leaders that Malcolm called to the carpet for selling out and preying on the Black Community. You have become the very thing you claimed to be against, you have in fact become the problem. Everyone claimed Black Pride when Spike Lee directed the movie in 1992 on Brother Malcolm’s life and dressed up in African garb and went in droves 26 years in 2018 shouting Wakana Forever when Black Panther came out, but when elected officials sell off or give away the Vibranium of Black Communities like Mount Vernon, where are the Black Men, the Black Leaders, The Black Preachers who are not afraid to say it, not afraid to speak to power? How can you claim to honor the man and do the very things he spoke against. Even those - especially the Black Preachers who claim to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., where are you when we need you to speak truth to power? I see a lot of Malcolm X post every February 21st

and May 19th from those do not follow his example but claim to honor him. From those who are afraid to speak truth to power, from Black Men who will not speak up for their community, who go along to get along and wonder why our communities are in the shape they are in. Complaining about an elected official in the private but wouldn’t dare to speak up in public. Black Men who allow Woman and Children to protest and demand justice and won’t join them or at the very least stand with them and make sure they are protected. Black Men who will not fight for their community. To those of you who claim to honor Brother Malcolm, I ask you, ‘What Would he say about your cowardness. Brother Malcolm spoke truth to power no matter what the cost. Now people want justice and equality but are not to pay the cost. Freedom is not free. The anniversary of his assassination offers us the context to reflect on the life of the man whose activism continues to reverberate around the world. We open and end our show with the aforementioned except because Malcolm X still Speaks Truth to Power. Fifty plus years after his death, Malcolm X remains a towering figure whose passionate writings have enduring resonance. This phrase Speaking Truth To Power gets thrown around a lot lately, but the phrase credited to civil rights leader Bayard Rustin and exhibited by Brother Malcolm has lost its meaning. It was a call for the United States to stand firm against fascism and other forms of totalitarianism. It was focused on a non-violent approach to civil rights and contained a very anti-war message. While many today are too busy going along to get along and afraid to rock the boat for fear of losing a job or title speaking truth requires standing for something. In closing I leave you with the words the philosopher, political activist, social critic, author, and public intellectual, Dr. Cornel West wrote in SmithsonianMag.com, February 2015: Malcolm X was music in motion. He was jazz in motion, and, of course, jazz is improvisation, swing and the blues. Malcolm had all three of those things. He could be lyrical and funny and, in the next moment, he’d shift and be serious and push you against the wall. The way he spoke had a swing to it, had a rhythm to it. It was a call and response with the audience that you get with jazz musicians. And he was the blues. Blues is associated with catastrophe. From the very beginning, from slavery to Jim Crow, that sense of catastrophe, of urgency, of needing to get it out, to cry out, to shout, somehow allowed that fire inside of his bones to be pressed with power and with vision. He never lost that. The button bearing an image of Malcolm X— created after his death as an act of commemoration— is in the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, a talisman of his loss. Let me talk about that loss. Just before he was shot in New York on February 21, 1965, Malcolm was setting up his own mosque. He was a Sunni Muslim leader. When we think what it means to be a revolutionary Muslim in this day, when people are looking for ways Islam can be compatible with democracy, his assassination robbed us of that. He could have been a model of what it means to be a revolutionary Muslim, in the way in which Martin Luther King Jr. became a revolutionary Christian. Black Westchester celebrate the life of Malcolm by being the ones that are not afriad to say it.



W hen I retired from the City of Yonkers, I was given the honor of receiving the

prestigious Key To The City from then Mayor Phil Amicone. In my years of service I had received countless awards and proclamation by basically every organization I can think of and I am truly grateful and honored for each and every one. But, the Key to the City is a bit different. It’s the highest honor a person can receive from a city or municipality. This key represented to me all the hard work I put into working and representing the City Of Yonkers. It told me that I did something good. That all the love and hard work I put into the Southside and the rest of the city was noticed and appreciated. It told me that I made a difference, especially in the minority community. It told me that I indeed was somebody. Through a series of moves and unfortunate events, the Key was lost. A couple of us, including Council President Mike Khader, AJ Woodson, Editor -In-Chief of Black Westchester and myself all asked Mayor Spano if he would be so kind as to issue me a replacement key. I knew it was a tall order. But, I needed to have that Key back. It meant everything to me. Let me tell you all, Mayor Spano is a stand-up guy, a class act and showed that he listens. Without any hesitation, he said he would absolutely order a new one for me. He didn’t have to, but he did. So, Sunday, December 2nd, AJ Woodson, the host of People Before Politics Radio and someone very dear to my heart, presented me a new Key to the City courtesy of Mayor Spano on the air, complete with Phil Amicone’s name on it just like the last one! So, I just want to take a moment to thank Mayor Spano so very much for his kind and generous act. I told the Mayor that it just would mean the world to me and he heard me. For that and many other reasons I am grateful for Mayor Spano and I’m indebted to him. Thank you Sir, and may God Bless you. I now feel complete!!! Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn’t address the haters. This is a replacement key, get it?. Lots of love to all!!!

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MARCH 2019



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MARCH 2019



T his intimate, powerful, and inspiring memoir from our forever First Lady, Michelle Obama,

would make a perfect Christmas or Kwanzaa gift for everyone, especially for your mother, sister, daughter, wife, girlfriend, female relative, co-worker or the woman in your building or on your block who is always a blessing and looking out for everyone else but never ask for anything for herself. Crown Publishing Group has confirmed that Michelle Obama sold more than 725,000 copies in just one day. The sales figure include hardcover, audio and e-books editions for the United States and Canada, but the 448 page book is available in 24 languages around the world - including Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese and Hebrew! In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most iconic and compelling women of our era. As First Lady of the United States—the first African-American to serve in that role—she helped create the most welcoming and inclusive White House in history, while also establishing herself as a powerful advocate

for women and girls in the U.S. and around the the world, dramatically changing the ways that families pursue healthier and more active lives, and standing with her husband as he led America through some of its most harrowing moments. Along the way, she showed us a few dance moves, crushed Carpool Karaoke, and raised two down-to-earth daughters under an unforgiving media glare. In her memoir, a work of deep reflection and mesmerizing storytelling, Michelle Obama invites readers into her world, chronicling the experiences that have shaped her—from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executive balancing the demands of motherhood and work, to her time spent at the world’s most famous address. With unerring honesty and lively wit, she describes her triumphs and her disappointments, both public and private, telling her full story as she has lived it—in her own words and on her own terms. Warm, wise, and revelatory, Becoming is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations—and whose story inspires us to do the same.

BAOBAB SPA (NEW ROCHELLE) After more than a decade of creating natural skin- and hair-care products for friends and family, New Rochelle resident, Lona Jacas-Gill, followed her passion and officially bottled her body products for the masses in 2012. Baobab Spa (bay-o-bab) uses all natural ingredients and includes 11 nurturing formulas including Dead Sea Salt body scrubs, bath salts, body butters, aromatherapy sprays, scalp and hair moisturizers and even an all-natural yoga mat cleaner. New in 2015 is a fragrance-free baby line including bath gels, shea butters and skin oils. Jacas-Gill named her company after the baobab tree which, in many cultures, is known as the Tree of Life and Positivity. “Baobab Spa relates to the baobab tree because we use only the purest ingredients and are dedicated to improving your life. We believe what you put on your skin is just as important as what you eat.” she explained. All products are made in New Rochelle and are paraben-free, phthalates-free, free of sulfates and other harsh chemicals. “Everything is made with love.” she added. And, thanks to Jacas-Gill’s marketing background -- she worked for 18 years as vice president of marketing for three major banks -- she knows her way around the business world and was able to sign on Whole Foods in the spring of 2014. Products are also sold online at www.BaobabSpa.com/. She says she’s now product designer, marketing and sales director, as well as the delivery person, but the tremendous amount of love and support from her family and friends helps as she pushes her business to the next level. As to where she hopes to be in five years? “I want every adult to appreciate and accept my products as the final piece of healthy living that they can actually see and feel for generations to come. When creating products, I keep the men, women and children suffering with sensitive skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and cracked hands and feet paramount in my mind.” For your convenience, you can purchase their full product line on their website site. You may also purchase Baobab Spa products at the Whole Foods Markets. Each Whole Foods Market carries different varieties of Baobab Spa products. Be sure to contact Whole Foods Market before visiting to confirm they have the item you wish to purchase. New Rochelle, NY - 914-413-6188 lonagil@baobabspa.com - http://www.baobabspa.com Facebook & Twitter: @baobabspa – Instagram: @baobab_spa




TP Toys and Accessories, a local black-owned toy store in New Rochelle, offers a personal touch for shoppers. Owned by a mother of two whose mission is to provide toys and games that have strong educational and play value. Exploration through play is at the heart of the toys sold at the store. Kemesha Salmon opened TP Toys 3 year ago, naming the store after her children Tristan & Peyton. Tristan was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at 2 and a half years old, opening the door for Kemesha to learn about specialty toys. TP Toys is more than just a Toy Store. We are family oriented, building lasting relationship

Members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated Westchester Alumnae Chapter with Vivian McKenzie (center), Owner of Kathleen’s Tea Room on Small Business Saturday


Owned an operated by former Peekskill Councilwoman Vivian C. McKenzie since 2010, Kathleen’s is an English style Tea Room nestled in the historic district of downtown Peekskill, NY. When you walk through their doors, you step back in time. They offer a variety of 60 different loose teas, steeped table side in their beautiful teapots. Their seasonal menu includes delicious homemade dishes straight out of their from scratch kitchen including soups, sandwiches, salads, and of course their Afternoon Tea, which features the best scones this side of the pond. Their desserts menu is full of homemade treats that will satisfy your sweet tooth. Try their signature Mixed Berry Shortcake, a fresh baked scone topped with homemade whipped cream, fresh berries and their raspberry sauce. All of our teas are available to purchase in 2oz and 4oz to brew and enjoy at home. Stop by and tell her Black Westchester sent you. 979 Main St, Peekskill, NY 10566, USA (914) 734-2520 http://www.kathleenstroom.com Mon - Thu: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Fri - Sat: 10:30 am - 7:00 pm with our customers and pride ourselves in exceptional customer service. They pride themselves in carrying and offering the best. TP Toys offers several varieties of Award Winning Toys. TP Toys specialize in Educational, Developmental, Science, Arts & Crafts, Puzzles, Outdoor, Sports play and much more. At TP Toys, we encourage children to be enthusiastic about learning through play. TP Toys offers a variety of services including gift wrapping, birthday registry and curbside pickup. Whether you have a particular item in mind, or looking for the perfect gift or just want to browse, Kemesha and her team can help you find the perfect purchase of educational toys in New Rochelle. 572b North Ave, New Rochelle, New York 10801 - Tel: (914) 278-9414 Email: questions@tptoysandaccessories.com Website: https://tptoysandaccessories.com Facebook: @tptoysnewrochelle

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MARCH 2019







Celebrating the awesomeness of Black culture, food, music, clothing, Media and natural healing products took place at Apricot and Honey. I was honored to host the “Black Business Appreciation Day” sponsored by Cupcake Cutie Boutique. In Mount Vernon, this mother-daughter-owned business is serving up a party by specializing in fashionably delectable desserts! Cupcake Cutie Boutique! Their Cupcakes come in a wild assortment of flavors, ranging from the best-selling Banana Pudding to Pineapple Upside-Down to Southern Red Velvet. Or, if you’re feeling naughty, you can opt for one of the boozier varieties, such as Bailey’s Irish Creamette, Pina Colada or Pink Moscato. But don’t worry kids; there are still plenty of delicious flavors for you to try. This was a resounding event where chats and chews took place along with a couple of head nods to hip-hop and reggae classics by DJ Tri State Jericko. Together we welcomed business owners to interact with potential customers. Each business owner had the opportunity to introduce and induce future consumers to their product or service. Owner Miesha honoured Cakes By Jay. An entrepreneur who is truly inspired to feed the people thru his talents of baking, Acting, and singing. Jay received a gift card in the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars to continue his dream by purchasing supplies at Michaels’s. Miesha and Montika urge all readers to visit, support, and encourage others to build our Black communities. Participating businesses included: BLACK WESTCHESTER MAGAZINE’s Internet radio and editorial content, is a vessel of community information throughout Westchester and the Tri-Sate area of New York. Our mission is to promote the concept of “community” through media. The unique aspect of Black Westchester Magazine is its relevant content. Coverage is uniquely Westchester, intriguing readers by its very subject matter. 19 COURT ARTISAN FOODS offers a new norm to Westchester Foodies and Families! Located in the bustling downtown area of White Plains, NY, something different for all, including Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free options. Owned and operated by Husband and Wife team Rahsaan (Executive Chef) and Shelly (COO), both White Plains residents who opened their doors 5 months ago to high praise from the community and customers. DRIVEN, was founded in 2015 by Robert Ramos. He was inspired to make a positive outlet for the youth and young men in his community, struggling with finding what’s there next step in life. JUNGLE RESTAURANT is an Authentic Caribbean Cuisine Offering delectable dishes, Jamaica West Indies inspired. Specifically Chef Duran’s hometown, Kingston’s community “Jungle.” It has been said, “It’s like eating off of your grandmas stove.” Jungle Restaurant is conveniently located in Fleetwood, Mount Vernon. Power Couple Tahirah and Duran established Jungle est. 2017, merging their talents and setting the bar high! THE MANE MOTIVE BEAUTY mission is to create beautiful and healthy hair and makeup solutions for individuals while providing an environment that fosters personal empowerment, an excellent service experience from start to finish, and overall client satisfaction. Founder and owner of Mane Motive Beauty, the Aveda-trained licensed cosmetologist is a native of Bronx, New York. Dion Duncan began in the beauty industry styling hair as early as 10 years old. VAUGHN BRANCH is the owner of Branch Out Style. Getaways and resorts seem to be the only option when looking for peace and relaxation. Upon return, the common thought is ‘Back to reality!’ B.O.S. makes peace your reality, at home. Branch Out Style helps your desires become possible by letting ideas Branch Out into results you can rest in. From painting, to flooring, to custom closets to overall design B.O.S. delivers. We produce it, you love it. Home, church or office space let your style... Branch Out! DAVE’S GOURMET COCKTAILS is owned by David Tirrell, a licensed bartender and a lover of cocktails. He can create the perfect taste and signature drinks for any occasion. He also specialize in setting up your own personalized bar at your event. His drinks are delicious and strong! Some of his most popular drinks include Pineapple Mango Hennessy Punch, Passion Fruit Patron Margarita, and Strawberey Peach Sangria! You can find him on instagram at @davesgourmetcocktails. KOONCE & CO. JEWELERS is a Globalized Jewelry and Watch Company. Koonce & Co is focused on being your source of Quality Jewelry and Watches. We pride ourselves on being a provider of Modern Diamond/Luxury Watches and Wedding Jewelry. Here at Koonce & Co we have set our standards amongst the highest of all Jewelry Companies. FICHÉTTE specializes in limited High-end Street Wear. It is a limited quantity brand but it has found its way into the hands of many celebrities. You can find everyone from Nipsey Hussle to Baron Davis. Their brand is so exclusive; they do not have a site! You can only purchase at one of their pop=up shops, Harlem Haberdashery Boutique, Kickskonneissuers, or Dynasty Mt. Vernon. Because they are so exclusive and limited, be sure to stop by their table today! Nicole Jones is the owner of LASH-A-LOT, based out of Mount Vernon. Lash-a-lot is the ultimate destination for gorgeous, glamorous, lashes! They were the winner of Best of Westchester in 2015! Find them on instagram at lash-a-lot to make an appointment. Smothered Turkey Wings… SOUL TO GO is a quick service restaurant located at 11 Stevens Ave. Mount Vernon, NY inspired by the late Elizabeth Dash (grandmother) She was known to many as Ma, Grandma or Aunt Tot. Her love for cooking and her southern recipes were passed down through generations and now Soul To Go would like to share our authentic southern recipes with you. Owner, Rahmell Dash, dream of becoming a restaurateur and to develop an old fashioned brick and mortar family business. Located in the heart of downtown Pelham, I N S P O, short for inspiration, and defined as “something or someone that serves as inspiration or motivation”, is a lifestyle boutique owned by daughter-mommy duo, Gin and Jan (respectively), offering style, art, and lifestyle items. Shaheer H. Brewster, who followed in his architect grandfather’s footsteps to “create”, is the owner of APRICOTS AND HONEY. Shaheer, a New Rochelle native officially became a first-time small business owner in March 2016. Shaheer recalls “apricots” and “honey” as tasting notes to one of the first Italian wines he savored. Wine always led to engaging conversations and story sharing, leaving him with the desire to learn and teach about wine in the right setting. It’s all about the hustler. “MULTI HUSTLER” means Get It By Any Means, is An Urban clothing line established in 2016 by Dana Chalah Coleman. The clothing line is a reflection of Chalah’s consistent and dedicated work ethic of not just being an employee of UPS for over 20 years, but 20 years as a Party Promoter, 6 years as an Independent Representative for an Elite Travel Club and other business ventures for financial gains. SICK WITH LUPUS. Tenille put herself, put herself in remission with a Vegan lifestyle of eating. It is not a moment. It is a movement. Sweet T’s specializes in Vegan slutty brownies, which is a decadent heart shaped brownie with a chocolate chip cookie and Oreo cookie in the middle. And oh did I mention they were Vegan. BELOVED DESIGNS is owned by Hairstylist Nicole “Nikki’ Purville. Beloved Designs is located in Mount Vernon, NY, right around the corner from Cupcake Cutie Boutique. In Fact, Nikki is Miesha’s Hairstylist. So when you see Miesha’s fly natural styles, think of Beloved Designs! They specialize in the health and growth of your hair…naturally! They provide all hair services for both relaxed and natural clients. MONIQUE AUXILLY is the hairstylist and owner of Beyond Fab Hair Studio, located in the Bronx, which specializes in wigs, hair extensions, natural hair styling and make-up! You can find her on instagram at @beyondfabmo. Let’s just say she SLAYS her weave installs, machining you look beyond fab. She is also the hairsylist of Montika, owner of Cupcake Cutie Boutique! BRUSHED BY REESE specializes in Beauty, Cosmetic and Personal care. Sherese Wright is a self-taught MUA who signature styles are colorful and glittery eyeshadows. Whether you want a soft sultry or a golden glamorous look, Sherese can do it all. Find her on instagram at @ brushedbyreese to Book your appointment for flawless make-up. Today her make-up models are Miesha and Montika! Melissa Dennard is the owner of YUMMBLE BEE’S. She is also a licensed Esthetician, with her BA degree in Psychology, from the College of New Rochelle in New Rochelle, NY, she has worked in the health and human services field for over 20 years dedicating her service to woman, children, and individuals with disabilities. In 1989, Melissa gave birth to a son Elijah and in 1996 to a daughter Asima, who suffered with a severe case of Eczema. Try her products today and enjoy the Yummble Bee experience.

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Unapologetically Delivering News To Communities Of Color in Westchester & Surrounding Areas

MARCH 2019




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