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The Youth Shelter Program of Westchester (YSOW) celebrated the organization’s 45th anniversary with an elegant gala at the Greentree Country Club located at 538 Davenport Ave, New Rochelle on Friday, May 5, 2023. Award-winning rapper, songwriter, singer, record producer, actor and enterpreneur Ja Rule served as the keynote speaker of the gala, helping the organization celebrate 45 years of transforming lives.

Rev. Darren Morton gave the welcome address, followed by a video presentation about the YSOW and then Kerrie Muhammad & Mustafa Ali-Smith introduced Ja Rule, the keynote speaker. Congressman Jamaal Bowman gave the Keynote Award Presentation. Awards were given to the Honorable Judge Lyndon Williams who recieved the Individual Award. The Community Award recipient was Rye Presbyterian Church Thift Shop and the Women’s Association. The Corporate Award was given to New York-Presbyterian Westchester. The Reginald Lafayette “Servant’s Heart Award” was given to Barbara Lerman, Esq. Steve Tsekares, Dillion Faulkner, Judge Nichelle Johnson, Juliet Kinloch Jacobs and Julie Sootin were honored as Unsung Heroes.
YSOW, through their LEAD (Leadership, Excellence, And Development) Academy, serve young people ages 1625 who are coming out of incarceration within their facility or from other correctional facilities throughout the county. LEAD Academy offers vocational training, substance abuse and mental health services, a GED program, conflict resolution, violence prevention training, and arts and cultural enrichment programs. Through LEAD Academy, young people receive ongoing case management and support for a minimum of one year and encompasses specialty court initiatives, cure violence programming and local/national advocacy efforts.
“YSOW understands the power of transforming justice through restorative practices. Young people should be seen as more than their crime; moreover, as individuals who need support, nurturing, and guidance to reshape their futures. In the words of our special guest JaRule, we definitely were “living it up” at YSOW’s 45th Anniversary Gala on Friday, May 5, 2023 entitled Transforming Justice. We were thrilled to have so many you in attendance and making it such a memorable night,” Executive Director of Youth Shelter Program of Westchester Joanne L. Dunn shared with Black Westchester.

Black Westchester congradulates the YSOW on their 45th Anniversary and celebrate them for all they do for our young men. Salute!!!