Blair Academy Viewbook, 2021-2022

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You Are

Known ALL I N



When it comes to knowing you, Blair is all in.

At Blair, the foundation of everything we do begins with building meaningful relationships. Our faculty members inspire students to develop their intellectual curiosity and challenge them to step outside of their comfort zones and discover new passions. At a pivotal time in life, Blair students live and learn in a service-minded, global community where they establish friendships that last a lifetime. We are purposeful about fostering these connections and building a deep sense of community. Being a midsize boarding school allows us to know each student individually, and our dual-advisor program is a hallmark of our student-centered approach to education. Eleven years ago, I fell in love with Blair Academy’s dynamic community, robust academic curriculum and distinctive programs during my first campus visit. We celebrate our students’ exploration of new interests as they learn to collaborate, communicate and develop their moral character. When Blair graduates get to college, they are confident in their ability to express themselves, to take smart risks, to solve problems, to work as part of a team and to make values-based decisions. In today’s increasingly complex and interconnected world, the Blair experience is truly transformative because it offers far more than superior academic preparation: It empowers students to be resilient, self-aware lifelong learners who go on to make meaningful contributions in life. Blair Academy is an incredibly special place, and I enthusiastically invite you to experience Blair’s culture, community and spirit for yourself. I look forward to welcoming you to campus and sharing more of what I love about Blair with you. PE TER G. CURRAN, HEAD OF SCHOOL




Relationship-based learning is the foundation of a Blair education. Our expert faculty

members know our students well and challenge them to do their best work across a broad and varied curriculum.

The Arts

Let your imagination soar in Blair’s fine and performing arts programs featuring multiple art exhibits, theatrical productions, musical ensembles and courses in a wide range of artistic disciplines.

19 Athletics

Athletes at every level learn teamwork,

resilience, self-discipline and sportsmanship when they play on our 30 varsity and 21 JV

and thirds teams or participate in recreational activities. Go Bucs!

A host of clubs, weekend events and time to simply relax with friends round out the Blair experience, giving students myriad opportunities to broaden their horizons and discover their best selves.


Student Life

All You Need To Know


Academics Relationship-based learning is the foundation of a Blair education.

A Blair education has always been distinguished

Blair teachers are authorities in their academic

by our faculty’s complete commitment to knowing

fields who work to engage each student at the

students well and fostering meaningful relationships

appropriate level of challenge. They teach course

across the community. Such connections allow

materials in creative and innovative ways that inspire

teachers to understand students’ backgrounds,

learning, and they continually pursue professional

learning styles, interests and abilities and to utilize

development through master classes, travel, graduate

that knowledge to customize their education,

study and Blair’s Sigety Faculty Summer Institute.

propelling them to higher levels of achievement.

Our teachers find joy in their profession and bring

Blair’s relationship-based approach leads to

passion and expertise to every facet of their roles as

exceptional learning in our classrooms and

coaches, mentors, advisors, dorm parents and activity

throughout our community, as faculty members

leaders. They have chosen to live and work at Blair

thoughtfully connect students to the educational

because they seek a student-centered professional

opportunities best suited to challenge and inspire

experience that allows them to make a substantive

them, develop their character and stretch their

difference in the lives of adolescents. Blair teachers

abilities. Ultimately, a Blair education prepares

hail from a wide variety of backgrounds, yet their

students for the rigors and opportunities of higher

devotion to students’ success—and to helping each

education and beyond.

student become the best person he or she can be— is universal.


We know our students. DUAL ADVISORS The School’s 90 faculty members support each student in all aspects of Blair life, but an assigned academic monitor and student-chosen advisor play especially important roles in academic and personal development. Monitors support students on their educational paths as they advance through

Blair’s curriculum, while individual advisors offer social and emotional guidance at every juncture of the Blair experience.

INDIVIDUALIZED INVESTMENT Student progress is thoughtfully reviewed during weekly academic team meetings, and the entire faculty gathers four times a year to discuss fully each student’s development.

Diverse & innovative curriculum

SMALL CLASSES With an average class size of 12, students actively participate in discussions and get to know their teachers and classmates well. This builds confidence and trust that empower students to become bold but perceptive risk-takers who are unafraid to step outside their intellectual comfort zones.


Introductory to advanced classes are offered in nine different

disciplines, including more than 50 honors, Advanced Placement and post-AP classes. Collaboration among Blair’s academic departments makes learning truly interdisciplinary. EXCITING ELECTIVES

Delve into advanced statistics, engineering science, constitutional law, psychology, narrative writing, architecture, digital music and much more during semester or yearlong courses.


Superior academic preparation inspires a lifetime of learning. Blair’s robust curriculum features rigorous traditional

while hard work and faculty mentorship spark

coursework and innovative electives designed to

intellectual curiosity and lead to learning habits

help students pursue—or discover—their passions.

that last a lifetime.

As teachers challenge students with new ideas and skills, they encourage creative expression while


ensuring that students learn how to learn, preparing

Students learn best when they can apply in-class

them to confidently address the demands of college

lessons to real-world experiences, so faculty members

and an ever-changing world.

regularly incorporate hands-on opportunities into

Working closely with faculty, students help craft

academic studies on topics ranging from human

their individual Blair experience; having opportunities

rights to functional design. On campus, such

to take ownership of their education in this way

applied and interdisciplinary work often takes place

teaches students to be autonomous and advocate

in the Chiang-Elghanayan Center for Innovation

for themselves, skills that will serve them well as

and Collaboration, which houses art studios,

university undergraduates and young professionals.

technology classrooms, a recording studio, a maker

Learning at Blair is a demanding, creative

space and more. This facility, along with the newly

and collaborative process, one that increasingly

expanded Bogle Science Center, is home to career

urges students to pursue their own academic

exploration programs and extended independent

interests and seek knowledge without limits.

research projects that encourage students to make

Interdisciplinary exploration of questions, problems

connections and approach learning as a lifelong

and ideas inspires students to consider deeply a

process with no boundaries.

subject through reflection and analytical thought,

Global engagement leads to empathy, understanding & meaningful connections. When students relate their academic studies to

prominent Skeptics speakers in recent years have

the world around them, impactful connections to

been the late John C. Bogle ’47, founder of The

people, places and ideas develop. Our core

Vanguard Group, the world’s largest mutual fund

curriculum and innovative offerings teach students

organization; Mohamed El-Erian, former CEO of

how to engage and empathize with others and

PIMCO; Christine Todd Whitman, former New

how to solve problems in real-world settings. As a

Jersey governor and Environmental Protection

result, Blair graduates are inquisitive, service-

Agency director; and Billy Collins, U.S. poet laureate

minded global citizens who know their values, can

from 2001 to 2003.

articulate their beliefs, and have the resources to connect and grow.



Each January, our J-term gives students a

chance to learn about a fascinating array of topics not usually covered in our standard curriculum.

Hailing from more than

Students enroll in one of nearly 40 unique,

26 countries, our students make up a global campus

faculty-designed mini-courses, where they meet

community where learning is enriched by an array

and interact with peers of every grade level both

of cultural perspectives. Students live among peers

on and off campus. In these small-group settings,

and faculty members, an experience that teaches

participants experience the pure joy of learning as

them to connect and relate to others of diverse

they delve into topics that pique their interest.


backgrounds, develop cultural awareness and build relationships—all tools that will help them


The Bartow Series in performing

successfully navigate life in college and beyond.

arts brings music, dance and theatre professionals from around the world to Blair’s stage. Recent

One of the premier high

presenters include Yale University’s a cappella group,

school lecture series in the United States, the Society

the Whiffenpoofs; Quartet San Francisco; violinist

of Skeptics has brought distinguished speakers to

Mikhail Simonyan; and the Gallim Dance Group.


campus for more than 30 years. Among the most

“Strong student-teacher relationships make Blair unique and a place where students thrive.” MADINA • 10 t h GRADE


ENGAGING WITH IMPACT Blair encourages students to go out into the world and interact with people of other backgrounds,

cultures and countries. We think and act both globally and locally. This comprehensive approach allows us to offer an array of meaningful leadership, travel, research and service opportunities in our northern New Jersey community, as well as around the United States and abroad. T R AV E L O P P O R T U N I T I E S

Our goal is to ensure

that all students have the opportunity to experience

other cultures through travel during their time at Blair, and our teachers lead enriching trips throughout the United States, as well as countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean during winter, spring and summer breaks. LEADERSHIP & PUBLIC SERVICE

The Blair

community engages in meaningful and scholarly service to others that allows students to act with purpose and take leadership roles in exploring and tackling real-world problems.

“Blair inspires in students creativity and bold risk-taking, especially in hands-on project work.” LUKE • 12 t h GRADE


Great leaders are great communicators. The ability to concisely and compellingly convey


a message is an essential leadership skill; at Blair,

Effective leaders are authentic storytellers who can

teaching the art of effective communication is among

meaningfully communicate their values and the

our highest priorities.

reasoning behind their decisions. Blair’s leadership

Our cross-curricular communication initiative and

curriculum for 9th- and 12th-grade students

myriad public-speaking opportunities prepare students

includes The Blair Leadership Stories Project,

to craft and deliver compelling narratives, speak

which gives students the tools to articulate

effectively to audiences of all sizes and engage with

personal strengths in confident and compelling

others in ways that build vital relationships. Students

ways. Storytellers

at every grade level participate in communications-

narratives through videos, and you can view

focused work across academic departments.



This signature leadership education




and of




stories Tenth

at and

12th-grade students also showcase their public speaking skills during annual speech contests.

initiative builds on Blair’s core offerings by focusing on leadership and effective communication, global


Prefects, members of

engagement, self-awareness, ethical decision-making

class councils, athletic team captains, club presidents,

and service. All 10th graders take a yearlong course

musical and performing arts group leaders, peer tutors,

that emphasizes these competencies as students

head admission tour guides, and Blue & White

tackle a wide range of individual and class service

Key Society, Belonging & Equity Committee and

projects. Blair also co-hosts an annual TEDx talk

Service Corps members all hold leadership roles

during which students share their ideas and passions.

that require them to put leadership principles—and public speaking skills—into practice.

All You Can Imagine


The Arts Blair’s fine & performing arts stoke your creative fire & fuel your imagination.

We embrace the arts at Blair. Our curricular

At Blair, our community celebrates the arts

offerings are broad, with academic classes that

throughout the year with on-campus performances

range from digital music to symphony orchestra

and exhibits, yet off-campus opportunities for

and from ceramics to film and animation. Outside

artistic enrichment abound. Students can join

of class, opportunities to perform, design, make,

a trip to a New York City gallery or Broadway

record and exhibit encourage students to deepen

production; travel to iconic international arts

their creative practice and nurture and strengthen

destinations over spring or summer break; or

their inner artistic flame.

take part in exciting musical performance tours that have brought our Orchestra and Singers to

PART ICIPATE! Our campus is aglow with art venues that

experiences of arts, culture, and connection with

invite participation at every level of interest

friends and teachers.



U.S. and European cities for once-in-a-lifetime






Hipkins Center for the Arts, which includes


professional performance, rehearsal and exhibit

Of course, Blair’s fine and performing arts

spaces, and the Chiang-Elghanayan Center for

teachers—who are, themselves, practicing artists—

Innovation and Collaboration, which boasts

guide students at every stage of their creative

light-filled studios, a fully equipped maker space,

journeys, offering real-world perspective and

and technology-rich media labs and classrooms.

contemporary knowledge of a wide range of artistic

Student artwork shines in buildings across

genres. Because our teachers know our students so

campus, and there’s even an outdoor theatre where

well, they are able to challenge them conceptually

the stage lights go up every spring for a dramatic

and technically to spark their artistic vision and help


them bring that vision to life.

Blair offers our students depth, breadth and diversity of artistic experience. We encourage them to exercise their imaginations and embrace the “maker mentality” as they use design and fabrication skills in classes and to solve problems they encounter in extracurricular activities and in life. Our teachers urge students to make bold choices as artists, whether

that means taking on a starring role, being part of the chorus in their very first play, or experimenting with the latest technology to bring new dimension and meaning to their artwork. We applaud each student’s inner artist and give that artist every opportunity to imagine and grow.

Explore the fine arts in class & beyond. Students who wish to study the fine arts have their choice of courses, from the traditional to the contemporary. Guided by expert teachers, they can experiment with several mediums or master a single one during their years at Blair. Our art and recording studios and photo-and-video production suite in the

Chiang-Elghanayan Center for Innovation and Collaboration provide ample and inspiring space for creativity in every course, and the latest technological tools are just steps away, inviting students to examine the juxtaposition of art and technology.

Blair’s fine artists are given the freedom to design their own projects in two-dimensional and threedimensional art classes, and they are encouraged to apply their artistic skills and knowledge to projects

across the curriculum. Beyond the classroom, they bring their valuable experience in design and fabrication to extracurricular pursuits, to college and into their careers.

Music, dance & theatre come to life on our stages. Blair’s vibrant performing arts program invites

the Blair Academy Singers (the School’s main

students to explore and develop their interests in

choral ensemble) and the Chamber Choir (which

theatre, dance, and vocal and instrumental music

pursues choral singing at the highest level).

through a full repertoire of academic and extracurricular

offerings. Students of every experience level are


This student-run group performs

welcome—and encouraged—to participate in the

at many School functions throughout the year,

performing arts during their years on the hilltop.

ranging from routine events such as Friday School

Bringing a production, a musical composition or

Meeting to more formal occasions such as Trustee

a piece of choreography to life before an audience

dinners and receptions.

builds self-confidence and emphasizes the importance Blair’s instrumentalists

of preparation and teamwork, all of which Blair’s


performing artists carry into their lives well after

participate in our 60-member Symphony Orchestra


and several select ensembles, engaging in a multifaceted

study of music through classes, rehearsals, private With four theatrical productions a

lessons and performance opportunities, including

year, Blair offers many opportunities for new and

periodic tours across the United States and Europe.


seasoned thespians—and those who wish to work behind the scenes—to play a role in a drama or musical.


Blair’s dance program is for accomplished

dancers, as well as those who are exploring the art A complete repertoire of academic

form for the first time. Students rehearse classical

study and performance opportunities comprises

ballet, modern jazz, hip hop and more, and perform

Blair’s lively vocal music program, which features

at School Meeting, Chapel and other events.


“Blair is so supportive that students don’t hesitate to follow their passions and put themselves out there as they share their talents with our community.” JENNIFER PAGOT TO • PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT CHAIR


All Stars


Athletics When classes end for the day, it’s go-time for Blair’s student-athletes.

With 30 varsity and 21 JV and thirds teams, as

full potential as players, leaders and teammates. In

well as a full roster of recreational activities, Blair’s

addition, each Blair coach is committed to teaching

athletic program offers every student the opportunity

and modeling good sportsmanship, teamwork and

to play, learn and compete. We emphasize the

self-discipline, life lessons that will help students

value of good health and well-being, and cultivate

compete with merit and achieve success in any pursuit,

skills that help student-athletes become team-

well after graduation.

oriented and community-minded leaders who embody

Blair athletes learn how to work with others

integrity, humility, a strong work ethic and character.

toward common and individual goals, gracefully


handle success and failure, and effectively lead and be a member of a team. During their years

Our experienced coaches are also classroom teachers

at the School, some Blair athletes rise from novice

and dorm parents, so they know their team members

participants in their sport to sought-after college

across contexts and gain unique insight into their

recruits, but, just as importantly, many more

individual abilities and aspirations. Strong athlete-

discover a love of sport or an appreciation for

coach relationships help students develop to their

teamwork that benefits every aspect of their lives.

FACILITIES Blair’s modern athletic facilities give student-athletes

outstanding venues in which to practice and compete. 7 international squash courts 10 outdoor tennis courts with lights State-of-the-art fitness & weight center All-weather track with lights All-weather turf field with lights Indoor golf training center Winter sports complex (seasonal indoor tennis center & turf field) Performance gym 25-yard indoor pool 9-hole golf course Field house with two multi-purpose courts 8 outdoor athletic fields Wrestling room 3-lane, 3-mile lake (for crew) Indoor crew training center Full-scale athletic training facility Outdoor basketball court

Teams FALL



Cross country

Alpine skiing


Field hockey




Indoor track











Water polo



GO BUCS! Blair boasts a wide range of options for athletes during the fall, winter and spring seasons. Our

teams compete in the Mid-Atlantic Prep League (MAPL ), which comprises six independent schools located in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The Buccaneers also play a number of public and private schools across the Northeast, and several teams compete nationally. Blair’s tradition of athletic excellence is long and storied. MAPL, state and national championship teams and individuals illuminate School record books, and we proudly celebrate Buccaneer athletes who have continued to excel in college and professional ranks. Our close-knit community delights in cheering all our athletes, and we turn out in force—and in our best blue-and-white—to support Blair teams during every season.

“ Our coaches know us well, on and off the field. Their mentorship has improved my game and given me confidence.” KEVIN • 9 t h GRADE

All Together


Student Life No matter what your interests or where you are from, you will find your place at Blair. From the moment students arrive on campus, Blair


immerses them in a warm, welcoming and supportive

Blair doesn’t just talk about community: It is

community. Our residential life program, combined

central to who we are and everything we do. The

with our academic, athletic and arts offerings,

entire student body comes together regularly to

instills in students the confidence to try new things,

celebrate individual and collective accomplishments

helping them to become well-rounded individuals.

at School Meeting and Chapel. Our houseparents

At the same time, students learn to relate to and

promote dorm camaraderie, and our students

live with others, solve problems, manage their time,

embrace their Blair family and campus as their

take well-considered risks and seek out leadership

“home away from home.”

roles. With roots that go back to 1848, Blair

prides itself on its enduring traditions—while


always looking ahead to ensure the Blair experience

As students settle into the rhythm of life on campus,

is innovative, forward thinking and impactful.

they soon learn that some Blair traditions, including


weekends, happen on a regular basis. Others,

Students are surrounded by engaging and supportive

such as orientation, convocation, baccalaureate

classmates and teachers from all over the world,

and commencement, serve as bookends to the busy

which deepens global awareness, hones the ability

academic year. But ask Blair alumni to name their

to connect with others of different backgrounds and

favorite school memory, and they are likely to tell

sharpens relationship-building skills. Friendships

you a story about Peddie Day or Headmasters’

forged among roommates, dormmates and classmates

Societies Games, two annual celebrations that

last a lifetime, and our alumni consider those

embody the community’s unity and spirit.

connections enduring benefits of the Blair experience.


Society of Skeptics lectures and community

FUN INSPIRED BY HARRY POT TER Blair’s winter semester concludes with a week of energetic and spirited games, during which students and faculty members are sorted onto one of four teams named after Blair headmasters: Sharpe, Kelley, Howard and Breed. School pride is on full display throughout the traditional and unconventional contests that make up Blair’s Headmasters’ Societies Games. The fun and festive week includes quiz bowl, tug of war, ping pong, mural painting and relay races, just to name a few of the many competitions, and it concludes with an all-school talent show at which the team with the most points is declared the winner.

KELLEY-POT TER CUP COMPE TITION Each November, Blair’s fall sports teams face off against the Peddie School Falcons in one of the School’s most beloved traditions: the competition for the Kelley-Potter Cup. What began in 1903 and is now New Jersey’s oldest prep school football rivalry has evolved into a weeklong celebration of school spirit, culminating in a bonfire and pep rally, which have become rites of passage for Blair 12th graders. A full day of athletic competition follows, and the entire school, as well as many parents and alumni, comes out in force to cheer the Buccaneers to victory. The school that achieves the most wins takes home the KelleyPotter Cup and bragging rights for the year.



We celebrate traditions that bring our community together.


A Cappella

Digital Music Club

Academic Honor Committee

Diplomacy Club


Dodgeball Club

Advancement Ambassadors



Figure Drawing Club

American Sign Language Club

Fishing Club

Amnesty International


Bake a Difference

Frisbee Club

Belonging & Equity Committee

Gay-Straight Alliance

Between the Lines

Girl Up Club

Be Well @ Blair Peer Health

Healthy Relationships



Big Brothers & Big Sisters

Investment Club

Black & Latinx Student Union

Jewish Student Union

Blair Academy Dancers (BAD)

La Conexión

& Dance Company

Library Volunteers

Blair & Myanmar

Math Team

Blair Eats

Model UN

Blair Film Society

Peer Tutors

Blair Girls Who Code

Philosophy Club

Blair in the Sky Drone Club

Photography Club

Blair International Awareness

Quiz Bowl

Club (BIAC) Blair Oracle Blair Sustainability Committee

Robotics Team Rules & Discipline Committee

Blue & White Key Society

Service Corps

Blue Crew

Stress Less Club

Book Club

Student Government

Business Club

Tour Guides

Christian Fellowship

Ukulele Club

Current Events Club

West Indian Dance

Debate Team

& Zumba Club

Strong student-teacher relationships are at the heart of the Blair experience, and we take every opportunity to reinforce those relationships and bring our community together. Being






relationship-based learning creates an environment where deep connections thrive. Walking across campus, students and teachers warmly greet one another; School Meeting is a venue where

students are equally applauded for academic feats, athletic accomplishments and artistic successes;

and our well-attended Tuesday-night Skeptics lectures are a perfect example of our community’s collective intellectual curiosity and commitment to coming together to discuss important global and national issues.

“Everyone at Blair is friendly and warm, and I feel deeply connected to my classmates and teachers. I am building relationships here that will last a lifetime.” SERENA • 11 t h GRADE


Explore your passions & interests in Blair’s global community. CITIZENSHIP & SERVICE

In addition, the entire community comes together

Service to others embodies our belief that beyond self

to help others on our annual spring Day of Service,

lies happiness, and our community does service work

and, throughout the year, Blair students fundraise

locally and around the globe, in places ranging from

for important causes, including the American

England and Italy to Kenya and Rwanda.

Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, local charities and

In recent years, Blair volunteers have tutored at

families in need. In all their service activities,

nearby elementary schools, served meals at local soup

students learn that even small actions can make a

kitchens, and worked to solve problems together with

big difference.

Habitat for Humanity and Presbyterian Disaster


Blair Bucket List Paint your face for Soccerfest. Ride the soap slide on Super Sunday. Be an admission office tour guide. Lead your team to victory during Headmasters’ Societies Games. Sing karaoke during International Weekend. Compete in the Blair Academy Film Festival.

Build a boat for the Kon-Tiki race. Record a Blair leadership story. Light the Peddie Week bonfire.

Deliver a Chapel talk.

Play all nine holes on Blair’s golf course.

Attend all Society of Skeptics lectures for the year.

Explore Little Italy at NYC’s Feast of San Gennaro festival.

Audition for a play or musical.

Travel to Kenya. Take a trip to see a Broadway show.

Participate in Blair’s Day of Service.

Meet practicing artists in The Romano Gallery. Win the 10th-grade public speaking contest. Storm Sharpe House. Enjoy a lazy Sunday at the Siegel Property’s Lake Genevieve. Attend a Blair Connects event. Host a grill and chill. Have dinner at a teacher’s house.

Win the

KelleyPotter Cup!

All Ready


College Matriculation FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESS


At Blair, college preparation begins when students

Blair’s college counselors are proactive about

arrive on campus, and our graduates go on to

communicating with parents and partner with

attend the world’s most competitive colleges

families to ensure the best outcome for each student.

and universities. With their Blair education

But, more importantly, we emphasize to students

as a foundation, Blair students are ready for

that high school should be more than just a means

the next phase of their lives and leave campus as

to an end in terms of being accepted to college. We

global scholars, confident leaders and effective

encourage students to view Blair as a journey of

communicators who advocate for themselves and

exploration and self-realization that opens doors

contribute to their communities.

and allows them to learn skills and habits that will

We pride ourselves on helping our students

help them excel as undergraduates and professionals.

find the schools that fit them best, something

The college process requires Blair students to

Blair teachers and college counselors are uniquely

practice the many leadership and communication

qualified to do because of how well they know

skills they have learned over the course of their high

each student. Because of those close relationships,

school experience, and our college matriculation

our faculty members also powerfully articulate

list speaks to how well Blair has prepared its graduates

students’ strengths in letters of support.

to confidently pursue higher education.

“Blair changed how I learn and view the world. My teachers helped me discover and bring to life my passions.” ANNIKA ’14 • MASSACHUSET TS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY



Amherst College

Cornell University

Barnard College

Dartmouth College

Bates College

Davidson College

Boston College

Dickinson College

Boston University

Duke University

Bowdoin College

Emory University

Brown University

Georgetown University

Bucknell University

Hamilton College

Carnegie Mellon University

Harvard University

Claremont McKenna College

Johns Hopkins University

Colby College

Lafayette College

Colgate University

Lehigh University

College of William and Mary

Middlebury College

Colorado College

New York University

Columbia University

Northwestern University

Pomona College

University of Pennsylvania

Rice University

University of Southern

Princeton University Stanford University

University of Rochester California

Swarthmore College

University of Virginia

Tufts University

Wake Forest University

Trinity College

Tulane University

United States Military Academy

United States Naval Academy

Vassar College

Washington and Lee University

Washington University in St. Louis

University of Chicago

Wellesley College

University of North Carolina

Williams College

University of Michigan at Chapel Hill

University of Notre Dame

Wesleyan University Yale University


Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders WHY BLAIR?

global citizens with an invaluable confidence in who

With relationship-based learning at the heart of

they are and how they interact with the world.

the Blair experience, our teachers are committed to

Beyond all other achievements, we guide

more than students’ academic growth—they also

adolescents to become good people who use

seek to instill in them the skills and qualities that

their gifts and talents to lead and serve others.

will empower them to become young leaders in

We emphasize character, values and emotional

their lives beyond Blair.

intelligence, as well as academic excellence. Our

Through numerous cross-curricular programs

ultimate aim is to encourage students to become

and real-world opportunities, we teach students

who they are genuinely meant to be, not simply

to become effective communicators, team-based

who they think others expect them to be.

problem solvers and ethical decision makers. We offer

myriad hands-on projects that help them become


experts in leveraging the latest media and technology.

While Blair is proud of its history and celebrates its

And, throughout their years at Blair, we encourage

many traditions, we realize that the future of higher

their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit and foster

education is changing and that simply being smart

their ability to design solutions to the challenges

is no longer enough to compete in a complex global

they encounter on campus, in the local community

society. It is just a starting point.

and around the globe.


With that in mind, we are engaged in

In every facet of school life, Blair provides students

conversations with leaders in higher education

with tools to explore and develop their interests,

about the skills that today’s high school students

passions and abilities, helping them learn what will

need to master to become successful in tomorrow’s

ultimately bring them personal and professional

colleges, graduate schools and professions. Because

satisfaction. They also learn empathy and how to

Blair is forward thinking in establishing these

converse with adults and peers of diverse experiences

lines of communication, the School is in a unique

and backgrounds, both of which equip them to

position to see what the future of college preparation

build relationships and make connections across

looks like—and to uniquely prepare our students to

lines of difference. As a result, Blair students become

thrive in this new landscape.

NEW YORK CITY (65 mi.)




VISIT BLAIR The best way to get to know Blair is to visit our New Jersey campus and experience our warm and welcoming community for yourself. Please visit to inquire about Blair, learn about the application process and schedule a tour. You can also reach the admission office at (800) 462-5247 or Blair is located 65 miles west of New York City in Warren County, New Jersey, in close proximity to four international airports: Newark (N.J.), John F. Kennedy (N.Y.), LaGuardia (N.Y.) and Lehigh Valley (P.A.). The School is easily accessible via Interstate Route 80 and is approximately nine miles east of the Delaware River and the Pennsylvania/New Jersey border.

LAGUARDIA (77 mi.) JFK (86 mi.)






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