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Q: Would you please tell our readers about yourself, your family, your background, and where you grew up?
A: I’m originally from Buffalo, New York. Go Bills! I attended Michigan State University where I studied criminal justice and forensic psychology, which allowed me the opportunity to gain experience working with children in the criminal justice system. I’ve worked at a halfway house for girls, a residential treatment center, juvenile detention facilities, and youth centers. I also volunteered a lot in my community, which transitioned into a career as an event planner for organizations and companies. This position allowed me the flexibility to be at home and raise my children while still being able to work. In 1991, my family moved to Florida to get away from the cold weather, and we love it here. After a few years, I was fortunate enough to be recruited by Florida Hospital (now AdventHealth) to work as a major gift fundraiser for the hospital’s foundation. I’m a graduate of the Leadership Seminole program and was an active volunteer prior to serving as president of the organization over the last three years. Family is my number one priority. I am married to my husband, Dave, and together, we have seven children.

Q: Regarding your previous experience at the Florida Hospital Foundation, what do you hope to bring to Leadership Seminole?
A: While at the Florida Hospital Foundation, I had the privilege to work with a board of directors and learn about community leadership and the value of volunteerism. I was also able to support incredible projects like Eden Spa, which helps begin the healing process for cancer patients after diagnosis. Leadership Seminole strives to bring together emerging and established leaders and give back to the community in the same way. Over the last 25
years, the organization has been making a difference in Seminole County through its legacy projects, which have contributed 17,000 volunteer hours and more than 1.2 million dollars to benefit the local community.
Q: What future long-term plans do you have for Leadership Seminole?
A: Leadership Seminole is working on expanding awareness of our program and increasing our presence in Central Florida. We want to become a model of excellence for leadership development and programming by providing an exceptional 10-month leadership program to community members. Another area we are working on is reaching out and mentoring the next generation of leaders.
Q: Who or what inspires you in life?
A: I’m inspired by many of our local leaders who span different areas in the community from healthcare to education to law enforcement. My mentor, Linda Sacha, is also an inspiration. She has helped me find my passion and define what makes and brings joy and excitement to my life. Servant leadership also inspires me. This quote by Ravindranath Tagore is something I refer to often for inspiration: “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”
Q: We know that many Sanfordites have participated in Leadership Seminole. In your opinion, do you think that learning experience is reflected in the community?
A: Absolutely. We have several alumni who live and work in the Sanford community. They have continued to stay involved and have helped bridge our organization to the area. One of our recent program graduates, Christina Hollerbach, is an example of someone who helped us host an after-hours event at Hollerbach’s to bring in leaders to the area. Our 10-month program also incorporates visiting Sanford businesses and facilities as part of our mission to learn about the Seminole County region.
“I value my experiences with this organization so greatly. I've lived in Central Florida my entire life, but I still learned so much about how my community works and the many people that collaborate together to make it so great.” — Christina Hollerbach COO, Hollerbach's Willow Tree
Q: In what ways could members of the Sanford community benefit from the Leadership Seminole program?
A: Leadership Seminole has many benefits. The program is an amazing opportunity to learn and connect with all aspects of Seminole County, including education, economic development, public safety, healthcare and more. It’s an enriching experience, and in the process, our members build relationships with other leaders in the community and can make a real impact through a legacy project. Our most recent graduating class, for example, raised more than $60,000 for the legacy project they chose, Crossroads Corral, a local nonprofit in Sanford that provides therapy through horses to those suffering from trauma. Once you graduate from the program, you become part of our extensive alumni network and have access to events and other leadership and volunteer opportunities. n
P: ¿Podrías hablarles a nuestros lectores sobre ti, tu familia, tu origen y dónde creciste?
R: Nací en Buffalo, Nueva York. Go Bills! Fui a la Universidad Estatal de Michigan, donde estudié Justicia Criminal y Psicología Forense, lo que me dio la oportunidad de ganar experiencia trabajando con menores en el sistema de justicia penal. He trabajado en una casa de rehabilitación social para niñas, en un centro de internamiento para tratamientos, en centros correccionales para jóvenes y en centros juveniles. También trabajé como voluntaria en mi comunidad, y desde ahí realicé la transición hacia una carrera como planificadora de eventos para organizaciones y empresas. Este cargo me otorgó flexibilidad para estar en casa y criar a mis hijos sin dejar de trabajar. En 1991, mi familia se mudó a Florida para alejarse del clima frío y nos encanta estar aquí. Después de unos años, tuve la suerte de que me contratara el Florida Hospital (ahora AdventHealth) para trabajar como una importante captadora de recursos para la fundación del hospital. Me gradué del programa Leadership Seminole y fui voluntaria activa antes de ser presidenta de la organización. La familia es mi primera prioridad, y estoy casada con mi esposo Dave, con quien tengo siete hijos.
P: Teniendo en cuenta tu experiencia previa en el Florida Hospital Foundation, ¿qué esperas aportar a Leadership Seminole?
R: Cuando estaba en el Florida Hospital Foundation, tuve el privilegio de trabajar con una junta directiva donde aprendí acerca del liderazgo comunitario y el valor del voluntariado. También pude apoyar proyectos increíbles como Eden Spa, que ayuda a los pacientes recientemente diagnosticados con cáncer a comenzar el proceso de sanación. Leadership Seminole se esfuerza por reunir a líderes tanto emergentes como consolidados, y retribuir a la comunidad de la misma manera. En los últimos 25 años, la organización ha estado teniendo un impacto en el condado de Seminole a través de sus denominados 'proyectos legacy', que han contribuido con 17.000 horas de trabajo voluntario y más de 1,2 millones de dólares que han servido para beneficiar a la comunidad local.
P: ¿Qué planes futuros para el largo plazo tienes para Leadership Seminole?
R: Leadership Seminole está trabajando para dar a conocer nuestro programa y aumentar nuestra presencia en la Florida Central. Queremos convertirnos en un modelo de excelencia en cuanto al desarrollo y la programación de liderazgo, proporcionando un programa excepcional de liderazgo de diez meses para los miembros de la comunidad.

Otro ámbito en el que estamos trabajando es en llegar hasta la próxima generación de líderes, y en darles orientación.
P: ¿Quién o qué te inspira en la vida?
R: Me inspiran muchos de nuestros líderes locales que abarcan diferentes áreas de la comunidad, desde la atención médica pasando por la educación y el cumplimiento de la ley. Mi mentora Linda Sacha también es una inspiración para mí. Ella me ha ayudado a encontrar mi pasión y definir lo que hace emocionante mi vida y me llena de alegría. El liderazgo de servicio también me inspira. Esta cita de Rabindranath Tagore es a lo que me suelo referir cuando hablo de inspiración: “Dormí y soñé que la vida era alegría. Desperté y vi que la vida era servicio. Actué y he aquí, el servicio fue alegría”.
P: Sabemos que muchos sanfordites han participado en Leadership Seminole. En tu opinión, ¿crees que la experiencia de aprendizaje se refleja en la comunidad?
R: Totalmente. Tenemos varios exalumnos que viven y trabajan en la comunidad de Sanford y que han seguido involucrados y han ayudado
“Valoro muchísimo mi experiencia con esta organización. Aunque he vivido en Florida Central toda mi vida, he aprendido mucho sobre cómo funciona mi comunidad y la cantidad de personas que trabajan juntas para que sea tan maravillosa.” — Christina Hollerbach COO, Hollerbach's Willow Tree
a tender puentes entre nuestra organización y el entorno. Christina Hollerbach, una de las graduadas recientes de nuestro programa, es un ejemplo de alguien que nos ayudó hace poco a organizar un evento after hours en Hollerbach’s en Sanford y a traer líderes a la zona. Nuestro programa de diez meses también conlleva visitar los negocios e instalaciones de Sanford como parte de nuestra misión para aprender sobre la región del condado de Seminole.
P: ¿De qué maneras podrían los miembros de la comunidad de Sanford beneficiarse del programa Leadership Seminole?
R: Leadership Seminole tiene muchos beneficios. El programa es una excelente oportunidad para aprender y comprometerse con todos los aspectos del condado de Seminole, desde la educación, el desarrollo económico, la seguridad pública, la atención médica, etc. Es una experiencia enriquecedora y, en el proceso, nuestros miembros construyen relaciones con otros líderes de la comunidad y pueden tener un impacto real a través de un 'proyecto legacy'. La clase que se ha graduado más recientemente, por ejemplo, recaudó más de 60.000 dólares para el 'proyecto legacy' que eligieron, Crossroads Corral, una organización local sin fines de lucro en Sanford que brinda terapia a través de caballos a personas que han sufrido un trauma. Una vez que te has graduado del programa, te conviertes en parte de nuestra extensa red de exalumnos y tienes acceso a eventos y a otras oportunidades de liderazgo y voluntariado. n
Citizens Bank of Florida has a Branch that is located in downtown, Sanford, Florida and is excited to serve the Sanford area. Citizens Bank of Florida has been in business for 74 years and started as a community bank in Oviedo servicing businesses in the citrus, celery and cattle industries and has grown to have branches in Oviedo, Winter Park, Longwood, Sanford and DeLand.
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Imagine being deployed to Camp Arifjan in Kuwait for 10 months on active reserve serving your country, missing family and friends, and longing for a delicious plate of chicken and waffles with a hot cup of fresh home brewed coffee. That is the story of Renee Hicks, United States Army Sergeant, Sanford native and owner of Roni’s, a new restaurant in Sanford’s historic Goldsboro.

Renee wants to breathe new life and entrepreneurial spirit into Historic Goldsboro. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Ms. Hicks after the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Saturday, December 14, 2019 to discuss this new business and what it meant to her. After being served a soulful plate of sausage, grits, eggs and home fries, she shared with me that owning a restaurant was never a part of her plan in life. The idea came to her while serving in the military and missing the comforts of home. Prior to active duty in the military, she was an elementary school teacher and had yet to decide if she wanted to return to education.

“I thought what would be the best way that I could do something I loved and also be an asset to my community,” Renee explained. She often reflected on many special moments at home while being on active duty and remembered how soul food not only satisfied hunger, it also fed the spirit and soul of her family and community.

“I made the decision to work for myself and invest in my community. I shared my thoughts and plans with my family, and my brother informed me of a vacant building in Goldsboro. I knew it was the perfect location for a restaurant and that it would be the catalyst to ignite economic change for that area.”

“I began to think of the vibe of the location and how my restaurant could embody the true essence of the historically black neighborhood, which is rich in tradition, pride, vision and love”. “It took months of hard work to turn this building into what it is today, and I owe a heartfelt thank you to my brother, Mario, for helping me through the building process and my grandmother Marie for her support and encouragement along the way” she said.
When I asked why she named the restaurant Roni’s, she told me it is an homage to her late father. Roni was her father’s nickname given by his siblings, who jokingly called him Roni Bologna growing up.
Each and every business has something about them that makes it significant. Roni’s is a significantly charming restaurant that serves down home cooking with its roots in the rural south. It is also the first black female-owned restaurant to open on Historic Goldsboro Boulevard in over two decades. As she took my empty plate away from the table, she said, “I have the opportunity to employ members of my family and my community. I wake up knowing that I built something. I did something that is beneficial, not only to me, but to many others, and that makes me smile when I rise, and there is no greater feeling of accomplishment.”
Owner, Renee Hicks
Chicken & Waffles l-r: City Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr., Renee Hicks, and City Commissioner Art Woodruff
Roni's staff
Shrimp & Grits
For a fantastic southern breakfast, lunch or dinner, visit Roni’s located at 1221 Historic Goldsboro Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771.
Sheena Britton is a Sanford native, 4th generation Sanfordite, and lover of all things Sanford. A mother, friend, neighbor and the personification of Sanford’s live, work, play motto.
A Night Out

In Sanford
As a lifelong Sanford resident, I still marvel at today’s downtown entertainment scene. Downtown used to be a strictly daytime destination, with several hobby antique stores and a few restaurants to sustain the courthouse lunch crowd. Everything used to close around 5pm, and there wasn’t much going on during the nights and weekends. Oh, how things have changed! “Sanfording” has quickly become a favorite Central Florida activity — our small-town secret has finally gotten out. Planning your next visit? Here are some guidelines to set the stage for a perfect Sanford experience.
Get downtown early if you can — especially if the weather is nice. There’s nothing better than a stroll down First Street during “golden hour.” Hit up happy hour at one of Sanford’s breweries or grab a beer at Celery City Craft and hang out in the beer garden. Pop into one of Sanford’s unique shops — The Rosie Lee Tea Company, Treehouse Antiques, Magpie’s Modern General and Maya Books and Music are a few don’tmiss retail destinations.

Sanford is known for its large array of watering holes. If you plan to partake, you are going to need to make sure you have some food in your tummy to buttress the alcohol you are about to imbibe. You need to eat a good dinner. With vegetables. Be sure to make a reservation — some of Sanford’s hottest restaurants fill up fast! My current favorites for dinner are The Old Jailhouse (voted best new restaurant in 2019), The District, Smiling Bison, Tennessee Truffle or Sanford’s perennial favorite, Hollerbach’s Willow Tree. Even if you aren’t in the mood for German, you must check out their latest bar expansion. Close your eyes and be transported into a German lodge deep in the Black Forest.
After dinner, you’ll be ready for more fun. If you’re here on one of the few weekends that Sanford does not have an event going on, it could be as simple as taking a stroll along the Riverwalk or maybe a more hands-on experience like creating a DIY masterpiece at Board and Brush (https://boardandbrush.com/sanford/).
The Old Jailhouse
Hannah Harber & The Lionhearts
more than one to choose from. The offerings at historic Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center (https://www.wdpac.com/) range from shows like Mamma Mia and classic films (Rear Window) to tribute concerts (True Rumours: A Tribute to Fleetwood Mac). Sanford’s West End Theatre (https://theaterwestend.com/) bills itself as Sanford’s “First Professional Live Theater” features live performances; upcoming shows include Josephine, A Burlesque Cabaret Dream Play and A Chorus Line. You’ll definitely want to plan ahead and get your tickets early!
For your nightcap, experiment with a “fun drink” — this is your challenge to try something new and different! Visit the Suffering Bastard tucked away inside Tuffy’s Bottle Shop (pro tip: do not try to drink more than one tiki drink if you want to remain standing). Another late-night
The Imperial at Washburn Imports

The Old Jailhouse
favorite is Luisa’s Cellar — here you can get a great glass of wine or a delicious coffee to end the evening. If you’re still hungry, The Empress Table will do you right with some light bites.
Once you get home, it doesn’t mean your night has to end! If you live in the historic district, chances are you will still be able to hear the music outside, especially if there is an event going on. Hang out in your backyard and enjoy. If you’re like me, you might find yourself on the porch heckling the Ride Lime as it zooms by. If you don’t live in Sanford, you’ll likely spend the rest of your evening on the couch looking at Realtor.com and figuring out how quickly you can move to Sanford. Get here while you can; the secret is out!
Deviant Wolfe Brewing

Tammy Agnini is a lifelong Sanford resident and local Realtor. She currently serves as the Chairman of the City of Sanford’s Historic Preservation Board.
Enjoy our large open air taproom with a view into the brew house. Savor handcrafted beers, meads, ciders and specialty sodas. Taste the fresh, locally sourced ingredients, made to order. Relish the sounds of our performing musicians. Soak in the quintessential southern hospitality, make new friends, discover history. Sit outside, enjoy the beautiful Florida weather with your furry friends. Bring you kids for mac ‘n cheese while you sip our handcrafted beer.

SUN 12p-9p • MON-TH 11:30a-10p FRI 11:30a-12a • SAT 12p-12a LUNCH 11:30a-4p Weekdays DELIVERY AVAILABLE
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to a happier you
It is a common belief that our gut acts like a “second brain.” In fact, studies suggest that more serotonin (the “feel-good” neurotransmitter) is produced in the gut than in the brain. Eating anti-inflammatory nutrients on a regular basis can help lower your stress levels, feel calmer, and maintain energy from the inside out.
The following foods can claim bragging rights. Pile your plate with these awesome foods for a better YOU.
1. Avocados are a great source of B vitamins which is needed to maintain healthy neuronal activity and brain cells; they also provide healthy plant fats among other benefits.
2. Walnuts help replace B vitamins. Brazil nuts increase zinc levels (also drained by high anxiety), almonds boost vitamin E (which helps fight cellular damage linked to chronic stress), and pistachios can soften the impact stress hormones (like cortisol) have on the body. Nuts are high in fat, so moderation is key!
3. Dark, leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, are rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Calcium helps your body maintain its circadian rhythm, and potassium and magnesium are minerals that help overstressed muscles.
4. Complex carbohydrates prompt the brain to make more serotonin. Among others, healthy options include wholegrain breakfast cereals, breads, and oatmeal, or steel-cut oats. Complex carbohydrates also help you feel balanced by stabilizing blood sugar levels.
5. Tomatoes, much like the summertime fruit watermelon, are a great source of lycopene, an antioxidant that not only protects your brain, but helps to fight depression-causing inflammation.
Orlando Health Lake Mary ER NOW OPEN

6. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish such as salmon and trout, can protect your heart from surges in stress hormones. Aim to eat four ounces of fatty fish at least three times a week. Fish such as cod, salmon, halibut, tuna, and snapper are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that naturally raises serotonin levels.
7. Hummus: Garbanzo beans, or chickpeas, are the main ingredient in hummus. They contain tryptophan, folate, and vitamin B6.
8. A glass of warm milk: Milk is the perfect bedtime stress buster.
Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is a precursor to our sleep hormone, melatonin, helping you to rest easily when you sleep.
9. Cinnamon: Research studies have shown cinnamon helps to stabilize your blood sugar, and it helps with body inflammation.
10. Eggs are rich in mood-promoting omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, choline, and B vitamins. Eggs contain a ton of protein, making you feel fuller longer and more energized as a result. If high cholesterol is a problem for you, try egg whites or egg substitutes.
11. Dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa: The cocoa gives you an instant boost in mood and concentration and helps to improve blood flow to the brain by relaxing blood vessels.
12. Green tea contains amino acids that help regulate stress, mood, and muscle relaxation.
A daily serving of laughter, social activities, exercise, and healthy foods is a gift to ourselves that will keep on giving. Incorporating these nutritious foods into your diet will help you achieve the healthy life you so greatly desire. Please check with your doctor to make sure none of these foods interact with any medications you may be taking.
Add moderation to this recipe, and you will have a happy and healthy life!
Dr. Gonzalez is a family counselor who also treats couples and individuals. If you have any questions about mental or behavioral health, contact Dr. Gonzalez for more information. Se habla español.
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A Service of Orlando Health South Seminole Hospital
For the most recent event updates & even more events please be sure to visit www.SANFORD365.com or download the free Sanford365 Mobile App. Better yet, never miss a thing in Sanford and subscribe to our weekly email newsletter!

SANFORD MARKETPLACE AT MAGNOLIA 10am-3pm Magnolia Square • 200 E. 1st St.
Held every Saturday, this weekly farmers market features fruits and veggies, local hand and homemade goods, ambient entertainment. LUNCH OR DINNER CRUISE Wed., Thurs, & Sat.: 11am Sunday: 12pm Saturday: 7:30pm Rivership Barbara-Lee 433 N. Palmetto Avenue
Price includes: All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes and Sausage, Coffee, Tea and 1st Glass of Orange Juice. To schedule your relaxing breakfast cruise call 327-441-3030 or visit www.StJohnsRivershipCo.com CELERY CITY CRUISERS March 28 | April 25 | May 23 • 5pm Sanford Riverwalk at the Flagpole Seminole Blvd. & Park Ave.
GOLDSBORO FARMERS MARKET Every Friday • 12pm-6pm Allen Chapel AME Church 1203 S. Olive Ave.
Held every Friday, grab your fresh, seasonal fruits, veggies and Spring treats. Come down to the Riverwalk and see classic cars cruise along the Riverwalk. Held the last Saturday of every month except for November and December. SUNSET AT THE ZOO March 19 | April 16 | May 30 • 5:30pm–Sunset Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens 3755 W. Seminole Blvd.

THE SANFORD SHUFFLE March 20 | April 17 | May 15 6-9pm • Sanford Shuffleboard Courts 401 E. Seminole Blvd.
ALIVE AFTER FIVE 5-8pm • Downtown Sanford • March 12 - Shamrock Celebration • April 9 - Spring Fling/Yacht Rock • May 14 - Sanford de Mayo
Held the second Thursday of every month, this event is Central Florida’s largest recurring monthly street party with live music, local artists, food and craft beer. Enjoy local restaurants, art galleries, gift shops, antique stores, nightlife and a variety of other unique businesses. Learn how to shuffle the third Friday of every month. Courts open at 6:30pm with a single-elimination tournament starting at 7pm. $5 per person. SANFORD ART WALK • March 21 • April 18 • May 16 6-9pm • 230 E. 1st St.
On the third Thursday of each month, adults over the age of 21 can stroll through the Zoo enjoying live music, refreshing beer and wine, and meet animals up-close. $5.
Held the third Saturday of every month, multiple venues showcase local talent and provide opportunities to meet visiting artists. Free. SANFORD FOOD TRUCK FIESTA March 21 | April 18 | May 16 5-8pm • 2nd St. and Palmetto Ave.
Held the third Saturday of every month, this event features some of Orlando's best food trucks, accompanied with live music. Kid and pet friendly! SANFORD AVENUE BLOCK PARTY March 28 | April 25 | May 23 4th Saturday • 5-10pm • Sanford Ave.

Sanford’s monthly weekend block party featuring live music, food, drinks, and vendors.
MOVIE CLASSICS: REAR WINDOW 7:30pm • Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center 201 S. Magnolia Ave. $5 cash at the door!

SILENT SKY Theater Play inside the Emil Buehler Planetarium Seminole State College • 100 Weldon Blvd.
The true story of 19th-century astronomer, Henrietta Leavitt, explores a woman’s place in society during a time of immense scientific discoveries when women’s ideas were dismissed until men claimed credit for them. Social progress, like scientific progress, can be hard to see when one is trapped among earthly complications; Henrietta Leavitt and her female peers believe in both, and their dedication changed the way we understand both the heavens and Earth. 27-April 5 | FRIDAY-SUNDAY
SEMINOLE COUNTY FAIR | Seminole Towne Center Mall
The annual fair will feature James E. Strates Shows with approximately 25 amusement rides, plus carnival games, and delicious fair food! Free admission and free parking! It's fun for the whole family!
JIM PAYNE 5K RUN 7-10am Wop’s Hops Brewing Co 419 S. Sanford Ave.
Wop's Hops Brewing Company will be presenting a 5K in Historic Downtown Sanford to benefit Kids House! There will be a pancake breakfast, silent auction, and Kids' fun zone.

21 | SATURDAY 9TH ANNUAL PINTS N’ PAWS CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL 2–6pm • Celery City Craft 114 .S Palmetto Ave. Join us for the 9th Annual Pints n' Paws Craft Beer Festival in beautiful Historic Downtown Sanford. Pints n' Paws Craft Beer Fest is a craft beer festival that you bring your dog to.
the Crowns Tribute to Pop Royalty
3–6pm • Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center
Watching pop artists like Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Duran Duran, Prince, Cyndi Lauper and Madonna on MTV, big hair, scrunchies and leg warmers—it’s totally the '80s! A tribute to pop royalty. Come hear OGC perform songs such as Vogue, We Are the Champions, and Walking on Sunshine! LGBT+ artists such as Elton John, Freddie Mercury, and allies like Madonna and Cyndi Lauper, gave a voice to a generation longing to break free.

The popular Smith’s Barroom Challenge is returning for the second year. Happening only in April, it will be a self-guided tour of historically inspired concoctions, taking you on a journey to your favorite downtown Sanford drinking establishments!



SANFORD MINI MASTERS 12–5pm • Celery City Craft, 114 S Palmetto Ave.
Join us for the Sanford Mini Masters — a teeny tiny golf tournament in beautiful historic downtown Sanford! Come putt-putt around the Celery City while you enjoy the finest in food and drink! Holes can be done in any order! 10 | FRIDAY
RUN FOR GOD 7:30–9am Ft. Mellon Park EASTER EGGStravaganza 10am-12pm • Ft. Mellon Park
TASTE OF THE WILD 6:30–9pm • Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens
A not-to-be missed part of your Brews Around the Zoo weekend is the Taste of the Wild Beer Pairing Dinner. This year’s menu will be created by renowned chef, Brian Lamparski, and will be paired with brews from Blue Springs Brewing. 10–26 | FRIDAY–SUNDAY
Theater West End • 115 W 1st St.
Make Run for God your Easter Weekend 5k and help us grow the mission funds so we can help send more kids on more trips. The race starts and ends at Fort Mellon Park on Seminole Blvd. and the free Kids Run starts at 8:30 a.m., all registered kids will receive an Easter gift. The race is followed by the City of Sanford's annual Easter Eggstravaganza in the park. Hosted by the City of Sanford Parks and Recreation The Sanford Fire Department will arrive at 10 a.m. with the Easter Bunny! Bring your baskets—we'll have over 20,000 eggs and 4 golden eggs to be found! Age groups are 0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12! After the egg hunt, kids can enjoy face painters, balloon artists and bounce houses! Don't forget to bring your camera and take a picture with the Easter Bunny! FREE for children 12 and under!
BREWS AROUND THE ZOO 6–10pm • Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens
Brews Around the Zoo, presented by Wayne Densch Inc., is back! This adults-only night, benefiting the Zoo, will feature 16 beer stations with over 30 different craft beers, live music, and special animal encounters. Food will be available for purchase.
GREEN DAY'S AMERICAN IDIOT Central Florida Regional Premiere! 12 | SUNDAY
Enjoy a beautiful Sanford Easter Sunrise worship service overlooking lake Monroe. Music will begin at 6:45 a.m. followed by the service from 7 - 8 a.m. Come out for this FREE family-friendly worship service.
The two-time Tony Award-winning hit musical, Green Day's American Idiot, based on the Grammy Award-winning multi-platinum album, boldly takes the American musical where it's never gone before. This high-octane show includes every song from Green Day's album, American Idiot, as well as several songs from its follow-up release, 21st Century Breakdown. 19 | SUNDAY
SANFORD INDIE MARKET 11am–5pm •Tuffy’s Bottle Shop and Lounge 200 S. Myrtle Ave.
A curated show that is held four times a year featuring vintage items, art, handcrafted & boutique vendors, food and live music.
Join us for the 9th Annual St. Johns River Festival of the Arts – A Fine Arts & Fine Crafts Event!
SEMINOLE STATE COLLEGE SPRING JAZZ CONCERT 7:30pm • Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center
Don't miss this FREE concert featuring Seminole State Jazz Ambassadors, Weldon Street Jazz & SeminoleSound. 17–26 | FRIDAY–SUNDAY
PERSPECTIVES Seminole State College, Sanford Campus
Free and Open to the Public. An original devised theatrical work presented in partnership with John DiDonna and The Center for the Fine and Performing Arts at Seminole State College. 25
MELISSA’S RACE 2020 7:30am–11:30am Fort Mellon Park
SATURDAY Join us at Fort Mellon Park in Sanford, Florida with a beautiful 5K course that runs along Lake Monroe and leads into historic downtown Sanford. Proceeds benefit brain cancer research and awareness. BREWS FOR BRAINS 2020 9am–12pm • Fort Mellon Park
Craft beer! Food! Live music! Family entertainment! Enjoy your Saturday and celebrate at the official after-party of Melissa's Race 2020 This after-party, Brews for Brains, is open to everyone! You do not have to participate in Melissa's Race to attend this great event. Free admission. Join us in beautiful historic downtown Sanford to celebrate the kickoff weekend of our newly completed “Project Hollerblock” expansion at Hollerbach’s German Restaurant! Featuring German cuisine, beer, wine, Schnapps and entertainment, our Hollerblock Party is REPLACING the previously announced Springfest street party!
BEST OF SANFORD AWARDS & INDUSTRY RECOGNITION 5:30pm–8:30pm My Sanford Magazine Hosts the BEST OF SANFORD 4TH ANNUAL READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS Sanford Civic Center • 401 E. Seminole Blvd. and INDUSTRY RECOGNITION It’s that time again! It’s the award Sanford business owners are most proud to receive. The “Best of Sanford” awards, hosted by My Sanford Honoring businesses that deliver the very best in products, services, activities, dining and unique entertainment experiences, as selected by My Sanford Magazine readers. Magazine, highlights the best businesses and indi-Red Carpet • Dinner • Entertainment • Semi-Formal Attire viduals in all of Sanford. We are proud to present WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 RED CARPET: 5:30 PM • EVENT: 6:30 PM the Industry Recognition. Chosen by a committee RESERVE YOUR TICKET AT: HTTP://BIT.LY/SANFORD-AWARDS who have effectively selected categories and recognitions; thereby, making the awards a better prestigious and community event. Red Carpet • Dinner • Entertainment • Black Tie Attire • After Party at the Basin Reserve your ticket at: http://bit.ly/sanford-awards 24 | FRIDAY
DANCING DREAM, A TRIBUTE TO ABBA 7:30pm • Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center
Experience the glitter and glamour of the 70s!
Enjoy Derby Day as you watch the race, compete for prizes, and enjoy great food along with our signature cocktail.
MEMORIAL DAY PARADE AND CEREMONY 10am • Downtown Sanford & Veterans Memorial Park 31 | SUNDAY
SANFORD JAZZ ENSEMBLE'S SPRING CONCERT 3–6pm • Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center
The Sanford Jazz Ensemble is a volunteer community orchestra made up of a diverse group of excellent musicians, dedicated to the preservation of the Big Band Jazz tradition.

My Sanford Magazine 107 South Oak Ave. Sanford, FL 32771