As a dedicated student of architecture, I am deeply passionate of creativity and innovation. With a strong foundation in architectural principles and a commitment to continuous learning, I aspire to become a visionary architect who not only shapes the physical landscape but also enriches the lives of individuals and communities through thoughtful, sustainable design. My career trajectory is guided by a desire to tackle complex challenges, embrace emerging technologies, and champion inclusive, human-centered design solutions. Through internships, professional development opportunities, and collaborative projects, I am dedicated to gaining practical experience and building a diverse portfolio that showcases my skills and aspirations.
University of Rwanda
Groupe Scolaire Don Dieu Remera Rukoma
Groupe Scolaire De Bwenda 2017-2019
Cyivugiza creates_Art center
Re-Imagining Gatsata
N- Residential
Biryogo Youth Community center
1. Working space ( studios)
Exhbition Hall
Cafeteria& Studios
Living area
For artists, the ability to resid e in close proximity to their w orks not only streamlines logi stical aspects but also cultiva tes a pr-ofound connection to their craft.This spatial arrang ement fosters an environmen t where inspiration can be re adily translated into action, fa cilitating spontaneous bursts
These spaces serve as conduits for artistic dialogue, fostering connecti ons between creators and viewers while amplifying the impact of artistic expression. For artists, exhibition halls provide invaluable opportunities for recognition, validation, and professi onal growth, allowing them to prese nt their work in curated environmen ts that enhance its visibility and sign ificance
The importance of studios extends far beyond more physical spaces; they are the incubators of innovation, where ideas are nurtured, refined, and brought into fruition.
Outdoor settings foster a sense of community and camaraderie among artists, providing opport unities for collaboration, shared experiences, and collective exp ression. By embracing the outd oors as an extension of their cr eative domain, artists enrich th eir practice, deepen their conn ection to the world around the m, and inspire others to see b eauty in the everyday.
The ground oor plans consists of reception programs with co e shopnear the road whhich is cruc ial forartists and visitors to the Art center
It consists also Audotorium for pe rformances to the artists in art wo rks. It has also Exhbition hall with larg e spaces for interaction and conn e ctivity of the users.
At the upper part there are 7 Sing le apartments with kitchen, dinni ng room,bedroom, living room an d small studio for artists.
At the right side there is workshop(studios) with partition of small studios
The exploded axonometric diagram of studios for artists highlights the comprehensive design and functional elements of the building. Each component, from the foundational structure to the roof and interior spaces, is depicted to illustrate how they combine to create a flexible, efficient, and inspiring environment for artists. This diagram serves as both a visual guide and a construction blueprint, demonstrating the integration of aesthetic and practical aspects in the design.
By facilitating the influx of fresh air and the expulsion of stale air, cross ventilation creates a vibrant atmosph ere that invigorates both body and mind, essential for sustained creative endeavors.Moreover, the natural light that often accompanies well-designed ventilation openings enhances the ambiance of the space, accent uating artworks and providing artists with optimal lighting conditions for their creative work.
A Cultural Oasis
The proposed art center aims to serve as a vibrant cultural hub, enriching the local community through the celebration and promotion of artistic expression in all its forms. Situated in the heart of the city, the art center will encompass a diverse range of facilities and amenities, including exhibition spaces, studios, workshops, and performance
Designed to foster creativity and collaboration, the center will provide artists with state-of-the-art facilities and resources to support their practice, while also offering opportunities for education, engagement, and public outreach. With its innovative design, sustainable features, and dynamic programming, the art center seeks to inspire and empower individuals of all ages and backgrounds to explore their creativity, expand their horizons, and connect with the transformative power of
The housing design idea is derived the carried Analysis on how the property owners in Gatsata and other sub-urb neigborhoods create new dwellings for rent at the backyard with shared spaces such as toilets and other household working areas. In doing so, the Analysis shows that Greeneries get comprimised and end up being get cut down. In the new Gatsata, we want to establish House gardens that could be used multipurposely as gathering spaces, drying areas, or as kitchen gardens.
Materials: Mudbricks, stones and concrete, plaster
Backyard dwellings are a trend in this neighborhood. There are social and economic factors driving backyarding. Many owners have, without permission, constructed other dwellings on their properties in order to derive income from rental. Many are informally built with mud bricks and mortar. The dwellings constructed at the back are a ordable compared to the ones at the front. However, these units tenants live in are just a place where they shelter and can hardly be called home. They lack privacy and space, but They provides a cheap place to lay their heads Plot Layout sketch
Building Materials: Mudbricks, stones and concrete plaster
The housing design idea is derived the carried Analysis on how the property owners in Gatsata and other sub-urb neigborhoods create new dwellings for rent at the backyard with shared spaces such as toilets and other household working areas. In doing so, the Analysis shows that Greeneries get comprimised and end up being get cut down. In the new Gatsata, we want to establish House gardens that could be used multipurposely as gathering spaces,
Taps for clean water barely work... They harvest from the River
Backyard dwellings are a trend in this neighborhood. There are social and economic factors dri ving backyarding. Many owners have, without permission, const ructed other dwellings on their properties in order to derive inc ome from rental. Many are infor mally built with mud bricks and mortar.
Backyard space
Shared Space
Semi-Shared Space
ECD Center
The housing design idea is derived the carried Analysis on how the property owners in Gatsa ta and other sub-urban neigborhoods create n ew dwellings for rent at the backyard with shar ed spaces such as toilets and other househ old working areas. In doing so, the Analysis sh ows that Greeneries get comprimised and end up being get cut down. In the new Gatsata, we want to establish House gardens that could be used multipurposely as gathering spaces, dryi ng areas, or as kitchen gardens..