HABA USA 2021 New Fall Items
My Very First Games 2
My Very First Games
package size
15.7 x 11.8 x 2.7 in
4 n 306361 My First Advent
• 24 lovingly designed and elaborately printed wooden figures • includes 24 magical Christmas stories that shorten the waiting time one chapter at a time • 3D play backdrop with plenty of exciting details to discover • first 24 days looking forward to Christmas, then 365 days of playing fun
4 - 99
Calendar – farmyard animals The farmyard animals are very excited. All of a sudden, a few days before Christmas, lots of beautifully wrapped gifts appear. Maybe Santa accidentally lost them? Theo the raven is determined to find out. The animals also need Theo’s help with all the preparations that need to be done before Christmas. So the little raven has plenty to do – the children learn what he needs to do every day when they open a calendar door. Lovingly designed play material lets them actively experience and recreate the story. Makes the time before Christmas pass quickly! Perfect for all children ages 2 years and older.
2 - 4
• can be perfectly combined with the classic HABA game “Animal Upon Animal” • 29 winter themed wooden figures • stacking fun for the whole family • simple rules, quick to set up • an excellent Christmas gift
package size
8.5 x 8.5 x 2.6 in
– A Christmas Stacking Game The animals are climbing all over each other to form an ever-taller Christmas pyramid. But which one will make it to the top? The players decide by carefully balancing squirrels, snow bunnies, penguins and reindeer on stars, fir trees, sleds, and even on top of each other. The first player to place all of his or her figures safely on the pyramid wins this wobbly Christmas stacking game. A wobbly Christmas-themed stacking game.
n 305526 Pyramide d‘animaux
Noël Les animaux s’empilent en une pyramide de Noël toujours plus haute. Mais qui arrivera tout en haut ? Tout repose entre les mains des joueurs : ils empilent les écureuils, les lièvres des neiges, les pingouins et les élans les uns sur les autres. Avec beaucoup de doigté, ils sont posés sur les étoiles, les sapins et les luges. Le premier joueur qui réussira à empiler toutes ses figurines remporte la partie. Un jeu d’empilement et d’équilibre amusant spécial Noël Livrable en boîtage français.
package size
8.6 x 8.6 x 2.6 in
2 n 306069 My Very First Games
– Animal Upon Animal Junior Things are getting wildly wobbly as the animals create a big stacking tower. Who will climb on whom? The die decides. But whether the animal stack stays standing or not is up to the players. They stack Animal upon Animal in three new games for young stackers. In the third game, they work cooperatively to race against the crab, training their dexterity skills with play. May the best stacker win! Three wobbly animal stacking games for young stackers. Available with
n 306070 Mes premiers jeux – Pyramide d’animaux junior Attention, il va falloir garder son équilibre ! Les animaux forment une grande pyramide. Le dé ou les tuiles “soleil” indiquent qui grimpe sur le dos de quel animal. Mais la tour d’animaux résistera-t-elle ? Aux joueurs de démontrer leur adresse en empilant les animaux les uns après les autres dans ces trois jeux d’empilement. Dans le troisième jeu, ils font même tous ensemble la course contre le crabe. Ces 3 jeux permettent de développer la motricité fine et le doigté. Le joueur le plus adroit l’emportera. Trois jeux d’adresse amusants. Livrable en boîtage français.
n 305732 Animal Upon Animal
• stacking fun for the littlest ones • 8 easy to grip wooden animal figures • a junior version of the popular HABA stacking classic
1 - 4
• generously-sized, childfriendly game components made of wood and sturdy cardboard • a highly relevant parentchild topic handled in a playful way
1 - 3
package size
6 x 9.2 x 2.6 in
4 n 306247 My Very First Games
– Off to bed! It’s time to go to bed! But the rabbit, bear and cat are unable to settle down because their beds, pillows and covers are all muddled up. What’s more, the animals each want their favorite stuffed toy. If the children have good powers of memory and a bit of luck in turning over the tiles, they can succeed in getting their animal into bed first. Three matching games with a bedtime theme.
n 304762 Mes premiers jeux – Hop, au dodo ! Il est plus que temps d’aller au dodo ! Mais le lapin, l’ours et le chat ne peuvent pas : leurs lits, oreillers et couettes sont sens dessus-dessous ! Et puis, chaque animal a absolument besoin de son doudou préféré. Si les enfants ont une bonne mémoire et aussi un peu de chance en retournant les plaquettes, ils réussiront à mettre les animaux au lit rapidement. Deux jeux de classement et un jeu de mémoire pour instaurer le rituel du coucher. Livrable en boîtage français.
Games 4
Games age
3 - 6
1 - 8
10 - 15
package size
14.8 x 10.8 x 2.6 in
5 - 99 n 306150 Orchard 35th
• 40 wooden pieces of fruit • A true HABA classic – more than 1.8 million copies sold worldwide • Limited anniversary edition in a high-quality metal tin
Anniversary Edition In the orchard hang the juiciest cherries, apples, plums and pears. But someone else is intent on stealing them: Theo the Raven is on his way! Now the players need the luck of the dice and teamwork to try and pick the fruit before the cheeky raven enters the orchard. A cooperative dice game.
2 - 4
2 n 306212 Hammer Time
• includes large wooden hammer • Innovative use of game components • with exciting variant for mining pros
Players knock shiny stones off the box using the hammer. To complete their tasks, they need to collect the right number and color of gemstones. But be careful – anyone who knocks too hard will wake Dragomir the Dragon and lose their loot! The first player to completely fill all four of their wagons wins the game. A hard-hitting dexterity game.
n 306151 Édition anniversaire Le verger Dans le verger, les cerises, pommes, prunes et poires les plus juteuses sont prêtes à être cueillies ! Mais un autre personnage semble aussi très intéressé : le corbeau Théo est déjà en train de s’approcher du verger ! Avec un peu de chance au dé, les joueurs vont ensemble essayer de cueillir tous les fruits avant que l’effronté corbeau n’atteigne le verger. Un jeu de dé coopératif sur les couleurs. Livrable en boîtage français.
5 - 99
1 - 4
• can be played competitively, cooperatively or solo • with acoustic alarm and rotating game board for astute mouse detectives
package size
8.6 x 8.6 x 1.9 in
n 305845 La mine aux trésors En frappant avec le marteau sur la boîte, vous accomplissez des missions en récupérant le bon nombre de pierres précieuses de la bonne catégorie. Ces missions vous aident à remplir vous wagonnets de joyaux. Mais attention, car s’ils frappent trop fort, ils risquent de réveiller le dragon Dragomir et de repartir bredouille ! Le premier à avoir rempli 4 wagonnets remporte la partie. Un jeu d’adresse qui frappe fort. Livrable en boîtage français.
8 - 99 n 306113 Inspector Mouse:
The Great Escape The convicts are planning a jailbreak! Inspector Mouse is on their trail, but he needs the detective skills of the players to figure out who was the last crook in the cell with the escape tunnel. If the players are able to correctly identify the criminal that triggered the alarm, they’ll have foiled the escape attempt. The player who stops the most escapes wins. A mousy memory game.
n 306114 Commissaire Souris Les bandits veulent s’évader ! Le commissaire Souris est sur leurs traces. Mais il a besoin des talents de fin limier des joueurs : qui s’est assis en dernier dans la cellule avec le tunnel ? Si les joueurs parient sur le bon bandit, ils élucident le mystère de cette tentative d’évasion et attraperont les bandits. Le gagnant est celui qui capture le plus de fugitifs. Un jeu de mémoire à faire tourner la tête. Livrable en boîtage français.
package size
6 x 9.2 x 2.6 in
1 - 4
• simultaneous deduction game with solo variant • high desire to play again as each game is different • unique solution check with key mechanism • Beginner Level
15 - 20
package size
8.3 x 10.4 x 1.9 in
2 n 306449 The Key –
Theft in Cliffrock Villa There has been a shocking string of robberies at Cliffrock Villa. Valuable works of art have been stolen! The players start their investigations and combine clues about the perpetrators, time of the crimes, stolen items, and escape plans. They need to generate the right number code to put the thieves behind bars. In the end, it’s not necessarily the fastest investigator who wins the game, but the most efficient one. An investigative crime game.
n 305544 The Key –
Vols à la villa Cliffrock Une spectaculaire série de vols a eu lieu à la villa Cliffrock et de précieux objets ont été dérobés ! Les joueurs mènent l’enquête en relevant les indices sur les coupables, l’heure du délit, le butin et la fuite des voleurs. En trouvant la bonne combinaison de chiffres, ils mettront les coupables derrière les barreaux. Mais attention, à la fin, ce n’est pas forcément le détective le plus rapide qui gagne, mais le plus efficace ! Un jeu d’enquête criminelle. Livrable en boîtage français.
Kullerbü 6
Kullerbü years
• spectacular dragon volcano for super fast rolling speed • speedy ball funnel and flexibly arranged dragon tunnel with little bell • brings even more action to Kullerbü play • lots of pieces and exciting effects ensure cool dragon playing fun
• includes 3 adorable wooden animal baby balls, 2 peek a boo stations and a starting bell at the horse gate • endlessfree play • perfect for combining with all other Kullerbü play tracks • great birthday gift idea
303898 n Kullerbü – Ball Track Dragonland Dragon playing fun for Kullerbü fans of all ages. The balls race down the spectacular dragon volcano, spin around in the ball funnel and then continue along the track at top speed. Then they pass through the cool dragon tunnel with little bell and back to the volcano – where the ball adventure starts all over again. Contents: 1 dragon volcano, 1 dragon tunnel, 1 ball funnel, 4 curves, 3 straight tracks, 1 wavy curve, 1 ramp, 1 starting ramp, 3 columns, 12 connecting elements, 1 backdrop clamp, 1 dragon ball, 1 lava ball, 1 dino egg ball. Material: beech, plywood, plastic. Dimensions: Ø balls 2“. Packaging: 4c box
306019 n Kullerbü – Ball Track Farm Babies The baby animals have run away from the farm! Nobody noticed as they crept away to the ball track for some rolling fun. Will the calf, piglet or foal be the first to dare race down the launch ramp? Then speed around two curves. But even the best day is over eventually. Then they need to hurry back home! Contents: 3 backdrops animal homes, 1 ball Karl the calf, 1 ball Frida the foal, 1 ball Svea the piglet, 2 spiral curves, 2 step curves, 11 connecting elements, 1 launch ramp, 2 backdrop clips, 2 straight tracks, 6 columns, 1 redirecter, red. Material: PP, ABS, beech, plywood Dimensions: Ø balls 2“. Packaging: 4c box
• Action and sound effect: With the soundtrack, you can hear funny farm animal noises sounds • easy-to-operate crane grab for loading and unloading vehicles • tractor with momentum push and go for extra speed • realistic noises at a pleasant sound level
• momentum push and go for extra speed • tractor and trailer with strong magnetic attachment • Kullerbü balls can be transported in the trailer, and unloaded onto the track • also suited to free play • perfect complement to the Kullerbü – Sound Play Track Farmyard (305397)
• the 13 balls perfectly match all Kullerbü ball and play tracks • two practical functions – storage option and sand play bucket
• farm animal ball set for even more roly poly fun
305397 n Kullerbü – Sound Play Track Farmyard Selma the sheep and Simon the pig have escaped from their stables and are scurrying away - either across the meadow or under the archway with little bell. Can the runaway animals escape the agile crane-gripper or not? Anyway, it is a lot of fun for all big and small Kullerbü master builders to try and snatch the balls in time. Additional action is provided by the sound track: According to the side from which the balls roll round it, various cool farmyard noises are emitted. Batteries not included (2 x 1.5V-AAA ). Contents: 1 farm set with little bell and crane grab with cord, 1 sheepfold, 3 straight tracks, 2 ramps, 2 columns, 3 step curves, 1 curve (30°), 1 sound track, 1 turntable, 1 launch ramp, 2 exit ramps, 15 connecting elements, 1 tractor, 1 trailer, 1 ball Selma the sheep, 1 ball Simon the pig, 1 meadow ring, 10 domino blocks. Material: beech, plywood, plastic. Dimensions: Ø balls 2“. Packaging: 4c box
306020 305562
n Kullerbü – Tractor with trailer The tractor with trailer drives over fields and meadows – as well as all Kullerbü play tracks. Plenty of farmyard fun! Guaranteed to make the hearts of little farmyard fans beat faster. Material: plastic. Tractor and trailer L 7 ½” x W 2 ½“. Packaging: 4c box
n Kullerbü – Bucket with Balls So many balls, so much rolling fun! But even the speediest balls need somewhere to rest. Up to 13 balls can sleep in this lightweight bucket. Contents: 1 ball bucket, 13 colorful balls. Material: PP, beech. Dimensions: Ø balls 2“. Packaging: 4c box
n Kullerbü – Ball Set Farm Animals Today is a busy day! The roly poly friends Carla the cow, Miri the cat, Simon the pig, Selma the sheep and Fannie the horse finally want to roll off on a new adventure! Who‘s coming? Contents: 1 ball Carla the cow, 1 ball Miri the cat, 1 ball Simon the pig, 1 ball Selma the sheep, 1 ball Fannie the horse. Material: beech. Dimensions: Ø balls 2“. Packaging: 4c box
Clever Up! Building blocks 8
Clever Up! Building blocks
The building blocks, panels and strips make it possible to build, bridge and create inclines and levels. Little builders can explore, line and stack. Each of the 4 sets includes: • 24 page booklet of educational tips of how to challenge the child as they age • Double-handle sturdy cotton bag for storage
Building blocks help children to fulfill two natural needs: imitating the grown-ups and constructing things. This is how children familiarize themselves with the adult world. Children use the building blocks to playfully shape the space around them and at the same time begin to grasp the concept of the third dimension. Through constant repetition and trial and error, they also acquire an empirical understanding of the laws of physics.
Twelve months and upwards
Your child can experiment with the building blocks to his or her heart’s content. They can be picked up and shaken about, or knocked and rubbed against each other. By means of play, your child masters the first stage of placing one block on the floor and a second one on top without letting go of it. Simple geometrical shapes appeal most to the early childhood desire to discover and help to develop your child’s eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills via the medium of play.
306250 Baustein-System Clever-Up! 3.0
306251 Baustein-System Clever-Up! 4.0
Your child now begins to stack the building blocks and form long rows of them, both horizontally and vertically. When stacking them high, your child uses both hands to place them where they are to go. By letting go of the building blocks and studying them in their new position, your child masters the next step of construction. He or she comes to see each building block as an independent object in a spatial relationship with others. The first time a child stacks building blocks, baseplates and slats on top of each other, they master a new constructional skill, namely bridging.
Three years and upwards
Your child begins to stack the blocks with even greater purpose, building basic house and tower structures. The first attempts may still be crooked and wobbly, but they gradually become higher and more stable. Not long after, your child will move on to produce fantastic block structures with gaps and bridges. The strong desire to ensure stability is an incentive to acquire an empirical understanding of statics. The building blocks support children in their efforts to imitate what they see around them in the adult world and to understand the concept of construction. In free play, they deve-lop their imagination by building the structures that they have thought up for themselves. Increasingly, your child will also integrate the building blocks into simple role-playing games.
306249 Baustein-System Clever-Up! 2.0
CLEVER-UP! 1.0 TO 4.0
Two years and upwards
306248 Baustein-System Clever-Up! 1.0
As junior architects grow, so do their buildings. Simply adapt the number and variety of shapes of the building blocks to the age your child has attained.
+ 1 DOUBLE CUBE −−−−−−−−−−−− = 1 LARGE CUBE
Clever-Up! 1.0
Clever-Up! 3.0
Cubes, baseplates and slats are the basic elements used in construction, bridging and the addition of ramps and floors. Younger children study the available blocks before lining them up and stacking them. Later on, they create more complex patterns and even more grandiose buildings.
The basic cube is doubled to form a large rectangular block, halved to form a small rectangular block and halved again to make a square rod shape. Creative minds vary their building techniques, comparing quantities and sizes and doing their sums. Digital thought processes are also stimulated; this is exactly creative learning works! ROD
Age 3 to 6
Children become even more interested in three-dimensional construction. They enjoy the creative challenge of designing their own structures and begin to think in spatial terms. Bridging becomes a more complex operation, and construction proceeds more methodically. Through constant repetition and trial and error, junior architects acquire an empirical understanding of static laws as well as simple mathematical and physical relationships.Building blocks help to familiarize your child with the adult world. Depending on age and level of creativity, the building blocks, baseplates and slats can be used to produce stage settings for entertaining role-play games.
Age 6 to 8
Your child can now build complex static structures on their own. While working on their first experimental structures, they learn the basic laws of physics via the medium of play. For children in this age bracket, the building blocks lend themselves to integration into learning games. The rules of mathematics are illustrated in a child-friendly way, and physical rela tionships can be explored by means of experimentation – making homework fun too! The building blocks also offer your child something else worthwhile – they introduce him or her to basic digital thinking in a playful way. In this way, you motivate your child to think logically and in abstract terms, thereby expanding his or her cognitive abilities.
Clever-Up! 2.0
Clever-Up! 4.0
Accomplished stacking artists use cubes, baseplates, slats and rectangular blocks to build higher and bigger, thinking in more ambitious terms and sometimes coming up with ingenious solutions. In creating imaginative patterns and buildings, they explore the third dimension and discover new scope for play.
Perforated slats and brightly-colored spherical blocks bring new building ideas to life. The triangular prism allows for more complex construction – even roof designs can be reinterpreted. Construction, creative learning and digital thinking – a new building block universe opens up! SPHERE RECTANGULAR BLOCKS
Clever Up! Building Blocks 10
Clever Up! Building Blocks
• clear, simple shapes inspire imagination and creativity • illustrate simple mathematical and physical relationships such as gravity and balance • encourage spatial, logical and abstract thinking • support fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, concentration, communication and social skills as well as self-confidence • includes Educational Booklet and cotton bag
• introduction to simple digital learning • clear, simple shapes inspire imagination and creativity • illustrate simple physical and mathematical relationships such as geometry and early calculation • encourage spatial, logical and abstract thinking • support fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, concentration, communication and social skills as well as self-confidence • includes booklet and cotton bag
n Building Block System Clever-Up! 1.0 These building blocks are perfect for early building. The cube is the base element, supplemented with panels and strips. They can be used to build tunnels, towers or bridges. Even young builders can explore, line up and stack the building blocks. Later, they design more complex patterns and their first buildings. The panels and strips help build bridges, inclines and levels. The building block set makes integrated construction and creative learning possible. Contents: 46 pieces (24 cubes, 8 panels, 14 strips), 1 Educational Booklet, 1 heavy duty cotton storage and carrying bag. Material: beech. Dimensions: cube 1 ¾“ x 1 ¾“ x 1 ¾“. Packaging: 4c box
n Building Block System Clever-Up! 3.0 The cubes, rectangular blocks, panels and strips make it possible to build, bridge and create inclines and levels. The cube is doubled, divided and quartered. Creative thinkers arrange patterns, structures and mosaics to make their first buildings. The pieces make it easy to compare quantities and sizes, carry out early mathematical tests or stimulate digital thinking. Building makes creative learning fun! Contents: 108 pieces (30 cubes, 18 rectangular blocks, 24 rods, 12 panels, 24 strips), 1 Educational Booklet, 1 heavy duty cotton storage and carrying bag. Material: beech. Dimensions: cube 1 ¾“ x 1 ¾“ x 1 ¾“. Packaging: 4c box
• clear, simple shapes inspire imagination and creativity • illustrate simple physical and mathematical relationships such as geometry and early understanding of quantities and numbers • encourage spatial, logical and abstract thinking • support fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, concentration, communication and social skills as well as self-confidence • includes Educational Booklet and cotton bag
306249 n Building Block System Clever-Up! 2.0 The cubes, rectangular blocks, panels and strips make it possible to build, bridge and create inclines and levels. Little stackers can build higher and bigger, developing their cognitive skills in the process. Designing and arranging creative patterns and buildings lets them explore new play options. The building blocks allow integrated construction and creative learning. Contents: 66 pieces (24 cubes, 16 panels, 18 strips, 8 rectangular blocks), 1 Educational Booklet , 1 heavy duty cotton storage and carrying bag. Material: beech. Dimensions: cube 1 ¾“ x 1 ¾“ x 1 ¾“. Packaging: 4c box
• clear, simple shapes inspire imagination and creativity • illustrate simple mathematical and physical relationships such as movement, balance and momentum • encourage spatial, logical and abstract thinking • support fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, concentration, communication and social skills as well as self-confidence • includes booklet and cotton bag • introduction to simple digital learning
306251 n Building Block System Clever-Up! 4.0 The cubes, rectangular blocks, panels and strips make it possible to build, bridge and create inclines and levels. The balls bring color and ideas into play. The triangular prism allows for more complex, integrated constructions - roofs are also reinterpreted. Constructive and creative learning opens up a new universe of building blocks! Children also discover simple digital thinking. Contents: 160 pieces (36 cubes, 24 rectangular blocks, 30 rods, 18 panels, 30 strips, 4 ball bars, 6 balls, 12 triangular prisms), 1 Educational Booklet, 1 heavy duty cotton storage and carrying bag. Material: beech. Dimensions: cube 1 ¾“ x 1 ¾“ x 1 ¾“. Packaging: 4c box
Arranging Games & Blocks 12
Arranging Games & Blocks
• encourages powers of threedimensional imagination • develops fine motor skills • with concertina booklet of suggested patterns
• develops fine motor skills • provides platform for recognizing and sorting colors & shapes in a playful way • includes 20 double-sided tearproof cards with easy to more challenging combinations
21 Wooden Pcs 20 Laminated Template Cards
10 Pcs
305460 n 3D Arranging Game Rainbow Cube An eight-sided rainbow? Yes, you can make one of these with the Rainbow Cubes 3D arranging game. Children can lay them out in patterns or in a colorful jumble. The unlimited possibilities for arranging the colored blocks provide for ongoing entertainment in free play or by reproducing the illustrations. Contents: 10 wooden blocks, 1 ideas booklet. Material: beech. Dimensions: cube 1“ x 1“ x 1“. Packaging: 4c box
n Arranging Game Funny Faces Tangram A few minutes ago, it was a dog; now it’s a swan! 21 wooden standard Tangram geometric shapes with funny faces and decorative imprints stimulate creative imaginations. Add 20 double sided, laminated, tear-proof cards with ideas ranging from one star to three star difficulty and this set becomes a launch pad for junior artists to experiment freely. Contents: 21 pieces. Material: beech. Dimensions: square L 1 ¾“ x W 1 ¾“ x H ½”. Packaging: 4c box
• develops fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination • includes a sound block and great visual effects • offers a variety of construction and stacking possibilities
• develops fine motor and matching skills • develops understanding of shapes and colors • 4 Heavy duty, color coded stencil boards • 10 Double sided, tear proof template cards • 18 Wooden shapes
31 Pcs
32 Pcs
n Building Blocks Dog and Cat Calling all junior builders! This stacking game has an added fun element – a cute cat and an adorable dog are playing hide and seek among the building blocks. Block by block, you can design and build colorful and aesthetically pleasing structures, dismantle them and start all over again. This set of building blocks encourages creativity, story telling and imagination; the blocks foster three-dimensional thinking via the medium of play. Contents: 31 pieces. Material: beech, metal. Dimensions (block): 1 ¾“ x 1 ¾“. Packaging: 4c box
n Arranging Game Colorful Shapes This arranging game brings out the creative side in children. If the wooden shapes are placed so as to match the illustration, colorful shapes such as stars or triangles begin to emerge. Children can also arrange the pieces according to their own imagination to create uniquely original shapes. The durable, tear-resistant laminated cards offer countless variations and will endure hours of endless play for all ages. Contents: 18 wooden pieces, 4 stencil boards, 10 double-sided printed template cards. Materials: cardboard, beech. Dimensions: stencil board: 8“ x 8“ x ½“. Packaging: 4c box
Orchard Theme Toys 14
Soft Toys
• helps to develop fine motor skills • versatile creative threading fun • includes 2 double-sided tear-resistant templates and 2 threading cords
• fascinating elements and materials to discover • perfect for baby carriers and cots • a source of fun and entertainment at home and on the go
31 Pcs
306082 n Threading Game Orchard This threading game is so elementary that even the youngest can play. They thread the tiles onto the fruit tree according to the template cards or in any order they like, gradually creating a colorful scene. Contents: 31 tiles for threading, 2 threading cords, 2 double-sided template cards. Materials: plywood (lime), polyester, beech. Dimensions (tiles): 13 ½” x 10 ½“. Packaging: 4c box years
• teaches children to count and to recognize colors • develops fine motor skills and powers of concentration
304688 n Activity spiral Multicolored This cheerful and colorful mobile winds itself nicely around the handle of any baby carrier, ensuring peace and quiet on car rides. And it is also perfect for attaching to baby’s cot. It holds baby’s attention at home and keeps it entertained with the different effects. Materials: polyester, plastic. Dimensions: Ø 4“, L approx. 5½“. Packaging: 4c box months
306083 n Magnetic Game Orchard Junior orchard farmers can use the magnetic stick to move the balls around, count them or sort them by color. The brightly colored balls become apples, plums, pears and cherries on the tree and can be harvested. But watch out for the black raven ball; this must never be put in the basket! A magnetic game that is a lot of fun and gives parents opportunity to talk to their child about fruit varieties, the harvest and healthy treats. Materials: plywood (lime), metal, ABS, polyester. Dimensions: L 8 ¾“ x W 8 ¾“ x H ¾“. Packaging: window box
• cow finger puppet for a variety of role play • fascinating haptic and play features make for stimulating “reading material” • encourages storytelling and imagination
• Includes raven finger puppet plus 4 separate fruit pieces • Raven‘s wings hold the fruit when picked • Basket at end of book to insert the fruit • Machine washable
n Fabric book Orchard Theo comes to life as a finger puppet in this exciting fruit collecting picture book. Each page has a fruit which can be picked and held, by hook & loop fastener, under Theo the Raven‘s wings until he gets to the basket at the end of the book to deposit the fruit. Lovely fun story to encourage reading and imagination! Materials: polyester, PET. Dimensions: L 7 ½” x W 7 ½” x H 2“. Packaging: Header card with pouch
n Fabric Book Down on the Farm The soft fabric book encourages youngsters to look, to feel, to play and to “grasp”. The finger puppet cow goes on a tour of the whole farm where she has many amusing adventures. Flaps, squeaker and reflective foil invite the reader to look and discover. This colorful fabric book is a constant source of entertainment. Material: Polyester. Dimensions: 7 ½” x 7 ½”. Packaging: Header card with pouch
Marine World Theme Soft Toys 16
Marine World Theme Soft Toys
• exciting visual and acoustic effects to discover • great tactile experience: different materials to touch and feel • helps to develop fine motor skills
306076 n Discovery Cubes Marine World This is underwater action! The fantastic, washable Marine World soft discovery blocks offer much more than just stacking. A rattle, mirror foil, clattering sound effects and crackling foil stimulate baby’s senses and are an inspiration to play and explore. The bright colors and the different surfaces also provide for fun and laughter throughout the day. Materials: PVC, ABS, polyester. Cube dimensions: L3“ x W 3“ x H 3“. Packaging: 4c box
306077 n Discovery Ball Marine World It’s round and decorated with maritime themes. Baby will want to crawl around after it, because the cute sea creatures seem to be beckoning them on to a journey of exploration and discovery. The squeaker, the bell and the crackling foil will also catch their attention. Baby will never tire of this toy. Materials: polyester, ABS. Dimensions: Ø approx. 4 ½“. Packaging: hang card
• first “reader” for the youngest children • washable fabric book with maritime themes
306078 n Fabric Book Marine World There is a lot to discover at the seaside. A ship is chugging along the horizon, while below, amusing sea creatures are waiting show little explorers around their submarine world. Maritime reading material for the little ones. Materials: polyester, plastic. Dimensions: 5 ½” x5 ½”. Packaging: Header card with pouch
• includes crackling foil and rattle • fosters play and discovery
• helps to develop fine motor skills, especially baby’s grasp • includes removable rattle ring and washable fabric • rattles merrily when shaken
306074 n Clutching Toy Marine World Cute sea creatures within reach! This clutching toy with its soft whale and entertaining rattle ring is guaranteed to delight your baby. Materials: polyester, ABS. Dimensions: L4 ¾“ x W1“ x H 5 ¾“. Packaging: hang card with blister
“Dots” All Natural Color Scheme 18
“Dots” All Natural Color Scheme
• beautifully finished natural pieces in which the top half of each of the two piece spheres is able to be moved • captivates the interest of the little ones and soothes them at the same time
• innovative arch for attaching different types of toy and dangling elements • fits in with any interior design scheme • easy to assemble and disassemble • easily stowed away to save space
305984 n Mobile Dots This cute mobile attracts attention when suspended over the changing table or baby’s cot. The cleverly designed and smart-looking wooden balls sway gently back and forth in the breeze, captivating the interest of the little ones and soothing them at the same time. Materials: beech, silicone, polyester. Dimensions: L 8“ x W 10” x H 2“. Packaging: 4c box
n Play gym Dots With the Dots play gym, baby no longer has to stare vacantly into space. This elegantly designed arch made of high-quality birch plywood fits in perfectly with any interior design scheme and consequently looks good in every living room or children’s room. It has space for easy attachment of many different toys by means of loop, clip, ring or indeed any other fastener. While lying on its back, baby can reach out for the clutching toys or other dangling elements. Material: birch plywood. Dimensions: L 29 ½“ x W 17“ x H 21“. Packaging: 4c box
• ideal as a birth gift • entry-level toy for newborn babies • develops fine motor skills, especially clutching
305982 n Baby Gift Set Dots Here comes a double delight! This robust twin clutching toy trains baby’s fine motor skills in a playful way. The ingenious wooden beads also adorn the matching pacifier chain. A constant source of wonder for baby to explore. Materials: beech, maple, polyester, stainless steel, ABS, TPE. Dimensions twin clutching toy: L 1“ x W 3 ¾“ x H 2 ¾”. Dimensions pacifier chain: length 9 ¾“. Packaging: 4c box
• practical loop makes it easy to attach to infant car seat or stroller • encourages babies to reach out and grasp • promotes fine motor skills in a playful way • a bell adds an inviting acoustic effect
305983 n Dangling Figure Dots The cute little cloud of dots invites babies to go on an exciting journey of discovery. Under the cloud, there are wooden beads of different sizes and a wooden clutching ring. Every time baby touches the little bell, it makes a delightful jingling sound – music to their ears! With its practical loop, this dangling figure can be easily attached anywhere and ensure a good mood all around. Materials: beech, maple, metal, polyester. Dimensions: L 8“ x W 3 ¾“ x H 1“. Packaging: hang card
Doll Accessories 20
• suitable for all 30 cm HABA dolls and/or cuddly toys • extra storage space for more toys
• soft fabric body • cuddly play companion for all doll parents • clothing comes with hook and loop fasteners for convenient dressing and undressing
305408 305975 n Doll Backpack Summer Meadow Children can now take their cuddly toy or doll on exciting excursions. What’s more, the Summer Meadow doll backpack offers extra storage space for more toys. Materials: ABS, polyester. Dimensions: L 3 ½“ x W 10” x H 12“. Packaging: hang card
n Doll Cassie “Hello, I’m Cassie! There is never a dull moment whenever I am around, because I often tinker and may act a bit mischievous. Also, I usually have a will of my own and am determined to get my own way. But when my friends need me, I’m always there for them.” I’m wearing a ponytail and bibs. Padded body with sewn-on shoes. Hair made from chenille. Material: polyester. Dimensions: 12“ tall. Packaging: open box
• easily attaches to any table top • removable for easy cleaning
305981 n Table Seat Summer Meadow Small dolls and cuddly toys are now ready to join the grownups, at last sitting at the table next to their “parents” and getting a perfect view of what’s on offer. The Summer Meadow table seat also conjures up a hint of summer in every dining room, which makes mealtimes even more enjoyable! Materials: ABS, steel, polyester. Dimensions: L 17½” x W 10” x H 5 ½”. Packaging: 4c box
• soft body for cuddling and snuggling up to • adventurous playmate for all doll parents • hook and loop fasteners allow clothes to be put on and removed
305970 n Doll Freya “Hello, my name is Freya! I am very courageous and always interested in discovering new things. I have a will of my own, but when the going gets tough, my friends can always count on me. And vice versa. We’ll always stick together.” Materials: polyester, elastane. Dimensions: 12“ tall. Packaging: open box
3+ • perfect for realistic doctorpatient role-playing with dolls • comprehensive and minutely detailed content • high-quality, practical doctor‘s bag – ideal for carrying around
2 • soft cuddly and embraceable body • cuddly, soft playmate for all doll parents • hook and loop fastener allows clothing to be removed and put back on as desired
7 pcs
306206 n Play Set Doll‘s Doctor HABA When your child’s favorite doll has a high temperature or if Teddy has injured his paw, that means a quick trip to the doctor. Fortunately, a home visit can also be made to sick patients, because the HABA doctor’s bag contains everything that might be needed for their treatment. Contents: 1 doctor‘s bag,1 hot water bottle, 1 elasticated bandage, 1 tube of ointment, 1 clinical thermometer, 1 plaster cast, 1 stethoscope. Material: polyester. Dimensions: L 8“ x W 7 ¾“ x H 3 ¾“. Packaging: 4c box
306252 n Doll William “Hey, I’m William! My friends know me for my incredible attention to detail. I am very inquisitive, especially about how things are made. I love to solve puzzles and discover amazing secrets. I am always looking forward to the next adventure. Dressed in sweatshirt, pants and baseball cap. Padded body with sewn-on shoes. Hair made of chenille. Materials: cotton, polyester. Dimensions: 12“ tall. Packaging: open box
Doll Clothing and Eat It Up Puppet 22
Little Friends 23
• casual dress set for all 12“ HABA dolls • trendy fashion details • washable at 30°C
305979 n Dress Set Leisure Time Fun That casual look at all times. The Leisure Time Fun dress set is cute while ensuring that the HABA boy and girl dolls in the 12“ range retain their cool allure. Contents: 1 T-shirt, 1 pair dungarees. Material: polyester. In two parts. Packaging: hanger years
• delightful feature - the croc can be fed „food“, belly has hook and loop closure • eyes that can close offer added fun • perfect for enacting popular fairy tales or exciting fantasy stories
• also wonderful for creative play • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world
5 • also wonderful for creative play • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world
n Little Friends – Zebra Who is able to count all the stripes on the funny zebra? The Little Friends keep trying to, but the zebra gallops around so fast that it just doesn‘t work out. All the same, it‘s great fun to watch the zebra. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 4“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
n Little Friends – Giraffe Giraffes have such a long neck that the Little Friends have to stretch their own necks to see the huge animals’ faces. But this is how giraffes can easily reach the tastiest leaves at the treetops! Material: plastic. Dimensions: 6 ¾“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
306255 n Glove puppet Eat-it-up Croco Watch out children, Croco can grab at any time! When his belly starts to rumble, he catches everything that comes in front of his big mouth. ‘Food’ comes into Croco’s belly bag, equipped with a loop and hook attachment, so children take the food out again and again. And since crocodiles also have to sleep after a sumptuous meal,his eyes can be closed and after a good night‘s sleep be opened again. Food is not included. Material: polyester. Dimensions: 10 ½“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
Little Friends 24
Little Friends
• also wonderful for creative play • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world
• a perfect companion for the Little Friends Lion (304752) • stimulates creative role-playing games based on a zoo scenario • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world full of variety
• perfect companion for the Little Friends Polar Bear (305449)
n Little Friends – Polar bear An alert look, a winning smile: this snow-white playmate has everything that fans of the Little Friends collection appreciate so much. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 3“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
n Little Friends – Baby Polar Bear The polar bear baby likes the cold but instantly warms every heart, old and young. It happily pads around after its role models, the big beasts in the world of Little Friends. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 1 ¾“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
n Little Friends – Lion “Roar!“ Here comes the savage lion, proudly shaking his magnificent mane. The Little Friends like to watch the lion being fed and sharing its food with the pride. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 3“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
n Little Friends – Lion Cub The adult lion rules the animal kingdom, and this gawky cub is destined to inherit the throne. Before that can happen, though, he still has a lot to learn. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 2“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
• perfect companion for the Little Friends Baby Polar Bear (305448)
• stimulates creative role-playing games based on safari and zoo scenarios
• stimulates creative role-playing games based on safari and zoo scenarios
n Little Friends – Tiger Golden yellow, striped and simply awesome: most of the time, the good-natured tiger ambles amiably around. Whenever he meets one of the Little Friends, he puts on his friendliest smile. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 2 ¾” tall. Packaging: hang tag
n Little Friends – Monkey He swings from branch to branch with the greatest of ease. Monkey is expert at finding his way around the jungle, at ground level or at great heights. And his agility makes him a great playmate. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 2 ½“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
• also wonderful for creative play • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world
• also wonderful for creative play • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world
• stimulates creative role-playing games based on safari and zoo scenarios
304755 n Little Friends – Elephant “Nrrrrwwww!“ Here comes the big, grey elephant with his floppy ears, trumpeting loudly with his long trunk. He can also drink water with it or splash the Little Friends and soak them! Material: plastic. Dimensions: 4 ½“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
n Little Friends – Baby elephant Of course, a herd of elephants should also include a little baby elephant. The baby is so cute that the Little Friends can‘t get enough of him, and they all want to stroke him at least once. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 3“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
n Little Friends – Crocodile Watch out for the green monster! This crocodile is a really wild addition to the Little Friends animal kingdom. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 7“ in length and 1 ¾“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
Little Friends 26
Little Friends 27
• stimulates creative role-playing games • also perfect for free play • includes stable, horse, goat and kid
305694 n Little Friends – Petting Zoo Here, the animals are well fed, nicely relaxed and, of course, petted non-stop! As a place of refuge for goats, ponies and the like, the Little Friends Petting Zoo is the perfect addition to the animal world of Little Friends. Contents: 1 petting zoo box, 1 pony (Twinkle), 1 goat, 1 baby goat. Materials: plywood, beech, PVC. Box dimensions: L 8 ¾“ x W 8“ x H 7 ¾“, Pony Twinkle 3 ¾“ tall. Packaging: 4c box years
• a perfect companion for the Little Friends Baby Goat (305635) • stimulates creative role-playing games based on a farm scenario • an ideal extension of the Little Friends Farm Life (305639) • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world full of variety
305634 n Little Friends – Goat The lively and mischievous goat would love to hop and jump all day long and be petted by the Little Friends. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 3“ tall. Packaging: hang tag years
• a perfect companion for the Little Friends Goat (305634) • stimulates creative role-playing games based on a farm scenario • an ideal extension of the Little Friends Farm Life (305639) • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world full of variety
• every child’s idea of a riding stable; perfect for imaginative role play • lovingly designed with attention to detail • easy and quick to assemble • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world full of variety
Includes 2 horses and all accessories shown
306156 305635 n Little Friends – Goat Kid So small and yet so mischievous, the Goat Kid is just as spirited as its mother. Little Friends just want to stroke this baby goat all the time. Material: plastic. Dimensions: 2“ tall. Packaging: hang tag
n Little Friends – Happy Horse Riding Stable Only the most contented horses live at the Happy Horse Riding Stable, because it has everything a rider and his or her mount could wish for: stables with a constant supply of fresh hay and delicious fruit, a dressage circuit and excellent facilities for grooming and cleaning. Horse and rider are really well catered for. Contents: 1 riding stable tableau, 1 horse (Tara), 1 foal (Abby), 5 fence panels, 1 obstacle, 1 feeding trough, 4 carrots, 2 grain sacks, 2 bales of straw, 2 hay bales, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 hay rack, 1 broom, 1 bucket, 1 shovel, 1 hay fork. Materials: plywood (lime), ABS, steel, beech, polyester, PVC. Dimensions: L 19 ½“ x W 8“ x H 12“. Packaging: 4c box
Little Friends 28
• stimulates children to imaginative role play • the perfect gift for junior horse lovers • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world full of variety
306148 n Little Friends – Cassandra the Horse and Cleo the Foal Cassandra the horse has just given birth. Her cute foal Cleo has seen the light of day and is already busy exploring the big wide world. But cuddles with mom are also a lot of fun. Cassandra and her foal Cleo are the ideal gift for all junior riding fans. Contents: 1 horse (Cassandra), 1 foal (Cleo). Material: PVC. Dimensions: horse (Cassandra) 4 ½“, foal (Cleo) 3 ¾“. Packaging: 4c box years
• stimulates children to imaginative role play • the perfect gift for junior horse lovers • expandable, flexible Little Friends play world full of variety
5 Pcs years
+ 8 306168 n Little Friends – Rider Sanya and Horse Saphira The talented rider Sanya and her horse Saphira have a lot of adventures together. Several times a week, they train for show jumping competitions, and they have mastered the high fences with ease. But they also enjoy riding out together. The flexible Sanya doll and her horse are the ideal gift for all junior riding fans. Contents: 1 female rider figure (Sanya), 1 horse figure (Saphira). Material: PVC, polyester. Dimensions: rider 4“, horse 4 ½“. Packaging: 4c box
• includes instruction booklet with tips on appropriate locations • assembled in a few simple steps • encourages children to observe the behavior of insects • makes an active contribution to biodiversity
• adheres to any smooth surface • removable and reusable as often as required (no adhesive residues) • easy to clean • for imaginative and individual design of a dollhouse
125 Pcs
n Little Friends – Adhesive Decorative Accessories for Luxury Doll parents become creative interior designers, furnishing and decorating rooms and whole floors with various accessories according to their personal taste. The result is the most upmarket doll’s house in town. Contents: 125 parts: 78 foil stickers and 47 fabric stickers. Materials: plastic, polyester. Dimensions: sheet of stickers 11 ½“ x 11 ½“. Packaging: 4c box
n Terra Kids Assembly kit Insect Hotel Flying insects of the useful kind can lay their eggs here. The shell of the hotel is assembled in no time, because only the wooden panels need to be screwed together. Metal capping on the apex protects against rain. The interior consists of 8 pre-drilled wooden logs; children are encouraged to gather other natural materials from the great outdoors. Contents: 20 parts (incl. screws). Materials: wood, metal. Dimensions (Insect Hotel when assembled): W 11 ½“ x H 40 x D 11 ½“. Packaging: 4c box
Practical companions
Movement & discover
4 • features integrated iron sight for targeting locations • easy to read rose • includes a nylon band and aluminum carabiner attachment for belt loops or backpacks • durable, top quality metal case
• built to glide just like an eagle! • light weight • made of extremely light and flexible yet robust material • includes practical carrying bag for storage
Over 5 ft wing span!
306016 302676 n Terra Kids Compass A must for all budding researchers and explorers. Material: metal, plastic, nylon. Dimensions: Ø 2 ½”. Packaging: hang card
n Terra Kids Kite Just like an Eagle this kite‘s ergonomic shape provides hours of gracefully gliding high in the air, even in windy conditions. Contents: 1 carrying bag, 4 fiberglass rods, 1 reel of PP string (50 m long). Materials: polyester, PP, fiberglass. Dimensions: L 63 ¾“ x W ½“ x H 30 ¾“. Packaging: 4c box
HABA USA Sales Contacts Willie Wilkov CEO, Managing Director Williew@HABAusa.com (800) 468-6873 x140
Phil Wrzesinski National Sales Manager Phil@HABAusa.com (517) 937-3213
Cristy Winkelman Customer Service CristyW@HABAusa.com (800)468-6873 x103
Lea Culliton President Lea@HABAusa.com (800) 468-6873 x130
Tiffany Caires Games Channel Manager Tiffany@HABAusa.com (719) 650-7841
Christine Smead Sales Coordinator ChristineS@HABAusa.com (800)468-6873 x119
HABA USA Habermaass Corp., Inc. 4407 Jordan Rd. Skaneateles, NY 13152 Ph: (800) 468-6873 Ph: (315) 685-6660 Fax: (315) 685-3792 info@HABAusa.com www.HABAusa.com
Showrooms Minneapolis
Las Vegas
Specialty Marketing Group Minneapolis Gift Mart Red Gallery, Suite 253 10301 Bren Road West Minnetonka, MN 55343 (847) 669-8855 rreicher@rgmsales.com www.smgroupsales.com Arlene Oom & Co. Seattle Mart 200 SW Michigan St Suite # 215 Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 235-2722 weaverrep@gmail.com www.ArleneOom.com
Toyology Las Vegas Showroom 455 S. Grand Central Pkwy. Suite C-874 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 202-1054 Sales@Toyology.com www.Toyology.com
Sandy Ruben and Associates AmericasMart Atlanta, Bldg 2 Suite 780A 40 John Portman Blvd., NW Atlanta, GA 30303 (843) 696-4464 sandyrubeninfo@gmail.com www.sandyrubenandassociates.com
McManemin Companies Dallas Market Center 2050 N Stemmons Fwy Suite 478 Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 748-2601 mcmcotoys@gmail.com www.mcmtoys.com
New England
MO, IA, KS and NE
Northwest -WA, OR, AK FL & Islands Arlene Oom & Company Principal: Laura Weaver (206) 235-2722 WeaverRep@gmail.com www.ArleneOom.com
Toys 2000 Principal: Jim Iovino (786) 367-0891 Jimi@JMCSalesInc.com www.Toys2000Inc.com
Mountain States
Central America
Specialty Marketing Group Principal: Rick Reicher (847) 669-8855 rreicher@rgmsales.com www.SMGroupsales.com
Cregger Marketing Principal: Donna Cregger (888) 583-6464 DonnaRep@ CreggerMarketing.com www.CreggerMarketing.com
Brands In Balance Principal: Kate Baldwin (519) 433-3007 Kate@BrandsInBalance.com www.BrandsInBalance.com
Roberts Blumberg Giacobbe Principals: Christine & Alan Blumberg, John Giacobbe (203) 453-9518 info@RobertsBlumberg.com www.RobertsBlumberg.com
McManemin Companies Principal: Laura McManemin (214) 748-2601 mcmcotoys@gmail.com www.MCMToys.com
RFW Sales Principal: Rachelle Whiteley (808) 395-0052 RFWSales@gmail.com
High Five Principals: Dana Barnes & Chris Reynolds (703) 724-0010 info@highfiveinc.com www.HighFiveInc.com
SLG Sales Company LLC Principal: Susan Libby Gordon (301) 921-9110 susanlibbygordon@gmail.com
Toyology Mountain States Principal: Carl Buchbinder (719) 481-3380 Sales@Toyology.com www.Toyology.com
Expert Exports Kim Pailas (973) 252-8583 kimpailas@expert-exports.com www.expert-exports.com
Sandy Ruben & Assoc. Principal: Sandy Ruben (843) 696-4464 sandyrubeninfo@gmail.com www.SandyRubenAssociates.com
Golden Sales Principal: Blake Goldenberg (800)339-1969 Blake@GoldenSales.com www.GoldenSales.com
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