Wordpress Manual
Logging In and Navigating URL of your site
To log in, go to www.(insert site name).com/wp-admin and then type in your credentials and hit “log in”.
On the left-hand side you will notice this navigation bar. This is how you navigate to the different parts of your site that you want to update. If you are only uploading/changing content, then the only part of the navigation bar that matters is the top section. This is the part of the navigation that this booklet will be covering. After you log in, you should see this page. This is called the “dashboard”. It basically lets you know what is going on with your site.
Posts Wordpress is a great tool for creating a blog. By using posts, Wordpress blogs are easy to manage and maintain. To add a new post, just click on “add new� when in the posts section.
Edit the Post Title in the top bar and the Post Content in the larger section below. You can add pictures, content, videos, links and much more to posts.
This bar is located on the right side of the page. Easily connect posts to social media by checking off which platforms you would like the post to appear on.
Post categories are a great way to organize your posts. They also viewers of your site to find blog posts in a much more efficitent manner.
Media The media library is a great way to manage your photos, videos, and any other media that is uploaded to your website. You can upload any media to your site in this section, but there are also other ways that work as well.
The most efficient way to add media to a post or page is to do it right from the post or page, rather than uploading it to the media library and then finding it later. When editing a page or post, there is a bar above the editable content region that has several different icons. To add a photo to a post/page, simply click on the button that says add media, and then upload the media to the media library there.
This is the media library inside of the post/page area. To upload media here, just click on upload file. Once the file is uploaded, make sure it is selected and then click on “insert into post�.
Forms are really simple to edit/create. To creat a new form, click on “add new”. On the right hand side, you will see a bunch of “fields” that you can add to the form. Fields are just different items that the form includes such as name, address, email, etc. After adding a field to the form, you can edit it by mousing over the field on the left hand side and then selecting “edit”. Below, you can see what that will look like. The field label controls the name of the field. Check off “required” if you want the field to be required for submissions.
^ This is a form in action.
Form Entries
To view form entries, simply go to your forms, mouse-over the form you would like to see the entries for and click on “Entries�. This will take you to a page that contains alll of the form entries that have been submitted. See below.
Here, you can view all of the form entries. Below is an example of a form entry.
Below the form entry, there is a box that looks like the one above. You can respond to any form entries here via email.
Pages are extremely simple to edit and add. To edit a page, simply find the page that you want to edit, open it by clicking on the title of it, make the changes, and then click on “publish”. To add a new page, simply click on “add new”.
Page attributes deal with the site map of the website. If you want a page to appear under another page, or be a “child page”, select the parent page from the drop down menu and then publish it. This should really only be messed with if you are adding a new page to your site as it can cause some problems with the sitemap. It is not reccomended to switch the templates of the pages without knowing what each template does. Contact BlueTent for more info about page templates.
This is an example of what a property looks like. This section will go over how to Add new properties and edit existing ones. There are a lot of steps that must be done in order to add a property.
Properties (continued) To add a new property, click on add new. The property editor looks and works fairly simarlarly to how the other content editors work, but there are a lot more fields that must be taken care of.
The main content section is what appears in the “description” tab on the published page.
The property information appears in the section above the tabs on the published page.
The Fields Table is where you can upload all photos of the property. Simply add a new image from the media library and then reorder it with the “image order” field.
Properties (continued) The Location editor is a pretty cool field. Simply plug in the address of the property and a map will be displayed on the property’s page. See below.
The featured image is the image that the property is displayed with on the property preview page. It is also the first image displayed in the gallery on the actual property page.
There are several more attributes that should be filled out on the right hand side of the property editor. Agents - Select the agent that is selling the property Second Listing Agents - Select the Second Listing Agents if there are any. Sales Statuses - List whether or not the property has been sold, is pending a sale, has a reduced price, or if the property will appear in any upcoming auctions. Property types - Select the type of property being sold. Acreage Ranges - Select the amount of acres. Price Ranges - Select the price range that the property is being sold in. Offices - Select the offices that the property is being sold from. Socialize Buttons - Select the social media locations you wish the property to appear on.
Properties (continued) The rest of the properties menu is pretty simple. If you want to add a new Agent, State/Country, Acreage Range, Sales Status, etc. then you can do it simply by clicking on the type of item that you wish to change on the left side menu, then fill out the form that corresponds to the menu item. If you want to edit an item, then select it from the list and then edit what you wish to change.
This is the form that you fill out to add new items to the fields found in the menu above. The form is pretty self explanatory as far as what each field controls.
This basically covers everything there is to know about the “Properties� section.
Broker Profiles & Office Locations After going through both of these sections, you will see that both the Broker Profiles & Office Locations sections work very similarly to how the Properties section works. In fact, there are really only two parts that are different. These are explained below. When adding/editing broker profiles, this piece here is important. All of this contact info is very useful. This information is displayed under each property that is sold by a specific broker.
When adding a new office, or editing an existing one, this section is important because it displays the contact information for each office.
Other than these two fields, everything else works the same. By now you should have a pretty good handle on how to update and manage content on your wordpress website.