2 minute read

Emergency Management


MICHAEL BALDWIN Emergency Management Coordinator

What We Do

Emergency Management is responsible for coordinating the City of Weatherford’s Emergency Management Program and managing Weatherford’s public safety communication infrastructure . This is accomplished by developing emergency plans, offering disaster preparedness and safety training, conducting drills and exercises, participating in public education programs, preserving, and improving public safety communication infrastructure and mass notification systems . The program operates through the four phases of emergency management in an all-hazards approach to properly prepare for disasters, coordinate response efforts, provide timely recovery assistance, and implement projects to try to prevent and/ or lessen the impacts of disasters .

Projects Completed

● Performed maintenance on all 16 AEDs in city facilities

● Provided Stop the Bleed training to over 40 local educators

● Placed new emergency management vehicle in service

● Completed the installation of two weather monitoring stations and three lightning alert devices located at Heritage Park, Holland Lake Ballfields, and Cherry Park at a negotiated lower cost

● Collaborated with surrounding jurisdictions and state officials at several conferences, trainings, and full-scale exercises

● Public Safety Building construction

Projects In Progress

● 2022-2023 Radio System Enhancement project

◦ Dispatch transition to Public Safety building

◦ October 2022/Completed ◦ Final acceptance and close out expected summer 2023

● Outdoor Warning System activation software project ◦ Expected completion January 2023


FCC Prior Coordination Notice (PCN)


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