Blank Advertising Brochure English

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we tu rn c o nv e rsation s i nto c o nv e rs ion s_

we are n ot a fra i d o f the b lank page_

we are_ a solid company that helps other companies maximize their business capacities through the continuous consulting and improvement of their communication needs. Founded in Southeast Mexico in 2008, Blank_Advertising is a multidisciplinary team –entrepreneurs, marketing experts, publicists, designers and programmers – with a single goal: help our customers find new ways and media to create revenue and satisfied consumers.

o u r phi losop hy_

CREATING A CIRCLE OF HARMONY. We seek to create emotional bonds through meaningful relationships that are valuable and bring happiness to our customers, their consumers, our suppliers and ourselves. It’s a win-win situation.

BUSINESS ARE PERSONAL. We work with human beings and for human beings. We understand the importance of personal relationships. We strive to produce the more positive impact possible in the lives and business of those we serve. We get our feedback from the passion of our customers for their companies and turn it into creative synergy.

THE COMMON GOOD AS OUR CURRENCY. Our mission is to share our well-being with our customers and collaborators. We will only take projects that have a positive effect in the life, growth and development of society and the environment. We pursue personal gain through communal gain.

“ T he u ni v e r s e do es n ot c onta i n a s i n g l e h i s to ry, b u t a l l of t he p o s s i b l e h i s to r i es .� Stephen Hawking

To fi ll i n the b lanks is our s pec i alt y_

we follow_three fundamental rules: creativity, strategy and innovation. We want to serve you in a wholesome manner, from researching and analyzing new markets, establishing communication goals, media planning, composing your message, art designing and production, and all the way to executing and measuring the results.



Brand communication

o Market analysis and research

o ATL (Radio, Television, Press)

o Brand management

o BTL (Brand activation, POP)

o Content strategy

o Events, Expos

o Trademarking

o Digital (APPS, Social media, websites

Brand creation o Naming

e-stores, Adgames)

Media o Media planning and buying

o Logos o Corporate image o Packaging and labeling o Brochure design

Production o Offset printing o Large-format printing

cr eati v i ty, st rat egy a n d i nnovat i o n

o Promotional products printing o Vehicle wraps o Neon signs

“A b l a nk m i n d, f r ee o f prej u d i c e, i s a c r e at i ve m i n d.” Bl a n k Ad ve r ti si n g Stephen Hawking

hav e a pr o jec t i n mi nd ? c o ffe e i s o n u s_ +52 (999) 287 42 93 Edificio Vector 50 Calle 50 x 402 D x 33 Col. Jesús Carranza Mérida, Yucatán México


b la nk .com .m x

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