3 28 13 electionsf

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w w w.o u da i ly.c o m

F R I DA Y, M A R C H 2 9 , 2 013

2 012 S i lv e r C r o w n W i n n e r




Norman voters can take part in democracy at the local level and choose who will lead the city as mayor and City Council representatives starting today. Early voting will be held today and April 1, and the official Cleveland County municipal election is on April 2. Norman will elect a new mayor, who will serve for three years, and City Councilors, who serve for two. Only odd-numbered wards — 1, 3, 5 and 7 ­— elect Council members this year.


ayor Cindy Rosenthal is running for re-election to be the mayor of Norman because she hasn’t yet completed her vision for the city. “There are a lot of good things that we want to try to do and I think the window of opportunity will open over the next three years and I am eager to work on that,” Rosenthal said. Mayor Rosenthal has concerns for the safety of student bikers on her mind as mayor of Norman. She wants to ensure biker safety, she said. “We have a bicycle advisory committee in see incumbent page 3

“We have a bicycle advisory committee in the city. We’re really trying to make sure that our streets are more bicycle friendly for students ...”



avid Kempf hopes to become mayor of Norman so it can return to a limited government. “I’d like to see our city government return to the principals of limited government, where they’re not involved in everybody’s business and they’re not out propagandizing people, trying to get people to persuade them this way or that way,” Kempf said. Kempf said he thinks the city is butting in where it doesn’t belong in policies. “The city is overstepping its bounds. It’s doing things it doesn’t need to be involved

“I’d like to see our city government return to the principals of limited government ... and they’re not out propagandizing people ...”

see Kempf page 3



om Sherman, one of the three Norman mayoral candidates, knows Norman is a good town, but if-elected, he promises to make it better. “I think Norman could be a lot more than it is. It’s not that Norman is bad at all. Norman’s a great town, but I think we can do better,” Sherman said. Sherman comes from a banking background and looks at Norman like he would a business, he said. “In the last 10 years, Norman has gone from a 76 percent market share to a 66 percent

“I think Norman could be a lot more than it is. It’s not that Norman is bad at all. Norman’s a great town, but I think we can do better.”

see sherman page 3


Norman City Council members compared (Page 2 & 3)

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Sooners should take part in Norman elections (Page 5)

Councilman faced accusations, still running (Page 3)

3/28/13 11:06 PM

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