3 minute read
A specia l new accolade
Mappin & Webb, an industry leader in silverware and trophy design have produced the inaugural PCA Outstanding Contribution Award for the most prestigious ceremony in cricket. Here’s the story so far.
The trophy was created in the Mappin & Webb silver workshop by their silversmiths, engravers and polishers. The circular-shaped award incorporates the PCA logo which is gold plated to symbolise the significance and magnitude of this important trophy.
Mappin & Webb pitched the idea of the trophy at the start of the season with both companies in agreement that a new award should recognise the hard work and dedication of people that have helped others through a challenging last few years.
Karl Bailey, Senior Manager at Mappin & Webb, is proud to be in partnership with the players' association. “Working with the PCA is a real honour for Mappin & Webb. To be involved with recognising all of the achievements each cricketer has made on the pitch, is a true privilege.
“Mappin & Webb are delighted to support the PCA in producing the inaugural Outstanding Contribution Award. We are very aware of the challenges many have had to face in recent years, this award is a fitting way to recognise amazing people who have shown their dedication to help others.”
The phenomenal work by former Gloucestershire wicketkeeper, Andy Brassington, in creating the ‘Walkers and Talkers’ group made him a worthy winner of the 2022 accolade.
Brassington set up the ‘Walkers and Talkers’ group in April this year, which aimed to help with people’s mental health and wellbeing after the covid pandemic.
Anyone is free to join, members generally meet at Gloucestershire’s Seat Unique stadium in Bristol, although this often changes to other stadia in the city, every Wednesday for tea and coffee,

Andy Brassington

followed by a walk around the ground and then a talk from a celebrity guest speaker with a question-and-answer session.
‘Walkers and Talkers’ sessions get upwards of 50 people attending each week and have so far included guest speakers such as former England cricketer Jon Lewis and former professional footballer Gary Owers.
Brassington was unaware that he had won the trophy until the video played at the cinch PCA Awards ceremony in London on Thursday 6 October, eventually realising why he had the film crew following one of his sessions in mid-September.
On winning the award Brassington said: “I’m blown away in all honesty, I had no idea that was going to happen. Now I’ve had time to reflect I’m so proud of the group, it’s a fantastic award to win and I look forward to showing it to the Walkers and Talkers.
“It gets emotional, and we shed a tear sometimes, including me.
“It’s really important that we all talk to each other, so the focus now is to really kick on and help more people.”
Brassington collected the new award from PCA Chief Executive Rob Lynch and then produced a moving speech that gripped the 550 guests at The Hurlingham Club.
Walkers & Talkers
Find the group on Facebook: @walkersandtalkersQandA
Contact Andy Brassington on 07831 532670 or email him andy@finderskeepersuk.com for more details.
Member Offer
Members of the PCA can benefit from the Mappin & Webb partnership by taking advantage of our offer of a 10% discount on our large range of Swiss watch brands and 15% discount on fine jewellery (exclusions apply).
Contact karl.bailey@mappinandwebb.com for any enquires.