==== ==== Don't take chances! Have the best ab routine that fits for you! Visit: http://www.abroutine.org/ab_workout_for_lower_abs.html ==== ====
Do you need to learn exercises for lower abs to help you achieve a gorgeous washboard stomach? While there are hundreds - if not thousands - of exercises for lower abs, it only takes a few to get your abdominal region nice and cut. One of the most effective exercises for lower abs is the bicycle crunch. Starting out by lying on your back, lift your knees to a 90 degree angle. Place your hands firmly behind your head and begin cycling your feet in a slow, controlled motion as if you were riding a bicycle. For a more intense work out, move very slowly and try to touch your right elbow to your left knee and hold it for a few seconds and do the same for the other side. Beginners may want to perform any where between 12 to 20 reps at a time, repeating the set at least 3 times in 1 work out session. There are even more great exercises for lower abs that require nothing more than the strength of your own body! Another is called the 90 degree angle leg sweep. You will need a pillow for this exercise to help keep your spine in proper alignment. Start out by lying down on your left side with your head on a pillow that allows your neck to lie strait. Bend your left knee so that your foot is behind you and your knee is at a 90 degree angle. Your left arm should be extended outward flat on the floor directly in front of you, and your right arm should be used as a brace with your palm planted firmly on the floor. Lift your right leg slightly off the ground and slowly extend it outward. If you are not able to create a 90 degree angle at your waist, just bring your leg as far out as possible. At your maximum stretch, hold for 5 seconds and repeat 12 times before turning over and repeating the same action on the other side. This is one of many exercises for lower abs that add considerable definition to even the lowest region of your abs! There are a bit more challenging exercises for lower abs, as well. A more advanced abdominal exercise that doesn't require weights or equipment is the extended toe touch. This exercise requires balance and is extremely beneficial to the development of core strength. Start out by lying on your back. Lift your legs at the same time to extend them strait up toward the sky. Try hard to lift your upper thigh off the ground. Now reach up with your hands and try to lift your pelvis off the ground. Keep your legs as strait as possible as you reach for your toes. Hold in that position for 10 seconds and repeat at least 4 times. All of these exercises for lower abs can be performed one after another. Feel free to perform stretches in between each set. For more healthy tips and exercises for lower abs feel free to check out more of our helpful ideas and workout plans. To save on a complete guide to exercises for lower abs check out the great deals available online!
Rob Nogueira is a fitness expert. For more information on Exercises For Lower Abs
[http://myabworkoutexercise.com/articles/ab-workout-exercise.php], visit Amazon 5 star Rated Book [http://myabworkoutexercise.com], "Sliced Abs".
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Nogueira
==== ==== Don't take chances! Have the best ab routine that fits for you! Visit: http://www.abroutine.org/ab_workout_for_lower_abs.html ==== ====