==== ==== Don't take chances! Have the best ab routine that fits for you! Visit: http://www.abroutine.org/truth_to_six_pack_abs.html ==== ====
Many people believe that if you do crunches everyday and perform exercises which target your abdominal muscles, you can quickly achieve six pack abs. This is a common myth but it is just that - a myth. While performing abdominal exercises can help you to achieve male or female six pack abs, these exercises may not be enough and by performing too many of them you can actually harm yourself. The key to toning male and female abs lies in following a routine diet and exercise plan which focuses on the entire body. Only through getting your entire body in shape can you hope to achieve male or female six pack abs. Unfortunately, it is impossible to target a certain area of your body for fat-burning. In order to lose fat on your stomach, you must lose fat all over your body which means that you must start doing some cardiovascular exercises. This may include any type of aerobic activity which gets your heart rate up to a moderate intensity. If you perform aerobic exercises five days a week for thirty minutes per session your body will begin to use up extra fat for energy and your body fat percentage will begin to drop. Over time you will have less stomach fat, thus making it more likely you will achieve six pack abs. The myth which suggests that a large amount of ab exercise in a short period of time can result in six pack abs is completely untrue. Like every other muscle in your body, your abs need to rest, so do not perform abdominal exercises every day. In addition to burning body fat, you will need to strengthen your abdominal muscles so they become firm and flat. Focus on the quality of your exercises, not the quantity. Popular abdominal exercises include crunches, reverse crunches, leg lifts, and toe touches. Pick your favorite two of these exercises and do three or four sets with 1520 repetitions in each set a few times a week. Be sure to give your abs a rest in between sessions. As you embark on the road to achieving picture perfect male or female abs, try to stick to a balanced, reduced-calorie diet. By cutting out or limiting your intake of sugars, sweets, and fatty foods you can help to reduce your percentage of body fat. Be sure that you are staying properly nourished, however, by including a balance of proteins and carbohydrates in your diet. Avoid processed foods and look for lean cuts of meat. By following all of these suggestions and by dedicating yourself to the process you can achieve great six pack abs.
Want female abs? Visit our site and find out how to get slim and sexy female six pack abs quickly and naturally!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Taylor_Benjamin
==== ==== Don't take chances! Have the best ab routine that fits for you! Visit: http://www.abroutine.org/truth_to_six_pack_abs.html ==== ====