Chinese Calligraphy & Painting Class

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BLCU Chinese Calligraphy & Painting Class

Chinese Calligraphy Class ( Duration: 2015.10.13 --- 2016.01.12 ) You don't have to be able to write Chinese already, just have to be enthusiastic and be willing to hold a brush. Come and join BLCU's ( Beijing Language & Culture University ) Chinese calligraphy class. Regular Classes/Events Tuesday and Thursday, Every week, 14:00-15:30, 2015 Highlights: You can choose to join just one time course or attend one month and three month course. The Four Treasures of the Study - the ink brush, ink, paper and ink stone are provided by us. Beginners can learn all about calligraphy from appreciation approach to writing skills. A Small group class, maximum 12 people. Both visitors and expatriates are welcome to join. Price: RMB 200 / one time (90 minutes) / one person. Two times every week, both Tuesday and Thursday One month course: RMB 1600 ( 8 times ) Three month course: RMB 4800 ( 24 times )

Chinese Bird-flower Painting Class ( Duration: 2015.10.14 --- 2016.01.13 ) You don't have necessarily learnt Chinese painting before, just have to be enthusiastic and be willing to hold a brush. Regular Classes/Events Wednesday, Every week, 14:00-15:30, 2015 Highlights: You can choose to join just one time course or attend one month and three month course. A Small group class, maximum 12 people. All the painting materials are provided by us. Beginners can enjoy and grasp the skills in the class.. Both visitors and expatriates are welcome to join. Price: RMB 200 / one time (90 minutes) / one person. One time every week, Wednesday One month course: RMB 800 ( 4 times ) Three month course: RMB 2400 ( 12 times ) For More Details Please Contact: 010-8230 0128 / 8230 3577 Mr. Zhang (张老师)

Email: Website:

Office: Room318, 3rd Floor, Classroom Building No.2, BLCU (Beijing Language & Culture University) Come and join our calligraphy group classes, and learn all about calligraphy from appreciation approach to writing skills. The calligraphy teacher will guide you and let you try your hands at this Chinese art. Come and join our Chinese painting group classes. You don't have necessarily learnt Chinese painting before, just have to be enthusiastic and be willing to hold a brush. The Four Treasures of the Study - the ink brush, ink, paper (made of rice & bamboo), and ink stone - are provided.

中国书法体验课 One Time Overview Instruction of Calligraphy Thursday, November 20, 16:00-18:00, 2014

中国花鸟画体验课 One Single Experiencing Course of Chinese Bird-flower Painting Tuesday, November 25, 16:00-18:00, 2014

上课地点:北语教四楼二层 208 室 Where: Classroom208, 2th Floor, Classroom Building No.4, BLCU

学费: 两小时 50 元(需要提前付费,谢绝非订即来) 欢迎中外学生共同参与中国传统文化体验课程!

Tuition: RMB50 /one hour ( Just for the students of BLCU. Pay in advance is required ) Both Chinese and International Students are welcome to join the class. (Registration is essential. No walkins.)

预订及付费方式: 为了便于安排座位,我们需要准确知道每周参与人数;如果您打算参加每周的课程,请至少提前一 天告诉我们;如果您确定参与此课,请到我们办公室领取一张缴费单,然后到新综合楼一层财务科 缴费。(不在教室缴费) Reservations & Payments: In order to properly accommodate everyone who wishes to attend the course we need to know each week exactly how many will be attending. If you plan to attend each week's session, we ask that you notify us at least 1 day before. Please go to the office to get a tuition form and then go to the Accounting Division (onestop service center of the Comprehensive Building) to pay for your course. (No walk-ins)

更多详情请联系: For more details please contact: Tel: 8230 0128 / 13391886162 张老师 Office: Room506, 5thfloor, Classroom Building No.2, BLCU

脸谱是中国戏曲演员在脸上的绘画,是舞台演出时的化妆造型艺术;主要用于表现角色的性格特征、兴趣爱好等。 先用铅笔打底稿 用毛笔上主色 用毛笔上副色 用毛笔涂肤色 一个“三块瓦脸”脸谱完工了! 竹简是中国古人用细绳把削制成的竹片或木片编结成的书写材料,竹片称竹简,木片称木简;宽的竹片木片称牍 , 合称为简牍。 培训学院中文部新开发的竹简制作课集手工制作、书法、篆刻为一体,课堂内容生动有趣,课后学生会有一种成 就感! 制作木条有点辛苦噢! 用砂纸仔细打磨,让木条表面光滑细腻不划手。 打孔锯卡槽。 开始编结竹简。 选择书写内容并墨书。 落款盖印。

最后盖上封泥印,自己的小秘密无人知晓了! 报名电话:8230 0128 、13391886162 联系人:张老师 办公地点:1. 教二楼五层 506 室 (周二、周四) 2. 新综合楼一层(一站式服务大厅)培训学院柜台 (周一、周三、周五) 上课地点:教二楼五层 504 室 北京语言大学培训学院中文部在传承与弘扬中国传统文化应着重于学校教育的理念下,开发出中华才艺体验及传 授课程。特别推出了简易上手的民间手工艺制作项目,使中外同学在参与互动过程中,加深对手工艺和传统文化 的理解,感受中国文化的博大精深。 下学期,我们将在原有中华才艺体验课的基础上开设单项才艺传授课程;汉语教师才艺技能课程以及‘北语小 厨’学做中国饭项目。 美食美课在北语小厨 Chinese Food Cooking Classes in BLCU Kitchenet In each 2 hour class you will learn how to prepare 1-2 dishes including recipes to take home, followed by a meal of your creations. Our cooking classes are 200 RMB, 100 RMB for BLCU students. Do you like Chinese food? Have you ever thought of making Chinese food? Enjoy the happiness of cooking and let your family members or friends eat authentic Chinese food right at home! We teach not only how to cook popular delicious Chinese cuisines, but also how to make condiments. features of the class ■The 1. Learn 1-2 delicious recipes at each time; 2. Listing the ingredients; 3. Chinese cutting and cooking techniques; 4. Small group class, maximum 4 people; 5. Taste the food after class information ■ Course 1. Start: April 24 2. Schedule: at 11:30, Friday 3. Fee: RMB100/one time(2 hours) more details please contact: ■ For Teacher Zhang Tel: 86-10-82300128 Room 506, 5th Floor, Classroom Building No.2, BLCU

三,五个同学、好友想找个地方自己动手做个家乡菜或举行个生日小聚会什么的,可苦于找不着这 样的地方,既要不能太远,又要安全方便自由,现在学校内就有这样的地方可以满足你们的要求啦。 由培训学院中文部在清晏楼五层设置的‘北语小厨’可提供这些服务。这里干净、卫生,厨房设施、 厨具齐全,最多可容纳 8 人在此操作、活动。

另外,如有想学做家常菜的同学也可以和我们预订。 所有使用厨房的活动均按小时收费。



更多详情请联系: 8230 0128 张老师 办公室:北京语言大学培训学院中文事业部(教二楼五层 506 室)

Chinese culture and group classes Chinese culture classes is coming soon in July. Welcome join us! *Calligraphy *Chinese painting Enjoy Groups: New Beginner Group Class start: June 23rd Level 2 Group Class: Monday, Wednesday, Friday(9:30am-12:30am) Level 3 Group Class: Monday, Wednesday, Friday(9:30am-12:30am) Please contact us: Address: Room 903,9th Floor, E-Tower Building, Guanghua Lu C 12 Email: Hotline:010-65064409 Fax:010-65046389

Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Group Classes Started ! Welcome Register ! Date: Start every month Time: Tue. / Wed. / Thur. ( 2:30 – 4:30 pm ) Hotline: 8230 0128 / 13391886162 主题: (2014-2015)第二期书画班级课将于 4 月 20 日开始 New Beginner Group Class Start: April 20 Calligraphy Group Class: Tuesday / Thursday (2:30pm-4:30pm) Chinese Painting Group Class: Wednesday (2:30pm-12:30pm) Welcome Join Us! Welcome Register ! Date: Start every month Time: Tue. / Wed. / Thur. ( 2:30 – 4:30 pm )

Hotline: 8230 0128 / 13391886162 张老师 Address: Room 506,5th Floor, Classroom Building No.2, BLCU 副题: Do you like Chinese food? Have you ever thought of making Chinese food? Enjoy the happiness of cooking and let your family members or friends eat authentic Chinese food right at home! We teach not only how to cook popular delicious Chinese cuisines, but also how to make condiments. ■The features of the class 1. Learn 2 delicious recipes at each time; 2. Listing the ingredients; 3. Chinese cutting and cooking techniques; 4. Small group class, maximum 4 people; 5. Taste the food after class ■ Course information 1. Start: Flexible 2. Schedule: Friday 3. Fee: RMB100/person/hour ■ For more details please contact: Tel: 8230 0128 张老师 Address: Room 506, 5th Floor, Classroom Building No.2, BLCU 书画班级课招生:Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Group Classes Started Come and join our calligraphy group classes, and learn all about calligraphy from appreciation approach to writing skills. The calligraphy teacher will guide you and let you try your hands at this Chinese art. Course information: 1. Start: every month 2. Schedule: Thursday, 2:30pm--4:30pm 3. Price: RMB100 each time (2 hours) / RMB400 one month (8 hours) Come and join our Chinese painting group classes. You don't have necessarily learnt Chinese painting before, just have to be enthusiastic and be willing to hold a brush. The four treasures of the study - Chinese brush, ink, paper (made of rice & bamboo),and ink stone are provided. Course information: 1. Start: every month 2. Schedule: Wednesday, 2:30pm--4:30pm 3. Price: RMB100 each time (2 hours) / RMB400 one month (8 hours) For more details please contact: Tel: 8230 0128 / 13391886162 张老师 Office: Room506, 5thfloor, classroom building No.2, BLCU 美食美课招生:Chinese Food Cooking Classes in BLCU Kitchenet Do you like Chinese food? Have you ever thought of making Chinese food? Enjoy the happiness of cooking and let your family members or friends eat authentic Chinese food right at home! We teach not only how to cook popular delicious Chinese cuisines, but also how to make condiments.

■ The features of the class 1. Learn 1-2 delicious recipes at each time; 2. Listing the ingredients; 3. Chinese cutting and cooking techniques; 4. Small group class, maximum 4 people; 5. Taste the food after class ■ Course information 1. Start: April 24 2. Schedule: 11:00am--13:00pm, Friday 3. Price: RMB100 each time (2 hours) Our Most Popular Chinese Food Cooking Classes: 包饺子 面条 小笼包 宫保鸡丁 糖醋里脊

For more details please contact: Teacher Zhang Tel: 8230 0128 / 13391886162 Office: Room 506, 5th Floor, Classroom Building No.2, BLCU

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