Brit Leek Design Portfolio 2015

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EDUCATION CO L L EG E FO R C RE AT I V E S T U D I ES BFA Product Design Class of 2014 May Graduate | with Honors

February 2014 - July 2014 I ’M B U RS T I N G W I T H N E W I D E AS

H M S M FG. [ PRO D U C T D ES I G N I N T ERN] September 2013 - January 2013 LU N A R D ES I G N [ PRO D U C T D ES I G N I N T ERN] May 2013 - August 2013


P T I D ES I G N [ PRO D U C T D ES I G N I N T ERN] August 2012-May 2013

WAYN E S TAT E U N I V ERS I T Y Interior Design 2003 - 2005

M A R K O N E L I F ES T Y L E, I N C . A look at some of my most recent work for Mark One on their Vessyl product line. The Vessyl smart cup concept was initially developed with Fuseproject; then refined, expanded, and brought to production with our internal team. Everything except the initial cup concept was designed internally.


Trend analysis, good-better-best CMF strategy, and future product line CMF themes and directions for Mark One. E xploring s aucer material options , micro USB form , wall plug form /materials , + cle aning to o concept s . B rit Le ek

SAUCER M ATERIAL S S TU DY se eing the co as ter in materials such as: le ather, wo od , marble, plas tic , and polishe d metal in various combinations .

M ICRO USB FORM S TU DY Form exploration of the micro USB side of the power cord . It will be a f re e [non -tethere d] cord with a USB -A at the wall to Micro - B at the s aucer.

WAL L PLUG FORM S TU DY Form exploration of the wall plug . The wall plug will accept a USB A cord . The cord is not tethere d [at tache d .] The initial form is taken f rom sketche s JayM ay sent to Sp anner, along with their input on size fe asibilit y.

CL E AN ING TOOL E XPLOR ATION A quick gathering of initial thought s and dire c tions .... mos tly jus t example image s pulle d f rom our Ve s syl Cle aning To ol Pintere s t bo ard .

VESSYL COMPONENTS Charging coaster, and carr ying bag. CMF, CMF sourcing and development, design, protot yping, rendering, and refinement.

VESSYL COMPONENTS Wall plug/AC charger, USB to micro USB cord. CMF, design, protot ype evaluation, DFM revisions/iterations, and renderings.

P O W E R TO O L R E - B R A N D I N G + S T Y L I N G Creating a new visual brand language for an existing power tool line, and exploring the development of a new concept tool. A RYOBI Tool Concept

INITIAL LOOSE CONCEPTS Exploring functional and aesthetic concepts including; highlighted adjustment points, advanced laser guides, and trending material usage.

1. SHOW ME HOW IT’S DONE - PHYSICAL Going beyond just color or material highlighted touch points, Embossed or lit directions on the specific parts (honest instruction] push, pull, turn etc. Labeled parts to co-inside with instructions [trigger, chuck, top, bottom]

3. NOT LESS POWERFUL, BUT MORE APPROACHABLE By eliminating overly agressive, unnecessary overmolds, and giving the product a similar look to products they already own, or would like to own the tools may seem more approachable. Mixing natural materials in with a satin plastic body may make the touch points “warmer.” The target deomographic is tackeling DIY projects that they think will enhance the look of their living space, and will take pride in the aesthetic of the tool they own.

VISUAL BRAND LANGUAGE ELEMENTS P R I M A RY EL E M EN T S | M AT ER I A L U SAG E - Natural Walnut or Black Bog Oak at handles / touch points. - Matte finish Black PC


- Sweeping form wrap around

- Rectangular venting

- Simple form profile

NEW PRODUCT DESIGNS AND RENDERINGS CAD modeled in Solidworks and rendered in Keyshot


M A K I N G E A S Y AT H O M E S A N D B L A S T I N G P O S S I B L E S and b lasting is much b et ter suite d when working with comp lex sur face p rofile s, such as cabinet do ors and molding, over hand or to ol sanding with sand p ap er. If the p rofile of the work sur face is not flat many hours of lab orious hand sanding can b e ne ce s sar y to smo oth or p rep the sur face for p ainting or staining. D ep ending on the material use d for the “b lasting� many sp e cialt y finish st y le s can b e achieve d that would not b e p os sib le with tra ditional p ower sanding to ols. With an inte grate d vacuum unit dust and b lasting ag ent are continuousl y sucke d awa y from the work sur face. The dust is colle c te d in a canister within the unit, and the b lasting ag ent is re c ycle d. Systems such as the se alre a d y exist on a larg er scale, b ut a comp ac t solution would b e ver y helpf ul for D IY p roje c ts in the home.

CONCEPT HAND HELD M ATERIAL RECOVERING SANDBL ASTER Blasting material can be added and changed through the access door at the top. The bottom brush perimeter contains dust and blasting material while working.

THE VIC INDUCTION RANGE A three stage exploration showing the evolution of the induction cook-top through three separate product concepts for a “kitchen of the future” prompted studio. A WHIRLPOOL Sponsored Studio

INSPIR ATION The moody beaches of VĂ­k Iceland. Which are home to; undisturbed turbulent seas, black sands, geometric towering basalt rock formations, glacial ice, and frost y fog.



FUNCTION Many cooktops now use magnetic induction technology, but the cook surfaces lack direct feedback around the burner to let consumers know it’s on. Free range induction surfaces do not have set induction “burners” but an entire induction cooking surface. The cookware is automatically identified and heated exactly where it stands.

SM ART SENSE COOK-TOP [feasibilit y 0 -5 yrs] Individual induction zone cylinders are located under a smooth glass surface. Visually giving the cooking surface depth and texture while maintaining a smooth cleanable surface. Smart sense induction zones are triggered when a pot or pan is placed on glass-top cook surface. Lights turn on, and indicate which induction zones are currently being used.

FULL INDICATION COOK TOP [feasibilit y 10+ yrs] The next generation induction top leaps from the idea of intuitive induction zones, and drops all induction cylinders down to a lower platform surface until they are ready for use. Smart sense induction zone cylinders remain lowered, then rise up to the glass cook top and light when a pot or pan is placed on the cook top surface; further visually indicating what zone is “on�. Temperature settings can be visually indicated by brightness of the induction zone light to give you an at-a-glance feel for the cooking temperature.

MAGNETIC INDUCTION SAND COOK TOP [feasibilit y 20+ yrs] Taking the line a step further into the future, this cook top uses a glossy black magnetic sand, known as Magnetite, to rise to the glass surface above and heat the pots or pans that are placed on the glass top. The movement of the sand below the surface and as it rises to the pots and pans, as well as while the appliance is on and providing heat, not only provides the consumer with feedback to indicate the appliance is on, but also looks beautiful. Even when not in use the cook tops can provide a soothing screen-saver-like experience. While in an idle state the sand top can subtly simulate the relaxing movement of ocean waves.


M E TA VA C U U M P R O J E C T Innovating upon the traditional vacuuming experience by making the vacuum conformable to a variety of flooring surfaces and shapes. We designed a vacuum that could better adapt to consumers needs. Team Members: Brit Leek + Ellise Smolenyak

RESEARCH Consumer review conclusions.


- Maneuverability is very important


- Attachments should be easily accessible and secure


- Functions well on a variety of flooring types - A stick vacuum should be as powerful as a full size - Should have easy canister open and empty - Needs adjustable motor-driven brush bar - Should have easy assembly

- Increase ease of maneuverabilit y. - Optimize suction on a variet y of flooring t ypes. - Find a better way to integrate attachments.

11% 8% 6%

- Lightweight is better


- Exhaust should be away from vacuum target


- Filters should be reusable and easy to clean




CONCEPT What is the best shape for a vacuum head?

- On carp et a wide suction p ath and motorize d brush b ar, to agitate dir t from de ep within carp et fib ers, is ne ces sar y. - O n hard sur face flo oring a “V � shap e d he ad works b est to dire ct dir t and debris towards the center where there is gre ater suction. - A t wo - p ar t he ad could conform to corners and around furniture, as well as adapt to the b est shap e to cle an various flo oring sur faces. - M ore one - p as s- p aths would make cle aning faster and e asier.

INNOVATIONS Adaptable vacuum head The Meta Vacuum features a redesigned articulating vacuum head, consisting of t wo wings that pivot along a center circular track. Each wing of the vacuum head can independently move to fit into corners, rotate to move past obstacles, and spring to the most effective position for either bare or carpeted floors.

INNOVATIONS Integrated multi- use attachment The Meta vacuum design tackles the issue of easily lost and hard-to-secure attachments by eliminating the accessor y attachments all together, and integrating the wand and attachment pieces into the design of the upright vacuum itself.


M E TA H A N D VA C P R O J E C T Meta Hand is a product designed to be a complimentary product to the full-sized Meta Vacuum. It follows the theme of adaptability to better fit the spaces in which it is being used. Team Members: Brit Leek + Ellise Smolenyak

RESEARCH The fixed size nozzle of a traditional hand vacuum does not adapt well to the variety of surfaces it is generally used to clean:

- It is often too wide to fit into crevices. - N ot wide enough to effectively clean other surfaces without making many cumbersome passes.

GOALS - A wide suction path and abilit y to fit into tight crevices without using accessories. - Cordless for maximum portabilit y. - Multi-surface versatilit y.

CONCEPT The adaptable noz zle opens down its center with the aid of electromagnets, which can be engaged and disengaged via the trigger in the handle. Retractable bristles allow it to clean upholster y with ease.

ADAPTABLE NOZ ZLE CLEANING Meta Hand vacuum features an adaptable noz zle tip, which allows it to open for wider passes along surfaces, or close to fit into tight crevices.


T R I C E C A R D I A C M O N I TO R I N G This project aimed to redesign a wearable device that monitors the heart’s electrical activity. Portable ECG monitoring devices are used to determine how the heart responds to normal activity, which allows doctors diagnose a number of heart rate and rhythm conditions.

RESEARCH An Electrocardiogram [ECG] is an in-office screening tool used by doctors diagnose heart disorders such as arrhythmias, or palpitations, and conditions such as arter y blockage. There are certain conditions that cannot be picked up and diagnosed in the short time the patient is at the doctors office, or the doctor may want to see how the patient’s heart responds to normal activity. For this, patients wear home a portable ECG device, and have the electrical activity of their heart recorded for a period of time ranging from 24 hours up to four weeks.

The device generally consists of three parts: - Multiple adhesive electrodes. - Lead wires which attach electrodes to the recorder. - A recording device, which stores the data.

PROBLEMS - Lead wires accidentally get pulled on and out by the patient. - The adhesive used to attach the electrodes is often irritating. - The electrodes do not provide any feedback to the patient. - The recorder is uncomfortable, and cannot be worn while showering.

CONCEPT Integrating Wireless Tech: By incorporating low cost, ultra- low-power wireless net working modules, lead wires can be eliminated Rethinking Materials: If repackaged in silicone the device becomes comfortable, waterproof, and semi-translucent to blend with a variet y of skin tones. Let them know it’s on: By integrating feedback lights within both the recorder and electrodes patients will know the device is on and working. Tegaderm film as adhesive: Allows moisture to escape and oxygen to enter for breathability. Up to 7-day wear. Stays on in bath and shower. Flexes and moves with body. Hypoallergenic.

INNOVATIONS Soft, Sporty, Low- Profile, Waterproof, Wireless Through research of current and emerging technology a three-part wireless system consisting of t wo electrodes and one removable-recorder adhered to the patient’s chest using Tegaderm film was determined to be an accurate, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-wear solution. The recorder can be removed the from the base to allow for charging at night. The soft silicone packaging allows the device to be worn in a variet y of situation where the traditional package would not allow, such as the shower, or while swimming, and gives it a sport y look. Wireless modules allow the electrodes to have smooth surfaces by eliminating both the lead wires and lead wire attachment points.


LU M I PROJ ECTI O N BO O K An exploration in expanding the reading experience for children through integrated and interactive projection mapped elements.

INTER ACTION WITH READING. With movement from physical books to tablet based reading are kids lacking a physical interaction with the product they crave? Could the reading experience move beyond interaction with flat screen?





LUMI BOOK PROJECTOR LU M I is an interactive proje ction- b ase d re ading system for children. The starter LUMI kit comes with one pop-up LUMI stor y book, which contains several blank laser cut tearresistant pages that the LUMI projector will “read” with it’s camera, and precisely map projections to accordingly. With each new page the projector will project new stor y elements, and play background sound clips.

M ATERIALS Both the handles and bot tom edge of the LUMI



sof t durable silicone coverings. The outer body




reader is made from Beech



interior body, hinges, and









PROJECTION MAPPING The LUMI laser cut book pages are blank until they are brought alive by the projector. Both the of onto not

text the

and stor y

the simple

visual are



projected These




elements, but moving changing elements, that not only change with each page as the stor y progresses, but also react to your interaction with the page.

INTERACTIVE PROJECTION ELEMENTS Thorough elements, such as pull-tabs and sliders, the projections can change and react to interactions with elements on the pop-up pages.

ASSE M B LY 1. C l o s e d LU M I w i t h e a s y carr y handles 2. LU M I P r o j e c t o r s t o r e s safe inside the case 3. T h e p r o j e c t o r c l i c k s i n t o place along the top edge of the case 4. A f t e r t h e b a s e i s l o c k e d into place the proje ctor top can be folded open

CUSTOM LUMI BOOK SPINE The cylinder-shaped book spine stores projection information, and allows book to be securely held by the LUMI base by spring-loaded pins. Projection information is read by the LUMI unit through the book pins.


SNEAK PEAK PROJECTS A preview of work completed throughout the past year including personal projects, and contract work.

luxury back brush | sonic face scrubber | dual sided exfoliating wash cloth

“Best of the Best� Red Dot Award Cisc o Te le Prese nc e IX50 0 0 S e ries Statement by the jur y The Cisco TelePresence IX5000 fully integrated conferencing system convinces with its consistently iconic design. It showcases an elegant appearance and offers conference participants an entirely new conferencing experience. Comfort pairs with details that are manifested in an outstandingly intelligent way. Particularly worth mentioning is how incoming calls activate the LED lighting hidden behind textile to perfectly illuminate the conferencing environment.

BRIT LEEK | | britleek @ | 248.622.1666

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