Julian Alps

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The Julian Alps

The Julian Alps are the southeasternmost part of the Alpine arc and at the same time the mountain range that marks the border between Slovenia and Italy.

Julian Alps They are usually divided into the Eastern and Western Julian Alps. The Eastern Julian Alps, which make up approximately three-quarters of the range and cover an area of 1,542 km2, lie entirely on the Slovenian side of the border and are the largest and highest Alpine range in Slovenia. The highest peak is Triglav (2,864 metres), but there are more than 150 other peaks over 2,000 metres high. The emerald river Soča rises on one side of the Julian Alps, in the Primorska region; the two headwaters of the river Sava – the Sava Dolinka and the Sava Bohinjka – rise on the other side, in the Gorenjska region. The Savica Waterfall

02_ Members of the Julian Alps Association

13_ Cycling Flying

03_ The Julian Alps

14_ Hiking

05_ Bled

15_ Climbing

27_ Games of chance Accommodation

06_ Bohinj

16_ Water adventures

28_ Map of the Julian Alps

07_ Tolmin, Kobarid

18_ Fishing Golf

30_ Tourism in Bled

08_ Bovec

24_ Winter 26_ Taking the train

38_ Tourism in Bohinj

09_ Kranjska Gora

19_ Gastronomy Conferences, seminars

10_ Triglav National Park and the people in it

20_ History, culture, folk traditions

54_ Tourism in Bovec

21_ Traditional events

60_ Tourism in Kranjska Gora

12_ Sites of special natural interest

22_ Major sports events

48_ Tourism in Tolmin and Kobarid

Members of the Julian Alps Association



Bled Tourist Board Cesta svobode 11, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 578 05 00, f +386 (0)4 578 05 01 e info@dzt.bled.si, www.bled.si

Lake Bohinj

Bohinj Tourist Board Triglavska cesta 30, SI – 4264 Bohinjska Bistrica t +386 (0)4 574 75 90, f +386 (0)4 574 75 91 e info@bohinj.si, www.bohinj.si

LTO Sotočje - Tourist information centre Petra Skalarja 4, SI – 5220 Tolmin t +386 (0)5 380 04 80, f +386 (0)5 380 04 83 e info@lto-sotocje.si, www. dolina-soce.com Tolmin, Kobarid

Great Gorges of the Soča

Bovec Tourist Board Tourist information centre Trg golobarskih žrtev 8, SI – 5230 Bovec t +386 (0)5 389 64 44, f +386 (0)5 389 64 45 e info@bovec.si, www.bovec.si

Kranjska Gora Tourist Board Kolodvorska ulica 1 b, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 588 50 20, f +386 (0)4 588 50 21 e info@kranjska-gora.eu, www.kranjska-gora.si

Lake Jasna

Triglav National Park Ljubljanska cesta 27, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 578 02 00, f +386 (0)4 578 02 01 e triglavski-narodni-park@tnp.gov.si, www.tnp.si Triglav



Skiing in the mountains

The Julian Alps take their name from the medieval Forum Iulii, present-day Friuli. The name originally referred only to the town of Cividale del Friuli, founded by Julius Caesar in 52 BC. The Julian Alps are built of Mesozoic marine sediments. Tectonic forces created fractures and folding and carved out magnificent rock faces and peaks. The varied flora and fauna rightly enjoy considerable fame. Natural riches, plentiful water sources and a favourable climate created conditions for early settlement in this wonderful corner of Europe. The Julian Alps are one of the world’s treasures - a challenge to every climber and a source of pleasure for every traveller.




At pasture

Jalovec from Sleme


Zapotok mountain pasture

Campanula zoysii

Kayaking on the Soča

The Vršič pass

In the modern world it is easy to get fed up with the rapid pace of life. Constantly under stress, we never have enough time to relax and find peace. In the Julian Alps, time stops for a moment or two. The mighty mood of nature settles in the climber’s soul at any time of year, on any path, whether we are alone or in company.

We Slovenes are a mountain nation. That is the reason we chose Triglav for our symbol. Mountains have given a characteristic stamp to the people of Slovenia. Very early on, this awareness and wisdom led Slovenes to create protected areas of nature in the Julian Alps. We know that what nature and the original settlers have created over the course of long centuries must be protected. At the same time it is our duty to show the world the priceless gifts which have so nobly shaped our national character. That is why one should go to the Julian Alps in a solemn, dignified manner, without placing a burden on nature. All we should take from the mountains are beautiful views, silence and peace - the basic elements of inner strength, creativity and self-awareness. The Julian Alps are a natural doctor for the aching soul of modern, urban man. May the Julian Alps fill you with their powerful, mysterious forces, be it during holidays with your family or friends, or even alone, or during a one-day excursion or as part of a break during a business trip.


Lake Bled


Lake Bled and its island, the castle and the town itself appear to us like a vision on every visit. A pleasant tale of outstanding natural bounteousness, sweetness and beauty. You can swim or skate or row, or ring the bell in the little church on the island. You can enjoy one of the numerous events that take place here, or walk or run round the lake. These natural marvels have been given added distinction by the visits of crowned heads, great artists, the doctors who opened a sunny and airy health resort here, and the huge number of newlyweds who have taken their vows here. Thanks to its natural characteristics, Bled is the ideal starting point for hiking tours (Soteska Vintgar, Pokluška Luknja, Jama pod Babjim Zobom). It is also appreciated around the world as a centre for business tourism. The Bled area and the old towns in the vicinity offer active and culture-hungry

visitors a wealth of pleasures and relaxation: Radovljica with its Beekeeping Museum, Kropa with the Blacksmith’s Museum, Vrba (the birthplace of poet France Prešeren) and the rich cultural heritage of the villages below Mt Stol. Swan and cygnet

Golf in Bled

Lake Bohinj


St John’s Church

Lake Bohinj

Cable car to Vogel

Bohinj lies at the heart of the Triglav National Park. Every season is a unique experience in Bohinj. The rushing of the waters in spring, the uneasy calm of nature and people in summer, the magic play of sunlight and colours in autumn, the snow-white peace of winter. This is a place of myths and legends (for example the legend of Zlatorog). From the mountains, whose mighty bulk surrounds and protects the lake, Lake Bohinj is like a mirror reflecting eternity and strength. The origins of ironworking in Slovenia are to be found in Bohinj. The tradition survives to the present day, especially in the area around Prešeren’s manor Ajdovski Gradec. The first world war linked the Bohinj basin to the events on the Soča (Isonzo) Front in the Soča valley. Another important sight is the railway tunnel built in 1906 which still connects the Gorenjska and Primorska regions and

enables access to the Julian Alps from the sea. You have to get up early and set off from Bohinj when it is still dark in order to conquer the mountain peaks and dispel fatigue with the wonderful views they afford. Vogel, the Savica waterfall, the museum of Alpine dairy farming, the Devil’s Bridge, Studor, the Triglav lakes and the Sava river: plenty to fill your days until the silence wishes you goodnight.


Most na Soči, Tolmin, Kobarid


Alpine peaks and green hills, mysterious caves and healing springs. There are countless corners where visitors will want to linger and marvel at the beauty that surrounds them. Part of these natural riches are safeguarded by the Triglav National Park, a protected area. Far below the mountain peaks winds the blue-green Soča, a popular river for rafting and kayaking. Its tributaries, with their many waterfalls, pools and gorges, are veritable natural jewels. The most enchanting waterfall is Kozjak, while the most picturesque gorges are the Tolmin Gorges, the lowest point in the Triglav National Park. Alpine pastures spread over sunny terraces. This is where the famous Tolmin cheese is made. Tradition and heritage are still alive here in the excellent restaurants of Kobarid, together forming the Kobarid Gastronomic Circle, where you can sample traditional dishes such

as Kobarid-style štruklji (boiled strudel), a local version of polenta, planinski sir and curd cheese, prepared in a modern way. History has written great stories in this area, the most famous being that of the First World War, when the battles of the Soča (Isonzo) Front raged here. The numerous memorials and remains scattered across the area remind us of the horrors of that time. The most beautiful memorial is the little church of the Holy Spirit in Javorca.

The Tolmin gorges

Carnival masks from Drežnica

Loška Koritnica, Bovec


Julius Kugy

The Soča

Prestreljenik’s Window

The river Soča thunders its mighty symphony in Bovec. Situated along an ancient road through the Soča valley, Bovec is famous for the decisive first-world-war battles fought in the surrounding mountains. Local guides will be happy to show you the old battlefields. Bovec is also a world-famous centre for white-water rafting, fishing and mountain-climbing.

Kanin-Sella Nevea, Slovenia’s highest-lying ski resort (2,300 metres), is a popular winter sports destination. The view from the top of the slopes ranges over the mightiest peaks of the Julian Alps and extends all the way to the sea. The Bovec area was chosen as a location for the filming of Disney’s Chronicles of Narnia. Bovec is a town with a long tradition of tourism. Every trek into the mountains around Bovec is an act which only acquires its true significance later - when we return to our everyday occupations and in our hearts thank the mountains for the strength they have given us, for the spiritual renewal and for the impressions which remain with us all our lives. The wonderful valleys - Trenta, Lepena, Zadnjica, Loška Koritnica - are among the last surviving oases of unspoilt nature.


Kranjska Gora

The north face of Triglav

The idyllic image of an Alpine village which has carried the fame of Slovene skiing around the world and is a popular destination for active holidays in summer or winter. The old village centre has developed into a genuine, picturesque jewel of tourism in the Gorenjska region. Here, natural simplicity and worldly sophistication meet. The figure of Kekec personifies the quick wits of the people of Kranjska Gora. The skiing and ski jumping world cup events testify to the excellence of their organisation and hospitality. The source of the Sava Dolinka river, which ends its journey in the Black Sea, is remarkable for its tranquillity. Kranjska Gora is a crossroads: towards the sea over the Vršič pass, past the Russian chapel and the Giantess (a face sculpted by nature in the side of a mountain), to Mojstrovka; you can also head towards Italy via Podkoren or to Austria over the Korensko Sedlo.

Peričnik waterfall

Nearby is Planica with its flying heroes (ski jumpers) and tasty mushrooms which peep above ground in the moonlight. Since 1904 it has been an ideal place for relaxation or an active break.

Russian chapel


10 The valley of the seven Triglav lakes

Triglav National Park

The Triglav rose and the Triglav forget-me-not


Zajamniki mountain pasture

Pri Jezeru mountain pasture



Alpine dairy farm, Laz

Bohinj from Vogar

The Pocar Farm

For the Slovenes, the Triglav National Park is a supreme example of natural and cultural heritage. It is also one of the oldest national parks in Europe. Not only that, it is a gallery of uncommonly beautiful images, an open-air museum and a refuge for restless spirits seeking harmony with themselves in harmony with nature. The excellence and professionalism of the enthusiasts who run the park conserve for us the originality of nature and the cultural landscape and ensure the co-existence of nature and modern man. The Triglav National Park is the pride of the tourist region of the Julian Alps. It is the only national park in Slovenia. The park was conceived in as long ago as 1906 and originally centred on the area of the Triglav lakes. In 1981 the park was enlarged. It now covers practically the whole of the

Julian Alps in Slovenia and measures 880 square kilometres. The highest point of the park is the peak of Mt Triglav (2864 metres), the highest mountain in Slovenia, from which the park takes its name; the lowest point is in the Tolmin gorges (180 metres). The unique natural and cultural heritage of this area of Slovenia is fully contained within the borders of the Triglav National Park. The Triglav National Park Act is a law governing protection in three protected areas. In the first two the priority is nature protection. The purpose of the third area, where people live and work, is to protect the cultural landscape and promote sustainable management and characteristic local activities.


RULES OF BEHAVIOUR • Littering or depositing waste is not permitted in the Triglav National Park. All rubbish must be taken to the designated municipal rubbish collection points • Fires and barbecues are only permitted in designated areas. • Cars and caravans may only be parked in designated parking areas. • Camping is only permitted at campsites. Organised camps, climbers’ camps and similar may also be permitted with the explicit permission of the Triglav National Park. • In the Triglav National Park mountain flora (protected or otherwise) is to be admired, not picked. • Nothing must be taken from the park and nothing left in it.

The Kozjak waterfall



Stone mushroom, Krn

The Martuljek group

The Boka waterfall

Lake Bohinj

Bled Island

That which nature has created and which awakens the noblest sentiments in visitors must be respected and conserved. Slovenia and the Slovenes have been richly blessed with natural wonders. Let us stop for a moment or two and rid ourselves of stress, of pressure, of the rush of everyday city life. Nature is the best physician and the greatest artist. The Julian Alps and the Triglav National Park are one big natural heritage site. It would be impossible to list all the

natural wonders they contain. Many are hidden in difficult-to-reach areas of the mountains. We shall therefore list only the most popular sights, which draw hosts of visitors every year. In the Soča basin, the river Soča, in particular the source and the wild gorges, Boka waterfall, Kozjak waterfall and the Tolmin gorges. In Bohinj the first thing we notice is the lake. Most visitors trek up to the Savica waterfall, and nearly as many take a walk along the wonderful gorges of the Mostnica. Lake Bled has long been a recognised symbol of Slovenia. Vintgar gorge is another of the best known natural sights. In Kranjska Gora you can enjoy a breathtaking view over the magnificent panorama of the Špik mountain group or enjoy a marvellous excursion past the Peričnik waterfall below the northern face of Mt Triglav.


Cycling | Flying

Ravne with a view of Triglav

Like the whirling wheels of time, now slow, now fast. When we ride a bicycle we are masters of our own time - as though we were able to evaluate and make sense of it in the pathless expanses of the wonderful Julian Alps. Cycling is undoubtedly one of the most suitable ways to travel through the Julian Alps. Maps showing cycle routes are available in every tourism centre. Just as with hiking, the options available to cyclists include both easy and pleasant family tours and the most difficult mountain ascents and descents. The best marked and organised cycling destination is Kranjska Gora, while the best way to get to know the Julian Alps is to make a circular tour around the Triglav National Park.



A pair of siskins


Balloons over Lake Bled


Flying has been a desire of humankind since time immemorial. To admire the birds and use our wisdom to imitate them. Safe in the passenger seat of a hired aeroplane, between the cords of a parachute, beneath the wings of a hang-glider. There are two sports airfields in the Julian Alps, one at Lesce (Bled) and the other at Bovec. Both are ideal starting points for tourist flights and glider flights over the Alpine peaks, although the Bovec airfield is more demanding and less well equipped. In the Bohinj, SoÄ?a basin and Kranjska Gora areas there are also a series of launch points for hang-gliders and paragliders. The best-known launch points are Kobala above Tolmin and Stol above Kobarid, both popular venues for national competitions and European Cup and World Cup events.

Pogačnikov Dom mountain hut on the Kriški Podi plateau



Autumn in the mountains


At the summit of Šija

When you lace your boots up tight and close the door behind you, that is when you start to live your real life. It is the

journey that is important, not the destination. Whether you are crunching snow beneath your feet, tramping through autumn leaves of wonderful colours or listening to the trilling of birds in summer. The Julian Alps offer an infinite range of hiking opportunities. From paths leading to natural sights and strolls in the valleys, to wanders in the Alpine foothills and demanding ascents into the high mountains. A walk of two to four hours separates the many climbers’ huts and refuges dotted across the region. Quality maps cover the entire area. Every part of the Julian Alps offers its own special features. In the Soča basin, the most beautiful paths are those along rivers and streams or leading to waterfalls. In the Kranjska Gora area, there are wonderful excursions to the Alpine valleys cut deep between the mountain peaks. Bled and Bohinj offer relaxing strolls along the lake shores.


Hiking |Alpinism and climbing

Free climbing, Bovec


Alpine ibex

Descent to the valley

Ice climbing

Climbing nursery, Bohinj

A good grip, harmony of movements, never exceeding your capabilities but moving acrobatically on the border of daring. The profundity of living makes sense when you are standing on a mountain peak. Winter or summer, it is the weather and a courageous heart that will determine your victories. The Julian Alps may not reach great heights but in terms of the dimensions of their rock faces they are the equal of other European mountains over four thousand metres high. Travnik, Ĺ pik, Triglav, Mangrt are merely the best known peaks whose faces ascend 800 to 1000 metres up into the sky. The northern face of Triglav - 3 kilometres wide and 1200 metres high - is the third largest in Europe. There are thousands of routes to try. Together they present an eternal challenge to all those with enough knowledge and courage to tackle them.

Sports climbers can find over 25 climbing centres in the valleys and in the vicinity of tourist resorts. Most are to be found in Bohinjska Bela, Bohinj and Trenta. A climbing centre in Mojstrana organises climbs up frozen waterfalls every winter. Winter ascents into the mountains are of course the province of the best climbers. Many more visitors head for the frozen waterfalls which can be found in every Alpine valley. The best known areas for this type of climbing are Log pod Mangrtom (Bovec) and the Tamar valley (Kranjska Gora).

Great Gorges of the Soča



Water adventures

We came from the water and to the water we will return. The possibility of fun or adventure on the water is open to everyone. Whether it is a rushing river or a tranquil Alpine lake, rapids or the limpid calm of a smooth surface, returning to the water is an infinite happiness. The waters of the Julian Alps can be the object of enchanted wonder or the source of a vast range of activities. The simplest way to discover them can be walks along the banks of streams, rivers and lakes. All three lakes - Lake Bled, Lake Bohinj and the reservoir at Most na Soči - offer easy boating or organised boat trips, either in a characteristic Bled pletna or aboard one of the tourist vessels at Bohinj or Most na Soči. In terms of competitive sport, Bled is famous for producing world-class rowers and as a world championship rowing venue, Bohinj hosts an Ironman triathlon and the river Soča is a venue for major international kayaking events. In terms of modern adrenaline sports, the wild beauty that is the river Soča is undoubtedly the best known venue in Slovenia. Every year tens of thousands of visitors enjoy an unforgettable experience with rafts, canoes or hydrospeeds. These activities are also popular on the river Sava. The many interesting ravines and gorges across the area offer plenty of opportunities for canyoning. Qualified agencies and quality equipment for water sports and other activities in the natural environment can be found in all major towns around the Julian Alps.

The Zlatorog, Bohinj

A traditional pletna on Lake Bled


Hydrospeed or river bob

Sailing on Lake Bohinj


Rafting on the Soča


Fishing | Golf


The Sava Bohinjka



The Soča

From the riverbank or in waders in the middle of a stream, with patience and passion we await the duel. Fishing is simultaneously a sport and an art. The wise give life back to nature. It is a question of balance! Fishing is one of the elite tourist disciplines of the area. The Soča, the Lepenjica, the Idrijca, the Bača, the Sava, Lake Bohinj, the Radovna and a wealth of smaller streams offer over 200 kilometres of prime fishing waters. Only fly-fishing is permitted. The most common fish are trout and grayling. The marble trout, endemic to the river basins of the northern Mediterranean, is particularly famous. Fishing waters are carefully managed by anglers’ clubs in Tolmin, Bohinj, Bled and Jesenice and by the Fisheries Research Institute in Ljubljana.

The marble trout (Salmo trutta marmoratus)

You can be successful in various ways. Materially, socially or spiritually. Golf unites all these values. It is a meditation in the safe embrace of wonderful nature. For the time being there is just one golf course in the Julian Alps - at Bled. This 27-hole course is one of the most beautiful in Europe. Bovec’s golf course lies below the picturesque Kanin range and the magical land of Narnia where Disney filmed the second instalment of the Chronicles of Narnia saga. The nine-

Bled golf course

hole course hosts an annual Ski & Golf event that even includes a golf match on the snow. Other golf courses within a radius of 50 kilometres can be found at Volčji Potok (Ljubljana), Tarvisio (just across the border in Italy) and by the lakes of Austrian Carinthia. There are also driving ranges at Kranjska Gora and Bovec.

Bovec golf course



Cuisine | Conferences and seminars


Bled cream cake

Rateče-style krapi (filled pastry pockets)

Tolmin cheese

Only now are we discovering that every village has its own culinary speciality. The world is discovering this too. Come and have a taste! Tolmin, Bovec and Bohinj cheeses, Kobaridstyle štruklji (boiled strudel), Bohinj-style zaseka (minced lard) and Bled cream cake are slowly becoming real trademarks of Julian cuisine. Enriched by modern discoveries and techniques, the area’s cuisine is returning to traditional dishes and original flavours. On the Gorenjska side of the Julian Alps In peace, in the midst of nature, safe and comfortable, hospitable and worldclass, people come to seek good and wise solutions. Different opinions and proposals combine here to form a creative whole. The most important conference venue in the Julian Alps is undoubtedly Bled with its festival hall, its large first-class hotels (Toplice, Golf, Park) and its easy access. Bled is followed by Kranjska Gora (hotels: Kompas, Larix, Lek and Špik) and Bohinj, which is developing into a conference destination committed to sustainable development. Excellent examples of this include the Bohinj Park Eco-Hotel, the only hotel in Slovenia to hold the international Green Globe certificate, and the smaller Jezero, Zlatorog, Kristal and Tripič hotels. Bovec (Hotel Alp, Pristava Lepena, Triglav National Park information centre in Trenta, the Stergulc House, Pen-


(Bled, Bohinj, Kranjska Gora), culinary excellence is still mainly to be found in hotels, pensions and other lodging places. The skill of the local chefs is particularly evident during events, conferences and other ceremonial occasions. In the Soča basin, perhaps because of its proximity to epicurean Italy and the vineyards of Goriška Brda, we discover the best flavours in smaller establishments. Pride of place must surely go to the restaurants in Kobarid which form part of the Kobarid Gastronomic Circle.

Conferences, seminars, meetings...

zion Boka, Hotel Kanin) is more suitable for smaller events, seminars and training. Small managerial groups or expert teams will also find an excellent range of services in Tolmin or Kobarid (Hotel Hvala, Hiša Franko, the Blue House and Hotel Zlata Ribica).

History, culture, folk traditions



Neanderthal flute

Slovenian Alpine Museum, Mojstrana

Dom Trenta

Bled Castle

The Liznjek House, Kranjska Gora

Oplen House Museum, Bohinj

Kobarid Museum

Where are we from, who are we and where are we bound? Cultural events enrich the visitor in a unique way. They affect the soul in a slightly different way to beautiful countryside, a good excursion, a bold adventure. You have to know the history of your country in order to be successful in the future. At every step we encounter cultural heritage created over centuries. So stop and marvel. The cultural landscape has marked the character of the population. The Julian Alps are a natural and cultural monument. Its most famous jewels are Bled Castle on its cliff above the lake, Dom Trenta (the Triglav National Park information centre), the mighty fortress of Kluže above the wild gorge of the Koritnica, Kobarid Museum with its account of the bloody Soča (Isonzo) Front, and Tolmin Museum, the archaeological centre of western Slovenia. Past

and present meet in the Slovenian Alpine Museum. A rich collection of museum pieces with a varied and colourful history, a great diversity of photographic and archive material and an extensive specialist library offer the visitor an insight into the scale and importance of mountaineering activities in Slovenia. There are many famous churches, among them the church of St John by Lake Bohinj, the church of the Assumption on Bled Island, the church of the Holy Spirit at Javorca in the valley of the Tolminka and the Russian chapel below Vršič pass. The Liznjek farmstead in Kranjska Gora, the Pocar farmstead in Radovna, the Alpine dairy farming museum and the Oplen house in Bohinj, the Alpine pastures high in the mountains, the Bovec house, the architecture of Breginj or the famous Studor hayracks are wonderful examples of folk know-how and tradition.

Traditional events

International Wildflower Festival in Bohinj

Bled Night event


Traditional gathering at the Russian chapel

Cow Ball, Bohinj

The 1313 group performing at Kluže fortress

Slavko Avsenik


Happiness is a sign of relaxation. A smile is the shortest distance between people. And then we take off our everyday seriousness and, in passing, day draws into night. There are many traditional, cultural events and entertainments with different themes that carry visitors into the past or are part of the modern world: the Festival Kluže in Bovec, Metalcamp in Tolmin, Musical Summer, Cow Ball, serenading and rustic wedding in Bohinj, Bled Festival and Okarina world music festival in Bled and traditional gathering at the Russian chapel (built in memory of Russian POWs in 1916) below the Vršič pass. Each of the lakes – Lake Bled, Lake Bohinj and the lake at Most na Soči – has its own glittering summer night full of entertainment, lights and fireworks. Reflecting the development of sustainable tourism in Bohinj are the Green Weekend and the International Wildflower Festival. The Festival of Hiking and Fishing reflects the ideal conditions for these activities in the area. Kobarid also hosts an annual Hiking Festival each autumn. A special place of honour in the Alpine scene belongs to popular folk music. At the forefront is the famous Avsenik ensemble. All of the above is simply a taste of the hundreds of events you can find on the calendar of every tourist information centre in the area.


22 Planica

Major sports events

Major sports meetings are among the most famous events in the Julian Alps: the Vitranc Cup – a FIS Ski World Cup event in Kranjska Gora – and ski jumping in Planica; the World Rowing Championships in Bled, the Biathlon World Cup in Pokljuka, Freeride Battle Kanin – an international ski and snowboard freeride event, paragliding World Cup and European Championship events in Tolmin and Kobarid, para-ski and telemark skiing World Cup events in Bohinj. Every May Kobarid hosts the Outdoor Show, a spectacular event which sees domestic and foreign competitors compete in various disciplines. Every June Podbrdo hosts the demanding GM4O mountain marathon and in 2011 will host the World Cup Mountain Running Championships. Smaller sports events – cycling, running, hiking, rowing and a variety of activities in the countryside and on sports fields – take place throughout the summer season on a practically daily basis, since the active component predominates in tourism in the area.

Paragliding, European Championships, Tolmin

World Cup rowing Championships, Bled

The Assault on Vršič

Telemark skiing World Cup, Bohinj

Vitranc Cup, Kranjska Gora

Freeride Battle Kanin

Biathlon World Cup, Pokljuka

Planica, FIS World Cup Ski Jumping Final


Ski touring




Snow park, Vogel

Kanin-Sella Nevea ski resort



We are a nation with a long skiing tradition. Skis even stand by our cradles. And we do not merely use them to rush down hills. We also rejoice and fly. And get together. Get to know each other. Many people who meet on skis stay together all their lives. Kranjska Gora, a world cup venue, is Slovenia’s best known resort for Alpine skiing and ski jumping (Planica). Bohinj has four skiing centres – Vogel, Kobla and Soriška Planina and Senožeta – while Bovec is the only place in Slovenia where the ski runs pass the 2,000 metre mark (Kanin) – at the international twin ski resort of Kanin-Sella Nevea. The adrenaline-hungry are well provided for in Kranjska Gora, where the Snow Park is a real challenge for snowboarders and skiers. It is the only snow park in Slovenia that is floodlit at night.

Kranjska Gora

Ski school

The best-known centre for cross-country skiing is Pokljuka, accessible from both Bled and Bohinj, while a trek on skis below the mighty rock faces into the Tamar valley is a marvellous experience. In Kranjska Gora (Tromeja), Bovec (Mangrt) and Bohinj (Vogar) tobogganing on snowy roads is becoming increasingly popular. The biggest adventure of all is ski touring high in the mountains - for safety reasons a mountain guide must always be present.


Cross-country skiing

Night tobogganing on the Mangrt road



Heritage train



Bohinjska Bistrica, tunnel


An unforgettable journey aboard a romantic steam train. Views of Lake Bled, the Alpine peaks above Bohinj and the emerald-green Soča. Motorail train

Information from: ABC rent a car, d.o.o. – Europcar Slovenia t +386 (0)59 070 510 e abc-tourism@europcar.si, www.abc-tourism.si


Julian Alps Train, Solkan viaduct

The motorail service (Avtovlak) between Bohinjska Bistrica and Most na Soči is the most comfortable way to get from the Gorenjska side (Bohinj) of the Julian Alps to the Primorska side (Tolmin). Motorbikes, cars and campers are carried. We also recommend the service to cyclists since it saves them the difficult (though beautiful) climb over

Soriška Planina (1,277 metres). For excursionists and especially for visitors staying in one place, the motorail service makes it easier to see the sights on the northern or southern side of the Julian Alps.


The purpose of the Julian Alps Train project is to promote the Triglav National Park and the Julian Alps and a green Slovenia. The Julian Alps Train runs at weekends and on public holidays between Ljubljana and Nova Gorica via Jesenice, Bled, Bohinjska Bistrica and Most na Soči. It is decorated with photographs of Bled, Bohinj, Kranjska Gora, the valley of the Soča and Triglav.


Games of chance | Accommodation

Games of chance



They say that there’s no such thing as chance. It is therefore no mere chance that the natural environment of the Julian Alps also offers opportunities for experiences of different types. In the contrasts offered by games of chance, you can find new forms of relaxation and amusement that will fill a rainy day or liven up evenings and nights. Casinos today are no longer places of dubious reputation but popular centres of entertainment where, as well as playing the slot machines or taking a seat at the gaming tables, you can eat and drink well, watch a floor show, or even take to the dance floor yourself. There are several places in Kranjska Gora itself where you can try your luck (in the Korona casino and Larix gaming salon), or alternatively you can head off to Bled or Kranj in your hunt for a lucky chance. If you’re in the Soča valley, you can try your luck at Aurora Casino and Cabaret in Staro selo near Kobarid.


Slot machines


Alpine farmhouse, Zadnja Trenta

In the beginning was hospitality and every guest was welcome. Diligence and industry have built on this tradition, with the result that the visitor can feel perfectly at home - safe, comfortable and relaxed. But still in touch with the whole world. Visitors to the Julian Alps can relax in a variety of different accommodation. Options include camping, a farm holiday, rooms, apartments and guest houses and comfortable hotels.



Map of the Julian Alps


Julian Alps | Bled



TIC Bled Cesta svobode 15, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 574 11 22, 574 14 09, f +386 (0)4 574 15 55 e tdbled@telemach.net, www.bled.si Capacities: The beginnings of intensive tourism date back to 1855 when the Swiss hydropathist Arnold Rikli became one of the first people to recognise the value and benefits of Bled’s favourable climate and position. Today there is space for 5,000 guests in three-, four- and five-star hotels (2,300 beds), guest houses (300 beds), youth hostels (100 beds), a campsite (capacity 1,100) and private accommodation (1,200 beds). Services and facilities: Bled is Slovenia’s leading Alpine summer resort. With its lake, the little island with its church, and the ancient castle it is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Europe. The beauty of the mountains is reflected in the surface of the lake. Visitors can enjoy sunshine, peace and fresh air in all seasons and ideal conditions are guaranteed for a pleasant break or an active holiday. Bled is popular with the business community, artists, athletes, researchers, sports enthusiasts, young and old – from all over the world. Its enchanting beauty means that visitors always want to return.

Around the lake in a horse-drawn carriage

The pletna: Bled’s tradi-

Zvonček želja The wishing-bell


Creating the perfect experience of Bled


ĞƐƚĂ ƐǀŽďŽĚĞ ϭϮ͕ ^/ Ͳ ϰϮϲϬ ůĞĚ ƚ͗ нϯϴϲ ;ϬͿϰ ϱϳϵ ϭϬ ϬϬ͖ Ĩ͗ нϯϴϲ ;ϬͿϰ ϱϳϰ ϭϴ ϰϭ ĞͲŵĂŝů͗ ŐŚƚŽƉůŝĐĞΛŚŽƚĞůŝďůĞĚ͘ĐŽŵ www.hotel-toplice.com ůƵdžƵƌLJ ŚŽƚĞů ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ƐƉŝƌŝƚ ĂŶĚ ƐƚLJůĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ϭϵϯϬƐ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ƐŚŽƌĞƐ ŽĨ >ĂŬĞ ůĞĚ͘ ϴϳ ƌŽŽŵƐ ĂŶĚ ƐƵŝƚĞƐ ĚĞĐŽƌĂƚĞĚ ŝŶ ƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂů ƐƚLJůĞ͖ 'ƌĂŶĚ ZĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚ ;ŵĂŝŶ ŚŽƚĞů ƌĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚͿ͕ ĞdžĐůƵƐŝǀĞ ă ůĂ ĐĂƌƚĞ :ƵůŝũĂŶĂ ZĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚ͕ ďĂƌ͕ >ƵŝƐĂ tĞůůŶĞƐƐ ^ƚƵĚŝŽ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞƌŵĂů ƉŽŽů͕ &ŝŶŶŝƐŚ ƐĂƵŶĂ͕ dƵƌŬͲ ŝƐŚ ďĂƚŚ ĂŶĚ ŝŶĨƌĂƌĞĚ ƐĂƵŶĂ ĂƐ ǁĞůů ĂƐ ŵĂƐƐĂŐĞ ĂŶĚ ďĞĂƵƚLJ ƐĂůŽŶ͘

HOTEL GOLF 4*Superior

ĂŶŬĂƌũĞǀĂ ϰ͕ ^/ Ͳ ϰϮϲϬ ůĞĚ ƚ͗ н ϯϴϲ ;ϬͿϰ ϱϳϵ ϭϳ ϬϬ͖ Ĩ͗ н ϯϴϲ ;ϬͿϰ ϱϳϵ ϭϳ Ϭϭ ĞͲŵĂŝů͗ ŚŽƚĞůŐŽůĨΛŚŽƚĞůŝďůĞĚ͘ĐŽŵ www.hotel-golf-bled.com ŵŽĚĞƌŶ ŚŽƚĞů ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ ŽĨ ůĞĚ͕ Ă ŽŶĚĠ EĂƐƚ :ŽŚĂŶƐĞŶƐ ĂǁĂƌĚ ǁŝŶŶĞƌ ; ĞƐƚ ZĞƐŽƌƚ ,ŽͲ ƚĞů ϮϬϬϴͿ͘ ϭϱϬ ŵŽĚĞƌŶ ƌŽŽŵƐ ĂŶĚ ƐƵŝƚĞƐ͕ ŵĂŝŶ ŚŽƚĞů ƌĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚ͕ ă ůĂ ĐĂƌƚĞ sĞƌĂŶĚĂ ZĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚ͕ ďĂƌ͘ dŚĞ ŝǀĂ tĞůůŶĞƐƐ ĞŶƚƌĞ ĨĞĂƚƵƌĞƐ ƚŚĞƌŵĂů ƉŽŽůƐ ŽŶ ƚǁŽ ůĞǀĞůƐ ũŽŝŶĞĚ ďLJ Ă ƐůŝĚĞ͕ Ă ƐĂƵŶĂ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ ĂŶĚ Ă ďĞĂƵƚLJ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ ĨŽƌ ďŽĚLJ ĂŶĚ ƐŽƵů͘


ĞƐƚĂ ƐǀŽďŽĚĞ ϭϱ͕ ^/ Ͳ ϰϮϲϬ ůĞĚ ƚ͗ н ϯϴϲ ;ϬͿϰ ϱϳϵ ϭϴ ϬϬ͖ Ĩ͗ н ϯϴϲ ;ϬͿϰ ϱϳϵ ϭϴ Ϭϭ ĞͲŵĂŝů͗ ŚŽƚĞůƉĂƌŬΛŚŽƚĞůŝďůĞĚ͘ĐŽŵ www.hotel-park-bled.com ƌĞĐĞŶƚůLJ ƌĞĨƵƌďŝƐŚĞĚ ŚŽƚĞů ŶĞĂƌ ƚŚĞ ůĂŬĞƐŝĚĞ ƉƌŽŵĞŶĂĚĞ͘ Ϯϭϳ ŵŽĚĞƌŶ ƌŽŽŵƐ ĂŶĚ ƐƵŝƚĞƐ͕ ƌĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚ͕ ďĂƌ͕ ƌĞůĂdžĂƟŽŶ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ ǁŝƚŚ Ă ůĂƌŐĞ ŝŶĚŽŽƌ ƉŽŽů ǁŝƚŚ ŚĞĂƚĞĚ ƚŚĞƌŵĂů ǁĂƚĞƌ͕ ǁŚŝƌůͲ ƉŽŽů ďĂƚŚƐ ĂŶĚ ĮƚŶĞƐƐ ĐĞŶƚƌĞ͕ dŚĂŝ ĞŶƚƌĞ ;ƌĞͲ ůĂdžĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ ŵĂƐƐĂŐĞͿ͘ ^ƉĞĐŝĂůŝƐƚ ĐLJĐůŝƐƚͲ ĂŶĚ ŚŝŬĞƌͲĨƌŝĞŶĚůLJ ŚŽƚĞů͘


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Bled and its surrounding area form one of the most beautiful holiday destinations in the Alps, ¿OOHG ZLWK GHOLJKWIXO RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU D SOHDVDQW break or an active holiday at any time of the year. The SAvA HoTeli Bled group offers comfortable accommodation in Bled in hotels of different categories situated ULJKW LQ WKH WRZQ FHQWUH High-quality hotel services are complemented E\ D ZLGH UDQJH RI ZHOOQHVV IDFLOLWLHV and excellent gastronomy.

Ăƌ͕ ƚǁŽ ƉůĂLJƌŽŽŵƐ͕ ĚĂŝůLJ ĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚ ƉƌŽͲ ŐƌĂŵŵĞ ĨŽƌ ĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͘ &ƌĞĞ ĂĚŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ƚŚĞƌŵĂů ƉŽŽůƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŝǀĂ tĞůůŶĞƐƐ ĞŶƚƌĞ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ŶĞĂƌďLJ ,ŽƚĞů 'ŽůĨ͘


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Julian Alps | Bled


Tourism infrastructure – Infrastruktura Bled d.o.o. Rečiška cesta 2, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 578 05 34, f +386 (0)4 578 05 11 e info@infrastruktura-bled.si, www.infrastruktura-bled.si All tourism infrastructure facilities in Bled are centrally located and situated between 5 and 10 minutes’ walk from the hotels.



The Straža ski resort is situated just 5 minutes from the centre of Bled. It has two lifts, snowmaking machines and illumination for night skiing. The total length of the trails is just over 1 kilometre. In spring, summer and autumn, Straža is a popular destination for walkers and offers a unique view and summer tobogganing.

Castle Beach


The Public Lido on the lake shore just below the magnificient castle rock has been proclaimed the best natural bathing area in Slovenia for several years in a row. Thanks to its faultless environmental management, water quality, safety and services, it has been awarded the Blue Flag international eco-label for the last ten years. Part of the bathing area is also a boathouse where boats for 3-5 people can be hired.

Mini golf


The 288-metre minigolf course has 18 holes and covers an area of 3500 m2. The course is often used by participants in domestic and international tournaments. There is a small café with terrace on the course.

Adventure Park


The Adventure Park is perfect for families because it offers fun for the whole family and is suitable for children aged four and up. The Adventure Park is an outdoor activity centre offering fun and excitement in a natural setting. For more information visit www.pustolovski-park-bled.si.

Sports Park


Bled Sports park is situated on the edge of the town. At the centre of the 3-hectare complex is a football playground with natural grass surface (size in accordance with FIFA regulations), a small football field with artificial grass, athletics stadium, beach volley, bocce court and a children’s playground. Changing rooms and toilets available.

Sports hall


The sports hall was completely refurbished for the 2002 Chess Olympiad and the 2003 European Youth Olympic Festival. Facilities include all equipment for ice sports (9 months of the year). The hall is also suitable for concerts and events.


Julian Alps | Bled

Information and bookings: Albatros, Kongresno-Turistični Servis d.o.o. Ribenska cesta 2, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 578 03 50, f +386 (0)4 578 03 55 e info@albatros-bled.com, www.albatros-bled.com • •

PCO – Professional Congress Organiser Destination Management Company • assistance in preparing candidacies • advice on choice of location • preparation of tenders and estimates with integrated financial planning • registration and online registration of participants, managing and confirming hotel bookings using relevant software • preparation of application forms and confirmation forms for partici pants, collection and management of fees • transport: meeting participants at the airport and return transfer to airport • catering and other hospitality services • accompanying events and specially organised excursions • own conference technology and simultaneous translation system • technical staff, hostesses.




Information and bookings: Turistična agencija Kompas Bled Ljubljanska cesta 4, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 572 75 00, 572 75 01, f +386 (0)4 574 15 18 e kompas.bled@siol.net, www.kompas-bled.si


An agency with a long tradition and years of experience, we organise excursions and guided tours of the Bled area, the Julian Alps and the rest of Slovenia – tailored to your wishes. We organise transport, accommodation, vehicle hire, bicycle and ski equipment hire, ski schools, rafting, etc. Discover the Julian Alps with Kompas Bled!

Julian Alps | Bled




Information and bookings: Hotel Jelovica Bled d.o.o. Cesta svobode 8, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 579 60 00, f +386 (0)4 579 60 10 e jelovica@hotel-jelovica.si, www.hotel-jelovica.si

Information and bookings: Hotel Krek, Hraška cesta 15, SI – 4248 Lesce Penzion Krek, Savska cesta 35, Ribno, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 530 23 45, f +386 (0)4 530 23 49 e krek@krek.si, www.krek.si

The Hotel Jelovica Bled stands in the spa park by Lake Bled in the old town centre. All 96 modern rooms have a balcony. Hotel facilities: restaurant with summer terrace and bar, conference centre with three conference rooms, hotel club, Zeleni Klub beauty and health centre, summer garden and hotel car park.

The Hotel Krek in Lesce, 4 km from Bled, and the Penzion Krek in Ribno, 2 km from Bled, both benefit from the personal approach and hospitality of the Krek family. The 14-room Penzion Krek on the river Sava is ideal for hikers and anglers. The 36-room Hotel Krek is suitable for larger groups.



Information and bookings: Alp penzion d.o.o. Cankarjeva cesta 20a, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 574 16 14, f +386 (0)4 574 45 90 e bled@alp-penzion.com, www.alp-penzion.com

Information and bookings: Penzion Mayer Želeška 7, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 576 57 40, f +386 (0)4 576 57 41 e penzion@mayer-sp.si, www.mayer.si



Information and bookings: Penzion Mlino Cesta svobode 45, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 574 14 04, f +386 (0)4 574 15 06 e mlino@mlino.si, www.mlino.si

Information and bookings: Vila Ana Ribenska cesta 4, SI – 4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 578 03 70, f +386 (0)4 578 03 55, m +386 (0)41 635 265 e andrej@albatros-bled.com, barbara@albatros-bled.com, www.vila-ana-bled.si

Julian Alps | Bohinj



Turizem Bohinj Triglavska cesta 30, SI – 4264 Bohinjska Bistrica t +386 (0)4 574 75 90, f +386 (0)4 574 75 91 e info@bohinj.si, www.bohinj.si

Agatha Christie, Bohinj 1967

Don’t go to Bohinj if you are looking for big hotels, budget restaurants, smoke-filled snack bars, swimming amidst shrieking hordes, queues for cable cars and drag lifts, cyclists hurtling up hill and down dale, racing paragliders, the pastel mosaics of packed car parks, a rubbish-strewn lake shore, deafening music booming out from every bar, markets selling junk to tourists… Bohinj is a perfectly preserved jewel where citizens of the modern world can find their good, peaceful side in reflections of nature. More than two-thirds of Bohinj lies within the Triglav National Park and so all tourism activities, from hiking, cycling, fishing, water sports and winter sports to gastronomy are oriented towards natural, sustainable tourism. This means that Bohinj is not a shopping centre in a desolate landscape of illegal rubbish dumps but a boutique gallery in an exclusive district of an ancient town of all that is choicest and most precious – and not for sale. Even Agatha Christie, who knew a thing or two about human nature, once declared that Bohinj was too beautiful for murder.

On horseback along the paths of Bohinj

Lake Bohinj

W here innovation meets tradition: Luxurious eco resort in the heart of Julian Alps! Design eco hotel with exquisite culinar y offer, aquapark, sauna park, outdoor pools, patisserie, open fire place, bowling , exclusive wellness, congress center and cinema hall.

Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories.

Bohinj Park Hotel, d. o. o. Triglavska cesta 17, 4264 Bohinjska Bistrica T +386 (0)8 200 4000 E info@bohinj-park-hotel.si W www.bohinj-park-hotel.si





Triglavska cesta 13 4264 Bohinjska Bistrica Tel./Fax: ++386 (0)4 5721 282 info@hotel-tripic.si www.hotel-bohinj.si

1 Location: close to Kobla ski centre, 300m from the railway and bus stations, 5km from Lake Bohinj and 20km from Bled 1 Double rooms, twin family rooms and hotel apartments (every room has a balcony, bathroom with shower or bath tub, safe, telephone and cable TV), a total of 17 rooms 1 Overnight stay with breakfast (self-service), half- or full-board 1 Self-service breakfast is also available for guests who are not accommodated in the hotel 1 A-la-carte restaurant is open every day: local culinary specialties, house specialties, Bohinj trout, vegetarian dishes, grilled dishes, great pizzas, tourist menus, etc.. 1 Large restaurant for 80 people, small restaurant for 50 people, covered summer terrace for 90 people 1 Free storage for ski equipments and bicycles 1 Rent-a-bike 1 Fishing permits for the Sava Bohinjka or Lake Bohinj (up-todate information about the weather and waters, we also offer the possibility to rent a guide for fishing on the Sava or Lake, rental drying and storage of ) 1 Discount for Bohinj Aquapark swimming pools (50m from the hotel): heated pools, wellness centre with saunas and massage centre 1 Discounts for ski passes in Bohinj 1 Free WiFi in all hotel rooms 1 Free use of PC with internet access

family hotel www.hotel-bohinj.si



Julian Alps | Bohinj


Ribčev Laz 45, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386 (0)4 577 80 00, +386 (0)4 572 60 00, f +386 (0)4 577 80 22 e info@zlatorogturizem.si The hotel stands in a beautiful location in Bohinj valley with a view of the lake and surrounding hills. Rooms: 55 rooms – 20 double rooms and 35 suites consisting of living room and bedroom. Some rooms adapted for disabled. The extremely spacious rooms all have satellite TV and radio, telephone, minibar, safe and a balcony or terrace. Other services: free Wireless internet, sauna, solarium, massage, renta a bike, two tenis courts, outdoor swiming pool.

Hotel Bohinj****


A hotel with a long tradition and an estabilished reputation. Ukanc 65, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386(0)4 577 80 00, +386 (0)4 572 33 81, f +386 (0)4 577 80 22 e info@zlatorogturizem.si Capacity: 43 rooms in the hotel and 31 rooms in the villa (60 meters from the hotel). Room facilities include television, radio, telephone, safe, minibar, bathroom. Ski storage rooms are located in the hotel and the villa. The hotel can also host conferences/seminars for up to 100 people. Free wireless internet. Recreation: indoor swimming pool (14 x 8 m, 30 °C), sauna, massage, rent a bike, two tenis courts. Adrenaline sports organised on request. Restaurants: hotel restaurant and a la carte restaurant offering a wide range of dishes, cafe, terrace with hotel garden.

Hotel Zlatorog***


Ukanc 2, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386 (0)4 577 80 00, f +386 (0)4 572 34 83 e info@zlatorogturizem.si

Kamp Zlatorog**

K r a l j e s t v o Z l a t o r o g a

The campsite is situated on the shore of lake Bohinj and has its own beach. Pitches available in the wood or in the sun. Capacity: 180 pitches Restaurant: 70 seats Other services: reception, 90 electricity connections, showers with hot and cold water, toilets, rent a boat, rent a bike, sports programmes and activities, free wireless internet.



Julian Alps | Bohinj


Information and bookings: Žičnice Vogel Bohinj, d.d. Ukanc 6, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero t + 386 (0)4 572 97 12, +386 (0)4 572 97 21, f + 386 (0)4 572 37 80 e marketing.vogel@siol.net, www.vogel.si Vogel is a tourism centre located inside the Triglav National Park. A modern gondola-style cable car carries you up to a height of 1,537 metres above sea level, from where you can enjoy a marvellous view. In winter Vogel is a well-known high-mountain ski area where all the skiing is on natural snow. A winter wonderland of unspoilt nature makes skiing, snowboarding or simply a panoramic cable car ride even more magical. In summer Vogel sheds its white garments and dresses in brighter colours. Numerous walking trails and marked mountain paths are ideal for recreation, photography, enjoying the peace and tranquillity of the high mountains and observing mountain flora and fauna. Vogel is a popular launch point for paragliding enthusiasts. Food and drink is also available so you will not leave Vogel hungry or thirsty.


Information and bookings: Turistično društvo Bohinj Ribčev Laz 48, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386 (0)4 574 60 10, f +386 (0)4 572 30 30 e info@bohinj-info.com, www.bohinj-info.com


The Bohinj Tourism Association, with its information centre, is situated close to Lake Bohinj and offers: • accommodation in apartments, rooms and holiday houses, • tourist information and services and sports programmes in Bohinj and the surrounding area, • fishing permits, walkers’ maps, souvenirs, • wireless internet connection, • open all year round. Camp Danica Triglavska 60, SI – 4264 Bohinjska Bistrica t +386 (0)4 572 10 55, f +386 (0)4 572 33 30 e info@camp-danica.si, www.camp-danica.si


The Camp Danica campsite is located beside the river Sava in Bohinjska Bistrica, not far from Lake Bohinj. Extending over an area of 4.5 hectares, it has space for 700 guests. Facilities include sports and recreation areas, bicycle hire and a children’s playground. Camp Danica is open all year round – and with its range of winter sports activities is attractive even in winter.


Julian Alps | Bohinj

Information and bookings: Hotel Jezero Alpinum hoteli d.o.o. Ribčev Laz 51, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386 (0)4 572 91 00, f +386 (0)4 572 90 39 e hotel.jezero@cc-line.si, www.bohinj.si/alpinum/jezero Hotel Jezero enjoys a central location right on the lake and has 71 rooms and 5 suites. Rooms have direct dial telephone, cable TV, minibar, safe, hairdryer and balcony with balcony furniture. Other facilities: Lift, wireless internet access, internet corner, conference rooms, ski room and car park. Restaurants: Vrtovin Restaurant with covered terrace and open-air terrace, à la carte Zlatovčica Restaurant with covered terrace, café. Recreation: Indoor swimming pool with garden, fitness centre, saunas, massage, minigolf.


Information and bookings: Alpska vas Vogel d.o.o. Ukanc 6, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero m +386 (0)51 644 316 e alpska.vas@vogel.si, alpskavas.vogel@gmail.com www.alpska-vas-bohinj.com We are here to welcome you at 1,535 metres above sea level in the heart of the Vogel mountain ski resort in the south-western part of the Julian Alps within the Triglav National Park in Bohinj. Restaurants: Merjasec mountain hut, Viharnik panoramic snack bar, Orlove Glave snack bar, Burja pizzeria, Kavka bar, Macesen bar. Rooms: Burja hut (8 rooms: 2/2, 3/2 +2, 1/5 + 2, ¼ +1 with satellite TV, DVD, shower/WC, wireless internet access; some rooms have balcony), Murka hostel hut (18 rooms: 14/2, 2/3, 2/4 with bunk beds, men’s and women’s WCs and shower on each floor), Ruša apartment hut (14 + 2 beds, satellite TV, DVD, shower/WC). Activities: walks through the surroundings of the Vogel Alpine Village with amazing views from 1,535 metres above sea level, relaxation in a panoramic Finnish sauna, mountain climbing in the heart of the Triglav National Park, birdwatching and botany, photography.


Julian Alps | Bohinj


Information and bookings: Apartmaji Brina Ribčev Laz 85, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero m +386 (0)41 698 133 e info@brina.si, www.brina.si



The Brina Apartments are located in the direct vicinity of Lake Bohinj (200 metres). The house contains four comfortable apartments equipped with a modern kitchen (dishwasher, microwave, toaster, coffee machine, etc.), satellite TV and internet access. All apartments have a balcony. Additional facilities: sauna, table tennis, badminton, volleyball. Sports activities: cycling, canoeing, rafting, canyoning, parachuting, climbing, hiking, ski school, professional guide service for groups or individuals.


Information and bookings: Apartmaji Kovačič Stara Fužina 17, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386 (0)4 572 39 14, m +386 (0)41 586 598 e kovacic.tadej@siol.net, www.bohinj.si/kovacic The house stands just 300 metres from Lake Bohinj. The modern apartments have a balcony with table and chairs, cable TV and free internet access. Garden with children’s playground equipment, heated garden house for picnics and gatherings for groups of up to 15 people. Special offers: discounts on catering services in a nearby restaurant, great location for anglers – fishing permits and wooden boat available for hire.

Information and bookings: Apartmaji Residence Triglav Stara Fužina 23, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386 (0)4 572 97 00, f +386 (0)4 572 97 01 e triglav@asf-bohinj.eu, www.residencetriglav.si Alpinsport – Sports Activities Ribčev Laz 53, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero t/f +386 (0)4 572 34 86, m +386 (0)41 596 079 e alpinsport@siol.net, www.alpinsport.si


Julian Alps | Bohinj



Information and bookings: Apartmajska hiša Jager, Srednja vas 68a, SI – 4267 Srednja vas t/f +386 (0)4 572 36 25, 572 40 50, m +386 (0)41 676 272 e jager@lake-bohinj.com www.lake-bohinj.com, www.taxibohinj.com, www.apartma-bohinj.com

Planinsko društvo Ljubljana-Matica Trdinova 8, SI – 1000 Ljubljana t +386 (0)1 438 19 11 Information office: Miklošičeva 17, SI – 1000 Ljubljana t +386 (0)1 23 12 645, e info.pdljmatica@siol.net, www.pd-ljmatica.si

We are located in Srednja Vas, in the Triglav National Park. Modern two- to five-bed apartments with satellite TV and balconies with mountain views. Services and facilities: heated bicycle and ski storage, free wireless internet access, garage for motorbikes and large car park. We organise sports programmes of all kinds and excursions and transfers with our own taxi service.

Welcome to our mountain huts: • Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih, m +386 (0)40 620 783 • Koča pri Savici, m +386 (0)40 695 787 • Dom na Komni, m +386 (0)40 695 783 • Triglavski dom na Kredarici, t +386 (0)4 531 28 64



Information and bookings: SPORT4FUN, izvajanje športnih dejavnosti, Maruša Malej s.p. Ribčev Laz 78, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero m +386 (0)41 975 878 e marusa.malej@gmail.com, www.sport4fun.si

Information and bookings: Turizem Bohinj Triglavska cesta 30, SI – 4264 Bohinjska Bistrica t +386 (0)4 574 75 90, f +386 (0)4 574 75 91 e info@bohinj.si, www.bohinj.si/alpskocvetje

Welcome to a friendly agency located outside the Camp Danica campsite in Bohinjska Bistrica, offering a wide range of sports-related pleasure and fun: rafting, canyoning, kayaking school, cycling, bicycle and kayak hire.

Building a future for people and nature.

Julian Alps | Bohinj



Information and bookings: Hotel Kristal Bohinj Ribčev Laz 4a, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386 (0)4 577 82 00, f +386 (0)4 577 82 50 e kristal@cc-line.si, www.hotel-kristal-slovenia.com

Information and bookings: Hotel & Vila Stare, Ukanc 128, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero m + 386 (0)40 558 669, f + 386 (0)4 574 64 01 e info@impel-bohinj.si www.impel-bohinj.si (hotel), www.rent-villa-slovenia.com (villa)



Information and bookings: Apartmaji Tubej Ravne v Bohinju 16, SI – 4264 Bohinjska Bistrica m +386 (0)41 832 089, f +386 (0)1 366 32 94 e info@kobla.net, www.kobla.net

Information and bookings: Apartmaji Alpik Ukanc 85, SI – 4265 Bohinjsko jezero m +386 (0)41 435 555, f +386 (0)4 574 60 69 e alpik@alpik.com, www.alpik.com



Information and bookings: Hotel Center, Pokljuka Triglav Sports Centre Srednja vas 165a (Rudno polje), SI – 4267 Srednja vas v Bohinju t (recepcija) +386 (0)4 532 00 00, f +386 (0)4 532 00 01 e info@center-pokljuka.si, www.center-pokljuka.si

Information and bookings: Vila Triglav na Pokljuki Goreljek 104, SI – 4247 Zgornje Gorje m +386 (0)41 795 286 e vilatriglav@pokljuka.eu, www.vilatriglav.com



Information and bookings: LD TURIZEM, Darja Lazar, s.p. Mencingerjeva 10, SI – 4264 Bohinjska Bistrica t +386 (0)4 574 76 00, f +386 (0)4 574 76 01 e darja.lazar@siol.net, www.ld-turizem.si


Information and bookings: Turizem Bohinj, t +386 (0)4 574 75 90, e info@bohinj.si, www.bohinj.si Enjoy Lake Bohinj from the surface of the lake! Boat trips from Ribčev Laz to Ukanc and back, from April to November.

Julian Alps | Tolmin, Kobarid



Lokalna turistična organizacija Sotočje Petra Skalarja 4, SI – 5220 Tolmin t +386 (0)5 380 04 80, f +386 (0)5 380 04 83 e info@lto-sotocje.si, www.dolina-soce.com Capacities: the Soča Valley–Kobarid & Tolmin destination is a young, rapidly growing destination in the tourism market. The area can currently offer accommodation to up to 3,000 visitors; one-third of the accommodation capacities in campsites, 500 beds are available in hotels and pensions, there are 900 beds in private rooms and apartments and on farms, and 600 rooms in mountain huts and youth hostels. There are no large hotels in the destination but there are several small and friendly houses offering excellent cuisine and services. Attractions: the most important attraction in the destination is river Soča, a magnet for anglers and a challenge for all white water sports enthusiasts. The destination offers excellent opportunities for hiking and mountain biking; ideal conditions for paragliding mean that international and world competitions are held here every year. The WW1 Soča (Isonzo) Front is a major historical attraction in the valley. A visit to several former battlefields and other military sites is also a chance for a walk in beautiful countryside. There are sights of outstanding natural beauty to be discovered both inside and outside the Triglav National Park.



Nebesa, Livek


Julian Alps | Tolmin, Kobarid



Information and bookings: Hotel Krn, Viago d.o.o. Mestni trg 3, SI – 5220 Tolmin t +386 (0)5 382 11 00, f + 386 (0)5 382 11 28 e info.hotel.krn@gmail.com Number of rooms: 48. Hotel facilities include a main restaurant, a café, a cellar restaurant, conference facilities, a summer garden, a fitness centre and a car park. Additional facilities: strolls through Tolmin, nature experiences, living waters, the tradition and heritage of Alpine herdsmen, walks along the Path of Peace, open-air museums, adventures on the water, in the air and in the mountains, recreation, guided tours, day trips, fishing.

FARM TOURISM PRI KAFOLU Information and bookings: Turistična kmetija pri Kafolu Prapetno 16a, SI – 5220 Tolmin t +386 (0)5 388 37 53, m +386 (0)41 618 698 e info@prikafolu.com, www.prikafolu.com Location: the peaceful little village of Prapetno, just 2 km from Tolmin, with views of the mountains and the lake. Number of rooms: 4 apartments (2, 4, 4, 6), 2/2. Number of beds: 20. Seats in restaurant: 30. Services and facilities: breakfast, home-cooked food, car park, children’s playground, farm produce for sale, picnic area with barbecue, sports activities organised. Pets welcome.

Information and bookings: Gostišče Jelkin hram Drežnica 30, SI – 5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 384 86 10, f +386 (0)5 389 01 69 e jelkin.hram@siol.net, www.jelkin-hram.com Rooms, wireless internet access, sauna, jacuzzi, transport, tandem paraglider flights, etc. Local cuisine, lunches for groups. Special service for paragliders. A paradise for nature lovers, cyclists and climbers and the perfect base for water sports on the emerald river Soča.

NADIŽA CAMPSITE, PODBELA*** Information and bookings: Kamp Nadiža Podbela Stresova 18, SI – 5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 384 91 10, f +386 (0)5 384 91 10 m +386 (0)41 443 535, +386 (0)41 454 408 e info@kamp-nadiza.com, www.kamp-nadiza.com The campsite is located above the river Nadiža, below the village of Podbela. Covering an area of 3 hectares, it has 150 plots for tents and spaces for 30 camping vehicles. Capacity: up to 450 guests. Additional facilities: 60-seat bar, car park, children’s playground, park. Activities: cycling, fishing, table tennis, basketball, five-a-side football, volleyball, badminton, boules, paragliding, hang-gliding, hiking, bathing in the pools of the Nadiža.

Julian Alps | Tolmin, Kobarid


Information and bookings: Kamp – apartmajsko naselje Koren Ladra 1b, SI – 5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 389 13 11, f +386 (0)5 389 13 10, m +386 (0)41 371 229 e info@kamp-koren.si, www.kamp-koren.si, www.kampkoren.mobi A superior-category campsite with 70 plots and 6 wooden eco-houses (4 + 2) measuring 100 m2 with kitchen, living room (satellite TV, internet), bathroom, two bedrooms, balcony and terrace. The campsite lies on the river Soča just 500 metres from Kobarid. Other facilities: disabled toilets, children’s playground, bicycle hire, wireless internet access, TV, telephone, shop, sauna, hiking and cycling packages, climbing instructor. Restaurants: snack bar in the campsite, restaurants in Kobarid. Activities in the vicinity: kayaking, rafting, fishing, cycling, hiking, climbing, paragliding, horse riding, etc. Activities in the campsite: fishing, boules, table tennis, beach volleyball, swimming in the river, climbing (climbing tower).




Information and bookings: Gostišče Jazbec Idrsko 56, SI – 5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 389 91 00, f +386 (0)5 389 14 02 e bostjan.jazbec@siol.net, www.jazbec.eu

Information and bookings: Hiša Franko, restaurant and accommodation Staro selo 1, SI – 5222 Kobarid t + 386 (0)5 389 41 20, f + 386 (0)5 389 41 29, m + 386 (0)41 774 634 e info@hisafranko.com, www.hisafranko.com



Information and bookings: Modrina, sobe, apartma, wellness Trg svobode 4B, SI – 5222 Kobarid t + 386 (0)5 388 50 90, m + 386 (0)41 494 178 e info@modrina.eu, www.modrina.eu

Information and bookings: Nebesa, turistične hiše Livek 39, SI – 5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 384 46 20, f +386 (0)5 384 46 21 e info@nebesa.si, www.nebesa.si


Julian Alps | Tolmin, Kobarid



Information and bookings: Restavracija Kotlar s prenočišči Trg svobode 11, SI – 5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 389 11 10, m +386 (0)51 397 978 e kotlar.restavracija@siol.net, www.kotlar.si

Information and bookings: Kmetija Želinc Straža 8, SI – 5282 Cerkno t +386 (0)5 372 40 20, f +386 (0)5 372 40 21 e info@zelinc.com, www.zelinc.com



Information and bookings: Turistična kmetija Kranjc Koseč 7, SI – 5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 384 85 62 e info@turizem-kranjc.si, www.turizem-kranjc.si

Information and bookings: Turistična kmetija Žvanč Drežniške Ravne 30a, SI – 5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 384 86 56, m +386 (0)31 664 248 e kmetija.zvanc@gmail.com, www.ekokmetija-zvanc.it.gg



Information and bookings: Alpin Action, Canyon 4 d.o.o. Trnovo ob Soči 26a, SI – 5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 384 55 04, f +386 (0)5 384 55 05, m +386 (0)41 708 132 e info@alpinaction.it, www.sloveniarafting.si, www.alpinaction.si

Information and bookings: Kobariški muzej Gregorčičeva 10, SI – 5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 389 00 00, f +386 (0)5 389 00 02 e kobariski.muzej@siol.net, www.kobariski-muzej.si

Activities: rafting, kayaking and kayaking school, canyoning, hydrospeed, miniraft, riverbug, stand-up paddle board, sit-on-top, canoeing, pony trekking, quad biking. Kayak and kayak equipment hire and testing. Shop: kayaking and sports.

Kobarid Museum offers visitors the most comprehensive account of the Soča (Isonzo) Front, mountain warfare in the Julian Alps and the 12th Battle of the Isonzo, the Battle of Caporetto (Kobarid in Slovene; Karfreit in German). The museum is open every day of the year.

Julian Alps | Tolmin, Kobarid


Information and bookings: Ribiška družina Tolmin Trg 1. maja 7, SI – 5220 Tolmin t +386 (0)5 381 17 10, f +386 (0)5 381 17 11 e info@ribiska-druzina-tolmin.si, www.ribiska-druzina-tolmin.si The Angling Club of Tolmin has been managing the waters of the Soča, the Idrijca, the Bača, the Nadiža, the Tolminka and their tributaries in the municipalities of Bovec, Kobarid and Tolmin for over 60 years. The biggest attraction of these waters is the endemic marble trout, unique to this part of the world, that grows to enormous size and is, in fact, the largest European trout. Other interesting fish include trout crossbreeds, brown trout and rainbow trout, grayling, barbel and chub. The marble trout once almost died out as a result of crossbreeding with the brown trout, which began to be released into Slovenian waters almost a hundred years ago. In the 1980s surviving populations of pure marble trout were discovered in remote streams. For the last 18 years the Tolmin Angling Club has been running a research and protection project for this unique fish and its survival is assured. Fly fishing with a barbless hook is possible with a permit from 1 April to 31 October. Anglers can choose between a catch and release permit or a standard permit (allowing a take of three fish).


Information and bookings: LTO Sotočje Petra Skalarja 4, SI – 5220 Tolmin t +386 (0)5 380 04 80, f +386 (0)5 380 04 83 e info@lto-sotocje.si, www.dolina-soce.com


In the Tolmin Gorges the rivers Tolminka and Zadlaščica have carved gorges over 60 metres deep and 400 metres long into the living rock. Today these gorges are protected as a natural monument and are one of the biggest tourist attractions of the Soča Valley. A nature trail runs through the gorges to magic spots such as a thermal spring, the confluence of two crystal-clear rivers, a rock the shape of a bear’s head, the Devil’s Bridge, wedged dizzily between high cliffs, and Zadlaz Cave, the home of a mythological “wild woman” and, according to legend, once used as a shelter by the famous Italian poet Dante Alighieri. It is said that the dramatic surroundings inspired his depiction of Hell in the Divine Comedy. The path through the Tolmin Gorges is open from the beginning of April to the end of October.


Julian Alps | Bovec


Archive LTO Bovec, Claudio Costerni


Archive LTO Bovec, F. A. BOBO

The Soča

Hikers on Kanin

By bicycle to Zapoden

Archive Soča rafting

Bovec lies at the heart of the Triglav National Park, in the valley of the emerald river Soča, beneath the towering peaks of the Julian Alps. The destination is a true paradise for all who love activity holidays: hiking, cycling, kayaking, rafting, canyoning, fishing, climbing, snowshoeing and skiing are among the most popular activities. This area, chosen by Disney as the location for the second instalment of fantasy saga The Chronicles of Narnia, is a European Destination of Excellence where everyone can experience genuine, unspoilt nature and the spirit of a diverse cultural heritage that was fatefully marked by the First World War. Accommodation is available for over 5,000 visitors in campsites, hotels, mountain huts, guest houses, on open farms, and in rooms and apartments in Bovec and the surrounding area of untouched natural beauty. Sports agencies offer a popular range of sports and outdoor activities, while in winter the main attraction is the highest-lying ski resort in Slovenia – the twin ski areas of Kanin and Sella Nevea (2,300 metres) – where skiers can enjoy 30 km of pistes and an altitude difference of 1,200 metres.

Archive LTO Bovec, F. A. BOBO

TIC Bovec Trg golobarskih žrtev 8, SI – 5230 Bovec t +386 (0)5 389 64 44, f +386 (0)5 389 64 45, m +386 (0)31 388 700 e info@bovec.si, www.bovec.si

Welcome to the valleys of inspiration! Rafting on the Soča


Julian Alps | Bovec

Archive LTO Bovec, F. A. BOBO


Information and bookings: Turistična agencija ATC Turizem Trg golobarskih žrtev 18, SI – 5230 Bovec t +386 (0)5 389 60 03, f +386 (0)5 389 60 04 e kaninski.center@siol.net, www.boveckanin.si

Archive LTO Bovec, Claudio Costerni

KANIN (2,300 m)

Kanin-Sella Nevea ski resort: • natural snow, ski beach with a sea view; • 30 kilometres of carefully prepared runs in an area of 70 hectares; • 5-kilometre descent from Sedlo to the valley in Sella Nevea, with a height difference of 1,200 metres; • access from Italy or Slovenia; • for beginners and more advanced skiers; • other winter activities in the valley: tobogganing, snowshoeing, crosscountry skiing, ice climbing, skating. Hiking and cycling: • Kanin cable car (2,202 m); • nature trail, climb up to surrounding peaks with a guide; • visit to Prestreljenik’s Window; • mountain bike park.

KANIN (2,300 m)

Information and bookings: Gostišče Andrejc Soča 31, SI – 5232 Soča t +386 (0)5 388 95 30, f +386 (0)5 388 95 31, m +386 (0)41 332 520 e gostisce.andrejc@siol.net, www.andrejc.eu Our restaurant stands in the heart of the mountains, in the village of Soča, on the main road between the Great Gorges and the Little Gorges of the emerald Soča river. We are an excellent base from which to set out on country walks of different lengths. Shorter routes include the Soča River Path, while a more demanding hike – up the SE face of Bavški Grintavec – starts right outside our door. The restaurant offers a wide selection of freshly prepared dishes. Groups by arrangement. Rooms are available for those planning a slightly longer stay in our valley. Double, triple and four-bed rooms available, all with bathroom. Choose between B&B, half board or full board.


Julian Alps | Bovec




Information and bookings: Hotel Mangart Bovec Mala vas 107, SI – 5230 Bovec t +386 (0)5 388 42 50, f +386 (0)5 388 42 51 e booking@hotel-mangart.com, www.hotel-mangart.com

Information and bookings: Motel Encijan Log pod Mangartom 31, SI – 5231 Log pod Mangartom t +386 (0)5 384 51 30, m +386 (0)41 604 798 e info@encijan.com, www.encijan.com

A modern, newly built hotel. Air-conditioned rooms with telephone, cable TV (LCD), minibar, safe, free wireless internet access; most rooms have a balcony. Additional facilities: restaurant, bar with open fire, summer garden, seminar room, wellness centre, natural outdoor pool, children’s playground, parking, etc.

Motel Encijan can sleep up to 35 guests in 10 modern apartments of various sizes with bathroom, kitchen, satellite TV and wireless internet connection. B&B or half board. Hot tub, sauna and pool available to guests free of charge. In winter: beginners’ ski area with two drag lifts, ice skating rink and crosscountry skiing trail.



Information and bookings: Apartmaji Mrakič, Vasja Mrakič s. p. Dvor 53, SI – 5230 Bovec m +386 (0)41 329 174, f +386 (0)1 300 70 60 e apartmaji.mrakic@siol.net, www.mrakic.net

Information and bookings: Apartmaji Nac Bovec Kot 98, SI – 5230 Bovec m +386 (0)41 662 949, +386 (0)40 477 512 e apartmaji.nac@gmail.com, www.apartmajinac.com

Accommodation in modern apartments in Bovec. A total of 34 beds are available in six apartments. Self-service breakfast provided on request. A wide range of additional services also available.

A brand-new house built in the traditional Bovec style with modern interior design. Our stylish apartments offer every comfort.


Julian Alps | Bovec



Information and bookings: TUSI d.o.o. BOVEC Kaninska vas 7, SI – 5230 Bovec t +386 (0)5 389 63 33 e tusi@siol.net, www.kaninska-vas.si, www.bovecapartma.si

Information and bookings: Šport center Bovec & Apartmaji Bovška hiša, Kot 2, SI – 5230 Bovec t +386 (0)5 388 60 32, m +386 (0)31 263 632 e info@bovec-sc.si, apartment@bovec-sc.si www.bovec-sc.si, www.apartmentbovec.com

Apartments: Kaninska Vas Bovec Apartments**, Bovec Apartment Villa***, Rombon Bovec Apartment House***, Brdo 22A Bovec Apartment***, Bovec Holiday House*** A RANGE OF SPORTS ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMMES.

Bovec Sports Centre organises a range of sports activities led by qualified instructors: rafting, kayaking, canyoning, mountain biking, hiking and, in winter, tobogganing and snowshoeing. Accommodation available in the Bovška Hiša apartments.



Information and bookings: Aktivni planet, tourism and sports agency d.o.o. Mala vas 112, SI – 5230 Bovec m +386 (0)40 639 433, +386 (0)31 653 417 e info@aktivniplanet.si, www.aktivniplanet.si

Information and bookings: Športna agencija SPORT MIX Trg golobarskih žrtev 18, SI – 5230 Bovec t +386 (0)5 389 61 60, m +386 (0)31 87 19 91 e team@sportmix.si, www.sportmix.si

This tourism and sports agency was founded by two six-time world rafting champions. Today the team includes kayaking and hydrospeed experts, canyoning specialists and cavers with expert knowledge of the local karst caves. We speak multiple languages and have a breadth of knowledge and experience that enables us to arrange custom tourism packages and provide all the information you need. And just like you, we love to travel. Find us in the centre of Bovec .

Extreme water sports on the Soča. Athlete preparation. Rafting. Canyoning. Hydrospeed. Kayaking school. Cycling. Hiking. Nordic walking. Feel nature with the SPORT MIX agency. Professionalism, friendly staff and a unique experience. Find us in the centre of Bovec.

Julian Alps | Bovec




Information and bookings: TOP Extreme RAFTING center, Žaga 151, SI – 5224 Srpenica pri Bovcu m +386 (0)41 620 636, +386 (0)31 620 636, f +386 (0)5 330 54 67 e info@top.si, toprafting@gmail.com, www.top.si/eng

Information and bookings: Zadruga Avantura, z.o.o. p.p. 45, SI – 5230 Bovec m +386 (0)41 832 774 e info@avantura.org, www.avantura.org


Rafting, canyoning, kayaking, bungee jumping… unforgettable experiences since 1993. Our sports centre by the river Soča, 6 km from Bovec, offers: picnic area, sports field and children’s playground, car parks, changing rooms. As well as organising sports activities we can provide lunches, picnics and overnight accommodation. Booking essential.

Information and bookings: HIT Bovec d.o.o., Hotel Kanin Ledina 6, SI – 5230 Bovec t +386 (0)5 389 68 82, f +386 (0)5 389 68 89 e hotel.kanin@siol.net, www.hotel-kanin.com



Information and bookings: Penzion kamp Klin Lepena 1, SI – 5232 Soča t +386 (0)5 388 95 13, f +386 (0)5 388 95 14 e kampklin@siol.net, www.kamp-klin.sloveniaholidays.com

Information and bookings: Apartmaji Komac Bovec ***, Klanc 10, SI – 5230 Bovec m +386 (0)41 910 280, e apartmaji@komac.si, www.apartmaji.komac.si Apartma Dana *** Bovec, Kot 33, SI – 5230 Bovec m + 386 (0)41 234 387, e boveckot33@gmail.com, www.apartmadana.com



Information and bookings: Počitniška stanovanja Zorč Brdo 44, SI – 5230 Bovec t +386 (0)5 389 62 06, f +386 (0)5 389 62 07, m +386 (0)31 706 111 e pszorc@gmail.com

Information and bookings: Farm Tourism Jelinčič, Jelinc Campsite and Jelinc Cheese Dairy Soča 50, SI – 5232 Soča t +386 (0)5 388 95 10, f +386 (0)5 388 95 11 e kmecki.turizem.jelincic@siol.net

Julian Alps | Kranjska Gora



TIC Kranjska Gora Booking service for rooms and apartments Tičarjeva ulica 2, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 580 94 40, f +386 (0)4 580 94 41 e info@kranjska-gora.eu, www.kranjska-gora.si Experience the Julian Alps in Kranjska Gora and the surrounding villages. A wealth of experiences you will want to try for yourself. Discover nature and cultural heritage and the secrets of well-being through a wide range of wellness services. Whether you are attending business meetings and social gatherings or exploring the mysterious past of the Upper Sava Valley with your family, you will never be bored here. In summer and winter Kranjska Gora offers a wide range of active adventures. Choose from hiking along walking trails and mountain paths, Nordic walking and cycling. For the adrenaline-hungry cyclists there are the jumps and obstacles of the Kranjska Gora Bike Park; recreational cyclists will enjoy a ride to an open farm or mountain hut. Relax with a golf club or a fly fishing rod. Accept the challenge of mountain climbing, ski on different kinds of terrain, test your stamina on cross-country skis, enjoy tobogganing and ice skating. The most daring can also try off-piste ski touring. Many different choices of accommodation are available. You can stay in three- or four-star hotels, a wide range of private rooms and apartments, guest houses and pensions, a campsite and mountain huts and lodges.

Aljaž’s Tower on Mount Triglav

Climbing in the Julian Alps

Snow Park, Kranjska Gora



Julian Alps | Kranjska Gora


Information and bookings: Korona, Casinò & Hotel Vršiška 23, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 587 80 00, f +386 (0)4 588 13 22 e marketing.korona@hit.si, www.thecasinokorona.com, www.hit.si Perfect for an exciting stop on the road of everyday life: the fabulous world of games waiting for you at the Korona casino and entertainment centre. At the foot of the Julian Alps, close to the triple Slovenian-Austrian-Italian border, Korona is Kranjska Gora’s most precious jewel Fortune awaits at numerous gaming tables and slot machines, plus great concerts and entertainment, gourmet delights and a friendly hotel in the heart of green forests. Welcome to a fabulous casino and entertainment centre where luck is your faithful companion!

Slot machines



Julian Alps | Kranjska Gora

Information and bookings: Hit Alpinea, Družba za turizem, d.d. Borovška cesta 99, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 588 44 77, f +386 (0)4 588 44 79 e info@hitholidays-kg.si, www.hitholidays-kg.si Hit Holidays Kranjska Gora combines accommodation (five hotels and apartments), an excellent choice of cuisine and limitless opportunities for relaxation in wellness centres. Swimming pools and children’s pools, saunas (Finnish sauna, Turkish bath, herbal sauna), a wide variety of beauty treatments and massages, and sun terraces by the pools. A rich and varied range of options for dining and drinking (Fabula restaurant, Napoli pizzeria, Legende pub, Oštarija tavern, etc.).


Information and bookings: Hotel Lek d.o.o. Vršiška 38, SI - 4280 Kranjska Gora t + 386 (0)4 588 15 20, f +386 (0)4 588 13 43 e info@hotel-lek.si, www.hotel-lek.si The Hotel Lek is just a few steps from the centre of Kranjska Gora, set back amid forests and the ski slopes of Vitranc. The Hotel Lek is attractive at all times of the year and always offers guests a wide range of options for entertainment, rest and recreation. Pools and saunas, floodlit tennis courts, pleasant rooms and friendly staff guarantee pleasant memories. Conference rooms with state-of-the-art equipment are available in the hotel for conferences and business meetings. The hotel restaurant is famous throughout the area. Our team of chefs conjure up a special mood with an excellent cuisine and a wide selection of fine Slovenian wines.


Julian Alps | Kranjska Gora


Information and bookings: Suite hotel Klass Bezje 14, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 588 58 88, f +386 (0)4 588 59 59, m +386 (0)40 535 833 e recepcija@hotelklass.si, www.hotelklass.com Suite Hotel Klass is a luxury hotel in Kranjska Gora offering a special blend of quality and natural beauty to discerning guests from Slovenia and abroad. The hotel pampers its guests in 24 stylish suites, apartments and rooms. Its conference facilities offer business clients an excellent environment for business events of every type. The friendly team at the Hotel Klass will look after your every need.




Information and bookings: Hotel Kotnik Borovška 75, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 588 15 64, f +386 (0)4 588 18 59, m +386 (0)41 671 980 e hotel@hotel-kotnik.si, restavracija@hotel-kotnik.si, www. hotel-kotnik.si

Information and bookings: Rožle G&M, Apartmaji Rožle*** Tičarjeva 14, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 588 13 74, f +386 (0)4 588 12 25 e info@rozle.si, www.rozle.si

The Hotel Kotnik is a family-run four-star hotel located in the peaceful heart of Kranjska Gora. Situated just 400 metres from the ski slopes, it has 15 comfortable, delightfully furnished rooms. The hotel has an air-conditioned restaurant and pizzeria serving a range of typical Slovenian dishes and other specialities.

Rožle G&M, Hotel Vila Triglav**** Ivana Krivca 6, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 588 14 87, f +386 (0)4 588 12 26 e vila.triglav@rozle.si, www.rozle.si


Julian Alps | Kranjska Gora


Information and bookings: Hiša Neža Smerinje 4, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)83 878 726, f +386 (0)83 878 727 e info@hisaneza.si, www.hisaneza.si Hiša Neža is located in the centre of Kranjska Gora close to the ski slopes. Accommodation is in five superior apartments. Facilities include a car park and ski room. Because we know that every guest is different, we offer a wide range of additional services. Visit us and let us spoil you.


Information and bookings: INTERSPORT Tomaž Bernik s.p. Borovška cesta 88a, SI – SI-4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 588 14 70, f +386 (0)4 588 47 81, m +386 (0)31 658 171 Winter sports school: t +386 (0)4 588 47 90, m+386 (0)41 940 817 e info@intersport-bernik.com, apartmaji@intersport-bernik.com www.intersport-bernik.com, www.apartment-kranjskagora.com ALL IN ONE PLACE: apartments and rooms, sports equipment hire, winter sports school and the Moč fitness centre.



Information and bookings: Igralni salon Casinò Larix, HIT Larix d.d. Borovška cesta 99, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 588 47 18, f +386 (0)4 588 47 10 e info@casino-larix.com, www.casino-larix.com

Information and bookings: Rožič Holiday House, Zgornja Radovna 38, SI – 4281 Mojstrana Rožič Apartments, Naselje Slavka Černeta 33, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 583 25 86, m +386 (0)31 311 056 e gregor.rozic@telemach.net, http://apartmaji-rozic.weebly.com



Information and bookings: Camping Kamne, Ana Voga s.p. Dovje 9, SI – 4281 Mojstrana t/f +386 (0)4 589 11 05, m +386 (0)41 822 595 e campingkamne@telemach.net, www.campingkamne.com

Information and bookings: Mitja Mertelj, taxi and minibus service, airport transfers Podkoren 73, SI – 4280 Kranjska Gora m +386 (0)41 709 750 e mitja.mertelj@telemach.net, www.taxi-kranjska-gora.si


9 HOTTEST FACTS Come and take a closer look.

URBAN URBANE The architecture of the famed Plečnik spread all over the capital city of Ljubljana.

THE WISHING BELL Fascinating Lake Bled with its island, where you can ring the bell at the church and make a wish.

UNDERGROUND, OVERGROUND The unique Karst landscape stretches over approximately 500 square kilometres.

MYSTIC MEDITERRANEAN The famous veduta of Piran, this medieval pearl, gives a memorable seaside view.

DEEP FOREST The magical Kočevje virgin forest, our preserved natural heritage.

GOOD WATER Numerous thermal-water springs reaching the surface at 32-73˚C are one of the greatest Slovenian treasures.

GREAT-GREAT-GRANDVINE The oldest vine in the world, the 400-year-old vine in Maribor.

ALPINE DANCE MUSIC The Avsenik Brothers established a new kind of folk music by combining piano accordion, trumpet, clarinet, bass and guitar.

HOT LINKS General: www.slovenia.info/lovebooking www.slovenia.info/lovemap www.slovenia.info/loveevents www.slovenia.info/loveshop www.slovenia.info/lovepublications www.slovenia.info/lovegreen Business: www.slovenia.info/loveboard www.slovenia.info/lovepress www.slovenia.info/lovephoto

CULT CULTURE The creative crossroads of the European Alps, the Mediterranean and the Pannonian Plain.


www.julijske-alpe.com Julian Alps e info@julijske-alpe.com


Slovenian Tourist Board Dimičeva 13, SI – 1000 Ljubljana t +386 (0)1 589 85 50 f +386 (0)1 589 85 60 e info@slovenia.info

This catalogue is printed on environmentally friendly paper Help protect the environment – Don’t throw it away, give it to a friend! Commissioned by: Julijske Alpe, Turizem Bled, Turizem Bohinj, LTO Kranjska Gora, LTO Bovec, LTO Sotočje, TNP| Text: Matjaž Kocbek, Janko Humar, Janez Bizjak | Design: Snežana Madić Lešnik | Photography: Matevž Lenarčič, Tomo Jeseničnik, Marko Čufar, Uroš Novak, Aleš Fevžer, Ciril Mlinar, Iztok Oražem, Janko Humar, Sergej Čujec, Dušan Podlogar, Martin Šolar, Snežana Madić Lešnik, Žiga Židan, LTO Bovec photo archives, Dan Briški, FA Bobo, Nikon, Danijel Žagar, Claudio Costerni, STB photo archive, Vitrance Cup photo archives, Hit d.d. photo archives, Barbka Smolej, Slovenian Alpine Museum photo archives, Klemen Gričar, Leon Hmeljak, Istockphoto, Jože Mihelič, Mitja Sodja, Mojca Odar, Dario Cortese | Translation: Amidas d.o.o. | Printed by: Gorenjski tisk | Print run: 100,000, 2011

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