2 minute read
Editorial Message
by Blenheim
Welcome to the last edition of ONCourse for 2020. It has been a long and emotional season. Whether you’re exhausted by the impacts of self-isolation, or the extralong days of maintaining golf’s most precious asset during one of the busiest years on record, I think we can all agree that we’re tired.
Tired and uncertain. Even as we stand six feet apart, we miss each other. Who knew we loved shaking hands so much, or that we needed to shake hands to share a human connection with our colleagues? We don’t know what the fall and winter will bring for us, but if the murmurings are true, we can look forward to trying to make the best of more masks, distant chats, virtual connections and social restrictions.
These changes are difficult to handle, and there is a lot to worry about. Make no mistake, worry can be mentally and physically crippling. In this issue we have the pleasure of welcoming our debut writer, Chao Yuan (Tommy) Wang, a student member who writes about the importance of talking about our mental health during these unnerving times. Take a moment to read it. And if you feel unsteady, reach out to someone who can help you.
Thankfully, the golf season is coming to a close, which I hope means more time to breathe, reflect, and plan for next year. Stephen Kajan has provided us with an excellent update on permit to take water regulations, and if you’re thinking about hosting honey bees, Al Schwemler, Lesley Thomas, Greg McFarlane and Peter Chorabik have collaborated to offer best practices for starting honey bee colonies on your course.
For those of you who are dreaming about working in other countries once travel restrictions lessen, now is the time to research and plan. In our Travel Abroad article, Chris Lecour did a little research on things to consider while planning your year away and connected with Jacob Martin and Sean VanBeurden who share their wisdom and experiences working abroad.
You will also find a great member profile featuring Jay Sisko, Superintendent, from Idylwylde Golf & Country Club, written by Steve Rabski. We can also put our hands together to congratulate Burlington Golf and Country Club for the completion of their master plan, written by Ryan Marangoni, and of course, no issue of ONCourse would be complete without Sunday musings from Doug Breen.
I wish you all a quiet and restful off season, exploring this beautiful province, and spending well-deserved time with friends and family who are near. Last, I’d like to say a BIG thank you to the ONCourse committee. This year has been a challenge and yet, you all found time to produce excellent articles for our membership. It’s a pleasure to work with you all. Keep well. ■
Courtney White, Member Programs & Services, OGSA. ONCourse Editor. members@ogsa.ca
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