2 minute read
Twins but individual personalities
By Chris Valli
Asha and Lexi Neal may be twins but they have distinctive personalities.
The girls started school at Springlands last Monday and are in the same Year 1 class.
Mum Rachelle says the girls constantly feed off each other and are already consumed by the business of school life with after school dance classes and swimming.
“They’re very much individuals. Asha has made new friends already,” says Rachelle. “They just couldn’t wait to start school and were so excited to start. They come home telling us about everything they did. Their biggest buzz is playtime where they made mud pies among other things.”
Rachelle says the personalities of the girls are completely different and reflect individuality. She says making comparisons as twins is not in the conversation.
“Lexi is very motherly and matter of fact and does things as one should,” she laughs. “Asha is a bit of a loose unit, she will do as she is told but is definitely out there and friends with everybody.”
“I want them to be individuals.
Daylight saving ends
The pre-school at St Mary’s really set them up and made them feel like individuals and not always being together. I do not want teachers to be comparing them and in the same class moving forward.”
The girls have an older sister Maisie already at Springlands who is in Year 4.
“Lexi and Maisie are often off to do things together at home and at school. Maisey has been great, she checks in on them at lunchtime to see if they’re doing OK.”
Rachelle says she was rapt to find out she was having twins and says they are a blessing. The twins did arrive early at 31 weeks resulting in giving birth in Wellington.
A reminder: Daylight saving ends this weekend at 3am on Sunday, April 2. This means the clocks go back an hour, and resetting your clocks and other appliances before you go to bed on Saturday evening
“I am and was really lucky I have a huge support network including my Mum who is there every day. My husband has been a big part in establishing the routines too and has been awesome. They were such easy kids to be honest.”
Multiples are on Rachelle’s Dad’s side where twins feature predominantly.
Sun The Upgrade watermain begins soon
Work to upgrade a watermain on Nelson Street, part of State Highway 6, is set to begin during the first week of April.
Council’s Assets and Services Manager Richard Coningham said motorists and cyclists should be aware that there will be some disruption on Nelson Street between Boyce and McLauchlan Streets while the work is being carried out. “Traffic control measures will be in place during this time,” he said.
Contractor Fulton Hogan will undertake the replacement job which will see the 450 metre ageing watermain pipe replaced with a new pipe and in-ground fire hydrants. The new pipeline will be laid 1.3 metres under the road.
Fulton Hogan will contact residents and businesses directly impacted as a result of this.
Marlborough south zone moves back to restricted fire season
The Marlborough south zone will move back into a restricted fire season as of 8am, Thursday March 23 until further notice.
This includes Ward, Seddon, Blenheim, Renwick, and the Wairau Valley.
A restricted fire season means anyone wanting to light an open-air fire in the Marlborough south zone will need a permit.
Group Manager, Chris Hayles says the unseasonably wet weather in the region has led to this change.
works well for most people.
Any electronic equipment on networks, including your mobile phone, will reset itself.
It is a good opportunity to check the batteries on your fire alarms at the same time.
“Due to the current wet weather, the fire danger has decreased significantly,” he says.
However, Chris says there is still a risk of wildfire, which is why he encourages people to stay vigilant and practise fire safety.