3 minute read

Sun The txt talk with

Rising river

The river is rising. Get your wetsuit out. The next show at the ASB theatre may be The Poisidon Adventure or the Yellow Submarine. Snorkels on arrival.

Re: Super Rugby?

Spot on to the writer of text talk (March 29) about Super Rugby. The super has gone out of it for sure.

Rugby league is where it’s at, a far superior game and fantastic to watch from start to finish.


Around lawn should be no high trees on residential property boundarys.. wake up council sort it before accidents happen.

Easter cafes

Well done to all the owners and team members from the small number of cafes in the CBD that opened over Easter to provide for the region’s air show visitors.

I hope you were all rewarded with high patronage throughout those days. Showing that there is some presence and vibrance within the town centre is appreciated by both locals and tourists. Thank you for your efforts!

QCC toilets

You’ve got to be kidding me!! They are to remove all girls and boys toilets to make way for gender neutral toilets, what a waste of money! Why don’t they leave the boys and girls toilets because they are the majority after all and just add a few gender neutral toilets instead. This is disgusting and unnecessary woke bullshit! Come on Picton people speak and stop this wasteful nonsense!

Pest’s in society

Unfortunately, there will always be few arrogant people who do as they please, like parking in a clearly marked ‘disabled parking’ space. Wouldn’t they be most indignant if the boot was on the other foot. Outside the warehouse Easter Monday, two cars, not displaying ‘disabled’. Watched a guy.... blatantly... not a care in the world for others. Illiterate, maybe?

A worry, as one assumes they passed their driving test.

What tribe?

While giving her valedictory speech in parliament, Jacinda Ardern wore a Maori cloak. Can anybody tell me what tribe she belongs to?

Kerbside rubbish

When entering my submission on the proposed changes to the kerbside rubbish and recycling collection, I made sure to mention that the proposed 2 week collection of rubbish was not desirable.

I also noted that virtually every other submission said the same thing. But low and behold, the Council has ignored the vast majority of submissions and now we will have to deal with smelly 2 week old rubbish.

Polluted streams

Farmers don’t pollute streams as much as council does, proof Murphy’s creek. Council putting storm water into artesian stream. YES our council.

What a weekend

Easter was the air show, was world class only spoiled by high priced food and the henchmen on security. No place for them in Blenheim.


To all the texters who are complaining about Aotearoa being used instead of NZ. We have two official spoken languages and one is Te Reo. Why don’t you use this as opportunity to learn a bit of Te Reo rather than moaning about it.

Mothers Choice Footmuff

To the person who picked up for free the Mothers Choice Pushchair from the SPCA shop in Grove Road, the Mothers Choice Footmuff cover accessory for this pushchair is at the SPCA shop for you to collect.

River weeds

Weeds creating the back-up of water in the Taylor River? Water seemed to have no problem moving vegetation in the Hawkes Bay recently. Why do I smell a porkie here. Perhaps digging the whole river out and lowering the level might help? Heaven help us if it rains before the fishies have finished breeding!

Fed up

We are absolutely fed up with real estate agents touting for business by door knocking or putting flyers etc in the letterbox when it says addressed mail only.

When we are ready to sell we will never use an agent who has touted their services to us with such directness.

Don’t give in

Re Linda Skelton’s parking ticket offense. I’m all for you Linda. Don’t give in. The Council, and Marl. Roads are very hard to deal with and can be quite arrogant.

I have witnessed these machines playing up by spitting the coins back out at you. Then having to try several more times before it’s accepted. It’s a machine, for goodness sake!!!. They do play up. I’ve also seen very elderly people walking away without finishing the transaction. I finished it for them. The old system worked far better. You knew the transaction worked because you got a card. Also, this gave you something to have to remind you of the time you had.

It’s ok for people who use their phones, but not everyone can do this. Can’t Marl. Roads see that obviously Linda is very switched on, to be fighting for her rights. I find it hard to believe that she is in the wrong.

New Zealand

If you are reading this today you are living in a country called New Zealand, no Utopia where else.

Not democratic

Oh, my goodness. ‘Affordable Water Reforms’, says Mr Hipkins. Until the Te Mana o te Wai statements are removed, it doesn’t matter how good this reset sounds. Ratepayers still lose control of their assets and it still isn’t democratic.

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