26 June 2024 The Blenheim Sun

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Kobe loving life


Marlborough Sounds - Picton - Koromiko - Tuamarina - Rarangi - Spring Creek - Rapaura - Grovetown

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No.1 for readership in Marlborough.

Marlborough companies stand out at Hi-Tech awards

Marlborough’s world leadership in the wine industry has come to the fore again – but this time not in a bottle.

Two standout Marlborough companies have distinguished themselves at the recent 2024 Hi-Tech Awards. Southern Water Engineering (SWE) and Smart Machines were both finalists in the agritech section of the prestigious awards, with Smart Machines clinching the NZTE Most Innovative HiTech Agritech Solution with their revolutionary autonomous tractor.

The Blenheim Sun Newspaper broke the story to the Marlborough

community in February 2022.

Local innovator, Walter Langlois, along with Nicholas Glenghill and Andrew Kersley are the founders of The Smart Machine Company that created the Oxin machine which has transformed the local viticulture sector and won international appeal.

The then Labour Government contributed $622,360 through the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Sustainable Food and Fibreglass Fund to help develop additional functionality for the tractor. The Burleigh based, Smart Machine Company, contributed an additional $945,520.

In 2022, Andrew says grape growers in the Australian and US

markets ‘didn’t do things exactly like we do’.

“The one similar piece of the puzzle they are heavily reliant on is the canopy spraying. It’s crucial that the next step is to get that functionality right and working,” said Andrew.

The relationship between Andrew, Nick and Walter began 12 years ago. Both Andrew and Nick had a mechanical design business with Walter, one of their original clients.

“He reached out to us. Over the years we have worked on a number of projects together in exciting areas. He (Walter) realised the Oxin project was too big to pursue

himself and he realised he needed some additional skill sets.”

Smart Machines autonomous tractor integrates advanced AI and machine learning technologies, enabling it to perform a variety of farming tasks with precision and efficiency, significantly reducing the need for manual labour and enhancing productivity.

The New Zealand Hi-Tech Awards celebrate the success of producers of goods and services from the software, electronics, telecommunications, mobile, agritech, creative and high-tech industries. The awards are run by the NZ Hi-Tech Trust, a not-for-profit that promotes and supports the wider industry.

SMART MEN THOSE THREE: Smart Machine founders Nicholas Glenghill, Walter Langlois and Andrew Kersley are the founders of The Smart Machine Company that created the Oxin machine which has transformed the local viticulture sector.

Tree dispute ‘finally resolved’

Graeme Percy and the group of tenants he represents are delighted with an outcome from the Marlborough District Council which has taken 12 years to resolve.

Last Monday, June 17, an arborist contracted to the Council, trimmed Horton Park trees back to the boundary which adjoins a property at 40a Houldsworth Street.

“He’s done a good job, the arborist, it’s only taken 12 years to get here, when we first mentioned it to Council,” Graeme says.

Graeme’s late son took the liberty to cut back branches from the tree 12 years ago which were falling off onto neighbouring properties. They remained ‘prune less’ since. Graeme says the reason then why they weren’t pruned on the other side of the Horton Park boundary was that one branch had weighed five tonne and if they (MDC) had taken it off it could tip the tree over. As a result, straps were attached to the tree.

Speaking on behalf of the tenants, Graeme says it has taken an extremely long time over many years, much effort, anguish and stress for the MDC to arrive at an ‘obvious common sense solution’ when evidence of Health and Safety concerns were provided.

On November 14, 2023 Graeme rang the Council on behalf of his tenant (as landlord) and neighbours

who were concerned about the ‘decaying state’ of the trees which border Horton Park and their respective properties. It took MDC

Graeme says, 38 working days to reply – December 23 - after Graeme sent five emails.

It didn’t help matters when he received Council’s email 48 minutes prior to the MDC offices closing for 12 days during the festive season on December 23 with ‘no option’ to seek professional opinions until January 23.

“It was classed as urgent and was supposed to be answered but they didn’t give me the courtesy. I asked for a report on the trees and they sent me one which was 22 months old when the trees were very healthy. It appears, according to the arborist, that the trees have been poisoned along with the native tree across the road,” says Graeme.

Graeme says a current report on the trees, less than three was old was available.

Four years ago, one of the tree branches fell on Graeme’s new car parked in the driveway causing extensive damage - $2000 worth no less to his roof.

Under the Marlborough District Council Tree Policy (June 2020), the legislation stipulates Council may require removal of overhanging trees if; the Council may, by notice in writing under the hand of the chairman or the principal administrative officer, require the owner

of any land abutting upon any road within the district to do any of the following act such as; to remove, lower, or trim to the satisfaction of the Council any tree or hedge overhanging or overshadowing the road in cases where, in the opinion of the Council, the removal, lowering, or trimming is necessary in order to prevent injury to the road or obstruction to the traffic thereon or to any channel, ditch, or drain appertaining thereto.

Graeme made a complaint to the ombudsman (handles complaints about the administrative conduct of public sector agencies) on January 25 on behalf of his neighbours and members of the public. The email sent to the ombudsman came back with a reply and phone call the next day.

He says it should be noted on numerous occasions, he has publicly praised the MDC as being amongst the most highly rated Councils within New Zealand. In his opinion, this still applies.

“This could all have been avoided had the Council acted upon our first expression of concerns going back several years when a brand new car was damaged by a falling branch of which at first Council denied any responsibility. Had Council, then, responded in a timely and professional manner and been transparent in respect to their communications with me plus other members of the public, from the beginning, the

says ‘it’s only taken 12 years to get here, when we first mentioned it to Council’.

excellent, satisfactory conclusion we now have could have concluded much earlier.

Graeme says he trusts Council staff members responsible ‘have learnt from the experience’.

“They certainly haven’t done the MDC normally excellent public image any favours.”

Sun The

SH1 Marlborough crash

One person has died following a crash on State Highway 1 near Grovetown in Marlborough last Thursday morning.

The crash, involving a van and a truck, was reported to Police at 6.40am. Three other people have been transported to hospital with serious injuries.

The road remained closed as the Serious Crash Unit examined the scene.

Matariki at Te Kahu o Waipuna

Marlborough District Libraries along with the Marlborough Art Gallery and Marlborough Youth Council are hosting a free whānau friendly event to celebrate Matariki at Te Kahu o Waipuna.

Join them for the free event, featuring kai, kapa haka, waiata, stories and crafts. There is no need to register, just turn up on the night.

The event is from 5pm – 6:30pm tonight, Wednesday, June 26.

Cruise season sets new records

Port Marlborough has wrapped up an exceptional cruise season, setting new records and receiving high praise from visitors. 55 cruise ships berthed at Waimahara and Waitohi wharves, including 10 maiden calls. The 2023/24 season brought 100,859 passengers and 43,876 crew members here, a slight increase on previous years. Winery tours proved to be a major draw, with many passengers taking the opportunity to sample some of Marlborough’s finest at cellar doors. Water taxi tours in the Sounds were another highlight, offering passengers the chance to explore the Sounds up close.

Last Monday, June 17, an arborist contracted to the Council, trimmed Horton Park trees back to the boundary which adjoins a property at 40a Houldsworth Street. Spokesperson Graeme Percy

Sun The


The inaugural WinePRO Aotearoa international trade show and conference is currently on in Blenheim until tomorrow. New Zealand is the world’s sixth largest wine exporter by value and Marlborough dominates production with over 80 per cent of wine coming from here. A day pass costs $166.75. Register to find out more at https:// winepro.co.nz/

Council launches new Heritage Marlborough programme

Marlborough District Council has decided to accept the Marlborough Historical Society’s (MHS) offer to reset the relationship between the two parties. Following MHS’s request to the Long Term Plan budget, the Council will cease management of the museum site in Brayshaw Heritage Park and vacate the building by 5 July.

Mayor Nadine Taylor says it was a difficult call but by accepting the MHS request the Council could now lead a change of direction for the heritage sector in Marlborough. Council staff will operate under a new Heritage Marlborough brand and focus on supporting heritage organisations across the region.

Councillors agreed on Monday to a one year operating grant of $40,000 for 2024/25 to the MHS and declined their offer to purchase the museum building. The Marlborough Museum will close at 3pm tomorrow, June 27 to enable the current staff to move out of the building. Any questions about the reopening of the museum should be directed to the MHS.

‘Thriving’ in Marlborough

It was a day of coming together and to share more than food and culture last Thursday.

World Refugee Day was celebrated in Blenheim with a celebration at MySpace which saw a cross section of Marlborough’s ever growing culture and ethnicities come to the fore. Once known as refugees, but accepted in Marlborough as individuals, with a story to tell and a culture to treasure.

World Refugee Day is an international day organised every year by the United Nations and designed to celebrate and honour refugees from around the world who have been forced to flee. The event acknowledges their strength, resilience, and courage.

One former refugee who calls Marlborough home is Daniel Mena. The 31-year-old firmly believes his strong faith has made him who he is today.

The Venezuelan fled his home country and arrived in New Zealand in September 2016 on an essential skills visa. He arrived in Blenheim in June 2020 after being made redundant from a restaurant in Auckland.

His refugee status came after ‘a lack of justice from a socialist ideology’ (former president Hugo Chavez) turned many Venezuelans to anger and resentment.

Devaluation in the international market of the Bolivar (currency), resulted in high levels of unemployment and widespread famine nationwide.

In New Zealand, the day is seen as a celebration of those who have ‘made it’ here, just a miniscule proportion of the mega millions who remain unplaced. The UNHCR Global Trends Report, released to coincide with the day states that in 2022, there were 108.4 million people worldwide who have been forcibly displaced due to persecution, conflict, violence and human rights violations.

An IPSOS survey of global

attitudes to refugees published for World Refugee Day revealed New Zelanders (89%) recorded the highest level of support for refugee programmes among 29 countries.Two thirds (66 per cent) agreed refugees who come here will successfully integrate into New Zealand society. New Zealanders were also the most supportive (at 68 per cent) of allowing more refugees to settle in their country. Indeed, there was strength in numbers on Thursday with locals getting an insight through speeches, song and dance and a greater understanding into their

respective plights. In many ways there was a greater appreciation, acknowledging those who so willingly welcomed and supported their settlement pathway in Marlborough.

The event was opened with an official acknowledgement from Rangitāne o Wairau Group Board Member Will Macdonald followed by short films and presentations by the families of former refugees.

WRD was initiated and supported by Red Cross NZ, Marlborough Multicultural Centre, Marlborough District Council and the Marlborough Youth Trust.

BLESSED: Venezuelan native and former refugee Daniel Esteban Mena Duarte, with four month old son Pablo José Mena, now calls Marlborough home. Also pictured are Salima Mohammad Salim, Chilean, Natalia Vasquez and Maria Balencia from Peru.

Cest la vie for OTs and physio

An awesome foursome consisting of three Marlborough occupational therapists and one physiotherapist are going back to the 90s and back to double denim.

OT’s Joanne Harper, Emma Tempest, Courtney Capener and physio Lucy McIirith will be performing as Irish Girl Group B*Witched singing ‘C’est la Vie’ for Stars in Your Eyes in August. The Irish girl group consisted of twin sisters Edele and Keavy Lynch, Lindsay Armaou and Sinead O’Carroll. Their first four singles, ‘C’est la Vie’, ‘Rollercoaster’, ‘To You I Belong’ and ‘Blame It on the Weatherman’, all reached number one in the UK Singles Chart and the group sold over three million albums worldwide.

To be fair the song ‘C’est la Vie’ was quite catchy, but the music video is where its iconic status really comes from. In 1999, it

was nominated for Best Song Musically and Lyrically in the Ivor Novello Awards (formerly British Academy of Songwriters).

The accompanying music video for the song features the four girls dancing around a lush green field full of bright flowers with a puppy as they playfully tease a teenage boy.

Courtney and Lucy will be portraying twins Edele and Keavy respectively with Emma as Lindsay and Joanne as Sinead.

“She’s blonde and six inches taller than me and she’s skinny,” Jo laughs. “I’ve got forty years on her. I’ve got this under my belt, no problem.”

“We know they change their hairstyles quite a bit,” says Lucy. “It’s a work in progress and there will be some You Tube videos to pick up on the mannerisms.”

Courtney says they were collectively looking for a challenge this year and when Jo mentioned it, we just thought, why not, let’s go for it

and have a bit of fun.

“I don’t think we expected to get in (with auditions) to be honest,” says Courtney.

Jo says having four people was the starting point and subsequently Googled ‘four person girl bands’ to see what was out there.

“It was about choosing a song that was fun, upbeat, gets the crowd going,” says Courtney. “It’s from the 90s, they were joyful times,” adds Lucy.

The group says with approximately eight weeks until the big night, the homework has consisted of clothes shopping and ‘bringing back’ double denim. They’ve even started rehearsals at a dance studio at MySpace, while singing in their lunch breaks.

Emma, Lucy and Courtney says the feedback from their partners entering Stars was one of surprise but ultimately support.

“My husband laughed,” says Courtney. “I play the song to the kids in the car and get the


comment, again?” says Emma.

“I’ve always wanted to do some chorus singing in a show once the kids were older. I like performing in a group and not be the centre of attention, so this is great.”

Jo says a good outcome and result for the night will be ‘to still be standing’, she quips.

“If we can see the audience smiling, singing and engaging, having a good time, that’s it for us,” says Jo.

Say you will,
you won’t, C’est la vie: Emma, Courtney, Jo and Lucy will be performing as Irish Girl Group B*Witched singing ‘C’est la Vie’ for Stars in Your Eyes in August.

Members of the former refugee Colombian, Venezuelan and Rohingya communities came together last Thursday for World Refugee Day. Sun readers have their say... with the WORD on the Street.

We asked how had the Marlborough

community made you feel welcomed?

I’m thankful for the whole community, we never thought it would happen and welcome us. Grateful.

People had open hearts and made me feel acknowledged.


Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. A maximum of 150 words please. They must be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even when a nom de plume is provided for publication.

The editor reserves the right to

When I first arrived people were generous, patient and invited me to activities and I wasn’t alone.


I came to Marlborough in 2022 and the welcoming, supporting hospitality made it feel safe, like our home. It’s a great feeling.

The resettlement programme adopted by Marlborough for communities such as mine is testament to our sense of belonging here. On behalf of myself and my children, Oscar and Susana, thank you.

Duo of monocultures

People invite me to dance my cultural dances and teachers make everything possible and make me feel welcomed.

Reader feedbackDressage/bus shelter to the editor

abridge letters or withhold letters from publication. Email them to news@blenheimsun. co.nz or present to our office at 72 High St. Please note that your name and street address MUST be provided with emails.

Dear Chris,

On behalf of the Dressage Marlborough Group I would like to thank you for putting such a nice article about our second day of our AME Winter Series together in last week’s Blenheim Sun. We are very grateful for that.

Kindest regards Helen Buitendijk.

Thank you so much for the article on the Havelock Bus Shelter.

I have had lots of good comments from the locals and the fact the shelter was a long time coming and now in place. The photo you put in Chris stood out and with the Lions emblem was good, especially for the wider community to see, and the fact is was finally there for use.

Thanks again for printing the item.

Very much appreciated.

A fair and honest interview re the wrong direction that the Council has taken, over many years, which can only fail in the long run, but with disastrous consequences for us all.

The Chinese have planted a greater acreage, of vines, than all of NZ and Australia combined. And the joke, it’s been our Viticulturists that have been showing them how to produce fine wines. Australia has currently been dumping wine, around the world, after China added a 100 percent duty to their imports. Not good for the NZ wine industry. And how long before they do that to our fine wines?

Then there has been the change of our

The opportunity for all recreational groups and individuals has arrived for expressing your displeasure over forestry giant One Forty One’s policy of denying access over Public Access Easements (PAEs) to access our Conservation Estates, in this case Mt Richmond Forest Park.

Public Access Easements were created by the Crown to provide free and enduring access over private property to enter our Conservation Estates.

One Forty One has a FSC (Forest Sustainability Certification) accreditation that is up for re-evaluation.

Part of the review process for accreditation is OFO are obligated to meet the highest environmental, social and community standards which clearly they have not met to

local climate to one of more humidy, which has led to heavy tropical rain and which can only get worse over time along with ground water shortage.

Salmon farms, which have irrevocably damaged the Marlborough sounds sea floor. And we don’t even get a cent for rates! Also, because of rising sea temperatures, by a degree in the sounds, salmon were allowed to be dumped at the Blenheim tip. Our most productive land is being lost to housing development, whereas inner city housing density would be a better way to go. Chris Davies Waikawa

date by denying our community access to our Conservation Estates for recreational activity. Your voice can be heard by voicing your concerns in the form of a submission to the auditor SCS Global Services by the 8th July, email FCSConsultation@scsglobalservices. com

It need only be as simple as a paragraph on an A4 sheet of paper or more detailed if desired, pointing out their failure to adhere to their obligations under the FSC accreditation. Every submission received will help towards free and enduring access for you, me and future generations to what is our birthrightrecreational use of our Conservation Estates.

Murray Chapman

Alpine Tramper

Waihopai Valley

Ally Morriss Havelock Letters to the Editor continued on page 10.

Salome Betancur López, Colombia
Salim Soyud Amin
Natalia Vasquez Chile
Lakshay Negi India
Hasinah Kassim
Geovanny Chamorro Colombia

Wheelie bins – the countdown is on

All eligible households in Marlborough’s new kerbside collection zone should now have their wheelie bins, ready for the new service which begins 1 July.

If you haven’t received yours, please contact Council’s customer service team on 03 520 7400. You should also ring if you are within the kerbside collection area but do not have a maroon crate.

The new service includes Blenheim, Picton, Grovetown, Havelock, Rarangi, Rai Valley, Renwick, Seddon, Spring Creek, Fairhall, parts of Rapuara (Hammerichs Road) and Tua Marina.

Waste and recycling will be collected alternate weeks, and collection days depend on the area you live in. Check the white label on your wheelie bin for your collection day and group or go to the calendar on our website https://www.marlborough.govt. nz/services/recycling-and-waste/kerbsidecollections

Black bags will no longer be picked up from the kerbside after 1 July, however they will still be accepted at transfer stations, the Waste

Sorting Centre and the Resource Recovery Centre.

Wheelie bins should be placed on the kerb by 7am, facing the road and away from obstacles and overhanging trees. They must be half a metre apart to allow trucks to lift them.

On your waste collection day, place only your red top bin on the kerb.

On your recycling collection day, place your yellow top bin and maroon crate on the kerb. Your yellow top bin can be used for plastic displaying recycling symbols 1, 2 and 5, metal cans and tins, paper including glossies, and cardboard. Your maroon crate is for bottles and jars only with lids removed.

To keep up to date with collection days and other specific information, download the Antenno app. If you have the app you will receive a reminder of what bin is to be put out the day before.

Any households still holding Council bag vouchers can redeem them at Council offices or get a rebate up until 30 June.

Council services on Matariki - Friday 28 June

Council’s Blenheim office will be closed from 4.30pm on Thursday 27 June and will reopen on Monday 1 July at 8.30am.

Opening times for the transfer stations, Resource Recovery Centre, Greenwaste Acceptance Facility and the landfill are:

Transfer stations on Friday 28 June


8am to 4.30pm


8am to 4pm


8am to 2pm

Rai Valley

9am to 12pm

Seddon and Wairau Valley transfer stations will be closed on Friday 28 June.

Resource Recovery Centre and Greenwaste Acceptance Facility

8am to 4.30pm

The landfill will be closed on Friday 28 June.  Kerbside rubbish bag and recycling collection Rubbish bags and recycling crates normally collected on Fridays will be collected on Thursday 27 June. Please make sure your bag and crate are on the kerbside by 7am.


Marlborough Library/Te Kahu o Waipuna and Picton Library and Service Centre/Waitohi

Whare Mātauranga will be closed on Friday 28 June. Both reopen at 10am on Saturday 29 June.

Bus services

Bus services will not operate on Friday 28 June. Weekend services will operate on Saturday 29 June and normal weekday services resume on Monday 1 July.

Marlborough teachers gain introduction to rongoā

Twenty Marlborough teachers had a taster in rongoā, or traditional Māori healing recently.

It was the second rongoā workshop, organised by Council’s Environmental Education team as part of their Enviroschools focus on ‘place’ for this year.

Attendees, ranging from early childhood through to secondary teachers, were taken on a journey by Kōkā Lovey Walsh, Whaea Tricia Hook and Whaea Ripeka Hook from Manaaki Ngahere Trust.

The trio shared their knowledge of rongoā plant identification. The first workshop was held in the gardens of Mayfield Kindergarten, the second at Monkey Bay in Rārangi.

The introductory workshop took the kaiako, or teachers, on a guided walk into the surrounding bush to find a variety of plants with rongoā properties, such as kawakawa, harakeke, korimiko,

ngaio, angi angi and whauwhaupaku.

While only intended to be an introduction to rongoā, the workshops were put on due to demand from Enviroschools teachers.

“They wanted to know more about it, so we reached out to a provider,” Enviroschools facilitator Ramona Millen said.

“Part of our role is networking. It’s about supporting local people to be able to deliver their own knowledge. We weren’t in a position to provide that knowledge, so we thought we’d bring in those who are experienced in this area.”

Manaaki Ngahere Trust offers a one year rongoā course to those interested in taking their learning journey further. Contact Ripeka for more details at ripeka82@gmail.com or have a look on the Manaaki Ngahere Trust Facebook page.

New citizens welcomed

Twenty-four people from 10 different countries have become Marlborough citizens.

The new citizens - from the Netherlands, India, Philippines, Germany, Fiji, South Africa, UK, Nigeria, Czech Republic and China - were welcomed at a special ceremony in Council Chambers.

Mayor Nadine Taylor told the group the day was an important milestone in their new lives as citizens of this province and country. In future they would all enjoy the rights and freedoms of native-born New Zealanders.

Ripeka Hook, from Manaaki Ngahere Trust, shares her knowledge of Rongoā with teachers at a recent Rongoā workshop in Rārangi.
Mayor Nadine Taylor with Marlborough’s newest citizens

one with the Sun

Kobe - ‘a unique experience’ one on

Blenheim rower Kobe Miller loves where life is taking him right now after landing an internship as a Boston Celtics Junior Coach. Kobe spoke exclusively to Chris Valli.

Boston’s sporting traditions run deep. Home to the famous Red Sox team, the city supports the Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics, and New England Patriots. Beer and sport tend to go hand in hand. So when one is presented an opportunity to immerse one’s self in such sporting tradition, it would be rude not to.

With a name like Kobe it’s no surprise, Kobe Miller’s pathway is the sporting one. And just like the late Los Angeles Laker basketballer namesake, Kobe Bryant, the parallels with the Wairau rower’s work ethic and determination are uncanny.

Two years ago, a rowing scholarship opportunity presented the 23-year-old with one of the top rowing schools, Northeastern University in Boston. The scholarship is a two-year Master’s program in Sports Management and Kobe has plans to graduate in May 2025.

At the time of his departure stateside Kobe said, ‘I think that some further education in the sporting realm will open up better opportunities in my interests when I finish my athletic career’. Hmm, be careful what you wish for.

So how did a Wairau rower find himself with the next generation of potential Celtics alumni?

“The opportunity came from the Northeastern Rowing Team. My coach was the captain of the NUMR (Northeastern University Men’s Rowing Team) back in 2017 alongside co-captain Louis Capolov (Australian) who is the Senior Manager of Basketball Operations with the Maine Celtics G-League team. I got the opportunity to shadow him for work in the Spring this year, getting game-day experience of what operations work is like in a professional sports organisation. He then connected me with a

colleague at the Boston Celtics, Chris Sparks who is the Senior Director of Youth Development.”

Kobe’s role working under Chris is as a Summer Coach in Youth Development, which run Summer Camps at the Auerbach Centre (Boston Celtics Training Facility) for kids joining the Junior Celtics Academy wanting to develop their basketball skills.

“I will be assisting the Lead Coaches to run skills, drills, games and activities all summer to teach youth both basketball and life skills, creating the next generation of Celtics players.”

Kobe says after a full-on and intense season of rowing, his aim is to build a solid aerobic base this summer by balancing this with his internship.

“The future will tell on where I end up”

“I’ve got a training program to follow with the help of my coaches here and guidance from Rowing NZ so I can continue progressing with my performance, so I’m going to be juggling a busy lifestyle of training and coaching this summer. I’m well equipped and ready for this though, as my summer time in New Zealand growing up was rowing and working for Ezi-Mow,”(Dad Dusty’s Blenheim business).

The rowing 2028 Olympic dream is still at the front of his mind, which he says is timely as he has a lot of friends and role-models competing in Paris this year, who he spent a lot of time with the last couple of years rowing on Lake Karapiro.

Kobe’s basketball background started in Marlborough on the courts at the Stadium 2000 and he played

all throughout primary school at Fairhall and Renwick Schools, getting a few MVP trophies and grade-titles back in the day.

He continued through highschool representing Marlborough and Tasman at a few age-group tournaments, with a highlight being the U17 Nationals in Wellington with Tasman Basketball. At Marlborough Boys’ College, he picked up rowing in the summer following in his brother Isaiah’s footsteps.

In 2018, he attended the National Talent Programme Basketball Camp, learning skills from Basketball NZ coaches and competing against other top performing South Island high-school players. That year he also got nominated for Junior Sportsman of the Year for basketball at the Marlborough Sports Awards.

“I miss playing and reffing basketball at the MBC Gym and Stadium 2000, so I hope to be back one day to utilise what I’ve

learnt from the Celtics to help develop our future basketball players and rowers in Marlborough.”

Some of the key learnings he says have been transitioning from high-performance rowing to youth sport coaching.

“I am used to competing with the best athletes in the world for rowing, now I’m working with kids who are at an early learning stage in their basketball development, where the enjoyment for the sport comes first. My role is to help guide them into learning new skills that are professionally proven techniques in basketball, making sure they have a fun, unique and inclusive basketball experience.”

In what has been a ‘crazy time’ for the Marlburian, Kobe says his plans leading into Christmas will be to continue his role with the Celtics, get fast on the rowing machine and get big in the gym.

“We have a very exciting season

coming up for my last year at Northeastern University. Classes start back up in September for the Fall, with team rowing training starting at this time as well. We will be kick starting our racing season at the 2024 Head of the Charles Rowing Regatta on our home waters.

“The future will tell on where I end up. I’m enjoying the process of developing my rowing performance and furthering my professional career outside of the boat. Fingers crossed I’ll be back in Marlborough for Christmas, but definitely in February to see family.”

# The Boston Celtics NBA (National Basketball Association) win over the Dallas Mavericks on June 18 is the franchise’s 18th championship, breaking the tie with the Los Angeles Lakers for the most in league history. Boston earned its latest title on the 16th anniversary of hoisting its last trophy in 2008.

SPOT THE MAKO JERSEY: Kobe, fifth from left, says it’s been ‘a crazy time’. His plans leading into Christmas will be to continue his internship role with the Celtics and ‘get fast on the rowing machine’ and ‘get big in the gym’.

to the editor Letters

Re Council’s response to rate increase

While I thank Mark Wheeler CEO of MDC for taking the time to reply to my concerns, as a senior, re MDC rates approaching the top five within NZ, I disagree with his analysis.

I do concur re his hopes of getting the National government to rebate the sales tax on rates, which I have never understood as to the legality of applying a tax on a tax.

I have indeed already written to both the minister of local government and the treasurer with nil affect.

Maybe all NZ council CEO and Mayors

Support of Tony

Dear Ed.

I agree with Tony Orman about the lack of vision and foresight in the 10 year plan.

I would also add the lack of hindsight for as pointed out in the story there have been about 15 studies since the 1980s, warning successive Councils of the silt-laden runoff from forestry logging.

There should be lessons from looking back and especially when it is damaging the public’s environment.

I should add that the monocultures of grape

Electricity charges

Powerswitch rightly advocates changing power retailers to create competition.

The problem is the way our electricity network is controlled; low users are now subject to daily charges that over a period will increase from 30c a day to $1.80.

Previous letters I have sent haven’t included my supplied figures possibly due to some sensitivity. Work it out, our daily charges are x2 supply/and distribution $2 a day. That’s

would prove more effective.

By raising such issues, as always, Mark has avoided my question re MDC offering seniors or those on low incomes, beneficiaries re an additional rate discount, to bring us back to a minimum one third discount, which would be a great help.

I’m sure there are many areas within council, where savings could be made to make this possible. Over to you Mark.

Chris Davies

Admiralty Place Waikawa

growing and forestry are both dominated by foreign-based corporates.

My understanding is both the wine and forestry industries are foreign owned to the tune of 80 percent.

But then so are other industries. King Salmon for example, has a majority ownership by a Malaysian corporate.

No rates are paid for occupying public space.

$120.00 a month excluding GST before you use any power.

How does a power company charge a KWH rate for power then a daily rate on top? Some sales rep will no doubt suggest the daily covers who knows, previous meter charges or Transpower’s network. Get any service invoice, it will have a breakdown.

Cold coworkers

A courageous group of Occupational Therapists felt the short impact of numbness and dexterity on Saturday at Pollard Park fundraising for a worthy cause.

Andrea Stringer, Joanne Harper and Courtney Capener did the Ice Bucket Challenge for Motor Neurone Disease. MND is a neurological disorder which affects motor neurons, the nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement and breathing.

As these nerve cells degenerate, they stop sending messages to the muscles.

Eventually, the brain can no longer send messages to control breathing and voluntary movements, like talking, walking, or chewing.

Courtney says they ‘truly appreciated everyone’s support, encouragement and donations.’

The team surpassed their online target of raising $1000, without counting the cash donations they received on Saturday.

Photos: Chris Valli
Andrea Stringer, Joanne Harper and Courtney Capener did the Ice Bucket Challenge for Motor Neurone Disease.

Opportunity to tell Ngati Rarua stories

The Wairau River has always been pivatol to the wellbeing of Ngāti Rārua as an iwi. As Chris Valli discovers, it is imbedded in their whakapapa and its mauri (life force) sustains the local iwi and hapu.

An exhibition called Te Heke Whakangā, is an opportunity to look forward while delving into the rich history and remarkable journey of Ngāti Rārua.

The official opening of the exhibition took place on Saturday June 14, at Te Kahu o Waipuna, the Marlborough Art Gallery with more than 100 whānau and manuhiri representing all corners of Te Tauihu (Māori iwi in the upper South).

Ngāti Rārua descends from the Tainui waka and originates from the western coast of the King Country, Waikato. Their origins are traced back by whakapapa to the eponymous ancestor Rāruaioio, who married Tupahau, and bore the children from whom Ngāti Rārua is derived. Karewa, son of Tupahau and Rāruaioio married Rāruatere, entrenching the name, and the children of this marriage came to call themselves Ngāti Rārua.

The journey tells the story through tupuna/ancestors of Ngāti Rārua from their heke (migration) from the Waikato region through to settlement in the top of the south and down the West Coast. Lorraine Eade, of Ngāti Rārua descent

describes Te Heke Whakangā as the journey to peace, to rest, to settlement within the rohe.

“The kaupapa is important for all the general public, as it takes an educational focus. It’s also the first time the Ngāti Rārua story has been shown anywhere, other than the Waitangi Tribunal. This is an opportunity to tell and share our stories, we’ve even got people driving up from Dunedin to see this,” she says.

The exhibition has a focus on the Wairau settlement. In 1840, the year of signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, Ngāti Rārua was resident in the Cloudy Bay and Wairau districts in eastern Te Tauihu.

Lorraine says Ngāti Rārua intends to ‘lift and shift’ the korero over to Motueka where in western Te Tauihu, Ngāti Rārua by 1840 maintained seasonal and permanent kāinga at Whakatū (Nelson), Motueka, Mohua, Takaka, West Whanganui and right down the West Coast.

In 2013, Ngāti Rārua signed their Deed of Settlement with the Crown, marking a significant milestone in their quest for justice and recognition.

Lorraine says they have been busy taking a number of schools and organisations through for tours in the art gallery with rich conversations/korero about not only the Ngāti Rārua tupuna/ancestry but articulating the importance of

identity and culture.

When asked if tamariki/children in today’s society had the resilience, Lorraine is adamant there is enough (academic) research which says a ‘strong cultural identity strengthens one’s level of resilience’, especially being Maori and knowing your whakapapa (genealogy) and what our tupuna went through to protect their land and assets.

“It’s part of what this (exhibition) is all about. We’re all at different

stages of our own journey,” Lorraine says. “Our story starts with our heke, the start of the treaty breaches and what that meant for our whanau and hapu (sub tribe). We’re doing something positive with that growth and journey.

“We have assets of over 75 million and part of that is reinvesting in our tribal growth and our Iwi development, whether that is economically, in the environment, our cultural capacity or our social development, we have been

investing that resource back into our people.”

Ngāti Rārua o Te Wairau Society chairperson Barney Thomas says the timing of the exhibition marks a key milestone.

“We are sharing this at a key moment, the anniversary of Ngāti Rārua signing the Treaty on June 17 1840, and the arrival of Matariki, a traditional time of reflection and renewal,” he says.

The exhibition is open to the public until July 28.


Lorraine Eade, of Ngāti Rārua descent says the exhibition and kaupapa is important for all of Marlborough as it creates understanding through an historical, future focused lens. Also pictured is ‘beautiful kuia’ Molly Luke MNZM (New Zealand Order of Merit) from the Wairau, followed by Rima Piggott from Motueka.

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• Enjoy exclusive show specials, giveaways & family fun with Resene from 11-2 Sat & Sun

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• Take a break from the shopping and enjoy a bite to eat in the food court with a delicious range of food and beverages to enjoy

10:30am Fri, Sat & Sun

11:15am Fri, Sat & Sun

12:00pm Fri, Sat & Sun

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Homes that are Comfortable, Healthy and Energy Efficient, Jon Iliffe

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The latest Technology in Off Grid and On Grid Solar Power Systems, Lance Double

Lawn Maintenance, Steve Tyler, Lawn Care Solutions

3 Key Changes to Building Regulation, Resident Builder, Peter Wolfkamp

Insulating Your Home, Paul Brockie

Getting the Most Bang for your Buck – Value-Adding Renovations, Nita Craig, Refresh Renovations

Women’s Refuge Awareness Month 1–30 July

‘Born for this’

Blenheim’s Leanne Clarkson (nee Baker) was encouraged to apply for the position of Women’s Advocate after a vacancy became available at Women’s Refuge.

At the time, she was doing ‘very different work’ as a merchandiser.

“It was a daunting first week and working in this area was initially challenging for me. However, as I settled into the role, I felt inspired by the work,” she says.

Leanne is the youngest of three children and has two older brothers. Her mother she says was a solo mum who worked and raised them with the support of a wonderful community of friends and family. She has six children herself and started her own journey with Refuge when her youngest was four. After a few weeks Leanne was asked by a friend how she was finding the job, and her reply was, ‘I was born for this’.

In her role as a Sexual Violence Crisis Support Specialist she says she ‘passionately advocates for the health and wellbeing of

women, children, families and whanau and believes everyone has the right to live free of family violence and abuse’.

“I currently co-facilitate our women’s education program. The changes I see during and after the program are inspiring. Women often come back months or years later to talk about how the program positively impacted their lives, helped them heal and look forward to their future,” she says.

“This is what still motivates me in my work every day and why I continue to get up every morning.”

She says the best part of her job is witnessing the growth and change made within family and whanau when they are free from the stress and fear family violence causes, especially for children.

“In the 15 years that I have been working at Marlborough Women’s Refuge, I have seen many successes and one day would love to be in a position that we have inspired the community in such a way that we no longer need family violence intervention organisations.”

Marlborough Women's Refuge provides family violence services for women, children and young people covering the Marlborough and Kaikōura region. Their service offers: • 24/7 crisis response

Leanne Clackson co-facilitates the women’s education program and says she passionately advocates for the health and wellbeing of women, children, families and whanau.

Changes to dog fees

The dog registration year runs from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025. All dogs over three months old must be registered with Animal Control. Forms for the 2024/25 dog registration year were sent to the owner’s last known address at the start of June.

There are changes to the fees this year, which you can see here: https://links.marlborough. govt.nz/dog-registration-fees

You must notify Animal Control if ownership of your dog changes, your dog leaves the district, or you have a change of address or your dog dies.

Animal Control, 58 Main Street, Blenheim, Ph 03 520

pet door installation

Contact us today to install your pet door into single or double glazed glass.

9033 or email animalcontrol@


Dog Registration 2024/25 –dates to remember:

• End of May/early Juneregistration renewal forms sent out

• 30 June - 2023/24 registration expires

• 1 July - payment due for 2024/25 year

• 1 August - penalty of 50% added to registrations not paid

• 1 September - unregistered dogs liable for penalties, infringements and dog seizures.


44 Main St, Blenheim | ph 03 578 5374 office@marlboroughglass.co.nz

2kg &

Oreo is looking for his forever humans

GMW Jewellery joins Marlborough Four Paws for fundraiser

It’s that time of year again. Bring in your rings in exchange for a cat food donation for the kitty cats at Marlborough four Paws. For each can of cat food they will clean up to 3 rings.

on Alabama

As dog registration time approaches, it’s an important reminder for all pet owners to ensure their companions are up to date with their vaccinations and health checks. Vetlife on Alabama focuses on keeping your pets healthy and happy, which is why we encourage you to use this time to register your dog and check on their overall wellness.

To support our community in this endeavor, we’re offering a special promotion: mention this article when you book a vaccination or health check for your pet, and receive $20 off.

Regular veterinary visits are essential for early detection of health issues and for maintaining your pet’s health throughout their life. Don’t miss this opportunity to focus on your pet’s health.

Rich in omega fatty acids that help keep skin healthy and fur smooth and shiny.

A good option for dogs with food sensitivities, itchy skin and ear infections. Grain free and high in fish protein.

It’s what we’ve been feeding the last 7 years and so can you. Grab a bag from us when you pick up your pooch.

Oreo is gorgeous and will make the perfect companion. He has grown up with bunnies, chickens, cats, dogs, and farm animals, and really has seen it all, and lives perfectly with them. He is an active dog and often goes hunting with his foster family.

Contact Marlborough Four Paws to find out more.

Schedule your appointment today on 03 578 6965 and ensure your pet is healthy and ready to enjoy the year ahead with you. It’s a small step that can lead to a lifetime of health and happiness for your pet.

*This offer is available for all appointments booked by the end of July 2024.

Our dedicated team of friendly and experienced veterinarians are here to help your beloved pets enjoy happy, healthy lives. Book your pet in today!

Left to right - Ketta (nurse), Kathy (reception), Madi (nurse), Vivian (nurse), Kelly (production animal coordinator), Rachel (nurse)and Grace (vet)
Duke and Della, canine members of the GMW Jewellery team.

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Nano-Clear offers effective restoration bringing surfaces back to their original condition while ensuring long-term protection.

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Across: 1. System, 4. Tastes, 9. Cane, 10. Dehydrated, 11. Purser, 12. Omelette, 13. Perplexed, 15. Fair, 16. Carp, 17. Numbskull, 21. Baseless, 22. In a way, 24. Pina colada, 25. Many, 26. Tandem, 27. Rented. Down: 1. Statute, 2. Seeks, 3. Endorse, 5. Addled, 6. Trademark, 7. Swelter, 8. Shrove Tuesday, 14. Porcelain, 16. Chariot, 18. Brigade, 19. Learned, 20. Denote, 23. Admit.

tau, tea, ten, tub, tuba, tube, tun, tuna, tune.

neb, net, nub, nut, tab, tan,

bet, beta, bun, bunt, but, BUTANE, eat, nab, neat,

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Legally Blonde rehearsals

World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day is an international day organised every year by the united Nations and designed to celebrate and honour refugees from around the world who have been forced to flee. the Sun joined the celebration at MYSpace, Marlborough Youth trust on Redwood Street.



and is left heartbroken as he breaks up with her on the night she expected him to propose.

Monica Santos addresses attendees.
OUR SPACE: Nor Bashor, Akhtar, Ismail, Haroon, Jaber, Surat, Abdullah and Yasin enjoying a game of pool.
(Eden Somerville) listens
SERIOUS: Boys’ College Year 13 student Ben Kenny as Warner Huntington III singing ‘Serious’.
Amelia Prentice and Eden Somerville rehearse their scene.
Faruk Aknter and Salman Nuri enjoy the festivities.
Blenheim musician Sam Merrill and his Dad. Sam played some Kiwi favourites including Dragon’s ‘Rain’. Argentinians Juliana Angulo and David Ledezma.

5 minutes with...



 Are you a dog or cat person?

Absolutely a dog person. We have 3 rescue dogs who live a very spoilt life.

 My friends would say I am…

Kind, loyal and thoughtful wrapped up with a little splash of crazy to keep things interesting.

 The best advice I ever received was?

Always be kind and respectful of everyone - ‘Treat the caretaker the same as you would treat the manager/CEO’.

 What would you buy if money was no object?

A big, fully fenced rural property so I could rescue more dogs and give them the love and the life they deserve.

 Local coffee haunt?

23 Grove Road Coffee House.

 Favourite takeaway?

I’m a ‘Noodle Canteen’ kind of a girl.

 The shop you can’t walk past is...?

Any gift shop for beautiful and unique gifts, and Kmart of course.

 What’s the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever received?

A river rock with a beautiful rainbow drawn on it, from a little girl I used to teach.

 Where is your happy holiday place?

Somewhere warm with my husband and kids close by. My family is everything to me, they keep my heart full.

 Favourite programme or series currently watching?

NCIS Season 21.

 What’s one thing on your bucket list?

I would love the opportunity to attend an ANZAC Day service at Gallipoli one day.

gardening this week

Around the corner: By Wally Richards

We have started into a new growing season now that the shortest day is behind us, sunlight time increasing slowly minute by minute till we reach the longest day on 21st December which is my birthday and as my mum said ‘It was the longest day ever, when I was born’.

So now we can get things happening and do the final winter jobs if you have not completed already.

Pruning is one of those aspects and how you prune is dependent on what you want a plant or tree to do this coming season.

In nature the only pruner is the wind and giraffes, which means no one comes along and does what many gardeners will do.

My thoughts are that pruning should be a tidy up removing dead and diseased branches; also if a bush or tree is getting too dense then completely remove some branches right back to where they come off the trunk.

Likewise on branches of a tree there maybe side branches making the tree denser so some or all of these can be removed from the parent branch.

If the tree or bush is sparse then cut 20 - 30mm off the end of the branches to encourage more side branching.

On fruit trees remember that leaf and fruit buds have set and if you are too enthusiastic you could remove all fruiting buds and have no crop this coming season.

A gardener emailed me a good question today which I will share with you.

Hello Wally

Please can you advise me about pruning raspberries. I have canes which produce fruit in the summer and then again in the autumn. How should they be pruned ?

The canes are 2-3 years old and I have pruned them by removing the fruiting canes out but I don’t think this is probably the best method.

I would appreciate your advice - all I seem to be able to find on the net is autumn fruiting or summer fruiting, not canes which do both!

From the internet he found this: Floricane-fruiting raspberries (spring fruiting).

In the late fall after dormancy or in the early spring, cut down all ‘spent floricanes’, those that have already produced fruit.

They are easy to spot because of the old, dried fruit clusters left on the tops of the canes and on laterals.

Autumn fruiting raspberries: should be pruned to the ground on planting.

Once they have finished fruiting, you can cut all the canes down to the ground ready for new growth next spring.

That means you have new canes to fruit each season in Autumn but for canes that fruit both spring and autumn my answer is this:

I would remove any really old and or diseased looking canes and leave the rest to see how they perform.

It is a good idea to tie a bit of coloured wool to each of the remaining canes to mark them as left then if they don’t perform well this coming spring and autumn they get the chop next winter. If they do perform well, tie a different coloured wool to them so you know they are 3 seasons producing.

In nature no pruning occurs and the bushes can get too dense, but by that time they have spread from roots or seeds.

Pruning roses the traditional way is to prune canes down to 2 or 3 outward growing buds on bush and standard roses and rub out the inward growing buds to get the wine glass effect.

If you prune to say 5 or 6 outgoing buds you will get a bigger bush that is also going to be taller and denser and more flowers.

Once again look to remove old, dead and diseased canes/branches.

You will have seed pods on the roses which are red or yellow, or in some cases nearly black which we call Rose Hips.

The best thing about roses is that all varieties of roses (Rosa species) produce hips and all of them are edible and medicinal! They can be eaten or made into a tea.

Due to its high levels of antioxidants, rosehip tea may boost your immune system, aid weight loss, reduce joint pain, support healthy-looking skin, and protect against heart disease and type two diabetics.

You can also harvest the rose hips and grow new roses from the seeds inside them which is an interesting thing to do.

I did this years ago when I had a nursery and within a year from seed I would obtain a small rose bush that would be in flower.

Often very different to the parent plant or a bit similar dependent on how it was naturally pollinated. I use to sell them in flower for a dollar each in my Garden Centre.

To do this: Cut open the rose hip exposing the seeds. Soak the seeds for 12 - 24 hours, drain and mix with equal parts of moistened sphagnum moss and vermiculite in a plastic bag.

Seal the bag and place in the refrigerator for at least three months. You can begin planting the seeds any time after the chilling period is complete.

If you obtain some really good rose specimens later when in bush and flowering then you can name them and claim propagation rights so rose growers will pay you a fee for every rose they propagate and sell of your named variety.

That’s all new rose growers do except they choose what roses to cross and they ensure that the only pollen to fertilise is the one they want by bagging the buds/ flowers to prevent foreign pollenation from other sources happening. Once you have a good specimen then it is propagated by cuttings and bud grafts.

In nature the rose hips falling off the rose lay in the soil surface and the outer cover rots and releases the seeds if and when they have the right circumstances prevailing; will germinate and create new rose plants.

Or as with a lot of fruiting plants someone or some bird/animal comes along and eats the fruit and the seeds which pass though and with a nice dose of manure to grow, if deposited in or on soil.

Important: when pruning you can carry disease from one plant to a healthy plant on your secateurs or lobbers.

To prevent this make up a solution of potassium permanganate in a suitable container at the rate of about half a teaspoon to a litre of water.

In between plants sterilise your blades by placing into the purple water with a bit of a swirl and then onto the next plant/rose.

This time of the year new seasons fruit trees, berry fruit plants and roses are in garden shops and if you want to expand in food crops now is the best time to do so.

Legal person

In line with current trends,I am considering having my car recognised as a legal person. That way it may be entitled to free servicing and repairs.

Early Risers

Would drivers that start 3-4am etc please go quietly down Weld Street or any other street. Not everyone has to get up then. Thank you, consideration goes a long way.

Poor Panini

Terrible rip off at a central business city cafe. An alleged chicken and Brie Panini costing $15. Wasn’t even proper panini bread, chicken was minuscule and Brie virtually non- existent. 90% of the panini was thick white bun bread. Will be voting with my feet on that cafe. Shame, it used to be good.

High speeds

Put 50 k sign further off Opoua bridge till past the bend. Everyday I need to turn into Lower Wairou Rd where they come of the bridge at high speeds, same eyes down on phones. It’s scary and there will be more accidents.

Text Talk

It’s a real treat to find the txt talk section isn’t drowning under an avalanche of hatred! Shocking however to see that you’ve published an opinion that encourages murder (capital punishment) while decrying murder! 2 wrongs…

Separate parliament

Given the calls for a separate parliament, and for tikanga to be used in legal arguments, can we take it that the maori seats are now considered to be past their useful date?


I do enjoy the ‘Banksy’ like drawings that have popped up around town.

Sorry that Billie T James is spoilt by graffiti. Well done to Blenheim’s Banksy.


I can see where pet owners are coming from with the costs to feed their animals and certainly vet fees. Sadly some of these people don’t consider that when they take on a pet. It’s for life same as having a child.

Acknowledgment Letter

Employers and Recruiters... how hard is it to send a minimum of a template citing that you’ve received a job application? A lot of effort goes into crafting a CV and Cover Letter and so many never even acknowledge it. Isn’t it just common courtesy or am I old fashioned and delusional.

Ram raid?

Was that car on the bollard an attempted ram raid on the e device repair shop on Saturday. Gosh, if there was, so much nasty stuff on it, they should have asked for it before the weekend! Biden recovery again did not work, but, I recognised the car and all came vividly clear!

7 years

How sick is it that a guy gets 7 years jail for raping 11 year old girl. What kind of pathetic sentence is that. Sickening.

Elevation Repair

Good job on fixing the Elevation. Yay!

Sink in

Bill McGuire, a professor at the WEF-funded University College London tweeted, “If I’m brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate.” Following a backlash, he deleted the tweet but it’s been copied and saved. Let that sink in for a minute.


All these things with Rainbow pride week. A rainbow is actually a symbol of God’s love and promises to us all. Let’s be “inclusive” of all please.

5 million

5 million dollars for a roundabout. I can’t believe this. Blenhiem drivers don’t even know how to use a roundabout, let alone indicate. People have been giving strife about Auckland drivers. I’m from Auckland and I can use one perfectly. Blenheim needs traffic lights, until they learn how to use a roundabout.

Parking Blocks Street

Jehovah Witness if you want to make converts; don’t turn up in Turner Place in swarms in the space of five minutes in a total of 15 cars and block our entire street including the footpaths! Agrivating your converts! Can’t even back out our driveways without a 3 point turn.

Be careful

Families be careful when you put loved ones into rest home care. They can be nice to you then let you down big time even after you’ve done your homework on them or seen and heard more than they want you to within the complex.

Carers Are Amazing

Following up on my txt some carers are amazing and deserve a medal. Some are very kind and caring to both residents and family. For that I thank you.

Polar Bar

The South Pole is colder than the North Pole, if your are ever thinking of visiting either, save yourself some time and money, there’s a bar in Blenheim that’s colder than the two of them put together, evidently they save money by not having to put ice in the drinks, one Polar regular told me to leave the door open when I was leaving, which I took as being a cold snap, what ever happened to the Snug bars.

Talk of the week

Take it home

To those people who are out walking their dogs take your pooh bags home with you and don’t use other people’s bins to put it in.

Shout out

To the cleaners at Wairau Hospital. Lovely staff, who often overlooked and under valued. You all do a fantastic job.

Means so much

I am so proud to see pride flags displayed in town, and the wonderful display at the police station. It’s a small gesture that means so much more to some than most will ever understand.

We welcome your texts on 027 242 5266. Limit to 70 words please. We reserve the right to publish at our discretion. Please note the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Sun management.

Old ships

Instead of Luxon and Co making lots of noise and pointing the finger at Kiwirail over the ferry grounding, they should take a long, hard look at their own performance and get A into G and revise Willis’s earlier decision to cancel replacement ferries before there is a major calamity. Imagine if this loss of steering had happened at the Tory channel entrance! These ships are old now. It won’t matter how much money you throw at them they’ll still be old ships. It’s bloody poor government not to address this issue super urgently!

lAWns & gArdens


Insurance - Broker Support Role

Are you looking for a new challenge? Do you have experience in Personal Lines or Commercial Insurance?

We are looking for a Broker Support to join our team based in Blenheim. You will already hold some experience and be proficient in MS applications, keying data and attention to detail.

ICIB BW supports returning to work and flexi working hours.

A full Position Description is available, as is a competitive salary and career pathway.

Applications in confidence to: Wayne Wiffen

ICIB Brokerweb 027 700 6647


DIY and affordable funeral workshop

The Havelock Theatre Community Marlborough Library (Blenheim Thursday 18th July, 10 - 2. Register and info: email deathwithoutdebt@proton.me www.deathwithoutdebt.org http://www.deathwithoutdebt.org Cost $40 or koha for people in financial difficulties. Family or couple $55.

Are putting on a play NEWBIES from the 3rd - 13th July. Aucklanders Jaz & Kurt find themselves accidentally living in Havelock. How did that happen? But more importantly, how quickly can they leave? Throw some quirky neighbours into the mix, along with some surprise visitors, and things quickly go from bad to worse. Tickets from trybooking.com and the Havelock Gallery. Adults $20, Seniors and Students $15, Children $10

Share your community events!

Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations!

$10.00 + GST you can publish up to 25 words. EXCLUDES: AGMS,


Written by Julia Daniel

Directed by Troy Warring

5’5 with crystal blue eyes and a happy dispositon, she is searching for a soul mate. Interests include music, the outdoors and a lover of good old-fashioned cooking. Seeking an honest and caring gentleman to share outings and fun times. Call 0800 315 311 to make contact today.

Enrolment Zone Opening for Term 3, 2024

6 places for Yr 5 2 places for Yr 4 5 places for Yr 3 1 place for Yr 2

Closing 4th July 2024

Teacher Aide position

We are looking for a teacher aide who is enthusiastic, flexible and has good interpersonal skills. The successful applicant will be willing to work with pupils and teachers in a range of situations and across year levels. This role includes running our edible gardens programme.

The hours of work will be Mon-Fri 9am-2.30pm.

Applications close 8th July 2024

wine glasses, NZ history books, gold jewellery, antique bottles, Tonka, Fun Ho & tin toys, white Crown Lynn vases & swans & all collectables. Collector of NZ / Maori & whaling related artifacts. All of the above are popular & fetching good money at the moment.


An established support group meeting in Blenheim for men and their families living with a prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. Spouses, partners and family members welcome.


Meetings: Time:

Next MeetiNg:

Venue: First Tuesday of each month* 7.15pm Cancer Society Blenheim House 76A Maxwell Road, Blenheim

Date: Tuesday 2nd July, 7.15pm

Venue: Cancer Society Blenheim House 76A Maxwell Road, Blenheim

For more information please contact: Support Group Coordinator Murray Eyles

For more information please contact: Support Group Coordinator Murray Eyles

M: 027 608 5667

M: 027 608 5667 E:

e: marlborough@prostate.org.nz W: www.prostate.org.nz/support-meetings

URGENT services

Urgent Care Centre: Wairau Hospital Grounds. Entry off Hospital Rd, Blenheim, 8am-8pm daily. Phone (03) 520 6377. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non urgent 578 0797.

After Hours Chemists: Springlands Pharmacy: Monday - Friday 8.30am6pm. Saturday 9m - 5pm. Sunday 10am - 4pm. We will be closed on the following days: Anzac Day 25 April, Kings Birthday 3 June, Matariki 28 June

Community Care Pharmacy: Within the Blenheim Warehouse, open 7 days 9am8pm. Only closed Christmas Day. Lifeline Marlborough: 0800 543354, 24hr helpline.

Women’s Refuge and Sexual Violence Support Centre Marlborough: Crisis line number phone 0800 refuge or 03 5779939.

Victim Support: 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846)

Alcoholics Anonymous: 0800 AA WORKS - 0800 229 6757.

Citizens Advice Bureau: Free, friendly, confidential advice. Mon - Fri 9.30am4pm. Phone 578 4272.

Wairau Hospital: Hospital Visiting Hours: Daily 2.30pm - 8pm, children under 12 may visit parents only.

Maternity Ward: 10am-noon, 4pm-7pm. Children's Ward: Daily 10am-8pm. Visiting at all times is subject to the discretion of the nurse in charge of the ward.


Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non-urgent 579 4870.

Chemist: Picton Healthcare Pharmacy. Ph 573 6420 Mon -Fri 8.30-5.30pm, Sat 9-2pm. Medical Centre Pharmacy, Ph 928 4265, Mon-Fri 8am-5.30pm

Babies Babies Sun


Lennox Coast

Born June 11, 2024

Weight 3.18kg

Hospital Wairau

We’d like to announce the birth of our son, Lennox Coast Boyers-Karaitiana. Arrived earthside 8.09am on the 11th of June, weighing 3.18kg. Many thanks to the supportive staff at Wairau Hospital during our stay, especially midwives Amy Darragh and Gwen Costello. Nga Mihi, Rebecca + Taylor.


Tell the rest of Blenheim for FREE.

Email your photo and details to babies@blenheimsun.co.nz

Death notices

ARTHUR: Roberta. It is with love and sadness that we inform whānau of the passing of Robbie on June 17th, 2024 at Ashwood Park, aged 76. Treasured daughter of the late Hara (Sally, nee Matangi) and Robert Arthur, sister and sister-in-law of Kahu and Peter Bugler, the late Janice Arthur and Hine and the late John Simpson. Loved by all her wider whanau. Haere atu rā Koe, Ki ō mātua, Ki ō tātou tūpuna, E moe rā. We extend our sincere appreciation to the staff of Ashwood Park for their wonderful care of Robbie during her time there. Messages to Rita Powick, 1A Waithohi Place, Picton 7220. At Roberta’s request a private cremation has taken place.

ROBINSON, Norma Anne (née Rabone): On Monday June 24, 2024 at Redwood Lifestyle Care and Village. In her 95th year. Loved wife of the late Gordon, loved mother and mother-in-law of Sam, Paul and Julia, the late Judith, Cathy, and Meredith and Luke. Grandmother of Emma and Shaun, Lucy and Tom, Robbie, Vita, and Francis, and great-grandmother of Jackson, Margot, Max and Albert. In lieu of flowers, a donation to Alzheimers Foundation Marlborough would be appreciated and may be made at the service or online to a/c 020600-0295711-000 Ref. ROBINSON. A service for Norma will be held at her home, 14A Ward Street at 1.30pm on Monday July 1, followed by private cremation at the Sowman Crematorium. The service will be livestreamed and details may be accessed via our website www.sowmans.co.nz/up coming-funerals

THOMAS: Lorna Evelyn. The Thomas family wish to thank all those who supported us after the loss of our much-loved Matriarch, Gran. Thank you for the cards, the food, the phone calls and the love extended to us all, and for those that attended the service, thank you for the opportunity to share our memories. To the staff at Ashwood – we appreciate all the care and love given to our Mum over the eight years she was with you. Gone now to be with Dad – Together Again.

CONNIE RICHARDS 30th June 2023

COULL: Barbara (nee Simonsen). Peacefully passed away at Bethsaida on 18 June 2024. Wife of the late John. Loved mother of David and Matthew, and grandmother to Ben, Claudia, Ollie, William, Izzy and Bella, and sister, sister-in-law and aunt to the wider Simonsen family in and outside of Blenheim. She will remain in the hearts of her family and many friends. The family thanks all the staff at Bethsaida for their support and care in her last months. A memorial service will be held for the family at a later date. Messages to Cloudy Bay Funeral Services, PO Box 9, Blenheim 7240 or www. cloudybayfunerals.co.nz

T: 03 578 4719

E: sowmans@funerals.co.nz

W: www.sowmans.co.nz

STUART: Blair Gibb. On 21 June 2024, peacefully at Wairau Hospital, aged 83 years. A loved father, grandfather and great grandfather to all his extended family. Loved brother of Jan, Jean, Bill and Moira. At Blair’s request, a private family service will be held.

IRVING: Stanley Dennis (Stan). On 16 June 2024 at Ashwood Park Retirement Village, aged 82 years. Loved father and father-inlaw of the late Elizabeth; Michael and Karen (Christchurch); Dennise and Brent Lusis (Auckland). A loved grandfather of Jordan, Jessica, Connor and Georgia. Messages to 79 Longhurst Terrace, Cashmere, Christchurch 8022 or www.cloudybayfunerals.co.nz Our thanks to the staff at Ashwood Park for their care of Stan. In lieu of flowers, a donation to the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ (Acc. No. 03 0518 0186452 00 Ref: Irving) would be appreciated or may be made at the service. A celebration of Stan’s life will be held at the Springlands Chapel, Cloudy Bay Funeral Services, 15 Boyce Street on Thursday 27 June at 1.30pm followed by private cremation. The service will be livestreamed and can be viewed on the Cloudy Bay Funeral Services website.

WEAVER: Justin Charles. Passed away on 16th June 2024 at home, aged 53. Much loved partner and best friend to Michelle. Loving father and father-in-law to Taylah and Armani. Cherished son of Ivan and the late Suzie. Loved brother and brotherin-law to Sharlene, Glen, Bridget and Wal. Adored Pop to Oshea and Easton. Loved by Kelsea, Alex and special Uncle Snow to Jack, Eva, Luca, Samantha and Jessy. Messages to 18 Nicholson Street, Renwick 7204 or www.cloudybayfunerals.co.nz A celebration of Justin’s life has been held.

Bonded by Spirit - not genes, Your close friends became "FRAMILY", chosen by you! The kindest Souls are not related by blood, they are made of constellations. We miss you and cherish your "Garden of Life and Laughter", and we'll all bloom again when next we meet.

Love and beautiful memories from your Marlborough friends

Sun The Sun The

Death n otices for June 2024

taU’a LUP e: Lisa Gemma (née Sanft), May 26, 2024

V erry: Gwendoline Kate June 02 2024

W e BB er, Anne Theresa June 5, 2024

W i LL etts, Ryan Todd “Chucky” June 5th 2024

an D re LL, Richard John (John) June 7, 2024

LAWLESS, Bryan Kevin (Bondy), 920274 Sgt. C Sqn., N.Z. Scots: At Redwood Lifestyle Care & Village, Blenheim on Wednesday June 19, 2024. Aged 92 years. Loved and loving husband of the late Elaine, father of Eoin, Fiona McGregor, and Bronwen Farr. Loving grandad of Andrew and Matthew Lawless, Daniel Lawless and Lachlan Farr, and Lucas, Haidee and Alyssa McGregor. Messages may be sent to the Lawless Family, c/- P O Box 110, Blenheim 7240. In lieu of flowers, a donation to the Cancer Society (Blenheim) would be appreciated and may be made online to a/c 06-0601-0044826-00 ref. LAWLESS. A farewell service for Bryan was held at Sowman’s Mayfield Chapel yesterday Tuesday June 25, followed by interment at Fairhall Cemetery.

WRATT: Ivan Godfred (Stumpy). On 22 June 2024, peacefully at home, surrounded by his family, aged 86 years. Dearly loved husband of the late Julie and a much-loved father and father-in-law of Nigel and Melissa, (Christchurch), Peter and Lisa (Nelson), Pip and Hayden Stockwell (Nelson), Cherished Gar to Mikey, Casey, Jack, Cooper, Lily, Emmy, Noah, Victoria, Lochlin, Archie and Lucy. Special Great Gar to Willow. A loved brother, brother-in-law, uncle and friend to many. Loyal companion to Monty dog. Messages to the Wratt family c/- PO Box 9 Blenheim 7240 or www. cloudybayfunerals.co.nz Heartfelt thanks to the caring staff at Marlborough Hospice. A Celebration of Ivan’s life will be held at the Springlands Chapel, Cloudy Bay Funeral Services, 15 Boyce Street on Wednesday 26 June at 2.00pm followed by private cremation. The service for Ivan will be livestreamed and can be viewed on the Cloudy Bay Funeral Services website. “Together again with Julie”

M orton, Allan Edwin (Snow) June 8, 2024

Wa D s Wort H, Colleen Joy June 13, 2024

L aWL ess, Bryan Kevin (Bondy), 920274 Sgt. C Sqn., N.Z. Scots June 19, 2024.

ro B inson, Norma Anne (née Rabone), June 24, 2024

Brought to you By... 03 578 4719

Local Funeral Directors Caring for Marlborough families

Cnr Hutcheson & Parker Sts, Blenheim www.sowmans.co.nz

Preplan | Prepay

World Supremacy for Icey

Icey Bradley-Kiwi is the toast of Marlborough Academy of Dance and indeed herself after taking out second place at the World Supremacy Battlegrounds Competition in Sydney.

The 13-year-old competed her hip hop solo in the Junior division against 30 other dancers throughout the world in Sydney at the ‘World Supremacy Battlegrounds Competition’ (WSB ).

World Supremacy Battlegrounds (WSB) is one of the most prestigious and longest running street dance competitions in the Southern Hemisphere. The official Battlegrounds Championship was launched in July 2004 in Melbourne.

Since then, WSB has transformed into a lifestyle brand that has expanded across six continents. WSB’s dance platform has become an international gateway that has created opportunities for many dancers

worldwide. Including Blenheim’s Icey Bradley-Kiwi.

“I want to thank everyone who has supported me and sponsored me to be able to make this dream become a reality, I’m so honoured to be able to represent Blenheim and Aotearoa,”

she says. “To my choreographer and mentor Hana Morris a massive thank you and a big shout out to JHustle for my custom costumes and to my MAD family thank you for all your support. I’m so excited for what’s next.”

Icey’s dance routine was a blend of hip hop foundations such as ‘waacking and groove’ with a music mix cut with three different songs and sounds to showcase each set.

For the hip hop uneducated, waacking incorporates wild but controlled moves that follow the beat. The movement sees arm movements up and around the head, in time with a beat and has a strong emphasis on musicality, as arm movements follow

WOW inspires students

A next generation of Marlborough designers have come away with a greater enthusiasm for creativity with six out of 11 entries winning awards at the Toi World of Wearable Art in Nelson recently.

Marlborough Technology Centre Lead Jane Ginders says 25 students attended the Toi Wearable Arts competition in Nelson on Monday June 17. The themes for this year were Stories of the South Pacific | Year 3024 | Larger than Life or Myths, and Legends and Fantastic Creatures.

The Toi (Māori for art) programme challenges students to take art ‘off the wall and put it on the human form’.

For Bohally Intermediate Year 8 student Millie Kingi the opportunity was one she says was enjoyable as it

allowed her to show her own ideas and thoughts.

Students/entries were encouraged to be as literal, wacky or fantastical as they wanted. Along with fellow Year 8 student Eliza Kersten-Brown, they had an ‘amazing idea’ and entered the open category and won an award in ‘creative storytelling’.

The duo designed and came up with a pom pom design, using tissue paper for the materials, making a skirt, top and ribbons with the character focusing on mixed emotions.

“On the outside you see happy but on the inside you see sad,” says Millie. “It was a cool experience.

Fellow Year 8 Bohally students

Kalara Green, Ava Carpenter and Manaia Jones won an award for ‘Best use of Innovative Materials’. Ava says the experience has given her a buzz and an idea to look at design as

she goes to college.

“We came up with a fairy idea in the myths, legends and creatures category. We looked at ideas online and our teacher also gave us some ideas by showing us. We had to walk out and do some poses to show the character and how the materials looked.”

Software textiles Teacher Kathryn Mason says the Year 8 students who competed have done ‘extremely well’.

“Some of them came in at lunchtime. They were independent and worked collaboratively and took ownership of t heir designs. Last year there were nine entries overall and this year were 38 with the girls’ college as part of the entries. These guys can see it’s something they can continue on with at college,” she says.

Medicinal cannabis and SAD

As the Marlborough winter kicks in, many people might find themselves feeling a little bleak but sometimes that feeling can turn out to be more than just the winter blues.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression related to the change in seasons, particularly from summer to winter and affects approximately 10% of kiwis during this time. While it’s normal to experience lower energy levels and mood fluctuations during the colder, darker months, SAD can severely impact daily functioning and overall quality of life.

“Seasonal Affective Disorder

can be very distressing and challenging to manage,” explains Dr. Waseem Alzaher of the Cannabis Clinic. “For some,

it’s mild and manageable, but for others, SAD can be disabling and significantly interfere with their daily lives. The good news is that it can be effectively treated.”

SAD typically manifests with symptoms of depression that last for weeks or months, starting in late autumn and persisting until spring. These symptoms include changes in sleep patterns, energy levels, appetite, and mood. While some people may only experience mild discomfort, others may find it difficult to function normally without continuous medical treatment.

Mental Health is more prevalent than ever with anxiety, depression and stress being common issues and these issues can exacerbate

the music and the beat, with poses thrown in.

In March Icey competed at the Battlegrounds Competition in Hamilton and qualified to compete at the world champs in Sydney. Icey competed one of her Hip Hop solos choreographed by Hana Morris in the junior solo category at Hip Hop Unite in Lower Hutt recently and came away with first place and the Junior solo National Champion for 2024.

Proud mother Blaise Bradley-Kiwi says they are all so incredibly proud of Icey and her hard work, passion and determination.

“Icey has only been dancing for nearly three years and shows that by putting your mind to it and a little hard work that anything is possible. Icey is a true role model to others in the dance community across Aotearoa,” she says.

Blenheim Sun readers can follow Icey’s journey on instagram @ iceybradleykiwi.

over the colder months.

One in six New Zealanders will experience a major depressive disorder at some time in their life.

It’s more common among females (one in five females, compared to one in eight males). One in seven young New Zealanders experience a major depressive disorder before the age of 24.

“If you think you’re experiencing SAD, anxiety, depression, PTSD or any mental health issues it’s crucial to talk to your doctor,” urges Dr. Alzaher. “Treatment can be as simple as getting more sunlight each day or may involve medical intervention.”

Medicinal cannabis has emerged as a promising treatment for managing the symptoms of SAD

along with many other forms of anxiety, depression and sleep disorders.

“It can help regulate the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a crucial role in mood and energy regulation. Many patients find their symptoms become more manageable, allowing them to lead more normal lives, especially during the winter months,” says Dr. Alzaher.

Studies by the University of Auckland have found that CBD could be an effective natural treatment for depression, as well as anxiety and pain. The study found that patients who received CBD treatment for depression experienced significant improvements to their symptoms.

Hip Hop dancer Icey Bradley-Kiwi, 13, finished second at the World Supremacy Battlegrounds Competition in Sydney.
CREATIVE STORYTELLING: Bohally Year 8 students Eliza Kersten-Brown and Millie Kingi won an award for their pom pom design/ character which focused on ‘mixed emotions’.
Dr. Alzaher.

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