1 February Blenheim Sun

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Inside The Sun

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un S The

Blenheim Marlborough

Wednesday February 1, 2012

raft race fun

Plan man John Smithies of TH Barnes Ltd is now into the next stage of planning Redwoodtown’s new Countdown Supermarket.

Page 3

Prevention the cure Local retail expert Brian Finlayson talks about beating in-store theft.

Page 6

Sunday’s annual More fM raft race kicked off with a splash as friends, families and work colleagues took to the taylor river with their unusual home built rafts. the costumes were colourful and crazy and spirits were high, while lining the banks were spectators who cheered on the participants who paddled, rowed and splashed their way to the finish line at the taylor river amphitheatre. More photos page 11.

Doctors scarce Ex-Christchurch residents find Blenheim doctors hard to come by

In line for nationals Inline skater and QCC student Sam McDonald will feature at this weekend’s national event in Blenheim.

Page 23

Sun Weather Today


Thursday 14-24 Friday


Saturday 10-21 Outlook for Today High cloud, but late rain and southeasterlies.

Everyone gets The Sun Total market coverage in Marlborough

By Annabelle Latz They call themselves ‘The Shaky Shifters’. Jenny Goss and Jim Fox were thrilled with the response they received after speaking to The Blenheim Sun newspaper last month (January 18, 2012 Issue), calling for more Christchurch Earthquake victims who have moved to Blenheim. “About once a day we get a phone call or an email from someone new,” said Jenny. There are nearly 30 people in the Shaky Shifters group. Finding a doctor in Blenheim is a common hurdle amongst the group of almost 30, as Blenheim doctors do not have the time or the space for them.

Group member Ann Moore, 71, had advice from her Christchurch doctor to find herself a doctor as soon as she got to Blenheim, so her blood pressure could continue being monitored. Ann had to visit two doctors when she and her husband Tom arrived last July, and it was only because of her blood pressure condition that the second doctor took her on. Some group members have waited months. “I did think it was a bit of a hassle for us. People need access to a doctor, regardless of whether it’s for tomorrow or for a three monthly check up.” Her husband Tom, 72, also needs regular prescription updates.

“It’s amazing how many knock backs we had,” he said. The Marlborough Primary Health Organisation has a note on its website advising people moving to the area that there is a wait for doctors, as all the GP Practices in Marlborough are currently full. It states that patients may need continued support from their current GP for three to six months. Chief Executive Officer of Marlborough PHO Christine Smith said the organisation is working hard with local doctors to find a solution to shorten the waiting list.

Open Week at ABC centres Monday 13th to Friday 17th February 9:00am to 12:00pm ✔ Now offering shorter morning and afternoon sessions for more flexibility ✔ Meet our passionate, pass caring and qualified teachers ✔ Purpose-built Purpose-builts or converted villas – we have a centre to suit you! ABC Wairau: 7 Old R Renwick Road, Blenheim, Phone: 578 8680, Email: abcnzwrp@childcare.co.nz Herbert Street, Blenheim, Phone: 578 8225, Email: abcnzkwc@childcare.co.nz ABC Mayfiled: 17 He Central:129 High Street, Blenheim, Phone: 578 4214, Email: abcnzanu@childcare.co.nz ABC Blenhiem Cent 11 Colemans Road, Blenheim, Phone: 579 6060, Email: abcnzsnj@childcare.co.nz ABC Springlands: 1


The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012

How to reach us

Les Whiteside

Katrina Whiteside


(03) 5777-868 E-mail news@blenheimsun.co.nz sales@blenheimsun.co.nz ads@blenheimsun.co.nz

Address 72 High St, Blenheim P.O.Box 634 Blenheim

Fax (03) 5777-863

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READ ONLINE NOW www.blenheimsun.co.nz

The Sun NEw YEAr bAbY FlAsHbAck 2007 BaBy: corah rutland-hynes. Story and photo by Celeste Lodewyk For five-year-old Corah Rutland-Hynes, midwives and family supporters were adamant she would be born in time to be Blenheim’s first baby born for 2007, laughs her mother Karen. Karen says when in labour she tried holding off as long as she could, but in the end her midwife was egging her on to have her baby first. “She said there was another woman in labour at the same time and kept telling me keep going to get in first,” she laughs. Corah was born on New Year’s Day at 5:08am weighing 6lb 5oz. “It was a nice surprise for us, but it has since been a little difficult to organise birthday parties for New Year’s Day as most people are away or busy,” jokes Karen. Corah was a very content baby says Karen, but at age five months was struck down by illness and was hospitalized where she “died twice”. “She caught a common bug but got severely dehydrated that she had to be admitted to hospital where they overdosed her when rehydrating her. “That caused her to have seizures and she died twice, but thankfully she pulled through and has grown into a happy little girl,” Karen says. The middle of three children, Corah is adored by her older sister Rose (10) and younger brother Hunter (2) and is looking forward to starting her first year of school at Redwoodtown School this week.

blues, brews and bbQs this saturday The annual and much anticipated Blues Brews and BBQ’s festival will be held this Saturday at the A&P Showgrounds. It starts at midday, with kiwi band Opshop certain to be a popular hit for many attending the afternoon of local beer tasting, food and music. It has been an annual event since 1994 in Blenheim, and a great fundraiser for youth activities in Marlborough.

aroundnz The un S


yacht sinks

A yacht sank in Abel Tasman National Park on Sunday, after hitting rocks off Pitt Head reef, at the entrance to Torrent Bay and Anchorage. Three people were rescued from a life raft around midnight after setting off an emergency beacon and putting on a distress call. There was no risk of fuel leakages because the yacht had been secured with ropes.

red checkers undecided

The pilot of the Airtrainer aircraft that had a forced landing in a tussock-covered area near the Desert Road near Waiouru last Friday was unhurt. But plans for a Waitangi Day display by the Red Checkers aerobatics team are in jeopardy, and a decision on the display taking place will be announced later this week. It would depend on the outcome of an initial investigation into the incident.

Duathlon well supported

above: corah today, age 5. inset: corah as she appeared on the cover of the January 4, 2007 issue of The Sun.

Weatherman forecasts donation If birds get wet then we stay dry. That was just one of the many lessons learned at Havelock Theatre Company’s current season’s performance The Weatherman. Following a suggestion from a cast member, all proceeds from the performance on Thursday February 2 will be donated to the Christchurch Earthquake appeal. The premier was last Thursday, and the final performance is on Sunday February 5.

More than 100 superheroes, cartoon characters and various comical icons lined up to take part in last Friday’s duathlon. It was the third annual Matt Heagney Memorial Men’s La-Z-Boy duathlon. Despite the cold weather, numbers were slightly up on last year, and it was a festive atmosphere throughout the event amongst the participants and spectators.

suPerherO eFFOrt: callum Brown dresses as spiderman to join in the fun at the Matt heagney Memorial duathlon.

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The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012


Super Liquor


Woodstock 5% 18 Stubbies

Cody’s 8% John Smithies is now into the next stage of TH Barnes’s planning the new Countdown Supermarket at Redwoodtown, which the company received the resource consent for last week.


Countdown gets green light By Annabelle Latz It was no surprise to John Smithies that Countdown Supermarket at Redwoodtown was given the green light for development last week. But he was surprised he was not the first to find out. John is chief executive of TH Barnes, the Blenheim contractor for the planned new Countdown supermarket on the corner of Weld St and Alabama Rd. He got a phone call from a local media organisation last Wednesday, asking his thoughts on the Marlborough District Council’s decision to approve the supermarket, a result from the hearing on December 15. “I was very surprised to get the

phone call because I hadn’t seen the letter.” A letter for approved resource consent was posted by the Council last Monday, but sent to his residential postal address, not his business PO Box. “We hadn’t checked the letter box for a few days. But it’s been approved now, which is really good news.” The approval came with conditions that were of no surprise to him, including notes on hours of heavy vehicle transport operation, and landscaping requirements. “The conditions had been taken care of in the preliminary process.” He acknowledged that height specifications had been a concern for some residents, regarding that

the supermarket is in a residential zone. “These concerns have been embedded in the resource consent, and the landscaping requirements will soften the visual impact of the height.” The design process is underway, using a local architect and engineer. “We want to keep it as local as possible to keep the money circulating in Blenheim.” John predicts building to begin in about seven or eight month’s time, with an opening date planned for autumn 2013, although plans can always change. “We’ve had a great response, we are confident it’s going to be good.”

A Capri festival By Annabelle Latz They will be heard before they are seen. For the first time in history, the Ford Capri Car Club is holding its summer festival in the South Island, and Blenheim is the chosen spot. Upper South Island representative John Baker lives in Blenheim, and has penciled in about 15 cars so far for the celebratory weekend, coming from as far north as Auckland and as far south as Gore. He expects more members will sign up for the weekend, convoying around visiting local spots and talking about what they love most; cars. “It’s interesting to see what other people have done to their cars, what their quirks are.” Capri owners are an active bunch, enjoying their car from 1960’s and 1980’s in a variety of ways. Some club members drive their Capri’s occasionally, some drive them on a daily basis, and some race at local tracks. John has had his bottle green 1970 Capri for 10 years, and drives it to work in Blenheim every day. He enjoys pottering around with his Capri, which he bought for $500, buying new pieces as he can afford them. “It’s probably worth ten times that now.” He has recently purchased new chrome wheels from America, which he likes because they are a bit different. “I like using the car every day, it’s not a show car,” he said, pointing to its paint chips and ‘supermarket doors.’


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Phone: 577 8615 John Baker is looking forward to spending Waitangi weekend with Ford Capri enthusiasts from all over New Zealand, at the Capri Car Club of New Zealand’s summer festival being held in Blenheim.

The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012

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A proud rural woman By Annabelle Latz Cheese can match a personality, and a shovel and a chainsaw kept in the boot of the car is never a bad idea. These are two lessons Lisa Harper has taken through her life, in the rural cheesy spot of Mahau Sound. Her knack for f lare and something different won Lisa last year’s Enterprising Rural Woman Award, run by Rural Women New Zealand. Entries are now open for the 2012 awards. Lisa learned from her mother and grandmother the art of cheese making at Sheerington Grange, which has aspects of tourism, cheese making, lessons, cooking for guests and catering. Her business strategy has always been about self belief and seeking possibilities without letting doubt get in the way. “We are considered ‘out in the sticks’ for most people, but still manage to send perishable goods all around New Zealand.” Life has always been a bit outside the square for Lisa, her family would never go far without a chainsaw and a shovel, to tackle any fallen trees or slips

blocking the road. “But it’s okay, I’ve made a life out of not being normal.” She has an accurate eye for matching a cheese to a person, and it can be deceptive. “An average three year-old absolutely adores strong cheeses.” Cheese tasting sessions provide a giggle, especially for those who opt straight for the strongest ones. “It’s a bit like going for the hard liquor before lunch time!” It took Lisa two months to master a Scottish cheese, and making ash from Pinot Noir oak barrels to be wrapped around cheese is another skill Lisa can tick off her list. “That was kind of fun.” Quirks with Lisa’s farm animals are not uncommon either, especially for Strawberry the goat who likes to play dead with her legs in the air. Lisa loves to both teach and discuss business ideas throughout New Zealand, which she has been doing since she won the award. “It’s hard to have an idea of how you are doing, so it’s nice to have someone to pat you on the head and say you’re doing ok.” “My neighbour said if I didn’t

Lisa Harper knows her cheese and knows how to run a business. She won last year’s Enterprising Rural Woman Award, run by Rural Women New Zealand, which is open now for this year’s entries. Photo by Frank Gasteiger

enter she wouldn’t talk to me again, so I only did it to keep her off my back.” She still gets her biggest kick from refining the art of cheese, and making the perfect match.

“I love to watch people’s faces.” For more information on this year’s RWNZ Enterprising Rural Women Award, and entry details, visit www.ruralwomen.org.nz

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Local Elegant Styles thefts

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Last Wednesday at midday a 30 year old female school teacher was arrested for shoplifting after she allegedly stole vitamins and hand cream from The Warehouse. That evening a 45 year old female beneficiary was arrested for shoplifting after she allegedly stole bottles of wine from Countdown, Redwoodtown. In the early hours of last Saturday morning two male students ages 20 and 21 were arrested for theft after they allegedly stole bar stools from a local licenced premise. On Sunday afternoon a 16 year old male student was arrested for shoplifting after he allegedly stole shoes and socks from The Warehouse.

Car vs fence



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Last Friday evening, police attempted to stop a Subaru motor vehicle on Redwood Street. The driver however fled and after a short pursuit the fleeing driver failed to take the corner of Scott Street and Ida Street due to his speed. The vehicle slid across the intersection and went through a fence before hitting a tree.

The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012


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Central Otago Apricots


Wednesday February 1, 2012

one on one with the Sun

The Sun

Let’s talk theft In response to last week’s Sun story ‘Shoplifters test local businesses’ and recent letters to the editor highlighting local customer service, New Zealand Retail Association Central and Southern regional manager Brian Finlayson contacted The Sun to share his professional views. Brian, who is based in Blenheim, spoke of his retail experience during the Christmas period and offered suggestions to help combat in-store theft. enough ‘eyes’ on the store is a very Story and photo by big problem.” Celeste Lodewyk “When I have spoken with retail“Speaking not only about Blenheim, but NZ wide there are many problem ers they often say they can’t afford areas within the retail sector that to employ extra staff to help with greatly contribute toward theft, but security, but they need to compare the positive is that they are relatively what they lose through theft against the cost of increasing a part timer’s easy to correct. “These include looking at store lay- hours for example,” he says. Referring to recent letters to the out, addressing customer service and being more vigilant when customers editor complaining about a lack of come and go. These are issues that good customer service, Brian says are evident in not all, but some retail he has seen cases of shoplifters being stores throughout Blenheim and if deterred after staff have made a point nothing is done then customers will of acknowledging them. “Even if you are serving someone, continue being driven away or will make eye contact with the customer carry on shoplifting. and that straight away “And in today’s tough makes them aware they economy businesses “I could have have been acknowlcan’t afford the loss,” quite easily edged. This will dishe says. courage shoplifting and W h e n d oi ng h i s make customers feel Christmas shopping helped myself they are important.” last December, Brian to everything I “Lack of customer says some local retail service is a nationwide stores had high display purchased.” problem and with the fixtures scattered about the store which created hidden areas tough year we have ahead of us, retailers have to start sharpening their for shoplifters. “I could have quite easily helped pencils and learn to adapt. “Here in Marlborough we have myself to everything I purchased.” “During the summer months it was had a good run with the wineries also noticeable that stores did not and grapes, but things will continue have enough staff working the busy getting tougher so treating customers well and hiring enthusiastic and lunch hours. “I have often walked into stores friendly staff will encourage them to at lunchtime and there’s only been spend,” he says. Brian is happy to visit local retailers one staff member on duty, when really between noon and 2pm stores free of charge to offer advice on store should be 75 percent fully staffed. layout and customer service. You can Being understaffed and not having contact him on 027 475 0410.

(pronounced Tol-kof-ski)

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T H E N A M E T H AT C H A N G E D D I A M O N D S F O R E V E R 75 Market St, Blenheim • Phone/Fax 03 578 7897

The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012



The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012

Sun readers have their say... Q: What does Valentines Day mean to you?

Carl Eden Blenheim

Jack Fekkes Blenheim

Jordan Logan Blenheim

Max Aeinweder Blenheim

Roger Raizaba Blenheim

Tyler Hammond Blenheim

Depends who you are with. It can be about celebrating love or an anniversary, or it could be a very lonely day!

A romantic affair! Even though I’m still 80! I don’t really do anything for it anymore.

It’s gone too commercial. It’s about money now, not loved ones. It’s supposed to be about you and your partner, not gifts.

Nothing, it’s just a normal day. I’ve never done anything for it and I won’t this year.

Valentines is about when two people are in love, and how much they care for each other. I try to keep my wife happy on the day!

It’s all commercial consumerism now, I don’t believe in it. Everyday can be romantic and special if you want it to be.

“Bookworld is for the love of reading.” Shoes & Accessories


... PSSt JuSt to let you know

Letters to the editor Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. Guidelines are that they should be no longer than 150 words. They must be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even if a nom de plume is provided for publication. The editor reserves the right to

abridge letters or withhold unsuitable letters from publication. Send or fax them to the address on page two, or e mail them to news@blenheimsun.co.nz. Please note that your name and street address must also be provided in e mails.

Dear Ed, Yeah, bang on, Tony Orman’s letter last week on knighthoods. Awards are okay and a number deserve them for charity effort. But hey when a person is highly paid and gets recognised is that right? Nuh! It’s not. Who of your readers would have

given MPs Roger Douglas, Geoffrey Palmer, Doug Graham, Bill Birch and Rob Muldoon a knighthood? Or Business Roundtable bods like Ron Trotter and the like? Yeah - and what if Stephen Donald’s penalty had missed in the WRC final. Sir Graham Henry or just “Ted”? Neil Wilson

winter BootS & ShoeS Knighthoods hAve Arrived At


omg you have to check them out now!

Summer SAle Still continueS... 8 Arthur Street, Blenheim. Phone 578 3139

67 Market Street, Blenheim Phone: 578 4909 www.bookworld.co.nz

Food bills Dear Ed, Minister of Food Safety Kate Wilkinson has it wrong over the Food Bill which will curb and penalise locally grown vegetables and fruit. Instead Wilkinson needs to address inflow of foreign produce (who wants Chinese plums?) and get proper food labelling on supermarket shelves. Produce from the local farmers’ market is healthy often organic or near to it. In contrast supermarket fruit and vegetables are far more likely chemical laden. Did Wilkinson read an article (see NZ Farmers’ Weekly this week) which said just one brand of frozen vegetables on supermarket shelves used 100% NZ grown vegetables? The others used vegetables from China, Vietnam, South America and the US. Don Coyote

No smoking in public places?


No Smoking in Public Places? Recently, along with other families, I shared a picnic tea in Pollard Park for a 5-year olds birthday. Looking for somewhere to sit it was absolutely revolting the number of cigarette butts left squashed into the ground. Come on smokers. Would you like to sit and/or picnic on the ground where people had been spitting? Besides being illegal, to spit in public is an offence. Is it any less disgusting to leave

4 February 2012

BaNdS INcludE: • OPSHOP 12 noon - 7pm A&P Park Blenheim • Michael Fix R18 Festival - no gate sales • Chilli Dogs Tickets $30 available from BNZ Blenheim & • Hitchcock Railway Picton, Blenheim i-SITE and Marlborough Civic Theatre • www.ticketdirect.co.nz Supported by....

A Blenheim Round Table Community Project

your saliva-covered butts where people could otherwise enjoy sitting and picnicking, etc? I think not. How would you feel if a little ‘tot’ happened to pick up one of these filthy things and put them in their mouth, which could not only make them very ill but even prove fatal? I have just been part of a team conducting Traffic Surveys around our CBD. The huge amount of cigarette butts left around our town by thoughtless, lazy smokers is absolutely appalling. What a look for visitors! Although I feel saddened that many people are addicted to this unhealthy practice I do not begrudge them the right to choose to do so. I do strongly object to them not taking responsibility for keeping this to themselves instead of forcing the majority of us to tolerate their filthy practice of cluttering up and spoiling our (otherwise) lovely town and sur• Home lawns • Gardening Services • Hedges roundings. • Section Clearing • Lawn Care • Tree Pruning & Removal Excluding those few responsible smokers, to all those irresponsible • Chipping Services • Commercial Lawns smokers I say… bring on the ‘No All our franchisees are security checked and fully insured. Smoking in Public Places’ that is being • Blenheim suggested. For a free no obligation quote • Renwick Judi Woolley • Picton Blenheim www.mrgreen.co.nz

mr green

Love mowing? We do - it’s our business!

Ph: 579 9333

The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012


Terms and conditions apply. Details instore. Promotion ends 5 February, 2012.

Last Week

Spendmore or $20 enter. to


Enter! Sweet Juicy Nectarines



Whittaker’s Chocolate Block Range 250g Save from $1.46




Fresh NZ Rump Steak








6 Pack



Country Fresh Carrots/Onions 1.5kg




Alpine Mild/Colby/Edam Cheese 1kg



Monteith’s Bottles 330ml


Save from $8.23

Fresh Tegel NZ Lean & Lite Chicken Tenderloins




2 89 bag

Lindauer 750ml

(Excludes Special Reserve)



99 each

Local, convenient & friendly Store Locations: Renwick - 7.30am - 7.00pm, 7 days. Seddon - Monday-Friday 6.30am - 7.30pm - Saturday-Sunday 7am - 7.30pm Specials available from Wednesday, 1st February until Sunday, 5th February 2012 or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Product range may vary from store to store. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40.

99 each

Nature’s Fresh Bread Range 600-700g

Save from $1.78



79 each

Rolling Meadow Butter 500g

Save from $2.70


3 79 each

Next week’s specials available to view from 12 noon each Sunday @ At all our SuperValue Supermarkets svbs0102


The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012



looks aT our local Tradespeople

Marlborough Plumbing & Heating Marlborough Plumbing and Heating Ltd owner Rob Marshall first began his business in 2000 and has never looked back. Previously located on Main Street, the office is now based from home so all appointments and enquiries can be made by phoning 577 9278. Having a strong focus on quality and top customer service is the most important thing in business, Rob says. “This is something we comfortably achieve

and as a result we have an excellent and loyal customer base.” The business provides the Marlborough region with an extensive range of plumbing and heating solutions at affordable prices. Using sustainable products such as solar heating, Marlborough Plumbing and Heating provides real solutions to help protect our beautiful environment. The business also offers everything from plumbing services, solar, home radiator and underfloor heating systems, through

to emergency repairs and maintenance services. For new home owners, Marlborough Plumbing and Heating can help make makeovers stress free by taking care of everything from start to finish. This includes pre-planning consultation right through to the design and installation of plumbing systems. “Talk to us today about what we can do for you. Phone us at the office or email info@mph.co.nz and you can check out our website at www.mph.co.nz,” Rob says.


Phone: 577 9278 Plumbing&Heating Renewable Energy Installer


Choose the Energy Efficient Solution

Hydralift Crane Hire


Well known and respected local company, Hydralift Crane Hire has enjoyed a 25 year long history with the Marlborough region, and today is a family owned and operated business. Owned by Richard Wallace, Hydralift Crane Hire began with one crane in 1987 and has since expanded to incorporate three cranes. “At the time I was doing structural work with a previous employer and I recognised a need for a reasonable sized hydraulic crane. The only one at the same time was smaller and limited which created a great opportunity for us, and I haven’t looked back since,” he says. Hydralift Crane Hire can service anything from vehicle recovery, powerline work and general construction, through to granny flat and garage re-siting. “We also do quite a bit of wine tank and cat walk work; Hydralift can do it all,” Richard says. In 2004 Richard’s son Daniel joined the business and together the fatherson team has continued to build on their loyal clientele base. “A big part of why the business continues to be successful is the loyalty we have been shown over the years, and we look forward to building on this.” For a free consultation phone Daniel on 027 432 1638 or Richard on 027 432 1637.

• Re-siting Granny Flats & Garages • Boat turning and launching • Engine Changes • Vehicle Salvage and Rescue • General Construction • 100% Locally Owned

Contact: Richard 027 432 1637 Fax & A/Hrs 03 578 8847

Always Stopping And Painting (ASAP)

Always Stopping And Painting PO Box 1154, Blenheim 7240

0274 783 045

• Painting & decorating • Gib stopping • Special finishes • Paper hanging • Roof restoration • Moss & mould control • Residential and Commercial

Professional people, quality results.


“We’re there when you need us” For your lifting & shifting needs we have a crane available to lift in close 12000kg & 500kg @ 26m. We have a hiab truck with a winch set-up, that allows us to operate like a crane. Containers • Vehicle Recovery • Wood/Steel Frames • Site Offices • Sleep Outs • Household Effects • Spa Pools • Boats • Motors • Nets • Machinery • Concrete Pipes • Panels • Dairy & Wine vats

Contact your local Renwick operator for all your lifting and shifting enquiries and container hire and sales. Providing a prompt honest service.

Warren Oliver 021 2844891

Always Stopping And Painting (ASAP) is an established gib stopping and painting business that has been successfully operating in Marlborough for more than 10-years. Directed by Andy Walter, the business first began as ‘Always Stopping’, but due to high demand for its professional and quality services, the business soon expanded to ASAP. Andy who has 30-years experience in the painting and decorating industry says ASAP’s company policy and team focus is to “do it once, do it right”. “The team of six is constantly achieving excellent results using modern and best practice techniques and superior quality materials.” “This in turn results in no callbacks to rectify work, which means a faster and more efficient job saving you time and money,” Andy says. ASAP services the whole of Marlborough with a range of professional services for both domestic and commercial applications. These services include Gib supply and fixing, gib stopping, supply and installation of all types of coving, painting and decorating services, special finishes, paper hanging, roof restoration, moss and mould control.

Lift N Shift “The success of any business depends on how you treat your customers,” wise words from local Lift N Shift operator Warren Oliver. Warren relocated with his family to Marlborough in 2002 and developed his business Oliver Concrete Pumping. After selling the business over five years ago, Warren then took an invested interest in Nelson based company Lift N Shift and soon became Marlborough’s sole operator. With his truck and crane with added ‘fly’ attachment, Warren can pick up and move almost anything to anywhere in the region. “The work is varied. One day I could be travelling by barge to difficult areas in the Sounds to lift a frame, and the next I could be heading to Twizel to deliver goods for the Hobbit Movie,” he says. Lift N Shift has the capacity to lift all sizes from pianos and spa pools, to concrete building panels to house frames, wine and dairy vats. “Nothing is too big or small, and with the support of the company I can access a variety of equipment to suit the job,” Warren says. Lift N Shift also specialises in the hiring and moving of standard and dangerous goods containers. To find out more about what Lift N Shift can do for you, contact Warren today.

out & about

The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012


Wright,  “Tin Tin in Water”. Jacob Boreham Hiscoke. on Dam and ht Wrig Jasmine Boreham

 “The Wet Willies”. Tim , Hayley, Melissa and Kat ie Wills. tte Jenner, ee Chicks in a Tub”. Charlo  “Rub-a-dub-dub, Thr Alice Regan. Savannah Saunders and

 “Cruise Control”. Robbie Columbus and Nathan Cross.

 ‘‘The two wise men’’. Eli Speedy and Simon Hay

e. d Jesse Sonn Andrews an lia Ju . s” rf u  “Sm

 “Once Upon a Fi Siblings Hanna sh”. h and Amber Dickson .

 “The Cat’s PJ’s”. Katie Young, Alice Cross, Kelsie Skelt Jordan Silcock. on and

 “Ship Happens”. Peter Colenbrander and Heath Hutton.

 “The River Horses”. Emily Cross and Laura Woodcock.

Any of our “out & about” photos can be purchased at the Sun Newspaper office.


The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012


The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012



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es test pots. *Conditions apply, exclud 12. 20 ry rua Feb 01 – 14










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Monday - Friday: 7.00am - 6.00pm Saturday: 8.00am - 6.00pm Sunday & Public Holidays: 9.00am - 6.00pm *Conditions apply - see instore for details

1 February to 7 February 2012, while stocks last.


The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012

Education For LiFE

a Foundation


Koru Institute of Training and Education

“Making Education Work for You”

Currently accepting enrolments for 2012

SHORT COURSE Introduction to Computing - Free course 1st Course: Monday 30th January to Wednesday 8th February Delivery is: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10.00-1.00pm 2nd Course Monday 13th February to Wednesday 22nd February Delivery is: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10.00-1.00pm

 579 2268

All courses subject to numbers 5 Sutherland Tce - P.O. Box 769 Blenheim Ph (03) 579 2268 - Fax (03) 579 2261 Mobile: 021 579 527 tekakama@ihug.co.nz

Providing the edge to get ahead In a world where education is often the deciding factor for personal success, there’s one Nelson based business that’s doing its part to provide an edge for people wanting to get ahead. The Barbican Training Centre, in partnership with Te Wananga o Aotearoa, is in its eighth year offering training programmes for

Education changes lives

business owners and staff. Programmes are designed to help students succeed on their chosen path – and all for FREE. Tutor and Barbican Director, Susan Piket says, “It’s not just about passing exams, these programmes are designed to really move students towards a better way of life. Over the years, many have started up their own businesses, some have grown existing businesses, while others have overhauled their personal finances.” Most people are juggling work,

‘Computing and Business Admin’ Youth Guarantee Programme

Improve study concentration • Find a good place to work, the library is an ideal option. While the library may seem almost too quiet at first, condition yourself to the quiet by starting with short periods of study there. • Minimize visual distractions by studying away from windows and in a place where you will not see classmates walking by. • Eliminate noise by studying in a quiet place, without music. While you may have listened to music as you studied in high school, college work requires far greater concentration and part of your focus will be lost if you listen to music while studying. • Use appropriate lighting that does not strain your eyes. • Fight fatigue by taking regular

Our FREE programme is specially designed for 16 and 17 year olds! Start planning your career TODAY Ring Roshelle (03) 578 8640 NOW to book your place to start 13th February 2012

3rd Floor, Post Office Building, Blenheim

COURSES FOR 2012 BARBICAN TRAINING CENTRE | CONTACT: 03 544 9812 EMAIL: pip@business-training.co.nz

Certificate in





Certificate in








20 weeks

March/April 2012

No fees

18 weeks

March/April 2012

No fees





Certificate in







36 weeks

March/April 2012

No fees

18 weeks

March 2012

No fees

Certificate in






24 weeks

March 2012

No fees

study breaks. Many students find that working for 50 minutes and then taking a 10-minute break is ideal, although this varies, depending on the student and subject matter. • Find your ‘prime time’. For many students, one hour of daytime study is equivalent to one and a half hours at night because their concentration level during the day is much greater. • Get your sleep at night, and avoid daytime naps lasting more than ten minutes. Concentration dips both before and after a nap. • Form study groups to make some of your study time more lively and interesting. • If the course and/or reading material is too difficult, find a tutor or find an alternate textbook.

Certificate in


Certificate in

business and home life so our programmes are designed to suit busy people. “I am so grateful for the chance to learn so much, while still being able to work and support my family”, says Janine Smith a former graduate of the Small Business Management programme. “The results I have achieved in my business, never would have happened without the knowledge and support I have gained.” To upsize your future now, call us on 03 547 6138 or visit us at www.barbicantc.com

Certificate in







20 weeks

March 2012

No fees


Certificate in





36 weeks

March 2012

No fees


Certificate in









18 weeks

March 2012

No fees

36 weeks

March 2012

No fees

www.twoa.ac.nz/facebook | 0800 355 553 I www.twoa.ac.nz

All courses are subject to student numbers and confirmation. Every effort has been made to ensure that the content of this advert is correct at the time of print.

The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012


Education For LiFE

a Foundation

Media course perfect introduction

Teach English Overseas or in NZ

Former Marlborough Boy’s College student and sports journalist Jacob Page believes Aoraki Polytechnic’s Media Communication course gave him the perfect introduction to working in the media. And, at only 22 years old, Page has already interviewed many of New Zealand’s sporting elite, including Crusaders’ Jacob Page coach Todd Blackadder, All Whites’ coach Ricki Herbert, international golf caddy Steve Williams and former top jockey Lance O’Sullivan. Page studied at Aoraki’s Christchurch campus securing a Fairfax internship allowing him to complete a Diploma in Journalism with Aoraki and then a job at the Timaru Herald. Page’s parents are heavily involved in the media so he knew exactly what he was getting

CCEL offers 4-week intensive Cambridge CELTA courses in Christchurch

in to. He had always wanted to be a print journalist so he chose the Aoraki’s Media communication course to launch his career. “It was fantastic – we got so many opportunities.” The year before Page started his studies with Aoraki, Laura Albrey was sitting in the same classroom learning the basics of print, radio and television journalism. Now she is completing an internship at TVNZ’s Wellington newsroom as part of her degree study at the New Zealand Broadcasting School. Albrey joined the Media Communication course intent on a career in television but enjoyed getting of taste of print and radio journalism. In fact, one of the highlights of her training so far has been a feature she wrote while a student at Aoraki that was published

in The Press. After her year with Aoraki, Albrey was successful in gaining a place at the New Zealand Broadcasting School and this year two students from the 2011 intake at Aoraki will follow her there. Tutor Dale McCord said the Media Communication programme was the perfect choice for people of any age looking at careers in the media and particularly in journalism. The programme focuses on print, web, radio and television journalism and includes photojournalism, law and ethics and other specialty subjects. Graduates mostly go on to further study – the Diploma in Journalism, to Broadcasting School at CPIT or on to university. For more information on Aoraki Polytechnic’s Media Communication and Journalism programmes visit www.aoraki.ac.nz or call 0800 426 725.

• Become qualified to teach English worldwide • Learn skills and techniques for teaching international students • Gain practical teaching experience during the course

2012 CELTA course dates:

5 March - 30 March 25 May - 22 June 27 August - 21 September 26 October - 23 November (Apply early for all courses) For more information please contact: Mel Whyte by phone (03) 343 3790 or email mel.whyte@ccel.co.nz To apply online please visit www.ccel.co.nz

Step 2 Growth

Independent Educational Home-Based Childcare

Quality Ratios to ensure your child’s needs and expectations are best met.

We look forward to hearing from you! Step 2 Growth’s Helpful Sudsidies; Under 2’s - $3.00/hour (max 6 hours per day/30 hours per week) 2’s and Over - $1.50/hour (max 6 hours per day/30 hours per week) 20 Hours ECE - $5.00/hour (max 6 hours per day/20 hours per week)






Email: angela@step2growth.co.nz or visit our website: www.step2growth.co.nz

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M Christchurch evel 4) JOURNALIS munication (L Media Com

Certificate in

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CLaSSES Start FEBruary!

0800 426 725

All programmes


cie proval and suffi are subject to ap


The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012

Education For LiFE

a Foundation

Learning with confidence Mayfield Community based in• your neighbourhood Ph 578 3758 mayfield@mka.org.nz Mon, Tues, Thurs - 8:45am - 2:45pm • Wed & Fri - 8:45am - 1:00pm

Focus on education and learning through play


573 kindergartens 8889 • picton@mka.org.nz 7 Ph unique who share the same values


8:15am - 12:30pm 1:15pm Mon, Tues, Thurs Range of enrolment 3:15pm options Ph 578 4756 • redwoodtown@mka.org.nz

Community based in your neighbourhood


100% trained registered teachers

Focus on education and learning 20 hours plus FREE ECE Ph 572 9888 • renwick@mka.org.nz through play

Seymour 7 unique kindergartens who share

the same values Ph 578 4669 • seymour@mka.org.nz 8:15am - 12:30pm

- 3:15pm Mon, Tues, Thurs - 1:15pm Range of enrolment options Springlands

Ph 579 3362 • springlands@mka.org.nz

100% trained registered teachers


20 hours plus FREE ECE

Ph 579 3383 • witherlea@mka.org.nz Kindergarten hours except Mayfield are: Mon - Fri - 8:15am - 12:30pm • Mon, Tues, Thurs - 1:15pm - 3:15pm

by Annabelle Latz A year of learning and development kicked off this week for students enrolled at Marlborough Community College. Joshua McKay and Jo Baxter are looking forward to expanding the minds of students choosing to complete NCEA level 1 and 2 courses. Joshua McKay will guide students through his 44-week cookery course, teaching practical and social skills of the professional kitchen. “Learning about personal presentation, health and safety, customer service and numeracy compliments the cooking side of things.” This year will be about teaching his students to cook using a variety of styles, and about using basic cooking processes to cook quality food. “It’s about quality not quantity.” Opportunities and options opened up to students through these courses are huge, because it’s as much about self-discovery and inspiration as the practical elements of the course. “If you’re keen and motivated, there are jobs in hospitality, and this is a great safe environment to explore those options.” Jo Baxter guides students through her Excelerate course for 44 weeks,

Jo Baxter and Joshua McKay have just kicked off another year as tutors at Marlborough Community College. Jo teaches the Excelerate programme and Joshua teaches Cookery.

acquiring students with the skills to confidently enter the working world. Modules range from first aid and communication, to literacy, numeracy and how to succeed at a job interview. “My aim is to open up options for them, to open up different pathways.” The focus of her course is to educate the students, tapping into their strengths to give them self confidence.

“That’s the key, it’s all about setting the students up to do further training, and looking at career options.” Jo and Josh both incorporate recreation into their courses, a valuable tool to encourage learning, and add an extra bit of fun to the course. Jo and Josh share the same favourite aspect of their job; to see the process of a student entering the course on the first day, changing, developing and succeeding.

Have You Considered Garin College For Your Child’s Education? Garin College is a co-educational Catholic College with boarding facilities for boys and girls based in Richmond, Nelson. Our modern facilities and extensive grounds back onto Saxtons Field, Tasman’s premier sporting grounds, providing the backdrop for quality education. Our off-site boarding hostels provide a welcoming and family environment for students away from home. We have a number of places for non-Catholic students. To find out more about Boarding contact Robert Booth on 0276 544835, e-mail robertbooth@garincollege.ac.nz or visit the hostel page on our website. Why Whychoose chooseGarin GarinCollege College •• Small Smallcommunity communitybased basedCatholic Catholic School •• Class of 22 Year 9sizes classes ofmaximum 24 •• Modern facilities Modern facilitiesin inbeautiful beautifulgrounds grounds •• AAsafe safeand andcaring caringenvironment environment

•• Family Family style style hostel hostel •• Fantastic Fantastic results results for for all all students, students, NCEA, Rock Quest, Stage NCEA, Rock Quest, StageChallenge, Challenge, Sports Sportsand andOutdoor Outdooradventure adventureand and more more

21st Century School

Modern residential living

21st Century School An easy walk to school

The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012

To provide students with a safe, values based and practical experience leading to success in learning in the workplace and in their community. Self paced learning Student focused Practical hands-on learning Industry field trips

High proportion of tutor/student contact time Variety of teaching methods to suit individual learning styles Personal development





National Certificate in Cafe Skills


National Certificate in Cookery Level 2 & 3

National Certificate in Food & Beverage Level 2


National Certificate in Employment Skills Level 1

Coffee Making and Service

NCEA Level 1 & 2


Restaurant and Front of House Skills

Modules on Hospitality Computing Outdoor Adventure NCEA Level 1 & 2

Practical Learning in our Modern Commercial Kitchen Create Meals for our Busy Restaurant NCEA Level 1 & 2

NCEA Level 1 & 2

Personal Development

Maths and English

Our Advantage

Work Based Values

Students will be given the opportunity to participate in personal development programmes culminating in an outdoor personal challenge. Confidence building and self responsibility are among some of the key areas of our personal development modules. Opportunity to participate in art and design modules is also available including bone carving and painting classes.

All programmes contain English and Maths assessments and individual learning plans to develop skills in the area required. Students are encouraged to complete NCEA level one, two and three, while studying their chosen vocation.

Small class sizes, one tutor per programme, and resources such as a commercial kitchen and restaurant, hair salon, two top of the line computer suites, vans for off site visits and field trips.

Our college is based on a set of values that are important in life and the workplace. • Honesty • Responsibility and Accountability • Continued Learning • Work Place Standards • Respect for Self and Others All our programmes are designed to prepare students for the workplace and our rules and discipline system is based along these expectations as if they are working.

We all deserve the opportunity to be the best we can be. You must be under 18 to qualify for youth courses, eligibility applies.

Please contact (03) 578 2886 and talk with Rose. Call into 65 Scott Street, Blenheim to find out more.



The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012

Proud sPonsors of

The Sun

w e e k ly

babies “Engage the Experts for Air Conditioning solutions to keep your bundle of joy snug & warm all year round”

GOODMAN: Chloe and Chris are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Jack Anthony Goodman (6lb 110z) on 17th January 2012, 0700 hours, at Wairau Hospital. First Grandchild for John and Trish (Nelson) and Michael and Cindy (Vancouver Island). Special thanks to Shona, Jackie and all the Maternity Ward Staff.

MURPHY: Sophie and Jabian are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their beautiful baby boy, Koda Te Ahu (6lb 11oz) born on Friday 13th January, at 11.35pm. Special thanks to Cathy Middleton and to all the nurses on Ward One. Photo supplied

Amazing facts about babies No Kneecaps:

At birth, babies do not have kneecaps. Rather they have a structure of cartilage that resembles kneecaps. They usually don’t develop them fully until after six months. Babies Can’t Cry:

They can scream and holler for what they want or need, but newborns can’t technically cry. Tears can’t actually be created or released until about three weeks in.

COME AND VISIT US AT OUR SHOWROOM 1 Freswick St, Blenheim Phone (03) 578 0030

They Have More Bones:

HOCQUARD: Geoffrey & Kelly (nee Leslie) are thrilled to announce the arrival of their son Miller Kerry Geoff on January 19, 2012 at 8:34pm at Wairau Hospital, weighing 9lb 1.5oz. A gorgeous wee brother for Jorja & Honor. A huge thanks to the amazing Ruth Johnson, Emily Saul, family, friends and Ward One staff.

When babies are born, they have 300 bones. Adults have 206. Bones fuse together during growth to come up with the new number. They Can Breathe And Swallow:

While adults and babies can do both, only at a certain age can you do both at the same time. At around six months is when babies can both take a breath and a bite at the very same time. Birthmarks Are The Rule, Not Exception:

If your newborn has a birthmark or other abnormality, this is actually normal. Around 80% of all babies are born with some form or birthmark. Newborns Can Hear As Well As You:

They will startle at just about anything. Not because it is louder or softer, but because it is new. Smell is also advanced at this age. SNOWDON-GREEN: Eira Penelope Ann Green born to Holly Snowden and Nicholas Green on 30th December 8lb7oz. A big thanks to our wonderful midwife, Tash Hawtin. Photo supplied.

DASLER: Phil and Erika (Black) are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter Annalise on January 9th at 9:04am (5lb 15oz). A much loved wee sister for Madelyn and adored addition to the family. Photo supplied.

PLEASE NOTE Wairau Hospital Maternity Ward visiting hours are: DAILY at 10am - 12pm and 4pm - 7pm

What A Load:

The heaviest baby ever born was a boy who weighed 22 pounds, eight ounces. He was born in Italy in 1955. To summarize, it isn’t highly unusual for a one year old baby to weigh 22 pounds.

MuM OF THE WEEK Congratulations to Chloe Goodman this week’s lucky winner of the New World $25 voucher to spend at New World Blenheim. Our winner is invited to bring her ID in to claim her prize when she next visits New World Blenheim.

“Proudly 100% locally owned and operated” Tel: 03 520 9030, Fax: 03 520 9080, Email: blenheim@newworld-si.co.nz

Order your baby photos at the Sun office: 72 High Street, Blenheim If you’ve just had a new bundle of joy, email your baby photos with their birth details and your special message to:


The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012

death notices community notices

death notices

The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $10.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office at 72 High Street, Blenheim


Every Thursday 7pm Blenheim Bowling Club, Weld St. Light meals available. Bring a friend for a good night out. Proceeds to Special Needs Children of Marlborough

Marlborough SPCA

Please desex your cat/dog before it’s 6 months old. Contact your vet or if you are struggling financially ring SPCA on 572 9156

community services Marlborough After Hours GP Services: Wairau Hospital campus, after 6pm. Reception 5206377. Office 5209980. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non urgent 579 4870. After Hours Chemists: Springlands Pharmacy 9am-6pm 7 days Ph 5782271. Diabetes NZ Marlborough: 5775549, Office hours Tues,Wed,Thurs 9am3pm. Lifeline Marlborough: 0800 543 354, 24hr helpline. Marlborough Women's Refuge, Rape and Sexual Abuse Resource Centre: Crisis line, phone Wairau Hospital 520 9999, for Women's Refuge contact numbers. Overeaters Anonymous: Red Cross Rooms, 33 Redwood St. For more information Ph 570 5137 Victim Support: 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846) Alcoholics Anonymous: Rose 5777651, Harvey 5788125 Al-Anon: Help for families & friends of alcoholics. Ph Margaret 578 4690 or

Ross 578 5896. Alzheimers Society Marlborough: 577 6172, 8 Wither Rd, Mon,Wed,Fri 9am-4pm / Tue, Thurs 9.30-3pm. Hospital Visiting Hours: Wairau Hospital: Daily 11.30am-7.30pm, children under 12 may visit parents only. Maternity Ward: 10am-Noon, 4pm-7pm. Children's Ward: Daily 10am-8pm. Visiting at all times is subject to the discretion of the nurse in charge of the ward. Marlborough Family Budgeting: Free confidential budgeting advice. Monday-Friday. Phone 578 2006. Citizens Advice Bureau Free, friendly, confidential advice. Mon - Fri 9.30am 4pm. Phone 578 4272. Picton Doctor: Phone weekend doctor 573 6092 or Marlborough After Hours GP Service 520 6377. Office 5209980. Ambulance: Urgent 111. Non-urgent 579 4870. Chemist:Picton Healthcare Pharmacy. Ph 573 6420 Mon -Fri 9-6pm, Sat-Sun 9-3pm, Queen Charlotte Pharmacy 573 7927 Sat 9-1pm.


Mental Health

Consumer Advocacy Service. Our Advocates will take up your cause to ensure your rights are respected, listen to your concerns and support you in the actions you want to take to gain resolution. Ph: 5795304 or call at Level 2, Aorere House, 54 Scott St.

Secondhand Book Sale

Rock and Mineral Club Rooms. Brayshaw Park 10am-4pm. This Sunday and Monday - Heritage Day. Also buy crystals, pendants, rocks, fossils.

SF Marlborough

(supporting families in mental well being) For information/advocacy/support for families living with mental illness please contact Cheryl or Lyn on 577 5491 or visit us at 4 Scott Street. All Welcome

Sheets ‘n’ Things

Good used linen for sale! Open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 12 noon at Bread of Life, 14b Stephenson Street (opp Boys College) Phone: 577 5423.

St Christophers Goodwill

Monthly sale of good used clothing, books, toys, household goods this Friday at the Hall, Weld St (opp Countdown) 9am to 12 noon. Great bargains available.

The Blue Door

Open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 3.30pm. Saturday 9.00am - 2pm. Items surplus to your requirements we would gladly accept. We can deliver. Ph 5794353.

death notices STUART, Helen Elizabeth: On Friday January 27 2012 at Hospice Marlborough. Aged 59 years. Loving partner of Larry Rasmussen, much loved mother and mother-in-law of Jason (deceased), Joanna and Bastiaan de Wit, loved nana of Leeanah, Lukas and Anouk and great nana of Latiyah. Messages to 3 Watson Place Blenheim 7201. In lieu of flowers a donation to the Marlborough SPCA would be appreciated and may be made sent to P O Box 115 Renwick. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN BLENHEIM FDANZ Ph 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz ������ ACROSS ��������������������������������� 1. Nonsensical (9) ������������������������ 6. Enchant (9) ������������ 11. Searches carefully (5) ���������������������� 12. Japanese art of flower ���������������������� arrangement (7) 13. Horse’s hindquarters (5) ��������������������������� 14. Remove all restraints (8) ���������������������������� 17. Native Aust. wind instrument (10) �������������� 18. Artificial language (3) ��������������� 20. NZ’s most prolific writer; ���������������� Sir Alfred ... (4) ������������������������������ 22. State head(Aust) (7) ��������������������� 24. Sieve (6) ��������������������� 26. Golf peg (3) ����������������������� 28. Short-necked Afr. animal (5) ��������������������� 29. Bunch (7) �������������� 32. Asian country (5) ������������������ 33. Drawn game (3) �������������������������� 34. Immediately (3) ����������������������� 35. Priest’s garment (3) ������������������ 36. Splendour (5) ��������������� 37. Landscape (7) ����������������������� 38. Slack (5) ������������������������� 39. Day before (3) �������������� 41. Topics (6) 42. Grazing land (7) ������������������������������������� 44. King of Russia (4) ������������������������ ��� 47. Noncommissioned �������������� officer(Abbr) (3) �������������������


DAVIES, Merne Nola: Passed away, peacefully, on 28 January 2012, in Auckland. Dearly beloved wife of the late Ron, most cherished and beloved mother of Mel, the late Lynne, Fiona, and the late John. Dearly loved mother-in-law of the late Anne and of Clive, Philip, Jenny and Shirley. Adored and special Nan of her 11 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. A most beautiful, gentle, wonderful lady, with great inner strength and a delightful sense of humour, devoted to her family and caring to all. She will be forever missed. With special thanks to the exceptional staff of Shoal Bay Villa, Auckland. The funeral service for Merne will be held at the Union Parish Church, Broadway, Picton, 2pm Friday February 3, followed by interment at Picton Cemetery. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN BLENHEIM FDANZ Ph 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz BRUCE, Melville, (Dr Bryan): Peacefully, at Ashwood Park Retirement Village Blenheim, on January 29 2012. Aged 91 years. Dearly loved and devoted husband of the late Louise, much loved and adored father and father-in-law of Christopher and Teresa, Peter and Deb, Martin and Cheryl and Alec and Debs, loved Puppa of Alec and Anna; Julian, Christopher and Bryony; Rachael, Juliet and Anna, loved great grandfather of Niko, and Ami; Josh, Mae, and Leo; Zoe, and Sam and loved brother of Helen Saunders (Auckland) and the late Barbara Bruce. Respected family doctor to many in Marlborough. Garden flowers only please or a donation to Alzheimers Society Marlborough would be appreciated and may be made at the service or sent to 8 Wither Rd Blenheim 7201. Messages to 59A Lakings Rd Blenheim 7201. The family would like to thank all the Caregivers at Ashwood Park especially those in The Oaks. A funeral service for Bryan will be held at the Church of

LIPPITT, Marion Beaton (nee Fletcher): Peacefully, on January 27 2012, at Aberleigh Village. Aged 82 years. Dearly loved wife of Frank, beloved mother and mother-in-law of Frank and Margaret, Christopher and Cath, Garth and Cushla, Lisa and Steve, and Kerry and Simon, loved grandma of Kelly, Declan, Kit, Blair, Shane, Daniel, Kingsley, Dannielle, Alex, Beth, Vincent, Anjelika, Monique, Matthew, Regan and Henri and special friend of Carol. Messages to 19 Rogers St Blenheim 7201. In lieu of flowers a donation to the Cancer Society would be appreciated and may be sent to P O Box 233 Blenheim. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN BLENHEIM FDANZ Ph 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz CHAMBERS, Mary (Molly): On Thursday January 26 2012, peacefully, at Lakewood Rest Home Blenheim. Aged 84 years. Dearly loved wife of the late Tom, much loved mother of Aileen and the late Peter, Zelda and Dave, loved Gran of Scott and Mam, Melissa; Megan and Andrew, and Rob and Luiza and Great Gran of Briar, Jamyn, Molly, and Amara. Messages to 32 Warwick St Blenheim. In lieu of flowers a donation to the NZ Heart Foundation P O Box 535 Nelson 7040, or the Marlborough Stroke Club P O Box 275 Blenheim would be appreciated and may also be made at the service. A funeral service for Molly will be held at the Mayfield Chapel, cnr Hutcheson & Parker Sts Blenheim at 1 pm Thursday February 2 followed

by cremation at the Sowman Crematorium. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN BLENHEIM FDANZ Ph 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz ���������������������

����������������������� 49. Takes apart (10) ���������������� 51. Usual (8) ������������������������ 55. Lawful (5) ������������������������ 56. Pleasure traveller (7) ��������������� 57. Hourly (5) 58. Mid-morning snack(inf) (9) 59. Aptness (9) ���� ����������������

the Nativity, Alfred St Blenheim, 2 pm Saturday February 4 followed by private cremation at the Sowman Crematorium. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN BLENHEIM FDANZ Ph 03 578 4719 www.sowmans.co.nz

DOWN ��������������������� 1. Hard varnish (7) �������������� 2. Disband (inf) (5) �������������� 3. Canine tooth (6) ������������� 4. Projecting window �������������� (upper storey) (5) ����������������� 5. Prophet (4) ������������������������� 6. Delicate (7) ����������������������������� 7. Sprinkle (6) ������������������������������ 8. Beyond correction (12) ������������������������ 9. Audibly (5) ������������������ 10. Comandeer (11) �������������������� 15. Clear (3) ����������������������������� 16. Stupid person(inf) (4) �������������� 19. Exempt (6) ���������������� 21. Authorizes (7) ��������������������� 23. Alcove (6) ��������������� 25. Dreary (7) 26. Gossip (6-8) �������������� 27. Entreaty (6) ������������������������ 28. Be immoderate (11) ����������������� 30. Male child (3) ��������������������������

��������������� 31. A score (6) ����������������������������� 40. Sell (4) ������������ 43. Tree-lined streets (7) �������������� 44. Weight measure (3) ��������������������������� 45. Payment to author (for sales) (7) ���������������� 46. Position (6) 48. Code (6) �������������� 50. Capital of Bolivia (5) ������������� 52. Proportion (5) ������������ 53. Consent (5) �������������� 54. Stray lock of hair (4) ����������������


For January 25, 2012 ����������������� ����������������

Do the Sun justice with new glasses! 79 Market Street, Blenheim • Phone: 577 9644


The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012

health & beauty


ADRIENNE'S Beauty Den. For all your beauty treatment. 85 Lakings Road. Ph 578 8862

Painting? Decorating?

DENTURES Advanced Prosthetic Treatment. Premium Dentures. Natural looks thanks to digital precision at Blenheim Denture Studio. 71 Alfred Street. Ph 578 4344 E A R Health. Removal of Ear Wax using microscope & suction. Ph for an appointment 578 8310 at Physiotherapy Centre, 11 Francis St. MOLE checks - for a thorough skin check using dermoscopy. Call the Skin Clinic 578 1665.

Do it right!

• Wallpapering • Waterblasting • Painting and much more

Merv Scott Decorating Phone Merv 0800 Do it Up (0800 36 4887) or 021 669 666

for sale

for sale

S A L E TA B L E a t Powerboat Centre. 72 Grove Road Blenheim. Ac cessories, par ts, safety gear, lifejackets, water toys, skis and more. Mon-Fri 8am 5.30, Sat 9am-1pm. Come check out the bargains.

FIREWOOD Excellent burning. Gum $230 3.6c/m3. Larch $200 3.6 c/m3. Contact 021 412 642. BRIGGS and Stratton parts, compare our prices. Picton Equipment Centre, 7 Devon St Picton. Ph 5738150.

S A L E TA B L E a t Powerboat Centre. 72 Grove Road Blenheim. Ac cessories, par ts, safety gear, lifejackets, water toys, skis and more. Mon-Fri 8am 5.30, Sat 9am-1pm. Come check out the bargains.

HUSQVAR NA and Stihl chainsaw parts, compare our prices. Picton Equipment Centre, 7 Devon St Picton. Ph 573 8150.

WHITE CHIP & white rocks. Ideal for pebble gardens, paths, driveways.Phone Thomson 575 6885

Member of Master Painters Association

public notice

SALE TABLE at Powerboat Centre. 72 Grove Road Blenheim. Accessories, parts, safety gear, lifejackets, water toys, skis and more. Mon-Fri 8am - 5.30, Sat 9am-1pm. Come check out the bargains.

CLOWN FUN! Pom-Pom entertains with bubbles, balloons and magic. Phone 577 7393

house for sale

to let

R I D E o n m o w e r, blades, belts and parts to suit most brands. Picton Equipment Centre, 7 Devon St Picton. Ph 5738150.

FULLY furnished and fully equipped, self contained bedsit unit. Suit clean living, quiet, mature person. $180 per week, including power and internet. Ph 027 577 0195 or 5780522 A/H



Professional Hair Care ProduCts direCt to your door

TE RAWA RESORT Wilson Bay Pelorus Sound. Restaurant & Bar. Right at the waters edge, accommodation, Shop, On & Off Licence, petrol on wharf, LPG & moorings. Private functions & small conferences. Ph 03 579 8285 www.terawa.co.nz

Contact: toni@haironline.co.nz

Mobilehome Extravaganza 18 - 19 February 2012

Ashburton Showgrounds Buy - Sell - Swap 100s for sale phone: 03 3023969 murrayandbev@hotmail.com

HOUSE FOR PRIVATE SALE $175,000 3/40 Stuart St,

2 bedroom home, logburner, single garage, garden sheds, walking distance to Horton park & CBD. The perfect first home. Phone 021 502 144 Open Home Sunday 11am- 2pm

Trades and services Access Equipment



BAC Blenheim Auto Centre

22 Herbert St, Mayfield, Blenheim

WOF - Car $35 Summer

• Electric Scissorlifts • Diesel 4wd Scissorlifts • Cherrypickers • Knuckle booms

15 Main Street, Blenheim Phone 578 5600 0800 243 844

Mobile 021 361 544

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from $



* Conditions apply * No booking required * Open Saturday

Sam Rutherford Ph:572 9287, 027 572 9285 Email sam@rutherfordcomp.co.nz



575 l $2

cia l GST



the sun reaches more people than any other local community paper.

cALL us toDAy oN:

Williams Service Centre

578 1021


DAVE REES PAINTERS & DECORATORS For all painting and decorating needs

Interiors, exteriors, reseidential, commercial Including wallpapering, varnishing, roof spraying, new homes, repaints - we do it all All Workmanship Guaranteed

Phone 03 570 2214 Fax 03 570 2219 Mobile 0272 472 784

• 5 grades of bark • compost & soil conditioner • pungas • peastraw • bricks • cream pebble • white chip • screened topsoil • firewood • coal • trailer hire • wine barrels EX DEPOT OR DELIVERY

5777 868

Sheffield Street Riverlands Estate Blenheim

Ph 578 9590 Tiling

BE N Tile Wise E E S The complete tiling and building service

By your customers. the sun reaches more people than any other local community paper.

From conception to completion

For all your electrical needs


We service all Commercial Kitchen & Laundry equipment. Local agent for Starline Dishwashers.

Ph: Mark Burden on 027 280 5511

• Sectional Doors • Roller Doors


Classic Gates


By your customers.

• Commercial Doors • Gate Systems

cALL us toDAy oN:

• Garage Door Openers


BE N SEE the sun reaches more people than any other local community paper.

• Tilt Doors

Ph: 579 4445

See the experts for:

Sandblasting Powdercoating Gates, Fencing Furniture Pool Fences

5777 868

41 Grove Road BLENHEIM

6 Nelson St, Blenheim

Ph/Fax 578 0374 a/h 021 838 550

Ph 578 8251

Dirty Tiles & Grout? DAVID E B N ROBINSON Got Dirty Grout? ...Forget Pointlessoffers: Scrubbing ...Forget Pointless Scrubbing SEE GroutPro TILING MAINTENANCE

����������� Landscaping

Are you tired of scrubbing your dirty tiles and grout with no success?

• Landscaping One of the biggest drawcards for us • maintenance Lawns was to be able to see what a huge difference our services can make to • Weed Planting Spraying the appearance of tiled areas in a home.” • Pruning • Moss Control Their product range and services • Lawn include a breathable, topical sealer • Fertilising maintenance called Colourseal, unique in New By your Zealand, which repels dirt, oils and •• Sowing Sowing However, Marlburians can now water and will prevent your grout Lawns customers. forget endless, pointless scrubbing, • Rose from restaining for up to 15 years. pruning as Blenheim locals Darryl and This is applied to grout lines after systems Irrigation Cecilia Norman have just started up •• Irrigation a deep and thorough clean with the sun reaches GroutPro (Marlborough) Ltd. They specialist products and equipment •• Dethatching Consultancy more people than are part of a team of franchisees and offers a range of 89 different throughout New Zealand and colours. • Qualified tradesman any other local Australia. •• Book Experienced 25years + “It looksnow fantastic once it is applied, community paper. for Grout is a very porous material and is rarely sealed when new so it starts to absorb dirt and bacteria from day one. In no time it starts to looks dirty and unsightly, no matter how long you spend on your knees trying to scrub it clean. To make it worse, the wrong type of cleaners could cause more damage!

“GroutPro is the only business in New Zealand specialising in tile and

truly making your grout lines look like new again and as it repels dirt

cALL us toDAy oN: and we offer a cost • Landscaping Ph: 5775410 grout restoration work and oils – no more scrubbing!!!” If effective solution to making your you are building a new home with years + experience tiles and grout look brand new again”• 25 tiled areas, Coloursealing the grout Fax: 577 5413

5777 868

says Darryl and Cecilia. “It costs only a small proportion of the price to restore tiles than to replace them”.

“We are delighted to be able to offer the people of Marlborough this unique service. Our previous experience in the flooring industry combined with intensive GroutPro training has provided us with a good grounding with which to start our new venture.

as part of the build finish is high recommended.

Ph: 5775410 Mobile: Mobile: If you are selling your home and 0274 515629 want to give all the tiled areas a like 0274 515629 new appearance, give Darryl and

Cecilia a call. Fabulous kitchens and bathrooms sell houses and the GroutProl process could increase the value of your home and help you clinch the deal!

We Clean, Clean, Seal &&Re-colour Re-colour We Seal Professional Tile 3&Cleaning Grout Tile and Grout

3 Grout restoration Re-Colouring (New & Old) will Our unique unique process Our restoration process will Tile and Grout Sealing and Repairs make33your dirty old grout look. old grout look. Glassdirty Restoration

BRAND NEW again...GUARANTEED!!! again...GUARANTEED!!! 3 Silicone Replacement 3 Tile Anti-Slip (highly recommended Tile Re-Grouting Re-Grouting Silicone Replacement Repair Tile Silicone Replacement &&Repair in wet &areas) Cleaning &Sealing Sealing Colour ColourSeal SealOld OldGrout Grout Grout Cleaning NewGrout Grout Glass Restoration Clear3SealShower New 3 Outdoor patio and pathway cleaning and sealing


04424 4248498 8498 024 426 333 oror 04 Concrete & Path Cleaning Phone: 0800 66 77 86 email: cecilia.n@groutpro.co.nz www.groutpro.co.nz




BE N E E GroutPro S

Check out the GroutPro website at www.groutpro.co.nz for more information, call Darryl and Cecilia on 0800 66 77 86,

or email cecilia.n@groutpro.co.nz to arrange a free in home no obligation demonstration and quote and give your tiled areas back the “wow factor!”

Ph. 03 578 0083

(Lance) 021 361912 cts@xtra.co.nz

school oF Motoring

tile & grout restoration specialists AUTOMOTIVE


PHONE: 0800 66 77 86

By your customers. the sun reaches more people than any other local community paper.

cALL us toDAy oN:

5777 868

DRIVING After regent



Tree Removal Height Reduction Trimming/Thinning Branch Chipping Hedge Trimming Line Clearance Stump Grinding Mulch Supplies Fully Insured FREE QUOTES

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Lloyd Yorke

0274 327 949 A/Hrs 578 7889

3learners licence Cecilia Norman Darryl Norman 3restricted licence 3Full licence

Pay for 3 lessons get the 4th Free! Michael McCann 30 Page Street Blenheim 03 578 0213 or 021 786 871 email: mikemcc502000@yahoo.com

The Sun

CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING PH 03 577 7868 public notice


SALE TABLE at Powerboat Centre. 72 Grove Road Blenheim. Accessories, parts, safety gear, lifejackets, water toys, skis and more. Mon-Fri 8am - 5.30, Sat 9am-1pm. Come check out the bargains.

SOLO professional chainsaws. Sales and service. Picton Equipment Centre, 7 Devon St Picton. Ph 5738150.

The Adventure Begins Here

Picton Football Club

1st Blenheim Boys’ Brigade

Wednesday 22nd February 7pm at The Crow Tavern All players, coaches and parents welcome. See you there.

Recommences for 2012 Monday 13th February Become a part of NZ’s largest BB Company Contact: Shane Cross, Company Captain Ph: 578 5120, cell: 021 266 3938, e-mail: stcross@xtra.co.nz

e arensbcyterian d f l oairau P oo h of W e c m Sogram

a pr

Led by Leanne Young

Creative Movement and Dance Classes

Grad. Dip. Movement and Dance (Melb) Wednesdays 6:15pm For 5-12yrs old Cost: $40 per term To Register Contact: Leanne 027 3613981 or 5775965 or St. Ninian’s Office 5788895

for sale


Boat for sale 19’6” Hartley. 85 & 20 hp Mercury outboard motors on tandem trailer. Offers.

Ph 578 0794

mr green

New recruits and caregivers meet at the main gate for instructions.

Flaxbourne A & P Show

Please phone Mr Green 579 9333 to express your interest and seek further information.

We have a vacancy for a part-time evening cleaner, commercial cleaning experience essential.

Please phone

578 5521

Delegat’s Wine Estate is a leading New Zealand winemaker enjoying global sucess with its Delegat and Oyster Bay brands.

Vintage Winery Administrator

If you are fit, love working outdoors, want to be your own boss, then please enquire now as these franchises do not come up for sale very often.


Exciting opportunities are available at our Marlborough winery. Work in a structured supportive environment where training and development are provided. Motivated Administrators are needed to undertake and support the administration function in our Marlborough winery. Responsibilities will include grape receival processing, maintaining detailed inventory records and supporting winery operations.

situation vacant We require deliverers in Blenheim for permanent runs. Our paper is delivered once a week on Wednesdays. Must be reliable and honest.

Please phone 577 7868

High Dependency Unit – Acute Assessment Unit Casual position working as and when required to cover staff leave. Closing date: Friday, 9 March 2012 at 1pm. Ref: W12/008. A job description and application form are available online or email vacancies@nmdhb.govt.nz or from Human Resources, Nelson Hospital, telephone (03) 546 1362. An application form and CV are required before your application can be processed. Check out our website for further info or to apply:


Registered Nurse

The landfill site will be open between 8am and midday only.

Experienced Cleaner Required

Marlborough (Fixed Term)

Registered Nurse

The resource recovery centre, re-use centre and transfer stations will be open as normal.

situation vacant

for sale


The kerbside refuse and recyling collections will take place on Waitangi Day, Monday 6 Feb 2012 as normal.


Mr Green is a leading provider of home services in the Marlborough region.

Free Craft & Trade sites available

No change to kerbside refuse and collection on Waitangi Day

Air Training Corp

franchise for sale

We have an exciting opportunity for someone to purchase an existing lawnmowing franchise.

Schedules now available Entries close 17 February with Bernadette Gilmore Ph 577 7174

No 27 (Blenheim) Squadron

at RNZAF base Woodbourne 6.30pm

STIHL and Husqvarna chainsaw parts, compare our prices. Picton Equipment Centre, 7 Devon St Picton. Ph 5738150., compare our prices. Picton Equipment Centre, 7 Devon St Picton. Ph 5738150.

Sunday 18 March 2011

public notice

1st Parade for 2012 is February 7

public notice S A L E TA B L E at Powerboat Centre. 72 Grove Road Blenheim. A c c e s s o r i e s , p ar t s , safety gear, lifejackets, water toys, skis and more. Mon-Fri 8am 5.3 0, Sat 9am -1pm. Come check out the bargains.

Wednesday February 1, 2012

Marlborough After Hours GP Service The Marlborough After Hours GP Service is provided at the Wairau Hospital Campus, Hospital Road, on weekday evenings, weekends & public holidays. If you are a NZ Registered Nurse with experience in general practice and would enjoy supporting a small nursing team providing care for patients attending the Marlborough After Hours GP services this parttime position may suit you. For more information including a copy of the job description or to apply please contact Glenis McAlpine - glenis@marlboroughpho.org.nz or phone 03 520 6200 Applications close 17th February 2012

Internal Windows Internal Door Great condition. Glass with white frame. Call Les Whiteside or Jill Kennard: 577 7868

Applicants will require logistics or administrative experience, a self-starting attitude, strong attention to detail with excellent numeric and data entry skills. Employment would commence early to mid-March 2012 for approximately six weeks or until the end of fruit receival. Shift work may be required with one part-time position of up to five hours a day and full-time roles with peak work patterns up to twelve hours per day. If you have the skill and motivation to be part of a dynamic and professional team please apply via our website and follow the links under careers. www.delegats.co.nz

Vintage 2012 We are looking for passionate and motivated people to join our team for the upcoming harvest. Practical ability, good communication skills and a sense of humor are the “must have” requirements to join our team. We have a variety of roles which will be offered on fixed term contracts. Positions are available on either Day or Night Shift as we run a 24 hour operation. Harvestor Drivers – Late March to Late April Previous experience is essential and the successful candidate will hold a Class 3 endorsement. A clean driving license and experience operating a Braud Harvester would be an advantage. Gondola Drivers - Late March to Late April Previous experience is essential and preference will be given to candidates who have experience operating tractors with a clean driving record. Cellar hands – 19 March to early May Previous winery experience will be an advantage but there will be full in-house training for successful applicants without experience. Forklift Operators -19 March to early May Previous forklift experience is essential, and the preferred candidate will hold a forklift endorsement and have had experience operating a forklift within a warehouse or winery. For further information on any of these roles please call Mickayla on 0800WITHERHILLS (0800948437) Please send applications to either: mickayla@witherhills.co.nz or to Mickayla Kerr, Wither Hills, 211 New Renwick Road, RD2, Blenheim Applications close 17 February 2012


The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012

Acoustics, food, beer and wine Hunters’ pre-wine festival gears up Gearing up for the Marlborough Wine and Food Festival? Hunters Restaurant will be hosting a pre-wine festival on Friday, February 10 where guests will be treated to live entertainment, a delicious BBQ menu, Renaissance beer tastings and wine tastings. Event co-ordinator Sarah McDermid says the inaugural event

will be a great opportunity for locals to show their visiting friends more of what Marlborough has to offer. “There will be a lot of people arriving early for the Wine Festival so our event is great for those wanting to get into the festival spirit and sample our local beers, wines and talented musicians,” she says.

Described as a ‘casual’ event Hunter’s pre-wine festival aims to provide an informal evening in the stunning garden area, complimented by a delicious BBQ menu, a large salads and bread buffet and live acoustic music. Bookings are essential and groups are welcome. For more information see the advertisement below.

Wine Festival Eve at Hunter’s Wines

Landscape ideas sought

Friday 10th February Hunter’s Wines, 603 Rapaura Rd, Blenheim BBQ menu from $24.50 - $32 Live Music, Renaissance beer tastings, Wine tastings from Hunter’s. Open from 5.30pm

*Bookings recommended

Contact sarah@hunters.co.nz

Ph 03 572 8589 or 572 8803

An arboretum of trees from around the world, a dedicated events space, and a walkway from the Taylor Dam to the Wairau Lagoon are all ideas for making the Taylor and Opawa Rivers more popular and accessible for residents and visitors. The Marlborough Landscape Group and the District Council Reserves department are keen to hear more ideas and see if there’s enough interest to form a community trust to drive a project to continue enhancing the area. Marlborough Landscape Group project leader Bill Peter says there’s a strong precedent for this sort of community-driven project. The Taylor River Reserve Enhancement group, set up in 1999 and led by Ted McMurtry and Graeme Fuller, transformed access and enjoyment of the river in central Blenheim. “We want to expand on that vision and encourage the public to use and enjoy the river

landscape from the Dam to the Sea,” says Mr Peter. Suggestions from individuals and groups can be sent to Nicky Eade, Marlborough District Council, PO Box 443, Blenheim 7240. Ph: 03 520 7400. “We need your ideas to add to the existing plantings, walkways, cycleways, dog-walking areas and boating opportunities,” says Mr Peter. Once suggestions and comments have been gathered the Marlborough Landscape Group will hold a public meeting to discuss ideas and gauge enthusiasm for setting up a community group to drive the project. The Marlborough Landscape Group advises council on how to enhance and protect Marlborough’s landscape and includes representatives from the wine industry, local businesses, forestry, farming and environmental groups.



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Debbie Webster

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03 578 3760 • 021 797 454 debbie.webster@mikepero.com

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www.mikepero.com/MPRE21640 www.mikepero.com/

www.mikepero.com Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd. Licensed REAA (2008)

Sun sport

The Sun

Sam in line for medal

A good day for a ride Story and photo by Annabelle Latz. Arms and legs get very sore after a 120km horse ride. Charlotte Wadsworth loves her endurance riding. The 14 year-old Marlborough Girls’ College student started four years ago. “My first pony Timmy was a swap for an overdue grazing bill 10 years ago.” C h a rlot t e ha s reined in South Island and National titles, and endurance riding has taken her to the North Island, Otago, and Charlotte Wadsworth Australia. “I get to see lots of countryside. My favourite ride is Flagpole in Darfield.” This weekend she will be wearing the Silver Fern for the first time, competing in The Trans Tasman Challenge endurance event in Hawarden. Charlotte will compete against Australian and New Zealand riders on her best pony Avaasha, a pure-bred Arab. She will be on the start line at 7am for the 100km race, which will take about five hours. “My aim is to complete it, and I hope my horse doesn’t go lame, because there is lots of gravel.” Horses are well cared for during an endurance race. Heart rates must be kept below a certain level, and there are ‘holding boxes’ where they must be unsaddled, heart rate monitored, fed and watered as part of a 40 minute rest period during the race. Some endurance races start as early as 3am, and riders wear headlights. “We stop at rivers during the ride too, and let the horses pick grass.” Charlotte also enjoys eventing and showing. “I have all the competitions marked on a calendar that I want to do, to see which ones I can fit in.” This year at school Charlotte would also like to try netball and hockey, so it seems boredom will not be a problem.


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foR thEsE faNtastIC spECIals!

20” Tool Box

• Built in compartments • Liftout tray was $26.90

now $19.90 Electric Parts Washer

Sam McDonald will be one to watch at this weekend's Inline Skating Banked Track Nationals in Blenheim. Come along on Saturday and Sunday to see some fast-paced action.

90 litres was $377

“You really get some speed going down the hill.” With his selection for the Oceania competition in Timaru in April there won’t be much time to relax after this weekend’s competition, but Sam doesn’t mind.

now $259

Combination Spanner Set

27 pieces Metric & Imperial was $199

now $149

Cutting Set

• 3 piece • hacksaw, universal saw and universal knife was $59.90

now $49

Speights take polo title Despite Friday’s cold blast, it was a successful weekend of polo at the Rewi Murray Polo Park in Blenheim last weekend. The Skene Trophy was won by team Speights, including Marlborough Boys’ College player Brodie Ratcliff. Speights won the match in convincing style, with a final score of six goals to two goals.

Vaughan said there was a good turnout of players and spectators, and even he went home with a smile on his face, despite losing to his son. “I taught him some good polo, we’ll keep it at that!” More polo is planned for the Blenheim Club this summer, with the Gould Cup competition taking place on March 16-18.

Pedestal Fan

Industrial Fans Floor fan 450 mm

now $219


Wire Twister


Luna 12HP 4Kw Petrol Generator was $2370

now $1699

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Story and photo by Annabelle Latz The leg kick, the lunge and crafty tactics. Sam McDonald has a few ideas up his sleeve when it comes to dominating the inline skating race track. The 14 year-old Queen Charlotte College student has been a member of the Blenheim Roller Skating Club for four years. “I bought some old skates at a market, and then saw an advertisement for the club.” This weekend Blenheim is hosting the Inline Skating Banked Track Nationals, on Stephenson St. The competition will bring in about 60 inline skaters in the junior and adult grades, with race distances ranging from 300 metres to 10 kilometres. Since Sam started competing in 2010, he has gained South Island and National skating titles in road, banked track and flat disciplines. He is looking forward to this weekend’s competition. If his recent trend of top form performance continues he should have some medal finishes in his sights this weekend. Sam trains every day, either on his bike with the wind trainer, skating, or running. Long leg pushes and a strong kick back is what he thinks about during training, and during a race Sam’s mind is on the tactics. “I’m always thinking about what I need to do to advance.” A win can be decided by the length of a toe, and skaters lunging for the line. “It can be a bit dangerous at the end!” Sam was in a race on a go-kart track in Wellington where he fell over into a ditch, then made a quick recovery to catch up to the front and win the race.

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The Sun

Wednesday February 1, 2012


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Enquiry welcome from $575000

17 Kensington Place, Springlands Open homes- Friday 1pm, Sunday 2pm & Monday 1pm. • Prestigious Nottinghill Estat • Timeless brick beauty • Expansive dining/ living/entertainment areas • Separate formal lounge room • Exceptional indoor outdoor flow • Spectacular private, picturesque setting. Uncomplicated and practical floor plan with all the benefits and features you would expect in a home of this calibre today. Built with integrity by local reputable builder with the highest of standard. This masterpiece will appeal to all astute purchasers in search of excellence! Register your interest now, contact Debbie today for your private inspection.




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Enquiry welcome from $269000

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Debbie Webster

03 578 3760 • 021 797 454 debbie.webster@mikepero.com


www.mikepero.com Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd. Licensed REAA (2008)

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