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Transfiguration of Jesus Christ

KINGDOM PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education

Evg. Blasson N. Mathew


TRANSFIGURATION OF JESUS CHRIST: A Portrait of the Reality of the Kingdom of God

The transfiguration of Jesus shows us the reality of the anticipated kingdom of God. Further, it has established the certainty of the transformed body for all who are alive in Christ. Moreover, resurrection is a fact and just like Moses, all who are dead in Christ will be resurrected.

The reality of the spiritual world is often new glory, rather, it is the very glory he carried for doubted by many due to the fact that even many years. The Bible says Jesus shared the glory with though there are a lot of advancements in the the Father in heaven before His incarnation (Hebrews scientific world, few people are keen on spiritual 1.3). This incident is an attestation of Jesus' divinity. inquiries. Many seem to be doubtful about all that is By this, Jesus proves to the world that transfiguration spiritual, since they live merely for materialistic is a reality and even if He is sacrificed on the cross, He purposes. Moreover, many are skeptical about will resurrect into a transformed body. Similarly, all concepts such as the transformed body, those who are in Christ carry the glory of God for we transfiguration, resurrection etc. Some of the most are a new creation. Even if we have limitations in our important biblical messages in the Bible are ignored present life, all of us will be seen as our Lord Jesus by many. Many cannot comprehend such ideas as the Christ is, at His coming. dead in Christ are going to rise again to life and those The disciples of Jesus were amazed at the who are living in Christ will be transformed into a new transfiguration of the Lord. When it was happening body. A lot of people cannot understand the idea of they awoke from their sleep. Even though the disciples Parusia - the second coming of Christ. Few people do of Jesus went there with Him, they were without any not know whether a resurrected person is recognized pre-knowledge about Christ's transfiguration. in heaven. The transfiguration of Jesus Christ answers However, Jesus was pretty sure that the all such doubts about the reality of the kingdom of transfiguration would enable them to have a different God. perspective about their master and know more of the In Matthew 17.1-7 we read about Jesus' realities of the kingdom of God. God has many ways to transformation, that His face shines like the sun. His teach us the realities of the kingdom of God. Believe in dress was white as light. Jesus never stepped into a Jesus; if He was transfigured and He has authority to Kingdom Perspectives | Jul-Aug 2020

transform our lives. Jesus is the King of Kings and Elijah representing the Prophets completes the whole Lord of Lords. He is the King of the awaiting kingdom Old Testament and it confirms the Old Testament as of God. Similarly, the Disciples of Christ were true. distressed about the suffering and the crucifixion of Father – God, who spoke in the midst of the cloud, said their Lord. Right after the transfiguration the "Listen to Him." It is very clear that even if anyone disciples were conveyed several theological doubts the realities of the kingdom of God, we are not convictions and clarified all doubts about a supposed to hear that. Rather, we must listen to Him transformed body, transfiguration, resurrection etc. who called us. When God speaks, life is transferred; let Jesus got transfigured before His crucifixion. The us hear and be strengthened in the transforming and transfiguration confirms the fact that cross bearers comforting words of the Lord. When everything got are the ones who become glory bearers. over to the fearful disciples, Jesus said, “fear not.” It is interesting to note that Moses and Elijah Today what Jesus wants to tell us is not to fear but be appeared and talked to Jesus during the convinced of the Kingdom precepts. It is very clear transfiguration. They were talking about the that even if anyone doubts the realities of the Kingdom crucifixion and departure of the Lord (Luke 9.31). of God, you are not supposed to be taking it into Moses, who spoke with Jesus, portrayed two consideration. important facts regarding the kingdom of God. Moses The transfiguration of Jesus shows us the reality of the died one thousand and four hundred years before anticipated kingdom of God. Further, it has Jesus. If Moses, who was dead and buried about 1400 established the certainty of the transformed body for years before Jesus Christ, was made alive to meet all who are alive in Christ. Moreover, resurrection is a Jesus; then surely God will resurrect all those who are fact and just like Moses, all who are dead in Christ will dead in Christ. Moreover, Moses was the lawgiver and be resurrected. Elijah, who has not seen death, yet it confirms originality of the law of the Lord and its comes in the transformed body and shows the fact that authority in the Old Testament. all those who are alive in Christ will be transformed. In In addition, Elijah, who spoke with Jesus portrays two the second coming, all these things will happen important facts regarding the kingdom of God. Elijah, supernaturally just as Jesus has promised to us. If taken alive to heaven 900 years before Christ, shows Moses who was dead 1400 years ago appeared and the fact that all who are alive at the second advent of was recognized by the disciples, surely all who are Christ will be transformed into a new transformed resurrected and brought forth to heaven will be known body. Furthermore, Moses representing the law and in heaven.

When God speaks, life is “ transferred; let us hear and be strengthened in the transforming and comforting words of the Lord. When everything got over to the fearful disciples, Jesus said, “fear not.” Today what Jesus wants to tell us is not to fear but be convinced of the Kingdom precepts. ”

KINGDOM PERSPECTIVES Gospel | Literature | Education

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