2 minute read
The Dual Citizenship - Nithin k. Joseph
Nithin K, Joseph
very person who is born into this world E naturally comes under a kingdom. In spiritual terms this kingdom is called the “kingdom of Darkness ” . The people under this kingdom are influenced and ruled by the rulers and principalities of this kingdom. As the name implies, the deeds and works of this kingdom are dark even though they may look attractive outwards. The real fruit produced by the people of this kingdom is immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outburst of anger, disputes, envying, drunkenness and things like these (Galatians 5:19-21). But God Almighty in His mercy, love and faithfulness sent His one and only begotten son, Jesus Christ to save the people from the kingdom of darkness to his own kingdom, the” Kingdom of Light”. Jesus Christ lived a perfect life and he suffered and took the sin, shame and guilt on himself on behalf of his people who are living in the kingdom of darkness. He was crucified on the cross absorbing the full measure and weight of the wrath of the living God and hence satisfying his Justice. Now Jesus redeemed and bought his people with a price from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light (Ephesians 2:4-6). Jesus was so faithful in his commission given by his father to redeem his people from sin and bondage. After his death, on the third day he rose from the dead and he Kingdom
sent the Holy Spirit which he had promised to his people. When we are born again to the kingdom of light, we are appointed as kings by the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. The works and deeds of this kingdom is light. It's all about living a life of righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit, the third person in the Godhead (Romans 14:17). To obey the rules and principles of this new kingdom we need the power and help of the person,the Holy Spirit. We cannot attain or achieve it by our flesh. Flesh means our own effort and strength without the leading of the Holy Spirit. The kingdom of light cannot be seen with our natural eyes, it can be seen only when our spiritual eyes are opened. The people living in the kingdom of light are not walking according to the sight but according to faith. Faith and faithfulness are both linked. Faith means belief or trust in God, his word and truth. Faithfulness means living according to his truth. Faith leads to faithfulness. So are we faithful like our master Jesus Christ? Are we faithful in the relationship with our companion and helper, the person of the Holy Spirit? Are we faithful in the ministry that God has entrusted upon us? Are we faithful with the relationship God has given us? As you belong to the kingdom of light, May God help us to walk in a manner worthy of his calling with which you have been called (Ephesians 4:1).