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Online Degree Programs

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Fee Structure 2

2.3 Online Degree Programs

B.Th. Bachelor of Theology (Online)


The demand for theological education has increased ever since the aspiration to know God through different methods has improved. At present, many are looking for easy modes of theological education, hence requisite new means of learning. Thus, online learning unfolds a number of possibilities for theological students. In this scenario, BNLC offers an opportunity for the Christian community worldwide to earn Bachelor of Theology (B.Th) degree on the internet platform. A team of well qualified BNLC faculty is facilitating the course accessible to the candidates where they are without changing their present profession or location. The degree covers different theological subjects such as New Testament and Old Testament, Theology, Apologetics, Evangelism and Mission, Church History, Christian Counseling and other theological concentrations. Students must successfully complete 108 credit hours of the course work. The course duration is 3-5 years; a self motivated and disciplined student can earn the degree within that speculated time.

Course Features

* Provide more flexibility as the course is on an online platform. * It reduces the cost. * It removes external compulsion and tension since it is driven by self discipline and motivation. * More interaction and greater ability to concentrate. * Continue along with the candidate's profession at respective destination. * Module system of classes can be completed within the duration of 3-5 years. * Easy access to resources from different online libraries.

Admission Requirements

Born again candidates who are committed to Christian ministry with a definite call and have the following academic qualifications are eligible to apply. Candidates must have successfully passed the pre- university course or its equivalent. Mature candidates above 25 years of age with ample years of ministry experience are eligible to apply. Applicants are required to pass an online entrance examination based on the Bible knowledge, English language and General knowledge. Candidate must have a definite Christian experience, desire and willingness to be prepared for an effective Christian ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.


3.1. Application Process

The application form and prospectus are available at the college office till May 15th. May 15th is the deadline for submitting the duly filled application forms of various degree programs and other related documents to the institution. We consider the late applications on the basis of availability of seats. Candidates are requested to contact the registrar for more information regarding admission.

3.1.1. Admission Requirements

We admit candidates who have born again experience, definite call and commitment for Christian ministry. In addition, each candidate who applies for each degree program must provide the original documents of their academic qualification to prove their eligibility for admission. 1. CandidatesapplyingfortheC.ThcoursemusthaveS.S.L.Coritsequivalent. 2. Candidates applying for the Dip.Th course must have successfully passed the SSLC or its equivalent. 3. Candidates applying for the B.Th degree must have successfully passed the pre-university course or its equivalent. 4. Candidates applying for an M.A in Christian Studies must be a graduate of a recognized University or College with a Bachelor degree. Candidates who have an ATA/ Serampore B.Th can complete their MA course in two years. 5. Candidates applying for an M.Div degree must be a graduate of a recognized University or College with a Bachelor degree or B.Th. M. Div have two year course for the candidates who have an ATA/ Serampore

B.Th and three year course for a university graduates. 6. Candidates applying for an M.Th degree must have successfully passed

M.Div or its equivalent. 7. Applicants are required to pass an entrance examination in the disciplines such as Bible knowledge, English language and general knowledge. 8. Candidates must have a definite calling for ministry, Christian born again experience and a willingness to prepare themselves for Christian ministry.

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