1 minute read
O Christ, the way, the truth, the life, Keep me safe mid the raging strife; Help me a warrior brave to be And take the battle-field for thee.
I fear not the swift arrow's power Since thou art my high, strong-built tower; The darts may have a bitter sting, I shelter 'neath thy feathery wing.
Before me the Goliaths tall Must quickly flee or headlong fall; The foe is bruised beneath my feet; In thee the victory is complete.
Jesus, to thee I give up all, To live or die, to stand or fall. The sparrows have thy kindly care; I'm more than they, then need I fear?
I have a refuge from all harm Within thy strong encircling arm; Thou keepest me by day and night, And guidest my weak steps aright.
The hairs on my unworthy head Are numbered all, thy Book has said. Gathered, like the defenseless brood, My soul is kept in quietude.
As kind and loving parents would Give to their children all things good, So from thy presence angels bring Unto thy child each needful thing.
Sometimes thou hidest thy sweet face; The way is dark, I can not trace. Thou doest best; I'll not repine,
But say, "Thy will be done, not mine."
Since them art good, so good, to me, I beg to be some use to thee: Intensify thy love divine Within my heart, that I may shine
A little brighter, Lord, for thee, That others thy great love may see. Oh, crucified let all self be, That thou mayst shine thy light through me.
I would not be so dazzling bright That all the world might see my light, But in some quiet nook of thine, An out-of-way place, there I'd shine.
'Tis not for me to shine afar, Like blazing sun or brilliant star; Just help me at my door to be A little candle-light for thee.