Blessed Magazine October - December, 2020

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Tips to Make Your Home a Haven During Covid-19

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October-December, 2020

What It Means to Pray God’s Will Be Done


8 Sins Christians are Starting to Ignore What to Do When You’re Doubting Your Salvation

October - December, 2020 BLESSEDMAGAZINE.ORG

Recovering From a Heartbreaking Betrayal

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Oct - Dec, 2020

11 - Contributors 12 - Editor’s Corner 15 – What It Means to Pray God’s Will Be Done


The Bible tells us that God’s commands are “holy and righteous and good” (Rom. 7:12). And when we follow God’s commands, we seek for the better way, the way that leads to joy and fulfillment—a life lived in Jesus Christ.

21 – Debra Price (Artist Showcase)


22 – Recovering From a Heartbreaking Betrayal It was the experience of losing my closest people that turned my life topsy-turvy. But today I am living my life to the fullest, enjoying each day, and to be honest, I rarely think of the man who I once felt had brought my world crumbling down.

28 – Nathan Wagner (Artist Showcase) Nathan Wagner is a christian artist making really honest music like his brand new single Lonely, an epic song for fans of Les Friction and Two Steps From Hell..

29 – Quit Being Afraid!!!


Living the different life of following Jesus will lead into dark places that need His light. We can’t be afraid of the dark, because He’s called us to be the light.

33 – 8 Sins Christians are Starting to Ignore There are certain sins that Christians are always good at pointing out - usually in others. And there are obviously sins that we are shocked and appalled by, and usually see these sins as worse than others. But the reality is, all sin separates us from Christ.

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39 – What to Do When You’re Doubting Your Salvation I sure don’t want to be one of the ones who have been so deceived about such a critical matter, and I’m guessing you don’t either. So how can we know for sure?


45 - Tips to Make Your Home a Haven During Covid-19 Often, we forget how important it is to create a home where we feel comfortable and safe. But as Covid-19 continues to spread throughout the world, and people are being asked to stay home to reduce the spread of the virus, it’s becoming even more necessary to create a space that’s cozy, relaxing and a refuge.


51 – Dollar-store Hacks That Can Save Money Some folks turn their noses up at the idea of shopping at dollar stores, and what we have to say to those people is, “good, more dollar store goodies for us.” Because dollar stores are not just a haven for frugal shoppers – they are also a marvelous destination for any good do-ityourselfer








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Editor’s Corner

Praise the Lord My Brothers and Sisters in Christ! First, I always give all glory and honor to my Lord Jesus Christ for without Him in my life, nothing I could ever do would amount to anything!

As we enter this holiday season, let us remember to be kind to one another. Don’t allow politics and Covid-19 to divide us as people of God. Our allegiance is to Christ and Christ alone. God is in control and will remain in control despite of what may be happening in this world. I want to personally thank all of our fans and readers for their continued support of this ministry which has continued to strive and for that I am grateful to our Lord, Jesus Christ

Our goal is to continue being a resource for Christians and others for years to come and with your support we can keep this publication available free of charge always on our digital platform Pray for us as we continue to pray for you and thank you for reading this issue of Blessed Magazine God bless you!

Your Humble Servant in Christ,

Laraine Turner Editor-in-Chief 12 | Blessed Magazine


I have a problem. Or rather, a struggle. A deep and abiding struggle that will not go away. I find myself fighting it daily, yet it persists more strongly some days more than others. What is it, you ask? What is so hard for me? Upholding the will of God instead of my own. Doing what God wants me to do instead of what my flesh longs to do. Are you shocked? No, I know you’re, not because if you’ve trusted in Christ for salvation, you have the same struggle. There’s a continuous tug of war between our flesh and the Spirit. “For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do” (Gal. 5:17). The good news is we’re not alone. The apostle Paul (of all people) felt it too. “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. . . . For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing” (Rom. 7:15, 18–19). Basically, we’ve got issues. We fight against God’s way and God’s will, even when we don’t mean to.

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So the Lord Encourages Us to Pray Specifically, in Matthew 6:9–10 Jesus says,

“Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’” Apart from the work of Christ in us, we will not accomplish God’s will this side of heaven.

Did you catch what the apostle Paul said in Romans 7:18? He so desperately wanted to do the will of God, but on his own, in his flesh, he did not have the ability to carry it out. He echoed what Jesus said in John 15:4, “As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” And we can be sure that producing the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22–23) and not the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19–21) is absolutely God’s will for every one of His children. To be filled with peace instead of anxiety, love instead of hate, patience instead of anger, goodness instead of immorality, self-control instead of covetousness, is God’s way, whether we’re in heaven or on earth— because God is the same, whether we’re in heaven or on earth.

So when we pray, “your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” we’re first of all agreeing that God’s ways are better than our own. No matter what I want or what I think is best or what I’m feeling, may it be God’s will that is done.

Because God’s Will Is Always Best The Bible tells us that God’s commands are “holy and righteous and good” (Rom. 7:12). And when we follow God’s commands, we seek for the better way, the way that leads to joy and fulfillment—a life lived in Jesus Christ. But when we follow our own ways, we’re choosing paths that inevitably lead us away from God and the fullness of joy available to us by living life in the presence of God. Knowing this, it’s God’s will that we live every day rooted in Christ. With every thought taken captive for Christ. Every desire given over to Christ. Doing all things for the glory of Christ and in His strength and through His power that God might receive the glory due His name. But it’s a hard-fought battle to bring our flesh-filled thoughts shackled and surrendered before the Father to exchange for worthy ones. So we pray for God to help us! For His kingdom to be the place that our minds dwell, for His name to be what we honor foremost, and for His will to be done even now on earth as it is in heaven.

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Nevertheless, Not My Will but Yours Be Done Feeling the tug of the flesh and yet surrendering to the will of God invites the kingdom of God to have victory in enemy territory. Jesus did this very thing in the Garden of Gethsemane prior to his crucifixion praying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will” (Matt. 26:39). And as a result, the kingdom of God eternally invaded the hearts of sinful humanity forever. What once belonged to our adversary, the devil, is now stamped forever by the King of heaven.

implore God to achieve His purposes instead of our own. Though the temptation is to beg God to accomplish our own will—Father, please do this this for me and this and this, and oh yeah, this too—we surrender to the will of God by faith, in hopes of spreading the kingdom of God instead of building our own.

And God Has the Power to Do It To pray for God’s will to be done is to know and agree that He has the power to accomplish His purpose and plans, in spite of current circumstances (or my feelings for that matter). It’s a battle cry of trust that God hears and honors. It’s not to be taken lightly. It’s not to be repeated without conscious thought, because it’s not just a prayer for God to work in the remote parts of the earth, but it’s a prayer for Him to work in the remote parts of my heart.

Our decisions have eternal impact. God’s will being carried out here as it is in heaven begins with us. It’s not someone else’s job—it’s my job. It’s not just a global hope (as I’d sometimes like to pass it off as), but a personal responsibility. And though it may feel like a never-ending battle to resist my flesh, we can be sure one day the fight will be over, and the will of God will be the ordinary, everyday choice of God’s people.

It’s a prayer that God’s will be done in my mind today and in my house today and in my children’s hearts and my husband’s decisions and my friendships and my church and my yes’s and no’s. Of course, I’d like to see God’s will being done all over the world, but it starts with me. It starts with us—with surrender and trust and obedience to God’s Word and God’s way, even when the flesh wants something different. Lord Jesus, have Your way in me. Your kingdom come and Your will be done and Your name honored, on earth and in my heart, just as it is in heaven. Amen. End

But until then, as citizens of God’s kingdom, we 17 | Blessed Magazine

--- Artists, Musicians, Promoters

Display and Sell Your Work In an effort to help artists gain exposure, Blessed Magazine has rolled out a new program

This program allows on-the-rise artists/musicians and promoters to showcase their work/talent to over 750,000 readers within our magazine and on our social media platforms for only $25.00* Space is reserved for 10 individuals per issue, so contact us today and get your work in front of thousands of readers for less than 41â‚ľ per day *Plus a $2.00 processing fee. Ad runs for 2 months

Artist Showcase

Recording artist, songwriter, minister, intercessor and savvy business woman Debra Price Born Debra McKinney started singing at a very young age. She brings a soulful, urban upbeat, jazzy worship blend of inspiring uplifting music. This anointed songstress recently completed one of her best Master Piece and collection of songs entitled “Transform Me“. Within the album Debra conveys to women the importance of knowing who they are and how to value them self according to the word of God. She tells that there is healing for depression, death, divorce, and even shame and guilt. Project That Must Be Shared Debra has amazing vocals and stellar lyrics! Devine Jamz Gospel Network is compelled to share with the world what God is doing with this talented woman. We learned that she has endured through many struggles, yet use them to glorify God and encourage others. After going through a series of troublesome events, Debra is in great expectations this year. Why? Because she found her true voice and she’s ready to let the world hear it through her new collection “Transform Me“. 21 | Blessed Magazine

Nearly six years after suffering an extreme loss, I have to smile knowing that things are better than I ever thought they could be. It wasn’t a death that left me in this deep depression, unsure if I could live another day, it was losing the man I loved, the man I knew I would grow old with, to my best friend, whose family I knew and loved, who I vacationed with, and whose children I babysat and potty trained. It was the experience of losing my closest people that turned my life topsy-turvy. But today I am living my life to the fullest, enjoying each day, and to be honest, I rarely think of the man who I once felt had brought my world crumbling down. I met Luke at 18, and was instantly hooked: his huge dimples, wide smile and contagious laugh were enough to make any girl swoon. He was tall, slender, with tan skin, chocolate brown eyes: definition of handsome… Growing up in a small town, I couldn’t believe that this handsome boy wanted me! We moved in together weeks after meeting. Within a few short months, I was pregnant and engaged soon after. Close to four months after meeting him, I was nineteen, married and round with child.

I worked hard, and always tried my best. We had struggles just like every other family: money, jobs, and the hardest one, after Luke turned 21: his love of beer and whiskey. Luke developing an alcohol dependency. Within a few years it became the focal point of all our disagreements. I endlessly forgave the things he did while drinking: abuse both physical and verbal. I read countless books on how to cope, how to support, and how to live with an alcoholic. It seemed a small price to pay to keep our family together. I wanted my son to grow up in a family that was whole, and I just knew at some point that Luke would come to his senses and give up the drinking. I was a classic enabler. I just wanted things to be like they were at the beginning.

Seven months after our wedding we welcomed a perfect boy into our family; it was the scariest moment of my life, but I knew with Luke, we would make it work. We were kids, and neither of us had a college degree, so we were poor, but we always found a way to make ends meet. We were happy, we had our own family, and I felt like I knew what my purpose in life was. I wasn’t the world’s best wife or mother, but 23 | Blessed Magazine


12 years after we married, I walked in on Luke with my best friend; they had been drinking. It was a defining moment for me. I could deal with a lot of things, but infidelity seemed so foreign and for it to occur with a woman who I thought of as sister-like… I honestly didn’t know if what I saw was real. I have never been so unwilling to accept a reality in my life. I stood there paralyzed, for what felt like hours, like my soul had been ripped from my chest. I wrapped my arms around myself so I could hold in whatever remained. It was easily the deepest emotional pain I have, and hopefully will, ever experience.. I kept asking myself, “How could they do this? Why would they do this? What did I do to make them do this?” I ran from the house screaming and crying, not caring who heard me. I just wanted to escape from my own skin. I ran to my younger sister’s’ house and just sobbed. I laid there all night, tears streaming, trapped in the image of the most nightmarish scene, on repeat. He must’ve called twenty times: drunken messages and texts filling up my phone. Excuses, and I didn’t want to see or hear them. I didn’t know if I could leave him; I loved him and we had worked through so much. I had invested all of my adult life in this man. But the vision of him embracing someone else tainted everything I had loved. Having reached the limit of forgiveness, I knew I was done. The next day I took our son and drove off. We were welcomed into my dad’s home where there was an extra room for us to stay.

I wanted to die. There wasn’t a minute that went by in the first few weeks, months even, where my mind didn’t play out a way of killing myself. I imagined using one of my guns, hanging myself, jumping off a bridge, overdosing on pills. Some days I just hoped that somehow I would just stop breathing. I could not see a future without Luke.

The guilt stopped me of course; I couldn’t imagine the impact finding me dead would have on someone, especially a family member or my son. And I couldn’t leave my son alone with Luke . It was the only thread I clung to during those dark days. My son was confused, but good spirited and far more resilient than I was. He was excited to play video games with his grandpa and to be somewhere with lots of space. I was more like a wounded animal incapable of doing simple tasks. My dad noticed my posture, the way I looked at the ground when I walked, not a fraction of the person I had been, lifeless. He would make me go outside, telling me I couldn’t lay in bed any longer, and that I needed to join, “the real world.” He had me walk around his property, introduced me to his neighbors and friends, took me to birthday parties of people I didn’t know. My dad knew what I was feeling and that he needed to help me. I will forever be grateful to him for taking me in, and pushing me to get out. I remember the day I decided things needed to change, a couple months after I had left. I

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made the decision to be happy. Of course, it wasn’t instantaneous, but necessary. I decided I needed to change my negative outlook, to be mentally present for my son, and provide as much normalcy as I could muster. I remembered an article I had once read that said that you should pick ten things everyday to be grateful for, and it can help shift your attitude. I decided to incorporate this exercise on a regular basis. When I would start to think about how my life was ruined, how Luke was selfish, or how I no longer had my family, I would stop myself, and pick ten things I was grateful for. Such as:

    

I am so grateful my dad took me in and that he has a nice home to share. I am grateful I have a good job with insurance so that I can provide for myself and my son. I am grateful that I have sisters who are supportive. I am grateful that my son is with me and is okay in his environment. I am grateful that I woke up this morning and I have my health.

Sometimes it was small things I was grateful for and sometimes large. This was at times the only thing that helped me to overcome the dark thinking. At some point, I started to feel happy-ish again. I still walked around with my arms holding my chest, but I was walking around, “going through the motions”, and interacting with people. I was healing. After a while, I started to hang out with my dad in the woodshop, a place where he found

his solitude. My earliest memories of him are in his shop, accompanied by the smell of sawdust and stain. My dad turned bowls on lathes; it was hypnotic to watch. I would see him take a piece of what looked like firewood and turn it into a beautiful golden bowl that almost glowed as curly patterns appeared with the oiling of the bowl. His work is stunning, and I knew I wanted to try. I asked if he would teach me, and he did. I learned to turn: bowls, gavels, vases, and my favorite: pens, I must have turned hundreds of pens. Then I started making knives, cutting boards, small boxes and shelves. I loved it. I bought my own lathe and some of my own tools and started treasure hunting for exotic woods. I would give friends and family my wooden gifts. They didn’t know that these small treasures kept my mind focused and free of the darkness that had once consumed me; these small gifts were symbolic. I started to feel like a new person.. I became a woman who could do things, who created, independent. I became the type of woman I had always envied. For the first time in my adult life, I found and tried something that was for me and no one else. It gave me hope that I could overcome this bereavement, survive the emotional turmoil that my life had become. I found hope. I started thinking of all the different things I wanted to try and places I wanted to go. I took anything and everything I could think of or wanted to accomplish and I poured it onto paper. I purposely chose items I could do easily, and some that would take me some time and money. Some of the things were simple: hike a trail that leads to a waterfall, run a race, go to a professional football game and tailgate,

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hangout with my high school friends, eat a bug (yes… I did this, they were coated in chocolate), teach my son to wood work. Some goals were harder: climb Kilimanjaro, visit Rome, learn a second language.

liked the person I had become. I discovered that I actually love myself. I can barely remember the person I was during my married life. I realized now, that I am whole, that I wasn’t whole or happy in my marriage, I was comfortable and complacent. I didn’t love myself as a partner to Luke, I loved the idea of comfort and maintaining that comfort. It was a toxic marriage that I’d invested in strictly to avoid change. Accepting change was the most amazing thing in my life. END

I had never participated in a race, so I started running every day, I competed in some 5k’s and was almost always close to last. But I didn’t care; I was proud of myself and I enjoyed it. I was doing things! I reconnected with my friends from school, and got to know them as adults. I started going to football games and meeting people and just learned to be okay being a single woman. I have a travel account and I am saving so that I can accomplish some of my larger goals. Learning to be alone was the biggest obstacle for me, but it was essential. When I discovered that I had gotten to the point where I could be in my own head and it wasn’t the dark place it once was, I actually 26 | Blessed Magazine

Artist Showcase

Nathan Wagner is a christian artist making really honest music like his brand new single Lonely, an epic song for fans of Les Friction and Two Steps From Hell. Nathan says: I've never been truly vulnerable/honest in a song. So this is my attempt. I believe our purpose is to love and be loved while we're here on earth. But that purpose gets so twisted by our cultures stigmas and expectations. We're told we have to be this this and that in order to earn acceptance. So we follow this pattern of performance in attempts of earning love. At least I have. I've worked thousands and thousands of hours to try and be someone worth anything. And I hide all my imperfections, wear a mask everywhere I go to ensure no one can see that I'm not perfect. It's such a lonely lifestyle. So this is my attempt of taking that mask off and being honest.

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By Popsugar And Kristi Kellogg

Quit Being Afraid!!! By Leanna Romoser

The Bible’s commands to “fear not” are plentiful and occur in a variety of contexts. As God’s people, we are not to be fearful. We have no reason to live in fear. The Bible often says things like, “Do not fear,” “Do not be afraid,” and “Fear not.” Of course, these commands do not contradict the command to “fear God” (1 Peter 2:17). The fear of God keeps us from sin; the fear of man leads to sin, and that is what we are to avoid: “The fear of man brings a snare” (Proverbs 29:25, NKJV). Also, the biblical command do not fear does not negate the need for prudence and caution in this world. We are not to be cavalier but prayerful in the face of danger. The fear that the Bible tells us to avoid is concern mixed with anxiety or dread; it is the feeling of alarm we have when we expect trouble or danger. Followers of Christ are not to live in a state of anxiety. We have higher expectations than simply anticipating trouble. In fact, we have the means to rise above fear: “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7, ESV). 29 | Blessed Magazine

Quit Being Afraid!!!

God’s command to “fear not” is applied in several ways in the Bible. For example, the fear of what other people think should never prevent us from obeying the Lord (see 1 Samuel 15:24; John 9:22). We should not fear lacking provision in this world (Luke 12:6–7). We are not to fear the plans of the wicked, even when they rise to power (Psalm 37:1–2, 9–17, 35–38). When the Bible tells us, “Do not fear,” it means we are not to allow anxiety or fretfulness to rule our lives or take root in our hearts. We are not to be people of panic. We are to be people of faith. Having been justified by God, we need not fear divine condemnation (Romans 8:1). Having been chosen by God, we need not fear His rejection (Ephesians 1:4–6; Luke 12:32; Jude 1:24).

With Christ as our Shepherd, we need not fear the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23:4). With the Maker of heaven and earth watching over us, we need not fear anything (Psalm 121). Psalm 91 speaks of the one who “dwells in the shelter of the Most High” and who says of God, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust” (verses 1–2). Those who trust in God can live fearlessly: “You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you” (verses 5–7). There is a direct correlation between faith and the confidence to face the dangers of life: “If you say, ‘The Lord is my refuge,’ and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent” (verses 9–10). We rest in God’s promise: “‘Because he loves me,’ says the Lord, ‘I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble’” (verses 14–15). Matthew’s account of the resurrection of Christ presents two very different results of that miracle. When the angel descended to the tomb and rolled the stone away, “the guards shook with fear when they saw him, and they fell into a dead faint” (Matthew 28:4, NLT). The angel let them lie there. But later, the angel spoke to the women who

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visited the tomb: “Don’t be afraid! . . . I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead” (verses 5–6, NLT). With one group, God takes away their fear; with the other group, He allows fear to overwhelm them. The difference was one of belief versus unbelief. END

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By Rachel-Claire Cockrell

8 Sins Christians are Starting to Ignore Here are 8 sins we tend to ignore but can’t afford to ignore any longer

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8 Sins Christians are Starting to Ignore

There are certain sins that Christians are always good at pointing out - usually in others. And there are obviously sins that we are shocked and appalled by, and usually see these sins as worse than others. But the reality is, all sin separates us from Christ. There aren’t degrees of separation – you are either reconciled to God or you are a stranger to him (see Colossians 1:21-22), there is no in-between.

like to display our faithful acts so that others will know what good Christians we are. Christ doesn’t care what everyone else thinks of your generosity. He cares about your heart and your motivation. If you need other people to know about the good things you do, feel, or think in order to feel validated, then you need to re-evaluate.

Are Some Sins Worse than Others?

Here are 8 sins we tend to ignore but can’t afford to ignore any longer.

For the record, I do NOT think patriotism in and of itself is a sin. I put this here because all too often we put faith and Christian values in the same box as political party and patriotism. The bible is clear about the fact that Jesus’ name will be declared to ALL nations and peoples of the world. We shout, “‘Merica!” and talk about how much better we are than everyone else, but that’s not biblical. We project Christianity on to the American flag and assume that God acts American, but that’s not how it works. Celebrate American values and understand how blessed you are to live here, but remember that at the end of the day you are a citizen of heaven, and heaven will be full of people from all over the world.

1. Selfishness/Self-Righteousness

3. Fear/Worry

How often did Jesus call out the Pharisees in the New Testament? All. The. Time. And it was always for self-righteousness or selfishness. If you have to compliment yourself on something good you’ve done, then you aren’t doing it right. So many of us

Jesus is very clear about worrying. He flat out tells us not to worry. Faith requires trust. 1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear. . .” God is love. He loved us enough to send his son to die to atone for our sins. His love is perfect;

All sins are equal in that they all divide us from God. The Bible’s declaration, “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), refers to all sin, whether in thought, word, or act. We can trick ourselves into believing that it’s the really “big” sins we have to avoid, all the while ignoring deadly sin in our own lives. Make no mistake—all sin is wrong, all sin needs to be confessed and all of us need to walk away from our sinful tendencies and through humble, dependent faith, walk in righteousness.

2. Patriotism

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therefore, we should have nothing to fear. I know fear is inevitable sometimes. It is a major struggle for me. We are not perfect, but fear and worry are not part of the equation with Christ. These attitudes that imply a lack of faith. All we can do is remember that God is sovereign and always in control.

disciples often lived off of the generosity of others and Jesus was a poor carpenter. I’m not saying that wealth is inherently bad. It’s not. If you can afford that Mercedes, by all means, buy it. But if you can’t; if you are spending hundreds of dollars each month paying off debt, then you could be committing a modern form of gluttony. You need to look inside yourself and search your heart. If your nice things were taken away, would you still be satisfied and able to find joy in Christ? Why are you really in debt? Who are you trying to impress, God or men? 6. Gossip

4. Pride We talk about pride all the time in church. We consistently discuss how detrimental and dangerous it is, but it seems like we don’t recognize what pride actually is. We don’t realize that every time we refuse someone forgiveness we are acting in pride. Every time you argue with a friend, family member, or spouse and insist that you will not be the one to apologize first then you act out of pride. Remember the grace that Christ extends to you and try to extend that same grace and forgiveness to others.

I’m from the South, and there is an unspoken rule here that you can say whatever you want about someone as long as you follow it with, “Bless her heart!” I am as guilty of this as anyone. We like to talk about other people’s lives as if we live in their heads and know everything about them. This is something “churchy” people are constantly accused of, and is often the result of a judgemental attitude (covered below). Why won’t the woman who had an abortion come to your church? Because she’s afraid of the looks you’ll give her and the distance at which you will keep her. The same could be said for the pregnant 16 year old or the man who cheated on his wife. Sure, it’s nice to escape our own issues by talking about someone else’s for a while, but let’s try to remember to speak with grace and that our sin is just as sinful as anyone else’s.

5. Gluttony/Coveting 7. Hatred This sin is closely related to pride. We bury ourselves in debt in order to make sure we have the best and newest things. The

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us what we already know - that murder is wrong

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8 Sins Christians are Starting to Ignore

but he follows that up by saying that anyone who has harbored hatred towards someone has committed murder in his heart. Hatred is connected intimately with fear. We fear people we don’t understand and that fear causes us to hate them irrationally. The general attitude towards all Muslims based on the acts of a small sect is a perfect example of this. We also tend to harbor hatred against those who have hurt us. We constantly need to be searching our heart and monitoring our thoughts and feelings. 8. Judgment This one is the kicker. This is what will be the death of our faith and our influence. I know that Paul tells the churches to expel sinners from their midst. He encourages us not to indulge someone in sinful behavior. We use those verses to justify judgment of others and I believe this is a gross misinterpretation of scripture. The truth of Jesus is in our equality. We are all sinners in need of a Savior. Christians have accepted Christ and avoided condemnation based on faith and the grace of God. We do not avoid condemnation based on our own actions. Every time we think less of someone else, we forget that we are also sinners. The only way to avoid this sin is to acknowledge our own weaknesses and to embrace humility. In fact, that could help us avoid a multitude of sins. END

When Life Crumbles, Lean on Jesus

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Photo Credit: in- modern-workplace-3791129/

What to Do When You’re Doubting Your Salvation By Amy Powell Nemeth

What to Do When You’re Doubting Your Salvation

“How can I know for sure that I’m saved?”

How to Know for Sure That You’re Saved

If you’ve ever asked this question, you’re not alone.

1. Spend Time In Prayer

It’s not uncommon for people who have, at one time, made a profession of faith in Christ to need assurance of their salvation at some later point in their lives. After all, we know how high the stakes are, don’t we? And we also know there’s no margin for error. Jesus Himself said: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and do many mighty works in Your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.” (Matthew 7:21-23) I sure don’t want to be one of the ones who have been so deceived about such a critical matter, and I’m guessing you don’t either.

So how can we know for sure? Here are some steps to work through if you’re experiencing a season of doubt about your salvation.

God does not want anyone to perish, but for everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). So I know without a doubt that He doesn’t want earnestly seeking people to be deceived about the state of our hearts before Him. Ask Him to lead you through this process, and beckon His Spirit to either convict your heart that you’re not saved, or confirm that you are.

2. Study The Biblical Book Of 1 John This little book almost at the very end of the Bible offers an invaluable description of what a Christ-follower’s life looks like. It’s not meant to be a “to-do list” for you and I to complete as a means of earning our salvation. Instead, it’s a vividly painted picture of what a Christian becomes by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ.

A word of caution: this book is an easy read. But while a quick read-through might help as an introduction to the book, I don’t recommend that you stop there. Instead, take your time examining each verse. Pick up a spiral notebook and record in your own words every description you see of the Christian life. This may take several days or even weeks – that’s okay! The speed doesn’t matter one bit; it’s thoroughness and thoughtfulness that matters here.

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For example, your entries for I John 1:6-8 might look like this:   

1:6 – Christians do not walk in darkness. 1:7 – Christians walk in the light, have fellowship with other Christians, and are cleansed from their sin. 1:8 – Christians don’t deny their sins, but admit them.

received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. Romans 8:14-17

When you finish this exercise for the entire book, go back through, and prayerfully consider each element. Compare your life to the one described in I John. What are the consistencies? What are the discrepancies? Take care of any unfinished business God reveals by His Spirit through His Word. 3. Stake Your Claim.

I said it earlier, but it’s worth repeating: God doesn’t want the state of your soul to be a mystery to you. In fact, He’s made many statements and promises about this very thing. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. I John 5:12-13

Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. John 5:24 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not

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Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one. John 10:27-30

Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life. John 6:47 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in

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What to Do When You’re Doubting Your Salvation

Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. Acts 16:31 Are you convinced yet? One of the most important things we can do to eliminate fear and doubt is to choose to believe God. His Word trumps your feelings. It trumps the lies touted by the world. It trumps the enemy’s voice whispering in your ear. Romans 10:9 tells us that if we confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus, and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, we will be saved.

I can’t explain it. I can’t deserve it. I can’t get over it. But I absolutely believe it. Because I believe Him. END

When Life Crumbles, Lean on Jesus 42 | Blessed Magazine

Tips to Make Your Home a Haven During Covid-19 By Daisy Urgiles

Tips to Make Your Home a Haven During Covid-19

Eliminate Clutter Getting rid of excess items or duplicates, storing things in containers and focusing on one room, corner or surface at a time is a great way to begin clearing your clutter. In addition to having more living space, a decluttered home reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep, encourages better eating habits and boosts productivity; all perks and benefits we could use more of these days

Add Texture Incorporating different textures and styles to your home appeals to the visual and physical senses, influencing the way our space makes us feel. Consider layering furniture with blankets and pillows and covering any uncarpeted areas of your home, such as under the bed or beneath the coffee table with soft rugs to add instant cozy vibes.

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Change Your Lighting The lighting in your home can play a big role in the ambiance of each room. Try replacing bright or fluorescent overhead lights with indirect lighting, such as warm-toned LED lights or bulbs, floor and table lights with dimmers and thin string lights. These softer tones add to warmth, creating a homey and cozy atmosphere.

Add Decoration To Your Walls

Bare, white walls can often make a room feel cold and uninviting. Warm your home by adding artwork or family photos to your walls at eye levels. Creating a gallery wall of fun and happy memories can make you feel comfortable and at ease.

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Tips to Make Your Home a Haven During Covid-19

Incorporate Natural Elements Bringing natural, organic items into a space can make it more livable and inviting. Indoor plants, such as succulents, aloe vera and snake plants are not only easy to care for, but decorative, too. Placing a bowl of fruits on a kitchen counter, as well as a vase of fresh flowers in the living room can also instantly add vibrancy, warmth and life to your home.

Add Soothing Scents Or Fragrances Although visual accents can make your home look cozy, scents can also transform the mood of any room. Candles not only offer warm lighting and ambiance, but also complement your dĂŠcor by adding an enticing fragrance. Diffusers also help cleanse the air while offering natural aromatherapy with their soothing scents, such as vanilla and lavender.

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Dollar-store Hacks That Can Save Money By Sarah Lee

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‘How to Make Jesus Your Best Friend’

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