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T HE L E gAc Y Li VES O N …
Meeks counts both of his sons as his inspiration and motivation to push forward. “When it comes to Jayden, he is next level! He’s getting along very well. He just turned four and already speaks French. He’s just a little firecracker!”
Never taking any slice of serendipity for granted, Meeks touches on the impact that his success has made on not just his newfound way of decision-making, but the lessons he vows to instill in his sons as a result. “There are so many lessons because life is so real. I have never babied my kids and I have always given them the 100% of what’s going on,” he says. “My kids are so very mature and it’s really great to see how they’re progressing with everything.”
A boy dad to two sons, Meeks takes notice of how his new lifestyle has affected both – Jeremy Jr. (son of ex-wife Melissa Weeks), who’s had to adjust to this new way of living, and Jayden (son of exgirlfriend Chloe Green), who was born into it. “Jeremy Jr. is my little mini me. He adjusts and adapts to things like I’ve never seen before,” says Meeks. “He went from living in the hood in Stockton to living in Monte Carlo, going to the International School of Monaco, and learning how to speak French to then coming back to live in California and being on movie sets, attending my movie premieres. It feels good to see the look on his face because I’m finally doing something that makes him proud.”