Benefits of Artifical Intelligence
In today’s society, technology plays a large role in our everyday lives. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made its breakthrough in recent years as a tool for this generation’s education. It has recently begun to bring numerous benefits to learning. Through the implementation of AI, schools can greatly aid both the students and the teachers. AI can help ensure thorough curriculums and stable learning environments for all students. Primarily, it is important to recognize what AI is. It is a frequently used term in our society, yet people often need a more complex understanding of its definition. AI refers to the ability of machines to replicate or enhance human capabilities. It comes with many benefits that we now see in schools worldwide, including that of Blind Brook.
One of the first advantages of AI in schools is the personalization of learning. Through AI, schools can customize the learning for each student, giving them a better understanding of the topic being taught. This also has the capability of helping teachers better comprehend each student’s level of ability within a specific
By Max Kulekofskysubject. Personalization of learning with AI can change each unit and topic based on what that student needs. This allows students to learn at their own pace and feel more comfortable in their communities at school. AI is also beneficial to students with learning disabilities, allowing the student’s curriculum to be entirely changed to ensure the success of every student. In an article from the Harvard Business Review, Lasse Rouhanien writes about the value of AI technology in learning, “With a personalized learning experience, every student would enjoy a unique educational approach that’s fully tailored to his or her abilities and needs. This could directly increase students’ motivation and reduce their likelihood of dropping out. It could also offer professors a better understanding of each student’s learning process, enabling them to teach more effectively.” Through AI in learning and schools, the unique educational experience fitted for each student is necessary to ensure their ability to thrive. Additionally, teachers can use AI technology to make them-

selves more helpful mentors for their students. For example, in an article written by Stanford University, the Dean of the school discussed the strong points of AI in terms of influencing teaching habits when reporting, “Technology offers the prospect of universal access to increase fundamentally new ways of teaching. I want to emphasize that a lot of AI is also going to automate really bad ways of teaching. So [we need to] think about it as a way of creating new types of teaching.” Developing new ways of teaching at a high school level can keep students engaged and eager to learn while at the same time constantly encouraging teachers to refine their lesson plans. AI can be used for grading objective measures,
such as multiple choice questions, to ensure that work is returned most efficiently for students to reflect and grow on their mistakes. The use of AI in schools helps to build success for teachers to meet the needs of their students better and, ultimately, positively impact student learning. This is constantly changing how people learn and permitting teachers to improve their curriculum continuously. Assisting both teachers and students across the world, AI must be embraced as a permanent facet of the future.
Iowa and New Hampshire Caucus Winners of 2024
The Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary are the official kickoff for the presidential nomination process. They are crucial for Democrats and Republicans and greatly influence the presidential election. The caucuses always begin with Iowa, followed by New Hampshire. Iowa is the first caucus on the Republican side, a characteristic originating from the period of the Vietnam War. The delegate allocation process was always known for being incredibly time-consuming, consisting of several steps and procedures necessary to elect a nominee officially. Fifty years ago, Iowa was placed at the front of the line, as it was required to comply with the national party’s deadlines. This greatly upset New Hampshire, which had been the nation’s first caucus for decades, and as a result, reaped the political and economic benefits. Before Iowa, New Hampshire had the political spotlight before every election, and their results were essentially used to predict future outcomes. They received nationwide attention from the media in a way no other state could gauge. As a result, the competing states struck a deal, agreeing that Iowa could hold the first caucuses and New Hampshire could hold the first primary. Since then, these caucuses in Iowa have had considerable influence over the nation. The winners can use this to increase attention from the
By Noah Dweckmedia, receive significant financial support, and sway decisions to their side in other states around the country. Candidates hope to win these caucuses to represent their party in the presidential election.
As daunting as they may seem, these caucuses are fairly ordinary events. They occur within local meeting spots, such as libraries, living rooms, schools, or recreation centers. The meetings consist of debates regarding who should run for a specific party in an election. Typically, participants divide themselves into groups according to their preferred candidates. They spend their time discussing the advantages and disadvantages of their proposed candidates. When it is time to vote, caucus-goers may raise their hands or remain in their groups to display their preference. Today, caucuses are relatively uncommon. However, Iowa is one of the few states that continue implementing them for their election process.
This year, former president Donald Trump won the Iowa caucus by a landslide. Donald Trump won 51% of the vote, the most significant margin of victory in a Republican party race in Iowa history. Iowa’s voter turnout was just over 110,000 votes, and the weather heavily contributed to this highly underwhelming turnout. Trump won over 56,000 votes, and the runner-up far behind him, Ron DeSantis, acquired only 23,000 votes,

earning 21% of the total votes. Behind DeSantis was Nikki Haley, with 21,000 votes, or 19% of the overall votes. Lastly was Vivek Ramaswamy, accounting for 8,000 votes and 8% of all votes. Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy are no longer in the running for President. Now, Nikki Haley and Trump will compete for the official spot in the race. However, given Donald Trump’s extensive support network and funding, many speculate that he will become the Republican party candidate.
In New Hampshire, Trump won again with a much smaller margin than his win in Iowa. Trump accounted for over 176,000 votes, earning 51% of all votes. The next closest, by no surprise, was Nikki Haley, who won 140,000 votes and 43% of the votes from New
Hampshire voters. Trump dominated southeast New Hampshire, which played a significant role in this win for the former president. New Hampshire’s primary also revealed telling data for the projected Democratic candidate, putting Joe Biden as a writein candidate for 64% of voters. These results are extremely useful when speculating the candidates for the Presidential election this November. As the race continues, it will be imperative for both the Democratic and Republican candidates to maintain their voter outreach.

Navigating Turbulence: Examining Recent Challenges in Aviation
In recent history, aviation safety has faced heightened scrutiny due to a series of alarming incidents, such as the September 11 attacks, which were a series of coordinated terrorist attacks by Al-Qaeda on the United States, resulting in nearly 3,000 deaths. These horrific and tragic attacks prompted significant changes in plane security worldwide, leading to the implementation of stricter security measures, such as reinforced cockpit doors, increased passenger screenings, and enhanced security protocols to prevent similar hijackings in the future. Along with this event that forever altered the nation’s view on plane security, the government also used this event as a wake-up call, choosing to be more careful when looking into people’s luggage, making people take their shoes off when scanning their bodies, and many more preventative actions. Not only were people checked more carefully, but it also caused a sense of vulnerability due to the lack of care that planes get when getting ready to safely handle the lives of hundreds of people at a time. Failed landings, wings being violently ripped off, weather conditions, and even lack of breathable air or fuel inside the plane itself are all reasons why planes can cause major
Subway derailment has been an ongoing problem, especially recently. On January 10th, 2024, the New York City subway derailed around 12:30 PM. There were 37 passengers on board at this time. They reported a joltlike sensation, almost as if someone had pushed them. Passengers described the experience as extremely scary and very frustrating. These passengers said they no longer felt safe using the subway systems due to what had occurred. Emergency responders arrived quickly, evacuating all passengers and crew safely. People who had witnessed this event watched in disbelief. If people had been standing or the train had been crowded, this occurrence would’ve posed many more serious consequences.
Less than a week later, the city had a second derailment. This train was now carrying around 300
By Tyler Taersteinissues and trauma in the aviation industry, causing a stigma for flying and trauma for ones who need to get from place to place safely.
Safety has taken a major turn for the better through cautious inspections of all measures when flying. It has ultimately led to the precedent of double-checking in every action made in everyday life. When thinking about the fact that perfection is unrealistic, that’s when accidents come into play, including the more recent Alaskan airline mishap that occurred on January 5th, 2024. The flight took off at 5:06 PM in Portland International Airport on the way to Ontario, California, carrying 177 people on board. After a quick and seemingly easy takeoff, many complained of hearing a “loud bang” as the plane started to go up steadily, yet flight attendants played it off as no big deal. The flight began to head southbound through the cool air of the West Coast during this chilly winter. Six minutes into the flight, as many just began to put in their headphones for a mid-flight nap or to eat food bought in the terminal, the entire emergency door plug blew off viciously on the left side of the plane in Row 18, leaving a gaping hole in the side of the aircraft thousands of feet into the air. Unintentionally,

for the rest of the duration of the flight that ended up touching back down at Portland International Airport at 5:30 PM, the plane was left with nothing but shocked and traumatized passengers staring at the bright, vast hole with a bulging sunset and strong winds ready to snatch you down the suffocating atmosphere to the city of Portland. Immediately following this extremely stressful incident, many began to sue Boeing and Alaskan Airlines for injury and trauma-related effects from this scene, digging aviation into an even deeper hole.
These frightening events serve as stark reminders of the complex challenges inherent in ensuring the safety and reliability of air travel. The Alaskan airline incident, where a plane experienced engine failure shortly after takeoff,
Subway Derailment
By Carly Hodespassengers. About 25 of these were left with minor injuries. Investigators are currently actively looking further into this second incident. However, a larger impact remains at hand. Commuters remain uneasy since these accidents. Many rely on the subways to arrive to work and now feel unsafe taking these trains, posing a large issue for transportation in New York City.
Reporters speculate that the cause for the derailment could’ve been a bad wheel on a car or something misplaced in the tracks. Many of the collisions and derailments have no emergency equipment failure signs. These derailments are believed to be caused by human involvement, as there are no signs of technological issues. These minor injuries raise questions of, “What if there were larger injuries?” or “What if someone died in these derailments?”
Commuters are in desperate need of a route of transportation that makes them feel secure right now. N.J. Burkett interviewed the first derailment train conductor, Andy Valentine. Valentine says, “I never felt more helpless in my life, to be honest with you…I felt like I was a spectator about to watch myself be killed.” This is a serious threat to the safety of the 3.2 million who rely on the subway daily and needs to be addressed immediately. A common method of transportation should not make people feel this way. At this rate, the subway industry will be severely hurt by this panicked population. If others start completely abandoning the use of subways, this can also lead to other future problems. For instance, there will be increased pollution if people use their cars over the subway.
Therefore, subway derail-
underscores the critical importance of robust maintenance procedures and rigorous safety protocols. Such incidents not only jeopardize the lives of passengers and crew but also highlight the potential consequences of equipment malfunction in the aviation industry. In response to these events, aviation authorities and industry stakeholders must continuously assess and improve safety measures, including enhanced training for pilots and maintenance personnel. Furthermore, collaboration between airlines, manufacturers, and regulatory bodies is essential to identify and address systemic issues that may compromise safety standards. Ultimately, a proactive approach to risk management and a steadfast commitment to safety is imperative to instill confidence in air travel and prevent future incidents.
will cause numerous issues if they are not fixed immediately.

Arts and Entertainment
After the release of the “Barbie” movie, there’s been a lot of talk about how it’s meant to empower women and show the challenges they face. Despite its success, the movie’s message is still being looked over.
The movie itself tells the story of Barbie realizing that real life isn’t as perfect for women as it is in Barbie Land. It points out gender inequality and how women struggle to keep up with the perfect stereotype society has set. By portraying this message through Barbie’s experience in the
The Barbie Movie Controversy
By Natalie Fier and Abby Meronreal world, it sheds light on how no one is perfect and how women deserve more appreciation. This is ironic because the movie’s message is being played out in real life. People are confused and outraged at how people’s reactions to the movie display exactly what the movie tried to warn against. Despite Margo Robbies outstanding performance as Barbie, the main character, Ryan Gosling, who played Ken, got a nomination for Best Supporting Actor, while Margo did not. Along with this, Greta Gerwig, the director and mastermind be-

hind the movie, did not receive a nomination for best director either. Another example was comedian Jo Koy’s speech at the Golden Globe Awards. In his speech, he made a sexist comment comparing the two biggest movies of the year, Barbie and Oppenheimer. Instead of pointing out the important messages and significance behind both movies, he said that Barbie was about a “plastic doll with big boobies.” This joke completely contradicts the meaning behind Barbie and is an exact example of the societal issue Barbie’s mes-

sage was supposed to point out. In the end, despite the unfortunate reactions from the media, the Barbie movie was very successful, breaking several records in the movie industry. Its message is powerful and one that everyone should pay attention to.
TikTok’s Impact on Music: The Surprising Path to Artist Success
TikTok has played a significant role in providing a platform for emerging artists to gain exposure and catapult their careers in the music industry. The platform’s unique algorithm, which allows for content based on user engagement rather than followers, has permitted a more level playing field, allowing lesser-known artists to shine. The short-form video app TikTok has been home to many viral trends and challenges, and its global user base is often responsible for creating the ‘next big thing.’ Occasionally, a catchy tune becomes the soundtrack for thousands of TikTok users worldwide, sparking creativity and driving engagement on the platform.
Doja Cat is one of the most prominent artists who has had many of her songs go viral on TikTok. Doja Cat’s “Say So” of 2020 and her hit “Paint the Town Red” of 2023, along with many others, have caught the attention of many TikTok users. Over roughly four years, “Say So” has accumulated over 8.4 million TikTok posts using the sound, with this being one of her first hits. Her songs combined have gathered over 12 million views over the years since the app became popular. TikTok has played a significant role in the success of some of Doja Cat’s tracks, as TikTok users create dances and participate in challenges using her sounds. She provides a
By Alex Maniscalcoclear example of how an artist’s career can truly take off using TikTok to create a widespread platform.
In addition to Doja Cat, many artists have gotten their start on TikTok. Artists like Paul Russell had very few followers before his start on the app. He released his song “Lil Boo Thang” in 2023, and it became a TikTok sensation. Russell posted a 21-second teaser of the track via TikTok on June 28. The post received over 5.3 million views and launched over 800,000 uses of the song from new fans who’ve paired it with everything from dances to pet videos. Russell later posted the same teaser on Instagram Reels, where his video of dancing to the song got another 10.4 million views. Over time, his popularity spread to Spotify, as well. People became very interested in hearing the rest of his song, causing the song to have over 144,000,000 streams on Spotify.
Furthermore, his song gained so much traction across social media, between Instagram and TikTok, that his monthly listeners on Spotify jumped to 12.8 million. This illustrates how TikTok’s user-generated content and virality can propel relatively unknown artists and their songs into mainstream success. The platform’s ability to build off specific songs by creating trends and challenges for many to partake in has proven to be a power-
ful tool for artists looking to make a breakthrough in the music industry.
In addition, users’ interest in an artist’s complete discography is often increased by TikTok exposure, resulting in the growth of the artist’s fanbase. Nevertheless, releasing an artist’s music to TikTok is also controversial. Some artists have actively been working with TikTok to promote their songs, like in the summer of 2020, when Miley Cyrus was preparing to release her single “Midnight Sky.” Her team partnered with TikTok to schedule two private Zoom calls with around fifteen creators to give them an early listen to the track. Other artists like Khalid, Demi Lovato, and Marshmello have joined similar events.
On the other hand, music corporations like the Universal Music Group (UMG), which represents artists like Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift, have pulled music from the platform due to TikTok’s inability to protect their music. UMG has expressed apprehensions, saying that TikTok has responded indifferently to their raised concerns, which include fair compensation, safeguarding artists from AI-generated music, and ensuring the online safety of artists and users.
In an open letter, UMG condemned TikTok for providing disproportionately low compensation rates for artists and songwriters compared with other so-

cial media platforms. According to the group, TikTok has sought to establish a music-centric business without compensating musicians, as well as pressured music labels into accepting unfavorable contracts. Ultimately, this dispute left a lot of users of the app unhappy since the clips of the songs are no longer on the app, and they may never come back. Using TikTok has been widespread, but the situation has pros and cons. Overall, the platform has been successful for many artists as they have gained a broader fan base. A plethora of artists have achieved success on this app and have built careers out of this success. Despite removing many songs, many artists continue to use the platform to promote their music due to its benefits for new and returning artists.
Are Kids Better or Worse Students Than They Were Ten Years Ago?
Within the past decade, the habits and routines of students have changed drastically. With the rapid evolution of technology and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital learning has become increasingly widespread through platforms such as Google Classroom and video-conferencing apps such as Zoom. Online learning has benefits and drawbacks, and its rise to becoming the main mode of education has positive and negative impacts on the learning environment. The isolation of quarantine and the difficulties of hybrid learning have further divided the two generations of students. The question remains: are kids better or worse students now than they were ten years ago?
Sophomore Abigail Weintraub doesn’t think so. She believes that students have abused modern technology and digital platforms which negatively impacted their
By Iris Cheneducation. “It’s great that we’re getting new advancements in technology,” she agrees, “But they tend to be exploited and used for the wrong reasons.” Weintraub brings up various examples, including ChatGPT, the ground-breaking AI model that has sparked countless debates. “People tend to rely on [ChatGPT] to do homework,” she explains, “It makes people lazier.”
Mrs. Gasparini, an English teacher who has worked in the district for many years, has a more neutral perspective. “Kids these days compared to ten years ago are pretty much the same,” she remarks. Yet, she would like people to remember the impact social media and the COVID-19 pandemic have on students today. “I think it’s important to not ignore the impact that Covid had on students, and the impact of the phone — the obsession with the phone. I think that
they are problems for kids and their learning, both maybe having some interruptions with their education in middle school. I think it’s not the most tremendous difference, but I do think there is a discrepancy.”
Has the academic rigor of students decreased in the past decade? Were students performing
better in school ten years ago?
The majority believes so, but the circumstances faced by students today are entirely different from the ones faced by students ten years ago. Ultimately, there is no way to truly measure if one student body is better than the other.

Health and Sciences
First US Moon Landing Attempt in 5 Decades Fails After Critical Fuel Leak
In a moment poised to redefine the landscape of lunar exploration, Astrobotic Technology’s (AT) ambitious endeavor marked the first private attempt at a U.S. moon landing in over five decades. With promises of innovation and pioneering spirit, the mission held the potential to usher in a new
By Yana Vorobievera of space exploration. However, what began as a bold step towards the stars soon encountered unforeseen technical challenges, threatening not only the aspirations of Astrobotic but also casting shadows of doubt on the feasibility of private lunar endeavors.
The recent setback in AT’s

attempt at the first private moon landing marks a significant moment in the trajectory of lunar exploration and the general privatization of space. Initiated with great ambition and promise, the mission encountered a critical fuel leak mere hours after launch, in addition to propulsion system failure, ultimately jeopardizing maneuverability and landing capability. Efforts to salvage the mission through innovative solutions, such as harnessing solar power, proved insufficient against the technical challenges.
This setback not only dealt a blow to AT’s aspirations but also raised doubts about the feasibility of successful private moon landings. It underscored the inherent risks and complexities associated with space exploration, prompting questions about the viability of future lunar missions, including NASA’s ambitious Artemis program. As the dust settles on Astrobotic Technology’s setback, it serves as a poignant reminder of the formidable challenges inherent in venturing beyond Earth’s bounds.
However, amidst the dis-
appointment lies a beacon of hope in NASA’s Artemis program, positioned to reignite humanity’s lunar ambitions with collaborative efforts and cutting-edge technology. NASA has already pinned its hopes on a second spacecraft, nicknamed Odysseus. It is set to take flight atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, and is expected to land on the moon on February 22. If successful, Odysseus would become the first US spacecraft to make a soft landing on the moon since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. Despite setbacks, the invincible spirit of human exploration persists, driving us ever closer to the stars and reaffirming our collective commitment to unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos. With Artemis on the horizon, the journey to the moon continues, fueled by resilience, technology revolutions, and the unwavering determination to explore, discover, and pioneer new frontiers in space exploration.
A common question is, “What is an NIL deal?” The NIL stands for Name, Image, and Likeness and is relevant to collegiate-level athletes. These deals are made between student-athletes at a university and a third party, such as a brand. The athlete receives a payment or compensation in exchange for this third party’s use of their Name, Image, and Likeness. Brands can gain attention and widespread popularity by using young athletes to represent them. These deals typically happen through the National College Athletic Association (NCAA) league. Students are continuously prohibited from receiving direct payment from their college, yet NCAA legislation permits college athletes to earn payment from their NIL. Some of your favorite athletes may be involved in an NlL deal currently. Bronny James (Lebron James’s Son), Livvy Dunne (An LSU gymnast), and Angel Reese (a LSU women’s basketball player) are just some examples of household names that have become well-known due to these deals.
The origin of NIL comes from a class-action lawsuit made in the 2000s that sparked controversy surrounding paying college students. An alumni basketball player at UCLA, Ed O’Bannon, argued that college athletes should be paid for the use of their name. Not only did the NCAA owe over 45 million dollars, but this also began the discussion of student-athlete payment.
The Name, Image, and Likeliness Revolution in College Athletics
By Joley MeronNIL deals were not immediately granted to all athletes, but as certain states began to change their legislation, more opportunities started to open up. As more and more states were amending their rules, the NCAA was forced to look at the topic and get involved. On the surface, young athletes getting paid seems like a fantastic matter. Young kids can get a head start on their careers and even make millions of dollars while also providing an incentive for students to graduate college. Finishing school also gives them more years to make money and push their name out into the world. Also, NIL can help promote small businesses and charities in need. Since most follow their favorite athletes on social media, they would be able to gain exposure to the companies that the athlete represents.
Although many of these options seem wonderful, many people dislike NIL and feel it negatively affects the athletes and the games. Data has shown that many of these athletes have produced disappointing on-field results, as brands generally seem less worried about performance and more focused on the athlete’s promotion of specific businesses. NIL can start to even change the dynamic of particular games. Some students will start to transfer schools for a chance at a better deal at a bigger school. This might be motivated by colleges violating the rules and paying a student to at-

tend their school, drawing attention to the athlete’s name and the school behind them. Furthermore, this poses a risk for some schools as they lose players and the team’s drive is changed for the worse.
For some first-hand opinion, I interviewed a teacher who was a college athlete herself. Mrs. Seeger was a softball player at The University of Connecticut. During the time that she was a student-athlete, NIL deals were very illegal. Colleges had very strict rules about students receiving compensation. Although she often saw certain athletes get special special treatment, such as being driven in limousines on the way to events, the football team, who got more attention, also generally received better treatment. I then asked her what her opinion
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Iris Chen, Noah Dweck, Natalie Fier, Madeline Fishbach, Max Kulekofsky, Carly Hodes Alex Maniscalco Joley Meron, Tyler Taerstein, Yana Vorobiev
the subject was, as it is a very debated matter. She said she feels it is unnecessary for student-athletes to receive compensation, especially since most of the best athletes are given scholarships and free education. Being a college athlete is not a job, and when kids are getting compensation along with a free education, it seems unrealistic that kids are making a career while still in college. Considering logistics, the NIL deals don’t have any requirements, so nothing could be required from the student, and they will still get money. Another result of having broad rules is that there is no salary cap. Brands can give whoever they want, whatever they want with no consequence. This can create unfairness between players. I then asked her to put herself in the shoes of the college athletes themselves, and to imagine that she was a student-athlete in today’s time. She explained how she wouldn’t reject the offer because money is money. To be earning at a young age is good in life, but she would still feel it was unfair and unnecessary. Another point that came up was if she would be sour towards a teammate if they were making copious amounts of money and she wasn’t. Her take was that she would solely feel upset if she was performing better than her teammate on the field and still making an earning for their name. In the end, she came to the conclusion that she generally dislikes the idea of NIL and feels that college kids making that amount of money is unnecessary. The broad rules of it open up so many doors, and it can get complicated. It can not only change the game off the field but also on the field.