2 minute read
Preparing for the new normal
STAAR Resources:
Familiarization with the design and format of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) curriculum standards. https://tea.texas.gov/student.assessment/staar/
My Army One Source:
A certified, professional tutor is online 24/7 to help with homework, studying, test prep, resume writing and more. Available to all service members and Army civilians and survivors. www.myarmyonesource.com/cyss_tutor
Military OneSource:
Provides free, online resources such as HomeSchooling Tips, MWR Digital Library, arts, sciences and more. www.militaryonesource.mil/educationemployment/for-children-and-youth/pre-k-to12-education/try-these-home-schooling-tipsresources?redirect=%2Feducation-employment Tutor.com: One-on-one learning solutions for students and professionals. All services are live, on demand and online. www.tutor.com
Sesame Street Family Connections:
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great deal of change in our daily life, one of the most overwhelming for many was the sudden transition to a virtual learning environment. Whatever the situation, this information will help parents, guardians, and caregivers plan and prepare for this school year.
Most districts have published example schedules so parents have some understanding of a day in the life of a virtual student, have communicated their unique reopening plans, and have provided parents with several learning choices, to include virtual and face to face options. Be sure to sign up to receive updates and alerts and follow your district’s social media platforms for the most up-todate information.
Schools will be making changes to their policies and operations with several goals: making sure they are meeting the needs of students, parents, and staff, extracurricular activities, extended daycare, supporting social services, and limiting the transmission of COVID-19. Teachers and staff can teach and encourage preventive behaviors at school.
It will be important for Families to emphasize and model healthy behaviors at home and to talk to their children about changes to expect this school year. Even if your child attends school in-person, it is important to prepare for the possibility of virtual learning if the conditions dictate.

If your child receives Special Education Services discuss with your campus how supports provided by an Individual Education Program (IEP) or 504, specialized therapies, and mental health or behavioral services will continue.
Support student success by discussing daily assignments and the time needed to complete all assignments. Help build a daily schedule that will keep learning on track. Some parents might find visual aids such as daily schedules or calendars helpful to break down the day and keep virtual learning times.
Set up a designated workspace for your student that is tailored to his/her specific needs and where all needed learning materials can easily be stored. Get to know the online learning platform your child will be using, so that you are aware of its features as you support your student’s online learning.
Stay in communication with your child’s teacher to make sure you are aware of assignments turned in and specific support that needs to be provided. Teachers will also be on hand to answer questions and refer you to resources you may need. Additionally, districts have made resources such as counselors available to students and parents that need support through these unprecedented times.
For more information, call at 915-569-5064 or on Facebook at Fort Bliss School Liaison Office.